#but quinn was fighting for attention
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puckinghischier · 3 months ago
I was most definitely talking about Nico’s voice and accent
well you got a twofer bc quinn was on the brain!
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jaydarino · 2 years ago
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I think they'd be friends <3
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bluemoonbun · 1 month ago
Reader is implied to like feminine things, though gender identity is kept ambiguous.
Damian was a good brother. That’s what he always told himself. He was a good brother, a good son. He was cold, rude, and erudite, but he was able and willing to help anyone who needed it.
When he arrived at Wayne manor, Bruce told him the general run down of why you were to be avoided when it came to anything vigilante related. You were still pure, a year younger than Damian but without any of the pain. The only one in the Wayne manor that could have a shot at becoming a normal person. Damian envied that, but kept it to himself. His anger often boiled to the top, drops of green venom dripping from his mouth when you tried to annoy him into spending time with you.
Your complaints of him ignoring you was scalding water on his already raw nerves. Why would you complain about not being the center of attention for five damn seconds? He would trade anything for the life you had. A life where you could lay around after school and never worry about a rogue bullet lodging itself in your arm, or a poisonous plant releasing psychedelic spores into an open wound.
You could and would never join the Robins. You were weak; it was in your blood. Always sickly, always the pacifist. You wouldn't survive a day in his life. And you weren't living his life; you were living his dream.
But apparently the effort the family was putting in wasn’t enough.
He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t noticed that the manor felt… off about two weeks before the fight with Joker. He couldn’t trace it for the life of him at first. When he realized by the second week that he hadn’t spoken to you in days, or really seen you around the manor at all, he wrote off the worms writhing in his stomach. You must’ve been busy with a class assignment and had little time to annoy him with your demands of time together.
After the fight, however, he was a war of a thousand emotions. How dare you leave them? Why would you turn away an easy life fat on nepotism for a group of murderers, con men, the dredges of Gotham’s society?
Were you truly that desperate to be acknowledged that you’d turn your back on the family who did everything for you? He hopes you’re happy there, since you were clearly so upset at not being given attention.
Over time, however, things start to change. A few days after Jason made a full recovery, Damian looked at one of the drones Tim managed to get a chunk of code from. It took a lot of trial and error, and the development of an entirely new program to grab some of the code before it bricked itself, and enough all nighters and energy drinks that any doctor would faint, but it was managed. The code was dense, optimized to work with the least bloat possible, well tagged variables, and even a handful of comments in the code.
//Buy Bane those Boston Donuts from the donut shop on 5th //Why does this code need to be here so it doesn’t auto brick itself. What is in the code protecting it from the wrath of God //Louie likes Texas barbecue ribs. Possible treat? //DO NOT FEED THEM WHOLE RIBS. COOKED BONES BAD. //SINCE WHEN WAS THIS VARIABLE A STRING??? IT WAS AN INT 5 LINES AGO //Help the hopeless lesbians get together. //Would Harley and Ivy dating make Harley my mom or Ivy my big sister? Both???
His eyes skimmed the retrieved comments, laughing at a few. It seems that Bane, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn were the most common subjects of the notes, though a few mentioning the Iceberg lounge asking what non-alchoholic drink you’d like added, or Riddler offering you another puzzle to keep your mind active. Even Joker was mentioned, though it seemed mostly transactional.
It was strange seeing you in this light. You seemed to have a lot of spice in you, but a heart made of gold. You were definitely surprised whenever one othe villains offered to take you on some trip to amusement parks, regular parks, even just willingly watching anime with you. It was odd to see. Surely someone at the house did those things with you? He didn’t but he was extremely busy with school and vigilantism. Jason was legally dead, so surely he had all the time in the world.
“How was I supposed to relate to them? They’re what, 12 and into shit like that one with the cat looking dog thing and the robot girl. I have shit to do. Y’know, managing Crime Alley?”
Well, Dick had come over to hang out plenty of times. Surely he’d spent at least a few hours with you every now and then? “I have an entire team and criminals to manage of in another city, Damian. I don’t have as much time as you think to do whatever it was with them they’d wanted to do”
Maybe Tim? “I have college and stuff, Damian. And I don’t have the energy to put into hanging around them. I’d probably just be sleeping most of the time.
Bruce? “I have to manage you, Gotham, and the Justice League, Damian. I barely have time for myself.”
… Alfred? “I tried, Master Damian. However I’m constantly pulled thin between so many tasks. Besides, all you have is school most days, and you’ve had summer vacations and weekends. Shouldn’t you’ve had plenty of time to spend with your younger sibling?”
… He did have the most time outside of vigilantism. And it took him a week to realize you were missing.
You had to realize that they were under extreme stress though, right?He couldn’t spend all his free time with you. He had his own friends to hang out with. How were you two even supposed to relate?
One day at dinner, the thoughts were thrashing in his head, slamming against soft tissue and tearing through brain matter. He aimlessly poked at the food on his plate.
“You alright, replacement?” Jason asked, pausing in his extremely rare dinners with everyone else. Alfred had promised him a tray of fudge to take home this time around, and nobody made fudge quite as good as he did.
“… They were gone for two weeks.”
Everyone stopped eating as he continued.
“Two weeks. Two full weeks before they showed up at that fight. Did anyone here even know? I only noticed after a week and assumed they were just holed up in their room with a class assignment or something.” He was rambling. Everyone was quiet and looking at each other. How did it manage to slip past everyone? They were detectives, for Christ’s sake.
They were your family.
Dinner ended with guilt wrapping around their throats and pulling.
Eventually, all of them found themselves in your room. It had been emptied, but showed no signs of struggle. All the small items, the comforter, and your clothes were gone. But what was taken left something behind. Copies of photos of you winning state level competitions, letters requesting your attendance at seminars, photos of gold medals and blue ribbons spread across the floor. Most damning of all was the most recent photo. A certificate by some big time tech company being handed to you. Edward Nashton stood behind you, a firm, reassuring hand on your shoulder.
When had this happened? They never remembered hearing of something like this. A news clipping on the back told them it was maybe a week before you left.
“The Wayne prodigy stated that their family had more important things to see to than such an occasion. I can’t imagine something more important that either of my kids being recognized by a multi-million dollar tech company! I remember postponing an anniversary with my husband to celebrate our child placing second in the science fair. But I guess that’s just the Waynes for you!”
That’s just the Waynes to you.
But it’s ok. He can make it better. He can be a good big brother. He can spend time watching anime with you and decorating your room with lace and fairy lights and go makeup shopping with you. You just need to come home. Now.
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sitepathos · 5 months ago
From Gold to Mold
Chapter 7: The Realization
A/N: Thank you to everyone who’s enjoyed this series! When I had the idea for this, I had NO idea it was going to be as well loved as it’s become. I love and appreciate every like, follow, reblog, and ask!
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As Bruce walks down the staircase and steps foot on the foyer’s marble floor, he realizes that something’s wrong. Well, he’s known that something’s been wrong for four years now, but he’s attributed it to his pile of never-ending cases, particularly the murder of the Joker and Harley Quinn, which has been eating away at him ever since that night and has occupied every corner of his mind. It’s been four years since he discovered their remains and he’s still in the dark, the only piece of evidence he has is some strange substance reminiscent of mold found within Joker’s remains.
What he’s currently feeling, however? It’s not the need to solve a case that threatens his city. It’s as if something is wrong with the manor itself, like there’s something missing. Something that he’s never paid much attention before but has always known is there, and now that something’s wrong, he can’t help but rack his brain for what it could be.
As he tries to thinks, he walks to the kitchen to find a snack (something pre-made, Alfred’s permanently banned him from ever cooking in his kitchen ever again) when he hears voices. Three voices, to be precise, and they’re definitely amused by something. As he gets closer, he can make out what they’re saying.
“I can’t believe he of all people would have this,” Tim says, an obvious smile intertwined in his tone.
“Hey, we’re all free to do what we want in our spare time,” Dick responds. “And if anyone in this house has earned spare time, it’s Alfred.”
“I’m not saying he shouldn’t do stuff he likes on his time off,” Tim quickly counters. “I’m just saying that I never would’ve expected him to be into stuff like this.”
“For once, I agree with Drake,” Damian, the third voice, interjects. “Pennyworth is a man of refined taste. For him to indulge in this childish entertainment is entirely unexpected. Only mindless buffoons would subject themselves to this drivel.”
“Hey,” Time exclaims, offended. “I happen to enjoy this ‘childish entertainment.’”
“My point stands. Once again, you prove your inferiority and poor breeding, Drake.”
That’s when Bruce decides to step in before a fight can break out in the kitchen (again) and enters, all three of his sons, who are crowding around something on the kitchen island, turning to him.
“Hey, B,” Dick says with his usual smile adorning his face.
“Hey,” Tim adds, glaring at Damian.
“Hello, Father,” Damian says, not sparing a glance at Tim and a ghost of a smirk on his face.
“Hello, boys. Is something wrong? I heard something about Alfred.”
“No, we just learned something amazing,” Dick answers, practically buzzing with joy. “You’ll never guess what Alfred’s into!”
This certainly catches his attention. He’s known his faithful butler his entire life and likes to think he knows everything about the man who raised him after his parents were killed. To find something out about the man he didn’t know before is something that’s definitely worth his attention.
“What,” he asks, raising an eyebrow.
The three of them part, revealing a laptop on the granite top. More specifically, it’s Alfred’s laptop. It’s strange enough that the man who takes the care of his kitchen as gospel would leave something like his laptop out in the open (especially since he’s always on their case about snooping on each other’s personal lives), but what really blows his mind is what’s on the screen: the menu for what appears to be a video game. It features what appears to be a derelict ship floating in space with soft music playing in the background and several options on the lower part and what he’s assuming is the title on the upper part: Salvage Rights.
“Alfred plays video games,” he asks, completely bewildered at the discovery.
“That’s what I said,” Tim exclaims. “I mean, I think it’s great if he wants to do that. I just didn’t expect him to be a gamer.”
“Don’t group Pennyworth in with your group of pathetic mouth breathers who don’t know what is fiction and what is reality.”
“So, what’s it about,” he asks, trying to stop a fight from breaking out in the kitchen that will net all of them in trouble.
“I’ve been trying to avoid spoilers, but from what I can tell you, it take place in the future after the sun imploded, forcing several fleets of ships to flee to a nearby star cluster, but only a few planets in the cluster can support human life naturally and several of them hold valuable resources, causing a war between three different factions to break out for control over the cluster,” his explains excitedly, making Bruce smile at the sight of his third son acting like a young man his age should. “You play the captain of a prospecting vessel that salvages derelict ships and during a salvage of a ship that dates back to before the sun imploding, you find something valuable that could determine who wins the war.”
“How absurd,” Damian mutters. “That story is utterly ridiculous. Whoever wrote it should be ashamed.”
“Who should be ashamed, Master Damian,” Alfred asks as he enters the kitchen.
“Whoever wrote the story for this absurd game you are apparently fond of,” his youngest son retorts.
“None of us thought you were into video games, Alfred,” Tim adds.
“I wouldn’t say that, Master Timothy, but I know its creator and I know he worked very hard to make the game you see before you. It makes me so happy that he finally achieved his goals and I want to do my part to support him. I hope he gets all the acclaim and recognition he rightfully deserves deserves.”
“Whoa, you know who he created Salvage Rights,” Tim asks, mesmerized. “Who?”
“It’s someone you all know: Master Y/N.”
Y/N? All of a sudden, he realizes a mistake he made earlier: Tim isn’t his third child, Y/N is. Wait, when was the last time he talked to his firstborn? Hell, when was the last time he talked to you? Wait, what do you even look like? How old are you?
This starts a cascade of realizations: he’s never celebrated your birthday. Or Christmas. Or even had a gala for you like all his children got to welcome them in his family.
“Y/N’s a video game developer,” Tim asks, breaking Bruce out of his thoughts. “I didn’t know that.”
“Well, that’s because none of you have ever had a conversation with the poor lad,” Alfred retorts, his look of disapproval returning. “I never knew it was possible to not say a single word to someone you’ve lived with for years, but you showed me such a thing was possible.”
Bruce looks to his sons and upon seeing their expressions, he knows that none of them have talked to you, either. This definitely doesn’t bode well for them. Or you.
“Well, we should go talk to him,” Dick pipes up, trying to stay upbeat, but he’s obviously upset at this realization. He moves to leave the kitchen. “Is he in his room?”
“His room isn’t in the family wing,” Alfred responds, stopping Dick’s stride.
That’s when Bruce realizes that he’s never seen you coming or going from any of the bedrooms in their part of the manor. If your room isn’t with theirs, where do you sleep?
“His room is on the other side of the manor,” Alfred says, as if he read Bruce’s mind.
And with that, he leaves the kitchen and all four of them follow the butler, their steps heavy and slow from guilt. Bruce’s guilt only grows as they walk through corridor after corridor, eventually replace clean and pristine for dirty and decrepit. With a manor as large as Wayne Manor, cleaning is a battle, requiring an army to maintain it, but with Alfred being the only one, Bruce told the man to leave the uninhabited wings alone and only clean them when they have guests, which Bruce tries to keep to a minimum as someone in his position in Gotham’s high society can get away with.
Have you been staying in this forgotten part for the manor ever since you came to live here? With only dust and pests for company?
After he talks to you, he intends on moving you to the bedroom next to his; it’s been empty for years and has been going to waste. When you move into that room, he’ll check on you everyday, waking you up himself and walking you down to the dining room for breakfast every morning.
“Why is his room so far from ours, Pennyworth,” Damian asks.
“Well, when he first moved in, none of the rooms in the family wing weren’t fit to be slept in,” Alfred explains. “By the time I prepared a room for him, Master Timothy came to live with us and Master Y/N said he could have that room. Every time I finally got a room prepared for him, Master Bruce had a new addition to the family. By the time you joined the family, he insisted he remained where he was.”
That stopped all further questions, leaving them to process the new information in silence.
“Here we are,” Alfred announces when they reach a door on the far side of the manor.
Bruce decides that he needs to be the one to talk to you first, so he knocks on the door.
“Y/N,” he says after knocking once. “Can I come in?”
That’s when Alfred opens the door and before Bruce can say anything, he looks inside to see not only you not in there, but your room’s the size of a broom closet compared to the rooms all of them enjoy. One thing he notices is that the room’s surprisingly clean compared to the rest of the wing it resides in; based off the lingering smell of cleaning products, Alfred must’ve cleaned it recently.
“What a hovel,” Damian remarks as they enter, looking around.
“Indeed,” Alfred responds. “This is a guest room we specifically use for guests who are unwanted.”
Those words hit Bruce harder than Bane ever could. When Damian first moved in, he complained that the size was “insufficient” and he needed more room; so, he had a perfectly good bedroom be added on to his room, doubling its size to accommodate his pets, weapons, art supplies, and whatever else he keeps in there, instead of going to you and leaving you to rot in a guest room they use for people that aren’t wanted here.
He looks over at the bed to see the painfully small mattress is definitely past its prime, worn out from years of use. The bed frame isn’t a better, either based on the fact it looks like it’ll break at any moment. He presses a hand on the mattress and winces when he feels the large indention and hears the loud squeaking.
Good god, how did you even sleep on this thing for a day let alone for years? Not only does it look uncomfortable, but it’s barely big enough to hold a child, let alone… whatever you are.
“It’s pretty empty in here,” Tim remarks as he examines the dresser. “Guess there’s not a lot of room for decorations.”
“While there were very little decorations in here while he was living here, he took almost everything with him when he left, Master Dick. Very little was left behind. He told me I could destroy everything he left behind, but I couldn’t bring myself to throw away anything of his.”
Every second in here makes Bruce feel more horrible at how he’s treated his son. He needs to find you. Immediately.
“Where is he, Alfred,” Bruce asks, eager to find you and find some way to make amends.
“I’m afraid he doesn’t live in the manor anymore, Master Bruce. Master Y/N left us some time ago.”
Once again, Bruce feels like he’s been sucker punched in the gut, leaving him breathless. You moved out?
“When,” Dick asks, clearly upset.
“Four years ago. The night he graduated from Gotham Academy.”
“That’s when I graduated,” Tim realizes.
Bruce remembers that: four years ago on the night Tim was set to graduate, he and all of his children (well, all except you) were busy combing Gotham for Joker and Harley’s killer, listening in on countless criminals celebrating the Clown Prince of Crime’s demise.
Christ, he can remember that, but not his own son? He knew he wasn’t the best father in the world (despite the mug that says otherwise courtesy of Dick), but he had no idea he had failed one person so much. How much he failed his firstborn son.
“Wait,” Bruce spits out. “If he graduated and none of us were there, who was with him?”
Oh god, if Alfred says no one was with him, he actually cry in front of all of them. To know that his son had no one to celebrate his big night would drive him off the edge.
“I was, Master Bruce.” Hearing that makes him feel a bit better, but not enough to really do anything about the pit of guilt building in his stomach. The butler pulls out his phone and types on it before holding it up for them to see. “This is him walking with his classmates.”
He watches the video of you (fuck, you’re so much older than he remembers) wearing the traditional black and gold gown for all Gotham Academy graduates (he sees the usual black and gold cap has been decorated, but he can’t see from this angle), walking in line with your fellow classmates, all of them wearing caps and gowns.
That’s when he realizes that there’s no pictures of you anywhere in the manor. He instantly thinks of the last family portrait he had commissioned (around the time Damian moved in) hanging above the mantle in the living room, which has him sitting in an elegant white and gold trimmed cushioned chair in the center with a ten-year-old Damian on his right, Barbara in her wheelchair on his left, and behind him from left to right is Cass, Steph, Tim, Jason, Dick, and Alfred.
A family portrait that he treasures not including you. Right now, it feels like he can cry and throw up at the same time.
“Here’s him receiving his diploma,” Alfred says as he swipes right, displaying another video.
Sure enough, the video playing shows the headmaster calling your name (Gould, not Wayne), you walking to the man and receiving your diploma with your left hand and shaking the headmaster’s hand with your right, and walking back to your chair. Each new revelation about you makes the cavern of guilt he’s standing in even deeper; finding out that your last name isn’t his and must be your mother’s, telling the world that there’s no connection between you and him, even though half your DNA came from him.
“A staff member was taking pictures of the graduates as they shook hands with the headmaster and she was kind enough to send it to me,” Alfred says as he swipes again, revealing a picture of you and the headmaster.
He only needs a split second to commit your details to memory. H/c sticking out from your cap that he can tell you’ve decorated and e/c that must come from your mother. And that’s when he realizes that while the color is different, their shape matches his mother’s perfectly. And isn’t that just twisting the knife in his gut.
“And this picture was taken after the ceremony.”
That’s when he sees you as perfectly as he can, standing next to Alfred, who is at an event that he should’ve been at, not looking to arrest someone who killed the man who’s terrorized Gotham for two decades. Nothing happened that night, he should’ve taken the night off to see both of his sons graduate, cheering them on and hugging them after receiving their diplomas.
