#but now i have some time so BACK TO THE SCOOBY TIME
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Major Angst: Dead Dove
A horrific idea came to me about Bruce and Jason immediately after Jay's death
So I wrote a fic about how Bruces psyche delt with his sons death and my own personal timeline headcannons (if interested: Read here -Warning it is superbat endgame but nothing romantic actually happened).
But a awful thought just came to me that I now must spread like the curse it is.
For those who don't want to read but for context of my mind, I hc that it took Bruce 3 days to dig Jay's body out of the rubble and when he found him Bruces mind couldn't comprehend that Jay was dead. Like total denial.
Soooooo, after he finds Jay, he wraps him up in a blanket and Flys him home. By the time he gets to Gotham it's like 2 or 3 AM and Alfred is already asleep since Bruce isn't home. Back then they didn't have sensor alarms if one of batmans vehicles went into the cave (which is why they do now).
So Bruce gets home and he takes his baby boy to the medical area and tries to feed him his favorite scooby doo gummie snacks but for some reason Jay won't eat them. Then he tries to give him water but no dice, he even tries to give him a soda telling him he won't tell Alfie if he drinks it but still nothing.
Whatever, he must be incredibly tired, so Bruce cleans Jason up, which is a lot harder than he thought it be, but he was under there for a while. He then grabs his sons favorate pajamas (the wonder woman ones) and dresses him in that. Though it isn't fitting the way it did a couple of weeks ago, he might need to call Dr. Thompson for a checkup.
But he knows just what will cheer his baby up. So he grabs his boy and takes them upstairs, and goes to Bruces room, tucking them both into bed. Jason always loved sleepovers. They made him feel safe, so it was the logical thing to do. It was the best night of sleep Bruce will ever have.
Alfred wakes up around 6 to get started on his dutys. He takes out the garbage and grabs the mail. He goes down to the cave, and what do you know? His boys are back. So he goes and makes them both a nice breakfast in bed. He pops into Jay's room, but the boy isn't there. He must be in the masters room. Alfred walks into the room and puts the trays of food down to open the curtains. When he turns around, he sees the closest thing to a son he will ever have cradling the corpse of his dead child.
OK that's all the horror I got, it's 5 AM and I just got off my shift so bed time.
#should i write a part 2 to my fic of someone (maybe bruce) telling jay about this and just how destoyed B was after his death?#batman#dc comics#dc universe#dcu#superbat#the batman#jason todd#bruce wayne#jason todd dc#the red hood#red hood
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Chalkboard Hearts - S.H

Pairing - KindergartenTeacher!Steve Harrington x Fem!Mom!Reader
WC - 4.3k
Contains - strangers to friends to lovers, slowburn, so much fluff, teacher!steve and mom!reader. No descriptions are given of reader or abbey, other than that abbey has curly hair, steve and reader are the same age (about 24-25), set early-mid 90's
AN - i don’t write for kids often so i hope this reads well and is realistic. i don’t have a clear end for this series in mind, so i’m gonna keep writing it for as long as y’all want it :) feel free to send requests for blurbs for this AU if you so wish and as always, thank you - emma
You hear a tiny voice whisper in your ear. Most mornings started this way, if not all of them. Whoever said getting children out of bed in the morning was difficult had clearly never met Abbey. Every day you peeled your tired eyes open to see the miniature version of them staring back at you, the only difference being they were much wider, and lacking the distinct fog of leftover sleep.
Today her hair was sticking up in all different directions; frizzy curls here and tangled knots there. Your daughter takes after you in many ways, one being that she’s an active sleeper and it shows when she wakes up. Her bed was always disheveled; embroidered blankets strewn across her bedroom floor and little red lines indented in her cheeks where they had been smushed against her pillow.
“Mornin’ Ab,” you say, voice gravelly with disuse. “Have you made your bed yet?” you eye her suspiciously.
You know she hasn’t and she confirms as much when she spins on her heel and dashes for her room down the hall. Truthfully, you couldn’t care less if her bed was made or not, it was merely a guise to buy you a few extra minutes of peace and quiet each morning.
