#but realistically it'll probably not be that successful
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magicalflyingart · 1 year ago
New Year Resolution
I usually don't even do a new year resolution, but I thought I'd try one out this year to motivate myself to make more art. I want to try my hand at a small art business. I already have a job to pay the bills, so this would just be money on the side (unless it goes well and then who knows). So here it is:
Sell enough of my art to fund a new large scale tattoo.
Art begets more art, or something fancy sounding like that. I'm not exactly sure what I will sell, but maybe some original paintings, stickers, relief prints, and anything else that tickles me.
After looking at third party sites that you can sell handcrafted items on, I think the best choice for my business would be just to handle all that myself. Next month, during the Lunar New Year break (I live in Taiwan, so we have like a week off for that) I'm going to make a website and set up payment and shipping on it.
So look forward to that happening and I hope to have your support in the upcoming year!
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ssahotchnerr · 8 months ago
hi my love!! how are you?🩷
i saw your requests are open and i wanted to ask for more jealous!aaron if you’re up for it! maybe one of the girls (probably jj or penelope) set up reader on a date and they are talking about it on the jet ride home from a case. she’s not too sure about it but wants to give it a chance…rossi and derek are hyping her up too maybe! and our man aaron is just watching thinking he’s lost his chance but little does he know she’s only going to try and get him out of her mind.
wishful thinking
these kinda plots >>> 💓 cw; bau!reader, sooo much mutual pining (they're both idiots), a touch of jealous!aaron, slight angst wc; 1k
part two
You weren't being too subtle.
As the others were settling down, getting situated for the ride home, your priorities laid elsewhere; admiring Aaron and the handsome, beautiful, handsome features he possessed.
The way his cowlicks were tousled gently over his forehead, just begging to swept back. His chiseled jawline, one your hand yearned to span across. His enviously long eyelashes. His lips-
Penelope suddenly sitting next to you pulled you from your trance, causing you to jump. It had been one of those rare instances she was needed in the field, offering her specialities on sight rather than stationed back in Quantico.
The expression she bared was rather eager, complete with a pair of googly eyes.
You laughed shakily, a faint blush creeping onto your cheeks - hoping your longing stare hadn't actually gone noticed, "May I help you?"
"So," Her grin widened, "are you excited!?"
You grimaced slightly as your mood instantly deflated. You uneasily crossed a leg over the other, "I don't know."
"Excited for what?" Morgan inputted from above; headphones in hand, twirling the headband in a circle around his index finger.
You offered a sigh in response, so Penelope took the initiative to answer for you.
"You know James Cameron? From Homeland Security?"
"Yeah, what about him?"
"He's expressed quite the interest in our fellow crime fighter." Penelope's excited grin turned back towards yourself, also nudging you with an elbow. "And so I've honorably claimed the role of Cupid and someone," More wistful eyes pointed at you, "has a date Saturday night."
"He's a catch." JJ expressed enthusiastically, dramatizing a swoon as she sat across from the two of you. "Tall, dark, handsome."
"I can vouch I've heard nothing but good things about him." Morgan teasingly ruffled the hair on the top of your head, "Way to go kid."
You offered a meek smile, squirming ever so slightly in your seat. It took everything in you to not let your gaze drift back elsewhere. "Thanks but... I'm not so sure I want to go."
"What's not to be sure about? He's smokin', successful. It'll be good for you, too. When's the last time you put yourself out there?" JJ pointed out, arching an eyebrow in emphasis.
You shrugged, your chin landing in your palm.
Clearly you couldn't go into the specifics; the truth being you had your eyes on someone else. A particular boss you all shared, sitting just a few feet away.
The whole dating scene, you've been hesitant due to said feelings. The only reason you had truly considered going out - was to get Aaron out of your mind. You've spent countless, sleepless nights thinking about him, picking apart every little interaction; the way he looked at you after you had a breakthrough at a profile, admirable enough to make you want to burst at the seams. Walking alongside him, hands centimeters apart, softly grazing his skin. The concern he showed following an unfortunate brawl with an unsub - he had almost reached out to cradle your face. But, all of which could have been entirely figments of your imagination. Wishful thinking.
But regardless, they had given you the slightest amount of hope. Which is why you waited, but you couldn't do so forever; the probability of you and him - highly unlikely.
You had two choices; to continue holding out for the impossible, or to pursue the realistic.
You peered over at Aaron, consumed entirely by the file in his lap. It didn't appear he was paying attention, and that stung. All things considered.
The truth is, he was, and disliking every single bit of it. While it looked as if he were working, he was merely scribbling on a scrap piece of paper, enough to wear it down and produce a hole; silently brooding and anxiously waiting to hear where the conversation went. The more it carried on, however, the more jealousy burned in the middle of his chest. The two of you were close, you understood him like no one else, but that itself was the issue.
He feared if you got too close, if you really, really knew him, he would damage you somehow. Or worse, you'd end up similarly to Haley - unsatisfied and yearning to leave him behind. And so, he had refrained from being proactive.
In addition, right now, part of him didn't know what hurt more; the fact you were going on a date with someone who wasn't him, or the fact that you hadn't mentioned it.
"I say go for it." Dave offered, "Trust me. I am an expert, after all."
Emily bust out laughing, "Okay."
"What do you think?" You asked over their laughter, your voice detrimentally small. "Hotch?"
Aaron's head lifted, his eyes immediately latching onto yours. It kept circling in his head; You missed your chance. You're missing your chance.
Despite the ongoing internal conflict, one he could resolve in a few simple words, he panicked.
"I don't see a reason not to." He rushed out, your heart plummeting into your stomach at his words. "Of course, don't do anything you're not comfortable with. But there's no harm in seeing if there's a connection."
Even as he spoke, he didn't sound like himself - as if someone else were doing the talking. Extremely feigned, forced. Speaking from his mind rather than his heart.
"Okay," You bit your lip, looking directly at him as you spoke. "I will."
As the others switched topics, your eyes stayed with Aaron's. A silent exchange drifted between the two of you, Spencer's current tangent seemingly miles away. Hurt, betrayal, a touch of something else too.
You exhaled deeply, turning to look out your window.
Whatever it was, it didn't matter now. Did it?
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whirlpool-blogs · 27 days ago
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Jack Hughes + awareness of the world outside of hockey
"I could do a billion things that I would like to do...but I can't." (50ish things)
“I know there’s a lot out there other than just hockey. Hockey is just a small thing in a big world." (BORN IN THE U.S.-EH)
"I feel like I could be successful in a lot of things. If I wanted to do something smart, I could probably do that too." (THN May 2019) (Exhibit A: best grades of all the siblings / Exhibit B: was on honor roll / Exhibit C: computer chip brain) / Exhibit D: chess game vs Luke)
Who has a better life than you? "Probably a lot of people." (The Chirp)
How important is that trip going to be to bring everybody in and have that bonding experience? "Uh, yeah, it'll be big. I don't know if it'll be like life or death, but, you know, it'll be good for the guys." (NHL AtTheRink)
On his love of reading: "I never went to college, so I gotta get smarter somehow." (The Athletic Podcast)
If he weren't in the NHL right now, wrong answers only: "I'm a college kid right now, because I'm only 21 and I'm figuring it out." (NHL All Star 2023)
“If you get outside your little hockey bubble, no one really cares. I’m realistic of the fact that hockey’s a small, small part of the world even though it’s my whole world.” (Devils podcast)
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awkward-tension-art · 9 months ago
Medical Marvel
I’ve had this idea for a series floating in my head for a while, so…consider this a potential preview? Possibly? if anyone wants a more original series?
