#but parents would not let me. n then i really wanted to go to warped tour. but parents. and then warped ended.
thepinkseashell · 1 year
pierce the veil todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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lieslab · 5 months
Waiting for us
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꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎ ꘎♡━━━━━♡꘎
Pairing: Seungmin X gn reader
Summary: After going to a carnival and getting stuck at the top of a ferris wheel, you crumble in your boyfriend's arms.
Genre: Comfort/hurt
Word Count: 5K
Trigger warning: Heights, anxiety, depression, mentions of nausea, parental issues, child abuse and neglect, self-hatred, self-harm, and mentions of not eating.
A/N: To whoever requested this, I don't know how you feel about carnivals. I don't know how you feel about ferris wheels and heights either, so I guessed. One of my most precious memories is my local county fair during warm summer days. I hope this warms your heart as much as it warms mine <3
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You were playing pretend again. You were like a dancer frozen in time and trapped in a music box. Life cranked the knob and the music twinkled in the background. You spun, not because you wanted to, but because you had to. 
Life was hard, it always seemed to be. The weight of mental issues on your shoulders made it worse. Around and around you went playing the game of life. However, lately, it was just��different. 
The gears in your music box had rusted over time. They creaked and your music was beginning to warp. Years of endless dancing made you grow fatigued. You could barely find the effort to keep going and yet, you continued on and on. 
You were supposed to be happy today. You were trying your best, you really were. Your boyfriend had the whole day free and the two of you were supposed to enjoy the carnival together. He met you at the door with a grin and you tried to return it, but something was off. 
He noticed how defeated you looked instantly, but he ignored it. Feelings for you were fickle and you tended to struggle with them a lot. Talking about them was difficult and it made you uncomfortable. 
He didn’t know what it was, but he knew that you were off. The brown bags beneath your eyes had shifted to plum purple. Your cheeks seemed a bit more hollow than usual. There was a lingering darkness that surrounded you, but he didn’t know how to bring it up. 
Feelings for both of you, it was a bit of a struggle. Neither of you wanted to be a bother towards the other. It was one of the things that you both needed to work on in the relationship. 
When you arrived, you had high expectations. You thought the situation would cheer you up, but it didn’t. Carnivals were supposed to be filled with bright colors. Laughing people and screams from carnival rides. The oiled scent of fried food and the bubbling of excitement flowing through your veins. 
Everything felt entirely different this time. The colors were more muted and the background sounds seemed faint. The scent of fried food made your stomach churn with nausea. You couldn’t imagine eating a single bite without throwing up. 
You felt empty on the inside and you’d felt that way for a while. After a slew of personal issues, it was difficult to find your happiness. Things tended to control you more than you wanted them too. You didn’t know how to stop it. 
There were eyelets in your limbs with strings laced through. You were pulled in different directions and none of those were in the direction you wanted to go. A puppet on a string, you struggled with everything. 
Beside you, the warmth of Seungmin’s hand clutched yours firmly. He let you through the entrance after the two of you paid and he stopped on the path that led down the way. 
“So what do you want to do first?” 
Your eyes scanned the area as you debated. The more you saw, the more you just wanted to go home. Your anxiety was growing with the more people you saw and it was overwhelming. 
“What do you want to do?” You asked. 
Seungmin clicked his tongue and glanced around the area. “Well, I suppose we can go on the ferris wheel if you’re not a chicken.” 
“I’m not a chicken and I don’t mind heights.” 
“That’s what they all say.” 
“Are you challenging me?” 
“It’s not a challenge if you cop out.” 
“Fine, let’s get wristbands and then we can go on the ferris wheel. Just for that, we’ll go on it more than once. I’m not a chicken.” 
“You’d look cute with tail feathers.” 
You rolled your eyes and walked with Seungmin towards a ticket booth. Since you planned to spend a few hours here, you both decided it was a better option to get wristbands. Who knew how many rides the two of you’d go on. 
After retrieving your wristbands, the two of you headed to the ferris wheel. Since the carnival was in a larger city, the ferris wheel was bigger too. Small colorful enclosed baskets went high up into the setting sun before they curved and came back down. 
Soon, the neon lights in the place would be turned on. Seungmin specifically brought you here for that reason. Everything looked better in the evening at carnivals. The neon colors popped and the air was electrified.
When neon colors clashed together with upbeat pop music and laughter from everyone, it was otherworldly. To experience something by yourself and yet everyone was experiencing the same thing around you in their own little bubbles, it was magical and he loved it. 
The cabins looked like hot air balloons. The wide tops bulged out with the help of curved titanium rods and the supporting frame. The baby blue frame had been detailed with royal blue shadows to create the illusion of a basket. 
Neon lights wrapped around the whole piece and glittered neon blue when the time was right. Other baskets were created similar and with different colors. The whole thing was much larger and more sophisticated than the average county fair ferris wheels with metal bucket seats. 
When it was your turn, Seungmin gently led you in front of him and let go of your hand. The attendant held open the small metal gate for you to climb in. Once you were in, Seungmin moved to the opposite side and sat down. 
There was an uncomfortable silence between the two of you. You lied to Seungmin, you hated heights, but you knew that he liked the ferris wheel. Seungmin liked anything with beautiful detailing and photographic qualities. He was probably going to take photos of the view and upload them to Bubble later. 
A round table sat in the center of the two of you. You let your arms rest on it and let out a soft sigh as the two of you were slowly eased up. The soft breeze was enough to catch your hair and pull it back. When Seungmin realized it, he let out a small laugh. 
You pulled up your arm and let your chin rest on your hand. Trying to ignore the growing fear, you let your eyes shut. Seungmin pulled out his phone and began to snap photos. 
“I think I was wrong about you. It’s clear that you’re not a chicken.” 
“I told you,” you mumbled. Your stomach churned and the beginning of nausea was beginning to creep up. You forced yourself to suck in a deep breath and try to calm down. 
The ride kept going up and then stopping as more people got on until it finally began going up and didn’t stop. Your eyes squeezed shut tighter and you eventually shifted. Your palms dug into your eyes as you buried your head in your hands. 
The movement caused Seungmin to glance over. He frowned and spoke up. “Hey, are you okay?” 
“I hate heights,” you mumbled. 
“Then why did yo-” 
“Because you wanted to see the view and I didn’t want to let you down. You were teasing me and I didn’t want you to think I was a coward.” 
“Baby, you know I was just kidding, right? If you would have said something, I wouldn’t have made you go on the ride. I could have gone by myself and gave you some money to go get a snack or something.” 
“I don’t want your money!” You snapped. The situation wasn’t such a big deal, but with everything going on in your life recently, you were upset. Things kept going wrong and the pressure gauge was beginning to crank up. How long were you going to keep things to yourself until you blew? 
Seungmin stared at you for a moment, unsure of what to do. There was more tension between the two of you. He couldn’t see your face as you hid it with your hands, but he knew you were struggling. 
The longer the silence went on, the more he realized he needed to say something. It was clear that you weren’t going to address the elephant between the two of you. Something was going on with you and if he had to, he was going to pry it from you. 
He opened his mouth to say something, but a loud creaking sound interrupted. Down below, someone screamed. Your hands jerked from your face and you looked around with wide eyes. The ferris wheel halted with you and Seungmin stuck at the top. 
Gears ground together and shouts filled the air. In the middle of your panic, you slipped your hand into Seungmin’s and he squeezed it back lightly. You sucked in a shaky breath and squeezed your eyes shut again. 
“What’s going on?” Someone shouted at the ride operator down below. 
The ride operator had hit the emergency stop button when things started to go wrong. He cupped his hands together and yelled back, so everyone could hear him. 
“I don’t know, but hang tight. Don’t worry, we’ll get it figured out soon enough. You guys might be stuck for a bit.” 
Around the wheel, there were a plethora of different responses. Below you, someone complained and another one groaned. Someone else tried to see the positive side of things and complimented the view. Your heart pounded in your chest as you kept hold of Seungmin’s hand. 
“Are you okay?” Seungmin spoke softly. 
All you could do was frantically shake your head back and forth. Seungmin shifted in his spot and the cabin began to rock slightly. Your panic grew until the comforting scent of Seungmin’s cologne filled your nose. 
“Don’t worry, I’m right here, I’ve got you.” He wrapped an arm around your neck and tugged you closer. Comforted, you buried your head into the side of his shoulder. 
With his other hand, he reached over and gently began to loop his fingers through your hair. The soft gesture always comforted you when you were struggling. You buried your head further into his shoulder, but it wasn’t enough. 
You wanted to block the world out and forget this entire thing happened. You wanted to be back on solid ground. You wanted the comfort of your bed. You wanted your heavy limbs to find comfort in the cotton sheets and silk pillowcases. 
“Come here.” 
You didn’t fight it when he gently pulled your body closer. The way he moved you around, you felt like a small child. His fingers found your hips and he pulled you onto his lap. Your legs straddled his and the table behind you pressed against your back. 
Seungmin shifted back and you fell back with him. Your head landed on the curve of his collarbone. His arms wrapped around the small of your back. Despite the horrific scenario, you found yourself being comforted. 
“Is that better?” 
His left hand began to lightly draw patterns on your back. He could feel how tense you were in his arms. You were worked up about everything. 
“It’s alright, I’ve got you and I won’t let go.” 
“I promise.” 
The breeze picked up and swept your hair off to the side. Seungmin’s head rested back against one of the metal poles. In the distance, birds were happily chirping and unaware of your predicament. 
Seungmin was nervous, but he wasn’t outright terrified. He knew the ride operator was trained and the carnival had protocols in place. He knew that they’d know what to do to get them out of the situation safely. Besides, being worked up about it would only add to your stress. 
In his chest, your eyes were squeezed shut. You sucked in deep breaths trying to find rhythm in the madness. Your fingers clutched the back of Seungmin’s shirt. After a while, he began to hum, hoping it’d calm you down. 
When you began to relax, he let out a sigh of relief. He let his eyes shut and continued to find comfort in you. You were his warmth. You were there for everything for him and he wanted to be there for you too. 
“Baby, I think we need to talk about something.” 
You shifted your head with your eyes shut. Instead of being buried in his chest, your cheek pressed against it instead. You kept your eyes shut, so you didn’t have to see the staggering view down below. 
“I don’t want to ruin our day, but I really think I need to talk to you about some stuff. I know feelings are uncomfortable for you, but over the past few weeks…no,” he shook his head. “It’s been longer than that. I should have brought it up, but you like your independence. I know you find it hard to lean on me.” 
A lump began to fill the back of your throat. Despite the closed eyes, you could feel the burn of tears welling up. You thought you were doing a good job, but clearly not. He knew something was wrong. 
“I don’t like seeing you suffer alone. You mean everything to me, you know? I’m sorry I don’t say it enough, but I mean it. I’m not good with words, but you make me feel mushy on the inside.” 
“Everyone says you’ll come around when you’re ready, but you haven’t. You just slowly keep getting worse and worse. I’m afraid for you, baby. I’m afraid something is seriously wrong and I know how you struggle. You’ll drown silently before you ever reach out for help.” 
“It’s partly my fault, I should have brought it up sooner. I just…” He trailed off and squeezed his arms around you tighter. “I’m so afraid of saying the wrong thing and losing you. So please, please tell me what’s on your mind. Maybe I can’t fix it, but you don’t have to do it alone.” 
Your breathing hitched as your fingers curled into him tighter. You weren’t sure how to get the words out. You didn’t know how to say it, but you had to try. He was right, you were tired of drowning. 
“Do you ever…do you ever just feel like everyone’s against you?” Your voice came out shrill. You tried to swallow to hide it, but it stayed there. “Like no matter what you do, you just can’t win?” 
“Sometimes, yes, but I remember all the good in my life and I focus on that. I cherish the little things I have and the relationship I have with the people around me. I have my band, my fans, and my family. Plus, I-” 
“They hate me,” you weakly got out. 
“My family.” 
Your eyes finally opened to view the scene down below. Your teeth sunk into the soft skin of your bottom lip as you tried not to sob. Below you, friends and families were gathered and laughing. 
You could see them now. The mothers on the carousel holding their kids up and making sure they’re okay. The fathers clutching the handles of the rides and screeching in delight as their child giggles beside them. 
The sickly sweet artificial taste of bright pink cotton candy melting on the tongue of a three-year-old. Above them, their parents beam and ask how it tastes. It’s the first time they’ve ever had something this sweet before. 
On the other side of the carnival, a grandparent is playing skeeball with their grandkid. The two are laughing and the grandparent feels like a kid again. The potential of winning a large prize makes them aim carefully and try their hardest. 
A couple is announcing their pregnancy to their parents right before they play mini golf. They’re all so thrilled, the parents are hugging and kissing. The soon to be parents are ecstatic and clutching tightly to each other via hands. 
Parents are everywhere. It’s the adopted kid who happily runs and leads his adopted father towards his favorite ride. It’s the stepkids who are warming up to their new stepmother. They’re nervous and looking over at their father for reassurance. He breaks the ice by buying them all lemonade and sprinkled candy apples. 
Families and parents were everywhere. Compared to what you went through with yours, this was like a mini trip to hell. You couldn’t help, but feel stung by defeat being here. In front of Seungmin, while admitting this, you felt three inches tall. 
Your limbs were weighed down with sadness and melancholy. The scene was beautiful up here and yet, you couldn’t help, but feel blue. The sky was filled with swirls of lavender and citrus oranges. Some god had blown the sky full of confectionary kisses, but you couldn’t focus on it. 
There was an ache in your bones and a longing. A longing for a life of love. Being in a romantic relationship didn’t fill the void left behind by parental issues and it never would. You could be in the happiest relationship and the hollowness could still creep up. 
Everyone wants to be nurtured and loved. Every kid deserves to be loved, but not every person deserves to be a parent. There are no regulations as to who can be a parent. For some, it’s the best thing to ever happen to them. For others, it’s a life-long burden. 
“Am I difficult to love?” You went on. “Is there something wrong with me? I don’t think my mother loves me very much. I thought I meant everything to her, but lately with her actions, she just…” You trailed off, unable to finish. “I just want to be good enough.” 
Seungmin’s heart cracked in his chest at your words. The ooze of hurt surrounding you filled the air and it curdled his marrow. You were the love of his life, how could someone not love you? 
It was like someone had gotten out the scissors and began to snip through his heartstrings. Every word you uttered, it was another snip and another gust of pain. How could your parents not love you? 
“Is that how you feel?” 
“I can’t handle it, Seungmin.” 
The use of his name and not a pet name was like a slap to the face. 
“It’s killing me and I-I can’t deal with it. How do I become someone else?” Tears started to drip down your cheeks. “How do I become better? How can I be a better kid? What am I missing?” 
“Do I need to act differently? Do I need to get plastic surgery done, so I can look better? I feel like my mother’s little barbie doll. She controls me, but she doesn’t really love me. I want to be loved. I want to be needed. I want to be wanted, and I-” 
Your voice broke off. Seungmin shut his own eyes trying not to cry at your words. He knew you had issues with your family, but he didn’t know it was this bad. You hid everything so well. You kept it from everyone and kept it locked away because that’s what good children did. 
Good children shut up about the abuse and neglect they received for the sake of their parents’ image. They uphold the look that their parents have conjured up. They do such a good job, you’d never know. 
You’d never realize those bags beneath their eyes are from lack of sleep. You’d never know how much they’ve been screamed at. You wouldn’t know how much they’ve destroyed themselves to keep their parents happy. A child will do anything to please a parent. 
On and on it goes until a child breaks. The moment you do, there’s a target on your back. You’re not strong enough, you’re not brave enough, you’re not smart enough, and you’re not good enough. Just wanting their approval, you believe them. How could you not? You just want to make your parents happy. 
But bad parents deserve to be outed. It is a privilege to have a child. You are creating the next generation. You have a choice in playing a role in what type of person you want your child to become. 
How dare you break them down into bits of self-hatred and disgust when somewhere out there, another mother would kill to have a chance to lift their child up. Someone out there dreams of telling their child that they are precious. Someone strokes the face of a child in their dreams and they will never have it. 
“It hurts. It hurts so much and I feel like I can’t do anything right. I can barely eat and I’m either not sleeping or I’m sleeping all the time. I feel like I’m slowly rotting from the inside out. I don’t know how to escape it. It got so bad the other day that I…I…” 
The words got stuck in your throat and they wouldn’t come out. It hurt to admit that everything got so bad that you needed some sort of release. Shaken like soda, you were ready to explode. Self-harming had always been a release for you. 
It made you feel like you were doing something right. You were punishing yourself for everything you weren’t. For not being good enough. For not being able to endure the pain. For not being strong enough. For being unloveable. 
Your blood was tainted with sadness. It oozed out bright red and all you could do was watch with a sigh of relief. For once, you were finally doing something right when everything else seemed to be wrong. 
You didn’t have to finish the sentence, but Seungmin knew. His arms tightened around you and he pulled your body towards him even more. He wanted to take it all away. He’d embody this sadness and soak it up like a sponge if he could. 
Your breathing grew ragged as you tried not to cry. You were outside, but there were people below you on either side. If you started to sob, you knew you’d gain their attention. Plus, it might stress out the ride operator down below. 
“Hey, hey, hey, shhh.” Seungmin’s hand comfortingly rubbed your back. “It’s alright, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” 
Your voice tightened again, “I just want to be loved.” 
“And loved, you are. It seems like I need to do a better job at showing you that because you don’t feel like it. You mean everything to me and I’m sorry your parents are that way.” 
“You’ve grown up and turned into such a wonderful person. It’s shitty that they can’t see that. Despite everything, you have turned out amazing. You have a golden heart. You’re precious on the inside and out.” 
“Do you really think that I’d fall in love with just anyone?” He continued. “I’m so picky with who I date that Lee Know believed I was destined to be alone for the rest of my life and then I met you.” 
“I’m a burden.” 
“If you mean making me stutter like an idiot and making my heart flutter, then yeah, you’re a burden. You’re a burden when you send me those goofy selfies and make me blush so hard that I can’t help, but smile because you look cute.” 
“You’re such a burden because every time you text me during rehearsals, I blush and look like an idiot in front of my band members. Do you know how many times I’ve been teased by the old man?” 
You sniffled. 
“Every time he teases me, I tell him that it must be hard for him. Not a single person has looked his way. Why do you think he’s always flirting with the fans on Bubble? He’s like a dog in heat. When he’s horny, everyone knows about it.” 
The sudden confession made you snort. Seungmin smiled and kept talking. “You’re my pride and joy. You know how you have your photocards of me in your wallet? Yeah, well, I made some of you.” 
“Duh! I’ve gotta be ready to show off my significant other at all times. I could talk about you for hours. You know what?” 
“You’ve got me so smitten that I asked Hyunjin for date recommendations. You know how he’s the romantic one? Yeah, I caved. You’ve got me wrapped around your little fingers.” 
You sat up with teary eyes and another sniffle. Seungmin stared at you and gently brushed his thumbs beneath your eyes. “Oof.” His face scrunched up. “Crying doesn’t look the best on you.” 
You ignored his teasing comment. “And what did Hyunjin say? What was his suggestion?” You reached up with your palms and rubbed the wet tears away. 
“Look at me.” 
You pulled your hands away and glanced up at him. You didn’t have time to react as he cupped your face. Before you knew it, he tilted his head and connected your lips. 
Up above the world, the two of you shared a soft kiss. Your lips were seeped in salt from your tears, but he didn’t care. All your previous negative thoughts began to fall away. 
So wrapped up in everything, you forgot about the person who meant the most to you. You forgot about the joy he brought. You forgot how he seemed to melt away every bad thought and warm your heart. Your arms wrapped around his neck and he tugged your hips closer. 
“I got it!” A voice called from down below. There was a creak and the ride began to boot up. Around the two of you, there was a faint hum and the neon blue bulbs around your basket tinkered to life. 
You pulled away from Seungmin wide-eyed and breathless. The two of you glanced around and the ride began to descend. Seungmin’s arms stayed wrapped around your waist. 
“We’re going down?” 
“We’re going down,” he echoed. 
“Thank, fuck.” 
He leaned back when you let your chin drop to his shoulder. Your arms wrapped around his back and you let out a final sigh of relief. His hands found your back. 
“I know I’m not perfect and I won’t be able to give you what your parents couldn’t. I just hope you realize how good you are and how much you mean to me. Your parents are assholes and you deserve the entire world. I’d do anything for you.” 
“I just wish things were better with them.” 
“I know. The next time you feel like hurting yourself, please talk to me. I don’t want you to feel like that ever again. Even if you don’t want to talk about it, I’ll make an exception and let you cuddle me.” 
“Really?” You pulled away from him with bright eyes and a smile. He nodded with a fluttering heart. You looked good with a smile. 
“Um…” Your smile fell. “I’m sorry for ruining our date. That was a lot and I-” 
“No worries, it’s okay. I’m glad we got to talk about it. You know how I said crying doesn’t look good on you? Your best look is the one where you’re smiling.” 
“What if I was wearing something ugly?” 
“Doesn’t matter, the smile brings it together.” 
“You’re being cheesy now.” 
“Hyunjin said being cheesy was good.” 
“You should stop getting dating advice from Hyunjin. I don’t want to date him, I want to date you. We should just do whatever you want to do.” 
“I’m so sorry this happened. Please forgive me!” The ride operator was incredibly apologetic as he opened the small metal gate. “Were you crying? I’m sorry!” 
“It’s alright,” you smiled at him and shifted off of Seungmin. 
The two of you left the basket and you were happy to finally be back on the ground. Seungmin linked his hand through yours and shook his head. “You’re right, I’m never listening to Hyunjin ever again.” 
“What do you want to do then?” 
“I want to go get us our favorite slushies. Try not to cry and season yours with your tears. I highly doubt salty slushies taste good and I’m not buying you another one.” 
