#but please don't act worse than Jack
himbosandhardwear · 3 months
Eddie scans the room, looking for who or what he's not sure, just keeping his eyes peeled for something interesting. It's Saturday night, a packed house, some of the usual suspects but some new faces too.
One in particular stands out, especially considering his Sears Catalog attire and artfully tousled hair.
There's something about his loose body language that draws Eddie's eye. He's out of place but he doesn't act out of place. Eddie can respect it.
Unfortunately, when their eyes meet, he gets a kicked gut reaction that makes it clear this guy is off limits. The guy looks away immediately, probably thinks Eddie is more likely to pickpocket him than buy him a drink. Oh well. No great loss, he didn't come to get laid anyway.
He makes his way to the bar, gets a shot of Jack and a Miller Lite and waits. Teddy will probably show up before too long, maybe they can bar hop. He sips his beer and looks around some more, noting the older Mexican lady who runs the flower stand on the corner. You wouldn't guess it just by looking at her but she can drink anyone in the place under the table. He should really get her name.
Sears Catalog has moved to a table on the right side of the room, standing with a presumed girlfriend. Their heads are bent close together. He looks up and catches Eddie staring. They both look away again. He's really gotta stop doing that before he gets hate-crimed. It's a known problem, his type being untouchable preppy boys. He's sure if a shrink studied him, they would say it was because he didn't think he was worthy of love, or some shit, but he can't help it. The straighter, the meaner, the cleaner cut, the more Eddie falls all over himself. It’s a miracle he ever gets laid. Thankfully there’s always closet cases. He swore to himself he wasn't going to do that anymore though, he needs to have some self-respect, not let asshole jocks use him and drop him the second an emotion is displayed.
“That outfit is hideous.”
Eddie jolts in his seat. He finds Sears Catalog smirking at him like what he's said is the height of wit.
Eddie wastes no time pouring the rest of his beer over the guy's head.
He stares back at Eddie in shock, almost hurt. Fuck him. He doesn't care, he's not letting some dumbass gymrat hone his bullying skills on him. Not today.
The guy's girlfriend jogs over with a handful of napkins, which is when Eddie splits.
“I told you not to use that line!” He hears her exclaim. Eddie stops in his tracks.
“But…but...he didn't even let me get to the good part,” Sears laments. Eddie can't turn back around, he's frozen in place.
“Yeah, dingus, because it's a stupid fucking line. I'm sorry you had to find out like this but not every guy who makes eye contact with you wants to fuck you.”
“I know that! I just thought… I don't know. Let's just get out of here.”
He sounds so defeated. Eddie did that. He assumed the worst and reacted accordingly. Like an asshole. Like a bully.
They're halfway to the door when Eddie's feet unstick themselves from the floor. He rushes to intercept.
“What was the rest of the line?” He shouts.
Sears turns, eyes wide, unsure.
His…friend? Looks Eddie over, unimpressed. “What's it to you?”
He winces. “Just…uh…I guess I thought you should know, some of the guys who make eye contact do want to fuck you, they're just too stupid to realize they're being hit on.”
Sears and Mean Friend make their own eye contact. Mostly ‘Beat it' and ‘Are you serious?’ and ‘Yes, oh my god, please go.’
Eddie respects their bond.
Once Mean Friend has sufficiently rolled her eyes and threatened Eddie with bodily harm should anything worse than beer befall her friend, she stalks off into the night.
“You should take it off.”
“Huh?” Eddie responds, stupidly.
Sears smiles. “That's the rest of the line. ‘Your outfit is hideous. You should take it off.’”
Fuck, it really is a terrible line. Something a middle aged creep would use. If he'd waited long enough to hear it the first time it would've made him laugh though, which would have broken the ice.
“Awful. Zero out of ten,” he says while grinning. “Looks like you already offended one guy.” He looks at Sears’ wet shirt, appreciating his own handiwork.
“I'll keep workshopping.” His hand comes up slowly, like Eddie might react badly again. “Steve.”
It's his honor and privilege to clasp Steve's hand in his own.
“Eddie. And can I say, your outfit looks great. It would look better on my floor.”
Steve practically twinkles at him. “Stop, I'm already a sure thing.”
He uses the hand still in his grasp to pull Eddie forward and smash their lips together.
When their grandkids ask how they got together, Eddie is going to have to lie.
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PAC: Urgent messages from your shadow self 🕷🕸🖤
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Please leave a tip if you can $$$
Trigger warning: These tarot cards contain graphic content (gore, syringes, etc.) and in this pac there is mentions of trauma, substance abuse, inner child wounds, etc. The tone of the words will also sound blunt because the shadow self is brutally honest. Viewer discretion is advised.
Pile 1:
Beautiful Liar by Beyoncé & Shakira
Special by Ashnikko
Black Swan by BTS
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Four of Fire, Two of Air, & Daughter of Air.
(Clarified by Adjustment)
Your shadow self wants to urge you to find balance within yourself and your life. Perhaps you are someone who is constantly juggling with tasks, hobbies, or responsibilities. You are being a "jack of all trades, but a master of none". You don't know how to multitask and yet you are still trying to do it - why? You are overwhelming yourself. Take smaller steps vs trying to finish everything all at once. You are making yourself sink into this hole of frustation on your own. In the future, you will just make things more difficult if you persist in this charade of yours. Your shadow self is giving you a kick in the butt because you rely too much on charm when you mess up or to get away shit. Also your "white lies" could turn into big lies. If you needed a job per say, this behavior could have you looked down and be seen as unprofessional. There's a lot of visuals regarding the circus. Such as the acrobats or fire tamers. You are talented and witty. Use your wits to find ways to accomplish your goals. I am also being reminded of the scene from Mulan where she unsheaths her swords and you can see her reflection. Perhaps you have a duality to yourself that you are unaware of. You need to look into the lightness and darkness of your soul. What are your light or shadow attributes? Your strengths or weaknesses? Think of what they are and write it down, then create a plan. Once you have decided what to do or how you can make better decisions. You will start to make progress in your journey. The girl is walking on a tightrope with a stick and bowls(?) on her head. This could mean you literally need to "tighten up" which is an expression of handling your business basically. There is birds flying behind her. Your spirit guides and higher self are supporting you as you walk towards your destiny. Be patient and grounded. You will feel proud of yourself in the end and feel grateful you learned this lesson. (Clarifying song: Libra by The Deli) You could be someone with Libra placements or you need to surround yourself with people that are this sign. This could also mean embodying the traits of Libra. They are known for their balance, diplomacy, fairness, friendliness, & charm.
Pile 2:
Assassin by Au/Ra
Cellophane by FKA Twigs
Go To Sleep by Bearson ft. Kailee Morgue
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Five of Water (reversed), Seven of Air, & Son of Earth
(Clarified by The Magus (reversed).)
Tsk tsk. You're self sabotaging. What's going on, pile 2? I feel like you're trying to get over past disappointments but things keep crumbling and falling apart in your very eyes. You could be dealing with depression right now or you're avoiding the world because of this fear of yours. You could be laying in bed a lot or sleeping more than usual to cope. Some of you could have gotten rejected by someone you really liked and are thinking the worse as if it's the end of your love life. There's over 8 billion people in the world, it's not the end unless you act like it is. There could be so much abundance ahead of you if you would just stopped being so inconsistent and indecisive. Reflect as to why you're afraid, why are you self sabotaging, why are letting your life past you by when there's a whole world out there ready to be explored? (Clairifying song: NO PROBLEM by Nayeon ft Felix of Stray Kids) Whatever you dealt with is not happening to you right now. You survived baby. Sometimes it's good to be single because you can focus on putting that love towards your own heart. Try to focus on having fun vs finding the "one". You'd be surprised by how many people will be knocking at your door when you realize how much of a catch you are. Also stop comparing yourself to people on social media. Learn to see past people's illusions and understand they only post the positives of what's going on their life because they're scared of being vulnerable or seen as a failure. You are gonna do just fine if you focus on your own happiness.
Pile 3:
Dëserve It by Yeat
I'm Not Sorry by imagine Dragons
Element. by Kendrick Lamar
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Three of Earth, Eight of Water, & The Universe
(Clarified by The Fool)
You usin' work and self achievements to cope huh? You're always working so hard to accomplish things, but have you ever took a minute to realize that you are already accomplished even if you don't succeed? (Clarifying song: No L's by Smino) Why do you always need to win? What's so bad about losing? Loss can be scary, but it can teach us valuable lessons in life as well. You fear of being seen unsuccessful, a failure. You don't want to be the gossip in your town, at your job, or family functions. Everything you do, you just work and work. You not addressing the problems in your life. What are you working for? You have money, you have trophies, you have awards, you have a long list of achievements, you have your own place, but that is not healing you. Your valuables are just things. They are not fulfilling you emotionally or mentally. For some of you, you need to stop being a doormat just for the sake of a paycheck or being provided for. This could be someone at your job, school, etc, who is stressing you. Your shadow self wants to tell you to not let anyone make you act out of character but it also gives you permission to put a bitch in check and in their place if needed to. Start setting boundaries. You need to start treating yourself with love and care as if you were a baby. You deserve to be taken care of. Nurture your soul. Nurture your heart. Nurture your mind. If you're not protecting yourself then what is the point? Don't fall into the system of being a worker bee or give into hustling and grinding culture, to the point it's gonna harm your health.
Pile 4:
Team by Iggy Azalea
Player by Tinashe
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Ace of Water, Mother of Water, & Eight of Earth
(Clarified by The Star)
Okay so I had to reshuffle for this pile because I didn't take a picture of the first cards I got so I had to redo this, so this is the last spread I finished out of all the other piles. What's interesting is that since it's getting dark I had to turn on my led mirror and use it as a lamp. It was illuminating a light onto The Star card, which I find interesting. A wish fulfillment is on its way. You guys could be manifesting something or reciting affirmations in the mirror. In the song, Stunna Girl keeps saying "I'm a stunner girl" repeatedly, stunner means to be "a strikingly beautiful or impressive person or thing". Stunna Girl has also went viral and become more popular after appearing on the show "Baddies West". You could be growing into your confidence soon and learning to love yourself unconditionally and unapologetically. You could even become more popular or go viral on social media. For some of you, you are healing generational trauma for your female ancestors. They are so proud of you! Or you could come from a family with a lot of powerful, strong, independent women. In a patriarchal society, a woman who is outspoken, knows her worth, and is self assured, is looked down upon because they are less easy to humble and manipulate. Insecure men could paint you as a "bitch" or that you look "mid", to try to humble you when that is just lies. You need to know that you're a bad bitch and that you deserve the best. Your shadow self wants you to stand tf UP! Stop giving a fuck about what other people want you to do or think of you. Make them uncomfortable with your glow up. The women in your family worked and yourself as well have worked too god damn hard for you to sit on your ass and wallow in your tears. You are smart enough, you are strong enough, you are pretty enough, you are ENOUGH. Straighten up your spine and fix your posture. Walk into the room as if you own it. I don't care if you just rolled out of bed with a pair of stained sweatpants and dirty Chuck Taylor's on, you better rock it as if it's designer. Your shadow self will back hand your ass harder than Maddy slapped Cassie from Euphoria if you keep getting in your head and overthinking about shit that's not even that serious. Also, you can have anybody you want, if somebody is stressing you out - Drop their ass and move on. You deserve to be treated like royalty. Stop settling for dust! For some of you, this message could be specific, but your mother is very proud of you or you will be set free from a mother wound. You need to read a book (48 Laws of Power and The Art of Seduction for example) or head to the books if you are a student. Also in your love life, you will not be getting played anymore, but you will be the player (not talking about breaking people's hearts or cheating, calm down Karen 😮‍💨). You will stop chasing love interests and they will be chasing you. Secure attachment for the win 💪🏽. (Clarifying song: Eat It Up by Kaliii ft. BIA). Eat this shit up, pile 4. All this is yours. You are gonna be living your best life soon. NSFW message but some of you will also feel more pleasure in your sex life and will feel more confident about demanding what you want in the bedroom. People will live to please you. There is a lot of fertility here, so be careful if you are able to get pregnant.
