#but rosalie will when the affair partner knew about the wife
goldeneyedgirl · 2 years
Saw your previous post……LOVED IT
can I also request one where the cullens find out about maria
Anon, I'm sorry, I've blanked on which fic this was for but I'm nearly certain it was for Divorced Jalice. This is a VERY rough first draft of how I imagine the scene going - it definitely happens at a family dinner out, Maria definitely *intentionally* lets the truth slip, and Rosalie is the only one who catches on. But the final version will be polished and a little different than this. But hopefully you enjoy it!
It is, frankly, strange to see her brother with someone who isn’t Alice. That’s the only thought that Rose has when she sees Maria. They look strange together - Maria might be short (like Alice), have black hair (like Alice), but she’s not Alice; she’s Latina, for starters. Her hair is long and glossy, like the hair Alice always wished she had. Where her former sister-in-law had the physique of a ballet dancer, Maria is more of a model. She’s curvy and beautiful and Rose isn’t entirely sure she doesn’t already follow Maria on social media.
It just feels wrong that she’s not Alice.
“It’s so nice to meet you, Maria,” Esme gushes, as they all take a seat. Emmett had commented that it was kind of weird to take Maria to the same restaurant their family always met at, that she was just sliding into the spot Alice had left vacant. But Carlisle and Esme were creatures of habit, and it was Alice’s choice not to be here anymore.
She had been surprised that Jasper was already dating but she understood - she’d sprung the separation on him, moved out days later; Jasper had every damn right to find someone new if Alice was done with him. And he and Maria seemed happy together; she practically hung off him, even sitting down.
She doesn’t know why she’s so uncomfortable with Maria, not at first. She answers every question, makes several jokes, and asks questions of her own. Carlisle likes her and respects her education and aspirations for her own law firm. Esme is keen to discuss Maria’s apartment, in a new building that’s been in all the design magazines.
It’s halfway through the meal when Rosalie reaches for her wine glass with nothing to really say. She’s admitted defeat; there’s nothing about Maria that she can criticize. The whole relationship seems to have moved fast, but different things work for different people. Emmett, Bella, and Maria are dissecting the city’s foodie scene with enthusiasm - Bella is inexplicably passionate about soup dumplings, and tapas apparently, and Emmett is just enthusiastic about food.
“Oh I loved their cocktails,” Maria says, flipping her hair and turning to Jasper. “It’s where you took me after the Bergman deposition back in January - you liked it.”
For a moment, Jasper freezes and she freezes, and she’s not sure why at first. The twin thing, again. And then she meets his eyes, and Maria’s smile suddenly looks like a smirk and she understands completely.
Alice didn’t move out until the summer, and yet, Jasper was apparently taking Maria on dates to - according to Bella - one of the most romantic bars in the city.
She feels cold and hot, and it is only the fact that Carlisle and Esme visit this restaurant several times a month that stops her from making a scene. She remembers January, remembers psyching herself up for another round of IVF, and Alice sending text messages of support, flowers, and explaining Jasper was working late, working too hard, but they were both thinking of her. Remembered the last time she had breakfast with Alice, after yoga - Alice had skipped the class and shown up looking listless and tired, made a couple of comments about being lonely, about Jasper not being around much.
She looks around the table and no one else has picked up on that very intentional slip. They aren’t rushing anything in this relationship - they’ve been together the best part of a year; Maria had very intentionally taken Alice’s place at the table.
And it takes everything in Rosalie’s body to keep eating.
“He was fucking her,” is the first thing she says in the car, thin-lipped and coldly furious.
“I would hope so,” is Emmett’s response as she starts the car, Bella and Edward looking confused in the backseat.
The rage she feels is enough that she immediately turns off the ignition.
“Rose?” Bella sounds concerned.
“January. He took Maria to that romantic bar in January,” she’s so angry that there are tears in her eyes. She thinks of the phone call and, oh god, the texts she sent Alice when they separated and she had just assumed that Alice was being her flighty self. “Alice moved out in June.”
Bella looks shellshocked and Edward looked grim. Emmett just looks confused.
“That has to be a mistake,” Emmett begins and she loves her husband for that. That the idea of an affair, of her brother cheating on his wife, is impossible.
“He was fucking Maria whilst Alice was at home thinking he was working late!” she yells and slams her hand against the steering wheel.
