#but she’s just like cool and awesome in a bunch of little ways
mars-ipan · 2 years
man my animation teacher is so cool. she’s such a chill person and i trust her a whole lot :)
#she’s not the cool teacher as in the one you form a deep emotional bond with#she’s the cool teacher as in she gives you autonomy but still provides help if you need#and if you want your classwork to be more challenging she will absolutely do that for you#it’s very. refreshing#of course i’m in the highest level class now (practicum baby) and there’s only like. 6 of us (which rules)#but also it’s a 2-period class and we share 6th period with animation 2 so#(i don’t mind honestly- i share a row with the pretty person i’ve been mentioning and the class is funny)#(that being said i get frustrated when we watch anything even mildly experimental and they’re all ‘WOAH WTF !!!!’ shut up)#(u literally started taking this class bc you liked aot if you can handle that you can handle a girl turning into a spider monster)#(just let the animation be weird and cool. cowards could never withstand 1920s animation)#but she’s just like cool and awesome in a bunch of little ways#she’s given me permission to spend 7th period filming for an english project with my friends on the condition that i show her the film when#it’s done#also she keeps little snacks on her and today she switched it up and put in like granola bars and stuff#everything got eaten except for some smoked salmon#she made a joke out of it. i immediately said ‘i’ll take it’#i got a yummy snack to eat while i worked AND i stopped clenching my jaw bc chewy salmon stim yas#she’s just. very relaxed. she treats us with agency and it’s like a breath of fresh air#plus she gives us tips about getting into the industry. i’m gonna be so good at making connections and marketing myself#speaking of which i might make some art social medias on other platforms soon#i would only ever use ‘em for art and then keep the tumblr blog for my personal stuff#(art would also be posted here dw)#but if i had like. an insta or smth i could post my stuff there :)#maybe twt too. once again NOT for personal use i would not be getting involved on twt as an actual user. god no#but. a semi-professional art blog insta and twt sounds smart#she suggested tiktok but idk. i have a vehement hatred for that website
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weirdmarioenemies · 7 months
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SURPRISE! Did you think the day would come when we would cover Love Live on this blog? I didn't!
Yohane the Parhelion: Blaze in the Deepblue is the Metroidvania-style game based on the fantasy spin-off of Love Live Sunshine, but you probably don't care about that! Statistically speaking, our target audience is Bogleech readers who are deeply revolted by anime girls!
So why bring up? Why bring it up? The answer is 🐠 FUNNY FISH! It's Funny Fish Friday!
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Since this game is set in an underwater temple, the enemies this game are all based on sea creatures, and that's cool! Again, statistically speaking, you probably think sea creatures are cool. I really liked seeing the variety of enemies when playing through this game, so I thought it'd be fun if I could share them with an audience of people who otherwise wouldn't care! None of the enemies really have names, as far as I'm aware of. But I'll do my Rubesty...?
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Our first guy we encounter in the game is the sort of guy who emerges from the ground like the Zombies from Castlevania, and wow! A good first impression I think. It is sort of a squid mantle, if the mantle was also a cloak for a spooky sort of wizard! The way it doesn't really have a 'face' in the hood and the eye is below really makes it seem like a weird mimic creature. Cool!
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They also get a tough lategame variant which looks like a mix between a flapjack and a vampire squid. You don't often see flapjacks be designed as scary!
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Next is Barnacles! A whole clump of them, like a cake. They shoot Energy Balls at you. Is this what Barnacles can do if they combine their powers...? The top actually opens up, and it looks a lot like a sea urchin's mouth! So maybe it is some sort of naked urchin creature covered in barnacles? Game Theory!
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There are also barnacles with Ice Powers. Like real life!
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Let's give it up for Garden Eel!!!!
What a fine Garden Eel it is! Complete with the sort of grumpy face, and with the addition of two little arms that make it look like it's praying or maybe a bit shy. But it is mean! It also spits energy balls at you, then hides in the hole so you can't hit it. How very sneaky!
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SO sneaky, in fact, that these eels have mastered the art of ninjutsu! The ninja eel shows up for a split second in one single room, before smoke bombing away. You'd have to use a time freeze power to get him, but I never got around to doing that. I don't have any beef with a ninja eel! I respect him and his training!
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Did someone say CTENOPHORE? I hope you did, or my hearing has really gotten worse. This thing is a grade A ctenophore, only with a ring of Scary Teeth! A little scary to think of a ctenophore who could Bite you, but nonetheless this deserves a :ctenopog:!
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Let's not forget Fish Vortex! Fish Vortex was the first guy to make me go 'wow, this game's enemies really are awesome!' So of course I had to put him at the top of the post! He is my selling point! I am selling all these enemies to you. For 4.99 a pop!
Anyway. This design is just so funny and cool at the same time. A swirling school of fish that leads into an endless dark abyss, and in the middle, a big eyeball. Also covered in fish. It shoots fish at you! Yay!
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There is also a pink variant - it shoots fish that give you the Solitude status effect, which basically just makes Yohane too depressed to summon her friends. Meaning? They are Depression Fish! Maybe she just becomes so jealous of the unity and teamwork of these sardines. She's me like just for real! ^_^
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isopot :)
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This slug is an umbrella. That is ridiculous! Ridiculously EPIC! It does the opposite of shield you from rain, which is create rain, that kills you. But I would still want one as an umbrella.
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When I first saw this thing, I thought it was some strange round Echimoderm I had never heard of. But upon further inspection (I actually asked Mod Chikako shh), it is obviously like a Brittle Star, with each arm folded round to form a wheel! How creative and fun! It even has a bunch of eyes like a starfish!
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Last but not least- sushi! There are sushi guys and they are cute. They don't really do much and are typically found in their own rooms, so I'm not sure what the point of them is. But finding a funny walking sushi should be a reward in of itself, I guess! Look at their funny rice feet! Or the one with the roe eyes!
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I happened to use fire magic on one of them and this happened. Oopsies...
Now I am sure you are saying, thank you for showing me all these funny enemies. But are there any cool bosses? Of course there are, me! What's a Metroidvania without cool bosses? So I shall show you my favorites without delay!
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First is this freak (affectionate)! It is a sort of amalgamation of lots of different animals and I think it just looks plain cool! Two squid mantles combined into one, a bit of a sea angel shape, bug legs and of course a great big eyeball!
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If it is not freaky enough for you, let it be known that the bug legs turn into big green skeleton hands, and it also keeps getting pinker, and it grows new eyes and then extra horns grow out of those eyes. If THAT is not freaky enough for you then I am sorry but I cannot do anything about that.
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Now, how about a sampling of this Freaken Thang? It honestly doesn't seem that sea-creature themed, but it uses seashells so I guess it counts!
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What is really neat is that this boss has two different forms, upside down and rightside up! When it is upside down it looks a bit like a Magolor type creature. And of course, I really like the flame thing in the middle as well, that really feels like a Kirby enemy or something! Like a wisp made of plasma!
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Fans of Anomalocaris won't be disappointed by this one! It's a big Anomalocaris tank and boy is it cool! There's something for everyone here, whether you're an Anomalocaris purist or you've always wanted to see it turn into a sort of futuristic beast with a screen mouth that shoots lasers! It really is the future, zura...
After covering all these wacky creatures, I'm going to have to end it off with the final boss! What could the big bad, the ultimate boss of all these sea monsters even be, I wonder? Well, it's...
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...a coelecanth. Just a big coelacanth! It is big and blue! And really, does it need to be anything else? It is such an honor to make the biggest ultimate boss a coelacanth. It is even pretty cute!! Think he's smiling! 😊
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Uh oh! Is it still cute? I guess so. My first thought seeing this was of course the world-renowned tongue eating isopod, so I really hope it was an intentional reference! It probably just wants to shake hands. Still, a pretty simplistic design for our final boss, right?
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Buu buu! Its true form actually looks like this! Actually, it's kind of doing too much. Like let's tone it down a little?
So!! We beat the mega ultra coelacanth, and now we can find out what his motivation is! And it is... that he is the memories of the people of the past or something. And they all didn't want to be forgotten, so they turned into fish monsters! But we forgive them!
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It doesn't really matter. All the girlies gather around and sing him a song. Look how happy he is! I forgot I was talking about a Love Live game until now, actually. All's well that ends well, the end, et cetera! Hit it, Yohane! [imagine this is like the end of a kids movie where all the Love Live girls are having a dance party and there is a shot of the big coelacanth in jail and he's tapping his mouth fingers along to the beat]
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nikibogwater · 4 months
Everybody sit down and strap in, 'cause I have a doozy of a tale to share.
I've had anxiety for literally as long as I can remember. I've had periods of my life where it was so intense it became legitimately life-threatening (don't worry I promise this is going somewhere funny). And this was really bizarre because I have zero childhood trauma. Like, my family life is so idyllic it's almost comical. Therapists would do abuse screenings on me and look utterly baffled when I told them everything was fine at home. They'd interrogate my parents just to make sure I wasn't lying. I have one friend who I'm fairly sure believed I was just severely gaslighting myself when I said my family was great, school wasn't too stressful, and I've never lived in a dangerous neighborhood or experienced poverty.
Anyways, despite no one being able to figure out where my disorder was coming from, my doctors were able to help me manage the symptoms so that I would like, not die, and actually be able to finish high school. Which was awesome. Now fast forward to late 2021. My big sister (who has also had intense anxiety her whole life which no one could figure out why) is finishing up her doctorate and getting her physical therapist's license. Somehow, during all her studying and schooling, she finds out about this thing called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, which explains literally everything that was going on with us. EDS is a connective tissue disorder that kinda fudges up your body in a whole bunch of little ways, including dysautonomia (episodes of very fast heart-rate that kick your body into fight-or-flight mode), and hypermobility (unusual flexibility). It's a spectrum disorder, so the severity of symptoms vary from person to person, but we definitely checked almost every box on the diagnostic list. My sister went to see a specialist, and yep, she was diagnosed EDS positive. She immediately calls my mom and goes "I know what's wrong with Niki" (thanks, sis, that's real encouraging lol). Initially we're like "okay Katie, that's nice" because honestly this kind of sounds like jumping at shadows, but I go in to see the specialist anyways just to make sure.
One consultation and diagnosis later, and suddenly my entire life makes perfect sense.
Now we get to the funny part. See, the diagnosis stuff happened in early 2022. So by the time late 2023 comes around and we're looking for a new dog (I promise this is relevant), we've been riding that chronic illness diagnosis for a while. Once again, my sister, ever the proactive one, decides she's going to help us get a new dog. She scours the adoption website, sends us photos of the cutest dogs available, and helps us make a decision. This is how we got Beverly, who has been an unstoppable force of chaos in our lives ever since we signed the papers (but she's also really cute so she can get away with it). Now on top of being a very excitable and anxious pupper, Beverly's got a weird little gimp in her hindquarters, which makes her sit all splayed-out and funny-looking, and while it doesn't seem to be causing her pain, we take her to a vet to get it checked out. Vet finds absolutely nothing. X-rays are taken and examined. Still nothing. At this point, they go "well, we could try a CT scan of her brain, which would run about $5,000, and maybe we could find something--" but my parents are already packing this dog into the car like "well that is a HARD nope." So we decide, look, Beverly seems happy and healthy, and those gimpy legs don't seem to bother her, so we'll just leave it be until it becomes clearer what's wrong with her because we do NOT have a cool $5,000 to throw around here.
Readers more astute than my family and I will likely have already figured out where this is going.
This morning, my mom is looking at Beverly sitting in her funny sprawled-out way, and something in her brain goes "wait...weird physical symptoms with no tracible cause that vets can see..." She does a bit of googling. Can dogs have EDS/Hypermobility? Yes. Yes they can. And the listed symptoms describe Beverly to a T.
So not only is my sister the one to finally figure out what's wrong with me, she also unknowingly got us a dog who has the exact same chronic condition as us. Meanwhile my poor dad, who is the only Normal Person in our house, is coming to terms with the fact that he is apparently just fated to always love chronically ill people and animals, and there's absolutely nothing he can do about it.
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ashen-char · 2 months
take my pure 🔞
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ship: max fox (better things) x gender neutral reader (reader has a penis bc of the g!p request but i kept it gn bc the other request used "they")
warnings: explicit smut, losing virginity, reader has a penis
summary: max is more than happy to be your first - to ensure that your first time is perfect, to show you how good it can be.
word count: 3700+
notes: knocking out a few requests with this one. g!p request here, and requests for reader's first time w max here and here. g!p won the poll so i hope to write things like this more often for you guys! ALSO written as a happy bday gift to my 100th follower <3
Max has done her best to be patient with you. Respectful of the fact that, yknow, you're inexperienced. That you want to take things slow. You're not the type to rush into stuff headfirst like Max is. You know she's done more, that she wants you. It's kinda sweet how she asks you if you're OK even if you're doing something as simple as making out, just because she doesn't want to scare you off. 
"Hey, babe?" Max asks you one day, while you two are cuddling on her bed. Her hands stroke at your stomach, fingers slightly grazing down and playing with the waistband of your boxers. "I was thinking, like... what's the farthest you've ever gone with someone?"
Your eyes widen with the question since it seemed so out of the blue. Then again, Max always said what was on her mind, be that normal or not. "Uh, well, we've made out a bunch, obviously," you tell her.
"Right." The way she pauses lets you know that Max wants you to keep going, that you haven't answered what she wants to hear.
You keep your eyes on Max's, watching if she's at all uncomfortable or jealous with the answer. You want to be honest, but not make her upset. "Besides that, I guess me and my last girlfriend... touched a little. Like, under the bra. She tried to cop a feel of my junk once, but I shut that down." You frown at the memory. The rest of that hang-out was awkward, and you felt bad, but you weren't ready. You don't regret standing your ground though.
"Just under the bra, huh? That's it?" she teases. It's like Max knew you were getting in your head, because one of her hands comes up and cups your face. You lean into it. Turn your head and press a kiss to her palm.
Your arm goes to pull Max in, wanting her closer. She relaxes you. You've never really had that before. Past relationships were all filled with nerves and uncertainty. Max makes everything feel obvious, especially with how confident she is, even when she messes up.
"I kinda regretted moving away back then. Like, it felt good," you admit. "But no one else had ever touched it but me, so I was a little too nervous to go further." That moment didn't feel right. Now you know that it was because your ex was the wrong girl. She wasn't as awesome and right for you as Max.
Max giggles softly, pressing against you and letting you pull her against you. "Not lame at all, babe," she assures, her hand moving lower, tracing patterns on your abdomen. You resist the urge to flex, knowing she'll tease you for trying to impress her. You can't help how nervous she still makes you. How cool you want her to think you are. "It's... cute, actually. Makes me feel special, you know? That I'll get to be your first."
