#but she means. so much 2me
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millions-dykes · 1 year ago
The relationship between Hope and Knives but also Hope and Elendira is so important 2 me.
Hope sees Knives as a threatening figure, yet one of comfort— the little comfort she can get after Knives took her in. For two years she wholeheartedly believed his words because, in the end, she felt like he just wanted the best for her— and the worst part being that he did. Knives cares a lot about Rapier/Hope, an independent like him, someone who could share his vision. Without really wanting it, he cared too much and made Rapier into a deeply hateful person, because that what he thought would be best for her wellbeing, and their future.
When Rapier ends up going out on her own without telling him anything, he's scared and heartbroken, he lost someone again. The fact she remains hidden for a while began to slowly make him think she ended up like Vash, a lost cause, and when he sees her again, it's not the Rapier he knew.
Both tries to convince eachother of the other's viewpoint, but it's fruitless— Knives feels like the daughter he had was no more, stolen by his brother, and Rapier felt like she lost him to his madness, unable to recognise the man that she once saw as rational and level-headed. She runs away. Knives is alone again.
They eventually make peace though, at the turn of a street, after the dust had settled down; faithful meeting. Knives avoid confronting Hope at first, his past actions still lingering behind him like a shadow, but Hope? Hope wants closure. She has matured, realising a lot of things about herself, and him— and them. So they talk. Hope tells him how he hurt her, scared her, but how she also knows he cared, and that all she wants is to see him be better— and even help him be better. In the end, they try to travel with eachother again, it's awkward, it's not perfect, but thehre trying. Because they missed eachother.
Elendira is like the other side of the coin, I think. Despite Elendira's generally cold appearance, Hope felt a sense of comfort in the figure of a woman— despite Elendira being anything but motherly. Hope was so scared of everyone at first, it was Elendira who ended up looking after her, despite how little she wanted to. Their relationship was always very distant, specifically from Elendira's end. There wasn't any sort of affection, the two were really just coworkers, even if Rapier clung to her a lot.
Elendira isn't heartless, though. She sees the little girl grow and learn, and she warms up to her. They do end up talking fashion and weaponry a lot, Elendira especially likes how fightsy Rapier became! Rapier, on the other end, admired Elendira's skills and found her charismatic, she was an idol, from style to skills. Small gestures like giving Rapier a new coat based on hers, or helping her cut her hair made the day of the independent. They were few and far between, though. They spent the rest of their time making small talk when one or the other where in the same room.
Elendira wasa role model to Rapier, one that inspired her to go out on her own and prove her skills— which ended up in her being shot. Elendira wasn't exactly that worried, Rapier was a plant afterall, she could handle herself.
Once Hope heard that Elendira would have to be fought in order to save humanity, she had a hard time, though. Suddenly the person she admired slowly became an enemy— someone to kill, even in the eyes of the person who showed her compassion after she tried to kill Vash. It was horrible, having to make peace with the idea that someone you once loved and almost considered family was never a good person. Again. Seeing Elendira's lifeless body after all of this was a shock.
Eventually, Hope made peace with it, although she still wants to honor Elendira's memory through her own fashion, counting the story of a fearsome woman who was known to fight with nothing but nails.
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tothedarkdarkseas · 2 years ago
Hello i have read your entire collection of fics and i gotta say. Wow . what a Talent for the Grime. im not a 2doc girlie unfortunately but I've been softened. won over. I can now see 2doc and go "well that's very interesting. I wanna see where this author goes w it" instead of the general feeling of he would Not fucking say that. bc the truth isthat maybe he would . say those things he says in your fics etc. You understand. Most of all i have an appetite for grime and i have had it Saciated. i saved the plastic beach fics for the end bc i knew they'd be the ones id be more predisposed 2wards and while i was right i will say -> paula fic sweep. i love ms cracker she's such a cunt. as a dyke well all i can say is come 2 bed sweetheart your horrible mean gross standoffish attitude is wasted on a rockstar like stuart. I haven't read a hotter woman in a while Congrats. um but yeah also the plastic beach fics i left some comments bc oysters got to me Bad i never fully felt the impact of plastic beach from a murdoc perspective w such INCISIVENESS and POWER just the fucking spiraling horror of putting yourself in that position out of desperation and PRIDE??? god. GOD. and then the fic you have pinned. the fic that.made me check out your ao3. god . ive been in bad relationships that hurt me greatly and i had to keep seeing the.person. It was So cathartic. the mixing of 2ds identity w murdocs the enmeshment the. The
sorry 4.the.long ask im a little drunk but you HAVE to know you have got a NEW BIG FAN
i wanna see.more of your noodle and cyborg noodle :( noodlez mean so much 2me and 2d and noodle in seething coast got to me so fucking bad. russ' small role also got me weeping but not as much as 2d and bday girl noodle ending did. your 2d is perhaps the most interesting read ive seen on the character so far .
