#but please give butches love too
clione16 · 25 days
that hetalia yuri trend is cute i wish there is more butches tbh
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poseiben · 3 months
at this point i'm gonna piss off more of the trans community than transphobes and that makes me so incredibly sad
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summer scions!! I absolutely love the new portraits for all their smug happy expressions. Except Y'shtola, who is not going to deign to give a camera a proper saucy look because that's silly. Urianger is smirking twice as hard on her behalf.
Glam review under the cut!
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I unlocked Alphinaud first of the twins and didn't know Alisaie had a little necktie yet, so I'm deducting a point from my first impression because the sheer delight that he had a silly little necktie of some sort no matter the situation delighted me so thoroughly. Since they're still engaging in matchy twin dressing to some degree, I have to assume they either like it and won't admit it after digging in so hard, or Ameliance sent them off with cute outfits and matching backpacks, and they still don't really shop for themselves.
He's got the practical watch/compass gloves which are good for a technically proficient Sage and probably the most practical gear he's ever worn except for when he was poncho Alphy, but wearing ankle-length jeans seem like the least weather-appropriate choice of the Scions if we assume their average skin coverage is a good weathervane for the temperature in Tural. I chalk it up to teenage awkwardness.
8/10 unless he and Alisaie chose their outfits themselves, in which case it's a 9/10
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I think Alisaie is the only Scion to keep a single piece of their default gear, and those are her usual gloves. She's colour-matched around it.
Because of the gloves and boots, she looks the most ready for hardcore hiking, somehow, and her matching Alphinaud with a cute button down shirt with rolled up sleeves along with that particular choice of baggier shorts (when she normally wears more form fitting shorts) do give me the closest to butch vibes it's probably likely to get for main characters. So I'm giving her an extra point I stole from Alphinaud for the lesbian vibes.
9/10 or 10/10 if she made these choices all by herself.
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Everything about this cracks me up, from his portrait above to the image of him tanking open shirted once he pulls mobs.
Believe it or not, he's getting an additional point for those shoes simply because the competition in practicality in tanking is G'raha.
I had a moment of excitement when I thought the necklace was pink because that's always a cute Ryne/Minfillia thing fanartists give him with ribbons and such, but once I got zoomed in on him it was red, so I guess he's just been shopping. Although, the turquoise shorts are her eye colour and the actual large diamond shapes are secretly Mothercrystal coded in those colours, which just cracks me up that you can pick out one of the worse days of his life (Urianger's grand Warrior of Darkness plan) in his Chill Summer Beach Vibes look.
Douchebag beach bro shell bracelet as well, which really makes me double down on him and Urianger spending way too much on tourist bait along the stalls in the Famous Turali Market. The hat and sunglasses are giving him one of the Most tourist-y looks thematically reflecting how a lot of the Scion guys were just here to hang out, narratively or literally. Maybe he's trying not to get such an intense tan again, which is the only reason he's not entirely topless.
11/10 I could not stop laughing when I got him and Urianger to 100 and Beheld The Brilliance in the same moment.
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Please note the raised sunglasses in Urianger's portrait, which are not the model his character uses.
I am delighted that I had been incorporating that island watch into my healer glams on both the logic you need to know your clock positionals but also they're largely the smarty pants jobs (WHM being vibes only aside - it gets its own glams :P). And here's Urianger and Alphinaud both using watches.
Now, I had a moment of being vaguely disappointed he had trousers not a skirt or something else swishy and androgynous, but then I did realise that I, a nonbinary weirdo who relates to Urianger since he made me nonbinary, have actually gone to a couple of garden parties dressed in some variation of this exact outfit of light trousers and a nice button up. Plus, the earrings are in both ears, so no "Google, which ear is the gay one?", these are just straight up cute femme dangly earrings with his favourite little dudes on.
More importantly, the colours he's repping are those of Lopporit Radio. He probably tunes in every night for his broadcasts :')
Mirrored sunglasses for the guy notorious for keeping thoughts and plans close to his chest and choosing deliberately to be enigmatic even when it serves zero purpose except for I guess gender affirming care. (The gender is Weird Bitch.)
I can't tell how I feel about those dad sandals. I suppose it depends if he's wearing them like a fashion model (brand new and clean with perfect pedicured feet) or if those are REALLY dad at the beach-like and, since I'm not a foot person, this for me is only a choice between "not off-putting" and "AURGH".
9/10 the proximity to Thancred hauls him up several points of misgivings I had, and the lopporit shout outs are killing me :')
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I unlocked Y'shtola last and holy fuck I am a lesbian. I don't even recognise where those boots come from, so either a really expensive glam or something I just have not stumbled on. She has toe rings I think? And painted nails? I have no idea if the garter (?) is part of the boots glam or a custom thing as result of not recognising the boots and how much of them is normal. I feel like they customised a lot on her anyway - the back of her top has purple beads that match her staff (not dyable on the real piece)
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and I think the necklace has to be part of the top instead of a separate necklace piece with the way it hangs, AND the bracelets are a glove piece with the original summer glam, but I assume they're layered with the false nails, also in the glove slot. All in all it's giving the sort of effort which is starting to creep up to what I'd expect from the modding community not the game. I mean, not THAT good but getting close. Baby steps towards what fandom can make :P
She really is god's favourite meow meow.
Anyway I can't really judge this fairly because it's really hot and I love her so I'm just going to give it 100/10 and move on. :)
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how did I get a picture where Estinien looks like he's stooping to get in the frame...
The fact he has Azure Dragoon Blue Top and then Violently Nidhogg Fuchsia shorts is the colour theory that absolutely killed me. When he lights up during his burst and starts glowing pink all over his shorts are like. Taking him over like the eye once did I think.
love a guy who can embrace his past trauma and dress to match all that has passed before and all that he intends to do now (kill something large and tasty, grill it on the beach, fall asleep with a beer in hand until the waves come in and wake him up).
I gave him that wooden bracelet in the glam he has on my desktop screen so once again I'm feeling weirdly vindicated.
Other details: no ponytail despite the warm weather because he's got enough ventilation. The fact there's cactaurs on his shirt when he's on record for eating them is amazing. We should imagine he's wearing his jobstone like that pendant (since he's one of the only guys with a confirmed jobstone despite being the Guy Without A Job notoriously that one time.)
Unlike Thancred's hat and sunglasses combo, which seems fun and boisterous somehow, he seems the most walled off of all the sunglasses wearers even though he's not the most mysterious. The visor really helps make it a sort of wall. Maybe just because his terse upfront personality and somehow despite his clothes horse habits THIS amount of whimsy seems the most out of character at first glance, but he DOES look uncomfortable to me.
Somehow I find everything about this outfit excellent for his character but also like maybe he was forced into it, everyone cornering him and telling him the Scion Beach Party was a mandatory work event and he was not allowed to beg off of it and he did put some work in expressing himself but also is going to go find a much quieter corner to lurk in for the day, when not competing with Thancred (can't grill, loves it) for the barbeque (Estinien can grill, would only do it because the threat of Thancred doing it wrong is too high).
confused 7/10 mostly because I think Krile is blackmailing him and not because I don't love everything about this.
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Here's how G'reenha Tia can still win -
Anyway here's the deducted point for tanking in flip flops (PERFECTLY acceptable BLM gear btw but he's Mr Versatile.)
(I joke but the main character of my novels is a flip-flop wearing menace who could and would tank in them)
Between the padlock and key necklace and the woven bracelet right after we all went feral over the Thavnarian bracelets for couples thing so recently (and Corvos is just across the water!) he's absolutely dripping cutie pie love interest coding yet again.
(Also yes I know the lock and key thing is very funny because we were introduced to him learning he was a fancy key to a big door.)