Pile 5:
For The Record by Sophiya
Up All Night by Drake ft. Nicki Minaj
Energy by Beyoncé ft. BEAM
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Father of Fire, Four of Air (reversed), & Nine of Water (reversed)
(Clarified by Seven of Fire)
You have a lot of passion, pile 5, but you seem to get burnt out easily when it comes to trying to achieve your desires. There is a goal that you are reaching towards that you so desperately wish to achieve to the point its keeping you up at night and causing you to feel restless. Some of you could smoke, you need to cut that down or quit all togerher because it is making your nerves really bad or making you even more anxious (could cause you to age physically faster as well). Some of you could have been ghosted by someone you fell in love with pretty quickly. Possible love bombing? There is a lot of highs and lows in this relationship. Is this a friends with benefits situation? You could have a crush on someone but you are too afraid to state your feelings, so you use your sex appeal to keep them around. You need to voice what you are wanting out of this relationship because this flame will only last so long if you keep going this way. (Clarifying song: My Strange Addiction by Billie Ellish) there is so much about "fire", "lighters", "matches", "fuses", and "smoke" being mentioned in this pile. Are you guys pyromaniacs 😂? I would hope not, if you are please seek help for that lol. If not, you guys could be drawn to the "fire" as in things that intentionally just burn you in the end. It's almost as if you get off to this toxic behavior but then when it ends, you act unstable. You need to find the courage to stop engaging in behaviors that are bad for your mental, emotional, or physical health. Also be brave when expressing your needs in a relationship, if they agree then maybe you can work it out, if not, then it's time to leave. Some of you also could have an anxious attachment or have a fear of abandonment due to a absent father. You need to do shadow work or talk with a therapist to heal that. Learn to find emotional fulfillment and security within yourself.
Pile 6:
Skinnydipped by Banks
Don't Recall by KARD
Sober by Mahalia
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Are you overcoming an addiction, Pile 6? Or wanting to go sober? Either way, I commend you for the strength in wanting to do so, since I know that isn't easy. This could also mean your shadow self wants you to quit doing drugs or drinking alcohol because it is making you act manic. I feel like you were treated harshly growing up or you were left with the "vultures". You could have been neglected growing up and had to learn to survive. You could of used maldaptive daydreaming to cope. Your fantasies gave you comfort in a time of stress and turmoil. I'm so sorry for that, pile 6, but you have to understand you no one is out to get to you. You can choose a new story for yourself. You dont have to be a victim anymore. You are free to start a new life for yourself. Some of you came from abusive households or were put in the system at a young age (either you were adopted or was in foster care). You could have lived in multiple places or went from house to house as a child. Did you run away as a kid? Why were you running, sweetheart? You can stop running now, take a new route. Just peacefully go towards your new journey. There is no need to rush. (Clarifying song by Come Down by Anderson .Paak & They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y) by Pete Rock & C.L Smooth) October is significant for some of you. There is going to be growth and prosperity in your life. You need to take time to nurture yourself and practice some self care. I heard "sprout" so you need to look inwards and have a conversation with your inner child. Can you remember your childhood? Do your memories seem blurry or you can't recall anything that happened? Be kind to yourself and be patient. I know it can seem nerve wracking at first but overtime you will be grateful you did it. Think of your younger self as this seed, if no one watered the plant, gave it sunlight or natural light, or fed it with fertilizer, then you can be the first to make that seed grow. Tend to your garden. This will help you build character and gain optimism. You will start to think "Hey, you know what? Maybe life isn't so bad. Maybe I can be a somebody!" And you will :) ♡ You could also be feeling very nostalgic or reminisce your youth. People could also see your growth and remember as a kid, they are going to be surprised how successful you've become to overcome your hardships. Also try to seek the professional help of a therapist or counselor if you try to unpack childhood trauma, or if you can't remember your past, it can be a sign your brain is possibly blocking you out from remembering something traumatic. Be safe and take care, pile 6 🙏🏽
Pile 7:
Run by SAAY
Monster by EXO
Just A Girl by No Doubt
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Nine of Fire, Five of Air, & The Empress (reversed).
(Clarifidd by Son of Water)
Oh my 😃! Wow pile 7, do you hold a grudge against the entire male population or a masculine in mind, it seems? You are acting mad bitter. I feel you have the tendecy to be a misandrist out of the trauma from your past. You feel angry that men can get away with their wrong doings while women are forced to suffer. Ironically, you are still attracted to them. You could be struggling with your divine feminine energy. You are also resenting what it means to be a "feminine". You wish to create this on your own terms. Are you apart of the LGBTQ? or consider yourself a feminist? Maybe even both? If you are someone who is a man or identifies with masculine energy, it could mean you behave feminine in a negative way (as in you "nag" or are too "sensitive"). This also reminds me of Jules in season 2 of Euphoria when she cut her hair, started wearing black, and began to feel comfortable in her androgynous style. Some of you guys are really mixed up emotionally and mentally. Like no offense, I take that back, your shadow self wants to say "full offense" - you are acting crazy. Slow down, take a deep breath, and let it go. You are valid in your pain and your emotions, but you cannot let this world make you bitter. You can't inflict pain onto other people just because you were hurt. You are not a monster, you are not the person who hurt you. Do better and be better than them. (Clarifying song: Close Your Eyes by Kim Petras & The Hills (remix) by The Weeknd ft. Nicki Minaj) I am being reminded of the scene from Doja Cat's Streets music video when she was like this spider crawling on it's web, catching their "prey" (the love interest). You are like a black widow. Beautiful to admire from afar, but dangerous to interact with up close. There is someone who is head over heels for you. You could like this person or are pushing them away out of fear. You could be the type of person who warns people before they fall in love with you (Watch the movie "It's A Thin Line Beyween Love & Hate"). You could have even sworn to never love again (Your shadow self: "bffr" 💀). You need to harness this hatred, anger, and darkness for a better cause. Use your pain as a passion to transform yourself and become someone magnificent. Like a spider, you are resourceful. Use your sources and use your intelligence to begin this new transformation. You're lashing out of fear. You're pushing people away because of your trauma. You deserve to be treated tenderly, you're not some scary creature. You are actually so empathetic, intuitive, creative, sensual, and enticing. A mystery that people want to unravel. You are a going to be a femme fatale in it's purest form.
Pile 8:
By Any Means by Jorja Smith
Feelings by Tinashe
Human by Sevdaliza
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Five of Fire, Nine of Air, & The Moon
(Clarified by The Hierophant)
Pile 8, why are you ripping yourself apart to fit into society's pressures and demands? When will you realize that you are beautiful in your own way? I remember when Kendrick Lamar said: "If a flower bloomed in a dark room would you trust it?". Not every flower grows in the sunlight or the spring or the summer. Some grow during the harsh, cold weather of the winters or when everything falls in autumn. You are in competition with no one but yourself and you are not going to win this game if you treat yourself like shit. If you wanna be a winner, then you need to start acting like one vs acting like a sore loser. When things go wrong, you are so unnecessarily rude and hard on yourself. Why is that? Ask yourself these things next time you catch yourself thinking that way. You're not anything of the mean things you say about yourself or what people have said to you. You struggle with your insecurities and cling to what gives you comfort even though you know you want better than this, you want better than what you are currently doing. Why do you stick to the same routine everyday even though you know you want change? Sometimes you have to be uncomfortable so you can be comfortable. You may compare your beauty to other people but you need to realize no one is perfect. You are human, as the song goes. A human with "flaws, veins, scars". Embrace your imperfections. You don't want to look back at your past and regret you never took action on anything because you weren't "pretty" enough. Look past your appearance and look inside. (Life Goes On by BTS) What are you are clinging to, pile 8? Are you holding onto something? You're holding sanding at this point and it's slipping through your fingers, you are stuck in this hour glass, wishing to be released. Time keeps ticking and life passes you by. Break free from the perceptions of time and start living your life to the fullest without limitations, doubts, and fears. Life has its up and downs but you have to learn to find hope in dark times. Seek help from your shadow self or the universe when you are in need of faith. Trust the divine that things will always work out for you, no matter what.
Pile 9:
Let It Out by Rico Nasty
UCKERS by Shygirl
Ghetto Gatsby by Brent Faiyaz ft. Alicia Keys
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Two of Love, Three of Air, & Eight of Water
(Clairifed by Ace of Air)
Time to end it with a bang 🤬🥊💥! Did you just go through a break up, pile 9? Whether it was with a friend or partner. You are internalizing a lot that happened from this relationship, honestly, you interalize everything. Your shadow self wants you to let out whatever you're feeling. Scream, shout, yell, etc. It is time to stop turning the other cheek and speak up. You also need to confront something or someone who hurt you. (Clarifying song: Fingers by Zayn & Roman's Revenge by Nicki Minaj ft. Eminem) Ugh this person is so LAMEEE 😒🙄 Once you finally get over this connection, they will want to come back and talk to you about what happened. You or this person could have been writing text messages but never sending them. This conversation will be your chance to gain clarity and communicate about how you felt in your relationship. This will help you move on and also allow you to learn to stand up for yourself.
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whole-circus · 1 year
Creepypastas and small things they would do for you when you depressed!
➥ Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, Eyeless Jack, Masky, Ben Drowned, "Ticci" Toby Hi, please dont be scared to get help if you feel like you need it - obvious thing but your feelings valid and you matter so much! And my DMs are always open! >:)
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☆ Jeff the Killer
Okay, Jeff isn't the best when it comes to comforting people, even if he really cares about them. He feels lost and has no idea what to do, but seeing you all miserable makes his heart break. Thats why I think he would do small acts of service. Don't expect a lot from him - he loves you, but he really is so awkward.. Thats why he brings you meals (he can't cook for shit), open the window in your room and let some air to it, he even clean around! Jeff also loves to spoil you! He know that he isn't the most affectionate, so he gives you a lot of small gifts! Maybe nice looking rocks, flowers, jewlery stolen from his victims....all romantic! Also things that reminds you of him! The one based on your personality, likes and stuf!! And dont even try to say that you dont deserve all that.. because deep down you mean everything to Jeff! Come on, there is a reason why he keept you alive, huh?
☆ Homicidal Liu
Absolute sweetheart when it comes to comforting you! You had a rough, long day? Even worse than normally? He is right here with you, doing his best. You just wanna seat in silence? Too tired to talk? Liu will be here. No sign of judgement on his face, just his typical soft and full of compasion smile. If you feel okay with him touching you, he would hold your hand or offer you a hug. No worries, you can stay in his soft embrace as long as you need it - its just you both agaist the world. He just want to make sure that you know he is here for you. Liu would talk about all things you are worried, trying to find solution if its possible, but he is also not too pushy when it comes to that. And no matter how you feel now, or if you will yell and cry, pushing him away - he is always here to got your back.
☆ Eyeless Jack
Jack is just another person with this comforting aura. At the end of hard day, you can't help but want cuddle to him and sob into his arms..And Jack is a great listener, always wanting to make you feel that your suffer is visible and heard! Thats why he is the best person to come vent to, or maybe just stay in his presence if you are too tired to talk! He doesn't talk too much, but he can if you want. Always ready to say something to cheer you up, and he doesn't make this stupid comments like "you dont look depressed" or "yeah same lol"! You are his everything and if you need a bit of help? Thats what relationship is all about, he doesnt mind at all! Just cuddle to him, tell him every thought of yours while he caress your head and gently rock back and forth!
☆ Masky
If Masky really does care about you (no worries, he does) he will be great when it comes to taking care about your body. Depression suck and we all know that well. Sometimes it takes away all of your energy and motivation, and its harder to take care of yourself. Thats why you have him! Masky would look after you a lot! He would check if you had eaten - you haven't? He will make you anything to eat, even for you to take small bite becasue you dont have appetite! Have problem with keeping yourself clean? Would help you shower or just clan with wet tissues, brush your teeth and wash your hair. And if your room gets too messy? Has no problem with helping you or just cleaning it by himself. He also keeps an eye on your sleep schedule! Masky doesn't judge - he knows how hard you already have it, and he just want to help. And needing help doesn't make you weak!
☆ Ben Drowned
Listen, Ben is such a dummy and cutie..he would try to make you laugh so bad..! He isnt doing it in this insistent, annoying way - he just do everything he can to make you smile! Cracking more jokes than usually, doing silly faces or you two could watch some silly video with cats/dogs...doesnt matter, he just try so much! He is also good person to stay in home with. He totally gets if you dont feel like socializing and going out, he already made you both a place so you could either play with him or just watch him play. Doesnt matter if you wanna talk, or if small-talk makes you annoyed and you just prefer to seat in silence. Big cuddle bug, so if that makes you feel better then he couldnt ask for more! Ben literally wants to make you feel even slightly better, but he also understand what you are going through and will always be by your side!
☆ "Ticci" Toby
As I said many many times, Toby is curious one - always ready to explore and do some fun stuff. And that makes him the perfect guy to make your days a bit brighter! Toby wants to be here for you, trying his best to get you out of bed and try new hobbies with you. When you are depressed its so easy to get into a routine, and just suffer from sadness and bad thoughts, laying in bed all day and starring at ceiling! And Toby doesn't want that silly! So no matter what is it- baking, cocking, some sport or artsy stuff - he loves that! But no worries, if you dont have that much energy, he will gladly stay with you in home, cuddling and watching movies. Its hard to be bored around him, he has some calming aura around. He understands that he won't make your deprresion dissapear, but Toby wants to make your days even a bit better.
