#but she have other vampire skills such as transforming into a bat or claw hands. shhhh.
dorkousloris · 2 years
the thought of petra and jessie peeking into their bedroom after realizing stella hadn't been up the whole day, and sees that stella isn't in the bed and had concluded "oh shes in that coffin" and the camera pans to. a literal purple-ish but cute decals and etc coffin next to it (mostly bc that side of that bed is stella's therefore, its her bed on that side too)
and i just realized that these idiots saying it so casually then one day jessie goes 'hmmmmm did no one ever point out we just make it sound like stella's gone everytime she went to sleep in her coffin bed????' and petra have to blink before she chortles in laughter, and stella is just.
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spiderben2011 · 4 years
New OC muse Bio
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Name: Lilith Von Alucard
Alias: The Monster Queen  
Age: Appears to be in her late 20s (1520 years old)
Birth: 500 AD
Birthplace: Transylvania, Romania
Species: Hybrid (Human/Vampire/Lycan)  
Human Appearance: Long blonde hair, blue eyes, & fair skin (in vampire form she grows sharp fangs, claws, & her eyes turning bright red)
Hybrid Appearance: Dark pale skin, long silver hair, long black wings that can cover her body, dark eyes, human like appearance, hind legs with sharp talons, bat ears/nose, & sharp fangs
Outfit: Dark armor that surrounds her chest, shoulder, wrists, & legs. Armored boots, gloves, helmet, & belt, which can hold her sword.
Equipment: Sword, shield, daggers, & cloak that protects her from fire
Skills: Master hand-to-hand combatant, martial artist, weapons specialist, field commander, marksman, swordsman, tracker, tactician, pilot, photographic memory, sorcerer, medical expert, weapons specialist, & gifted intellect
Basic abilities: Superhuman strength, speed, endurance, agility, stamina, durability, senses, & flight. Regenerative healing factor, immunity to all diseases/toxins, & immortal (can be reincarnated every 100 years if she dies).
Vampire/Lycan Abilities: Razor-sharp claws/talons, wings (fire/cold/bullet-proof), wall-crawling, fangs, & transformation. Shapeshifting (bat & wolf), Telepathy, Levitation, Hypnotism (works on weak-minded people) & Obedient animals (control creatures of the night).
Mastery of Magic: Elemental magic (Pyrokinesis, Geokinesis, Hydrokinesis, Aerokinesis, & Electrokinesis), Necromancy (Soul manipulation/summoning, Undead manipulation, & Resurrection), Weather manipulation, Reality Warping, Teleportation, & dominion over her castle (can teleport it anywhere she wants, can make it move at will, & have it defend her)
Personality: Lilith enjoys reading every kind of book that she has come across in the world. She even enjoys writing her own stories to talk about her entire history and the stories other people she has met. She is very organized and does her best to make sure everything is symmetric in her home. Anything out of order will annoy her and she’ll need to take care of it soon.
She likes talking to people and learning about their civilizations. While comparing it to the ones she has seen before. However, she despises slavery and does all she can to help free the slaves. Even if it means terrifying the slavers or killing them.
She takes no pleasure in killing people and does what she can to avoid it. However, if its someone who truly deserves it, then she’ll make sure they die a horrible painful death. To make sure they suffer as much as the people they had made suffer. While also helping erase the memory of the people who suffered and bring them to a safe place to live.
She enjoys a good challenge, like when she plays chess against other smart opponents. She enjoyed her games against people like Napoleon to Einstein. Although, she does her best to avoid being recognized by people wherever she goes and how many years pass by. She, however, will visit old friends years later when they are near their death.
To comfort them and help give them peace.
Lilith hates her immortal life and does wish for death, but she knew this is what she wanted. The power to keep her people safe, to prevent them from suffering like she did, and make sure they’ll be okay. Should the day come when she does die, then so be it. But for now, she’ll do whatever she can to protect her home and her people.
Strength: Centuries of being around has helped Lilith become a master in hand-to-hand combat, learned every fighting style, and mastered every weaponry. She even became a skilled military commander after leading her own army during her reign over her home. She also learned every bit of the human anatomy and knew how to disable the human body or to kill her enemies quickly.
With the combination of both a Vampire & Lycan’s abilities. From being able to lift 100 tons in her regular form, while lifting 200-300 tons in her hybrid form. She’s able to pierce through steel with ease & even crush it with one hand. However, its rare she even uses her full strength since she had yet to fight a foe who can match her.
With her speed she is fast enough to move at 5,000 times faster than the blink of an eye (0 to 200 miles per hour in 0.000015 seconds) in her regular form. In her hybrid form, she is able to move two-times the speed of light & she uses this speed to easily defeat her enemies. Even an entire army in less than a second. When she flies, she can fly faster than even the fastest vehicles in the world.
She is durable enough to handle an explosion of over 2,000 kilotons of TNT in her regular form, but in her hybrid form she is able to handle up to 10,000 kilotons of TNT. Thanks to her healing factor, she can also regenerate from any injuries, provided there is something of her to recover from. Even a drop of blood.
Thanks to her traits of being part Vampire & Werewolf, her senses are greater than that of a human. She can hear, smell, and see even from a great distance. Even hear the heartbeats of her foes even from far away or in the dark, which she can see in. In her hybrid form, her senses are doubled, enhancing them to allow her to hear, see, and smell more than in her regular form.
After being around for centuries has given her the advantage in combat, war, politics, human psychology, and knowing the human anatomy. This allows her to know how to target the weakness of her enemies who dare to challenge her or try to bring harm to her. She knows how to fight, how to play mind games with them, and how to create diseases that can weaken their armies.
She doesn’t rush into battles and prefers using her opponent’s weaknesses to her advantage. Even turns the people against them by using their hate for their politics and have the people rise against their leaders. It has served her well for centuries. And makes it easier for her than fighting an army, when she can turn the people against them, making them her own army.
As for her other abilities, she’s capable of shapeshifting her form to appear as a bat and a wolf. She’s able to levitate off the ground, while also able to lift things/people with her mind through telepathy, but in her Hybrid form she is able to lift an entire building with ease with her mind. While she’s able to hypnotize the weak-minded people to do her bidding, while having full control over the creatures of the night, including insects, certain amphibians, and reptiles. Although, she only does this when she needs to intimidate enemies and not risk the safety of the animals.
Over the centuries, she has learned magic through the many books the two brothers from both their sides contained. Allowing her control over the elements and even control the weather. She can teleport anywhere, but only within the range of 300 miles. Though she can keep teleporting till she gets to her destination.
Necromancy is an ability she is most proud of and is able to use it to summon the dead to fight for her or to gain knowledge from them. She can even steal a soul from a living soul, but she rarely uses this, and can even summon souls that have departed from the afterlife to allow them to possess a vacant body. She is capable of resurrecting someone from the dead, but only if they had died within 24-hours and if their body is intact.
If the body is in pieces or badly injured, she can’t bring them back. She has played in sewing up bodies together and use it for a soul she summons to take part in. Although she needed to work on making sure the organs were in the right area first. Otherwise it would all go horribly wrong.
With her powers she is capable of warping reality, but this is more in her castle, which she had imbued with magic. Allowing it to act upon her will. It can teleport anywhere she wants, provided she is careful not to have the castle appear over people. So, she uses a magic mirror she enchanted to allow her to see where she is going. And if she is being attacked, her castle can act to defend her.
Even use the gargoyle statues and armored suits to act as her army to defend her.
Weaknesses: Can be weakened with sunlight, which can cut her power by half. The sunlight won’t kill her, and neither can Holy items. Those are just something that she made up and passed it on to other superstitious people to trick them. She isn’t a demonic creature.
She can be killed if there is nothing to regenerate from or if she is drained of her blood completely. Even a drop is more than enough to help her regenerate, but if nothing is left, then she can’t come back. If her soul is ripped from her body, then her body will go into dormant in a cocoon using her own wings. However, this will leave her body vulnerable and can be destroyed.
