#but of ur finding it hard to understand or youre disturbed by canon material?? maybe its not for you???
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nyxi-pixie · 5 months ago
not to sound like an exclusionary bitch but some media has age ranges for its intended audiences and a significant number of problems arise when a fandom is comprised of people decidedly outside of that.
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milkslimepearl-tea · 7 years ago
🎧🎶French Songs Masterpost🎶🇫🇷
French native here ! I absolutely love french in music, especially as it comes in such wide range from political songs to kindda nsfw one. French is a language where you can really play around to write interesting and/or funny songs. This is what I listen often and like ! Ill give a youtube link to every songs, but you can probably find better quality on deezer and stuff, especialy for the old one. I'll also try to sum up each song so you can grab them a lil better, hopefully ! Charles Aznavour - Emmenez moi (1968) A classic. I love it. Makes me wanna travel and have a break lol. Summary : Aznavour want a BRAEK. 🎵 Emmenez-moi au bout de la terre Emmenez-moi au pays des merveilles l me semble que la misère Serait moins pénible au soleil Cyril Mokaiesh - Communiste (2011) Political stuff ; its trashing big companies and capitalism/liberalism. Summary : Mokaiesh talks about all the thing he doesnt like etc. and if it does link him to communism, then he's communist and whatev. i love it. 🎵 ça les perdra De mondialiser l'injustice D's'en asperger de bénéfices Ça les perdra Anne Sylvestre - La faute à Eve (1986) Feminism ! heck yeah ! hard take on how everything is blamed on women, thanks to 🎶christianistics traditiooon🎶 Summary : ève does her best but Adam is a piece of shit ungreatful fuck. 🎵 "Moi, je vais me mettre en grève J'irai pas au paradis Non, mais qu'est-ce qu'Il s'imagine ? J'irai en enfer tout droit Le bon Dieu est misogyne Mais le diable, il ne l'est pas POLO & PAN - Canopée (2016) sweet love song ! my fav. one of my fav groups actually. wonderful lyrics. this on has quite the complicate vocabulary, but you Should Definitely check their other stuff ; its marvelous. Summary : Two ppl living their best in amazonia. the birds are singing, the sun is shining, the trees are tall and green ! 🎵 Des oiseaux nous chantaient leur mélopée Et nous vivions heureux dans la canopée Dartek - Les Kassos this one is very nsfw LMAO hard dubstep i think ? the lyrics comes from a french cartoon, Les Kassos. U can check it out too if u like trash humor. Uh, im not especialy fond of it, but if its ur thing ! the song is still dope af Summary : uhh. hallucinations ? mention of sex and drugs ? uhu Edith Piaf - L'homme à la moto Would who i be if i didnt put miss Edith Piaf in here ?! Not one of her most popular tune tho ! and what a shame. I absolutely love that one and never miss a chance to yeLL IT OUT in the forest w/ my bff. a blast. Summary : A motorcyclist scares the shit out of the country side with his bike. One day he hits a train and THE END ! 🎵 Il portait des culottes, des bottes de moto Un blouson de cuir noir avec un aigle sur le dos Sa moto qui partait comme un boulet de canon Semait la terreur dans toute la région. Rufus Wainwright - Complainte de la Butte Who would i be if i didnt throw Moulin Rouge in there ? bitch see me CRYFIN. Summary: im sad. everybody is sad. The girl is poor. They take shelter in the moulin. Also there is the moon and she's ginger. I love it. 🎵 Les escaliers de la butte sont durs aux miséreux Les ailes des moulins protègent les amoureux Les Fatals Picards - Djembé Man (2007) they sing REALY fast. but god i love les fatals picards. its just so heckin funny igzerhg. Summary: theyre just making fun of ppl who plays djembé at the end of a party and disturbs everyone. 🎵 Si on classait ton bordel sur l'échelle de Richter, Djembé Man c'est vraiment sûr : il manquerait des barreaux Patricia Kaas - Mon mec à moi IM JUST YELLING THE LYRICS EVERYTIME I LISTEN TO IT, I CANT HELP IT. I LOVE IT. also super lyrics. Summary: the boyfriend is telling her fake stories and she's totally into it bc he's cute while he does it and she loves him. its just So Catchy. 🎵Mon mec à moi Il me parle d'aventure Et quand elle brille dans ses yeux j'pourrais y passer la nuit