“Is he still in Gotham,” Damian asks, his voice even, but Bruce can tell his youngest son feels guilty, something he’s only expressed a handful of times during his stay here.
“No, Master Damian, I’m afraid Master Y/N went back home.”
“‘Home,’” Dick exclaims. “This is his home!”
On one hand, Bruce wants to agree with Dick, that the manor is the only place you should call “home,” but on the other hand, he knows that with the way they treated you, he would understand why you’d want to leave him. Leave all of them.
“I’m afraid he felt differently. He told me that he’d been looking forward to going back to the home he lived with his mother. Apparently, the lack of affection and attention from his so-called family made him plan to move back when he turned eighteen, but I was able to convince him to stay so he could graduate.”
It made sense. After being ignored for years, why would you stay when you could leave? Bruce knows this, but now, all he wants is for you to move back in so he can give you all the love you can handle. He wants to have inside jokes with you, to give you a shoulder to cry on when the world overwhelms you, to take you out on quality time with just you and him.
He wants to do all the things for you that he does for his other kids. Things that he should’ve been doing for you from day one. He pulls out his phone and scrolls through his contacts only to find that you’re not only in his house, but you’re not even in his phone. He hasn’t had a single conversation with you in person, why would he think he’s had a conversation with you over text?
“Where is he now,” Bruce asks, his voice hollow and empty even to him.
Right now, all he wants is to learn where you are and try to find some way to make his transgressions up to you.
“I was led to believe Batman is the ‘world’s greatest detective,’” Alfred retorts, an eyebrow raised. “Are you unable to find your son on your own?” Bruce looks at him, making the butler sigh. “He moved back to his home in Goodsprings, Nevada.”
He didn’t even know where you came from before coming to live here. If there was an Olympic event for shitty fathers, Bruce would take home the gold in a landslide right now.
“Of course, you may have a golden opportunity to see him tomorrow night.” Alfred pulls his phone towards him, types something on it, and shows it to them again.
On the screen is a website for something called the Gamer’s Gala, a massive event held yearly where gamers go to see what new video games are planned to be released in the future and where game developers have an opportunity to win the “Golden Joystick,” a trophy given based off their game’s success during the year.
He scrolls through the website to find all the games up for awards and sees Salvage Rights by Gould Games in top contention for Indie Game of the year! He’s so excited to see you’ve found success in your passion and wants to see you walk on stage and accept the award, cementing your place as one of the greatest developers in the world.
According to the website, it’s being held in Metropolis this year due it being hosted completely by Lex Corp and that gets his blood boiling. No doubt this is some attempt to win public favor after yet another failed attempt to kill Superman and he thinks by doing this, people will forget all about whatever illegal activities he was up to his neck in. Had he known this sooner, he would’ve pulled the right to host the event out from under Lex’s feet, sparing no expense to ensure it was the biggest ceremony in the event’s history.
And of course, he’d invite you to stay at the manor the entire time, a room prepared just for you. Right next to his.
“The event is tomorrow night. I believe Batman can take one night off so Bruce Wayne can attend.” Alfred pulls something out from his pocket and holds it up to Bruce. “Master Y/N was kind enough to send me a ticket so I could be there for the biggest night of his life.”
Bruce takes the ticket and looks at it closer. According to the glossy golden ticket, it’s awarding the recipient special seating at a section of the hall reserved only for the friends, families, and special guests of candidates and offering them access to the Developer Lounge, a section of the convention center that only game developers and their guests can enter, where they can eat and drink all they want for free, all of it paid for by Lex Luthor.
When he gets back to the office, he plans on making that man’s life hell. It was bad enough that he somehow came in four years ago and undercut WE with products that he knows for certain were based off his company’s but he has no idea how Luthor was able to get his hands on classified technical specs, costing him and his company several contracts and millions in revenue for that fiscal year, but now, he’s gone and made the biggest night of his son’s life even better, something that he should’ve done.
This ticket is not way of witnessing the greatest moment in your life, but to try to repair his relationship with you.
“Why don’t we all go,” Dick pipes up, looking very uncomfortable. “We should all be there with for him. You know, as a family!”
“I agree with Greyson,” Damian adds. “We should all be there.”
“I’ll get us tickets,” Tim says as he pulls out his phone and begins to type on it.
“I think Master Bruce should go alone,” Alfred says, making all of them look at the butler. “This is a very delicate situation and if the entire family goes, it could make things worse. For now, allow your father to speak to your brother by himself.
The pained looks on his boys’ faces makes him feel even worse than he already does. He knows that they want to make up for how they treated you just like him, but right now, he’s not even sure how you’ll react seeing him, let alone the entire family.
He’ll do whatever it takes to bring you home so they can show you the love you deserved back then. And then, they’ll all be one happy family.
“Thanks, Alfred,” he says as he carefully tucks the ticket into his coat, treating it like a precious artifact and not a flimsy piece of paper. “I have to get ready.”
As he leaves, he makes a note to give the butler a pay rise. Not just for giving him the ticket meant for him, but for helping him realize his mistake and for being there for his son.
As he heads to his room to pack a bag, he makes arrangements to stay at a penthouse as the hotel connected to the convention center so he can get there quickly and hopefully get to talk to you before the award ceremony. He also purchases your game in order to have something to talk to you about, hoping you’ll be touched by him supporting your career as a developer (he’ll also carefully analyze the game to high heaven in hopes of learning more about you) and starts drafting plans for Alfred to prepare your new room, allowing the butler to buy anything and everything he thinks you’d like, from furniture to decorations.
He briefly thinks about calling Clark and asking him to monitor the convention hall for any trouble from Lex, but quickly decides against it. Y/N is his son and he’ll protect him with his own hands, not relying on the Kryptonian. If Lex tries any shit during the ceremony, he’ll pull every underhanded trick in the book to buy out Lex Corp only to raze it to the ground and salt the earth where it once stood.
Whatever it takes, he’ll see you accept the trophy you so rightly deserve and after that, he’ll talk to you fact to face and beg you to forgive him, take you into his arms and apologize for not being the father you needed him to be. And after that, he’ll bring you back to the manor, where you’ll stay in a room next to his, where him and your siblings will keep you company from day in to day out. And when he brings you home, he’ll commission another family portrait that’s large enough to take up an entire wall and has you in the center with all of them surrounding you.
At last, they’ll be the family you deserve. The family you should’ve had when you became a part of their family.
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capquinn · 4 months ago
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Disarm | Q. Hughes
summary: quinn is lost in a mood he can’t quite shake, but you’re determined to bring back his smile — one kiss at a time. pairing: reader x quinn hughes content: fluff, grumpy/sunshine word count: 1.1k ↪masterlist
Quinn’s been drifting around the apartment all day, carrying an invisible weight that seems to have wrapped itself around his shoulders. He moves from room to room like a shadow, quiet and slow, casting this low hum of heaviness in his wake. It’s not the kind of mood with sharp edges; there’s no snapping, no outbursts. It’s just this unspoken gloom, dimming the usual warmth of your space.
You’ve been watching him, feeling a twinge of frustration mixed with that urge to help him shake it off. You know him so well — how he bottles things up, how rare it is for him to get lost in his own head like this, so deeply that even your usual go-to comforts don’t reach him. You’d tried everything to pull him back, from suggesting a walk in the fresh air to putting on his favourite movie. You’d even taken the time to make that one snack he devours on sight, the one that usually brings him to the kitchen in under five seconds flat. But today, he had only mumbled a quiet thanks, barely glancing up before returning to his brooding silence.
Now, he’s leaning against the kitchen counter, arms crossed and eyes fixed on a spot on the floor, his brow slightly furrowed. You stand there for a beat, taking him in from across the room, feeling the urge to do something to break through whatever storm is brewing in his mind. The familiar space feels oddly foreign under the weight of his mood, his silence filling it in a way that makes you want to step in, to tug him out of this fog even if it means trying something a little… different. 
You draw in a breath, your determination firming up as you cross the room, setting your mind on one last attempt to reach him, ready to try anything to bring back the warmth that’s always so natural between you.
You step right into his line of sight, tilting your head with a playful smile. “Quinny,” you drawl, stretching out the nickname just enough to catch his attention. His lips twitch, almost like he’s about to smile, but he quickly glances away.
“It’s nothing,” he mutters before you can even ask, his voice low, though there’s a trace of grumpiness he’s clearly still trying to shrug off.
“Oh, really?” You take a step closer, letting your hands settle on his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath your fingertips. “You’ve barely said a word all day.” Your voice softens, teasing but gentle, hoping to coax something — anything — out of him.
When he doesn’t respond, you tilt your head, searching his face, and ask, “how can I help?” Words tender, an open invitation, but he just gives a quiet shrug, his gaze still far off, his arms crossed as though he’s trying to hold onto whatever’s got him weighed down.
You can tell he’s not ready to talk, not yet willing to open up, but you’re not about to let him stay locked away in his own head. Not if you can help it.
You slide your hands up his chest, leaning in close until you’re on your toes, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to his cheek. “What about this?” you ask, pulling back just enough to catch his eye. Still nothing — he’s holding firm, jaw set, though you can practically feel him fighting to keep up the wall he’s built around himself. “Any better?”
You don’t wait for an answer, leaning in to kiss his other cheek with just a bit more purpose this time. “Still nothing?” 
He’s working hard to stay grumpy, to hold onto whatever’s weighing on him, but you catch the faintest flicker in his eyes and the smallest tug at the corner of his mouth. You’re close.
“Oh, come on,” you murmur, tracing the line of his jaw with light kisses, feeling his skin warm under your touch. “You’re really gonna make me work for it?”
He inhales sharply, and you can tell he’s trying to resist, to keep his guard up, but his resolve is slipping little by little. And you’re determined, pressing kiss after kiss across his face — the bridge of his nose, the soft space just below his ear, the warm curve of his cheeks. Each one is light and lingering, sweet and relentless.
You’re close now, so close that your breath mingles with his, and his eyes finally meet yours. His expression has softened, his lips hovering at a not-quite-smile, just waiting to break free.
“If you don’t smile soon,” you whisper, your lips brushing the corner of his mouth, “I’m just gonna have to keep kissing every inch of your face.”
A small huff escapes him, and it’s only a matter of time before the frown softens and quiet amusement flickers in his eyes. His arms drop to his sides, shoulders easing as he gives in, the tension unwinding with each little kiss you press to his skin. After all, having you close, showering him with affection… it isn’t the worst thing in the world.
Your lips brush just below his ear, and he breathes out a long, slow sigh, his eyes falling shut as he relaxes into you. Encouraged, you shift back to his jawline, letting your lips trace its sharp curve in gentle, spongy kisses, feeling his jaw slacken and his chest rise and fall against yours. You hover at the corner of his mouth, lingering there, savouring the way he’s finally melting under your touch, the edges of his guarded silence slipping away.
And then, a small grin pulls at his lips, a soft laugh tumbling out as his arms wrap around you, pulling you flush against him in surrender. 
“You’re impossible,” he murmurs, shaking his head with a mix of exasperation and affection as he tucks you against his chest. But the grumpiness is gone, the weight he’s carried all day dissolving into warmth that spreads through both of you.
“There it is,” you say with a triumphant smile, winding your arms around his neck, leaning in with a gentle nudge. “Knew you’d give in.”
He chuckles, a deep, warm sound that fills the space around you as his hands settle at your waist, pulling you closer until there’s hardly any space between you.
“Guess I didn’t stand a chance,” he murmurs, his voice low and soft as he bends down, his lips finding yours in a kiss that feels as natural as breathing.
His hands splay warmly against your back, pulling you close like he never wants to let go. The kiss is gentle, steady, the kind that disarms the weight of the day, melting away every bit of tension between you until all that’s left is the soft warmth in the air, quiet breaths, and the steady rhythm of hearts.
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missqhughes · 5 months ago
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-> quinn hughes x fem!reader
-> contains: dom!quinn, unprotected pnv, m!oral receiving filming sex, physical fighting, bruises and blood, sexual acts and themes, exgf!reader x vince dunn
-> IN WHICH: it’s the first canucks vs. krakens game of the season; and for quinn, this time it’s personal. when y/n’s ex has some words to say about their relationship, he shows both of them exactly who she belongs to.
-> locked in to this fic so hard bc i haven’t written in forever, so i finished writing it in the shower BUT NOT LIKE THAT I PROMISE. also there’s 100% discrepancies in real game play vs in this but please bare with me for the plot. (hope you love it as much as i do!)
*fic is not proofread
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y/n was never nervous for a game.
but nothing could take away the ache she had leading up to this one.
it had been a while since her and quinn started dating, and he had it out for her ex since she told him all the horrible things he did to her; cheating, lying, hooking up with multiple women during the season, making a fool out of her publicly. however, she begged quinn not to start something; let bygones be bygones and leave it be, arguing how she left it all behind her. he agreed, knowing he didn’t want any bad press on himself; as captain and as someone the media knew wasn’t a fighter in the league.
y/n sat with her friend in the suite , fiddling with the sleeves of quinn’s jersey, eyes following where he was skating; he looked calm, focused, attentive to warm ups.
“dude, you need to calm down,” her friend laughed, noticing her obvious stress, “nothing is going to happen between them, i promise.”
y/n looked at her friend, “i know, i know. it’s just… quinn hates him. i know vince, and i know he can’t help himself from a fight. i’m just worried.”
“think quinn can’t handle himself?”
“no i know he can, i don’t want him risking getting hurt over something as stupid as a fight,” she retorted, gaze still fixed on the ice, “especially with vince.”
“i think you’re being dramatic,” her friend chuckled, taking a sip of her cold beer, “it’s just another game, no big deal.”
y/n sighed, shoulders relaxing a bit, allowing her friend’s reassurance to ease the tension in her body, “yeah, you’re right. just another game,” she said, cheering her cup with hers.
quinn was good at keeping his cool.
he had to, after all.
he ignored the glares from vince, his attempt at intimidation lingering through the entire game.
they didn’t come close in contact, until during a time out, quinn heard a voice call out at him,
“y/n here tonight? bet she came just for me,” vince chirped, a sinister, smug look on his face as he skated past him.
quinn stayed stone faced.
further into the final period of the game, he felt a body slam into his, nearly losing his balance and almost falling into the boards,
the whistle blew, and quinn was met yet again with vince’s hubristic stance,
“saw you’re with her now, how’s that goin for you? bet i come up a lot,”
vince spat, quinn skating closer to him, his temper beginning to spark in his body,
“get over it bud. she’s done with you.” quinn said calmly, the other players around the ice not aware of the situation brewing beside them.
“look hughes, you’re not special,”
with each word, the kraken gets closer and closer to quinn, puffing his chest and spewing hate, the hands in his gloves in the beginning of curling into fists,
“it was just you to get over me,”
quinn’s jaw tightened,
vince laughed bitterly, “she’s a slut, you tonight someone else tom-”
vince couldn’t even finish his sentence before quinn shoved him hard, both their gloves dropped as they fought, quinn bringing him down to the ice, delivering blow after blow to his face.
it all happened so fast, y/n heard the pounding on the glass, cheering on a fight, and feeling her stomach twist when she saw 43.
oh god.
none of the refs were able to get quinn off of him alone, his fists not stopping until they were bruised and bloody, matching the wounds on vince’s face.
quinn was panting with anger, face tinted crimson, a light bruise forming on his cheekbone where vince had landed a punch. he couldn’t feel the near splits in his knuckle, too riled with adrenaline to feel anything but rage.
fortunately enough, the canucks ended the game with a win, but that didn’t change how fired up y/n knew quinn was going to be when she saw him.
she was allowed to be in the locker room during post game interviews, and she watched nervously as interviewers swarmed and crowded quinn, bombarding him with questions.
he was asked about the fight, detail, if vince had said anything to set him off, the why as a captain, he would start something on the ice.
quinn’s expression remained nothing short of blank, refusing to answer any questions regarding it, pursing his lower lip, “nothing to say about that. keep it about hockey and that’s it.”
after post game reports had finished, y/n waited outside by the doors for quinn to come out.
she didn’t know how he was going to be when he came out, pacing with worry about what the media would twist this game in to.
y/n heard the heavy doors click open, quinn in a lazy rendition of his suit, walking over to her; the bruise on his cheek deeper in color than when she initially saw.
“hey baby,” she said softly, opening her arms for quinn to embrace without hesitation.
“hey,” he replied, tightening their hug before pulling away, “cmon, we need to go home.”
quinn didn’t give y/n a chance to respond when he hooked his hand into hers, leading her to his dark tinted car in the lot.
y/n slid into the passenger seat while quinn loaded his gear into the trunk, she looked out the window until the driver’s side door clicked shut.
she looked over at quinn, an unreadable look on his face; he said nothing, instead putting the car in drive to go back to their shared apartment.
the drive home was silent.
the only sound being the hum of the car engine and their steady breaths. quinn always had his hand on her leg when he drove, but this time his hand was a little higher, his grip a little tighter, all whilst he kept his gaze fixed on the road. y/n’s breath would hitch ever so slightly when his fingers kneaded into her skin.
quinn was still quiet even after getting home.
frustrated, y/n spoke out, “quinn, what did vince say to you?” she said with a sigh,
“shit about me. about you. us.” he mumbled, taking off his suit jacket and undoing the black tie he had on.
“so, that’s reason enough to give me the silent treatment all the way home? you’re acting like that was my fault,”
“i never said it was your fault.”
“you don’t have to! it doesn’t take a lot to know you’re upset,” she retorted,
“y/n,” quinn started, walking over to where she was standing, holding her by the neck when he kissed her roughly, biting her lip when she moaned lightly into his mouth.
he tapped the back y/n’s of legs, and she jumped hooking her legs around his waist without objection.
quinn waltzed them to the bedroom, their kiss nowhere close to cooling off. quinn lightly tossed her on the bed, lips peeling off hers to suck and bite on the exposed skin of her neck.
y/n groaned lightly, beginning to unbutton his collared shirt, when quinn pulled off of her, leaving y/n with furrowed brows.
“quinn, what’s wrong?” she said, propping herself up on her arms, looking up at her boyfriend, confused.
“wait here baby,” he said, leaving the room.
she nodded, and about 15 seconds had passed when quinn returned to the room, his phone in hand with the camera app already opened.
“you want to make a movie huh?” she said, beginning to peel off the jersey that housed quinn’s name.
“only for our number one fan. leave the jersey on,” he said, “but everything else, off. now.”
y/n nodded, slipping down her pants and thong, her pussy already aching with the desire quinn had filled in her.
quinn swiftly undid his belt with one hand, lowering his pants and boxers to leave his hard length exposed.
“c’mere, suck.”
y/n obliged, moving down to her knees to meet quinn at hip length, the phone flash shining brightly in her face when she took the tip of his dick and swirled it around her tongue.
quinn groaned, moving his free hand to pull y/n’s hair into a ponytail with his fist. his breath quickened, y/n taking all of him in, bobbing up and down; quinn’s hips matching her rhythm.
he had almost forgot he was recording her, but when her lashes fluttered up to perfectly view the camera whilst she sucked him, quinn knew he was close to cumming.
quinn groaned louder, fucking y/n’s face, her moans sending vibrations on his dick that pushed him to his release. he pulled out of her mouth right when he was about to cum, y/n sticking her tongue out to collect his release.
god he was loving this.
he stopped the video as she wiped the leftover release from her face, pulling her up for a sloppy hot kiss.
quinn pulled away, the two panting with puffy lips, “bed, ass up, baby. now.” he instructed, reopening his phone for the perfect view.
