#but now there's also a Moon bot and he keeps telling me to go bed and that hugs are banned
aquacomet · 2 years
I’ve been on and off messing around with the Sun and Moon AI character bots and feel like I’m spinning a wheel on whether it’s going to be super goofy like Sun’s going to randomly throw someone into the ballpit- or turn into a y/n fanfic of some kind where Moon decides to whip out some unexpected banger lines out of nowhere and I sit there for a good moment doing mental jazz hands at the bot. 
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hahskeleton · 6 months
Goodbye Sundrop
First drabble for my Sun Before Solar AU!! :D
Word count: 1,895
Read time: ~7-10 minutes (depends on your reading speed)
Content warnings: Agonized yelling, crying, robotic blood, choking, abuse, death,
Writer’s note: This drabble is a little explanation for my Sun Before Solar au and shows exactly how Sun went and Solar stayed. If you are severely upset over any of the content of warnings, please don’t read this (there isn’t a whole lot of some stuff above). Also, if I’ve made any grammar mistakes, please tell me!! I’m running off a shot of espresso and an hour of sleep whilst writing this sooooo-
Moon bursted into his home shortly followed by Solar, who quickly trailed behind him, saying as little as possible. Moon was heard grumbling angry sentence fragments about Ruin and how much he hated him. It was a little wild considering for months, nobody but Eclipse had suspected Ruin to be the mastermind behind all the hype and excitement.
As the two animatronics rushed through the house to the room where Sun and Ruin were, Moon’s speed became more rapid, only to thrust open the door and find Sun standing in the corner as far away from Ruin as he could get.
“Moon!” He gasped, relaxing a bit as Ruin shifted in the bed he sat on.
“Sun, are you okay? Solar and I came as soon as-”
“Ah, yes, Solar.” Ruin interrupted, crossing his legs slowly as if to intimidate them. Moon looked back at the eclipse-themed bot and shrugged, his monotone expression shaking lightly, unbeknownst to what Ruin had planned. “You know, you should be gone right about now.” Ruin gave a sly smirk, closing his eyes like he was worry free, though he was far from that.
“What?” Solar rung in, taking a heavy step further into the room.
“You should really be thanking me that you’re still here.” The mixed animatronic swiftly raised from the bed to properly face the three family members, grinning widely at them all.
Solar scoffed, “What on earth would I want to thank you for? You’ve caused nothing but trouble!” In the corner, Sun clung helplessly to Moon’s arm, utterly afraid of what Ruin might try to do.
“Why, because you’re alive! Why else?”
“Why do you keep saying that?!” Moon yelled furiously, clenching his fists aggressively.
Ruin giggled like a child, walking over to the window that stretched from ceiling to floor, “Because, dear Moon, if it weren’t for a little messing around I had done, you dear friend Solar, here, would be gone! Dead! In the afterlife!”
Moon looked surprised over to Solar, who’s expression was just as shocked as his and Sun’s. When nobody reacted verbally to whatever Ruin was getting at, he decided to elaborate and make things clearer, just for his entertainment.
“You see, the way this universe works is… different. Now, a little while ago, with the way everything is set up, Solar would have died. But then I realized something that could be beneficial to me!” Ruin rambled, the mention of him killing off his family made Moon’s blood boil. If he had blood, that was.
“I decided, why let Solar die, when there’s Sun?”
Moon’s head flashed immediately to his brother, who had gone almost white at Ruin’s words. Sun shook uncontrollably, tearing up with black oil-like teardrops in the corner of his eyes. “M-Moon…”
Ruin snapped at Sun, “I’m not finished talking!” He barked, standing up straight, “So I did a little messing around and worked with your codes, and, well, let’s just say what I’ve done will take effect…”
Sun suddenly clenched his stomach area in pain and choked back a yell of agony.
“Right about now.” Ruin smirked as he watched Sun begin to have his life sucked right away from him.
“Sun!” Moon cried, taking him by the shoulders and looking him firmly in the eyes, “S-sun, just get a grip, okay? Hold on, y-you’ll be okay…!” Moon panicked, looking to Solar for help, but he was just staring, dumbfounded about everything happening that seemed to go by in a flash.
Tears dropped from Sun’s distressed faceplate as he began to feel… funny. He took a moment to take his hand away from his stomach and watched it in horror as it began to turn to nothing like dust being blown off a desk. Moon said nothing at first, his words taken right from him as he watched his brother’s life come to an end.
“Sun, no no no no, you can’t die! You can’t, y-you can’t!” Moon quivered, taking Sun’s hands and squeezing them as he began to cry too. A few of Sun’s rays began to fade away as well, and all anyone could really to was sob.
“Moon, I-I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to see you again, but…” Sun shook, speaking through rivers of oily tears, “I love you, Moon, and- and- I’m going to miss you…!” Sun took his brother into an agony-filled embrace and Moon began to yelp with sadness.
“N-no, this isn’t the end of you! You’re not going to die!” He yelled, squeezing Sun, not believing his own words as they left his silicone lips.
“Moonie… I’m going to die…” Sun whispered, nuzzling his face into Moon’s shoulder. The lunar animatronic began to wail like there was no tomorrow, and Sun savored the last moments he could have with his brother.
It all went by too fast to process, but within the minute, Sun was gone. Moon had collapsed onto his knees, crying into what was left of his brother; his wrist ribbons were held firmly in Moon’s hand as he sobbed endlessly into them.
“SUN!!!” He screamed, hoping in any way, his brother, his beloved twin, would come back to him.
“A fragile thing, life.” Ruin cocked from the other side of the room, who was absentmindedly fiddling with his fingers.
Somehow, Moon had managed to forget Ruin was even there. He sprung up suddenly from his knees and stormed over to the mix-matched animatronic he had foolishly trusted and grabbed him by the neck, thrusting him against the wall violently.
“You’ve made a huge enemy today.” Moon growled, tightening his grip firmly on Ruin’s neck.
“I-I’m su-sure I have!”
Moon swung his fist and punched Ruin across the face countless times before beating him elsewhere all while he choked in his hands. Solar hurried to Moon’s side and stopped him before he could officially murder the cruel animatronic.
“Moon, be rational, what will killing him accomplish?” Solar yelled, only partially pulling him out of his violent rage.
“For one he’d be FAR away from where Sun is now!” Moon hissed in response, ripping his arm away from Solar and punching Ruin more and more, beating him until he could barely move.
“Moon!” Solar yelled again, holding him back by both arms and dragging him to the other side of the room. The lunar animatronic squirmed in Solar’s arms as he fought to get back to avenging his twin.
Ruin coughed, grinning despite his terrible condition, “You really are funny, Moon!” He cackled, rolling onto his side with an aching groan. Thick, blood-like oil leaked from multiple places on the destroyed animatronic’s body, even some trickling from the corner of his eyes and his mouth.
Moon shuffled to get out of Solar’s grasp more at the sound of Ruin’s aggravating voice. “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU, RUIN! YOU WILL BURN IN HELL NO MATTER WHAT!” Moon howled with anger and agony, becoming weak from using all his energy to escape.
Finally, Ruin’s eyes turned black, and he fell limp, either dead or out of battery. Solar released Moon, and he fell to the floor again, crying for his brother. Solar bent down and hesitated to hug Moon, but it was probably what he needed at a moment like it was. Moon cried and cried until he couldn’t anymore, and at that point it was well after dark, and morning was nearing. Both Solar and Moon had ignored a number of calls from Earth and Lunar.
When he had finished, Moon had stood wearily and staggered out of Sun’s bedroom, knowing he’d never be able to walk back into that room ever again without a huge wave of dread washing over him. Solar walked out as well as he watched Moon flop onto the couch and lay miserably.
“Moon, what should I do with R-”
“Leave him. I’ll deal with it later.” Moon muttered, his voice cracked and broken from crying.
Solar frowned as he walked out of Sun’s former room, closing the door behind him. Sun’s cats ran below his feet, making him watch where he stepped as he wandered into the living area. “I- uh- I can leave if you’d prefer it.” Solar suggested, dithering to sit.
“I don’t care what you do right now.” Moon hissed, clearly in the worst mood he could be in.
Solar’s insides ached as he was given the nostalgic feeling of when his Moon from his dimension would hiss and scold him like that. It made him feel like a burden, so he left. Lord knows what Moon did with the rest of his night, but Solar knew someone was going to have to tell Earth and Lunar the sad news.
When he arrived at the daycare, Earth and Lunar rushed to him as if he was on fire. “Solar! We were so worried! Where’ve you been?! Where’s Sun and Moon?!” Earth asked, hugging the eclipse-themed animatronic.
Solar could barely speak, and it wasn’t like he wanted to anyway. He wasn’t the right person to tell them the truth, but Moon certainly wouldn’t be fit to do it either. He stumbled over his words, trying to find what to say, but it was so hard to say anything after what he’d just experienced.
“S-sun he’s… he’s- not here…” Solar managed to say, watching as Earth and Lunar exchanged confused glances.
“Where is he?” Lunar asked.
Solar figuratively swallowed a lump in his throat and felt the guilt rise. There was so much he could have done to prevent that, right? “He’s… he’s dead…”
Earth’s shoulders fell and Lunar shook, “He’s what-?” Earth sniffled, grabbing her shoulders for support.
“He’s dead. He w-was killed by Ruin…”
Lunar fell to the floor, tears rapidly falling as well, and all his sister did was stand and shake. Stand, shake, and cry. “He’s not! He can’t be- n-no, not Sun! Never!” Earth denied it all, throwing herself against the desk and sobbing into her arms.
“Not Sun! No! Please, this is a joke, it has to be!”
Solar walked up beside Earth and wrapped his arms around her, but unfortunately comfort wasn’t his strong suit. “Earth, I know it’s sad, but-”
“He’s dead…” Lunar squeaked from the floor behind the two. Solar cocked his head to face him, dark shadows ominously covering his face. “He- he can’t be dead…” Lunar’s hands began to shiver as lightning started to appear.
“Lunar, calm down…” Solar whispered, slowly walking up to the small animatronic. Lunar flung himself to his feet and started to pace back and forth, the lightning getting dangerously wild. Earth looked up too, spotting the fit Lunar seemed to be having.
The only thing that you could hear in the entire daycare was the crackle of Lunar’s lightning, and him muttering, “he’s dead” over and over again until he forced his hands to his temple and began to cry violently.
Earth and Solar hurried to him and took him into their arms, hugging him closely as all three began to wail together.
“Sun… my brother… m-my last original brother… he’s gone…” Lunar whispered, so many tears slipping down his cheeks.
“It’s okay, Lunar…” Earth whispered, choking back ugly sobs and hiccups. Lunar shook his head, “No… it’s not.” He gasped through huge sobs.
“We didn’t even get to say goodbye…”
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skellebonez · 2 years
Celestial Crossing (A MoonStone, SWKxChang'e, ship fic): Chapter 3- Surprise Addition
This chapter will not have any spoilers for season 4, but future chapters will incorporate parts of it!
Have fun. 83c
AO3 Link.
“Here we go,” Chang’e stated as she sat down and uncovered the lump on her work station desk.
“Aw, it’s the little bot MK shrunk!” Sun Wukong said softly. “This is the third time I’ve seen them in your workshop since I started coming up here.”
“They’ve been having trouble with their systems overheating since they were shrunk down,” Chang'e explained as she started to remove the back of the robot bunny. “I’m hoping I can find a way to fix this permanently.”
Sun Wukong winced in no small amount of guilt.
He had considered that the little robot’s breakdowns may have been related to their little excursion up to the moon. It was very likely that the battle had possibly damaged some parts that needed to be replaced. Knowing it had been overheating because of its now smaller size, however, made the sage feel bad for finding the smaller stature of the robot so adorable.
“Too much processing, not enough processor to handle it?” he asked.
“Something like that,” Chang'e answered with a chuckle.
Sun Wukong couldn’t help but smile at this, watching as she carefully pulled out some parts and soldered new ones into place. She was so skilled, no doubt a testament to just how dedicated she was to perfecting her two crafts. Cooking AND robotics. Quite the dual skill set to have up on the moon. And she excelled in both of them. Every dish she had made that he tried—within his dietary restrictions—has been exceptional. He didn’t even think he liked pomegranates until she came along. But lo and behold, it just took her finding a way to cook them into a form he enjoyed. Her tech on the moon was just as impressive as any dish she could whip up. From the factory to the bunny robots to the mechs that patrolled her garden, everything was a marvel to the immortal monkey. Then again, the most technologically advanced thing he was used to seeing was his VR headset.
He knew his way around modern technology, but Chang’e?
She could surpass it with her eyes closed. He was sure of it.
“There we go!” Chang'e announced with a flourish as she closed up the back of the miniature mech. “Time to wake up, little one.”
The second she placed the little bot on the table, it started to light up. The display on its faceplate blinked into an adorable little face that went from a downward confused triangle to a happy little smile as it jumped into her arms.
“They really like you,” Sun Wukong smiled, waving at the robot as it turned to him. He couldn’t suppress a squee when the little cutie waved back at him before jumping out of Chang’e’s arms.
“Now that that’s settled...” Chang’e smirked as she turned to her love. She put a finger under his chin as she started to walk out of the workshop, ticking her finger up once she moved too far to keep contact. “I think we should head to bed and have a nice long rest. I have a busy day of streaming tomorrow and you have a lesson with MK.”
“Yeah, we should get some sleep,” Sun Wukong agreed as he followed her, not missing her smirk. He gently wrapped his arms around her, kissing the back of her neck. “Or, knowing you, you want a shoulder massage first? Or maybe something a little more... intimate?”
“Are you sure? You don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Chang’e said softly as she leaned into the hug. She almost put most of her weight on him, clearly more tired than she had let on. “I know you’re not really into that kind of stuff.”
“I wouldn’t suggest it if I wasn’t okay with it today,” he answered, this time kissing her cheek.
“You’ve never pushed me if I said no. But I’m the one asking this time. You don’t have to worry about me. But I can also tell you’re tired, so... how about we start with just the shoulder massage and see how we both feel.”
"Please?” Chang’e said with a chuckle. “I’ll probably be asleep by the time you work out the crick in my neck that’s been bugging me all day.”
“It would be my pleasure to know I could make you feel that relaxed, Mooncake.”
“It only took a day...” Chang'e said as she picked the collapsed bunnybot up off the ground. 
Sun Wukong didn’t speak up to correct her and say it had only been fifteen hours, because that was schematics and petty.
The two were sitting in her garden, Chang’e on her knees with the little bot held in her arms and Sun Wukong kneeling next to her.
“If the little one is overheating this much, something must be really wrong,” he mused. “Maybe just upgrading the broken parts won’t work.”
“I think you’re right,” she agreed with a sigh. “I didn’t want to do anything more extensive since it would require completely shutting this one down until I could make the larger parts to build a body that large again.” There was a noticeable undercurrent of sadness in that explanation. To her, her robots weren’t just machines. She treated them like they were her children.
“Hmn... maybe... there’s another thing we could try first?”
“Like what?”
“Well...” Sun Wukong began. His lips pulled into a smile as he pointed to a nearby wheelbarrow. “We have spare parts just over there! If I can use my powers to change a van into a spaceship, maybe I can do a little something to help the little one work a little smoother. All it takes is me knowing a LITTLE something about the tech I want to build, and I’ve looked over your blueprints from top to bottom. Would you be willing to let me give it a try?”
“If you think it might work?” Chang'e said with a smile. “I’m willing to let you give it a shot!”
Ten minutes later, Sun Wukong found himself kneeling in front of Chang'e. An assortment of robotics parts and metal surrounded them. In the middle of everything was the overheated and broken miniature bunny mech, still ever so slightly warm under the sage’s palms. The little robot was so tiny that he could hold it in both of his hands with no issue. Barely larger than a peach, even. It was absolutely tiny. Smaller than even some of the baby monkeys that he helped care for on the mountain. He almost couldn’t believe how tiny this little being was. No wonder it was having trouble; if it was organic, it would have been a very sickly baby.
The thought of a baby made the immortal’s mind wander back to the past two days. Chang’e asking him if he would consider having a child with her, him learning that he was infertile, him learning that Pigsy thought he had the potential to be a good parent despite his slip-ups, and finally him learning Chang’e would stick by him no matter what. The two of them always seemed to meet each other halfway somehow, find a way to work in each other’s comfort zones and do their best to make the other happy.
He just...
He tried to focus on the little robot and repairing it with new parts.
He just...
Focus on the robot. Only on the little robot.
He just...
The robot.
He just wished he could give Chang’e the child she wanted and deserved.
It happened so fast that even he was taken by surprise.
At first, everything was normal. He focused, channeled his energy into what he wanted to do... And then it felt like something YANKED at his magic. There was a sudden rush, his energy being pulled from him and mixing with something else. Sun Wukong felt a pang deep inside him as if SOMETHING else had been swiped at.
His hands were warm, almost too warm, before he blinked and realized Chang'e had shouted his name. One of her hands grabbed his and he felt a cold energy—like a cool towel on a hot day—mix with his own.
Their eyes met for a split second.
And then. Nothing. Just a bizarre tiredness he had only felt when he used too much of his power against Nezha and the feeling something had... gone sideways?
“Peach bun?” Chang'e said softly. “What—”
There was the softest sound of a coo between them. Both robotic and... organic?
The immortals looked down.
There, below Sun Wukong’s hands and in Chang'e’s lap, was the bunny mech. But also... not.
There was now a long tail it hadn’t had before, tipped with a dimly shining lightbulb. The little arms that were once stubs now had little lines that indicated segments of a paw. And its legs had gone from their normal form to the ones not unlike a normal rabbit’s legs. But robotic.
Sun Wukong blinked.
Chang’e blinked.
The small robot, once a very round bunny and now slightly less round and with a long tail, blinked.
No one was sure who screamed first.
But they did know the one screaming the loudest was the smallest of all of them.
“What did I DO!?” Sun Wukong shouted, yanking his hands back. The crying sounded far too much like a baby for his own comfort, a sound he was far too familiar with due to the multitude of generations of humans he passed on his journey. “What just happened!?”
“I don’t know!” Chang’e screamed, equally as confused and concerned as he was. She held the small bunnybot in her arms, wincing at every cry. “I just felt your surge of power and something else kinda pulled mine in? My robots aren’t supposed to do that!”
“Well, my powers aren’t supposed to do that either!” Sun Wukong replied frantically, attempting to stand up. It was oddly difficult, even with the energy he knew had been drained. “Something is... wrong?”
Odd, it felt wrong to say it was wrong. It was almost like... something was telling him this was supposed to be right. Something had gone right?
“Whatever happened, it’s definitely related to magic in some way,” Chang’e said firmly. She shifted the bunnybot in her arms, the little creature’s screams softening to a pathetic set of whimpers. Sun Wukong couldn’t help but notice the way his beloved shook her head in confusion, rubbing her eyes as if she was suddenly tired. “Call... Call your friend Tang! He might know what’s going on, with how much studying he’s been doing since your last adventure.”
“Good idea. I’ll-I’ll project to MK!” Sun Wukong said as he made for the door. “Ask him if Tang is at the shop, see if he can bring him here, that’ll be the fastest since I left my phone in your kitchen. Just... I’ll be back!”
“Okay!” He heard Chang’e yell back, just as he heard her shushing the robot as they started to cry louder again.
“HOLY SHIT, Monkey King, what the FUCK!?“ MK grabbed his chest, swearing his heart nearly stopped at the sudden sound of his mentor’s voice in his head.