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heavyhitterheaux · 3 months
The Marriage Pact Part 6
To Love and to Cherish
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AN: It's been a while, but here we go!
Synopsis: Jack’s priority is making sure that you're okay despite your protests and wanting him to keep his distance. Life gets harder for him without you, and he soon comes to a realization that this might have to be his new normal
Pairing: Ex-Fiance!Jack Harlow x Ex-Fiancée!Reader
The Marriage Pact Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Jack was in a daze as he took the steps two at a time after grabbing his keys in order to get to his car. All he could do at this point was hope and pray that you and the baby were okay and he couldn't also help but think that this was entirely his fault. If he had simply done what you asked him to do and been honest from the very beginning, more than likely this wouldn't have happened and the two of you would have been in a good place.
Now it seemed like everything was getting worse by the second.
He got to the hospital in less than ten minutes and stopped at the front desk to find out where you were. Once he got to your room, he walked in to see that your eyes were closed and there were two small cuts, one next to your eye and one below it. Other than that you looked to have been perfectly fine which he was more than thankful for.
Hearing his footsteps, you peeked your right eye open and quickly sighed seeing who it was. He was the absolute last person on earth that you wanted to see, but knew that his coming was inevitable.
“Babe…” He started to say as he reached for you before you immediately cut him off.
“I don't want to hear it.”
“Y/N, I don’t care what you want or don't want to hear. I told you that I didn't want you leaving and now look at what happened. I damn near got into an accident myself trying to get to you to make sure that you were okay!” Jack said clearly frustrated about how you were acting towards him.
“Oh, so it's my fault?”
“That didn't come out of my mouth so where did you even get that from?”
“I really do not want to be around you right now. Wasn't me leaving in the middle of your tour not clear enough? Because if not, I can start from the beginning and call off a list of things that you've done to piss me off.”
“I get it. I get that you’re mad at me and for good reason, but I still need to make sure you're okay and did you forget that you're pregnant now? So that means that I now have two people to worry about.”
“How can I forget when I'm literally throwing up all day, every day? Kind of hard not to.”
“I just… wanted to see if you and the baby were okay. What even happened? And you clearly are, since you’re arguing with me.”
“They're fine. Someone ran a red light and hit me and my car is done for. Now you can leave.” You shot back as you turned to your side to face away from him.
“I'm not going anywhere. I don't give a damn how mad you are at me right now, I'm staying with you to make sure you're okay. Despite what you may think right now, I…” He trailed off and you suddenly looked at him because it caught your attention.
“What were you going to say?”
“I'm still trying to wrap my mind around you telling me that I only asked you to marry me out of desperation when I love you and would do anything for you and you know that. Anything you ask of me I do it for you.”
“Except being completely honest with me.”
“I wish that we could start completely over, but what's done is done and I'm sorry that I betrayed your trust. But, baby you have to believe me when I say that you are the only person that I want. Whatever you need me to do to repair our relationship, I'm willing to do it.”
“I… just don't even know what I need you to do at this point. I think as hard as a decision that this may be, I need to take a step back from you and this relationship.”
“You… you can't be serious. You're pregnant!” Jack exclaimed while gesturing to your belly and you looked at him dumbfounded.
“And? Is that supposed to change anything?”
“It changes literally EVERYTHING. Just please let me fix this. I promise-”
You immediately cut him off not wanting to hear another word.
“You have broken literally every single promise that you have made me since we got engaged and I don't think I even know the person standing in front of me right now and you have no idea how much that hurts me.” You quietly told him as you felt tears prick the corners of your eyes.
“Y/N… you aren't about to say what I think you’re about to say because….”
“I'm breaking up with you and whatever this is or was is over. I'm not going to manage you anymore either. Let Neelam do it because I'm done. I'm not competing for a spot in your life anymore.”
“Y/N you don't mean that! You don't have to compete for anything. It's you, it's always been you. Baby, please don't do this. I will literally-”
“Do anything? Jackman, you've done enough. Too much actually. I love you and you know I always will. But I just… for my peace of mind, my heart can't take being with you right now until you get your shit together.”
“So, you don't want to marry me anymore?” Jack asked and you could see the tears in the corners of his eyes. As much as you wanted for things to go back the way that they were, you couldn't.
“I never said that. I think right now that's not the best idea for either of us. We need to be on the same page and right now we aren't.”
“What can I do to get you to change your mind? I… there has to be something.”
“I'm still going to be in your life, I'm not walking away completely. You did get me pregnant after all.”
“But we won't be together?”
You simply shook your head no at Jack and you were determined to stand your ground and not back down. As much as you wanted to forgive him and be wrapped in his arms, you knew that you deserved better and until he was able to give you that, there was absolutely no reason for the two of you to be together.
You had to let him know that this wasn't acceptable anymore and that if he wanted the two of you to be together that something had to give.
“Baby, please.” Jack pleaded with you as a few tears began to fall, but all you did in response was slip off your engagement ring and hold out your hand towards him as hard as it was and waited for him to take it.
Not believing what he was seeing, he simply shook his head.
“It's rightfully yours, so I want you to keep it. You're the one that I bought it for.”
“Please understand that this doesn't mean that I don't love you because that is as far from the truth as ever.” You quietly said as you grabbed his hand to squeeze it and all he did was nod.
“But we cannot be married and our relationship consists of hiding things from one another.” You added and Jack nodded in agreement.
“And I also have to be able to trust you wholeheartedly. That's my biggest thing.” You continued as Jack started making small circles on the back of your hand.
“I promise to give you all the space and time you need.”
It had been weird.
Weird without you being around Jack and you honestly didn't know how to feel.
He had moved around a few tour dates so that he was able to stay with you for a few days despite your protests. However, he wasn't taking no for an answer.
The very next morning after your car accident, you sent Chris a letter detailing your decision of not managing Jack anymore and ultimately leaving Generation Now. It was rushed and could have been written better, but in your mind the quicker that you got it done, the less likely you would change your mind about your decision. Chris was soon blowing up your phone, but you didn't bother answering it because you knew that he was going to try and convince you to change your mind.
Everything would now be on Neelam's shoulders since you were out of the picture. You didn't wish ill of her or that she would fail at her job because at the end of the day, Jack would be affected. As much as you were upset at him because of his actions, you never wanted anything like that to happen.
The last day that he spent with you before flying back to Europe was somewhat awkward. That was a first because this was the person that you spent the majority of your time with since birth and there had never been a dull moment between the two of you.
This was the first time in his career that you wouldn't be with him and he didn't quite know how to feel about it. As he was getting ready to leave, he simply leaned down to kiss your forehead and lightly caressed your cheek since you were sleeping.
He figured that it would be harder for him to leave in the morning so he decided to leave in the middle of the night. It would be harder because he would physically have to say goodbye to you face to face and he wasn't ready for that. But, he did leave a note for you that you would hopefully see once you woke up.
I had to leave when you were sleeping because it would have been ten times harder for me if not. I take full responsibility for what has happened between us and I hope one day that you can forgive me. It's going to be hard not seeing and being around you every day, but I told you that I would give you all of the space and time that you need. I want you to have a healthy pregnancy for our baby and in order for that to happen, I will do anything you ask because stressing you out is the last thing that I want to do. I love you so much and please understand that I never meant for any of this to happen. I want you to be able to trust me and know that you are my priority. I’m going to prove to you that you made the right choice in saying yes to marrying me and I will wait for however long it takes. We’re going to get through this and I’ll text you when I land.
Love, Jack
Two months or so had passed and you were out at lunch with Maggie and she quickly asked how you were feeling seeing as you were now in month four. Jack would be present at every doctor's appointment either in person or on facetime if he wasn't near Louisville. As much as he wanted to cancel the rest of his tour and stay with you, you wouldn't let him. He worked entirely too hard all year to not see the entire thing through. Your belly was small, but there was definitely something there. Jack had sent a text early this morning to check on you and see how you were feeling and you kept it short and sweet.
You weren't mad at him, not anymore.
But he was far from being in your good graces.
Extremely far.
The two of you were discussing plans about the baby and you told her that when the two of you left that you were actually going to go and do a little light shopping as you were probably going to get a few outfits along with some toys knowing that you will get more than enough when the baby shower rolled around.
“Y/N, where's your ring?” Maggie asked you, catching you off guard as you were showing her the theme that you wanted to do for the baby's room.
You glanced down to look at your bare finger and silently cursed to yourself, forgetting to put it on this morning knowing that she was bound to ask questions.
As far as both of your families knew, the wedding was still on even though that couldn't have been further from the truth. Jack pleaded and begged for you to proceed with it, but you wanted nothing to do with him until he got his shit together.
“And don't lie to me.” Maggie added while eyeing you seeing as you still hadn't responded to her.
“Getting married isn't the best idea for us right now.” You quietly said while playing with your bracelet to distract you.
“Since when?” Maggie asked while trying to get down to the bottom of how her future daughter in law was feeling.
“Sometimes the fairytale turns into a nightmare, but luckily I was able to wake up.” You quietly said before taking a swig of your sprite.
“What did my big headed son do?” Was all you heard as a sigh escaped from her.
“It doesn't even matter at this point. But, just know that I had to take a step back from him. Not because I wanted to, because I needed to.”
“Just know that I'm always going to be here for you. No matter what.” She said while grabbing your hand and squeezing it.
“I appreciate that and I'm going to need it more than ever.”
“And why is that?”
“Jack isn't the only one with talent and I'm done managing him and being in the background. It's my turn to do something for myself.”
Jack was high key annoyed and he couldn't wait until the tour was over so that he would be able to go home to Louisville and be with you full time. Well not be with you, obviously since you hadn't forgiven him yet, but he would be closer to you than he was at this very moment. He had gotten a week off during his tour and immediately flew back to Louisville to see you, he sent a text first to let you know he was there and if it was okay to come and see you. By then, you had moved back into your condo, not wanting to be around anything that reminded you of Jack, even though that proved to be impossible.
Neelam was doing a terrible job taking over what you used to do and it had Jack stressed to the tenth level. He was just informed that she had double booked him for something…. again. This had to be the third or fourth time and he was tired of it.
She looked just as stressed as he was and he knew it was an adjustment for her now doing this full time, but something had to give.
“I never had this problem when Y/N was here. Neelam, we cannot keep doing this. How am I supposed to be in two places at once?” He quietly said and all she did was sigh.
“Well I was just thrown into this and now I'm completely by myself so give me some grace and have a little patience.” She shot back as she was scribbling down notes for something.
“You weren't thrown into anything, you had a general idea of what to do and what not to do.”
“Well if you don't want me here, call Y/N since she can obviously do my job a lot better than I can.” Neelam replied frustrated at the attitude that Jack was giving her.
“She doesn't want to talk to me or manage me anymore so you're it.” He muttered as he opened his phone to the text thread between the two of you. Talking every day had basically become non-existent, but he still made sure to check on you a few times a week. At this point, he would take anything that he could get because at least you were talking to him.
But he did make sure to tell you that he loved you in one way, shape, or form every day.
Neelam instantly felt bad once Jack came back and didn't have you with him. Suddenly everything was on her and she highly doubted that you would be willing to help her if she asked you.
Jack had been in a depressed state, which was fair given the circumstances, but he definitely made her job harder most days. She knew that he missed you and knew that you in not so many words broke up with him, were pregnant and did not have a plan on getting back with him any time soon.
Thinking that Jack needed a little pick me up and hoping that you would agree to het idea, she had to work up the nerve to call you later once he was on stage.
“I'll do my best to be better, okay? Chris wouldn't have hired me if I couldn't do my job.”
“It's whatever. I'm going to lay down until I have to head to the venue.”
Neelam quickly nodded and used this as an opportunity to call you once Jack was out of earshot.
She was surprised that you picked up on the second ring.
“Uh, hey Y/N. It's Neelam.”
“I know, I have caller id. What do you want?” You asked her as you were moving around in your bedroom trying to tidy it up.
“Look, I'm sorry for the way that things went down between us and I overstepped when I shouldn't have.”
“Um, Jack is just….”
“Just what?” You asked as you stopped in your tracks thinking that something was wrong.
“He needs you, like really needs you. It went from bad to worse, and I just don't know what to do anymore. He barely leaves his bed most days.”
“And what am I supposed to do all the way in Louisville?”
“Well maybe just talk to him? Or even come and see him?”