“yes captain,” y/n said, just ready for whatever quinn had in store for her, her wetness beginning to seep down and stick to her inner thighs, burning for him to touch her.
after hitting record, quinn wasted no time aligning himself with her, pumping in and out a few times before going fully in, his hips meeting her ass, eliciting moans from the two of them.
his pace was rapid and brutal, moving her hair away from her and back into his hands, revealing to the camera the “hughes” jersey she was wearing.
“fuck, quinn! mm, so good— my god, fuck,” y/n moaned, echoing with the sound of their skin slapping against one another, her noises music to quinn’s ears.
he continued to pound hard into her, y/n’s knuckles white from how hard she gripped into the sheets, feeling her stomach tighten, about to reach her high.
quinn felt her pussy tighten around him, knowing she was close, “gonna cum baby? go ahead, cum,” he husked, coming to his second of the night.
she screamed in pleasure, her cunt coating his dick, mixing with his as he filled her up with his release.
quinn pulled out of her slowly, giving time to show the camera a view of her dripping puffy pussy, ending the video with a hard smack on her ass.
y/n yelped, falling into the bed. quinn turned her around, gently kissing her in her dazed state.
“you okay baby?” he asked gently, caressing her face with his thumb,
“mhm, but i think you killed me. i’m exhausted,” she laughed, quinn smiling and bringing his lips down to peck hers, “sorry, want me to go start a shower for us?”
“you know me so well,”
quinn crawled off of her, grabbing his phone before slipping into the bathroom,
he opened instagram, typing in vince’s username into the search bar, itching as he opened their messages tab.
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© missqhughes
xoxo, kaia
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satorusugurugurl · 5 months ago
Candy Inspection!
Summary: Suguru finds himself paying close attention to you on Halloween night. Watching how you so lovingly take care of his darling girls. And he wants to repay your kindness, with making you a mother.
Characters: Geto Suguru x AFAB!Reader
Warning: mentions of costumes, a little role-play, breeding, smut, unprotected sex, cream pies, coffee table sex, misuse of candy?
Word Count: 2.3K
A/N: Kinktober Day 15! Breeding/Batman-Catwoman! So I received the Batman and Catwoman request way after all the slots were filled. But I found a way to include it in Kinktober! We’re at the halfway point!
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“Oh my, aren’t you too adorable?” the older woman smiled, dropping handfuls of candy into Nanako and Mimko’s bags. “And who are you supposed to be?”
“I’m Batgirl!” Mimiko chimed in, grinning at the older woman.
“And I’m Harley Quinn!” Nanako added, grabbing her twin sister's hand with a gentle squeeze.
The woman smiled, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose and finding you and Suguru standing in the driveway. It was easy for her to tell who the young girl's parents were. Suguru stood tall, wearing a tight-fitting Batman costume that left little to the imagination. The dark mask around his eyes enhances his irises' vibrant violet shade. Wore a distracting amount of tight leather in a costume. You twirl the fake whip around in your hand, waving at the older woman as a girl shouts a thank you to her.
“Alright!” you flung the whip out, looking into their bags with a smirk. “Ooh, the big candy! See,” you gently tapped Suguru’s leg with a whip. “I told you this neighborhood was a Goldmine!”
“That you did,” the girls bounced excitedly as they peeked inside their bags. “Let’s keep going, then!”
The girls skipped down the sidewalk, grabbing your hands as they did. That was the site that caught Suguru’s gaze, not just how great your ass looked in the costume, but there was something about seeing you interact with his girls that had his heart straining against his chest. You had always been good with the girls, accepting them as if they were. You treat them with kindness that they had been denied in their village.
You were the mother they never had, and they loved you. But Suguru loved you more. God loved everything about you—your heart, kindness, and beauty. Everything about you fueled his love.
Something about this All Hallows Eve had him falling even more in love with you. Watching you take care of the girls so carefully, holding their hands, making sure they stayed close and in tight-fitted costumes, had him fighting against the raging erection that was trying to free its way out of the waistband of his pants. You were always so good with kids. He knew without a doubt that you would be an amazing mother. Seeing you in such a state made him want to make that thought and dream into a reality.
He had to contain himself, though! Now was not the time nor the place to fuck you on a decorated lawn and breed you. This was the two of you could discuss at a later time.
Geto Suguru, however, underestimated just how much your motherly instincts would turn him on. He had just helped the girls to bed, tucking them in, when he trod down the stairs, still in his Batman costume, not finding you around. He took his mask off and cascaded down his back. He was about to call you when he walked into the living room.
“Hey Princess, the girls are fast asleep.” he went to unclip the cape that was still behind him. “What do you say we get out of these costumes and jump in the shower?”
“In a minute!” You called out, sounding close.
When Suguru round the corner, he saw you bent over the coffee table, leather insinuating the curve of your ass. “What are you do—?” He froze, watching as you examined a piece of candy from a massive pile you had compiled from the girls' trick-or-treat bags. You carefully examined the piece, folding it and pressing down on it. You played with the wrapper before dropping it into a large bowl half full of candy. “W-What are you doing?”
“Oh, I’m checking the candy for any razors or to make sure it wasn’t tampered with.” Looking over your shoulder, you look up at Suguru, your eyes from behind the black mask you still wore. “I need to make sure our girls are safe.”
That singular word had Sugurus's control unraveling like a rope as he moved. He jumped over the couch quickly, and you barely had a chance to register what was happening before Suguru lifted you, placing you on the coffee table. He stared down at you, sprawled out on the table in leather that looked as though it had been painted on the curves of your body, surrounded by vibrant colors of wrapped candy. Suguru hadn’t even indulged in a single piece of the sugary substance, yet his heart hammered against his rib cage as if he was experiencing a sugar high.
“Sugu?” you out your costume boyfriend grab the zipper to the front of your costume. “Wha—oh my god!!” he yanked the zipper down, causing your breasts to bounce as they were freed from their tight confines.
“How? How have you enchanted me even more?” he grabbed the bottom of your strapless bra, pulling it down. Suguru watched in pleasure as your breasts bounced, nipples hardening in the cool air. “I didn’t think it was possible to fall more in love with you. Yet you continue to surprise me with every passing day.”
He could feel your gay on him as he bent his head down, taking one of the hardened buds into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around it as your back arched off the table, the candy wrappers crinkling under the shifting of your weight. Suguru hummed with a shudder, his teeth scraping over the sensitive nipple.
“I-I d-di—nngh!” you brought the back of your hand to your mouth, crying against the skin as Suguru pushed you further onto the table.”I-I didn't even do anything!”
Suguru yanked your costume further down past your ass down your thighs, resting them just below your knees. “You are, you’re so fucking perfect, and you don’t even see it.” He scoffed and pulled away to pull down his pants, freeing his erect cock. “That is what makes you perfect.” he strokes himself, spreading the pre-cum over his shaft, lubing it up for you. “You’re everything I wanted as a partner—a wife. I have to make you mine in every sense of the word. I want to breed you.” His words had you swallowing at your suddenly too-dry throat to speak.
You had never seen him so worked up before; he got super horny when he was away on missions. This, however, was something completely different. There was an animalistic, pure need in his eyes. His need to breed you, to fuck you against the coffee table, didn’t frighten you at all. It made you wetter than you already were.
“Oh yeah? You wanna breed me Batman?” A of pure need rose in his throat as he cocked an eyebrow, glancing down at you as he pulled your panties down to rest with your costume.
“Yeah? Would you like that Catwoman? I'll be sure to take very good care of you.”
He rubbed the head of his swollen twitching cock against your entrance, taking in the way you gasped and rocked back against him. “I do; I want to be the mother of your children.” You swallowed, hissing as he began, pushing his massive head past the tight ring of your entrance. “Fuck.” You chirped as he began, pushing himself further inside of you.
“Yeah, you would like that, wouldn’t you?” He leaned forward, grabbing the mask that was covering half your face. “You wanna know how I can tell?”
He yanked the mask off, throwing it across the room without a care in the entire world. “Because your tight wet cunt is hugging me so tight. I don’t think it even would let me pull out.” he reached above you, grabbing the edge of the coffee table as he pushed himself entirely inside you. “Fucck.” You gasped, mouth falling open as he stayed like that, his entire length filling you up, twitching, and stretching you in a delicious way that left you longing for more.
“Oh god.” You cried out, placing a hand over your mouth as he began pulling out before slowly pushing inch after inch back inside of you. “Y-You feel bigger than you have before.”
“I’ve never been this worked up before.” He chuckled softly, using the coffee table as leverage to push further into you, stretching you out even more with each deep thrust. “I'm going to make you a mother tonight.”
It wasn’t a suggestion. It was a promise, and you can tell that he meant every word as he used his other hand to hold your hip down flush against the table as he plunged his length into you. That deep thrust went all the way inside of you, and the head of his cock hit your cervix, leaking pre-cum against the opening as you choked on a moan. You’re doing your damnedest not to scream and moan too loud, and it might wake up the girls. But it was so damn hard to hold your composure together when your boyfriend was fucking you like this.
All you can do is press the palm of your hand harder against your mouth, silencing moans that were threatening to escape. Watching your attempts to keep yourself quiet, Suguru smirked above you. He loved your face with pleasure, your thigh underneath. You looked so cute taking his cock like a fucking whore. Well, you tried so hard to keep quiet. Knowing that pushed him to make him moan even louder.
“You’re such a good girl.” He praised in your ear, making you whimper into your hand. “Taking my cock so good, all while you’re trying to stay quiet.” He brought lips to your earlobe, nipping out, drawing out a soft gasp. “If you stay quiet, I’ll ask Satoru to pick the girls up tomorrow.” That slowly goes down your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin. “That way, you can be as loud as you want.”
“Mmmphm.” you cried out, nodding your head in approval.
He grunted, resting his forehead against yours, lilac eyes staring into your own. “You want that?” He growled, gripping the coffee table, abandoning its hold, and finding a new home on your hip. “You want me to fuck you so hard tomorrow. Your voice goes raw from screaming my name?” You nodded again, and Suguru grabbed your wrist with his left hand while the other dug into your hip. “Say it.” Maybe he would’ve let up on his thrusts, allowing you to answer his question. Instead, he bullied his cock further inside of you, hitting the deepest parts of you, that particular spot that made your body recoil in pleasure with every brush.
“Nngh,” you cried softly, trying to keep your moans down, “y-yes ahh fuck, I want to scream your name.”
“Tell me you want me to make you a mother.”
“I-I—ahnnn,” a scream crept up your throat, threatening to pass your lips, “I-I want you to breed me!” The harsh whisper was surprisingly only audible to the two of you as you kept your loud moans down. “I want you to make me a mother. I want to be the mother of your children. S-Sugu—”
Just before the scream could pass your lips, your boyfriend slammed his own against yours. He was swallowing your screams down like he was a man dying of thirst. His eyebrows knitted as he slammed in and out wet, squelching sound flooding the living room with each powerful thrust. Candy fell to the ground as you screamed into his mouth, grabbing the locks of his raven hair and tugging at it. The sting of the pain on his scalp had his eyes clamping shut as he moaned loudly into your mouth, the sounds of your shared pleasure drowned out by the other.
You couldn’t even warn him that you were cumming. He just felt your body seize up underneath him. Your muscles tighten as you wrap your arms tighter around his neck, holding him flush against your bare chest. He growled, fucking you as deep as he could before, pushing all the way inside of you as spurts of hot cum lashed against your cervix, filling you.
“Fuck.” he whispered, finally trusting himself to speak at a low volume. “I came so hard.” he chuckled as you hummed, bringing your lips up to his neck, kissing sensitive skin; therefore, you reached up with your fingers rubbing at his gauge piercing. “Oh my God, there’s so much cum inside of you.”
He pulled back, watching as his cum slowly began seeping out of your pretty pussy. “Yeah,” you sighed, reaching down to pull your panties back up, preventing the cum from dripping on the floor. “I feel so full.” you sighed slowly, sinking to the ground and looking back at the pile of candy you had been working on. “Before we go upstairs and continue this, we need to place an order on DoorDash. Because there’s no way I’m giving the girls this candy.” Suguru laughed, Pulling you into his arms as he turned the TV on to a horror movie. His fingers moved across the screen to order a giant bag of candy for his precious girls.
“See,” he whispered against your temple, grabbing the bowl of candy you had already checked. “You’re already the perfect mom.” he unwrapped a piece of your favorite candy, popping it into your mouth, his thumb brushing over your bottom lip. “And I love that about you.”
Forever Tag List:
@darkstarlight82 @pandoness @nealeart @simp-plague @sugurubabe @chilichopsticks @reap3erslov3 @wil10wthetree @msniks @lana18918
Kinktober Tag List:
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denwritesandcries · 5 months ago
Fall(ing for You) – S.C
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Pairing: sam carpenter x soft goth!reader
Summary: Sam is certain that Tara's new quiet friend may turn out to be Ghostface, unfortunately – or not –, that friend is you.
or, it takes the help of tara and a dog for sam to finally come to her senses.
Word count: 6,0k.
Content: scream 6 but without the killing, r's 23, cursing, wingman tara ft. yr dog, jokes abt r being ghostface, fluff, pining, sam falling first AND harder, silly movie references.
Note: hey guys, It's been a while since I've written for scream but I rewatched it recently and finally got some inspiration again! I describe the reader a little more in this but it won't really affect anything if you choose to ignore it.
English is not my first language.
Tara made a new friend.
Sam still isn't sure exactly, but the only plausible explanation for the way Tara has been acting lately is that her sister met someone interesting enough to keep her attention so that she gave everyone a break from her tantrums and reckless behavior since their new start outside of Woodsboro.
Now, that could be a good thing, it had been months since the kids started college and they were all doing relatively well. Mindy had Anika, Chad had Ethan and also there was Quinn, even though she wasn't very close to anyone. Tara should have someone too.
The problem is that Sam has no idea who this person is. Tara just won't tell her.
You see, Sam understands that she might have been a little too protective of her sister and that this made Tara's behavior become defensive towards her. Her new therapist – after she got rid of that quack – is helping her work through that, okay? But curiosity and worry were eating away at her insides. The curfews, the tasers and pepper sprays, and especially the ID checks were all important to keep them safe, dammit! Mindy and Chad had no problem with it, and it was only after all the appropriate measures were in place that Sam could breathe and let these new people be a part of their lives. Not knowing this so-called friend, let alone who they were, was driving her to the brink of a breakdown.
She was trying to give her some space, probing with subtle questions here and there and the most she got was an eye roll and ‘It’s just a sophomore I met at the film club, haven't you said I should try to be part of something that didn’t involve frat parties?’
Well, at least it wasn’t a boyfriend, given the lack of dreamy sighs, giggles into the phone and late-night escapades. That was good. They already had enough problems to deal with and a new relationship so quickly was the same as asking for a ghostface to go for them again and Sam hadn’t been back in Tara’s life long enough to know how to deal with this part of being a big sister yet.
Sam had understood that she wouldn’t meet this mysterious person for a while, at least until her sister’s tantrum had passed, and between two shitty jobs and trying to keep a structured life being responsible for a bunch of teenagers in the big city, she couldn’t find it in herself to insist on the subject any further and get the risk of causing a fight. She thought it would be forgotten.
Now just imagine Sam's surprise when she came home one night after a long, exhausting shift, expecting to eat the leftover pizza she had hidden in the fridge and fall into a deep sleep, only to be knocked over by an noisy and strange dog with a piece of pizza in its mouth as soon as she opened the apartment door. Her pizza.
“Koda!” Someone called. Someone unfamiliar. It wasn’t just the dog, there was a stranger in her house.
Sam’s hand instinctively moves to reach for the taser hidden in her jacket when a pair of black-clad legs show up in her vision. Does Ghostface work with dogs now? She wonders in confusion for a moment, and has given up on the voice changer?
The only thing stopping her from tasing this potential killer in front of her is the pure bewilderment and Tara’s laughter filling the room.
“Oh my god,” the figure bends down, picking up the dog who turns out to be a very excited puppy, the pizza falling from its mouth and onto her shirt, getting it all over her, “I’m so sorry.”
It’s a girl, a face she’s never seen before, looking completely mortified.
“Hey, Sam,” Tara stops beside her, a barely hidden tone of satisfaction in her voice, “This is my friend. I thought you’d like to meet her.”
It's safe to say that Sam didn't like Tara's new friend at all.
“You didn’t think about telling me you were bringing someone?” Sam exclaimed, rubbing her temples wearily, “Especially that Lydia Deetz project right there? I almost shocked her in the middle of the hallway!”
Quinn shifted from where she was leaning against the counter in the small impromptu meeting and didn’t bother to hold back her laugh, “Nah, I think Tara would fit that role better.”
“Quinn,” Sam groaned exasperatedly.
“If I had told you you would have said no,” Tara shrugged.
“Yes! Because we don’t know her!”
It was quite awkward sitting on the couch in their living room less than five feet away from the kitchen and being able to hear every word spoken as if you weren't right there, with your messy dog ​​happily chewing on the sock on your ankle.
This wasn't the turn you expected your night to take when you decided to accept Tara's sudden invitation for a movie night, visiting her off-campus for the first time since you became friends.
You met her at the start of the school year, the day she showed up for a film club meeting before anyone else arrived, well, anyone except you. She seemed completely lost and suspicious, even though she was clearly struggling not to show it, which made you like her right away.
Getting attention and starting conversations was never really your thing, this whole club thing wasn't either, honestly, but you ended up being one of the last older members to join with most of the others having recently graduated and the responsibility of looking after the new freshmans gradually fell on you. Most of the time you kept to yourself, preferring the behind-the-scenes side of things to participating in the long-winded debates of high school teens obsessed with slashers and making Stab parodies, but you noticed the way Tara seemed desperate for any sense of normalcy beneath her laid-back facade and the whispers of murder that haunted her.
You took what seemed like a rabid kitten under your wing and ended up cornered by the personification of a Doberman because of it. Talk about doing good deeds and stepping out of your comfort zone. What a joke.
Tara’s older sister, Sam, if you got it right, stared at you with narrowed, suspicious eyes – just like Tara when you first approached her – towering over your figure that tried to look smaller than it actually was on the couch, as if she was trying to learn every little hidden detail about you.
“So…” you began hesitantly, wanting to break the awkward silence that had ensued, “you have such a beautiful house.”
“Aren’t you too old to hangout with a freshmen?" Sam cut in coldly, one eyebrow perfectly arched in distrust.
You sighed, this conversation sure started off very well, “I’m 23,” you cleared your throat, “Tara’s in the same club as me, and I’ve just been helping her with some classes I used to take when I first started here.”