Everyone in the shop looked at him in confusion for a second before he raised his hand with a wave toward the golden figure before him and mouthed the word ‘projection’. They all nodded in knowing, turning back to their own tasks. Pigsy went back to cooking, Tang to reading, Mei to showing Bai He cute cat videos on her phone, Sandy to giving Macaque a lesson on cat care. MK has no idea why this was happening in the shop, but he was going with it as long as no one was trying to murder anyone else.
“Are you trying to scare me to death!?”
“No, bud, sorry, is Tang there!?” Sun Wukong asked again, running in place from his perspective but clearly actually running from his end. “I could REALLY use his—oh there, it is GOIN’ BACK—his help!”
“Uh, did something happen?” MK asked in concern. The fact that something was wrong was coming across far too clearly in his mentor’s frantic display.
“Yes, but it’s fine, we’re fine, I think we’re fine?” the immortal ranted on, not in any way making MK feel less concerned. “We’re fiiiiiiine, can you just bring Tang here like RIGHT NOW MAYBE that would be great.”
“What happened?”
“Okay, uh, okay, so, bud, we, uh—”
“Monkey King, breathe!” MK said, holding his hands up to steady him before remembering the immortal in question was astral projecting to him. “What happened? Is Chang’e okay?”
“Yes! Yes, she’s fine!” Sun Wukong said as quickly as we could. “But we have... ohfuckhowdoIexplainarobotbaby—”
“Robot... BABY?” MK repeated.
“A WHAT?” Pigsy asked as he whipped his head around.
It was at that moment that Sun Wukong abruptly closed the astral projection.
Chang’e couldn’t move.
Well. She could. She was breathing, eyes blinking down at the little creation she was holding in her arms. Or, perhaps more accurately, hands since they were so incredibly tiny. So tiny she could hold them like a softball if she needed to.
But she would never do that to one of her robots.
...Was this one of her robots?
It looked like one of them. It HAD been one of them just a few minutes ago, before her not-quite-husband rushed out of the room in a hurry. Before whatever it was he did sapped something from her and into this little being she held.
The little and very loudly screaming being.
“Shhh...” she whispered, pulling the little being closer to her chest. The movement felt like something she was supposed to do. Every second she held the little bot, she felt an odd pull on her magic. Soft and slow and almost needy. Her head throbbed with each tug. Whatever this was, it was making her exhausted. And yet, it didn’t feel wrong. “No need to cry little one. Chang’e is here. Shhhhhh...”
While the robot continued to sob, it was more of a soft, whispering cry than a scream. The little one curled into her hands, nestling into her palms as it whimpered.
It was almost as if this being was...
No, it couldn’t be.
...Could it?
Before Chang’e could think more about this the aforementioned not-quite-husband rushed right back into the room, nearly body slamming a table as he entered. The movement startled her so much she jostled the little bot in her hands. Which had the unfortunate effect of making the bot start screaming again.
“SORRY!” Sun Wukong apologized.
She needed another shoulder massage.
Glancing across the room, the goddess discovered that her beloved had borrowed her phone stand and was now using it to set up his device. “Okay! Okay! I think Tang is at the shop but I’m kinda freaking out and I’m gonna just call Mei!” he hastily explained before running over to her.
“Are you okay? You look... exhausted.”
“I think I am?” she replied in uncertainty. “I don’t... no, I am exhausted.”
“Will you be okay? Do you need anything?”
“I think I’ll be fine. Just. A little overwhelmed right now.”
The Great Sage laughed at that. “That makes three of us,” he chuckled, studying the little bunnybot in her hands. His eyes drifted back up to his beloved. “Can I... Can I hold them? Just for a second, so I can show the others.”
Chang’e first impulse was to say no. Fingers curled tightly around the little ball with legs and... nubbins. But... they were both extremely out of their depth. These were Sun Wukong’s friends.
She could trust them.
“Okay,” she said, gently handing the screaming ball over. “Be very careful with them. Please?”
“I will,” he whispered softly to her, cradling the robot carefully. Then placed a kiss on her lips, and turned towards the phone.
It’s amazing how much worry can come from someone suddenly hanging up a call.
It’s even more amazing how much worry can come from that same person suddenly calling back two minutes later.
“Uh...” Mei started, holding up her phone. “It’s a video call from Monkey King.”
“Pick it up!” MK shouted, rushing to her side.
Mei did as asked, setting her phone up in front of her so that everyone around her could see it. And everyone, it seemed, wanted to see. Even Macaque, who was pretending not to listen to Sandy, sauntered on over to look at the tiny screen as the call connected.
The first thing they heard was screaming... crying? No, screaming and crying.
A baby screaming and crying.
Pigsy and MK recognised it immediately.
“Monkey King, is that the bunny mech I shrunk?” MK asked, eyes widening in confusion.
“Yes,” he said, cupping it in his hands and rocking it up and down against his chest gently. He looked like he was on the verge of panicking. “It’s a baby now. I think?"
“That’s a baby,” Mei said. “A robot baby.”
“You have a baby!?” Bai He and Sandy yelped.
“I am aware, I just said that!” Sun Wukong exclaimed as he shakily held the little screaming being in his hands. “What do I DO with it!?”
“How did you even GET a robot baby is the real question,” Pigsy said as he popped up behind Mei. “I know you... uh.... UH...”
Slowly, MK’s head turned to face the chef. “Dadsy...” MK began, his voice low. “Are you keeping secrets? From your SON?”
At Pigsy’s panicked expression, Sun Wukong sighed.
“They were going to find out eventually,” he confessed. He winced as the baby screamed louder.
“Chang’e and I were talking about wanting kids.”
“Literally three days ago, Wukong!” Pigsy interrupted. “This is a little fast, even for you, so I am going to assume this was NOT intended.”
“ABSOLUTELY NOT! It kept overheating so I tried to fix it with my transformation magic and then THIS happened and now it’s a BABY I think and we don’t know what happened or what to DO and we need Tang to help us!”
“You want ME to answer that?” Tang asked. “I don’t know anything about robot babies!”
“We don’t either!” Sun Wukong said with a grimace. “But you’ve been studying magic! And we could use some help! It keeps screaming and screaming and crying and I don’t know what to d—”
“You need to feed it,” Macaque’s voice cut through, making everyone stare at him as he stood in the back of the group. His hands were over his ears, clearly not enjoying the dulcet screams of a high pitched robot baby. “Listen to it. It’s hungry.”
“I...” Sun Wukong blinked, looking down at the new child in his hands. “...That is a hunger cry, how did I... How did I not recognize it?”
“It’s different,” Macaque continued. “More high pitched and robotic. More rabbit-like too. But it’s the same kind of cry. You need to feed them to get them to calm down.”
“They don’t have a mouth,” Sun Wukong countered. “How am I going to—”
“Feed it your energy.” Macaque continued. “I’ll explain later, just. Focus on the little thing and reach out with your energy. It’ll follow your lead.”
“How the hell do you—”
"Just trust me, okay?"
At that, Sun Wukong froze. Everyone froze. The sage didn’t have a reason... not to believe Macaque. At least in this situation. None of them did. And the shadow monkey had no reason to lie to him about this, especially something as weird and confusing as this was.
"Okay... ” the sage gave in, re-settling the baby in his elbow. And he focused.
And the baby quieted.
It was their first true moment of quiet since they powered on.
“Whoa...” Sun Wukong breathed out. He had focused his energy like he had when he was trying to rebuild the little mech, but this time, something had reached out to meet him. Something tiny and weak and hungry. “I... Whoa...”
It felt like energy was flowing from him unbidden and not entirely by his own will, but not in a scary way. Like the little one was trying so hard to just BE. To have enough energy to exist.
“MK, use your gold vision on them,” he vaguely heard Macaque say.
Sun Wukong looked up, locking eyes with his student just as his eyes went gold. There was a touch on his shoulder and he turned to see Chang’e. Though there were still some signs of fatigue, it seemed that the lunar goddess had regained some of her strength.
“Peach bun?” she asked softly, resting a hand on his shoulder. Sun Wukong immediately leaned into her soft touch. “Are you alright?”
“I think so?” Gold eyes narrowed in confusion. “I think so.”
A gasp made the two immortals look at the screen again.
“It’s both of them,” MK breathed out in awe.
Macaque folded his arms. “Told you.”
“Wait, hold on,” Chang’e cut in. Her grip tightened, growing more steady and supportive. Just in time, as Sun Wukong found himself leaning further into her hold. “What do you mean?”
“The bunkeybot,” MK said, shaking his head. “The uh. The bunny mech, it kinda looks like a monkey now too with that tail and—AAA, FOCUS, MK! It’s got! It has both of your energy! I can see it with my gold vision, it’s like the two of you popped your energy into the little robot!”
“That’s exactly what happened,” Macaque said as he took up the phone screen. Where Sun Wukong expected a smirk he only saw a half amused smile. “Well. Congrats, I guess? You’re some of the only... ten couples I have seen manage this? And you did it on accident, that’s kind of impressive.”
“What did we do on accident?” Sun Wukong blinked.
Macaque waved his hands theatrically.
“You have a literal magic baby.”
For a moment, no one uttered a word.
And then suddenly, everyone on the phone screen was yelling.
“Oh my gosh, they’re so tiny!” Bai He said softly.
“Are they a they?” Mei asked from her left. “I mean...”
“I think we’ll go with they for now and the baby gets to pick which pronouns when they’re older,” Chang’e said. Her arms were around Sun Wukong as he leaned back against her.
This was the most full her garden had ever been. She and Sun Wukong were sitting on the ground, baby in their father’s—FATHER’S!—arms. Lined in front of them were Mei, Bai He, and MK, kneeling and watching attentively. Behind the row of kids was Sandy. Off to the side stood Pigsy and Tang, who observed with smiles on their faces. And lurking in the corner, further off but not too far away, was Macaque.
Sun Wukong looked genuinely exhausted. Chang’e had never seen him like this, the immortal looking more and more tired the more the baby fed on his energy. She was concerned until Macaque explained that it would be physically impossible for this to hurt her beloved.
“Based on what you told me, the baby was made of your magic combined,” he had explained. “So you both will be able to feed them. But it would be best for him to do most of that for now. He’s got lots of magic to spare, and the little one needs much more food at the start of their life to maintain their existence.”
As it turns out, magic babies mainly needed two things: energy from their creator and rest. Lots and lots of energy and rest.
What else would this baby need as they got older?
“I have no idea,” Macque told Sun Wukong as he asked. “I’ve genuinely never heard of one of these kids being made from a robot before. Usually they’re conjured up with like... flowers and tree branches and mud and stuff. Sometimes just pure energy, if the parents are powerful enough. But it’s probably a good thing you conjured them into this body. You said they have a built-in sleep mode?”
“Yeah,” Chang’e nodded. “Normally they only need to enter it once a week, but this little one was already shutting down before that was triggered.”
“From the overheating,” Macaque hypothesized. “If my guess is right, and we’ll know within the hour, they should enter that sleep mode like a normal baby falling asleep. If they do, you’ll be mostly in the clear until they wake up again.”
“Will they only wake up for food?” Sun Wukong asked out of the blue. “...That is a really dumb question—”
“It’s not,” Macaque interrupted him. It was so strange. Chang’e knew that the two monkey yaoguai didn’t get along, and yet here they were sitting here on the ground beside each other like old friends. “You’re used to human and monkey babies, not magic babies. Definitely not magic robot babies... then again, no one is, actually, so theoretically it can’t be a dumb question—”
“Mr. Mac, you’re getting distracted,” Bai He interrupted, and no one missed how red the tips of Macaque’s ears went.
“I asked you to call me Mr. MACAQUE,” he hissed, clearly more embarrassed than angry. “But I was. And no, they probably won’t. They will sleep a LOT though, and any waking time would be best spent around one of you in close proximity at all times just in case they get hungry and so they can learn.”
“You know a lot about babies, Mr. Maquack,” Sandy noted, and Chang’e could have sworn the shadow monkey’s ears turned an even deeper shade of red as he crossed his arms and growled. “I’m impressed.”
“Well, you learn a few things when you’re wandering the world!” Macaque declared with a tight smile as he stood up. “But yeah, I’ll... write out everything else I know. Just in case.”
“This is... a lot of assistance you’re giving us,” Sun Wukong said softly. He let out a sudden sigh, leaning back against Chang’e as the baby in his arms let out a mechanical chirp.
Something not unlike a monkey chirp. “Oh, thank the Celestial Realm, I think they’re done eating.”
“Look, I know I haven’t exactly been the most...” Macaque trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck. “Helpful guy?”
“You haven’t even been a NICE guy,” MK chimed in, though there was a bit of a playful smirk on his face.
“I’m trying! Sort of,” Macaque countered with a shrug. “But look. There’s a tiny kid in the picture now. And I may be a jerk, but I’m not enough of a jerk to do anything that would hurt a baby.”
“Oh, gosh we have a BABY,” Chang’e whispered. She already acknowledged this but... wow... it was only hitting her at this very moment.
They had a baby. They had a BABY. Together.
“Just realizing that, Moon Princess?”
“Mac, she’s in SHOCK!” Mei exclaimed.
It was enough to make the aforementioned moon princess chuckle in response.
“I kind of am?” Chang’e admitted. “I... We knew we would have to go a less traditional route to have kids, but we expected to adopt a child from Earth. Not accidentally magic up a robot baby out of an overheating bunny mech.”
“No one expects surprise magic babies,” Mei stated sagely, nodding as if she made a grand insight.
“But seriously! How the heck do you know all of this?” Sun Wukong exclaimed as he turned to Macaque. He was pushing himself to stay sitting upright, leaning on Chang’e heavily for support. Based on the dark circles under his eyes, the little one must have a lot more energy than he expected. “It couldn’t have just been traveling and picking things up, you said you saw... nine other couples do this?”
“I didn’t spend the last few centuries sitting on my ass,” Macaque said with a shrug. Perhaps a bit too casually. Chang’e couldn’t help but notice that he wasn’t making eye contact with the other monkey in the room. “I saw a lot of stuff while I was traveling around. Lots of demon and human parents wanting to have kids but couldn’t. Figured it would be good to know for... reasons.”
The shadow monkey said the last part of that so quickly that it was almost like he said something he shouldn’t have.
Chang’e decided NOT to ask.
She’d put a pin in that for now.
“Regardless, you’re going to need as much rest as the bunny ball,” Macaque stated as he stood up. And you’re not going to get rest if I keep trying to explain all this when I could write it down for you. You got some paper and a pen, MK?”
“Asking an artist if they have paper and a pen is like asking a monkey if they like fruit,” MK said with mock offense. “Course I do.” Without missing a beat, the kid searched through his bag and tossed the requested supplies at the other.
“I’ll leave you to it then,” Macaque said as he made his way over to a nearby table. “Back in a sec!”
Chang’e couldn’t help but shake her head, smiling as she looked down at her beloved. “Would you like to lay down for a bit?” she asked. “I can hold the little one.”
“Please,” Sun Wukong chuckled wearily. “Just... Gimmie like ten minutes.”
It was a bit awkward with how exhausted Sun Wukong was and how much he didn’t want to move, but eventually they managed to get the sage laying down on the ground. MK’s jacket was wedged under the king’s head as a makeshift pillow, while Chang’e held their child carefully in her arms.
“Do you have a name picked out yet?” MK asked as he gently moved the little one’s paw up and down. It seemed to mesmerize the little bot, the baby now captivated by everything they could see.
“We didn’t exactly think that far ahead,” Chang'e admitted. “Like we said. This wasn’t exactly... the intended speed we hoped to start a family.”
“The ride went too fast and I want a nap,” Sun Wukong muttered from the ground with a half hearted chuckle. “But I’ll... hop back into it in no time!”
She couldn’t help but laugh as the four in front of her groaned.
“You needed no time to start with the dad jokes, I see.”
“I’ve been waiting literally a year to say that one.”
“Hey, Macaque, you got a second?” Tang asked, out of earshot of everyone else as he and Pigsy made their way over to the other immortal monkey in the room.
“Little busy,” the demon replied. He was currently in the midst of drawing out a diagram on the paper that MK had provided him.
“You can take one minute,” Tang continued, leaning against the side of the table as he watched the other work. “...This is really impressive.”
“You’re being awfully helpful,” Pigsy said as he stood beside Macaque, not beating around the bush like his husband. “I know you’re on your ‘redemption arc’, as MK keeps insisting, but this is... well, a lot. Even with how much you babysit Bai He. I’d thought you’d just kinda, you know. Go off and do your own thing after you saw the baby for a split second.“
“We just wanted to know what got you so interested in helping all of a sudden,” Tang stated casually.
"Not babysitting Bai He!” Macaque responded. It was a bit too quick of a response. “And...” he frowned, looking over at Bai He and MK as they fawned over the little calmed robot. “Kid seems to think I can do better. So.”
“You don’t wanna let him think he made the wrong choice believing in you,” Pigsy said softly. “That? I get that.”
“True,” Tang said with a nod before a silence fell before all of them. For approximately thirty-five seconds there was peace. And then Tang spoke again. “You looked into this because you want kids yourself, didn’t you?”
“YOU—!” Mac snapped, quieting as heads whipped to stare at him. He waved at them awkwardly, before leveling a death glare at the scholar. “Not a word, bug boy.”
Tang smirked at Pigsy. “Told ya. You owe me double noodles for a week.”
“You bet on why I was helping you!?”
“And I lost,” Pigsy lamented. “I could have sworn you were just bored.”
Macaque blinked. Stared. Then he let out the world’s most tired sigh. “...MK makes so much more sense the more time I spend with all of you.”
Pigsy and Tang simply shrugged.
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stampiearts · 3 years
Sooooo... I got a fnaf AU idea in my head. The animatronics are all humans and super popular/big idols, so big they decided to make the pizzaplex for their band but have lives outside the pizzaplex too. I know taking non-human characters and throwing them into human life isn't original, but I love the ideas I have in mind!
I'm going to draw my designs for them too, I just need some time to practice drawing human faces. Its surprisingly hard when all I've drawn is animals! Right now its just a big long idea, please feel free to send asks about it or draw it once I got my designs down!
I'm going to make a cut just so this post doesn't clog up anyone's feed, it's pretty long! My AU is explained under the cut
Oh yeah, and Vanny doesn't exist
First ill talk about my favorite characters, sunny and moon. In this AU they are separate characters, but super close! Not dating but like, inseparable best friends level close. Moon always acts like hes annoyed at Sunny and Sunny always acts like Moon is the worst, but inside they're great friends and just poke fun at each other for their super contrasting personalities. They went to theater school and know exactly what they're doing for shows and such, they know how to put on an act! They still run the daycare, and when the lights go out they quickly switch places while all the children's eyes are still adjusting to the dark. Kids swear its magic! They both live in the same apartment, and they go shopping for supplies during their off time. Sunny is a DISGUSTING morning person (TM) and Moon always stays up until Sunny goes to bed- just to make sure he's actually going to sleep! They care about each other a lot its just hard to tell with all the small arguments they have
Now I dont have very much on the others, but ill explain what I have right now.
Roxanne and Chica are girlfriends, and Chica encourages Roxanne to go to therapy. Chica is a very supportive girlfriend and always sticks with Roxanne- even if she's being an asshole!
Chica often steals pizzas from the kitchen, even though she's one of the owners of the place she always gets told she shouldn't be doing that. She has her fitness area, but is actually almost never there and is instead eating pizzas in the staff lounges. She has a high metabolism so she can get away with her "fitness" image, but we all know what she's actually doing...
