#but on the other he shouldn’t have to sacrifice his own childhood for it y’know?
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turtleblogatlast · 9 months ago
One of the absolute best things about the bros is that they just. Play. They play around like the teens they are, playing ball, or video games, or anything else. They just play and have fun together, genuinely enjoying each other’s company. I dunno, I just appreciate how easy it is for them to mess around and be kids.
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aysall · 5 years ago
on Jin, and his story.
A sort of analysis retracing Twice’s journey. It’s long and convoluted, but I wanted to give him a proper goodbye. 
[P.S. seeing a lot of discourse lately I want to specify that mine is not a moral analysis. I’m not interested in discussing who’s right or wrong in the conflict. I understand why other people do it, it’s just not me. Hope you enjoy.]
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The parable of Twice’s character has been explored throughout the story of My Hero Academia in an extremely conscious way. His first appearance in chapter 77 occurs briefly and unexpectedly; unlike the other villains, he’s not depicted in a disturbing or dangerous light and that’s why at first glance he’s easy to categorize as unimportant (in hindsight, this sort of unique introduction should’ve said a lot about him). While the Forest Training Camp Arc reaches its peak Twice reappears several times in an increasingly comic light helped by the continuous, incomprehensible at the time, contradictions with himself. Still not scary, besides the funniness, he begins to be endearing.
A jump, and here comes chapter 115, the first to be completely dedicated to a villain and it really is interesting: hero society is seen through different eyes and its supposed “moral goodness” is questioned. Our gaze turns briefly towards the outcasts upon hearing «Heroes only save good people», is it really so? And why is a comic-relief character revealing this?
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Jin Bubaigawara’s face is devoid of comedy as much as Twice’s mask is full of it: empty eyes marked by fatigue, a scar that divides the forehead in two, a story about losing oneself and their sense in the world. A double meaning, it’s early to comprehend it fully but My Hero Academia is opening to the other side, willingly listening and we listen with it. «By helping the League that accepted me as I am … I want to think that I am okay with the way I am, too» Mh. Okay. Let’s go on.
Twice’s development continues along the Overhaul Arc, as it opens with an error on his part which leads to Magne’s death, and from there it unfolds, in guilt, comfort and resoluteness. Toga, who until then was quite the flat character, cartoonishly depicted as creepy and psychotic, accompanies him showing a different side of herself through the first act of kindness we see from a villain. It’s worth underlining how, in regards to Twice, many of the bad guys soften, showing more delicate and empathic gestures: Giran welcomes him, Shigaraki allows (and uses at best) his sentimentality, even Dabi puts aside his indifference to encourage him. I think it’s because such dedication drives others to respond in kind.
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Anyway, «I’m human too y’know… Shigaraki!» (ch.148) with this sentence, what previously was only speculation becomes clearer in the reader’s eyes and seals the promise of a conscious and attentive development: Twice’s role is aimed at opening a gash on the villain’s inwardness, invisible until that point, and it’s thanks to him that we begin to observe them in a more understanding light. Magne’s death has shaken up the League, and they find again their balance with new, stronger bonds, sealed by Shigaraki’s affirmation that they’re acting for their own sake. With Twice pouring out his feelings they’re able to build trust, work in tandem, emerge victorious. He was (and will keep being) useful, pity he doesn’t notice it.
Several and too many chapters later: My Villain Academia Arc. Twice’s humanity is confirmed yet again when he throws himself into the fray, first to save Giran, then Toga and then all his companions. In murmuring that the Legue is his home, another piece falls into place and it’s here, among other things, where we connect the most with him and his past: who has never lived a moment of loss and solitude, where the mistakes add up to one another to the point that one day you look in the mirror without knowing who you are, aware only of the ugly parts, thinking that maybe that’s why the pain doesn’t go away. You probably deserve all of it. 
Twice’s path is cathartic in regards to rejecting this view of himself because, partly by chance and partly by voluntary action, he began to recover when he built certainties in his life, realizing that it’s worth struggling for a connection with people and how much dear that becomes to you, how terrible the idea of ​​losing it (losing them) can be. The plot rewards him for his struggles.
