#but seriously that stimuwrite app is a godsend
kiliinstinct · 11 months
Fic Writer Asks // Accepting More! 💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
Uhh- so.. this is awkward, because I don't know if I should ramble about my Genshin Wips or my FT wips (though I'm 75% certain you'd prefer the FT-) Recently, I had a down moment where I just felt like my writing was stagnating and that I wasn't really improving, but regressing instead. After talking it out with some friends, I came up with an idea for how to approach my writing and then started using this app called 'stimuwrite' that... hoo boy, it has been quite a handy tool so far and it's had me excited to write again. I haven't had this much fun writing in ages. It's definitely made me enjoy my wips and actually look forward to working on them more than I've felt in a long time. A blessing, really. But this is for my up and coming work- and thankfully, the soon to be updated Violent Moon and Flames Desire were both written using that app so- here's some "bits" from both those stories that I had a lot of fun writing (I'll also include one Genshin since it's also been worked on with that app and has been a lot of fun):
-- Flame's Desire --
”Whoever taught you how to write needs to give you another lesson,“ She muttered. Natsu's answering response was to scrawl a single letter over the paper, large enough that no amount of chicken scratch could hide its secrets from her: a large E.
Before she could respond with the obvious answer, he quickly scratched over the letter and shook his head frantically, lips thinning as he frowned. In larger letters, he added two more words that Lucy translated to, 'never again!'
She laughed so hard ink sloshed onto her fingers and dripped onto the paper. A subconscious part of her realized she'd have to help acquire him cleaner bedding later if this kept up. 
”Fine. No Erza to teach you. Let's try again... slower this time.” Lucy sighed, blowing a strand of hair from her face, “maybe I can understand it then.“
Natsu crumbled the paper under his hand and flicked it into her face, grinning maniacally as she quickly tossed it back, missed, and watched it sail by his ear to bounce off the back wall. More laughter ensued and even Natsu managed a chuckle, grunting from the strain. 
-- Violet Moon --
”... so,“ He drawled, refusing to meet the others' eyes, ”ya' gonna try and convince me to come back?“ Fat chance of that happening, he thought. If Freed believed he'd return after a short conversation, he'd be wrong, but would the more reserved man accept a fight involving tooth and claw rather than debate?
It was only in that moment that Natsu realized he'd never seen Freed transform: none of their family gatherings through the years had the green haired man running through the fields on all fours like the others had. 
”Quite the opposite, actually,“ Freed's voice pulled him away from the revelation, amusement tinging the edges of his words, ”I was going to ... urge you, into running back to town. On all fours if I must.”
Wait.. what? Natsu spun back to face him, the world spun in his rush and he wobbled in place, fingers digging into the ground to balance him. ”... you actually WANT me to go against the old man's orders?“
-- Magnetism (The Genshin one) --
That's right, recollection settled back in and Aether relaxed, but it didn't answer the question shifting in his ribcage. If he'd learned it before coming to Liyue, why did it feel as if he was fishing it out of the void? 
“I think,” He began, feeling his throat fill with molasses, “I think I may have met one.”
”Really?“ While it sounded like a question, the way Lumine grasped his wrist and forcefully dragged him through the crowd told him otherwise. She pulled him towards a shaded area beneath the largest tree she could find and immediately reached for the offending mask, intentions clear.
His reflexes were faster, smacking her hand away with a frustrated squawk. ”What are you doing, Lumine?“
”You somehow got your hands on a Yaksha Mask, Aether!“ She hissed, frustration burning through her words as she made another grasp for it. A short scuffle erupted between them as both twins muttered beneath their breaths and tried to overcome the other, ”Hand it over! I knew we shouldn't have kept it!”
“Do you really think Hu Tao would have let me keep it if it was dangerous?” He reasoned, yanking the mask off his hip to hold it over their heads. Their heights were too even and he had to move to his tip toes just to avoid her grasping fingers.
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