“And say what Neelam? He made his bed and now he has to lie in it and deal with the consequences. I love him and he knows that I love him, but every time that he has a problem, I cannot always run to him and save the day. He doesn't have much longer and he's just going to have to deal with it as harsh as that may sound.”
“Well can you just think about it? That might be what he needs to finish this out strong.”
“I'll see him once he gets back to Louisville. Talk to you later.”
As Jack was in his hotel room laying down and staring at the ceiling, there was a knock on his door. Removing the comforter from his body, he made his way over to the door and opened it to see Urban staring back at him.
“Uh hey.” Urban quietly said as Jack moved to the side to let him in.
Ever since Jack returned from being with you in Louisville, Urban was trying to be as supportive as he possibly could. He necessarily didn't see this coming the way that everything went down, but he wasn't going to throw it in his best friend's face when he was already not at his best. This what he had been afraid of from the very beginning.
Urban sat down on the couch that was in the far left corner of the room as Jack came and sat next to him.
“What if she changed her mind and doesn't want to marry me anymore?” Jack asked as he broke the silence.
“Did she tell you that?”
“No, but I can't be so sure. I didn't cherish her and I took the love that she has for me for granted. I told her that I would give her as much space and time that she needs, but we're about to have an entire kid and she can barely stand to be in the same room as me.”
“Just give her time. This is Y/N that we're talking about. You know the one who has known you since you were eight days old?”
“As much as I want to, I don't think that giving her time will be enough.”
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ateriblewriter · 1 year
"You can't just lose your temper like this every time you get a little bit upset!" With Luke Hughes please
😊 I hope this is okay, i feel as though i could have done better. its kinda messy. idk. sorry. first time really writing for luke. it's longer than the others blurbs for the celly but I was challenging myself. 😅
A Broken Glass
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he was supposed to be better this season. better than the child he felt he was in the few games he played in at the end of the prior season. he made sure to put in the work over the summer, improving upon an already impressive skill set. but it still wasn't good enough.
luke was having a bit of a hard time recently, making mistakes that were in his words stupid and should never have happened. getting himself into trouble on the ice, uncharacteristic actions set off by the littlest things. he had been putting a lot of pressure on himself and instead of being better he was getting worse.
everything came to a head on a tuesday evening after the devils had lost again and luke gave another lackluster performance. once again on the brink of being benched for someone else who could perform at the caliber they were looking for.
jack had decided to seek the comfort of another human being, having gone over to their place for the evening. this left the whole place to just you and luke. which was great because you finally wanted to pick your boyfriends mind about how he was feeling about everything recently.
“are you okay?” you inquire watching him.
"i'm fine." he scowled.
"do you want to talk about it?" you ask starting to ramble. of course you didn't believe him and just because he shut you down right away didn't mean you were going to stop trying to get him to say more than a few words to you. "because you really should at some point. im worried about you. you don't even have to talk to me. is it the team? is it something im doing? is it-"
"just go away." luke interrupted you. he was so in his head, he didn't notice the glass he had been holding, slip from his hand and crashing to the ground. luke wasn't necessarily mad. he was mainly just frustrated with his situation and really didn't like talking about it. the way he showed it may not have been the best way.
you're too shocked for words at the glass on the floor, opting to crouch down to clean up the little pieces of glass from the broken cup instead of using your words. you tried to be as careful as you but while brushing the tiny bits together with the back of your hand, a little piece embedded itself in between you index finger and middle, causing it to bleed a lot.
you could feel luke rolling his eyes, frustration still radiating off of him. he was looking for an argument. you heard him mumbling something but couldn't really tell what was said.
"what was that? you need to speak up."
"i said that you don't understand the pressure i am under. i am supposed to be better. and i'm not. you wouldn't understand that. I'm not like you I just don't give up on my dreams."
"that's not true and you know it." you clench your teeth together, trying your hardest not to give into what he wanted, a fight. because luke knew you were an athlete and that you had big dreams of making it big. only to have them crushed by a devastating injury, that led you to pursue other dreams.
"you know what? call me when you want to actually talk and not start a fight." you grab your set of house keys to leave, the small cut in between your fingers still dripping little droplets of red stuff on the floor. you didn't want to be around him if he was going to act like that.
you didn’t go far that night. instead of going somewhere like a bar, you opted to go over to the neighboring apartment. where it just so happened that your best friend, since moving to jersey, lived. Of course she wasn’t home, but you still had a key and helped yourself to her couch for the rest of the night.
it wasn’t until the next morning that you started getting messages from jack. you hadn’t intended on responding to him but he seemed instant on talking, worried about his little brother and the girl who had become like a sister to him.
jack- where are you
jack- why is there glass on the floor and is that blood
jack- what happened dot
y/n- ask your brother
jack- he said you left
jack- what’s going on
you could have responded more to jack or you could just walked the few feet home and talk to him yourself. the later would most likely include seeing luke. you knew you'd have to talk to him eventually, why not rip the band-aid off now.
jack practically tackled you when you re-entered the apartment and luke was no where to be seen at that time. once he let you go, you told him all about what had happened the night before. he tried to reassure you that his brother was an idiot and that he didn't mean what he said.
"y/n? can we talk?” nodding you guide him over to the couch. "i'm sorry about last night. i shouldn't have said that. it wasn't nice."
"i know luke. but you can't just lose your temper like that every time your get a little bit upset." you cradled his head in your lap. you ran your fingers through the longer curls. "they are going to keep eating you alive if you do. and it'll only get worse."
"i know. it's just." it was hard for him to be this vulnerable, especially with you. but if he wanted to get past this bump in the road he was going to need to at times. "everyone is comparing me to them. and i try and be like them and im not."
"exactly. you're not like your brothers. you're luke. not quinn. not jack. you are luke. you need to play like luke. you need to be luke."
“how do i do that?” he turned his face to look up at yours. he still regretted his words and decisions from the night before. but he needed to find a way to find himself again and stop comparing himself to his family.
“i don’t know exactly lu. but we’ll figure it out together yeah?” you boop the tip of his nose with your finger eliciting a slight smirk and a head nod from him.
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itsjusthockey · 2 years
Now We’re Even - Jack Hughes
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Dedicated to 😛, who requested enemies to lovers. I tried my best and I hope you like it. Also, I feel like this blog is starting to become a Jack Hughes fan page (he's not even my face player lol). Anyway, send in requests. Do it. Right now. Or just send in love. I love interacting and want to do it more.
Also thank you for the sweet messages and follows, it means the world and I'm endlessly happy y'all like my writing.
One last thing, do you all like angst? I wrote something that hurt my feelings (in a good way but also not) and wanted to post, but I'm unsure. Let me know.
wc: 2,463 (credit to gif maker) (also please don't steal my work)
The first time Jack Hughes hit you, it was a complete accident. You were walking back to your car from your favorite bagel joint with the best hangover remedy. After a rough night, you had coffee, food, and your phone in hand when all of a sudden, a black Range Rover slowly backs into you and sends you stumbling to the ground, spilling the breakfast you’d just paid twenty bucks for.
You sit there on the dirty ground in shock, not believing that the sausage bagel you were beyond excited to eat was now lying scattered on the tar. You let out a sad sigh, still staring sadly at the bagel and the currently empty coffee cup, when the car is thrown into park, and a rather cute boy, around your age, gets out and rushes toward you.
“Oh my god,” he breathes out. “I’m so sorry. Are you okay? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
You stare up at green eyes that are filled with immense worry and make a little self-diagnosis. Nothing feels like it hurts too bad, so you think the bagel and coffee must’ve taken the blunt force.
“I think I’m okay. My breakfasts not, though.”
The boy follows your stare to the pieces of breakfast scattered around you. He runs his hand over his face and shakes his head, almost in disbelief. He stays there for a moment, seemingly in more shock than you are, when suddenly he pulls himself together and holds out his hand for you to take. You oblige, and he pulls you to your feet, scanning his eyes over your body, looking for any sign of damage.
“I’m so fucking sorry. I wasn’t looking, which I usually do, but I was distracted by my brother texting me, and I-“
“It’s okay,” you interrupt his blubbering, “it might leave a gnarly bruise, but I’m fine.”
Relief rushes through his features when you finish, but then his eyes dart back to your scattered breakfast. “Can I at least rebuy your breakfast?”
You look down at your watch and then at the boy, nodding your head. You were starving, and you had nothing but time. The boy gives you a tight-lipped smile, and you begin following him back into the bagel place. You both notice the awkward silence surrounding you two, but neither of you speaks. In fairness, you both didn’t really know how to act in the situation.
When you enter back in, you quickly tell him your order from earlier and spot a table that you make a beeline toward. He waits in the small line that has formed, and after waiting a few minutes, he’s secured the goods. He saunters back toward you, placing the bag of food and coffee down in front of you.
“There. I also got you a chocolate cookie thing as another apology.”
You give him a small smile. “Thanks.”
You think that would be the end until he sits down, and silence plagues you again. You don’t know what to do when he opens his mouth and tries to make conversation.
“Well, hey, this situation could’ve been worse.” He chuckles lightly. “You could’ve hit me, and that would’ve been a big deal.”
As soon as the words leave his lips, you’re conflicted. You have no idea what he means by that statement. You were sure he didn’t mean it as an insult, but a tiny spark of anger flares in your chest anyway.
“I’m pretty sure it’s bad if you hit anyone with a car. Why would it be worse if I hit you?”
The boy leans back in his chair, his eyes widening slightly in surprise. “Well, um, I’m Jack Hughes.”
You rack your brain and throw him a confused look. Are you supposed to know who the hell he is?
“Okay, why does that matter?”
His surprised expression stays on his face, and he gives you a quick once-over as if he’s trying to see if you were lying about knowing who he is.
“I play hockey.” He states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. “Okay. I play volleyball with my friends sometimes; how does that make it worse if our roles were reversed?”
Jack licks his lips and thinks for two whole seconds about the current conversation, knowing he messed up. You don’t seem very angry, but your voice holds slight irritation.
“I play in the NHL.” He explains. “A lotta people would be pissed if I got hurt.”
You stare blankly at him, trying to decipher if he’s that full of himself or just acting like an asshole. You’re not crazy angry, but a distaste is forming for the boy sitting in front of you, and every time he opens his mouth, it worsens. You contemplate how you should respond. Half of you think you should just leave it and thank him for breakfast, but the other half wants to put the pretty boy in his place. Naturally, the petty side wins.
“Well, I didn’t hit you; you hit me. So, I guess hockey fans everywhere can rejoice that Jack Hanes is safe and sound.”
As you finish, Jack wants to correct you on his last name, but he picks up on the slight venom in your voice, and he realizes that he’s dug himself in a hole by being an ass, and he isn’t sure how to dig himself out. The only thing he can come up with is putting on his charm and hope that you take the bait.
He throws you a smile and leans forward. “Listen, I’m sorry, I’m coming off as an asshole.” He then leans back and plasters on a smirk. “I’m usually pretty good with the ladies, so how about I take you out?”
He throws you a wink across the table, and you’re suddenly happy you didn’t eat because you would have thrown up right there. You know this type of guy, and you hate it. They’re the type that throws the idea of a date and expects you to melt
Also, now you’re rather pissed, and the last thing you want to do is deal with a hockey player who seems to have an ego the size of Michigan.
“I’d rather not. Thanks for the food.”
You grab the bag from the table and walk out without turning around. You’re annoyed with this whole situation. Maybe you’re overreacting, but either way, you don’t care.
You climb into your car and race to your grandparent's lake house. You’re hungry, you’re starting to bruise, and you’re already over this day. When you get home, you heat the cold sandwich and replay the events of earlier, and scoff slightly. It maybe wasn’t the biggest deal in the world, but you were mad, and you hope that you never have to see Jack Hanes again.
Fate wasn’t kind to you, and the second time you got hit by Jack Hughes, you really took it personally. However, this time thankfully, it wasn’t his car.
A few days later, you were standing in a crowded bar close to your grandparent's lake home with some friends visiting from school. The place was packed, far busier than you ever liked it. What was supposed to be a quiet girls' night out had turned wild when endless people began flooding in. All around you, people were packed closely, and you were getting jolted left and right. Normally you would be pissed, but you were feeling good. You have had a few drinks, and your friends are the funniest people in the room.
You’re sipping on whatever drink your friend got you, scanning the bar for prey. Yes, It’s a girl's night, but you all are on the lookout for men. Being summer in Michigan and close to the lake, you’re keenly aware that attractive men surround you. And what’s wrong with wanting a little attention?
Your attention is ripped away from scanning when a body collides with yours and almost sends you flying to the ground. However, before you fall, a set of hands grabs your waist and sets you straight.
It takes a minute for you to register what happened, especially since alcohol is in your system, but once you turn and see who had almost knocked you down, your eyes narrow.