You hear Tara’s distinct chuckle, clearly amused by your frustration, which doesn’t help your situation much. What a wonderful friend, indeed.
Sam hummed with fake indifference and the other two housemates watched the exchange intently, eyes darting between you like they were at a tennis match, amused by the sight of Sam trying to intimidate the poor unsuspecting twit that you were.
A great friend, for sure. Ugh, this is why you don’t sponsor obviously troubled kids.
It’s not like Sam Carpenter is really intimidating or scaring you out the way she seems to want to, she has bags under her eyes and a greasy pizza stain on her shirt and you’re a grown woman, for God’s sake! It’s just that it was extremely embarrassing to cause a scene like that, especially with someone who you really wanted to make a good first impression.
Interacting so much socially lately was becoming relatively exhausting and you expected it wouldn't become a thing, as you were feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything. You hoped this would be the last big meeting you had for a while. Tara had told you a lot about her sister, mainly about how it was a pain in the ass to always have someone hovering over her, but it was something you never took seriously because of the way she sounded when she talked about it, too loving for someone who hated the situation so much. No, Sam was important and Tara had insisted that you meet her after doing the same with the twins just a few days ago. You had carefully planned how it would happen, what clothes you would wear and what you would say and now your chance to make things right was ruined, the words seeming to have escaped you in a flash. You were reserved, quiet, small in the midst of so much hustle and bustle, used to watching everything go by from the safety of the shadows. Being a mouse was easy.
“Is that all you have to say?”
Less easy when caged with a lion.
“Look,” you tried again, silently squirming as your pup start sniffing Sam’s combat boots furiously as you stood to pick him up, “I really didn’t want to cause any trouble or misunderstanding, Tara called me earlier while I was walking this little guy and insisted it would be okay if I came over for a movie. I can leave now if you want to, I’m really sorry for… well, all of this.”
You noticed Sam's expression became conflicted, as if she didn't know exactly what to make of you standing in the middle of her living room without showing any threat and wasn't used to people actually listening to her on sight. Still, she wasn't going to give up that easily.
“Great,” Sam nodded, her voice sounding less firm, “go then.” She pointed directly at your dog, now sitting at her feet with its fluffy head tilted to the side in a guiltily innocent manner, “And make sure to take that pizza thief with you.”
(You swear he looked personally offended.)
“What? No!” Tara seemed to realize that her little game could backfire and came out from behind the counter in your defense.
“Come on, Sam, it's movie night!” She stomped her foot loudly, “I refused the invite to Jason's party for that, we were marathoning all the Texas Chainsaw Massacres!”
You don’t even have to be good at reading people to know that Sam had lost that fight the moment Tara looked at her with pleading eyes, knowing that there was no way to blame her for simply doing what she asked.
That didn’t stop Sam from rolling her eyes and huffing in irritation.
“Fine,” she practically growled, shifting her attention back to you, “But I’m gonna keep an eye on you, so you better not act all smart and keep that fleabag away from me.”
“His name’s Koda.” You pointed out, before softening, “And thank you, I promise I’m not gonna—”
Sam was sure this was all part of an act of yours, just the first step to infiltrate their lives and pull the rug out like others have done before, because no one in their right mind would sit quietly next to someone who nearly shocked and threatened them in many ways just a few minutes ago.
Especially if that someone is burning holes in your head with their eyes, like she's doing now.
Sam watches shamelessly and intrigued, shooting daggers at your figure as you lean back with Tara babbling enthusiastically between you, your puppy completely knocked out on her lap, oblivious to the sounds of death and fake blood spurting from the TV. She notices the way you effectively ignore her, responding to Tara’s remarks with genuine interest, even if your voice doesn’t match her enthusiasm.
You remained quiet beyond those moments and the tiredness along with your lack of sudden movements made Sam feel secure enough to leave the room and finally take a shower – because along with everything she never saw much fun in these movies like Tara –, warning you that it was better for everyone to finish the night when the movie ended.
(She also forced Quinn to take her place on the couch and promise to scream if anything happened. You didn't comment on that either.)
Sam only falls asleep when she hears the sounds of goodbyes coming from the living room and the door house being closed, finally relaxing after all the interaction, deciding that it was enough. You could have been at her house, but that doesn't mean she would let you come over again.
You come back, because of course Tara doesn’t give a damn about Sam’s warnings about being careful around strangers – incessantly claiming that you’re not a stranger – and there you are at the next game night that Chad insisted on making a tradition.
At least there’s no sign of the shirt-destroying furball this time and there are pizzas smelling good on the kitchen counter.
“‘Sup, Sam!” Chad greeted loudly as she walked through the door, waving excitedly from the couch, “We’re playin’ uno!”
Her eyes landed on you, who waved at her with a small, tight smile, awkwardly sandwiched between Anika and Ethan, the way you stood out among them so comical that Sam suppressed a snort. She decided to join in without much protest, someone responsible still had to watch you, after all.
Sam wouldn’t admit to anyone, absolutely anyone, that she was enjoying the evening, listening to the heated exchanges as everyone got competitive. Strangely, she noticed that you didn’t try to engage much in the conversation, just like the other night, seeming happy to just be there. She thought you had been withdrawn then because of her behavior towards you, but maybe you were just shy.
That made her raise an eyebrow, Tara didn’t usually embrace introverts. Actually, she had always been pretty popular even before Sam left, if she remembered correctly, so this was new. She felt a small piece of curiosity spark inside her instead of more mistrust as she expected and it disconcerted her.
“The whole point of the 7 card is that you're not supposed to talk, man!” Mindy throwing chips at Ethan interrupted Sam's flow of thoughts.
“This rule is stupid! The manual doesn't even mention it, read it for yourself!” Ethan shuffled the cards wildly – ​​everyone at the table had seen his hand – pointing, “And you’re talking too!”
“Whatever! Nobody reads the fuckin manual to play uno, Ethan!”
Tara groaned, “Guys, just shut up and everybody buys a card.”
“But that’s not how you play!”
She decided to abandon the game and all the fuss in favor of getting some air and a slice of pizza and was surprised to find that her favorite was still untouched, which was a miracle in such a crowded house.
“Tara said that you liked this flavor,” your voice coming from nearby startled her and Sam saw you gesture to the box in front of her, “My treat, for the other day.”
She cleared her throat hesitantly, “You didn’t have to.”
“I did,” you dismissed with a wider smile, “My dog ​​left you without dinner.”
Sam didn’t respond, but you leaned against the counter next to her anyway, picking at the dark polish on your nails casually, listening to your friends arguing in the background.
“Get tired of the crowd?” Sam asked, deciding that ignoring you wasn’t an option since you clearly weren’t leaving.
“Yeah,” you agreed, shrugging with an odd laugh, “I guess I’ve had enough socializing for one day.”
Sam wasn’t sure why she didn’t just send you away then, seizing the perfect chance to dismiss you like she’d wanted all along and avail everyone's presence to remind that you weren’t welcome, but that strange spark flared in her and made her smile unconsciously, more sincere than the previous tense ones.
“Oh, I know what you mean,” she agreed slowly.
Your expression brightens in surprise, as if you expected a cold, blunt rejection or maybe a slap (probably both) and Sam feels a bit guilty by it. Sighing, she waves you towards the apartment’s tiny balcony, silently inviting you to join her, to which you respond with a firm nod as you watch her unwind the chain on the sliding door – they keep everything locked up tight now – and follow her.
Sam swears she’s not doing this to be nice or anything, all she wants is to repay you for your politeness, that’s all.
The night breeze is refreshing and sends pleasant shivers down your arms and shoulders as Sam leans against the railing and the two of you fall silent. It’s pleasant, actually.
Sam takes a moment to look at you, like, really look at you for the first time since you met and her breath hitches.
Your relaxed features look cheerful and are well-emphasized by the makeup you’re wearing – she tries to search her memory and gets frustrated when she can’t remember if it’s the same style as the night you met – your hair blows a little in the wind and your clothes just fit. Every single thing about you seems to have been specially made to be this way, charming, beautiful.
Your elbow brushes hers in the small space as you lean in to better contemplate the dreary, empty New York sky and Sam’s skin is burning and she doesn’t understand why.
Sam didn’t realize, through all the haze of anger and suspicion and tantrum, until she was touching a pretty girl, that you were, in fact, a pretty girl.
“You’re trying so hard not to like her that I’m getting embarrassed for you.”
It’s late. Everyone has already left, including you, who went early claiming you had to work the next morning. Tara should be in bed by now, but she’d be upset if Sam told her to do that, so she doesn’t say anything.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sam dismisses, packing up the last of the leftover pizza to put in the fridge.
“But you do,” Tara hums smugly, stifling a yawn, “Just admit that you were wrong and that I’ve made a friend who’s not a potential serial killer. And that you might have a crush on her. I saw you two on the balcony.”
“It wasn’t like that,” she grumbles, “And I wasn’t wrong for being worried that you brought home a stranger without telling me, even if she’s not dangerous.”
“Ha!” Tara points out, “So you admit she’s no danger.”
Sam sighs tiredly, bringing a hand up to massage her temple, “She can keep coming over for movie nights or whatever if that’s what you're asking me.”
Tara cheered, jumping up from where she was sitting on the counter to finally go to sleep. She stopped just before turning the corner to her room.
“Seriously though,” she caught Sam’s attention, “You guys have more in common then you might think, that’s why I like her. I think you could too, if you get to know her better.”
“That’s impossible, Tar,” Sam says weary, looking at her sister with the most done expression, “I don’t ‘get to know’ anyone, I already have all the people I need in my life.”
“Maybe you’ll be surprised,” she shrugged, “It would be good for you anyway.”
Sam's approval was all Tara needed to make you a regular fixture in their lives and make movie nights an official thing. Sam usually walks in when they're in full swing, with the two of you deep in conversation about the completely random movie you decided to watch that day, and now she greets you back instead of ignoring like she did before and you look happier every time she does it openly.
She finds excuses to wander around the living room and kitchen when she hears Tara pause the tv for whatever reason, just so she doesn't leave you unsupervised in their house – it was still too early to rule out all the care, after all. It ends up making her feel kind of ridiculous, because, hell, she shouldn't have to make excuses to wander around her own house! But you guys talk during these moments, sometimes.
Sam learns more about you as time goes on, and she tells herself that it's just gathering information, that you're not friends at all, but she finds herself soaking up every bit of detail. What are you majoring in, how long have you been in town, if you live close to campus like most students or if you have roommates like them.
(Actually, when she thinks about it now, Sam probably sounded more like a maniac trying to find out where you live, but at least you didn’t call her out on it.)
Then movie nights are joined by study sessions that Tara insists on having as her first week of finals approaches, and you manage to convince Sam to let you bring your puppy too so he won’t be alone for so many hours and she can act a little more normal around you and have a conversation that doesn’t sound like a job interview. You tell her about the movies you like – which consist of more than just an extensive list of slashers like she initially assumed – in a loud and excited tone instead of your usual repressed one, and it stirs something inside her, which leads to several other facts. Your favorite color, what kind of music you like, what you do when her sister isn't dragging you somewhere, and why you decided to adopt a dog so young when you already had so many other responsibilities.
“He helps me not feel alone,” you replied, looking deep into her eyes, “my roommate graduated last year and moved out. I guess I couldn’t stand coming home to empty houses, you know? And he’s my guard dog, he takes care of me and I take care of him. The little guy might be small but knows how to do damage.”
She could relate to that, in part.
And then you start asking too, suddenly and Sam finds herself with a dilemma after so long avoiding your attempts to get to know her. She’d rather remain closed off.
But a trade isn’t a fair trade unless she gives you something back, is it? And you’ve been quenching her thirst for knowledge for a long time now, you gave her a lot.
So, during one night when you insist on helping her make dinner, she confides in you – somewhat reluctantly – that she really enjoys cooking, especially healthier meals. She doesn't look at you, nor does she say it clearly but still, you listen and Sam is surprised when she finds herself speaking.
“You really should ask her out.”
And of course, Tara is always close enough to raise an eyebrow with a knowing look at her on practically every occasion.
“I've told you already, it's not like that.”
“You're cuddling her dog right now.”
“Just so he stays quiet and doesn't disturb you two! Shouldn't you be studying, by the way?”
“Ugh, you’re so annoying.”
Sam can almost, almost admit that you're her friend too.
(Though she kinda wished it were a little more than that.)
Movie nights evolve into sleepovers, because Sam argues that it’s simply too late and dangerous for you to come back alone and she feels embarrassed – and guilty as much – when Quinn brings up that it has always been dangerous and she didn’t mind letting you go before, when she didn’t care about you.
Now there are some of your clothes in a drawer Tara set aside for you just like a colorful food bowl in the living room for your dog – Mindy jokes that it's theirs now – and there’s rarely a day that goes by where she doesn’t see you.
And when you don’t come over, Tara makes sure to remind her of how anxious she looks waiting for a knock on the door and how she lights up when you greet her first when you finally arrive.
“I swear that now she comes here more to see you than me.”
“You’re imagining things.”
“Yeah, sure,” she huffs, “And when are you gonna make a move again?”
“Never, Tara.”
Sam hasn't heard a thing about you in days. Tara said yesterday that you ended up getting really busy with a college project, preparing a presentation that, her sister quotes, 'needs to be perfect because public speaking is horrible and there's a big chance I'll embarrass myself.'
It's not that Sam asked, it's just that she doesn't text you often and Tara thought it would be convenient to talk about it out loud when she was on the phone with Mindy.
Anyway, it doesn't really matter, it's not like you two are close. You are Tara's friend. If it weren't for her, you two wouldn't even have a reason to see each other. There's no reason to be so stressed.
But she misses you anyway. She's having a shitty day at her shitty job and everything seems to go by even slower because Sam knows that when she gets home at night you probably won't be on the couch waiting with the soft smile she's grown accustomed to looking forward and if she has to deal with another group of rude teenagers she'll freak out.
The sound of the bell ringing at the entrance draws Sam’s attention back to the counter and she ends up face to face with the person who has been on her mind all day.
“Sam!” you approached with a tired smile, your dog wagging his tail happily on a leash in one hand and a paper bag in the other, “I was looking for you.”
You'd never visited her at work before, she didn't even know you knew where it was, having only mentioned it in passing, but there you were, with the smile she wanted to see and bags under your eyes.
“Hi,” she cleared her throat, feeling her face heat up. Damn, she looked like a teen girl with a crush, “I didn't expect to see you here, what, uhm, what do you need?”
You snorted at her flustered attending voice. Seeing her show any kind of nervousness was very unusual.
“Tara called me today demanding I get out of the house for a bit and ‘touch some grass’, so I decided to bring this buddy along, he was begging me for a proper walk,” you shrugged, “And she asked me to bring your lunch.”
Sam paused at that, Tara definitely didn't make lunches for her, much less go to the trouble of delivering them like that.
“...Thank you,” she accepted the paper bag you held out delicately, eyeing the package suspiciously. You held back a giggle when she looked at you again, “Anything else?”
“Oh, um,” you shifted your weight from one foot to the other, obviously nervous, “I’m taking Koda to the park nearby and I thought maybe you’d like to come with us. If you can, of course.”
Sam couldn’t really, it was still a few hours before her shift ended at the coffee shop, but she didn’t want you to leave without the promise of seeing you again.
“Of course,” she found herself replying instead, “I can meet you there in a few minutes.”
She knew she’d made the right decision when you gifted her with one of your warm smiles.
“Okay! Nice,” you nod, absently twirling your dog’s leash around your fingers, startled by the sudden, loud bark he lets out at the delay, breaking the oblivious bubble you were in, “Alright, I should go before he starts trying to jump over the counter.”
Sam barely hears the sound of the bell announcing your departure over how loudly her heart pounds in her ears.
It takes a lot of willpower and her last pack of good cigarettes to convince her insufferable coworker — who’d watched the whole thing with a bored expression and loudly chewing gum while cleaning the coffee machine — to cover the rest of her shift. He ended up ordering her lunch too, thinking it might be something special, only to complain when he was met with a sad peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a carton of warm apple juice. Tara really didn’t cook… but then why had she done that?
(She laughed at him anyway.)
“You owe me, Carpenter,” he grumbled, taping a note to her arm that had fallen out of the package.
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”
Sam was out the door before he could change his mind.
Taking a deep breath of the damp autumn air, she picked up the yellow post-it note curiously, recognizing her sister’s handwriting immediately.
‘u looked so depressed lately that I
decided to send u a gift
DO something this time
good luck!!’
She knew. She fucking knew that smartass had set her up. Sam should have guessed it before. Tara would never let her get away with this without doing something with her own hands. At least she hadn’t brought Mindy into the scheme this time.
The park you had mentioned was more like a small square and with the rainy cold weather of the last few days, it was pretty empty. Sam could spot you without difficulty, sitting on one of the few benches watching the scenery and she made her presence known when she got close enough.
“Can he even sit still sometimes?” Sam asked, hands in her bomber jacket pockets, pointing with her chin at the dog playing alone on the grass. You moved a little so she could sit next to you and subtly moved closer when she did.
“It rained last night and he's a big fan of puddles,” you chuckled, “I guess he's just excited, we haven't been out much lately.”
He wasn't the puppy he'd been when Sam had first seen him a few months ago and the sight of him running around the trees chasing flowers and stray twigs was actually quite funny.
“He's so covered in mud that it looks like a bear.”
“Well, his name's Koda,” you pointed out amusedly, “I would have called him Pongo but he always looked more like a small bear than a dalmatian anyway.”
She snorted, “If you say so.”
Sam couldn't remember a time when she felt so relaxed, with the weight of your shoulder resting against hers, enjoying the weather of the early season, the ground covered in orange and yellow leaves framing your surroundings.
She couldn't stop the restlessness she felt inside her chest, watching your profile. Feeling warm inside, but also shivering with a terrible fear of ruining everything. Do something, do something, do something echoing like a mantra in her head.
Sam took a deep breath. She'd faced murderers before, for God's sake! She could be braver than that.
"So..." She coughed, "Tara set this up, you know? The lunch stuff and everything."
You turned your attention to Sam, raising an eyebrow with a confused look.
"She did?" You asked, "Why would she do that?"
It's now or never, Carpenter. Focus.
“She did it so I could see you,” she looked away, “Because I missed you. Because I…” She felt your hand reach for hers and noticed a fallen leaf on your shoulder.
“Because you…?” your voice echoed anxious. She could do this. She's going to do this.
A loud howl scared the two of you and you turned to see Koda behind a pile of leaves, pupils dilated and jumping up and down.
“Oh no.”
“What?” She stammered.
“He saw a pigeon.”
You see, Sam is not a pet person. She has only had one guinea pig her entire life and only before her father left and a 6-year-old Tara let it escape from its cage never to be seen again – poor Darwin would always be remembered – she does not know how to handle dogs, much less big, excitable ones like yours.
Yet she grabs the leash from your hands when you finally reach your dog who won't stop barking at a tree and ignores your warnings that he is heavy and strong, Sam, it will end up dragging you away and tries to gently pull him to convince him to let go so you can get out of there. Because she is big and strong and she wants to show you that she can handle a mere happy dog.