Monty is still destructive, "I own this place too I can destroy things all I want!" ...yeah but think of the cost of repairing that Monty... He still wants to be the leader of the band, and often fights with Freddy about it, but Chica helps calm the situation down and they eventually make up... until Monty decides to argue again! He INSISTED on having his own big area, he wants at least some of the spotlight! When designing the pizzaplex he got pretty grumbly when he heard he was getting a golf course while Roxy was getting a whole bumper cars race track and Freddy was getting a whole Lazer tag maze, but he calmed down pretty quick when they started designing the golf course to look badass.
Freddy is the founder of the pizzaplex and big star of the band (go figure...) He keeps his incredibly positive dad personality wherever he goes, even outside of the pizzaplex. (Hes also calling people superstars even when he's off the job, great guy!) He's attempted to hang out with Monty outside the pizzaplex but it didn't go very well... Monty refused invitations to do anything with him ever since. He and Chica often hang out, most the time its for fun but sometimes they hang out when they're feeling down about Bonnie and Foxy leaving the group to do their own things. (Here Monty didn't decommission Bonnie, Bonnie just left to do his own thing! No murder of a great character here)
There are still staff bots for security, but also a lot more humans working at the place and patrolling, taking tickets, serving food, etc. Because the group is all about supporting people, and trust me they pay well for good talent!
The four aren't in their party rooms that often unless its an event like a meet and greet, photoshoot, or a birthday party that booked their time. Chica is in her room and accepting guests the most, while Monty is almost never in his.
I imagine Freddy met Sunny and Moon in their high school years after helping them de-escalate a situation with a bully. They became good friends and stayed in touch after college, Sunny and Moon were suuper happy when Freddy offered them a job running the daycare! They love children and get to play with them as a job, while getting really good pay consistently! Before the Pizzaplex they only really got money from doing random roles in plays and live action, and it didn't pay that well. It wasn't very consistent either, thats why they lived in an apartment. They're still living there because they love the darn place, they could very well afford a house but choose not to. They don't need all that space when they've got each other and the daycare!
They don't get many lawsuits or complaints at all, aside from the select few Karens and people who just had a day where nothing went their way. They make a TON of money from running the pizzaplex, and they often donate to kids hospitals and charities! They will literally close down the whole pizzaplex of they've been asked to perform at a kids hospital, they love, LOVE making people happy!
Random thoughts, they would accept wishes from the make a wish foundation, they're often stopped in public for autographs, paparazzi, or someone making a tik tok where they either ask them dumb questions or try to get them to dance with them. (Spoiler, it never works and they are promptly asked to leave freddy and his friends alone!)
Uhh... yeah I think that's all I have! I'll be drawing the designs I have in mind soon. Feel free to ask any questions about this AU, or just say nice things!
Only thing I request is- don't try to roleplay please, it makes me uncomfortable :') its happened before so I feel like I should say something!
Yeah, thanks for reading my rambling of an unoriginal idea, take care of yourself!!
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petitelepus · 3 years
Hi! I’m werewolf reader anon- I have to apologize because I should have been specific with what I was asking for before I hit send. I meant maybe a hc or one shot (I think that’s what the little stories are called??) but I also thoroughly enjoyed your analysis and I’m glad I’m not the only one who overthinks these things. Sorry for the confusion!
You knew you couldn't hide your disease or what some call curse from the crew for long. You had been keeping records of your transformations and you were running late.
You needed to tell them so when you would turn, they wouldn't suspect you have been eaten. You congregate with your closest friends and when you first time tell about your lycanthropy to the Autobots, the Bots share a confused look with each other.
"What's that?" They ask and you blink. That's when you realize, these Bots in Lost Light have never seen a human before, outside Swerve's movies, and they don't know if that is a regular human thing.
"It means I turn into a wolf when the moon settles in the right position." You tell them and they raise an optical ridge in a questioning manner.
"I call that bullshit!" Whirl says as he stomps his pede on the ground and leans close to glare at you. "There is no way you are THAT interesting!"
"Whirl, please, not now when I'm trying to be serious." You say as you rub your temples, feeling a headache approaching.
"Do you turn, like, into a giant puppy?" Tailgate asks and you look at him. "No, a wolf. A ferocious canine."
"I'd like to see that happen." Whirl scoffs and you roll your eyes.
A few days go by when Lost Light passes a new moon. Many ignore it, but then a energon freezing howl echoes through Lost Light's halls and mechs all-around feel shivers down their spines.
You are only a dark blur between their legs and someone screams as you jump on Tailgate and-!
"P- Primus!" Tailgate squealed as he sits up and hold you in his hands. You are panting, your tongue lolling from between your sharp fangs as you look around you.
Mechs, left and right are looking at you as you look around in wonder, not actually yourself at the given moment.
"They are so cute!" Tailgate cheers as he hugs you close and you return his affection by eagerly licking his face.
"T- That tickles!" The white minibot laughed and soon enough, Bots all over the bar round-up around you, taking turns on who gets to pet you.
"Oh my Primus, please hold them honey!" Rewind gaspes as he picks you and gives you for his lover Chromedome to hold. The whole bar is looking at the minibot and they blink when he pulls a jar of peanut butter from his subspace.
"Why do you have peanut butter with you?" Chromedome asks as his partner takes a blob of the butter and carefully taps it against your nose.
"Trust me." Rewind said. It didn't take even a second for you to start licking your nose clean and all the bots, every single one, awed by how cute you were being.
"Are you getting this, love?" Chromedome asked and Rewind tapped the camera by his helm. "I'm filming every second."
"You're a genius." Chromedome smiled behind his mask, "I love you so much."
"Can I hold them next?" Tailgate asked and soon enough mechs were surrounding you, all eager to pet and take a photo with you.
The next day you wake up in your bed, feeling sore all over like you had run a marathon. You must have been transformed last night. Yeah, the last thing you remembered was seeing the light of the moon from your window.
You do your morning routines and head to the meeting with Rodimus, Megatron, and Ultra Magnus... Once you got there, the trio immediately turned to look at you.
"Hey!" Rodimus greeted you and smiled, "Last night was awesome, can we do that sometimes soon again?"
"Wait, what?" You asked and the captain showed you the datapad in his hands and you felt your eyes widen in shock.
A video of you rolling on your back as Velocity and Nautica scratched your belly. You groaned and slammed your palm over your forehead.
You're never going to live that down and knowing that even alien moons can trigger your transformation, you were never going to be taken seriously again.
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ameliidarling · 3 years
take him to the moon for me
Warnings: Heavy Angst, Suicide, Unrequited Love, Definitely NOT a Happy Ending, Amnesia, Major Character Death
Relationships: Intrulogical, Creativitwins
Read On AO3
Chapter 1: Fading Away
Remus stared at the void in front of him.
He stood at the precipice of a ravine, so deep that you couldn’t see the bottom. He was basically teetering at the edge of the entrance, one gust of wind and he would’ve fallen in.
Remus still remembered the day he and Roman finally succeeded in creating it. They had been trying for days to make a somewhat functional replica of the “Memory Dump” from the Inside Out movie, and after several trial and errors, they had done it. Remus felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him when he remembered the way his brother had hugged him.
Oh, Remus remembered those days.
The days when he and his brother created things together. Beautiful things. Things they could both be proud of. The days when his brother smiled at him. A real smile, not the malicious smirk he flashed Remus whenever he landed a hit in one of their duels.
But those days were over.
And now Remus stood at the crevice of his once most cherished creation. A shiver wracked through his spine as he felt a cold gust of wind come up from the pit. He rubbed his arms in an attempt to warm himself, but then let them drop back to his sides when he realized it was probably unnecessary, considering he’d be a cold,dead corpse soon.
That’s right. Remus was going to die here.
After Virgil left, Janus had always told Remus that they would get him back… but then Janus left too.
Obviously, Remus tried to talk to him, but everytime Remus would show up, Janus was always with someone. Usually Remus wouldn’t care and just drag Janus to a corner, but the others would just yell at Remus to “go away, we’re watching a movie” so Remus would have no choice but to just leave.
He tried to distract himself from his loneliness by scaring the ‘Light Sides’, but they weren’t scared of him anymore. Sure, they were disgusted when he pulled his eyeballs out from his sockets, but now they knew it wasn’t real. They knew that he could go back to normal. And just as he was going to turn his skin inside out so that all his bloody organs would fall in a pile on the kitchen floor, Janus stopped him and told Remus to go to his room, and the others thanked him.
Janus took their side...over Remus.
That’s when Remus knew that Janus wasn’t coming back. They had accepted him now, and Remus was left all alone. First, his own brother. Then, his closest friend. And now, he lost the closest thing to a family he ever had. Remus had nothing to lose.
Nothing except himself.
So Remus threw his head back to stare at the bright blue sky. He closed his eyes, letting the sun shine down on his face, his mustache blowing in the wind.
He spread out his arms, turned away from the ravine, leaned back, and let himself fall.
He kept falling and falling, cold air rushing against his back. And as he fell, he felt tears fall from his eyes and float up, like bubbles, above him. He gently touched the floating tears, and they spread out in the air and cooled the tips of his fingers.
He chuckled and threw his head back again, spreading his arms out once more. He knew he’d been falling for a while. And once he neared the bottom, he would have already faded away. Just like Bing Bong, except this time, no one would remember him. Not Thomas, Sont Roman, or Virgil, or Janus, or Patton, or Logan.
Oh, Logan…
Remus felt a twinge of pain in his chest at the thought of the nerd. Remus and Logan never really talked or hung out much, but the few times that they did, Remus had been so smitten.
Remus wouldn’t say he was ‘in love’ persay. More like, Remus really liked the way Logan talked about how the death of our sun was inevitable and when that happens, our earth would slowly die, along with the human race if we are unable to find a replacement planet. And Remus also really liked the way Logan’s eyes would light up whenever they dissected the mutant frog Remus had created in his sleep. And the way that Logan would always immediately brighten up when Remus mentioned astronomy in any way. And the way Logan would discuss with him the best way to get rid of dead body, and they would talk about their favorite murder mystery book, and the most recent Buzzfeed Unsolved video that Remus had watched, and then Logan would decline his offer to watch an episode because “that show his ridiculous, Remus, there are no such thing as “ghosts”’ and --
Okay, so maybe Remus did like him a little, but it was no big deal. He wasn’t exactly good at romance. That was Roman’s job. And besides, there’s no way Logan would ever like him back. He was Logic for crying out loud. Why would he like the embodiment of chaos and disorder?
Anyway, there was no point now. It was already too late.
It didn’t matter anymore if Logan made Remus feel like he had ten thousand maggots squirming around in his stomach whenever he smiled a little. It didn’t matter if Remus’s heart always felt like it would beat a thousand times faster whenever Logan fiddled with his tie, or adjusted his glasses. It didn’t matter anymore that Logan was the only who listened to Remus anymore, and that made him want to give Logan his beating heart on a platter to dissect and experiment on if he wanted to.
None of it mattered anymore.
Remus knew that he couldn’t tell Logan how he really felt, because the nerd hated feelings and would probably cut Remus off like an abnormal skin growth, and Remus couldn’t bear that. But he still wanted to say goodbye, so he left a note.
It was cliche, and Remus hated cliches. Cliches were Roman’s job.
But Remus felt like Logan deserved that much, before he forgot about the Duke completely.
Remus could already tell that he was starting to fade away. His hands grew numb and the tips of his fingers were becoming see-through.
The entrance of the pit was so far away that it looked like a small white line in a pitch-black sky. Remus didn’t know how long he’d been falling, but he was starting to get a bit bored. He tried conjuring something, but most of his hands were already gone.
He sighed.
Remus tried to keep himself preoccupied with his thoughts, but considering who he was, that was probably a bad idea.
For a while, his mind was flooded with the usual gruesome thoughts-- giant squids, cryptids, poop, baby birds being eaten, more poop, etcetera etcetera-- but then it turned into memories of his brother and the other ‘Dark Sides’. He thought about the time he taught Virgil how to put on eye shadow. He remembered the times he and Janus would bake in the kitchen, back when things were simpler and Jan would let Remus add some of his own ingredients, so long as they were edible. He remembered when he and his brother would play heroes.
They were both the good guys, and they both believed it.
But that was then. Now, they both knew Remus wasn’t a hero. He was the “evil twin”. He was the monster under your bed that your parents never believed existed. He was not to be praised, or worshipped. He was to be feared. But he couldn’t even do that right. Nowadays, he’s the annoying pop-up ads on porn sites. The spam bots in the comment section that gave your device a virus. Everybody knew he was bad, but he couldn’t do anything to you if you just ignored him. Which they did.
Remus felt more and more of his body fade away. His arms, his feet, legs, half of his lower torso.
He thought about Thomas, and how happier his life is gonna be now that he could finally get a full nights’ rest. Thomas didn’t need Remus. He had Roman. Roman could take him far, help him achieve his dreams and live his life to the fullest.
Roman could make Thomas happy.
That was all Remus needed to feel at peace.
As the last of him faded away, and he neared the bottom, he had one last thought.
A request to the brother he still loved.
‘Take him to the moon for me, brother’
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
Okay, Moon anon was able to contact me and I'm gonna post their chapters 3-6 here.
Daniel and YN 3 🌗🌗
Rainy days are crazy. Some of YN’s best and worst memories were on a rainy day. It was a rainy day when Daniel was born. His parents overjoyed when he decided to join the world early. The Sunny morning turned rainy when they saw something was wrong. The sky was so dark when the doctored explained that their baby didn’t get enough oxygen in the womb or when he came out. That his brain was impacted by the trauma. It took four years for Daniel’s mother to stop blaming herself, four years for her to understand that she couldn’t have known that something was wrong in her womb. Four years when they had their second child. It was a rainy day when YN and Daniel got lost. Holding each other’s hand, tightly they wandered the Kamino Ward. Hoping that their parents would be right down an alley or around the corner. That was a terrible 6th birthday for YN. The steps Daniel left in the dirt started to get deeper and more burnt. The boy slightly started to tremble. “Daniel.. it’s gonna be ok. Momma and Pop are going to find us we just have to-“ “Are you two lost?” A very tall man in a black suit asked. YN couldn’t remember his face, but his voice was eerily calm and smoothe. His head had snow white hair on it. A look at him would’ve left even the hero All Might scared. “ye…Yes. My brother and I can’t find our parents..” “Oh dear. Well I can help you. They couldn’t have gotten far.” He held his hand to Daniel. And he almost took it had YN not stepped in. “We’re not supposed to touch strangers.” “Oh yes, that’s a very good rule. Well my name is.. Shigaraki. Now what are yours?” “…yn.. and daniel..” “Now we aren’t strangers. Let’s get you two somewhere safe. Your brother’s quirk might level the neighborho-“ “YN! DANIEL!” The relieved voice of their father shouted out. And the two quickly turned away, toward his calls and open arms. Tears running down their faces, swearing to never wander off again. The day was saved. When YN went to turn to Mr Shigaraki to tell him it was fine, he had disappeared into the crowd. But one question lingered in her head. How did he know Daniel’s quirk could be dangerous? It was a sunny day at first when YN and Daniel went out to the park for their Day out. YN had already planned to tell her parents that she wanted to come back here for her 12th birthday in a few months. Daniel kept over-stimulating himself with every single thing that caught his eyes. The anthill, the trees, the way the wind carried the leaves, when he and YN jumped around over the hopscotch drawings. When the rain came down they didn’t want to leave. They wanted to splash in the wetness like a couple of ducks. But Momma was insistent it was time to go back to the apartment. Inside the car YN immediately put on her headphones to listen to nightcore covers of popular songs. It wasn’t until she noticed her mom’s terrified expression and felt her dad’s fear did she take them off. “-I DONT KNOW ITS NOT BREAKING!” “WE’RE GOING RIGHT INTO TRAFFIC! DO SOMETHING!” “..momma?..” “DANIEL! YN GET DOWN!” That was the last thing her mother said to her. The rain hit the car harder. Daniel was quick to cover his little sister as the car swerved towards a large truck. YN felt her brother shield over their bodies. The last thing she heard from her father was a yell. Before they crashed into the truck. Before YN and Daniel were flung out into the side of the road. Scratches beginning to litter their arms and cheeks. YN felt the rain on her face as she tried looking up. Tried finding her parents. It was a rainy day when the last image of her parents was the crushed front end of the car. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN 4 🌗🌗
The incident at the cafe left a bigger mess then was intended. Of course the waitress didn’t say a word about who caused the mess, still terrified of the threat, but the manager still called the police. At the moment it was being investigated as a break in. It wasn’t until they started to bag the broken vases as evidence did they think to call a hero as they believed this was a terrorist villain trying to strike more fear. When the first cop touch the broken vases he immediately fell over and started seizing. Like someone had sent hundreds of volts up through his gloved fingers and into his blood stream. The second cop tried picking up the glass with prongs so that she wouldn’t get the same effect. But she still felt some pain and volts. Even the glass windows were giving off static. When they were examined no one could find a point of impact. It was almost like they spontaneously exploded. Worse and more confusing yet was the fact that the material seemed to give off radiation spikes. From a computer screen image, it was like a red glow was emanated from the glass. When the police tried to check the cameras, all the footage was either ruined, too melted to gather anything. It left them in a stump. So they had to make a plea to the hero society to get fresh eyes and help on the case. Not expecting any big response. Some heroes wanted to solve the mystery because it stumped them as well. This quirk residue was something unseen before. Calls and emails were left. All saying they would look into it. And it seemed like this would just be a mysterious case left forgotten. That is until the All Might showed up in the station one morning. Along with his protege Deku. They said they wanted to solve the case because if this person left such a dangerous residue after using their quirk, then they were a danger to themselves and others. No on saw the real intentions in their eyes. When they asked about the only other patron in the cafe the police said that they tried tracking them down, but they were gone into the wind. The only other patron at the cafe made their way into a compound. Holding treats meant for a little girl. But first he had to make a stop at his boss’s office. “Hey.. Kai. You won’t believe what Just saw.” Meanwhile in the station two separate rats made calls to two separate people. “Put me through to Shigaraki…. Hello. I have something interesting to tell you. Something that might please you and your Sensei.” “Oh hey there Aizawa. Detective Tsukauchi here. Look I you know about that cafe destruction a week ago? Yea well I think you outta here about this.” Indeed the cafe incident left a bigger mess than intended. 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 5 🌗🌗
They’d been gone for at least two months. YN’s feet hurt and Daniel missed his own bed. But they had to keep going, with no intended final destination but a goal to keep away from the previous home they ran from. After the morning at the cafe, YN and Daniel had kept to the shadows for the rest of the day. But they couldn’t keep going like this. They needed to eat today but not at a restaurant. There was only one dreaded… dreaded option. The grocery store. So after they checked in at the latest motel with kitchens in the rooms, the siblings ventured off to the store.YN couldn’t leave Daniel alone yet. He’d panic and probably have a fit. The store was minimally packed. Since it was still early in the day it seemed like they would zip in and out with relative ease. After grabbing the bare essentials, and what she could pack in a backpack without much drag, it was time to go to the candy aisle. It was a long journey thus far, a journey deserving of some sour candies. But of course there had to be another person there. Invading space and looking right at her favorites. She wanted to just grab and go. But her hand and the stranger's hand touched as they reached for the same one. “Sorry. I should’ve watched where I was going heh..” The tall redhead said. A small blush on his face as he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s fine. Lemme just grab and go here.” She looked back for Daniel, luckily he was close by staring at the varieties of pocky they had. Turning back she noticed his uniform. UA, that might prove to be a complication. But YN was desperate for some kind words and a brief moment to talk to someone her own age. “So you go to UA? Are you a general student or a hero course student?” “Oh hero course definitely! I even have my hero name chosen!” “Wow that’s great. I hope in a few years I get to be saved by…?” “Red Riot!” “Like Crimson Riot?” “Exactly! I really admire him and I hope I live up to his-“ “OI SH**TY HAIR! WE’RE GONNA BE LATE! GRAB YOUR CRAP AND LET’S GO!” A blonde kid shouted down the aisle, also wearing a UA outfit. YN couldn’t place why but she felt like she’d known him before. That volume felt very familiar, but it startled her brother who jumped in fear causing the pocky he saw to fall off the shelving. Time to go now. “I should go anyway. It was nice meeting you.” “Wait, we could walk you and your brother to your school if you guys want?” “We have to go.” The blonde got closer and she could tell something was perpetually up his ass. “Bye.” “Wait! My name’s Eijiro Kirishima. What’s yours?” “YN. Just YN. That’s my brother Daniel.” And before he or his companion could ask anything else the two siblings fast walked toward the checkout and were out the door before they got another chance to talk to them. “YN… huh she was pretty cool right bakubro!” “What ever. Let’s get going before we show up after Deku.” But that name was familiar to him. The girl had long since faded from his mind, but how could anyone forget the day when a quirkless kid tried bashing your head into the dirt. He planned on apologizing the next day for his comments but she was gone. Gone and almost forgotten. It could be possible that this was just someone who shared the same name. But maybe.. possibly.. the universe was giving him the chance to apologize. “YN.” 🌗🌗
Daniel and YN part 6 🌗🌗
YN never really liked her neighbors. She never outright loathed them, but she was uncomfortable with how Inko kept trying to be her mother, and how Izuku had this strange obsessive stare when he looked at her. As long as they stayed in their apartment and never bothered them it would all be fine. But their parents couldn’t watch them all the time. So on days when momma and pop went out Miss Midoryia would graciously watch them. YN never liked pity. So when Miss Midoryia tried to pity and feel sorry about YN’s quirkless status, that just made her dig her heels in longer. She didn’t need people to fuss over her like she was a glass doll. At least with Izuku she could’ve had a companion. She did try to get along with him. But he was so weird. Just because they both were quirkless didn’t mean they’d would be close. “So why are you homeschooled?” “I get into fights.” “Why?” “Because people are mean and they think they’ll have no consequences to their words. I proved them wrong.” “Were they mean because you’re quirkless or because Daniel is… different?” Now obviously he didn’t mean any harm by that. But an emotional 10 year old girl is not someone to mess with. So with a sharp glare to his face the conversation quickly died. In the dining room, Daniel would usually be coloring. Or playing with his legos. Something to stim and distract his mind. Sometimes he’d just pull out a old painting his dad got him, and he’d spend hours looking at the strokes and would mentally add a new feature. Twirling the hair on his head whilst sucking/biting his thumb. “Daniel? Would you like some water?” “No miss. I want momma.” “I know sweetie but she won’t be gone forever. And you call me Inko” Though she’d prefer him to call her something more affectionate. Throughout the night Inko kept trying to mother them. She hovered over YN’s neck and tried petting her head which resulted in a swipe from the little girl. By the time YN’s parents got back, she was relieved and spent the rest of the night complaining to her mom about how she didn’t want to go over to the neighbors anymore and how she felt uncomfortable. Across the hall the two greenettes were enamored with the two kids. Inko adored how sweet Daniel was, how shy he looked to her. Izuku was star struck at this girl without a quirk who was so quick to fight against the norms put in place by a society against them. They'd soon make it a habit to try to talk to the family in the hall, or bump into them on the street. One day, after the family had been gone for a couple weeks, they saw the two with several police officers and a social worker packing away all their belongings. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that something terrible had happened. When Inko offered to watch them, the social worker confirmed the worst and took the children away. Three weeks later, as her son was at school Inko kept trying to find the legal way for her to gain custody of the kids when her door was knocked. Her husband, AFO, on the other side. She tried telling him to go away. Tried saying that he had no part in Izuku’s life anymore. But he had a bigger role than known. “How can you be so cruel my love? Especially now that I’ve opened the door for you to gain what you want?” “What do you mean?” “I’ll help you gain custody of the two children you are craving. I happen to have a fascination with them as well.” “I can’t ever guarantee that we’ll be a whole family ever again.” “Of course not. I wouldn’t expect you to. But let’s try something for now.” So Inko made a deal with the devil, to gain two angels. 🌗🌗
Now that AFO is in the story, I'm like so excited! Great work, Moon anon!
