#but omg zag you better not be gone!
doodlesdreaming · 2 years
So I've noticed something after watching the trailer for Hades 2 for like the 6th...maybe 10th time.
The weapon that one of the new characters, Nemesis, is wielding looked very familiar to me:
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My brain went, 'What...isn't that...?'
So I woke up my switch, booted up Hades and went straight to the weapons rack, namely towards Stygius; Zagerus's main weapon. And I was right:
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Now this is all in theory of course, but if Nemesis does indeed have Stygius, now in her aspect form, then I have only one big question.....WHERE IS ZAGERUS!? 😨😨😨
Don't get me wrong, I can not wait to get know Melionë. But with Hades in chains, and Persephone no where to be found, I am a bit anxious on what happened to Zag. T-T
But for all we know, this could be one big callback. We just have to wait and see.
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lonespektr · 2 years
Oct 4th & 5th Double Whammy The Columist & Cuphead Day 18/19
Exhausted from Covid Booster but not down
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A feminist jurno
Twitter dox threats bout her kid
Lil fake model cuuute
Omg that dude is giving pick up artist extrodanaire
She has to write a book
Omg why is there a poster of him in the office
Back to Twitter
If it's that's bad you should go to the police
Bb journo kicked off school paper
Black Pete! Extremely racist no prob with that
Advocating violence
Back to Twitter
Oh she did comment on black pete
A negative commentor looks like a construction worker
Is that her friend? Because she was saying shit things before
Her bike got jacked
Why did she break the fence?
Is that an orb weaver? They make webs in hallways its mad irritating
Grooosss why
Joy boiled egg
Rom com
Now he fucking stay there?
Now comments section of the egg post
Just murdering guys that probably aren't the commentors at all
Like literally none are confirmed
Now she wants to chat
At least this is confirmed
It's wild hearing older languages than yours and you're like damn we stole Hella your words
Full serial killer trophies and all
These just bug me because you can't just become a serial killer if you're pissy
Out to eat in public
It would piss me off a fake guy spewing fake violence irl has no anger
Now pizza gate shit
None of this is tracking
But what's her face is a great actor
Even still it's getting slow the character deviations aren't explained
The fact that she's doing all this out in the open is....
Pizza gate person is a punk
This is... Dozens
I would say it's writing but there was one on the news
19/16 is not cool though
Still making protest posters
It's lagging in the middle how can she be that good at murder with no practice
Principal way too far
What's the payoff if she's already around the bend?
Just dropped a name and left
Dumb enough to leave bloody tools but smart enough to have a kit? 🙄🙄
The pizza gate is intense though
They going to bring up the writing eventually or nah?
The good guy stick doesn't play like they think it does because he is still peddling misogynistic violence and he never backs her about anything he just says ignore people saying all the things I do generally but to your face
You're not a good guy
They can't all be single yea
There's the model
What kinda writing call the police but not who or why
Too busy with murder to see the kid is the turning point?
Sigh That only makes narrative sense if she expressed.. Nm
Sirens were heard she just chillin??
Boom living with dad
Cold turkey nature walk
Now he's fucking enabling
Back at it
She love touching evidence
Pick up artist gone
Going to the event bloody
I mean good ending but not enough to justify the lag
Could have made it a tight hour also needed more messiness too clean a narrative
The Cuphead Show
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I never watched the original
It was a game
Based on 36 Japanese animation
Well first off the theme song is a banger
In classic style of explaining the show in the intro
Come with me to the Inkwell Isles
It’s just off the coast, maybe twenty-nine miles
Where there’s good and there’s bad
And then there’s in between
With Cuphead and Mugman, you’ll see what I mean
Ice cream and rockets, trouble never ends!
Watch these ding-dongs as they make new friends (Zig-zag, zig-zag!)
They’ll need some help just to stay on track
Oh no, there’s that guy! You better watch your back
So, if you’rе lookin’ for fun (Yes, we’re lookin’ for fun!)
And a dash of heebiе-jeebies (We’ve got the heebie-jeebies)
Then pack your bags and let’s go!
Welcome to The Cuphead Show!
Welcome to The Cuphead Show!