«The important thing is to know who you are, what you want to become» isn’t it poetically perfect that when Twice decides not to run away from himself, he finally realizes that he is the original? The ground has stabilized under his feet because now he knows what his mission is, therefore the “real” Jin Bubaigawara can go back to being whole—or at least united enough to pursue the goal of protecting his home with all his power. Which is pretty fucking powerful.
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Many have said that Twice is the heart of the League of Villains and I agree, he is a summary of the “good” (even if distorted) feelings that led every single member into joining the group. Misery does love company, the excluded sought each other because when one is alone reality is too scary to face. 
But a villain, however emotional, must have his tools to defend himself or his strenght will become his weakness. That’s why Twice is both the strongest and the most vulnerable and is twice (hah!) punished for this condition; the second is fatal. Despite this his narrative arc ends with a reaffirmation and reinforcement of everything he is and represents: he sees himself in Hawks and thinks he can help him (empathy), then he is betrayed and mourns and fights for his companions (self-sacrifice), he regrets his mistakes, he is ready to die (kindness). And he dies many times: protecting his home, full of anger and sadness, exposing the hypocrisy of people who are many things but perhaps not heroes—which is good, as Twice shows again and again, the world is not black and white, heroes and villains intertwine and maybe they do become “just human”. He dies without doubting himself nor his feelings, he dies in an attempt to reach his loved ones and he also dies reaching them. His last death happens in the arms of the girl who first showed him kindness, from whom he was sure he would have never received any comfort ever again. So he dies realizing that he was wrong, despite Jin Bubaigawara being the “Sad Man”, Twice is full of energy and affection to give, and these feelings are repaid by the very individuals who shouldn’t be able to do anything but inflict terror and fear. Again, that’s still because the world is not black and white and “Twice” and “Jin” are no different, one in the same.
Twice rejects Hawks’s words about his unfortunate condition. In doing so he rejects the words of himself to himself in chapter 229 «[you went wrong] when you were born without luck» and this stance can be connected to what Toga said against Curios «I’m not unfortunate at all!» (ch. 226) and Shigaraki’s response when he remembered his childhood «That was no tragedy.» (ch.237): all of them reject the inherent misfortune of their past to embrace who they are in the present, they abandon the self-pity. Therein lies the message that the choices they made are theirs alone and that no one should have the right to judge them with pity. These are all positive teachings that we are used to get from the good guys’ side, now that they’re seen through the villains everything becomes grayer and, in my opinion, more interesting.
And so, yet again, everything seems to be screaming that his death is not a tragedy because while he was looking for himself, he found a place to belong and learned to be happy with it. I like to think he also teached the League a thing or two but we’ll have to see, this is a point of no return for them; maybe it’s the start of their downfall, maybe they will change in something stronger, but Twice will keep having an impact on how things are.
I think he absolved his role.
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This world doesn’t grant a just end to the outcasts, yet perhaps there is no need, if in the journey you can carve out a small space of happiness together with those who accepted you, with the good, the ugly and the incomprehensible parts all together.
I respect this, because I think there is nothing more important in the world. 
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nitewrighter · 5 years ago
Hiya Nite! I was going through some of your Rei fics (because I LOVE THEM SO MUCH YOU'RE SUCH A GREAT WRITER AND I LOVE REI) and I was wondering if you've ever written Genji & Mercy's reaction to Hanzo telling Rei about the whole ✨attempted fratricide✨ thing? Because I couldn't remember if you'd said somethin about it or nah
Thank you so much!! I did have a short dialogue written up here, but I do think there’s more to unpack there, so I should actually expand it into a fic.
Continued from ‘Storytelling.’
Mercy stood in the darkness and smoothed Rei’s hair as she slept. Those Shimada brows that she hadn’t quite grown into yet were furrowed against thick dark eyelashes. Mercy wondered if she was having nightmares, how much anger and heartbreak fit into that little body. She pulled the comforter up over Rei’s shoulder and Rei curled a little more tightly around her Midori Rider action figure.
Mercy walked out of Rei’s room and closed the door behind her before looking out at the living room. Hanzo and McCree were sitting next to each other on the couch, with Genji leaning against the breakfast bar of the kitchen. She took a steadying inhale.