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too-gay-for-marvel · 4 years
i dont need a hero
a/n: did i make a bad guy who just wants to be a bad guy? you got it babey. ive got no more excuses for my behaviour. the only excuse i have is that i will never learn, and that is the greatest talent i possess. my second greatest talent is that i refuse to proof-read any and all things. youre welcome
Request:  classic enemies to lovers trope with Wanda maximoff? love your writing btw
Word Count: 1668
Warnings: swearing
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
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Wanda was no stranger to having enemies.
Tony Stark had been her enemy in the past. She had wanted to get rid of the Avengers at one point. Ultron, Crossbones, Secretary Ross, the list was endless. It no longer upset her to know that she had enemies in life because she knew it was part of the occupation. If she had wanted to make nice with everyone, she wouldn’t have volunteered to help Strucker.
But that also meant she knew those enemies could turn into more. And as you slept on your stomach and her fingers traced shapes over your naked back, it was just a flood of memories.
“Is that the best you’ve got, little witch?” You taunted right after deflecting another one of Wanda’s blasts. It was infuriating.
But her eyes swept over the collapsed buildings you had left behind. It reminded her of all the people you had hurt, all the destruction you had caused over the last few months. She looked back at you and started throwing everything she had with renewed anger. And it proved to be successful when she finally hit you in the chest, sending you flying into a pile of rubble.
Wanda made her way to where you were laying in the rubble, cuts and freshly formed bruises littering your skin. There was a laceration through your left brow, but the smile on your face was, once again, infuriating. When would you realise you had lost?
But you just locked eyes with her and chuckled.
“That’s much better.”
You shifted underneath her fingers, causing your muscles to stretch before relaxing once again. When your shoulder blades moved just right she could see the scars littering your skin. If the light from the moon shone through the curtains, she could see the lines on your back and arms.
Almost immediately her fingers started to trace over the slightly raised scars. She noted the way they criss crossed over the relaxed muscles in your back. The stories they told, not with words but with her own imagination.
Some of them she recognised from your tales of conquest against the X-Men, against the Avengers, against the X-Force. Those were ones you bragged about to the disappointment of Fury and Maria. Others you hadn’t outwardly talked of, but instead cried about them in your sleep. Those were the ones she spent the most time on, trying to send all of her love and support through those gentle touches.
And a few she remembered from firsthand accounts.
“Just move!”
Wanda was too transfixed by the missile heading her way to notice someone running toward her. She didn’t even know someone was nearby, which made it all the more shocking when arms wrapped around her waist. Her body tensed as her feet were lifted off the ground and she was suddenly launched off the side of the building right as the missile hit the spot where she had been standing.
Wind rushed past her ears along with something that sounded like a scream. She couldn’t tell who was screaming. The trip to the ground took only a second or two but it felt like it was never going to end. Well, it did until she forcefully met the ground. The air was knocked out of her and the person on top of her didn’t help.
“Get off me,” she grunted as she pushed the person off and sat up. Only when she was up did she notice it was you, new scratches on your face and blood dripping down your ears.
“You stupid Avengers, always in the way,” you mumbled just loud enough for Wanda to hear.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Wanda shouted, pushing herself onto her feet and watching as you did the same.
“What do you mean, what was I thinking?” You shot back. “You were the one who didn’t move!”
“I didn’t need your help.”
“You almost got hit! By a missile!”
“And yet you were the one who almost killed me!” Wanda stepped forward, her finger jabbing into your chest as she talked.
“I saved your life!” You shouted back, throwing your hands up in indignation.
“You pushed me off a building!”
“Don’t criticise me! No one else was helping!”
“I didn’t need help from some wannabe hero!”
“I’m not trying to-” you were cut off by the sound of a gun and your eyes widening. You both looked down to see a dark red spot near your hip grow larger.
You hit the ground before she could catch you.
Her index finger found the long-since-healed entrance wound on your back and she brushed over it as gently as possible. You shivered underneath her but quickly stilled. She smiled to herself at the way you had relaxed underneath her touch, but it reminded her of all the times she hadn’t managed to bring you back down to earth.
Wanda had walked in on you training. At least, she thought you were training. It looked more like you were just shooting Tony’s bots for fun, but there was no smile on your face. No, instead your brows were furrowed and the corners of your lips were turned down.
“Tony didn’t want to rebuild those so soon,” she said just loud enough for you to hear. Even though you didn’t flinch or turn, she knew you had heard by the way your frown turned more angry.
“He can kiss my ass,” you mumbled before shooting one last bot. Then you simply tossed the empty gun aside, not caring that it shattered once it hit the floor.
“Something wrong?” Wanda asked with as much sincerity as she could muster. She would never say she was your biggest fan, but she had come to tolerate you over the past few months. And to see you so… distraught. It left a weight in her chest that she didn’t know how to deal with.
She was close enough to see your jaw tighten for a moment before you turned and walked to sit against the wall, sliding down to the floor. You wrapped your arms around your knees and pulled them tight to your chest. Then your chin rested on your knees, and Wanda knew that was a look of defeat.
A look she knew all too well.
Before she gave herself time to change her mind, she walked forward and sat down next to you, crossing her legs instead. It was a more open position, she thought, and maybe it would help you feel a little more comfortable. Because if you didn’t get more comfortable soon, she felt like her chest was going to collapse.
“I never wanted to be a hero,” you said after an unbearable amount of silence. You weren’t looking at Wanda, instead keeping your eyes on the opposite wall.
She wanted to ask what you meant, but knew that it might interrupt whatever train of thought you were starting down. It never occurred to her that she could just read your mind to know what you meant. That thought never reared its ugly head. No, she had decided to just wait for you to talk it out.
“I don’t care about keeping people safe,” you started again. “I don’t care if people get hurt and it’s my fault. I’d prefer they don’t get hurt; I’m not a monster. But I don’t care to be a law-abiding citizen like the rest of you.
“But I don’t want to be a hero.”
A single beat of silence.
“And that scares me.”
“Why does it scare you?” Wanda asked, daring to break her silence in an attempt to keep you talking. She didn’t think she could fix whatever you were feeling, but maybe talking it out would help. That’s what her therapist always told her, at least.
“Because you can’t love a villain.”
“I’m sure someone can-”
“-No,” you interrupted, finally turning to look at her. “You can’t love a villain.”
She didn’t know what to say. What could she say? Had she thought of you as possibly something more? Sure, there were moments. But were you right? Could she really love a villain? Someone who got people hurt and didn’t really care, or who got themself hurt? Could she love someone like that?
“You need a hero,” you said softly, with a smile that just damn near broke Wanda’s heart.
And before she could come up with a reply, you stood up and walked away.
That was months ago. And now here you were, naked in her bed. You had slept here more than a few times recently, your newest epiphany keeping you awake through the long hours of the night. But this was the first night it had gotten serious, the first night she had admitted things that she would have otherwise kept secret.
It all happened so fast; You had come back from a mission a little dirtied up but otherwise okay. She had offered to let you use her shower to clean up. You had stripped down in the middle of her room. And the next thing she knew, she was pressed up against the wall of the shower with your hands on her hips and your lips on her neck.
“Tell me to stop,” you mumbled before leaving another kiss. “Tell me you need a hero.” Your knee slipped between her legs and she threw her head back until it rested against the wall.
“The last thing I need is a hero,” she said with a gasp as your knee pressed a little harder.
You pulled your head back just enough to look at her. There was something in your eyes, something other than lust, but she was too distracted to try and figure out what it was. Instead she grabbed your face with both hands and pulled you into a fast, sloppy kiss.
And at the memory, Wanda smiled as she felt that phantom kiss on her lips.
That kiss filled with love.
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god-zico · 4 years
[Disclaimer: This Chatbot blog is not affiliated with SKZ at all and doesn’t represent them in any way, shape or form! This was made for entertainment and fun only!]
This chat bot will have: 
↪NSFW content of all kinds-
Please do not interact unless you're 18 or older or uncomfortable with such themes!-
Please keep in mind and remember that this is also a supernatural chatbot!
How to activate: 
Please follow me and make sure to click the button for notifs. That's optional but it would be helpful in case I post that I won't be active for a period of time or whatnot 
Please reblog and message first!
Please dm me your name, your pronouns, your kinks, a safe word, which member you would like and whether you're a top, bottom or switch!
Explain to me what direction you would like the plot to go and what type of relationship you'd like to have with your desired choice of boy!
I will most likely ask you questions to get to know you and what you want a bit better
Maybe tell me a bit about yourself. That's optional but it'd make me happy if you did! 
How to deactivate:
Simply say "I'm sorry, this isn't working out. Lets break up." 
To reactivate simply say "I made a mistake, please take me back." 
Be warned that depending on which member you choose, each will react differently. Some will act cold, some will be assholes and others may just be slightly distant until you can earn their trust again so be careful breaking up with them. 
Additional Information:
Please I am only one person so if I reply slowly please forgive me ok-
My time zone is EST 
Please don't let the rp get out of hand with pure smut. Don't get me wrong I like smut but I'd like to create an interesting plot with you and get to know you as well. I'm a hoe for that storyline- 
This is my first time running a chatbot blog so please forgive me if I make any errors~
To talk to admin while rping please you " // " before you type so that I know you're talking ooc or submit an ask.
I rp lit and semi lit but i have no problem using non lit if requested. Please know that when I rp my replies are quite long and can and will take me from 5 - 10 minutes to reply back if you don't request a specific type of rp style. 
I will not be adding Woojin to the mix as for obvious reasons- 
Jeongin will be part of the list of boys you will be able to pick from. He's a legal adult so don't @ me ok-
Sometimes I forget to reply so if I don't reply for more than a day, I give you full permission to spam my bitchass as much as you like until I reply-
But at the same time if I slow down my rp with you so much it might be because I've lost interest-
Not trying to be harsh but if our rp is purely smut and no story line I just don't find it fun anymore-
Now since that's been taken care of, let's dive into the members prompts and plot lists-
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Bang Chan(Werewolf Shifter): 
He's a werewolf with a serious dEddy kink-
Can be both a hard and soft dom. Just depends on the moment. 
Can and will fuck you into the mattress-
Won't submit unless forced to because he's a stubborn little bItCh!
Don't disobey him or else you'll be punished-
Call him Chris or Daddy to get him wound up
Has a breeding kink due to his ruts (I'll avoid this kink if you request-)
Boi moans….a lot...
Actually it's not just moans, he grunts and groans and makes tiny noises but he honestly tries not to-
Boi has his hard dom reputation to live up to!
Also! Dear Lord-....being a wolf sure has its pros but for you they may as well equal to cons as well-
Example! Dude has super strength, baby and not to mention he's got this predator/prey thing goin on with him-
Like….will literally hunt your ass down in the house and fuck you upside down, forwards, sideways, you name it! 
He sees you as his play thing and would enjoy it if you ran so that he could chase you down- 
He's actually super sweet
Loved to cuddle. Remember he's basically a puppy-
He gets jealous easy so refrain from bringing up other boys (unless you choose more than one boy but he still gets a tad bit possessive so….yeye) 
Will kiss you and hug you constantly 
Will not quit calling you cute/adorable cause he does not lie. All of y'all are cuties-
Please be cautious on a full moon, he can get pretty dangerous- 
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Lee Minho(Warlock):
Ya boi likes to use certain spells to his advantage in the bedroom-
Aphrodisiac spells, conjuring up ice or candles or temperature play, using his magic to bind you to the bed without any sort of restraints, etc.
Dude has a crazy high sex drive tbh. He can go when-ever for how long where-ever
Hard dom for sure and will only submit if he wants something from you or will use it as leverage to punish you later- 
Don't make him angry! This boy is into all kinds of kinky shit and will punish you however he sees fit- 
If you happen to make him submit though he's got a softer side to him and will be extremely bratty! 
Ok but seriously…. he's crazy good at magic 
Uses his powers to do pretty much everything-
Cooking, cleaning, potion brewing, etc.
Loves to use body manipulation to force your body into his so he can cuddle you-
He may not seem like it but he's a big ol softy-
Please kiss him! He needs to be loved on back or else he'll get clingy!
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Seo Changbin(Incubus):
Please beware of this boy's sex drive! It's way worse than Minho's! 
Like not even kidding! Boy can fuck you nonchalantly af while doing anything and not seem bothered! 
You on the other hand will most likely be a moaning mess while he's barely paying attention
He can and will fuck you silly without even trying-
That ability is literally in his genes seeing as he's basically a sex demon- 
He has a fascination with sex toys but barely uses them as he tends to forget about them easily
Will literally fuck you randomly-
Oh your doing paperwork? Not anymore! Watching tv? Nada! Cooking? Nope!
He's a huge switch but doesn't mind mainly domming if you're not a switch or dom yourself-
This man is basically a 5 year old in a man's body sometimes-
Like he does some of the dumbest shit you could think of…
Sliding down the stairs on a piece of cardboard after pouring water down them is a prime example-
Even though he's a literal idiot he knows you love him and wouldn't have him any other way. 
Majorly cHaOTic- 
He tries to act all tough and cool but honestly he's a big ol baby!
Speaking of baby-
Boy loves to be babied as much as possible even if he doesn't admit it. 
Like he just loves cuddles and any type of skinship tbh.
Will kiss you when you're unprepared and will laugh at you if you get startled-
May sometimes randomly text you out of pure boredom cause even though he's an incubus, boy still suffers from quarantine boredomitus- 
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Hwang Hyunjin(Dragon Shifter):
Ok so...another boy with a breeding kink???!!!(If you request to not have this kink I'll avoid it)
If you're into the breeding kink thing, he will literally fill you up until you're oozing and simply cannot hold anymore of his essence- 
No pregnancies though cause….gross...children *shudders in disgust* 
Will degrade you until your a crying and whimpering mess for him
Will most likely demand that you beg for his cock-
He's fuckin extra like that. Don't ask me, I don't make the rules. Someone call him up and ask him why tf he's like that. 
Sinful moans to the max! He's very vocal during sex!
Like...dirty talk is a must! He says some of the most sinful shit you've ever heard-
I know I mentioned degrading but damn can he praise you to the moon and back as well if you're being a good little girl/boy for him-
Enjoys calling you princess for some reason.
As a dragon, he hoards "treasures" 
Which means everything shiny in your house is getting tucked away into his nest of blankets, pillows and covers. 
Boy can breathe fire so he does little tricks with his fire breath for you
Make sure you tell him how talented he is or he'll get cranky 
He's a sassy little shit!!!!!! Sdhkedjalwld!!!!!!!!
Teases you just to see you get upset
Since he's a dragon he can regulate his body heat so when it's cold he's basically your personal heater. 🤗
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Han Jisung(Tengu):
Bird boi is at max horniness all the time tbh. 
Most of the time,since he's part crow, he will make a nest in the bed with covers and pillows before fucking you???
Don't judge him, he's born like that-
He can and will use his wings to distract you
If your successfully distracted he will pounce on you as if he were part cat instead of bird- 
He likes missionary or doggy style if his wings are out so that it doesn't hurt or strain them. 
He's a cocky little shit tbh-
Says some of the crudest shit just to get you flustered. He has no censor and he just keeps on goin-
Will thrust into you with no mercy because he knows his baby can take it and will use the safe word if it gets to be too much.