Gains a point back because the other green g'raha thing is I'm pretty sure people use this shirt glam because it kinda looks like it has weed on it.
Don't quote me on that, vibes only.
Anyway he came colour coordinated (with his original eye colour and hair colour not the bright Allagan dalamud red dye that goes with his normal outfit) so so precise and neat, like he's going to some sort of formal event, and even with flip flops he really does seem incredibly put together like the twins or Y'shtola, just for full outfit cohesiveness.
As someone who would hold G'raha's hand on the romantic gondola vibe, 10/10.
3 out of 10 and a huge cringe if you would not. He's got to stop Striving.
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Hey it's the star of the show!! Adorable hairstyle out, cute plot-important earring on, and wearing her exact character colours but adorable beach wear :)
I love that she looks kind of like she went to the girls for advice and got the top from Y'shtola and the shorts from Alisaie, and she probably was very serious and stressed about getting this right even though there's no rules and no one's judging her -
Anyway the ballet shoes are adorable and go with all the cute picto spins and twirls :)
I think the strict colour scheme does speak to the slight lack of fleshing out she got so far in the story (we don't really have any real character reason that picto in particular spoke to her and this glam isn't one of the many fun takes people had on how to dress to meet that brief ). I don't think DT did more than just repeat that she's serious and sweet and trying really hard to get out of her shell and be more fun and creative and also she's been practicing dodging really hard she shouts mid-Trust combat (bless her). But ALSO getting out of the shell is really hard and she only found out everything and got some closure in the final level 100 quests so there wasn't really much to do with her after that.
This is like her First Non-Plot-Critical Whimsy Moment and losing the hood or any cat ears entirely (and there are perfectly functional cat ears to wear in game) is a good step considering we know she wears it precisely because she needed a sort of advance PR campaign to make her look cute and approachable before she opened her mouth and started bringing down the vibe (serious scary children are SO funny though and i love that for her). Having the same top as Y'shtola is a good thing for trying to make her less childish and have her trying to show that now as she takes this huge step out from the background. I mean, it still has a slight sense of her costuming herself and pushing herself out of comfort zones as she always does, but it's 100% in character so I adore it.
1000/10 because Krile is great and there's so much going on here and it's so fun when a character's whole personality is a costume and then they're like aurgh wait do I even want that??
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hotvintagepoll · 4 months
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Katharine Hepburn (Bringing Up Baby, The Philadelphia Story, The African Queen)—(I hope someone else submits real propaganda but just in case they don't:) Cries. Screams. Wails. The woman who singlehandedly made me realize I was bi. A real "do i want to look like her. be her. or be with her.' crisis, where the answer was all three. Holy shit please all three.
Diahann Carroll (Paris Blues, Carmen Jones, Porgy and Bess)— Face of an angel. She had the range. She brought chemistry with every romance she portrayed. She also had a great fashion sense, and was so pretty Mattel made a doll based off of her.
This is round 6 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Diahann Carroll:
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Another groundbreaking black actress, although she might be better remembered for her television roles. She was also an activist and worked with charities to support women in need.
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here she is hanging out with shadow prince anthony perkins :3
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Katharine Hepburn propaganda:
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I'm sure one million people will submit her as an iconic Hollywood star but that iconicness might lead people to forget just how insanely hot she was like she had it ALL she was skilled she was funny she was smart she was beautiful AND she was likely bisexual
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The single word I would use to explain Katherine Hepburn's appeal is *range*. In her acting career, that meant covering all the ground between lush period dramas and the comedies she did with Carey Grant and Spencer Tracey. In terms of hotness, it meant an uncanny ability to bring anything from a Dietrich-esque androgyny to some of the best Classic Hollywood Glamour you will ever see.
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Katharine hep was so cool. The VIBES, the INDEPENDENCE,,, living life on her own terms.
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she just had this.... bearing to her, this power. she could be funny, even silly (like in bringing up baby) but also so regal and elegant. she was nobody's fool and dear GOD that's so hot
Fancam link
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She’s not only stunningly gorgeous (those eyes that pierce your soul! a jawline you could cut glass with!) but her delivery and physical presence in roles gives off confidence and authority in such a sexy way (truly the biggest dick energy of Old Hollywood). Her fiery energy in The Philadelphia Story? Unmatched.
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God she's. She's so hot y'all. She has the range!!!!! Funny and dramatic and lovely
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She IS the transatlantic accent. Classically gorgeous and such a strong personality.
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She's literally one of the funniest women to ever live! She goes shot for shot with Cary Grant in Philadelphia Story and we damn well love her for it! She's the most annoying creature to ever live in Bringing Up Baby but she's so insane and funny that we simply cannot help but fall in love with her (and root for her to give Grant an aneurysm!)
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i know she's accounted for but i really want to be sure someone has submitted the scene in bringing up baby where she's pretending to be a gangster
She simply stuns onscreen; you cannot do anything but be captivated by her presence. Also a non-gender-conforming icon and mild tumblr celebrity by virtue of that one picture from The Warrior's Husband (stage play).
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Katharine Hepburn was out here casually changing the lives of young butch lesbians with her gender swag! She wore pants even when people said she shouldn’t, she refused to marry or have kids, and she wore menswear in at LEAST one movie!
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If I start thinking about her face for too long I will cry she is so so hot. Katherine is so charismatic and charming in everything she appears in - watch her adopt a leopard and fall in love with her. Also she has the biggest dick energy ever (she and her pal Lauren Bacall share that accolade). Also had an incredibly long and varied career from screw ball comedies to serious dramas - she’s a queen of the screen and I adore her.
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Someone's got to mention it, but she's won the most Oscars out of any performer and is largely considered one of the greatest actresses ever. She's got an incredible voice, an incredible presence, and she absolutely steals every scene she's in. She was private person and deemed standoffish and unapproachable, but she was also profoundly concerned for people's rights and was an outspoken supporter of abortion access. Finally, the Katharine Hepburn slacks look is just iconic. I mean look at her.
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This woman. I have been obsessed with her for years. I know the urban legend is a popular one at this point of her walking around set in her underwear when her pants were stolen and she was left with only a skirt, but the pants thing is honestly enough for her to be the hottest in the room in my book. She refused to wear anything else at a time when the public in general and especially the studios did not like that. She was independent, stubborn, and so so very capable. Competency kink anyone? Also, if you want one final way that Katharine's entire life was saying "fuck you" to the establishment, it started young! Her mother took her to suffrage events, and she never got rid of that attitude of justice. I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of all the ways she was such a badass that I'm turning into a rambling mess instead.
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vaspider · 1 year
Last year I wrote about what happened at Pride when a couple of kids didn't understand why us older folx were so bitter about Reagan.
This year, I have something a little softer.
Someone who looked a little older than me came up to the booth wearing a pink t-shirt proclaiming him one of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, San Francisco chapter. As I was ringing him up, I asked if he'd been involved for a while.
"Yes," he said, "for a bit," in that way us middle-aged people do when we're sort of wincing and feeling old.
"Okay, well," I said, sitting at my register in my queer booth full of queer clothes and patches and pins, topless in public for the first time. (I had pasties on for my own comfort bc I was working, but I live in the city of the Naked Bike Ride, and I took full advantage). My baby brother and both of my partners ran around behind me, my brother wearing a loose tank top that makes his scars visible.
"I need to tell you that you all helped keep me alive."
He blinked at me as I continued, "I was a kid in high school in the early 90s. I lived in the middle of nowhere in Pennsylvania, and what you all were doing was so loud and so out there that even I heard about your work. It was one of the things that kept me alive. So thank you, and please thank the rest of the Sisters."
I heard about them through people in my parents' church complaining about them, and then I sought more information through the beginning of the internet, through newspapers, through anything I could find. I found the cover of Newsweek that one of the Sisters was on. I read about their "exorcism" of fundamentalist preachers whose books sat on the shelf in my parents' basement and probably still do. I saw how loud and colorful and unapologetically queer they were.