Clones: Rex, Fives, Echo, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech and Crosshair
Cw: Before order 66, Mostly fluff, some talk of corporate corruption, Padme is a good friend, a single mention of smut for Crosshair, Minors DNI
Not proofread I die like a MAN
Your lover had just returned to Coruscant from a mission in the outer ridges. He came to your science lab to visit you at work when one of your colleagues directed him to your office. Before he entered, he happened to overhear your conversation with Senator Amidala. 
“No, too corporate.” You spoke to Padme through your holocom, “Also they’re still neutral.”
“Kirgalis?” Padme offered another medical company name. 
“No, they’ll raise the price 400 times more than it takes to manufacture.” You responded sounding frustrated. 
“You can’t keep turning down every company,” The senator had a slight laugh to her words, “You have to find someone to help you with this research. If it goes through and the medicine is successful, do you know how wonderful that would be?”
Medicine? Your clone lover didn’t know you were working on a type of medicine. You were performing research on clone health, but he had no idea the main goal was medicine.
“I know Padme…” It sounded like you had your face in your hands, “I just…I want to make it affordable for the clones. Medicine that can slow their aging to a normal rate, that should be affordable. Especially after everything the clones sacrifice for the Republic.”
“You’ll probably have many clones from different battalions confess their love for you because of this. You know that right?” Padme teased you.
“And all I want is the love of one specific clone,” You spoke about him so sweetly, “I hope he returns from the outer rims soon. I’ll surprise him with the research. Tell him how this medicine works. How he can live a normal life for a normal length of time.”
“Will you tell him how you named it after him?”
“Soon.” You sighed, “I need to get back to work, Padme. Thank you for letting me brainstorm.”
Will fall in love all over again
He's going to try and pretend he didn't hear the conversation, but clones can't lie for shit so you know something is up
That's when he will admit he overheard the conversation
"Mesh'la...What I heard...is it real?"
When you confirm it for him, he's going to pull you into a very deep and very passionate kiss
Normally he's more professional of course, but right now, he's so overcome with emotion
A medicine that gives him and his brothers a chance at a normal life after the war?
It's the greatest gift anyone could ever give him
He knows realistically that there is still an entire process of getting the medicine approved, talking with medical companies, manufacturing and a lot of moving parts that he has no idea goes into medical research
He's going to support you in every way possible, all while falling more and more in love with you
May genuinely open the door and want to marry you then and there
You, the love of his life, have researched and found a way to make medicine to slow a clones aging to a normal rate?
and you want it affordable for all of his brothers?
Fives is going to worship the ground where you walk
As soon as that door is open his lips are ON you
He doesn't even pretend like he doesn't know, he'll be admitting it between kisses
"Mesh'la...Cyare...I love you...I love you so much!"
He's not going to care if your fellow scientists see him damn near making out with you
He may be a bit optimistic on the whole...making medicine process. He'll think it'll be an easy process so you'll have to remind him that patience is important
Even if it takes a couple years, he's so proud and so happy
Echo (Clone Force 99)
More reserved in his happiness and his affection
He'll knock on the door, and pretend he didn't hear anything
He doesn't want to ruin the surprise! He knows you'll share with him everything when your more confident it'll work out
He is WELL AWARE what scientific advancement without reigns can do, so he's actually very relieved that your vetting your potential manufacturers
However, he is beyond happy that your so focused on helping the clones
Echo actually does well pretending to be surprised when you finally tell him about your research and the medicine your making
this man will actually die when you also tell him you've named your research after him
He'll be so honored, and just kiss you all over your face
Also great at keeping the research secret if you can't go public with it yet
Like Echo, he hides the fact that he overheard
He doesn't act an differently, I'd say
He knows you want to surprise him, so he's going to wait, and pretend like you caught him off guard when you tell him everything
But you bet your ass he's fulling in love with you about this
He's damn near hypnotized by your compassion for clones
Plus? the idea of living a much longer life with you? the both of you being together to grow old at the same time?
His heart is RACING at the idea
However, unlike the others, I think Hunter knows to a degree that there is some level of danger to you once you go public with your research and medicine
Kamino doesn't like it when someone gives agency to their 'property'
Someone managed to find a way to override clones sped-up aging? Yea, Kamino may not be happy about that.
So...Hunter may actually become somewhat more protective once you tell him
He's going to ask what you were talking about, won't hide the fact that he heard
He's curious! he might not entirely 'get' the science of it, but he gets the gist of whats going on.
You researched and found a way to slow clones aging so they can live a normal life span? Yea he understands!
and he's so SO happy!
Ecstatic completely
Will go to the rest of his brothers and tell them the amazing news!
He's proud! and so in love!
Because of you, he and the rest of his brothers now have the choice to live their lives however they wish at the end of the war
They can have families, learn a trade, become something other than soldiers
and so can he! with you! you gave him more time with you!
You think he doesn't know what you've been researching?
He most likely already had a vague idea, even if you tried to hide it
While he is absolutely so proud and so happy, he's going to step in and help you now
He'll do some research on potential manufacturers, vet medical companies and find ways to make this medicine affordable for all clones
Tech is going to be very interested in the creation process
How did you begin this research? what components have you used? Where did you get the idea for such a protocol?
He'll listen to you talk about your research for hours
It doesn't even matter its for the clones! He's just so insanely proud and in love with you over such an achievement
The fact that this medicine can allow him to live a long life with you? someone who he adores? Thats a plus
Crosshair (Warning, there is slight smut)
He's not going to dance around the topic. He'll just tell you straight up that he heard the entire call
That doesn't mean he isn't happy! he is!
But now he needs to actually think about the future. what he wants besides being a soldier.
I mean, your research and medicine is giving him and his brothers an incredible chance at normal lives after the war!
It's going to hit him that 'yes, I can have a life that doesn't revolve around the battlefield' and that honestly scares him
But, despite that, he's going to grab your hand and keep you in your office so he could...show you how happy he is that you've done such an incredible thing
He knows you've worked hard, and to find out its for him and his brothers? it makes his heart flutter
and knowing you've named your research after him as well? Will fluster him
But, like Hunter, he knows that by being so selfless, you're a target for greedy companies that want your research
He knows how cutthroat competition for profits among corporations can be
Crosshair might actually step away from Clone Force 99 in order to act as a bodyguard for you
at least until he knows that you'll be safe. He loves you too much to be careless with your safety
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paradiseinternet · 2 months ago
I Hate Tony Stark: Chapter One
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pairing: Tony Stark x Soulmate!Reader
word count: 4.4k
triggers: war (hinted at), death (mentioned, not detailed), childhood trauma, poverty, out-of-body-experience.
author's note: Ayo, waz up. If you see this fic pop up in ao3 at some point it'll probably be me. I've got three chapters done so far but not gonna post them all right away. If you don't like world building, slow burns, and a touch of enemies to lovers, then this fic isn't for you. If you like soulmate au's, somewhat realistic character interactions (not "omgomg y/n I love you!!! <3"), and heavy main character setup, then this is for you. Seriously, I'm afraid of commitment so that slow burn gonna come in h a r d .
Enjoy luvs. --Missy
Chapter One: Merely a Suggestion
            Although it is a controversial topic, you are one of the few who believe soulmates are only really a suggestion. This naturally wasn’t your original hot take on soulmates; in fact, you swore to marry your soulmate the moment you found them. However, the world is sweeter to a five-year-old and reality doesn’t really daunt on the youth until at least eight. Marriage is a beautiful thing and by the time you were six you’d concluded that although you and your soulmate would get married, it didn’t have to be immediately. When you were seven and outside during recess, you would tell your schoolmates that you couldn’t wait for the day you could meet your soulmate. Don’t get it twisted, you weren’t entirely ignorant—your mother and father had told you that many people got a soulmate, but few met them. This didn’t damper your optimism and everything was sunshine and rainbows until you turned eight. It was at this point that you became more self-aware and less self-absorbed.