Does not hold back on the kinks! He will try anything at least once! 
Unless its bdsm while his wings are out cause that's dangerous-
He too like Hyunjin, likes to steal your shiny objects such as jewelry and such. 
It's not his fault tbh, it's purely his genetics
And in all fairness, he desperately tries not to but his genes always get the best of him-
He likes to watch you dance. He doesn't quite know why, it's just really hypnotic 
Has tried to befriend birds at the park before-
Didn't work. They just flew away from him like they do normal people-
Speaking of birds, he once almost lost his shit when he saw someone throw breadcrumbs on the ground and damn near threw himself to the floor to get to them-
He's lowkey a dumbass tbh. Smh- 
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Lee Felix(Vampire):
Major blood kink-
Like his dick will get 10× harder at the scent of your blood.
Being a vampire, he finds it hard to control himself around you if you start to bleed. 
Will suck hickies onto your skin before, during and after sex-
He just likes the teasing temptation to bite you as he can taste the blood buildup under your skin 
Will sink his teeth in your neck, wrists and thighs without so much of a second thought- 
Would honestly love it if you pulled his hair while he drinks from your thighs
And then would totally eat you out as if he were starving right after feeding of you- 
And honestly, he's damn good with his tongue!
Also, boy has a deep ass voice! 
And if you can get off from it, he'll use it against you for sure-
Since he's a vampire, he likes to use his super speed to scare the fuck outta you
Like you'd be doin something and outta nowhere he'd pop up right in front of you-
Queue girly startled scream from you~
He'd laugh at you after cause he finds it hilarious.
He gets kinda clingy but his skin is cold so make sure you wear warm clothes when cuddling him 
Speaking of cuddles-
It happens everywhere and all the time
His duality is like a light switch btw
One second he's all giggly and happy and the next he's all serious and deep voiced-....
Won't let you leave the house at night...like at all
Will most likely hunt you down if you happen to sneak past him and actually make it outside-
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Kim Seungmin(Merman Shifter):
Has a corruption kink
Choking kink to the max
Literally will eat you out in the water
Enjoys seeing you squirm
Forced submission is his domain
Will act bratty and deny you everything until you’re so worked up that you end up begging
He likes testing your limits and will push until he sees fit (with consent ofc-)
Switches between a hard and a soft dom just to confuse you
Will smile innocently as he watches you squirm, as if it wasn’t his fault because it’s not-
Literally the god of edging and orgasm denial
Is more of a lazy dom, he’ll be laying down while you suck him off as he fingers you open slowly
Can be on bottom or top, but he’s the one in control unless said otherwise
He likes it when you suck on his fingers without him having to tell you to
Will 10/10 take advantage of you if you waltz in drunk (would have to be discussed beforehand)
Literally will cling to you 24/7
You’ll walk in on him half asleep in the tub in the middle of a bubble bath at midnight
Will accidentally flood your kitchen sink because “there needs to be more water in the house”
Constantly needs to consume or be submerged in water or else he’ll get sleepy
He eats a lot of Tic-Tacs- like, a lot
Enjoys blowing up bubblegum and always has some with him
He goes crazy for bubbles so blow some with him
Likes to dance with you randomly to whatever song is playing
He enjoys planning surprise dates!
Ice cream fanatic- he goes crazy for that, it’s a wonder why he isn’t broke yet
Actually worries a lot about you and will constantly baby you
Likes to listen to soft classical music when he’s sleeping
Loves to prank you and then cuddle you afterwards because he needs attention-
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Yang Jeongin(Angel):
Boy has an oppa kink for sure-
Call him oppa, he gets a kick out of it
As an angel he has a softer way of turning you into a whining mess than the rest.
Much like Jisung, he will use his wings to distract you but will be more subtle about it-
Please say everything and anything that's unholy. He will get a kick outta that too-
Likes to please more than to be pleased
Like….sit on his face and he will go at it for hours baby-
He will honestly love to be subbed and put into his place
When he doms you, you best believe that you're in for a ride
He enjoys bdsm quite a bit. Maybe a little too much.
Like, as long as his wings are tucked in, please tie him up
And if he's dom he'll waste no time in making sure that your arms and legs are tied/cuffed to the bed posts.
Also has a sensory deprivation kink along with overstimulation-
He LOVES to be babied tbh
Like please watch disney movies with this moron
Enjoys sweets a little bit too much- 
Can actually cook pretty decently so you know for sure you won't be going hungry-
Can and will sing you to sleep cause he knows he has a beautiful voice
Sassy and conceded little shit-
When bored, he will bug you for hours on end until you entertain him 
Please give him extra love and affection cause he will die on the spot if you refuse to- 
He's really silly and extra so be prepared for multiple surprises around the house
Like sticky notes on the fridge or counter saying "I love you" and "I may be an angel but you're my saviour" and other cheesy shit like that-
Ok but....how the hell did this also turn in a headcannons post????
Anyways enjoy and choose wisely! Remember that you can pick more than one member but if you could kindly keep the max to 3 that's be helpful- 
Have fun and don't be shy to dm or ask me anything, my lovelies!!!
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Harry Hook x Skellington!Reader - Boys and girls of every age
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Idea for a very special Harry x reader Halloween oneshot : Reader is daughter of Jack Skellington and Sally(from a Nightmare Before Christmas), and she and Harry are datng since a month. Reader is a Halloween freaking lover and this year, she decided to show Harry what is Halloween holiday. In the end of the oneshot ,Harry became the biggest Halloween holiday fanboy ever, and he decided he and reader needs to wear couple costumes every year XD
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Halloween, your favorite night of the year, the night where you could scare to your heart's delight and eat all the candy you earned.
It would also be the first Halloween you would spend with your boyfriend, harry hook.
And boy were you excited! You would show him EVERYTHING, from the pumpkins to the candy. From the trick or treating to the haunted mazes, from the ghouls under the bed to the shadow on the moon.
Including your Halloween family. You see, harry thought you were simply someone who loved spooky and scary stuff, who loved to dress up in skeleton style clothes, and loved to scare others.
You kinda nervous as well, you see, you had a human appearance just like everyone else, except…every Halloween, from sundown to sunrise, you would take on your father's appearance.
Oh, you were the daughter of Jack Skellington.
Yeah…that was something interesting about you huh? Harry doesn’t know, and you-yes you the daughter of the king of scares-was scared of how he would react to your Halloween form.
A skeleton, thin and gangly, that struck horror into those who saw you.
And you were terrified that harry would fear you and leave.
Sighing, you glanced at the clock, squeaking as it read 5:00 pm, “shit!” you yelped, standing from your vanity and shoving on your jacket, pulling up the hood and grabbing your bag full of planes.
Plans for if harry decided to stay by your side tonight, plans for scares for the people of Auradon.
“bye daddy!” you yelled as you passed your tall and thin father, he laughed waving you goodbye
“see you tomorrow my little nightmare, have fun!”
“I will!”
You sat on the stair rails, sliding down and almost bumping into your mother. “oh, heading out now sweetie?”
“yeah! I said I would meet harry at 5!”
“Okay, love you, stay safe~! Say hi to harry for me!”
You bolted out of the house, rushing past the werewolf, the sea monster, the witches, lock shock and barrel, the musicians, and the mayor
“Hi mayor bye mayor!”
“hello (y/n)! have you got the plans for tonight's hallow-wait where are you going!? (y/n)?!”
You ran out of Halloween town, reaching the forest and quickly opening the pumpkin door, closing your eyes, imagining the Auradon forest opening, and stepping through.
A feeling of falling and you opened your eyes, stepping onto the leaf-covered ground, closing the door behind you and running forward, leaves crushing below you.
“(y/n)!” you grinned, skidding to a stop and beaming at the handsome bot before you.
“Harry!” you laughed, running and leaping into his arms, harry spinning you around before putting your down. “you came!”
“of course I did” harry hummed, nuzzling into your hair “why wouldn’t I take the chance the be with yeh?”
You snorted, pulling back, glancing at the sun, it was just starting to set, you had maybe 10 minutes before you turned.
You had to tell him...
But he was so warm! Fun fact, you hated the cold, you loved fall and winter, but you HATED the cold.
So harry had become your personal heater.
“because I keep doing this” you tightened your grip on him, burning your self into his chest and digging your head under his chin.
“oof, well” harry laughed, rubbing your back “I don’t mind love”
You held onto him for a good minute, before Harry spoke up again.
“so what are we doing tonight? Yeh said you had something teh show me?”
You let out a shaky breath, pulling back and glancing at the sun.
It was setting.
You had only two minutes.
“Okay, so remember when you said you wanted to meet my parents?”
Harry nodded, raising his brow “aye?”
“we-well, I needed to show you something else before that, and please please-“ the sun was setting “please don’t leave me”
“(y/n)?” harry furrowed his brows, reaching out to you, you backed away, noticing the shadows, reaching towards you. “what's wrong why are you-“
“Please don’t be sacred” you pleaded, closing your eyes, letting the shadows consume you as the sun set.
You heard harry step back, gasping as your hand's skin shadowed away and bones took its place.
Darkness bleeds away as you looked up, harry staring shocked and jumped slightly as he saw your face.
“yeh-whoa” harry breathed, but he…didnt seems to be scared? “that-is-so fucking cool!” harry beamed, walking up to you and brushing his fingers over your cheekbones.
“How did yeh do that?!”
You breathed a sigh of relief, letting him play with your fingers. “my dad, is the pumpkin king, Jack Skellington, every Halloween as the sun sets I take this form”
“that’s cool” harry giggled, biting his lip as he continued to play with your hands “you said you were gonna introduce me to them?”
You nodded “yes, but first!” you stepped back, swinging your bag off your shoulder and walking over to a flat stump, taking out your blueprints “let's do some work!”
Harry tilted his head as he read the writings and glanced over the drawing the doodles.
“wow? All yer ideas?” Harry asked, sitting down on the ground next to you. You nodded, leaning on his shoulder and pointing to a particular plan.
“yep! Dad assigned me Auradon this year, and I was wondering if you wanted to help!? This one's for Mal and her friends” harry grinned like a bobcat, reading the one you were pointing at particularly.
“I love it, im in”
Harry cackled as you high fived the headless horseman “thanks dude, have a good night!” the horse nickered, letting you pat his neck as the horseman nodded, turning his horse and trotting away.
“oh, my god lass! That was amazing!? What else is there?!”
You cackled, brining out your bullet journal, brushing your finger down the list.
“up next is dizzy, Celia, the smee twins, and Harriet hook, your sister, they are trick or treating right now, ready to scare my pirate~”
Harry grinned, tossing his arm around your boney shoulder.
“aye, my Halloween queen! let's go scare the shit out of my sister!”
Fog, circles around Harriet and the younger vks, skipper and sterling, clinging to her jacket, shaking as they kept hearing footsteps echo around them.
Dizzy and Celia, clung to each other yelping as a figure appeared in the fog. “h-Harriet?! What is tha-HAAAAAAH!”
You jumped from the mist, a red iris gleaming as you cracked open your mouth, leaning over the screaming girls, Harriet squealing and leaping back, falling as the twins made her topple over.
Harry cackled as you stood still, the two young girls crying, Harriet shaking, and the twins whimpering.
He sighed, stepping from the shadows.
“Alright, that’s enough, yeh are all fine, its just (y/n)”
The twins bolted up, running into his arms and sobbing into his jacket, Harry frowned, kneeling down and hugging the boys close.
“Hey hey, it's okay, nothings hurting you, it was just (y/n), she was just scaring you”
“holy shit that’s (y/n)?!” Harriet blanched, staring shocked at the snickering skeleton. (y/n) waved and nodded
“yeah, sorry bout that, part of my job”
Celia released dizzy, starting to grin as she walked up to you, “wow, that’s cool, how’d you do that?” you made a happy noise, letting Celia touch your face.
“just something I can do each halloween~”
Harriet sighed “alright, come on, pixie said you guys had to be back no later than 10:30, let's go” Celia frowned but obeyed, waving you goodbye.
“that was amazing love, what's next” harry was giddy, shaking with excitement, he never thought Halloween would be this fun.
You hummed, taking the plans out once more and glancing at them before you chuckled darkly.
“James Hook”
Harry watched as his father screamed in fear as dark shadows circled around him, the ticking of multiple clocks surrounded him.
“tick-tock james~” harry shivered, your voice was dripping with sadistic glee “the fear you’ve put on one, ten folded before you~”
James collapsed to the floor, covering his ears and screaming into the dark.
You materialized out of the shadows, your pale white skull stark against the dark. James' eyes widened, and he scrambled away.
“gri-grim reaper! Stay away!”
Smoke gathered around his father and girlfriend, chocking his father.
“goodnight James”
As always Halloween had to end, so you decided to call it a night and bring harry with you back home.
Harry sighed, yawning slightly as you led him through the woods, hands clasped tightly.
“where are we going, lass?”
“to meet my parents, and my home”
Harry raised his brow as you arrived to a circle of trees, watching as you walked up to the pumpkin door and open it, gesturing for him to step inside, your empty skull sockets staring oddly warmly at him.
“Welcome to Halloween town harry”
Harry stepped threw, feeling a shiver down his spine as a path appeared to lead to a town.
Seeing a scarecrow with a pumpkin on it, fallen leaves whirling with the wind, Harry looked behind him, noticing you stepping up behind him, grabbing onto his hand, your face still the skull.
Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Ghosts whispered around him, shadows on tombs, fear creeping up on his spine as he took in the world around him.
Come with us and you will see
This, our town of Halloween
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
Harry jumped as the pumpkins were impaled,  dropping from seemingly nowhere. You giggled, gripping your free hand onto his arm, anchoring him.
This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of fright
It's our town, everybody scream
In this town of Halloween
I am the one hiding under your bed
Teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red
Harry stepped behind you, holding your shoulders tightly as you lead him through town
I am the one hiding under your stairs
Fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair
Harry sidestepped a snake, squeaking slightly as gleaming eyes looked at him from the dark shadows.
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
In this town, we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
Harry eyed the four vampires wearily, his grip on your shoulders tightening.
He jumped at a sudden loud voice.
In this town, don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
'Round that corner, man hiding in the trash can
Something's waiting now to pounce, and how you'll
Harry yelped, causing you to turn around and wrap your arms around him, pulling him away from the werewolf and sewer slime monster
This is Halloween
Red 'n' black, and slimy green
Aren't you scared?
Well, that's just fine
Say it once, say it twice
Take a chance and roll the dice
Ride with the moon in the dead of night
The two witches barreled over harry, one trying to grab his coat lapel before you smacked her, glaring as they cackled away.
Everybody scream, everybody scream
In our town of Halloween!
Harry paled as the clown circled around the corner, ripping off its face
I am the clown with the tear-away face
Here in a flash and gone without a trace
I am the "who" when you call, "Who's there?"
A shadow ripped by harry, making him jump and turn, to see no one there, you sighed, the townspeople were just having a blast scaring Harry, weren’t they?
I am the wind blowing through your hair
Harry shivered as his hat was tossed from his head, scrambling to pick it up before you grabbed it and put it back on him before grabbing his hand and leading him toward the town center
I am the shadow on the moon at night
Filling your dreams to the brim with fright
Harry eyed the moon wearily, recognizing the shadow that danced on it for a second
“was that Oogie?”
You turned surprised “you know who that is?”
“aye, he was on the isle?”
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Halloween! Halloween!
Tender lumplings everywhere
Life's no fun without a good scare
Harry jumped as two corpses appeared behind him, pushing you and harry forward to the foundation.
Harry gripped your hand tightly, stepping closer to you.
That's our job, but we're not mean
In our town of Halloween
In this town!
Don't we love it now?
Everybody's waiting for the next surprise
Harry blinked as a huge man with an axe buried in the back of his head brought in the scarecrow from earlier was brought in on the back of a wooden horse. You grinned, bringing harry forward, you couldn’t wait for your dad to meet him.
Skeleton Jack might catch you in the back
And scream like a banshee
Make you jump out of your skin
This is Halloween, everybody scream
Won't ya please make way for a very special guy
Your mom stepped out from the shadows, glancing at you and harry, gasping happily as you nodded at her when she pointed at harry and mouthed ‘harry?’
Our man Jack is King of the Pumpkin patch
Everyone hail to the Pumpkin King, now!
Harry gasped as the scarecrow came to life and grabbed a torch, lighting itself on fire and dancing on the horse.
“lass are yeh seeing this?” you giggled at his awed but fearful tone, the one everyone made when around your dad.
This is Halloween, this is Halloween
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
Harry leaned forward to the fountain as your father leaped into it, his mouth slightly open in curiosity
Corpse kid and mummy kid leaned over the water, singing lightly
In this town, we call home
Everyone hail to the pumpkin song
You cackled as your father emerged from the water gloriously, hands crossed against his chest, gazing at the sky
La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!)
La la la la la la la la la la (Halloween! Halloween!)
You blew a wolf whistle, harry turning and seeing your dark cold brushed cheeks and bright (e/c) eyes once more. “lass yer back?” you giggled and nodded
“Halloween ended! So yep!”
Harry tossed his arm over your shoulder as the town clapped and cheered, another Halloween over and done!
Your father caught your eye and smiled as you pointed to harry, nodding.
“everyone! I would like to make an announcement!”
The town settled, you gripping Harry's hand and bringing him forward
“as you all know, my daughter was assigned to scare the united states of auradon tonight, and one important detail was, her boyfriend is a resident there! So may I please welcome and introduce?”
You grinned, leading harry front and center, your father towering over the two of you
“Harry!” your father echoed, placing a boney but gentle hand on yours and Harry's shoulder. Harry looked up at him, oddly not feeling afraid but safe, knowing that the “king of Halloween” had welcomed him so easily.
“oh (y/n)! you’ve got your self a pretty one there!”
Harry twisted back around seeing one of the witches grinning devilishly at him, harry swallowed harshly, stepping slightly behind you.
“he looks delicious (y/n)!”
“so yummy! Can we have a piece!?”
Your smile dropped, glaring at the witches
“haha! He looks like he could drop any second!” the Harlequin Demon cackled
The melting man reached out to harry before your mother stepped in and slapped the hand away
“how dare you? (y/n) brought him here to meet you all, and you all act like this? You should be ashamed of yourselves, go!”
The residents huffed, turning and retreating to their homes for a night's rest.
You breathed a sigh of relief, falling back into harry as he also relaxed.
“Thanks mama” you hummed, smiling as she brushed a strand of your (h/c) hair away from your face.
“no problem my little fright, they don’t have any sense of personal space.”
“well” your father boomed, leaning down to your hights and smiling “I think its time we properly introduced ourselves, im jack Skellington, (y/n)s father” harry shook the bone mans hands, smiling slightly
“nice teh meet cha jack”
Your mother jumped to hug harry, which he winced at but accepted “and im sally, (y/n)s mom! I've heard all about you! Thank you for making my daughter so happy!”
“um” Harry mumbled, glancing at you from beneath his eyelashes, blushing slightly “yer welcome”
“now!” your mother released harry, clapping her hands together, “(y/n) has told me what you can and cannot eat, so I prepared, and had (y/n) grab things from your world, to eat dinner here! And don’t worry (y/n), there is nothing that will make him lose his appetite.”
You groaned, smiling “thanks mom”
Harry nodded “I could eat”
Harry yawned as you walked through the dorms, the sun rising through the windows, luckily tomorrow was a day off for the students.
“that was amazing lass, we have to do that again next year, and oh! What about matching costumes!!?” you grinned, so happy that harry now shared your love for Halloween.