When she doesn’t reappear, you assume she’s gotten distracted and decide to make your way downstairs to scrounge for something to eat. You never ate breakfast before you had Abbey; either for lack of time or because the smell of food so early in the morning made you nauseous. Eating three meals a day was just one bullet point on the long, running list of changes in your routine since becoming a mother.
Two bowls of Frosted Flakes were set out on the table after deciding there was no time for anything more nutritious.
“Abbey!” You call, “Breakfast!”
You hear the sounds of sniffling and small feet padding on hardwood as she enters the kitchen– pouting. You try not to gape at the utter monstrosity of an outfit she's put on. She whines, “I don’t know what I want to wear!”
You sense a meltdown coming already, on today of all days. Pre-school was easy, as Abbey was a fairly agreeable kid. Or at least she used to be. Lately it felt like you had to battle her about anything and everything.
“You look so beautiful, Ab!” you reassure her, attempting to deescalate the impending tantrum. She has on pink corduroy pants and a frilly forest green blouse. For accessories she’s sporting a chunky plastic necklace that definitely came with a dress-up kit, along with a tutu. You have no idea where the tutu came from.
Eventually she decides not to fight you, at least not on her outfit. However, as she climbs into the kitchen chair, she scowls down at the soggy cereal in front of her and asks in the most darling tone she can muster,
“Can I have Scooby fruit snacks instead?”
“How about I pack some in your lunchbox today and you can eat them at snack time?” you try to barter.
Sneaking a glance at the clock, it mocks you with its unforgiving hands– you’re going to be late and your daughter will have skipped supposedly the most important meal of the day. Some mother you are.
“But I want them right now!” Her petite fists bang against the wooden table and she’s a heap of dramatics wriggling in her chair.
“Hey, what did we talk about? Yelling is not nice, even when we’re frustrated. Right?” She acknowledges you with a teary nod along with more crying and petulant moaning that can be heard as you run to the bathroom and grab a hairbrush with two bows. When you return, she’s still moping over her breakfast, but taking bites nonetheless. A win is a win.
You begin detangling the mess of knots and snarls at the back of her head. “Ouch, Mommy!” she cries when you try to comb through a particularly tangled section.
You place one of your hands over the crown of her head like a claw in a poor attempt at keeping her from squirming, “The more you move the longer it takes, sweetheart,”
“Hmph.” she pouts, folding her arms over her chest. When all is said and done, your daughter has her hair parted and tied into two high pigtails, secured with little pink bows, and you’re rushing her out of the front door with haste.
In all the hubbub, you realize you’ve barely gotten yourself ready. Reaching over to buckle Abbey into her carseat, she asks,
“When can I sit up front with you?”
“When you’re this many,” You hold out both your hands to display all ten fingers.
She mimics you with her own smaller fingers, “Ten?”
“That’s right!” You smack a kiss on the crown of her head as you pull back, she smells like her strawberry scented shampoo.
“Watch your feetsies,” you warn and she tucks her legs unnecessarily far into her chest as you close the door.
The ride is filled with the usual nonsensical ramblings of a five-year-old. She beams back at you through the rearview mirror, eyes sparkling and nodding fervently when you ask if she’s excited to make some new friends today. Your social butterfly, the complete antithesis of you.
The elementary school is only a few miles from your home, and before you know it you’re circling a crowded parking lot and preparing to drop your only child off for her first day of kindergarten. The rush of emotions you feel are indecipherable, something like a mix of somberness, excitement, relief, and anxiety.
As you walk towards the front of the building, you’re surrounded by dozens of kids aged five through twelve greeting their teachers and saying ‘Hello’ to friends they haven’t seen all summer. The teachers are holding laminated signs that indicate their name and what grade they teach; thank God for that. Abbey’s little fist squeezes around your index finger and you can tell she’s becoming nervous, despite her previous unbridled anticipation.
“Hey, it’s okay,” You assure, “Look, I think that’s your teacher right there,” you point towards a tall, brunette man standing near the double doors.
