#but rn i am eepy so gn
ink--theory · 11 days
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new roommate
based on this part of a little drabble I made that'll never see the light of day :P
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killmymind · 2 months
today was such a nice day :D i woke up early and had breakfast w a friend, it was quite warm and sunny so we went to the park and drank mate, for lunch we had cappelletti stuffed w chicken and spinach that were super good, watched the simpsons, got my tattoo that i’m obsessed with andddd loved my outfit slash makeup and hair. v epic. big win for effie
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sable-roteuth · 7 months
(Yipping and yapping)
I am super eepy rn but I don't wanna sleep because I yearn to yap but I don't got anyone to yap to.
Here's some doodles from recently ig
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I'll upload better/finished ones later lol
(lots of yapping under the cut)
I got so desperate to yap today that I yapped to my ENGLISH TEACHER about cotl. My friends walked in as I was doing that and I felt super embarrassed LMAO. Those same friends also decided to sit in an empty classroom today and put on those weird videos of people dying and laughed at them so I just left the room. Another friend decided to start having a very loud conversation with themself as well during class and I wanted to EXPLODE it was so embarrassing.
I'm thinking of taking some time for myself this weekend, even though I've already been isolating this whole week lol. Might make some food and play Splatoon or watch a show, just anything to keep me from feeling bad about everything and yapping my head off again (I'm so sorry if you actually read this whole thing). I was writing in my notes app earlier but I feel like I gotta get this out somewhere so idk. Obviously the aforementioned friends aren't the best to talk to, and my other friends are.... all in a call without me.
Although I've been feeling less bad about stuff like that lately, cuz honestly a lot of the time when I do join in on a call I end up not enjoying myself for... several reasons (Mostly feeling unwelcomed in one way or another, but I'm not gonna get into that here lol).
My birthday is next week and I'm dreading it more than I've ever dreaded any birthday before. My mom wants me to get a job the day of and I couldn't be less enthusiastic. I barely have enough free time as is.
I'm also realizing that I'm mad hungry rn cuz my school keeps serving the most dogshit food so I keep not eating lunch this week. I had like one tiny ass piece of chicken for dinner too. I should really log off rn cuz I keep not getting a lot of sleep, so GN everyone.
Thank you for listening to my yapping session.
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