“You.” You hiss.
Jack's eyes widen a bit, and recognition takes over his features.
“You gotta be kidding me.” You speak again, looking down at the hands still steading you.
Jack notices his hand placement and quickly removes them, throwing a semi-shy smile. “We have to stop meeting like this.”
You roll your eyes at the boy in front of you and scoff. “Maybe you should stop hitting me then.”
Jack lets out a snort but then recovers. “I’m sorry about the first time. And I’m sorry again for now. My buddy Trevor gets pretty wild, and I decided to take down whoever was closest to me.”
He points to an attractive blonde hair guy behind him who looks like he’s beyond toasted, so you believe that it wasn’t entirely Jacks's fault.
“I guess you’re forgiven. Just try to stop causing bodily harm toward me; I’d like to live to see thirty.”
Jack cringes when you say bodily harm, and he leans in next to your ear, a question spilling from his mouth without thinking.
“Are you okay?” His voice is soft and laced with concern.
If you weren’t slightly drunk, you would have never done it, but before you stop yourself, you pull the hem of your jeans down and show off your wicked yet small bruise. It looks pretty wild in the bar's dim light; you have to admit.
As Jack's eyes scan over the bruise, his face drops. “Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
As he guiltily speaks, you let a bubbly laugh out.
“Oh my god, don’t worry about it. This is the only evidence, and it doesn’t hurt badly at all.“
He doesn’t seem convinced, so you continue.
“Seriously, Hanes, I’m not gonna sue you. Relax.”
This time Jack lets out a small laugh and does correct you.
“Hughes, my name is Jack Hughes.”
You nod your head and smile. “Ah, Hughes, I like that better.”
You can’t see it, but Jack flushes a shade deeper, and then he remembers he doesn’t even know who you are, and he really, really wants to.
“Well, I’ve tried to kill you twice. Can I know your name?”
You scan him up and down and contemplate but decide to throw him a bone.
“(Y/N) (L/N), I would say nice to meet you, but I could think of a lot nicer ways.”
Jack snorts again and shakes his head. “I am really sorry about hitting you. Twice. And I’m also sorry I came across as an asshole.”
You think back to earlier in the week, and you find yourself nodding. “Yeah, you were, but I’m not holding a grudge. It’s forgotten.”
He nods at your admission and smiles slightly. Then he pauses, the gears turning in his head. He thinks about whether or not what he’s about to do is a good idea, but he decides it is.
“I think I didn’t know how to act because I was super nervous talking to you.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Why?”
He leans closer to you as if he is telling you a secret. “Well, I was having a great day, and suddenly I hit a pretty girl with my car. Then I act like an ass, and you put me in my place.”
You pull back a bit to look at him as he continues.
“And I found that really, really hot.”
You shove him away from you as he finishes.
“You’re so full of it.”
He puts his hand up in mock hurt, but you can see the sincerity behind his eyes as he talks.
“I’m not kidding; I wanted your number the second I saw you sitting surrounded by spilled coffee and a breakfast sandwich. But I got nervous, and then I wasn’t thinking and said something stupid, and then you were gone.” He pauses. “Now you’re here, and I kinda feel like this is a second chance.”
You give him a hard once over, deciding if this is worth your time. He is very good-looking, apparently not that big of an asshole, and needs a driving lesson, but he seems genuine.
“Fine, you can have my number. But only if you introduce my best friend to your friend over there. She’s really into blondes.”
A huge smile breaks across his face, and he pulls out his phone. You grab it and begin typing away when he throws one last remark toward you.
“Hey, at least we will have a good story to tell people about how we met.”
(Bonus - Three Months Later)
“Jack, stop. This is stupid.” He waves you off as he continues tightening his helmet and hockey pads.
Once he finishes, he stands directly in from of his Range Rover.
“It’s totally safe, and I believe in an eye for an eye. So get in the car and back into me.”
You roll your eyes at your boyfriend and shake your head. “Jack, I’m not going to hit you with your car.”
He gives you an exasperated look, gesturing back to his gear. “You didn’t have padding, so you should feel better knowing I won’t get hurt. Come on.”
He throws you the keys, but you keep your feet planted in front of you.
“Jack. I’m not going to hit my boyfriend, who has a hockey season coming up with his car.”
“Then just gently back into me; it’s only fair.”
You really don’t think you’re going to win this, so you huff and find yourself climbing into the driver's seat.
You take a minute, hoping he’ll think better, but he doesn’t remove himself. You know how stubborn your boyfriend is, and you know he won’t let this go until you do it. So, you throw the car in reverse and gently back into him.
You feel the car make contact and see Jack stumble back. You can’t help but laugh and throw the vehicle and park and jump out.
He is sitting on the ground, smirking up at you. “There, was that so hard?”
You roll your eyes. “Maybe I should hit you again, smack the attitude out.”
He grins at your statement, and you pull him to his feet. He leans down then and connects your lips with a sweet kiss that has you smiling.
You think maybe he was right; now you’re even. At least until the next time.
Thanks for reading, I love you.
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Could you write a how c!dsmp react to sick reader? I've had a bad cold for a few days now, and I could really use dome cheering up!
If you don't want to or can't, I completely understand.
Please take care of your self, so you don't end up sick like me!
Of course!!
How C!Dsmp members react to you being sick!
I’m very mad at tumblr for deleting my work so these will be pretty short and to the point
✰ Antfrost
He’d stare at you for a while. Before making sure you got the rest you needed
✰ Awesamdude
He’d throw you into the prison guard room till you got better.
Very worried, very sweet making sure you were getting better
✰ Captain Puffy
Mom vibes, “need anything kiddo.”
✰ Dream
Could care less, “you know it’s not fun when you’re sick so get better.”
✰ Eret
Such a sweetheart, would bring you into a guest room to have someone come in and take care of you
✰ Foolish
Likely calls someone else to help you out, being as he’s very ‘busy’
✰ Fundy
He’d try to help and end up sick probably worse off than you.
✰ Georgenotfound
He’s either the reason your sick or tells you just to sleep it off.
✰ Jschlatt
“Just don’t get me sick alright?” Is definitely an ass about it.
✰ Jack Manifold
Has no idea how to help you at all.
He’s giving 👁👄👁
✰ Karl
Makes you oatmeal cookies, to make breakfast easier to pass to you. Expect constant tea refills.
✰ Niki
An Angel, keeps a soft music playing to soothe your headaches and probably makes bread for you.
✰ Ph1lza
Dad vibes, this man has everything prepared.
“Tommy used to be sick all the time I’m used to this.”
✰ Quackity
“Hey now you’re not working the casino in these conditions.”
Takes you up into one of the many spare rooms and has slimecicle bring you food water and checks your temperature till you feel better. He’s busy but will make time for you.
✰ Ranboo
I HC enderman can’t catch human virus’s. He’d be eager to help seeing that he can’t catch it. He’d bring you mushroom soup.
✰ Sapnap
Probably got you sick, “eww you’re gross” makes someone else look after you and acts like it never happened.
✰ Skeppy
Has no idea, would try for a while before inevitably calling Bad to come help.
✰ Slimecicle
Absolutely fascinated, constantly watching over. But he would fetch whatever you asked for. Like a dog he’s just watching.
“Human illness is neat.”
“Don’t worry about training your body is doing enough fighting right now.” Words of encouragement to you.
“Beat the cold Y/N”
Constantly feeding you baked potatoes.
✰ Tommyinnit
Either why do got sick or the most unhelpful person.
Oh your sick means I’ll talk to you “keeping you company”
✰ Tubbo
He has a child he gets how hard it is on your body, would keep a cold towel around tea and honey would be his staple.
✰ Wilbur
Tries really hard to help you feel better but really just makes it worse then calls either Phil or Quackity depending on his mood. So
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rosy6maple6mothman6 · 5 months
So I just finished xiaolin showdown: I wanna talk about it. Spoilers.
I really liked the show! I knew I would thanks to childhood memories of it but I think it holds up alright even today! Imma break it down in what I Did like and what I Didn't like (I think Imma make a different post talking about the Wu). This is longer than I thought it would be. I'm sorry.
What I liked
The Wu themselves, love me magic shit even if they get repetitive at times(fr there are like 4 that just give the power to fly).
I fucking love Jack Spicer and Clay Bailey. They are my boys do you hear me! Love how Jack just won't quit and how Clay is just so painfully Texas. My bois
Love the magic in general! How all die of the main characters get to master their element and get special weapons and gear to help. Wish there was more time to flush all of it out tho ,but hey what can you do(other than post head canons).
Dojo Kanojo Cho
Just his name is fucking amazing, and I did like some of his jokes
And his powers were cool! I wish we could have seen the limits of his shapeshifting powers.
I did like wuya and wish we could have seen her do more witchy things.
Chase Young was also very cool.
I also like panda bubba's design and I kinda wish there was more of him. I wanna do things to him DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT
I already said this BUT I just love how all of them got individual weapons that I don't think were Shen Gong Wu? I think.
Master fung and dojo... Had a very odd relationship. I'm 90% sure they were at least fucking by how dojo acted when he went to a different temple and after that it was just very. Weird.nit Bad weird but still.
Wish we could have seen more of their families. kimono's dad was fucking adorable. I want to fuck her dad
Also Love le mime!!! I also wanna fuck him, I am not taking. criticism at this time
I also liked Jermaine and wish he could have been able to join fully or show up more.
Over all love this show.
What I didn't like
How they treated Jack. Idk man I just thought it was weird how the heros tournamented him so much? Like ya he's a ass but like, y'all are the heros why are you acting borderline worse than him???
I also kinda wish he could have officially joined the xiaolin side, I feel like they alluded to him switching multiple times but then he never does and I think that was a waste.
Idk dude he deserved betted
Also didn't like how he started out at Least semi competent but then just became a pathetic joke? And not even fuc pathetic. He's not a wet dog he's just pathetic.
I wish we could have seen Raimundo's family if not just a sibling or his parents, just something.
Fuck Clay's dad. Not in a hot way. I hate him.
Omi had such an ego. Like dude, please stop.
I really wish we could have seen more of Fung and Omi's relationship. I kinda wish it was more father and son rather than teacher and student since it seems like Omi lived there his entire life.
I also wish we saw more of Fung being badass. I feel there was a lack of that.
I'll say it again, there are a bunch of shen gong wu that kinda just repeat? And some Wu that don't seem like they should be categorize as Wu? Idk I'll make a different post about it bc there a lot to say.
Le mime was cool and I want to know more about him.
I want to know more about almost everyone honestly.
Give Me Their Backstories. Please
This is all I can think of ATM. I'll add more later probably.
Thank you if you made it down here. Let me know what's your fav and least fav about xs.
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angelsanarchy · 1 year
Night Cap - Jack Thurlow x MaleY/N
Tumblr media Tumblr media
@icarus-star m/m ❤
TW: Explicit Content~Handjobs, Cum Eating 18+
Y/n was lost in his own thoughts, nursing his third drink and really questioning why he even bothered coming out tonight. He jumped dramatically when the stool next to him screech as it suddenly became occupied by a long haired man with blue eyes.
"You look like you're having a blast." He deadpanned.
"I wasn't aware I was giving off an inviting look." Jack nodded his head back like he understood to leave him alone but guilt washed over Y/n's face.
"I'm sorry. I just..I'm not having a great night. It's not your fault." The guy pivoted and sat back down in his chair, extending his hand.
"Jack." He introduced himself and Y/n gave him the fake name he typically gave to random guys. Jack eyeballed him as if he didn't believe the name but smiled anyway.
"It's nice to meet you. Why are you having a bad night?" Jack threw back his shot and turned his full attention towards Y/n.
"I'm just over this scene. This town is far too dull to be young and gay in. I'm tired of striking out and getting manhandled just to never get a call back." Jack nodded like he understood but how could he? He was a good looking guy in a bar who could have anyone.
"Don't they have apps for that?" He inquired earning an eye roll.
"Please, those are even worse than trying to experience real connection in person. It's easier to just get black out drunk and catch a ride home to jerk off." Jack ordered two more shots.
"I mean that usually works for me." Jack slid one of his shots towards Y/n and nodded towards it.
"If you think I'm going to suck you off in the bathroom for listening to my problems, you're sorely mistaken." Jack chuckled as he took the shot without a second thought.
"I promise I'm not trying to get you drunk or get blown in the bathroom." Y/n eyeballed Jack up and down and looked behind him. He hadn't noticed him when he came in despite being a stand out attraction.
"What are you doing in a gay bar? I've never seen you here before." He watched Jack carefully. He didn't have a wedding ring and he wasn't acting like touching the bar top was going to make him catch gay cooties like a lot of the straights that walk in here.
