#but seriously something is very wrong with maze and phab
iguessitsjustme · 3 years
This episode is so dumb already. I actually decided to finish unpacking my kitchen while watching because I needed something else I could focus on. Liveblog under the cut:
I am still waiting for the day I care about Maze and Phab. Today is not that day.
Maze STOP bringing up the freaking painting to Phab. He’s obviously working on it. YOU interrupted him last time. Make up your mind. Do you want him to work on it or not. Fucking Maze.
Thanh. The only character I care about.
“I can do whatever I want there’s no CCTV” *takes her to her car where there’s a camera RIGHT THERE recording them.
Thanh precious baby you deserve better than this show.
Aaaaaaan back to Phab. Who is working on the painting. That’s good I guess. I actually do want to see what it looks like when it’s done. I just don’t want to have to watch Maze and Phab to get there. Oh well.
Oh never mind he’s actually NOT working on the painting. False alarm.
Of course Maze is angry at the cotton candy. Why is Phab apologizing? Maze is the one with issues with snacks.
Phab is apologizing for being jealous of Maze and Nueng. Who he knows are brothers. I mean it would have been better if they were exes but they’re brothers. He knows this. He knows there’s no romance. Why is he jealous?
That kiss made me uncomfortable. Maze did not seem like he wanted to be kissed. He’s still mad (though I don’t know why).
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my neighbor for coming home very loudly during the sex scene. Very distracting. Unfortunately it only lasted a second. So for the rest of the scene I did some dishes. And I know I was only barely paying attention but seriously. Gaga gave me that popup for THAT? I have more chemistry with a wet paper towel than those two did during their sex scene. What’s happening.
Of course Maze regrets it and Phab shows up to the office with the cotton candy. I’m just glad it’s not an entire branch of bananas. I’m still angry about that.
Phab is an idiot about it. As expected. And of course Maze doesn’t want people to know. He knows he’s Phab’s boss. And normally that’s because of the inherent power imbalance. Especially since Maze is also Phab’s creditor. But it doesn’t really feel like he has any power in the relationship at all. And it’s not like he’s letting Phab take the lead and he follows. It’s more like Phab does what he wants and Maze just has no choice but to go along with it and I do not like this dynamic one bit. Not a single bit.
The work meetings in this show give me such stress. Why are they all so unprepared for these meetings? I would have the files ready on digital copy plus handouts plus I would be ready to share all of my notes. And they don’t even have the one file they need? The second hand stress is killing me.
PHAB WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. What part of “Don’t get too close to me” made you think “Ah yes, Maze wants a kiss on the cheek.” DURING A WORK MEETING. sdiHGLIDUHGLHGKJHFG this is the point at which I DIE. This show has killed me. Lay my soul to rest. Let it end.
Maze and Phab. Kings of the dumb argument.
Hold on hold up hold on. When did they resolve their argument? When the guy came to look at the painting? And suddenly Maze and Phab are fine? They’re happy and none of their issues are issues anymore? eXCUSE ME. That’s not how that works.
Okay now that Maze is having trouble opening his hotel room door and Phab is trying to help, Maze is mad again. I’m getting whiplash. Pick a lane my dudes. Pick a lane.
Phab is an actual child. I actually don’t believe he is emotionally mature enough to be having sex. Especially with his BOSS.
THANK YOU MAZE for calling Phab childish. Someone had to. You still suck though.
Sped up the ending so I could be DONE. And all I gotta say is the employees > Maze and Phab.
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