#but posing that tear drop prop??? (it's a minion) TOOK HOURS
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tsunael · 1 year ago
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please give us sanctuary
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thedeviltohisangel · 8 years ago
One More Night//If I Could Fly//9
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A/N: I am back! Hope you guys enjoy and look out for some Hiddles, Fassy & Daredevil stuff down the pike!
“How long has it been again?” I followed Matt onto my back porch with two mugs of coffee.
“Since he left or since we had sex on Skype?” I responded with an innocent look as we each picked a chaise sit down on, the Hampton air making us both feel uniquely at peace. I tended to retreat to this house whenever Henry left for a movie as it made me feel more secluded and private. I wasn’t faced with reminders of him and his lack of a presence every turn I made. I had packed up the kids and all the animals and made our way here to stay for the foreseeable future.
“Both,” he replied with a raise of his eyebrows.
“Three months, three hours.” I prayed he would swallow his drink before the laugh came out, the motif of this house was all white, and thankfully he did. “I have to do something during naptime.”
“I literally can’t stand you two sometimes,” he squeezed out between bouts of choking laughter. I smile knowing he actually loves my family and me like they were his own. “Are you going to go visit him at all?” I shake my head, suddenly saddened by the prospect of not seeing my husband for a further amount of time.
“He’s in the heart of Iceland and doesn’t think the girls would enjoy themselves,” I explain as I take a sip of my drink.
“Can’t you have a nanny stay with them here and you go? Or have them stay with a relative? Me and Daley even?” My response dies as Madeline comes running out onto the porch, Zeus trotting behind her.
“Mummy my bow fell out!” She’s gasping for air and looks to be absolutely devastated by this development. Her chubby hand is extending the red ribbon towards me like she is asking me to heal a fatal wound.
“Would you like me to fix it for you?” She nods eagerly, already turning around to give me access to the end of her braid. “What do we say?”
“Pwease, Mummy.” I smile and kiss the top of her head, my hands working smoothly to put the accessory back into place.
“All fixed, munchkin. Can I have a hug?” She nods excitedly and launches her little body at me. Her little arms wrap around my neck and squeeze as tight as they possibly can. In return I squeeze back just as tight, trying to convey all the love I have for her in the act. I never wanted any of my kids to go a single second without knowing how much their Mom loves them.
“I love you, Mummy,” she whispered quietly before breaking the hug and running eagerly back into the house to continue playing, Zeus dutifully trotting back inside with her.
“See? She and Isabelle need me. You think a nanny would know how she likes her bow tied? Or how she likes her pasta? Isabelle’s bedtime routine is not for the faint of heart. Not to mention my fur babies! You think any old person can just trounce in and treat them with the love and respect they deserve? Who will tell them Fauna needs her food brought to the window? Let alone get the shepherds acclimated to them. No. It’s too much work. I run this household, only me.” My impassioned speech had worked me into a bit of a frenzy, frustrated tears beginning to pool in my eyes. I dropped my head into my hand and my shoulders shook with the effort to not cry.
“Bless, what’s wrong? Talk to me.” Matt scootched closer, offering me his napkin as a tissue.
“I’m afraid to lose myself. I love being a wife and a mom more than I even thought imaginable. This is what I am meant to do but…but what if I am losing just plain old me? Not in relation to anyone else. Just me.” My fingers wiped under my eyes, I hadn’t gone through the extra effort of waterproof mascara.
“I think the best thing about wife you and mom you is that with your family, the one you’ve built with your gorgeous, peach ass husband, you are the best version of yourself. Hen, Madeline, Isabelle and I would never let your light dim. And the millions of children you want that Hen was lining up to get in you.” I giggled at that.
“Once he got one out of me, he was more than willing to put another back in,” I joked thinking of my husband whom I often referred to as a papa bear.
“Go see him. You need him. He’s your sustenance.” It was true. On more than one occasion, I myself, and others had said when Henry left, I wilted like a flower without the sun. I hated the idea that I relied on a man for anything, no matter how much I loved him. But I also know I have to admit to things when they are true, and this is true. The way his love empowers me is a feeling I can only pray more people in the world are able to experience. On our wedding day, we exchanged rings and tiny pieces of our hearts, both of our children’s births were another piece of heart and a little addition of soul. So when we were apart, he harbored a piece of me with him. It hurt to breathe.
“Is that admitting defeat?” He shook his head fervently.
“It’s admitting you need a minute. A pick me up. You put so much into your kids and husband, put a percent of that into yourself for once. Go buy some lingerie from that kinky store you like and get on a plane.”
“Fine then. But you and your husband are staying here. I’m not hiring a nanny. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go make some lists.”