“I feel like I’m fairly relaxed when it comes to babysitting instructions,” she glanced over at Genji, “Genji, am I relaxed?“
Genji coughed and rubbed the back of his head. “Well...” he trailed off.
“Just three rules,” said Mercy, “No junk food, no more than 2 hours of holovids, and bedtime at 8:30. I feel like ‘Don’t traumatize my daughter’ shouldn’t need to be said.”
“She asked–” Hanzo started.
“She’s six!” said Mercy, “And we agreed we’d tell her this story in a controlled environment where we could all support her!
“We worked it out—” McCree started.
“And what if you couldn’t work it out?” said Mercy, “What if, god forbid, she got scared Hanzo would hurt her? What if she thought she wasn’t safe here?!”
“Angela!” Genji cut in.
“You know he’d never–” McCree started.
“Rei is a child,” Mercy went on, “You can’t expect her to respond to traumatic stories like a mini-adult. She’s not you. And she’s certainly not you when you were a child.”
“No,” said Hanzo, looking down, “No, she isn’t.”
“But she’s tougher than you’re giving her credit for,” said McCree.
“Jesse,” Hanzo put a hand on his shoulder, “It’s fine.”
“Hanzo...” McCree trailed off.
“She’s right,” said Hanzo, “I overstepped. We should have waited until you were here to discuss it with her. I put my own guilt over her wellbeing and I apologize.”
“You just--” Mercy blustered for a few seconds, still stuck with a directionless fury that was still fizzing over and couldn’t be focused on Hanzo now that he had apologized, “What on earth were you--Why would you---!?” she huffed, “Was this you hitting self-destruct?”
“What?” said Hanzo.
“Are you starting to feel smothered so this is your way of putting us back at arm’s length? Of putting Rei at arm’s length?” 
“Jesus, Ange...” said McCree.
“No,” said Hanzo, “No I... it wasn’t that. If it was, it... wasn’t conscious,” he glanced down at his hands and ran one thumb over the other thoughtfully, “I just... couldn’t brush the question off anymore. Not when she looks at me like... like I never...”
“She looks up to you,” said Genji, “And that scares you.”
“She needed to know,” the words came out of Hanzo quiet and defeated.
“Look, what matters is, I was able to explain things to her. And we’ll be right here for her now that the truth’s finally out,” said McCree. He looked at Mercy, “And I think deep down we all know we’re kidding ourselves if we think she’s going to have a normal childhood. We can do our best to give her a normal childhood, but we got Talon and Vishkar and Null Sector and Ninjas and god-knows-what-else breathing down our necks. So we can’t all be jumping on each other’s throats every time she catches a whiff of that. The best we can do is prepare her. And like I said, she’s a tough kid! She just keeps goin’!” 
Mercy’s lips thinned and she glanced down. Genji pushed off the breakfast bar and walked over to her, gently cupping his hand to the side of her face. “Angela... she will be all right, She’s strong, like you.”
“Just because I know we can handle that kind of pain doesn’t mean I’m willing to let her go through it!” said Mercy, not making eye contact.
“I know,” said Genji, “But we get to be there for her in ways our parents weren’t, so she at least has that.” 
Mercy took him up in a hug, burying her face in the point where his neck and shoulder met, and he returned the embrace.
“And she’s got us, too,” said McCree, “Though uh... we’ve probably done enough for one night.”
A grim half-scoff half-chuckle fell out of Hanzo. “Yes we should... probably give this whole situation some space for now.”
“Hanzo--” Mercy pulled out of Genji’s embrace slightly, “I know... I know you’re only trying to do the right thing--”
“It’s fine,” said Hanzo.
“It’s not as though they have chapters on ‘Ninja Family Drama’ in parenting books,” said Genji with a sigh.
“In any case, it’s getting late,” said McCree, “We should probably be letting you guys get some rest.”
“I’ll walk you back to your apartment,” said Genji. He glanced back at Mercy. “Will you be all right?”
“Yes,” said Mercy, “I want to be around in case Rei--” she nearly said ‘Has a nightmare’ but caught herself, “...in case Rei has trouble sleeping.” She looked over at Hanzo. “Take care, all right?”