He led you through a path of people and towards a slushie stand. As you passed a stand with fried food, your stomach loudly rumbled. Your cheeks went bright red as you mumbled an apology. You hadn’t eaten in so long that your hunger was finally starting to come back. You felt a million times better after the conversation with Seungmin. 
“Scratch that, we’ll get food and then we’ll get slushies. I bet I can eat more fried food than you.” 
“No way!” 
Seungmin smirked, “then prove it.” 
“I will!” You stuck your tongue out at him. 
Seungmin instantly jerked his hand up and gently pinched the tip of it. You pulled away and gagged. “Ew! Gross! You’ve got cooties!” 
“And now you’re infected too. Boo-hoo. Whatever shall you do now?” 
“Another kiss?” 
“Only because I feel bad for you. My kisses are rare, you know? My lips could warm the arctic if I traveled there.” 
“I hope you never read any of Hyunjin’s poetry again.” 
“Just for that, I’m telling Chan you want to call him grandpa from now on. Since you need a new family, he can be the first one to test it out on. Just wait until he hears about this. You’re never going to hear the end of it. I’m texting the group chat and maybe you can call Lee Know ‘kitten’ or something.” 
“Seungmin, no!” 
“Last I checked, I was your baby.” 
“Baby, no!” 
He grinned and took off into the crowd. You screeched and sprinted off after him. He pulled out his phone and dodged and weaved. You yelled after him, not caring that people were staring at the two of you. 
As you flew by an elderly couple, the pair watched you dart down the path. The woman laughed as she squeezed her lover’s hand. “I remember how those days were.” 
“We were just two young kids in love. I’m glad that it’s still playful and timeless as ever. I can’t remember the last time I ran that fast.” 
“Me neither. I treasure those memories a lot. We might not be able to run, but we sure can fly. I’ve heard they're letting adults ride on the carousel. Want to give it a shot for old times sake?” 
“Of course I do, darling. If it’s with you, absolutely. I’ve said it years ago and I’ll say it again, I’d do anything for you.” 
| ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡ | ♡.﹀﹀﹀﹀.♡|
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inbloomwriting · 4 months
Everything to me - Chapter 2
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Chapter two - Blueberry & Kidney Bean
Chapter 1
Plot: Jamie Tartt is a lot of things: professional footballer, the island's top scorer .... sexually, extremly handsome. But one thing he never saw himself as was a dad. Too bad he has to deal with the consequences of his own actions. This fic follows reader and Jamie as they navigate life and turn from practially strangers to parents. Pairing: Jaime Tartt x female reader Warnings: Pregnancy, swearing, mentions of food and alcohol, slight mention of sexual intimacy (nothing graphic), strained/toxic parental relationship Notes: 5.6k words. I do not have a set uploading schedule. Please bear with me as I work on this story. I know hardly anything about pregnancy, all my information comes from google. I tagged everyone who asked me to do it when I posted part 1. Please let me know if you want to be taken off or added to the taglist. Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated. I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please
The store smells like dust and cardboard and old carpet. It's not necessarily a bad smell, it just doesn't live up to her memories.
She remembers the perpetual scent of menthol cigarettes and some kind of cheap men's perfume wafting through the air. The store used to smell like her dad and now it doesn't. And that just makes it all even more real.
Boxes upon boxes litter the room, filled with records. Some older, some newer. Guitars adorn one wall while the others are covered in posters from tours that happened long ago, some even before she was born.
There is something comforting about being here. It’s like stepping back into the past. Long nights watching Dad and his friends play their guitars after store-closing. Discovering new bands whenever a new shipment of records came in. And yes - she is the first to admit that in her younger years, she mostly chose the records by how cool the cover looked. 
It’s also memories of Dad getting caught up in the after-hours jam sessions and forgetting about her dance recital and that one time he threw a guitar at the window out of anger that a shipment of records got lost. It took him months to get the window replaced. She could probably still trace exactly where the crack used to be. 
Being here is very reminiscent in all the good and bad ways. But it’s a warped version of the past. One that’s laced with all the knowledge she has now. Like a movie that you’ve seen a million times.
“I don’t think pregnant women are supposed to be doing that!” 
Jamie’s voice cuts through the nostalgia-induced fog like a sunbeam through the clouds. And it also gives her a little heart attack as the only sound filling the room up until now had been her moving around and the soft tunes of an Eric Clapton record playing in the background.
“Jesus fuck! You scared me. I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to startle pregnant women either and give them heart attacks.” 
He looks at her with those big expressive eyes of his and a comically overdone pout on his lips. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you. But seriously give me that.” 
He’s so quick to take the box of records from her hands (Y/N) hardly has time to process what’s going on. 
Quite honestly, his worry is a bit misplaced here but she appreciates the sentiment even if he might be a little overly cautious at that moment. It feels nice to be cared for. 
“You know I’m pregnant, not sick, right? I can carry stuff.” 
“Yeah but why would you if you got me carrying it for you?” 
He has a point, she has to give him that. 
“Fair enough. Those go over there in the corner please.” 
Jamie follows her order without hesitation and, after setting the box down in its designated place, his eyes dart across the room and light up with childlike wonder and curiosity.
“This used to be your dad’s place, yeah? It looks really neat with all them posters and shit. Like stepping into an old person’s mind but like a cool old person that buys you alcohol when you’re 15 and lets you watch horror movies when your mum said no.” 
Of all the adjectives in the world, (Y/N) wouldn’t ever think of using the word “cool” to describe her dad. He was creative and fun and eccentric and stubborn — but cool? 
Then again he was her dad and no one ever likes to think of their own parents as cool. Oh god, will their kid think she’s uncool?! 
“Uh yeah, the shop and the apartment right above us. He owned it, now I do. I’m trying to get it all fixed up and ready to be sold.”
“What? Why?” 
There is something to be said about Jamie’s face and his absolute inability to mask his emotions. Everything he thinks and feels is mirrored twice as vividly on his face. He’s all furrowed brows and pouty lips. 
“I mean — it’s a record store. People don’t really buy records anymore. Be honest, when was the last time you bought one instead of just streaming the music?” 
“Like two weeks ago.” 
“Fuck off, no you didn’t!” 
“Uh — yeah, I did. Olivia Rodrigo if you must know.” 
A soft giggle falls from (Y/N)’s lips. How fitting for Jamie to buy an album full of teenage angst. 
“Well, you’re one of very few people though. In a perfect world, I wouldn’t have to sell. I’d keep it open. Instead of selling instruments, it’d turn that part of the shop into a little stage with a coffee counter or a bar. Host open mic nights and shine a spotlight on undiscovered artists. But the world isn’t perfect and there is no way I can afford to turn that vision into reality so really there’s no use in letting myself get too caught up in it.” 
There is pity in his eyes and she hates it. She doesn’t want pity, not his or anyone else’s. Has seen enough of it, especially lately. If she had received just one more “Sorry for your loss” card in the mail from relatives she hadn’t seen in decades, she probably would’ve stabbed a fork in her own eye. Pity does no good to no one. 
“Anyway, Jamie. Not that I don’t enjoy hanging out with you, it’s kind of necessary if we want to get this whole beings-friends-thing right, but uh — what are you doing here?” 
“Jesus, can’t a guy just come around to say hi to his baby? “ 
She thinks the way he says the word “Baby” in his thick accent is surprisingly and undeniably adorable. As if it ends in an “eh” instead of a “y”.
“By the way, they’re as big as a blueberry now.” 
And the way he’s keeping track of the baby's growth gets her right in the heart. For some reason, this seems to come so naturally to him when it all still feels weird and foreign and surreal to her. As if it were happening to someone else and she’s just a mere spectator. The idea that something as small as a blueberry will one day turn into a proper baby, a child, a teenager … a whole ass adult - is so wild to her. Almost incomprehensible. A person with their own feelings and dreams and personality. (Y/N) wonders if at any point in this pregnancy, she'll wake up and it'll all just make sense or if that only comes once she's holding the baby in her arms.
“That's cute. Doesn't answer my question though. What brings you here?”
A shadow of something flickers across Jamie’s face. Something unreadable and unfamiliar. Something that makes (Y/N) feel a sense of dread bubbling up in her stomach.
“I uh — I can’t do this.”
And there it is. That unfamiliar shadow is now a metaphorical atom bomb, a mushroom cloud of all that could have been and won’t be.
“Oh okay. I mean no, not okay. This sucks actually. You said you wanted to be part of the baby’s life and now you’re bailing? That’s a shit move, Jamie. You’re a right prick for pulling that crap.” 
“What? Oh no!” his eyes widen as the realization sets in. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Well then what did you mean? Cause you’re truly giving me a heart attack right now. Second one for today. You really need to start working on your conversation starters.” 
She had given him the chance to opt out of being a dad, to not be a part of the baby’s life. It seemed like the right thing to do and, foolishly, (Y/N) had believed that she’d be okay with him doing just that. In this very moment though, she feels everything but okay. The idea of Jamie changing his mind is terrifying. 
Sometimes you don’t realize just how much you need something — or someone until you’re faced with the possibility of losing them.
“I mean, I can’t do this alone. I need to tell someone. All I keep thinking about is the baby and I feel like I am going to explode any second now. I know we can’t tell everyone yet ‘cause of — well you know, things going wrong and stuff. But I need to tell someone. You got to tell Rebecca and your mum, I think it’s only fair I get to tell two people as well, yeah?”
A sense of relief floods her. Starts in her toes and fills her all the way to the top of her head. He wants this — wants the baby. It’s not just her in this. It’s nice to know you have someone in your corner. It’s also scary. Because he deserves to know just whose team he’s on. And being vulnerable fucking sucks. 
“Jamie, that’s fine. Absolutely you can tell your mum.” 
“And Simon? You got two people so — “
“I didn’t though.” 
“Uh yes, you did. I know you told Rebecca.” 
“That’s right.”
“And your mum too”.
The silence that follows his words is deafening. Being vulnerable means also admitting guilt. It means owning up to all of your mistakes. Though we are not the sum of our mistakes, they are what help shape the person we become. And (Y/N) really doesn’t think they make her a very good one.
“And your mum too?” 
More silence.
“You didn’t tell your mum? Why not? “
To his credit, Jamie looks truly surprised and confused. There is no judgment there, just absolute bewilderment and that signature softness that rounds out his features and settles in his eyes whenever Jamie talks to her about something serious. Granted they’ve not had that many conversations but she hopes that softness stays. She hopes that maybe their baby can have those soft, gentle eyes too.
“I’m not sure. I think I’m scared. My mum and I have a — complicated relationship. I disappoint her, she judges me. You know, the usual.” 
“You think she’ll be disappointed because we're having a baby? Is it because of me?”
(Y/N) shrugs, breaking eye contact and fixing her gaze on the old grey carpet with the ugly 90s pattern. What if those soft eyes can look straight through her, see all the ugly parts and the insecurities? That’s too scary for now. Too much too soon.
“No, it has nothing to do with you. Think she’ll just be disappointed I didn’t get pregnant according to the timeline she dreamed up for my life when I was like 2 years old. Had it all planned out for me and I never stuck to it.” 
Jamie is quiet for a moment but (Y/N) doesn’t dare to look back up at him. She can’t deal with any more pity.
“Well if you want to practice telling a mum, we can start with mine.”
“You can come to Manchester with me if you want. To tell my mum. We’ll have one mum down then, makes it easier to do it a second time. It’s science.” 
Jamie has the fascinating quality of making you believe in his words just by being so undeniably charming and because he believes in them himself. He makes it look easy when it is everything but.
“And if things don’t go well with your mum at least you’ll know you have at least one mum you can rely on, even if it’s not your own. She raised me pretty much by herself so she knows a thing or two about babies and parenting and stuff.” 
The mocking raise of (Y/N)’s right eyebrow doesn’t go unnoticed by Jamie who opens his lips to a silent gasp and clutches his chest with an overly dramatic gesture. 
“What? You saying I didn’t turn out perfectly?”
“No,” she laughs, a lightness festering in her chest. Like the first rays of sunshine after a cold winter that never seemed to end. Like a glass of wine after a long day at work. Like your favorite song on the radio at the exact moment you need it most. “I think you turned out exactly the way you were supposed to.” 
“Thanks,” Jamie says with that cheeky smile playing on his lips that makes him look a little younger than he actually is. Then he dares to wink at her and it’s a little annoying but also insanely charming. “Not sure you meant it as a compliment but I am taking it. Now when are you free for a trip up to Manchester?” 
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(Y/N)’s been on a lot of road trips around the country when she was younger. She’s even spent a whole summer traveling Europe, partially by train but most of the time was spent stuffed in a Fiat Punto with 3 of her friends and all their luggage. It was stuffy, it was chaotic and it was immensely fun. None of those road trips ever involved a shiny black Aston Martin Rapide though. 
Or a famous footballer dressed in the ugliest lime green sweater (Y/N) has ever seen. 
“That’s all the luggage you got?” Jamie questions as he moves the black shades off of his eyes and sets them on the top of his head, holding back some of his hair. It shouldn’t work so well but it does. 
“I mean, we’re only staying for a night right? Why? Should I have brought more? How much did you pack?” 
He glances at her, then towards the car, and back at her. A sheepish look crosses his face before being replaced by his childlike cheekiness. “That’s confidential. Don’t worry about it, yeah?” 
“I got my ginger lollies, that’s all that matters really.” 
“You feeling alright?” 
“Mh, I’m good. Just pregnant.” 
His eyes drop down to her stomach for just a second before he nods his head in what (Y/N) can only describe as a mix of pride and satisfaction. “Yeah, you are.” 
That’s new. Well not new-new but it hasn’t happened since the day of the funeral. That tingly feeling in her stomach that has fuck all to do with the baby and everything with how the baby got there. Yes, Jamie is hot and (Y/N) is the first to admit as much but there has been so much stress and chaos and she hardly had time to think about anything but surviving and making sure not to completely lose herself in bad visions of what-ifs that her brain has had no time to process any feelings of arousal or lust. That look he just gave her though, that one made her remember it for just a second.
“You sure you’re alright?” 
Jamie’s voice shakes her from her daydream and brings her back to the real world, her eyes focusing back on the obscene car parked in front of her tiny apartment building looking so insanely out of place.
“Uh yes, I’m fine. I just — sometimes I forget that you’re famous.” 
Jamie regards her for a moment before shrugging his shoulder and grabbing the bag from her hands. “I don’t. It’s fun. Now come on, let’s goooooo.” 
His voice is dipped in excitement and there’s a bounce in his step. If this is how the prospect of seeing his mother makes him feel and behave, she must be one lovely woman. Whenever (Y/N) thinks of her own mother her chest fills with tiny metaphorical icicles. Sharp and rough and painful. It’s all regret and judgment and disapproval. It’s “You gained weight”, “you look tired”, and “You should really look into getting a new job”. Daggers disguised as roses. Stabs right to the heart in the name of being honest. “I just care about you, because I love you, because I am your mother!” 
If there is one thing (Y/N) knows for sure, it’s that she will never ever find the need to resort to criticism and thinly veiled malice in order to show her child that she cares. They will know. Every single day. Because she’ll make sure to show them. Every single day in all the big and tiny ways a person can show their love. 
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“Kidney Bean?”
“Kidney Bean. And apparently, the baby is sprouting webbed fingers and toes right now. Oh, and it’s starting to move!” 
“Can you feel that?” 
“No, not yet.” 
“It’s mental. Last week she was the size of a blueberry and now she’s a kidney bean. Kid’s growing up too fast.” 
It’s true. There is so much happening all at once and it’s almost impossible to really process it all. Suddenly there is a tiny spark of a human inside her. Not really a baby yet but a baby to her. And it's moving and developing and changing every second of every day. Fucking insane.
“Wait … you said she. You think it’s a girl?”
Maybe it’s the sunlight casting a glow through the windshield but (Y/N) is almost certain she can just about make out a blush dusting Jamie’s cheeks. 
“Jamie Tartt, do you want to be a girl dad?” 
He glances at (Y/N) through the corner of his eyes for just a moment but it’s enough for her to see the sincerity in him. This is something he’s thought about before. Learning new things about Jamie is fascinating.
“Ah,  it’s stupid, really. It’s — It’s dumb or whatever.” 
“No, come on, don't go shy on me now. Tell me.” 
He takes a deep breath. A moment passes then another. There is no rush. Sometimes silly thoughts are the result of harsh truths. 
“Told you my dad was a prick. Like the biggest piece of shit walking this earth, yeah? And I knew that all my life. Thing is I still tried to impress him. I just — I wanted him to like me so badly. Just felt wrong that me own dad didn’t care about me and that made me angry. And I kept that anger inside me for so long. Sometimes when I think about the baby and the future I am scared that if I have a son that anger will jump over to him. Like maybe all Tartt men are cursed or some shit like that. But if I had a little girl maybe that would make it easier for me to be a good dad. I don’t mind either way, obviously, but the idea of having a son scares me.” 
It’s the most vulnerable he’s been with her so far and by the way he clenches his jaw and grabs onto the steering wheel just a little tighter, (Y/N) can tell this isn’t easy on him. It means a lot that he shares this part of him with her anyway. It feels like they are actually becoming friends. So opening up to him in return is only half as horrifying. 
“When I was a kid, maybe 11 or 12, I wrote a short story for school and I won an award. They did this big ceremony thing where the 3 finalists got to read their stories out loud for an audience and then receive their prizes. My mum didn’t show up, not sure if it was because she stayed longer at the office and didn’t care enough to leave on time or if she just didn’t feel like getting out of the house. Point is, she wasn’t there. When I came home that night I was sad, obviously, and I was also pissed. Because why the fuck couldn’t she take one night off to come see me succeed at something even if it wasn’t something she deemed worthy of praise. 
So I yelled at her and I’m sure I said some hurtful things. But I was so devastated and angry and I needed an outlet for once. She called me ungrateful but I was used to that, she always called me ungrateful. Then she looked at me with that look of absolute resignation and malice and she said that she hopes I have a daughter like me one day and that she makes me realize how hard it is to love me. 
When I think of the baby, sometimes I see a little girl too. One that I will love so much she never has to doubt it for a single second. And I will also prove my mother wrong. Because it will be so easy to love my little girl and it would’ve been so easy to love me, her little girl.” 
It’s the first time she’s ever said those words out loud. Truly, (Y/N) had not expected for them to come out in an Aston Martin, on the way to meet her baby’s father’s mother but life doesn’t seem to care for plans very much these days.
Softly, as if to not startle her, Jamie places his hand on hers, squeezing gently.
“I think your mum is a right bitch.” 
“Thanks. I think your dad is a huge asshole.” 
“We’re gonna be better than them, right?” 
It’s not really a question. It’s more of a promise.
“We will. I know it.”
His hand doesn’t leave hers for a good long while. 
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The nerves don’t hit her until they pull up to the quaint little house with the white front. There’s a rose bush to the side and some kids playing football just across the way. The nerves don’t hit her until Jamie puts the car in park but when they do, they hit her like a freight train.
“Woah, you alright?” 
“You look all pale and like you’ve seen a ghost or something. Do you have to puke?”
A chuckle falls from her lips at the absurdity of it all. In all honesty, she’s not met a lot of parents yet but the few she did meet were parents of actual partners. People she had been dating for a while. It was a natural progression of steps. This is all wrong and sideways and topsy-turvy. You’re supposed to meet the mum first and then get pregnant. 
Again with the life and the plans. 
“I’m fucking nervous.” 
“Hah,” Jamie laughs. The audacity of this guy. “You’re nervous to meet my mum? Why? She’s an angel.”
“Do you not know how intimidating that is? Like, if she was shit I wouldn’t care but she sounds wonderful and I want her to like me. No, I need her to like me. Desperately. And I can only imagine what she thinks of me already. Some floozy who gets knocked up and really just wants your money.” 
Before she even fully realizes what’s happening, (Y/N) feels Jamie’s hands on her cheeks, framing her face in warmth.
“Calm down, please. I promise it’ll be alright. My mum will love you, I know it. Probably more than she loves me. Actually no that’s a lie, but she will love you and she will love our baby. Promise.”
“She’s not gonna judge me for — you know. Getting pregnant even though we’re not dating or anything.” 
“My mum was married to my dad, worst person on planet Earth. Don’t think she’s in any position to judge you. It’ll be alright, trust me.” 
She hardly knows this man and yet she can’t help but do just that. Trust him.
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The first thing (Y/N) notices about Georgie is her smile. A smile that is so familiar because it looks exactly like Jamie’s smile. Warm and radiant and true. A part of (Y/N) hopes that their baby inherits that same smile. Partially because it’s a really good smile and partially because maybe that could help Jamie realize that he is more than the sum of his father’s problems and mistakes. He is all his mother’s boy.
“Oh, I missed you, my baby.” 
Georgie wraps her arms around Jamie’s middle, getting swallowed by his frame for a moment. There’s no denying that part of (Y/N)’s heart breaks a little seeing how loving of a relationship these two have and wondering where she and her own mother went wrong.
And as it so happens with so many kids that have never been loved quite the way they deserved, (Y/N) can’t help but search for the problem in herself. 
“Yeah sorry for not visiting earlier. You know how it is with training and stuff.” 
“Don’t worry about it. I know my boy is busy being a star.” 
The words hold a slight mocking, never mean but in the way that only people who are close can tease each other. You know every word comes laced with deep affection, with pride, with love.
“And it’s so nice to meet you too. I’m Georgie.” 
It takes a second for (Y/N) to realize that Jamie’s mum is now talking to her directly.
“I uh — oh thank you. Nice to meet you too, I’m (Y/N).” 
Georgie smells like mint chewing gum and floral perfume as she pulls (Y/N) into a hug. She’s soft and gentle and it’s been the first hug from a mother (Y/N) has received in quite some time.
“Sorry, didn’t even ask if you’re a hugger.”