            Your mother, bless her heart, was a kindred soul who worked two jobs: one as a waitress at a restaurant down the street in the evenings, and the other as a childcare worker for a local pre-K daycare. On the other hand, your father worked only one job as a mechanic for his own business (of which was slowly going bankrupt). They are soulmates and you love them just as much as they love you. However, love doesn’t mend all holes. When you turned eight, the entire world seemed to flip on its head. Quickly you became aware that living in a single-bedroom apartment on the outskirts of California wasn’t typical for a family of three, never going out to eat isn’t necessarily common, and working more than one job in a two-income household isn’t normal. It was at this point that when your birthday came, you’d ask for fewer, less expensive things in hopes of being less of a financial burden. Your family was not rich, well off, or even content. Instead, this loving family was so poor that your father would need to occasionally go to food pantries sponsored by local churches to even put sustenance on the table.
            Even with such a financial burden, you’d made sure to do your best in school in hopes that one day you can be successful and care for your own parents when they reach retirement. And so, by the time you became eight, your fantasy of marrying your soulmate went onto a backburner as more pressing matters took stage.
            By the time you were almost ten years old you’d accepted that maybe you were part of the 40% of the population that didn’t have a soulmate; or more dauntingly, the 27% that would never meet their other half. Not that the former number is necessarily terrible, it’s certainly better than the other side of the 27% that typically results in death.
In reality (and taking historical facts into consideration), only 6% of the 60% who are supposed to find their soulmate actually do—and live. So, when your tenth birthday came and no new soulmate identification aid popped up on your skin, in your mind, or with your vision, you’d thrown in the towel with grace and accepted your placement in society.
            In this universe, an unknown power assigns one person with another and declares them soulmates. The most common pairing is between a man and a woman; however, it isn’t uncommon for there to be a same-sex bond, a bond with multiple people, or a bond that is simply platonic. Something more consistent are the Soul Identification Aids (SIAs for short). These are the aids given to each soulmate as a sort of guide on how to find the other. Not all SIAs are immediately noticeable, but they tend to be on the more obvious side. Additionally, a new SIA is given to the person when they turn ten. Typically, the old SIA will be replaced by the new SIA (since many aids are not compatible). In the event both identifications can work smoothly together, the soulmates keep all pre-existing SIAs. Everyone is given an SIA at birth as many doctors and nurses exclaim with joy when a baby is born and they are first to witness the name, phrase, etc. of a lifelong future partner. There is however a small caveat to identification aids-- if your soulmate has yet to be born, you are stuck with your initial SIA from birth until your destined person comes into the world. In which case, the younger soulmate will receive two new SIAs (if compatible) and the older soulmate will gain one new aid on the day of birth of their soulmate. Many scientific investigations have also speculated that if your soulmate is not born by the time you turn ten, you do not receive a new SIA until your soulmate enters the world.
            So, when you were born late into the night and there was no physical sign of a SIA, this didn’t worry your parents. Afterall, not all SIAs are visible, and non-visible marks tend to run in the family. Your mark would eventually show up, and even if it didn’t, there was always a new one that would come when you turn ten. Thus, when you turned ten, your parents began to worry. You had woken up excited to see in what way you were going to find your soulmate, only to see not an inkling of a sign. The rest of the day was spent with your parents testing, prodding, and scanning for any sign of a new SIA. When nothing came to a head and you began to feel low, your parents told you everything was going to be fine and that they loved you no matter what. Then, with a little hope, your mother reminded you that you were an evening baby, so perhaps the new marks wouldn’t kick in until you were officially ten.
            That night, emotionally exhausted, you’d slept like a rock. There was only one point where you were rustled awake by the feeling of falling. Like your room, everything was dark; so, when you opened your eyes and couldn’t see a thing, you reminded yourself that you were in fact not falling, but instead sleeping in your twin-sized bed. Attempting to go back to sleep, you resituated yourself and cozied up with a pillow and cuddled up to the person beside you.
            You bolted into an upright position, trying to see what was going on. Stumbling out of bed, you turned on the lamp light to see no one in your vicinity other than your mother and father on the other side of the room cuddling each other on their full bed. At your hasty and loud movements, your father raised his head to look at you.
            “What is it?” He mumbled, still half-asleep.
            Looking around again, you decided to brush off the odd event as a physical hallucination and yawned, “Nothing, just felt like I was falling.”
            He nodded his head before going back to sleep, only for you to turn off the light and do the same.
            Christmas Day came, and the holiday was slowly losing its charm the older you got. With the new information that there isn’t a Santa Claus, you’d fell into a world of horror—not at the idea that there wasn’t a large man sneaking into the apartment every year, but that your parents, without fail, have been paying for your extensive wish-list every year. That was a bandage that was ripped off the same year that it was determined you didn’t have a soulmate. You were twelve now and had come to terms with becoming unnecessarily excited with gifts you felt so-so on. So long as your parents believed you were happy with the inexpensive present, you were truly gifted with the joy of relief in knowing you’d saved them a few bucks. This, to you, was enough.
            Although this year was a little different. In recent news, your father came home a few months ago saying that his business will go bankrupt soon and so he’s looking for other jobs. With the new financial stress, you’d done everything you could to cut down on costs. Shorter showers, walking home instead of being picked up, finding little things you could do to lessen their burden. So, when this Christmas came around and your father made the announcement, you were overjoyed.
            “I have found a job!” He declared joyously.
            Not only had he found a job, but it would pay more than what he was initially doing at the auto shop. The catch however was that it was a job with the military, and he was required to go into basic training for a few weeks, away from home.
            Your mother, the strong-willed woman that she is, held down the fort as you both gave your goodbye’s as he left for training. In the weeks that he was gone, time was a little strained and schedules were jumbled. The apartment was becoming more of a mess as there was now only one parent in the house. However, you both pushed through and welcomed your father back with open arms when he was finished.
            He wasn’t stationed immediately; in fact, it wasn’t until you were 15 years old that he had gotten a call. The army had found a placement for him somewhere in Afghanistan and he was to be deployed for about nine months. This time around your mother was a bit more hesitant. Afghanistan? At his age? He was already close to the max age of deployment, and they had limitations for a reason. It took a few days, but with the hope of giving you a better means of living and perhaps putting some more money in the already lack-luster college fund, she reluctantly confided.
            Unfortunately for you, when your father was expected to be deployed it would mean he would miss your birthday—the sweet sixteen. But with promises of trinkets and memorability, you smiled with tears in your eyes and waved goodbye once more. The two of you would have a father-daughter date when he came back to make up for the lost time.
            The day had arrived, the day that you’d never forget. Your 16th birthday. There were no big parties and no equally big plans. Just you and mom having a nice at-home dinner with a small gift ceremony. In the morning you were treated to sleeping-in and then given breakfast in bed with your favorite breakfast items. A small lunch came later in the day with plenty of sweet snacks to accompany you throughout the special event. Time was spent watching movie marathons, panting nails, writing letters to your father, and a variety of other activities you enjoyed. As the memorable day came to an end it was topped off with a Skype call with your father, having him wishing you a wonderful birthday, and an even better year. You’d hadn’t even gone into the bedroom until after eight in the evening, and so you began your nightly routine. Shower, pajamas, brushed teeth, water on the bedside, along with some extra routine things you do. By the time you had gotten done with preparing for bed, your mother had already dozed off, having put on an eye mask and earbuds in to allow you ease of movement as you got ready for slumber. The day was certainly memorable.
            But it didn’t end there.
