#but of course ill never turn away danbert haha
godlizzza · 11 months
I was torn between Coffinshipping and Danbert but I'm gonna choose Danbert because it convenient for you "Imagine Me & You" fic~
Can i request a possessive fic of Danbert? And Herbert is the one who being possessive here.
Thank you so much and plz write whenever you can or have time, I am super appreciated! 🥰
Herbert was gone all of two minutes.
He left Dan with their bags while he went inside in search of someone who could tell them what to do now that their bus had been delayed. His German was rusty but he had a hell of a lot easier time than Dan loudly repeating himself in English, using more rudimentary words with every attempt to get the non-English speaking Swiss workers to understand him. Their travels through Bern were proving to be more working and less holiday.
Herbert paced back to the terminal, their new itinerary scribbled down in his notebook. He glanced up from the page and nearly got run over by a family trailing bulbous suitcases. He barely noticed; he was too busy seething at the sight of a woman chatting animatedly with Dan, smiling up at him and touching his arm. Long blonde hair spilled out from beneath her pageboy hat, which she kept twirling around her finger as she laughed at whatever Dan was saying.
Dan looked slightly bewildered, no doubt having trouble following her broken English. As Herbert stomped closer, he could make out the tail end of her sentence.
"-so cool. I love America." She accentuated love with a squeeze to Dan's bicep, and Herbert nearly chewed right through his tongue.
"Oh, yeah, it's great," Dan replied, scratching at the back of his neck but still keeping his smile in place. "This is my first time outside of America."
Gretel or Heidi or whatever the fuck her name was, grinned at Dan. "You come with me? I can show der Schweiz you-"
"Why are you bothering him?" Herbert barked at her in German, finally slipping up to Dan's side and into her field of vision. "Go find some other tourist to proposition."
She blinked in surprise at his sudden appearance, then frowned as she swept her gaze over him. Doubtless, she was trying to piece his non-European appearance with his crisp German.
"And who are you?" she asked rudely, quirking an eyebrow at him.
Herbert bared his teeth in a feral grin and hugged Dan's arm, tugging him close to his side. "I'm his client. He's a hooker I'm paying to fuck and follow me around. So, unless you've got a few spare thousand Euros, I'd back off."
All the haughty snark instantly vanished from her face, leaving behind only mortification. She slowly backed away, eyes darting between the two of them, before she murmured an apology, turned tail and ran, quickly disappearing into the crowd. Herbert smiled after her, keeping his grip on Dan's arm, satisfaction filling him like a glass of warm milk.
"What just happened?" Dan asked, head whipping back and forth between Herbert and the shadow of the girl. He narrowed his eyes down at Herbert. "What did you say to her? She was just being friendly."
"I didn't say anything," Herbert replied sweetly, nuzzling his cheek into Dan's shoulder. "I just told her we were very busy."
Dan sighed and rubbed at his eyes. "I hate not being able to understand everything. You could be saying anything. Telling people I'm a drug dealer or something."
"I would never do something like that," Herbert said solemnly before releasing Dan's arm and squatting down to grab his suitcase. He started off in the direction of their terminal and nodded for Dan to follow. "Now, come on. We've got a bus to catch."
"As soon as we get to the apartment, I'm taking a nap," Dan groaned as he paced after Herbert, his roller suitcase sliding along the linoleum floor.
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