Hanzo gave her a nod.
“Man, I thought she was scary before,” said McCree as they walked over to his and Hanzo’s apartment, “That Mama Bear instinct’s no joke, huh?”
“She had a point,” said Hanzo.
“Look, you don’t have to keep beating yourself up,” said McCree putting a hand on Hanzo’s shoulder.
“You said yourself, Rei is tough, it takes a lot to make her cry,” said Hanzo.
“Yeah, but it’ll get better--Little kids ain’t got much reference for anything, so everything just... overtakes ‘em. it’s like Tinkerbell, y’know?” said McCree.
“Like what?” said Genji.
“Y’know, the fairy? ‘Fairies are so small they only got room for one feeling at a time,’” said McCree, “Or somethin’ like that...”
Both Hanzo and Genji looked at him blankly.
“You’re telling me neither of you read Peter Pan?” said McCree.
“We’ll add it to Rei’s read-aloud list,” said Genji with a slight smile.
“I can’t tell you how glad I am she’s finally past that accursed ‘Lamby’ book,” huffed Hanzo.
“Hey! Little Lamby Lambkins is worth a gotdamn Nobel Prize in literature!” said McCree as they finally reached the front door of McCree and Hanzo’s apartment. 
“Um--McCree,” Genji started, “Could Hanzo and I--?”
McCree gave a glance to Hanzo who gave him a nod. “You got it,” said McCree. He kissed Hanzo on the temple, “I’ll warm up the sheets for ya.”
Hanzo smiled a little huffed through his nostrils in response as McCree headed into the apartment. As the door clicked shut behind him, both Genji and Hanzo leaned against the guardrail of the upper-floor walkway.
“How are you feeling?” said Genji.
“I’ll be all right,” said Hanzo.
“Hanzo...” Genji looked at him, “I know talking about that didn’t just hurt Rei, I know it hurts you too.”
“I said I’ll be fine,” said Hanzo, “Besides, the fact that her first reaction was shouting that she hated me means that you two are raising her right.” He chuckled a little.
“Don’t,” said Genji.
“Don’t do that. Don’t say that. That doesn’t help you, and it doesn’t help Rei. A child’s love for you isn’t something you can just sacrifice on the altar of your own self-loathing,” said Genji.
Hanzo blinked a few times. 
“And for that matter, you can’t always count on McCree to do damage control when you hurt someone like that,” said Genji, “I know you love each other but you can’t put that on him. Yes, there is such thing as empathy, as shared pain, but you also have to figure out how to differentiate between your pain and someone else’s so you know when you’re putting more on them than they can bear! She’s six, Hanzo! Six!” He caught himself. “I’m... I’m sorry... I don’t mean to come off so harshly.”
“No,” said Hanzo, “No you’re... you’re always so... supportive. It’s... kind of refreshing to hear you get angry with me.”
“I just... we said we’d do this together. I didn’t look forward to facing it, but I wanted to face it together.” he huffed, “I’m not just upset on Rei’s behalf, I’m also hurt by the fact that you think you still have to face stuff like this alone...”
“To be honest, I... didn’t really think of it as ‘facing it alone,’“ said Hanzo, “...I suppose that’s a side effect of being alone for so long. But mostly it was Rei.”
Genji tilted his head. “Mm?”
“You do realize you’ve managed to make someone as stubborn as Angela and persistent as you, don’t you?” he huffed, “I know that’s hardly an excuse and you have my word I’ll do better but...” 
“...if we aren’t careful, you may just end up spoiling her,” said Genji with a sly grin.
“If we aren’t careful... and if she ever wants to talk to me again,” said Hanzo.
“You found your way here, right?” said Genji, “We’ll figure it out.”
“...and you’re sure there are no parenting books on ‘Ninja Family Drama?’” said Hanzo.
“I keep looking,” said Genji with a hapless shrug.
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dothewrite · 8 years ago
Seijoh has a female manager, and she happens to be Oikawa and Iwa's long time childhood friend — she and Oiks are completely oblivious to each other's feelings, like everyone in the team already knows except for them? Hehe sorry if this is too specific!!