            Almost as soon as you laid your head down onto the pillow, you felt the sensation of falling. Except this time, you were awake opposed to sleeping, and your eyes hadn’t even closed yet. Light had filled your vision so fast that it was as if the sun decided to take a detour back into the sky, pushing the night away. This wasn’t the only sensory overload however, as the audio of the quaint bedroom seemed to be blasted with dozens of voices—voices that did not match the tone of your mother. Next you had realized that you were no longer laying down, but instead standing up straight with a hand tucked into your dress pant pocket.
Dress pants?
            It was then that your eyes focused, not looking at something, but more everything in hopes that some sense can be made. Your heart was beginning to beat rapidly, and your brain took laps within your skull. Confusion molded your facial features, your brain having not a clue as to what was going on, but somehow something inside of you understood. “Understood what?” is a good question, a question you were about to come to the answer of.
            “—are you okay?” Asked a voice to your left. You twisted your head to track the voice, only to see multiple mouths.
            Another person spoke, this time possessing a higher pitched tone, “Mr. Stark, do you need a glass of water?”
            ‘What?” Was the thought that passed through your mind.
            Someone tapped your shoulder, and you looked towards the direction of the touch.
            “Sir, are you alright?” A man was in your face. You looked up at him, he was only slightly taller which would make him rather short for a male. He was pudgy with brown eyes and slicked back hair that was a little longer than what would be typical for a man.
            You breathed and formulated some form of a word out of your lips, “Where . . .”
            Then you stopped without even continuing the sentence, a look of surprise cased along your features as you were startled by your own voice. Except it wasn’t your voice. This voice was a lot deeper in comparison. Had you not felt it come out of your throat, you’d have assumed someone was right next to your person and said the word instead.
            You licked your lips as a strange look passed through the features of the man in front of you as he tried to make sense of what was going on. When your tongue exited your mouth, however, you felt little hairs move on your face. Now that you think about it, your mouth doesn’t taste how it did a moment ago. It felt drier and there was a linger of something that had a potent after-taste. Something was different, a lot of things were different. As the few seconds ticked by, a dawn of realization casted across the man’s face.
            It was at this moment that you’d come to the realization that the room was a bit quieter than it was a few moments ago. You had turned your head to where the initial parade of noise was coming from only to find some faces. Correction, many faces. Each one showcasing a similar expression to the one the man beside you displayed a few moments ago. Then, as if following a script, the faces started to change into the same form of realization the man had given you.
            That’s when the room roared to life with questions ranging from “Who are you?”, “How old are you?”, “Where are you from?”, and so on. There seemed to be a never-ending assault of words pointed in your direction that came so quick you could feel the exhales of the people warm you up slightly as it touched your skin.
            Then it dawned on you, a realization that could be titled ‘Better Late Then Never.’ This situation, this body, these people, this is not your setting. Not your room, not your mom, and certainly not your body. That man beside you is not short but instead you happen to be taller. The only thing that you knew in this situation was that this is the body of your soulmate. A man, standing on a slightly elevated stage with a minimalistic microphone in front of him, addressing dozens of people in what can only be assumed to be a press conference. A man you thought didn’t exist, a soulmate you previously believed you were not destined for.
            You glanced back at the man beside you as he hastily grabbed and dragged you into a particular direction. Where you were being taken off too was unbeknownst to your knowledge as you blink and find yourself back in the apartment standing in the middle of the kitchen.
            The time could not have been more than five minutes since your initial, unexpected bodily switch, and yet your entire world has changed. Focusing your eyes again and feeling the cold vinyl below your feet, you took a shallow breath. This felt like your body. Your mouth tasted familiar, and your fingers felt leaner than the ones you had just moments before.
            Looking down at the counter you faced, a torn piece of paper and a well-used pencil was before you, as were a combination of letters and numbers that filled the off-white sheet. Gently grabbing the paper, in fear of tainting its viability, you slowly read the note as you process what it says.
            10880 Malibu Point, California, USA
            An address. Your soulmate gave his address.
            Suddenly your mind swirled with the next course of action as your heart started to speed up again in excitement. However, you stopped the trail of thought as a smile crept onto your face.
            ‘I have a soulmate,’  you’d thought in endearment.
            Had it not been for your sleeping mother you would’ve squealed. That thought was quickly swept away as worry settled in.
            You don’t have a phone book with adresses, so you’d have to go to the library and use the computers there. Additionally, you’re 16. If he has his own address and is a speaker at a conference, he’s probably an adult. The Global Soulmate Registry Association (GSRA) isn’t particularly favorable towards the joining of an adult and minor soulmate after breaching the threshold of a particular age gap. Additionally, if he had immediately left the room to look for something to write on, he probably doesn’t realize how old you are.
            ‘A letter it is then,’ you had concluded.
            A letter is the most viable step. You wouldn’t need to go to the library in that case to see how long it would take to get to his home, you’d just need to get a letter and a stamp. A letter would be able to inform him that the two of you would need to be separated for the time being until you’re a legal adult. A letter is a harmless form of communication that can keep the two of you in contact without actually seeing each other. This way, you get to know this “Mr. Stark” without breaking any rules set in by the GSRA. And to be completely honest, you were very interested in learning about this man and why his name sounded so familiar.
            The news had been on fire for at least a week. Talk was going around about the recent happenings of the “2003 Tokyo-Stark Conference” and how world-renowned Tony Stark does in fact have a soulmate. Video footage had been released of the entire ordeal staring you and your awed expression. While watching the news you couldn’t help but flush in embarrassment as your eyes darted everywhere within the video and facial features contorted constantly—most being a sign of confusion and disorientation.
            You’d yet to get ahold of the letter and stamp—still frazzled by the whole ordeal. If the press is this attentive to a single man, how would they react to the news of who you are? Nerves shook your body as doubt laid on your mind. Perhaps this letter needed to be re-thought.
            Another week went by, and you’d finally calmed down your nerves. Regardless of the repercussions, you would let your soulmate know that you got his message. A smile made its way on your face once again at the thought of having a soulmate.
            Sitting beside your mother, the two of you were chatting away with the TV on in the background. You have yet to tell her the exciting news, but tonight that was going to change. The most recent broadcasting was still on the “Soul-Stark” mystery; however, now it was highlighting the many women who have come forward claiming to be Tony Stark’s soulmate. Initially you were worried that he would believe them, and that your soulmate would be ripped away from you; but, after Tony released a press statement, your worries melted.
            “She knows how to find me. Figured she’d find me sooner, but hey, patience isn’t my strong suit,” he had stated with a sly smirk on his lips.
            That’s right, he gave his address to you. No one has his address other than the ones he trusts. No one can prove their reliability unless they possess the note that you have. That’s why a letter is perfect. It’s effective, reliable, and prevents any bundles of nerves from forming if you two were to meet in person. Because to be honest, you’re not entirely sure if you could meet him face-to-face right now. The very thought makes something in the back of your brain twitch. It wasn’t anything bad, just that this person who has all the fame and fortune anyone could want, was your soulmate. You. Acne-infested, poverty-stricken, popularity-lacking, you. There wasn’t a doubt in your mind that he would take you at face-value, but considering your face is one big zit, that’s a hard pass. Perhaps after some time you can accept the man the universe has given to you, and you expect that time will come in about two years when the GSRA won’t breathe down your neck.
            Suddenly, your mother grasped her chest in pain.
            “Ahh!” She groaned.
            Your eyes widened in shock, unsure how she could be in pain without anything physical around her to be threatened. Swiftly you held the hand that was on her chest and put the other on her back, rubbing small circles.
            “Are you okay? What’s wrong?” You asked in worry.
            She shook her head, seemingly unable to speak. This carried on for a minute or two as she caught her breath.