First. It used to be a daunting thought. Exes pushing you, saying it wasn't a big deal, telling you how excited they were to eventually take it. Like your body was something fun for them to experience. But not Max. She likes the thought because it proves how much you, the person not the body, trusts her. You think it might be fun, with Max. Because of Max. It makes you want to push through those nerves.
She looks up at you. You recognise that look in her eyes, how they sparkle with mischief. "...what's going on in that pretty head of yours?" you ask, wary but playful in tone. You poke her cheek and laugh when that makes Max laugh as well.
"You've never gone under my bra," she says.
The thought of Max's... well. You flush at the thought, the image of it, like your brain's stopping you from even thinking of her chest. Bare. Would her, uh, you know, be as pink and tender as her lips?
You really need to get over it. They're just words. You've seen Max's breasts before - seen them when she'd tease you by sending you nudes, or the couple of times she's changed in front of you because "she really doesn't care, just stay" in Max's words. You never really let yourself look, so sure that you'd stare and pop a boner or something. And pictures don't do them justice.
Max gives you little time to prepare. With two hands, she takes hold of yours, and, with a gentle tug, brings your hand under her shirt. "Go up when you feel ready," she says. Her eyes are fixed on yours, but she closes them when she leans in and sweetly gives you a kiss. It's then when you let your fingers splay open, reaching up, releasing a shaky breath when you feel it. Soft. Malleable. 
You squeeze, and she moans and, fuck, you feel the blood rushing down between your legs. This is when alarm bells would ring, telling you to move away before she feels your semi. But not with Max. Maybe it would be overkill to say you feel completely ready, but you don't feel scared at least. Spurred by your excitement and the feel of her soft tits in your hands, you begin to massage and explore, watching how Max reacts. Her shivers, her moans, her whimpers.
"Are you sure this is your first time?" she huffs out, as you're switching from one to the other. "You're too good at this."
"I- uh-" You don't know what you want to say. Nothing really. At this point, you're tenting your boxers something fierce and hoping Max doesn't tease you about it. "I'm not really doing anything. You feel good," is what you end up landing on, proud when you don't stutter too bad.
You feel her nipples pebble under your touch, how your palm grazes over it and it makes Max bite her lip and mumble out a "fuck".
When you don't freak out and let her know it's getting a bit too quick for you, her thumbs slip under the straps of her tank top. "You can take it off, if you want, babe," Max offers. You know there's no bra underneath, and you think you might die if her perfect tits were suddenly out, so you appreciate the warning.
"Honestly, I like where my hands are," you say. Admitting that peeling her tank top off would make you actually combust in your pants is too embarrassing anyways. "But I want to see you."
You watch as she strips her shirt and your heart thumps like it did the first time because she's just that gorgeous. Her pale skin is pretty. Her nipples are as pink as you imagined, but there's a tinge of red now, like they're begging to be touched. The beauty marks that pepper her upper body look like constellations, and you've spent a non-zero amount of time fantasising about kissing them. So you do. Max's breathing is getting heavy and you can feel it in how her chest rises and falls, can feel her heartbeat against your lips.
You don't know how long your face has been buried in her chest for. At least ten minutes if you had to guess. Max's perfume smells so sweet on her skin, and when you lick around her nipple like that, she squirms and grinds down on your lap. You almost can't believe you're feeling so comfortable right now. There's no instinct telling you to move away, to not let her feel your bulge. In fact, it feels so good.
"So, does that mean you're ready for third base now? Or maybe even a home run?" Her voice is teasing, but there's a hint of need behind it. Max wants you inside her and it's a thought that makes you groan.
"I think... yeah," you breathe out. "I wanna go further."
Max's eyes light up at your words. She can't believe you're giving her this, trusting her enough to let her see you, all of you. She's been dying to touch you, to explore every inch of the body that she loves being held by. She sits up, straddling you, her hands already reaching for the hem of your shirt.
"I thought you'd never ask," she teases, pulling your shirt off and tossing it aside. Her fingers trace the lines of your muscles, admiring the way your body responds to her touch. She can feel your heart pounding in your chest, can sense your nervousness. But she also sees the desire in your eyes, the want.
Her hands move to your belt, unbuckling it slowly, her eyes never leaving his. She can see you swallow hard, your chest heaving.
Max is grinning, enjoying the power she holds over you. "It'll be good. You'll love this, baby, trust me." In smooth, practised motions, she undoes the button on your jeans, then your zipper, her knuckles brushing against your hardness. She can feel you throbbing, eager for her touch.
"I do trust you," you say. With a groan, you hide your face against her, burrowing at the spot where her shoulder and neck meet.
"You're so big, babe," she whispers, her hand slipping inside your boxers, wrapping around your length. Max bites her lip, looking up at you with wide, eager eyes. She can feel your thickness in her hand, can barely wrap her fingers around it. "You're pulsing in my hand." Max sounds delighted.
"Shut up," you grit out, face probably burning red with all her teasing. It's all you can do to remember to breathe.
"Uh huh." She strokes you gently, feeling you grow even harder in her hand. Up and down the shaft, twisting at the head. You can't believe a girl is touching you. Not only that, but she's doing it in a way that you've only done to yourself in the privacy of your room, like Max knows just how you like it. "Do you like that, baby?" she asks, her voice soft and sweet. Encouraging. It makes you squirm.  "Do you like me touching you like this?"
Fuuuuck. "Ugh." Your hips jerk up, making a slick sound as you fuck up into her hand. "Yes."
After a while, when you're fully hard, Max starts making her way down. She kisses her way down your neck, your chest, lips exploring your body as her hands continue their tantalisingly slow up and down. She can feel you tense beneath her touch, but you don't stop her. "What are you-?"
"Shhh, baby. I just want to do something for you. It'll feel even better. Pinky promise."
She reaches your waistband, her fingers hooking into the top of your boxers. She looks up at you, checking in, making sure you're still okay with this. You nod. The sight of Max on her knees in front of you is fucking wow and the thought of saying no doesn't even cross your mind. Not like this. Not when your breath coming in short gasps and you just want her mouth around you.
"OK. Thank you for trusting me, baby," she whispers.
Your hands... you don't know what you're doing with them, don't know what to do at a time like this. It's not like you came over expecting to get blown today, so you didn't exactly look up the best etiquette for this. On her head seems like a safe option but also so lewd that you can't bring yourself too. "Of course," you say. "I love you. I-I trust you."
She smiles, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to your stomach. "I love you too."
A deep breath in. You can do this. Max says you'll love it, and God, if you haven't imagined her mouth on you hundreds of times. She tugs your boxers down, freeing your erection. She says something to the effect of "oh, hello!" when it pops out, smacking you in the stomach cause you're just that fucking hard right now.
Max gasps when she finally sees it, her eyes widening in shock and awe. "Oh my god, baby," she breathes, her hand wrapping around the base, her thumb and middle finger not even able to meet. "If you told me you were packing all this, I might have done this sooner."
"I know, I know." Max laughs. She can see you blushing, can see the vulnerability in your eyes. Max smiles, running her finger along your length, feeling you shiver beneath her touch. "You're doing good," she tells you, then licks her lips. "Now can I taste it, baby?" she asks, her voice soft and pleading. "Please?"
When you nod your consent, Max leans down, her tongue flicking out to lick the tip of your cock. She hears you gasp, sees your hips jerk slightly. When she's taking you into her mouth, just the head at first, you wonder if you've ever felt anything so good. It's warm. Crazy intense. Your hands stay on the bed, clutching at the covers, fisting it so you don't do something stupid like scream or cum right there and then.
She sucks gently, her tongue swirling around you.
"Aa-ah," comes the broken moan out of your mouth. Don't cum, don't cum, shit.
You're growing harder in her mouth than you even thought possible, the head hitting the soft palate at the roof of her mouth. There's too many textures, too many sensations. You cling onto the knowledge that this is Max doing this to you. For you. Whichever. Your caring, sweet, always clingy Max. You cling to the fact that she's probably loving this right now, if in a completely different way than you are, loving that you're letting her have this part of you.
She pulls off the slightest bit, just enough to speak, looking up at you. "Is this okay, baby?" she asks, her voice soft. "Do you like it?"
You nod, your eyes clamped shut. If you look down and see your dick in her mouth, there's no saying what you'll do. "Y-yes," you stammers. "It's amazing."
"Well, I'm glad, baby," she says. You can hear the smile in her voice, can feel her hands rubbing up and down your thighs to calm you down. "Tell me if this gets too much, alright? I'm gonna do a little more."
Nodding, you give her the OK.
A little more turns out to be a lot at once. Max returns to that steady rhythm, her head bobbing up and down. With the way her tongue is swirling, you might not have recognised that she's goimg each time. Until finally, you hit something, and you feel her gag slightly.
"I'm sorry, I-"
"No, no, I'm fine," Max doesn't let you finish. "I want to."
She pulls back, taking a deep breath, before trying again. Biting your lip hard, you feel how Max relaxes her throat, taking you deeper this time, her hands gripping your thighs.
You're panting at this point. She must feel you growing closer, feel your body tensing. Her hand strokes the rest of your shaft, the bit she can't get in her mouth.
"No," you get out. You want to last, you want to make sure Max enjoys this as much as you are.
Now it's Max's time to apologise. She immediately pulls off, her eyes big and apologetic. "I'm sorry, God, I should have know that was too far, babe."
Instead of letting her think she was in the wrong, you lean down to kiss her. "No, you didn't do anything wrong," you murmur, even if it's hard to speak right now. Her shoulders are tense, worried, and you rub them. "I just didn't want to cum yet," you admit. You feel ready. You feel good. And it's all Max's doing. "I think I want... I want to be inside you."
Her eyes widen. Eventually Max nods, understanding, and scoots up to lie back on the bed. She reaches behind her to unbutton her shorts, sliding them and her panties off in one smooth motion. She wiggles out of them, leaving her naked and exposed. Her pussy is wet, her nerves making her ache for you. When she spreads her legs, inviting you in, you feel your mouth go dry.
"Come here, baby," she says, patting the spot next to her. "You're going to be so good, you know?"
Nervous isn't the right word. Excitement, maybe. You don't want to fuck this up, but at the same time you know Max wouldn't bedgrudge you if you do. Maybe she'd laugh, or playfully complain, but even if you bust a load right now she'd probably rub your back and tell you that you did good.
You gulp. "I don't know how to..."
"I know, baby. That's kinda part of it." Max leans in, pressing a soft placating kiss to your lips. "No one knows how to do something the first time. All I want is for you to be comfortable, OK? We don't have to do anything you don't want to."
Nothing you don't want to. That helps.
Max takes your hand again. This time, she brings it between her legs. Lets you feel around, not judging how your fingers clumsily explore her pussy.
Knowing that you're going to put it in and feel all this, wet and warm and tight, around your cock makes your brain fry. 
"Do you feel how wet I am?" she whispers. "I'm gonna love it. Just let me guide you in. You can't mess this up."
You keep your eyes fixed on Max, letting her keep you as calm as you can be in this situation. Her hand, still unable to wrap around your girl, directs you to her entrance, replacing your fingers with your cock. Your heart is pounding in your chest as she lines herself up with your head. For the first time, you feel a woman's soft folds around the tip of your cock. An inviting heat practically begs you to take her, to shove yourself right in, and you can't help but shiver at the sensation.
"Shh. Slow," she whispers. "Just push in slow, feel how I fit around you. Take your time."
You do as she says, pushing in slowly, her warmth enveloping you. Your body screams at you to move faster. Inch by agonising inch. Your hands let go of the sheets, reaching to grasp her, holding Max by the hips now. At the time, it seemed like the right thing to do to stop Max from sucking you until you came. But now, with half of your shaft buried inside her and Max's hand still wrapped around your base, you realise how close you still are. How bad of a decision it was to not wait until you calmed down a little, because fuck, you think you're going to blow.
Max's nails dig into your shoulder, and she takes a deep breath. Her shaky "oh God" makes you moan, clutching at her hips tighter to hold on to your sanity. Luckily, it seems like you both need some time, so no one complains when you stop about halfway inside her. Max slowly adjusts to your size, and you're adjusting to the fact that you're inside of someone for the first time and it feels like heaven.
"Do you like this, baby?" she asks, her voice breathless. "Do you like being inside me?"
"God yes," you groan out. You can barely even recognise your own voice, thick with pleasure. The tight heat, the softness, it envelops you and you can't help but bite your lip as you tell yourself over and over to not cum yet. Even without moving, her muscles are clenching around you, and it's so intense that it's overwhelming.
"OK, baby," she pants, after a while. You're calmer now. At least, you hope so. "Now you can move." 
So you do. You sink in slowly but surely, taking it all in. Once you're fully inside her, you freeze for a moment, unsure of what to do. Max, however, is not. She wraps her legs around your waist, her heels digging into your back, and begins to move her hips, grinding against you.
Max guides you, showing you how to thrust, how to set the pace, how she likes it. She likes it when you swivel your hips, but hates it when you change up the speed too much. When her hips gyrate, she wants it deeper. You're a fast learner. Every thrust makes her moan, and you're just following Max's lead. Trying not to lose yourself in it. Her soft moans are the sweetest reward.
Max wraps her legs around your waist, pulling you closer, encouraging you. 
"You're doing great," she says, her eyes locked on yours. "Just like that. Keep going."
You let out a shaky breath, your eyes locked with Max's. This is it. You're making love to the love of your life, and you can't believe how good it feels. Max's slick walls slide against you, gripping your cock with every roll of her hips. You begin to mimic her movements, use what you've learned.
Max lets out soft, needy whines, her body arching to meet your inexperienced but eager thrusts. She's taking in every inch of you, her pussy stretching and contracting around you. Her eyes roll back in her head.
"B-baby, please," she calls out, "cum for me, cum inside me. I want to feel it."
"Close. Wait for me," you groan, your body trembling.
And then, in a wave of pleasure, your body jerks. It feels like a bolt of lightning, a shock to the system. Your cock pulses deep inside of Max as you spill your seed deep within her. Max lets out a loud moan as you fill her, her body shuddering as her own orgasm washes over her. Her pussy clamps down tightly around you, milking you dry as she rides out her climax.
Together, you two lay there, panting. "Oh my God. That was amazing," you say, before laughter takes over you. Nothing's funny, but there's too much joy, too much happiness to not let out. She joins in, until you're two giggling messes cuddled up in the sheets, basking in the afterglow. She whispers sweet nothings into your hair, telling you how proud she is of you, how lucky she is that you let her experience your first with you.
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miryum · 2 months
"Tactical Village"
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Summary: Detective!Jason Todd x detective!Reader based on Jake and Amy's relationship
Series Warnings: Swearing, descriptions of violence (but nothing descriptive), guns and other police stuff
Series Masterlist
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“Do you recognise any of these men?” Y/n asked a woman who was wearing a ‘Visitor’ tag. 