Absolutely has the vintage feel
The main thing is two chuckle nugget brothers
One neurotic one chaotic get into shenanigans
And by the end it turns creepy
There's 2 seasons
It's only 10 min per sode
The cups live with their elder kettle
It's in that time frame
They run into the devil on day one
After that there are mobsters and adventures in babysitting but also ghosts pirates murder mystery and they get locked up meet a beastie girl ghost scammer and a monster candy town mayor
It's 80 slice of life 20 creepy
All while having near by brushes with the devil oh because one of the cups owes the devil his soul
I mean oh no that guy you betta watch your back
They don't try to update it the animation is retro
And the voice work
There are some fourth wall breaks
Some episodes are all horror and some are the horror of children misinterpreting things
The background is, - the painting uh landscape is creepy and set (old timey) and the animation is bright and incongruent like it used to be
They are bited sized and only a few episodes are flat
0 notes
berriebun · 5 years
Spontaneous Coincidence
Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia Pairing: Shinsou x Uraraka Character(s): Uraraka Ochako, Shinsou Hitoshi Rating: SFW Word count: 2,159
A/N: @shinchakoweek​ prompt - 02. Coffee & Tea. Quirkless AU, College setting! I have so many ideas for this one, let's see which one fits better~
A few weeks passed since the encounter at the Night club... It feels like forever ago now. Ochako had gone back to that bar a couple of times throughout the month, hoping to maybe find the familiar head of dusty lavender hair but she either just kept missing him or he just hadn’t been back. And given the fact that she had found him at the bar looking like he didn’t want to be in the first place, she felt a little stupid in hoping to see him there again. It would have been by pure luck that he’d be there again if only his friends dragged him back and she wasn’t sure that it would happen so soon.
School continued to demand most of her attention as she worked as hard as she could on finishing assignments and passing tests- all of which was draining her mentally. College education was important, especially if you have a specific goal in mind for your future, but it was so demanding that Ochako felt like it was sucking her soul out of her little by little. And she still had three more years of this! ‘I’m going to be a husk of a person by the time I graduate. IF I even get that far!!’ She groaned to herself as she slumped at her desk, pressing her face against the cool pages of her textbook.
As she stared off, her thoughts wandered to give herself a bit of a break as she looked around her room from where she was planted in her book. Quite a few thoughts filtered through in rapid secession. She needed to water her plants, had she gone shopping yet? Was there something ready-made in the mini-fridge all ready to eat, or did she need to get up and make something? Should she go to the commons? Maybe he’d be there- No, stop it, he probably doesn’t go to this Uni. But still... No! She needed to focus on her work, not some cute boy she spent a couple of hours with at random. 
She peeled her face off the weird plastic-y paper of her textbook and shook her head at herself, patting her cheeks. “Come on, Ocha. Get yourself together.” And then she just sat there for a few minutes, staring at the words on the page. It felt like minutes, but just a couple seconds had gone by before she pushed the book away. “Screw this.” She huffed, pulling away from her desk and getting up.
She didn’t know where she was going, but getting out of the dorm was her top priority, so when she ended up on the sidewalk heading into town she wasn’t at all surprised. Her feet were carrying her back towards the club, but she realized that pretty quickly and on a whim decided to head into the coffee shop she was standing next to instead. She needed to stop chasing her thoughts. For all she knew, Mr. Art Major was probably from a different city altogether and was just spending the weekend with his friends. ‘It would explain why he got dragged to the club when he clearly didn’t want to be there.’  
She tried to distract herself while she waited in line, scrolling on her phone and texting Mina if she wanted anything. It was doing a decent enough job. Until she got to the front of the line.
“Welcome to Coffee House, what can I get you... today.”
That voice. She quickly looked up from her phone; where Mina had just texted her what she wanted, to see Mr. Art Major. She didn’t react right away, and he didn’t seem to mind all that much since he seemed to be caught in the same situation. After a beat, her eyes dart down for a name- Hitoshi... ‘Oh no, it’s a cute name too. Fuck!’ 
“Hi. Um....” She blinks for a minute before mentally shaking herself out of this weird stupor she was stuck in. “Yeah. Um. Can I get a, uh, large Matcha Latte please?” Welp, so much for ordering something for Mina. She’ll worry about it later... Well. Mina would understand, right? 
“Sure, and what’s your name?” He asked, holding up the cardboard cup with a permanent marker- in purple.