This message brought so much joy to my night, as did your comments on AO3! I apologize for my lateness; I absolutely intend to respond to them over there (as far as my intentions go for the foreseeable future I will always respond to comments or asks, so long as anyone is kind enough to stop by! It just takes a few days sometimes, whoops) but I'm so enchanted by the ephemeral nature of the drunk message, I've got to let you know I've seen it, haha.
I love the sentence "unfortunately, I am not a 2Doc girlie" as it feels quite backwards from the other side of it. I would say, being someone who has written exclusively 2Doc stories for their fanfiction career and runs a bizarrely devoted 2Doc blog years longer than they ought to have, being a 2Doc girlie is an unfortunate thing to be. I wouldn't blame you having apprehensions! If you can believe it, when I got into Gorillaz I would avoid the shipping element altogether and skip past any 2Doc that popped up along my way; I also felt a sense of... neutrality to profound disinterest toward it, and had things gone differently after I may have bowed out without any lasting words exchanged and moved forward along the fandom line, as so many do. I felt some sense of shame, I think, to admit I was reshaping the characters by my own wants, but I accept now that this is what Gorillaz fandom is; the nearer to canon one can go in tone, the better, but there's a point where the road forks (splinters into four forks, and four more further down, really) and for the sake of your own stability and consistency, you have to make a decision about that character's path. Anyway, sorry, I'm rambling! Hopefully that doesn't bore you to tears, but your message made me think about it all again, and I enjoy doing so!
Thank you for reading everything, good gravy, it's a tall order and I'm just-- I am beyond flattered. I am beyond humbled. I am moderately embarrassed by some of the early writing, but I'm incredibly touched nonetheless. I am especially grateful for Paula to make her way into a loving home, biting and spitting all the way. Stuart is not and will never be equipped for the job. ("It's rotten work, especially if it's you," only Paula's not asking him to do it and she's sure as shit not offering it in return. God, I love that woman.)
Thank you. I don't know if it's too sappy and too sincere to say, but I think we grow in sincerity, I think we are emotionally and mentally fed by honesty even to a degree of discomfort, and so I swallow that embarrassment and say... you naming those stories, sharing your thoughts, sharing with me a connection and a sense of caring for Oysters, Ampersands, Seething Coast-- the stories that I cared most for, stories that drew the most from myself even when I tried to obscure it, stories that still sit close to the breast-- that is special. That really means more to me than a comical reply can express. I'm really glad that these scenes meant something to you and that they get to live in another person. That's the horror and the prize of writing, it's the thing you dread doing wrong and losing in the void; but to hear months or years later that it's found someone, and they felt something for it, and they're not embarrassed for you that you've stumbled through making something like this from these characters, that's all you can dream of. That's everything. It matters very much. I can't say I have anything new on the horizon for Noodle (...and I can't say what I have done in the past few months is anywhere near cresting the horizon) but this message gets my heart thu-thumping and has me mulling her over. Maybe one day we can revisit the mess again. If you'd like to listen, this song always makes me think of Stu and Noodle, specifically on that illusion of solid ground in the years after Plastic Beach. I listened to it sometimes to get in the mood to write them.
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apollos-boyfriend · 2 years ago
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mew-less · 2 years ago
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okay just. Thinking about this scene in particular and Perrito’s name throughout the movie bc it reminds me so much of my own dog.
This scene is the first time Perrito is actually called Perrito iirc correctly. Before he was called Perro.
