#but seriously the way hoshi just looks around in pure awe is the cutest thing
jeongtokkie · 2 years
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when woozi said no to horangi power pt.2, hoshi went to see yoongi /j
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because-of-a-friend · 4 years
Boyfriend!Jeonghan Fluff
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Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
Hey anon! I hope you like this one! Again, I’m sorry requests are taking so long right now! I’m officially down to one full time job so hopefully I’ll have more time for writing! Jun was requested so the entire series will be done soon! Again, I hope this one is good!
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Like Coups
Jeonghan doesn’t even really think about dating for the longest time
Not because he’s stressed
Or because he’s prioritizing anything over it
He just simply doesn’t see the appeal
For him there’s just no reason to put the effort into dating
Sometimes the other boys try to feel sorry for him or try to give him dating advice
And he brushes it off and is like 
“No no, you don’t understand: I. Do. Not. Want. To. Date.”
And he’s really fine with it
Doesn’t get jealous when he sees the other boys and their partners
He just tells himself he’ll get there someday
And until then he’s just vibin™
Then one day he’s just lazing around the dorm
“Hyung can you put more clothes on, I have a friend coming over”
“Ughhhh DK why??? Can’t y’all hang out anywhere else?”
“No, we’re meeting here, go put clothes on”
So Jeonghan stumbles up to his room and takes his time throwing on a tshirt and sweatpants
Then he stomps back downstairs working out a plan to politely greet DK’s friend and then make an excuse to slip away so he can go to the studio and take a nap
But then he walks into the room
“Hyung, this is my friend [Y/N].”
Jeonghan stops dead in his tracks
“Oh, uh, hello, I’m Jeonghan”
“Nice to meet you!” you smile brightly at him.
And he gets this weird feeling in his chest
“Nice to meet you too”
Anyways, he decides to stick around and hang out with you and DK for awhile
And he’s just like...
Later he crawls into DK’s bed
“Dokyeom, do you believe in love at first sight?”
“Are you talking about [Y/N]?”
He shyly nods in response
“Makes sense, you two would be perfect for each other, they’re a homebody just like you”    
Jeonghan giggles and little and snuggles into DK
“Hyung, why are you acting like this? It’s kind of scary”
After that DK starts inviting you over more often
Kind of just to throw Jeonghan off and see his reaction
Every time Jeonghan tries to be super suave and casual, but he just looks awkward and shy as he goes “Oh, hey [Y/N], I didn’t know you were coming over”
Then one day, DK invites you over
And as soon as Jeonghan comes down to greet you
He goes “Oh, Woozi just texted that he needs my help at the studio, I have to go. Jeonghan, would you mind entertaining [Y/N]? I would hate for them to have come all this way just to turn around and go back home”
Jeonghan is glaring at DK behind your back bc he knows exactly what DK is doing
“Oh, you don’t have to! There’s a bookshop on this side of town that I like anyways, I can just hang out there!”
“I’ll come with you [Y/N], DK’s right, he was incredibly rude to invite you out here and then abandon you”
Now DK is glaring at him lol
But you and Jeonghan end up going to the bookstore together anyways
He’s really quiet at first, shyly hanging back to watch you peruse through book selections 
The light in the bookstore is soft and when it hits you, you sort of glow
Jeonghan wishes he could stare at you looking like that forever
Then you start to notice that he’s quiet
So you grab his hand and pull him closer
“What do you like to read, Hannie?”
“Oh, um...”
He turns away and scratches the back of his head to try and hide his blush
“Oh, is it ok if I call you that?”
“Yeah, I um... I like it”
“Ok... Hannie”
He has to clench his fists to stop himself from squealing
You link your arms and continue on your conversation about reading
When you find a books that piques both of your interests
You sit down in a back corner of the store and read it together
You both actually get incredibly invested
I mean it’s hard not to love the way Jeonghan leans in and stares brightly up at you as you read
Oh and the book is good too
Darkness falls and the bookstore gets ready to close
So you buy it with the promise that you and Jeonghan will finish it someday
“How about Saturday? Over coffee?” he asks with a sudden surge of confidence
“I’d really like that!” you happily agree
So you meet up at this small cafe and work on finishing the book
It’s harder this time, you keep making jokes to each other and getting off track
But you’re both having a great time
“I’m going to go get a refill, do you want anything?”