Oikawa? A lady killer? In his dreams, maybe, but when it comes to actual matters of the heart I promise that he’s a clueless amoeba. Cue, Iwaizumi to the rescue. I hope you enjoy this little fic of silly!
Now Iwaizumidoesn’t think that he should be considered a very observant person. Sure, hepicks up on things that he needs to, but he doesn’t have the persistence to beable to really uncover something that someone’s actively trying to hide. Whichmakes this all the more pathetic, in his opinion, because at this rate even ablind pigeon with a faulty sensory system would be able to notice the amount oftension in the air each time the two of them are in the same room.
Out ofeveryone too, they’d all banked on Oikawa being the perceptive one. Heck, hisentire volleyball career is based on him being the most observant out of all ofthem- the one who picks up on playstyle, predictive movement and analysing potentialplays. He literally does this every day,so why, why does this idiot not notice the incredibly suffocating atmosphereeach time they finish practice?
IwaizumiHajime is no matchmaker. But sometimes enough is enough, and if this is what ittakes to stop the betting pool from growing into unrealistic proportions (Imean, he’s a high schooler, he can’t afford a car for goodness’ sake), actions must be taken.
He startswith the small things. They’re in the same club, sure, but they’re in the sameschool too, and the same year. Itshouldn’t be that difficult, he decides, even if both of them are blind asbats. Attempt one involves him really awkwardly standing in the middle of thecorridor waiting for both of them to show up after school to shop for new trainers. It’s possibly theworld’s most cliché plot, but he’s getting points for effort, not originality.Both you and Oikawa look at his shoes with raised eyebrows and Iwaizumi sighs.Alright, they’re pretty new, but he supposes he can make a sacrifice for hisbest friends. His idiot best friendsthat give him so much grief about overspending on the way to the store that hewants to chuck them both in a trash compactor and be done with it.
It doesn’twork, of course. He just ends up with a frayed temper, two highly amusedfriends and an empty wallet. He swears never again to treat either of them todrinks, because a cappuccino should not cost more than a meal and be made withbeans imported from Atlantis or somewhere.
His nextattempt goes a little better, if a little less effective. They don’t actuallymanage to spend time together, but he manages to corner Oikawa in the lockerroom right after practice and squeezes some truth of out of him. Iwaizumisettles for 75% truth, because any higher and it’d be an impostor.
“Do you likeher?” He asks a bewildered Oikawa, straight and to the point.
“Who?” Thegit tilts his head in feigned ignorance and Iwaizumi smacks him.
“Who elsehave you been staring at all the time with that pining expression on your face?”
“Iwa-chan, Idon’t pine,” Oikawa scrunches up hisnose like the mere insinuation that he could have human feelings is beneathhim, “I merely admire.”
Iwaizumirolls his eyes. “Pine, admire, pop a boner for- it’s all the same. C’mon, thetruth.”
Oikawa looksrather indignant at being put on the spot with his uniform pants safely out ofreach and behind Iwaizumi, so it’s not like he can make a break for it. So,laboriously, he answers. “Is it that obvious?”
“Shittykawa,I’m pretty sure the school’s going to make banners out of your mooning faces ifit gets any more obvious.”
Oikawa’seyes widen. “So the team knows?!”
Iwaizumisnorts. “Of course the team knows. I’m pretty sure the only one who doesn’tknow is her.”
“You’re not goingto say anything are you?! Iwa-chan, don’t tell me you’re going to turn traitor.”
“Okay,”Iwaizumi frowns and presses an accusing finger into Oikawa’s heaving chest. “Firstof all, you’re both unfortunately my best friends and absolute morons, so there’sno ‘turning traitor’ when I’m on nobody’s side. Secondly, you should tell herbefore we all go broke from betting on you two.”
“What’s thebetting pool at?” Oikawa seems to perk up at the idea, and a wicked smirkcreeps over his expression. Iwaizumi feels like he’s signing himself away to ademon when he tells him.
“Around 17-kyen.”
Oikawa letsout a low whistle. “Wow, I’mflattered!”
“You shouldn’tbe,” Iwaizumi mutters irritably, but he knows it’s not going to make adifference either way. “Hurry the fuck up and admit it.”