Perro means ‘dog’ and Perrito means ‘puppy’, so it’s just so special 2me that after such an emotional scene Puss starts calling him such an endearing name bc it just kinda shows how meaningful their relationship has become yk… idk how to word this correctly at all but. yeah. Perrito is Puss’s puppy. His puppy saved him.
and it just reminds me so much of my own dog bc no matter how old she gets she still acts like a silly puppy and she’s always there to make things okay again :)
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soul-music-is-life · 6 years ago
Hi! This might be random. But honestly i have no1 else 2 talk 2 about this. i have this huge crush on a colleague of mine.I wasnt gonna try anything since she seems straight 2me n im not even out .Now i might be a little delusional but whenever i try stop caring She keeps making gestures like touching me or trying 2 comment on my looks or even combing a wild piece of hair, it feels like she knows. All is brief cuz we meet every once in while since she based elsewhere. Im i readin 2 much into it?
I’ll preface this by saying that I’m like…really terrible at relationships. I’ll probably be single forever. No joke. And I’m even more clueless when it comes to when I’m being flirted with. So I have no idea if I’m going to guide you in the right direction. So forgive me if I send you faceplanting or something.
I’m glad you feel comfortable enough with me that even though you aren’t out you felt like you could reach out. I have seen my LGBTQ friends struggle with it and I know it can be kinda scary to put yourself out there, even if you’re asking someone anonymously on the internet.
As far as the situation with your coworker goes, that is a tricky thing to navigate (I’ve been guilty of thinking friendly conversations were more). It’s hard to say for sure if you’re reading too much in to it. I’d say the first step in getting answers would be to get to know her better. Hang out as friends (if that’s something you’re comfortable with) and that information about her sexuality will probably eventually come out. Plus, you can never really have too many friends, and if you’re into someone and you start out as friends you’re building something. I’ve always believed in any relationship the core basis for a good strong foundation is friendship.
On the flipside, if it turns out that she is just being friendly and you guys hang out more and more and you have feelings for her…that can be hard to navigate as well. My ex is married, but we still talk and hang out (his wife is cool with it. I’m friends with her, too, and she knows I’d never do anything, nor would he). I waited too long to decide how I really felt and because of that I let a good thing slip through my fingers. The point of this is that I will always have feelings for him. But I put that aside because I can’t imagine not having him in my life, even if that means we’re just friends. 
You have to weigh risk versus reward. The one thing I can tell you is that when I look back on my life I regret the chances that I didn’t take. If it’s worth the risk, take the shot.
That being said, you have to go at your own pace and be comfortable. Is she worth having in your life even if it’s just as friends?
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years ago
21 Awesome Parenting Moments From Pink
21 Awesome Parenting Moments From Pink
Pink might be one of the most beloved celebrity moms on social media. 
The singer and her husband, Carey Hart, have a 7-year-old daughter named Willow and 1-year-old son named Jameson. Over the years, she has offered fans many glimpses into her life as a parent, from breastfeeding snaps to mom fail stories to moments of pure hilarity. 
Her candor when it comes to the realities of motherhood on social media and in interviews has resonated with moms and dads around the world. In honor of her birthday on Saturday, here are 21 awesome parenting moments from Pink.
1. When she posted a funny pumping selfie:
“And now this #pumpupthejams #mombreak,” Pink captioned a hilarious mirror selfie that showed her pumping breast milk while in the U.K. for a few performances in August 2017. 
2. When she told a hilarious story about her toddler dropping the F-bomb:
While appearing on “The Ellen Degeneres Show” in October 2014, Pink shared a story about a time when then 3-year-old Willow ran up to her before a performance and declared, “I’m fucking here!”
“I was like, ‘I’m sorry, I can’t. My ears don’t understand what you’re saying,’” the singer recalled, adding that it was still quite funny. “It’s so cute! I mean, I’m not encouraging it, but, come on, it’s like a little 3-year-old body and then …”
3. When she trolled her daughter:
In July 2016, the singer played a trick on her daughter involving a green face mask. “I told Willow I was turning into Shrek. She actually believed me and got super worried and told me to stop it before it was too late. Parenting is fun,” she wrote on Instagram. 
4. When she and her family rocked matching suits at the VMAs:
Jeff Kravitz/FilmMagic via Getty Images
Pink, Carey Hart and Willow at the MTV Video Music Awards on Aug. 27, 2017.
Pink matched her husband and daughter in a suit and tie at the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards, and the family totally stole the show. Later that night, while accepting the Video Vanguard Award, she gave an empowering speech about teaching her daughter to love herself.
5. When she recounted an emotional mom encounter at the grocery store:
A really sweet Mama came up 2me tonight at the grocery store and told me some nice words about how she gets strength from my parenting cause I’m not afraid to fuck up in public. We cried together. It’s so hard. Y’all. I wish us mamas could give ourselves and each other a break.