            Releasing some air she huffed, “I don’t know, it just felt like something stabbed my heart.”
            In that moment she looked at you in the eyes and your own widened in shock.
            “Mother!” You yelled, unintentionally recoiling from what you looked at.
            Her features molded into that of confusion as black tears rolled down her cheek. Almost simultaneously she seemed to be aware of the liquid feeling on her cheek as she went to wipe the tears away, only to see the gunk that came out of her sockets. The two of you stood still not saying a word, trying to understand what was happening.
            It was during this moment that the TV flashed blue and red as it had the words “Breaking News” on the screen. Then a woman’s face appeared as she began to give the people the latest scoop.
            Without a breath the newswoman began, “Break news: We have just received reports of an airstrike in Afghanistan. The attack, carried out by opposing forces, targeted a U.S. military base. Details are still emerging, and we will continue to monitor the situation closely. Stay tuned for further updates.”
            That’s when it occurred—the realization.
Your father is stationed in Afghanistan. Your mother is crying black tears. There was an attack on a U.S. military base. Those tears weren’t bizarre, they were signs of a soul break. Your father is dead.
Unsurprisingly, your mother derived the same conclusion but was not willing to accept it without proof. She quickly got off the couch and ran to get the home phone, dialing a number you didn’t know. The next few moments were spent with her waiting as she got past the operator who connected her call only for the other end to speak out:
“Sorry, but all available representatives are currently on the line. Please wait as—.”
She fell to her knees, no longer able to take the strain on her brain and on her heart. It was when she fell you heard a sound you’d never forget, as the most soul-sucking sob left her lips. Mothers have a tendency to take all the weight of any situation, standing strong so that their little ones have something to look up to and aspire to be. Therefore, when the very woman who has raised you with an iron fist and soft heart completely fell apart, you were confused. You were worried. You were devasted. How does one fix a hole that is too big to mend?
Taking tentative steps to the corner your sob-filled mother fell, you were about to get down with her when the TV made an announcement.
“This just in: Our latest sources have confirmed that the weaponry used in the attack on the U.S. military base in Afghanistan was manufactured by the domestic company, Stark Industries. More details to follow as we learn more,” the woman said in haste.
A far-taken picture was displayed on the screen detailing a missile on course to the base with the logo of Stark Industries plastered to the side.
The only thing close to a representation of your thoughts after the announcement was the word “numb.” Your mind drew blank as your breathing stopped. Any movement made to aid your mother was quickly drawn to a halt. A few seconds passed by as the sound of your mother’s sobs only increased with the new information—having the attack being worse coming from your own country. As for you, your mind began to piece it all together.
Tony Stark, CEO of Stark Industries and the mind behind the weapons, killed your father. Your soulmate killed your father. Fuck the idea of indirect actions—one man is dead because of another. The man you have loved your entire life was killed by the one you’re destined to be with for the rest of eternity.
At this revelation you have made your decision. One that you will argue was not made as an act of emotion-clouded judgment, nor a means of revenge. It is simply because of the bad taste that enters your mouth when you say his name.
And here it is, the moment that defined everything:
“I hate Tony Stark.”
So yes, even though it is a taboo perspective, your opinion remains stagnant.
To you, soulmates are only really a suggestion.
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 5 months ago
Now that there's an animated adaptation of Midnight Sun coming, and given the industry's recent track record (see: Minecraft Movie), what's the worst, bad faith, cash grab adaptation idea you can imagine? I figure if we inoculate ourselves then the reality won't suck so much.
My nightmare: Streaming has a long history of making shitty attempts at "adult animation", so we'll get an Edward who constantly cusses and does lewd jokes. It'll be like the HBO adult animated Velma (Scooby Doo) show where the writers' disdain for the characters fills every scene. The first episode will focus on how Carlisle helps plan a murder of some overly suspicious deputy so they can keep living in Forks.
Anyways, worst case theories? So we can feel better when it's not THAT bad? Or else use the apollo prophecy meme on your post a year or two from now.
My 'realistic' prediction
Twilight: The Edgy Animated Adult Series with Twelve Times More Drugs and Swearing
Oh man, yours is worse than mine. I mean this guessing the future business is a little silly in general, but I think that wouldn't happen as Twilight's not...
How do I put this?
Scooby Doo is a beloved, vintage, IP that's so well-known it's a part of American culture/Americana. It's in that weird place where it's acceptable to do edgy reboots of it because everyone already knows the premise of the Scooby gang, each individual character, the bad guys, and their mysteries.
You don't have to explain who any of the characters are supposed to be, so you get a "ah ha ha ha isn't it funny that Velma swears now?" because you know she's from a 1960's cartoon.
Twilight's not quite old enough for that and, at least in my opinion, not pervasive enough for that. It was a huge sensation, but was never as big as HP, and dominated only a subset of the YA audience (female-targeted YA romance). Ask a person off the street and the most they can probably, maybe, tell you is "sparkly vampires and Team Edward and Team Jacob". So, at best you get riffs like we saw when Twilight came out with the Simpsons and various other parodies where the parodies... really didn't know what to do with the characters or what it was even about. "Milhouse turns into a poodle, I guess? Is that funny? It's funny, right?"
Twilight just isn't old enough and as big as it was, I don't think was widespread enough.
So, I think we're going to get an earnest reboot.
But you do now have me concerned. And I may be eating my words later on this post and reblogging with a clown face.
Other Theories
Alright, let's see what we've got/what we can come up with:
Yours: HBO adult comedy horror fest
Mine: Boring, Snoozeville, Tame, Generically Arted Palatable Twilight that is Designed to Be as Appealing as Possible
Other options I can think of are...
Interview with a Vampirepalooza/Oh God I Don't Know What's Popular: given the recent success of Interview with a Vampire, an edgier adult story with adult characters, Netflix will look to make Twilight their exact own version of that. Except they won't understand what made it work there. We sexy it up but in a CW way, the kids are all still in high school but the fact that the Cullens are fucking each other is brought up relentlessly in an edgy way. The vampires all look hot, hot, hot but in a normal human way where you're not terrified they're some crystal robot out to eat your limbs. We'll keep some of the artsy weird dialogue, but Edward will be both somehow made more sympathetic (as he is the lead we end up with) and 'dark' where he's dangerous in a sexy way and not in a "you smell like my personal heroin way".
The Buffy Route: remember that one teen show from the 90's that was so good it spun off an entire genre of television that essentially hadn't existed before? Twilight becomes a fun teen oriented show where the characters say witty, fun, teenage-like things and get into episodic mysteries while somehow trying to remain in the realm of Twilight. Edward loses his edge, Bella loses her unrelatable nature, and we really play up every time a character has a funny line and write a lot more in there. Unfortunately, it's not a well written teen comedy show and so the lines are just generally bad and the plot never seems to go anywhere and it's just boring.
Hannibal the Twilight: some really artsy director gets involved and we now have a show where the symbolism of Edward walking around as a man-deer takes over the entire fucking thing. Nothing ever happens, Edward just shows up in Bella's dreams as a snarling man deer. When characters talk to each other, it's in artsy nonsense dialogue where it feels like both are reading 2000's era chatbot scripts to one another as they mix metaphors about ponies, china pottery, and dust motes. The plot is so non-existant the only important episodes to watch in a season are the premier and finale, except even then it's unclear what happened.
Audience Input
Anyone else got any wild guesses here?
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kradogsrats · 4 months ago
This might be spoilers for what happens later in your Lissa centric fic but do you ever see Sarai as a better leader than Harrow was in Canon?
Interesting question! I feel like when a lot of the fandom looks at Sarai, they see her anti-dark magic stance and challenge of Harrow's characterization of the magma titan as a "monster" as her most prominent character moments and interpret that as her primary character trait being compassion for all people and creatures, like a fully-matured version of "incapable of killing" Rayla.