“Ochako.” She smiled a little as she put her phone in her pocket and pulled out her wallet instead.
“Alright, and would you like anything else with your order?” A standard question, sure, but with the irrational fear of possibly never seeing him again (he works here Ochako, you can stop in whenever, omg), she spoke before she could properly think. 
“Your phone number?” She froze slightly, sure that she had a mild look of panic on her face as Hitoshi raised an eyebrow in surprise. Her entire face lit up as she covered her mouth. “Wait, I- I’m sorry, that-!” She stammered a little as Hitoshi’s look of surprise turned to one of amusement as he picked up her cup again and proceeded to scribble on the side of it.
“If that will be all, ma’am, then your total will be four dollars and sixty-five cents.” He sounded amused as he handed the cup off to a simple looking blond boy next to him. 
Instead of responding properly she just pulled out her card and handed it over. That was so embarrassing! How did she do that- WHY did she do that??? She had no clue what had come over her at that moment. And when motioned to, she moved out of line and went to find a table to sit at while she waited for her drink. The noise of the coffee shop dulled around the pounding her ears- sure that her heartbeat was attempting to deafen her. She 
As she sat down, Ochako pulled out her phone again and started spam texting Mina while she waited. As she had expected, her friend both congratulated her and spammed her with key smashes over the whole situation.
‘u wouldnt shut up about him! & now ure getting his number!!!’ ‘shut up! i dont know that for sure??? wat if he wrote -dont come back-???????’ ‘OMG ure brainless he totally wrote his number shut up’
The continued to bicker through text as Ochako pressed her face against her phone and lightly stomped her feet. Her nerves were killing her at this point and she just wished that they’d call her name so she could grab her drink and leave.
What she didn’t expect was for Hitoshi to take his lunch break at the same time, since he slightly startled her when he brought over her drink; with a bagel in hand. She jumped a little with a start, as her cheeks regained their rosy hue from before.
“Sorry. I should have said something.” He laughs awkwardly, hesitating for a moment before sitting across from her.
“No!” She squeaked. “No, it’s okay. I just. I was distracted, you’re fine.” She just wanted to disappear, this was so embarrassing... At least the slight pink to his face was a small comfort in the fact that she wasn’t the only one.
They both sat there for a moment, both a bit awkward and unprepared for the meeting- especially given the fact that they have both been unknowingly going through the same thing these last few weeks. They shared a couple anxious looks every once in a while before shying away from the other’s attention to focus too much on what was in front of them; Hitoshi awkwardly eating his bagel by tearing small chunks off little by little, while Ochako carefully sipped her latte and tapped her phone.
“So um... How did that- the exam? How’d that go?” It was Hitoshi to break the silence, startling Ochako into paying attention again as she fidgets with her pop socket. 
“Exam...? Oh! Oh that exam, yeah! I uh, I just barely passed it, but I scraped by at least. No thanks to my friends of course. It wasn’t super awful, but I think I was just distracted... I could have probably done better.” She shrugs, reaching up to tuck some hair behind her ear. And left with nothing more to really say, they lulled for a moment before Ochako awkwardly spoke up again. “I hope um, that your friends came and got you that night- shortly after we left. I can only guess how sucky it would have been if they forgot to find you before they left since the club was closing.”
He chuckles a bit and shakes his head as he picks at his bagel. “Yeah, no worries. Denki spammed my phone shortly after you left with your friends. The guy’s an idiot but he’s not forgetful. Even when drunk.” She nods for a moment before she tilts her head- That name was way too familiar to her.
“Denki? As in, Denki Kaminari? That Denki?”
“Idiot blond, wears a ridiculous black zig-zag hair clip in his bangs for no other reason than ‘aesthetic’?” He asked slowly, seemingly unsure if he really wanted to know her answer.
“Oh my god. I could--hmmmm.” She groans, covering her face as she grips her phone tightly and shakes it like she wants to yeet it across the cafe.
“I’m missing something.”
“Uuugh. My best friend and roommate is Mina. She’s dating Eijirou, who’s friends with Denki- Who they tried to set me up with for a double date!” She ranted. “Like!! He’s not a bad guy or anything!! Just!!!” She made a squeaky ‘reeee’ noise. “This is so Stupid.” She continued on as she pulled her phone up and spammed Mina with a bunch of anger emojis.