The woman shook her head, saying, “I was hiding in the bathroom stall so I didn’t see his face. But, I heard him. He was singing along to the track.”
“Do you remember what he was singing?”
“Oh my gosh, no, Y/n,” Jason couldn’t help but let out a laugh. “Don’t do it….” Y/n chuckled along with him. Captain Wayne had assigned a detective to Y/n whenever she interrogated a perp. There had been an… incident. 
Cass didn’t know who gave Y/n a guitar, but the woman was currently torturing a perp with her terrible playing of the instrument, accompanying the sound with loud, off-tune screaming. 
The woman shrugged. “I think it was that song ‘I Want it That Way.’ ” 
Y/n hummed. “Backstreet Boys, I’m familiar.”
“Maybe a little too familiar,” Jason muttered. He thought of all the times Y/n had agonised both the criminals and detectives on duty with their songs.
“Number one,” Y/n ignored Jason, pressing a button for the intercom. “Could you please sing the opening to ‘I Want it That Way?’”
“Really? Uh… okay,” Perp 1 said. “You are… my fire?”
Y/n glanced over to the witness who shook her head. “Number two, keep it going.”
“The one… desire.” Perp 2 squinted to Perp 1, looking for confirmation that this was actually happening. 
“Number three?” Y/n nodded along to the nonexistent beat. 
“Believe… when I say?”
“Number four!” Y/n called out, grinning widely, leaning on the desk.
“I want it that way.”
“TELL ME WHY!” Y/n sang loudly into the microphone. 
“Ain’t nothing but a heartache,” all the suspects chanted along. 
“Ain’t nothing but a mistake…”
“Now number five,” Y/n crooned to the melody.
Perp 5 raised his hand, losing himself in the music. “I never wanna hear you say,”
“WHOO!” Y/n shouted out.
“I want it that way,” everyone finished together.
“Chills! Literal chills!” Y/n shivered, giggling. 
“It was number five,” the woman said. “Number five killed my brother.” 
“Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that,” Jason murmured. “And, Y/n, just so you know, you pressed the ‘speaker’ button. Everyone in the precinct could hear that.” 
“Ohhh… whoops?”
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“Happy Tactical Village Day!” Y/n high-fived Tim on her way in the door. “Happy Tactical Village Day, Cass! Happy Tactical Village Day!”
“L/n, I'm surprised to see you so excited about departmentally mandated training exercises,” Wayne commented. 
“Why, ‘tis the most fun day of the year, my good sir! Something you wouldn't understand, because you're not programmed to feel joy.”
“Yes, but my software is due for an upgrade,” Wayne retorted.
”When you play along with the robot jokes it ruins my enjoyment of them,” Y/n pouted.
“Yes, I am aware.”
“Anyway, Tactical Village Day is awesome!” Y/n continued with her rant. “We get to field test a bunch of cool, new weapons and there's always a fun training situation. Last year's was prison break. It got uber violent. It was like being in an action movie.” Her eyes went wide with excitement.
Y/n was using a piece of her hair to slowly chisel away at a metal bar of a cell.
“Y/n?” Steph called from the other end of the cell. “Cass and I dug a tunnel. Wanna use it?”
“Go on without me,” Y/n said in a deep, gruff voice. “I’ll make due by myself.”
“It's also a good opportunity for us to bond as a unit,” Steph said, reminding them all the true reason of Tactical Village Day.
“Everybody gets into it,” Y/n exclaimed. 
Jason kicked down a door and he and Dick rushed through it, screaming as they stormed the room. 
It turned out to be a supply closet.
“Suffice to say, the sixty-sixth has never had a perfect run,” Dick chuckled and scratched his neck. 
“Yeah, but Y/n has been the finalist for coolest kill two years in a row,” Stephanie said. “Every precinct sends their footage and all the cops vote.”
“It's not that big of a deal,” Y/n waved her away. “All you win is a children's tennis trophy, so…”
“You desperately want that trophy, don't you?” Wayne asked.
“So badly.” Y/n growled. “I will stop at nothing to obtain my prize. I'll shoot all of you in the face if I have to!”
“Go team,” Damian said monotonously. 
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“Okay, so,” Y/n slid into the seat next to Jason’s on the bus ride over. “I’ve figured out my fictional persona for this year’s shooty-shooty rootin-tootie.”
“How the hell do you come up with these names?” Jason muttered, mostly to himself. 
“I am… Gina Thunderhouse. Russian spy, weapons master, and total badass. I even have cool Russian accent.” she said in a bad accent. “Babushka. Moscow. Rasputin.” 
“You know ‘babushka’ means ‘grandma,’ right?”
“Whatever. At least I have a persona, Mr. I’m-not-even-trying-to-be-fun.”
“This training isn’t about fun,” Jason frowned. “It’s about honing our skills to be better officers.”
“We shoot paint at pretend bad guys!” Y/n cried. “How is that not fun?!”
“I’m gonna go talk to Dick,” Jason said, standing up. “You have fun thinking of more Russian words.”
Steph quickly filled Jason’s empty seat, grinning sharply. “Seems like you two are getting cosy!”
“Come on, Brown. Not this again!”
“You gotta admit there’s spark.” 
“How many times do I have to tell you?!” Y/n exclaimed. “He’s like a brother to me.”
“And Leia was like a sister to Luke,” Steph sang out.
“Okay, that’s not fair. Luke didn’t know! No one knew.”
Steph shrugged and let the conversation go, though a smile flitted through her lips. Soon, the sixty-sixth arrived at the building where Tactical Village Day would commence. Walking in the doors, duffel bags full of gear and weapons in hand, Y/n shouted out, “The six-six is in the house!” 
“Six-six!” The rest of the crew echoed.
“Hey! Biz!” Y/n greeted an old friend. “They upgraded you from bystander to perp! That’s great, man. Still gonna blow your brains out though.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything else,” Biz waved back.
“Jason Todd?” A voice spoke from a crowd of detectives and cops. “Is that you?”
“Rose?” Jason’s head whipped towards the voice. “It’s been so long! What’re you doing here?”
“I’m with the seventeenth now,” she explained. “We’re paired with you guys today.” Rose was a tall, slim, blonde girl whom it seemed Jason connected with very well. 
“Wha- what’s going on here?” Y/n shuffled up to them, Steph close behind. 
“Oh, Y/n, this is Rose Wilson.” Rose held out a hand and Y/n firmly shook it. “Rose, this is Y/n L/n. She’s the life of the six-six.” He placed a hand on Y/n’s lower back, pushing her slightly forward. 
“Nice to meet you,” Rose said. 
“Likewise,” Y/n pressed her lips together in a smile. 
“Well, I gotta go,” Rose hugged Jason. “I’ll see you later, though. Great seeing you.”
“You too,” Jason returned the hug. 
Once Rose had left with a wave, Y/n turned to Jason and questioned, “So… who was that?”
“That was Rose,” Jason said as if it was the most obvious thing. “We went on a couple of dates last year.” 
“You did?” Steph asked. Y/n had forgotten she was behind her. Cass joined them, silently backing up her friends.
“Yeah, I liked her, but she was stationed in Metropolis so I didn’t get to see much of her. I guess it just fizzled out.”
“Right,” Y/n gawaffed. “That's the girl you said the lame stuff about. Like ‘she's a good listener’ and shit.” Internally, she felt bad for deriding Rose- she seemed like a nice person- but she couldn’t help but take a rag at Jason.
“I'm sorry, what do you look for in a relationship?” Jason asked snarkily. 
“I don't know,” Y/n shrugged. “Real stuff. Shape of their ass. Sense of dark humour.”
“Of course.” Jason rolled his eyes and stalked away.
“Isn’t it weird that Jason dated that girl?” Y/n scoffed, hands on her hips.
Steph raised her brows, mirroring L/n’s stance. “Why do you care so much?” Her voice rose higher with each word.
“Okay, first of all, your insinuating voice is way too high,” Y/n accused. “It's weird. And second, I don't care. I'm just wondering why he would like her.”
“Whatever you say,” Steph said, voice still high-pitched and she shuddered. “Okay, yeah, I hear it now. I sound like Cat from Sam and Cat.”
“Yes, you do.” Cass agreed. “But, I agree. L/n needs to confront her feelings for Todd and woman up.”
Y/n rolled her eyes and excused herself from the conversation, claiming the need to talk to Tim.
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“Oh, this is so cool!” Y/n squealed, holding a parallel gun. “You can shoot around corners. I love guns.” She sighed and said, “I'm gonna make such a good mom someday.”
Jason shook his head, lips pursing. “Not even gonna touch that.”
“Not even gonna touch that: Title of your sex tape,” Y/n muttered, then chuckled. “Come on, man. At least make me work for it.”
Soon, it was time for the sixty-sixth to run the simulation. The team was standing by the door, waiting to be let in when Y/n slid by on her knees, making a dramatic entrance. “Gina Thunderhouse had arrived.” Her voice was, once again, accented in a bad Russian tone.
“That was majestic,” Tim joked.
“Custom kneepads to help me win coolest kill,” Y/n patted her knees, showing off her kneepads. After an awkward silence, she asked, “What, don't tell me Thunderhouse is the only lady here with a signature move!”
Tim shrugged. “I was bouncing around the idea where when I'm out of ammo, I release my mag and dropkick or chuck it into someone's throat.”
“You know how people hold their guns sideways to look cool?” Dick asked. Y/n nodded and the sarge continued, “It got me thinking. What if you held your gun upside-down?” He demonstrated it, flipping his gun upside down, finger still on trigger.
Before Y/n could respond with how that was an incredibly stupid idea, a loud buzzer sounded and another precinct marched out the door, looking victorious.
“Seventeenth’s done.” Y/n muttered and Stephanie stepped closer to her. “Heads up.”
“Hey. How'd it go?” Jason greeted Rose. 
Rose smiled and replied, “it went well. We had a perfect run! And not to brag, but I think we just set a GCPD course record for time.”
“Definitely a brag,” Y/n huffed quietly. 
“A course record?” Jason’s brows shot up.  “That’s so cool.”
“Thanks.” Rose looked up at him. “I'm psyched. By the way, good luck in there.”
“Thanks,” Jason called after her as she walked away.
“All right, huddle up.” Y/n pulled Jason away by the strap of his vest and into a group huddle. “This is how it's going down.”
“What happened to your accent, Gina?” Steph asked teasingly, knowing full well what was going on.
“Forget that shit.” Y/n frowned. “We're taking this seriously. Okay, on three: Let's break that course record and be the best precinct here! One, two, three!”
The group repeated, “let’s break that course record and… uh…” They all trailed off, mumbling different things as they forgot the words. 
“Yeah, I agree, it was too many words.” Y/n grimaced. “Let’s just do it.”
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“Okay, I've got the details for this simulation.” Dick sat in front of a console, radioing in to everyone’s headsets. “A group of armed men entered an embassy and took hostages.”
“Which embassy?” Y/n couldn't help but ask. She shook her head, reminding herself to stay focused. “Doesn't matter. We’ll just say, Canada. They’re too nice to say no if someone asks to take them hostage. So take out the perps, clear the civilians, rescue the hostages?”
“Affirmative,” Dick confirmed. “This is an active shooter situation. You're cleared for maximum engagement.”
“‘Maximum engagement?’” Y/n scoffed. “What is this, Jurassic Park: The Ride?” 
Dick didn’t answer, commanding, “Brown and Drake, perimeter security. Brown, make sure he doesn’t fall asleep, but also doesn’t die from caffeine overdose. He only got two and a half hours last night.”
“Got it,” Brown said, yanking Tim’s cup of coffee away from him.
“L/n and Todd, you're the assault team. I'll be in the command centre. Cain, I need you to do surveillance on the places I can’t see.”
“On it.” Cass disappeared into the vents and Dick stared after her, wondering how she didn’t end up as an assassin-for-hire.
“All right, focus up,” Y/n said into the comms. “We got eighteen minutes and forty-one seconds to break this record. No screwing around.”
“Wow, you're really not gonna do a character?” Jason asked, smirking.
“I am playing a character,” Y/n said. “A no-nonsense detective whose only goal is to set this course record. Her name is Y/n L/n. She’s a kid who grew up with an absent father and just wants to prove herself. I don't have time for her full back-story. Sarge, please, let’s start.”
“Okay, guys, and go!” Dick clicked a stopwatch and the team rushed in.
Y/n zipped around a corner, gun drawn. When she didn’t see anyone, she called, “clear!”
She and Jason repeated the actions, peeking around corners and yelling, “clear.”
Y/n turned around a corner and fired two shots at a cop labelled “PERP.”
“Nice,” Jason commented.
Y/n ignored him and said, “okay, only three perps left. We might actually do this.”
Dick’s voice came in through the comms. “L/n, Cain has intel that there’s a hostage in room 409.”
“Copy that.” Y/n inhaled and said, “I love how it always smells like fresh paint here. Reminds me of how often I moved as a child.”
“No talking,” Jason reminded her. “You'll give away our position.”
“Look out!” Y/n was staring over his shoulder. She quickly lifted her gun and fired a shot at someone. 
Jason shielded away from the noise. “That was close.” He inspected Y/n and said, “there's paint in your hair.” He reached up and smoothed the paint away. “Thanks for shooting that guy.”
“My pleasure.” Y/n followed him around the corner and stared at a door marked 409. “The hostages are in there. Intel says there's a couple of heavily-armed perps with them.”
Jason asked, “you want to wait for backup?”
Y/n shook her head. “No time. We only have a minute to win the record.” She sighed and declared, “I'm going in.” At Jason’s scandalised look, she reassured him, smiling. She gently took Jason’s gun from his hands. “Don't worry. I have a plan on how to beat them: Give up.”
“Trust me,” Y/n said. “Or don't.” She shrugged. “I'm doing it anyway.” Jason’s heart dropped, watching her walk cautiously into the room. She announced, hands holding her guns in the air, “GCPD! Don't shoot!” Inside the room were two perps, guarding three hostages. “I'm here to surrender,” Y/n told them. The hostages looked at her as if she was crazy. “Let the hostages go and take me instead,” she said. 
“Not happening.” One of the perps growled. “Drop your weapon!”
”Okay, okay, my fingers are off the triggers.” Y/n agreed, dangling her guns off her fingers. “I'm just gonna slowly put them down in front of me….” She started crouching down. Jason watched, aghast, from the doorway. “I’m slowly putting 'em…” Suddenly, she twisted her fingers around and pulled the triggers, shooting the two perps in the chest.
“Goddamn it!” One of the perps yelled.
“Dick, time!” Y/n shouted into her comm.
“18 minutes, 28 seconds. You broke the record!” Dick cried back.
“Yes! Nice!” Jason ran in and hugged Y/n tightly, lifting her off the ground and spinning her around. She squealed and hugged him back. 