“Why? I’mgoing to make someone rich, y’know. So much money isn’t to be scoffed at as astudent.”
“Yeah?”Iwaizumi’s quite done at this point. His point’s been made, and the idea’s beenplanted. There’s nothing left for him to do this evening, so he pulls back andstarts packing his things into his bag. Oikawa just stands there with his backto the wall like he’s been pinned there by some invisible force of theuniverse. “Look,” Iwaizumi finally says, hefting his stuff over his shoulderwith a hand on the doorknob, “sure, someone’s going to go rich, someone’s goingto go broke- but you’re gonna be stuck here with those feelings of yours untilsomeone graduates and you’re never going to be able to tell her how you feel. So,man up.”
He doesn’tglance backwards to see Oikawa’s expression before he leaves. He catches youreye outside in the hallway, waiting for both of them to walk home after school,and Iwaizumi lifts a hand in greeting.
The bestnews he’s heard all week, he thinks, is that he doesn’t need to make an attemptthree. Honestly, there’s not much else he thinks he can do other than go to youand confront you about your feelingstoo (which, he thinks he should have done first because you’re miles easier totalk to than Oikawa), but all that is saved, thank goodness, when he receives atext at two thirty in the morning from Shittykawa telling him that he’s goingto talk to her tomorrow at practice.
It’s thebest sleep he’s had in ages, and he finds himself actually looking forwards topractice afterschool that day.
It’s apretty average day- all three of your meet at the crossroads of your respectivestreets to head to school together. Oikawa’s got his arm around the both youand Iwaizumi, as usual, and there’s almost no difference from any other day-that is, if both of you hadn’t been around him since he was born. There’s noescaping the eyes of a hawk. You’re in a different class from both of them, butIwaizumi notices the extra chirpy ‘see ya!’ that Oikawa offers you, and thelittle bashful smile that colours your cheeks before the two of you part tostart the day. Iwaizumi does the decent thing, and doesn’t mention it at all.He doesn’t even look at Oikawa knowingly, which he thinks he deserved at leastfifteen brownie points for.
The thingthat gives it away for the team, however, is during practice. Oikawa’s as sternand serious as always whenever there’s volleyball involved, but this afternoonhe barely spares you a glance, not even when you’re directly handing him hispersonal bottle that he’d forgotten at home this morning. Hanamaki only nudgesIwaizumi in the ribs rather painfully, and jerks his head towards the non-spectacle.Yahaba just scoffs at his wimp of a captain, and even Issei, usually the one who pretendshe’s not interested in it out of respect for you, shakes his headdisappointingly.
“That’scold,” he murmurs to Iwaizumi, and Iwaizumi has to agree. “Is he planning ondoing something today?”
“That’s whathe messaged me,” Iwaizumi murmurs back, and Hanamaki makes a suffocating noisein the background.
“I knew ourcaptain was a tsun,” Hanamaki comments, “but she’s too sweet to even notice thathe is. She probably just thinks she’s done something to piss him off today.”
EvenKyoutani makes a disgusted face at the sound of that, and Iwaizumi, again, hasto agree. “She knows him so well but when it comes to some things…”
“Theydeserve each other,” finishes Issei, and the whole team just nods in assent.
“The blind leadingthe blind- or something,” Yahaba just tuts as he waves the betting sheet aroundin the air, and they all gravitate towards him, eyes never leaving yourslightly put off figure the entire time. Everyone holds their breath collectivelywhen you make a move to return to the coach’s side, but Oikawa places a veryshaky hand on your arm to stop you.
“Wait-“ hebegins, and you find yourself heating up in ways you thought were only limitedto industrial sized ovens.
“H-hm?” youstutter, and you look mildly frustrated at your own tongue for that. Oikawa, onthe other hand, doesn’t notice it at all and instead pulls you to one side inwhat he thinks is an inconspicuous corner. The only people who don’t notice arethe coach and the teacher, and the rest of Aoba Jousai watches on with baitedbreath.
“I,” Oikawastarts, before he removes his hand from you and starts to pull at his shirtnervously, “Iwa-chan told me something the other day.”
You nod,anticipating a story of some sort that ends with Oikawa being roasted, again.