“What’s-” He seemed a bit off, and had she known him for longer than maybe half a day in total, then maybe she would have picked up his tone as a more exhausting annoyance than confusion. She watched him from the corner of her vision as he ran a hand through his wildly fluffy hair and pull out his own phone. 
“I agree. This is dumb.” He grumbled quietly, probably mostly to himself as he then dropped his phone on the table. 
“I’m sorry about how I reacted, just... This is so frustrating. And I hope this doesn’t come off as creepy or anything, but I’ve been trying to... Find you again. Ever since that weekend.” She sighed, slouching a little back into her chair, tugging on her hair a little. 
Her statement was followed by silence for a moment as she watched him pick at his bagel for a moment. “It’s not creepy. I’ve been trying too. And with all the times I talked to those morons about you, you would have thought that-”
“They would have realized.” She continued with him, nodding as she crossed her arms. “Yeah, you would think. I can’t believe this.” 
They both sat quietly for a moment as Hitoshi pushed his half-finished bagel away with a huff. A couple minutes after, he picks up his phone and frowns. “Well... It has been nice to actually sit and talk with you again. Maybe we can catch up later?” He asked, nodding towards her cup. She tilts her head to the side for a moment before picking up the cup again and turning it around, smiling weakly. He had written his number on the side.
“I don’t even know how I got the courage to say that. It was such a spur of the moment thing, and I totally forgot to look when you brought it to me.” She laughs, pulling up her contacts to put his number in and sends him a quick ‘Hey’ text. “But yeah. We can catch up later. I’m glad I decided to stop in, because who would have guessed huh?” She laughs, standing up as she pocketed her phone and picked up her cup- And being the way she was she eyed his bagel.
“Yeah, that was pretty damn smooth though. I was thoroughly impressed.” He laughs, ruffling up his hair as he too follows suit and stands up. He watches her eye his half-eaten lunch. “You can have it.” He grins, she was sure he was planning to save it for later since he had partially reached for it, but apparently, he didn’t seem to mind her side-eying it. 
“Awesome!” She smiles, scooping up the bagel and taking a bite out of it before realizing she still needed to say good-bye. “Oh.” She lifted a hand to cover her mouth. “I’ll see you around then, Mr. Barista.” She teased as she swallowed the bite.
“See you around, Matcha Latte.” He jokes back, walking past her to seemingly head back to work.
Feeling lighter than she had, going through a damn emotional rollercoaster ride just from stepping into a coffee shop, Ochako couldn’t help her smile as she shouldered her way out of the Coffee House and made her way back to the dorms.
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thebisexualdogdad · 5 years
The chapel
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Ao3 version with gifs
Requests: OMG! Yay! Maritza! Reader is a prison guard and he takes care of her? Like helping keep rude inmates away and such and the one day Maritza decides to surprise him. So she drags him into the church and he eats her out first and she orgasms but then someone comes in so Maritza goes under the podium gives him a blowjob as reader is talking and reader cums in her mouth then once the person is gone he fucks her bent over the podium? And maybe Maritza calls reader Papi?
 Also could you include the reader is always giving Maritza little gifts like the odd flower or makeup materials. 
Hey I made the Maritza requests. For the one they are in the church can you make the person that interrupts them Flaca? I didn’t know who to pick but flaca seems like a good idea. What do you think maybe Flaca learned that Maritza was with reader so she tracked them to the church but Maritza is under the podium giving reader a blowjob and reader tells Flaca he doesn’t know where Maritza is? And maybe when reader cums Flaca just grins and shakes her head before leaving telling them to have fun?
It was illegal, your relationship with Maritza, you know it was but you never meant to fall for her. 
The only reason you even took the job at the prison a year ago was because out of all the places you sent a resume to they were the only one to offer you a position. 
A prison was the last place you wanted to work but in this economy, a paycheck is a paycheck and you thought you'd just stick it out until another job came along but then you met Maritza and everything changed.
It was just flirting for a while, plenty of inmates and CO's made flirtatious comments towards each other and nobody batted an eye. 
Then she kissed you one afternoon when you were alone in the kitchen after you helped her finish cleaning up the mess from lunch. 