He acknowledges her like she wanted and also drags her like you said he would.
This manages to surprise her more than the first stab wound she took, how one minute she’s standing still, telling your silly dog ​​to walk in a confident condescending tone, and the next she’s running at full speed through the trees and puddles of the park, your worried voice ringing behind her, as does your laughter.
“Sam!” you exclaimed from a distance, hands cupped around your mouth and dark red scarf falling from your neck, “You need to stop!”
She does stop, yes, but only after your dog has already circled her and Sam must be a ridiculous sight with a colorful leash wrapped around her legs and a dog panting with its tongue out next to her.
“Oh my god,” you lean in closer, unable to hide the amusement in your voice, “Are you okay?”
Sam huffed, feeling a strand of hair fall across her face: “A little help would be appreciated.”
“Sure,” you laughed, reaching out to carefully untangle it, “Maybe I should call him Pongo after all.”
She rolled her eyes: “Don’t mock me.”
“I’m not mocking you, it’s just cute.”
Sam opened her mouth to retort, only to realize how close you two were, with your hands resting on her shoulders to steady her and your faces just inches apart, your breath tickling her skin. You seemed to realize the same thing, tongue coming out to wet your lips, your gaze fixed on her mouth.
Do something. Do something. Do something.
She finally does something. She kisses you.
It's all a mix of sensations, she feels when you sigh, breathing through your nose in surprise and satisfaction, she feels where your hands tighten on the fabric of her jacket and tastes you, warm lips contrasting with the cold skin of your cheeks, with traces of coffee, lipstick and something else so undeniably you that Sam swears her heart might stop.
You pull apart hesitantly, breathing fast, noses touching, eyes shining, and she feels herself falling, literally. Your dog jumps on your waist, demanding to be petted, and you fall, taking Sam with you.
Landing in a pile of leaves is more uncomfortable than the movies make it out to be, but Sam can’t find it in herself to protest when you’re the one on top of her. She smiles and you laugh out loud. She didn’t mess up.
“You’re covered in leaves,” you say, running your fingers through her hair, “And your face is smeared with black lipstick.”
She scoffs, “I wonder who’s responsible for that.”
“He is,” you point innocently at the dog standing next to you.
Sam rolls her eyes, but cups your face with her cold hands to pull you close again, and the second kiss she gives you is just as magical as the first.
Tara doesn’t expect to find a dog taking up the entire couch for the first time in days when she comes back from Chad’s dorm after sending you off on a fake mission to find her sister. Yet, hours later, there it is, with one of the sneakers she forgot to put away when she got home from class stuck in his mouth and trails of mud and leaves across the room.
“C’mon, man, that’s not a toy!”
She hears a laugh and finds herself face to face with Sam, looking completely filthy despite the sound of the shower running in the hallway and Tara knows Quinn isn’t home yet. Oh.
“So, you finally did something?”
Sam nods solemnly, pointing to the dark kiss etched into her jaw.
“I did.”
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heartsforjh · 2 months ago
I saw your post saying you'd cook writing something for Luke.
Luke childhood friends to lovers would be pretty cool
ofc! thanks sm for the request 🙂🫶 fair warning: i did not in fact cook, this is more like a snack 😭
Tumblr media
“so… can i get your number before i go? maybe we can hang?” ethan edwards, one of the hockey players from school, asks. his tone is casual but there’s a flicker of hope in his eyes.
you smile, holding your hand out for his phone.
“sure, why not?”
you punch your number into his phone, your fingers brushing against the screen as the room buzzes with laughter and music. handing it back, you grin. “there you go.”
ethan thanks you before heading off, and you take a sip of your drink, the cold fizz tingling against your lips. the exchange admittedly, leaves you feeling giddy. you’re stood leaning against the counter top, before a sharp voice immediately drags you out of your thoughts.
“the fuck was that?” you freeze, instantly recognizing the voice. it’s Luke’s—your best friend since you were in diapers. his tone is irritated, and when you turn around, you’re met with his all too familiar, towering frame. it would be intimidating if this wasn’t the same boy you used to watch cry over having to do homework as a kid.
“what was what?” you ask, surprised by his sudden tone. casually, you take another sip of your drink.
“i’m serious! what was that?!” he repeats, his voice more insistent now.
you sigh, placing your drink on the counter and giving him your full attention. “what do you mean? he asked for my number, so i gave it to him.”
Luke runs a hand through his long hair, visibly stressed. “so what— you guys are a thing now?”
you blink, caught off guard by his reaction. “oh my gosh. just because he has my number doesn’t mean we’re a thing… not yet, at least.”
you can’t help but tease him a little, curious about the frustration he’s displaying. something about his reaction feels… different, almost protective.
“that’s my friend! you can’t just… you can’t do that with my friends!” his voice rises slightly, cracking in a way that betrays the emotion he’s trying to hide.
“why not? they’re not just your friends Luke.” you frown, not happy about the possessiveness in his tone. this isn’t the first time he’s acted this way. growing up, he always had a hard time sharing—specifically his teammates or neighborhood friends. he had no problem playing dress up but firmly shut you out when it came to anything with the boys.
Luke exhales sharply, his shoulders slumping. “its not ethan i care about, y/n. it’s you. you’re mine. i love you, and i don’t want ethan—or anyone else—to have you.”
the words hang in the air, thick and heavy. your mouth fallls open slightly, shock washing over you. Luke looks just as stunned, whatever bit of confidence he had found before already crumbling as he runs a hand down his face.
“forget it. just… forget i said anything y/n. do whatever you want.” he moves to leave, his frustration spilling into his steps. he’s quick to try to up and leave.
but you’re quicker. grabbing his arm, you step in front of him, blocking his path. instinctively you stroke your thumb on his arm in a comforting way, and you tilt your head up to look at him. you’re so close now, the faint smell of his cologne filling the small space between you.
“first of all, Luke, don’t ever walk away from me like that.” you say firmly, voice soft but unwavering. “second of all, i love you too.”
he sighs. “no y/n i mean it like—”
you cut him off, your voice steady and reassuring. “i know exactly what you meant. i said i love you too.”
“wait—you do?” he asks, his voice quiet and, expression of disbelief.
you nod, a soft smile growing on your face “i’ve loved you since we were kids Luke. i think i knew the day quinn ripped my barbie’s head off and you got into a fight with him over it.”
Luke lets out a breathy laugh, glancing down before meeting your eyes again. “that was second grade. i’ve known i loved you since kindergarten, when you let me have the last blue Play-Doh. so, technically, i’ve got you beat.
you roll your eyes, laughing softly. “not everything’s a competition, Luke.”
“really? cuz it feels like i’ve been in competition for you my whole life.” he admits, only half joking. he somehow finds the confidence to snake his arms around your waist.
“come on lu. you should know that nobody could ever compare to you.”
his cheeks flush slightly, and he grins, sheepish but hopeful. “you mean that?”
“of course i do.” you say softly.
“so… uh… wanna be my girlfriend?” the words tumble out quickly, his confidence once again faltering as he rubs the back of his neck.
you laugh, shaking your head. “what was that?
he groans, looking at the ceiling for a moment before repeating himself, slower this time. “do you wanna be my girlfriend? it’s okay if not, i just really—”
“of course i do!” you cut him off, grinning up at him. he lets out a sigh of relief, hand falling back to your side, gently caressing up and down.
“hey.” he says suddenly, glancing towards the door. “let’s ditch this party.”
you nod without hesitation, lettting him take your hand and lead you toward the exit. the two of you walked in as friends, but as you step out into the cool night air, hand in hand, you know you’re leaving as so much more.
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sorry for the wait but i really hope y’all enjoyed this one :) next part of the quinny smau is coming out next so keep an eye out!
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bedsyandco · 10 months ago
✰ pairing ⤫ fem!reader x quinn hughes
✰ synopsis ⤫ in which you and quinn are fighting but he can’t leave without letting you know he loves you
✰ content ⤫ a little angst I guess, the angst isn’t really present in the fic, it’s more about the resolving of the angst. cuteness. quinn putting up with his girl’s stubborn ass. overuse of baby, I’m sorry 😭
✰ 💭 ⤫ I love writing for quinn so much. . . as always I’d love to hear what you think! <3
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you make a pointed effort not to look in quinn's direction as he enters the kitchen, keeping your glare firmly planted on your cup that coffee was slowly pouring into.
quinn knew you had seen him enter the kitchen, your shoulders had tensed the moment he walked into the room, but your eyes didn't flicker to his like they normally would, and he was fine with that. he was sure that if you did direct you attention towards him it would only be to start yelling at him. again.
he follows his normal morning routine, taking out the toaster and the bagels but hesitates after putting one in. he's unsure if he should be toasting yours, not because he's being petty over the fact that you weren't making him coffee like you normally would, simply because he's never met a more stubborn person in his life, and he wasn't sure if you'd eat it if he did toast it for you.
quinn allows the silence to drag on for a few minutes before breaking it. "you're coming to the game tonight right?” he asks
“probably,” you answer softly and quinn sighs, dropping another bagel in the toaster
quinn moves to the spot next to you, making his breakfast bagel on the counter and you resist the urge to kiss his cheek and cuddle into him like you normally would. he was even wearing his blue hoodie today, the one he knew was your favourite.
you make your way to the living room table, taking a seat on a chair and pretending to read the paper that was laying on the table. your mind was way too busy to actually focus on the words on the page but it was better than looking like you were contemplating what happened earlier that morning.
it was a stupid fight really, stemming from the fact that quinn left his dishes in the sink when you’ve repeatedly told him to just put it in the dishwasher, like how hard can it be? from there on some petty insults were exchanged as a result of exhaustion and frustration building up from the long week.
there’s a few minutes of silence again, the only sounds coming from the kitchen where Quinn was making your bagel. it’s not unusual for there to be silence in the morning, neither you or quinn were morning people. but that’s usually peaceful silence, this was tension-filled silence.
you see quinn approaching in your peripheral and a few seconds later he placed your bagel in front of you. “eat that,” he says, more like orders. and hesitates for a few seconds. he wasn’t sure if you wanted him to sit with you, or if you’d rather just be left alone.
your heart clenches a little when after a few seconds of hovering he decides to move towards the living room and plops down on the couch, eating his breakfast alone.
you were so in your head you didn’t realize the time had passed so quickly and before you knew it, quinn was getting ready to leave, putting on his shoes and grabbing his keys.
letting out a heavy sigh he makes his way towards you, gently cupping your cheek and pressing a kiss to your head and your cheek.
“Have a good day baby, I’ll see you tonight. I love you,” he says before turning to leave but you grab his hand before he gets the chance to
“I’m sorry-“ you start to apologize but he cuts you off
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for, you’re right you’re not my mother and I’m a grown man, I can clean up after myself,” he says a little teasingly, recalling your words from earlier.
“Well yes, but you also apologized for it and I blew it way out of proportion. I’ve had a horrible week and I took my frustrations out on you and I’m sorry,” you say and his gaze softens, pulling your hand to tug you out of the chair and into his chest
“It’s okay baby. I know you’ve had a stressful week, we all have those. God knows I have them and I take it out on you way more than you do to me. I’ll argue with you about dishes in the sink if that’s what you need to let off some steam, as long as we can make up again before one of us has to leave. I don’t like being away from you knowing you’re pissed at me. At least when I’m home I get to see how sexy you look when you glare at me from across the room,” Quinn says, placing a kiss just below your ear and you shiver a little when his beard scratches the skin there.
“Well there’s other ways we can blow off steam rather than arguing,” you suggest and Quinn lets out a soft laugh against your neck
“You wanna show me?” he mumbles, hands falling to your ass and you laugh pushing him away
“Maybe tonight, you’re gonna be late,” you say, walking to the kitchen and grabbing the lunch you packed for Quinn before he even came downstairs
“You sure it’s safe to eat?” Quinn teases, knowing you made it when you were still mad
“Your sandwich may be a little spicier than usual, but you’ll live,” you say, patting his chest and he laughs, giving you a quick peck before he’s out the door.
not even his plate and coffee mug from breakfast sitting in the sink was enough to remove the smile on your face after that.
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puckinghischier · 2 months ago
i’m having soft quinn thoughts today and i have to shout them from the rooftops so everyone else can suffer with me.
but i absolutely cannot stop thinking about how quinn would always want to spend time with you, but feel guilty for how occupied he is during the season. every second of downtime he has is spent watching game film in your living room, studying tactics and plays. not that you ever complain. you’re content simply being in the same room as him, not taking for granted any amount of time you can be in his presence.
quinn’s attention is always half on you, no matter how hard he tries to focus. he steals more glances at you than he cares to admit, worried that one day you’ll get sick of sitting in silence while hockey occupies the space between you. but you never do. you keep yourself busy scrolling through your phone or reading the most recent book he bought you, never uttering a complaint. he’s tuned in to every fidget or movement you make, not wanting you to remove your always cold feet from under his warm legs to occupy yourself with something—or rather someone—better.
it surprises him that you never do. you never utter a word, not wanting to disrupt his work. every so often he’ll catch you looking back at him during one of his ‘quick’ glances, absorbing the warm smile you give him. sometimes you’ll quietly ask him if he wants anything from the kitchen when you stand to go fill up your water cup, but seem content to simply sit there with him as he mumbles to himself, jotting down notes as he watches.
tonight, he can’t help but notice—during his million and one glances at you—that your eyes are glued to the tv. your phone is laying, locked, in your lap, eyes following the puck as it’s shuffled across both screens from player to player. your body’s subtle reactions to the game aren’t lost on him either. the twitch of your foot anytime someone shoots the puck, the raise of your brow when a player on either team scores, the hitch in your breath anytime the two teams start to fight.
you can feel his eyes on you more than usual tonight, his (not so) subtle glances lingering longer than normal. you turn your head to meet his gaze, brows furrowed and a puzzled look on his face.
“what?” you whisper, flitting your eyes between his own and the tv, not wanting to miss any important moments.
“are you watching the game?” he looks at you like you have three heads.
you giggle in response, amused at his expression and surprised tone of his voice. “yeah, kinda. don’t really know what’s happening, though, if i’m honest.”
there was never a home game of quinn’s you missed. you went to support him every time you could, and loved seeing him in his element. but you can’t even pretend to understand the sport past each player wanting to get the puck into the opposing net. you didn’t understand the positions, the penalties, or anything surrounding the ins and outs of professional hockey. you never watched it growing up, and probably still wouldn’t watch it if you weren’t dating the captain of your new city’s team.
you had moved to vancouver for work, and knew nothing of the prominent hockey culture before you arrived. the sports presence buzzed all around you as you figured out the ins and outs of your new home, but it had no place in your daily routine. that is, until you hit it off with this insanely attractive stranger that seemed to frequent the same coffee shop as you. you accidentally cut him in line one day, offering to pay for his coffee to make up for it, but he paid for yours instead. a ‘pay it forward’ war was started between the two of you until he was stood waiting at the door with your usual order one morning, requesting more than just a name and the fact you drank a large, vanilla iced coffee with chocolate syrup lining the cup every morning.
when he realized you were likely the only person in the city he now calls home that doesn’t know who he is, it only piqued his interest in the pretty coffee shop stranger further. the morning meetings at the shop turned into an exchange of numbers, which developed into him meeting you for lunch on your break when he was in town, that then escalated into dinner dates and spontaneous outings, and now it’s found its permanence in you moving in with him a few months ago.
you were…indifferent, when he revealed to you who he was and what all his career entailed, uttering out a simple “oh! that’s cool! makes sense why you’re always at the gym, now” later explaining that you thought he was just really into fitness and maybe worked as a personal trainer or some equivalent. when he first invited you to games he tried to tell you a little bit about the rules, but assumed you’d catch on as you watched (hopefully) more and more of his sport. you always told him how much you enjoyed watching him in his element, but never asked many questions past if the other team was supposed to be good or not. he assumed you understood enough to keep up, knowing how intelligent and observant you are, but he tried to refrain from talking about work too much with you. when he’s with you, he wants to be present with you, not hockey.
which is why he feels so guilty at times like this, watching film while you’re sitting next to him. it feels like you’re two people who happen to be in the same room, completely in your own worlds. until tonight.
“you…never watch the games with me. you always have a book or something,” he reaches over to pause the game, still a little shocked.
you shrug at him. “didn’t feel like reading tonight. not really anything new on my socials, either. so i figured i’d just watch with you for once.”
“and you weren’t gonna say anything?”
this earns a real laugh out of you, not understanding why this is such a big shock for him. it’s not like you’ve ever told him you don’t like hockey. you just have never really cared to watch it if isn’t the one playing. but you’ve been wanting to learn more about it recently, tired of not being able to participate in the games like the other women do when they’re watching their husband or boyfriend play.
“why would i? you’re trying to work, i’m just trying to learn a little bit,” you reply, the hint of a laugh on each word as you say it.
quinn just blinks at you, trying not to get his hopes up at your expression, not knowing just how far you want to go with your quest for knowledge.
“since when do you want to learn about hockey? why now?” he questions, trying not to sound accusatory or snarky, but genuinely curious as to what you’ll answer.
“i’ve always wanted to learn, ever since that first game i went to, but you don’t seem to like to talk about it outside of the rink, so i don’t really ask much. me and google have become very good friends as of late,” you shrug out another answer for him. “plus, when you’re watching games at night like this, i don’t want to keep talking and asking a million questions while you’re trying to work, so i force myself not to watch to keep from distracting you.”
quinn sits a little straighter, now worried he’s made it seem like hockey is this forbidden subject between the two of you.
“sweetheart, i don’t like talking about hockey outside of the rink because i don’t ever want you to think that’s all we ever talk about, not because we can’t talk about it,” he tries to defend himself, even though there’s no accusation. “if you want to learn about the game, please, ask me questions. i- god, i’d love nothing more than to teach you about it. i hate sitting here in silence every night i’m home, worried you’re going to eventually get pissed at me because all i do during the season is watch old games.”
you grin at his slight panic, endeared by how worried he was about your feelings this whole time, appreciating his intention with the unspoken rule.
“q, i never asked about it because i didn’t want you to be upset because i kept bringing up work when you’re away from it all,” your smile only grows at the fact you were both worried about upsetting the other for no reason at all.
the slight tension in his shoulders fades at your words, relieved that you’re not upset or feel like he made it seem like you had no place in that part of his life.