Which like... fair! The series goes out of its way to associate them, two characters who will never meet, to the point of Rayla repeating Sarai's lines. Also "Does it think? Does it feel? Does it have a family? Is it the last of its kind?" is a real banger, hitting right at the one of the deepest core themes of the story, so it's not surprising that it's what stays in everyone's head. But the really important line for understanding her as queen in relation to Harrow as king is later in the scene: "You said you want to build a better world, to really change things, but that's going to take decades of hard work. There's no monster you can slay and solve all your problems." The novel has an additional sentence in there to reinforce the point: "There's a special kind of courage that you need for consistency and perseverance."
Both Harrow and Sarai are interested in systemic change. The novel describes them as having had "long, late-night discussions" during which they planned how they were going to solve the problems they identified. (All of this kind of says something about King Atticus, too.) However, she self-describes in narration as an "optimistic realist" to Harrow's "idealist." She believes that as king and queen, they can change the world—but it may take a lifetime, and will involve a lot of hard decisions.
Really, I think the key difference between them is life experience. Sarai married Damian and chose to have a child with him, fully knowing that he almost definitely wouldn't live to see that child grow up. Harrow, when they meet, has probably never had a serious relationship. Sarai comes from a military background (IMO), so she has both given and taken orders she might not fully agree with—something we see from her accompanying Harrow on the mission. She made her case to him, he made his decision, and she follows through on that decision without a single complaint, even though we know it's one she dislikes. Harrow, as he knows, was born a prince—for all his training, it's unlikely anyone gave him orders, and they probably took his opinion as having more weight. He's somewhat aware of his privilege compared to most of his subjects, and kind of overcompensates with his ideas of compassion and servitude.
Not to go all American politics on everyone, but it's kind of the same misunderstanding a lot of liberals have about the presidency—if we can just get the right person into that seat, they'll be able to tell everyone that [insert social policy] and it'll happen. The reality, as Sarai knows, is that big changes takes years of lobbying, boots-on-the-ground activism, and lots of little changes that still require fighting tooth and nail to get them done. She's absolutely right that it takes a special kind of courage to do that work and keep doing it without falling into despair and resentment. You also have to know how to pick your battles, something that Harrow is definitely not used to doing.
Ultimately I do think Sarai would probably be more successful than Harrow was as sole ruler, if that was a situation that somehow occurred, BUT it's important that she never denigrates Harrow's idealism or thinks of him as naive. I think she values it, and loves him for it—for things like "reject history as a narrative of strength, and instead have faith that it can be a narrative of love," which is 100% pure Harrow. Like Harrow believes she makes him better, I think she believes that he makes her better. Sarai's more effective but Harrow's more inspirational. So, idk... make of that what you will.
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sixth-light · 9 days ago
Hi. May I ask about PhD program applications?
I’m based in the US and in climate/climate policy work. Shockingly, funding has been cut for those programs. My work and research is rooted in supporting traditional ecological knowledge with western-based science and policy, and I mostly work with local tribes. Australia and New Zealand are now my top choices for doctoral programs. Is there a best practice I should follow when reaching out? Or is spam emailing potential supervisors and hoping for a response my best option? Thanks.
I don't currently work in a position where I take students but I know from my colleagues who do that they get a lot of approaches from overseas students who want to study here. By far and away the best way to stand out is to have a reason you are contacting those people specifically - i.e. don't spam everyone and anyone, contact the people to whom you can genuinely say, I read your paper on X, I saw your presentation at Y conference, these are the reasons I think we'd be a good fit. (It is OK to do some research, read some papers, and then reach out - those statements don't have to be true right this second.)
That will probably get you to the point of at least getting a response, and even if the first people you contact don't have funding or space, if you do the relationship-building work they might be able to point you to others. Approach it as an exercise in talking to cool people who do cool work and finding out how you can help them and you're still not guaranteed success...but it'll be a much better and more interesting time regardless.
I do want to emphasise though, the AoNZ science system is going through a very rough patch of its own. If you're looking to do a PhD that may work - be very realistic about the likelihood that you would find permanent research work here afterwards (minimal).
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assiraphales · 1 year ago
HELLO HI let me start this off by saying i love your posts so so much they are so silly
Anyways since opla season 2 has been confirmed, what are some things you REALLY want to see? Im genuinely curious
so i'm assuming they will start off with loguetown and end with alabasta. i'm hoping that since the first season was so successful netflix will order a FEW more episodes (ideally ten or more) but I have to stay realistic so I know every detail won't translate to screen
a lot of the anime loguetown arc was filler (zoro mopping the marine's floors, luffy running around lost and drinking milk at a bar, sanji entering a random cooking competition) and I know there's a few things they're unlikely to skip (zoro aquiring kitetsu & hopefully throwing the sword in the air to see if it'll chop his arm off, luffy on the executioner's platform, smoker) but i really they have time for
-nami n usopp bonding. especially the moment where usopp faced off against daddy the parent bc not only was nami there supporting him/willing to fight for him, but it also was a glimpse into his complicated relationship with his father. daddy the parent quit his job so he could spend more time with his daughter, while yasopp completely abandoned usopp. it was also so cute when they were fangirling over sanji together -i'm so excited to see inaki laughing with his head in the stocks seconds away from death I just know he's going to devour that scene -there probably won't be time but it would be funny if we see luffy n zoro on their lunch date with a combined zero dollars in their pocket and buggy ends up covering their bill without knowing who they were -i'm can't wait to see who they cast as smoker!!!! their casting has been honestly great so far so i'm looking forward to the reveal
laboon the giant whale. LABOON THE GIANT WHALE !!! I know in the grand scheme (at least from a standalone season perspective) he's not that important to the plot. but by god !!!! give us the depressed whale that luffy gives the will to live back to!!!! practical effects are very important to the one piece team I think they can figure it out
whiskey peak is going to be controversial but I hope luffy n zoro's fight goes EXACTLY like it does in the anime & manga (aka they're so in sync that they're punches are meeting in the middle and they're yelling in unison & five minutes later they're laughing about the prospect of meeting a warlord). this arc also requires the writers to let zoro have his funny guy routine because him hecking the agents is so good
while I don't know if we'll see zoro fighting a triceratops and saying "oh so u do three sword style too" we NEED to see him do his stupid pose in the wax. season ruined if not. (jk but its very high on my list)
chopper my wittle cutie. I know we'll see him no matter what but I'm banking on a puppet. i'm pretty sure its already confirmed that they're using practical effects for him, but I heard maybe prosthetics which could be a hit or a miss
nami and vivi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! karu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm truly on the edge of my seat to see how they'll handle zoro n sanji's rivalry considering they've made the decision to base it around their relationship with luffy. the girls WILL be fighting
similarly excited to see live action sanji fawning over not only nami but also his little meow meow luffy (fantastic change from the anime imo)
crocodile better be the greasiest motherfucker I hope he's absolutely vile. i can't wait to see him wearing a FUR lined coat in a desert
I also know they're going to go off with pell's character design
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melmedarda · 3 months ago
Another narcissistic!Ambessa truther. An individual of taste.
Honestly, unless you've lived under a narcissistic parent, you don't understand the intricacies of the Mel x Ambessa dynamic. That innate knowledge that nothing you do, no matter your level of success in life, it'll never be enough to please your parent. That if you have siblings, they'll always love your sibling more.
The constantly moving goal posts. Oh, you're the wealthiest in Piltover? You're still not as rich as your family in Noxus. Ambessa is such an efficient manipulator and triangulator, it's ridiculous. And you really see it with how she had Caitlyn in a chokehold in season 2. Turned that girl every which way but loose.