Jason paraded her out of the room and they greeted their teammates to a chorus of cheers, applause, and claps on the back.
“Ah, there she is!” Dick called.
“The record is ours.” Y/n spread her arms.
“I still can't believe your final kill came from Dick’s move.” Tim shook his head, looking disgusted.
“You went upsy-downsies?” Dick gasped. “That's what I call it, because you hold the gun upside-down.”
Y/n sighed. “Yes, Richard, I went upsy-downsies. And none of you shall ever speak of it again.”
“But I want to speak of it,” Jason whined. “You looked really stupid.”
“Alright, let's go.” Dick grinned. “Drinks are on me.”
“Nice! Here we go, six-six!” Y/n held her hand up to Jason for a high-five, face flushed with excitement.
Jason grimaced. “Actually, Rose asked me to dinner, so maybe I can meet up with you guys afterwards?”
Y/n’s face dropped. “Oh. Sure. Yeah. Of course. Cool. Cool cool cool cool cool cool cool.” Jason nodded and left, giving goodbyes as he walked away.
“What's going on, Gina Thunderhouse?” Cass smirked, sidling up with Steph. 
Y/n muttered, “what do you think Jason sees in Rose?”
“So you do like him!” Steph accused, smiling slyly. 
“I'm just curious!” Y/n tried to defend. “I mean, she's okay-looking and a good cop….” But aren’t I okay-looking and a good cop? “Also, she set the course record, but that's nothing. I broke it, like, 20 minutes later.”
“You want to know why he went out with her and not you?” Cass asked quietly. 
“Yeah.” Y/n swallowed harshly. 
“Because she actually asked him out,” Steph finished.
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Captain Wayne raised a brow, looking down at Y/n’s desk. “You won coolest kill?” He gestured to the small tennis trophy Y/n was staring at. 
“No- not by a long shot.” She chuckled dryly. “But Dick bought it for me ‘cause he felt like I should’ve won. But he’s bias, of course.”
“Of course.” Captain Wayne smiled softly. “Detective, are you alright?”
“Yeah. Thanks, Captain,” Y/n mumbled. “Can- can I ask you a question?” 
“Sure, L/n.”
Y/n looked up at Wayne. “How’d you know Clark was the one?” she whispered.
Bruce sighed and offered, “come into my office. And bring your trophy.”
Doing as she was told, Y/n followed Bruce into his office. She sat down and Bruce took the trophy from her, placing it on his desk proudly. “When I first got here, Damian told me of your predicament.” When Y/n’s mouth fell open in betrayal, Bruce held up his hand. “I would’ve figured it out either way. I used to be a detective, after all. But what he didn’t know is if Todd liked you back. However, based on months of observation, I’ve noticed, for lack of a better simile, that Todd follows you like a lost puppy. I should know; I acted the same way towards Clark before we started dating.”
“Did you ask him out?” Y/n asked.
Bruce let out a laugh. “God, no. I was too scared. But that’s not an invitation to make the same mistakes I did. I lost a lot of time with Clark because of my anxiety.”
“Duly noted, Captain. Thank you.”
“Anytime, L/n. And good job in the Tactical Village.”
“Thank you, sir.”
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stolenviolet · 12 days
Where is this Baby Death AU I'm hearing so much about? I'm dumb and don't know how to do things on the internet, help! XD
Nah, you're a smart cookie! This website is just tough to navigate sometimes.
All you need to do is go to my blog.
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From there hit that cool little magnifying glass button.
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Then search 'Baby Death AU'
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That should pull up everything I've posted for it! (not a whole lot, I'll admit)
But if you don't feel like rummaging through those posts, I'll give you a quick summary:
When Voldemort hits Harry with the killing cure in the forest, the spell backfires (again). Only this time, it creates a life instead of taking one. This leaves the once prophesied enemies with a baby that holds quite a resemblance to the two of them. Confused and curious as to how this accrued, Harry and Voldemort agree to a truce and are now stuck Co-Parenting their 'happy little accident'.
However, what they don't realize is that this sweet buddle of joy is actually Death!
You see, Death wasn't very happy with Voldemort running around making horcruxes, so he seizes the opportunity to take mortal form in hopes of foiling any future plans the 'Dark Lord' may have for immortality.
What follows is a bunch of goofy hijinks as Death, Harry and Voldemort navigate their new life as a ...somewhat functional family.
Other things to note in this AU(so far):
-Harry is the 'Master of Death' in this AU (though he doesn't know this and still doesn't). Death even tried to call him 'Master', at first, but as a baby, the word proved to be too difficult to get out. This resulted in Harry being referred to as 'Ma' or 'Ma-Ma' (much to everyone's confusion, but hey! it stuck *shrugs*)
-Baby Death was given the name Thomas Sirius Potter. (this was the result of a twitter poll I took to help me pick out a name. personally i find it hilarious and very on brand for how harry would name his kid.)
-Thomas is a Hufflepuff! (also the result of a twitter pole.)
-Nagini is the only one who knows Thomas is Death.
-Voldemort and Bella used to be an item, but he broke it off after Thomas was...'born?'. Now she's constantly scheming up ways to win him back. Sadly for her, they never work.
-Harry and Voldemort do eventually end up 'together' but not until Thomas leaves for his first year at Hogwarts.
I think that should about cover it...OH! Hold on!
Here are some awesome fics that were written base on the original prompt 'When Voldemort hits Harry with the killing cure in the forest, it creates a life instead of taking one':
The Heir de la Mort by @rowena-rain
Bloody Gorgeous by @laserswordtraining
(be sure to mind the tags!)
Okay, now I'm done rambling. Thanks for the ask, and I hope you enjoy this silly little AU!
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queer-overwatch · 5 months
heyy <3 i was wondering if you could do HC's of either Venture or Sojourn with a GN s/o who has a lot of medical scarring all over their body? (basically comforting them 'bout them) :)
thank youuuuuu
I totally yoinked this one bc I HAVE SCARS AND I FEEL BAD ABT THEM SOMETIMES TOO!!! Which is completely stupid bc scars are so cool in my opinion- anyway! Here's some headcanons for ya anon! <3 -Frisk
Venture and Sojourn comforting reader with scars!
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Out of everyone she understands your experiences the most
Whenever you're feeling bad about your scarring, she thinks of what she'd want to hear and would use that to comfort you
She can't really get scars anymore, at least not in the most common areas, but she'll try and paint a few onto her legs and arms to match you!
if you want to share stories about how you got them, she's more than happy to listen
If you're okay with it, whenever you two are cuddling or are just close to each other she'll trace over them with her hands
Finds them fascinating in a bit of a morbid way, though she 100% keeps those thoughts to herself
Will be the most casual person ever about it, to her it isn't a big deal. If it doesn't matter to you, then she couldn't care less
She loves you, and that includes your body
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Scars? Huh? What-?
They would literally never notice if you hadn't told them-
way too busy staring into your eyes lovingly like a huge dork 24/7 for it to register in their head
They have probably noticed but forgot 2 seconds later
They are way more open about how cool they think scarring is! If you're okay with them complimenting or asking about your scars, oh boy you better expect to be thrown into a story time
They have some too! Like their tooth! And they have a bunch on their hands thanks to their drill
They never had any negative connections to scars so they're plenty open to conversations about 'em!
Would probably absentmindedly talk about their own since in the back of their head its like "Oh my god my partner had scarring too! That's so awesome! Story time!"
If you're insecure about your scars then they become the biggest sweetheart ever
If you don't like talking about them then that's fine! All you gotta do is ask and bam, its gone from their brain in 2-3 business days
If you ever come to them and talk about how you don't like your scars, after asking for permission of course, they will kiss the ever loving hell out of every single little mark on your body (if you let them, of course)
also absolutely adores your body, no matter what you think's "wrong" with it
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May i request a wild ride with no. 15, 20 and 21 for Dean winchester? Rest is up to you. thanks and congrats on 3k, your stories are awesome😘❤
He Fell Harder
Dean Winchester x plus size reader
Dean finally gets his chance to tell her  how he feels, after they escape a bunch of hungry ghouls of course
Warnings: canon level violence, kidnapping, mutual pining, implied smut, little bit of nudity, confessions
WC: 1.7k
Minors DNI
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3000 Follower Celebration
Frustrated, you screamed at the solid iron door that sealed you into this hell-hole where you had been trapped for days or maybe it had been weeks, it was hard to tell. The walls surrounding you were cool to the touch. The smell of mould and mildew blanketing you as you slumped down to the concrete floor, consumed by the pitch black around you. You had no weapons, no plan, no escape. All you could do was sit here and wait for whatever the ghoul that jumped you had planned.
“Sweetheart?” The voice that floated through the vent far above your head sounded familiar, much like the voice of your best friend and the man you had been in love with since you saved him from a vamp three years ago.
“Dean?” You croaked, your head unconsciously tilting back as if it would allow you to hear him better. You hear him chuckle dryly, like he always did when he was anxious or unsure. Your heart fluttered, glad that you weren’t completely alone. “Boy am I glad to hear your dumb voice. How long have I been down here?”
There was a beat of silence. “You’ve been missing for almost two months.” He said bluntly and if you weren’t mistaken, with a tone of deep guilt. The air was knocked from your lungs.
“I’ve been here for that long?” You asked weakly, your body all of a sudden feeling incredibly tired and sore, like your willpower was ripped from you. Dean’s sigh carried through the humid air.
“I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner sweetheart. These fuckers were smart, they even got the work-around Sammy.”
“And you?” You playfully asked, getting a groan in return. “How the fuck did some lousy ghouls get the jump on the great Dean Winchester?” The chill from the concrete wall at your back was slowly seeping through the measly layers you had on and yet you didn’t want to move away.
“I was distracted.” He replied simply and you could almost see the way his plump lower lip jutted out in a toddler-like pout. “It’s not my fault.”
You giggled half-heartedly as you brought your knees up to your chest. “Whatever could distract you must be pretty fucking magnificent.”
“Yeah she is.” He murmured lowly, but you heard him all the same. Your heart dropped to your stomach. You should’ve expected it, Dean was famous for his womanising, even going so far as to abandon a hunt for a night with a gorgeous woman. 
“Tell me about her.” You knew it would hurt, that listening to him talk about this mysterious woman would tear you apart, but you needed the comfort of his voice right now. 
Dean cleared his throat. “Well she’s insanely attractive. I mean just legs for days and an ass that would make a grown man cry. Don’t even get me started on how absolutely gorgeous her eyes are.” You scoffed at his crudeness but he only chuckled and continued. “But more than that, she’s crazy smart and she’s by far the kindest person I’ve ever met. She’s a little dumb, I mean who challenges me to a pie-eating contest! And even more than that, she’s my best friend and I would do anything for her, including getting kidnapped by a bunch of ghouls just so I could hear her voice again.”
With each word he spoke, the heat in the derelict dungeon seemed to grow. Warmth crawled up your neck, settling on the apple of your cheeks. “And right now, all I care about is how quiet she is after I just spilled my damn heart out to her.”
“Dean-“ You started but were quickly interrupted by the door to your cell slamming open and bright light flooding in. A shadowy figure loomed in the entryway, the stench of blood and rotting guts following them like some sick perfume. “Dean!” You screeched as you attempted to scramble to the furthest corner of the room. 
The light glinted off its teeth. “Oh the sweet smell of fear.” It cooed. “Makes the meat so much more tender.” 
There was a thudding from the wall. “Don’t you dare fucking touch her!” It just rolled its eyes at Dean’s protest. 
The uneven concrete cut into your palms as you planted your feet so you could jump the ghoul before it got too close. It smirked, as if it already knew you were too weak to do anything. “Y/N!” Your legs trembled as you put more of your weight on them, threatening to give out at any moment. 
The ghoul snarled. “He won’t be able to help you now.” It darted at you.
Feigning to the left, you narrowly missed its claws. The ghoul slammed painfully into the wall behind where you just were. There was a grizzly-sounding crunch and then a brief moment of silence. You attempted to stand but your knees buckled and you slammed back into the floor. But you couldn’t stop moving, not when it quickly righted itself and began towards you again. “You bitch!” It hissed.
As desperation sank into your bones, you began to crawl towards the open door. The muscles in your arms screamed but you had to get out. A hand closed around your ankle and tugged you backwards, sending you sprawling on the ground. “Get off!” You kicked back, but after months with limited food, it served to only push its jaw away from your leg. 
“Y/N!” Dean’s voice was muffled and far away, barely audible over the loud banging that reverberated through the halls, or was it your head? It was hard to tell. Weakly, you clawed for anything you could use as a weapon, the ghoul steadily getting dangerously close to you. 
Your vision spun as you were suddenly on your back, the ghoul hovering above you. “I think I’m going to make this last. Eat you nice and slow, make your boyfriend listen to every scream that comes out of that stupid mouth of yours. And then, right as you’re about to die from either the pain or the blood-loss, I’ll bring him over so he can watch as the light fades from your eyes.”
Its face got closer and closer, and then, it was gone. The weight was yanked from your chest with a blur of red and black plaid, the ghoul’s screeching making your head throb. There was the sound of cracking bones, and then nothing.
“Sweetheart, look at me.” You hadn’t realised that you passed out until you opened your eyes. Cringing at the bright light above you, you groaned and buried your face in your soft arms.
“Too bright.” 
“Shit, yeah, just one sec.” The light flicked off and you breathed a sigh of relief. Now that it was darker, you felt more confident in opening your eyes once more. The sight you were greeted with was one that you were used to- the shitty decorations, dusty mattress below and couch that should have been torched 20 years ago. You were safe.
“How’d you get us out? Wait how the fuck am I even alive? I was sure that I was toast.” Dean appeared in your eye-line then as he plopped down on the bed beside you. His green eyes were bloodshot and he had dark bags beneath them.
“If we’re being honest, I don’t really remember. I remember you screaming and then I was pounding on the door trying to get to you and somehow it just caved in. The last thing I remember is beating that fucker’s face in.” Your eyebrows scrunched.
“Dean, there was a whole pack of them. There’s no way you killed all of them while also having to drag me out of there.” He scoffed and laid down next to you, taking your hand into his own.
“I don’t know what to tell you sweetheart. But we’re out and you’re safe, that’s the only thing that matters.” Your fingers intertwined and you pulled his hand to your chest. 
“Your safety matters too D.” He shook his head, his dirty blond hair now sticking up messily. He squeezed your fingers.
“Not when it comes to you.” Dean’s eyes flicked to your lips. “I would do anything to keep you safe.” 
The tip of your nose brushed against his as his free hand came up to cup your full cheek. “You’re my everything.” And then he kissed you.
Slow and sweet, barely even a peck but as you tried to pull him closer to you, desperate for him, Dean rolled on top of you. His strong body fit beautifully between your plush thighs, his weight on top of you being a comfort rather than the terror from the ghoul’s. Your arms wound around his neck as he tilted his head, deepening the kiss even more.
