#but put her in front of seelka and Nazo? She’s getting quiet really quick.
the-au-with-no-name · 1 month
Iris loves Nazo’s smile for some unknown reason. She just feels her heart swell with affection and excitement when he smiles.
It doesn’t help when he smiles because of something she does, it only makes her feelings more intense. Girl feels like she’s going to melt or have a flare up when she sees him smiling and laughing.
She also loves it when Seelkadoom is protective of her while at work. Due to how popular she is, she’s constantly harassed by weird men. Then Seelkadoom shows up and is literally willing to risk his job and fight someone for her safety. To just be able to give him little cheek smooches when this happens is strong.
Granted, her words are more than enough to get the message across while at work. She’s supposed to be flirty and charming there, so she’s thinking that he thinks she’s just keeping up appearances. He’s not, he’s well aware of Iris’ feelings for him and Nazo. He’s just waiting for the okay from Nazo to start teasing back. 👀
Taglist for the mutuals!:
@hunniegl4zed @thebreadmeower
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