She promised she wouldn't tell anyone, even Flaca though her best friend already had her suspicions that something was going on between the two of you. 
"Why can't i tell Flaca?" Maritza said as she pulled up her pants after one of your first hooks up in a storage closet. 
"I know she's your best friend but no one can find out about this," you said cupping her cheeks, "your sentence will be extended and I'll go to jail for the rest of my life." 
"I wish we could get out of this hellhole," she sighed. 
"You've only got a few years left, one day we can leave here together and never look back," you said kissing her softly. 
After that day it was a struggle to sneak around. 
Anytime another inmate spoke rudely to her you wanted to stand up for her but you also couldn't make it too obvious of your feelings for her. 
One day at lunch a neo started shouting racist terms at Maritza and the others from the spanish Harlem. 
As usual the other CO's didn't try to put a stop to it and instead enjoyed the show. 
When she got directly into Maritza's face you couldn't stand back anymore. 
"That's enough!" You shouted pulling the neo away from Maritza, "that'll be 3 days in solitary Sanders." 
"Woah that's so not fair," Brandy yelled. 
"You want to join her Epps?" You yelled back. 
You glanced at Maritza while you walked Sanders to solitary, she smiled at you but you had to keep your cool. 
"Get back to your lunch Ramos," you said calmly. 
As the months went by your affair escalated little by little. 
From picking her flowers in the yard to sneaking her in her favorite candies. 
She accidentally told you she loved you for the first time when you brought her real makeup, nothing too expensive though so the other guards couldn't tell it wasn't the generic stuff from the prison store or something that she and flaca had concocted up themselves.  
That accidental 'i love you' led to your real first 'i love you's' and of course the first 'i love you' sex. 
You were walking down the halls, monitoring everyone during their free time. 
Looking into the rec room some of the inmates were watching tv, some were doing yoga and others were playing board games with missing pieces. 
At the doorway Maritza strutted past you, tugging down on your shoulder to whisper in your ear, "meet me at the chapel." 
You gulped and Maritza went on her merry way. 
Little did you either of you know that Flaca watched the whole thing happen from the table she was sitting at. 
You did a lap around the prison making sure there was nothing urgent that needed your attention, or maybe it was more so people saw you, giving you an alibi before heading to the chapel. 
Cracking the door open you peeked inside to see Maritza standing on the stage next to the podium. 
"What are we doing in here?" You asked walking down the aisle towards her. 
"We are having sex somewhere besides a storage closet," she grinned. 
"Shh don't be so loud," you said as you climbed the stairs finally standing in front of her. 
"Don't worry, no one's gonna bother us here," she said cocking her head to the side and lifted her shirt up revealing the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra, "now are you gonna fuck me or not Papi?" 
God did you love when Maritza called you papi, shit maybe you shouldn't use the word God when thinking about sex in a church. 
You lunged forward and kissed her hard, pressing her up against the podium. 
Your hands groped her breasts, Maritza rocking her hips into yours making your cock hard. 
"Eat me out," she ordered so you eagerly got to your knees, pulling her baggy pants down to her ankles. 
You threw one leg over your shoulder, wasting no time in running your tongue through her. 
Maritza groaned, tangling her fingers in your hair. 
"Yes," she moaned when you flicked at her clit. 
You sucked her clit into your mouth, digging your nails into the back of her thighs holding her up.
Moving your tongue back down and in a zig zag pattern Maritza's hips bucked into your touch. 
Her grip tightened on your hair, tugging slightly. 
"Oh fuck," she moaned as she came closer and closer to her release. 
Plunging two fingers inside her you sucked harshly on her clit and with a few motions she was cumming. 
When her thighs stopped shaking you got to your feet, kissing her deeply. 
"Mm i taste sweet," she smirked, "now let me see if you taste as good." 
Maritza was switching your positions with ease, now she was the one on her knees, taking your hard cock out from your work slacks and stroking. 
Before she could even begin you were being broken from your trance by the slamming of the chapel door. 
"Y/L/N!," it was Flaca. 
She had followed you to the chapel. 
You turned around and Maritza scrambled to get under the podium. 
"Gonzalez what the hell are you doing in here," you said and that's when Maritza's decided to take a long lick up the shaft of your cock. 