“Dean.” You moaned into his mouth as the hand that was once holding yours now rested on your wide hip, pinning you to him. He groaned at the strung-out sound of your voice. 
“Fuck baby. Can I see you?” You nodded but still whined as he pulled away from you. He smirked confidently. “Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m right here.” His touch skirted beneath your skirt, sending ripples of anticipation through you. The fabric followed his rough hands, slowly creeping up, exposing your body to him in a way that you had both only dreamed about.
Dean sucked in a breath as he finally pulled the shirt from you, leaving you in just a bra. “Holy shit you’re gorgeous.” You smiled bashfully in return.
“Your turn.” Moving faster than you’ve ever seen, Dean ripped all of his layers off in one go, throwing the small pile of fabrics over his shoulder like they had burned him. “Damn Winchester, how have you been hiding all this from me for so long?” Your fingers traced up the softness of his belly, coming to rest above his heart, right where his tattoo was.
“Believe me sweetheart, if it were up to me, you could’ve seen this two years ago.” He reached for your jeans, unbuttoning them quickly so he could shuck them down your shapely legs.
“Two years!” You yelped, “We’ve known each other for three!” He looked away sheepishly, focusing on the panties that still covered you. 
“Not my fault. You were goddamn terrifying.” You scoffed as he settled between your legs, throwing them over his broad shoulders.
“Yeah well you’re just scared of powerful women. Let me tell you-“
“Sweetheart, sweetheart. Will you just shut up and let me go down on you?” He pleaded, tugging at the cotton that stretched across your pelvis. 
Your mouth snapped shut. “Good, now let me eat.”
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Dean Winchester
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megamindsecretlair · 8 months
i need me some one night stand Sam smut, maybe they met at a bar or mutual friend’s wedding/any event. whatever your little heart desires i just know that it’s gonna be amazing especially with Sam’s nasty behind. ily 🩷
A/N: I know I keep apologizing, but I am SOOO SORRY! I did not intend for this to take so long. I know you said it's cool, but I can't help it. Thank you for being so patient with me. ILY, ILY!
Feel Like I Do
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. Some sentences are intentional AAVE. SMUT. Cursing, PIV, oral (female and male receiving), teasing, use of pet names, mentions of birth control, size kink, praise kink, one night stand smut.
Summary: See Ask. While out at a club for your friend's birthday, you bump into Sam. He's sweet, charming, and there's something achingly familiar about him. You go home with him, needing to see where this goes.
Word Count: 5,505k
A/N: When an ask kicks my ass, it kicks my ass!!!! However, once it finally came together, it flowed so beautifully. Thank you @planetblaque for helping me! ILY. This is based off of one my fave songs. Likes are always awesome. Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! I love hearing your thoughts! I block ageless blogs.
Taglist: @multiversefanfics @chaos-4baby @leahnicole1219 @capswife @anghstybean @targaryenvampireslayer @sheabutterbabes @browngirldominion @theunsweetenedtruth @thecookiebratz @we-outsiiiide @iv0rysoap @nerdieforpedro
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The cover band was too loud. You grimaced as you made your way past the press of bodies towards the bar. You could barely hear the singer and the instruments sounded disharmonious on top of it. You hated nights like these. Why couldn’t your friend’s birthday fall during the week? 
This was your favorite club but you mostly went during the week when you could sit back and relax. There were less people, less lecherous men, and you could actually hear who was playing. It was a great spot to discover new and local talent. 
You shoved past a guy leaning in some poor girl’s face. You dug your elbow into his side hard enough for him to turn around. The girl he was speaking with gave you a grateful smile while she took off, disappearing into the crowd. 
You waved innocently to the man. There was a small opening at the bar that you made a beeline for. As soon as you reached it, you lifted a hand to get the bartender’s attention. At the same time, a man bumped into you and raised his own hand.
“Hey!” You said.
The man looked at you and you gasped. He was so cute. Smooth chestnut skin, a neat goatee, and high cheekbones. He wore a simple outfit with dark jeans and a carmine T-shirt but he wore it extremely well. The shirt bunched around his upper arms, bulging under his massive muscles. 
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you! Please, go ahead,” he said. He waved for you to go ahead. 
“Thanks. You’re not a regular here ,” you said.
The man shook his head. “Trying to cheer up my friend,” he said. He pointed to a section of the club where the booths were. There were two men sitting there. One with blond hair and looked like he bench pressed entire trucks for a living. The other had darker, longer hair and was whispering something to him.
“Girl troubles?” You asked.
“Always is. I’m Sam,” he said. He held out his hand. You shook his hand and introduced yourself. It was warm and big, strong in a way most men these days weren’t. You reluctantly dropped his hand, wondering what the hell was wrong with you. You just met the man and there was no reason to feel so..connected to him already. As if you knew him. 
“What brings you to this madhouse tonight?” Sam asked. You both waved for the bartender’s attention, but he was too busy at the other end of the bar. It’d be a while before he made his way down this way. The other bartender was too preoccupied by a group of guys on the opposite end. Fuck, you just wanted a damn drink. 
“Birthday for my friend,” you said. You pointed to your friends in a different booth. They were currently whooping, yelling and throwing their hands up while they danced. They looked like they were having fun. It was the goal and you were happy. 
“Ah, so they send the errand people to grab their drinks, huh?” Sam asked. 
“Seems like. But we’re good friends, so we’ll grin and bear it,” you said.
Sam nodded. “Since we’re gonna be here a while, you mentioned that I wasn’t a regular here. Does that mean you are?” 
It was your turn to nod. You leaned on the bar and faced him better. There were too many people crowding on either side, screaming for the two bartenders behind the bar. They pressed against you until you were flush against Sam. To his credit, he did his best to get away and give you some room.
“Guess we’re getting personal tonight. How ‘bout your next drink is on me as an apology?” He asked.
Something about him was so disarming. It was unnerving. Your natural defenses were useless against him. Usually you were trying to get out of there as fast as you could. Picking up women in bars always seemed so cheesy to you. Full of bad pick up lines and beer goggles. 
Sam seemed as sober as a judge. And he smelled divine. Something earthy. Something that reminded you of taking hikes in the forest, faint mist in the air, and the sound of a small waterfall nearby. 
You hadn’t had much to drink but being near him was like you were buzzed. Like time was hazy and the only plane of existence was inside the club. You swayed a bit towards him. Drawn to his gravitational pull.
“I’d like that, but no apology needed.” You smiled at him, suddenly at a loss of what to do or say. Your body was becoming electrified. The sounds in the place receded to the background as your attention narrowed to Sam. 
“No apology needed, but how about an answer to my question in exchange? Is it strange that I feel like we know each other?” 
You grinned. Good, it wasn’t just you. You shook your head. “Right? Like what is that?” 
Sam ran through places that you might have in common. Like grocery stores, no. Or gyms, hell no. He ran around nearabout the Washington monument every day in the wee hours of the morning.
“If I’m up before the sun is up, shoot me,” you said.
He laughed, throwing his head back and closing his eyes. He had a good laugh. One that you wanted to hear over and over. 
“Not a morning person, huh?” He asked.
“Not even a little bit.” You were quite the terror in the morning when you woke up. As if the day owed you a personal favor for getting up on time. You had no time for morning chats or chores or anything that required brain activity until your first cup of coffee. Even then, it was hit or miss on how your mood would progress until the sun was higher in the sky and you didn’t feel like crawling back into bed.
You abandoned the drinks and simply talked to Sam. You learned more about him, about his time spent in the military and that he was a counselor now. You told him about your soul-sucking job and how you came here often to listen to local bands. 
He had a great voice that melted like butter around everything he said. And the way he told a story made you feel like you were really there. 
Every now and then, you would get bumped into and in turn, bump into him. Every push against his body was its own hit of dopamine. Every time he steadied you, his hands wrapped around your forearms, turned your brain to mush. Every time he smiled, you wanted to grab him and never let go. 
“We still haven’t gotten any drinks,” he said. 
You chuckled as you realized that you were probably talking to him for the last thirty minutes. In your own bubble, getting to know one another. 
You looked towards your friends. They were still dancing but were now on their phones. You pulled yours out to see the dozens of missed texts. The threats to call the police started. You texted them back to know that you were still alive and not kidnapped. You showed Sam and he laughed.
“We’re pretty bad friends,” he said. He looked towards his own. The situation looked a bit better. Maybe the dark-haired one was able to cheer up the blonde. 
“So bad! What are they gonna do with us?” You asked.
“Well, I still haven’t gotten you that drink but it doesn't look like we’re having much luck at the bar. I can’t let you leave without making it up to you,” he said. 
You grinned and looked towards the dance floor. The cover band had mercifully stopped and now the DJ was spinning records you could actually dance to. You turned your attention back to Sam. “How about a dance?” 
He looked towards the crowded dance floor and then turned back to you with a chuckle. “Think you can keep up?” 
You giggled and stepped away from the bar. You glided your hand across his chest and he looked down to follow the movement. “Can you?” You asked.
Sam smirked. He grabbed your hand and led you to the dance floor. The bottom of the floor was illuminated with squares of color. Neon blues, reds, and purples danced over you as you stepped onto the floor. 
You started bobbing your shoulders and getting into the rhythm. Sam followed your lead, getting closer and shaking his hips. His hands coasted along your exposed arms in your black tank top, pulling you closer and closer. You grinned at him. 
The song changed to a funky, techno type hip-hop song. It made everyone scream with joy. You popped your booty more to match the quick beat and Sam turned you around. He grabbed the belt loops of your jeans and pulled you closer into his body roughly, your back to his chest.
You twerked on him, rubbing and grinding your booty into his crotch. If you weren’t mistaken, he was definitely happy about that. He already seemed so thick and heavy behind his jeans but he had given no indication that his mind went there.
He dropped his head closer to your shoulder, his breath fanned across your damp neck. Sweat pooled along the slopes of your body. He switched up the way you were dancing on him, controlling your movements to the way he liked and you were powerless to do anything but go along with it. 
You slid your hand along the back of his neck and cupped his head. He moaned in your ear as you continued this dance, rocking with each other like you wanted to devour each other whole. 
You thought that feeling like you were the only two people in the room was a joke. Experiencing it with Sam was surreal as no one else mattered. No one else existed. 
He moved his hands from the belt loops to grab your hips. His fingers rode up your shirt a fraction so that he could play with your skin where your jeans stopped. Just that tiny bit of friction, his calloused fingers rubbing along your smooth skin, made your panties even more soaked than what they already were. 
You were in tune with this man. You felt him on a cellular level. Every breath of his tugged at your cells. Every sound he made tickled your veins. Everytime he ground his hips into you, to let you know nonverbally that he was feeling you,  was like a twitch in your muscles. 
Your bodies moved in sync. Neither one of you could keep your hands from roaming. Seeking. A compulsion for more and more. There was no end in sight. No limit for this need driving you. A need to feel him, all of him. 
Sam kissed your neck, licked right over the pounding vein in your neck and you dropped your head back against his shoulder. This felt too right. Too overwhelmingly good that you wanted to freeze this moment. To exist in limbo with him. 
His thumbs pressed into your lower back and you moaned. Sam continued kissing up your neck until you turned your head. Your lips pressed together, a mini explosion all its own that rocked you to your core.
His lips were warm, inviting. His breath was minty with a subtle hint of beer. He kissed as well as he danced. Perhaps better. 
“Come back to my place,” he said against your lips and then dived in for another scorching kiss. 
“Yes,” you answered, though he hadn’t phrased it like a question. God, you wanted to see where this could go. It was soul crushing to part for even a minute. You didn’t know him. But you felt like you did. Like you had known him your entire life. 
He stopped dancing and took your hand from his head. He pulled you off of the dance floor. “Meet me outside and then follow me to my place.” 
You nodded. You departed, holding onto each other until you’d either have to let go or risk injury. You watched each other until the crowd obscured him. You took a deep breath, returning to reality for half a second.
You poked your way through the crowd, reaching your friends at the booth.
“Who the hell was that?” Your friend, Alana, said and waved a napkin in front of her face. The birthday girl, Cece, nodded her head.
“Shit, I feel like I need a damn cigarette,” she said.
You waved them off. Your insides were jelly, a giddy nervousness that wouldn’t quit. “Will you hate me for dipping?” 
“One of us needs to get laid. Go ‘head girl,” Cece said and hi-fived you. 
“I love you, I love you,” you said. You hugged them both and made them promise to look out for each other.
“I’ll accept my name as the middle name for the baby ya’ll finna make!” Cece yelled and you smacked her arm.
“Nasty ass!” You waved goodbye and headed to the parking lot. You kept expecting for that feeling to disappear. That desperate neediness in your veins to return to Sam and never leave his side. But it never did.
It increased tenfold when you reached outside. The cool air fell over your sweaty skin like stepping into a freezer. It should have woken up your senses. You didn’t “do” one night stands. You didn’t randomly go with strangers and have sex. 
However, seeing Sam standing by his car made you want to jump his bones even more. He saw you approach and he smiled. 
“You can change your mind if you want to,” he said. 
“I don’t want to,” You said and smiled. 
He told you to follow him. Your eyes cataloged everything about him. The way he moved, the way he talked. The way he stood there and radiated peace and calmness like walking melatonin. 
You climbed into your car and followed Sam. He didn’t live far. He lived out in a bunch of townhomes, neat and tidy in their uniform rows. You supposed that to a military person, this would feel like home. 
Sam parked first and you parked in front of his place. He got out of the car and so did you. You made your way to him. Nerves prevented you from speaking but there was a comfortable familiarity with him that didn’t require words from either of you.
He grabbed your hand and led you into his house. It was tastefully decorated and most importantly - clean. There were too many grown men comfortable with living in absolute filth and had the nerve to think women were just supposed to excuse it away. 
Sam turned on a few lights, enough to see by. After locking the door and throwing his keys on the table beside it, he faced you.
He slowly approached, his eyes raking over your body. You felt it like a physical caress. His face showed nothing but appreciation and desire. He liked what he saw. And damn, did you like what you were seeing as well. He moved like a large cat, like a lion lazily stretching its muscles. 
He stepped to you and then tilted your head up by your chin. He grinned and then closed his eyes, kissing you softly. Reverently. Like it was a long-lost reunion after decades apart. You felt like you would float away at any moment. 
He deepened the kiss. He grabbed both sides of your face, pulling you closer as if he couldn’t get enough. Your hands finally grabbed his thick arms, rubbing his shoulders and hanging on. He moaned low in his throat, continuing to be content with just kissing you. Tasting you. 
“Upstairs? I’m assuming?” You asked. 
“Beauty first,” he said. He let you go so you could turn around and head towards the stairs. You passed by pictures of him growing up. Two parents and what looked like a sister. There were more pictures of the sister with kids. Pictures of Sam with his unit. 