“Oh that’s alright, don’t worry about it.” 
She’s not a hugger, never really was, but there is something about Georgie granting her some affection that isn’t all that bad. Maybe their kid can have at least one grandmother who cares and who isn’t completely disgusted by the idea of showing any kind of positive emotions.
“Jamie never brings girlfriends around so I’m a bit out of my element here if I’m being honest.” 
“Mum we’re not — she’s not.” Jamie takes a big breath before starting again “(Y/N) and I are friends, yeah? Told you about it on the phone.” 
“Right, right. Well, you don’t bring around a lot of friends either so same difference, really. Now come inside will you, I’m sure we got a lot to catch up on.”
Oh if only she knew how true that sentiment really is.
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There are pictures of Jamie staring back at (Y/N) from every corner of the house and Georgie leads them through the hallway and towards the kitchen. Every wall and every shelf holds a memory of him at one point in his life. Gap toothed with a football in hand smiling, surrounded by a field of tulips arm wrapped around his mother’s shoulder, his teenage self smoldering at the camera with an even more questionable haircut than the one he is sporting right now. Oh to be loved in a way that every past version of you is being remembered.
As they reach the kitchen a sweet scent fills the room when a man clad in an apron turns around and faces them with a huge smile playing on his face. He has a dorky kind of charm to him that immediately puts you at ease. Maybe it’s just the frilly apron, maybe it’s the big oven gloves, maybe it’s the smile. Either way, (Y/N) thinks that if they take the news well, her kid might have truly lucked out on one side of the grandparents department. 
“Jamie, welcome home.” 
“Hi Simon, thanks, mate. Glad to be back. This is (Y/N).” 
“The friend, right.” Simon says and shoots Georgie a look that neither of them misses. Subtlety doesn’t seem to be one of his best qualities. “It’s nice to meet you, (Y/N).”
“Nice to meet you too. It smells amazing in here.” 
“I found this new recipe for honey blondies. Not sure if they'll be any good but I guess we'll find out. If you guys want to go have a seat, I'll come bring them over.”
“Actually,” Jamie speaks up while nervously fiddling with his hands. “I was hoping we could have a talk before we do anything else. There’s something I need to tell you both.” 
Imagining the hypothetical scenario of telling your mum you’re having a baby and actually doing it really are two completely different things it seems. Gone is all of Jamie’s confidence and replaced with a whole lot of anxiety. 
“You're worrying me, Jamie. What has you acting so serious? Did you get someone pregnant or something?”
Georgie's words are followed by a thick awkward silence. It's heavy and suffocating and it makes (Y/N) feel uneasy in both her heart and her head.
It doesn't take long for Jamie’s parents to realize what his silence means. Everything communicated by not saying a single word.
“Oh, fuck.”
And there's nothing to add to Georgie's reaction. It's the exact same one (Y/N) had when she first saw those faint blue lines.
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Of all the possible outcomes and ways this day could’ve gone, (Y/N) had not expected to find herself staring at not only a curly-haired Roy Kent but also come face to face with two very persuasive arguments belonging to no other than Keeley fucking Jones. 
“This is surreal.” 
The posters stare back at her all crinkled paper and bleached ink, as if to mock her silently. 
“Ah, well I told them to redecorate when I moved out, think they just haven’t gotten around to it yet.” 
A light dusting of pink settles on the apples of Jamie’s cheeks as well as the tips of his ears. This man can’t hide his emotions for the life of him. It’s quite adorable really. 
“Do they know?” 
“Does who know?” 
“Roy and Keeley. Do they know you have their pictures up in your room?”
“Well no and It’s not my room anymore, is it? ‘S not like I have ‘em hanging at home. Put these up ages ago.” 
A giggle slips through (Y/N)’s lips at his desperate attempt to talk himself out of this situation. 
“It’s okay, Jamie. I won’t tell.” 
“There’s nothing to tell, alright?” he responds in mock offense before sitting down on his childhood bed next to (Y/N). “Just liked boobs and football and those two were the best those fields had to offer, yeah? Can’t really blame me.” 
“Not much has changed has it?”
He shrugs his shoulders in response “Nah. Still like boobs and football but no way I’d put up a poster of granddad’s ugly mug nowadays.”
From the few times they talked about his job, including his teammates and coaches, (Y/N) was able to gather that Jamie’s relationship with Roy is something special. Odd, but special. Maybe that’s what happens when you end up working with your childhood idol. Either way, no matter how much shit he likes to talk about him, it’s clear that Jamie respects and admires Roy a great deal still.
“And uh — and Keeley?” 
“What about her?” 
“Is she — are you — how are things?” 
She still remembers that crestfallen look on his face on the day of the funeral. That infinite sadness in his eyes. She hadn’t put two and two together at that moment but later that night it all clicked. Keeley was the woman he was in love with, the woman who did not love him back. And while (Y/N) knows that she and Jamie are only bound together by happenstance and fate — if one chooses to believe in that, and that there is nothing romantic about their situation, it does sting a little to know that the man you’re having a baby with is in love with someone else.
“We’re good. We’re friends, think that’s all we’ll ever be. Her and Roy, they’re happy and I don’t want to ruin it for either of them. Keeley and I just were not right together.” 
“And you’re okay with that?” 
He nods his head, a small smile playing on his lips “Yeah, I’m alright with it. If I hadn’t made a fool of myself at the funeral then you and I wouldn’t have — you know, and then we wouldn’t be having a baby. Little Kidney Bean.” 
“That’s true. Your mum seemed excited.” 
“Hah, sorry about her. She can be intense.” 
Intense might be the understatement of the century. It took her approximately 2.3 seconds to get over the initial shock of the announcement and really process it before Georgie let out a scream of pure excitement and joy and wrapped both Jamie and (Y/N) up in her arms. She didn’t fully let go for a good 20 minutes. It was intense. It was also phenomenal.
“Don’t apologize. I am so glad she took it so well, Simon too. At least now I’ll have the certainty that my baby will have one set of loving grandparents at least.” 
“Hey,” Jamie says and nudges her shoulder with his “We’ll sort out telling your mum next, okay. I’m sure it’ll go better than you think. And if not we can always call up my mum for some more hugs and a pep talk. Whatever happens, you won’t have to do it alone. I promise.” 
For what is probably the first time in her life (Y/N) lets herself believe that there truly is someone else having her back, undisputedly and all the way. It’s unfamiliar. It’s a little scary. It’s also wonderful.
“Thanks, Jamie. I appreciate it, I really do. Think so far we’re doing alright, huh?” 
“I’d say so. Two sexy parents and a little Kidney Bean.” 
Their laughter echoes through Jamie’s childhood bedroom for quite a while longer until at some point it stills and gives room to soft breathing and quiet snores. The bed isn’t meant for two grown adults and really Jamie truly meant to sleep on the couch but somewhere between talks of baby clothes and childhood memories, eyes grew heavy and tired, and soon enough both of them are fast asleep.
Just them and their little Kidney Bean 
— and a curly-haired Roy Kent 
— and Keeley’s boobs.
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taglist (@ me if you want to be taken off or added): @captainfrisbee - @scaramou - @mischiefmanaged71 - @rexorangecouny - @respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog - @tweasley20 - @dreamtrydoforkinggood - @oxxolovemelikeyoudooxxo - @heletsmelovehim - @snubug - @katdahlali - @oldglitterstory - @lalla-04p - @aiyaiy
125 notes · View notes
samantitheos · 8 months
Tag Game Wednesday
Thank you @juliakayyy @jrooc and @skylerwinchester for tagging me. <3
Name: sam.
Age: older than cam, younger than noel—that perfect sweet spot.
star sign: capricorn.
your first language: english.
second language: the education system (and my parents) failed me. i can kinda read latin,  i guess.
favourite lip product: blistex or maybelline baby lips.
the best food dish you can make without a recipe: sicilian meatloaf or this bacon-wrapped chicken breast dish with cream cheese filling.
If you drink tea, what kind?  black tea with a bit of honey.
If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? medium.
favourite thing to watch on youtube right now:  nothing? tho i do use it to play the lord of the rings trilogy soundtrack or best of hans zimmer when i’m working. 🤓
favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: guns n’ roses music videos probably lol.  
favourite item of clothing right now: since starting to work from home, definitely my mint green sweatpants and fuzzy slippers.
favourite item of clothing in 2012: based on my pictures from that year i wore this electric yellow tank top A LOT.
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[please enjoy the super grainy quality and raging phallic energy]
three movies you recommend: life as a house, gladiator, the girl with the dragon tattoo (original swedish version with subtitles).
your favourite concert: i’m gonna cheat and say warped tour 2004.
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? lmaooooo the great mickey crop top controversy of 2019 (yes).
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? i’ve only really been involved in the shameless fandom, but hearing about the fans in other fandoms (e.g., ofmd) has discouraged me from trying to get involved in them.
the best tv show you watched last year: daisy jones and the six, interview with the vampire, ted lasso.
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? would loved to have seen tom hardy as james bond and would still love to see cam in a live-action hercules.
a ship you’ve abandoned: well this is before i knew what “shipping” was, but kate and sawyer on lost (he deserved better—and got it).
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? “ok, but just let me explain…”
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?) no, and if i got anything i would want it to be very subtle. i’ve thought about getting a serif dash on my left middle finger…
what fandom do you wish was bigger? i don’t really wish the shameless fandom was bigger, but i do wish the fic writing community was as big as it was a few years ago.
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? how i met your mother. absolute trash ending.
have you…
swam in an ocean? yes! and scuba certified. i did underwater archaeology for a few years. ever been vegan/vegetarian? no. gone skinny dipping? once. gone skiing? yes, but not since high school. been to a convention? only the boring academic kind.
Tagging @astaraels @crossmydna @deathclassic @darlingian @ian-galagher @krysmiss @lonelygallavich @palepinkgoat @sickness-health-all-that-shit @transmickey @heymrspatel @stocious @callivich @gallawitchxx <333
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valleyfthdolls · 10 months
Drabble request: basically the missing kids + golden duo(cc and Cass). All forget their memories and names, so they go by their animatronic names, and act like the animatronic personalities.
(also cc and Cass)( are regarded as one person, even though they are separate, so like Fred or Goldie)
The little girl tilts her head. It's jerky, robotic. Years ago, she used to have a looser neck, she thinks. She glances.
The child awaiting her is blurry, its visage shifting, warping and distorting like it can't make up its mind. Through the monstrous yellow body, she can make out black, curly hair tied into pigtails. It stares blankly at her. Dressed in a ripped, baggy golden shirt with puff sleeves adorned with the dirtiest purple bow tie and vest she's ever seen, it stands with purpose, and oh. Goldie is acting like itself again. Chica swivels, turns around and faces it. Its image is blurry in her pretty blue eyes, shining a fuchsia hue under the stage lights. Its voice is whispery, but determined. Angry. Goldie is mad again, she thinks.
Trying her best not to upset it by noticing the difference, Chica smiles, and the skin of her cheeks crinkles and stretches painfully. She clasps her hands together.
"Goldie! Good to see ya got your wits about ya again, dear," She coos hollowly, her throat hurting with every word she speaks. She thinks there was something there once. Something cold, something metal. She swallows. It burns. Goldie scowls.
"Someone is here."
Chica's smile drops.
She doesn't like intruders. Not one bit. Not after they took her away from wherever she was supposed to have come from- the factory they made her body in, the pizzeria that used to be here.
"D- do Freddy n' the others know?" She whispers. Foxy won't like this, not one bit. Oh, and poor Freddy- the sweet little thing never got over his fear of the dark, and he'll be so upset knowing they've got someone lurking in the shadows. It doesn't help him to know that they're the monsters under the bed.
"Fredbear told them already," It rasps, pointing to its blue eye and tap-tap-tapping. "They're angry. They're real angry."
"Is that so?" Her voice rises, fearful. Goldie- Fredbear- either or, really- is angry. It always is. But it carries an air of seriousness- of barely masked fear and a desperation for self defense. Her eyes ask a silent question, a beg for an explanation that goes unseen and unregarded. Is it that man?
There's a man that Chica knows. The man, maybe, who took her from the factory, the pizzeria she was made in, stretched her skin and cut her neck and made her body rigid. All Chica knows is that because of that man, the world is no longer safe if it ever was.
"You know him," Goldie hisses. Chica's hinges are slow, awkward. When her head moves to face Goldie again, it's not looking at her, or any of the other children. It seems to be looking at itself. It nods carefully, and shaggy brown hair falls into its face. "I know him."
"Goldie? What's goin' on?"
"Shut up." Goldie's red eye briefly glances up at Chica as it brushes back a black curl that's slipped loose from its pigtails after years without brushing or washing. "You know him, Fredbear. Who is he?"
Chica steps back, not wanting to anger Goldie. Everyone is angry. Everyone is so angry all the time. The anger burning in Chica's little body is enough to make her want to burst. It scares her. It physically makes her sick with revulsion, and if she ever had a stomach she would throw it all up in the bathroom and it would come out tasting like old pizza. She wipes her mouth, almost preemptively. Her servo motors whir, air pressure valves clicking with the jerky movement.
"I will not let him touch us. Do you hear me, Fredbear? I will fucking kill him." Too young to be saying such nasty things. Chica frowns. Did it ever have parents? Did its creators ever scold it for its language? "Tell me. If it's not him, who is he?"
Suddenly drained of energy, Goldie looks down the hallway, a brown curl falling over its face. Its blue eye stares wistfully. Chica clasps her hands together again, preparing to try to butter it up so that no one else has to do anything that will make anyone more upset and no one has to make her any more afraid. Her cheeks ache as she prepares to smile.
"...I know him," It repeats.
(Drabble requests are open! Check pinned.)
(If you want a more specific situation that might focus on other characters, lmk and I can try to whip something else up for you too!)
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creamyychann · 2 years
Aizawa x Daughter! Reader
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Requested by AnimeGirll88 on WattPad
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◖☆Don't like this kind of post? Follow this direction!☆◗
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DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, INCEST, Parent/Child Incest, Father-Daughter Relationship, Age difference, Older man/Younger Woman, Teacher-Student Relationship, Teasing, Overstimulation, Chocking, Rough sex, Punishment, Spanking, Creampie, Cum play, Cum eating, Food play (sort of), Womb fucking, Bondage (kinda)
Daughter Reader (18) [3rd year AU/ U.A. College AU]
Father Aizawa Shouta
Note: Old fic! This is supposed to be Father's day special but I had many shits going on in my life that I forgot to post this in Father's Day. Also, this one is real kinky 😍
Minors DNI
Don't like it? DON'T READ IT!
You've been warned.
Read at your own risk.
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"Deku!! You're literally the cutest guy I've ever met!! " You squeal at blushing Izuku. You were in the middle of class time, well, not really. Everyone had done their work pretty early & had some free time just to mess around since your father, Aizawa doesn't care cuz now he can use the free time for sleeping. Well, your squeal at Deku woke Aizawa, even though there's other students who are louder than you, his focus were always on you. You know he was awake even though he looks like asleep cuz you have been sleeping with him so many time that you know when he really asleep or fake asleep. You had this mission on making your dad jealous, you know when Aizawa Jealous he would punish you & fucked you really good so you wanna make him super jealous by flirting any male(and female if you're bi/pan XP) students.
" Hey, hey Deku! Your freckles on your cheeks makes me want to kiss your cheeks even more! ~" You say lovey dovey-ly even more as you keep glancing at Aizawa just to see his reaction. You see his body shift a bit & sees him peeking which makes you giggles. " Deku! Deku!! Are you free this weekend? Let's go to the park together!! " You say happily " I-i don't k-know... M-m-maybe I h-had time >////<" He say still blushing. You heard Deku had a crush on you so he's the perfect target for you to flirt with.
You pinch his cheeks, warp your arm around his shoulder, ruffle his hair, looks at him lovingly & booping his nose. You were already close with Deku so touching him is nothing special. You felt Aizawa glares at you making you flushed by what will happen after you were alone with him. You keep flirting & flirting till Deku is flushed bright red then after you finish you just gave him a good bye (flying) kiss then flew away to do the same thing with other students. Todoroki, Bakugou, Kirishima, Kaminari, Iida, and basically everyone in the class with the exception of Mineta ( lol fuck no, pervert grape bastard) who saw you flirt with everyone and him waiting for you to came up to him. But then he sees you just flew back into your desk making the grape bastard eternally screaming.
You finished flirting with everyone and went back to seat to read your fav book & peek simultaneously at Aizawa in his sleeping bed. Seeing Aizawa that glares at you intensely with jealous & dark aura around him, you start getting wet by the thought of what he'll do to you, from what you experienced, he you usually spank you, fucks you fastly & roughly, & force you to hold your cum. But that's all just because a normal jealousy, unlike this one. You sure 100% that he's super jealous & super angry at you by just looking at his dead, sleepy eyes that full of lust. You pant heavily & just kept reading till lunch time while rubbing your legs together because of the squelching panties that had gotten wet.
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❃.✮:▹ 𝐋𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 ◃:✮.❃
" Y/n... Could you come here & help me with something? " Aizawa called you when you're about to leave " Sure! Otou-san! " You say & wave to Deku & the others who were about to eat lunch together with you. You close the door behind you, lock it & stops the time with only you & your dad can moves (you got it from your (non-existen) mother's quirk combined with Aizawa's quirk ) then you came up to already super upset & jealous father of yours. " Was is it? Daddy? ~" You say seductively. Aizawa just glared at you & slowly came up to you still glaring at you. When he's only inches away from you he leans into your ear " You naughty girl... You did it on purpose just to make Daddy jealous didn't you? .... Now, You shall be punished... " He spoke deeper & huskier than he already is.
You gripped your skirt, bites your lips. Your nipples are hard & your pussy got even wetter. " Yes~" You say aroused. " On your knees. Now. " Aizawa orders. You immediately on your knees, unzips his pants, & pull it down along with his boxer. His hard giant dick sprung out & slapped your face making you rubs the part where it got slap. You licked your lips hungrily then you look up to him. He looks at you intensely with lust filled his eyes " Suck it. NOW" He say more demanding. You didn't hesitate & quickly placed his dick into your mouth. You tease his dick by circling it with your tongue & sucking it slowly. Aizawa grunts furiously & instantly grabs your hair. He thrusts fastly into your mouth that caught you off guard.
Your eyes formed a heart shaped pupils that were beating. You keep sucking Aizawa's dick while he thrusts into you, grunting & moaning your name. He literally pulling your hair but you find the pain very arousing making lewd liquids trickle down your thighs very slowly. You play with Aizawa's balls to makes him came faster since you know how much he like it when you played with his balls.
Aizawa moans & grunting louder and hisses a bit when you grace your teeth a bit while sucking him even harder. " Fuck. I'm cumming!! " Aizawa moans & shoot his salty-sweet thick love juice into your mouth in a large amount. You drank all of it & pull away with a pop. You look at his dick & sees it still hard as brick " *giggles* your dick is still hard~ " You say while poking it lightly making Aizawa grunt. Aizawa force you to stand up by pulling your hair harshly " I'm not done. Follow me" Aizawa say boldly & let go of your hair. Aizawa pull his pants, not entirely but just to cover his boner. Aizawa sat on a chair and sign you to come over him, he then pull you by the arm making you bend down on you stomach to lay on his lap. You know what he's going to do.
Aizawa pull up your skirt & pull down your soaked panties. You grip the chair's legs waiting for what about to came.
A very loud slap noice could be heard clearly. You moaned loudly, lolled your tongue out as the stinging pain turned into pleasure as a red mark start to form on your ass. Another slap landed on your ass. You gripped the chair's legs harder as drool drips out your mouth as your masochist ass trembles from the intense pleasure. Slap by slap continue to penetrate your ass making your ass red as tomato, you at this situation were soaking wet & panting hardly while drool wetted the floor, a wide smile displayed on your face while your eyes are almost like as if it was at the back at your head with hearts on it. Aizawa keep slapping your ass till it goes purple & swelling. " Have you learned your lesson? " Aizawa coldly say & grope your ass hard. You were still trying to catch your breath then giggles, shook your head  to look at his eyes "NO! ♡" You say lewdly just to makes him even more pissed.
Aizawa scowled & pull you up again, he pushes you into the desk that just right beside the 2 of you. Aizawa pins you down, he takes off his scarf then tie you up. He placed both legs of yours besides your breasts but squeeze it to pushed up your breasts making it even bigger than it already is. He then placed your arms above your head then tie you up completely. Your sore ass & wet pussy were very exposed to Aizawa while he  intesely stare at it. You were craving his touch and the pleasuring-pain on your ass sting so much it makes your pussy leaks out love juices.
Aizawa pulls down his pants & positioning his dick. Aizawa rubs his dick slowly & teasingly against your pussy, you whine & tries to grip the bandage-like-scarf but it's tied tightly so it's hard to get off. " Otou-san! ~~ Please! " You whine as you try thrusts yourself onto Aizawa's dick but he kept back away everytime you try makes his dick enter you. " Do you want this dick? " Aizawa teased while looking at your eyes intesely " Yes! Yes!! " You mewls " Beg. " Aizawa order you. You gulps the drool on your lips then breathlessly say " Please daddy! Please fuck your naughty daughter as hard as you can!! I want you to wreck me & punish me! Please! I'm begging you!!" You begged with your heart snapped pupils beats faster. Aizawa just hummed then suddenly thrusts himself into you roughly.
You yelped, stuck your tongue out & started to moans loudly. Aizawa placed his hands besides your head while roughly & fastly thrusts into you. You bites your lips which drawn some blood because the position you are in makes Aizawa's dick instantly reach your cervix. Aizawa grunts huskly & full of lust, he grips the desk edge harshly & then thrusts into you in inhuman speed. You snapped your eyes open & arch your back as the struck of pleasure rush through your body in immense speed.