"I should be asking you the same thing, it's not Sunday," Flaca replied. 
"I-uh," you stuttered, Maritza swirling her tongue around the tip, "I thought I saw Bursett and sister Ingalls come in here but I guess I was wrong." 
Maritza began to bob her head up and down and you tried to not make any noises signalling the pleasure being given to you. 
"Whatever, have you seen Maritza?" Flaca asked even though she knew the answer. 
"Haven't seen her," you said gulping, " but- but if I do I'll tell her you're looking for her." 
Maritza's hand was stroking the base of your cock and you couldn't stop yourself from cumming between her lips. 
Flaca grinned and shook her head, turning and walking towards the door. 
As she was leaving she looked over her shoulder and winked, "have fun you two." 
When she was gone Maritza stood up. 
"Shit. Shit. Shit. She knows Maritza!" You said in distress. 
"Y/N," she said calmly, using the back of her hand to wipe her chin, "I promise you she's not going to tell anyone, she would never do that to me." 
"How can you be so sure about that." 
"Because she's my ride or die bitch." 
You sighed and stared at the floor. 
"I love you Maritza, i just don't want anything to happen to you," you told her. 
"I love you too Y/N and nothing is going to happen I promise, " she smiled and kissed you. 
The kiss quickly returned to the intensity of before, you're worries vanishing as you put all your attention back to Maritza. 
You took hold of Maritza's hips, turning her around and bending her over the top of the podium. 
You squeezed her ass, stroking your cock until it was hard again. 
"You're so fucking hot," you groaned slipping your cock into her.
Maritza's knuckles gripped the edge of the podium as you started thrusting. 
The podium under her was shaking with every movement, her moans filling the otherwise silent chapel. 
You leaned over her, moving her hair aside and kissing the back of her neck. 
Your hips moved faster and you reached around to grope her breasts. 
Nipping at her neck Maritza moaned low when you pinched one of her nipples. 
"I'm so close papi," she breathed out so one of your hands moved to circling her already sensitive clit with your fingertips. 
"Oh fuck, oh fuck," she chanted as she came again from sensory overload with your lips on her neck, one hand pinching a nipple with the other on her clit as you thrusted roughly into her. 
After she rode out her second orgasm you pulled out of her, stroking your cock until you came on her ass. 
"You better hit the showers," you said catching your breath and putting your cock into your slacks. 
"When can i see you again… privately that is," she smiled putting her clothes back in order. 
"I don't know, I'm not working tomorrow so maybe Thursday," you said kissing her softly, "and I've got some eyeliner I'm gonna bring you, I'll leave it under your pillow when i do bed checks." 
"I'm the luckiest girl in the world," she teased.
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evakfanficsrecs · 7 years
Good evening. Hello​, could you please recommend your best evak fluffy fanfics, with HEAs. Your personal favorites maybe? Thank you.
Anonymous: halla!! i was wondering if there were any fluff filled fics that are too good and too pure for this world? thanks
Hello to both!
Okay, I’ve never done a fluff rec list before (which is kinda shocking, considering fluff is my speciality), so here we go :)
Mind you, this will probably (most definitely) get pretty long and it’s all pure (most of the time tooth-rotting) fluff, so if you’re not into that, this post definitely isn’t for you. 
That Time With the Body Paint by wordsarelifealways Summary: Even finds body paint and convinces Isak to let him use it. 
Loving Isak by Tintinnabulation_of_the_BellsSummmary: Five of the people who grow to love Isak Valtersen, and one who’s loved him all along.
The Way He Looks at You by anna_sun Summary: It first happened in the safety of Isak’s own bed, the cluster of butterflies that seem to clog his lungs when he really looked into Even’s eyes. They were laying mindlessly, limbs and hearts tangled into each other’s, the only effort required of them being when they wanted to kiss. Though, even that, in itself, was effortless. When Isak looked up, he was welcomed by the sight of Even’s full lips ready to be kissed, and he wasn’t about to kiss them good-bye. Every single time, he did it only with the promise of more. The lingering touches, the fingertips softly drawing patterns on warm skin, the kisses. They all meant the same to Isak. They all meant infinity. 
Angel Face by monaesqueSummary: Or, five times Even failed to get Isak’s attention, and one time he succeeded. 
your love is my turning page. by carryonmalecsSummmary: Isak is drunk in love. Even loves to tease him about it. Fluff ensures.