— P!nk (@Pink) December 28, 2017
In December 2017, Pink tweeted about a heartwarming parenting experience she had while shopping at the grocery store. Her reflection on the pressures of motherhood prompted a chorus of amens from her fellow moms.  
6. When she opened up about her miscarriage: 
Pink announced that was pregnant with Willow in 2010 on an episode of “The Ellen DeGeneres Show.” The singer said she delayed making the announcement because of her experience with pregnancy loss. “I didn’t want to talk about it because I was just really nervous, and I have had a miscarriage before.”
Her 2012 song “Beam Me Up,” which is reportedly about a close friend’s experience with infant loss, has resonated with women who have experienced miscarriage and other forms of loss as well.  
7. When she shared her Elf on the Shelf fail:
Like many parents before her, Pink has succumbed to the pressure of Elf on the Shelf. In December 2017, the singer posted a photo of a note her daughter wrote to Santa Claus after her mom forgot to move the family Elf, Chippy. 
“Santa, I am worried about Chippy, he has been in the same spot for 3 days. I don’t know why,” the note read, according to the mom’s kid-to-grown-up English translation. “Translation: MOM FAIL,” Pink captioned the photo, along with the hashtag #elfonthesamedamnshelf.
8. When she captured a hilarious “family meeting” photo:
In August, Hart shared a funny photo that resonated with many parents. The picture, which Pink captured, shows the dad just trying to use the bathroom in peace as his kids interrupt for a family meeting. 
“Dude, can I just take a shit?? Family meetings always have to happen when I’m pissing off IG,” he wrote in the Instagram caption. 
9. When she shut down breastfeeding shamers:
While appearing on “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” in September 2016, Pink calmly explained why it’s weird to shame women for nursing in public. 
“[People have] strong opinions about things that don’t affect their life at all. I’m feeding my kid. Would you rather him scream? Because he’s very capable of that, too,” she said. 
10. When she shared some too-real parenting texts:
In September 2017, Pink posted a screenshot of some hilarious texts that sum up how parents really feel about babies. 
“Why do babies cry so much. I feel like he’s fucking with me at this point,” Pink wrote … to which her friend bluntly replied, “Babies are cunts.” The singer wrote back, “Hahaha. My next single.” 
11. When she slayed the family Halloween costume game:
On Halloween in 2017, Pink posted some throwback photos showing her family costumes over the years. The best was her “all time favorite” costume when she, Willow and Hart went as “E.T.” characters. 
12. When she got real about the most humbling part of parenting
When she appeared on the cover of People’s Beautiful issue in 2018, Pink opened up about raising kids. 
“The thing about parenting is you never know if anything you’re doing is working,” she said. “That’s been the most humbling thing for me. In my head, I sound amazing and then I turn around and [Willow’s] eyes are completely glazed over. I have no idea. We’ll see.”
13. When she gave her daughter a cake with Matt Damon:
While appearing on “The Kyle and Jackie O Show” in April 2016, Pink revealed that her daughter loves the movie “The Martian.”
“She asked me if Matt Damon can come to [her birthday party]. I think she has a crush,” said the singer. Although Damon didn’t make it to her birthday party in June, he was there in spirit, as Pink fittingly gave her daughter a “Martian”-themed birthday cake. 
14. When she normalized breastfeeding:
Over the years, Pink has shared many breastfeeding photos, including a sweet throwback picture she posted during World Breastfeeding Week in 2016. 
“I proudly post this photo of a very HEALTHY, NATURAL act between mother and child. Taken in Helsinki by a very supportive and proud Papa,” she wrote in the caption. 
15. When she got real about her post-baby body:
Six weeks after giving birth to Jameson, Pink posted a selfie with her trainer at the gym. “Week 6 post baby and I haven’t lost ANY WEIGHT YET!!!!” she wrote in the caption. “Yaye me!!!!! I’m normal!”
16. When she accidentally got her kid’s age wrong:
I made a thing with @AppleMusic! It’s a documentary about #BeautifulTrauma – Check out this trailer pic.twitter.com/NfQeRwG7Sa
— P!nk (@Pink) October 5, 2017
In her 2017 documentary, “Beautiful Trauma,” Pink had a slip of the tongue when she accidentally referred to her infant son as an 8-year-old. The funniest part was the exhausted mom’s reaction to her blunder: “Ah, shit!”