Oh, and the lack of boundaries with your kid because they're an extension of you, not their own person. That scene where Ambessa talks to Jayce naked in her bathroom is absolute crazy work in every sense. Because why are you, as a grown woman, cool with talking to your daughter's "man who's not really her man" in such a state? Jayce was visibly uncomfortable, but Ambessa just kept going. I feel like people don't understand or appreciate how unhinged that whole scene was.
Mel is better than me because hands would have gotten thrown just for that bit of violation on its own. Rolling up to your kid's home after over a decade has passed (and you haven't checked in with her at any point) and expecting a warm welcome, then calling her dramatic when she calls you out on your nonsense........nah,bruh. Mel should have gone off on her.
(Mel was probably grey-rocking Ambessa, to be fair to her. But still. Someone in that writer's room has to have experience with a narcissistic parent because that shit was written way too realistically.)
I've had to deal with narcissistic relatives and they are so difficult to coexist with because they demand better of you and constantly criticize, but you can never be better than them at the same time. I don't know and cannot pretend to understand.
The scene with Jayce and Ambessa, it was a power move, as subversion and flipping of stereotypical gender roles in such a scenario. It was insane, frankly, and It was a battle, one Jayce won for that moment, only to lose everything in the end, essentially.
And Mel DID come after her mother, telling her to stay away from Jayce. And Ambessa didn't even let her get a word in. Shut her down and told her get it together, I raised you better. Shut that entire conversation down by appealing to Mel's emotions, which made her unsteady and eventually forget about the reason she had come to upbraid her mother in the first place. Ambessa's sooooo interesting, I really want to dissect her mind. I cannot WAIT to read her book because I need to understand how she got to be this way.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 6 months ago
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It's late at night and we're a month away from the big return. So excited! Overall I keep my hopes for Hunter x Hunter reasonable. Maybe not this batch but within two from it we can finish the Kakin Succession Arc and by extension Kurapika's story. Then if we can get something on the Dark Continent Leorio's set up to shine, make good on what he started with the Election Arc. An ending is feasible, a good one with everything we need to resolved. It'll take time, but I just usually think about the Succession.
I care about the Dark Continent though. And what sold me was these dudes. Agents in some unspecified multinational travel advisory organization that also has a secretive department pertaining to the true nature of the world. It's cool we're getting to One Piece's equivalent of seeing the true extent of the world's deep secrets, but I don't think Oda can compete with Togashi here. I love these guys because they're so real, and I think in a way where it'll come back around for Leorio. I'm going somewhere with this:
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We've seen Gon & Killua's arc play out, but with what we have so far I think I get the point with the other half of our quartet. They sorta changed places from where we established them at the start. I love the 99 dub having a line of them like, answering at the same time a Hunter is the noblest/wealthiest profession around. We've developed this well so far, Kurapika's quest for vengeance has led him into an opulent but sleazy lifestyle around organized crime and organ dealers. Leorio's not really found that material success but his Hunter license ends up being a fast track to public prominence. He has all the skills to be someone like Pariston, and it's very rare to see a guy written to be a benevolent version of that. So what does that have to do with the G-Men?
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I love these two having a little mini arc to kick off the arc because they're so...realistic for a modern fantasy world. Does that make sense? Like, I don't get the vibe these two are great Nen fighters. But they're probably familiar with several classified reports on it. Kinda like how East Gorteau had that one Nen user guard. Yes, of course a world with modern governments and world beater threats has a government agency overseeing boring nuts and bolts. And they act just like a present-day NGO too. Their solution with Kakin is kinda slimy but on point for contemporary diplomacy. Find that line that lets everyone get what they want without really rocking the boat.
I love how well it works, how it builds off of Pariston showing this alternate way of fighting for a goal. It's a great transition...but I can't shake the feeling this also casts a long shadow over everything going on with this expedition. The agents seem quite casual about the idea they may need to replace the Hunter Association suggesting they have the capacity to. And I'd agree. All in all, just remember these two when you're getting back up to speed. You can't discount the impact of a multinational agency who's #1 is making sure people don't fuck around with the DC and their MO is to act like they're playing along.
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thewertsearch · 2 years ago
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Oh, fuck.
Jack, just - just wait there. Postpone your invasion of LOWAS for however many minutes are displayed on Jade's Cruxtruder. Please?
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Jack has tracked down the one warrior who could challenge him. Does he have a new plan this time?
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Huh. I didn't peg Jack as the 'honorable warrior' type - although, come to think of it, this isn't the first time he's shown respect to his enemies.
I guess he was prototyped with a sword. Maybe it symbolizes chivalry, or fair combat, compelling Jack to seek out a duel.
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If there's one thing that this demonstrates, it's that Becquerel couldn't end up in the kernel by accident - his reactions are much too fast. If he gets prototyped, it's because he wants to be prototyped.
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GG: hmmmm i wonder what the significance of that number is
It's 413 + 612. It probably represents the kids and trolls 'coming together', and working as a team.
EB: hey, what do you think we should prototype this fussy little orb with? [...] GG: there are so many possibilities [...] EB: it's almost like your grandpa put all this crap here knowing we'd have to make that decision. [...] GG: yes, it sure seems that way
It sure does.
I think the dolls, at least, are a red herring. We've done that twice before, and a Mummysprite just doesn't seem that interesting, especially compared to all the other options.
I think the realistic choices here are Grandpa, Bec, Dream Jade and Typheus. I'd give a slight edge to Grandpa, because he's in the room with the Cruxtruder - but a lot can happen in ten minutes.
EB: he seems like he was an awesome guy, i would have liked to have the chance to talk to him. [...] GG: maybe you will get that chance john [...] GG: yes, as a matter of fact i am sure we will both get that chance! GG: i once dreamt that we would [...] EB: wait, are you saying we will prototype him? EB: like i did with nanna, to bring her ghost back to life? [...] GG: sure, why not!
See, reading between the lines here, it doesn't sound like Jade ever saw a Grandpasprite in Prospit's clouds. She saw herself and John talking to Grandpa - but if she saw him as a green ghost, she'd be a lot more conclusive about that being the correct option.
Instead, she says why not. It sounds right to her, but she's not sure. I think the fact that they're planning to prototype Grandpa is intentionally misleading.
EB: we shouldn't put your grandpa in yet, unless we want lots of imps and ogres and stuff that look like your grandpa. GG: augh, nooooooooooooooo
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They could just prototype nothing at all before entering. The game is already unwinnable, so they don't have anything to lose by cutting themselves off from 'ultimate success'. Plus, it'll stop Jack from getting any stronger.
EB: we could put in something really lame, to make all the monsters weaker!
Damn it, and John has a frog in his sylladex! That would have been a fantastic prototyping, if he could get it to her.
Does Jade have enough time to fetch a frog from the lilypad ruins? Probably not - I guess this will remain a missed opportunity. The kids would never think of it, either, because the comic has so far refused to elaborate on Frog Lore.
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msallurea · 9 months ago
Gotcha Haha we lied the law of assumption is not real and neither is manifestation. Yes all those hundreds maybe even thousands of success stories you've seen of ppl manifesting haha, ITS. NOT. REAL it's all fake...
Now if you made it up to this point and u believed every word I just said. Congrats, you have now given yourself all the proof you need that the law is real. Please be expeditiously for real for just a second please..