Sam placed his hands on your hips and escorted you to his room. He turned on a lamp and the light was a little harsh but still intimate. The walls were painted a deep, soothing blue. His sheets matched the walls and he had blinds on the window. 
He wasn’t much for useless junk. Everything had its place and section. He’d have a fit if he saw your place. It was clean, but you definitely tended to cherish trinkets, gadgets, or souvenirs. Proof of life. Of love. Of friendships and relaxing trips. 
You faced him with a smile. There was no rush here. Nothing to indicate that he was trying to pressure you in any way. You grinned wider and reached for your shirt, throwing it on the floor. 
Sam’s eyes widened, taking in your peek-a-boo turquoise bra. He licked his lips. Feeling emboldened by his obvious desire, you stripped out of your shoes and jeans, kicking them off to the side.
“I show you mine…” you sang. You grinned and sidled up next to him, reaching for his shirt. He helped you pull it off of him. Fuck, he was gorgeous. He was all smooth skin and muscle. Stack on top of stack. He took his physical health seriously. Your hands rubbed all over every inch you could reach. 
Sam’s heavy breathing filled the room as you touched him. You stared into his eyes and leaned down to place a kiss over one of his pecs. He grinned. “Like what you see?” 
“You know damn well how fine you are,” you said. 
“Don’t mean I don’t wanna hear it,” he said.
“You are so fucking hot,” you said. You might have drooled. Didn’t care.
Sam chuckled as he finally shed his own boots and jeans, revealing black briefs and an impressive bulge. You reached for it, ready to feel that too but he grabbed your wrists before you made contact. You pouted at him.
“I was raised to be a gentleman. So get your sexy, gorgeous ass on that bed and spread them pretty legs for me,” he said. 
Shivers wrecked you. There was no breeze in the house to blame it on. No whir of the A/C to excuse it away. His words alone had you rubbing your thighs together and grinning. 
You backed up into the bed, holding his gaze. He licked his lips while you sat down and then scooted onto the bed. He stalked closer so that he could maintain that shared look as you laid down and got comfortable on his plush mattress. 
Sam tilted his head at you. You rolled your eyes and spread your legs like he asked you to. He made a pleased sound that you felt down to your toes. 
He reached out and rubbed your thighs and legs, getting you used to his touch. He hooked his rough fingers around your matching panties and tugged them down. He whistled softly as he got a peek at your glistening center.
“So fucking gorgeous,” he said. He looked up at you. As he descended down with a kiss to your tummy, he asked, “Can I taste it?” 
“Yes,” you breathed out. Your breathing turned choppy. 
He placed kisses along your lower tummy, not touching your pussy at all. His hands remained locked around your thighs, holding them open. He started to move down, kissing along your thighs. He stopped when he reached your inner thigh. 
“Can I play with it?” 
“Fuck yes,” you moaned. 
His fingers massaged your thighs, digging deep and finding knots you didn’t know existed. You moaned, unable to stop yourself from squirming under his methodical hands. His thumbs traced patterns as he massaged you, tracing small circles into your skin. He kept his hands moving, gripping and learning you. His thumbs caressed the inside juncture of your legs, where your thighs met your pelvis.
“Oue, shit,” you moaned. 
Sam chuckled and brushed his goatee against your skin. His face was smooth earlier but there were the beginnings of prickly stubble that rubbed along your thighs. You were unused to this type of teasing. Where it felt like your skin would melt off if he didn’t do something soon. 
He placed lazy kisses to your inner thighs, making each area tingle. You felt phantom kisses all over and you continued to squirm.
“Calm down, relax,” he said against your skin.
“How can I? You’re driving me insane,” you said.
“Insane? Good. I wanna drive you to total and complete madness,” he said. 
He kept placing these kisses along your skin and your body twisted and bowed off of the bed the closer he approached your pussy. You were probably already leaving a nice little puddle on his covers already. 
“Sam, please,” you sighed. His fingers felt heavenly but you wanted more. You wanted to feel him. 
“I’m sensing some impatience,” he said. 
“Hella impatience,” you said.
Sam chuckled. You thought he’d say something else. You thought you’d get a warning and brace for whatever it was that he did next. But when his tongue flattened against your pussy, you leaned off of the bed with a long moan. 
Your hands flew to his head, clutching him to you. He waited with his tongue against your pussy as you panted, twisted, and turned on the bed. That small act felt like a lightning strike. Sam kept your legs open waiting for you to calm down.
You took quick, choppy breaths trying to calm yourself down. This was so fucking embarrassing. You should not be this overly excited when he hasn't even done anything yet. 
You planted your ass on the bed and then Sam groaned, licking up run away arousal. “Fuck, you taste so good. So sweet,” he said.
Your laugh was breathy. “It’s uh, been a while,” you said.
“That’s okay. Me too,” he said.
“Is this where I find out something’s wrong with you to scare off women?” You asked.
Sam laughed, kissing your thigh and leaving a wet mark behind. “I can only say that I just haven’t found the right woman yet.” 
You were going to say something else but then he started licking in earnest. As if you were his own personal ice cream cone. He moaned more, settling further onto the bed. Then he really dug in.
You scratched his scalp as he ate you out. You couldn’t stop gyrating and grinding your hips into his mouth. He moaned and sucked and licked until your legs were shaking and you were screaming out your orgasm. Screaming at the ceiling and any neighbors nearby. 
“Oh fuck!” You shook and twitched. As you came down, you leaned up. But Sam gave you a wink and dived back down, licking you again and teasing your entrance with his tongue.
“Sam?” You asked, but ended on a moan. Your clit was sensitive and you twitched with every pass. 
“I ain’t done yet,” he moaned into your pussy. 
You made a garbled, panicked sound. The hell did he mean he wasn’t done? He continued to lick and suck, wet smacking noises bouncing off of the walls. Your moans mixed with his. Both of you totally dedicated to the giving and receiving of oral pleasure. 
Your tummy tightened, contracted, pulling another orgasm out of you. “Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god,” you chanted, unable to control your body or thoughts. You were out of your mind with pleasure.
Your lungs burned since you couldn’t draw in enough air to properly breathe. You felt dizzy and disoriented. “Oh fuck,” you said.
Sam leaned back and smacked his lips. You barely managed to look down at him over your belly. His lower jaw was drowning in your juices. He gave you a wink and kissed your thigh. “Okay?” He asked.
You nodded, too far gone to speak. 
“Good, I still ain’t done,” he panted. He took a deep breath and latched right back onto your clit. 
“Shit!” You yelled, trying to scoot away from him. Those muscles were not just for show. He pinned your legs to the bed, opening you up further. He held you in place as he returned to devouring his meal, heedless to your desperate pleas and cries. 
“Sam, Sam, Sam,” you said as you tapped on his head.
He lifted his head. “You okay?” 
“T-too much,” you said.
“Aww, need a break?” He asked.
You nodded, tears swimming to your eyes. “I’m still hungry. Give me one more,” he said.
“What!” He returned to your pussy, licking all around your clit and making your eyes roll back in your head. You were unused to this much pleasure, this much bliss. Before long, another orgasm was steamrolling over you and robbing you of breath. 
True to his word, he stopped and kissed up your thighs and rubbed his wet beard into your skin. He nibbled on your tummy. You felt all of this distantly, knowing he was doing it but what was one more sensation as you calmed down from your orgasm? Your nerves were on fire. Singed right down to the atom. 
Sam rubbed your stomach. You closed your eyes and snuggled into the feeling. Of the tranquility you felt by his side. 
“You are so mean,” you said.
Sam chuckled. He leaned over and started kissing your cheek and jaw. You faintly smelled yourself on him and it made you want to lick his face. His lips moved lower to whisper in your ear. “You should’ve warned me that you taste so damn good. I could spend all night in between your legs. Tasting that pretty pussy,” he said.
“Fuck. Sam,” you said. You turned your head to look into his pussy drunk eyes. 
He grinned. He brought his hand up to caress your cheek. “You’re really gorgeous.”
“You’re gonna kill me,” you said.
He laughed. “I hope not. I feel like I’d miss you too much even though we just met,” he said. 
You were completely limp as a noodle. You were relaxed and lethargic, incapable of doing anything more than concentrating on your breathing. However, you were a lady. 
You got to your elbows and then reached for his briefs. You cupped him, running your hands over the material. Even though the color was black, there were obvious wet spots there. Sam groaned, rolling his eyes back. 
He nudged his face against you, seeking your lips without opening his eyes. You obliged, kissing him and tasting yourself on his tongue. It was a heady thing. 
You did the same thing he did to you. You kissed along the corners of his mouth, his jaw, his neck, and his beautiful chest. You moaned your appreciation for his body as you climbed down his body, grabbing his briefs and tugging them down.
His dick sprang free. Slightly curved and smooth, the tip leaked with precum. You licked your lips and settled onto the side of him so you could take him in your mouth. 
“Fuck, me,” he groaned. 
You worked his shaft into your mouth, coating it with your saliva. As you did, you bobbed your head up and down sucking him all the way to the back of your throat. His groans spurned you on to go faster, further, wanting to hand deliver the same pleasure he did for you. 
His hips started to jerk the faster you sucked him down until he was pushing at your shoulders to get up. You wiped your mouth and looked at him quizzically. 
“I want to cum while I’m inside you,” he said. He gave you a dark, feral look that made your pussy throb. How was it that he was so damn gorgeous and generous on top of it? It was like you found a unicorn. Or a man built for your pleasure. 
You grinned. “I’m on the pill,” you said.
He closed his eyes briefly and took a few deep breaths. “Don’t tell me that,” he said.
You kissed his thick, powerful thighs and rubbed your cheek against his legs. The tiny hairs there tickled your face but you looked up at him. “I’m on the pill,” you said again. 
He groaned and then got to his knees on the bed. He kissed you, his big beautiful lips slanting against yours. He was a nasty kisser. Tongues dueling against each other, lips smacking, moaning and groaning into each other’s mouths. 
He pulled you onto your knees until he positioned you on your back. He fell over you and settled in between your legs, rubbing his large dick against your inner thigh. He humped you, grinding his dick against your clit.
“Please, please, please,” you chanted.
“Are you sure?” He asked.
“Hell yes, please Sam. Please, I need to feel you,” you said.
Sam grinned and went back to kissing you. He used one hand to guide himself inside you and you shared a loud groan. He was large. Stretching you to your limit. 
“Fuck!” You yelled.
Sam kissed you and waited as you adjusted to his length. He slowly worked himself inside until he was able to glide more easily, aided by your essence. Once he was down to the hilt, he paused and looked into your eyes.
“Feel so fuckin’ good,” he said. He kissed you again, sweeter this time.
Slowly, he began moving. He groaned and sped up as if he couldn’t help himself. As if every slide inside of you was like climbing the staircase to heaven. Before long he was pounding inside of you, pounding you into the bed while still kissing you.
You would never get enough of kissing him. Your heart felt like it was ready to burst. He was so damn sweet and caring while being absolutely fucking nasty. You had never had sex like this. Sex that completely enveloped every inch of you and lit you on fire. Sex that made you feel seen and heard and like your pleasure came first.
He was driving your ass into the bed with the force of his thrusts. “Fuck, Sam! Fuck, Sam!” You gripped onto his forearms, nails digging into his skin. 
“Hm, give me another one. Another one, beautiful,” he said. 
As if your pussy responded to the command, you were squeezing him as you were cumming. You shouted, loudly, your body curling in on itself as the orgasm rolled through you and over you. 
“Shit,” Sam whispered against your lips as he came. His hips were still moving to the pace he set, the momentum causing him to fuck his cum into you deeper and deeper. His dick pulsed inside, filling you completely. 
“OH, fuck!” You shouted. 
Sam dropped against you and you both caught your breath. He was deliciously sweaty, and all masculine energy as he laid on top of you. He leaned to one side to try and lessen his weight but you clutched his shoulders, hugging him.
“Stay, for a moment,” you said. He was the perfect size and weight to act as a weighted blanket. He laughed as he placed his weight back on top of you.
“You’re cute. And funny,” he said, nudging his goatee against your cheek. 
“You’re cute and funny,” you echoed. Even after everything you shared, you were hungry for more. He seemed to have the same thought. He couldn’t stop rubbing against you. You welcomed it, not willing to leave him just yet.
He softened inside of you and then slowly pulled out. You were sad to miss the feel of him on top of you. He pecked your lips and disappeared into an adjacent bathroom. You heard the water running and then he was returning.
He placed a warm washcloth to your pussy and gently cleaned you up. He grinned as you made incoherent noises. He finished and returned the washcloth to the bathroom.
“Will you agree to stay ‘till the morning? I make a mean pancake,” he said.
“Mean, you say?” You asked. You stretched out like a fat cat, working out little kinks and tweaks from vigorous sex. 
“Mean as hell. Probably got sent to jail a few times over it,” he said.
You laughed at his corny joke. He sat on the bed and waited for your answer. You smiled. “I suppose I have to see if you can back up this claim,” you said. 
“Oh, I can definitely back it up,” he said.
“Oh, definitely. Someone is definitely cocky,” you said. 
Sam chuckled as he helped you sit up so that he could pull the covers off of the bed. He grabbed another one from a closet in the hallway and then draped it over you. He climbed into the bed and snuggled up next to you on his side. 
You talked, giggled, and kissed until the wee hours of the morning. You hated to admit it, but the pancakes were definitely mean and slamming.
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Whew! Did you know I have a Sam series? Find more Sam here: The Secret Sam Wilson Files
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Thoughts on The Lotus Eaters
As I’m sure is obvious, this will be discussing the Lotus Eaters quest in detail, so if you haven’t played it yet, I’d suggest skipping this post! I don’t want to spoil it for anyone (because even though it’s a short quest, I still think it benefits from being played with no prior knowledge of what it entails), so the full post will be below the cut.
Alright, I have SO many thoughts, so I’m going to try and keep this somewhat concise…ish. This is mostly just a bunch of rambles, so I apologize for any grammatical errors or if it’s hard to understand. I just kinda…wrote what came to my mind.
First off,
The Music: I briefly mentioned this in another post, but holy shit the music for this update is amazing. I mean, we all knew it would be, Warframe has a tendency to put out absolutely awesome songs, but oh my god. We get two more versions of what is one of my favorite songs in the game. The loading screen version of ‘This is What You Are’ has to be, by far, one of my favorite things I’ve heard from this game. I love the feel to it, like a combination of ‘old’ Warframe with ‘new’, 1999-era Warframe. I’ve had it playing on repeat almost all day because it’s so good.