"My best friend and her girlfriend are celebrating a year together." Jack pointed them out and they were sitting together, wrapped up in each others arms sweetly.
"Ah so you're the designated straight friend?" Y/n was prying but he didn't care.
"No I'm just the pathetically single third wheel friend." Jack was too aloof.
"You're curving that question pretty professionally." Jack cut his eyes at him.
"You pick up quickly." Y/n wanted to continue to pry but he figured he didn't want to lose the opportunity to have a decent conversation with a hot guy so he changed the subject.
Y/n learned that Jack was originally from the town over but he's only visiting until he can move all of his stuff from California. He learned that he was engaged once, had a twin and that both his parents were killed in an accident. They had talked almost until the bar was ready to close and when Shanda came to retrieve him, Jack told her that he would be fine to get home.
Jack knew he couldn't drive and he was hoping that Y/n wouldn't either but he followed him towards his car as he jingled keys in his hand.
"You aren't going to try are you?" Jack asked watching him lean against the car.
"Oh no I'm probably just going to sleep it off in my car. I know the owner and he's cool with it. Do you need me to call you a ride?" Y/n asked.
"Nah I called a cab. Said they would be here in 15 minutes. Do you mind keeping me company?" Jack asked hopeful. Y/n smiled and gestured for him to get into the passenger seat and Jack obliged.
Jack settled into the seat looking over as he turned the car on so the heat would warm them up.
"I had a good time talking to you tonight. I hope I helped make your night a little better and it wasn't a total bust." Jack watched him smile.
"No it was a lot of fun. Thank you for keeping me company. I didn't get the bust I wanted but I'm also not leaving with a shit night either." Y/n wanted to kiss him so badly. He wanted to jump his bones but he would totally settle for a makeout. He didn't even care if Jack was into guys. His lips were so inviting and Y/n wanted to wrap his hand in those curls so badly.
Fuck it. He shot towards Jack to smash his lips into his own and Jack made a noise, startled and slightly in pain from hitting his teeth. Jack licked his lips watching him shift in his seat. Jack leaned away and brought his hand to his lips. Y/n instantly felt mortified.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry Jack-"
Jack reached towards him, reaching out to grip the back of his neck so that he could carefully and much more slowly bring Y/n towards his mouth. The kiss was softer, the slight taste of blood from the forceful kiss was on his tongue as it ran across his own and Y/n tried to hold in a moan. He was shaking and he knew Jack could feel how desperately he wanted more but Jack continued to kiss and suck his lips, his tongue, even his chin at some point before pulling back just enough to make eye contact.
"I know I said I wasn't going to get you black out drunk and get a blow job but-" Y/n reached for Jack's belt without a second thought and Jack stopped him.
"No no, I want to get my hands on you. Would you be okay with that?" Jack asked permission and Y/n was in shock. He was ready to throw everything he said earlier out the window and blow Jack's brain stupid but Jack wanted to touch him.
"We don't have to if you're-"
"No I just, I'm not usually the one who gets propositioned." Y/n chuckled nervously and Jack smiled.
"You're right, this town fucking sucks. Clearly everyone needs their eyes checked." Jack stroked the side of Y/n's face, running his finger under his lip. Y/n didn't know what to say. He just nodded his head and Jack returned the nod before resuming their kissing. Y/n let Jack's hands fumbled with the button on his jeans, cupping the bulge carefully, teasing his fingertips over the wet spot at the tip. Y/n let his hips jump towards his touch and could feel the smile against his lips. He pulled away from his mouth and spit in his hand which seemed far hotter than Y/n could have imagined but he didn't have time to get stuck on that because Jack's hand found his cock and he threw his head back.
"AH! Oh fuck." Y/n slammed his head against the head rest knowing that he hadn't felt someone touch him like this in a long time.
"You weren't kidding. What are these people doing to you beautiful boy?" Jack stroked Y/n's hair back while he free his cock so he could stroke its entire length. He held him with such pressure that Y/n knew that this wasn't going to last long.
"How does that feel? Does it feel as good as you look?" Jack's voice sounded like silk against his ear, licking his earlobe and focusing on the tip long enough for Y/n to moan.
"I-it feels so fucking good. Please don't stop, Jack." Y/n begged. He wanted to touch Jack, wanted to feel his cock too but he couldn't think. He could barely remember to breathe as Jack jerked his cock painfully slow, moving to suck little kisses on his neck just below his ear.
"You're so beautiful. Do you know how beautiful you are?" Jack pulled back to stare at Y/n's face but he kept his eyes shut tight. Jack picked up the pace of his hand and watched Y/n's jaw slag as he gripped the handle of the door.
"I'm going to cum. I'm sorry I'm-"
"Don't you dare apologize. I want you to cum. Will you please cum for me like a good boy?" Jack increased his sped once again and Y/n felt like he was seconds away from imploding.
"I want you to open your eyes when you cum. I want to see you looking at me, knowing I made you cum." Jack edged but Y/n knew if he opened his eyes, there was a huge chance he would cum in such an embarrassing fashion, he would melt into the seat with his cum and shame.
"I can't...I.." Before Jack could even argue, Y/n felt lips wrap around the tip of his cock and he was cumming hard into his mouth. His moans were so loud they reverberated off the roof of the car and he could feel them in the door as he bucked his hips just slightly as Jack sucked the cum down his throat, not wasting a single drop. When he pulled away, Y/n almost crumpled in on himself like his soul was just evacuated from his body and Jack wiped the little bit of cum from his bottom lip into his mouth.
Y/n watched Jack smile at him, pushing his hair away from his sweaty forehead and resting a hand on his cheek.
"I hope you got the bust you wanted." Jack smirked just as the cab rolled into the lot honking at them. Y/n was still trying to catch his breath but Jack reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet. He put a card on the dashboard and licked his lips.
"It's an old business card but my personal number is on the back. I'd love to get together again." Jack leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the corner of his mouth before exiting the car and heading towards the cab. Y/n sat in shock, dick spent in his lap, heat blowing and the car stuck to his dashboard. When he was finally able to put himself back together, he peeled the card up and read the name on it.
"Jack Thurlow." He read the name outloud and tried not to think about how utterly fucked he was in every sense of the word.
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ae-neon · 4 months
Fourth Wing
Chapters 1 - 3
Disclaimer: Much like SJM, I have no love or like for RY, they get no money or support from me for reasons I feel are obvious
Here's the good, the bad and the complicated
The good:
I didn't have high expectations, I know what this book is, I know almost all of the plot of the two books released so far via spoilers in general bookish spaces and it's...doing what it does.
I'm not a dragon enthusiast but they're a welcome element to the story.
Mira is hot. And caring.
The bad:
A little more editing might have been needed. Already made posts about "The Continent" and "The parapet"
RY is more concerned with info dumping Poromiel geopolitical trivia than making the immediate setting feel real, I spent so much time trying to understand the map and it turns out North is at the bottom? Like who does that?
Authors who include drawn out wars in stories please realise countries cannot afford to let candidates and cadets die willy nilly and that many more people should be reproducing to feed the war machine. Sparta failed, stop gloryfying them.
Authors of romance, romantasy and especially "enemies to lovers" please invest in suspense and character building. We do not need to see the mmc in the first chapter when we hardly even know the fmc 😭
It would have been more impactful if Dylan started killing people out of desperation than to have both Dylan (a walking death flag) and Jack (a cartoonishly evil person) be exactly what they looked like at first glance.
The complicated:
On the topic of Violet's disability and how that's incorporated into the story
I wanna say that I don't have EDS, I cannot understand the disability rep to that extent. That being said, I have a weak lung and some issues with my autoimmune system which really impacted my school life and experience with exercise.
I'm worried, given things I've heard about the story, that it is not about dealing with disability but escaping it.
Violet is especially sensitive about being perceived as weak but it doesn't seem like RY is gonna make her confront the reality of that or circumvent it, since we're told Violet lives with disability but we're also told Violet is almost exceptionally fast and agile. (both of these require muscle strength so...)
She climbs 70+ stairs holding a heavy backpack and acts like being winded is "proof" of her physical condition being worse than others but that seems completely normal?
Again, I could appreciate Violet's complicated feelings around Mira and Dain's concerns if I was sure the story was intentionally going to address this - as part of the frustration and other mental processes of dealing with a body you feel you cannot use the way everyone else does - but so far Violet's experiences seem so dimished.
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The Secret of the Primacy AU:
How does Optimus feel about the fact that Rachet says Jack is a lot like Orion, the father he never got to meet.
Like does it feel better to know there’s more people like his sire in the universe or terrible because he’s lying to Jack and taking advantage of his naivety, the same way people had done to his sire?
*Cracks knuckles* Angst time.
The moment Ratchet opened his mouth and said that Jack was a lot like Orion Pax, something snapped to attention in Optimus, something he had long since buried under centuries of guilt and solemn duty. For the first time since the vorn he discovered the truth of his creation, Optimus felt an intense desire to please, to be loved, and to know his Sire. He nearly dropped what he was doing right then and there as soon as he received word of what Ratchet had said.
Optimus immediately began to pay intense attention to Jack, his immature spark desperate for some understanding into who his father really was. He kept his observations quiet, usually using cameras to watch the human child from his quarters to make it seem like he wasn't as fixated as he really was. And then after careful planning, he would subtly ask things of Jack, asking him seemingly innocent questions all for the sake of sating his own desire. It was never anything that would warrant attention from the team, he made sure of that. His questions tended to lean toward asking about preferences or hypotheticals which he hid under the guise of wanting to help should Jack need it.
Optimus: Do you read much Jack?
Jack: Sometimes? I mainly read for school and occasionally for fun. Why do you ask?
Optimus: I have noticed you tend to take longer to complete certain aspects of your school work, and I wanted to offer aid in case you were struggling.
Jack: Ah, I see... I appreciate the offer but I don't need any help Optimus.
Optimus: Very well.
As time passed Optimus's fixation only grew worse, he wanted to know everything about this boy who was supposedly so much like his Sire. He started digging for any and all available information using Jack's files, by talking to June, by questioning the other children, and even by pushing Jack into new situations to see how he would react. His fixation quickly grew to become hazardous for Jack as Optimus's feelings on the matter became more and more mixed.
For one, he became incredibly protective of Jack, to the point of disregarding nearly everything else in favor of protecting the boy should he require it. If Jack was so much like his Sire, then he needed to be cared for, kept pure, untainted. Optimus refused to allow such a innocent being to be used by anyone, leading him to side eye June, the children, and even the team when they spoke with so much as a hint of demand in their voices. He even started praying for forgiveness as he himself used Jack by asking questions underhandedly to sate his own desire to understand and be loved. He knew he was a failure, he failed his Sire long ago, he would not fail Jack too.
Beneath his warped desire to protect and love, Optimus could feel his fascination turn into a twisted from of mixed anger and intrigue. Why was it that now, after millennia he finally got the chance to meet someone like his Sire and he could do nothing to act? Why did this pitiful organic being have to be so pure, so perfect, so much like the father he lost? Why did this child get to live when his father had to die all so that a pathetic parasite like himself could be born? Optimus could tell his thoughts were toxic, but he couldn't stop them. He wanted Jack to feel the pain of loss, to understand just how blessed he was to simply live and be loved. More than once he contemplated not acting the next time Jack and the children encountered Decepticons, if only just to see what Jack would do. But he always pushed those dark thoughts down. He was the Prime, he wasn't allowed to feel such things.
And then lastly, Optimus's long suppressed need for love and affection rose to the surface. He was in actuality only a little older than Bumblebee, logically he knew it made sense to still desire the love of a Caretaker. But he was the Prime, not only that but none knew his real age or identity. He wasn't allowed to receive affection like that, not even from Ratchet, the mech he saw as an adopted Sire of sorts. Still that didn't stop him from finding himself looking to Jack after every completed mission or victorious battle, searching for any and all recondition. The most he ever got was a thumbs up or "you're back", and for a while it was enough, but soon his mixed emotions grew out of control, resulting in more and more dangerous situations for Jack.
Optimus: We can have the human children sneak through the vents and disarm the security systems in the building. Their size would make them perfect for the job.
Ratchet: We are not sending children into a military base!
Optimus: Why not? We can ground bridge them in and out again before so much as one shot is fired.
Ratchet: Optimus have you lost your mind!? We are supposed to protect the children, not toss them into harm's way for our benefit!