A shy smile tugs at the corners of her lips when she sees the teacher in question. He’s dressed in a striped button-down shirt and khakis, with a lanyard dangling from his front pocket; the typical teacher attire.The sign he’s holding reads, ‘Mr. Harrington’ and just below that, ‘Kindergarten’ with a little cartoon apple printed next to his name. He looks young compared to the rest of the staff, closer to your own age. This must be his first year teaching.
As you approach him, Abbey treks in front, eager to meet him. Her backpack is adorned with sparkly butterflies and it covers nearly her entire torso; bumping the backs of her knees with every step she takes.
The man crouches down to her level and greets her, “Hey there,” he offers a warm smile, “what’s your name?”
“Abbey,” she says timidly, twiddling her fingers and flashing a toothy grin at him. She doesn’t bother with her last name, honestly you’re not positive that she even knows it.
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you, Abbey,” he holds a gentle hand out for her to shake and she does so hesitantly, “My name’s Mr. Harrington, and I’m going to be your teacher this year. How does that sound?” The way he’s so patient and attentive with her stirs something within you that you haven’t felt in years, but he’s a teacher, for goodness sake. He looks up then, locking eyes with you and rising back to his full height.
This time, it’s your turn to shake his hand. “I’m Steve.” He flashes you a smile directly out of a Colgate ad and you hope you’re not blushing as much as you feel like you are.
You must look nervous because he immediately assures you that Abbey’s in good hands this year. “We’re having an open house tonight, I hope to see you both there,”
You glance at your daughter, “What’d you think, Ab? That sound fun?”
“Yes!” She squeals and almost falls over from the weight of her backpack.
“Okay then,” With that, you crouch down to give Abbey one final hug. It’s clear that she’s itching to go socialize with the other kids, so you try not to delay her with your sappiness.
“Be good today, okay?” you give her a tight squeeze and a smacking kiss on her little cheek, “I’ll be back to get you at two-forty-five.”
“What will the clock say?” She asks inquisitively. Her favorite question.
“It’ll say ‘two-four-five’,” She nods in understanding, “But I bet you’ll be having so much fun that you won’t even remember to look.”
She’s already on her way to the door when she calls, “Love you, mommy!” and blows you a kiss with her lips puckered. You blow her one back and fight the tears threatening to surface. When did she get so big?
A pang of insecurity settles in your chest when you chance a look around and see all the children accompanied by two parents. You begin the walk back to your sedan before the thought has a chance to fester.
Six hours goes by alarmingly fast when it’s spent running around your house in a frenzy, trying to catch up on all the cleaning you aren’t able to do when there’s a rampant five-year-old on the loose, making a brand new mess where you just cleaned an old one.
Before you can even register the time has passed, it's two o’clock and you need to pick Abbey up in a mere forty five minutes. Looking around your house, you feel satisfied with the progress you were able to make on tidying and call it a day.
This time, you decide to try and appear more presentable before visiting the school, and firmly remind yourself that it has nothing to do with how flustered your daughter’s kindergarten teacher makes you. By the time you’re dressed and have pulled your hair up into a halfway decent top knot; it’s time to go.
The line for pickup wraps around the front of the building, aided by crossing guards and supervised by a few teachers. Twenty minutes into waiting, you regret not having gotten here a little sooner. ‘Tomorrow’ you think. Soon, you catch sight of two little pigtails bobbing up and down as your Abbey skips over to you, grinning ear to ear while Steve watches from the doors she just exited.
“Mommy!” she shouts as she bounds towards you. You place the car in park and run around to greet her.
“Hi, Bug!” you exclaim as you bend at the waist to pick her up. She gives you a tight squeeze around the neck, and you catch a split second of Steve’s gaze over her shoulder before he’s disappearing back inside the school
Plopping her as gently as possible into her carseat and fastening the straps over her chest, her mouth is already moving a mile a minute– absolutely ecstatic to tell you all about the activities she got up to while you were gone.
“What is ‘open house’ ?” she asks, kicking her feet like she can’t possibly contain all the excitement inside her little body.
“It’s just a chance for all the mommies and daddies to meet your teachers,” you explain, “And you get to show me around your new school, fun right?”
Her face lights up like a christmas tree at the prospect, “Are we gonna go?!”