The knowledge that someone was out there, so full of defiant joy, refusing the shame that people kept trying to put on them? Oh, that kept me alive. I saw them, and I knew I could make it through. I wrapped my hands around that knowledge, and I held on so tight.
It took me a long time - a long, long time - to unwind most of it for myself and get to the point where my fat butch ass was sitting bare-chested in the July breeze, looking up at him as he held out his arms and said "you're actually giving me chills." I answered, "I mean every word. You helped keep me alive. So thank you."
I never know what to say when people come up to me in public and tell me that I helped them or changed their life in some way. I appreciate it, and I genuinely love the people who apologized for "fanpersoning" at me last weekend, I just never know what to say. I'm incredibly grateful that the Sister I spoke to was incredibly gracious, saying "usually we give blessings, but I feel like you blessed me." Another member of the party let me pet their tiny dog, who was not very interested in me, and that's okay. It was an overwhelming day. Then, they moved on.
Me? I'm still sitting with the fact that I looked last weekend into the faces of people who didn't know they were holding my head above water, and that I got to tell them the work they do matters. It's a rare thing to get to tell someone, "You saved me," and I'm treasuring it.
Last weekend, I wore my new battle vest with nothing underneath it, unless it was too hot, and then I just sat in my chair, chatting and ringing ppl out with my skin free to the air. I decided last year that top surgery isn't for me, but that also I'm going to love this body unapologetically, and it's no less a transmasculine body because the soft new dark hair on my belly isn't accompanied by pink scars along my ribs.
I didn't get here on my own. I got here because someone else cut through the undergrowth ahead of me so I could take another step forward. Here I am, decades later, still taking step after step, one at a time, and trying to lay paving stones behind me.
Last weekend was another step along that way, another step through unwinding the fear and shame and sadness that my parents and their church built into me. Another step out of hating myself for hiding parts of myself for so long, for acting out in other ways to distract people from my queerness, for feeling so much guilt when other people tell me I'm brave, because I know how much of myself I hid for how long because I was a coward, because I was afraid.
Another step into expiating stigmatic guilt.
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Sexiest Podcast Character — Unscripted Bracket — Round 2
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Pickman (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle):
She's a middle aged knight who is also a cowboy if the dragons/horses were evil and/or haunted and/or cursed trains! She went to (evil?) heaven and hated it BUT she was beloved by all the queer artsy women around. When she was a kid she got kidnapped by a train and lived on it for like 15 years before getting out and joining the people who kill trains. She has zero social skills, zero patience, zero charm, but she's SO hot and gruff and no nonsense and she Looms to be supportive
massive goat woman wearing armor made from the bones of a sentient train. kinda person to run a mcdonalds like it's the navy. went to heaven and said "fuck this, actually," invented pointillism and introduced evil fucked up trains to heaven and left. butch icon love of my life
She's butch, she's a knight, she has a big gun, she once convinced a skeleton to give her his sword
you used multiple fatt examples in your intro, so I assume you already Know
massive butch goat woman with a gun
she's a goat! she's tall! she has a gun but doesn't know what a ranged weapon is! she's so autistic! AND she won my sexiest friends at the table player character tournament, she absolutely deserves to win this one too!!
Pickman is a big butch goat woman who smokes and fights supernatural trains. Self-explanatory
Have you seen her.
Giant butch goat knight who kills trains. The perfect woman.
She s so sexy shes a goat lesbian.please.
ITS PICKMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
she's a gruff muscular goat woman who hunts trains and wears train armor, she's perfect butch husband/wife material
“Ah, that sexy trains podcast character” “You mean that sexy trans podcast character?” “🐐no🚂”
I cannot believe my friends in the past have not found pickman attractive but please reconsider guys
Glenn Close (Dungeons & Daddies):
#Propaganda for Glenn Close: one of the other PCs mentions multiple times how hot he is #Actually several characters point it out but especially Henry #Also the only person in a podcast that has to put a disclaimer about not being a BDSM podcast to have had sex during the course of the show
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Staggered moans draw from your butch’s chest as you watch her heave, drunk on the air that was your scent. It was that god forsaken time of year— mating season. The time of year where you got wet from the slightest motion from your alpha, and the time of year where it was impossible to not have her hands all over you. It always culminates at one point or another; a pot boiling over, a tea kettle finally screaming. A rut or a heat: whichever was drawn out first of the other.
“Hey, darling,” you said, taking a gentle step forward. Her teeth bare a little more at the small advance and she takes one step back, as if it was a practiced dance. “Are…you okay?”
“Baby,” she whined between slightly-elongated canines. “I…fuck, I didn’t expect it to hit so soon…”
“It’s okay,” you encouraged, giving her a soft smile, hand reaching out. “Is it your rut?”
What a diminutive question. Of course it was— the fucking smell of her arousal, strong like musk with cedarwood and citrus, permeated the whole damn room. No shit that she was in rut.
She gave a pained nod. “You…should probably go,” she said, pausing irregularly as if it hurt to just be in your presence. “I don’t…want to hurt you.”
She was always like this. Too kind, too caring, too perfect. She was the dream alpha for any yearning omega and you somehow lucked out with her, having her in your hands for six months now and going. You knew heats were inevitable, no different than the seasons changing. You just wanted to give her back the love and care she’s given you.
“Baby,” you said, voice quiet. “I want to help you out, please—“
“Absolutely not.” She snarled, and okay, that made some slick leak out of your sensitive cunt. Filing that away in a box for a later moment, you listen to her: “I could hurt you— fuck, I could bite you and force you to me for years, baby. I could make you bleed, I could force you through pain and I’d be too far gone to realize what I’ve done. You’re so perfect, I just don’t want to hurt you—“
“Why do you think as if I’m made of glass?!” You interject. “Please, I just want to help you this cycle. I don’t want to see you suffer, baby, please…”
Her expression is pained. “I… are you sure?” She asked, wavering. “I couldn’t live with myself if I hurt you, Angel…”
“Alpha,” you cried, and holy shit; the wood doorframe your butch used to hold herself up fucking splintered and cracked under her grasp.
“Bedroom,” she growled, and in a trance from those words alone, you scurry to the bedroom with her close behind you.
The door slammed in time with her crashing her mouth against yours, grasping and squeezing your jaw open. The pressure on your face forced a high-pitched whine out of your throat as her tongue forced into your mouth, licking over every ounce of your being. She’s pressed so fucking close to you, and oh, fuck, is that her cock pressed against your leg because that feels way bigger than usual—
“God, I love you so much,” she moaned while kissing you, biting down your neck while you fumbled with the buttons on your shirt. Your hands were quickly shoved out of the way the second she tore open your blouse, buttons popping to the ground.
“Hey!” You exclaimed, looking tragically at the buttons on the floor. “I really liked that shirt—“
“I’ll buy you a new one for every time you make me come with that pretty little cunt of yours,” she gritted out, and a whimper escaped your throat as she grabbed you from the thighs and hoisted you up against the wall. Another kiss is ripped from you with her hand against your throat, making you go just a bit limp from how damn good it feels, and all of a sudden you’re being tossed onto the bed like a doll. You look up after the impact of the fall with eager eyes, and see the normal rut glow in her eyes dissipate for just a second.
“Fuck, are you okay?!” She exclaimed, rushing over to you.
“Yes, more than okay,” you encouraged, rubbing her arm. “It’s all okay, baby, don’t force yourself out of a rut for me. I can take it.”
She’s shaking from anxiety, you realize. “Are you sure?” She murmured. “I‘ll…probably be really rough…”
“And that’s a problem how?” You teased. Spreading your legs to show off the panties between your legs wet with slick, you grinned. “C’mon, pretty boy. Show me what a big bad alpha can do, yeah?”