“He saidthat we’re going to graduate soon, and…” his tongue trips him over severaltimes, and you feel your nerves run laps around your pulse. “That I should saysomething before I regret not… saying…”
“This isn’tlike you, Tooru,” you joke, a small smile gracing your features because it’sthe only way you know how to comfort him right now, “you’re usually so sure ofanything you’re going to say.”
“Well that’sbecause usually I know exactly how it’s going to be received,” Oikawa respondsproudly before deflating again. He’s blushing, which is a natural wonder initself and you can’t help but mirror it four-fold. You’re too busy staring atthe floor, but Oikawa catches the way your cheeks redden and your lower lip beingworried between your teeth and he can’t help but resign himself to his fate.
That “I’mcompletely in love with you”- and he wants to die right there because that’s absolutelynot what he wanted to say. It doesn’t sound cool at all, and the team sort of has a small stroke because they’d neverexpected their wuss of a captain to say something so bold. A stuttered, ambiguousconfession perhaps, but not this.
Your face islike a fire alarm. You press your cheeks between your hands, hoping to coolthem down, but no such luck- at least Oikawa looks absolutely mortified, whichkeeps your embarrassment company at least.
“I…” you’reflailing in your mind, “r-really?”
Oikawa lookshorrified, but he nods anyway and despite all odds, despite the incredibly embarrassing, for the fourth time,atmosphere, a wide smile breaks through your face and there are almost relievedtears clinging at your lashes.
“Thankgoodness!” You exclaim with relief, “I thought that I’d have to graduate withoutanyone ever knowing!”
“Knowingthat… I like you?” Oikawa’s lower lip starts to tremble.
“No, idiot,”you grin at him, your own lips equally wobbly, and the two of you must make aridiculous sight. “That I like you too.”
And then,Oikawa evaporates. Or rather, he feels like he’s about to, but what happensinstead is that you’re tugging him into a fierce hug that he can’t do anythingbut reciprocate, and faintly out of his consciousness he hears clapping goingon.
“Idiot,” yourepeat into his chest, and he smiles too, because now that the embarrassment’sgone, he’s finally realizing what’s happening and good lord, he wishes he weren’tsuch an idiot, like you said, and did this earlier.
“I’m ahandsome idiot, at least,” he tries to argue, but it’s all silenced when youpull him down by the towel around his neck and press a soft kiss against his lips that just won’tshut up. He does, finally, when he realizes that it’s okay to actually do thisand not just fantasize about it, and his arms wrap around your waist to pullyou in deeper into the best kiss of his life.
Iwaizumifeels exceptionally pleased that evening when he walks home, alone. He doesn’teven mind that its’ chilly and he forgot his jacket in the locker room, becausehe’d been far too pleased with the huge bulge in his wallet made from Hanamaki’stears.
“I thoughtwe were friends,” Hanamaki had wailedat him, but Iwaizumi had only shrugged, and even Issei threw an unsympatheticstare at his best friend.
“Cold hardcash,” Iwaizumi had replied, before closing the door behind him and feelinglike all his trouble had been well paid for.
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the-apocryphal-one · 8 years ago
You got any headcanons/ideas for a DR Star Wars AU? Sith Lord Enoshima? Dark Jedi Kamukura? Jedi reformer Kirigiri? I was thinking up some ideas, but mostly Nanami looking cute in Jedi robes with oversized sleeves.
*inhales* oooooh I love Star Wars and the DR universe isactually really easy to fit into it. I had so much fun coming up with theseheadcanons and I could probably come up with even more. I would honestly even write one-shots or drabbles for it if, y’know, you want.
Chiaki, Izuru, Kyoko, Junko, and more are under the cut (I told you I came up with a lot :P).
-Hope’s Peak is the Jedi Order (obviously). Originally built to preserve orderand peace while nurturing those with Force-Sensitivity. It’s become corruptedof late, with authority figures encouraging members to give up all emotionalconnections and wanting to study every single ritual and application of theForce, even at the expense of their wielders. Current Grandmaster is JinKirigiri.