“Yes, but first we have to eat dinner. What sounds good?”
Without missing a beat, she yells a little too loudly, “McDonalds!”
You want to say yes, of course you do, but your shifts at the ER barely cover the minimum of your living expenses. Your resolve begins to crumble, however, when she looks at you with those saucer-round eyes, and her bottom lip juts out in the most precious pout. Who knew she could be so harmlessly manipulative?
“I don’t know, Ab. I think we have some chicken nuggets in the freezer at home, though,” you say, with an air of hopefulness that she might accept the compromise.
“Not the same,” she whines, “Please, Mommy! I’ll be extra extra good please–”
And with that, it’s over.
“Okay! Okay, fine,” you feign annoyance through a smile, “We’ll stop on the way home,”
You can still hear her squeals of excitement when you close the door and walk around to the driver's seat.
Abbey dresses a little more cohesively for the open house than she did this morning. This time she’s clad in a thrifted pair of overalls overtop a little purple blouse. She leads you, hand in hand, inside the school like she knows exactly where she’s going– despite only having spent six hours here.
Steve’s classroom looks exactly how you’d expect. The walls are a light, mint green and it’s as if a character from Sesame Street threw up all over it. Abbey leads you to a reading nook in the corner of the room, surrounded by books and complete with several bean bag chairs, and proclaims this is her favorite spot. She shows you where her desk is– right in the very front of the classroom– and on it, a laminated sticker with her first and last name sits neatly near the top. The walls are lined with colorful letters in alphabetical order, accompanied with numbers just underneath them.
“Abbey!” you hear a familiar voice call, “I’m glad you and your mom could make it!” turning to you then, “I’m actually not sure I ever caught your name,” he chuckles awkwardly, clearly embarrassed by the fact that he doesn’t know it yet.
“Oh, it’s–” and before you get the chance to tell him, Abbey pipes up and tells him your first and last name with a confidence that she certainly didn’t have when it came to her own introduction this morning. You’re relieved that she feels so comfortable around him already.
He repeats your name back to you and holds out his hand for you to shake, “It’s nice to meet you,” You pay no mind to the way your heart beats a little faster in its cage at the sound of your name on his lips. His palm is surprisingly soft when you grasp it in your own.
“It’s nice to meet you too,” you grant him a polite smile, “Abbey could not stop talking about you on the way home,” you pinch her side, teasing, and she giggles in that contagious way that kids do.
“Is that so?” he feigns surprise when he looks at her.
“Nooo!” her giggles amplify as she becomes increasingly bashful.
He crouches down to meet her at eye-level, exactly like he did this morning, “Well, that’s a shame, because I think you might be one of my favorite students,”
Now, she’s a heap of laughter and has a blush spreading from the apple of her cheeks to the tips of her ears. You can’t help but feel enamored by how great he is with children, silently wondering if he comes from a big family, or if he has a child of his own.
“Did you introduce your mom to Nibbles?” he asks her when her laughing mostly subsides.
She gasps like she can’t believe she would’ve forgotten such a thing, then she hauls you by the arm over to a tiny cage on a table, presumably for an even tinier animal.
“Mommy, look! This is Nibbles,” She’s peering between the metal bars of the enclosure and encouraging you to do the same, when you lean in closer you see a small, tan gerbil sleeping in a little nest of bedding.
“He’s our friend and he helps us learn, so we have to be very careful with him,” she tells you with a sudden seriousness that's amusing to see displayed on such a young face. It’s obvious she’s parroting Steve.
You turn to see Steve observing from a few feet behind you, both hands shoved in his pockets, “I didn’t think teachers actually had class pets,” you breathe a huff of laughter.
“Oh, yeah,” he chuckles with you, “I brought him from home, actually. Figured he could use some socialization. With dozens of children.” he informs you sarcastically. God, he’s funny too.
“Wouldn’t have pegged you to be a hamster guy,” you tease.
“He’s a gerbil, first of all,”
“Right, sorry, my bad,” you smirk.