“No thanks, [Y/N], I’m good right now!”
You get up to go up to the counter 
Jeonghan stares around, looking for something to do until you get back
He picks up the book and starts thumbing through it
He flips through the first pages and realizes you’ve already made notes in it
“Wow, they’re fast” he chuckles to himself.
Then he starts reading your notes
“Jeonghan really liked this line”
“This part made both of us laugh really hard”
“Hannie was surprised by this part”
Jeonghan feels his heart start to pound as he reads your scribbles
“Hey Hannie, can I ask you a question?”
He jumps when you appear back at the table
He quickly sets the book down and then feels weird for acting like he got caught stealing or something
“Yeah- um, yeah [Y/N], you can ask me anything!”
“Is this a date?”
“Would you like for it to be?”
You can feel your face heating up as you nod
“Then this is our first date, [Y/N]”
Once you two are official
Jeonghan gets less shy and nervous
Honestly he prefers to take the lead in your actual relationship
Because he wants to make sure you feel comfortable and cared for
If you thought you were able to make Jeonghan nervous when you were just flirting with each other
He’s able to make you 10x more nervous in the actual relationship
He’s such a flirt
Like you’ll literally just be sitting on the couch
And you’ll look up 
And he’s just staring at you and biting his lip
And you’re like ???????
Why are you doing this to me?????
As long as he knows you’re comfortable and gets consent
Most physical affection is pretty forward and intimate
It’s just one of the ways he teases you lol
Expect slow kisses down the side of your neck and when you whine, he smiles evilly innocently at you and asks what’s wrong
He knows exactly where to run his fingers softly down your skin to get goosebumps to pop up and your heart racing
And when he massages your scalp.... WHEW
But he seriously thinks you’re the cutest thing ever
So yeah he teases you
But he also loves 
Pinching your cheeks
Softly cradling your face in his hands and stroking your cheeks
Cuddling up with you and making you feel safe and warm
All of your dates are super cutesy
But cutesy
Coffee shop dates
Walks in the park
(Mostly y’all stay in)
DK comes down stairs and you two haven’t moved in hours from your position binging tv on the couch
“Yeah this is about right”
“Shut up, Dokyeom”
Both of you enjoy just casually spending time with each other
There’s no pressure for extravagant gestures or gifts
Neither of you really want that kind of relationship
Both of you are on the same page with understanding that you show your love for each other in other ways
Unfortunately he’s not great with actually talking out his feelings either
He prefers actually showing he cares
It’s one of the reasons he teases you so much
He panics when it comes to admitting how much he cares about you and how much you mean to him because going all in is scary and he doesn’t want to mess things up or say anything wrong
So he just replaces it with something surface level and avoids it for as long as possible
Sometimes it’s frustrating
And you try to understand
But it’s also scary to wonder if he feels as deeply for you as you do for him
The straw that breaks the camels back is the night you try to talk deeply to him
And he just kind of shrugs it off
So the two of you don’t really talk to each other for the rest of the night
You actually go to bed early
Later Jeonghan crawls into bed next to you
He pulls you into him and lets you bury your head in his chest
“I love you”
His confession hits you like a ton of bricks
“I know I’m awful at actually saying things and I need to work on it, and I promise I will, but until we get there, just know that through all of it, I love you”
You do get there
It takes him awhile to feel comfortable with deep conversations
But he takes the time to listen to you and work out how to respond with honesty
After being with you he feels like he really blossoms in his connections to his emotions
You inspire him to get more comfortable with being more open and honest and help him understand there’s no reason to be embarrassed about his emotions
You take care of him in a way he didn’t even realize he needed 
The boys notice the positive change as well
“I told you, you two are perfect for each other”
“DK, you only said that because we both prefer hanging out at home to going out”
“But I knew, didn’t I?”
“Yes, DK, I suppose you did”
Your relationship is incredibly pure
It’s based completely on mutual trust and understanding
And even if some forms of communication are challenging for the two of you at first
You always strive to do your best to always be honest with each other so your relationship is strong and healthy
Jeonghan is not the type to date casually
When he dates someone, he’s in it for the long run
You don’t realize it for a long time
But when he starts dating you, he knows he’s found the one
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