She puffed out air as she moved towards the dresser instead of you, yanking out a clanking, metal contraption.
“Handcuffs? Ooh, kinky,” you teased.
“They’re for me,” she said, and your eyebrows rose a little. “I just…can’t risk hurting you, so please. Handcuff me to the bed. Please,” she begged.
Wordlessly, you nodded, and she moved slowly to the bed and laid down, hands above her head. You affixed the handcuffs above her head, watching her clench them into fists over and over.
“You…want me to ride you?” You murmured, and she nodded desperately.
“Please,” she groaned, grinding into the air, eyes getting that typical alpha glow in them again. “I need some fucking relief from it all, so please baby…”
Thank god for the fact you self lubricated, because the moment you took her pants off you noticed her cock was at least an inch longer than usual and much thicker. You slid the head of her cock between your folds and you moaned together, her at the slick warmth of your cunt and you at the thickness prodding at your entrance. With a deep breaths you pressed the thickness into the entrance and whined upon feeling yourself get stretched open, the utter girth of her cock pressing against every sensitive spot in your pussy. The friction of her cock inside and rubbing your walls was quickly interrupted once you bottomed out, entrance pressing against the extra bulge at the bottom of her cock. Oh fuck, that was her knot.
It was your turn to be breathing heavy, eyes watering from the length inside of you and the way you could feel her pulse and throb inside your tight cunt. “Alpha,” you whined, twitching from the feeling inside. “You’re so big…”
“Jesus fucking Christ, baby, your pussy feels so damn good,” she heaved, hips bucking up ever so slightly into the warm hole. You made a pathetic little chirp at every upward thrust into your cunt, biting onto your lip like a lifeline. The cock was still so overwhelming but you hesitantly lifted up yourself on your legs, trembling with all of your strength before dropping down again with a wet smack.
The noise ripped out of your alpha’s chest was feral, a moan combined with a half-roar, grinding into the perfect, needy hole wrapping around it. You could smell it in the air with how her scent got more intense by the second— she was losing her mind to her rut. Her hands were struggling more against the handcuffs as her hips rut up and up again in your hole. You knew damn well that just rutting wouldn’t be enough for the relief she needed…
And you know what, maybe the idea that popped into your mind wasn’t your best one yet, but my god, did it sound so good. You had only heard the filthy line in your brain spewed in pornos, moaned by needy omegas getting their cunts pumped till they cried. Yet…
“Alpha,” you sobbed out, “breed me, please!”
Her eyes shot open wide with a loud crack in the background. The sound of metal breaking into two clean pieces. You were instantly flipped on your back, legs shoved next to your ears, and shit, talk about something from porn because you were in a fucking mating press. In a mating press, like the good little omega bitch you were, with an alpha’s cock pressed into your cunt, the head kissing your cervix.
The pace she started immediately was relentless, depraved. She fucked you with the hunger of a man starved, your lower back no longer on the bed as she drilled into your pussy over and over.
“Slutty fucking omega,” she growled, letting her knot slap against your rim and balls smack against you over and over again. “You probably wanted this the whole time, didn’t you?”
“Yes!! Fuck, yes, yes, yes, alpha! Please—!” You exclaimed in ecstasy, nails dragging down her back, leaving reddened trails as a trophy for the next morning. “Wan’ your cock, alpha, pleaaaase!”
“‘Course you did, you fucking slut,” she groaned into your ears, thrusting into you with your sweet slick coating her cock, leaning everywhere. “You want my cum? Yeah?”
“Yes!” You shrieked, clinging closer. “Please, alpha, give me your cum!”
“Yeah? Wanna be a good little breeding bitch for me?” She moaned, thrusting into your pussy with a newfound aggression. “Carry my fucking litter? Huh? Wanna take my litter and give alpha some pups?”
You can only moan brokenly in response as her cock continued to batter your cervix, your legs still pressed next to your ears. Maybe this was your place. Maybe you were meant to be a good, warm hole for a big, strong alpha; a dripping bitch in heat to be taken care of and always pumped full of cum.
“C’mon, omega, take my fucking knot,” she growled, and only then do you feel the bulging in her cock grow larger and larger, smacking against your entrance and bullying its way into your pussy. An unfamiliar sensation creeped up into your body— a tightness in your cunt, a burning sensation.
“Alpha, wait, wait, wait, alpha,” you cry brokenly, clutching against her back and holding right as the knot grew bigger and bigger, entering your cunt with every thrust, “Somethin’s coming out, alpha—!”
She was so out of it, teeth bared and staring at you like you were prey. And all of a sudden, that burning feeling snapped, and you squirted. The fluid splattered as your ears rang the moment hee knot popped inside, your cunt finally stretched open and plugged with her fat knot locking her cum inside of your pussy. Everything was hazy; your orgasm milking more and more cum out of her cock that shot inside of you. It was a pleasant warmth inside of you. You felt satisfied, as if you had a purpose. You felt full.
Your panting breaths slow down over time with hers, clutching each other post-orgasm. She nuzzled your neck with the comedown, knot shoved inside of you, keeping the cum where it’s supposed to be. Just the thought made you a little more horny— the knot was there to make sure you got knocked up with your alpha’s litter. It didn’t sound like a bad idea at this point, spending some much time with your alpha, forever…the idea makes another wet gush of slick come out around her cock. However, this time it felt like a lot more, like your body was preparing itself for—
Your alpha suddenly goes still from scenting you.
“Omega…did you just start your heat?”
…it was going to be a long week.
[made 4 lesbians, lesbians interact :3 straight people this fantasy was not made for you please DNI]
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whatever-imagines · 25 days
butch wolverine smut with pussy eating + musk? pretty please 🙏
Rated: E for explicit
Tags: whelp; here’s one of the filthiest things I’ve written.
Reader is afab; smut, not proofread we die like so many of the x-men
You’ve been gone for a mission for four days, and Logan’s practically crawling the walls. The anxiety eats at her; it’s been so long since she’s let anyone near her emotionally, now that she has you, you give her all sorts of heart-attacks.
Was she like this before? Before she lost her memories 16 years ago? Always so worried about loved ones? (Did she have loved ones to worry over?)
When Scott finally told her that the recon team had returned safely, Logan all but marched to the hanger, eager to see you alive and in one piece.
She smells you before she sees you; you but slightly different. Headier, muskier.
You come off the jet looking tired and annoyed. Hair unkempt and face slightly sheened from the oil of your skin.
Logan’s been on a few recon missions. Especially on the jet, there’s no proper way to wash yourself, and since most of the cabin is full of supplies, there’s no space to bring extra clothes, and it’s encouraged to stay in uniform the whole time in case you need to spring into action.
So, Logan deduced that you haven’t washed or changed clothes in four days.
And you smell sooooooo good.
You smile weakly at her, and Logan attempt a normal looking smile back, trying not to look as strained or aroused as she felt.
“Hey.” You greet lightly, coming closer, opening your arms for a hug.
Logan’s smile turned tight as she allowed you into her space. “Hey, princess.” She says in a loving, almost sarcastic way, trying very hard to seem nonchalant.
You pull away from her embrace with a questioning look. “You okay?” You ask quietly, as not to alert the others. They were thrumming around you, Storm complaining about needing a shower and Scott making some leader-like comment.
You were always so thoughtful like that; it made Logan near feral with want.
The Wolverine leans down, and places a kiss at the top of your uniform’s collar, taking in a deep whiff of your scent.
“My room.” She growls out lowly, a single hand playing with your fingers.
You sigh, “Lo, I haven’t showered in four days, I’m foul right now.” You try to explain.
