#but she's still on a pedastal and it's uh. awful
rawbones · 14 days
i dislike her music but i feel bad for chappell roan just because i can't imagine an internet's worth of losers forming a parasocial relationship with an image of me that they, themselves, have constructed purely for their mindless consumption, only for some of them to turn on me when i assert that hey you're kind of shit for doing this and i am human and allowed to have boundaries. celeb/stan culture is a disease
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mallowstep · 3 years
Primrose AU (with mentions of Leopard AU.)
When they arrive at Thunderclan camp, Cinderpelt begins to take care of Feather and Primrose. Of course, once Primrose spots Bramblepaw talking to her mother and giving her a mouse, the apprentice strikes. She may be missing a full set of claws on one paw, it being mangled beyond any help but all she sees is Tigerstar hurting her mother. Feather, of course trys to stop her sister, but is too weak to leave her nest. Primrose starts a fight with Bramble, and of course, ends up beneath Bramblepaw's paws from her weakened state. Misty loses it, physically grabbing Bramble by the scruff and literally tossing him into the thorn barrier, her fur fluffed up as she stands protectively over Primrose. Firestar and Greystripe calm everyone down, silently making a rule that Bramble will not bring prey or go near the riverclan cats. Stormpaw and Stonefur each calm down Misty and Feather, while both of them nuzzle and curl around Primrose after Cinderpelt past more herbs and cobwebs on Primrose's mangled paw. (Under Misty's, Feather's, Stone's and Storm's protective gazes.)
okay before i go on -- every now and then i get up on my pedastal about a real cat issue. today it is declawing cats.
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declawing a cat requires removing a bone from their paw. i don't want to get off topic, i just want to remind everyone it is roughly equivalent to cutting off your toes. don't do it.
moving on to the subject at hand:
also oh man y'all please don't be too disappointed when i say my prim characterization is going to be. different. i think you'll still like her! but she's going to be different. anyway, considering she has like. 0 lines. we'll go with this wonderful bamf!primrosepaw for now, i just don't want anyone to turn around and see my prim and be shocked.
okay finally, to the actual subject at hand:
yessss. i'm too lazy to find the snippet this is in response to, but basically: brambs brings misty a mouse and she. demonstrates a trauma response? it's complicated. if y'all want to talk about feathertail and mistyfoot's codependency in the misty au we can, but that's different.
if i did this -- i think bramble wouldn't fight back? i think -- he's. of the many brambles, tpb bramble might be the only one i like. he's so painfully aware of his father and who he is. that's why he brings mistyfoot the mouse: he doesn't know what happened, like he can't possibly know what happened, but he's just trying to. make up for things.
brambs. love. it ain't ur fault ur father is terrible.
sorry i don't like. i hope u don't mind that i'm going "off the rails" so to speak. i feel like that's implicit in these asks but as always -- it's not bc u sent me something bad (like god i love this so much it's very good), it's just -- you know. not what I would write, Personally speaking. infinite ways and all that.
right. so -- prim is just, like. she's just been Itching to have her chance to fight. and she takes it. and featherpaw is staring in horror and mistyfoot is trying to figure out what to do and thunderclan is watching and--
("Hey," Stonefur says. He touches his nose to Primrosepaw's shoulder. She's still panting, standing on three legs. "It's okay."
"He was gonna--"
"I know," Stonefur says. "It's okay. They're safe."
She looks up at him. "They're not--"
"They are," he says. "Stormpaw and I have been here, and we're okay."
Finally, she releases the tension, pressing her forehead to his shoulder. He licks the top of her head.
"Do you want to go rest with them?"
She nods.)
bramblepaw feels. so guilty. lord.
stonefur does Not have a plan for what to do, here. stormpaw sleeps with...it's bramble, ash, and fern rn, right? that sounds right. but anyway, stonefur does Not have a plan bc thunderclan doesn't have a concept of modular dens.
positive part of them being rescued: stormpaw and featherpaw get on better a lot faster. uh. partially because he doesn't have a chance to fuck up really badly in the beginning. she's not -- uh, i'm not sure. like. how well it came through, but featherpaw is very, very illucid in "i didn't care much i lived." is that a word? she's -- confused. again its the sepsis.
but she's doing better here, so when stormpaw accidentally calls her feather, her first reaction is not, "aw shit, he's about to attack me." she still Hates it, but she does not have the same oh-fuck reaction.
everyone probably emphasizes getting the apprentices training asap. that's a very thunderclan ideal. obviously like -- not until they're physically healthy, but.
firestar gives prim to sandstorm as a temp mentor, and -- she's actually in fairly good shape? her paw is fucked and i think it probably ends up amputated, through ~~the magic of idgaf~~, but she's otherwise okay. so she can get back to training faster.
and she wants to. she never, ever wants to sit out of a fight again.