“No time for a dog, I guess,” he shrugs, “thought I could use the company,” he’s clearly still bantering, but there’s an underlying melancholy in his tone that you can’t quite place. Before you can think about it for longer than a second, an impatient five-year-old is tugging on your arm and begging to show you the library.
“Okay, alright,” you laugh, “better get to it, the library awaits,” you shoot him an apologetic look for having cut the conversation short. You feel less guilty, however, when you see more parents and children start to funnel into the classroom, busying him in yours and Abbey’s absence.
“See ya, “ he waves.
“Bye, Mr. Harrington!” Abbey yells, already halfway down the hall.
In the library you have to shush Abbey several times, much to her dismay.
“We use our inside voices in the library, Ab,” you remind her for the fifth time. She frowns but it’s temporary when she spots her favorite section: the picture books. Abbey is ahead of a kindergarten reading level now, and it's one of her favorite hobbies, but you can still never go wrong with a good picture book.
You’re about to follow her when you hear someone call your name.
You turn, “Stephanie?” you ask, puzzled.
“Oh my gosh! It’s been forever!” an old friend from your shared high school, Stephanie, pulls you into an unreciprocated bear hug. Squeezing and swaying back and forth for an awkward amount of time.
“Hey,” you draw out the last syllable and try to paint your voice with a nostalgic excitement, “How have you been?” you ask, even though you’re sure you’d rather be shot than continue this conversation.
You don’t know if you could really call Stephanie a ‘friend’, or if you ever could. The only reason she even knew your name being the shared, piranha-esq social circle you both ran in years ago. She reminded you of your past– who you used to be– someone who you’re not particularly proud of.
“Oh, I've been just fine!” She gestures wildly with manicured nails. Her lips are overlined and her hair is still damaged from bleaching and too many perms. Evidently, not a lot has changed. You ponder if she’s still the mean girl she always was underneath all that makeup, or if at some point in your adolescence she decided to mature.
“Todd and I just bought a house over on Maplewood, are you familiar?”
“Oh, no, not really– my daughter and I live across town,” You don’t like how ashamed you feel, “I’ve heard it’s beautiful over there, though,” you attempt to smile but it doesn’t reach your eyes.
“That was your daughter?” She’s trying not to sound taken aback and failing, “With–?”
“Yes,” Your teeth grit ever so slightly. You hate that she won’t say his name, as if speaking it into existence would somehow break you. Like you’re fragile.
“I was terribly sorry to hear about what happened, Hon,” Her sudden sympathetic tone irritates you, whether it’s genuine or not. You don’t need pity, especially not from Stephanie Nettles.
“It’s okay, Steph, really,” losing patience by the second, nothing about it was okay. “It was a long time ago, Abbey and I are doing fine,” you assure her.
“Oh,” she fawns as she presses her bony hands against her chest above her heart, “Can I meet her? Would you mind?" Her tone is saccharine sweet. You figure it can’t hurt, but when you turn around to retrieve Abbey, she’s not where you left her. The spot on the rug that she was previously occupying is empty and her book is abandoned on the floor.
“Abbey?!” Calling a little too loudly for the setting you’re in but you can’t bring yourself to care. You search row after row, it’s not a big library, and after every shelf you’re expecting her to be there– browsing novels and you’ll feel silly for overreacting.
But that doesn’t happen, and you realize with mild panic that she definitely left the library; somehow without you noticing. You suppose this is the safest place for her to go missing, but the thought doesn’t soothe you for long as you still have no idea where your daughter could be.
Stephanie is staring at you with concern, but still making no effort to help you locate Abbey. You don’t speak and neither does she as you rush out of the room and begin to pace the halls, still calling out for her. You check the bathrooms by the gym, a couple of empty classrooms that aren’t locked– she’s not there either.
When you’ve checked every available room and potential hiding spot in the near vicinity and still see no trace of her, that’s when the real dread sets in. What if she’d wandered outside and been taken? Or worse, there had been an accident and she’s hurt? She could be miles from here by now, she could be–
“I think this might belong to you,” a mellow voice rings out.
Steve and Abbey walk leisurely towards you, hand in hand. A complete contrast to the frazzled mess of anxiety you are right now. You hurl yourself in their direction and wrap Abbey up in a hug, lifting her off her feet.