All Logan does is tunnel vision stares you down, mouth tight and she’s almost shaking with how badly she’s restraining herself.
Sighing clicks in you head and you sigh again. “Oh, you would, wouldn’t you. Wild woman.” You chastise teasingly. “Can I at lease get out of uniform?”
“You have 15 minutes to be on my bed.”
You level her with an irked eyebrow.
“Please.” Logan tacks on with a whine.
You smile victoriously. “I’ll be there in ten as soon as you let me go.”
Logan is suddenly very aware that she was gripping your biceps in a desperate tightness, and slaps her hands down to her thighs once she comes too.
Her nose bumps your clit for the nth time so far, and for the nth time, Logan inhales deeply.
You made it to her room in 8 minutes, excitedly changing into a loose shirt that probably was Logan’s at some point but was now yours, and lounge pants. As soon as you crossed the threshold of Logan’s room, without much fanfare, she pinched the fabric against your thighs and pantsed you. You reflexively doubled over to try and cover yourself but all Logan did was use your position as an opportunity to scoop you up over her shoulder and dumped you on her unmade bed.
She spend about two minutes with her face in your neck, licking and sucking in bruises, her hands rubbing you up and down along your sides, making you gasp and giggle. She hardly spoke a word, opting to growl aloud instead.
Slowly she made her way down your body, still licking, still nipping at your skin, pushing your/her shirt up to your collar bone; rubbing in her salvia into your neck, your ribs, your stomach and pelvic bone, at some point backing off the bed to kneel on the floor, drawing you towards her.
She bullied your thighs over her shoulders and stared you down, unblinkingly, as she licked your core, tongue broad and hot.
You relented, throwing your head back and moaning.
Now you were here, almost to the point of tears due to Logan’s ministrations.
Her hands were so warm, holding your legs open, blunt fingernails digging into the meat of your thighs. Her quick and clever tongue continuously bringing you to the brink before backing off, making you whine and moan in ecstasy and displeasure in spades.
She was sniffing you a lot, breaking away frequently to smell the juncture of her leg and hip, the divot behind your knee, even going as so far to lean up entirely, one hand coming down to rub at your sex so she could dart forward and smell your armpit.
You almost laugh, could have if you weren’t gasping for air at the ferocity that Logan was eating out with moments later.
Logan’s tongue lapped at your hole, her thumb swiping at your bumble of nerves harshly before she moves up minutely to suck at your clit.
You beg, “Please, please lemme cum now, please!”
With you still in her mouth, Logan hums deeply, the vibrations making you clench around nothing and you sob.
Logan continues to suck and hum, growling into you, when the blunt, wide tip of het thumb breaches you ever so slightly, pushing you over the edge.
You mouth went slack and you squeeze your eyes shut until the buzz in your body resembled less of an angry hornets hive and more of a cellphone on silent.
As you catch your breath, Logan stands from her position from the floor, finally shucking off her pants and shirt.
Bitch didn’t even get undressed before wrecking you.
“Fuck you.” You gasp; grabbing at her.
Logan chuckles and kneels on the bed, leaning down until she’s on top of you, the weight familiar and crushing.
“Sorry, lost my cool there for a minute.” She says, finally about her wits. She licks your neck again, making you whimper.
Logan rolls off you with a satisfied sigh, the fingers still covered in her spit and your slick come up to rub at the area she just licked.
“What about you?” You couldn’t help but ask. For as selfish Logan tries to seem, she really was quite the giver.
“I’m giving you a minute to catch your breath, princess.” She smiles, once again feral and wild. She leans into your ear, a hand coming to you with the hem of the shirt you had sweated through. “I dunno what I like more…” she growls. “You smelling like that or you wearing my shit.”
You exhale heavily. It was gonna be a long day.
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bambiesfics · 7 months
- Link to Bimbo reader’s mood board -
𝗘𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗲’𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗯𝗼𝗮𝗿𝗱 🚬🦕 ☕️ 🐈‍⬛
Ellie’s all: eye bags, waking up at 5am to go to work, restless, breath smells like black coffee and a Marlboro. She uses her girlfriend as her comfort person, her emotional support human, her plushie. She’s butch, too protective, feels like a father around her airhead bimbo gf, sap for sure.
- Images that reflect Ellie -
⧆    🚬    ∿   ⌅  ⁺
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⭒    🐈‍⬛   ⁺   ♩
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⧆    ⌅    ∿   🪵  ⁺
💭……. To Ellie …….
Hey Ellie, you’re so hardworking. Such a gruff, brooding, little asshole. You don’t look like much, despite your attitude. Lanky little toned arms, 100 pounds soaking wet. But you don’t care, you didn’t choose your frame, you chose your character. And you have a protective one, a strong one, an unrelenting on. You get so get soft and sappy around one girl, that’s right. The one you wanna take care of.
Let your girlfriend say something cute and watch how quickly you itch to throw her in the backseat of your car and climb through the front seat just to assault her in kisses. And all she did was call you a cutie in your “emo boy clothes.”
🎵 Her songs, give them a brief listen: Spotify links
Safe in your skin - Title Fight
Transgender - Crystal Castles
where is my mind? - Nada Surf (she loves the original pixies one, nada surf just makes her feel cool and sad).
Delaware - Drop Nineteens
If you think I’m pretty - Artemis
!!! [ Please help Palestine ] !!!
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keexshound · 28 days
last tlou post for a little bit but. i don't really read the fic part of the fandom often anymore, but since interacting with any the last of us post puts like five of you guys on my dashboard inevitability i have one request. (mostly towards abby and ellie) (heavy on ellie, you guys show up the most)
PLEASE start making your y/ns have some diversity, add uniqueness to your fics, im tired of getting cookie cutters!! i don't want petite, fem, shy lamb characters in almost every fic. give me someone like dina or something. ellie has canonically dated cat and was in love with Riley, both of which are pretty tomboy style. give me a tomboy y/n.
go farther than tomboy, i want to see those girls fall head over heels for a butch. not flannel and jeans like you some of you think butches are, i want a REAL butch. physical labor and hypermasculine butch.
add some diversity to the trans genre, all it is transgirl ellie/abby. not too much of a complaint, i love it, but i just wanna see some diversity in that. give me enby or transmasc ellie. better yet make y/n the trans one for once. or both of them. t4t would be great to finally see.
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cranberryjuice-posts · 8 months
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Welcome to my blog
I Write For Percy Jackson and the last of us but feel free to ask abt any other random (I’ll write anything with in reason)
- request are open!!
- only wlw
- I can write smut if asked
- any ideas submitted are welcomed!
If you don’t support Palestine DNI or you will be blocked
Palestine aid links
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Percy jackson and the Olympians -
Clarisse La-rue
- Clarisse la-rue dating head-cannons
- everybody says not to fall in love
- clarisse head cannons (in general)
- I’m only human can’t you see
- my essay on why clarisse is a lesbian lmao
- your so pretty it hurts
- before I get too mean
- kissin I hope they caught us
- it was a mistake I swear
- are you bored yet (coming soon)
- I still think your beautiful
- she likes a boy
- so don’t freak out
- I’m sorry
- love is driving me a bit insane
- to be nothing with you
- let’s give this thing a try
- she’s the only one I got (pt2 of Let’s give this thing a try)
- I’m not your friend
- clarisse x non binary reader
- what’s a girl to do
- not talking bout boys
- you know where to find me, and I know where to look
- Rueguard Essay
- apex predator
- it’s just you and me
- kisses
- color of your eyes
- don’t say I’m to much
- out of my league
- mind your business
- possession
- my flower
- just one chance
- 1! 2! Ready go
- a helping hand
- hot hands
- it’s not my fault
- rivals
- the four seasons 
- on the court
- opposite’s attract
- mistakes were made
- Clarisse La rue Head cannons
- forging bonds
- tough love
- harness your hopes
- Barbie world
- I’ve been trying
- it’s all fun and games
- I’ll be back
- my sunshine
- Clarisse x goth reader Hc
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The last of us
Abby Anderson
- no good thing last’s and you’re the best
- Busy being yours to fall for somone new
- Abby Anderson dating head- cannons
- the night we met
- Abby Anderson modern day headcannons
- I know I said we were friends
- do i make you nervous
- I love you, so.. please let me go
- sarcastic y/n drabbles —— pt 2
- I kissed a girl and liked it
- guess I ruined us pretty bad
- I’ll crawl home to her
- this butch this butch
- Abby’s girl
- be still my foolish heart
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Gwen Stacy/ Spiderwoman
- New York romantic
- water color
Korra / The legend of Korra
- date night
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biasbuck · 9 days
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Happy Friday 13th everyone! Oh my gosh, two weeks to go, I'm so excited. Here's another round of the fic I've been reading when not actively losing my mind over all the buzzy promo landing. You can find previous rec lists here.