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thegeminisage · 8 years
more loz blogging
this feels so much like playing skyrim wandering from thing to thing that catches my interest never actuall progressing the story whoops
me: casually dodges arrows for 100 years so i can pick them up and keep them to stock up my own supply and never gets hit like i’m some kinda badass time traveling skeleton
me: cannot actually hit anything with my own bow. ok, target practice needed then i guess
omg a found a camp with explosives and lured them to them by whistling them rolled a boulder down and fucking destroyed them. took their seared steak which recovers ONE AND A HALF WHOLE HEARTS?? bye
broke my FUCKING SWORD good thing i have more
oh no i was throwing explosive barrels and they didn’t blow up and then they DID blow up all at once right in my face and i almost died i’m sorry link
oh my god, fire arrows
earlier i found flint which starts a fire and only has one use but this means i can potentially cook food ANYWHERE since i also have firewood and i’m low on life but Not Yet
death mountain in the distance is so beautiful
i swear to god im going to explore half the countryside before i get to teh temple of time properly i’ve brushed up against it 2-3 tmes now and spotted some shiny interesting thing to check out first
oh it wasnt the temple of time my map was leading me to it was this weird little pedastal for my smartphone
me: haha watch for falling rocks? is this some kinda boulder dodging puzzle?? me: OH MY HOLY FUCK
well. well. welly well well.
“regional map extracted” thank you for that. thanks. please give me back my phone
IT EVEN HAS THE TEMPERATURE LOL? 61 F this is what i had a heart attack and died over
holy fuck
oh my god
okay that was. that Was. oh my god
i have been asleep for 100 years and i am missing some of my memories!! okay!!! awesome!!!!!
is ganondorf in this. the Man ganondorf. is he doing okay. is he eating enough
where in on the fucking timeline even is this game oh my god
“you must hurry link” nope im exploring the countryside goodbye
um. how do i. get down from--oh. oh. good, i just. climb. the entire way, that’s
did you know you can climb and let go and fall and hit forward to start climbing again without taking damage and you do this cool skidding thing god i’m such a badass
“calamity ganon” what a badass fucking name please let me fight him
oh shit hes gonna GIVE it to me? i get the paraglider?? oh my god!! yes sign me up what do i have to do
okay. treasure. okay.i bet there’s a big monster
me: does a 180 to check out the actual temple pleasse tell me i can get there from here
omg i have a clock now!! we do day and night now?? omg omg
not to sound old but i kinda miss the days of rolling across hyrule field like as nice as sprinting is sorry
oh my god i was like right on top of the temple of time how did i miss it
oh no. oh no the music and the frozen stone monsters OH NO OH NO!!!!!
MY H E A R T someone help
me @ hyrule: baby, baby, what’d they do to you?
but i know. i can see the monsters frozen where they were tearing the place apart. i wondered what froze them and when they will get unfrozen bc you know they will. you KNOW they will.
me: [sam from gone home voice] the sunset light in this house is the saddest thing i have ever seen.
oh man. oh man. i’m welling up again. 
YOU CAN PRAY AT THE GODDESS STATUE is this the same one from skyward sword? how long have you been here?
she smiles upon me!! i’m so sad for her. oh my god
by the way i was Not kidding now that i know the map has a limit before i can glide i’m going to explore everything within the limit before i move on
oh wow it’s so PRETTY at night
omg i KILLED A BIRD i shot it with my bow and arrow and got an uncooked drumstick lmao
ohh man. okay. still alive. whew. i see.....a campfire im going to go roast my nuts and apples an shrooms and fish and chewy drumstick
omg. they sleep at night LOL im gonna sneak attack
getting better with the bow
aww there was a beehive here i could have attacked them with it
at least i can still get the honey if im careful
holy shit two whole hearts? jesus christ
aw no i cooked the fish but accidentally ate the drumstick...oh well ):
omg there are clouds on my little clock coming up...will it rain?? OO:
the skeleton arm strapped to my back is STILL wiggling...
IT HAS A LASER well motherfucker i have arrows
oh wow. that arrow doesnt do very much damage uh. WELL I ALSO HAVE A SKELETON ARM
i broke all 3 of my skeleton arms and one of my clubs and it still has more than half its health??? back to arrows
oh my god i used all 30-something arrows and it is STILL alive am i just not supposed to be here yet? i guess i have fire arrows but i wanna save them
oh my god and i haven;’t been saving do i lose everything??
oh it autosaves thank god i have all my skeleton arms back even
the smart thing to do would be to leave
haha no way i almost had it
wtf there are keese and skeletons this time too? UNFAIR
wait did the. did the laser thing KILL those skeletons shooting at me?? holy fuck
bc they were there a second ago but now there’s just loot...uh
what the fuck i saved before i died bc its health was SO LOW but then when i came back it was full again yet my arrows were still gone......fine. i see how it is
i am getting gears and shit from the ones that stay frozen tho
i also caught...a frog. “hot-footed frog” ok then.
i need more arrows
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