However, due to her curse, she will be reincarnated in about 100 years. It can be less if her body is resurrected or cloned, to allow her soul to dwell in.
Due to her extra senses, if her enemies can target them then they can weaken her.
If they can create a powerful sonic sound, then it will leave her disoriented. If they blind her sense of smell and her sight as well, then they can get the drop on her. However, they will need to make sure she is unaware of this. Otherwise, she’ll be prepared and avoid their trap.
Her shapeshifting is limited to a bat and wolf. She cannot turn into mist or a person like other people believe Vampires can do. She can’t fly unless she summons her wings but is capable of levitating off the ground. Her mind control only works on the weak-minded, while the strong are unaffected, but will get a slight headache if she forces it. She also can’t use powers over all animals, but she is working to try controlling other creatures like other non-creatures of the night.
Bio: Lilith is the daughter of a couple who had been traveling with their people after the fall of the Roman Empire. They settled in what would be known as Transylvania in Romania, where she would be born. Her people lived in peace over the years with little conflict and being ruled by no one. Until one day, her people were invaded by a group of barbarians, who took over the land and enslaved her people.
Lilith’s parents were killed when she was 16 years old, after they saved her from being sold to the leader of the barbarians. Lilith ran to the mountains to hide but was followed by a group of barbarians. She ran into a cave, where she was saved by two figures, who killed the soldiers. To her surprise, the two figures were monsters that were once part of an ancient race years ago.
A cursed race who had been at war against one another for hundreds of years and tried to claim dominance over the land. Until the rise of the Roman Empire, who arrived to the land and managed to kill off much of their people. The two monsters became brothers and worked together to stop the soldiers. Unfortunately, it was too late, and they were the last of their kind.
They were later cursed by a witch for their sins and they would only find peace when they pass their curse to someone else. Lilith wanting to free her people, offered to take their curse. The two brothers refused, fearing that the girl didn’t understand what she was asking and tell her that she should return home. Lilith though doubled down and told the brothers she had no home left. The barbarians took everything from her, even her family.
The two brothers decided to give her what she wants, but she must spend two years with the brothers, so she can be ready for what she will become. They took her to their home, which was hidden from the barbarians and the Romans. Their home contained thousands of books and artifacts that both their sides had gathered for centuries. Both brothers brought the contents to this home, that they had build together.
They trained Lilith so she can be ready to endure their curse, be ready to become a monster, and use what she has been given to free her people. While revealing the weaknesses she must be careful of, including how she can still be killed. After two years, the brothers passed their curse on to Lilith and she was transformed to become the first of her kind. A monster hybrid of three different species and using what she learned to control the power she has. Once this was done, the two brothers passed away and Lilith was now ready to take her home back.
Lilith freed her people from slavery and began training them to become her army. With her powers and her people, they were able to destroy the barbarians and made sure none were spared. Once this was done, Lilith left her people in the care of those who were her friends before her transformation. She taught them all they needed to protect their home and to keep their people safe, while she leaves.
She knew that not all her people will accept her for what she has become and knew if word spreads about a monster ruling this land, many will come to try to kill her or take this power for their own. So, with her powers, she created a castle around the home of the two brothers. Making it her own home and imbuing it with her own magic.
So, she may remain hidden from her people, while she keeps an eye on them and making sure they remain safe. Just in case another great threat every arises to take her home from them.
Over the centuries, Lilith kept hidden from the rest of the world and made sure her people remained safe. Even spread supernatural stories in order to scare outsiders who dare come to her land. She would even travel around the world gathering knowledge, learning about what was beyond her home, and the what other civilizations were like. Although, this seem to only encourage more humans to come to her land and find these creatures.
Yes, over the centuries, invaders would come to try taking over or some would try hunting for these “monsters” that they heard exist in this land. Lilith didn’t care since she would always scare them off or at times use her powers to make them forget who they are. She did this to keep the peace in her land and make sure her people don’t suffer the same way they did centuries ago.
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megadara999 · 5 years
The Crimson Gala - Chapter 3: No Hard Feelings?
I’d very much appreciate it if you head on over to AO3 to read my stories, but you don’t have to. They’re just much more up to date and better formatted there. You can also leave comments which I love to read. Click here to be taken to the AO3 page.
This chapter jumps between past and present via little ~~~~~ ____________________
The scent of blood was in the air. As enticing as it was Charlie had her sights set on a bigger prize than just a meal. She planned to take care of the current king. Vampire culture was much more different to humans; they lived, ate, felt and governed differently. One vampire governed all, Dracula. But only a select few ever heard from him. He was a myth, a legend, the idol of their people. It took hard work to be noticed, even harder work to gain an audience with him. Maxwell stood in her way. He was a good little lap-dog, doing everything he was told. They had been friends once, but that was almost a thousand years ago. It started with friendly intention, growing into something more and then...
The night was frigid, snow whirling like a ravenous swarm of insects. Charlotte could feel it through her layers of clothing. The box in her arms was beginning to weigh her down. “May I help you ma’am?” She turned to see a taller man with rounded glasses holding his arms out toward her.
“O-oh. I’m almost where I need to be. Could you perhaps open the door for me?”
“Of course. Maybe you’ll invite me in for a meal too?”
“Depends how you act mister.” He laughed and folded his arms behind his back.
“Of course.” The pair soon arrived at the tavern, the man holding the door open for her. As she walked in the door warmth greeted her, making her sigh in relief.
“Thank you.”
“It’s nothing, really.”
“Come inside, I’ll be sure to make get you a small something as a thank you.”
“You’re far too kind.” They stepped in and headed towards a front desk.
“Just tell them Charlie sent you for helping me. The chef will take care of things.”
“Thank you again.” She beamed and headed into the back area, away from the customers.
“Charlie! I was beginning to think you got lost in the storm!” A larger woman came her way, bringing Charlotte's smaller form into her arms. It brought a smile to Charlotte’s face and a chuckle from her throat.
“You and me both Winona, I honestly can’t believe how fierce the weather is already.”
“Not your typical November that’s for sure! Here, let me take those off your hands.” Winona took the crate from her younger sister, carrying it for her. Charlotte followed, glancing at the crowd for the night.
“It’s quite busy tonight.”
“I blame the cold. Brings in all the travellers. Good for business though!” Charlotte couldn’t help but smile in her sister’s presence, she was so much more independent and charming than her. Winona felt the exact same way about her sister however, grinning more than she had in the two days she was gone. The duo went to a workshop located at the back of the complex; the whinnying of horses coming from the stables outside. “I’m sorry to have sent you out there Charlie.”
“I told you before I left that I wanted to go! Stop apologising!”
“I know, I know! I just... I’ve not made you go on your own before. Then this damn snowstorm hits us? I should have gone.” Rolling her eyes, Charlotte headed towards the stairs that lead to her bedroom.
“I took care of myself! Besides, I got your supplies and you didn’t have to stop working. Now we’ll hopefully be able to put that little bit of extra cash towards the extension!” Winona chuckles and messily ruffles her sister’s hair before she can abscond up the staircase.
“You deserve it Charlie. Really.” She could only blush and squirm out of her sister’s grasp.
“Thanks Winona. I’m going to get changed into my attire for tonight’s little performance. I’ll come tell you about my trip after.”
“Alright. I expect to hear all the details.”
The sisters were part of the staff for an establishment called ‘Feathers and Iron’. It was a place owned by a lumberjack and his wife, but they had all become one big family. The tavern wasn’t only a place to spend the night or have a drink; it was also a place to fortify yourself. There were plenty of beasts one had to be weary of. From goblins to dire wolves, vandals to vampires. Winona was a skilled blacksmith and her craft had kept the tavern safe from attack for two years now; that and Wolfgang. He was a skilled fighter, the guardian of the town. Their little town was a safe-haven for weary travellers and families alike. The tavern was a popular spot for all kinds of people for miles.