13 September 2024
the wayward son by @gayhoediaz had me GRIPPED. As the author summarises: 'Eddie misses his son, grows a mustache, pines after his best friend, and becomes a regular at a gay sex club. That last part is either an indulgence or an inevitable, somewhat self-destructive conclusion to several decades worth of compulsory heterosexuality and catholic guilt. Don’t ask him which.' The result of this is a scorchingly hot voyeuristic thrill ride with an absolutely aching emotional heart along as a passenger. I felt so much for Eddie as he self destructed and built himself back up again, truly throwing himself in at the deep end, and then Buck there to catch him when he falls. This fic gave me every emotion and was so incredibly satisfying. I already know it's gonna be one to go back to time and again.
had a feeling i could be someone by @butchdiaz of course I had to include the butch dyke Hotshots on XYZ inspired Eddie contemplating shaving her head fic. This one resonated with me so much, and was such a lovely take on the themes we're seeing in personhood and self actualisation and ownership of image versus what your parents intended for you. I love this character study of Eddie reclaiming her butch identity and expression, and Buck's sweet support in her journey. Make sure to check out the gorgeous fanart by @iinryer it was inspired by and it inspired if you haven't already seen it!
whatever you like by @clytemnestraaa 'hello mr performance anxiety meet mr desperate to please' sums it up perfectly. In which established relationship Eddie and Buck are having sex, but they still need to work on their communication. Buck wants to know what Eddie likes in order to give him that experience, but that's easier said than done when you're not really sure what exactly it is you want, or how to go about it. I really loved this exploration of a misalignment in sexual experience, the resulting cross purpose conversation, and the non-judgemental openhearted hand extended in order to find your way together. Or 'two 30-something men inexplicably put through an episode of Sex Education.' Sympathetic, sweet, and funny too.
But God, I love the English by @starlingbite this au tickled me for the sole reason of having watched several seasons of the show before someone told me Oliver is from London, and not having picked up on that accent slippage despite ALSO BEING FROM LONDON. Chimney and a British Buck take part in a six week cultural exchange programme with Chim going to London to stay with Maddie and work at a fire station, whilst Buck joins the 118 in LA. Eddie is instantly besotted by the handsome stranger, and fun linguistic hijinks aside, Buck fits right in. How will they manage long distance when it's time for him to go home? So much fun, and with sweet background Madney too!
it's leading me on, every time we touch by @bisexualbellamyblake in which after Eddie mentions to the team that he's having a little back trouble, Maddie lets slip that Buck once trained to be a massage therapist during his career jumping youth! As an almost certified professional of course it wouldn't be like Buck to not offer his services. And Eddie has no reason to turn him down. Does he? This oozed with sexual tension, whilst also being really lovely moment of friends getting to know each other better. Really excellent character voice and internal dialogue from Eddie.
all of the girls you loved before by @wildehacked back again with yet another banger...literally. Let me tell you, I read this one on public transport and had to school my expression with all my decades of fic reading experience in full force. Dragged out to team drinks on their evening off, the tipsy conversation turns to the team's top sexual experiences. When Buck finds out Eddie's is from years before, he can't help but dwell on just exactly how he could fix that. And he finds narrowing down his own top five a little tricky. With flashback cameos from Abby, Taylor and Tommy, this 5+1 fic was hot as hell.
P.S. Insert plea for Madney and Henren friendship/extended family fic here...I think I'm gonna need it! As usual feel free to self rec! And please share and reblog :) See you next week.
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grabattheseballsss · 1 month
Random fic wanted to post
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Synopsis: gojo’s been hopelessly in love with you the day he met you, but you’re hopelessly in love with the blond that barely every paid attention to you
Pairing: Gojo x reader (unrequited) Nanami x reader (unrequited)
Warnings: angst???? I think??? Unrequited love, these butches are HOPELESS, reader is like, naturally touchy and gentle? Girl id be in love too if someone was this nice to me, Shoko and Geto are tired of yall, super mild and lackluster fic, but I wanted to post it anyways
A/N: never wrote angst before :P I wanna start doing some now hehe, feedback’s always welcome!
“And this, is Nanami Kento! He may be emo but we still love him” gojo chuckled as he introduced you to his friend group, you smiled sheepishly and waved to everyone, but your eyes couldn’t trail off of the blond who only gave you a polite nod and went back to his book.
You were the new girl, a foreigner, a shy pretty girl who was too scared to make any friends, that is until a white haired boy came up to you on lunchtime at the cafeteria, you only smiled awkwardly as you made your way to the only empty table available, all the way back, you were about to eat your food before you heard someone call your name
“Heyyy~ new girl! What’s up! I’m Gojo Satoru, but I’m sure you already know that” he chuckled as he hyped himself up jokingly, you laughed a little and introduced yourself to him
“What’re you doing all by yourself ? Come with me, come I’ll introduce you to my friends! You’ll love them, not as much as me though, promise ?” He winked at you and put the lid of your lunchbox back on and went to grab your hand before you stopped in place “please please, just gimme a minute, I got soup in my lunch box you didn’t close it properly” you grumbled and close the container and put it neatly back in your bag.
Gojo didn’t think you’d want to hold his hand after that, which made him put his arms down by his sides, but to his surprise you held his hand gently and smiled gently at him “lead the way!” You didn’t think twice of that moment but that was when Saturo started developing feelings for you, you were too focused on your bag to notice the blush that settled on his face.
Time forward to now, it’s been almost three months since Gojo introduced you to him and his friends, it’s been three months since you met that blond who you’ve been writing in your journal about, three months of you and Shoko’s endless sleepovers, three months of Geto and Gojo’s bickering which is often induced by Shoko and defused by you.
You smiled slightly as you watched the two continue to throw petty insults at each other, Shoko only laughing and Nanami sat there with a slight smirk as he shook his head, his lips were so pretty, his skin so effortlessly clear, his hair’s so soft and neat despite his stupid haircut, his deep brown eyes that turn to look at you, the way he said your name, how smooth it sounded on his lips
“Are you okay?” Kento asked, staring at you with a raised brow, your eyes widen as a heat started spreading on your face, you straightened your posture and nodded “yeah, y-yeah I’m sorry, just lost in thought” you replied and looked away
Shoko started whispering in your ear when Nanami turned around “I know what those thoughts are, perv~” she chuckled as you smacked her shoulder to stop, the embarrassing encounter left Gojo silent, ignoring Geto’s remarks as he watched you blush the same way he does when you look at him with those half lidded eyes as you take care of his wounds, or when you buy him a treat because you remembered he liked it, all of these sweet moments.
If only he knew what he lacked, he was born into wealth, he was extraordinary, the strongest, a damn model in his free time, he could give you the world and more, if you’d just turn your gaze to his pretty face instead.
