#but she never quite (if I remember correctly) falls into “just” a nurturing role that authors can sometimes have female characters fall int
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“Whoever Finds Me…Will Kill Me!” Scarlet Spider (Vol. 2/2012), #4.
Writer: Christopher Yost; Penciler : Ryan Stegman; Inkers: Ryan Stegman, Michael Babinsky, and Cam Smith; Colorist: Edgar Delgado; Letterer: Joe Caramagna
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sweetfierceimagines · 5 years
He’s a fraaat guy... duh
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Steve Harrington x reader 
Request by @girl-next-door-writes , thanks so much !! 
/ Sorry for the title it’s so bad ahah but I’m obsessing over the parody of Billy Eilish’s Bad Guy so oops sorry / 
Summary : College Steve is at a party when the reader asks him to pretend to be her boyfriend to get some frat boy off her, and they end up getting a bit more close than expected *wink wink* 
Warnings : mentions of harassment, alcohol, Steve being hot AF 
Y/F/A : your favorite alcohol 
Y/H/C : your hair color 
Steve had work very hard to attend college. He had worked extra hours at boring jobs, he looked for every help he could to find to get a loan, to get a good flat in the campus, and now it was the moment to enjoy it. It was the end of the first semester, mid terms exams just ended and everyone was either back to their family or partying hard. Steve didn’t feel like going back to Hawkins, and honestly his parents didn’t ask for him too much either. He had spent the last 3 days going from a party to another, and he was holding his alcohol way better than expected. He didn’t have as many friends in college than he had in Hawkins High, but he didn’t care very much. What he wanted was pure fun : drink, dance, fall asleep somewhere, repeat. And that mission was a success. 
He was in a fraternity house, Delta Omega whatever. The place was dope, but the people not so much : Steve had never been interested in joining a fraternity, even though it would have ment help between members and maybe a slightly easier life. These guys were just too much : way too self-centered, keeping some nasty secrets, and apparently nurturing an unhealthy machist ideology. Steve was probably not the most aware dude, the most engaged feminist, but he respected women and he would never force anyone to do anything. These guys probably would. 
Anyway, he was enjoying the moment, dancing like a dork with some people he didn’t know but were kind of cool. When he went to reload his red cup in the kitchen, he noticed a girl. She had Y/H/C hair, beautiful eyes, and looked like she was the most badass independent woman on campus. For some reason, Steve started to stare and smiled a bit to himself, checking her out a bit too much. She realized it and turned to him, making an awkward eye contact with a completely out of his mind Steve. Y/N furrowed her eyebrows a bit but still kept a light smile on the corner of her mouth, scanning Steve and knowing instantly that he meant no harm. Steve was about to gather his courage to go and talk to her when a dude with a polo sweatshirt tied around his neck came to her and offered her a drink, apparently feeling quite confortable with her. Steve sighted and went back to the living room where the party was going on extra well, and though to himself it was logic that a girl like her already had a date. 
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It was nearly 2 am, Steve was by the pool, leaning on the little bar and scanning the crowd. Most of the people were completely wasted, and he was not even tipsy. He was thinking of living the place, not really having a blast, when he felt someone pulling him by the hand and bringing him away from the dancing crowd. He freed his hand and stopped, looking at the person who pulled him away like that. It was the girl he spotted earlier, and she seemed pissed off, the least to say. She looked at him with sorry eyes, and rubbed the back of her neck, visibly looking for the right words. 
- Hey, hu.. I don’t really know how to put this but, you know, that guy in the kitchen? 
Steve didn’t understand what the hell she was trying to get from him, so he just shrugged his shoulders. Y/N raised an eyebrow with a smirk. 
- Oh come on, I know you were looking.. 
Steve blushed a bit and scoffed, relaxing a bit. She carried on : 
- Look, this guy is a fucking harasser ok? He pretends not to understand the word “NO”, and I tried everything to get him away.. so at some point I panicked, and I said I had a boyfriend. And hu.. well you were around, so I pointed you as the bf. 
She said that and turned around a bit, feeling her cheeks get heated by the embarrassment and feeling of helplessness she hated so much. Steve smiled, and raised a bit, as if that information just gave him strength and pride. He bit his lower lip and nodded. 
- Yeah, well it’s a frat guy, not much brain in there. There’s nothing to feel embarrassed with, don’t worry. He’s the idiot, not you. And I’m glad you chose me as the fake boyfriend, even though I'd rather have you make your choice because of my insane charisma, and not only my presence in the room! 
He laughed a bit, pushing her shoulder a bit to signify that it was ok, and he was actually feeling good about this. 
- Yeah well.. I don’t like to “use” people. I promise you I’d rather avoid that.. But I'll have to ask you to cooperate as tonight’s boyfriend sir, will you accept the mission? 
- Yes ma’am ! 
He pretended to make a military salute and they both smiled a bit, returning to the party together. 
- What’s your name though? I love to call my girlfriends sweet names but it’s a bit stupid not to know the basics right? 
- Oh yeah ! I’m Y/N! You can call me that, or princess, or love, or the best thing that ever happened to you, I leave that to your choice! You? 
- I’m Steve, you can call me king, babe, the athletic guy who dedicated his night to protecting you from dicks, up to you.. 