The team started to catch on to his behavior after a few months of Optimus's actions around the children growing more and more concerning. They saw his near predatory stares, they saw how he would purposefully be slow to act when the children required aid, and they started to notice more and more of the deeper meaning behind his quiet queries. Only an educated Cybertronian acquainted with the high castes would be able to notice it, but once the team looked hard enough, they could understand the subtle intent hidden behind every single one of Optimus's words. It was an underhanded tactic, but they quickly came to realize that the emotional intent in Optimus's words were a concerning mix of anger, protectiveness, and desire. It took them a while, but they eventually found his focus to be on Jack and Jack alone.
But why? Why was he so focused on Jack? And why did he seem to be on the brink of snapping every single time he spoke to the human boy? The team had no idea. But what they did know was that until they could figure out just what Optimus was trying to gain, Jack needed to be kept away. And so quietly they created an elaborate lie that Jack had some non-lethal ailment and needed to be kept home for a few weeks to recover. Jack was not pleased with the development but he was also glad to be out of base. He may not have been able to sense what the team did in Optimus, but he was still human, and humans have been hardwired since their early days to sense danger. He could feel the increasing sense of danger every time Optimus came near with an inquiry or a simple greeting. For the sake of the ploy Miko and Rafael were also told to stay quiet and return to base less often just to see what the heck was going on.
It soon became painfully obvious that Optimus was fixated on Jack, mainly due to his constant unsettled behavior without the boy in base. He became fidgety, quicker to anger, and constantly on edge. It was more than concerning, at that point it was downright frightening. A Prime's interest has never ended well in the past. Every single time a Prime has become fixated to such a degree they have fallen into some form of madness. The only way to help Optimus get over his fixation and stop him from falling was to find the source if his interest before it was too late.
And sooner or later after Jack's continual absence, the usual dormant sparkling nature of Optimus would start to rear its head. More prone to anger, irrational behavior, and to seek validation, it became painfully obvious that Optimus had latched onto Jack as some form of support system. But once again the question came up, that being why? Why Jack? Why was he so important for Optimus to fixate on his so deeply?
The team would get their answer at some point after a breakdown on Optimus's part. He would at some point rage, falling into a maddened ramble about how he needed to protect and understand Jack because he couldn't afford to fail. That would lead to questions and eventually the truth of Optimus's origins would start to slip out if his previous behavior when without his memories was disregarded as Matrix induced confusion.
Optimus: He must be protected! I can't fail again!
Ratchet: What in the pits does that mean!? Optimus speak to me! Explain!
Optimus: I can't! I can't! It will ruin everything!
Ratchet: You can and you will! Now explain why you are acting like this around Jack!
Optimus: Sire died because of me! I failed him! He should have lived! I should have died! I can't let Jack die too!
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wordsbymae · 2 years
👀‼️ big gruff farmer man perhaps catching his house ‘wife’ keeping themselves uhh..company (they’re jacking it off babeeyy(or flicking the bean for the girlies, I think???))
I just wanna say the way you worded this was so funny to me. I love it. and yes I think that's what some people call it? I should know but I would also never say that lol. This is also kinda from his pov and the reader is gn :)
swearing and implied smut! you've been warned. Don't like it then scroll away please
He was gone for much longer than he liked.
It was worrying.
He trained them well, of course, and had strict rules and promises of rewards and harsh punishments. But you never really knew do you?
They could have been pretending this whole time, making him believe they were conditioned. Or they might have a break in their training, a flaw. Something that sets them off. Or worse, a nosy do-gooder rocking up to the homestead asking silly questions.
It was all so worrying.
He left as quickly as he could, dropping off this year's bull calves to the sale yards. He would collect his money later, maybe even bringing his pumpkin for a drive.
No, of course not. What a silly idea.
He drove home as fast as his old stock truck would let him. The gears screeched and revved as he went around corners.
The house quickly came into view. The homestead overlooks the valley on top of a hill.
After roaring the truck up the dirt driveway, dust billowing behind him, and nearly running over his pumpkin's prized hens, he parked and jumped out.
There were no strange tyre tracks that weren't his. The washing had been done as he asked. Smoke was lazily drifting from the chimney, a sign of dinner on the stove. It seemed like everything was ok, that there was no need to worry.
But they weren't there to greet him. His love wasn't standing by the door waiting with open arms and a smile. There were no soft words nor a kiss on the cheek.
That was worrying.
He marched up to the front door and ripped it open. Expecting them to be just behind it, just moments until opening the door themselves.
But they weren't.
The farmer slowly walked in slowly, listening carefully.
Had they left? Runaway? Did someone take them? What if they were hur-
A soft moan came from upstairs.
It was nothing more than a breath but it was damming.
With careful and quiet steps, the farmer made his way to the bedroom. The closer he got the louder the moans become.
He was furious.
Did his pumpkin really think they could sleep around with someone else?
Who the fuck even was it? They didn't know anyone else than him.
Were they really such a cock hungry whore they would let anyone fuck them?
He stopped just before the door. The moans and sighs were deafening, he could tell his pumpkin was close.
He grabbed his revolver from his jeans and checked to see if it was loaded (not very gun safe mate)
Somebody needed to die tonight and it sure wasn't gonna be his pumpkin.
He kicked the door with a vengeance and raised the gun up ready to murder the fucker who didn't understand how much his love meant to him.
He was expecting pumpkin to scream, maybe even the fucker too as well, maybe even a fight.
He wasn't expecting his love to scream alone in the bedroom.
"Where is he?" he growled, the gun now pointing at the floor. "He under the bed?"
"Where's who?" pumpkin shouted while pulling the sheets over their naked body.
"Don't act stupid pumpkin! Where's the dead man who's been fucking you!"
"What?" they asked confused.
He should give them credit, they were quite the actor.
"Pumpkin, you can't save him alright. He's gonna end his last day with a bullet in his skull. So just tell me where he is and I'll give you the benefit of not having to see it." he growled, opening closests and looking under the bed.
Nothing, there was no one.
This fucker was quick. Did he jump out the window?
"There is no one else! It's just me" pumpkin urged
"You think I'm a fool, don't ya sweet pea. I heard you fucking him!"
Pumpkin's face went read
"See! You were fucking another. So where'd he go? Outside?" he said, about to make his way outside, swap his revolver for a rifle on the way out.
"No! I wasn't sleeping with anyone else... I, while I was"
"You were what? Cmon spit it out"
"I was...Touching myself" pumpkin whispered, face dark with embarrassment.
"I promise I wasn't sleeping with someone else... I don't even know anyone else"
"Yeah, I know" he grumbled sitting on the edge of the bed "I was just worried"
"You kicked our door off the hinges and had a gun pointed at an imaginary figure, you were much more than worried."
"Fine! I was jealous. You got me" he scoffed, he didn't like admitting to his sins. A moment passed, pumpkin still naked under the thin cream sheets.
"who were you thinking of?"
"when you were touching yourself and getting all flustered. Was it me?"
"Maybe..." they giggled
"That ain't a funny joke. If it wasn't me tell me who it was and I'll kill him"
"It was you, I promise" pumpkin rushed, the farmer had a sense of humour like a rock.
"Good. I better be the only one you think of....I'm still jealous"
"Of who? Of you in my head?" pumpkin sassed
"Watch the attitude, do I have to wash that mouth out?"
"No sir," pumpkin said, face stern. Too many jokes at his expense often led to punishment.
"I was gonna say I'm jealous of your hands' sweet pea. Getting to touch you when I'm not here. It's not fair, darlin', it ain't right for a Husband to not be the one to bring his partner pleasure. Ain't natural." He stated, a hand on pumpkin's cheek "I think you need to be punished"
"Punished?" pumpkin whispered.
"Of course! To teach you a lesson to not touch what doesn't belong to you. Now bend over pumpkin, show your husband what's his"
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angelofverdum · 1 year
Station 19 6x18
Can Theo go? How more toxic can he be? Writers really said, "Oh you hate Sullivan? Let me show you someone worse". What an asshole. Making out with Kate just because Vic was proud of Andy. Who, mind you, is one of her closest friends and has been fighting for that position for a long time.
Captain Herrera, fucking finally. I hope that storyline ends there. We don't care about that anymore. She is going to be a great captain. Let her be captain until season 11, at least.
I wish we had seen a conversation between Maya and Andy about the captaincy.
Jack lost consciousness, so he couldn't tell Vic what he saw. If they kill Jack, I'm suing. He is just a dumb guy, and he doesn't deserve that. I hated him when he was part of Maya and Carina, but he is getting his life together.
Travis has been a shitty friend to Vic, btw. Vic told him what happened with Theo and Travis just saying "Sometimes that happens".
I love we got to see more of Vic and Andy together.
As much as I loved those scenes with Maya and Carina in their apartment. I wished they were on the opening scene. That looked like fun. Maya and Carina are always out of the group.
Are Maya and Carina going to adopt that baby? I know Carina wants to give birth, but they just brought that pregnant lady for Carina to do something? Or is Jack adopting the baby?
What the hell is this? I want a written essay about why Carina flinches like that. Couldn't this scene be like 5 seconds longer?
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I'm so annoyed that Carina had to wear her wedding outfit to the ball. You are telling me she didn't have any other dress??? ANY OTHER DRESS??? Why? What was the point? Why do the writers hate Carina so much? She could have gone and bought anything. I'm sure she has gone to some events that required formal dress.
I can't even enjoy her scenes at the ball because of that damn outfit.
I'd never forget Danielle for giving Maya bangs. I know it's just hair, but Maya is not a bangs woman. She wears her hair slicked in a tall ponytail, controlled and put together. Bangs are carefree.
Danielle looks beautiful, but that's not Maya. She could have waited a week to get bangs. I'm in mourning.
It wasn't even mentioned. When she cut her hair short, it made sense. It was a beautiful moment, and she looked very hot. But those bangs just, I don't know. I'd never question Danielle's acting choice, but I feel that this episode was more Danielle than Maya.
This was a good episode. I hope they keep this energy for future epsidoes
I'd love to see them getting ready for the ball. Maya and Carina with the group. They teasing Maya and Carina for being late. CARINA WITH A NEW DRESS (This bothers me so fucking much)
This was my favorite kiss, btw. I guess I'm a sucker for fluff. I loved this scene so much. Even tho We should have seen Maya topping Carina.
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Anyways we survived Krista, and I hope next season is better. Zoanne Clack and Peter Paige, here are my recommendations:
Someone tell Danielle to put this pic on Maya's locker.
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Bisexual Vic
Theo gone. Bring another female firefighter. (Latina, please?)
Redemption for Sullivan (I like Boris; I don't want him gone, ok?) Can they do something to make him likable? Please. He can be funny. We can save him.
Baby Deluca-Bishop (Bishop-Deluca still sounds better. If Maya weren't so whipped by her wife), It's time. I didn't want a baby, but I'm tired of this storyline. Just give them a baby, please.
More Carina Deluca in action
More Vic, Maya, and Andy together
More fires
More silly episodes
Whoever is reading fanfics realizes that Marina's baby should be named Andrea.
Maya and Carina change the sheets. Please, I'm begging. I'll change them myself if I have to.
P.S: Whoever edited this deserves an award. So unserious.
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captainjacklyn · 1 year
Twisted Wonderland x Captain Jack Sparrow!Reader, PART 2 :
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A/N : here is part 2 for this 1000+ follower special, thank you all for supporting my blog so far. I'm really really grateful, you all have a splendid day.
-Captain Jacklyn
Personality : According to screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, Sparrow is a trickster who uses wit and deceit to attain his goals, preferring to end disputes verbally instead of by force. He walks with a slightly drunken swagger and has slurred speech and flailing hand gestures. Sparrow is shrewd, calculating, and eccentric.
Warning(s) : the reader is gender neutral, just wanted to give our favourite pirate some appreciation so the reader has his personality, skills & background, pronouns are you cause...it's literally just you. mentions of drinking habits, I've seen teenagers drink their heart out but the age of the reader isn't mentioned so make up your mind, killing, thieving cause its a pirate what did you expect ?
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All characters with a Jack Sparrow!Reader :
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Azul コ:彡 - When you found out he was a merman you instantly began to walk away slowly saying : "I've dealt with you fish people and I think I've had my dose in life, please stay far away from me." only to be dragged back by Jack. He found you..a little weird and he took a disliking to your job the moment you explained your occupation as a pirate. They are one of the most common enemy to merfolk people and knowing that you were not someone who he could easily trust he kept his distances from you...He at least tried to but since you were tasked to stop his contract madness by the headmaster, you were messing with his plans over and over again. What he found even more bothersome is when you realized just how easy it was to grab his contract on the table, immediately stopping everyone else from falling into his obvious trap. And don't get me started when leona revealed that you created an entire plan that managed to defeat someone as smart as him. "No..That drunken pirate can't be the reason for this ! It's impossible !" "Not probable..actually."