Now, for the version of ‘This is What You Are’ that we actually get during the quest, the one that Lotus is singing to herself. I, admittedly, didn’t pay too much attention to it when I was actually playing the quest, at least not beyond “omg Lotus is singing, that’s awesome” (I was just too excited about the actual quest lol). However, when I listened to it again, I was fascinated by the subtle differences in how this version sounds compared to the ‘normal’ version of the song, or even to the new version in the loading screen. The singing is a lot more staccato, and the notes don’t flow into each other in the ways they normally would. It’s almost as if Lotus is having to concentrate more on what comes next (at least, that’s my interpretation), which makes sense given that we know that she’s singing in order to drown out the Indifference’s voice. Her singing also sounds a little sad, or maybe just lonely, to me. Her mind is filled with the Indifference trying to influence her, and she’s taken it upon herself to be a barrier (or as she says it, a “distraction”) between It and the Tenno. She’s secluded herself (again), and her tone of voice seems to reflect that.
Also, after the quest, if you go and talk to Daughter/Kaelli in the Necralisk, ‘Party of Your Lifetime’ plays now, instead of whatever song was playing before. I just think that’s neat (and also brings in some interesting ideas for 1999…what did our Drifter do?).
Moving on…
The Story: I had absolutely zero idea where the story was going to go from this update, but I was a bit worried about how they’d go about locking us into playing as the Drifter for 1999, since — although I 1000% agree with why the Drifter is definitely going to be the one going back in time — I’m definitely someone who would rather play as my Operator for my own lore reasons (and I can’t think of a reason that my Operator would let the Drifter do this instead of her). I was actually wondering if they’d actually lock us into the Drifter without giving us a choice, or if they just wouldn’t give us the option to do the romance stuff if we chose Operator (for obvious reasons…bc yk, they’re a child). But, I really enjoy the route they went down, how Lotus knows that the Drifter has to be the one this time, because if the Operator does, that might just be giving the Indifference exactly what it wants. She’s, once again, protecting her kids in the way she knows how, by taking them out of the conflict in any way she can.
But, I’m getting a bit ahead of myself, so let’s backtrack a bit and talk about how cool it is that we see the Operator and the Drifter interacting with Lotus at the same time. I may have missed something in the quests leading up to that, or this might just be something attributed to the Man in the Wall’s hijinks, or…something, but I thought that they couldn’t be in the same place at the same time/in the same ‘reality’. So, I was quite surprised (pleasantly, ofc) to see both of them. I really love the difference in the dialogue options when we initially talk to Lotus. The Operator is torn between wondering if Lotus is alright, and also being super worried about what the hell the noise is, in a way that makes me think they definitely suspect that the Indifference is meddling with things again (which makes sense, given that they’re actively in the Sanctum). Honestly, the Operator was probably waiting for something like this to happen. They know, or at least suspect, that Lotus saw the Man in the Wall after the battle with Ballas, it was only a matter of time before that became important. The Drifter, on the other hand, is more concerned with Lotus herself, warning her to be careful, reassuring her, but also wondering what she means by “It’s you”. Maybe the Drifter doesn’t really know the extent of the effects that the Indifference has on the System, maybe the Operator is just trying to protect Lotus in the only way they know how…get the perceived danger away from her first, ask questions later (I’ve noticed from their dialogue throughout the game that the Operator tends to have a bit of a sharper temper than the Drifter does…perhaps bc they’re younger). Either way, it’s nice that they have different responses to seeing Lotus and hearing the noise.
I chose the “Are you okay” and “What do you mean, ‘it’s you’?” dialogue options, and I absolutely loved that my Operator’s line was “This isn’t just a bad memory, it is? This is new”. This acknowledges, at least in my interpretation, that Lotus does have lingering emotions from everything that’s happened in the past (Ballas/The New War, Hunhow, etc). Once again, Warframe surprises me by remembering to make the trauma that a character has gone through actually relevant to the story even after we’ve dealt with the source of the problem. I probably shouldn’t be surprised at this, but most video games I’ve seen don’t tend to do that. Usually characters are…somewhat fine after experiencing something horrific, so it’s refreshing to see a different (more realistic, imo) take on it. This isn’t even the only time we see this in this quest/afterwards. Lotus outright confirms it herself (“I will not let it devour one instant of my pain. Not even Ballas. Not even the Jade Light.”), and in doing so, is also showing us how she’s dealt with the events of the prior storylines. She’s gone through a series of extremely traumatic events, and she still has those painful memories, but she’s not going to succumb to the Indifference, even if It promises to take that away. She’s been hurt, yes, but she is healing, and she’s finally in a place where she can actually do so as herself. That doesn’t mean it’s easy for her to ignore the voice that’s calling to her —the voice that only she can hear— but she’s determined to. I’m curious if the voice-lines after the quest are different if a player had chosen Margulis or Natah instead of Lotus after the New War, though.
I find it very interesting that Lotus calls the Drifter ‘my champion’. I just really enjoy the fact that she definitively sees the Operator and the Drifter as two separate people, as opposed to ‘her child’, and ‘her child but older’, because I feel like that fact could have certainly been a cause of a bit of discomfort and a learning curve for both her and the Drifter after the New War.
Now, onto the 1999 portion of the quest, which, even as short as it was, was quite interesting. It was really weird to be in the Mall again and not hear ‘Party of Your Lifetime’ playing or see other Tenno dancing around the stage (like how it was during TennoCon). It was quite eery, and I love it. Also, we got to see Kalymos again, so that’s a plus.
All in all, this quest answered a lot of my questions about how the game is going to transition to 1999 (and even answered questions that I didn’t know I had). However, I am slightly (read: very) concerned at the same time, mainly because of the line with Lotus saying “If I become something you do not recognize, do not mourn”. I feel like that’s potentially foreshadowing something…They don’t usually put lines like that in without reason. Maybe I’m just reading too far into that…but I suppose we’ll see when 1999 comes out.
Anywho, another thing that I wasn’t expecting but am really glad that we got was the continued acknowledgement of Lotus/Natah/Margulis being a system. This happened not once, but twice (to my knowledge), and I think it’s really great that they didn’t just disregard the whole “I am not one” thing from The New War after we made our choice between the three of them. It’s really nice to see that that wasn’t just a one-off line, especially as we continue to get more and more moments where the game references them.
This is already way longer than it probably should be, but what can I say? I like well-written characters, and this game has so many of them. I’ve definitely forgotten some things that I’d wanted to put in this post, but ah well.
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wily-art · 6 months
I haven't finished it yet, but I watched some of it, and skimmed through the rest (I will finish though at some point; when/if I have the time), and what I did see of it the "Undertale Insomnia: Something Isn't Right" Trailer looks amazing! Ur art and the looks of the characters and the Blasters is on point and great as always! And ur animation is looking awesome too! I think ur comic already had some cool gifs/small animations, but if not; it is cool to see animations from u now too!
The Paps's (both older and younger) and his Casters and/or the Blasters are looking great in the trailer u released!
And Asgore (I think) and the fallen human kid(s) look great in some of the animation WIPs and/or whatever too!
I hope someday to see some of the other Undertale cast in animation form, or at least some of the other Insomnia important and/or etc. cast members like Sans (could be both older or younger), Gaster - before or after getting goopifed, lol (though, I think he might be in this animation and/or at least the full? one), Frisk, Chara, more of Blasters and/or Casters, and/or Alphys (I have gained a soft spot for ur Alphys). Maybe Asriel and/or Flowey too?
Not mentioning Asgore or the kids here, because I think u might have some stuff/ideas/etc. with them already. And not mentioning Undyne either, even though it would be awesome to see her too, bc I don't think she has been in the comic too much yet?
Ofc, u don't have to do any of this. I know animations, and animatics even, can take a long time! Just seeing the Undertale Insomnia (one of my favorite UT, and maybe just in general, comics/series's!) cast brought to life even more through animation like this, has got me excited! ^^
Last of all; I just wanted to clarify, the animation release is just the trailer, and not full thing, or...?? I just wanted to confirm.
Heya! First off thanks! That little tidbit is just a teaser more than a full trailer. IT's definitely not the completed thing. I didn't want to give a solid release time due to genuinely not knowing how long this all would take (at this point a little over a year- Good god). But I wanted to share at least a little something since this whole project has been so all consuming- that from the outside world's perspective I've been more or less absent. It's kind of hard to be active with other things when a singular thing both eats a bunch of time but can't be shared since it's not done X'D. It's a lot of behind the scenes work and not much to show for it yet.
Other characters will definitely be getting way more time to shine in the comic moving forward since I finally hit a particular turning point. Also regarding animations I have a lot of ideas for the other characters and the fallen kids that all more or less tie into the same world in a "how did we arrive to this point" kind of scenario. But due to how long all of this takes and I can't promise how many of them I will get to. Or at least how quickly because right now I'm moving at a blistering speed of _not very fast_ ✨ That said this one with Papyrus is absolutely being released (hopefully later this year) because if I have only one of these in the system it's gonna be for this guy XD The other one that I absolutely want to do as another animated update for Insomnia involves Chara and Frisk to answer what exactly happened at the end of the last run before this one. I'm hoping that since I've learned a lot (this is my first animated project) that that one will go a lot smoother. An account of figuring out a lot of things I Was doing that made my life INFINITELY HARDER. Hope that answers things.
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neko-loogi · 11 months
Heeeyy, I'm back with a new Helluva Boss opinion post thingy
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Okay so, the Mammon episode- it was alright I guess? Tbh it didn't strike me as super awesome or anything, it's just kinda there?
Anyway, let's talk about it a little bit!
So I wanted to start off with Mammon himself, I'm gonna be honest I don't hate him but I don't like him either. I'll admit I do actually like his voice, I'm sure y'all might find it annoying but I dunno, I like his accent and the way he talks is kinda funny. His design tho? Eh, it could use some work.
For instance, his eyes are weird, like every time he was on screen my first thought was always: "Wow, he looks like Robin from TTG". I also hate how he's shaped like your typical "fat" character from cartoons. But for some reason they decided to give him skinny arms but a round body. He's weirdly disproportionate, which is disappointing because they definitely could make a better plus sized character design. But oh well, knowing Viv, she wouldn't even try.
I will admit his true demon form is kinda cool, except that I actually thought he was going to be a caterpillar or something but he's a spider? I swear, Viv has some weird design choices.
Moving on, the episode was cluttered as hell. It had way too much stuff in it, which made the episode feel eternal. Not only that but the episode has 4 songs.. FOUR FUCKING SONGS- When will Viv realize that not every HB episode needs a song? Like is this shit an animated series or a fucking musical? Make up your mind Viv-
Anyway, I'm glad this episode focuses on Fizz, but his character did feel a bit off in certain scenes, but aside from that everything else was fine. (I found that scene of Fizz talking to the deaf imp child while using sign language to be very endearing).
Alright, I'mma point out a few other things real quick:
Ozzie's relationship with Fizz is absolutely adorable and I love them so much. However I don't understand why they portray their relationship as a bad thing? Like, fucking Queen Bee is dating Vortex (who's a hellhound, and they are a lower class than imps) and nobody says anything and she's a sin- so why can't Ozzie do the same??
I also happen to noticed that Fizz and Mammon's relationship is similar to Angel Dust and Valentino's- I just hope they don't completely butcher my boy Fizz, because he's the ONLY character I genuinely like from this god awful series.
Edit: I find it outrageous that Fizz apologized to Blitzo in the previous episode for the accident and claims that yes, he was affected by it but he's gotten over it. Yet here, he's super insecure about it and seeks approval from Mammon. It doesn't make sense- I swear it's like the characters are evolving backwards (as in the character development just resets and they act like nothing happened).
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I also just wanted to say that this character made me feel super uncomfortable throughout the episode (which I guess is the point, but honestly they didn't need to add him.) Like, was it really necessary to include this Reddit mod, Discord user incel with an obsessive personality to the episode? He doesn't really contribute much other than to probably trigger people who have dealt with some form of harassment like this, and to make Fizz look super helpless so that Blitzo can defend him.
Blitzo didn't contribute anything to the episode, they didn't need to add him either. Like we get it he's the main character but that doesn't mean he has to be in every fucking episode doing absolutely nothing other than saying a bunch of curse words or shooting someone.
In conclusion, I didn't like this episode that much. I was expecting more to be completely honest.
Sorry if this post was a little long- I wanted to write more stuff but I don't want to burden y'all with reading a lot of shit lmao. Anyway, that's all, love ya <3
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moltengoldveins · 11 months
so, I am already Adoring the discourse on The Creator, the new sci fi AI film that came out recently, but I’ve yet to see anyone talk about the fascinating religious undertones to the whole movie? Like, I’m Christian. I’ll be the first to admit my bias here: I tend to look for faith and spiritual undertones when consuming media because it’s an integral part of the way I see the world. but this movie was SO COOL?? Like, the Complete Lack of any sort of faith shown in the American characters in contrast with the AI and the Asian characters, a total shift from the modern cultural idea that religion and AI are incompatible. There are monks that are droids and simulants. The kid uses her technology powers by making a “praying” motion. There’s a robot preaching a pretty classic Judeo-Christian Messiah narrative to a bunch of kiddos. There’s only ONE American character given any sort of obvious religious identity and it’s that One Trooper Lady when she mentions Valhalla. This is such an interesting decision and I’m fascinated to know what y’all think of it. NOT TO MENTION (and this is by FAR my favorite part) the fact that the religion and the AI conflict and the treatment of human life are all implicitly bound up together. The Americans believe that the AI are ‘just programming,’ that they aren’t real, that they don’t have souls. The New Asians don’t. And that seems to bleed into the way they treat Humans as well? The kind girl near the beginning of the film, clearing the blast zone with Taylor, panics when she sees an AI online for the first time because she recognizes that he behaves like a person, while Taylor is cold, unresponsive, and insists that it’s just programming. The Americans SAY they value human life because humans are really people and AI aren’t, but they treat civilians and combatants, AI and Humans, Exactly the Same. Almost like, if you reduce one thing with a soul to ‘just programming, not of value’ that starts messing with the way you treat Everything Else. The New Asians, as far as the narrative tells us, don’t plan on retribution for the war. They’re careful with civilians, to a certain extent (I don’t love the van scene with the kiddos tbh :( feel like that was out of place? And the AI lady, the girlfriend of Taylor’s friend who was killed as well, interesting nuances there) and they treat one another like people ought. There’s very little distinction given between the more android and more human AI, which I think is awesome, and the climax of the arc of Taylor’s character happens In A Temple. The end of the story is a message of hope for reunification in heaven AND hope for reunification on earth. That’s. That’s so cool. Like. I think that’s the coolest thing I’ve seen in Ages. I can’t Ever remember seeing that kind of message done in a story that isn’t painfully preachy. One thing that often bothers me about modern film and media is the idea that religion and spirituality has to be handled in one of three ways: entirely unmentioned, preachy to the absurd, or blatantly disrespected. It’s not a universal problem, but it’s pretty widespread. I couldn’t tell what faith the directors ascribed to in this film, but I could tell they were discussing it intelligently and I LIKED THAT. I liked it a lot. I can’t speak for anyone but myself, my tastes, and beliefs: I’m willing to bet a lot of Christians won’t like this movie because they’re hung up on the lack of a blatantly Christian or preachy narrative. I’m willing to bet a lot of other people won’t like it because it tackled spirituality at all. But I liked it, because it looked at the world we live in and spoke of what it saw. It wrestled with the topics of death and life and souls and heaven and national pride and racism and capitalism and love and what it means to be a good person and it did it really well, and I admire that.
please please let me know what y’all thought of the movie? I’m really interested in knowing what people picked up on or thought the movie was saying. God bless y’all, and have an excellent weekend :) 💜
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anonzentimes · 6 months
What is your opinion on servant/despair nagito?