“Oh my God, Abbey,” normally you’d be fuming at her for wandering off like that when you know that she knows better, but you can’t feel anything other than relief in the moment.
“Found her on the swings,” Steve continues, “Isn’t that right?”
Your relief does eventually morph to frustration, “You know better, Abbey Jane. Don’t stray off like that again. Do you understand?”
She succumbs to her guilt and you can tell her short-lived freedom has lost its novelty. “I’m sorry, mommy,” her little eyes well with tears. “The other kids were going to the swings, I wanted to go,” she pouts.
“We could’ve gone, baby, but you have to ask first, okay?”
Her meek response is muffled in the crook of your neck, “Okay,”
She’s still sniffling into your shoulder when you remember Steve is there, and your surroundings come back into focus.
“Thank you for finding her, Steve–”
“--His name is Mr. Harrington, mom,” she corrects like she can’t believe you’d embarrass her like that by calling her teacher the wrong name.
“--Mr. Harrington,” you stifle a laugh for your daughter's sake, sending him a knowing look.
He returns the expression, “Anytime,” he smiles, sweet . “Think that's enough scaring your mom for today, huh?”
Instead of acknowledging with words, she simply nods her head, eyes glued to the floor, ashamed.
“I think someones getting sleepy, might be time to head home,” you drag a gentle hand down her back soothingly.
“Will you carry me?” she asks too adorably to say no, despite her being ever-so-slightly too big for it. Grunting as you pick her up, you say, “Thanks, again,”
“No need,” he ruffles Abbey’s head lightly as you pass, “See you tomorrow, right?”
“See you,” her eyelids are heavy already. You make your way back to the car slowly but surely, arms growing more numb with every step.
Abbey manages to bargain a bath out of you and four books before bedtime instead of the usual two. How you ever say no to her, you’re not sure. By the time you finally tuck her in, it's well past nine o’clock.
“Did you have a good day today?” You ask as you bend down to kiss her forehead.
“Yes, Mr. Harrington is my favorite teacher,” she proclaims drowsily.
“He’s your only teacher, Ab,” You snicker.
“But he’s still my favorite,” she replies in the same cadence one would say ‘Duh’.
“Well, I guess you’ll have to go to sleep super fast tonight so you can see him sooner, right?”
You can practically see the lightbulb turn on above her head like she’s just had a groundbreaking revelation and nods fervently. You tuck her in tight on both sides, and give her a kiss on each of her cheeks and once more to her forehead for good measure.
“Love you, Abbey girl,” you tell her on your way out, “Goodnight,”
“Goodnight, mommy,” she says wearily from underneath her princess bedsheets.
The door closes with a soft click and you make your way to the living room. You never had the chance to ask Stephanie what she was doing at the school– from what you knew, she didn’t have any children. Perhaps she was a teacher. It didn’t matter as long as you didn’t have to interact with her again.
As you lounged on your old sectional, you couldn't help your mind wandering back to thoughts of Steve. You wanted to know more about him. Where he came from, what made him want to work with kids, why he needed a gerbil to keep him company. Distantly, you imagined what he was like outside of an elementary school setting. You hoped one day you’d find out.
He was Abbey’s teacher, sure, but what was the harm in a little crush?
taglist - @soulxiez
divider credit to @/strangergraphics
#steve harrington#steve harrington x reader#steve harrington fluff#steve x reader#stranger things series#stranger things#joe keery#steve harrington angst#series#steve harrington smut#steve harrington stranger things#steve harrington imagine#steve harrington one shot#steve harrington blurb#steve harrington bot#steve harrington x you#steve harrington fic#steve harrington fanfiction#stranger things 3#stranger things fic#stranger things 5#stranger things fanart#stranger things fanfiction#stranger things x reader#stranger things 4#dustin henderson#robin buckley#the party#stranger things s5#stranger things season 5
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"I'm Taking That As A Yes, Princess"

PAIRINGS: Ghostface!FratPresident!James "Bucky" Barnes x Reader
WARNINGS: Getting alcohol spilt on you, fingering, a bit angsty? (if you squint), semi-bathroom sex, swering, unprotected sex (darlings, please wrap your man's pig in a blanket), p in v, mentions of cum, handjob, a slight hint of a blowjob and slight fluff? (If I have missed anything, please feel free to let me know 😊)
*not proof-read*
Walking into the house, you were immediately surrounded by sweaty, sticky bodies. You grimaced at the overwhelming feeling and tried to find a space where you could catch your breath. The kitchen was relatively empty, except for a couple making out on the counter. You decided to mind your own business, reaching into the fridge and navigating past cans and bottles of beer to grab a water bottle hidden at the back.