They exchanged a smile and bit their lip at the same time, avoiding each other’s glance. They joined the dancing crowd, getting to know each other and staying by the pool. At some point Steve started to dance and took Y/N’s hand to make her spin. She burst out laughing, feeling the sweet rush of adrenaline of spending time with a funny guy. When she started to feel dizzy from the spins, she put her hands on Steve’s torso, then shoulders. They danced looking into each other’s eyes, and almost forgot that it was just a parade. 
- Hey Y/N, when will you give me that solo heh? 
They both turned around to see the frat guy, with is ugly rich kid style and the condescending face expression. Steve took Y/N’s hand in his, getting closer to her to play his role correctly. 
- Dude, you’re talking to my girlfriend right now, fuck off. 
The man looked at Steve from top to bottom, flexing his muscles to try to intimidate him. He was absurd, but from the way he was behaving, it was obvious that he though he was looking dope. 
- She played me all night man, turning me on like the hoe she is, and I won’t be left out like that ! 
Steve got in front of Y/N to protect her and stood up to the man, pushing him a bit. 
- I don’t care what she did or didn’t. She’s my girl and you’re going to stop bothering her right now. I’m not kidding.
The frat guy, clearly drunk, sent a mean look to them and left. Steve and Y/N looked at each other and sighted in relief. 
- Damn Y/N, that guy is the worst.. I would be frightened if I were you! 
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and poured herself and Steve a shot of Y/F/A and cheered with him, the burning liquid giving her a bit more energy to carry on that night. 
- Yeah well, why do you think I lied about my relationship status? He’s mental, I was honestly scared to leave, he might have followed me or something.. aaaaand he’s staring again. 
Steve looked and saw the man staring at them with an evil look, sipping his red cup to intoxicate himself even more than he already was. As he was looking at that dude, he felt Y/N turn around and grab his hands to put them on her hips. He felt some blush rising to his cheeks but tightened the grip, swaying to her rythm and getting closer to her. She whispered a “is it working?”, and it took him a few seconds to get out of his head to look in the guy’s direction, who was almost completely red. 
- Well, he’s about to explode. Can’t tell if it’s because he’s jealous or because we’re hot though. 
She laughed a bit and turned her head to him to look in his eyes and get a glimpse of the frat guy. 
- Clearly because we’re hot, Stevie boy. 
- Wasn’t part of the names I allowed, my dear Y/N. 
She raised an eyebrow, whispering a “what you’re going to do about it?”. He bit a bit more strongly his lip and restrained himself from crashing his lips to hers, remembering it was just a game and he couldn’t become the harasser he was protecting her from. Instead, he patted her pockets to make sure she didn’t have anything of value in it, and lifted her, taking her in his arms with a mischievous smile. 
- This, love. 
And all of a sudden he jumped in the pool with Y/N in his arms, helping her get back to the surface and laughing like crazy to her shocked look. 
- Stevie what the hell !! 
She had a hard time breathing but couldn’t help but laughing too, getting a grip on his shoulders and putting her legs around him to stabilize herself. 
- You’re mental I promise! You better have spare women clothes somewhere because I'm not going home fully wet like that. 
- That was too tempting I’m sorry, that look you gave me though, I had to put out the fire! 
She raised an eyebrow in question, sliding one hand on his hair and slowly massaging him. He smiled, sliding his own hands under her thighs, pretending it was to support her, but admitting to himself that he was dying for some contact. He looked at her face, every feature attracting him more and more, eventually becoming too much to handle. He looked around, pretending to see the frat guy again by furrowing his eyebrows, and suddenly cupped her jaw with one hand, crashing his lips on hers. Their kisses were heated, both grabbing to whatever they could to get closer to each other, to get some friction, and eventually even letting some soft moans out when they were reaching for air. At some point they broke the kiss and Y/N looked around, not seing the frat guy anywhere. She looked back at Steve who was glowing from excitement. 
- He was there so.. I just.. I got caught in the mood.. 
Y/N nodded, not daring to put his word in question, but feeling butterflies in her stomach, and thanking the pool for not making it obvious that she got wet only with the kiss. She could also swear that what she was feeling against her core was a hard Steve, but this she didn’t point out. She let go of her grip around his waist and neck and got out of the pool, Steve following her. He grabbed a towel and covered her up, trying to get her warmer. 
- You’re living on campus? 
She nodded, pointing to him the buildings about 10 minutes away. 
- Good! Seems like we’re neighbors. I'll take you home then, after all it’s my fault if you got all wet. 
They both looked at each other, pretending they didn’t understand the other meaning of that sentence, and left the house, passing by the frat guy sleeping on a couch. Steve brought her back to the entry of her building, literally across his own.
- Here we are ! I don’t know for you, but I really enjoyed that party after all, if you ever need an emergency boyfriend I'll be there!
He handed her a piece of paper, presumably with his chamber number and she smiled, nodding. 
- Yes, that was a good night.. Thank you for everything Stevie boy, sleep tight! 
She got in the building and went to the elevator, unwrapping the piece of paper to read what he wrote on it. There was his flat number, the building, and a phone number as well. Finally, there was a little note saying 
Thank you for tonight, Y/N, 
Hope I have been a pleasant bf. 
Watch out, my services will get more expensive! 
Good night, 
XOXO, Steve
The end ! 
Tell me what you thought about it, if you’d like a part 2 or anything ! Still accepting requests ! 
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