“Maybe Emmett should drive?” Bella suggests meekly, and she doesn’t respond, just gets out of the car. She doesn’t know why, but she sees them just across the car park, sitting in Jasper’s car talking. Esme and Carlisle have already gone. In a second, she’s across the car park, and she’s not sure who she’s going to murder first - Jasper or Maria.
“Rose?” Jasper’s leaning out of the car, and with the shadows of the streetlights, he looks drawn and sickly, almost grey; thin and with dark circles under his eyes.
“How fucking could you?” she half-yells, and she’s already tearing up with anger and frustration and resentment. “Alice loved you so much.”
And in the harsh light of reality, she cannot believe she ever thought that Alice would leave Jasper for no reason. She had revolved around him, been her best self at his side. There was a shaky cellphone video somewhere of Alice in the bridal suite at her wedding after the ceremony, sobbing into her hands as she messily confessed she was just so happy to finally be married to Jasper. How happy she was to have a family, when her parents had let her down and discarded her so many times.
Jasper shakes his head and Maria purses her lips to cover up the smirk.
“I’m so goddamn ashamed of you right now, how dare you sit there and pretend that you are the victim in this mess. How dare you bring that home-wrecking whore to a family dinner, and let her sit in her seat!” She stamps her foot and she knows she’s making a scene and people are staring, but suddenly Emmett’s there, with his arm around her. “I swear to god Jasper, I…”
“Let’s go, Jasper.” Maria’s voice is sugary and smug, and if she wasn’t in the car, Rosalie would have punched her, strangled her, and made her hurt.
Instead, Jasper just shakes his head and winds up the window.
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statusquoergo · 5 years
Part I
I wonder if Faye feeds on everyone’s hatred for her or what, because she heads on into Donna’s office to ask for help with the massive amount of work she now has to do as the firm’s new managing partner, Donna greets her with predictable snark and sarcasm, and I swear I thought Faye was going to ask her for help finding a secretary but no! She asks Donna to help her get a handle on things.
Now, true, “You were the best secretary this firm ever had” is probably not the best way to convince Donna-the-COO to give her a hand, but everyone keeps insisting that this firm is woefully understaffed (despite apparently having plenty of associates and also enough clients to use some of them as bargaining chips), and as Chief Operating Officer, it’s Donna’s job to make sure the firm’s operations are running smoothly, so…if the managing partner needs a little help getting her work in order…it kind of is her job to get that done? I still think it would’ve been more reasonable for Donna to hire Faye her own secretary, but it’s not like she’s qualified to be COO, or doing…anything, at all, to deserve the position, so I mean. It’s just a couple of days and it’ll probably go a ways towards getting Faye off their backs, why not take one for the team?
On the other side of the floor, Alex and Samantha have some more weirdly endearing bonding time, and I admit I thought it was pretty funny when Alex told Samantha how important family is and she asked if he was trying to adopt her. Then he invites her over to dinner, pointing out how highly his wife and daughter think of her, she accepts, and this is definitely the first time I’ve actually kind of liked her as a character.
Harvey gets an impromptu call from Dan, that random CEO from before, who tears into him for taking out a full page ad (what is this, 2003?) bashing Faye’s old firm for endangering the future of Dan’s company, and seriously, who’s going to see that ad who’s going to, one, give a shit, and two, have any idea what it’s talking about if they don’t already know? Anyway Dan informs Harvey that his board fired him, Harvey exclaims that they can’t do that in the middle of litigation, and actually, he’s probably right, but who cares about logic, this is Suits, for crying out loud. He promises to fix everything, Dan threatens to sue him if he doesn’t (which I’m sure wouldn’t be long and drawn-out and expensive and totally not worth it), and Harvey immediately goes to Donna to bitch and moan about this situation that is of course in no way his fault. She tells him that Faye has her doing secretarial work, Harvey tries to storm off to tear into her, and Donna proposes that they go out to dinner instead to give him a chance to clear his head because they decided earlier that they don’t want Faye or their work troubles to come between them as a couple. Which I get, I mean, that’s sensible, but how is this Faye coming between them? Is Harvey being mad at her for asking Donna to do this work hurting his and Donna’s relationship somehow? Would Harvey not be pissed off and storm her office if he and Donna were still just friends? I can’t decide if this is him being chivalrous or patronizing, but I’m leaning toward the latter if for no other reason than that this show has a bad history of some pretty sexist sub-plots and throwaway jokes.