You twisted the cap off and took a long sip. Everyone was dressed up differently, which made sense—it was Halloween. Instead of babysitting your little cousins, you’d faked being sick to your parents, dressed up, and come to the Alpha Phi house. This wasn’t like you at all. The top student in your class, the teacher’s pet, the early-assignment submitter, the girl who became a TA in her junior year—you were the “good girl.”
So why were you here? Because you’d overheard some girls talking about the infamous Halloween party that the Alpha Phi guys threw every year. And you weren’t the type who usually went to parties. So why this one? Because you’d heard that Steve Rogers was going to show up, and you had a little crush on the star player of the varsity ice hockey team. You’d been trying to muster the courage to talk to him ever since you sat next to him in a lab in your first year. That was two years ago, and you’d been harbouring feelings for him ever since.
Your heart did a little flip every time he smiled at you when you passed him in the halls. Finishing your water, you threw the bottle in the recycling bin and tugged your tutu down to avoid a wedgie. The ballerina costume was a last-minute, twenty-dollar buy, but you were happy with it—the corseted top accentuated your chest, and though the sheer tights were a bit snug, it didn’t bother you too much.
You were making your way through the crowd and spotted a tuft of blond hair. Your heart flipped again. This was it, the perfect moment. You were going to ask Steve if he wanted to go out sometime. He was tipsy enough to say yes, and if he said no, he’d be too focused on his hangover tomorrow to remember your question. You took a deep breath and started toward him.
Then you saw them. You’d thought the rumours weren’t true, that they couldn’t be real. But the sight of Steve Rogers making out with Peggy Carter would be forever etched in your mind, because the pain in your heart was unbearable. You stood frozen, your heart thudding in your chest as you watched Steve's hands roam over Peggy’s body. You clenched your jaw and sniffled, rooted to the spot.
You only snapped out of it when someone spilled their drink on you. “Damn, sorry, gorgeous,” a guy dressed as Fred from Scooby-Doo winked at you drunkenly before chuckling and moving away. You shook your head, trying to clean the alcohol off your costume.
“Hey, buddy. I think you owe the girl a real apology,” another voice piped up. You looked up to see a towering figure dressed as Ghostface, holding Fred by the shoulder. “Now, say you’re sorry—like you really mean it, and none of that half-assed stuff because you’re shitfaced,” Ghostface ordered, crossing his arms. Fred straightened up, looked you in the eye, and apologized sincerely. Ghostface nodded approvingly and sent him away.
Before you realized it, Ghostface had moved closer to you. You turned to see him looking you over, his mask bobbing as if inspecting your costume. He clicked his tongue and put a hand on the small of your back. “C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up, yeah?”
You both walked upstairs, where the sounds of the party gradually faded, and you were grateful for the quiet. You hesitated when he opened a door and gestured for you to go in.
For the first time that night, you spoke up. “Um, I’m sorry, but I don’t even know who you are.”
The chuckle that followed freaked you out a little, but then he reached up to remove the mask.
James. Freaking. Barnes.
You tried your best to mask your surprise, but you were sure he saw it, because the corners of his lips lifted into a smirk.
James “Bucky” Barnes—the captain of the varsity ice hockey team, a good student, a charmer, the president of Alpha Phi, and most importantly, the best friend of Steve Rogers.
You’ve met James a few times here and there. During some of the varsity games. And passed him in the dorms sometimes. He never caused you any trouble. He even offered to help you move-in in your second year when he clearly saw you struggle push your luggage up the stairs.