Nights in the Snow by iamjustakiddoSummary: All the infinite sadness, the desperation. All the breathless nights, the rush to the sky, reaching for the stars. Ink-stained fingers, bubbly laughter and a single tear. The taste of marijuana and sweet Rooibos-tea. All the ludicrousness and sensibility- that’s what Isak tasted. That’s all Even was pieced together from and what Isak wanted to drown in.
doing strange things in the name of art by ufologiesSummary: “What’s your favorite thing to draw about me?” He asks, resting his chin on Even’s chest. Even looks up at the ceiling, furrowing his eyebrows like he’s deeply thinking about Isak’s question then moves his gaze back to Isak, staring at him for another few seconds. Then he leans up and kisses Isak’s nose, a sudden movement that startles him. He makes a face at him and Even laughs. “My nose? Really?”
The Hot Muffin Thief by Bellakitse Summary: There is a magical muffin at the café where Isak’s buddy Jonas works. It’s Isak’s lifeline, he has it every day and then one day some hot art hipster steals his muffin.
True or False by iriswests Summary: childhood best friends!au; Seven moments between Isak and Even (+1 with Sonja), ranging from the ages of four and six to the ages of seventeen and nineteen, respectively.
Love Me Harder by tech_ftw Summary: In which accidentally being added to a group text has unexpected consequences. Like falling in love. 
the one where they don’t study by SchedazzleSummary: Bringing his breathing under control again, Isak smiled. “I love the way your face changes when you draw,” he said softly, hearing the dreamy sound of his voice but didn’t care at all. 
sickeningly sweet like honey by tomlinsoln Summary: coffee shop!au; Even likes to write pickup lines on Isak’s cup.
Something Like This. by LostInAdmirationSummary: A drabble about a sunny morning with pancakes and dancing in the kitchen, and soft boys saying ‘I love you’ to each other for the first time.
sugar spreads happiness by Bellakitse  Summary: Isak and Even try to bake cupcakes for kose, this time no one interrupts their time in Isak’s kitchen.* Set after the almost kiss of episode three.
Confess by eiqhties Summary: In retrospect, it probably wasn’t something he should have said when Even had a toothbrush shoved in his mouth.
Better With You by iriswests Summary: Isak and Even don’t know what they’d do without the other. Eventually, they realize they don’t really need to find out.
Please Know That I’m Yours to Keep by pressurerin Summary: hogwarts!au; “Remember how I was making amortentia for my final potions project? Well, Isak ate some. And now…” Even gestured towards the way Isak was currently trying to lick his neck. OR; Even accidentally gives Isak a love potion.
the region of the summer stars by thekardemomme Summary: flower shop!au; Someone keeps sending Isak flower bouquets and Even happens to work in a flower shop.
Did you hear oxygen and magnesium got together? OMg by sugarbeat24 Summary: Isak and Even are chemistry partners. Fluff and chemistry jokes ensue.
a letter to isak by alltimemarrit Summary: Even is going on a trip for a week and leaves Isak a letter. Or: Even loves Isak a whole lot and is a massive sap.
Make a spark, break the dark, find a light with me by LostInAdmiration Summary: Isak can’t sleep, so spends his nights wandering around the street. Even works the night shift at the store around the corner, and they bond over their mutual insomnia.
friday, i’m in love by bbyfruit Summary: Five times over the course of one day that Isak falls in love a little bit more, plus one time he talks about it.
Stop the world I wanna get off with you by LostInAdmiration Summary: “Sometimes, it felt like they were worlds away from the people they were when they first met, both lost in their different ways and searching for their places in the world. They had come so far from that, become so much stronger, and finally had both feet firmly on the ground most of the time. But then sometimes, on a day like this, where they were curled up together sharing slow, lazy kisses, with Isak’s fingernails leaving half-moon imprints in Even’s skin, and Even’s hands buried in Isak’s hair, it felt as though no time had passed at all.”   
and i thank god i’m alive by thekardemomme Summary: 5 times Even looks at Isak and 1 time Isak calls him out on it.