“Happy birthday, dear sa-toooo-ruuuu” you all sang as you watched the white haired man blow out his candles, clapping as he took off the candles, number two and one put to the side as he started cutting the pink strawberry vanilla cake.
Everyone got handed a plate with a piece of cake, you and Shoko sat on the small couch, chatting and eating “you know… he’s not going to know that you’ve been pining after him if you avoid him at all costs” Shoko mumbled as she stole a strawberry off of your plate, you hummed as you looked up to see Kento chatting up with a random girl that was invited to the party by Saturo.
You didn’t want to bum anyone up, that felt so selfish and rude of you, so you excused yourself, then went back to Shoko to give her the rest of your cake and walking back out.
You walked to Saturo who was sitting by Geto, they seemed to be chuckling about some random inside joke, you grabbed your gift bag and walked to them.
“Birthday boyyy~” you called out, your voice now sounded so much different than all those years ago, you sounded more mature and sure of yourself, saturo looked up at you with a huge smile, Geto only smiled and waved at you.
You stood in front of gojo and handed him a pink and blue bag with a letter taped to it “I’m sorry I didn’t have time to pick out a proper gift” you chuckled a little before grabbing a chair and sitting down.
“I didn’t think you’d even make it” Geto said as he grabbed his glass
“Well, if she couldn’t make it, I was going to drag her by the leg” saturo joked, but you all knew he wasn’t.
As saturo unpacked the gift inside the bag, he seemed like a kid on Christmas Day, you smiled softly as he held the box with sudden care, he looked up at you so fast his glasses slid down his nose, which made you and Geto chuckle “WHAT!” Saturo screamed, making everyone stare at you both, his long arms scooped you up and pulled you into a tight hug.
Getting a gift for someone like Gojo would seem absolutely impossible, he was rich and had anything he could ever ask for, but not the pictures he had lost couple of years ago, the one of you, him and baby megumi in your living room, dressed up as random characters, from megumi as shrek, you as Fiona and of course Gojo as donkey, the one of you and Gojo sitting on the ground as megumi has a sign on the couch that says “losers not allowed on”, and of course, satoru’s favourite, the one of you and megumi in the kitchen making cookies, megumi eating cookie dough as you were covered in flour and scolding him, unaware of the camera.
He lost the card that had those photos years ago, and you found it earlier this year and decided to keep it a surprise for him.
You hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek “seriously, happy birthday, turo… thank you, for being my friend” you smiled as you cupped his blushing cheek “now go taught gumi with them, I know you’re itching to do so” you giggled as you patted his shoulder and walked back to where Shoko was sitting.
You both missed the way Shoko and Geto looked at each other with a sad knowing look before turning back and continuing their separate conversations.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Natalie Wood (West Side Story, The Great Race)—She went through so much shit which I know can be said for all these women but Natalie really was a star and her death often overshadows her career and life. She could make you cry, but she also had the capacity to be incredibly funny which I think is lost on people.
Katharine Hepburn (Bringing Up Baby, The Philadelphia Story, The African Queen)—(I hope someone else submits real propaganda but just in case they don't:) Cries. Screams. Wails. The woman who singlehandedly made me realize I was bi. A real "do i want to look like her. be her. or be with her.' crisis, where the answer was all three. Holy shit please all three.
This is round 5 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Natalie Wood:
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Katharine Hepburn propaganda:
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I'm sure one million people will submit her as an iconic Hollywood star but that iconicness might lead people to forget just how insanely hot she was like she had it ALL she was skilled she was funny she was smart she was beautiful AND she was likely bisexual
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The single word I would use to explain Katherine Hepburn's appeal is *range*. In her acting career, that meant covering all the ground between lush period dramas and the comedies she did with Carey Grant and Spencer Tracey. In terms of hotness, it meant an uncanny ability to bring anything from a Dietrich-esque androgyny to some of the best Classic Hollywood Glamour you will ever see.
Katharine hep was so cool. The VIBES, the INDEPENDENCE,,, living life on her own terms.
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she just had this.... bearing to her, this power. she could be funny, even silly (like in bringing up baby) but also so regal and elegant. she was nobody's fool and dear GOD that's so hot
Fancam link
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She’s not only stunningly gorgeous (those eyes that pierce your soul! a jawline you could cut glass with!) but her delivery and physical presence in roles gives off confidence and authority in such a sexy way (truly the biggest dick energy of Old Hollywood). Her fiery energy in The Philadelphia Story? Unmatched.
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God she's. She's so hot y'all. She has the range!!!!! Funny and dramatic and lovely
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She IS the transatlantic accent. Classically gorgeous and such a strong personality.
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She's literally one of the funniest women to ever live! She goes shot for shot with Cary Grant in Philadelphia Story and we damn well love her for it! She's the most annoying creature to ever live in Bringing Up Baby but she's so insane and funny that we simply cannot help but fall in love with her (and root for her to give Grant an aneurysm!)
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i know she's accounted for but i really want to be sure someone has submitted the scene in bringing up baby where she's pretending to be a gangster
She simply stuns onscreen; you cannot do anything but be captivated by her presence. Also a non-gender-conforming icon and mild tumblr celebrity by virtue of that one picture from The Warrior's Husband (stage play).
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Katharine Hepburn was out here casually changing the lives of young butch lesbians with her gender swag! She wore pants even when people said she shouldn’t, she refused to marry or have kids, and she wore menswear in at LEAST one movie!
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If I start thinking about her face for too long I will cry she is so so hot. Katherine is so charismatic and charming in everything she appears in - watch her adopt a leopard and fall in love with her. Also she has the biggest dick energy ever (she and her pal Lauren Bacall share that accolade). Also had an incredibly long and varied career from screw ball comedies to serious dramas - she’s a queen of the screen and I adore her.
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Someone's got to mention it, but she's won the most Oscars out of any performer and is largely considered one of the greatest actresses ever. She's got an incredible voice, an incredible presence, and she absolutely steals every scene she's in. She was private person and deemed standoffish and unapproachable, but she was also profoundly concerned for people's rights and was an outspoken supporter of abortion access. Finally, the Katharine Hepburn slacks look is just iconic. I mean look at her.
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This woman. I have been obsessed with her for years. I know the urban legend is a popular one at this point of her walking around set in her underwear when her pants were stolen and she was left with only a skirt, but the pants thing is honestly enough for her to be the hottest in the room in my book. She refused to wear anything else at a time when the public in general and especially the studios did not like that. She was independent, stubborn, and so so very capable. Competency kink anyone? Also, if you want one final way that Katharine's entire life was saying "fuck you" to the establishment, it started young! Her mother took her to suffrage events, and she never got rid of that attitude of justice. I feel like I have barely scratched the surface of all the ways she was such a badass that I'm turning into a rambling mess instead.
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thepunkranger · 4 months
Resident Evil Characters - A Summary
Note: This is entirely my own opinion and said with a heavy dose of humor
Please enjoy
Chris Redfield
Started as a twunk
Became an angry gorilla man???
Alpha Male™️
Punches boulders
Wants you to marry his sister
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife
Rude to wait staff
2/10 - Just a guy. Hit him with your car
Jill Valentine
Other OG
Arguably better main of RE1
Master of Unlocking
Bisexual Bob™️
Once got mind-controlled into going blonde
Rocket Launcher babe
Big Strap Energy
Giant anime gun
Albert Wesker
OG Baddy
Thinks he’s cool
A little too into Chris
“What are we going to do this game, Albert?”
“What we do every game, Alex: try to take over the world”
Matrix jacket
Maybe a vampire?