Iceland was stunning. I peered out the window of the car the whole ride to the hotel, all of this in secret. I had contacted Henry’s agent to help coordinate, making sure I’d have enough time to land, collect a key and let myself into his room. I had taken Matt’s advice and gone to Agent Provacateur, purchasing a light pink, silk padded plunge bra with a narrow, black lace trim, picot edging and a tiny black bow between the cups and at each apex. I had everything strapped into place and was assessing myself in the mirror. In spite of myself, I sighed when my eyes fixated on the stretch marks under my arms and the top of my breasts, not even bothering to glance at my stomach and thighs.
“Wow.” I turned quickly to find that my husband had let himself into the room. I shrieked and ran over to him.
“Henry, go back out and come back in! This was not how the surprise was supposed to go.
“No. I don’t want to waste another second when you’re here with me and dressed like that.” He took a step forward and I grabbed a pillow, pulling it back as if I was loading it into place.
“You take another step towards me and this lingerie never comes off.” He smirked at me devilishly.
“I’ll take that challenge.”
“OUT. For me? Please?” I could sense the threatening wasn’t doing anything to lessen his libido for even a second, so instead I turned pleading and ready to guilt trip. He hung his head in defeat before turning around and stomping out of the room.
“I’m counting to fifteen and then I will be back in. No stopping me then.” I nodded excitedly with a little squeal, waiting until the door shut behind him before lying on my side with my head propped up on my arm in what I hoped was a sexy pose. I pursed my lips into a pout as the doorknob turned and Henry walked in again. “What have I done to earn such a gift?” He shed his jacket as he walked over, his shoes thrown across the room followed by his belt.
“You’ve been gone for too long and I need to keep up with my addiction,” I murmured as he crawled over me and took my bottom lip between his teeth.
“And what have you done with our little minions? Do they miss me?” My hands made quick work of untucking his shirt and throwing it out of sight.
“I left them with Matt and Daley.” He paused.
“You? You left our children in the hands of someone else?” My hand cupped his face as I pulled him in for a bruising, breathless kiss.
“Aren’t you proud of me?” That earned me a giggle replaced by a moan as his hand slid to give me a quick spank. “Make love to me, Mr. Cavill.”
“Oh I plan too, Mrs. Cavill. All night long.”
I lost track of time as we made our way around the room and in every position we could think of. We were lounging on top of blankets, I in a black silk satin and sheer tulle robe. Henry had ordered us a delightful room service dinner of fried chicken and peanut butter cookies.
“I’m very happy you decided to come and surprise me. I’ve been missing you and the girls lately. I’m sorry I haven’t had enough time to chat more.” He was rubbing soothing circles on my hand as he divulged his sorrows.
“We miss you, of course we do. I make sure to remind them that you love them all the time. They know Daddy has to work.” He placed a gentle kiss to my forehead as if we was sealing in all of his love.
“I want to talk to you about something but I don’t want you to get cross at me for inquiring about it.” I nodded my head slowly, using my thumb to smooth a wrinkle that had formed between his brows. “Earlier when I came in the first time. Were you looking at your stretch marks again?”
“I’m allowed to look at them, Henry,” I defended with a stern tone.
“You analyze,” he clarified. I fell onto my back, trying to stop the tears from falling out of my eyes.
“It’s not the marks. They are badges of honor to show I carried and supported and nourished  the two most precious beings in this universe. I just fear that…a mom and wife is all I’ve been reduced to. I love my roles and having a family has always been the most important thing to me. But I still need to find a way to be me.” My hand rested against his heart and I tried to center myself in time with his heartbeat. His lips connected with mine briefly.
“I’m glad you told me. I know me being gone all the time puts a lot more on your shoulders and you’re so good about making sure when I’m home that I can just be a dad to the girls. But that’s unfair. I should make more of an effort. Don’t argue me on that, love.” He knew I loved a good argument and I groaned at the thought that he was denying me such.
“Actually…I just miss you. It’s all a ploy to get you to stay home more.” I squeaked with delight as his arms slipped around my waist and he rolled to be fully on top of me.
“I’m serious, baby. Let’s do whatever we have to do to get you feeling like you again, okay?” My pointer finger traced down the slope of his nose before bopping the tip.
“Being with you seems to do the trick just fine, Mister.” He quirked his eyebrow up as high as I have ever seen it go.
“Well then, I suppose we must stay up all night long in order to fully work out these issues.” His hands were already sliding the sheets down my body.
“Whatever you prescribe, Doctor.”
“Well then,” he mused as he spread my thighs, “Let the games begin.”
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