AUGH! hello autism activating anon thank you from your ask!
Servant I think honestly is pretty well written and doesn't erase any of Nagito's character which I really love. Also he's in like the most bdsm outfit??? ever??? HUH?? it's kind of hilarious tbh.
Mostly, I really enjoy that as a Despair Nagito's beliefs aren't just erased. He's willing to do even more for hope than before, becoming despair himself, whereas before he seemed to have a limit he wouldn't cross. Which is honestly saying something since he thinks murder can be valid in the name of hope beforehand anyways.
I also like the funny detail that he's a servant with a chain on his neck at all times, but no one is really pulling the strings? Like, he's a "servant," to the warriors of hope but truly he has control over the situation. He chooses to stay there, if he truly desired to he could have left. His chain is there, he has the appearance of a servant, but no one is tugging on it, he's the one truly in control. Hopefully that makes sense lmao!!
I also thought that him seeing Komaru being a normal girl and knowing Makoto had hidden hope as a talent thinking she might have hope as well is pretty well written! It definitely makes sense why he'd think that.
Also, as weird as it is I actually really like how he looks as servant. The artwork for his sprites and the fanart I've seen is really awesome honestly!!
I used to think that he was just in Ultra Despair Girls for fan service, which probably a bit, but I do actually really enjoy how they use his role as a contributing antagonist properly. It's mostly expanding upon the idea of him as a Despair that we see in Chapter 0 of Danganronpa 2 with his love and hate obsession with Junko. He wants to be more involved than ever before and has no limit for how far he'll go, he actively will create the despair needed himself for hope to thrive. And that's so cool!!! It's basically pulling him and his beliefs their utmost extreme to explain how someone like him could become a despair, and the best part is that it makes sense! You can understand it given his character. He hates despair, so the only way he'd ever be okay with becoming despair is if it was in the name of hope, and that's exactly what they do!
I also think it's SO funny that out of all of the despairs, he's the most harmless out of them. Like, Sonia burned her own country to the GROUND, Teruteru ate his OWN MOTHER, but Nagito? He was just a servant to some weird terrorist kids, and ultimately was the main contributing factor to hope winning in the end. He brought Komaru so there could be a fair fight with Hope and Despair after all!
I think Mocaca's character after Ultra Despair Girls was kind of treated badly lmao, like, I feel like there was a lot of missed potential but they just threw her to the side because they never planned to do anything with her. However the Idea Nagito's ramblings just made her sick of the world is HILARIOUS though. Kind of Ironic that he saved her in hopes to be a successor to Junko for more hope to win in the end when his contributions led her to becoming nothing.
Also pretty Ironic that he KNEW what Izuru was going to do, and he wanted to see Junko again. But he never did, he died before he got to see what him as a Despair wanted to see. By his own hands nonetheless!!
Nagito as a Despair is really fucking weird with his outfit and all, but I actually really do love him. I really love the outfit, the approach they take to the only way he could become a despair with his beliefs, and his role in the story.
The brainwashing plot is a little clumsy, but I do enjoy that the way they treat brainwashing in the Danganronpa franchise is that the despair video manipulates your emotions. It doesn't overwrite anything, it just adds a desire to cause despair or excuses causing despair more. I think it's a little more realistic than just a whole bunch of teenagers being talked into becoming terrorists anyway.
servant you are iconic mwa <3
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shininglynxie · 2 months
OK, didn't want this to be my first post on this account, but I just really wanted to share my thoughts and analysis of the Grand Festival announcement.
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I knew they were going to place the new venue near the Crater - the first place we saw all the way back in 2021, when Splatoon 3 was first announced. It was even teased in the Sizzle season 2024 trailer with the jellyfish walking by this same Crater backdrop with merch of all three idol groups.
The Pearlina plane walked so that the Now or Never Seven bus could run. It's just great to see something like that plane again!
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The golden replicas of the animals from all the hub worlds that represent each idol are a great touch, too!
Now, to analyze the idols' new outfits! Their shared theme feels very orderly and gives off bleached coral vibes. I wonder what's up with that. Most of them also seem to reference non-cephalopod sea creatures, but I don't know how intentional that is.
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The outfits always have to be matching with these two, and I love it! The cut on their skirts point inwards on Callie's and outwards on Marie's. Callie's gloves reveal the base of her arms, while Marie's gloves reveal the ends of her arms or her hands. Both of them are also wearing urchin-themed head accessories.
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The way they animated Pearl and Marina's interlocked hands being pointed right at us. It's like they're yelling at us: Yeah, they're gay, dammit! They've been giving us quite a bunch of great Pearlina content lately, and they just had to give us more.
Anyways, their outfits. I love Pearl's big hat! It fits her vibes very well! There's also an Off the Hook logo on it, which is neat. As some people have pointed out already, this is the first time Pearl's showing off her midriff, which is cool to see!
I absolutely love Marina's outfit ,though. It's gotta be one of my favorites of the Grand Fest idol fits! That bra/top paired with the jewelry, the laced pants with the boots, and all those rings combine to create such an awesome look to me! Also, something else of note is the fact that Marina isn't wearing headphones here and showing off her ears. It's uncommon for her to do that, and she's mostly done that outside of the games, and, I think, this is the first time you can see her ears in-game, which is really cool and showcases her personal growth! (Btw, I love the pose Marina's making in the shot on the second pic! It's so cute!
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Deep Cut, my beloveds!
This is probably among the weaker fits Shiver ever had, but it's not bad by any means. Those pant boots are kinda weird, and I don't know how to feel about them. But I do like that top she's wearing! It kinda mimics her headdress, which also looks neat! It kinda reminds me of seaweed, dunno if that was the intention. She's also rocking that Deep Cut logo temp tattoo, which is dope! From afar, it looks really similar to the octopus tattoo Callie had when hypnotized by Octavio. The bangs on her in-game model seem to be pushed away a little bit, so you can see her other eye, which is an interesting detail. The expression she has on the official art feels a tad unusual for Shiver. She always acts so cold and aloof, so it's strange to see such an expression of genuine surprise from her.
Frye's outfit is great, but there isn't much to say about it. The buns she's wearing kinda remind me of sea slugs, I don't know if that's what they were going for, though. The ear tie thing she's wearing is also a nice design touch! It's an accessory that utilizes her long ears in a very creative way! I love the way she's grabbing Shiver's waist in the official art, it's so Frye!
Big Man's fit has got to be my favorite! He's absolutely slaying in that fin-like headdress and those spikes, and with that makeup around his eye! It feels very Kiss-inspired. The patterns on his fins look claw-like now. This is something that kinda makes me wonder how Big Man's outfits work in the first place with the various skin patterns he took on during seasonal splatfests. He also seems to have something wrapped around his tail. The best shot I could catch of it is this screenshot below.
Overall, I think the idols' outfits are cool, but they don't wow me like Pearl and Marina's Chaos vs. Order outfits did.
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The performance of their new collab song will be so cool! It's gonna feel like a proper big concert!
Speaking of concerts, I might be seeing things, but some of the choreography we see the idols perform in their usual outfits seem to be from the songs other than each idol group's day 1 and 2 songs. The third Splatoon 3 concert just might be held in-game. Which is a great idea and makes a lot of sense! Since most Splatoon fans probably never had the chance to see the idol concerts live, it only feels fitting to create an immersive concert experience inside the game! It's a lot more interactive than a video recording, and it will ensure that a lot more people can see it compared to the in-person concert. Plus, all the idols are in one place already, so they can easily perform the collab songs too! If that does end up happening, I hope that the performances do use the concert versions of the songs, as they're almost always better than original, in my opinion, plus that way they won't overlap with the songs that play during gameplay.
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Almost forgot about the theme. Which is most important to you? Past, Present, or Future? With each idol group representing a team, rather than a Deep Cut member each representing a team. I think this quite a solod theme for the final fest, if a bit predictable. The fact that each idol group picked a team for themselves also makes this like an idol fest in disguise, but I'm not bothered by that. I wonder how this fest's outcome will affect a potential Splatoon 4, though, as there's no one clear way how I can see it affecting the game's development.
All in all, I'm very excited for what Grand Festival will bring! By the time it rolls around, this account will, hopefully, be properly active. I'll absolutely have some art to post for the occasion!
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flamigoat · 4 months
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Phoebe (OC) - My Raypeach (Rayman x Rabbid Peach) Fankid 💖🧡
Character Lore under the cut!! :D
Created by Mr. Dark as an apology gift to Rayman and the Glade as a whole. He hoped to promote peace between them with her.
Her parents were not married before they adopted her, but later on they do! Phoebe serves as their flower girl at their wedding. 🌸
She was one of those little kids that were scared of everything. A timid child that you could barely get a word out of. Very quiet. Alarmingly so.
Gravitated more towards her mother than her father, since he was away mostly on missions in the Glade. Grew up in the city of the Space Opera Network. She found it quite overwhelming, but Peaches’s company helped a bunch.
Phoebe had a normal, happy childhood, until one fateful day where everything would change.
Phoebe woke up one night to find her appearance had changed. She had narrowed pupils. Her hands and teeth hurt really badly. Scared, she ran to her parents’s bedroom and woke them up, tears in her eyes. As Peaches comforted her, Rayman awoke to glowing eyes like Mr. Dark’s staring at him, his face was pale with fear. She’d never forget that face.
Quickly, they carried their child through the portal to the Glade, rushing off to Mr. Dark’s house in the dead of night. They begged for his help, asking what was wrong with her and pleading for him to fix it. He assessed her and after some time declared that nothing was wrong.
She was okay, but her appearance was just changing, apologizing that he must’ve messed up her creation in some way. She’s developing some of Mr. Dark’s traits, but he promises the couple that he’d be there for Phoebe if she develops his magic. This worries Rayman (he doesn’t fully trust Mr. Dark), but after a talk with Beep-O he says okay to it.
Only time will tell where this development goes…
Surprisingly, this event causes her to grow out of her shell. In this stage of her life, Phoebe grows to be a rebellious, wild, loud, overwhelmingly confident kid. She is easily excitable, but is prone to getting in to fights with people who do wrong things. She has a sense of justice about her, but is still troublesome. She throws herself into anything she finds interesting, inheriting her mother’s strong curiosity.
With Phoebe increasingly developing even more of Mr. Dark’s traits, Rayman becomes a bit distant from her, scared of what she’ll become one day. If…she’ll become blind with power, much like Mr. Dark did. He tries to cover up his fear of her, but Phoebe can see right through it and hates it. This drives a very noticeable wedge between them.
Later on, after some contemplation, Rayman attempts many times to fix his relationship with his daughter, but to no avail. The damage had already been done in Phoebe’s eyes. Still, he tries his best to be supportive, even if his daughter doesn’t believe he means it.
As for her relationship with her mother, Rabbid Peach, it flourishes. Since she never had to deal with Mr. Dark she sees nothing wrong with her daughter’s changes. She’s her daughter and she loves and supports her as much as she can. Peaches even moves to the Glade after she finds Phoebe is happier there, quitting her acting job and ghosting the business.
Phoebe is 100% a momma’s girl and it shows. She showers her with ‘gifts’ she finds and is always excited to show what cool new spells her mentor, Mr. Dark taught her.
“Mum! Mum!! Check this out!! Isn’t it cool!?!?!”
Peaches, barely awake, “Mhm. It sure is sweetie. Now, maybe let your mother sleep in to at least 3:00 am next time before you wake her up. Okay?”
“Mum!! Look at this awesome monster I found!! You think you could make some clothes out of it? I think it’s resistant to fire. Don’t worry, I checked this time!!”
Peaches, holding the skinned beast with a paw, trying to hide her disgust. “Of….course, sweetheart. I suppose I could try? Your birthday is coming up soon… what if I make you an outfit out of this? Would you like that?”
Phoebe, practically vibrating with excitement. “YEAHHH!! That would be so cool!! Could you make it like Auntie Edge’s outfit?”
Peaches giggles, “Sure thing sweetie.”
To Rayman’s probable horror, Mr. Dark fills the void of a father figure to Phoebe. He is her mentor, and teaches her not to be scared of her new powers and development. What she looks like does not make her a monster, it’s her actions that do. He teaches her lessons he wishes someone taught him during his childhood, it’s very fulfilling for the both of them.
“Like this?”
He ruffles her hair, “Perfect…I knew you could do it, my best pupil.”
“Pfft. I’m your only pupil, dummy.”
His brow creases, the view of his eyes being lost in the shadow of his hat, he sighs, “Hmph. Still.”
Phoebe grows to become an imposing figure in the Glade, known for her intimidating glare and sharp witted tongue. On the inside, however, she’s quite reserved and calm, preferring to keep little company with her. She sometimes gets a little embarrassed when people bring up how she acted as a teen, since she’s trying to keep a professional front.
In Mr. Dark’s and Betilla’s retirement, she takes their place as a protector and miracle worker of the Glade. Sometimes, she’ll visit descendants of her Mother’s friends in the Mushroom Kingdom dimension. Unfortunately, she’s becoming somewhat of a cryptic figure in that dimension.
After Peaches’s passing she wears her mother’s earrings in her hair, tying them to her hair tie. Her mother had a short lifespan, but she died a hero in the end. She misses her deeply, but always carries her in her heart. If she has a kid in the future, particularly a daughter, she’d name her after her mother.
Currently trying to mend her relationship with her father, they are both immortal, so they’ll be in each other’s lives for a forever. It takes a long time, but eventually they heal and grow close. Especially after Rabbid Peach’s passing, they need each other’s support.
Bonus Facts:
Phoebe has 3 Rabbid Ears to mimic Rayman’s hairstyle in his first game. Mr. Dark believed these would be a cute, practical touch to her design, thinking she could fly easier with them. He was wrong, and they quickly became useless for flight as she got older.
Raymesis likes to make jokes that Phoebe looks like his kid more than Rayman’s. He hates it.
Phoebe’s brooch in her adult design belonged to Rabbid Peach, she stitched it into her magician outfit to carry another piece of her mother with her. Next to her heart… 😔
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