17. When she shamed mom shamers:
Uh oh. Now I’m a mommy shamer shamer.
— P!nk (@Pink) December 7, 2016
After posting a photo of herself sitting in front of the microwave after heating her coffee in December 2016, Pink received criticism for her choice of beverage and proximity to the microwave while pregnant. 
Amused by the criticism, the singer tweeted a lighthearted Scary Mommy article about the shaming. “This was a really good laugh,” she wrote. “Enjoy over a cup of coffee.” She followed up with another tweet: “Uh oh. Now I’m a mommy shamer shamer.”
18. When she marched for equality with her family:
The singer participated in the Women’s March in Santa Barbara, California, on Jan. 21, 2017 ― along with her husband, daughter and baby son. 
19. When she and Willow rocked the CMA Awards red carpet:
Harrison McClary / Reuters
Pink brought Willow to the 51st Country Music Association Awards, where the mother-daughter duo wore ruffled gowns on the red carpet. 
20. When she posted the perfect pumping selfie for wine-loving moms:
In October 2017, Pink shared a pumping selfie featuring a hard-earned bottle of wine. “When you’re almost done pumping and you know what’s next,” she wrote in the caption on Instagram.
21. When she summed up parenthood in one Instagram post:
In March 2017, Pink posted a photo of herself sleeping with baby Jameson on her chest. She captioned the Instagram picture, “Oh my god I’m so tired my soul has a headache but I’m so okay with it so whatever I’m just gonna take this little catnap real quick wake me up in ten seconds.”
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dogshitmagazine · 8 years ago
I adore carol and her voluptuous curves make me ache with need to serve her. her well endowed, exquisitely shaped derriere entrances me for ass-worship. Luv 2b her loo 4a wkend.I will be in a device in her basement; knelt down, sat back on my heels & facing up. she will feed me long girthy lumps straight down me from her.she will bask in the know that her relieved feeling of 'empty' is to my devoted 'fill'.will rinse my mouth to give her a fresh 'clean'.
...and i'm just 25
...and i'm just 25
She will purposely starve me a li'l bit and bask in the euphoric goddessness of my pleading to be fed by having my eager lips gently sucking on her rim while she offloads huge lengthy nourishments down me. after 2 days she'll be delighted that im 'running' completely and exclusively on 'her'.
On a lazy sunday morning.her in front of telly lying on sofa on her side with legs folded and browsing with the remote. i wld b knelt @dbotom of sofa gently rimming her with a moist tongue and gently probing her with a stiff tongue @times. wen she gently comands: 'IN' i will gently slide my stiff tongue up her. she ld squeeze n hold for as long as it pleases her (to my painpleasure obviously, DOH!) her gigles will vibrate my face.she'll relish in that my lipstongue have bcom 1 with her *
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She took me wine tasting,me crawlin after her on all 4s ind posh winery wit well laid tables.she says with a chuckle:i luv dwhite 1s butisuppose u'ld have what ive had.after about 30mins of sipping she says to me'its ur turn'iquickly take my place:kneeling,sitting back on my heels and leaning back with hands supportin me ond floor&face looking upwards; she lifts one leg over my face and straddles my face while standing over me,i obediently begin to empty her bladder ever so gently.
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My goddess gently enquires afterwards;u savour ur 'drinks' but take ur 'food' straight down u, becos i dont want d 'aroma' hanging, ur doing a good job on that by the way but y dont u switch tactics so u can taste ur meal for just once. 'Yes, my goddess' i say. And maybe there will b a quiz afterwards...on what i had 4 lunch,there may be treats and whips too
During 'feeding' carol says to me:All Ur food & Drinks will always go thru me 1st 4d rest of ur life.Its been 7wks of 'living' off me and i must say that ur healthy and energetic.I suppose its bcos i vary my meals and u benefit from that afterwards.Ur well nourished but ofcourse my body takes all it needs and then u have my rejects, Delish! isnt it, slave? 'Yes Goddess' i answer
One eve, she says 2me: "i feel a bit naughty & im going 2hv fun with feeding u.Ill pinch ur nose shut while i offload down u to c how quickly u swallow to breathe.U seem to tell what i had 4dinner but this time u cant as it will go down too fast!" she says gleefully."but i suppose u will tell as u will lick ur plate thoroughly as usual, oh well, i didnt think this thru, did i?" Not to worry, theres the rest of ur live to try other things"
Durin her futmasage,me kneltback@dfoot fdsofa;her lyin onsofa on herback inher shortdres revealin hergoddess legs frm toeto hip.she say:ihve dis fut masage oil4 2day.she look@ dlabel which say:fut masageoil;dontswallow.shesay2m­e "ahhh"&she sqirts loadsf oil onmy tongue.I then start2gently lick her soles,gentlysuckin her toes& slipin my tong btwn dem lashing themclean.after 1hr she puts her left heel on my4head making me face up &den stuffsher right heel inmymouth as d oil trickle down my throat.