The extension was going to be a workshop for Charlotte; a place she could practice her own craft. While Winona was fantastic with some metal and hot coals, Charlotte preferred plants and books. She hoped to become well-versed in witchcraft and perhaps even become the local apothecary. Feathers and Iron would become a key location on anyone’s map; a place to stock up on supplies and a good night’s rest.
Charlotte’s primary drive right now was entertainment. It was a way for her to practice her spells and lighten the hearts of all those who stayed the night. Every other day she would stand up on stage, looking over the visitors as they drank and ate. A few words and fire appeared out of thin air, earning a pleased gasp from all those watching.
Magic wasn’t common, at least not in humans. There were a few who were able to teach themselves and even less who were gifted with it. Charlotte was one of the lucky ones, a gift passed down through the generations, allowing her to learn without the rigorous academics usually associated with those who desired magical abilities. It warmed her heart to see people smile as she practised making rings of fire, shards of ice, crackles of electricity, turning a seed into a sprout within seconds. Occasionally another wizard or witch would approach her after and they would talk and learn from one another. She loved it when children were in the audience however, she would pour all her energy into making them smile. At the end of her performance she would thank everyone for coming to the Feathers and Iron. It was more than enough to make her happy.
Charlotte found herself lost in thought as someone tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped, turning to them. The man in rounded glasses from earlier stood behind her, a warm smile on his face.
“Sorry to disturb you ma’am but I wanted to complement your performance tonight.” A flush of heat came to her cheeks.
“Thank you, sir. Can I offer you a seat?” She gestured to the chair on the other side of the table. The man gave his thanks and sat down, glancing over the books she had on the table.
“Are you self-taught?”
“Yes. I am.”
“That’s quite spectacular. Not many people can do that.”
“It’s a gift. I’m lucky is all.”
“And I’m lucky to have been in this establishment and see you perform.” The heat deepened, causing her to fidget with her hair. “Might I ask your name?”
“It’s Charlotte. It’s a pleasure to meet you-” She cocked an eyebrow with a smile.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you William.”
Where was he? The wind whistled past as she soared overhead, looking for Maxwell in the light of the full-moon. Her eyes fell upon him, he had someone against a wall, wings folded, claws deep in their flesh. He was exposed, preoccupied feeding. Excellent. Her plan was simple, drug him and let him die as the morning sun rose.
No foul-play, merely a tragic accident.
Her magic no longer worked; it faded along with her blood many centuries ago. Her knowledge however... A concoction composed of rare ingredients that had the ability to trap a vampire in one of its transformations. If she administered it now, her plan wouldn’t work. No. He needed to change into something smaller; more manageable. She needed him to take his bat form, something small enough wrap her fingers around. Charlie landed next to him, dusting herself of imperfections.
“Excuse me Maxy, I had my eye on that one.” He pulled away, chuckling.
“Well I’m afraid I got to them first, I may be willing to perhaps share.”
“Such a generous King~” She gave a laugh, sauntering closer to him, eyes half-laden. Arrogant idiot. ‘King’. Most of the ruling vampires didn’t pick something so absurdly egotistical. A count, lord or governor were common. But no. He had to be a king. “It’s been a while since I last talked to you one on one. We had a short one at the last gala meeting. What was that… fifty years ago? How lucky, that you and Countess Wickerbottom were chosen to host this year’s gala together.”
"I was hoping we would get a chance to speak in private actually."
"You and me both Maxy."
She had been waiting for William in the cold air for quite some time now. Where was he? He said to meet her here at eight, so her she was on the dot. Maybe she was too zealous…
“Charlie! I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting!” The taller man hurried over, a thick coat of what seemed to be wolf fur.
“I was just about to go blue! What took you so long?”
“I had to ensure I wasn’t followed.”
“Such a mysterious man~” She smirked at him, the gesture usually getting a smile in response. Not this time. “What’s wrong Wil?” He seemed solemn. That couldn’t be good. With a sigh he looked over his shoulder before turning his gaze to her own.
“I haven’t been completely honest with you Charlie. I need to tell you something, but you must promise not to tell another soul.” A feeling of dread began to fill the air between them.
“Of course, Wil. I won’t tell anyone.” Charlotte had her suspicions about what this was about. There were little things about him that made her think. The way she never saw him eat in front of her, swearing he had sharp teeth, only appearing in the later hours of the day. She didn’t want to believe it though; didn’t want to believe he could be one of them.
“For starters Charlotte... My name is Maxwell, not William.” He took her hands in his, running his thumbs over her knuckles. “And I’m not human. Not anymore.” Charlotte let out a sigh, looking into his eyes.
“I was afraid you were going to say that. Please tell me you’re not a...” Her voice trailed off, not wanting to say it.
“Vampire? Yes. I’m sorry.” Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to fall against his chest, he in turn wrapped his arms around her.
“Damn it William... You shouldn’t be here... Wolfgang will kill you if he finds out.”
“I know. That’s why I felt I needed to tell you. You’re my confidant Charlie.” His hand lifted her cheek. She opened her eyes, once again looking into his. “I trust you.”
“I trust you too... It’ll be our little secret. I promise.”
“There’s a good girl.” He gave a smile, leaning closer. “I don’t want this to change things between us.”
“It won’t. Do you prefer Maxwell or William?”
“Maxwell. But keep using William for now, I don’t want you accidentally saying Maxwell.”
“Alright. William it is.”
“I have something to ask of you... It’s a big favour...”
“I haven’t fed in days. I’ve been too worried about getting caught. Normally I would drift from town to town but I didn’t want to leave because you’re here. I don’t expect you to say yes...”The action in question didn't need to be mentioned, it was fairly clear what he wanted.
“You want to... feed... from me?” He was silent for a moment, but silence can speak volumes. She hesitated a moment before opening the top of her coat, pulling the collar of her dress away to expose her neck.
“Are you sure?”
“I don’t know honestly but I want to help. So... maybe hurry before I change my mind.” With a nod he moved closer, pushing on her clothing to expose lower. Charlotte flinched as he pierced the skin near her collarbone, but a gentle hand on her cheek kept her focus. It didn’t take long for him to pull away and place his hand over the wound.
“Thank you Charlie.”
“It’s nothing... really... You’re not a monster... You don’t deserve to be treated like one...” He gave another smile, keeping her close.
“I didn’t think I could be in love with a mortal.” Heat rushed to her cheeks, a smile tugging at her lips.
“I... I’m flattered William.” He closed the gap between them, pressing his lips against hers. Charlotte was taken back at first but soon wrapped her arms around him, returning the gesture. She didn’t see why they couldn’t be happy together. She was absolutely taken by his charm and manners, he seemed genuine. She’d see how things went...
Maxwell couldn’t believe how sweet she tasted. It was true, magic mortals did taste better. She was a delicacy, a rare delight. He was lucky to have her all to himself, he just had to regulate how often he fed and keep her interested in sweet little William. He couldn't allow him to grow more attached than he already had...
Maxwell gave Charlie a smile, moving to the side. “Perhaps we can chat over a meal?” The prey’s arm weakly twitched as Charlie approached, placing her hands on their shoulder.
“I’d love to.” The apprentice ran her tongue over the wounds Maxwell had left on its neck, maintaining eye contact with him.
“I see Wicker is teaching you well.”
“What can I say, I’ve always been gifted.” He chuckled, cocking an eyebrow at her.
“Indeed you have Charlie.” The pair feed upon the increasingly limp prey. She decided to make her move, taking the concoction in her mouth as she turned her head away from him, mixing it with the prey’s blood. She then made quick work, manipulating her body language and meeting his eyes, allowing her hand to slip on top of his, faces moving closer. The prey fell, forgotten, unneeded. It was easy to get the first kiss started, exchanging the fluid in her mouth for his tongue as she clung to him. Seems he was just as lustful as ever.
Maxwell pulled away, suspicious of her activity. The last time they had been alone was under... unpleasant circumstances on her side. “What are you attempting to gain out of this Charlie?” She slipped her hand from his shoulder to his chest.
“Nothing Maxy. I’ve waited a thousand years to finally see you again. I missed you.”