Tears left your eyes and the heart on your eyes beats faster & faster. Aizawa smirks at you then seductively say " You like it don't you? ~ getting fucked while tied up like this makes you cum faster isn't it? Well... You can't. " You stared at him as he know that you were very close on cumming. " W-wha?! Nghh!!! Why daddy?!! " You whine as the knot on your stomach is about to burst. " Why would I let such a naughty girl like you to cum? ~ heh... Hold it. " Aizawa teases then back to fucking you hard.
You hold your cum with ALL MIGHT just to wait Aizawa gave you permission to cum but your dad making it very difficult by the speed of his thrusts & the fact he kept hitting your sensitive cervix makes you go crazy. Aizawa bites & sucks your neck as the knot start forming. He thrusts very deeply into you, his dick passes your cervix & enters your womb. You screamed and grabs Aizawa's hairs then start pulling it. " Daddy~~ daddy please let me cum!! I beg you! Please!! " You begged as drools rolled down your cheeks. " Fine... Just hold it for a sec... *grunts* c-cum with me!!! " Aizawa grunts as the knot from both of you about to burst.
" Daddy!! Daddy!!! I'm cumming!! " " Ngh!!!! Me too! " You both screamed. Aizawa shoot his galloon of cums into you and it's start leaking out. You clenched down his dick as you squirt all over his lower part. Aizawa kisses you & you kissed back, you two sucks each other tongue & he roams the inside of your mouth.
You 2 pull away & you smiled at him, Aizawa takes away the hair strands from your face then say " I love you y/n" " I love you too Otou-san ".
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" Oh also, do you want extra sauce for your bentos? ~" Aizawa says huskly. You look up at him confused then felt his dick got hard again inside you. " What do you mean? " You say confused. " You know~" Aizawa lustfuly looks at you. You think for a second then you got what he means. You blushed hard but got turned on then smirk lewdly at him " Yes please!!♡♡ " You enthusiastically say. Aizawa smirk and pulls himself out.
You sucks his dick fastly as your bento sat on the desk you just got fucked on, opened. Aizawa pulls your hair as this is the first time his dick ever sucked so hard & fast by you as if you really want his cum sauce for your bento. Aizawa felt knot start forming again & pulls away from you.
He took the bento & start jerk himself off. Pre-cum start squirting out & got into your bento. You stares at the arousing view as you start fingering yourself. Aizawa kept jerking himself till his knot snapped. He cums all over your bento, getting his cum all over your egg rolls, octodogs, onigiri, rice, & the salad. You cum at the sight and drooling for the cum covered bento.
" There. You better finished this up or else... " Aizawa say as he hands you your cum bento. You nodded and took your bento. 2 of you clean yourself up then you started back the time. You closed your bento & wrap it again with cloth ( you know that thing you use to cover your bento). " Bubye otou-san!! " You smiled charmingly. When you about to walk away Aizawa stopped you. " You better be ready for tonight.... " He whisper into your ears then licked it. You shivers then nodded. You walks out the class with a wide smile.
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You go to the cafeteria and sat next to Ochako & Izuku. You opened your bento & start eating. " Hey y/n! Your bento looks so good! " Ochako says as she looks at your bento you made yourself with the extra sauce. " Yeah it looks so good... Can I have some? " Izuku says. You just smiled and say...
" Sorry, you can't~ cuz it has my favorite sauce! "
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When I was a kid, I thought incest means poisonous insect. One day I saw a fire ant & start chanting " Look! Look! Incest! Incest!! "
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Uncle Wayne meets David!
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Dad!Eddie x Mom!Reader
Dad!Eddie masterlist!!
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Tw~ Eddie has anxious tendencies, anxiously cleaning, fear of rejection, very light spiraling (maybe?)mentions of labor and pregnancy, and reference to teen parent hood!
I finally finished my single dad!Eddie fic too, so here’s the link to that(I’ll write the part two sometime tonight!)
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After you went into labor unexpectedly Eddie was panicking, because Wayne couldn’t meet David until a week after he was born though he isn’t to sure why that bothered him so much as Wayne was still going to come and see David.
It didn’t take much convincing to give David the same middle name as Eddie, when he offered up the middle name Wayne for David you where already saying he’s but his ramble of an explanation made it even sweeter.
“Y/n listen I know this is a big request but Uncle Wayne raised me and it’s even more important than naming the kid Ozzy, can you at least consider it baby?”
You smile laughing softly and Eddie almost throws himself into the bed, “You really don’t want him to be named after Wayne at all?”
“Eddie, I think that’s the best middle name for him like ever…if you would have said something before we could have named him Wayne jr.” you joke a bit and Eddie scrunches his nose.
“As much as I love the old man…we’re not naming him Wayne Munson, we have one of those already” he tells you holding up his hand sassily as you giggle at him.
When it came time for Wayne to meet David you decided to just do it at a restaurant before letting him spend the weekend at your house that way if he hated Davies name entirely(Eddie anxiously told you that’s what he thought Wayne would say) he could have at least one nice meal somewhere he’s never eaten before.
So you spent the day preparing Lucille Davie and yourself while Eddie scrambled around anxiously cleaning, I mean like deep cleaning, Eddie’s room in Wayne’s trailer was never this clean which is why this little nervous habit struck you as weird only recently had he started to become an anxious deep cleaner at one point he had scrubbed the cabinets so many times you were nervous he was gonna make it warp.
“Eddie why don’t you go play with the kids?” You offer taking the supplies from him as you apply the child lock to the cabinet, “or go and get dressed so we can leave?”
He nods before running off, when you four finally got to the restaurant Wayne wasn’t far behind coming to the table to sit beside you all as Lucille hugged him.
“Grandpa!” She cheered happily.
That was another thing that Eddie had asked you about, except it was when you first told him you were pregnant with Lucille telling you, “he’s basically my dad Y/n…can we make her call him grandpa?”
You had responded with a simple, “Eddie I thought it was a given that she’d call him that?”
“Uhh” Eddie pauses as his uncle stares like he’s grown a second head.
“Spit it out boy” Wayne tells him while you hand David over to Wayne lightly squeezing Eddie’s hand, it wasn’t normal for Eddie to get so nervous and Wayne was beginning to notice his nerves.
“Guess David’s middle name!” Eddie blurts out burying his head in his hands out of shame.
“I dunno” Wayne whispers.
“It’s Wayne” Eddie whispers and Wayne’s eyes well with tears.
“Are you serious son? Named your boy after me?” Eddie looks up afraid Wayne will be upset only to see him on the verge of tears.
“Of course you’re basically my dad…it just felt right” and that was the origin of Davie’s middle name and Eddie is so glad he decided to use Wayne as his son’s middle name.
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Tags~ @miracleboysel @jessyballet @reticent-writer @bubbledtee @marishortcake @marrigold-2002 @griffinfinity @jvmisvu
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bitches-who-write · 3 years
Can you do headcanons siblings of the gang ? Like, how they act with them and how they treat them and how they let the gang act with them ?
Somewhat important note below~
So we know we said we take requests on a first come, first serve basis; however for the sake of time today (and due to the fact that we did not post anything last week) we decided to take on this request early. PLEASE do not be offended or upset if you are still waiting for your request! We promise we will be getting to them ALL. After this post now, we will go back to our fist come, first serve rule.
We have a few requests which we'll be writing longer stories for vs casual headcannons. Stories typically take us several hours to complete since your 2 lovely bitches who write do not live close enough to one another. We write together via FaceTime and Google Doc. We appreciate all your support and patience with us as we write you guys the best content possible! Enough rambling now, Enjoy these headcannons!!!
Patrick With A Little Sister-
Oh boy… Patrick is crazy over protective of his little sister.
Maybe the word should be obsessive and controlling instead~
He watches her every move. He even comes into her room as she sleeps just to occasionally check on her.
Whenever she gets out of Belch’s car heading to school, Patrick keeps a close eye on her again. Mentally noting everyone she talks to.
He makes sure everyone is in line. It doesn’t matter if it’s an adult or a kid. If they do something Patrick doesn’t like, they’re getting fucked up.
Patrick refuses to let guys talk to her. Only Henry, Vic and Belch are allowed to.
When Patrick isn’t around, he puts the other Bower’s Gang members in charge of her. And she knows well enough to listen to them.
He sometimes makes inappropriate comments about her, resulting in a smack off the head by the other guys.
Patrick LOVES to mess with her.
Always holding things over her head so she can’t reach.
Laughs as she tries to jump up and grab it from him.
He’ll lean down and rest his arms on the top of her head since she’s so much smaller than him.
When she doesn’t listen to Patrick, he will literally just pick her up and throw her over his shoulder and laugh as she struggles to get down.
Even though she’s a girl and a few years younger than him, doesn’t mean she’s safe from how rough Patrick gets.
He still wrestles her to the ground and puts her in a damn headlock.
Definitely gets a few bruises from Patrick playfully hitting her. (Patrick doesn't realize his own strength.)
One word… tickled. Patrick is always tickling the shit out of her to tease her.
It’s even worse when the entire Bower’s Gang joins in on torturing her.
Look… this is Patrick. So he still has a mean, sadistic side.
He gets off on fear so he loves to scare her anyway he can.
Whether that is by jumping out at her, or doing something dangerous and reckless like picking her up and dangling her over the cliff edge to the quarry. (she hates heights and doesn’t know how to swim.)
“Uh no! You’re slipping! Better hold on, sweetheart. I know you don’t know how to swim.” He chuckles darkly, smirking down at her as she grips onto his forearm tightly and cries.
Patrick doesn’t hesitate on the low- blows, either. Making comments that he knows will make her cry.
If she threatens to tell their parents on him, Patrick will grab her from behind agressively, making her gasp as he covers her mouth tightly and whisper tauntingly in her ear:
“Now, Now.. Just why would you say that? You know that only gets you in trouble, little one..” He chuckles darkly and tightens his grip in a painful manner.
Patrick With A Little Brother-
…… I think we all know how this ended…. Patrick disliked his little brother, Avery… a lot. You see, Patrick likes being the only male sibling. It’s less competition and less hassle for him. Only Patrick is allowed to make (more like break) the reputation of his family’s name in the small town of Derry, Maine. Bottom line, if Patrick had another little brother, it would result in the same outcome as Avery. Sorry.
Belch With A Little Sister-
Very protective. Does not let her out of his sight for a second.
Hovers over her when they walk in the woods so she doesn’t trip or fall down.
He brings her along when he goes out with the guys sometimes, unless he knows they will be partaking in illegal activities.
Keeps snacks in his car for whenever she rides with him and always makes sure she eats 3 proper meals during the day.
Not only does he have extra snacks but he has a first aid kit, too.
He’s always prepared knowing she’s small, so there’s a good chance she’ll accidentally get hurt hanging around the guys.
And yes, it has happened on more than one occeasion.
He checks on her during school and makes sure no one is messing with her.
After school, Belch makes sure she does her homework but never really helps her with it. Why would he? He doesn’t even do his own assignments.
For the most part, he’s pretty sweet but sometimes the big brother power goes to his head.
He makes her do her chores and his around the house.
If she ever did something wrong, Belch goes right to blackmail.
“I won’t let mom know about that F on your report card… only IF you wash my car everyday the rest of this week.
Henry purposely spills his drink on the hood of the car right after she just got down cleaning it.
“Opps.. looks like you missed a spot. Better get to it, kid.” Henry says mockingly as he ruffles her hair walking by.
Belch always makes sure she’s safe in bed by the end of the night though.
He even kisses the side of her head when the guys aren’t around.
Belch With A Little Brother-
He takes him under his wing.
Loves to talk about cars- the makes and models, horsepower, you name it.
Even though his little brother isn’t old enough to drive yet, that doesn’t stop Belch from giving him driving lessons.
But bet your life he threatens him before taking off. “I swear to fuck though man, if you crash my car, I will end you. Okay, now put it in reverse. Let’s go”
Belch watches sports with him and even plays in the backyard, as well.
Belch acts as if he’s his coach to prepare him for the school’s team.
He also teaches him how to properly lift weights and spots him, too.
Belch told him “the ladies love a man with muscles, so to keep lifting bro.”
Speaking of girls, Belch was the one who gave him ‘the talk’... in very elaborate and explicit detail leaving his brother shocked, disgusted, and intrigued all at once.
Although he does hang out with his brother from time to time, sometimes Belch chooses friends over family and takes off for long periods of time.
Belch for the most part tries to be patient with him, but still gives his brother tough love as a form of preparing him for the real world.
Overall, Belch is a pretty decent big brother.
He means well but sometimes misses the mark.
Henry With A Little Sister-
Their father works long shifts, often resulting in an absence in their home life.
Henry’s dad basically tells him he’s fully in charge of his little sister.
Henry acts pissed off about that like she’s a bother and interrupts his life but deep down, it makes him feel important for once in his life.
Henry is both very strict and protective over her.
He’s also very controlling such as who she’s allowed to talk to or what she’s allowed to wear.
Nothing short or low cut is allowed. She better not even think about talking back, either,
Henry doesn't have much patience for anything and his temper is even worse.
For example- Her short legs means she walks slower than the rest of them.
Henry rolls his eyes and ends up dragging her by her wrist or sometimes just throwing her over his shoulder because he can’t stand waiting for her.
When it comes time for school, Henry makes sure everyone knows she’s a Bowers. If anyone (child or adult) even just so much as looked at her funny, Henry is throwing hands.
Speaking of school, Henry doesn’t help her with any bit of projects or homework. “Don’t fuckin’ ask me! You do it, or don’t, I don't really give a shit.”
When it comes time for dinner, Henry makes simple stuff like peanut butter & jelly sandwiches, mac n’ cheese, or sometimes just fixes a bowl of cereal. But he always makes her clean up the mess / dishes after.
If she talks back, Henry has no problems getting in her face and yelling loudly.
Sometimes when his anger gets the best of him, he’ll smack her across the face.
He stiffens up when he sees the tears form in her eyes. Sometimes he just walks away and doesn’t want to deal with it, and other times he stands there stiffly and gives her an awkward hug.
“Sorry kid. I didn’t mean to hit you. You just pissed me the fuck off.”
Henry would never let anyone ever see this but occasionally he gives her a quick kiss to the side of her cheek when he’s feeling extra guilty. 
Similar to Patrick, Henry loves to get on her nerves.
Tripping her as she walks by.
Embarrassing her in front of the other guys just to see her blush.
Smacking her off the head as he walks by- her angry face makes Henry laugh.
Tickling her to make her admit something or as a form of punishment because he knows she hates that.
Barges in her room without knocking first.
Warns her she's never, ever allowed to have a boyfriend. And if she has a crush on either Vic, Belch, or Patrick...she’s dead meat.
Won’t allow her to drink alcohol or smoke. If she sneaks and does it, Henry teaches her a ‘lesson’.
“Find you wanna drink? Then here, take it. But now you have to drink the entire thing.”
He smirks and watches her get sick from the alcohol thinking that actually taught her a lesson and will deter her from it in the future.
Speaking of drinking-
When their dad comes home drunk, Henry is the one to take all his shit just to protect her because deep down he does care about her even though he calls her a “little fucking shit” daily.
Henry With A Little Brother-
In Henry's warped mind, his brother is a guy too, so he doesn’t need to be coddled like his little sister does.
If Henry has to withstand hits and verbal abuse, then his little brother should too. “Why should he get a pass?” Henry scoffs.
Henry gives him a lot of tough love.
He tries to make him ‘stronger’ by saying some really rotten shit to him. “Builds character, get used to it, kid.”
Henry does teach his brother how to fight though. “Put those stupid fuckin’ books down pussy. Books can’t teach you how to be a fucking man, but throwing punches will.”
Henry gave his little brother his own knife for his birthday.
He told him since he’s a Bowers, he's a target so it will come in handy~
Gives his brother “advice” on girls and sex; telling him which girls around town ‘put out’ the most.
One day when his brother asked Henry about a particular girl Henry responded with: “Ooh yeah, (random girl’s name), the only thing good about her is her pussy. Face is busted.”
Overall, Henry isn’t too bad towards his brother but once again, when his temper is raging, no one is safe from him.
Vic With A Little Sister-
Overly cautious and protective of her. He’s basically like a helicopter parent.
When the guys are swearing around her, he covers her ears and tells the guys to cut it out.
“Guys! Language!”
“I’m only a few years younger than you guys, I’m not a child!” she retorts.
Patrick, being classic creepy Patrick circles around her. “Just give it a few more years babe. Based on how your mom looks...” Patrick licks his lips envisioning Vic’s mother until Vic smacks him in the balls making Patrick hunch over in pain.
Vic likes to keep her in sight so right after school, he goes straight to her locker and makes sure she rides home with them, too.
When they get out of the car to bully some kids, Vic tells her to stay put. He doesn’t want her involved in anything.
When walking through the woods to the quarry, He always has a hand around her upper arm for support when climbing down the embankment.
He watches her like a hawk when swimming, so paranoid something will happen. Again, think helicopter parent
While he’s sweet for the most part, there’s times he just loses his temper.
He’ll explode and begin yelling at her, only inches from her face.
Sometimes when she does something really, really out of line, Vic will shove her into Henry and Patrick.
“Here guys, teach this little bitch a lesson for me. And don’t go easy on her.” Vic says walking off to calm down.
A part of him feels a little guilty when he sees her cry but other times he feels it’s justified.
He isn’t overly affectionate with her around the guys, the most he does is put an arm around her shoulder.
Sometimes sneaks behind her and tasers her sides and laughs when she jumps and collapses to the ground.
But when no one is around, he 100% gives the best hugs.
When she’s going to a sleepover at a girl-friend's house, Vic tells her to be safe and mumbles, “love you.”
Back at home before bed, Vic will tease her for being paranoid as she makes her way around the house, triple checking to make sure all the windows and doors are locked.
“What? Afraid the boogeyman is gonna getcha?” Vic mocks.
If she’s having a nightmare and calls for Vic, he’ll come and sit on the bedroom floor next to her bed until she falls asleep again.
Vic With A Little Brother-
Vic isn’t as protective over his little brother as he is with their little sister; but he still cares for him.
He just feels that his brother is able to hold his own while his sister needs more protection/ guidance.
He let’s his brother tag along with the guys. They all don’t mind. If anything, they refer to his little brother as Vic number 2.
He genuinely listens to his brother’s interests. Okay.. sometimes he zones out when he drones on and on but he always acts interested.
Vic is pretty book smart so he helps his brother with school work, especially in math.
Tries to make his brother more confident when it comes to talking / picking up girls.
Basically acts as his wing man.
The guys try to give his brother tips on how to pick up girls...Vic usually tells him to ignore everything they say because all that's gonna earn him is a slap in the face.
Tells him not to listen to Henry or Patrick for girl advice.. EVER.
He does teach his brother how to fight though.
Just because Vic is one of the sweeter ones in the gang; that doesn’t change the fact that he’s in a gang to begin with…
When his brother told him he was being picked on, Vic taught him how to fight, but also got involved himself.
Nothing like sending an intimidating message to a few assholes.
When Vic and his brother fight with each other, he doesn’t hold back just because that’s his little brother.
Overall, they get along for the most part and Vic is a pretty decent older brother to his siblings.
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mango-bango-bby · 3 years
Hello mango! For your event, may i request arranged marriage au with akaashi? Like they're actually neighbor but the reader always feel scared(?) and shy towards him but the reader parents and his parents are close and they're really like him bcz you know he seems like a good man for their child (they didn't know how obsessed he is towards their child of course) then they're married but the reader still feel scared and shy but after a while the reader start to warm up. Also nsfw at the end please haha
I'm sorry if my english is bad and if it's too detail. Thankyou, love your writing so much🥰
♡ Newlyweds ♡
(A/N: I haven’t been in the biggest smut writing mood, so I hope that’s ok 🥺🥺👉👈 But I still tried to add in the nsfw that you wanted!!! It’s a bit brief at the end but it’s there so I hope that’s alright. And your English is fine!! And thank you, I really appreciate kind words like that 💖 Because I personally don’t think my writing is to good so it makes me happy that you all like it 🥺🥺)
Content Warning ⚠️: Yandere, arranged marriage, slight NSFW, DUB-CON, chest play, manipulation (I think)
Summary: Akaashi  + Arranged Marriage AU (Yan!Akaashi x GN!reader)
3k Prompt List ➸ ♡
Masterlist ➸ ♡
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You barely looked Akaashi in the eyes. He may legally be your new husband, but he didn’t feel like it to you. Although that would make sense considering you didn’t even choose the man to be your new husband, your parents did!
Yes, Akaashi was nice but you didn’t know him let alone love him! Yet he seemed adamant that you two would be a happy married couple.
You sink into the mattress underneath you, the sheets fluffing up around you. Right now you were currently on your honeymoon with Akaashi, just trying to stay away from him.
After all you weren’t comfortable with him, it only made sense you avoided him! You barely knew him, you only met him in the process of planning the wedding.
Akaashi, of course, noticed you behavior. Yes, he loved you but he understood that you didn’t love him yet. But you would one day you would love him too.
He couldn’t really understand why you didn’t love him already, after all you two had a beautiful wedding ceremony. However he couldn’t help but want more than just a kiss from you, he wanted to consummate the marriage.
“Y/n? Are you alright?” Akaashi asks, sitting on the bed next you. He notices the way you recoil a bit when he does. “No, I’m alright” You say quietly, being standoffish as you’d rather pick who you marry than have your parents decide!
“Are you sure? You don’t need me to help you?” He asks, holding himself back from calling you a pet name for fear of driving you off. As though what he was about to do wasn’t going to drive you off.
“I can if you want” Akaashi continues, kissing your hand before leaning you back on the bed. You know where this is headed, and it was bound to happen eventually.