I literally just ran into a page that has collected most if not all the success stories from ppl in loa community...i dont think u heard me, There's a whole ass page dedicated to most if not all the loa success stories that have occurred on tumblr. For my ppl that be doubting and thinking ppl lying, look now I get it i do but come on now bruh🙄..u telling me everybody lying? 😑 I mean EVERYBODY? 😑 now if u a logical person and u just HAVE to be that person that thinks someone ain't telling the truth, realistically it'll probably be a few hell I could probably count em on my fingers if you REALLY just wanna have something to bash about. But you literally cannot look me dead in my face and tell me that ALL these ppl are lying and making up stories about manifesting they dream life. Even the most logical person in the world knows that that literally is not possible. And to anyone who thinks it is, congrats! You just proved the law works by constantly running into ppl who make u feel like the law isn't real or you've fully convinced yourself it isn't real and now every success story even if they tell u step by step how it happened when it happened etc u still wouldn't believe them. So hooray you just proved the law absolutely works...just not in the way YOU wanted it to, but then again you kinda did if u deliberately assumed that.
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amykiriwosdefenselawyer · 2 years ago
Extinction burst, in therapy, happens when an unwanted behaviour is no longer rewarded by reinforcing or feeding it, and the behaviour will reassert itself for a time and get worse trying to get its reward again, until it subconsciously goes away.
That's what's literally happening to Kiriwo right now. He's obsessed with wanting to see people despair, which is his "unwanted behaviour". He's often successful with most people, so that unwanted behaviour is reinforced by the constant "reward" of despair, which he actively seeks.
Iruma won't give him that, though, because he's Iruma with his magical thinking and his kindness. Every time Kiriwo tries to make Iruma show any negative emotions, he fails. Since Kiriwo is hella obsessed with Iruma right now, and his point of obsession won't give him what he usually gets...what's to say his behaviour won't go away or change somehow?
Of course, Kiriwo is probably gonna reinforce it using the other people he hangs around with and so realistically it'll stay constant, but let me dream, okay. Other people shouldn't matter as much if he's got Iruma, right?
I'm totally not insane about this okay
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curlygrant44 · 2 months ago
:D I'm so glad someone noticed! I've been so worried for like a week and a half now that it wasn't translating well because no one said anything and I wasn't sure if it was too obvious or too opaque or if people just thought I was a big ol dummy for doing it lol
I've got lots of thoughts on the topic, but I'm putting them under a cut because...well, not everyone wants to read about the nitty-gritty lol. Suffice to say, not only am I glad to hear from you, as always, I'm also deeply relieved to know that you did in fact pick up what I was putting down, Umbrella Anon!
(cw below the cut: miscarriage, medical terms, abortion)
But once Jon's mod decided to let the magic anons have it and make June pregnant, it got me thinking that realistically, considering he's been getting nasty with Jim pretty much on the daily for several months now...Curly's due for more than just a scare. So I figured that right now when there wasn't any other major plot happening in the group, this was a good time to do it and make sure it didn't detract from anything else.
I'm not sure how long this is going to go on for; at present I have no plans for Curly to end it deliberately, since inaction and avoidance is so much more him, wouldn't you say? I'll be rolling twice for him each day, one for his avoidance level and one for whether or not he miscarries that day.
While I usually set the success rate at 11+, this time I'll be starting with a high DC (probably at 20) and it'll drop by one every three or four days, to reflect the increasing risks as the pregnancy goes on and the increased likelihood of miscarriage. When it happens, I'll do some additional rolls for any further effects and whether he survives it or not, among other factors.
I know some folks are seriously concerned about organ rupture in space due to shifting organs during pregnancy, but I have yet to find any actual scholarship that describes the exact mechanisms of how that would happen, especially since they do have artificial gravity and considering that our organs do move, most notably our intestines, and those don't rupture in space...maybe it's a pressure related thing as a later-term risk in a null-gravity environment, but for now, I'm choosing to ignore that possibility and simply focusing on the likelihood of the lack of sufficient shielding from cosmic radiation leading to genetic mutations that would make the pregnancy unviable and lead to a spontaneous termination.
So that should be interesting, but even more interesting is going to be Curly's unfortunately mixed feelings and his choice to once again hide the things he's going through from the people who care about him! One step forward and two steps back!
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literaticat · 1 year ago
On the NYT best seller list for children's series, the first Harry Potter and Percy Jackson books are perennial. At least they have been for the past couple of years I've been checking! Each with more than 700 weeks on the list and at the writing of my question they're at #4 and #2 respectively. 
Is it just my imagination, or are there few if any perennial middle grade book series starring female protagonists?? Add to that POC and nonbinary perennial series..
Omg this sucks..
I am going to tell you something you aren't going to like. Please know that this is not ME saying this, OK, this is like, literally a hundred years worth of "in the know" people -- including librarians, educators, publishing experts, yada yada! -- I DON'T EVEN BELIEVE THAT THIS IS TRUE but this is "The Thing Expert People Always Say" ok you canNOT get mad at me. Here goes:
"Boys won't read books about girls - Girls will read books about anything."
This is basically a MANTRA for people, I've heard this for as long as I've been in the book world, which is like, 30+ years, and I'm sure they've been saying it for many many generations before that. It's just accepted wisdom.
This is why, for example, school reading lists have traditionally skewed so heavily "boy" (I well remember the pain of slogging through Red Badge of Courage, Hemingway, and on and on. PUKE.)
This is why the "formula" for a successful MG book series has been seen to be a boy-and-girl pair, or a group of friends of different types, heavily featuring a boy.
Again -- is this TRUE? Well, kinda, but also, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Parents TELL their boy children when they are little that "such-and-such is too girly" or "put that down, that's for girls" -- I hear them at the bookstore saying this shit ALL THE TIME, voices absolutely DRIPPING with disdain. Little wonder then that, by the time they are middle graders, the boys don't want to be seen reading something "girl coded."
MEANWHILE, the girls might well prefer to read books about, well, GIRLS*** rather than gross dudes doing war or whatever -- but since they often aren't given the opportunity to do so at school, and they also want to read whatever the big popular series are, they do end up reading all the "Boy Stuff" AS WELL AS "the girly stuff". (Typical that the girls have to do twice as much just to keep up, grrrr). Again, self-fulfilling prophecy.
I don't know how to resolve this, except to eliminate hundreds of years worth of ingrained societal misogyny and raise the next generation of boys to embrace Girl Stuff?
So. Yeah. It's not your imagination at all -- that's why you do see this "formula" in Big Fantasy Series. IF there is a fantasy series that is mega-huge-huge bestseller that ISN't starring a boy, it will probably be starring a group of kids that include boys heavily, OR, it'll be about animals (WARRIORS, WINGS OF FIRE.)
The recent exceptions I can think of: The KEEPER OF THE LOST CITIES series has a girl star and is popular with all kids -- however she is pictured with at least one boy of equal stature on every cover. So I guess this counts as "a group of kids that includes boys heavily."
The AMARI series has a Black girl star and has been popular with all kids -- but since there are only two of them out so far, it remains to be seen if that can have the kind of sticky Perennial Quality these other series have. (And you'll also note that, while book one had Amari front and center with no other kids, it had "brothers" in the title -- and the second and third cover have boys in the background, sooo... they gotta worm boys in there somehow lol.)
*** (Human girl-centric books tend to be realistic rather than action / fantasy. (Again,we can unpack why that is, girls are encouraged to talk about real things / emotions / friendship / whatever? IDK) MG series that fall into this Perennially Popular category would be: Babysitters Club (was HUGE huge back in the day, and is HUGE again in GN format) -- Sweet Valley -- (same, was HUGE back in the day, is re-surging in popularity in GN format). Nancy Drew? (Obvs was from the early-mid 1900s but still was a world-changing "girl starring series" and I could see a reboot blowing up again.) And arguably the Raina GN, not really a "series" in the traditional sense but kind of packaged like a series, and VERY popular and perennial, I'd say!
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