“You’ve had centuries to approach me.”
“I had no idea whether you’ve been dead or alive. For all I know you were killed by hunters. I’ve only been an apprentice for a handful of centuries. Only now am I allowed to participate in gala arrangements!” He was still weary, but couldn’t deny his fondness for her. She was the most attractive human he’d come across in his time on Earth. A combination of body, personality, taste and gumption had drawn him in. He was distraught when he couldn’t stay with her; alas he didn’t have the authority to turn her and wished to continue rising in the ranks. He had to let her go.
“You’re not mad at me?”
“I’ve had centuries to get over it, I’ve moved on. Well.. Not entirely... I can’t forget the magical time we spent together before you left.”
“Why not at the gala meeting? Why now?”
“I didn’t know how to feel at first Maxy. Now I do.” She pressed their bodies together, letting her wings rest on his waist. “Come with me. Let’s leave the hunt to the rest of your faction. I would much rather speak to you in private. We can catch up.”
“Can it not wait until after my dear?”
“Women are fickle Maxy~ I might change my mind~ Lets sneak away while whimsy is still in the air!~” She shrunk, down allowing her wings and fur to consume her form. Within moments she was a fraction of her size, beating her wings hard to keep elevated. Making her way towards the sky she checked to ensure he was following her. A feeling of pure ecstasy flooded her system as another bat approached her, Maxwell no longer standing below. This was it! Centuries of planning, locating, experimenting and waiting, all coming together on this absolutely gorgeous night.
He couldn’t bring himself to do it, to tell her he had to move on. He’d grown closer to her as they spent more time together. It was just a feeding thing at first, but Maxwell soon found himself feeling for the mortal woman. It would be easier for her just to fear him. So... he did what he had to.
A spring storm had come through, thunder rumbling loudly throughout the night. Maxwell made his way through the building from Charlie’s room. The strongman was his biggest threat, so it was only natural he would be the one to turn. His snores could be heard from the hall, rivalling the thunder outside. He would have to be quick or the man would alert the others before turning. Maxwell bit into the man’s neck, causing him to jolt awake. There was a shout, silenced by leathery wings in his mouth. Crimson splattered onto the bed, a fist connecting with the side of Maxwell’s head. The dazed vampire dodged another oncoming attack, lightning highlighting the terror in the mortal’s eyes. He lunged again, the larger man hitting the ground with a heavy thump. Maxwell did his best to drain some blood, making room for his own and weakening the man’s retaliation. Taking his own hand, Maxwell ran it along his fangs, a deep wound across the palm. He then pressed his would against the mortal’s mouth, forcing it down their throat. After a few moments the struggle was over and the transformation started. Maxwell allowed his wings to fold neatly behind him as the man convulsed, fur and leather covering his one human form. The ghoul rose from the ground, a beastly face in its wake. “You’re to scare Charlotte. Not harm her. Do you understand?” The beast snarled.
Charlotte awake to the sound of screaming; she looked for William. He was gone. There’s no way he would... She threw off the sheets, forming a small flame in her hand to see. “William?!” Stepping out into the hall she hesitated, there was noise coming from the visitor’s wing. (Horrible, horrible noise.) Winona suddenly burst from her room across from hers, panic in her eyes.
“Stay here Charlie. I’ll find out what’s going on.” She ran down the hall, a blade in hand. No way she was letting Winona go by herself! Charlotte ran after her sister, only coming to a stop when they reached the rooms. A hulking beast stood in the hallway, its figure hardly standing straight, wings half-folded. It turned to face them, bat-faced, blood dripping from its maw. Half a torso lay on the ground...
Winona was frozen, trying to assess her odds. She needed help; this wasn’t something she could take on her own. How did one of the turned get into city limits? They had knights for this reason! It screeched at them, causing Charlotte to cover her ears, the small flame going out. Winona pushed her sister back without thinking, heading back the way they came. The ghoul thundered right behind them, heavy footsteps falling closer and closer. It screamed as something collided with its back. A moment to think. “Charlotte! There's a silver spear in the workshop. I want you to get it, lock the doors and stay put. Do you hear me?”
“I’m not going to leave you here! I can help!”
“Winona!” There was determination in her little sister’s eyes. She would rather die than see her sister hurt but she was right. She was gifted. Maybe they could at least scare it off. Winona turned to see the owner of the establishment brandishing an axe against the ghoul in the dining room. Now or never she supposed. With a nod they headed back towards the beast. Winona drove her short sword into its thigh, its hand swinging around and winding her. Turning, it bared its teeth. Charlotte pushed the air in front of her, small shards of ice flying forward and embedding into its torso. As it turned to her the owner, Woodie, hacked at it with his axe again. An ear-piercing screech sounded out, the creature outstretching its wings. Charlotte launched another volley of ice at it, this time the shards blown out of their trajectory by a beat of its wings. Winona dove for her sword, pulling it out of the creature’s leg and this time slashing the blade at it. The leathery wings came up, a large hole appearing in the webbing, beast unphased. Its hand swung around, grabbing Winona by the arm and throwing her into Woodie. Fire. They needed fire. Focusing Charlotte summoned a volley of flames this time, casting it at the beast.
“You cannot defeat the mighty Wolfgang!” Again, its wings came up and took the damage for him. Charlotte couldn’t believe her ears. Did it just say Wolfgang? Their Wolfgang?
Suddenly Winona was grabbing Charlotte and pulling her to the door, Woodie screaming at the creature. Once in the street Winona looked to the sky, then she continued pulling her sister towards the barracks.
“Winona! We can’t run! Woodie is in there!”
“Charlie! We’re not going to fight him! We’re going to let the knights do their job!”
“But Wolfgang-”
“But nothing Charlie! Wolfgang is gone! Do you know what’s happened here?! Your damn naivety did!”
“No! I told you that guy was bad news! You can’t trust vampires!”
“You don’t know it was him!”
“I should have just said no. Told you, you can’t see him. This is my own damn fault.”
“We can find him and ask him if he did it!”
“Who else would have Charlie?! What other vampire have we invited into our lives?!”
“H-he wouldn’t have.”
“He’s a vampire! You’re lucky you’re not dead! You let him bite you!”
“He didn’t want to hurt anyone!”
“Look at what he’s done!”
“It wasn’t him!” A whistle sounded out, the sisters both turning their attention to its source. William stood on the roof of the tavern, pointing at them. Wolfgang burst through the door, wood splintering under the pressure. Dark red streamed from wounds all over his body, he glanced at his master and then to the sisters. The hulking beast ran at them, Winona grabbed her sister, pulling her away yet again. “WILLIAM!” Tears formed in her eyes. He couldn’t have. She trusted him.
Winona’s leg came out from underneath her, causing the sisters both to topple over. Charlotte could only watch as Wolfgang dragged her sister towards him by her leg, plunging their teeth into her waist. Winona screamed and so did Charlotte. It shook its head violently, as a wolf would do to tear flesh from bone. The younger sister stood, running at the beast and muttering an enchantment, a ball of fire hitting it in the face. Her dress tore as she skidded to a halt on her knees, muttering another spell. This time thick vines erupted from the earth to surround them. Wolfgang wailed, pounding on the roots. Blood soaked into Charlotte’s clothing as she scooped her sister up in her arms, deep teeth marks streaked across her side.
“I... I’m sorry for yelling at you Charlie.”
“No, no. You were right. I was stupid.”
“Nah... you’re... you’re the clever one out of us.” Winona hissed in pain, breathing becoming more and more laboured.
“Hang on Winona. I... I’ll fix you up... okay? Just hold on.” There was a scream from somewhere in the street, moments later the church bell could be heard. Maxwell took this as his cue to leave; that was more than enough to ensure Charlie would never seek him again. “The knights are coming Winona. You’re going to be okay.”