Katrina summons Susan to her office to reprimand her for disobeying her direct order by contacting that family friend of hers, and yeah, Susan should’ve obeyed her because she’s an associate and Katrina is a senior partner, but I still think it would’ve been a good idea for Katrina to tell her tell her up front why she didn’t want her to do it. Too late now, because Susan tries to blackmail her into keeping her on by threatening to tell Faye why Brian really left (he and Katrina had romantic tension, that’s why). I’m getting shades of “You put your interests above mine. I mean, I’m just putting mine back up next to yours” (s01e01); I wonder if this show knows how to do partner/associate relationships that don’t mirror Harvey and Mike.
Fast forward a little: Gretchen offers to do Faye’s work for Donna so that she and Harvey can “get [their] smush face on,” which, what does that even mean; Louis goes to bitch at Faye for stealing his secretary and we learn that she immediately saw through Gretchen and Donna’s ruse; Louis goes to complain to Gretchen and vow to get Donna back; she tells him not to do that because it was her choice to take the work on, he asks her where Donna and Harvey are so he can make sure they’re keeping Donna’s promise not to let their relationship interfere with his need for support, and she says he shouldn’t bother them and then immediately tells him where they are. Because logic.
On said date, Harvey and Donna are having a hell of a time talking about anything other than work, even though the entire point of this date is to not talk about work; they resort to “Water is wet” (Donna) and “Have you read any good books lately” (Harvey) before Harvey realizes that Donna reminds him of Ricky Garfield’s mom, a beautiful redhead he had a crush on when he was a kid. This is obviously an implication that Harvey has a “type” (that neither Zoe nor Scottie nor Paula matched, go figure), but it feels weird to me in a way I can’t quite put my finger on just yet. Something about infatuation or obsession or idealism or…something. I don’t like it.
Minor interlude to Alex’s house, where he and Rosalie reprimand Joy for backing Alex’s car into a lamppost and then lying about it and Samantha tries to blend into the refrigerator for a minute until they all sit down at the table for takeout Chinese. No, this is actually a good scene; it’s realistic without being too cheesy and incorporates the awkwardness without letting it ruin the evening. I still don’t much care for Joy, but the effort is pretty nice overall.
Harvey and Donna seem to have settled into some pretty easy banter as Donna confesses that she once thought she’d been poisoned by a Szechuan peppercorn; Harvey asks her what she did to deserve being poisoned, she says that’s neither here nor there, and he accuses her of being a black widow, at which point she corrects him that if she were the black widow, she’d be the one doing the poisoning. (Hold onto this for just a minute.) They keep up their irritatingly scripted repartee until Harvey has a brainstorm about how to save Dan, but he won’t deal with it until tomorrow because “tonight is for [them].” Then Louis calls Donna for that support he mentioned to Gretchen, she contemplates picking up, and Harvey talks her out of it, at which point we see that Louis is in fact at the restaurant and saw them ignore his call, and I get another flashback to him standing outside of Harvey’s office holding a poorly-timed cake meant to celebrate his and Mike’s success at working together just as Mike and Harvey decide to team up again. Poor guy. (I’m not sure if this show loves to self-reference or they’re just low on new ideas. Maybe both.) Oh, then Harvey says they should go to his place where he can pretend to be young Harvey and Donna can pretend to be Ricky Garfield’s mom and I think I’m starting to figure out what my problem with this is. (It has to do with idealization and romanticism and Harvey needs to go to therapy.)
Katrina asks Samantha how she knew when to give in when Katrina stood up to her, Samantha tells her she gave in when Katrina was right, and I’m so confused, does Samantha suddenly have a sense of modesty? Her character is so arbitrary, it’s giving me a headache.
The next day, probably, Harvey storms into Faye’s office and accuses her of having Johnson and Powell, which I guess is the name of her old firm, fire Dan during litigation thanks to a clause in Dan’s contract that allowed him to be fired during litigation. (Who the fuck would put that kind of a clause in their contract?) Faye denies it, asserting that a fifteen-minute phone call Harvey found record of in her LUDs (which he got…where?) was from Johnson and Powell rather than the other way around (which he should have been able to tell from the phone records) because, get this, they wanted to complain about what an asshole Harvey is. You know, in previous seasons, I might’ve taken offense at that, but at the moment, I think they’re really onto something. Anyway she invites him to subpoena her and points out that all he’s managed to accomplish thus far is getting Dan fired, so that’s gotta feel good.