You just have to deal with it you guess, he is your husband after all so you need to be willing to do these kind of things with him. Akaashi knew that was the way you were thinking, and yes he knew it was warped and awful, yet he loved it at the same time.
You don’t fight back when Akaashi lifts your shirt and plays with your chest. He’s good at it, causing you to let out little whimpers every once and a while. Akaashi’s just glad he’s making you feel good, maybe that will help you start to love him!
You continue letting out small whimpers and groans while Akaashi tweaks your nipples and giving you kisses over your neck and chest. He loves hearing the noises he can get out of you!
He thinks about giving you a hickey for a moment before deciding against it. However after a bit more consideration, he decides to leave a few marks on you. You were his spouse after all! He was your husband so why shouldn’t he act like one?
︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵︵‿︵‿୨♡୧‿︵‿︵ Thank you for reading, darling!!
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
dad!gojo hcs
Summary: Gojo being a dad. That’s it, that’s the tweet.
Characters: mainly Gojo and y/n, mentions of other characters
Word count: around 1k
Content warning: -
A/N: Reader is toddler/kindergarten age. Once again, stolen from my own AO3. I’ve written Red on AO3 but that was before Hollow Purple was revealed and I didn’t wanna spoil anime-only fans!
Next up: Dad!Gojo with schoolkid!reader.
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I imagine Gojo as a really caring dad despite not always being able to be there for his kiddo. He would even be a little helicopterish because he knows he's a target for the entire world of the curses, so he will have a capable sorcerer watch out for you, tend for you, be your companion, etc. at all times. A lot of times, it ends up being Megumi, who has become like a big brother to you, and Shoko, who takes the role as that cool, smoking and single auntie with her wineglass. Megumi begrudgingly agrees to take care of you at first but he eventually relents after his teacher pesters him too much about it. After several times of babysitting you, he will still  try to wiggle his way out of babysitting but secretly, Megumi has always wanted to have a younger sibling of some sort. He has always been the younger brother after all. Shoko would definitely not mind as long as you let her do her work - she is confident that you can handle being alone for some time but will check on you occasionally. Nanamin also takes care of you but that's rare and he does definitely not do it because he enjoys it but because he wants Gojo to shut his damn trap. You call him 'Uncle Nanamin' because of a certain vessel of Sukuna.
Gojo would definitely get you any gift you wanted - he spoils you (and possibly your teeth) rotten. It's Shoko who teaches you the important stuff of day-to-day life. New clothes, new plushies and action figurines, candy and desserts, ice cream, he's got everything covered. Both of you have a respective 'secret candy stash'. When he comes back from missions? Expect a souvenir, could range from a small size to a medium size. Spending parent-child-time with Gojo? Matching clothes (e.g. the mentioned shirt in the previous chapter), maybe even matching sunglasses, you never know with this man. He also wears the bracelet you have gifted him a year ago when you made it. Oh yeah, he would always carry you on his shoulders, give you a piggyback ride. Holding hands with him is a must; not that you mind anyway. Shoko scolds him a lot: you'll forget how to walk yourself if he continues to carry you so many times. He pouts. Starting from then, he will pay more attention to walk hand in hand with you, so piggyback rides become less frequent.
He will definitely teach you some cursed techniques but nothing too exhilarating - at least not at this age. Gojo is very proud and will throw you into the air when you manage to create what bears similarity to the beginning of a ‘curtain’, even if it disappears right away. "As expected of the strongest child!" he chimes happily. Will brag about it to Shoko or Megumi: "And then they did POW! and then BAM! WHOOSH!" He is excited excited and amazed. Proudest dad in the world. He also teaches you some martial arts. It's never wrong to know how to defend yourself and also... just in case. Gojo will (for his standards: jokingly) spar with you but it almost always ends up in him dramatically falling to the ground from your hit and lying on the ground à la "oh no, I was hit!! Y/N, please give daddy a hug and maybe a kiss for healing :((" You would just get on top of him and hug his big body with your tiny frame. He tells you to use your newly aquired techniques on Megumi.
Talking about his students... they all adore you. You can literally see Yuuji's and Nobara's sparkly eyes when they see you. When Gojo had stolen Nobara's skirt, she used you and your ultimate technique - "Domain Expansion: Infinite Cuteness" - to get it back. You are the only opponent Gojo cannot defeat. This technique always works on Gojo, 100%. The three first-years are very protective of you. While Megumi was more lowkey, Yuuji would probably take a bullet for you. If someone even damaged a strand of your hair, even as a "joke", big sister Nobara would flip. Definitely expect to see the hammer or at least one nail. Sukuna is not amazed by you but has to put up with you because of Yuuji. And your dad. You enjoy Inumaki's and Panda's company anytime because you find them funny. Maki is probably the same as Nobara... but more lowkey.
So in theory, if there was someone who picked on you, you would at least have three people backing you up. Contrary to what you might think now, Gojo wouldn't really be serious about this. He would simply deal with this matter in a simple way. I imagine he'd just laugh at the other kid that picks on you or make a sassy remark and leave it at that. Or he would just leave it to his students since he knows you are in good hands when you have those three as bodyguards.
However: if you are in serious danger? The blindfold/glasses are gone, removed faster than you can blink, his body taking a pretty familiar stance with his arms ready to shoot his Red Hollow Purple technique. Might use Infinite Void right away, depending on your state. Trust me, he is not joking around for any second longer. He aims to completely annihilate your enemy until not even a speck of cursed energy is left. After making sure you are still alive and relatively unharmed, he picks you up and warps away from the scene. He's as cheerful as ever; it's almost as if nothing happened. However, inside he is overwhelmed with relief.
If you are going to school/kindergarten, he will pick you up whenever he can. He is the cool dad, the sporty dad, the swaggy dad, the has-it-all dad. Single mothers will probably attempt to hit on him but then again, who wouldn't? Oh, what do you mean by he is not available on that day? Unless one of his students or Shoko volunteers, the simplest technique is to just bully Ijichi to do it.
At the end of a day, he will tuck you in. Your bedtime stories mostly consist of him retelling tales of his adolescent years (that was your own request) in the Gojo-esque way possible. He loves to gently stroke your face while your eyelids seem to heavy to stay open. Gojo stays until you're asleep and will give you a little kiss on the cheek, whispering "good night, little bear".
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Taglist: @gojos-mochi​ (lmao you’re the only one)
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diavolosthots · 3 years
I don't know if I'm too late if so ignore this. Mc trying to take care of Lucifer. Like bringing him food and drinks, trying to make sure stuff is done in the house, stopping the brothers from bothering him.,thanks for reading my request and remember if you don't want to do it or I'm to late delete it.
You weren't too late at that time and I'm in a lucifer mood tonight so this is being done!
Also who else would like to try spicy hellburned chili now that i made it up? Because I do.
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People always underestimate how much he does for this family, or at least he thinks so. They see mean old Lucifer who only ever bullies and is way too strict. They see the guy who has a patch of gray hair but should be way too young to have it. They see the Avatar of Pride who can’t bear to be defeated for the life of him. Sometimes they see a stuck up asshole who thinks of nothing but himself and occasional torture because he’s viewed as Mr. Sadist. The last part might be mildly true, but only on bad days and only to those who really deserve it. He’s heard it all, from both friends and foes alike, and of course his family. Even Diavolo scolds him at times, which that’s when he’s truly about to snap it because if it weren’t for the Demon Lord he probably wouldn’t be on edge all the time, but more on that later. The point is, though, that most, if not all, of those claims are fault. 
People see the surface level. They see what they want to see and they don’t dare to dig deeper. Maybe they fear him, maybe they’re just too warped in the idea that he absolutely hates everyone that they also turn to hating him. A “I do you like you do me” type of deal, but if they would just take the time… if they would listen and really take a good look at him… maybe they’d realize he’s just suffering. Everytime he gets mad at Mammon or gives a stern, “not now,” that’s him being overwhelmed. Or if his agitation shines through, it’s not because he’s truly annoyed, but because he knows they can do better. He pushes his brothers, absolutely, but only because he knows their true potential. He holds all this weight on his shoulders, for everyone, and instead of giving a small thanks, they ruin his day. It’s hard being the unwanted parent of six, but if he wasn’t, Hell would burn. Or, well, more so than it usually does. Diavolo adds to his work on the daily, and maybe that wouldn’t be such a problem, if he weren’t also the one distracting him from such work and then getting onto him for not having it done. 
It’s hard being him. It’s hard to be the responsible one because you feel like you have to; because you feel like you owe it to them. He blames himself, heavily, for everything that has happened, even though it was their choice to join him. He lays there at night, more often than he likes to admit, and asks himself the big “what if” questions. “What if I didn’t go against them.” “what if I let loose.” “What if I’m being too strict.” Never, ever will you hear him say these things. Pride, ya know? But you don’t need to hear those things because you do know. You see it in his tired eyes and slumped posture once no one is looking. You see it in the way he eats and his coffee outweighs his nutrients. You can tell every time his anger rises too quickly, although he deems himself the rational one. You know Lucifer, even if he thinks you don’t, and you feel bad for him. You feel bad that you’re the only one who seems to see how truly tired he is. How much of a shoulder to lean on he actually needs, and although you’d never dare just go up and offer it, because once again his pride still wouldn’t let him admit that, you try to acknowledge his needs in little ways. 
Coffee was ready this morning, Lucifer noted, but he brushed it off because maybe it was just Beel’s late night or early morning snack; maybe he wanted some? “The pot is full…” and he took advantage of that. Whoever made the coffee, and someone must have because it was still hot and tasted fresh, he thanks them. You smiled to yourself when you saw him with a cup, heading back to his office, “morning, Lucifer. Enjoy your coffee.” He had looked at you, blinking a few times and probably wondering why you’re so cheery this early in the morning, “Good morning, (Y/N).” but that was it. Well, not really. Next thing he knew was that lunch was already done when he arrived in the kitchen to start it. “(Y/N)? What are you doing? It’s my turn.” but you only shrugged, wiping your hands before grabbing the plates and heading out to the dining room to place them, “yeah but I was already down here and didn’t have anything to do. Don’t mind me, just come sit and eat.” He didn’t say it, and he didn’t need to, but he was really appreciative and he even managed a small smile when you passed. 
Those were isolated incidences, though, or so he thought. But now, little by little, he realized more and more things that he had never noticed before. The rooms were clean, or at least the ones he was in, the fridge and pantry was always stocked, even with Beel around, and he rarely ever got interrupted. Of course, he still heard the occasional arguments between his brothers; Mammon stealing the remote right as Belphegor was about to put sleepy time music on… seriously, why can’t the guy do that on his D.D.D.? Or Satan screaming at Leviathan who accidently tripped over Satan’s books in his room while lending him his headphones. Shocker on that one, right? Or maybe it was a disagreement between you and Beelzebub about which spices should be used in the Spicy Hellburned Chili for this wednesday night’s dinner. But all of these were minor and nothing compared to what he usually deals with. At first he was super suspicious though and would constantly check on everyone, but by day three he thought that maybe, just maybe, he had gotten lucky and he finally does have some peace. Spoiler alert: he did. He got way more done than he ever did. 
That, however, does bother him. He doesn’t know who or why they would do it and as much as he enjoys it, he would also like to have a discussion with them. His birthday isn’t for another couple of months so he knows that that wouldn’t be the reason he’s being treated so nicely, so what else could it be? Mammon would only do this for money and even then he’s pretty upfront about it and begs for it Lucifer immediately after he had done the task, so he’s off the table. Satan and Belphegor would rather die than help him, Asmodeus is too obsessed with himself and Leviathan is holed up more than he shows any signs of life. So, the only other two people are you and Beelzebub, both of which are very nice people and debatably the only ones who truly care about him. The last part is a joke, but you two show it more than others. “Was it you that has been helping me?” But Beelzebub just looked confused, half a bag of chips down his throat as Lucifer asked and something told Lucifer that he wasn’t it. “No, but did you need help?” With a shake of his head and a sigh, Lucifer turned on his heel to go and find you, but not before doing something else. 
“Come to my room, (Y/N).” he had said and for a moment you thought your whole plan backfired and his brothers annoyed him again, or maybe you had forgotten something in it? Were you not careful enough in your attempts to make his life easier? You haven’t even gotten to the best part! “I’m here…” you practically sprinted down the hall while trying to find an excuse for anything he could potentially say, but when he opened the door to let you in, all of those left your mind, “what’s up?” He didn’t look… mean, per se, but he looked stern like always and it kind of freaked you out. Did you do something wrong? Was the coffee not strong enough? You used the wrong spices for the chili, didn’t you? “Do you see this?” Lucifer’s finger pointed out and you followed it, noting it was pointing at his desk, “uhm…. Yes? Am I not supposed to see it? Wasn’t it always here?” “Yes, it has always been there. However, something is different.” You turned to look at him and then back at his desk. Was it new? Did he paint it? Is there a trophy on there you should be aware of? “Lucifer I can’t see--”
When you turned back around, he was holding out two glasses of champagne and a smile was, for once in what felt like forever, gracing his lips. “Exactly. It’s empty. You can actually see it.” he hands you one of the glasses, his smile never faltering, “I had an unusual amount of time this week thanks to a few… coincidences that just so happen to align with my schedule and make my life easier. I know it was you. You made my coffee that morning, and were kind enough to leave the pot. You took up my lunch shift on purpose, not because you were down there. You also took my dinner shift this week, and cleaned the house. I’m assuming you’re also responsible for keeping my brothers in line which is a miracle within itself.” He chuckled softly, shaking his head before reaching out his other hand and tilting your chin up, “I don’t know how or why… and frankly, I don’t want to know. It would ruin the fun of it, but I do want to thank you for it and seeing as I have nothing else to do tonight, or tomorrow, you’ll be staying with me.” You blinked a few times. You could feel your heartbeat speed up and for a moment you wondered what you had actually done, but also, how bad could this go? You had one more thing to give him, anyway. “Works for me. I have one more thing to give you, anyway.” You clink your glass with his before taking a sip, watching him raise an eyebrow while your own eyebrows rose up and your lips turned into a smirk. “Undress for me, Lucifer.” 
You hope he will agree to a massage. Lord knows he needs his shoulders loosened up. 
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 3 years
Bringer of Chaos
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With the reveal of you as the UA traitor, 1-A and the Pro Heroes now have to face the war coming to them. By the Bringer of Chaos.
Words- 6.6K
UA!Traitor x MHA, Tomura Shigaraki x Reader (Sibling Relationship)
Warnings: MAJOR Character death, violence, death, Stockholm syndrome, angst, and lots of sadness
A/N: For the readers quirk it’s chaos magic just like Scarlet Witch as well as hero costume. This isn’t a crossover making the reader Scarlet Witch, just that that quirk works for the story and I couldn’t think of any other villain costume. Anyways hope you all enjoy.
Was it fear that she felt.
All their eyes on her.
Heroes think they were in the right but how many people died by their hands. Why say you're a hero if you can’t save them all right?
You had always had a dangerous quirk when you were younger, both your parents were quirkless but when they had you, you had one. Chaos Magic is what they called it the ability to tap into and utilizes the chaotic forces of the universe, capable of warping, manipulating and/or reconstructing reality and probability as well as the very fabric of existence. They had no clue where it came from and from which side of the family passed it down. Two quirkless parents raising a child with a strong quirk, they had no clue what to do.
You were pulled out of school after your quirk had manifested and you made a stuffed animal bear come to life, scaring the class and teacher and forcing you to transform it back to a regular toy. With such a strong quirk your parents were afraid that you could hurt someone when your quirk grew stronger and you were homeschooled for the safety of you but mostly the safety of others.
Society deemed people without quirks useless and not successful, if you had one you better hope it was powerful and flashy or you wouldn’t be going anywhere with your life. When you were younger you looked up to heroes, they saved the day and kept everyone safe from the bad guys. You remembered sitting on the couch with your parents watching the news and seeing the heroes save the day and you would stand up and turn to your parents saying you would become a hero and save everyone. They would smile and tell you if you worked hard enough you would be the next number one hero. With your childhood you were happy everyone was safe, until they weren’t.
The police and heroes said there was nothing they could have done to save them, it was a break-in. They had shown up and slaughtered your parents leaving you there sitting in between their bleeding bodies alone. That was when you knew heroes couldn’t save everyone, the society they live among is corrupt. Heroes looking after popularity votes and looks instead of actually saving lives. Ironically there were others they had similar ideals as you did. You were passed around from foster home to foster home but, no one wanted to deal with a child whose quirk was too dangerous; they didn’t want a villain-like kid.
You were six when you ran away after another foster family sent you back after you had made the dog they had got as a welcoming gift disappear never to return. You kept running until your legs wouldn’t let you move anymore and that’s when he found you.
A portal had opened in the alleyway you had collapsed in and out came a man followed by a boy. The man wore a some sort of ventilator mask that covered the entire of his face and neck, next to him was a boy who had a disembodied hand covering his face. The man never told you his name just holding his hand telling you that you would be able to get revenge on the heroes. You grew to see him as your new father and the boy who told you his name was Tomura as a brother. He was a few years older than you but the time you spent together was when you were meeting father or him watching you train your quirk. Another person in your life when you joined what was now the League of Villains was Kurogiri, father was rarely around so he watched after you and Tomura, he taught you everything you would need to know.
When you joined UA you main goal was to bring down the hero society following after Tomura’s lead, him always reminding you that you would get your revenge. You played your part well not holding back when in fights against villains during the USJ, Kamino Ward, everything fell into place. With talk about the UA traitor within the teachers no one suspected the girl who seemed to have little hold on her quirk, but how wrong they were. All this led to now your former friends looking at you in fear and horror, when it was revealed you were the traitor.
You were completely surrounded by her former teachers standing around you ready to take you down and you kept your gaze on your class.
“Y/n don’t make this harder than it is, please just surrender.” Mr. Aizawa held his scarf in both hands ready to attack if you made any sudden moves.
“And if I don’t? Can you really stop me?” You glance at your teacher and he faltered slightly in his stance.
“You’re completely surrounded by pro heroes, so we can take you down.” Present Mic said making you smirk they have only seen what you showed at progression with your quirk. UA only knows the most you could do is change the integrity of a few objects, nothing on a large scale. They barely gave you time to react with Mr. Aizawa sends his capture weapon towards you to wrap it around you, activating his quirk making his hair rise up and float. The weapon goes straight to you half of it landing on the ground behind you.
You look at him with a bored expression, finding humor in him and the others' shocked expression. “Did you think it would be that easy?” You knelt grabbing the end of his capture weapon and he tries to use it but it doesn’t affect you. “What would a simple cloth feel like if it weighed more than that.” A red haze covers the cloth leading up to his neck and slams into the ground, the weight of the scarf alone slowly starts to suffocate him. Present Mic and Midnight rush to him trying to pry the scarf off him.
“Mr. Aizawa!” Class 1-A yells seeing their teacher struggle. Dropping the scarf from your end you look around at your teachers who know they can’t stop you and your classmates.
“Don’t think this is over,” You hear an explosion and someone running towards you, “You bastard get back here!” Bakugo yells, holding his hand out sending a huge explosion. The smoke clears and there is Bakugo panting out of breath looking around for you, but you’re nowhere to be found. The red haze surrounding Aizawa’s scarf disappears, sending him shooting upwards, throwing it off him as he coughs and wheezes. The 1-A and the Pros look to where you once stood, if that was just some of your power, they had no clue what was in store for them if you came back.
In an abandoned warehouse the league hears footsteps heading towards the room they were in. Each of them ready to fight and kill the intruder, the footsteps getting louder until it was right in front of the room.
“That’s funny thinking your quirks could stop me.” A familiar voice calls out through the door as they open it. You stand in front of them and they relax welcoming you in. Standing away from them was Tomura Shigaraki, he was scratching his neck frantically but stopped when he heard your voice. You walked closer to the man you saw as a mentor, as a brother. You stood next to him as he looked out the warehouse window showing the vast city that was part of Japan.
“Tomura...it’s time.”
With your reveal as the UA traitor the school was put on lockdown immediately once you left in fear you would return but not alone. Your face was plaster across the news worldwide ranking you as national alert. News articles found everything about you with your parent’s death, your disappearance from the orphanage to your life at UA. They speculated that you could be in correlation to the league which made you more of a threat, if you had connections to All for One or Tomura Shigaraki.
“Funny how one moment you were just a UA student, now you’re public enemy number one.” Spinner smirks, tossing you the latest newspaper that talked about you. You smirked as you made the newspaper disappear before it could hit you and reappear behind Spinner hitting him in the back of the head.
“They say the same crap as always, not my fault heroes don’t know how to do their jobs.” You go back to laying on the couch closing your eyes, blocking out the noise of the villains around you. You hear the door open and footsteps bounding towards you jumping on the couch crushing you under their weight. 
“Y/nnnnnn I missed you so much when you were gone. It’s boring being the only girl here with Mange gone and you always at UA.” Toga wraps her arms around you squeezing the living life out of you.
“Toga if you don’t let me go, I swear I will turn you into a bug.” You open one eye glaring at her and she sighs getting off you mumbling under her breath.
“How much longer do we have to keep waiting we’ve been in this stupid warehouse for the past week.” Dabi said, kicking a can away from where he was standing.
“Yeah I wanna fight, no let’s relax.” Twice responses, god they were annoying as hell.
You huff sitting up look at them, “When Tomura says he’s ready we’ll go until then shut up and let me rest.”
“And why should we listen to what you have to say, you’re younger than any of us.” Dabi gets up in your face and you clench your jaw waiting for him to do something.
“You should watch what you say next, we know who could win in this fight.” You stand both of you up in each other's face.
“Yeah what are you gonna do about it, huh” He smirks and he goes to speak again but his breath hitches as he grabs his throat.
“What’s the problem Dabi? Have something to say?” He falls to his knees as he tries to breath but is unable to. “You feel that right your lungs are failing on you, do you know how easy it is to kill you right now.” You squat in front of him grabbing his face, your hand covered in a red haze when you use your quirk. 