“Don’t put these vines down... until... until you know... its dead.” Wolfgang’s claws were beginning to tear through the roots as a crossbow bolt hit him in the shoulder. He let out a screech and beat his wings, unable to lift himself off the ground as the membranes were littered with tears. Another bolt tore through the air, impacting on the ghoul's chest. Charlotte clung to her sister, putting her hand over the wound, muttering a spell to cauterise the bite marks. She could hear the scuffle outside their little nest, the rattle of knight armour, the cries of their former friend. It didn’t take too long before the sounds stopped and someone told her it was okay to lower the vines. Her legs were too shaky to stand. Exhausted and in shock she cried out to the knights to get the town healer. Winona put her arm around her younger sister, telling her how much she loved her. Charlotte told her to tell her once she was better, to hang on just a little longer.
She didn’t survive to see the sunrise.
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gayidolheadcanons · 7 years
Love Live Monster AU: Aqours
Images references are included where possible, but sadly not all these things have been made into sets! Descriptions are provided in addition to pictures in some cases, so please read those!
Chika: Chika is a vampire, specifically, a vampire that turns into a fruit bat. As such, she has a taste for in both forms. Thankfully, she has a preference for Mikan over blood, so she doesn’t actually drink from people much. Although she does occasionally. She’s very nice and sociable toward humans, there are even some who willingly offer their blood to her, although she doesn’t accept very often. People will even mistake her for a person. All in all. She’s a surprisingly normal monster. And of course, she has all the usual vampire abilities. Strength, speed, the ability to turn into a bat, etc. She’s harmed by the sun and it can eventually kill her. But it’s a rather slow process. She can spend about an hour and a half in the sun without any major effects, but she won’t be able to use her abilities well.
If you’ve ever seen Kougi’s art of vampire Chika. Envision that. If not, here’s some to look at as a reference. In essence, she looks the same except with sharp teeth and a stereotypical vampire outfit.
Riko: A newly turned werewolf struggling to deal with her newfound form and powers. Despite living in the town that Chika visits, she never knew about monsters before her transformation. However one night, she was turned and from then she’s become very aware of the monsters in the world around her. Chika serves as a sort of guide to her, teaching her all about it. They hang out every night. While Chika is helping her get used to being a monster, she’s scared of herself and dreads every transformation. It doesn’t help that she’s now a wolf. Which is a dog. So that’s even worse.
Most of the time she appears as Riko typically does, however as the full moon approaches she grows more wolf-like. Getting sharper teeth and having her tail and ears manifest on their own. On the full moon itself, she’s forcibly transformed into a werewolf. She’s a typical bipedal werewolf, monstrous and terrifying. Her fur is a duller red than her hair colour, but is still very distinctly red.
Yoshiko: As would be expected, Yoshiko is a demon. She’s not an incredibly powerful one however she’s not weak either. Her powers include, control over fire, possession, teleportation and some spells with limited destructive capabilities. She originally arrived in the human world to cause chaos and torment humans for her own amusement. Unfortunately, she was caught very early on by Hanamaru, a priestess, who limited her powers. So while she’s still intimidatingly powerful and far beyond a human, she’s extremely limited in what she can do. Since she has Hanamaru keeping her in check. Truthfully though, she doesn’t mind. She’s rather fascinated by the human world, attempting to figure it out while keeping up a facade of looking down upon it.
Being a decently powerful demon and not wishing to disguise herself, Yoshiko’s demonic features are prevalent. Most prominently she is larger than a human, with large bat-like wings giving the impression of her being even larger (She tends to wrap them around herself). Her hands are also very clearly inhuman, being clawed and scaled. And of course, as is typical of a demon, she has her horns and tail. Her horns curl like a goat’s and are slightly luminescent in the dark, the same luminescent being present in her pink eyes too. She also has a forked tongue and especially sharp canine teeth.
Hanamaru: A human priestess. She’s been raised all of her life to fight against monsters, however she took the alternate path of befriending them. Her closest friend being the dragon, Ruby. Despite her friendliness and acceptance of monsters, she does fight them when forced to, using her magic against them. The result of these fights is usually Hanamaru weakening the monster, then attempting to rehabilitate them. This is what happened with Yoshiko. Despite her friendliness, Yoshiko proved to be more of a challenge than the rest. Although she’s uncooperative, Hanamaru still believes in her and knows that they can someday be friends. She lives in the same town as Chika and Riko, however she travels a lot, often to the base of the mountain, where Ruby lives. She’s well known among monsters and they tend to have a respect for her, due to her magical prowess and friendliness toward them.
Hanamaru wears an outfit like this card, however she carries around a staff with her, which she uses to channel her magical abilities.
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Ruby: As previously mentioned, Ruby is a dragon. She has a strong association with the element of fire and while she’s not entirely at ease with her powers, she’s very skilled at controlling it. Using it to make trinkets and food. She lives away from the coast and at the base of a mountain, a decent walk from any civilization, but only a short fly for her and her sister. Like any good dragon she hoards, hoarding sweet pastries and breads rather than any valuable materials like gold and gems. She’s best friends with Hanamaru and is somewhat intimidated by Yoshiko, despite her her power being about equal to hers. She isn’t particularly sociable with any monsters communities, however she has been known to journey up the mountain occasionally. Although not even Dia knows why. (It’s to visit Leah)
Like many monsters, she has both a human form and monster form. Her human form appears much like in canon, with distinct differences being lizard-esque eyes, rows of sharp teeth and most importantly, her tail and horns, which are identical to how they look in dragon form, except smaller, of course. In dragon form, as expected, Ruby is very large, although she’s slightly below average in dragon standards. She easily fills most of the cave she calls home in dragon form. Her scales are a pinkish-red that seems to shimmer in the sunlight, which is contrasted by a non-shiny light pink underbelly. Her horns are shaped like a trail of flames shooting outward, they’re only for looks though, they face backwards, serving no practical purpose for fighting and the like. Atypically, her wings are very rounded for a dragon, forgoing the more typical appearance. Some tease her for this, saying she looks like an oversized bird. It doesn’t bother her much, since others (Leah) have told her that her wings are pretty.
Dia: Like her sister, Dia is a dragon. Similarly to Ruby, she has control over fire too, although she uses it far less. The only time it really comes out is when Dia is angry, but all it is is her letting off smoke when irritated and accidentally breathing fire when shouting. (Both of which happen often.). Although she’s very close and protective of her younger sister, she doesn’t actually live with her. Instead living on the coast. It’s only a short flight to Ruby’s mountain however. She lives on the coast to be closer to the sea-dwelling monsters she is closest to. Specifically Mari and Kanan. Although she comes across You a lot too. She has a more typical hoard, hoarding gems. She appreciates their aesthetic and enjoys giving them to people. Commonly Mari and Kanan. (Mari already has countless of her own, but she always accepts happily anyway). She’s well known for terrorizing humans who come near her territory, with the exception of Hanamaru, but only because she’s Ruby’s friend. Because of this, she occasionally gets bands of hunters going after her. They’re always easily dismissed though. A bit of fire breath does the trick to scare them off.
Dia’s dragon form has an incredibly intimidating appearance, being extremely large, looming over anyone who dare approach her. Her scales are a matte-black, making it easy for her to be hidden in darkness in the night or when inside a cave or the like. Her underbelly is a white that contrasts this, however she often covers or hides it to prevent being seen. Her horns go a lot straighter than Ruby’s, curving upwards toward the end. In human form, she’s still rather intimidating and tends to loom. As with all dragons, she retains her tail and horns, as well as having a few other trimmings.
Kanan: Kanan is a mermaid, but not just any mermaid. A dolphin mermaid. This doesn’t make her much different from a regular mermaid on any level other than aesthetics though. She pretty much exclusively lives in the water, rarely leaving. She receives offers to be taken by Mari, Dia and everyone, but prefers her home. She’s incredibly well known by the population of monsters in the area. Being friends with pretty much everyone. Everyone visits her, so she feels no need to visit others. Her most frequent visitors, aside from Dia and Mari. Are Chika and You, who after meeting her as children, have been some of her closest friends. Aside from this, she’s also known for being very talented at fishing and swimming. With people hiring her to do fishing for them. She tends to just give Dia the money though. (And she of course hoards it).