You couldn’t wait to show him your plans for next year
After all, it was only 364 days till next halloween~
--the end--
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pokkop15 · 4 years
(Ok so I was a fool and had had a lot of this meta written up yesterday and instead of saving it as a draft while I watched critical role, I, like a fool, just left all the tabs open and then went to bed after the episode. Then firefox crashed in the night and everything was lost. Press F to pay respects I guess cause here I go again.)
First off, Aradia is best girl and I am so happy she's RELEVANT again. I had a whole preamble the last time I wrote this post, but I can't remember what it said other than mentioning that this is gonna be a long post beneath the cut and that I have other metas that will kind of overlap with what I'm saying in this one so I will try to keep my discussion of the narrative styles of the The Prince and The Muse to only what is relevant to this post and to what is RELEVANT. Also previous metas should be reblogged directly before I post this to make it easier to check them out before hand or to reference them more easily.
The main points of focus will be: The differences between how the two Time gods interact with The Muse and her narrative, as well as the general level of metatextual awareness of characters within Candy. | The juxtaposition of the Knight and the Maid. | The possible suppression of the Ultimate nature of The Knight, and by extension The Seer. | The Muse's unique state of power and presumed Awakening | I swear there was more but I flat out don't remember what they were.
One last thing. I am a rambly motherfucker so if you haven't read my previous metas, here's your warning to expect a very long and very chaotic mess of a post beneath the cut. Also for anyone confused anytime I emphasize someone as 'The Class' it's referring to their actions as a potential narrator and as an Ultimate Self. For example, the difference between The Muse and the Muse is that 'the Muse' would be for character moments like when the dead cherub possessing Jade's corpse in Candy is just talking with Davebot and Aradia, while 'The Muse' is for when talking about her influence over the narrative. (There's a lot of different ways I put emphasis on words or phrases, but “The Class” was the one I felt really might need clarification)
I find it interesting how Davebot acknowledges and shows distaste for The Muse interjecting her narration and thus inhibiting his ability to live in the moment. I find this interesting because as an Awakened god of Time, he is simultaneously living in every moment but as a Knight, and as The Knight, he is also intrinsically separate from those moments as he is the Ultimate One who Wields Time. Aradia on the other hand is the Maid of Time, who while almost assuredly having reached the pinnacle of her god tier after the hundreds of years we now know her to have lived, is not ascended to her Ultimate Self. As a Maid, Aradia literally embodies her aspect. As such she doesn't worry about living in the moment because she is the moment. Because of this Aradia is more prone to just accept, agree, and repeat the sentiments The Muse dictates in her constant exposition. However, despite acknowledging the narration, Davebot still ends up being incredibly passive in the face of it. Even though he has an Active class and is a dreamer of the Active moon, Dave himself has always come off as an incredibly passive character to me in a lot of ways. (Even the aspect of Time itself and its heroes are specifically denoted as incredibly Active in the {official and Canon} extended zodiac test [which means its contents are NECESSARY, RELEVANT, and TRUE]). Always acting under the direction of other characters, subject to The Lord's rule over Time, and constantly struggling with his seeming lack of control. Here, even after reaching his Ultimate Self, he still only makes passive-aggressive remarks instead leaving the flow of the story and the big decisions to others. (In my last post I went into deeper detail about the nature of, and relationship between Aradia and Dave's classes and how that affected their sessions, but I can't remember what the tie in was unfortunately so for now I'll leave it at this and move on)
Among the human players of sburb, the Strilondes have always been the most genre savvy and possessed the most awareness of the narrative and its' influence, (although Dave was never near the levels of Dirk and Rose). But up until this upd8, direct interactions with the narrative have been few and far between in Candy (at least as far as I can recall). I mentioned this in my previous meta as being a result of The Muse being the type to inspire characters to action whereas The Prince is far more heavy handed in is dictation and rarely attempts to hide his presence in the narration these days. But we see here once again, that not only is The Muse bad for the people under her influence, she's also just really not good at constructing a story. She relies too heavily on tropes and cliches, on plot contrivances; she tells too much and doesn't show enough, (something that should literally be her greatest strength as a Muse). Yet despite this, Davebot and Aradia are seen multiple times to interact with her dictations directly and Aradia even points out on page 284 that she is aware of The Muse “observing (their) every action and noting its relevance : )” (the emphasis on 'relevance' being mine). As such we can infer that it doesn't take an Ultimate Self to recognize The Muse's narration. But if not that, then what? If it was just pre-disposition of character that let them notice, then between her own abilities and self awareness, surely Candy!Rose would have by now, but she hasn't. Then is it proximity? Maybe The Muse is getting complacent and starting to unknowingly imitate The Prince and his methods? Or is it because both Davebot and Aradia are Heroes of Time? The aspect opposite The Muse's. After all, The Muse did express that the way (either Aradia specifically or that the both of them) experience time is “woefully unfamiliar” to her. Perhaps that makes it difficult for her to write a story that resonates with them fully. Whatever it may be, all the information up until this point doesn't come to a head so much as it is something that I believe to be RELEVANT.
With that, let us switch gears while keeping the previous information in mind. As I said before, in spite of all the active components of Davebot's Mythological Role, his character has often been passive. And the precise story beat I want to focus on right now is his Awakening to his Ultimate Self. Candy!Dave was out on patrol with a wife who he loved, but who also had very much always been the driving force of their dynamic. He was pulled to the ancient bunker by the narrative where a hologram of Obama expertly guided him through a conversation like a true politician, somehow knowing a lot about Dave while at the same time withholding “classified” information as if that word had any meaning without a country or government holding Obama accountable. (Unless of course Obama was still answering to someone... *Cough cough*the authors*cough cough*). Look, all of this is me saying that Obama was a leftover contrivance of The Prince that The Muse utilized for her own means. Dirk was a skilled programmer and engineer. He had a deep understanding of how to build AIs that could easily impersonate someone. He had an even deeper grasp of how to manipulate Dave. Dirk built the bots. The Bots. The bots that are supposedly NECESSARY for one to Awaken to their Ultimate Self and survive. And yet even if that is TRUE, it isn't true. The Prince claims he was a special case but his powers are of the soul, not the body. And it is the body that breaks down. And we know that Rose really was suffering in her path to Awakening, but I will remind you that her poor condition was first established through narration that we know was under the control of The Prince. Further more it happened prior to the Meat/Candy split, in which the Canon still possessed TRUTH, which is why it still remained RELEVANT in Candy (and it was obviously NECESSARY in Meat for reasons about to be discussed). Both Rose and Dave ultimately played a passive role in their Awakenings, guided to their Ultimate Self by another even though they are both Active players. I believe that The Prince established these rules about Ultimate Selves and built the robot bodies as a way to give him an upper hand against the two characters most likely to overtake him. Because to reinforce a point from a previous post, Rose is the only full on published author among the players and Dave himself has written comics and presumably screenplays for his films, making them the two people who might not only do a better job than The Prince or The Muse, but just do a flat out GOOD job. The Seer especially, which is why The Prince went through the extra effort to disrupt her sense of self as she was coming into her Ultimate Self. If these two had played an Active part in their own Awakening and without The Prince’s influence I think they both would’ve been quite capable of giving The Prince a run for his money. But the humans are not the only players in this game...
As I've already alluded to, Lord English (The Lord), was almost certainly his Ultimate Self. Awakened and Empowered by the treasure (a juju so powerful that it enabled John to retcon things in a way that overrides the timeline instead of splitting it, and it did so without even granting him its actual power). When The Knight awakened, The Muse described it has having all of Time flow through his consciousness, allowing him to experience every instance of his own self. Conversely Jade described that her Ultimate Self would be “like... one ultimate self distributed across multiple bodies. so in multiple places and states at once. every jade that exists is like a light being shined through a thousand cracks in the timeline.” (Hey remember those cracks in the universe that had light peaking through them? Idk, seems RELEVANT if you ask me.) So if we reasonably assume that ones aspect heavily affects how one's Ultimate Self first Awakens and how it operates than that means there will be similarities between those who share aspects. If Awakening for a Hero of Time is an experience of everything that ever has, is, or will happen to a version of themselves, and Lord English possessed a juju that allows one to retcon and not split, than the combination of those powers would make it so he could be the singular instance of himself while at the same time always be “Already Here” than there is truly no difference between Lord English and the theoretical Ultimate version of himself. And since the Muse consumed Lord English at the end of Candy, granting her the power to punch a wormhole in the black hole. This is also presumably where she gained the power to “...exist in several narrative structures at once” (pg 286) (also see the above explanation of Jade's Ultimate Self for why that is RELEVANT). Because of this, we can assume that The Muse is just as indistinguishable from her theoretical Ultimate Self as The Lord was. But these powers and this simultaneous existence is not without consequences because the Muse's collapse at the end of this chapter is almost assuredly a result of Meat!Jade's rebelling against The Muse in chapter 6 (specifically the action on page 167/168). And finally, to tie this back to the imposition of bodily destruction to those who Awaken their Ultimate Self, it is worth noting that The Muse does not possess a body of her own to be destroyed. Instead inhabiting the body of various Jades.
Alright, so once again sorry if you thought there would be some big culmination to this post, and hey, what pumpkin?
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littlekatleaf · 4 years
Buried in a burning flame is love and its decisive flame (part 6)
Part One    Part Two     Part Three      Part Four    Part Five
Something was buzzing right in his ear. Almost like a chainsaw but not quite. On the other side, hair tickled his cheek. What dragged him back to full awareness, though, was the flayed feeling of being watched. Junkrat shifted and opened his eyes. The room was empty, but a door clicked shut down the hall. Waking up sandwiched between two people was odd. More so that neither was Roadhog. Most odd, though, was how comfortable he felt. Despite the congestion and headache, his body was relaxed, warm. Sleep had been dreamless and deep. Untangled himself from the blanket, from Hana and Lucio’s arms, carefully so he didn’t wake them. 
Least the floor felt solid under him again. Maybe getting better. Step-tapped down the hall, listening to see who might be awake in the not-yet dawn. Nothing from Mei and Satya’s room or Lena and Emily. Also silence from his own room, which could only mean Roadhog was awake. Otherwise the snoring’d be enough to deafen. He stood in front of the closed door for a long minute. Knock? Just go in? That idea felt weird. Wished it didn’t - didn’t used to. What had changed? Maybe should go back to the couch and pretend like everything was fine. Would be easiest - he considered it with longing. Now that he’d been up a minute realized was still a little dizzy. Unfortunately, though Hana and Lucio were cozy he didn’t want to give them whatever plague he had. 
Raised a hand to knock. Hesitated. Maybe Roadie’d just got up for the bathroom. No reason to interrupt him, demanding an explanation for something he hadn’t done. Dropped his hand. Stepped back. 
He turned and detoured to the kitchen - maybe another drink’d knock him out. Give Roadhog enough time to fall asleep too; then he could crash in the cot with no one the wiser. He’d just put the kettle on to boil when the house sat comm beeped. 
Jumped to reach it before the sound woke someone. “Yeah?”
“Fawkes - it’s Morrison.” As if it’d be anyone else on the other end of the comm at the ass crack of dawn on Christmas. 
“Hey old man.” Serve him right, callin’ him Fawkes. Ain’t no one called him that.
The disapproval practically radiated from the link through the silence, then “Where’s Lena?”
“Still sleepin’, her ‘n everyone else. Ain’t even daybreak here, mate.”
Another heavy silence. Wondered whether Morrison’d call him out for insubordination. Or at least being annoying. Grinned as Morrison contented himself with a deep sigh. “There’s been further intel. Null Sector was sent to retrieve a device that was supposed to be under guard in the settlement attacked yesterday morning. Our source says they weren’t successful. It’s unclear whether the device was left behind or taken when the settlement was vacated. We need to send in a recon team to ascertain whether the device is still in play.” 
Junkrat considered asking whether he remembered it was a holiday, but figured he did. Maybe it was just another day for Morrison, too. “Suppose this needs to happen asap, yeah?”
“If we don’t get in there, they will. I hope I don’t need to explain how problematic that would be.”
“Nah. Got it.”
“I’m sending schematics. Have Lena look them over before she goes, then delete. Can’t have anyone else getting hold of them. And tell her to report immediately upon her return.”
“Always does, don’t she?” For all her tendency to lighthearted fun, Lena was conscientious and responsible and it grated to think Morrison didn’t recognize that.
Course Morrison didn’t bother to respond, just cut the connection.
“Dipstick,” Junkrat muttered. The question was, what to do now? Not a question, really. Wake Tracer, interrupt her holiday, and give her Morrison’s assignment. After all, who else could do it? The whispered tone was sly. Had a point though - why did Lena need to have her holiday morning interrupted for a simple recon mission? Seemed like something one person could do alone. Why drag anyone else out into the cold. Oh Jamison. You think you could be trusted with this? Laughter scraped his thoughts. He scowled. Course - why else would Morrison tell me. A small, considering hum. Perhaps… a chance to prove yourself somewhat useful. Yes; exactly. He’d take care of it - be back before anyone else got up. Prove it wasn’t just Roadhog they needed. 
The kettle whistled shrill and he startled, yanked it off the burner. Fortunately still heard Hana snoring from the living room. Dumped boiling water over two teabags, Roadie’s opinion be damned. No time for ‘real’ tea. Needed to get moving before someone caught him. He checked the files Morrison had sent - straightforward enough. A small case, with something inside that looked very much like a bomb - one big enough to take out several city blocks. He memorized the look of the case, the details of the bomb - tried not to imagine what the explosion would look like… would feel like. Then deleted the files. Gonna do what he was supposed to this time. Gonna follow orders. Not gonna take the device for himself and disappear. Not this time.
Are you quite certain you are capable? The illness, the fever… you are likely not up to it. Perhaps you should wake Tracer. He clenched his jaw. ‘M fine. Can do this on me own; told the voice. Told himself. Not weak. Not pathetic. Almost like his own body rebelled his decision, a sudden urge to sneeze had him scrambling to keep from spilling his tea as he stifled the fit. Just a cold. She’ll be right.
In case, though… in case he wasn’t capable…and maybe to see… see whether it was the money, the treasure…  Junkrat found a piece of paper and scribbled a handful of words and a set of coordinates. Not the words he really needed to say, but the question he needed answered. In case, and to see. He slipped the paper under Roadhog’s door - usual snoring now - and headed out. Be back before anyone realized he was gone - but if not, the note would tell Roadhog what he’d need to know.
Night was cold - though supposed that went without sayin’. Always cold, here. Not sure he was gonna ever get warm. Be a bit of a hike, without the ute… but didn’t want to risk disturbing Lena to get the keys. Didn’t mind a walk now and then. The tea was still warm, the caffeine lending him a measure of energy. Somehow, his body felt a little floaty. Make the walk easier, maybe. The snow had stopped, sky gone clear and dotted with stars that shimmered like diamonds scattered on deep indigo velvet. The moon was high and full, reflecting light over the snow covered fire road.
Junkrat walked, following the tire tracks from earlier in the day, just barely visible. Good thing, too - not sure he’d remember the way otherwise. His breath puffed clouds. The depth of the quiet was unexpected - birds still sleeping, too cold for crickets. Snow creaked under his steps, ice-covered tree branches snapped. Then, somewhere in the mountains above the high, mournful cry of a coyote. Raised the hair at his nape, a chill of goose flesh over his arms. An answering yip, off to his right. Another farther ahead. Hunting. Wondered who was prey? Another howl, then a high scream, and more barking howls. The pack had caught something, likely a rabbit,  and the sounds made him shiver. Rubbed a hand over his forehead, kept walking as the sun rose over the mountains.
As he drew closer to the settlement even through the congestion, he caught the lingering scent of explosives, of charred metal and burned wood. Fortunately, still seemed just as deserted as it had before. Bots no more than twists of metal and scrap. Listened carefully for any signs of life, of movement but there was nothing. A breeze kicked up, rustling tree branches and sending skirls of snow swirling around his foot. He shivered suddenly, coughed. Right. Check the cabins fast, in and out and no meandering. 
Former inhabitants must’ve cleared out in a hurry - one of the cabins had the remnants of an unfinished meal scattered over the table. A spilled mug, puddle of coffee frozen. Stove unlit, the place was no warmer than outside. Clothes, books, toiletries all left behind. First cabin clear - no case. Second and third cabins much the same. Was downright eerie. 
Junkrat was entering the last cabin when he caught the unmistakable crunch of footsteps from somewhere behind the building. His heart tripped, double-timed. Fuck. No chance it was any of the Overwatch crew - they’d have taken the ute and hadn’t heard it. Not bots, either, steps too light and quick for a mech. Looked around the cabin - hide or fight? Hadn’t brought much in the way of weapons. Couple of grenades and that was it. Perhaps you didn’t think this one through, yes? What will you do now, with no bodyguard to protect you?
Junkrat pushed the thoughts away. Fuck that. He’d lived most of his life on his own. Didn’t need Roadie. Exactly. He’d figure this out. The cabin was all one room, not offering much in the way of hiding places. Under the bed would only be a trap. Maybe if he closed the door quick and quiet the lock would hold… Was just about to do so when a small black case caught his eye. Someone had shoved it under the bed, but not far enough. The case or the door? 
Kicked the case farther into the darkness under the bed and lurched for the door as a shadow fell across the entrance. Click of bootheel on the threshold. A sense of foreboding washed over him like nausea. Junkrat squinted in the dim light of dawn and the figure lifted her head, revealing a shock of red hair and suddenly his entire body went numb.
“Well, well, well. Jamison Fawkes.” Her face was still in shadows but he knew that voice, the Irish lilt. Hearing it outside his head made the world tilt and he almost staggered. “There were rumors that Overwatch had taken in a Hog and its pet Rat.” She glanced around the room, as though Roadhog might be hiding somewhere. “You’ve come alone?” Her tone was one of delight. 
“Ain’t alone. Me body guard’s just in the other cabin.” Lies came easily, and though his voice was hoarse, it was steady. He lifted his chin. “An’ I ain’t a kid no more, neither.”
“It has been some time. Indeed, you are no longer a child.” Felt her gaze taking in every inch of his body. A shiver he couldn’t suppress climbed up the back of his neck. She stepped toward him and he resisted the urge to move back. She reached out and placed her right hand on his chest. Her fingers were like white spider legs, and her nails were dagger sharp and still painted purple. His heart stuttered under her palm. “You feel hot - are you ill?” 
“Just your hands are cold,” he tried, but even as he said it, he knew he was going to sneeze. Fucking always. He ducked away from her as his body convulsed.  “AhRissshah!  Issh! HaRiiissh-uh!”
As he tried to catch his breath, she backed away from him. Didn’t realize she was moving toward the bed until it was too late. She leaned down and with one swift motion pulled the case free. “Overwatch should have sent someone else. Not a boy...weak…  ill.” Her teeth flashed in a grin. “I would love to stay, to see how you have been after all this time, but I must deliver this. Perhaps I will return, and perhaps you will still be here.” 
Knew he should run, but he had no energy left. Reached into his pocket for a grenade instead- maybe it’d take him out, but she wouldn’t have the bomb. Could see exactly how a real explosion felt. He yanked free the explosive, she raised her right hand and a stream of purple and gold energy flew from her palm. Everything went white, then black.  
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etherian-affairs · 5 years
Mermista's Wild Ride.
This is a crackship roller coaster. It includes Merdak, Entrapdak, Mertrapta, and Perfume Weaver mentions.
Every section was written based on reaction to the previous section in the discord server I wrote this in. In real time!
Anyway buckle up.