“You made your point Y/n stop it.” Toga grabs your shoulder.
“No, he seems like he has something to say right, Dabi.” Tears fill his eyes as he is practically blue in the face.
“That’s enough Y/n.” Tomura calls out and you stop using your quirk as him and Mr. Compress enter the room. Dabi sucks in air coughing profusely Twice, Toga, and Spinner goes to his aid as he regulates his breath lightheaded from the rush of new oxygen. “You all act like children.” Tomura says walking past you all going to the window looking out to the city.
“Whatever.” You roll your eyes sitting back on the couch. “The Nomus are ready, my army is ready.” He turns to look at you all. “You all know what you have to do, so get to it.” He says and they all leave, Dabi walking past you glaring at you with you glaring back. Leaving only the two of you left in the room, you stand next to him as you both look at the calm city that will be thrown into chaos. 
“Father would be proud of you Tomura.” You place your hand on his shoulder and he nods.
“You know what to do, you are the biggest piece in the puzzle. You know UA in and out, give them hell.” You nod looking at the man you see as family, the calm before the storm.
“I’ll see you on the other side Tomura.”
The van you were in stopped a few blocks away and you climbed out of it looking back at the villains sitting in it. “Don’t fuck it up Y/n.” Dabi says and you smirk. “You just do your job.” The clothes you were wearing transform into your old school uniform. The league drives away leaving you to walk the rest to UA, they would have no clue what hit them.
With your disappearance UA had been hesitant but continued school as normal, with the dorms they had up campus security and included a strict curfew for the safety of the students. Many students were surprised when they heard  that you were the traitor while others found it ironic that someone from 1-A the hero course was actually a villain. 1-A atmosphere had definitely change since the reveal, some were easier at coming to peace that who they thought was their friend was actually a traitor while others still couldn’t believe it. The class seemed dull with you gone. You had put on a convincing performance, actually forming friendships with your classmates some seeing you as family which broke them even more. Midoriya lost some sort of sparkle since you had left, he saw you as one of his closest friends and felt like this seemed like his fault why didn’t he see the signs. Your curiosity for everyone’s quirk specifically his, you seemed to have a love for heroes and he had shown you his notebook with list upon list of everyone with their quirks and their strength and weakness. He let her get exactly what she needed that would affect heroes and the students because he saw her as a friend.
Mr. Aizawa went on about the lesson but Izuku drowned out most of his talking his gaze to the window showing the walkway to the front of the school. Every few minutes he could see cars driving past the entrance, but what caught his eye was someone walking down the path that led to the building. From this distance he couldn’t make out a face but they were a student from the uniform, but why were they there? It was already the middle of the school day and they should be in class. As if his questions were answered an alarm went off shocking the students
“Intruder alert! Please evacuate the building. Intruder alert!” The intercoms repeat as the alarm continues.
Everyone is grabbing their bags, “It’s probably just the press like last time.” Kirishima says as they get ready to leave, but Midoriya is still locked onto the figure walking to the building, they had no school bag and didn’t seem like they were in a hurry as they got closer. Whoever was walking looked up towards the building and Midoriya felt ice enter his veins seeing their face.
“Hey Deku come on we have to go.” Uraraka grabs his arm to pull him away from the window but he is frozen in shock and fear. His classmates look at him confused at his unnaturally pale face.
“Deku you idiot we have to leave.” Bakugo yells at him standing at the door where Mr. Aizawa was waiting impatiently as they needed to evacuate as a group.
“She’s here.” Midoriya said, and the class had a pretty good idea who “she” was. 
“None of you leave this classroom, you got it.” Mr. Aizawa pushed them back in, closing the door, locking it and rushing to go to the other teachers leaving 1-A locked in the class unable to do anything but watch out the window.
“This is crazy, why is she back?” Kaminari said as they all tried to look out the window to see you.
“Whatever reason the Pros will stop her.” Ida said having faith in the heroes. 
“You saw what she did last time she was here she almost killed Mr. Aizawa!” Mineta cried out.
“If it’s a fight that’s coming I’m not gonna sit around and wait for her to get here. Where’s the button to open our lockers” Bakugo yelled, going to Mr. Aizawa's desk looking for the button so they could get their hero costumes.
“That isn’t smart Kacchan we thought she wasn’t that advanced with her quirk but if she is that strong and involved with the league of villains we are ants compared to her.” Midoriya tried to reason with him.
“I think Bakugo is right,” Momo said which shocked most of the class, “We need to be logical with this, she’s back here for a reason, she wouldn't be coming back if she didn’t have a plan or someone specific she’s after. She is not our friend anymore right now she’s the enemy and if we want any chance of surviving this we can’t be on a lower level than her.” With Momo’s speech their thoughts were decided, they would have to prepare to fight if they wanted to come out of this alive.
You knew the Pros would be here any minute after you heard the alarm go off. You stood in front of the fountain waiting for them to arrive, you knew that this fight some people wouldn’t make it out but the heroes need to get the punishment they deserve. The loud screech from Present Mic when using his quirk could bring anyone down caused you to press your hands against your ears. You could endure this if it meant saving up energy for your quirk. You felt the capture weapon surround your body and the screaming stop and you collapsed to the ground.
“Ms. Y/n we weren’t expecting you to show up but it seems that we were still able to take you down.” You knew you couldn’t use your quirk unlike last time when that had been an illusion you just needed to wait.
“Funny Nezu you always think you're one step ahead.” You smirk looking up at the principal, “I know I’m always one step ahead.” You could smell the fire and there it was the blue flames growing from the forest.
“It’s the League of Villains!” Midnight gasped coming out of the forest were hordes of Nomus each with different quirks.
“You're sure you’re one step ahead?” You smirk and they knew you were just a decoy. The teachers outside had no choice but to deal with the Nomus heading towards the school and to where you were.
Leaving just Aizawa and Nezu to deal with you, “You are much smarter than I expected.” You shrugged and Aizawa tightened his weapon making you laugh
“I was told to give them hell.” With that you swept your foot out from under Nezu and Aizawa causing them both to jump back, with the split second it that Aizawa eyes closed you vanished from his binds. “Truly wonderful time seeing you again, but the fight has barely begun.” Aizawa doesn’t have time to fight you as he is attacked by a Nomu.
Nezu studies you and you stare back at him, “I don’t understand why you’ve done this but we will stop you.”
You grin “You heroes say that but we both know how this ends.” You disappeared from the battle leaving the teachers fighting the Nomus and the students inside defenseless against you.
“Where did she go?!” Sero said seeing you disappear from their view. With the doors locked they couldn’t leave so they stood in the classroom in their hero costumes waiting for the fight to come to them.
“We know that she’s with the league for all we know they could be in the building already and with the teachers outside we would open for an attack.” Midoriya said seeing you easily get captured only for you to be a decoy for the league to appear, it was genius.
“Midoriya, always thinking about the correct things, that was something I liked about you.” You said making the class turn from the window to where you were sitting on top of your desk in the back. “Great to see you all again.” You smiled and your classmates grimaced at you.
“You're a bitch you know that.” Bakugo hissed, making you frown.
“That hurts my feeling, Kacchan.” You hopped off your desk walking towards them, none of them moving  when you stood in front of your classmates.
“You guys are smart putting on your costumes, cause out there seems like the final battle, but this is the beginning of the war.” You said and conveniently when you finished rumbling when through the building and loud explosions went off. 
Out the window the view showed buildings away from UA erupting into flames explosions happening every few blocks. 1-A watched in horror that this is what she meant by war not just UA and the league, the entirety of villains and heroes battling it out; utter chaos. “With that we sadly won’t be needing you all. I say this as your former classmate and friend, stay the hell out of my way I don’t wanna hurt you.” The class doesn’t have time to fight back or anything when it feels like the ground is taking out from under them and they are warped away.
The teachers outside are struggling with Nomus keep showing up, suddenly they all freeze and walk away from the heroes heading to the building stopping in front of it as if they were guarding it. Aizawa wipes away the blood from his face “What the hell is this.” He sighs.
“Mr. Aizawa!” He hears his students yell out to him and sees them running towards him.
“What are you all doing here I told you to stay inside.” He scolds them
Ida steps up from the group, “It was Y/n she appeared in the class and then warped us all away, there were other students as well. I believe everyone in the building is now outside.” Aizawa looked back to the building that was guarded by Nomus.
“We don’t know why they would take the building but remove the students but we need to take headcount to see if everyone is actually outside. With what is happening in the city and here heroes are spread thin. This is exactly what they had planned but why go after UA and how is Y/n involved in all this.” The teachers didn’t deal with any problems with the league or Nomu they all just seemed to stop after the students were outside. Part of the forest that was destroyed by the flames was used as a base for heroes and students, everyone was outside not a single student was missing. Which put out the question of what they were after.
“Not a single student is missing, heroes from outside of Musutafu are coming in, but even then we don’t know how many villains or Nomus they might have.” Midnight told Nezu. Some of the teachers were together discussing their next plan while others were watching the students.
“We can assume that the League is in the building, we need to figure out a plan to fight them but also keep the students safe.” Aizawa said, looking over to where his class was.
“The only two people that have a decent amount of info on the league would be Aizawa and All Might.” Nezu said, “You had Y/n as a student though she never showed us the full potential of her quirk, you know her as a student. Whether her personality she showed to everyone was a lie, lies are built on truth. We need to remember she is still a child she could be manipulated to believe what she’s doing is right.” The teachers nodded, you were just a child that could be forced in the middle of this war, “Does anyone know where All Might we need some more information on the League.” The teachers looked at each other, no one had seen All Might at all. With him becoming quirkless because of Kamino he wasn’t outside when the heroes fought the Nomus. Then it hit the heroes, that’s what they were after.
“You think they figured out you are gone yet? All Might.” You asked, turning away from the window to where All Might sat tied up. “Think the new Symbol of Peace is going to be able to stop this.” You walked over to where he was and sat down in front of him.
“Y/n I don’t know why you’ve done this, but being with the League of Villains will not help you get what you want.” He tries to reason with you.
“What I want you can’t give, the next best thing is getting revenge on those who failed to save them.” You looked at the frail man sitting in front of you. “Do you know what it’s like losing everyone in your life? My parents died because you heroes failed to protect them. You call yourself a hero but you still fail to help those in need. I wanted to become a hero but my quirk was too dangerous for the public. I had no one when they died, no one wanted the girl whose quirk was literally chaos. They found me, took me in and raised me, they were the only ones who actually cared for me.” You said, tears forming in your eyes recalling your horrible childhood.
“They took you in because they saw your quirk. All for One only saw you as a pawn in his game, Shigaraki “raised” you so you would fight alongside him instead of against him.” All Might explained and you stood up, the chair behind you slamming against the floor.
“You’re wrong..they care for me.” You point your finger at him proving to him but he could see that you were doubting yourself.
“They’re using you Y/n what you are doing is leading you down a path that you can’t turn back from.” You turned away from him looking out the window seeing the Pros standing on the pathway, waiting for the fight to begin. 
You could see heroes all around Japan here ready to fight, you could also see UA students ready to fight including 1-A. “Those idiots.” You mumbled. “This is the end for heroes All Might, I will get my revenge.” You exit the room walking down the hallway to the main conference room where the League was waiting as well as villains from all over Japan.
Tomura looks at you and you nod telling him you're ready, “Our time for hiding in the shadows is over, the reign of heroes will end today.” The villains cheer rushing out going to fight the heroes. You don’t move as villains pass by you including members of the League leaving as well. You feel a hand on your shoulder making you look up, “Are you alright?” Tomura asks and you nod, the sick feeling still in your stomach from what All Might said to you.
“Tomura...I’m not a pawn in all this.” You knew that you were needed in getting your revenge that’s what father told you, but were you expendable if need be. 
“You are the one that is going to change the future, a bringer of chaos, Master will be proud of us both.” Tomura said and you felt the tension in you loosen a bit, “You be safe okay Tomura.” He doesn’t say anything just nodded and left you alone. What you were doing was right, the path you were following was dark but was the right one.
The showdown between villains and heroes as they stood on opposite sides neither moving yet. “We have visuals on Shigaraki and other members of the League, no visual of Y/l/n.” Aizawa heard through the comm links everyone was given, there were four squads made, squad 1 deals with underground villains, squad 2 deals with the Nomus surrounding the building, squad 3 will deal with the League and Y/n if she shows up on the field, and squad 4 will being helping in the rescue of All Might. Most of the top Pros were involved in squad 2 and 3 while lesser heroes dealt with the lesser villains and the All Might rescue.
“How long are they going to keep standing here, either fight or surrender.” Endeavor said looking at the villains standing there waiting.
“Everyone behind us!” The heroes turned and there was Y/n with villains behind her as well as a few Nomus.
“It’s an ambush!” Aizawa yells and the villains on both sides rush to attack the heroes in the middle. The thundering footsteps rush past you as they attack heroes in front of you, with your entrance on the field you disappear appearing back in the room where All Might was in.
From the window you could see Villains and heroes fought for their lives, many getting injured, some fatally wounded. “You see this All Might, heroes and villains together fighting for their lives, where’s the peace now. There is only chaos.” You glanced behind you looking at the former Pro before turning back to watch the fight.
“I’m sorry.” You hear All Might say, “I’m sorry we couldn’t save your parents, you don’t deserve to have all this hate and sadness in your life.”
You froze staring down watching your comrades and allies being hurt and your former friends and mentors dying due to your goals. “I wanted to help people. I wanted to be the kind of hero that saves everyone so no one is alone in their life. You can’t save me All Might you said so yourself I’m too far down this path to be saved.” You turn to him and he sees glimpses of the person you were in school, a curious girl with a strong quirk ready to help anyone in her class. You were just a child but you have had more problems than anyone has dealt with in a lifetime. 
“We can help you, just help us stop this, we can get you the life you always wanted.” All Might pulled against the restraints pleading to you.
“We both know how this fight ends, I’m never going to get that happy ending.” You turned around to look back at the fight when you saw the door entering the room was slightly open. “Smart All Might, distract me with some sappy excuse so the heroes could get in and save you. Who’s here, someone who could be invisible, Hagakure or Asui I know you were working on camouflage with your quirk.” You call out a red haze surrounding your hands ready to fight the intruder. You have no time to react when the window you were standing in front of shatters due to an explosion, another being sent to you sending you flying across the room. You hit the wall, denting it slightly, looking up to see Bakugo, Midoriya, Todoroki, as well some heroes and other students from other classes. “You’re all so good, coming to save him it’s pathetic.” You spit out blood that pooled in your mouth.
“Fight then, though a school uniform wouldn’t be the best suited for this.” Bakugo smirks looking at the uniform you were still in. You smirk getting up groaning slightly from how hard you hit the wall.
“Let’s change into something more suitable.” You slowly walk to them your outfit changing as a red haze starts from your feet changing your clothes. You now wore a red chestplate with angular faulds extending into an ankle-length skirt, elbow-length red fingerless gloves, black trousers and thigh-high boots, and an intricate red crown.
“You had to ask.” Todoroki looks over to Bakugo. Bakugo rushes towards you sending an explosion at your face but it fazes right through you.
“Gonna have to try harder then that.” You laugh now on the other side of the room holding All Might in your grasp blasting the people by him away. A blast of ice is sent to you but you dodge out of the way, with the ice distracting you. Midoriya punches you in the gut sending you flying out of the building down to where the fight was. Bakugo jumps out of the building grabbing onto you using his other hand to send an explosion sending you both shooting straight into the ground making a small crater.
Bakugo hears a groan and smirks, “Not that quick are you..” The dust clears out and Bakugo is shocked to see Midoriya underneath him instead of you. “How the hell did she.” He gets up pulling up Midoriya who holds his ribs in pain. “Where the hell did she go.” He looks around at the fighting around him not given much time to think as villains attack him.
You smirk running through the fight trying to find Tomura even if they were able to rescue All Might the heroes had just as many casualties then you did. You see Tomura disintegrate someone's arm pushing them away, but you could see he was getting overwhelmed with many Pros after him. You rush towards him but a wall of orange flames blocks you from reaching him. You turn to see who sent the flames and there was the number one hero Endeavor.
“You killed innocent people.” He says making his way towards you.
“I’m reshaping the future” You get ready to fight and Endeavor sends a blast of fire towards you and you could feel the heat from the blast. Before it could hit you blue flames appear blocking the attack.
“Go we both have our jobs.” You see Dabi standing in front of you, the flames growing in both men’s hands, both him and Endeavor ready to fight. You nodded running off to Tomura, Dabi can handle himself, like he said we each had our own jobs. You see Snipe aiming his gun towards Tomura and you stand in front of him. The bullets float in midair and you send them flying back in different directions. Some hitting heroes, others hitting villains you couldn’t care as long as Tomura was safe.
“They got All Might, what now.” You stand back to back with him using your quirk to break heroes bones, sending people flying across the field.
“Get the league here we leave now.” He answers, pressing his hand on a hero's face instantly disintegrating them. You spread your hands out closing your eyes, getting a picture of each member on the field and warping them to your location. 
“That was a weird feeling.” Toga giggles, throwing a knife into someone’s leg. 
“Time to go now.” Tomura says.
You hold your hands out and a portal opens up in front of you. Villains that are close to the portal rush to it as they don’t want to be left behind, and the heroes see this and rush to stop you all.
“You guys go, I can handle them.” You sent a wave of energy towards the heroes nearby, sending them back. “See I got thi-”
You heard it before you felt it. In all the noise and chaos happening around you it’s funny how this small noise from far away you heard. Maybe your quirk knew what was going to happen and in some sick way warned you knowing you wouldn’t be fast enough to stop it. Two sharp pains went through your body and you jolted a bit when they hit you. Why did it suddenly feel like everything was in slow motion, why was it hard to breath, god why is everything so quiet.
You look over at the League and you see Toga screaming but being held back by Mr. Compress, Spinner was standing there shocked looking at you, and Twice and Dabi were holding Tomura back as he struggled in their grasp screaming your name. All this was happening but it was quiet. You look down at your costume and you see two bullet holes blood staining it, one in your chest where your heart is the other in your stomach. Time sped up and the noise returned as you fell to your knees coughing out blood.
“Y/N! NO LET ME GO!” You hear Tomura scream, you hold out your hand.
“Go!” You wheeze, grabbing your chest as you cough up more blood. You look at each of them taking in an image of them as Mr. Compress pulls Toga through the portal, Spinner following after him, you see Tomura still struggling trying to get to you. You make eye contact with Dabi and just nod and he gives you a solemn one back using all his and Twice’s strength to pull Tomura through. You look at Tomura and smile, you would see each other some day.
“Tomura you look after me just like a big brother does! That’s what Kurogiri told me when I asked him.” A younger version of you smiles up to Tomura and he looks at you kneeling down to your height.
“I’ll always be with you and protect you.” He placed his hand on your head making sure to keep one finger up. You smile and giggle hugging him tightly burying your face in your chest.
“Thanks Tomura.”
With the last amount of strength left in you, you wave your hand closing the portal once Tomura has completely disappeared. You feel your weight shift unable to keep yourself up on your knees and fall to the ground. You saw green lightning and they caught you before you hit the ground. You see Midoriya’s face above you yelling out to someone but you're focused on the sky and how you could see the colors change as it almost reaches sunset.
“Hey come on stay awake help is on the way just stay awake.” You see his tear filled eyes stare down at you.
“Why..I’m a bad guy.” You wheeze and he laughs, tears filling his eyes.
“No one is ever truly bad.” You smile looking back towards the sky, “Hey come on don’t give up on me.”
You hear footsteps run up and it’s Aizawa and All Might. “Come on Midoriya.” Aizawa goes to pull him away but you grab Izuku’s arm.
“Please don’t leave me.” You whimper, tears filling your eyes. Izuku nods with tears in his eyes falling. “You heroes...always see the good.. in others...it’s nice.” You smile looking up at the sky and a tear slides down your face, and you wince feeling the sharpness in your chest. “I don’t wanna die.” You cry and that breaks the heroes standing in front of you.
“Your not going to help is going to be here any minute.” Aizawa reassures you and nods.
“The sky it’s pretty…tell them I’m sorry.” You cough your breathing getting more shallow and faint and you could swear you saw two figures standing above you. “momma... papa.”
She felt fear at first but it was inner peace as you saw a bright light.
Midoriya looks down ready to comfort you to tell you that help is coming, but stops when he sees you. Your gaze is on the sky, your eyes blank, a small smile on your face finally at peace.
Izuku lets out an anguish cry when he sees your chest not rising anymore. He cries for many reasons, the pain you went through to make you a villain, the hate you must have felt fighting your former friends, and him and all the heroes failing you.
The battlefield was silent as they looked at the young boy holding her body, many heroes felt guilt ebb at them for letting a misguided child die due to this life. Students from UA are lost at words from the loss of a former friend and student, they never expected this to come this far. Students from 1-A cry, seeing their classmate hold the body of their former classmate. Teachers and heroes that knew her look away not wanting to see her body in fear they would fall apart or cry in front of others.
This day would be remembered for years to come as the day the heroes failed at saving one girl that needed the most saving.
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hopeless-ro-simptic · 4 years
Familiar Cerulean Eyes- Pt 15
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Click Here for a full list of other parts! Part 16
Warnings: Mention of morning after pill, angst, fluff, couple fighting, implied nsfw at the end, horrible pun. 
As always thank you for all the love and support and I hope you enjoy this part. 