It’s rather easy to envision. Kanan with a dolphin tail instead of legs. Maybe with webbed, clawed hands if you’re feeling extra spicy.
Mari: Mari is another sea-dwelling monster. A selkie, specifically one that turns into a Harp Seal. Because of her ability to transform between a land dwelling creature and sea dwelling one. She goes between the town and the ocean a lot. She’s known for being a mysterious stranger, who comes into down, spends a ridiculous amount of money, and then dissapears again. The monsters of the town know who she really is, but the humans remain clueless. She spends the majority of her time with Kanan, swimming around with her, chatting to her, etc. She often gets very lazy with swimming, making Kanan carry her or drag her along (Thankfully Kanan is strong, so it’s not a problem for her.) 
Mari appears rather normal in human form, although her hair isn’t up like it is in canon. When she turns into a seal she tends to switch between an adult and a young harp seal. She enjoys becoming a fluff ball, but recognizes it’s not  very effective. It all depends on the situation.
You: You is a Funayurei, essentially a sea ghost. She lives on a boat and rarely leaves it. She wanders the coast, sailing around seemingly aimlessly. In reality, she’s just having a fun time looking for treasure, she’s not a miserable wandering spirit or anything. She visits shore very often, spending time with Chika and Kanan. Although it’s not common for her to actually step off of her boat and onto the mainland. She brings her friends along on boat rides a lot, and it serves as a good rest-stop for any swimming monster that seeks rest. You is very accepting and friendly towards anyone who comes across her boat, being hospitable and allowing them on. This includes humans. For some inexplicable reason, there’s a misconception by people that she carries around a ladle, which she uses to drown people by continuously pouring water onto their boat. You is amused by it, but insists she’d be incapable of it. After all, filling a boat by ladle is ridiculous.
You appears in a uniform like the one pictured below, however it’s off-colour and grey, as well as being ripped and damaged. As a ghost, she’s somewhat transparent and looks dead, having one arm that’s near entirely skeletal (Although you can’t tell under the gloves and uniform). Both she and her boat give off an otherworldly glow, which often terrifies people when they spot it emerging from the sea fog.
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gilstrad-sanbox · 6 years
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In the ranks of the vampires, blood is always thicker than water. While it is the fountain that which flows through them and keeps their new life akindle, it is also beyond the symbol of the pact that they share as it is the pact itself. All vampires are connected through their progenitors, their makers, and the sires that they have surrendered their loyalty to in exchange of their vampiric nature. But while siring is just as simple as an exchange of blood, every vampire is beholden by rules that they adhere to not because they are submissive, it’s just that the rules ensure their survival – after all what is the use of the eternal life of pleasure and indulgence when one shall fall too quick and too easy? And so as vampires have come and go in the lands of Gilstrad, it is known that four vampire clans reign supreme and all of them have had their own territories within the mountains of Storvoss. But lately, there have been a rumors spreading around about a new clan is slowly growing in number, something that might threaten the balance that these three ancient progenitors have been striving to keep.
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The Grimaldus as everyone know them collectively, is the biggest and oldest vampire clan in Gilstrad and thus the most prestigious. Some say that it was because of their aggressive siring of humans from noble blood lines that have garnered this reputable esteem, though some say that it was more because of the fact that they weren’t picky; which in the end have proven beneficial to them since among all the clans, it is known that they have kinsmen throughout the lands that it is rumored that there are Grimaldusmen among the nobles of Highhost. But the most interesting rumor about the vampire clan is that their population has blurred the visibility of leadership. It is very much a natural course of socialization that there are little groups and factions within the clan and killing each other wasn’t unheard of. But still, the line remains unbroken because in truth, no one knows who the main progenitor is. Little was known of the real Grimaldi line and the marches that they own under their name. Some say that maybe it was a cover so no one would know his real identity since even the vampires say that the Marquis probably lives in the Foglands instead of their main stronghold of Zargossa. Either way, he seems to take pleasure in the politics between his ranks just as much as how the mere mention of the Grimaldus name brings a chill down the spine within every men and women in Gilstrad. Their bloodline is known for having greater mastery in glamer that the old vampires of the Grimaldi line can put a whole group under their mind’s power, even have a hypnotic hold on their victims forever.
If anyone has bolstered the reputation of the Storvoss Mountains, it would probably be the marauding vampires of the Markoshan line. With their grip very much firm in the lands of the Chasm and Ceresza, they are known for attacking caravans and even small villages with such boldness due to their greater talent in mastering the discipline of vampiric levitation. It is known that they have tapped onto their form of swarming bats to make them grow actual wings on their backs. It is with this talent that there are desolate mountain-castles that people take caution of riding along by in fear that they are Markoshan strongholds.
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Indulgence and luxury are the things that the Ferovnarens are known for as no one throws a party like the Great Lady Katarina – which was ironic as legend has it that Katarina was a woman with great devotion to the Cathedral that was enough to spur her into becoming a nun. But she went missing one night in the very confines of the convent, never to be seen again – until that red full moon some years after her disappearance, already turned into the monster that she is today. The Shadow Lady’s influence is quite bold as she was the one who conquered Balwar and the Fallen Lands around it. But her grip is stronger within Gleamring and Ortensia, doing business to fund her lavish parties that sometimes turn into darker and more carnal fairs of blood revelry. Though for the unchosen nobles, they attest to such mysterious balls as so grand and indulgent – that while some go out of their way to take part in it in hopes that they get turned, most just come to it to experience such a sophisticatedly excessive affair. Some say that in Draav, her throne room is nothing but a giant pool of blood that which everyone can take part in as if it was some sacred yet celebratory communion with her. And while her masques and balls that the unknowing nobles close off to the public and even to the eyes of the Cathedral serve as their effective cover, they are also known for their elusiveness even in the streets as the bat isn’t just the only animal that they can turn into. The Ferovnaren elders can also turn into a cat, a wolf, a snake, and rat.
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They are the reason why some people think that there are only three vampire clans that are keeping the balance of their politics within their ranks as the Alkerion vampires take no interest in such endeavors. What they do like to take part in, is business and endeavors of the coin. In a way, among the clans, they are the most ingrained within human society – so much that it is rumored that Alexandras himself is rooted in the very core of Gahvol and that he is actually the one who owns the whole enterprise of the blood trade. Some say that it was because Alexandras’ human life was spent at seas as he was a pirate captain with a stout reputation and now he couldn’t just part with it even in his transcendence into who he is now. It’s also rumored that he and his clan are the ones in the Cliff and they take pleasure into hunting down settlements and caravans that think that they are already safe from harm. They even creep up to Ordhovh and Reislach to indulge in these whims. It is probably with this skill in blending in or in Alexandras’ seafaring nature that had made the bloodline master a fine skill in transfiguration: the mist form.
The new bloods. The Bloodline of the Exalted is a new clan of vampires of unknown origin, much more an unknown stronghold. But they have made their presence known with their own brand of aggressive attacks on the human population; a kind of massacre that leaves the dead piled up or skewered in spears or posts. Some say that these vampires have a connection to an infernal to which they have offered their devotion in exchange of such a nature, and the dead that they feed from are ceremonial offerings to empower the demonic deity. The Cathedral seemed convinced as no new vampire clan would be so bold unless they have a backing of such kind. And the already established vampire clans are not too keen on such reckless and arrogant group of vampires either. The story that is closest to the truth is that their paramount elder offered his whole bloodline for the power that the vampires have as he is too proud to be turned and end up to be subservient to his progenitor. And while his whole clan was either perished or turned into vampires themselves, there are rumors that the very last of his blood is living in Gilstrad with an oath to hunt them all down.