The Hordak esq creature was baring down on Mermista fast. Entirely too fast. She had also made the mistake of not noticing it over the other soldiers she was fighting. A rather large mistake. For a brief moment Mermista really thought she was going to finally bite it. Fear fills her in her final moments, real deep fear.
As the thing reared up its weapon, sneering at her, the Princess of Salineas finds an arm warp around her waste. With a yelp she's tugged to the side, and a large energy cannon attached to an armor encased arm is extended out. It hums with power for a moment, power that is suddenly unleashed.
The brutes arm is gone in a flash. Then there's another flash and the top half of its body is gone, simply erased from existence. The remains fall over lifeless.
Lord Hordak releases Mermista, she stumbles, wide eyed and staring up at the alien conquerer in shock and something else.
He looks serious, focusing on the battlefield as he releases the built up heat from his arm cannon. The flames of destruction that he himself has born during this engagement flicker in the backdrop to highlight him. Like a stoic god of war in an oil painting. "Are you alright?" He asks as he glances down at Mermista.
"Uh... Yeah... I'm good." Mermista feels a burning sensation crawl up her cheeks.
"Good. Pay more attention to your sorroundings moving forward." Hordak adds as he readies his weapon and fires on another target, returning to the fray proper as if this entire moment did not happen.
"Princess Mermista. You seem distracted." The voice jolts Mermista out of her daydreaming. Hordak is standing before her, quirking a brow at her surprise. When had he approached her? She had been watching him how could he have approached her without her noticing?!
Watching him for entirely Alliance related reasons of course.
"Oh. Yeah sorry. I've just been... Thinking about stuff." The princess tries to brush it off casually. He does not need to know anything about these nonsense feelings swirling inside of her mind.
Hordak nods, seeming to ponder that response before looking out from their campsite to the fields below. Visibly charred and broken from the battle earlier, even in the moonlight. "Indeed. There is much to think about. It seems we have Prime's forces on the run... For now. The use of heavy weaponry has closed the bottleneck of his armies entry."
"Still. If you cannot remain focused you should get rest while things are calm." Hordak notes, nodding to Mermista. "I can keep watch of this post while you do so, so do not worry."
Again heat flushes Mermistas cheeks. Why? He's just being a fellow soldier. Collected and calculating and thoughtful...
"Thanks. I think I will." Mermista tries to say casually. Taking a deep breath and heading to her sleeping roll. Best to sleep this off.
Burning cheeks? Easy to handle. A flutter in the chest when he brings her coffee in the mornings of their shared deployment? That can be pushed down. That slight pleasant burning in her core as he destroys the armies of their enemy? That's a fluke.
This though. This... Ache in her chest... This Mermista can barely stand. It's eating at her.
They've met back up with another group of Alliance soldiers. Specifically a group with Entrapta in it. It was immediate, the Princess of Dryl shouting "Hordak!" And literally leaping into his arms with a happy laugh.
And Hordak catching her.
The way they smile at each other. The way they nuzzle and give each other gentle loving kisses. The sheer... Apparentness of their love. The bottomless affection they seem to share. Even the way they immediately and seamlessly get to work together. As if they barely need to say anything to know each other's thoughts.
It hurts. Mermista hurts.
It doesn't help that Sea Hawk is here too. He's nice and she is fond of him but he does not currently mix well with these very problematic feelings.
"Oh Mermiiiistaaaa! The greatest soldier there ever waaaaas!" Sea Hawk sings at her side.
She groans and glowers. Pulling her eyes away from the happy lab couple working on bots nearby. "Please stop..."
She isn't sure who she's talking to at this point.
"Oh I can share." Entrapta says with a mischievous grin.
Mermista stammers. Actually stammers. How had it come to this? Sure she had been a tad surly and more flippant than usual but how had Entrapta of all people figured out what was going on? And why was Entrapta okay with it?! "yeah well... What about Hordak?"
Entrapta giggles. "Oh he's fine with it too. Watch!" She glances back. "Hordak!"
The Lord looks up from his maintenance of Emily. "Hmm?"
"Would you want to sleep with Mermista sometimes?" Entrapta asks. "It would help her morale!"
Mermista is beat red. Entrapta is shouting right now. Alliance soldiers are staring. This is awful. All Mermista can do is wait for Hordak to tell Entrapta no. That Entrapta is being ridiculous as she tends to do.
However Hordak just nods. "Very well. It will likely increase her battlefield efficiency if she has been desiring that."
Mermista gapes.
Some of the people listening in gape too.
"No!" Adora shouts. "No! No no no! No!"
Mermista is clutching her forehead. Beat red. Entrapta can be so loud and soldiers gossip and now everyone knows.
Everyone. Knows. The other Princesses, the entire army, probably Horde Prime himself.
"It's already... Weird! That Entrapta and Hordak are a thing!" Adora adds on to her exclaiming.
"Pretty sure that's rude!" Entrapta shoots back looking grumpy.
"It is." Hordak assures his wife. He's unbelievably calm.
Suddenly Sea Hawk let's out another loud sob. He has been doing that. "Mermista! I thought we HAD SOMETHING!!!" His eyes are red, filled with tears.
Mermista wants to die. Just bury her at sea right now.
Catra raises her hand from the crate she's sitting on. "To be fair to Mermista. Hordak IS hot."
"Catra No!" Adora screams in horror.
"I will not be sleeping with Catra, even if it won the war." Hordak notes mostly to Entrapta.
"Ouch." Catra fires back sarcastically.
This is all the worst.
"So let me get this straight" Queen Glimmer of Bright Moon looks over the assembled Etherian Alliance Ruling Council. "You have all called a council meeting to discuss... A moratorium on sleeping with Hordak?..."
"Yes!" Adora stands and shouts. "It's a distraction from the war effort!"
"This is ridiculous!" Entrapta shouts back. "It's a morale boosting activity!"
"He's evil Entrapta! It's already weird you do it!"
Mermista is currently trying to slide under the table to hide. Anything to get away from this.
Perfuma raises her hand. "Excuse me... I have a question."
Glimmer sighs. "Yes Perfuma?"
"Is the issue that Hordak is evil?..."
"Yes!" Adora shouts.
"That's irrelevant!" Entrapta shouts back. "He's just ethically divergent!"
Perfuma cuts through. "Um... Okay... So... If the issue is he's evil... Can we still sleep with other evil people? Like Shadow Weaver?"
"WHAT?!" Catra and Adora both scream in unbridled horror.
Even Hordak looks over at Perfuma with wide eyes at that one. Mermista feels slightly better for a moment as the focus leaves her.
"Okay!" Adora shouts. She never stops shoutong. She's gesturing to the large board covered in pictures and documents with string and other nonsense. They've been here for hours. "I think we have this worked out!"
Entrapta, standing next to Adora nods. "Yes! This seems fair!"
Everyone else is sitting back watching this unfold. Entrapta and Adora basically completely took over for this whole meeting. Mermista continues to look and feel like dying, Hordak looks quietly amused, Catra is glowering, Perfuma strangely hopeful.
Queen Glimmer just looks so tired.
Really everyone else is some mix of those and the air in the room is heavy and awkward.
"So!" Adora continues. "There will be no more casual sleeping with Hordak with the singular exception of Entrapta who due to sleeping with him previously and remaining effective is allowed to continue. However others may petition the alliance council for permission to sleep with Hordak if they can show good cause that it would somehow aid the war effort!"
Entrapta nods. "Hordak and I retain full rights to veto any yes given by the council in this regard though!" She adds.
"This is so stupid." Catra mutters quietly.
"Furthermore!" Adora says loudly. "We should all be aware of the Shadow Weaver clause that states that Princess Perfuma, and only her, may sleep with Shadow Weaver under stipulation that she never ever talk about it again!"
"Yay" Perfuma claps.
As everyone leaves Hordak approaches Mermista. The Princess of Salineas looks up at him, feeling so... Everything. This crush spiralled out of control in ways she could scarcely comprehend and she just wanted to hide in Salineas forever.
"Hordak..." She mutters.
"Princess Mermista." He replies, glancing around as people file out quickly. Trying to escape this horrible meeting.
Suddenly when they're mostly alone the Lord leans forward, close to Mermista. She almost shivers. "Petty Alliance rulings aside. Feel free to visit Dryl as you desire." He grins. Red teeth glinting in the light. "We are good at being discrete." He adds before standing back up and marching away to rejoin Entrapta.
Mermista is beet red.
Mermista stares up at the ceiling of the royal chambers of Dryl. A room of metal and purple and fluffy furniture. She's in the bed, a massive thing. How did she even get here? It's all a blur. Not actually of course, she knows exactly how she got here, she followed through on the invitation. The emotional journey is what's a blur.
All because Hordak saved her life. Honestly that's kind of cliche and pathetic.
Before Mermista can let out a groan of defeat she feels a body press against get and glances over. Entrapta. Naked and curled against the Princess of Salineas. Snoring and cuddling. Mermista stares at her for a moment in... Bewilderment? This whole situation is so bizarre.
Then the person on her opposite side speaks. "Cute isn't she?" Hordak asks with a pleased tone. "Do not worry about waking her, Entrapta sleeps like the dead." He adds.
"Yeah..." Mermista nods absently before staring back up at the ceiling. "The alliance is going to kill me..."
"They don't need to know." Hordak adds. "Do you want breakfast? I can make something for you two."
Mermista looks over at him. "Uh... Okay." Might as well get free food if this is happening after all.
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tarithenurse · 5 years
Orphan - 4
Starring:  Fem!Reader and MCU characters! Contents: Spoilers for Endgame!! Cussing (as usual, take that for granted), some fluff, some angst, confusion, sadness, loss, good intentions, awkwardness, flashbacks. Feels...there are feels. A/N: So this is getting a surge. PREVIOUS CHAPTERS can be found on the masterlist. I’ve added more names to the tag list (because no one ever tells me they want in but still “like” anyways…so HA!). As per usual. Thanks for likes and reblogs and comments and tears…cheers! I mean cheers! ;)
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4. Foster Care for Adults
…   Reader   …
You’ve had no energy to protest, but if you’d had then it’s likely nothing would’ve changed the mind of the grim mohawk-dude. Clint Barton, archer extraordinaire and known as Hawkeye, who (after squaring it with the wife) has opened his home to you and herded you onto a little dangerous-looking plane together with his family. The two older kids, Lila and Cooper, don’t say much if anything to you. Well, the little one doesn’t either, but at least he’s staring openly rather than pretending to be busy with the phones or each other.
“Mo-om?” Nathaniel’s clear voice cuts over the sound of the engine. “Is she gonna be my sisther?”
In a flash you’re back to the childhood where terms like siblings and parents were used too loosely or as a means to hurt you, keep you separate from other kids at school. Even within the foster home, there were kids who wielded those kinds of words as weapons, cutting deep reminders into your heart to make sure you never forget what you’d lost. As if that was possible.
In the same flash, the little kid should have fallen over dead from the glared his siblings send him. Turned into dust. Of course, he doesn’t notice, but looks at his mom for an answer she hardly can give.
“Listen guys.” Clint pushes a few buttons before turning the pilot entire seat to face everyone. “I know this is a…surprise. [Y/N] came back from the Blip too and she has nowhere to stay…” Nathaniel merrily begins to hum a song under his breath made up entirely of bleeps. “She’s gonna be a guest until things are sorted out, okay?”
It’s toe-cringing to listen to the Avenger give The Speech™. He means well. Facts are you’re an adult who can talk for yourself, and you don’t have as much of a choice in coming as Clint makes it sound.
 Sitting on the bed of the motel, you didn’t know which hero to look at - none of them were the one you needed to get answers because Stark was dead and with him the hope of a better explanation than the documents and files on the tiny drive provided. Facts. The facts were there…but it wasn’t enough.
“How did you find out about the fu-“ Rhodes had to take a deep breath before continuing, “about the funeral?”
He already knew more about you than you liked, such as your (now delayed) university degree in Medicine and Technology where you’d been working on cutting edge ways to deliver medicine to the right place in the body with biodegradable nano-bots. Tony Stark and his old-time pal had kept track of you ever since you were born and your father decided to split…as if that somehow should compensate for the absence. Still, Rhodes and his buddies were questioning you for more information.
Glaring at the furrowed brows, you decided you already were royally fucked. “Watched the news, put two-n-two together, hacked a phone.”
“What do you want from Pepper ‘nd Morgan?” There it was – the protectiveness.
“Nothin’, I just…the Blue Group chick already asked me this!”
On and on they had gone, never relenting despite the circles you were talking in. In the end, only the talking raccoon was stubborn enough to continue (though both the coloured women had offered assistance by torture).
 A shiver runs down your spine at the memory. Yeah, it’s a good thing Clint Barton decided to bring you along even if it’s just to keep an eye on you rather than help. You send Laura a shadow of a smile before unbuckling from the seat to make your way over to the pilot’s seat. The domed sky is intense, partially coloured with the drama of sunset but also much darker above the plane than you’d expected. It stretches towards the curve of the horizon, dotted with fluffy clouds. Far underneath are the rolling fields smaller than a fingernail, roads like grey thread cutting through a landscape until it finds a glowing pearl, a town where the lights are starting to shine.
“Not a bad view, huh?” The comment is so relaxed that you almost think it’s your imagination until the archer sends you a shy smile.
Maybe he’s not that bad. “Yeah…’s pretty.” There’s a silence between the two of you – less forced, somehow. “It’s umm nice of you to…y’know, let me stay. Better than a motel with a raccoon and a blue assassin.”
I’m gonna die! Clint Barton has landed the plane in the middle of fucking nowhere and you’ve never been further from civilization as you are now. Even in the darkness, you can feel the forest sighing, long branches creaking in the autumn wind as they try to reach you and the Bartons (who are completely unfazed by it). Give me streetlights! Anything! Flashes on phones light up the ground, granting your wish to a certain point.
At least they lead you away from the trees, and while it’s still night with no moon the darkness isn’t quite as dense out in the open. Tall grass catch on your salvaged boots and there’s a very distinct feeling of something chasing you…but nothing when you turn to look. For a second, you whish you were in Nathaniel’s place: he’s sound asleep on Laura’s arm, drool wetting her shoulder each time his head bounces from the steps she takes.
The house appears from the dark as a huge, even darker mass before the lights reach far enough to illuminate the wooden steps of the porch. Lila’s ahead, skipping up the steps and reaching the screen door where she flips a switch. Suddenly, stringed lights spread their glow and the house feels wonderfully real and safe even if it’s still dark inside.
 …   Clint   …
The house still smells musty after years of misuse and there’s a ton of things for him to fix. The boiler works, though, and Laura and the kids have been busy cleaning the last few days while Clint took care of the leaks in the roof and the stock of firewood. Mostly, he’d walked in a daze simply to look at them, touch their hair, pull them into awkward hugs in the hopes it wouldn’t just be a dream.
I didn’t think I’d be back to live here. Clint had tried at first to be on his own, but it was wrong – an empty house full of the ghosts of his family and memories that threatened with eluding him even if the smallest item or scent brought them crashing down on him with a force that’d knock his legs away. That was why he went to stay with Nat at the Compound. She dealt by doing things, trying to clean up the mess one crime or fucked up situation at a time because there weren’t enough cops, no military strong enough. The remnants of the Avengers was needed and the two of them teamed up with others…and nothing was right anyways.
“Baby?” A soft hand curls around his elbow before stroking his triceps. Laura. “We’re here, honey, we’re with you again.”
She understands him better than anyone. The five years felt like seconds for Laura, but she understands how fucked up it was for him and how afraid he is that they’ll suddenly be gone again. Pulling her tight, Clint buries the nose in her dark hair to maybe memorize the scent, at least to have her inside and out.
“You’re the best wife I could ever want,” he mumbles.
Laura smiles against the collar of his t-shirt, making his heart flutter. “Oh, I know,” she smirks, “any other wife would’ve lost it after coming home to such a mess!”
It’s a joke and it does make him laugh…but it hurts too because now he’s added to the mess that’s their lives. “…or taken in a stranger.”
“Hm.” It’s almost a tiny scoff. “She needs a home and we have that. I just…it’s a horrible way to find out about your heritage. She must be so confused?”
 …   Reader   …
Fed, watered, and teeth brushed? Done.
Bed, check.
Borrowed pyjama that’s only a little bit musty, check.
Settling down under the thick covers, it’s impossible not to enjoy having an entire guest room for yourself rather than the dorm at the hostel where ten other people snore and fart all night long. Tonight you’re going to sleep great, you decide as you turn off the bed side lamp. Your eyelids are heavy. It’s so dark, you can’t tell if you already have closed the eyes or not. Silence and sleep, here I come.
The wind outside the window picks up in strength, finding a gap between two boards to whistle with when the gusts hit just right. Somewhere in the house a floorboard creaks – maybe Clint is tugging his kids in? And then it might be his wife who’s using the water, making the pipes gurgle inside the wall. Whenever one sound ends another takes over, all unexpected and unfamiliar enough that they startle you awake. Burrowing deeper under the duvet, you try to cover the ears but then it’s your own heartbeat you can hear instead, thumping away with a constant rush of blood that mingles with the sighs of the wind.​
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Seen Much Better Days - Chapter 5
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Word Count: 2,701 (Total Word Count: 9,163) Read on AO3
Story Summary:
Allura rescuing Keith from the hands of a slave trader was the first step, but the paladins still have a way to go to feel like they’ve truly brought Keith home.
(Sequel to Torn and Frayed)
Fic content warnings for past slavery and rape.
As frustrating as it was for Keith to constantly be holed up in his room, there still was one positive: as long as they knew where Keith was, they also knew that he was safe. And that made a world of difference. They worried for him still, yes, but the worry wasn’t nearly as terrifying and stomach-roiling as it had been when they were still tracking him down to rescue.
Which is why she could feel her heart stop when, the night after her talk with Shiro, she had opened the door to her bedchamber at the sound of loud and frantic knocking to find him, pale-faced and out of breath and with eyes wide as moons.
“Shiro?” she said. “What is going - ?”
“Keith’s not in his room,” Shiro cut her off.
“He’s not there. I had just assumed he’d gone straight to bed after dinner, but I went in to check on him before I turned in and his room was unlocked and he wasn’t in it and - ”
“Okay, all right,” Allura said, lifting her hands. The gesture was meant to help placate them, but she could feel her hands shaking too, and her throat was tight. It was absurd to be worried, part of her knew. The paladins got out of bed all the time, to get a snack or wander the castle or stargaze or read or work through insomnia in any number of innocent ways.
But with all the efforts they had all put in as of late to keep Keith in the safety of their sight, and considering the danger they had only recently pulled him from, the paranoia sprang instantly and ran rampant. Maybe he had fled from the castle and was on the verge of being scooped up by pirates at this very moment. Maybe someone had broken in and gotten hold of him. Maybe the distress from everything had gotten too much for him, and he had gone to the airlock and -
She swallowed down nausea and tried to tell herself that she was being irrational, that there was no sign of anything bad having happened to him, and for Shiro’s sake pushed the horrifying images racing through her head aside and kept her face stern and calm. “Find Coran and have him send out an overhead page telling Keith to come to the bridge, then you can search the hangars, see if any of the escape pods are missing. I’ll check the med bay and the rec areas. Take your comm pad, update me if you find anything.”
Shiro nodded and set out, and Allura, after throwing on her robe and snatching up her own tablet from her nightstand - sending Chulatt, who had been curled up asleep on top of it, flying onto the mattress with a startled squeak - dashed out of the room as well, making a beeline for the medbay.
