#but primarily gojo-coded methinks
cinnamonest · 26 days
Really loving the thought of being violated with forced kisses, rather than sex.
Yes, the sex is one thing, holding you down no matter how much you struggle and ramming his body into yours — but this is different. It's sensual, sure, but more… romantic, or at least a crude imitation of a romantic act. Less directly lewd, less perverse, more vulnerable.
More intimate, and all the more violating for it.
He still makes it fairly sensual — the hand that isn't nearly crushing your jaw as he holds your head still is instead roaming under your shirt, grasping at the flesh. But the way your faces are so close, the lack of harsh movement and rapid intensity as when he's inside you, the slowness of it all, it makes your stomach churn.
Feeling the hot breath on your face each time he pulls back for just a brief moment, the sensitivity of your lips capturing the sensation of his pressed to yours. The way you move downward as he leans forward and pushes you down onto your back without even breaking away. His hands squeeze on your waist as they begin to make their way beneath your waistband, just as his tongue pushes past your lips and into your mouth, violating you in a way that somehow feels more humiliating and vulnerable than anything else, forcing himself into you, forcing you open and baring yourself to him against your will.
The worst part, though, is the sound — it's a wet, smacking sort of sound, that only gets worse and amplified as his tongue moves against yours, warm and soft.
Only rivaled in the way it makes you tremble by the increasing intensity, the way the sounds from his throat becomes like low growls, the force with which he presses his face to yours, the grip on your jaw growing painfully tight, the increasing harshness of each movement and the way he begins to rut his cock against your groin through each other's clothes…
Finally pulling away, only to mutter soft curses as any remaining inhibition is lost, and the coolness of the air washes over your skin as he jerks your clothes off in just a few swift, forceful motions, eager to force the rest of himself inside you too.
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