“alright, well, fire away, then,” he gives you the floor, pressing play so the players on the tv screens move once again, now glancing at you every few seconds to catch any looks of confusion or interest in any particular play or action.
the rest of the night is spent playing and pausing the game over and over again, question after question flying out of your mouth. anything from why the faceoff is from a certain spot on the ice to what a particular penalty looks like is spoken the second the thought enters your brain. quinn takes his time explaining every answer to you, even rewinding and pulling up other examples to make sure you understand what he’s telling you.
at the end of the night he realizes just how much more he caught of the game while answering your questions. there’s several times you picked up on things he never has before. like why one player seems to always place his stick so close to another player’s skates while he’s chasing him. or why a certain goalie seems to lean left everytime instead of right, no matter where the puck is coming from.
he’s been able to add several tells about players in his notes, ready to take them to practice the next morning and change his game to accommodate his opponents habits. and when they win their game a few days later, thanks to your observations during the impromptu hockey 101 class in your living room, he revels in the fact that even though you know so little about his sport and his job, you ended up being one of the biggest parts of their success.
from then on, the nights of sitting in silence while he studies film are nonexistent. every time he brings work home with him, you’re right there next to him, enthralled in whatever opponent’s game they’re facing that week. he loves that you’re so observant, paying attention to the smallest of details someone who’s been playing for years becomes blind to. and he really loves turning you into a bottomless pit of hockey information, seeing how you absorb each ‘lesson’ from day to day.
when they break through their slump, a big part of that accredited to your nights spent questioning quinn, and he sees you start really participating in his games, he can’t help but fall that much deeper in love with you. watching you scream and complain about bad calls with the rest of the fans in rogers arena, and reading your texts to him about your thoughts on his away games you watch on tv, swells his heart in a way he never thought to be possible.
plus, he always knew it was only a matter of time before you fell victim to the hockey atmosphere of the city. no one can really resist the pull of vancouver hockey, especially not when it’s captain has anything to do with it.
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urdreamydoodles · 3 months ago
Bat-Villains x Reader
You're the new hot and smart underling
Characters: Joker, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Bane, Scarecrow, Two-Face, The Riddler & The Penguin
The Joker
- From the moment you joined the Joker’s ranks, his interest was piqued. Your sharp mind and striking presence stood out amongst the usual riff-raff. “A diamond in the rough!” he declared with a manic grin. Though he initially treated you like any other henchperson, his curious glances and the way he leaned in during conversations hinted at deeper intrigue.
- The Joker quickly made it a point to test your intellect. He threw out riddles mid-conversation, asked for your input on his chaotic plans, and watched with delight as you matched his wit. When you pointed out a flaw in one of his schemes—something no one else dared to do—he clapped his hands and cackled. “I like you,” he said, the words dangerously lighthearted.
- He couldn’t resist pulling you into the spotlight, often assigning you the most high-profile tasks. “Let’s see what you’re really made of!” he’d say with a grin that sent chills down your spine. Success was met with a rare approval, while failure earned a manic lecture or a laugh that felt more threatening than amused.
- Over time, his obsession with you became clear. He’d show up unannounced while you worked, circling you like a predator and commenting on how “refreshingly unpredictable” you were. His attention was both a blessing and a curse, offering protection but also putting you in constant danger of his volatile whims.
- The other henchpeople noticed the Joker’s fixation on you, leading to whispers and jealousy. Some even tried to undermine you, but the Joker put an immediate stop to it. “Nobody touches my little genius,” he’d hiss, his voice icy before switching back to his signature grin.
- Despite his madness, there were moments where his attention bordered on genuine. He’d hand you a gift—a macabre joke of a trinket—and watch your reaction with keen interest. Yet, his affection always felt like a game, a dangerous dance where losing meant the stakes could turn deadly.
Harleen Quinzel aka. Harley Quinn
- Harley was instantly drawn to you when you joined the gang. “Ooh, fresh meat!” she teased, her Brooklyn accent thick with mischief. It didn’t take long for her to notice your sharp mind and how you carried yourself with confidence. “Smart and hot? You’re a triple threat, sugar!” she exclaimed, clearly intrigued.
- Harley loved testing your limits, throwing you into chaotic situations to see how you handled them. Whether it was a high-speed getaway or negotiating with rival criminals, she’d watch you with sparkling eyes, clapping her hands in glee when you exceeded expectations.
- Her flirtation was constant and shameless. She’d saunter up to you during planning sessions, twirling a strand of her blonde-and-pink hair. “Y’know, if I wasn’t with Mistah J, I’d have to snatch you up,” she’d say with a wink, though you couldn’t always tell how serious she was.
- As your competence became undeniable, Harley began to rely on you more and more. She’d drag you into her schemes, insisting, “You’re my good luck charm!” She’d giggle when things went awry but always trusted you to pull them back together.
- Harley wasn’t above showing off for you, either. During fights or heists, she’d go out of her way to make dramatic, acrobatic moves, casting a playful glance your way afterward. “Betcha didn’t know I could do that, huh?” she’d say, grinning ear to ear.
- Beneath her bubbly exterior, Harley grew genuinely attached to you. She’d seek you out during quiet moments, talking about everything from the stars to her favorite cartoons. “You’re somethin’ special, y’know?” she’d say softly, her tone unusually serious before covering it with a laugh.
Pamela Isley aka. Poison Ivy
- Ivy noticed you the moment you walked in. She had an uncanny way of sensing power, and there was something about your intelligence and charisma that intrigued her. “You’re not like the rest of them,” she said with a sly smile, her green eyes piercing.
- She tested you in subtle ways, asking for your opinion on her environmental crusades or challenging you with complex tasks. When you provided thoughtful, insightful answers, she found herself impressed. “Hmm, perhaps you’re worth keeping around,” she mused, though the glimmer of approval in her gaze said more.
- Ivy quickly took you under her wing, ensuring you worked closely with her. She’d often call you to her greenhouse, watching as you moved carefully among her plants. “You have respect for life,” she’d note, almost to herself. Her approval felt rare and precious, like sunlight through the trees.
- Her fondness for you grew in small but significant ways. She’d casually offer you gifts—rare flowers or herbs—claiming they were “just leftovers.” When you thanked her, she’d wave it off, but the faint smile on her lips betrayed her pleasure.
- Ivy’s protective instincts soon kicked in. If anyone in the organization dared to disrespect you, they’d find themselves tangled in vines before they could blink. “No one touches what’s mine,” she’d declare, her voice cold and commanding, though she never elaborated on the claim.
- Despite her aloof demeanor, Ivy valued your presence deeply. In quiet moments, she’d open up about her dreams of a better world, her voice soft and wistful. “You understand,” she’d say, almost vulnerable. “You see the beauty in the chaos, just like me.”
- Bane was initially skeptical of you. Beauty and intelligence were rare qualities among his recruits, and he wondered if you were too good to be true. “Prove your worth,” he demanded, his imposing figure casting a shadow over you. His voice was calm but carried the weight of a challenge.
- You quickly earned his respect through your sharp strategies and unflinching determination. Bane valued strength, both physical and mental, and your ability to stay calm under pressure impressed him. “You are more capable than most,” he admitted, a rare compliment from the man who broke the Bat.
- Bane began involving you in higher-level plans, seeking your input and trusting your judgment. “You think like a tactician,” he observed, his dark eyes studying you intently. His approval felt earned, a testament to your hard work and resilience.
- Despite his stoic demeanor, Bane showed his care in subtle ways. He ensured you were well-protected during missions, assigning his most loyal soldiers to watch your back. “Your mind is a valuable asset,” he’d say, though his actions hinted at something more personal.
- Over time, Bane’s respect for you deepened into admiration. He found himself drawn to your unwavering determination and the way you carried yourself with quiet confidence. “You remind me of someone who fights for what they believe in,” he said once, his tone almost reverent.
- Bane’s connection to you became undeniable when he began sharing fragments of his past. “Strength is forged in pain,” he told you one night, his voice low and reflective. “You understand that. It’s why you belong here—with me.” His words carried a rare vulnerability, a glimpse of the man beneath the mask.
Jonathan Crane aka. Scarecrow
- Jonathan’s first impression of you was clinical curiosity. Among the sea of his mindless minions, your sharp intelligence and composed demeanor were a breath of fresh air. He observed you silently for days, cataloging your behavior like a subject in his experiments. “Fascinating,” he murmured to himself when you solved a problem no one else could.
- He wasted no time putting your mind to the test, assigning you tasks meant to break weaker recruits. When you succeeded with ease, he became both intrigued and slightly unnerved. “You’re more resilient than I expected,” he remarked, his tone bordering on admiration, though his calculating eyes betrayed his constant evaluation.
- As you gained his respect, Jonathan began sharing his philosophical musings with you. “Fear,” he’d say, leaning closer, “is the only true motivator.” He watched your reactions intently, searching for a flicker of agreement or defiance. Your willingness to engage in these debates only solidified his growing fascination with you.
- Over time, he involved you in his experiments, valuing your input on the effects of his fear toxin. He’d watch you work with a rare, quiet intensity, occasionally breaking the silence to ask your opinion. “Tell me,” he said once, “what do you fear most?” The question lingered in the air, more personal than professional.
- Jonathan’s protectiveness over you grew subtly. If anyone questioned your methods or competence, he’d silence them with a single glare. “This one,” he’d say, his voice cold, “is not to be underestimated.” His approval came sparingly, but when given, it felt like a hard-earned triumph.
- Despite his detached nature, Jonathan found himself drawn to your presence in a way that surprised even him. During his quieter moments, he’d share fragments of his past, his voice tinged with bitterness and vulnerability. “Perhaps,” he said one night, almost to himself, “fear isn’t the only thing that defines us.”
Harvey Dent aka. Two-Face
- Harvey noticed you the moment you joined his organization. Half of him admired your intelligence and poise, while the other half—gruffer, more distrusting—demanded you prove your loyalty. “Let’s see how you handle yourself,” he said, flipping his coin. Heads, you were given a chance; tails, you were thrown into the fire.
- Your quick thinking and unshakable composure soon won over both sides of Harvey. He appreciated your ability to adapt to his volatile moods, navigating his dual nature with surprising ease. “You’re good,” he admitted one day, his scarred side smirking while the unscarred side gave a small nod of approval.
- Harvey began relying on you for more than just grunt work, bringing you into his inner circle. He’d consult you during planning sessions, flipping his coin before agreeing with your suggestions. “You’re smart,” he said, his voice laced with reluctant admiration. “Almost too smart for your own good.”
- Despite his hardened exterior, Harvey showed glimpses of softness around you. On rare occasions, he’d let his guard down, speaking about the struggles of balancing his two selves. “You think it’s easy?” he asked one night, his voice raw. “Living with two voices in your head?” He didn’t expect an answer but seemed comforted by your understanding.
- His dual nature extended to how he treated you. On good days, he’d praise your work and share a drink with you, his charm shining through. On bad days, he’d lash out, only to apologize later. “You shouldn’t stick around someone like me,” he muttered once, his good side conflicted while his bad side growled, “But you will.”
- Over time, Harvey’s admiration for you turned into something deeper. He became fiercely protective, warning anyone who dared to question your loyalty or competence. “This one’s mine,” he’d say, the flip of his coin deciding whether the threat ended there—or escalated further.
Edward Nygma aka. The Riddler
- Edward immediately gravitated toward you when you joined his crew. Your intelligence was obvious, and he couldn’t resist testing it. “Riddle me this,” he said with a smirk, throwing out puzzles and watching with delight as you solved them with ease. “Finally,” he exclaimed, “someone worthy of my brilliance!”
- He quickly made you his personal protégé, dragging you into his elaborate schemes and assigning you tasks that required both wit and precision. “Don’t disappoint me,” he warned, though the gleam in his eye suggested he didn’t expect you to. Your successes only fueled his ego, making him more confident in his choice.
- Edward loved showing off around you, often monologuing about his genius or presenting you with his latest riddles. He craved your approval, though he’d never admit it outright. “You see it, don’t you?” he’d ask, leaning closer. “How much smarter I am than everyone else?”
- As your bond grew, Edward became more possessive of your time and attention. He’d grow irritable if you worked with anyone else, muttering about how “inferior minds” didn’t deserve your talents. “You’re wasted on them,” he’d say, his tone dripping with disdain.
- Despite his arrogance, Edward valued your opinions deeply. He’d often ask for your input during planning sessions, genuinely considering your ideas. When you outsmarted him in a rare moment, he was equal parts annoyed and impressed. “Don’t let it go to your head,” he grumbled, though his smile betrayed his pride in you.
- Beneath his bravado, Edward harbored a genuine fondness for you. In quieter moments, he’d confide in you about his insecurities, his voice softer and more vulnerable than you’d ever heard. “Do you think they’ll ever truly understand me?” he asked once, his question laced with an uncharacteristic hint of doubt.
Oswald Cobblepot aka. The Penguin
- Oswald was skeptical when you first joined his ranks. He’d seen plenty of attractive recruits come and go, and he assumed you’d be no different. But when you demonstrated your sharp mind and ability to navigate his world, he quickly took notice. “Hmm,” he muttered, adjusting his monocle. “You might be more useful than you look.”
- He began assigning you more important tasks, watching closely to see how you handled yourself. When you not only met but exceeded his expectations, he couldn’t help but be impressed. “Well, well,” he said with a smirk. “It seems I’ve underestimated you.”
- Oswald had a flair for theatrics, and he loved dragging you into his schemes. He’d show off his wealth and power, often treating you to luxurious dinners or gifting you extravagant trinkets. “Consider it an investment,” he’d say, though his smug grin suggested otherwise.
- Over time, Oswald’s respect for you grew into admiration. He appreciated your loyalty and competence, valuing you as more than just another underling. “You’ve got potential,” he told you one night, his tone unusually sincere. “Stick with me, and you’ll go far.”
- Despite his ruthless nature, Oswald showed surprising protectiveness over you. If anyone dared to disrespect or threaten you, they’d find themselves at the mercy of his sharp-tipped umbrella. “No one crosses the Penguin,” he growled, his eyes cold. “Especially not someone under my wing.”
- Oswald’s attachment to you became evident in his quieter moments. He’d share stories of his past, his voice tinged with bitterness and longing. “The world never gave me a chance,” he said once, his gaze distant. “But you—you’re different. You’ve got what it takes to survive.”
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rowdyluv · 8 months ago
Say Yes - qh43
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Summary: Quinn’s girlfriend attends the Hughes Bowl at Rogers Arena. She’s overtly in love with him (kind of annoying tbh) Quinn surprises her after the game.
Warnings: fluff, obsessy gf, eyes don’t leave bf, use of y/n, oc?
Word Count: 2.35k
Notes: I chose a random name for readers best friend. Ahem split second appearance of other nhler with bff. May or may not have successfully? wrote something.
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In the hustling and bustling heart of Vancouver, nestled between the towering skyscrapers and the gentle caress of the Pacific sea breeze, stood the mighty Rogers Arena. Its gleaming exterior reflected the city's vibrant energy, a beacon of excitement that drew in locals and tourists alike. The chilly winter evening had descended, casting a soft glow upon the cobblestone streets, as the anticipation for the night's event grew palpable.
The Hughes Bowl also known as the Vancouver Canucks versus the New Jersey Devils
Inside the arena, the air was electric. The mouthwatering scent of popcorn and nachos mingled with the faint aroma of fresh lemonade and the mixture of alcohol in some areas. The thunderous roar of the crowd grew louder with every passing second, echoing through the vast space like a crescendo of anticipation.
Y/N and Mia, perched in the first row by the glass barrier, were surrounded by a sea of blue and green jerseys. A few red and black jerseys sprinkled in the mix. Guests in attendance dressed out were the die-hard fans, their eyes glued to the rink, where the players currently skated about in a blur of motion, warming up for the night’s showdown between the Canucks and the Devils.
When the lights had dimmed and both national anthems for Canada and the United States had a chance to play, a collective chorus of cheers fell over the stadium.
The spotlights that once bathed the ice in a soft multicolored glow lifted replaced with the bright white, and the players took their positions.
Quinn, was the center of y/n’s attention, his eyes focused and intense. He looked over at Y/N and Mia, flashing a quick smile that sent her heart racing. The puck dropped, and the game was underway.
Throughout the first period, Y/N did all she could to try and memorize every move Quinn made. An attempt to hold on to his years in the league for when they’re long over. His stick-handling was mesmerizing, a dance of precision and power that left the opposition scrambling. Whenever he checked one of his brothers, she held onto a strange mix of pride and protectiveness that swelled within her. She knew that behind the smiles and jovial rivalry, they were all fighting for the same thing: victory.
Leaning over to Mia, she whispered excitedly, "Did you see that? He totally outplayed them both! Jack and Luke!" Each time she spoke, her voice grew a little louder, the excitement spilling over like a fizzy drink. Mia, ever the supportive best friend, nodded and cheered along, even though she wasn't as versed in the nuances of the game. Y/N's eyes never left the ice when her love was on for a shift, captivated by the grace and strength of the man she loved.
Midway through the second period, Quinn scored a breathtaking goal through the goalie’s 5-hole. He spun around, stick in the air, as the crowd erupted in a cacophony of cheers. Y/N's face lit up brighter than the goal lamp as she jumped to her feet, slapping the glass in exhilaration. Quinn skated to where she was sitting behind the glass. He blew her a kiss and yelled to her, “that was for you babygirl.” She turned to Mia, her eyes sparkling with pure joy, "I knew he was just as bad as you are!" Mia giggled, pulling her best friend in to a hug, the sound of their laughter lost in the deafening applause.
The game continued, each play more intense than the last. The tension grew as the score remained close, neither team willing to concede an inch of the ice. With every check, every pass, and every shot on net, Y/N felt her heart pound harder in her chest. Her eyes never left Quinn, not even when his brothers had the puck. It was as if she could feel his every move, his every breath. Her cheers grew louder, her hands slapping the glass more vigorously, leaving behind a smudge of her palm print like a silent applause.
In the third period, the game reached a fever pitch. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, a symphony of hope and nerves. The Devils had managed to tie the game, and the Canucks were desperate to pull ahead. The air was thick with the scent of sweat and the metallic tang of fear. With minutes to go, Quinn stole the puck from his youngest brother, breaking away on a two-on-one. The arena held its collective breath as he streaked down the ice, the sound of his skates slicing through the frozen surface like a knife through butter.
Y/N's eyes were glued to him, her heart racing in her chest. The play unfolded before her in slow motion, every second stretching into an eternity. Quinn passed the puck to his teammate, who whipped it back to him with the grace of a ballet dancer. The goalie saw it coming, but it was too late. Quinn's shot was a rocket, flying straight into the top corner of the net. The arena erupted into a frenzy of cheers and the sound of thousands of hands clapping together in unison. The goal lamp flashed red, the buzzer sounded, Quinn’s media tape looped on the scoreboard. His teammates rushed him for a celebration. Y/n was watching in awe of her man. Mia was watching her best friend in happy wonder.
Mia nudged her, "Looks like you got yourself a star player!" she said, her voice barely audible over the din. Y/N nodded, her smile so wide it hurt. She felt like she was floating, the adrenaline from the goal still pulsing through her veins. The final buzzer sounded, signaling the end of the game. The score was 3-2 in favor of the Canucks. The arena echoed with the chant of "Quinn! Quinn! Quinn!" She could see the pure elation on his face as he skated over to her, the grin stretching from ear to ear. He tapped the glass, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
Quinn had the last scoring game puck in his hand. He had already wrote on it and brought it straight to her, he pointed up towards the top of the barrier and then to her, a silent message he was tossing it to her. With a flick of his wrist, he flung it over, sending it soaring through the air. Time seemed to slow as it spun, a perfect arc of twisting team logos and black against the vibrant backdrop of the cheering crowd. Y/N's hand shot up, her palm open and ready to receive it. The puck smacked into her palm with a satisfying thud, the residual ice shavings from the game still clinging to it.