in the place of you and me by DarkBeauty_890 Summary: “Can I tell you a secret?” Even murmurs, tracing mindless patterns- zig zags and hearts and stars and infinity signs- up and down Isak’s bare back. He circles freckles and counts them, adding them to his never ending tally of things to know about Isak. Isak snuffles sleepily, “Mmhmm.” “You have made me happier in less than a year, than I think I have been in my entire life.” Eyes flicker open, hazy green; beautiful and open, “Ditto.”
the boyfriend experience by diamondjacket Summary: The point is: Even is great. Even is perfect. So perfect, in fact, that the alarming and ever-growing disparity between them, in terms of boyfriend-ing, has become impossible to ignore. Try as he might to talk himself down, Isak can’t quite stop that ugly fear from gnawing at him—the fear that Even will wake up one day and suddenly realize, fuck, why in God’s name am I doing all this work for a smelly, socially awkward slob with no money and no skills and Dorito crumbs in his bed? Or: Isak decides he’s gonna boyfriend the hell out of Even. It does not go to plan.
take my hand (take my whole life too) by eatthatup Summary: Isak loves holding Even’s hand. 
You are in Love by pressurerin Summary: Even is so in love with Isak. Isak feels the same.
blow out all the candles by tarjeiandhenrik Summary: It’s Eskild’s birthday, Even works at a cake shop and Isak doesn’t know how to make tea.
you’re the one i wanna grey with by cosetties Summary: They’ve only been dating a month, so Isak shouldn’t be pathetic enough to miss Even this much when he’s only gone for a weekend. They’re taking this completely chill, but Isak is starting to realize that he has no chill when it comes to Even.
Intense by nhasablogSummary: Even’s hand found his chin and then his cheek, pulling his head closer so that their gazes met again. He was smiling. “Stop turning away from me.” Isak didn’t reply, because he knew Even wasn’t expecting it anyway. He bumped their noses together instead, relishing in the way Even looked at him, for while it made him want to run away it also made him want to never look away. (Or, Even’s gaze is almost too intense for Isak to keep looking at him, but he never wants it to stop.)
possibly (maybe) i’m falling for you by boxesofflowers, Eeyoreneedsahug & safficwriter ✓ Summary: coffee shop!au; Even tries to get Isak to smile with coffee. Every time he buys Isak coffee, he becomes more determined to find the perfect drink (and falls in love along the way). 
in better light, everything changes by TimeInABottle ✓ Summary: wrong number!au; “I just checked the revue website and blackmailing people for smoking weed wasn’t listed under the Kosegruppa description"… Isak accidentally texts a stranger (Even) while trying to text Sana.
i guess that’s destiny doing it right by allyasavedtheday ✓ Summary: The alternate universe where Even originally went to Nissen and became friends with Isak and Jonas when they started first year but moved away after his episode at the start of second year only for Isak to never hear from him again. Fastforward to the summer before Isak starts college when he’s travelling around Spain and bumps into a certain someone in Barcelona.
the city of illusions, the city of yearning by elisewinSummary: The whole point of going on a student exchange program is to meet people from different countries, learn about different cultures and so on. Isak, of course, falls in love with another Norwegian while in Rome.
Things Look Different in the Morning by allyasavedtheday✓ Summary: roomates!au & uni!au; “So,” he says, drawing the word out. “I told Even he could stay here.”Isak blinks, convinced he’s misheard. “Eskild,” he says flatly. “We don’t have a spare room.” Eskild straightens his back, expression turning sheepish. “That’s the other part…I was thinking he could stay in your room?” * In which Even needs a place to stay, kollektivet gains a new roommate, and Isak just really wants to sleep.
I’ll Be Coming Home, Wait For Me by dahlstrom ✓ Summary: The diner AU. Even and Yousef open a 1950s American-style restaurant together - Even is the creative genius in the kitchen, Yousef keeps the trains running on time, and Isak, Chris B, and Magnus are all along for the ride. Falling in love over food while Elvis serenades from the jukebox. Welcome to the Throwback Diner.
will you share your soul with me? by hippopotamus Summary: There’s a school camping trip at the beginning of Isak’s second year. He’s not sure why he agrees to go, especially when he remembers how difficult it is for him to sleep anywhere that isn’t his own bed. It turns out he’s not the only insomniac on the trip. 
(✓ - completed fics)
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