Oldelaf - La Tristitude I love oldelaf :( check out his other stuff, its amazing (le café really got me goofing around when i was little lmao). he's very smart with his lyrics Summary: "something is as sad as ..." The tile is a joke, triste = sad, so la Tristitude would be, Or a smash between Triste and Solitude, Or a ironic way of saying To be sad. 🎵 La tristitude, C'est quand tu viens juste d'avaler un cure-dent, Quand tu te rends compte que ton père est Suisse-Allemand, Quand un copain t'appelle pour son déménagement, Et ça fait mal Odezenne - Souffle le vent My. fav. Rap band. i love them. theyre total genius. Like really. Their texts are absolutely Wonderful but they are awefully not known enough foR MY TASTE. plz listen to them lmao. check their albums out ; if i would advice one to start, maybe Dolziger Str. 2. but theyre all so great URGH. their songs might be hard bit to understand tho, so u can not comprehend what theyre talking about, but theyre Frickin good if ur looking for good french immersion. Summary: life 🎵 Allons plus loin ! En autarcie. Voir comme c'est beau les ciels pluvieux, Qu'un jour plus vieux, je puisse dire comme tout est beau avec le sourire. La Femme - Nous étions deux electrooo !! YEAY ! i love that one. u can check Elle ne t'aime pas, Sphynx, and Tatiana. its bit hard to understand the singer even for a french person lmao but its Great Material. Summary: a guy cheated on his girlfriend and his trying to find excuses. 🎵 L'autre nuit encore un inconnu étendue allongé dans la rue Il pleurait la vie, il pleurait l'amour il attendait la mort L'autre nuit Angèle - La Loi de Murphy always makes me laugh lmaooo. also the clip Is Real Cute. Summary: what can happen badly, will happens badly ! 🎵 Puis, là, c'est trop parti en couille, y'a d'abord eu la pluie La Loi de Murphy a décidé d'enterrer mon brushing Un mec me demande son chemin, gentille moi je le dépanne En fait, c'était qu'un plan drague, ce con m'a fait rater mon tram Pomme - De là-haut I LOVE POMME. with my whole SOUL. she's so cute. beautiful texts. lesbians texts. love. also her clip are So Artsy And Cool. She's so cool. Listen to ... everything she makes, basicaly, please lmao Summary : She's dead, and its sunday. Les mots qui sortent, qu’on ne disait pas Le vent les apporte jusqu’à moi Tout paraît si limpide, si limpide, limpide Vu de là-haut salut c'est cool - Des fleurs MORE ELECTRO ! funny text, wonderful clips, theyre just so funny. easy going song. check out Crocosmaute and Techno toujours pareil too zieohiorhg please for your own GOOD. Summary : youre a pretty flower. you smell good. we're all flower in the same bouquet. 🎵 Je suis une fleur Je suis une très jolie fleur Je suis plus jolie qu'une rose et je sens meilleur qu'un lila Qui suis-je ? Je suis toi Carmen Maria Vega - J'ai tout aimé de toi. love song. lesbian. trans ! sweet. beautiful. Summary: love song, how her s/o transitionned, and they broke up (i think) 🎵 Tu te rêvais femme tu te disais maudit Je te disais je t'aime Eu étais beau et tu étais belle aussi Te l'ais je dit? Vald - Eurotrap RAP ! RAP ! RAP . my second fav. his songs are doope af. a bit nsfw tho, a bit rude lmao. check out Ma meilleure amie, Désaccordée too ! He talks fast tho, but great for french immersion ! listen with the lyrics its great 🎵 J'ai l'regard dans l'vide comme Joe Budden Comme je m'enrichis, je prends d'la bedaine Dose de méga shit pour qu'je la reperde Dominique Grange - A bas l'état policier (1968) basicaly: acab lmao Summary: the government send the police to beat up the people manifesting on the streets on may 68. this song was made ! 🎵 Puisque la provocation Celle qu’on a pas dénoncée Ce fut de nous envoyer En réponse à nos questions Vos hommes bien lunettés Bien casqués, bien boucliés Bien grenadés, bien soldés Nous nous sommes mis à crier HONORABLE MENTION : Boris Vian (La complainte du progrès), Orelsan (idk, i dont really like him that much ? a lot do tho. maybe Défaite de famille, or La Terre est ronde), Eddy de Pretto (Kid) , Camille (Ta Douleur, Je ne mâche pas mes mots), Woodkid & Louis Garrel (L'aérogramme de Los Angeles), Kathleen Fortin ( Les Moulins de Mon Coeur), Stupeflip (A bas la hiérarchie, Nan si ...) etc. etc. ! ANYWAY french music is awesome ! beautiful ! vast !! PLEASE HAVE FUN ! I LOVE U FOR LIKIN MY WEIRD ASS ELITIST LANGUAGE ! KEEP UP UR DOING GREAT WORKS ! happy listening yall ! ❤️
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