Looks like my uncle (derogatory)
Barry Burton
A+ line delivery
Just happy to be a part of things
Wishes his daughter would talk to him
Comes through in a pinch
Got lost on his way to The Last of Us
Father figure
Not dead out of sheer dumb luck
Rebecca Chambers
Baby butch
Sees the best in everyone
Autism be damned, my girl can work a shotgun
Mommy Domme/Babygirl switch vibes
Sweet coffee addict
Doing fine, thanks for asking
Awkward thumbs up
Billy Coen
Bad Boy™️
Never bothered to take off his handcuffs
Moral standards
Strong silent type
Whole situation could’ve been avoided by just talking about his issues but no
Queen fan
Leon S. Kennedy
If a golden retriever became a human and then got kicked every day of its life
Having a really bad first day
Into dominant women
Dumb 90s haircut
Uses comedy as a coping mechanism
Hair grows in direct correlation to his level of angst
“Hey demons, it’s me, ya boi”
Dog lover
Certified Good Boy™️
Fucked up a perfectly good rookie is what you did. Look at it, it’s got depression
Claire Redfield
College student stuck in the zombie apocalypse
Soft butch
Forced her brother to teach her how to knife fight
Really into motorcycles
Leather jacket
Rocket Launcher babe #2
Always has at least one adopted child with her
10/10 would ask to babysit
Ada Wong
Mommy. Sorry. Mommy- sorry. Mommy-
Grappling hook
Badass spy
Emotionally distant
Soft spot for cute cuddly things (Leon)
Femme fatale
Book lover
Chaotic neutral
Crossbow 😍
Could step on me and I’d say thank you
Rocket launcher babe #3
Sherry Birkin
Goosebumps protagonist
Worst parents ever tbh
Surprisingly good under pressure
Please someone get this girl some therapy
Smartest person here
One hell of a shot
The trauma is immeasurable
Somehow still doing fine
Loves her weird adopted family
Carlos Oliviera
First POC main?
Went from three polygons and a white boy haircut in the original to actual gorgeous South American hunk in the remake
Lost his accent along the way for some reason
#1 Jill simp
If Dug from Up was a guy
Only trustworthy person in the whole series
Just wants to help
Gorgeous gorgeous hair
Loves strong women
Hakuna matata
10/10 would peg
Steve Burnside
Who is this sassy lost child?
Hot Topic employee
Into Claire (she’s too old for you bud)
Thinks he’s edgy
Daddy issues
Luis Serra Navaro
If Puss in Boots was a human
The Most Extra™️
Luscious flowing locks
Definitely into bondage
Used to work for Umbrella
Trying to make up for it
Don Quixote references
Good with his hands
Praying for a threesome with Leon and Ada
Ashley Graham
Basic white girl
Always getting kidnapped
Master of Unlocking #2
Razor flip phone
Ada Wong bisexual awakening (same)
Good with a wrecking ball
Makes Leon catch her every time she has to jump a ledge (also same)
Would like to go to Hot Topic, please
Sheva Alomar
Player 2
Second POC main
Bad AI
Too good for her game
Willing to go on a suicide mission with a guy she just met
Left handed
Deserves a better stylist
Only good part of RE5
Literally my girl got done so dirty just give her another chance please
Moira Burton
“It’s not a phase, dad!”
Probably gay
Weak arms
Box dyed her hair at least once
Simple Plan playing in the background
Childhood trauma
Piers Nivans
Trying his best
Appreciates a good steak
Sick of Chris’ bullshit
Good with a rifle
Just a good man
German Shepherd boy
Jake Muller
Wesker’s son
Daddy issues
Who invited Ronan Lynch here?
Quips for days
Bad boy
Loves the type of woman who can kick his ass
The Most Edgy™️
Ethan Winters
Husband of the year
Surprisingly chill
The most basic white man in all of RE
Hands? What hands?
Functionally a lizard
Would still love you if you were a worm
Just casually knows how to craft bullets
Mia Winters
Toxic girlfriend energy
Literally possessed
Dark sense of humor
Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
Casually working for a bioterrorism organization
Does actually care about her family
Definitely doesn’t have a penicillin allergy
If you can’t be the girl of his dreams, you can at least be the feral swamp witch of his nightmares
Zoe Baker
Mold intolerance
Southern accent thicker than grandma’s gravy
Picked last on the playground
Somehow okay despite her brother being Like That
Joe’s favorite
Science skills
Lucas Baker
Didn’t even need the mold
Probably got at least one true crime documentary made about him
Working for Mia’s bioterrorism organization
Left his classmate rotting in the attic
Just the worst
Alcina Dimetrescu
Please step on me
Elizabeth Bathory vibes
Just fucking huge
Can turn into a dragon
Karl Heisenberg
Tumblr Sexyman
When robotics majors get weird
Fights with his siblings
Doesn’t actually care at all about Miranda
In cahoots with the lycans
Rosemary Winters
Mommy and Daddy issues
YA protagonist
Childhood trauma
Into the Mold-verse
Alternate universe Sherry Birkin
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bigoltrashpile · 1 year
Yan Skeles with a darling whose an escape artist? No matter what the man does---chaining them down, locking the room, around the hour surveillance, etc---their object of affection always somehow escapes.
That's a hilarious idea bro I love it asfjkl
Mafiatale Sans: Sans finds it more funny than anything. He's honestly impressed when you keep escaping in more and more complex ways. He'll definitely make some stupid jokes about you being his little Houdini. It's not like you can escape him for long, though. He practically owns the city, after all, everywhere you go, he'll have eyes there. Don't worry, you'll be back with him soon.
Mafiatale Papyrus: You're going to give him a heart attack! Don't you know how dangerous it is out there? He panics every time he leaves and you're suddenly not there. He almost feels like he can't take his eyes off of you for half a second, or you'll be gone! Oh well, if he has to hold you at all times to make sure you stay by his side, he's more than happy to!
Mafiaswap Sans (Lucky): Lucky is more than a bit angry. Not at you, of course! He's just mad that he can't make a cage that's nice enough, and secure enough to keep you inside! Your skills are very impressive, he can't lie, but can you PLEASE just stay here for longer than a day?
Mafiaswap Papyrus (Slim): Honestly, he thinks it's all super impressive. He might just ask you to teach him! That's good bonding, right? Not to mention, if he knows how you do it, he might be able to stop you. Until then, he enjoys the chase. Not anything upfront, but he'll stalk you for weeks, just letting you see him out of the corner of your eye. Then, just when you think you've escaped for good, that you can go back to your normal life...that's right when he appears to take you back home.
Mafiafell Sans (Butch): He likes this game of cat and mouse a lot more than he should. Butch gets almost too excited when he seems you're gone for the umpteenth time. That just means that he gets to go and hunt you down again~ He gets a huge thrill from the chase, from getting to track you, tease you, let you think you've escaped...just before bringing you right back.
Mafiafell Papyrus (Noir): Noir is...SO frustrated. He knows, logically, that you want to leave, you want to get out, but can you just sit still for FIVE MINUTES??? Even though he wants you to love him, he's going to have to use threats and fear to get you to stay with him. At least, until the Stockholm syndrome kicks in.
Mafiaswapfell Sans (Scar): When you manage to get out, Scar gets...really scary. He gets really quiet, like he's seething under the surface, about to explode. When he gets you back, which will usually take less than a few hours, he won't talk to you for a while. He'll just...stare. His deadly eyes will bore into you while he sits in the corner. It's almost worse than if he were to yell at you, or punish you somehow. It's just...a promise of something worse.
Mafiaswapfell Papyrus (Hound): He just doesn't understand! Why don't you want to stay with him? Why do you keep running away? Don't you love him? True to his name, Hound is extremely good at tracking, so he'll be able to find you pretty quickly every time. When you're safely back in his arms, he'll ask you what you're doing. He's very good at guilt tripping, even if it's unintentional. Hopefully, soon, you'll never want to leave!
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