'Feeding times' have become very efficient lately.Like an airtight 'transfer' btwn 2 tube channels,she rolls up her figure hugging dress,with legs a bit apart she bends her knees and arches her back to point her endowed, spellbinding ass in the air.then i kneel behind her and with rim suction, my mouth makes one smooth channel from her belly to mine and then feeding starts; really long,thick and high density,they slide continously down me for over a min. then i lick her clean and shes away again
There's nothing, absolutely nothing better than a full arse on wide hips.NOTHING.So lovingly overwhelming when im kneeling,looking vertically up onto goddess carol's endowed arse hovering poutingly &a few inches over my face; teasingly ready to swoop down and have me suck her rim for yet another fantastic 'nourish' session.Or when she kneels on table edge& im knelt on d floor,she locks my face into her arse with her feet and then proceeds to feed me in bursts and gigle at my struggle to keep up.
...But i do keep up as i will never ever waste one dollop of her goodness.cant find it anywhere else in the world. soothes me so much that even though its been months and months since i 'depend' only on her for all nourishments, i have a clean if not fantastic bill of health. Every man feels the same need to 'kiss' when they see their ideal ass (remember the royal ass?) but the feeling is fleeting for some and persistent for others; well endowed women deep down will find a need to feed such men.
After a "heavy" feeding session Goddess carol says 2 me " i hope u feel as good as i do during & after feeding u because oh!D relief i get!!i feel lighter and so relieved & comfortable.Especially with justnow,not being funny but that was a meal &a half!Umust have luvd it as u've bin starving since morning & its 7pm.Love doing dat so u have d appetite & d meal was huge!! which relieves me loads. Everybody wins,slave!"yes, my goddess" i say with total obedience.
I also dearly luv when she has me rim her till she fall asleep on the sofa while i wait knelt at the foot of the sofa. sometimes she stirs and i have to start rimming again to soothe her back to sleep. Once she stirred,help my face and slapped me across d face and put my head back for continued rimming.My goddess is grumpy when she's sleepy but everything she does is perfect by me.Everything. she used to make me taste her shoe bottom sometimes.I completely belong to her (online).
My goddess carol surely knows how much i enjoy my 'meals' considering the way my tongue ransacks her crack afterwards. she leans forward and reaches back to part her cheeks for a more thorough tongue-lashing. I occasionally tongue-probe and slide deep up her and she squeezes and holds while giggling, then she lets go and the frantic licks continue. Except when she's been pigging all day & im well fed; the licks are gentle,slow strokes but thorough never the less. Love my fantacies.
@nobertkerry you so talk shit and need help you trainspotter whos never had a woman
@nobertkerry bro u need help honestly we all want to fuck her but all you talk about is anal , is this your closet gayness? you want to be her toilet? o man u screwed up. local whores might take u up on it
yes, deforkeane; i want to kneel behind Goddess carol and fix my lips around her rim while she's standing with knees bent slightly with her back arched and her spellbinding arse in all its glory.this being after all day of pigging out, she will gently and totally offload dowmn me while she moans and sighs gently as i gratefully gulp all of 'her' no matter how much the meal is. im not gay, i just have a worshippy feeling towards women shaped like her. whats ur fetish metrosexual manwoman?
Mylife is where iam;totally subservient toher.when im knelt @d sofa bottom and shes lying onit playing with my face withher feet :pinching my nose close,guiding me to lick btwn her toes,sucking them and her inspecting my gums and teeth by prising my lips wide with her 2big toes &making me longstroke her soles till she drifts into abeauty sleep;As nourishment-wise,all mycells say;'Goddess carol'; i suppose it y i'd rather have this life than be a hollywood star. she owns me.