Following up on the Katrina plotline, she escorts Susan to Faye’s office and boxes her into either disclosing the story about Katrina and Brian or dropping the matter completely; Susan ends up not ratting her out (for…not having an affair?) and Katrina admits that she was ambitious when she started out, too, but that can’t be all Susan has. I’m liking this dynamic, I hope Susan gets a redemption arc and sticks around awhile longer. (Not just for the overtones of Marvey, I also think it’ll be good for Katrina to have someone to mentor.)
Louis and Harvey have their final confrontation of the day as Louis declares that he’s taking that judgeship (that is not how that works), and Harvey clarifies that he and Donna ignored Louis’s call because they assumed it was about work, and also they weren’t laughing at him, they were laughing at some joke Harvey told right after they hung up on him. That’s all very well and good, but you know how earlier Harvey didn’t know what a black widow is? This time around, he’s unfamiliar with the phrase “tilting at windmills.” (It means to attack imaginary enemies.) I’m not saying that everyone has to know every idiom in the English language in order to be a functioning adult, but neither “black widow” nor “tilting at windmills” is especially uncommon, and the fact that Harvey doesn’t know them is…very jarring. Are they trying to make him seem dense? Out of touch? Socially inept? Did he entirely lose that part of his personality when Mike abandoned them? Is he faking it for some indiscernible reason? It feels to me like they’re trying to use these blind spots to make him seem more relatable somehow, or more likable, but for my money, it’s having the opposite effect as I’m finding it very irritating and out of character for him.
Samantha thanks Alex for bringing her over for dinner, declaring it precisely what she needed, kerfuffle and all, and confides that she’s been inspired by the fact that Joy is a perfect cross between Alex and Rosalie to find her birth parents. That’s nice, I guess? But…is she familiar with the concept of nature versus nurture? I don’t think this is going to turn out the way she wants it to. Also, I knew Samantha was a foster kid, but I didn’t know that she cared about her birth parents, and now she suddenly does with no buildup whatsoever, and I must say, I do not give a shit.
Donna shows up at Sheila and Louis’s place for a little bonding session, treating Louis to a “girl’s night” and promising him that tonight he’s “the most important woman in the room,” which is all very well and good but I can’t imagine it would’ve been any harder for them to say “tonight is all about you” and avoid making this into a whole gendered thing.
Finally, Harvey meets up with Faye yet again to cockily inform her that, as Louis reminded him, he’s the guy things always work out for; this time around, he convinced Kevin Miller (who’s apparently become the show’s official deus ex machina) to buy SensaTech, which I guess is the name of Dan’s company? And then rehire Dan because he built it from scratch. He seems to have also advised Kevin to allow SensaTech to keep Johnson and Powell as their legal counsel, thereby allowing Faye to save face (which I was unaware she had lost) if she’s willing to give Gretchen back to Louis. (Faye didn’t want Gretchen, she wanted Donna; it’s Donna’s fault Gretchen is working for Faye, because she wanted to skip out on work early to go on a date with Harvey.) Faye refuses, countering that he can resign if he wants to try extorting her; they each claim that they’re not going anywhere, and she closes out the episode with the line: “And for the record, you said you’d do anything to win this, but you haven’t crossed a single line. So as far as I’m concerned, I’m doing my job.” I guess she means that despite being resisted at every turn, she’s beginning to succeed at bringing them into line? But honestly, as a parting farewell, it really doesn’t have as much punch as she thinks it does.
I told you Louis wasn’t going to resign. Next time around, it looks like they’ll be going all in on the Darvey angle, so that’ll be…fun…
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wazafam · 4 years
The Sopranos examined Tony's numerous affairs in detail but his wife Carmela had quite a complicated love life too. During her time in the series, she was involved with four men, Tony being the obvious one. Her first foray into infidelity happened when she kissed a handyman named Victor Musto.
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Carmela then began seeing DiMeo crime family enforcer Furio before moving on to guidance counselor Robert Wegler. However, the man she was truly passionate about was Furio. At times, fans couldn't help but hope that she'd leave Tony for him. But would he have been the right choice?
10 Tony: He Was A Good Father
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Carmela often clashed with both AJ and Meadow but the children treated Tony quite differently. Meadow rarely had a problem with her father while AJ only clashed with him about four times the entire series.
AJ disappointed his parents on a frequent basis but Tony never stopped caring for him and rescued him from the pool as he was drowning. Tony was often heavy-handed when dealing with his fellow mobsters and enemies but when it came to his children, he was as nice as a father could be.