- Ultimate Despair are the Sith. Originally thought to have gone extinct, buthave been rebuilt by Junko Enoshima. Composed of people disgruntled at theJedi, they’re secretly sponsored by a very powerful corporation called the TowaGroup. Some members are openly aligned, some hide it but work undercover. Junkosays she’ll accept non Force-Sensitives equally, but really uses them asexperiments or sacrifices.
- Makoto’s barely a Jedi. Originally one of the Order supply pilots, he’s discovered later in life to be slightly Force-Sensitive, enough to get lucky and escape situations by the skin of his teeth. But even though he’s not very strong, everyone loves him because he’s always so nice and optimistic. Considered very unconventional because growing up with a normal family makes it impossible for him to give up attachments.
-Hajime’s a regular ol’ human, a non Force-Sensitive janitor at the Order.Befriends one of the Padawans and her master, but the rest of the Order turn uptheir nose at him. Desperately wants to become Force Sensitive and agrees to besubmitted to vaguely Sith-ish rituals to achieve that.
- Kyoko’s a Gray Jedi who often argues with her father. She thinks he’s taking the Jedi in the wrong direction, while he thinks she’s too ruthless. Enjoys pointing out Jin’s hypocrisy about “no attachments” and her mere existence. Has an extremely close and emotional relationship with Makoto, who helps her investigations, and who she helps train. 
- Izuruwas created in an attempt to make a perfect Jedi–someone completely“without passion” who can use the Dark side of the Force without falling.Well, they succeeded, so spectacularly he just doesn’t give a damn about theJedi. Or the Sith. He just wants to watch them fight it out because it’sinteresting. Neither Jedi nor Sith; defected and now wanders doing his ownthing. Retains Hajime’s attachment to Chiaki (ironically) and keeps in contactwith her.
-Chiaki’s a terrible Jedi—at least according to the Order. She’s always dozingoff and she gets way too attached to people and she does video games on the side. Alsoshe was apparently in love with some loser kid and now, not only is shedistracting the Council’s super-human experiment, she knows where he is and won’t tell. Was Chisa’s Padawan and got many of her beliefs from her.
- Komaru is Makoto’s non-Force-Sensitive little sister. Once a regular civilian, she turned freelance mercenary and soldier after their home planet was attacked. Travels around the galaxy protecting people with her friend Toko, who’s also not Force-Sensitive but is damn good with blades and secretly has a serial killer split personality. 
-Chisa’s that wacky Qui-Gon figure who the other Jedi think is totally weird,she shouldn’t be encouraging emotion in her Padawans, but she’s so good at herjob they’ll turn a blind eye. In a secret relationship with Kyosuke, aGrey Jedi and Council member aiming to reform the Order. Taught first Chiaki,then is later assigned to Junko when she arrives…
-Nagito’s another a Gray Jedi, straying sometimes dangerously close to Fallen.Despite this he truly thinks the Order can redeem itself and hates the Sith; startedhis extremist actions to defeat them. Instead of being haunted by a luck cycle,he’s been haunted by hard-to-decipher visions from the Force since childhood,which have strained his mental state quite a bit.
- Junkois so a Sith Lord it’s not funny. Gives into passions. Backstabbery.Manipulation. Gets off on pain. She keeps her real allegiance secret, andinfiltrated the Order to bring about its downfall from within. Used Sithsorcery with the help of her apprentice Monaca to create a bunch of demonicalien bears called “Monokumas”. When she arrives at the Order, she’sassigned as Padawan to Chisa…
-Yasuke’s a Fallen Jedi. Mostly interested in studying healing rituals andmental Force powers, ones considered Dark. Lost belief in what the Jedi Orderstands for after Izuru’s creation. Despite this he doesn’t consider himself aSith and just wants to get his girlfriend away from the Dark Side.
- Mukuro’s not Force-Sensitive; instead she became a bounty hunter,but she is so kickass a bounty hunter that Force-Sensitives are legitimately afraid of her. Pretends to be unattached but secretly worksfor Junko.
Izuru: White
Chiaki: Blue (there’s no Pink in the new canon)
Makoto: Blue
Kyoko: Purple
Chisa: Green
Nagito: Yellow
Junko: Red (uses bluewhile undercover)
Yasuke: Green
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