#but now i’ve unearthed a brightside to something that’s plagued me for almost a decade
luvsdisc · 3 years
long post and random thought but i used to be jealous of people that didn’t have to work as soon as they were old enough to. like even now i have a hard time not being bitter about it but, esp since i job hopped so much while i was younger, building relationships with people from different backgrounds in different circumstances at different ages and being forced to work together is something really so special to have experienced throughout my youth through today. it’s something that’s hard to be replicated outside of the “unskilled workforce,” because even if you’re exposed to the variety of people, you’re not working /together/ with them for upwards 8 hours. and yes it sucks that i swear i’m so perpetually tired from laboring since i was in high school that no amount of rest will free my soul from exhaustion, and i would never romanticize staying at work til 11/12am only to go home and do homework then wake up at 6am for school sometimes 5 days a week, or failing exams in college because i needed money and had to pick up more hours at work thus had no time to study. but i’ve genuinely never really thought about how much these forced comraderies shaped me as a person which might sound stupid but lmao…. all this because i was thinking about my immigrant coworker who was older than both my parents telling me at 16 to stop apologizing so much for every little thing because i’ll burn out the word sorry and it’s meaning, something i took to heart that helped me build boundaries and stand up for myself more. workplace comradery is such a special thing
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