Word Count: 2.8 K
TAGLIST:  @superblyspeedydragon @jparra4587 @flyingowls @emrysaf​ @imuziawi @sheedaabee @peculiarinsomniac @littlelovebug98 @plutoneu @giftofwonder @kitty-kat-ash @fukyouthink @anarchys-bnha-mess @threbony @orenjineki @toobsessedsstuff @bamf-barnes @x-a-delama-x @inanabsentia @reallyshey @godsblesstheboi @drownedbytears @emilymikado @fluidfandoms  @mikasackrmann​ @bohica160​ @andrastesbeard​  @percabethismyotp14​ @celestiallustre​ @moon-spirit-yue​ @hecatve​ @bakugoshrimp​ @vanillanjin​ @toshiuwuu​ @rxinbowrena​ @therealwalmartjesus​ @callmepopcorn​ @xxdumb-bitchxx​ @medicinalkiwis​ @kat-unzel​ @headfirst-halo​ @capricorn-nightmare​ @annie-daetris​ @skumtrash​ @totorotoni​ @kst-chernish​ @itsmysticalmystery​ @the-occasional-artist1125​ @beautifulparisiangirl​ @stanzastic​ @helena-way07​ @aurorahoneybuns​ @cth-l​ @nightlygiggless​ @filledasaf​ @hailstorm888​ @ozzy-bozzy​
It had taken you significantly less time to build your nest this time around, granted you were missing things from your previous nest, but you were also less stressed about making it perfect. Thank goodness Kurogiri had at least gotten the fur blanket that Dabi had given you, even if it was a little charred it was still your favorite. You had quickly decided to make your nest in Dabi’s bed, enjoying the scent that surrounded you, knowing he would be elated.
While you were doing this the rest of the group had spread out across the building, making sure all the scent blockers were working and adding more where they were needed. Dabi and Shigaraki had disappeared off somewhere to discuss things, leaving you alone in his room, bored once your nest was complete. Maybe now was a good time to go explore?
You were just deciding on what you wanted to do when there was a soft knock on the door, looking up you watched as Toga poked her head into the room her eyes lighting up when she saw you.
“Y/N! Kurogiri is making food, do you want some?”
You couldn’t help but smile, nodding at her, grabbing a hoodie that Dabi had scented heavily to help cover your scent before he disappeared off with Shigaraki in case you needed to leave the room so that you didn’t drive the other member’s crazy. After pulling it on, you and Toga took off down the twisting hallways chatting softly.
“I think he said he was making pork cutlet bowls today and I cannot wait to have real food. 24 hours without Kurogiri’s food was awful.”
“Toga would you mind showing me around after we eat? I barely remember how to get to Dabi’s room let alone where everyone else is.” It was like you told her you got her a puppy for Christmas. The way her eyes lit up in excitement and she practically started bouncing down the hall.
“Yes, of course! I can show you my room! I think you’ll like it, it’s really cute!”
The two of you had just stepped into the kitchen when Kurogiri’s warp gate opened up and a familiar face stepped out of it into the kitchen.
“Kroshka! Glad to see you up and about!”
“Anna? Why are you here? No one is hurt are they?”
“Oh no, I just came to check up on your injuries and Dabi asked me to get you some heat suppressants and things. Can’t say I’m shocked that your heat came on so quick being around him.”
You felt your hair stand on end, eyes narrowing at her, a feeling of jealousy and protectiveness coming on at her words.
“Relax Kroshka, I’m not making a move on your alpha. He’s not my type.” She took a step towards you, pushing your hair away and pulling your hoodie down your shoulder to reveal your bond mark, making your face heat up. “My, my, that’s a prominent one. He didn’t force you did he? I’ll kill him.”
“No, I didn’t you crazy bitch.” Dabi had stepped in behind you and Anna’s eyes immediately latched onto his bond mark as well a smile tugging at her face.
“Well, congratulations is due then. Such a shame this one was taken off the market though, I quite liked her.” Anna looped a strand of your hair around her finger, twirling it around a smirk on her face as she watched Dabi bristle. You quickly understood why he wasn’t her type.
Dabi wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you back against him making her drop your hair, a soft growl rumbling out in warning.
“Jeez, you’re both so worked up with protecting each other. Relax, it was joke. My own Alpha pleases me enough.” The Russian rolled her eyes before reaching into her bag and pulling out several boxes that were familiar. It looked like a year’s supply of heat suppressants. She then also pulled out another box that you didn’t recognize setting that on the counter as well. Dabi had settled down a little but was still hugging you tightly from behind nuzzling your cheek softly as you two chatted.
“What’s that?”
“This? You’ve never seen these before?”
“No.. I don’t think so.”
“It’s a scent patch. You put it on and it works like a scent blocker but on your body. Mostly Alpha’s use them but Omega’s have been known to use them when they are on their heat as well just so they can go out in public.”
“Oh… that’s cool. I didn’t know these existed.”
“Well we can’t all be locked up in a room for a week, ya know? Did your parent’s not talk about omega stuff with you? I mean I know not everyone has an omega parent but even Beta’s know about this.” Anna gave you a quizzical look, seeming like she was about to ask more. Until Dabi cleared his throat, artfully changing the subject.
“Did you bring the other thing?” This piqued everyone’s interest.
“Yea… how long ago did you guys have sex?” She dug through her bag searching around, a frown on her face.
You snorted and then covered your face feeling a blush creep up. You could hear Toga snickering from her spot at the counter as Kurogiri finished cooking, the beta pretending he couldn’t hear the conversation.
“Yesterday… went through early this morning. That’s in the time frame right?” Dabi sounded particularly proud of his comment but his question made you scrunch your eyebrows in confusion. Why were they talking about your sex life?
“Yea, you have 2 days technically. Earlier the better though…. Found it. Now you have to make sure to follow the directions on this one.” Anna pulled out another box, this one made your stomach flip, a wave of nausea hitting you with force, panic settling in.
Everyone in the room could smell the distress coming off of you and Kurogiri quickly warped himself and Toga out of the room, you barely registering Toga’s protest. Even Anna paused her speech, a kind of sadness creeping into her eyes as she glanced at Dabi.
“You didn’t talk to her?”
“It’s not your business Anna.”
She fell silent, pursing her lips, her face growing angry before setting the box on the counter, reaching out and patting your shoulder before she left the room, leaving you alone with Dabi and the boxes on the counter.
Your ears were ringing and you felt like you were going to pass out, but you couldn’t move, just staring at the box and the letters written on it.
Plan B… judging by the way that Dabi was acting… this was plan A all along.
He leaned down to press a comforting kiss to your cheek but you flinched away and out of his grasp, wrapping your arms around yourself your eyes hyper-focused on the box that sat in front of you. On the box that reminded you that this wasn’t a fairytale.  Of the reality that your life was.
“Mouse… listen…”
“No, no, I won’t listen.” Your voice was barely a whisper, sounding almost horse, but still Dabi heard it clear as day.
“Please don’t fight me on this.”
“On this? Dabi, I can’t fight you on anything.”
“I’m just trying to keep you safe.”
“And how does this fit into that?” You gestured to the box. Refusing to look at it now, feeling like you would throw up if you did. It wasn’t even guaranteed that you could be pregnant right now, but it still didn’t change the way you felt. The idea of getting rid of Dabi’s pup on purpose.
“Stop being stupid! You know damn well how!”
“Oh I’m stupid?”
“That’s not what I mean.”
“No you’re right. I’m stupid for thinking you would be a good alpha!”
“Then leave!”
The two of you were screaming, nose to nose, glaring at each other, chests heaving. You were fighting back the tears and he was fighting back the urge to burn the place to the ground. You were sure the entire building heard your exchange, and if not they could probably pick up on it from the pungent sour smells emitting from both of you.
You were the first to break, tears spilling down your cheek as you pushed past him grabbing the boxes on the counter, stalking out of the room.
Dabi looked up at the ceiling, pushing his hands through his hair with a growl of frustration before he turned and took off after you.
“Leave me alone Dabi.” You spat his name with such venom that you were pretty sure a flower would wilt, but he didn’t listen.
Instead, he grabbed you by your waist, hoisting you up against the hallway wall making you drop the boxes and wrap your legs around him for stability. You couldn’t even get out a complaint before his lips crashed against yours roughly. You fought against him, trying to shove him off of you only for him to grip your wrists and slam them against the wall above you making you gasp. His tongue taking the initiative and forcing into your mouth only for you to angrily bite it, making his curse out before continuing to assault your lips with his, pressing you further against the wall to keep you from wiggling. You turned your head away breaking the connection only for a brief second whining out his name, asking for air, before his lips were on yours again, growing softer and softer as tears continued to stream down your cheeks. You weren’t even fighting anymore, too exhausted with everything.
At some point he had stopped kissing your lips and moved to pressing kisses all over your face whispering softly to you the whole time that he was sorry. He released your wrists, moving his hands to cup your face, wiping your tears away and pressing his forehead to yours, his voice low and vulnerable.
“I’m so sorry, please don’t leave.”
“I love you.”
You froze, staring up into his eyes that were focused on yours, the ones that looked absolutely wrecked, almost watery even. In all of your years knowing him, you had never seen Touya cry. Not even when you were younger and Endeavor made him do all that crazy training.
“You don’t have to take it if you don’t want to, we can figure it out, I’ll find-“
You pressed your lips against his softly, shushing him, your hands moving up to hold each side of his face like he did to you. You could feel him melt into your touch, relaxing at your affection, a soft purr rumbling through his chest. Your scent had dissipated being almost completely smoother by his own scent of cinnamon whiskey and cigarettes. A comfort smell for you.
After a moment you pulled away, purring softly back to him, pressing soft kisses against his check, your voice barely a whisper so no one else could hear.
“Touya, I love you more than anything in the world. I’m never going to leave you.”
“Promise?” His voice was still shaky, still so vulnerable sounding that it broke your heart into pieces. How could he even think you would leave him after everything? You had literally made a dying man suffer because he tried to hurt your alpha.
“I promise.”
He pressed another chaste kiss against your lips, and then another, and another, until you were giggling, writhing in his grasp.
“Can we go back to the room?”  Your voice was still a soft whisper but it was growing almost whiney. He seemed to have relaxed now and now that you weren’t angry, you realized the position you were in and could feel yourself heating up.
“Hmm… why would you want to do that little mouse?” His lips moved down your jaw, nibbling softly on your bond mark when he reached it.
“I want to show you the nest…” You could feel a familiar burning feeling deep within you and couldn’t help but grind your hips against his, making a smirk grow on his face as he continued to kiss and nip down your neck. Damn fucking heat, you could barely have a nice moment of calm to yourself.
“Where did you end up putting it?” He seemed to be in no hurry, moving back up to your bond mark sucking on it making you moan softly at the attention. Even though it was still healing and bruised up it felt like you were on fire when he sunk his alpha’s fangs into your skin making the mark deeper. If he didn’t take you back to the room now you were going to combust.
“On the bed.” He pulled back giving you a quizzical look which you whined at, tugging his hair to try and bring him back to you.
“Where am I supposed to sleep?”
You gave him a pointed look which you were pretty sure looked more pleading than annoyed but it didn’t matter, the smile that spread across his face, that 1000 watt just for you Touya smile, let you know he understood.
“You’re going to let me in your nest?”
“Dabi if you don’t take me back to your room right now I’m going to fuck you in the hallway and I really rather have privacy.”
“Any thing for you Princess.”
It was several hours before either of you ended up getting out of bed, already early into the next morning, and part of you felt really bad for blowing Toga off like that, but you figured she would be willing to show you around later.
You had finally wiggled your way out of Dabi’s grasp, who was out like a light after the last day’s events. Once again you were truly shocked by his stamina. After making a quick trip to the bathroom you located the long-forgotten boxes that Dabi had barely had the mind to pickup before the two of you had retreated into your nest.
You pulled out the patches, reading the instructions on the box before pulling out the band-aid like patch, sticking it to your hip as directed for covering an omega’s heat. You couldn’t help but smile at the bruises that littered your body. The bite marks that covered you. He had really claimed every inch of you that there was. You didn’t think you would have been into that but with him, anything he did made you drool.
Placing the rest of the patches back into the box your eyes landed on the other box, the one that had been thrown into the otherwise empty trashcan.
You frowned, sighing softly to yourself as you pulled it out of the trashcan, reading the label carefully, tapping the box against your hand a few times in thought.
Dabi had been right before and you had known it. You both knew it would be the worse case scenario for you to end up pregnant right now. It could literally mean life or death for you. Finding you bonded pissed Endeavor off sure, but he would have believed that Dabi forced it on you and at least would have let you live, but if he found you pregnant? Endeavor could probably come up with an excuse… you got caught in the crossfire. Dabi used you as a human shield… it was such a tragic end for a defenseless omega… You can’t save them all. No one outside of the Todoroki household knew your quirk, it wouldn’t be hard to sell. They would believe anything Endeavor told them. Shoto would fight him but you weren’t sure that he could do anything to save you in that scenario. Not to mention being pregnant meant you needed a safe and secure place, one where you didn’t have to pack up and run all the time, one where you weren’t stressed. And the medical attention you would need… and what about when the baby comes? Did you want to raise a baby in the League? Did you want to raise a baby with the world the way it was?  
Now was not the time for settling down and raising a family. Now was the time to fight for your right to do so.  
So, with a shaky breath, and tears building in your eyes, you took out the small white pill, putting it on your tongue and filling your hand with water from the tap.
It was a tough pill to swallow.
Want to show your support? Buy me a coffee!    
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noirbriar · 3 years
FFXV AU: Gravity
“Which is faster? Moving horizontally across at a speed or dropping from a height?”
“Gotta be dropping from a height.There’s gravity.”
“Unless you have really really high speed?”
“If you use your warp, maybe? I don’t know if magic thingy is relative to speed.”
“…So…technically… if I were to warp down, gravity will make me reach point B faster?”
Prompto looks up at the Prince of Lucis with narrowed eyes. Almost judgmentally. Almost. He had barely enough sleep with exams approaching, on top of his physical training lately. Though Noctis does not know that. The Lucian prince still thinks its because his friend had picked up more shifts at the camera shop while doing his usual volunteer work. The last of Prompto’s brain cells are not functioning at their best to process this. If any of their parents were to see the blond now, they would comment how much that quirk made him look like Cor, without the caffeine.
“I don’t think physics works that way, Noct.”
“Or, do we?” The Prince slowly faces his best friend, as if he really wants to make a point. Prompto takes 2 whole minutes to digest the response and stops breathing altogether.
“Oh. OH. Oh no.”
Oh no was right.
“Noct. I am pre-tty sure we shouldn’t be here.”
“Last I check the Citadel is mine, Prom, I technically am supposed to be here.”
Prompto squawks at his friend incredulously. His voice lost in the wind as a flock of pigeons gets spooked off from their spot on the ledge, now taken by two humans. Noctis quickly pounces and slams his palm over his mouth. This is stupid Prompto bemoans. Why did he let Noct convince him this is okay. He’s going to be thrown in the dungeons for letting an idiot prince convince him to do this. He agreed to enter the Citadel to help his friend study. He did not agree to this part of studying.
They are at least 35 floors above ground in the home of the Lucis Caelums. If Prompto had not tried harder to talk Noctis out of it, they would probably hanging with the Crystal now. Prompto has no idea why or how his Crown Prince have managed to find an unguarded balcony.That is like a security breach no?And- oh Astrals, his dad. His dads. Oh no.
“Relax Prom, if anything I can warp, that’s like a failsafe in itself yeah? Besides there’s like balcony ledges every 5 floors on this side. Piece of cake with that distance.”Noctis calmly pats his friend and move over to the ledge.The two boys look over the railing.
Yup, pretty high up. Absolutely.Uh-huh.
“You only do it on a horizontal axis with that distance, not vertical axis! You ass!” Prompto hisses back.
“Well! All for science!” And the Lucian prince summons a dagger, “Imma try reach the statue of The Tall down there on the 15th’s corner garden.”
“Wow. Ambitious. Try The Mystic’s statue further down the main garden.”
“Actually, yeah sure! Why-“ The boys freezes up and side eyes each other.They look behind in sync quietly and find a smirking Nyx Ulric watching them with mirth. Apparently this ledge was guarded by someone other than the pigeons.
“Shit.” Prompto breathes out quietly as his eyes remained fixed on the Kingsglaive he calls baba. The Galahdian is evidently amused by what is possibly awaiting him later. Goodbye cruel world.
Noctis meanwhile tries to turn around to make his escape with the dagger in hand. However Prompto quickly grabs the back of the wayward prince’s collar without looking and pulls him in securely by his side.  
No way is he dying alone in this. Royalty or not.
[ Birb & Fwish ]
[Noc 8:36pm]: So. I heard. The Crownsguard actually called up your folks after I got hauled off by Specs and Gladio. Sorry.
[Pom 8:37pm]: U r an ass n I hope u have fun wif Iggy from now on.
[Pom 8:37pm]: Gonna tell him u threw out all the salad packs.
[Pom 8:37pm]: Also telling Gladio u were the one that dropped the soda in his bag n ruined his books.
[Pom 8:37pm]: I am grounded for-fuckin-ever.
[Noc 8:38pm]: IM SORRY!!!! DDDDDDD:
[Pom 8:40pm]: ( angy chocobo.jpg )
“Well. That was…interesting. Was starting to think we have it easy and teenage rebellion might not hit you at all.” Nyx stifles a laugh, patting Prompto reassuringly.
Prompto groans into hands before Regis offers a cup of tea to the troubled teen. The fact that he is sitting in the Chamber of the King, together with the Lord Shield and his dads have not sunk in yet in his despair. This is not how mingling with your friends’ dads should be done. He has not even officially sign into service to the Crown and he is already in deep shit.
“Which only means, we are adding an extra subject into your curriculum, on top of your training.” Cor groused out.
“Cor! The boy is only 16 and already stressed, is it necessary?” The King looks at his Marshal appallingly, yet the King’s Sword simply throws back a glare.
“Yes! Its bloody called ‘How To Rein in a Lucis Caelum’. And this subject first exists because of your reckless ass! ” The Marshal retorts hotly, ignoring the chuckling Shield in the process. “What if they are captured and Prompto needs to fish them out?! The last thing he needs while watching his own back, is a troublesome royal who can’t be controlled!”
Regis simply huffs and sinks into his seat. He clearly remembers there was a troublesome one in their group, and it certainly was not him. What slander.
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capevans3000 · 3 years
i have a Chris Evans x reader fluff request 💗🥺 // you’ve been dating Chris for sometime and you both decide it’s time for his family to meet yours so they spend the holidays with you. Reader is nervous and being a perfectionist but it all works out well. Xoxo
Hi Anon! My apologies that this took so damn long. There's absolutely no excuses. I'm sorry! :(
I changed the story a little, to commemorate Chris' birthday. I hope you still like it and that it's fit for your request! Thank you for waiting for this.
*Please pardon all the mistakes in this one.*
Today was a special day. You opened your eyes and smiled at the sight next to you. 40 years ago before you even existed, God had brought this wonderful, beautiful, absolutely sexy human being into Earth. Who knew, this one-of-a-kind man would one day be lying next to you. You took a moment to take in the sight, like you did every day since four years ago. His bare chest, his muscular arms, his luscious eye lashes. You knew behind those eye lids were sparkles from the sky, a view, no matter how often you’d look, you’ll get lost in. You planted a gentle kiss on his forehead and crept out of bed.
The morning sun was just coming into view from Chris’ windows. Quickly and quietly, you got into the groove around the kitchen. You had opted to cook for him for his special day. It was also going to be first time both of your parents were going to meet each other and you wanted everything to be perfect. There were no room for errors today.
You were so engrossed in not getting Chris’ eggs burnt in the pan that you missed his gentle voice calling out to you. You smiled when you felt a pair of hands wrapped around your waist. “Hey, love.” Chris tightened his hug around you and sniffed your hair before planting a sensual kiss on your bare neck. “You smell so lovely.”
“Are you sure it’s not the eggs?” You joked.
“I’m pretty sure it’s you.” Chris was still trailing kisses around your neck.
You turned the fire off and looked at him. “Happy birthday, my awesome man.” You tip-toed to kiss him on his lips. Before you could let go, Chris had lifted you up and spun you around before sitting you down on the kitchen island. With his hands on your face, he deepened the kiss. It may have been five minutes, it may have been five hours when the both of you finally let go of each other. You often find that time was warped when you were with Chris. “Thank you for my birthday kiss.”
With a quick lift, Chris picked you up and placed your feet on the floor. You turned away and smiled. The cold eggs were evidence how long the two of you were making out. You quickly popped the eggs into the microwave to heat it up while Chris sat down on the bar stool. Unbeknownst to you, he was admiring you as you busied around the kitchen. Chris smiled to himself. His birthday or not, you were the best present he could ever ask for.
“Chris, I know it’s your birthday, and I promise I will make it up to you tonight, but could I have the kitchen to myself today? I got to prepare dinner for our parents, and I really want everything to be perfect. I have to make sure that the potatoes are mashed, the carrots are washed, the – “ Chris stopped you before you could carry on.
“Y/N. You’re perfect. And our parents are going to love each other, I promise.” Chris assured you again.
“Yeah, I know they will, but it would be their first time meeting, I just want them to have a good time tonight.” You murmured nervously.
“Hey, love. Look at me.” Chris gently caressed your cheeks. “Everything will be all right, I promise.”
As agreed, Chris busied himself in the living room while you had the kitchen in a storm. You hardly noticed the time until Chris came in and informed you he was going to pick your parents up from the airport. Scott was going to pick Lisa. You nodded and took a quick look at the dining table where everyone would be convening tonight. You rushed to the room to wash up. You changed into your dress and sat down to put on some light make up. Just when you were about ready, you heard the door opened and happy voices filling the room.
Excitement overtook your nervousness as you entered the living room. “Mum, Dad!” You cried as you rushed forward to give your parents each a hug. Chris stood at the side, happy to see the reunion before him.
“Hello Princess.” Your parents smiled. It was the first time in years since you’ve seen your parents. Before you could even sit down to catch up with them, the door opened again and Scott and Lisa emerged.