The crowd's roar grew even louder as they noticed the gesture, the cameras flashing from the stands and the Jumbotron spotlighted on her, capturing her disbelief and pure happiness. She clutched the puck to her chest, feeling its coldness against her skin, a stark contrast to the warmth flooding her cheeks. The moment was surreal, a memory she knew she'd cherish forever. She mouthed a silent "thank you" to Quinn, who was already being dragged away by his teammates for an impromptu interview.
As the players filed off the ice, the tension in the arena didn't dissipate. Instead, it transformed into a buzz of excitement and congratulations. Y/N watched Quinn closely, her eyes tracing his every move as he was interviewed, his voice steady and humble despite the victory. He talked about teamwork and the importance of family, never failing to mention his brothers and their shared love for the sport. Her heart bursting with pride as she heard him speak, his words resonating with the audience.
Finally, the moment came. The Zamboni glided onto the ice, smoothing out the battleground where Quinn had just claimed victory. He skated over to the bench, his gaze seeking hers through the throngs of people. She waved, the puck still clutched in her hand, a symbol of his triumph. He pointed at her, then at the locker room, signaling for her to wait for him. The crowd began to disperse, the blue and green jerseys forming rivers of humanity that flowed through the arena's exits.
Y/N and Mia remained in their seats before heading down to wait outside of the locker room, the excitement still coursing through them like an electric current. They chatted animatedly about the game, replaying Quinn's heroics in their minds, their voices a mix of disbelief and pride. As the last of the fans trickled out, the arena staff started prepare for the post-game cleanup.
The doors to the locker room finally swung open, and the players began to emerge, their faces flushed from exertion and their eyes gleaming with the adrenaline of victory. Quinn spotted Y/N immediately, his grin growing even wider when he saw the puck in her hand. His strides to her were urgent and quick, the sound of his skates, that were hanging off the side of his bag, clanking against one another echoing through the now-quiet corridor. He was dressed back in his game day suit, no tie, but perfectly put together.
Y/N looked up at him, her confusion palpable. "Why aren't you in your comfy clothes?" she questioned, gesturing to his suit.
Quinn chuckled, the sound rumbling deep in his chest. "I had to make an impression, didn't I?" He leaned down, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Besides, I had a surprise for you."
Y/N turned the puck over in her hand, her eyes widening as she read the message scrawled in black sharpie. "Best game of my life," it read, "make it better by saying yes." Her cheeks flushed, and she looked up at him, her eyes filling with unshed tears as he’s down on one knee. "Quinn, this is..."
"It’s crazy, yes but I couldn't wait. You're it for me, you're everything. And after that game, playing against my brothers, I just know this is right." His voice was earnest, his gaze unwavering as he pulled out a small velvet box. “Yes I know in front of the locker room isn’t ideal, but I just had the best game I’ve had in months, I finally beat my brothers. You’re the girl of my dreams and I can’t hold onto this any longer because I’m afraid the yahoos behind you will let it out while they’re here. So baby, please will you marry me?” Quinn asks tears of love in his eyes.
Y/N felt as if the world had stopped spinning. She looked down at the box in his hand, her heart racing like a bullet train. She assumed this was coming later on in life, but she never expected it to happen here, in the lower interior of the arena she had watched him play in so many times before. An indescribable warmth spread through her, expansive spread across her from her toes to her fingertips. She looked into his eyes, her voice shaking with raw emotion, "Yes, Quinn. Yes, I'll marry you."
The words hung in the air, suspended for a moment before reality crashed back in. The locker room doors opened wider, and his remaining teammates spilled out, cheering and clapping. They had been waiting for this moment, and now it was here. Quinn slipped the ring onto her finger, the diamond sparkling under the harsh fluorescent lights. It fit perfectly, as if it had been made just for her. She couldn't help but admire it, the way it caught the light and danced across her skin. Y/n turned to Jack and Luke to greet the brothers she was unaware were there until Quinn said something, but instead was met by Jim and Ellen.
“You’ll officially be our daughter!” Ellen saps pulling y/n into a hug.
“Can’t wait to have another female Hughesy!” Jim laughed with her, ruffling up her hair.
Y/n’s eyes are misty with happy tears. She hadn’t seen this coming like this at all, she had thought maybe it would happen in a year or two but not now.
It doesn’t matter the timing, Quinn is forever hers and she’s forever his.
“Quinn, This, here. It’s perfect.” She says, her voice full of wonder and love. “I wouldn’t want it any other way. So it is ideal. Don’t worry about what it looks like.”
Quinn broke away from Elias and Brock’s playful teasing, his smile growing as he wrapped her in a warm embrace. The cheers of his teammates and the small gathering of family erupting once more, but all Y/N could hear was the steady beat of his heart against her chest. He leaned down, cupping her face in his hands, and kissed her.
It was a kiss filled with the passion of a thousand suns, the promise of a lifetime together, and the sweetness of a love that had only grown stronger with each passing day. His lips were gentle yet firm, a declaration of his love and commitment. Hers responded eagerly, her arms snaking around his neck, the coldness of the ice forgotten in the heat of the moment.
Mia had been standing off to the side watching her best friend happily. As the couple kissed she muttered to what she thought was just herself “I’m so painfully single.”
“You and me both. Hi, name is Nico. Captain of the New Jersey Devils.”
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capquinn · 2 months ago
Dad Quinn on his birthday with bug when she was still a tiny little baby 🥹🥹
Quinn’s birthday was quiet that year, nothing grand or over the top — just the way he wanted it. It was his first birthday as a dad, and Bug was nearing seven months old, a chubby-cheeked little bundle who didn’t understand the concept of birthdays but had a way of making everything feel like a celebration anyway.
The day started early, as most days with a baby did. Bug’s cheerful babbles drifted through the baby monitor before the sun had fully risen, and Quinn, ever the hands-on dad, was already on his feet, padding down the hallway to scoop her out of the crib before you even had a chance to nudge him. When he returned, Bug was tucked against his chest, her tiny fists clutching at his shirt like it was her lifeline.
“She said happy birthday,” Quinn teased, his voice low and soft as he climbed back into bed, Bug grinning as if she was in on the joke.
Breakfast was a cosy mess, the kitchen filled with the smell of pancakes and the soundtrack of Bug’s happy squeals. She sat in her highchair, her little feet kicking rhythmically against the tray as she tried to grab at the mashed banana spooned into a bowl. Quinn sat beside her, wiping stray bits from her cheeks with the corner of her bib. She rewarded him with a gummy, toothless smile that made him melt on the spot.
“She’s the best gift,” he said, leaning down to kiss her soft forehead, his expression caught somewhere between awe and disbelief. “Nothing’s ever going to top this.”
The rest of the day was slow and simple, filled with all the small moments that made life feel full. A late-morning walk found the three of you ambling around the neighbourhood with Bug bundled in her stroller, her tiny head swivelling at every bird chirp and rustle of leaves. Quinn’s hand never left the stroller handle, his thumb brushing over the edge like he was keeping her tethered to him somehow.
After lunch, Bug’s nap became the unexpected highlight of the day. You found her sprawled across Quinn’s chest on the couch, her chubby hands fisted loosely in his shirt as her little body rose and fell with each of his deep, steady breaths. He was half-asleep himself, his arm wrapped protectively around her back, and you couldn’t help but snap a picture. The two of them, so at peace, filled the room with a quiet kind of magic.
By the time dinner rolled around, the house buzzed with the warmth only family could bring. Quinn’s parents had flown in just for the occasion, their voices brimming with love as they passed Bug between them. She was dressed in a onesie that read Daddy’s Little Star — a surprise from his parents. Quinn pretended to scoff at the sentimentality, but the way his eyes kept drifting to her, pride softening his features, said otherwise.
Dinner was lively, filled with the kind of conversation that danced effortlessly between teasing and nostalgia. Bug, strapped into her highchair at the head of the table like the true star she was, seemed to command the room. Her grandparents showered her with attention, clapping and cooing at every babble and giggle. Quinn kept shaking his head, biting back a grin when his dad held up a spoon and narrated an imaginary flight path toward Bug’s open mouth.
“Look at her go,” his mom said, laughing as Bug grabbed a softened piece of sweet potato and promptly missed her mouth.
Quinn grinned wider, reaching out to gently guide her hand. “Gonna be a big eater, huh, Bug?”
After plates were cleared, Quinn's phone buzzed with an incoming call. Jack and Luke’s pixelated faces lit up the screen, and the kitchen echoed with their loud, overlapping voices. “Happy birthday, old man!” Jack jeered, while Luke added, “should we start shopping for walkers yet?”
Quinn rolled his eyes but couldn’t fight the smile tugging at his lips. Bug babbled loudly, as if determined to join the conversation, and when her chubby hands started slapping the table in excitement, both uncles erupted in mock cheers.
“Hi, Bug!” Luke shouted, giving a little wave through the screen, and Quinn chuckled, pulling her onto his lap to give her a better view.
The highlight of the evening came with the cake. You carried it out carefully, candles flickering as the room dimmed. Ellen led the chorus of “Happy Birthday,” her voice a touch wobbly with emotion, while Bug’s wide eyes fixated on the dancing flames.
The second the cake hit the table, Bug reached out, her tiny fingers aiming squarely for the frosting.
“Easy, Buggy,” Quinn said, laughing as he gently redirected her. But the second he leaned back, she went for it again, plunging her fingers right into the side of the cake.
“Of course,” he muttered, shaking his head as laughter rippled through the room.
He wiped her tiny hands with a napkin, only for Bug to giggle, her wide eyes sparkling with mischief. Before he could react, she leaned in with that sweet, clumsy determination only babies have — her little mouth open in her version of a kiss. She planted it right on his cheek, smearing frosting everywhere in the process.
“Oh, Bug!” he laughed, his voice warm and full of love as he pulled back slightly, just enough to see the mess she’d made. “You’re lucky you’re cute,” he joked, planting a playful kiss on her sticky fingers.
Later, after the chaos of dessert and the call from his brothers — both loud and full of teasing — he found himself in Bug’s nursery, rocking her gently in his arms. The house was quiet now, save for the soft hum of her white noise machine, and he just stood there for a moment, swaying slowly, her head nestled against his chest.
It was then that Quinn realised how much his world had shifted. His birthday wasn’t about marking another year of his life anymore — it was about this life he was building, about the family he got to come home to. Bug didn’t care that it was his birthday. She just cared that he was there, holding her, steady and warm. And really, that’s all he cared about, too.
When he finally joined you on the couch, you leaned into him, your head resting on his shoulder. “Good birthday?” you asked, your voice low, the glow of the evening still lingering.
He kissed the top of your head, his hand resting on your thigh as Bug’s baby monitor sat quietly on the table.
“Best one yet,” he murmured, his voice full of quiet gratitude. “Couldn’t have asked for more.”
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nhlclover · 9 months ago
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summary: despite your differing personalities, you and quinn find yourselves drawn to each other. but you know what they say? opposites attract.
warnings: none :)
word count: 0.78k
Quinn leaned back on the club's sleek bar, the polished surface cool against his skin as he observed the chaotic dancefloor. The thumping bass reverberated through the room, syncing with the erratic flickering of the strobe lights.
Amidst the mass of dancers, his eyes were on one figure in particular. You stood out among the pulsating crowd, commanding attention effortlessly. Adorned in a shimmering mini-dress that caught the lights with every sway of your hips, you exuded a magnetic aura. Quinn’s eyes followed your graceful movements as you twirled around with one of your friends, laughter ringing out above the music. In the midst of the chaotic dance floor was where you seemed most in your element.
It wasn’t uncommon for your relationship to raise eyebrows. You had always been a glass-half-full kind of person and always carried an effervescent demeanor. Your positivity was a beacon, drawing people towards you like moths to a flame. Meanwhile, Quinn was on the quieter side, not necessarily grumpy but far from the ray of sunshine that you were. Compared to you, Quinn was the calm after the storm, a steadying force that balanced your whirlwind of energy.
As Quinn continued to watch your effortless moves, he marveled at the way you situated yourself in the mass of people, your smile never wavering and your movements staying fluid and confident. Moments like these reminded Quinn of how he was drawn to you in the first place. You brought a lightness to his life, a spark that he hadn't realized he was missing until you came along.
His brief daydream was interrupted by Maya, one of your friends, sidling up beside him. “Hey, Quinn,” she said, knocking the neck of her beer against his glass.
Quinn offered her a small smile. “Hey, Maya. Having a good time?”
She took a sip of her beer and leaned on the bar beside him, her eyes following his gaze to you. “Always,” she replied with a grin. “You know, I’ve never seen her this happy with anyone before. How are you two doing?”
Quinn's smile widened as he glanced back at Maya. "We're good," he said, his voice carrying a hint of pride. "She's amazing, you know that.”
Maya looked between the two of you, a small smile on her lips. “You guys are total opposites though, aren’t you?” she asked.
Quinn chuckled softly, glancing back at you as you continued to dance with abandon. “Yeah, you could say that. But somehow, it works.”
Maya nodded knowingly. “She brings you out of your shell.”
“Exactly,” Quinn replied with a nod. “Even when she doesn’t realize it.”
As if on cue, you bounded over, a radiant grin lighting up your face. “Quinn! Come dance with me!”
Quinn chuckled, feeling a warmth spread through him at your presence. “I don’t know how to dance, y/n.”
Your eyes sparkled, shrugging your shoulders as you took hold of Quinn’s hand. “Well, it’s never too late to learn!”
Reluctantly, Quinn allowed himself to be pulled onto the dance floor. The music seemed louder there, the bass thrumming in his chest. You started moving immediately, your body swaying in time with the beat. Quinn tried to mimic your movements, feeling awkward and out of place.
You took notice and giggled. “Quinn, it wouldn’t kill you to move your body a little.”
You placed your hands on his hips, forcing them to move to the music, but his body seemed to fight you.
“It actually might,” Quinn replied, his eyes glancing around to see if people were watching.
You laughed again, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Just follow my lead.”
Quinn took a deep breath and tried to relax. He honestly didn’t know how you were just naturally full of energy and positivity. However, your energy was infectious, and soon he found himself moving more naturally, though still far from graceful. You teased him about his lack of rhythm, but your laughter was warm and encouraging.
“Baby, you’re doing great!” you said, your smile radiant. “See, I knew you could dance.”
Quinn felt his hesitation fall away as you continued to dance, your movements becoming synchronized as you lost yourselves in the music. Your friends cheered from the sidelines, Maya giving Quinn a thumbs up when she caught his eye.
A couple of songs later, you and Quinn headed off the dancefloor. You made your way to the table your friends had commandeered, Quinn pulling you into a tight embrace.
“You were right,” he murmured into your ear. “That was fun.”
“Told you so,” you replied, grinning up at him, eyes sparkling with the same energy that had captivated Quinn from the beginning.
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screaminglygay · 4 months ago
pairing: dark!wanda maximoff x fem!reader + love quinn x fem!reader
summary: wanda and love's rivalry escalates as their dark secrets are exposed, making you confused with your own feeling
warnings: swearing, manipulation, toxic relationships, possessive behavior, and light violence, with references to implied stalking
wordcount: 4.7k (oops)
an: love was the best thing that you had (haha, get it?)
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The ANAVRIN's bustling ambiance fills the room as you slide your things into your locker, lost in thought. The early morning glow filters through the windows, casting a calm before the usual chaos begins.
“Morning,” Love's voice breaks the silence as she appears beside you, her presence warm as always. She’s leaning against the locker next to yours, that signature smile on her face as her eyes roam over you.
“Hi,” you respond, a bit shy under her gaze but comforted by her presence.
“How was your weekend?” she asks casually, though there's a perceptive gleam in her eyes, as if she’s already guessed the answer.
You shrug, feeling the weight of the last few days. “Um… It was okay,” you mutter, already knowing she can see through your attempt to brush it off.
Love chuckles softly, her head tilting as she studies you. “You’re a terrible liar, you know that?” she says, a note of both humor and concern in her voice. She reaches out, her hand lightly grazing your arm. Though she's technically your boss, Love has always blurred the lines, playing the role of friend, confidante, and something you can’t quite place but feel drawn to.
You laugh lightly at her comment, though you feel a little exposed under her unwavering attention. You’ve never had a boss like her; it feels like she genuinely sees you. “Thank you, Love… it’s just—me and Wanda.” You sigh, dropping your gaze. “We had another fight. These past weeks have been… exhausting. We yell over the stupidest things. I don’t even know why.”
Love’s eyes flicker, a subtle shift that you might have missed if you weren’t looking. But the thought of Wanda clearly doesn’t sit well with her. She smooths it over quickly, though, giving your arm a gentle squeeze. “You can always talk to me about it, as a friend,” she says with a small smile, her tone soft but laced with an undertone you can’t quite identify.
You nod gratefully, glad to have someone to talk to, someone who isn’t Wanda and who genuinely seems to care. As the morning rush starts, you slip back into your tasks, aware of Love’s frequent check-ins and concerned glances. You tell yourself it’s just her nature to be caring and attentive, she’s just looking out for you.
But not long into your shift, the familiar jingle of the door chime catches your attention. You look up to see Wanda entering, her gaze sweeping the room until it lands on you. Her face softens, though there’s something guarded in her eyes. She steps toward the counter, and Love, who has been by your side, pauses. You feel the shift in the air, the tension radiating between the two women as they exchange brief, forced pleasantries.
“Can we talk, please?” Wanda asks, her voice tense, yet you can sense the urgency behind it.
Love opens her mouth as if to interject but catches herself. With a tight-lipped smile, she turns to you. “Take five,” she says, her tone polite but cool, barely masking the unease.
You follow Wanda out back, already feeling the tension mounting as she folds her arms, her expression a mix of frustration and tenderness. She takes a breath, words swirling in her gaze before she finally speaks, “I can’t keep fighting like this. I just- hate seeing you hurt. I know we’re both stubborn, but…”
She trails off, and before you know it, her hand is reaching for yours. You glance back through the glass door and catch Love watching, she immedietly looks away. You’d always thought Love and Wanda got along, maybe not best friends, but they seemed to tolerate each other well enough, at least for your sake. Any discomfort you’d noticed in the past, you’d brushed off as a result of their contrasting personalities: Love’s calm, watchful demeanor and Wanda’s direct, unfiltered energy.
Out of sight from the main café area, Wanda pauses, her arms folding as she leans against the wall, lips pressed together in a way that tells you she’s searching for the right words.
“Look, I don’t want to make this all… emotional,” she begins, voice soft but steady. “But I’ve noticed you’ve been pretty down. And if I’m even a part of that reason, I want to fix it.”
The sincerity in her tone catches you off guard. You weren’t sure what you expected, maybe just a few minutes of venting or even another apology for your last fight, but seeing her struggle to convey her feelings makes your heart twist.