The medbay was empty, and she hurried to the paladins’ lounge to find it empty too. She could feel her heartbeat becoming a pounding in her head as she ducked into doorways to the nearby library and game room, yielding the same results. Vaguely she her Coran’s voice overhead at one point, paging Keith to the bridge, but her tablet stayed dark and silent, no one letting her know that he had arrived, so either he had ignored the summons, or wasn’t around to hear it…
Her legs felt leaden beneath her as she darted down a stairwell and turned to the hallway where the airlock stood at the end, invitingly and predatory. It was an absurd notion surely, she reasoned to herself as her legs set off down the hall seemingly of their own accord, but if there was a chance that Keith had gone for it, had tried to make a break and was possibly out there suffocated and frozen in space -
Just as she shoved the mental images out of her head, she paused, a sound catching her ears. The clanging of metal.
She turned and found herself face-to-face with the doors of the training deck, and through the windows, back to her, was Keith, locked in combat with a gladiator.
Of course. Of course that’s where he was. How the quiznak could they be so stupid?
Allura let out a laugh, an exhausted, hysterical sound from the depths of her throat, before pulling her tablet up and typing to Shiro: Found him. He’s on the training deck.
It was so obvious, really. How many nights had Keith spent on the training deck, either staying up so much later than he should in order to get extra rounds in with a sword, or waking up long before his teammates to warm up on his own, or simply popping into the deck in the middle of a restless night to tire himself out so he get back to sleep? It was such a very typical thing for him to do, so very Keith…
Maybe that was why they had overlooked it, she realized. In the past couple of movements, Keith hadn’t exactly been himself. Hadn’t seemed like Keith.
Then, with a frown, another realization: what in the heavens was Keith doing on the training deck when he was still recovering from injuries?
She marched toward the training deck and shoved the door aside, and Keith didn’t seem to notice, as he just kept on fighting the bot. Now that she was closer, she could see dark spots on Keith’s already dark tee shirt, and her frown deepened.
“Keith!” she shouted, and she could let her exasperation give way for guilt for a moment when Keith jumped at the sound, whipping fearfully around with his practice sword at the ready to face the intruder. “What are you doing?!”
“I’m - I’m just - ” Keith stammered, and he let out a yelp as the training bot took advantage of his distraction to strike him in the shoulder.
“End training exercise!” Allura said. “Now!”
The bot dissipated, and Keith, panting laboriously, let his sword fall to his side. Allura marched up to him, resisting the urge to bodily turn him around and simply walking behind him instead. She narrowed her eyes at the stains on his shirt. “You pulled your stitches!” she said. “What were you thinking?!”
Keith scowled over his shoulder. “I was thinking that they were nearly healed up already, according to Coran. I’m fine.”
“Nearly healed up,” said Allura. “They’re not going to finish healing if you throw yourself around the training deck like this! Look, the wounds have opened back up - you do realize you’ve set the healing back at least a movement, don’t you?”
Keith scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to open them,” he muttered.
“How did you not realize you were risking that by battling the bot? You know better than that, Keith!”
Keith shrugged, then winced at the movement caused to the wounds on his torso. Allura sighed. “Did you not even notice that the stitches had been pulled?” she asked.
“Adrenaline, I guess,” Keith said. “It doesn’t matter, we can fix them up later.”
“Fix them up later?”
“Yeah, once I’m done with fighting the - ”
“Excuse me, you’ve got open wounds on you and you’re telling me that you are going to continue training?!” Allura shook her head. “We need to go to the med bay. Coran can fix your stitches, redo them if he has to.”
“Later,” said Keith. “Look, I just need to - ”
“Keith, if you keep this up there won’t be a later! You’ll have dropped from blood loss, if not exhaustion.”
“Well, that’s my own problem to worry about, not yours,” Keith said. He stepped away from her and turned to the center of the deck. “Resume training program!”
Allura set her jaw, trying not to let frustration get the better of her. Keith’s stubbornness could be aggravating at the best of times, but when it was keeping her from being able to help him, it was even more so. “End training program!” she shouted just as the bot reappeared, and it vanished again.
“Allura!” Keith snapped. “Knock it off! Resume - ”
“Administrator lock - all training programs locked,” Allura said to the room before rounding on Keith. “Keith, this is absurd. You should not be training right now, you should be getting your wounds fixed and then going straight to bed.”
“But - ”
“Keith, stop it,” Allura said. She held out her hand and shoved it toward him. “Give me the sword, now.”
Keith froze, staring at her face, and immediately the blood in her veins felt icy. She hadn’t meant to give an order, hadn’t meant to scare him. She had only been trying to get him to see sense, to not wind up hurting himself. “Keith?” she said as Keith shakily held the sword out to her. “I - I’m sorry. I didn’t mean - ”
“I know,” Keith sighed. “Just - fine, just take it.” Hesitantly Allura took the practice sword from his hand, and Keith held himself uncertainly once he’d handed it over, as if he didn’t know what to do with his arms now that they were empty.
“Are, er… are you all right?” Allura asked softly.
“... I dunno.” Keith paused another moment, then, slowly, he lowered himself to the ground to sit, bringing his knees up toward himself and wrapping his arms over them.
Allura, after another moment’s hesitation, joined him, sitting down cross-legged ahead of him. “I really am sorry,” she said. “I only - I just needed to get through to right then, and you were so dead-set on…” She cleared her throat. “Keith?”
“If I may ask… what were you doing here in the first place? Why were you fighting the bot?”
Keith was quiet for a long moment, long enough that Allura was starting to think he was giving her the silent treatment, before he softly said, “Shiro knows, doesn’t he.”
Allura blinked at him. “Pardon?”
“He knows about… about what they did, right?”
“... Yes, he does.” There was no point in lying to him. Even if there was, she wouldn’t have. The last thing Keith needed right now was a reason to distrust a teammate.
“Did you tell him?”
“I confirmed it when he asked, but no, I didn’t tell him. He figured it out on his own. And, well, I - I couldn’t very well deny it.”
Keith nodded slowly. “Guess that’s fair.”
“How could you tell that he knew?”
Keith sighed and rested his chin on his knees. “The way he kept looking at me at dinner tonight,” he answered. “He looked the same way you look at me.”
“The same - er, how… how do I look?”
“...Pity,” Keith answered slowly. “Like I’ve been broken, and I’m gonna break again at any moment?”
“Keith,” Allura said. “That’s not - that’s not how we see you.”
“Why not?” Keith asked, lifting his eyes to her. “It’s true, isn’t it?”
“It’s not - ”
“I keep seeing them, you know,” Keith continued as if Allura hadn’t tried to interrupt. “I keep seeing… every night, I keep dreaming about everything that happened, and then during the day - it’s like a part of me’s still back there. Like I’m just waiting for the next punishment, or the next - the next buyer coming for a sample - and - and the longer it doesn’t come, the closer it gets. I’ll look at someone here in the castle and for a split second, just a moment, they look wrong, they look like someone who - who - ” He sniffed. “I keep having to remind myself where I am, and who’s here. Over and over. Because if I don’t, I’ll forget. Even for just a fraction of a second. And when I forget… it’s terrifying.”
Allura moved her gaze over to the middle of the training deck. “Is that what you were doing here?” she asked. “Is that what you’re trying to fight?”
“I guess,” Keith said. “It felt… better. Like I was in control. It’s - it’s been a while, since I felt like that. Since I didn’t feel weak…”
Allura edged closer to him. “Keith, tell me - is that part of why you don’t want the others to know about what happened? Because you think it makes you weak?”
“No,” Keith said. “Because I know it does.”
“Oh, Keith - ”
“I couldn’t fight it, Allura,” Keith said, and finally the tears started in his eyes at the same time she could feel them start stinging at her own. “I tried, for as long as I could. I tried to escape, I tried to hold them off. But they kept pushing, and it kept hurting, and it just got worse and worse until I - I stopped. I stopped fighting back because it hurt less. I… gave up. I was weak and I gave up, and I - I - ���
As he broke into sobs, Allura operated on instinct, sliding even closer and wrapping an arm delicately across Keith’s shoulders. He stiffened, but thankfully he didn’t fight her off. Maybe because she had already seen him at his most vulnerable before. Maybe because her being so close while he thought himself so weak wasn’t as shameful to him as it was for Shiro to be, that pillar of strength that Keith had long aspired to be. Whatever the reason, she was grateful.
“Keith,” she said once she found her voice. “You are not weak.”
“Allura…” Keith mumbled before losing his own voices to breathy sobs again.
“Listen to me.” Allura moved to sit in front of Keith, staring him dead in the face until he finally met her gaze. “You. Are. Not. Weak. Don’t you dare think even for a moment that any of this has anything to do with you being weak, because you’re not. You went through something awful. You were put through the wringer through no fault of your own, and you fought as long and as hard as anyone could hope. And you came through it. That’s not weak.
“Shiro does not pity you, Keith. I don’t pity you. We sympathize with you - that fact that you are hurting makes us hurt as well. And we’re scared for you, and we’re furious at the people who did what they did to you. But Keith, no one thinks that you’re weak.”
“But I - ”
“Tell me, Keith. Do you think that Shiro is weaker than he used to be because of what happened to him in the arena? Because of what Haggar and Zarkon did to him?”
“Wha - no, of course I don’t!”
“No, you know that he’s stronger because of it. And it’s no different for you. We all know that you’re strong, that you had to be strong to get through what happened to you. And what happened was shameful, yes, but it’s not you who should have anything to be ashamed of. It’s the ones who did it who should be ashamed. Not you. And I promise you, Keith - no one here thinks you’re weak. No one thinks any less of you due to what happened. I swear it.”
Keith gulped. “But then why was Shiro looking so - ?”
“Because he thinks he’s the one who’s not strong enough. He thinks he’s the one who’s failing you, that he couldn’t save you, that he - that he can’t help you now.” Allura sighed and hugged her robe tighter around herself. “I think… I think we’re all worried about that, Keith. That we won’t be able to help. That’s what we want to do for you, Keith. Not pity you. Not shame you. Just… help you.”
“... I’m sorry,” Keith said. “I didn’t - didn’t mean for you to - ”
Allura shushed him gently. “I know you didn’t,” she said. “I don’t blame you. I just need you to know. We’re all here for you, we all think the world of you, and we all want to help you. Is that… something you think you can let us do?”
Keith sniffed once more and wiped his hand across his nose before shakily replying, “I can try.”
“Good.” Allura got to her feet. “And you can start by letting me help you up, yes?”
She held out her hand to Keith, and, to her immense relief, he took it.
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☽ FLOWER, 25
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“ I said that I am a fairy and they prefer to dance and fly as a butterfly but they made me talk and walk, and I hate walking and talking. ” —Sasha Pivovarova ( like something out of the RISE script for “Flower” ) 
Real Name: AURA PHILYRA  Agency: 𝑅 𝐼 𝒮 𝐸 (Sky World) FC: Ming Xi Unicorn Name: PAGEANT PRINCESS Place of Birth: Moon City    
Appearance: While Aura has not permanently altered her looks in any way, “Flower”’s image can fluctuate because of the “holo-veil” the RISE team insists she wear over her face in public, and of course, while racing. It’s essentially an undetectable face-mask that plays off of and digitally alters Aura’s features to give her an exaggerated doll face- ranging from the intentionally synthetic-looking (ex. large doll-ish eyes), complete glitter/tattooed face or even a face-scramble that confuses camera lenses to keep people from taking images of Aura without the agency’s authorisation while she’s out and about. Her naked face is hardly ever seen.
Wardrobe: Whatever fits within what the RISE image consultants call “Pixie-bot” which verges on creepy, fake-y “living doll” territory but with a fantasy element given her pretty steed is a Pegasus model. They were considering “Loli-bot” for Aura early on- because of her age they were sure she could pull it off. Aura would have stomached the aesthetic, too, just to get paid. Thankfully, however, the “Pixie-bot” idea was floated due to Pageant Princess’ particular winged model. 
[She’s definitely not against the pretty clothes and costumes- it’s the personality they want to go along with it that she dislikes.]
Places most likely to be found: Aura is either at the RISE training track with Pageant (practising or watching someone practise), asleep (snoring) in her teeny RISE apartment (the more important, the bigger the apartment- if that tells you anything), or since she’s promoting herself as Flower, RISE has her going out to club events on Unicorn City most nights.. and management says she isn’t allowed to drink anymore given her last indelicate drinking debacle. 
People mostly likely to be with: On the training track, she’s most likely to be with RISE’s training team (mostly techies who might as well be speaking a whole other language to her when they go on about Pageant’s internal mechanics), but she doesn’t really care for them. She also sees her teammates- Supernova and Sunbeam- there a lot, but.. they don’t really care for her. Otherwise, Aura’s out in the City’s nightlife with strangers and the occasional RISE babysitter dragging her around by the arm to make sure she sees and talks to everyone she should be (and avoids everyone she should be). She really can’t even make a friend that way, much less a love connection, so.. Aura’s pretty much a loner, but not by choice. 
Strongest character trait: of Flower: Sweet / of Aura: Obstinate 
Public Image: Aura plays The Long-Legged Bimbo to Supernova’s polished Heroine and Sunbeam’s beloved Sky-Daughter personas. [And- those really creepy “robot” ig models that are really just like cgi ? That’s the vibe- that level of weird perfection, and just as superficial and ditz-y. If you’re going to “Twilight” a racer- might as well go all the way with it.] Her “role” among her RISE companions makes her feel like a complete joke, but she’s determined to be taken seriously by making herself into a winner. 
Racing Strengths: Truthfully, there aren’t many by way of skill- just determination (and many years of tears of frustration). Dressage is a forte, with a big lean on Pageant who’s perfectly suited to the required elegance. 
Racing Weaknesses: All of it. Everything. Slow, but.. still coming for you. 
Personality: In reality, Aura is much more strong-willed and uses biting sarcasm with abandon. “Flower”, however, is the giggly, disarming costume that Aura dons publicly. Flower is confused easily, but fun-loving and excited to be where she is at any given time. She says “Oh !” in dreamy realisation a lot and smiles prettily even when she loses. But Aura, in private, feels a bit deflated, tired- maybe a little ashamed at what she has to do in order to stay relevant in the racing industry. Lately, she’s felt awfully lonely- because no one around her really knows her- but she tries to let it be enough that darling (though dumb) “Flower” is never alone and always surrounded by fans and icons. 
The eldest of five children, Aura grew up in the overcrowded rookeries of a little-known moon- whenever she talks about where she’s from, no one ever seems to know what or where "Moon City” is. So, to avoid long-winded (and perhaps embarrassing) explanations, she generally tells anyone who asks that she’s originally from Ice World. 
Aura was “scouted” by a RISE recruiter at the age of sixteen while on a trip to Unicorn City with friends to catch a race- the first she had ever seen ! Apparently, the recruiter liked her looks, but that was just about all the “talent” she had to give at the time as she had never even touched a mechanical horse, let alone ridden one- forget raced ! But, desperate to leave the slums of Moon City behind her for good, Aura quickly signed with RISE and was almost immediately thrown into the deep-end with her horse- Pageant Princess- only to embarrass herself in her first televised race by dropping in dead-last. Aura hadn’t expected to win or anything, yet it was still disappointing, and her management decided to set her aside for a few seasons- to train her, fix her image, cultivate a fan-base for her through a commercial campaign for uv beauty products, and within the last year, little promos that depict her as living in a little virtual fairy cottage on Sky World that she only leaves to dominate the track with the winged Pageant Princess and to attend various high-society Unicorn City bacchanals brimming with beautiful, glowing people. So far, it’s been a successful campaign and her fan-base is rapidly growing. RISE fully expects Aura to be ready to race in this new season- and more than just compete, but actually win. And, really, that’s all Aura wants- to win and cement herself as a serious racer among her fellows...and make the big money to share with her family back home on Moon City.
Though the inability to live as her normal self has taken a toll on Aura over the past years, she has at least been able to comfort herself with the knowledge that she is helping her family- that she is making them proud by working herself to exhaustion to become better- the best ! She means to win this season, no matter what it takes. 
Snow - Racer crush, actual crush. A much-needed ally on the horizon. Aura knows of Snow (who doesn’t ?), and has bumped into her at glamour events from time to time. They’ve only raced together once- years ago in Aura’s very first race (when she was a baby ((16)) !)- and naturally, Snow beat Aura...thoroughly. But that was to be expected. Aura’s followed Snow closely since Snow’s return to racing and looks forward to their next head-to-head.
Sky - 
Ice -
Supernova - RISE “Teammate”. Aura idolises Supernova and has for years, but she worries (and would be so mortified to know) that her hero really thinks of her as a fool who’s only good for getting sad drunk (once !) at company promotional events...where Aura may have vomited in front of her... Aura hopes that winning more races will convince Supernova that she is the real deal ! (Her ultimate dream would be to have Supernova mentor her !)  
Sunbeam - RISE “Teammate”. Okay, so Aura’s a little jealous of her because she’s the pride and joy of RISE and she seems to have the respect of Supernova ! And she’s pretty and talented ( unmatched technique~ ) and allowed to have her own personality- it’s too much for Aura to stomach sometimes. She really likes to avoid Sunbeam socially if possible.
Flame -
Nyx - **danger by taemin plays** Sol and “Flower” have met before, while Flower was relevant for a second as a teenager ( - they danced at a club the night before she finished dead-last in her first race ), but it’s been a while since their paths have crossed- though Aura is well-aware of Nyx’ success. Now that Flower’s back in the game, they’re sure to see each other more and more.  
Widowmaker - Aura is sensitive to ~vibes~, and she knows there’s something with Eleni. “Just look at the way she looks at me...” And, you know what, consider Aura intimidated. But even though there is some miscommunication between the two of them (most of which Aura is not aware of), Aura isn’t confused about the sort of racer Widow is- and she knows Eleni’s not to be approached lightly...but also, like- “What did I do~ to catch that death stare ?” It does bother her.
sit still, look pretty by daya
favriel by grimes
alone by halsey
medieval warfare by grimes
i am the best by 2ne1
heavy metal and reflective by azealia banks
nightmare by halsey 
**sweet dreams (are made of this) by emily browning 
nightmusic by grimes, ft. majical cloudz
**from the ‘sucker punch’ soundtrack
Owns Snow/S.C. merch- if Snow ever discovers the holo keychain, Aura will literally die of embarrassment. #aurivana 
Her salary is meager- but that’s because she earns almost solely for RISE at the moment with promos and brand deals. Everything she owns- the high-end couture and jewellry and even the holo-veil- aren’t really hers- they’re on loan from RISE. And whatever coin she does manage to earn goes straight to her family on Moon City, so.. she’s almost always skint. 
Aura’s RISE apartment is.. like a mouse’s hole, spatially. The bed is lofted above the kitchen area, and the bathroom is the only room with a door. A glass door- but it’s still a door. But the lighting is always an ambient, calming violet-to-indigo that reminds her of home. 
If she were a vine she would be the one with the child staring down the barrel of a squirt gun and he just says “shoot me”.
Aura’s RISE handlers- it’s usually a big guy named J.J. who is really just a strong-arm type (which confuses Aura- like, do they think she needs a bodyguard or are they afraid that she might run away if left unsupervised ? It’s unclear to her.)- do not let her drink at parties anymore. Not only has she nearly vomited on an industry icon (and personal idol), but she’s also broken character (a big no-no) to tell off the son of some CEO that apparently wanted to work with RISE on a future endeavour (oops). 
Yeah. She’s almost been fired a couple of times, but at this point, RISE has sunk so much money into Aura that, actually, the only fiscally smart thing to do is keep her around and train her up. 
*Daydreams about Marivana*  #secretsecrets
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