You smiled again. Chris had came next to you and gave your hands a squeeze. The both of you approached Lisa and Scott. “I’m so happy to see you, Lisa.” You smiled and hugged Chris’ mum. You turned to Scott and gave him a quick hug too.
Chris had found you again and intertwined his fingers with yours. He introduced both your parents to one another. You sighed a smile of relief when you saw the three adults greeting each other. The moment you were nervous about was finally here. You turned to look at Chris, who was beaming at you.
“Hey, Mum, Mr and Mrs Y/L/N, why don’t we all adjourn to the dining room?” Scott called out. “I heard Y/N had personally made a spread for everyone tonight.” You smiled at Scott and mouthed a quick thank-you.
All your nervousness was quickly dissolved when you saw how happy your parents were with Lisa. The three of them were chatting like they’ve known each for years, never mind the fact it was their first time meeting. Your cheeks were tired from smiling so much as you observed the scene in front of you. You felt Chris reached out to you from under the table to give your hand another quick squeeze. You smiled even wider at Chris. He was right, your parents does love each other and you were so thankful.
Before dinner ended, Scott suggested everyone to raise their glass to give Chris a toast. You turned to Lisa and held her hands. “Thank you for raising such an amazing son, Lisa.” You said, your eyes teary. Lisa looked at you and her eyes were teary too. “And I thank your parents for raising such an amazing girl for my son.”
When the two of you were finally alone in bed that night, you jumped on top of Chris and rested your head on his chest.
“I’m so glad everything went well tonight.” You smiled into his chest.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
You lifted your head to look at Chris. “What for?”
“For being you. For being mine.” Chris caressed your cheeks.
You smiled and rested your head on his chest again. “Happy birthday, Chris.” You whispered.
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43sparrows · 4 years
satisfied - {Five x Reader AU}
Read Part 1 & Part 2 & Part 3 / Part 3.5 & Part 4
Warning: a rollercoaster from start to end
Word Count: 4,512
Note: Here it is. The final installment. I'm also impressed I've managed to pull off my own little goal which was to make each chapter longer as we go deeper and deeper into this relationship. It was fun to write, and I hope you stick with me for my next series
You've ignored four of his calls.
Well, technically, you've only ignored one, deleting the message from the answering machine after a short but brutal internal war. The other three times he's tried to get in touch with you were on the typical ripped out notes taped to your mirror. Each one was plucked down, scanned for words you didn't really expect to find (sorry, mistake, asshole), and then tossed into the waste bin.
You know that even as fucked up as your last encounter was, he deserves more--an explanation or at least a clean break--but you can't bring yourself to give him either. And you hate that about yourself. You hate it because you know why you can't do it, and the feeling that comes from this fact is worse than any of the ways Five's ever made you feel.
So, you don't call him. Instead, you work to erase the little traces of him you find in your apartment and in your thoughts until at last you're faced with something you can't just stick in the garbage: the man himself.
He's standing at the foot of your bed, hands on his hips and brow knit together. The look stops you dead in your tracks as you enter the room.
"You're avoiding me."
You feel like you're going to throw up. The thought briefly crosses your mind that if you do, you might get out of having this conversation. But instead you take a few more steps into the room and close the door behind you. When you face him again, you find his finger tapping at his waist. Your eyes remain on the finger instead of his face and you stay silent. This isn't an admission of guilt, but he seems to take it as one.
"Why?" he demands.
Objectively, you know the words. You're proficient in more than one language, so frankly you have more than enough words to use. But you can't seem to piece them together quite right, and so, no sound comes out. Instead you turn your gaze to your right and it lands on the candle on your bookshelf. The flame flickers, dancing in a breeze you can't feel yourself. You feel like there's a metaphor somewhere in there.
"Why would you do that to me, Five?" Your voice is soft, but the interruption effectively cuts him off. If you were looking, you'd imagine you'd see his eyes squint at you in frustrated confusion. His mouth would be slightly open, and you'd want to kiss it closed. So you can't face him. Your gaze stays fixated on the candle.
"Do what?"
You wet your lips as if that will help get out what you need to say. It doesn't work, but it does buy you a bit of time and makes the tension in the room that much more palpable. You wonder if that's what's guiding the flame through its movements.
"You brought me to Howl's just to fuck me in front of my ex."
Five's quiet now, and you chance a look at him from the corner of your eye. He doesn't look frustrated, but he does look like he's working a math problem and each time he comes to the end he gets a different solution.
He notices you're looking and tries to catch your eye, so you turn back to watch the candle burn it's way down the wick.
"You said you wanted something to shove in his face."
You don't remember saying that, but it's true. You did want something to shove in his face. But not like this. You shake your head at him.  "Not that." Your voice is both airy and tight, and it's not a good sign. "That wasn't anything worth shoving in his face."
"What?" There's heat in Five's voice now, and you can tell that something you've said has pushed a button. "He's working two jobs so he can get married to some boring elementary school teacher, and you're having mindblowing sex with the closest thing this city has to a goddamn superhero. Who came out on top there?"
"You," you say, simply.
"Me?" he repeats, and you finally find the strength to turn and face him. His eyebrows have shot up so high, you're surprised they're not touching his hairline.
"You're the one who got what they wanted out of that show Five. Because he's still happily getting married having been proven right that I'm nothing more than a call girl dumb enough to work for free."
Five narrows his eyes at you, and there's nothing confused about the look. Instead, he looks downright mean. You realize in that look, that he's missed the point completely. He's not listening to you. He's not seeing you. And you're starting to realize that he may not even want to. The realization hurts. It fucking hurts. Like you're being ripped apart from the inside. And the worst part is that you really should have known this.
Before he can get any words out, you beat him to the punch. It's the only way this argument was ever going to end.   "I can't do this anymore, Five."
The look shifts into one of incredulousness and then disgust and then stoniness. And then, without a word, he vanishes.
You feel like you've collapsed on the inside.
Apparently, you look like it too.
Your boss had taken one look at you and tried to send you back home. You'd told her that you were fine to work and made it half the day before she insisted you looked truly terrible and needed to go home. And maybe see a doctor.
Judging by the look on your roommate's face, you look even worse now that you've made it home.
"Are you alright?" she asks, peering up at you from the couch.
"Got sent home early," you mumble. It's not exactly an answer to her question, but you hope that it gets you out of having to talk anymore. It's not that you don't love your roommate. But you'd rather crawl in bed and stay there for a month if it meant that you didn't have to socialize with any humans in the meantime.
You successfully shuffle all the way into your room and drop your things next to your desk before the TV shuts off. Your roommate's footsteps echo throughout the apartment, and then there's silence and the feeling of someone hovering in the doorway behind you.
"I'm worried," she says, and you sigh, your shoulders dropping as you turn around.
"I'm fine."
She hums a no and gestures at your room.  You've let piles of dirty clothes take over most of the floor. There's about six different cups scattered on different surfaces, all with varying levels of water in them. Only one of the candles is lit. Her eyes find yours again, and you can't help but look away. "You've been locked in here all weekend. And most of last week too. I know he hasn't been by. He hasn't even called. What's up?"
You shrug helplessly, and the same way they do any time you think of Five, your eyes betray you and start to water.
"You don't know?" she presses, and you shake your head, looking off to the side, trying to get yourself under control. She walks into the bedroom then, coming around to sit on the edge of your bed and stare up at you. "Talk to me, Y/N. Seriously, I'm worried about you, and I don't know what to do."
"I--" your voice feels too thick, and you're having a hard time keeping it even as it comes out. "It's over." Your roommate's eyebrows draw down in sympathy as do the corners of her mouth.
"He ended it."
You shake your head and swallow. "I did." The pitch is too high now.
"Why?" your roommate's voice softens in response to yours, and it's then that you break, face crumpling, tears falling, and a broken sob escaping. She doesn't say anything more, instead rising from the bed and wrapping her arms around you from the side, leaning her head against your shoulder.
It takes an embarrassing amount of time to stop crying. Then again, any time spent crying over a boy who you weren't dating and never made any promises in terms of feelings or commitments was embarrassing. But, when you do slow down, you finally find the words to tell her everything. What happened while she was away. Your trip to the bar and what you discovered. Your fight. She listens and doesn't say anything, instead doing the one thing that you need most from her: she doesn't let go.
You look less like shit.
But you still feel awful.
It's been just over a week since your fight with Five, and you feel like you should be over it by now. The disappointment, the embarrassment, the hurt. But you're not. Sure, you don't exactly feel like an open wound anymore. But you feel a bit like someone's just put a single layer of gauze on top, and that's not nearly enough.
So, you decide there's only one course of action that will make you feel better on this Saturday morning: Griddy's Doughnuts.
Just walking into the shop makes you feel lighter. The sweet smell of the different glazes and jellies wafts through the air, and kids are crammed up against the doughnut case and perched on stools with their parents. Walking into the place is like a time warp--it feels exactly the same way it did all those years ago when you were the kid tugging at her mom's hand.
And then you make accidental eye contact, and it all shatters. Because the brown eyes you're staring into belong to none other than Vanya Hargreeves.
You pull over to the side of the line to do the right thing and make brief small talk. If it hadn't been for two occasions where she'd come home sooner than planned, you wouldn't be in this situation. She wouldn't recognize you. But this girl's seen you half naked and spoken to you several times over the phone. She knows more of you than you wish she did. She probably feels the same way. Regardless of the willingness either of you have to engage in this conversation, she's coming over, bag of doughnuts and tray of coffee in hand.
"Y/N, hi," she greets, offering a nervous looking smile.
"Hi," Your own attempt at a smile is disastrous. It's too tight and it doesn't reach your eyes. It hardly even reaches your cheekbones. "Seems like we had the same idea for breakfast."
She nods, looking down at the bag in her hand. "Yeah. We have this family tradition to grab Griddy's whenever one of us--"  she stops then, seeming to remember who she's talking to and restarts with a safer question. "How are you?"
Vanya's voice sounds the way Griddy's smells--like nostalgia and comfort and it makes you ache inside. You want to know how her sentence was going to end, but you want out of this conversation more.
"I'm fine," It comes out more of an exhale than a word, and she seems to see right through it.
She nods, her smile taking on a sad quality. "You and Five both then. Guess we did get the same memo about Griddy's."
A silence seeps in between the two of you, and you hate the way this feels--like you're drowning in the middle of a swimming pool and trying not to call attention to it.
"I don't want to pry--" She must see you go rigid because she seems to decide on a different route. "I don't know what happened, but I'm sorry it didn't work out. I know you guys cared a lot about each other."
You don't know how to respond to that. You're not sure if you want to be the fool who fell in love with her friends with benefits or the slut who was just in it for phenomenal sex or the bitch who points out Vanya's brother is a heartless bastard and doesn't deserve doughnuts because he clearly never gave a damn. She must catch the crease between your eyebrows, your lips instinctively puckering into a qualification, because she saves you from responding.
"Look, I know Five can be...a lot. And I don't know what he did, but I can tell it was big and it wasn't good." She looks like she wants to reach out and touch you, but her hands--thankfully--are full. "But you should know, he checks the answering machine every day."
It stings. He still thinks you'll call.
And you almost have.
You can't look at her open and earnest face any longer, so you look down at the ground and nod dumbly. "Thanks." She stays in front of you, and you can feel that she wants to break the silence again.  You swallow hard and force yourself to meet her gaze once more. "Well, I don't want your coffees to get cold. It was nice to run into you, though, Vanya."
She nods, her mouth settling into a line. "Take care of yourself, ok?" she asks, and you lift your lips into half a smile because it's just about as much as you can manage. She nods once more and then turns and leaves the doughnut shop. You get in line.
Your roommate decides it's time for you to leave the house.
You point out that you leave the house almost every day.
She argues that leaving for work doesn't count. It's been two weeks and you need to have fun.
You insist that if you're going to have fun, it's not going to be on a Tuesday.
She informs you that there will be dollar tacos where she's going.
That's how you end up at Don Pablo's at eight o'clock on a Tuesday night with your roommate and two other friends all crowded around a table. It's hard to say what it is, the dollar tacos, the strong margaritas, the good company or the Spanish covers of pop songs, but whatever the reason, you're feeling lighter than you have. You're even laughing as your friend, Faith, updates you on the latest antics of the passive aggressive post-it queen at her work.
"That is...one hell of a story," someone to the right of your table says, and the eyes of the group look up to a lanky man with shoulder length brown hair. He's wearing a mesh crop top that sparkles a little under the light and leather pants that leave absolutely nothing to the imagination, a fact that's captured Sam's attention.
The man pushes off from where he's leaning against the coat rack, and it's a testament to Faith's storytelling prowess that not a single one of you noticed him lurking there until this point. He motions for Faith to budge over, and the motion is so familiar and friendly that she scoots without protest.
"So," he says, resting his chin in both of his palms. "Which one of you radiant young ladies is Y/N?"
The words are objectively skeevy, but much like his admittance to the table, this earns nothing but a few snorts and smiles. He's also smiling like he's in on the joke, and it's genuine and sparkling rather than leering. You're half tempted to tell him, but your roommate stops you.
"Why?" Nasreen asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Because she's the one person who will save us from my brother's broody pining," he says with a faux pout.
Nasreen's eyebrows lift even higher. "Isn't it a little middle school of your brother to send you over here for him?"
He chuckles and lifts his head, shaking a finger at your roommate. She grins back at him. "Yes, it would be, but he very expressly told me not to come over here. I'm here looking for Y/N of my own free will." He glances around the table and steals a chip out of your basket, dipping it into the salsa. "Technically," he says, crunching down on the chip. "I'm risking my life for this."
Sam laughs and the man grins, reaching for another chip. "It's true. He said, and this is a direct quote, 'Klaus, if you go over there, I will drive this tiny umbrella through your eyeball until it hits that thing you call a brain and puts us all out of our misery.'" He pops the chip into his mouth and gives a dramatic eye roll. "Very eloquent, my brother."
Your friends laugh at this, even Nasreen, but you grow cold. Because you know one person with a brother named Klaus.
"So," Klaus bounces his shoulders once, sitting up straighter. "Who am I sacrificing myself for?" He looks around the table pleasantly just as Sam glances at you. It's a small motion, but Klaus latches onto it. "Ah," Klaus says gesturing toward you. "I'm going to need you to come fuck my brother."
Faith spits out her margarita. Sam barks out a sudden laugh. Nasreen blinks and draws back into the booth.
"I know he's an emotionally stunted little asshole, but he's been even more insufferable than usual, and Vanya says it's because of you." He drops his hand onto the table, relaxing back into the booth. "Obviously, he's the one at fault--you seem like an angel. But it would mean the world if you would come fix our little shitheel."
It's the name Vanya that brings Nasreen up to speed.
"I'm vetoing this right now," your roommate says, shaking her head. Klaus presses his hands together and points them at her.
"Your objection has been heard and noted, but let's hear from Y/N."
All of the eyes on the table are on you, and dollar tacos isn't enough to redeem this moment. You shake your head slowly. "No."
"No," Klaus repeats. He seems surprised.
"No, I'm tired of being fucked over so Five can feel better. No." Your roommate's approval radiates over you, strengthening the feeling. Faith and Sam straighten up at the mention of Five.
Klaus heaves a sigh and leans back to rest his head on the top of the booth's cushion. "I don't blame you, but I don't want to go back over there," he says to the ceiling. "Not only is he going to publicly murder me, but he'll probably drive me up this stucco painted wall with his moodiness before he does it." He lolls his head to turn to Faith. "Can I stay here with you?"
Faith laughs a little, looking at the rest of you.
"Depends," your roommate says, leaning on the table.
"On?" Klaus raises an eyebrow.
"If the next round is on you."
When you stumble into your apartment, it's a little past 1 am, and you're not so much as drunk as you are high on a good time. Allowing Klaus to stay at your table had been the best decision you'd made in the past...month? Maybe longer. Not only had he supplied you with enough good stories to take your mind far away from Five (whose gaze you could feel once you knew it was there) but Klaus had also pulled each of you up to salsa with him despite the fact that it wasn't a dance bar at all. Still, several other couples from different tables had followed his lead, and you'd allowed yourself to be spun and turned about until your legs were ready to collapse.
It's hard to imagine that anything can bring yourself down from this feeling as you place a kiss on your roommate's cheek and thank her for dragging you out.
Then again, you hardly imagined Five would be popping into your bedroom at 1:30 in the morning.
His hair is wild, eyes are hazy, and he looks more disheveled than you've ever seen him. "You were there. You were there and Klaus came over, and what the fuck?"
You've never heard so many nonsensical words come out of his mouth.
"Are you...drunk?" you ask, dumping your clothes at the door to your closet.
"Figured that one out," he says, gesturing flailingly at you.  "I got drunk because that's what you do when the one person in this world who doesn't make your life worse won't even look across a bar at you." He says.
You, for your part, remain silent, head tilted, trying to make sense of what's going on--how much of this is him and how much of it is the alcohol. Because you can't believe he's this upset--Five doesn't seem to do emotions other than stressed, horny, and smug.
He sways a bit. "You were right there. Right there. And you didn't even look at me. Not even when fuckin' Klaus went over."
"I didn't realize you cared that much," you say quietly.
Five scoffs. "Why else would I spend five days hunting down your ex just so you could get your closure."
You blink several times at this fact, but you don't have time to formulate some sort of response before he continues. "Do you know how many Jordan Millers there are in this city?"
"You--what?" The words come out as hardly more than a disbelieving whisper.
"Five days and perfect planning to get you there and have it all work out at just the right moment, only for you to end it. No reason. You just ended it."
You swallow hard and then fix him with a stare. Because he's right--he should at least have a reason. "I didn't end it because of Howl's." You pause, and he takes it as the end of the sentence because he continues on.
"I don't even know what happened. I keep trying to work it out. It's all I can fucking think about, and I can't figure it out. You wanted just sex, so I gave you just sex. You wanted to show up your ex, so I made sure you could show up your ex." His voice takes on a hysterical quality as he starts to pace the room. "What am I missing? Please, enlighten me. Because Vanya and Allison are up my ass about trying to fix things with you, and hell if I know where to begin."
"You can't fix this," you shake your head and then wet your lips, steeling yourself up for the most embarrassing truth. "I ended it because I wanted more, and you didn't."
He pauses and then lets out a manic laugh. "So you left because you wanted to be with me?"
"I left because I thought it was just sex to you, and that's all it would ever be."
"That's all it was supposed to be," he says, not stopping his pacing.  "That's what we both wanted."
"Wanted," you repeat, quietly. "Wants change."
He lets out a manic laugh. "Oh, I know that," he says and stalks closer to you. "Why else would I be here right now, still trying to figure out what you want so I can give it to you instead of fucking any of the girls who came up to me tonight?"
You blink a few times, and this has to be an exhaustion induced delusion, because there's no way he's saying what you think he's saying.
"What are you talking about?" you ask, quietly. He doesn't answer, instead closing the remainder of the distance, pulling your body flush against yours and kissing you.
He tastes like margaritas. His kiss is as intoxicating as the alcohol itself, the sensation rushing through your body and urging you to relax into him. He's only kissed you four times before, and all of those were different. In those kisses his hands ran over your body, pushing at your clothes, his frame walking you back towards the bed. But now he's solid, and his hands are still, a vice keeping you close to him as his lips remain on yours.
It takes an extraordinary strength of will to extract yourself from his kiss. "Don't do this," you whisper, your lips brushing his since he's chased after your kiss.
"Why?" he pulls you even closer, pressing another kiss to your lips.
"Because you don't mean this," you say, bringing your hands in between your bodies to push him away. "You're drunk and you're lonely and…"
"And I want you," he says, not moving, ducking his head to kiss you again.
"No you don't."
The words make him step back angrily. "I don't know how to make it any fucking clearer," he says, raking a hand through his hair. "I want you. I want you Y/N. I wish I didn't. I wish things would go back to being just sex. Because my life was so much easier then. But they can't. Not for you and not for me. You want more. I want you. So why won't you just accept that and let me kiss you?"
As far as romantic speeches go, it's pretty shitty.
"Fine," you say.
It's an equally shitty romantic response.
But then he's kissing you again, and you let yourself lean into the hope that maybe, come morning, he'll still mean what he said.
When you wake up, Five's gone.
The other side of the bed is tucked in tightly, like he was never even there. But you know he was. Because if he wasn't, there's no reason for your whole body to ache inside and out. It's tempting to stay in bed and throw yourself a mix of pity party and roast. After all, last night you exhibited top tier dumbassery.
But you're tired of feeling like shit. So you drag yourself out from under the covers and towards your door, hoping that some coffee and a warm breakfast will help you to feel better.
You pad out the door and down the short hallway to come out to the kitchen where your roommate is pouring herself a cup of coffee.
“My head hurts like a sonofabitch,” she says, reaching into the cabinet to grab down a mug for you. “You?”
You give a rueful smile and head over to stand next to her by the coffeepot. “Surprisingly, I’m ok. Better than yesterday.”
“Good,” she says, filling your mug up.
Your toilet flushes, and both you and your roommate look at each other. The silent question is answered not long after as there, appearing in the doorway, still wearing yesterday’s clothes and looking a bit disheveled, is Five.
It’s the first time your roommate has ever seen him.
“Uh…hello?” your roommate says, and Five nods at her, moving forward to steal your mug of coffee. He lifts it to his lips and takes a long sip.
“You’re…here,” you say dumbly, and he nods, drinking some more coffee.
“It’s where I want to be.”
Your roommate looks between the two of you. “And you are…”
“Five,” he says over his coffee, and your roommate looks between the two of you wildly before finally settling you with a significant look.
“You’re going to have to make more coffee, and explain all of this to me,” she says, circling a finger at Five.
You look at him, a small twist of a smile on your lips. “Fine with me.”
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