Floyd 𓆜 - He likes you but you try to avoid him and his weird hugs. He especially likes the way you run away from him like the earth was tilting. "Shrimpy~ whatcha doing here ?" "Is this a dream ?" "..No ?" "I thought so, there would be rum if it was." Like you/I said before, you've once had a not so friendly experience with mermaids and Floyd was the exact example of it. The way you run away from his squeezing attempts is like that scene where Jack runs from the group of island people screaming for his life- what movie was that again there are way too many of them..
Jade 𓆞 - You avoid Jade even more, people might say he's better than his brother but you say he's a lot worse than Floyd. "So prefect..what do you think of my faglutatilia muncosh mushrooms ?" "....I wash my hands of this weirdness." proceed to run for your life. He is a menace and people will shove the idea of him being the definition of satan incarnate simply because he acts polite with a so-called friendly smile. You don't like him, though he loves to scare the crap out of you.
Kalim Al-Asim ♕ - Like I said before, some students will find your behavior humorous, and in a nice way at that. Kalim is one of them, he pretty much loves to hear you talk about your adventures as a pirate and the jokes you make which are not actually jokes make him laugh so hard. He will always invite you to his dorm to have a feast, and the best part is the amount of times that you managed to convince him to bring you to his treasure room because dear lord he's that one rich best friend who will buy you a mansion even though you never even asked. During chapter 4, you pretty much pitied Kalim. He was completely heart broken at the fact that his trusted 'friend' and vice dorm leader was conspiring against him. But as someone who lives in a world where trust isn't possible, it wasn't difficult to understand him. "Listen to me Kalim..just close your eyes and think that this is all a bad dream, that'd how I get by." "Does that really work..?" "Well..to be honest..it won't work for you now that I think about it, you're too soft and way too naive...if pirates were like you they would die on day one. But that's good for you cause you ain't a pirate..know what I'm saying ?"
Jamil 𓆗 - "The deepest circle of hell is reserved for betrayers and mutineers, Jamil." those were the words you told him during your time at Scarabia, your appearance and mannerism made you look stupid and weak, but when one survives through betrayal countless of times...it isn't hard to spot untrustworthy people. You saw through his facade and he never expected it in a million years..he was suspicious of you but not once did he think you were a threat to his plan. When you managed to escape and bring back the octavinelle trio with you, he knew just how shrewd and tactical your methods were. Even after his overblot was over, you greatly disliked each other, he was the worse type of traitor and even though it was ironic for you to say so, a captain never abandons his ship...and a ship is nothing without a crew. He hated you because of how you tricked him, he especially loathes the fact that he respect your strong mind and that his admiration goes far beyond.
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Thanks and bolognese.
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linawritestwst · 2 years
(sorry had to redo it ignore the other one pls 😭)
may i request the first years with an strong and heroic but kind and flirty fem! s/o
first years x strong and heroic s/o headcanons (fem!reader)
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(don't worry, i included her kind and flirty side as well! i just wrote the name like this so that it won't be too long jdksdksl)
ace trappola.
♡ at first, this guy didn't think much of you. he probably even thought that you were a bit boring. so yeah, he wasn't that nice to you, but he took back everything he said about you when he was about to get punished by crowley again, but you just casually picked him up and ran away with him, carrying him like this. you weren't tired at all and you didn't think he was too heavy for you or anything like that.. o-okay, maybe you did make ace's heart beat a little too fast this time.
♡ he still teases you sometimes, but he's not as mean as he was before. honestly, he even kinda respects you now, you turned out to be much cooler than he thought you would be. but when you think that he still went a bit too far, you never hesitate to remind ace just how strong you really are. and when you are done with him, you smile at him and go "hehe, looks like i'm not as fragile as you thought~" PLEASE Y/N. HE ALREADY STARTED TO FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU, DON'T MAKE IT WORSE FOR HIM.
♡ ace can't believe this is happening, but he really got a huge crush on you. when he realizes that teasing you won't work anymore and also he doesn't want to be punched by you again he decides to do something a little different. maybe he just needs to impress you somehow? he won't be obvious about it though, he would prefer you to notice him yourself. yes, he got a surprisingly good grade today, but he won't tell YOU about it. he will talk about it with deuce, though he will wait for the right moment and he will mention it only when you appear. and when you say how unusual it is, you will hear some familiar words from him. "hehe, looks like i'm not as dumb as you thought~"
deuce spade.
♡ he always was very awkward around you and he didn't know how to talk to you at all. forgive him for that, he's just!! always so nervous around girls!! but even though he didn't have enough courage to even say hi to you, he still felt like he should protect you and he made sure nothing bad happens to you.. yeah, you did surprise him quite a bit, when deuce found out that you're REALLY good at protecting yourself AND him as well. and if he didn't have a crush on you at first, OH BOY, HE SURE HAS ONE NOW.
♡ he somehow manages to act even more awkward now!! he can't stop blushing and he keeps stuttering, you're just so.. he doesn't know how to explain it.. if you try to flirt with him, you will ruin him, y/n. but if you want to do it, sure, no one is stopping you. and if you try to carry him or you end up protecting him from something (or someone), deuce will feel a bit lost because he wants you to rely on him more, but.. for some reason, it doesn't feel so bad to be protected by you.
♡ deuce admires you a lot and when he starts feeling more comfortable, he's just so polite and sweet and if you praise him, he melts. ace refuses to shut up about his reactions to anything that you say and he keeps pointing at deuce and going "HAHA SIMP". when things like that happen, deuce tries really hard to distract you, he's not ready to tell you about his feelings yet. but he hopes that you will return his feelings when he finally confesses to you.
jack howl.
♡ similar to ace, he didn't think much of you when you two first met, however, he did have a feeling that you're actually much stronger than you look like, so you did catch his interest. he tried to get to know you better and you didn't disappoint, he found your skills and abilities extremely impressive. heh, well, you're already better than leona because you keep practicing and achieving more every single day. maybe you two can be good friends.. no, you didn't hear anything from him.
♡ but you and jack actually end up becoming pretty good friends, even if he refuses to admit it and says that your relationship is nothing like that. "oh, so is our relationship actually something more?" no, y/n, you can't do this to him. he doesn't know how to react to your flirting at all, so yeah, if you want to see him acting like his tsundere self more often, then go ahead, say more things like that to him.
♡ even if you don't notice it yourself, it's obvious to everyone (especially savanaclaw students) that jack has a crush on you, though he most likely didn't even realize it yet. ruggie keeps mentioning it and even leona finds it funny how jack doesn't know how to act when you're around. haha, so he's actually much more shy than most people thought. jack respects you a lot and he wishes to spend as much time with you as possible, you're like his idol basically. though maybe your relationship could be a little deeper than that.
epel felmier.
♡ .. okay, he's gonna be honest, he didn't like you that much when you first met. it's not your fault or anything like that, it was just him feeling too insecure. it's just.. he's out here trying to become more masculine even though it feels like this whole world is against it, and then he meets you and you turn out to be so much stronger than him?? it doesn't help that you're a girl, he feels even worse because of that. he knows that it's a weird reason to dislike you, but.. no, he shouldn't think about it like that. you know what, he's just gonna try harder so that he can surpass you one day!
♡ and why are you so kind to him? ah, you just pity him, don't you? you think he's this weak and fragile boy who can't protect himself, right? well, he's gonna prove you otherwise! just you wait, he will definitely become stronger than you and he will be the one to protect you from anything dangerous! though he wishes your reaction to this rivalry was more.. uh, serious. he's tired of you going "aw, that's so cute, epel! don't worry, i already see you as my hero, hehe~" like what does that mean??
♡ oh no. oh no, he's afraid he accidentally fell in love with you while trying to prove that he's better than you. that wasn't a part of his plan. and now he's even more obsessed with showing you how cool he really is, because.. well, now he's trying to become stronger not because he sees you as a rival, but because he wants to become someone who's worthy of your love. even though you said that you already see him as your hero, he's not gonna stop until he actually feels like one. hey, maybe he will be able to carry you today!.. n-no, he won't.
sebek zigvolt.
♡ he is confused. how can a human like you be so.. no, really, how do you manage to be better than him at everything he does?? how can he lose to someone like you?? that's it, he has to work harder, he can't disappoint his master! even though malleus said that he thinks sebek is doing great and he doesn't have to change anything about himself sebek can't stop thinking about you turning out to be a better knight than he is and he mentions you so often that lilia starts teasing him for having a crush on you. AND HE DOESN'T HAVE ONE.
♡ but somehow, his hatred starts slowly turning into.. admiration? sure, he keeps saying stuff like "wow, i didn't know that a human could do this too!" but now it sounds like he's actually amazed and not just making fun of you. hm, why don't you take advantage of that? "why thank you, sebek! i spent so much time dreaming about impressing you one day." he wants to say something cool like "haha, did you really think that a lowly human like you could ever impress me?", but for some reason it's very hard for him to say those words. congratulations, y/n, you actually did impress him.
♡ sebek doesn't want to admit it, but now he really wants you to pay more attention to him. like hey, y/n, did you just see him do that? what did you think of it? haha, he is definitely stronger than you, isn't he? you just smile and nod, you think him acting like this is too cute and you can't possibly be mad at him. and if you actually do praise him for his skills and his hard work.. for some reason, hearing those words would make him so happy, it's like malleus himself praised him. wait, no, obviously, hearing those words from malleus would make him more happy, haha..
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uniiiquehecrt · 1 month
It bums me that the Sonic VAs got nothing for the Sonic movie. At least the Mario one gave Charles Martinet something to do even if they're side characters. Mike Pollock has been voicing Eggman since Shadow the Hedgehog and he got Jack. Same with Smith and Griffith. Could have at least had Knuckles dad be played by Dan Green or Travis Willingham or something (note I love Christopher Lloyd)
Oh trust me, my friend, I am right there with you. It gets worse with the addition of Tails. He is still voiced by his og actress, Colleen O'Shaughnessey. And let me tell you right now, the difference in talent and competency when you put Tails and Ben Schwartz into the same scene together is night and day. (Here's their literal first scene together to prove it.)
(And to anyone who thinks I'm giving Mr. Schwartz a hard time... i mean, fair enough. I am. But you can't tell me he has given ANYTHING to Sonic that he didn't already do in DuckTales (2017) as Dewey Duck, and as Jean-Ralphio Saperstein before the both of them in Parks &. Recreation, which is the entire point of why I viscerally dislike him as a voice actor very specifically. It'd be fine if he stayed in his lane, you know, as a comedian, but he didn't, so he's getting my full criticism. Especially where Sonic is concerned.)
Jason Griffith most likely would have been pleased to come back to Sonic. I mean he voice acted for the guy for seven years and is HIGHLY beloved by the Sonic fandom to this day. Especially for his work on SonicX. Roger Craig Smith is IMMENSELY talented and has been voicing Sonic for over ten years now, and is so good at his job that he is STILL voicing Sonic despite the franchise's setbacks and his own announcement of leaving the role. Because he's good at it and he's passionate about it. (I personally love RCS more than Jason. Not that Jason is bad by any means but RCS is underrated imo.)
I'm not as well versed in this, but there's ALSO the fact that Knuckles' voice actors didn't get hired to voice the echidna either. They hired Idris Elba, and some people were saying was going to be fantastic in the role, and you know what? In my opinion, he sucked. He absolutely bombed it. And I say that knowing how well he does on screen in an acting role because I have watched him play Heimdall for 10+ years. He HAS talent, but is NOT a voice actor. And he certainly is not a good fit for Knuckles the Echidna. He didn't even come anywhere close to emulating Knuckles' voice.
And then you get the argument of "oh but the voices don't have to be the same" — my sweet summer children... The joy of voice acting and animated characters is that it DOES all come down to the voice and the voice matches the character design. The voice is the ENTIRE SELLING POINT. You don't get the voice right, then the entire acting fails and no animation talent can save it. It sucks but it's true. (As someone who had to struggle to find a fitting voice for my thesis' film's main villain this is such a priority that people overlook. Good enough isn't good at all.)
Honestly though, the real kicker here is that the Sonic franchise should never have been a "live action" film at all. I loathe "live action remakes" of animated films no matter what they are. I especially hate CGI/live action fusions that make that the selling point when Roger Rabbit proved that it can be done much better with 2D/hand-drawn animation. (To a lesser extent: compare the og. Space Jam with the remake, or even Space Jam with the og Smurfs. The quality difference all these years past is not even comparable.)
Also, it's not even a "live action remake", because, spoiler alert, the characters are still animated and no amount of life-like special effects will change that.
Hollywood (and America as a whole) needs to quit disrespecting animation and calling it "for kids" when it is a medium. It always has been.
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