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The Unclanned are a kind of vampires that have succumbed to the transition’s monstrous side that they have turned into it themselves: they have no agelessness as their skin turns white and wrinkled like leather. Their hair turns white as well until they fall, their ears turn pointy while their claws grow longer and their teeth turn into a row of jagged fangs. They completely abhor the light and their free will ebbs away along with the talents that come with being a vampire until they become merely cowered husks of who or what they once were. They only know hunger. They only know the need to feed over and over that they cannot share their blood for someone else to change. No one really knows how the Unclanned has come about – some say that it was because they lost their progenitor either by the hands of the Cathedral or by another vampire and such a thing have severed their lineage to the clan and made them lose their grip on their nature while some say that they were traitor vampires who pledged allegiance to a demon, only to turn into such macabre vision.
The Sanguarsbane are not vampires nor are they affiliated to the Cathedral or any other provincial ruling power. They are just a group of humans who took it upon themselves to do one thing: to rid the lands of Gilstrad of the vampires. They are proficient fighters and survivalists who have all been trained by the ones who came before them and they all usually converge in their lodges that are in each archpriory of the city – though it is known that their main grounds are somewhere in Bardelven as it is near the northern regions but at the same time, still teeming with the living wood. No one knows how they work, or their chain of command, but with their mission to kill those who prey on blood, no one really cares either. As long as they kill a threat to the lands, no matter how specific, it’s better than nothing.
Jonathan Wickham is one of the Sanguarsbane and while he’s not the leader, he is one of their most elite.
Radomir ‘Reid’ Abramas is a vampire hunter with a rather twisted past as he is the last blood of the paramount progenitor of the Exalted. The both of them might be apart by many generations and Reid has already been a descendant of such a diluted bloodline, but as the vampire offered his whole line to his quest of power, Reid is still part of the curse and it was something that he could not deny as the darkness of it has left a fragment that manifests a monstrous transformation that sometimes occurs in his hand. He has now made it a mission to find this ancestor of his in hopes of ending the curse once and for all.
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spiderben2011 · 3 years
Lilith Von Alucard OC
Name: Lilith Von Alucard
Alias: The Monster Queen & Lily
Age: Appears to be in her late 20s (1,762 years old)
Birth: May 26, 260 A.D.
Birthplace: Transylvania, Romania
Species: Hybrid (Human/Vampire/Lycan)  
Human Appearance:
·       Blue eyes
·       Fair skin w/ a burned scar along her back
-       In vampire form she grows sharp fangs, claws, & her eyes turning bright red
·       Long blonde hair
Hybrid Appearance:
·       Dark pale skin
·       Dark red eyes
·       Human-like facial appearance, but with bat ears & wolf snout
·       Hund legs with sharp talons
·       Long dark silver hair
·       Long black wings that can cover her body
·       Sharp fangs & claws
·       Black buttoned shirt
·       Black gloves
·       Dark cloak to cover much of her body
·       Dark pants w/gold color belt around her waist
·       Dark red vest over her shirt & gold buttons on the vest w/pocket watched attached to it
·       Dark red hat
·       Dark shoes
Battle outfit:
·       Belt w/sword scabbard to hold her sword.
·       Dark armor that surrounds her body
-       Chest, shoulder, wrists, legs, & neck.
·       Dark boots w/protection around the ankles
·       Helmet that can protect from sharp blades & bullets
·       Protective gloves from the heat & the cold
·       Cloak that protects her from fire
·       Shield, which has the Vampire & Lycan symbols around the shield
·       Sword, which looks like a knight’s sword w/Vampire & Lycan symbols on the blade
·       Two small daggers
·       Archologist
·       Astronomy
·       Bilingualism
·       Biologist
·       Chemist
·       Engineer
·       Geologist
·       Gifted Intelligence
·       Field Commander
·       Marksman
·       Master hand-to-hand combatant,
-       Aikido
-       Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
-       Boxer
-       Capoeira
-       Chi-Block
-       Judo master
-       Karate
-       Kickboxing
-       Krav Maga
-       Kung Fu
-       Martial artist
-       Muay Thai
-       Tae Kwon Do
-       Wrestling expert
·       Medical expert
·       Pilot
·       Photographic Memory
·       Psychiatrist
·       Physicalists
·       Sorceress
·       Swordsman
·       Tracker
·       Weapons specialist
·       Zoologist
Basic abilities:
·       Flight
·       Regenerative healing factor
-       Immortality
-       Immunity to all diseases/toxins
-       Regenerate any lost limbs
-       Reincarnation (if she dies, she can be brought back once every 100 years)
·       Superhuman abilities
-       Agility
-       Endurance
-       Durability
-       Senses
-       Speed
-       Stamina
-       Strength
Vampire/Lycan Abilities:
·       Fangs that can bite through the bones
·       Hypnotism (works on weak-minded people)
·       Levitation
·       Obedient animals (control creatures of the night)
·       Razor-sharp claws/talons that can grow five inches
·       Shapeshifting (bat & wolf)
·       Telepathy
·       Transformation
·       Wall-crawling
·       Wings (fire/cold/bullet-proof)
Mastery of Magic:
·       Dominion over her castle (can teleport it anywhere she wants, can make it move at will, & have it defend her)
·       Elemental magic
-       Aerokinesis
-       Electrokinesis
-       Geokinesis
-       Hydrokinesis
-       Pyrokinesis
·       Necromancy
-       Resurrection
-       Soul manipulation/summoning
-       Undead manipulation
·       Reality Warping
·       Teleportation
·       Weather manipulation
Personality: Lilith enjoys reading every kind of book that she has come across in the world. She even enjoys writing her own stories to talk about her entire history and the stories other people she has met. She is very organized and does her best to make sure everything is symmetric in her home. Anything out of order will annoy her and she’ll need to take care of it soon.
She likes talking to people and learning about their civilizations. While comparing it to the ones she has seen before. She despises slavery and has done all she can to help free the slaves. Even if it means the slaves see her monstrous form when she frees them.
Lilith takes no pleasure in killing people. She tries to avoid it as much as possible but has learned over the centuries that not everyone can learn from their mistakes. That they will continue to harm the innocent, so she will put them down to end this cycle of hatred and pain they’ve caused. She learned this the hard way through her brother, who despite giving him a second chance, he chose to try killing her.
She will help those who have suffered through so much trauma and only did what they did because of what they went through. So, she does her best to help them and get them in a better place. If that doesn’t work, then she’ll use her powers to help them and hope that the second chance they get will be a good one.
Lilith enjoys a good challenge. She loves playing games like chess against other worthy foes. She even enjoys playing against people like Napoleon to Einstein, who was the first human to ever beat her. Although, she does her best to avoid being noticed or recognized as the years pass by. She’ll, however, visit old friends before their death and be there with them when they pass.
Lilith hates her immortal life and does wish for death, but she knew this is what she wanted. The power to keep her people safe, to prevent them from suffering like she did, and make sure they’ll be okay. Should the day come when she does die, then so be it. But for now, she’ll do whatever she can to protect her home and her people.
Strength: Centuries of being around has helped Lilith become a master in hand-to-hand combat, learned every fighting style, and mastered every weaponry. She even became a skilled military commander after leading her own army during her reign over her home. She also learned every bit of the human anatomy and knew how to disable the human body or to kill her enemies quickly.
With the combination of both a Vampire & Lycan’s abilities. From being able to lift 100 tons in her regular form, while lifting 200-300 tons in her hybrid form. She’s able to pierce through steel with ease & even crush it with one hand. However, its rare she even uses her full strength since she had yet to fight a foe who can match her.
With her speed she is fast enough to move at 5,000 times faster than the blink of an eye (0 to 200 miles per hour in 0.000015 seconds) in her regular form. In her hybrid form, she is able to move two-times the speed of light & she uses this speed to easily defeat her enemies. Even an entire army in less than a second. When she flies, she can fly faster than even the fastest vehicles in the world.
She is durable enough to handle an explosion of over 2,000 kilotons of TNT in her regular form, but in her hybrid form she is able to handle up to 10,000 kilotons of TNT. Thanks to her healing factor, she can also regenerate from any injuries, provided there is something of her to recover from. Even a drop of blood.