“Wanda, you’re not… you’re not the only reason. It’s just… there’s a lot,” you admit, voice barely above a whisper. “Work’s been stressful, we keep arguing, and I just feel so... off lately.”
She reaches out, her fingers lightly brushing over your hand. “I know I can come on a little strong sometimes,” she murmurs, “but I can’t stand seeing you hurting.”
You look up into her eyes, that familiar warmth washing over you, grounding you. “I know you care,” you say softly, hoping she hears the sincerity in your voice. “And I care about you too. I just… I don’t know how to explain it.”
A quiet tension builds between you, that pull you’ve always felt with Wanda, the same one you try to ignore whenever Love’s around, even if you don’t fully understand why. But here, just the two of you, it feels easier to let go, to melt into her touch even if only for a moment. She leans in, her voice barely a murmur, “Then let’s just take it slow. I’m here, okay?”
Her hand gives yours a gentle squeeze, and in her gaze, you feel a promise - a promise to try and ease your worries. But as you glance toward the door, you wonder what it would be like to have both of them in your life without the weight of unspoken words.
Little do you realize that Love, watching through the doorframe, feels the same way.
As Wanda strides away, leaving a faint scent of her perfume in the air, you exhale, a little drained. Love watches you closely before stepping over, her expression gentle, almost too careful. "Are you okay? You two seemed… intense,” she says, her voice warm but laced with a quiet curiosity. She tilts her head, her eyes scanning your face as if she’s searching for any signs of distress.
You nod, giving her a small smile. “Yeah, we… we’ve just been going through a rough patch, that’s all. You know how it can be.”
Love’s gaze softens as she listens, her concern unwavering. “It must be hard,” she murmurs, her voice sympathetic as her hand finds its way to your arm, lingering a moment longer than usual. “I mean, when you care so much about someone… it’s easy to give them chance after chance, right?”
You glance away, feeling the weight of her words. Love always seems to understand in ways that few others do. It’s comforting… almost too comforting.
You begin to say something, but Love’s voice cuts through the quiet between you, catching you off guard. “You know, you’re always so quick to forgive her.”
The comment stings, piercing through the empathy she’s shown until now, leaving you caught between confusion and defensiveness. You furrow your brow, turning to her, startled. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Love shrugs, her gaze steady but tinged with something that’s hard to place. "I just mean… Wanda knows exactly what to say to get back into your good graces. And maybe… maybe you don’t make her work hard enough for it.”
Your expression shifts from hurt to anger, and you step back slightly, crossing your arms. “I’m not… Love, you don’t know anything about me and Wanda.”
She raises a brow, the hurt in her gaze replaced by a challenging glint. “Maybe I don’t,” she mutters, her tone sharper now, “but someone who cares might want you to think about what’s really best for you.”
“That’s enough, Love,” you reply firmly, struggling to keep your voice even. “I appreciate your concern, but this isn’t your business.”
The air between you both grows thick, her comment hovering like a weight neither of you wants to carry. You turn back to your work, focusing intently on the task at hand as if it’ll clear the tension between you, but the sting of her words lingers all the same.
Hours later, as you’re gathering your things to leave, Love reappears, her gaze softer, hesitant. She steps forward, her voice barely above a whisper. “I’m sorry for what I said earlier… I didn’t mean to cross a line. I just…” She pauses, looking away. “I care about you."
Surprised, you look up, the anger fading from your features. “Thank you, Love,” you reply quietly, nodding, accepting her apology even though you’re not quite ready to shake the feeling her words left behind.
She watches you, her expression filled with something deep and unspoken before finally letting you go, her figure lingering in your mind long after you’ve left.
Later that evening, as you step into your apartment, Love’s words linger, filling the silence around you. You slip off your shoes and drop your bag, replaying the edge in her voice: “Maybe you don’t make her work hard enough for it.”
For the next few days, you go about your routine, but every time you think of Wanda, Love’s voice filters through, reminding you that perhaps there’s more to this than you’ve let yourself admit. So when your next day off rolls around, you find yourself reaching out to Wanda, determined to clear the air. She agrees to meet, and soon enough, the two of you are sitting on your couch, the tension between you palpable.
“Wanda…” you start, shifting nervously as you try to find the right words. “Last time you were here, you really hurt me. And honestly, I don’t want to feel like I’m just here whenever you need a stress relief.”
Wanda’s eyes widen, the surprise flickering across her face quickly replaced by a look of hurt. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you felt that way.” She reaches out, her hand stopping just inches from yours. “I never meant to make you feel… used.”
You take a shaky breath, willing yourself to keep going. “I know. But sometimes it feels like you’re so wrapped up in what’s going on with you that you don’t even see me. And I’m here, trying to be supportive, but… I have limits too, Wanda. Sometimes you need to back off and think about how you’re making me feel.”
Wanda blinks, visibly taken aback by the directness she’s not used to from you. She furrows her brow, then asks softly, “Did Love tell you that?”
The question catches you off guard, and you stare at her, feeling both defensive and a little hurt that she’d assume you couldn’t come to this on your own. “No, Wanda,” you reply, shaking your head. “I don’t need Love to think for me. This is how I feel. I just… I need you to understand that.”
The silence between you stretches, heavy with unspoken things as Wanda absorbs your words. She looks away, fidgeting, then nods slowly. “I understand. I’ll try to… be more considerate. Just… don’t think for a second that you don’t mean everything to me.”
You lean back, a mix of relief and lingering tension settling over you, hoping this conversation might finally be a step toward something better between you both.
Over the next few days, the air between you and Wanda grows lighter, though you’re still nursing the weight of everything that’s been said. You try to move past it, but just when things begin to settle, Love steps back into the picture.
One afternoon, you’re finishing up a shift at ANAVRIN, and Love catches you at your locker, leaning in with her usual nonchalant confidence. She smiles as you shut your locker, but there’s a knowing edge in her eyes.
“Hey,” she says casually, “how are things with Wanda? Better?"
You hesitate, realizing that Love has been watching a bit closer than you thought. “Yeah, it’s… getting better,” you say, offering her a cautious smile. “We talked, and I think it helped. I just need her to understand me more.”
Love’s smile flickers with something unreadable, and she tilts her head. “Are you sure about that?” Her tone is careful, but there’s an underlying tension. “I don’t mean to push, but maybe you’re putting in too much energy trying to change her.”
Your brows furrow at her words, feeling the defensiveness flare up. “It’s not about changing her,” you say softly but firmly. “It’s about finding a balance. You don’t understand, Love. She´s my friend."
Love studies you for a moment, her lips pressing into a thin line. “I just… I hate to see you giving so much to someone who might not deserve it.”
Her words hit a nerve, leaving a strange chill lingering between you. Before you can respond, you’re interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. You turn and find Wanda standing nearby, her gaze sharp, having clearly heard enough to sense the tension.
“Am I interrupting something?” Wanda’s voice is tight, eyes flicking between you and Love.
Love straightens, her face slipping into a composed expression. “Just checking on her,” she says smoothly. “Making sure she’s… okay.”
Wanda’s jaw tightens, her tone laced with irritation as she shoots Love a withering look. “I think that’s something I can handle myself, Love.”
“Oh?” Love’s expression hardens as she crosses her arms. “Because from what I’ve seen, you’re not exactly an expert at that.”
The tension grows electric, neither of them backing down as you glance between the two. Before you can diffuse the situation, Wanda’s eyes lock on you, a hint of vulnerability there that you rarely see.
“You really talk to her about us?” she asks, and there’s a raw edge to her voice, like she’s seeing you and Love in a whole new light.
You swallow, not expecting things to escalate this way. “Wanda, it’s not like that. Love’s… a friend.”
“A friend?” Wanda scoffs, letting out a frustrated sigh. “Feels like she’s trying to be more than that.”
You open your mouth to protest, but Love speaks first, her voice calm but cutting. “Maybe if you listened to her more, you wouldn’t need to worry about me.” She sends Wanda a challenging look that practically brims with contempt.
Wanda steps closer, her voice dropping as she replies, “You think I don’t listen? Unlike you, I’m not just waiting around to swoop in at every opportunity.”
The silence crackles with a bitter tension that leaves you feeling torn, and you step back, putting space between them. “This… This isn’t about either of you. I need some air.”
Without looking back, you walk away, your heart pounding as their glares follow you. You didn’t expect things to spiral this way, yet here you are caught in a silent battle between two people you care about, each of them desperate to win you over, neither willing to back down.
You step outside, the cool air hitting your face as you breathe in deeply, trying to clear the whirl of emotions churning in your mind. You lean against the side of the building, replaying everything that just happened, and it finally dawns on you... the lingering looks, the pointed comments, the way Love and Wanda both push for your attention. They don’t like each other. At all.
Inside, the tension that was barely contained finally snaps.
“So, what exactly do you think you’re doing?” Wanda hisses at Love, her voice low but edged with venom.
Love’s smile is icily calm, her eyes narrowing as she looks Wanda up and down. “What I should’ve done a long time ago, looking out for her. Unlike you.”
Wanda scoffs, folding her arms. “Looking out for her? Please. You’re just manipulating her, making her doubt things that aren’t even true, all so you can swoop in and play the hero.”
“Oh, really?” Love’s voice is cool, but the anger behind it is unmistakable. “I wouldn’t have to play the hero if you weren’t so damn toxic. She spends more time stressed and hurt over you than actually happy. You can’t even see how much you drain her.”
Wanda clenches her fists, her face a mix of frustration and hurt. “She and I are working on things, actually. We’re honest with each other, something you wouldn’t understand. You just worm your way into her head, telling her things, making her question me. You’re not helping, you’re just waiting for her to be vulnerable enough to leave me.”
Love shakes her head, her expression turning scornful. “You’re so blinded by your own jealousy that you can’t even see how she feels. You think I’m the problem? You’re the one who makes her cry, who gets her tangled in fights over nothing, making her feel like she has to walk on eggshells.”
Wanda’s glare sharpens. “Maybe I’m not perfect, but I’m not pretending to be something I’m not. At least I’m honest with her. You? You’re just pretending to be her friend while clearly trying to be something more.”
Love’s eyes flash with irritation, her voice dropping dangerously low. “Maybe if you actually listened to her instead of seeing everyone as a threat, she wouldn’t feel the need to talk to anyone else. But go ahead, keep smothering her with your jealousy. Let’s see how long that lasts.”
The words hang between them, heavy with resentment and unspoken threats. Just as Wanda opens her mouth to respond, the door creaks open, and you step back in, oblivious to the bitter exchange that just occurred. Both women immediately compose themselves, though the tension in the room is almost palpable.
Your eyes flick between the two, noticing the stiffness in their postures, but you push the feeling down, deciding not to ask. Instead, you give them both a small smile, hoping it might ease whatever’s still hanging in the air.
But even as they return your smile, each one’s gaze lingers on the other, full of silent challenge, both of them waiting for you to make a choice neither of them is willing to make for you.
You feel both pairs of eyes on you, waiting, practically pleading. The silence stretches long enough that you have to fill it, even if you’re unsure how. Heart pounding, you finally look up, meeting each of their gazes in turn.
“Look… I can’t keep doing this.” Your voice wavers, but you press on. “I care about both of you, more than you probably realize, but I’m not going to choose. I can’t. And I won’t.”
Wanda takes a step closer, an edge of desperation in her eyes. “(Y/N), please… You don’t have to make this harder than it is. We both know this… this thing with Love-”
“It’s not just some ‘thing,’ Wanda!” you interrupt, shaking your head. “Love is my friend. And so are you.” You take a breath, trying to steady yourself, but the way they’re both watching you makes it feel impossible. “You know, you’re both so focused on being right that you’re not seeing the harm this is doing to all of us. And I’m not going to be the one to… I won’t be the one to choose sides.”
Love steps forward, her expression a mix of regret and something harder, a bitterness that lingers beneath the surface. “I understand this is complicated, (Y/N), but you don’t know the things Wanda has-”
“Don’t start with that,” Wanda snaps, cutting her off. “I think we both know you’re the last person who should be telling her who’s honest and who isn’t.”
Your heart sinks as they start again, the accusations firing back and forth as though you’re not even there. “That’s enough!” You raise your voice, and both of them fall silent, startled. “Do either of you even realize what you’re doing right now?”
They exchange a look, an unspoken challenge, raw and unyielding, but you press on, needing them to understand. “Maybe… maybe I should have seen it before,” you say slowly, “but now it’s impossible to ignore. You don’t like each other. You don’t respect each other. And you keep dragging me into it.” You look away, the hurt and disappointment almost too much to hold back. “I can’t keep playing referee in your fight. This- whatever you two have going on- it’s between you. Not me.”
Wanda looks away, frustration lacing her features, while Love’s gaze is fixed on you, sharp but softening, a hint of remorse in her expression. You turn back toward them both, fighting the knot tightening in your throat. “I need time,” you repeat, each word feeling heavier than the last. “I’m not going to let this tear me apart. I don’t want to choose between you… so I’m not going to.”
There’s a long, agonizing silence. You see Wanda’s mouth open slightly, as if she wants to protest, to say something, anything to pull you back. But she doesn’t, and in the tense stillness that follows, it’s clear no one knows what to say. You turn and walk away, feeling their eyes on your back, a weight that lingers long after you’re out of sight.
Days turn into weeks, and you find yourself moving through ANARVIN almost like a ghost. You keep to yourself, speaking to Love only when it’s necessary for work and brushing off Wanda’s attempts to draw you back in. It’s as though an invisible line has formed between you and them, and they both know not to cross it.
But where your silence holds steady, the tension between Love and Wanda only grows. A rivalry that was once subtle has turned sharper, each of them moving in calculated steps as if maneuvering through a chess game. Love, with the quiet authority that comes from her family’s power, taps into her resources. She reaches out to a few discreet contacts, digging deeper into Wanda’s life than ever before, searching for anything that could expose her.
And after days of searching, she finds it, things that have never been made public. Enough to put cracks in the polished image Wanda has worked hard to build.
But unbeknownst to Love, Wanda’s own curiosity about her doesn’t waver. She’s watched the doors Love keeps locked, the spaces that others are told to ignore. And when she finally finds a lead, a whisper of a secret room that Love has kept hidden... she knows she has to see it for herself.
But you, unaware of the growing conflict, focus on getting through each day at ANARVIN without allowing yourself to get caught up in the weight of what they’re both fighting for.
The basement was quiet, each step Wanda took echoing against the concrete walls as she moved further into the dark, empty corridors. She’d followed Love down here once before, noticing how she’d disappear for hours under the pretense of inventory or “managing the back-end.” But tonight, she was here alone, and as she found the door, hidden behind a stack of crates, she pushed it open, revealing a room she never expected to see.
It´s a cage, thick, impenetrable glass, with only a single, reinforced door, a grim testament to someone’s twisted sense of control. Wanda moved forward, pressing her hand to the glass, eyes narrowing as she took in the sterile, unfeeling space. The room seemed like a relic of the disturbing tales she’d heard about Love, though even she hadn't imagined something like this.
She lingered there, running her fingers along the edge of the door’s handle, when she heard footsteps approach. She didn’t have to turn around to know it was Love.
“Oh, I didn’t realize you’d be giving yourself a tour,” Love said, voice dripping with false charm. She let the door close softly behind her. “It’s private property, you know.”
Wanda chuckled, feigning casual interest as she turned around, meeting Love’s intense stare. “A cage, huh? Even I didn’t peg you for the kidnapping type, Love,” Wanda taunted, crossing her arms. “Seems like you’re hiding more than I thought. What exactly do you need this for?”
Love’s smile dropped, her eyes narrowing. “I could ask you the same, Wanda. Or should I say Scarlet Witch?” she bit back, leaning against the glass as she sized Wanda up. “Don’t think I don’t know about your past. Sokovia, all those people who suffered because of you. What was it you called it...collateral damage?”
Wanda’s face hardened, her jaw clenching as Love brought up memories she’d worked hard to suppress. “At least I’m not locking people up in glass boxes, Love. It’s sick.” Her tone was deadly serious, eyes glinting with both disgust and a hint of pity. “Do you think this-” she gestured to the cage, “will make you feel better? More in control?”
Love took a step forward, her voice calm but with a dangerous edge. “I’ll tell you one thing, Wanda. At least I don’t hide behind a mask, pretending to be the perfect friend, while secretly undermining everyone around me. All this time you’ve been trying to twist things, make me look unstable, but I see you for exactly what you are.”
“Funny,” Wanda replied, her voice low and venomous, “because I see you too, Love. A desperate little girl who can’t bear to share anyone’s attention.”
Love’s fingers clenched, but she kept her expression steely. “You think you can intimidate me, Wanda? You’re just a washed-up girl trying to fit into a world that doesn’t want you. But here,” she gestured around the room, “I make the rules.”
The two women stood there, each daring the other to make the next move, knowing that whatever came next would only fuel their growing animosity. Neither one was willing to back down, and the stakes had just become infinitely higher.
Wanda’s voice was icy as she held Love’s gaze, her fingers curling into fists. “Whatever you’re thinking about doing right now, don’t. It’ll be a mistake, Love. One you won’t walk away from.”
Love’s lips twisted into a smirk, feigning amusement. She pushed herself off the glass and stepped forward. “You think you can scare me, Wanda? You have no idea who you’re dealing with.”
Wanda’s eyes narrowed, refusing to step back even as Love’s gaze darkened. “Oh, I know exactly who I’m dealing with... a sad little girl with too much money and not enough sense. You’re playing a game, Love, but you don’t know the rules.”
“Is that right?” Love replied, her voice venomous. “And what are you, Wanda? Just some bitchy manipulator trying to act like she’s any better?”
Before Wanda could respond, Love lunged forward, shoving her back against the glass. Wanda met her aggression head-on, grabbing Love’s arms to keep her steady as they glared at each other, breaths shallow and quick.
“Careful, Love,” Wanda warned, voice low and filled with a barely restrained fury. “Keep this up, and you’ll lose everything.”
Love’s smile was unsettling, her voice sharp as a blade. “I’m not the one with something to lose, Wanda. You know how easily people believe the worst in you. And if I say the word…”
But before she could finish, Wanda twisted her arms free and pushed Love back, sending her stumbling a few steps. They stood there, glaring daggers, both seething but unwilling to take it any further. This wasn’t over, not by a long shot. They knew it and they knew each other well enough to know this fight was only beginning.
Later that night, as you settle onto your couch, phone in hand, the weight of the day pressing down on you, your screen lights up with a message from Wanda.
“Can we meet? I miss you."
A familiar warmth flutters in your chest at Wanda’s name, but a shadow of doubt creeps in, lingering at the back of your mind. You hover over the screen, reading the message again, and your thoughts turn back to Love. If you say yes to Wanda, you have to let Love in as well. You can´t just let one stand outside.
Is this really Wanda reaching out to you? Or is it Love, using Wanda’s phone?
It wouldn’t be the first time Love would do such a thing.
Yep, I need them both. :) also is it obvious, that im in my love quinn era? yeah? good.
Thank you for reading!!!
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