9 Furio: He Wasn't A Cheater
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During a night out, Furio saw Tony cuddling with one of his mistresses. He was deeply disgusted by this. Not only was he against cheating but he also felt that Carmela deserved better.
The incident almost made him murder Tony. As they were going to board a helicopter after leaving the nightclub, he considered pushing Tony towards the rotating blades but he changed his mind. Since Tony's affairs kept hurting Carmela, being with a man who was totally against infidelity could have been good for her.
8 Tony: He Was A Generous Lover
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Carmela couldn't count the number of expensive earrings and necklaces that Tony had gifted her. Not to mention the dinner dates. The mobster never hesitated when it came to spending money on his wife. During her time in the series, Carmela didn't even have to work. Tony took care of all the bills and expenses in the home.
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Before their ugly fallout at the end of Season 4, he was even planning to buy her a beautiful mansion by the lake. No one likes a mean partner, so Tony gets points for his generosity.
7 Furio: She Had Genuine Feelings For Him
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Carmela loved Furio so much that when she heard he had fled back to Italy, she almost lost her mind. The realization that she was never going to see him again was too much to bear. While he was still in America, she always looked forward to the times when he would come to the house to pick up Tony.
Like a teenage girl, every interaction that Carmela had with Furio made her very happy. And the feelings weren't one-sided. He felt the same way. There's no doubt that such strong love is what relationships should be built on.
6 Tony: She Knew Him Better
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Carmela had known Tony ever since she was a high school student. The two fell in love, had children, and built an amazing home together. Carmela knew all of Tony's weaknesses as well as his strengths.
The same can't be said of her relationship with Furio. The DiMeo crime family soldier had only been in America for a few years after Tony plucked him out of Italy. She didn't know about his history nor the dark moments in his life.
5 Furio: He Was A Gentleman
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Unlike Tony, Furio was a proper gentleman. While Tony kept yelling at Carmela, Furio always addressed her respectfully and always acknowledged the fact that she was like a boss to him. He didn't act on his feelings for her immediately by trying to sleep with her. He was ready to wait until the right time.
RELATED: The Sopranos: Carmela's 10 Best Quotes
Tony, on the other hand, would go on to sleep with any woman that he was slightly infatuated with. He never cared about Carmela's concerns either.
4 Tony: Family & Friends
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A marriage is a union between two people but part of what makes it great is the extended family and friends. Carmela had a good relationship with Tony's family, friends, and associates. Every mob member liked and respected her. The rest of the mob wives were fond of her too and often visited her.
With Tony, Carmela had a sense of belonging. She was surrounded by a group of people who loved her. Even when Tony stressed her, she could find solace in Janice, Adriana, or Rosalie.
3 Furio: He Was Smart
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While Tony made plenty of rookie mistakes such as letting his mistresses have his house number, Furio always did things intelligently. When he was in a dilemma about Carmela, he asked his uncle for advice during a burial ceremony in Naples. His uncle told him to either kill Tony or leave America.
Furio was intelligent enough to leave America before Tony found out about him and Carmela. If he had stayed a little longer, there is a high chance he would have been killed. Before he left, Furio was also intelligent enough to stop coming to the house, knowing that his feelings for Carmela were getting out of hand.
2 Tony: They Were Somehow The Same
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Carmela had millions of complaints about Tony but she was quite like him. She was supportive of his mob lifestyle and showed no remorse for people getting killed. She was also willing to do anything to get what she wanted, as seen when she threatened a neighbor's sister to sign a recommendation letter for Meadow.
RELATED: The Sopranos: 10 Times Someone Was Killed In Broad Daylight
She also slept with A.J.'s guidance counselor Robert Wegler. Not to forget that she was in love with Furio and the handyman Victor Musto. Like Tony, Carmela was aggressive, fearless, and ruthless. Logically, two people who are alike are more likely to have a successful relationship than two people who are different.
1 Furio: He Could Have Given Her A Normal Life
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Despite the fact that Carmela enjoyed the lavish lifestyle that came with being married to a mob boss, she was frequently sad. With Furio, it would have been different. Since he wasn't a high-ranking member, she wouldn't have had the expensive cars and big houses but she could have had a normal life in a small but decent home.
Furio was also a capable and hardworking man. He did manual jobs around the house and cooked. These are things that Tony would never even think of doing.
NEXT: 10 TV Shows About Gangsters If You Like The Sopranos
The Sopranos: 5 Ways Carmela & Tony Were Good Together (& 5 Why She Should Have Been With Furio) from https://ift.tt/3tBiCc3
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