Thanks to her traits of being part Vampire & Werewolf, her senses are greater than that of a human. She can hear, smell, and see even from a great distance. Even hear the heartbeats of her foes even from far away or in the dark, which she can see in. In her hybrid form, her senses are doubled, enhancing them to allow her to hear, see, and smell more than in her regular form.
After being around for centuries has given her the advantage in combat, war, politics, human psychology, and knowing the human anatomy. This allows her to know how to target the weakness of her enemies who dare to challenge her or try to bring harm to her. She knows how to fight, how to play mind games with them, and how to create diseases that can weaken their armies.
She doesn’t rush into battles and prefers using her opponent’s weaknesses to her advantage. Even turns the people against them by using their hate for their politics and have the people rise against their leaders. It has served her well for centuries. And makes it easier for her than fighting an army, when she can turn the people against them, making them her own army.
As for her other abilities, she’s capable of shapeshifting her form to appear as a bat and a wolf. She’s able to levitate off the ground, while also able to lift things/people with her mind through telepathy, but in her Hybrid form she is able to lift an entire building with ease with her mind. While she’s able to hypnotize the weak-minded people to do her bidding, while having full control over the creatures of the night, including insects, certain amphibians, and reptiles. Although, she only does this when she needs to intimidate enemies and not risk the safety of the animals.
Over the centuries, she has learned magic through the many books the two brothers from both their sides contained. Allowing her control over the elements and even control the weather. She can teleport anywhere, but only within the range of 300 miles. Though she can keep teleporting till she gets to her destination.
Necromancy is an ability she is most proud of and is able to use it to summon the dead to fight for her or to gain knowledge from them. She can even steal a soul from a living soul, but she rarely uses this, and can even summon souls that have departed from the afterlife to allow them to possess a vacant body. She is capable of resurrecting someone from the dead, but only if they had died within 24-hours and if their body is intact.
If the body is in pieces or badly injured, she can’t bring them back. She has played in sewing up bodies together and use it for a soul she summons to take part in. Although she needed to work on making sure the organs were in the right area first. Otherwise, it would all go horribly wrong.
With her powers she is capable of warping reality, but this is more in her castle, which she had imbued with magic. Allowing it to act upon her will. It can teleport anywhere she wants, provided she is careful not to have the castle appear over people. So, she uses a magic mirror she enchanted to allow her to see where she is going. And if she is being attacked, her castle can act to defend her.
Even use the gargoyle statues and armored suits to act as her army to defend her.
Weaknesses: Lilith can be weakened with sunlight, which can cut her power by half. The sunlight won’t kill her, and neither can Holy items. Those are just something that she made up and passed it on to other superstitious people to trick them. She isn’t a demonic creature, but is a creature of the night and that’s when she’s at her most powerful.
She can be killed if there is nothing to regenerate from or if she is drained of her blood completely. Even a drop is more than enough to help her regenerate, but if nothing is left, then she can’t come back. If her soul is ripped from her body, then her body will go into dormant in a cocoon using her own wings. However, this will leave her body vulnerable and can be destroyed.
However, due to her curse, she will be reincarnated in about 100 years. It can be less if her body is resurrected or cloned, to allow her soul to dwell in.
Due to her extra senses if her enemies can target them then they can weaken her.
If they can create a powerful sonic sound, then it will leave her disoriented. If they blind her sense of smell and her sight as well, then they can get the drop on her. However, they will need to make sure she is unaware of this. Otherwise, she’ll be prepared and avoid their trap.
Her shapeshifting is limited to a bat and wolf. She cannot turn into mist or a person like other people believe Vampires can do. She can’t fly unless she summons her wings but is capable of levitating off the ground. Her mind control only works on the weak-minded, while the strong are unaffected, but will get a slight headache if she forces it. She also can’t use powers over all animals, but she is working to try controlling other creatures like other non-creatures of the night.
Bio: Lilith is the daughter of a couple who had been traveling with their people during the time of the Roman Empire. Her people had been part of the Goths but had left due to the conflicts. The couple had a son, named Marcus and is Lilith’s older brother. When Lilith was born, her family had settled in what would be known as Transylvania in Romania.
Her people lived peacefully in the land, which was under the Roman Empire’s control. However, the area they were at was isolated, so the Romans never knew they were there. That was until word came to her people that the Romans had left the land. A year later, the land was invaded by a group of barbarians and enslaved the people.
Lilith’s parents attempted to revolt against their enemies, but were betrayed by her brother, Marcus. Marcus had killed one of the barbarians one night and impressed with his ferocity, the barbarians made him one of their own. Their leader even took the boy as his own. So, when his parents attempted to fight back, he proved is loyalty to his new people and betrayed them.
Lilith ran away from her village and towards the mountains to hide. But she was soon followed by a group of barbarians, who intended to take her. She ran into a cage, where she was saved by two figures, both who killed the soldiers and left nonalive. To her shock and horror, the two figures were monsters that were once part of an ancient race centuries ago.
A cursed race who had been at war against one another for hundreds of years and tried to claim dominance over the land. Until the rise of the Roman Empire, who arrived in the land and managed to kill off much of their people. The two monsters became brothers and worked together to stop the soldiers. Unfortunately, it was too late, and they were the last of their kind.
They were later cursed by a witch for their sins, and they would only find peace when they pass their curse to someone else. Lilith wanting to free her people and avenge her family, offered to take their curse. The two brothers refused, fearing that the girl didn’t understand what she was asking and tell her that she should return home. Lilith though doubled down and told the brothers she had no home left. The barbarians took everything from her, even her family.
The two brothers decided to give her what she wants, but she must spend five years with the brothers, so she can be ready for what she will become. They took her to their home, which was hidden from the barbarians and the Romans. Their home contained thousands of books and artifacts that both their sides had gathered for centuries. Both brothers brought the contents to this home, that they had built together.
They trained Lilith so she can be ready to endure their curse, be ready to become a monster, and use what she has been given to free her people. While revealing the weaknesses she must be careful of, including how she can still be killed. After five years, the brothers passed their curse on to Lilith, and she was transformed to become the first of her kind. A monster hybrid of three different species and using what she learned to control the power she has. Once this was done, the two brothers passed away and Lilith was now ready to take her home back.
Lilith freed some of her people and began training them to fight. Training them and even transformed them to become monsters too. Half as vampires and half as werewolves or Lycans. Soon, Lilith unleashed her army on their enemies.
Even using her new powers to summon the creatures of the night to help in taking out every single one of the barbarians. Leaving only her brother alive. Her brother begged for forgiveness, which Lilith planned to give. But he must vow never to return to the land.
Marcus agreed to this, until he asked for a hug from his sister before he left. He did this though to try killing her and take control over the land. However, Lilith saw this coming and tore her brother’s arms off, before feeding him to her wolves and bats. With her brother dead, the barbarians gone, and their home freed, Lilith released the rest of her people.
She took the surviving vampires and werewolves with her back to her castle. To live there with her and watch over their home. To protect the land from enemies who will try to harm their people. And to ensure their people don’t got through what they did.
She knew that not all her people will accept them for what they’ve become and knew if word spreads about a monster ruling this land, many will come to try to kill her or take this power for their own. So, with her powers, she created a castle around the home of the two brothers. Making it her own home and imbuing it with her own magic.
So, that they may remain hidden from the people, while she keeps an eye on them and making sure they remain safe. Just in case another great threat every arises to take her home from them.
Over the centuries, Lilith kept hidden from the rest of the world and made sure her people remained safe. Even spread supernatural stories in order to scare outsiders who dare come to her land. She would even travel around the world gathering knowledge, learning about what was beyond her home, and what other civilizations were like. Although, this seems to only encourage more humans to come to her land and find these creatures.
Yes, over the centuries, invaders would come to try taking over or some would try hunting for these “monsters” that they heard exist in this land. Lilith didn’t care since she would always scare them off or at times use her powers to make them forget who they are. She did this to keep the peace in her land and make sure her people don’t suffer the same way they did centuries ago.
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