As at now (and for ages),literally every fibre in my body is nourished completely and exclusively by 'her'.As a result im weaned off everything else and now cannot survive without her.If i won the megamillions lottery, i will get on my knees in front of her and hand over the winning ticket as my life is under her and anything else outside that means nothing.
Goddess carol reads alot!!on one of these many occasions shes lying comfy on her back on d sofa in as very short tight stretchy red dress which moulds her perfectly & im knelt at the bottom end of the sofa. while she's readin and going thru a box of chocolates she, with her left foot bends & pins my head to rest sideways on sofa while with her right foot she smacks my cheek sharply and in between she makes me suck her big toe; for hrs!! i luv that im hers.
Goddesscarol knows how much i miss her on her few long nights out with d girls so we have aroutine:After she's had her scented bath, made-up but still in just her lacy panties and bra,she has me sit on dfloor infront of d sofa &lean my head back onto the sofa facing me up;she sits on my face;With my face way up her crack&her legs hooked under my armpits to hold me there she makes calls to her girls to see if they are ready. i have to be 'breathless'for d call time.& then she's off with the girls
Goddesscarol says 2 me one restful morning: "i feel i should make u a cereal soaked only in 'lemonade'. luv to c u lap it up like a dog in front of me but then i enjoy it when u gently empty my bladder with ur lips.Also the cereal will mean i didnt 'process' it 4u 1st.oh well, its back to me having the full english breakfast, bacon and all and then feeding you in 2hrs.
Goddesscarol didnt leave dhouse so she played;she hadme go2d garden &kneelby dswing.Mins later shecame out wearing ONLY a barely-there shortdress&slippers.she climbed 2stand upright on my shoulders ;holding unto the crossbars she asks:amiheavy? No'ianswer looking up@her arse.iknow ulike dview from dia when u look up,now hold that gaze"she squats down &mylips latch unto her rim &as she loads me shesays:its astraight line from my belly 2urs & that makes iteasier4u. i know urthankful slave, i know.
My goddess says2me:D theme 4my outing with the girls2nite is 'schoolnite'&we will feast on junk like burgers and kebab,i know how thick&lengthy urfeeds are afterwards on such.oh well,get ready as idont want anymore tears as ur throat struggles totake my width!! the truth is that i luv such nites; iluv 2 suffer for my goddess more than she knows.after one such nite she loaded me and observed righty: Ur belly is huge with my load!i do feed u well! she was right on both counts.Best ive ever had 2.
Goddess carol says to me: 'This Xmas im gonna gorge on food as ive been a good girl all year. Also it will be interesting 2c u add weight off of me,very interesting.Do u luv it when i have pies,slave? 'yes goddess' i say.'oh, pish-tash' she says, 'you luv it all as long as its 'me'.what wines do u like me to have? the white ones feel softer when u drink it off me afterwards". Well, as for the food, i luv d ones dat make my dumps huge as i luv when u struggle and get teary-eyed.'oh, beef lasagna!
Soon afterthat was 'feeding time'.'thiswill b tricky'she muttered as she explained:iwill stand on d edge of desk&fall backwards uwill catch me like ina trust execise but uwill catchme with bothpalms to my arse near urface,i willthen sit up on urpalms while u part my cheeks and then.. u know' shesaid.Wedid justthat.withher cheeks parted isucked onher rim & verythick,long feeds strained my throat as theywent down me.i could tell i will b well fed as i had noticed loads of macdonald packs inthe bin
Still in doffice,she lifts her legs unto the desk while still sitting on my chest straddling my face.she peers down tomy face between her full breasts & voluptuous thighs & whispers a command "drink". My lips make soft contact with her pussy and with the gentlest of sucks,i begin to drink her. As i empty her, she says "i trained u well my slave" & in all honesty i say " yes my goddess.
Godesscarol tookme2d officeroom in dhouse2day.Astold iwent&knelt down2feetinfront ofherdesk backingit.isatback onmyheels&leaned wellback2support myself withhands 2dfloor& thenfacedup.shecame wearingdshortest loosedress ever&sat onmy upperchest stradling myface."usaid iwasnt heavy lastime,good,as ispendhrs sortingthings out.Withher spellbinding arse onmy chest&faceframed byher juicythighs ipeeked up@her luvlyface,d priceless feelingofpain-pleasure-sufferi­ng washes overme as isay'yes goddesscarol'
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