You were just acquaintances.
You swallowed and timidly walked into the pristine room, surprised by its immaculate condition. “I certainly didn’t expect a frat president to have such a clean room,” you muttered, hearing James laugh at your comment as he closed the door.
“Well, I don’t work well in a messy environment,” he shrugged and walked closer, his gaze trailing over your corset. You backed up slightly at the intensity of his approach, making him huff a laugh. “I don’t bite, princess,” he said, his fingers grazing the edge of your corset.
He gently guided you to the adjoining bathroom. “I’ll have to wash it out a bit. So, if you don’t mind getting your tutu a little damp, princess…,” he led, waiting for your response. You shook your head, signalling it was fine. He nodded toward the counter, and you hopped onto it.
He wetted a towel and began dabbing it on your clothes. “So, what’s a timid thing like you doing at a fraternity party?” he whispered, his focus on cleaning up the stain. You glanced at his concentrated face before looking away. “What? Can’t a girl come to a party?” you replied, defensively, for some reason.
James chuckled, “Oh, a girl can come to a party. But you, you’re not that type of girl, princess.” You raised an eyebrow at him, puzzled by his statement. “I mean, you never come to parties in general. So why the sudden appearance?” He sighed and caged you between his arms.
You tensed, starting to stammer. “Well, I wanted to see someone,” you shrugged, looking down at your hands.
“Yeah?” James asked, his gaze piercing. “Who was the special guy?”
You looked up at him through your lashes, then quickly looked away. He used two fingers to tilt your face toward him. “Eyes on me, princess,” he said softly.
“Steve. I came to ask Steve out…,” you admitted, spilling your secret.
James looked at you with you look, you couldn’t decipher what it was. But you didn’t know what to feel about it. He looked into your eyes for so long, you started to tear up due to the lack of blinking.
“Steve…,” he dragged it, and it made you wonder why. But you didn’t question it.
He continued to dab the wet cloth to your clothes. “You didn’t have to do that you know… The, um, asking the guy to apologize to me,” you broke the silence, because you couldn’t take the stuffy air that was in between the both of you.
James shook his head and chuckled as he dabbed on your neckline. “If I didn’t my Ma would scold my ear off if she knew. And, besides, a pretty girl needs to be treated right.”
You’re breathing stops at that, and you looked up at him with a confused look. He smirked at your expression, “what?” You shook you head and asked him, “you think I’m pretty?”
James scoffed and nodded, “I would have to be blind if I didn’t think your stunning, princess.”
You didn’t realise but your lips and James’ were a hair breadths away. “James…,” you tried to start but James beat you to it, “Bucky, princess. Call me Bucky.”
You gulped and nodded.
He groaned at they way his named sounded on your tongue. “Princess, your killin’ me here,” he whispered more to himself than at you. His knuckles gripped onto the counter tight. “Please…,” he muttered.
“Pardon?” you didn’t catch what he said.
“Please let me kiss you.”
You froze, you didn’t know what to do.
You always thought Bucky was hot. Hotter than Steve, but you never had any classes with him to fully judge him. You were a hundred percent sure that if Bucky was your lab partner instead of Steve, you’d totally be crushing on Bucky instead.
And if that were the case, you’d be nodding your head like a mad man. Steve was taken, you were still recovering from that. Bucky, apparently, liked you. Liked you more than you thought he did.
You saw the way his gaze flickered from your eyes to you lips and back to your eyes. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips, and saw his pupils dilate at the movement.
“I-,” you started but your thoughts were washed away when you saw Bucky lick his lips too. You heart thuds in your chest as you feel like the whole world is dark and the spotlight is just on you with the way Bucky looks like you. There’s a small part of you that wanted to feel how his lips would feel against you.
So, you nodded.
Before you knew it, Bucky was standing between your legs and gripping your hips. He then pulled you close and smashed his lips on yours. You took a second to understand what was going on, but when your conscious did come back to you cupped his face and kissed him back.
He licked at your bottom lip asking your permission to open up your mouth and you allowed it immediately. Soon your tongues were dancing together, yours was meek and shy letting Bucky do all the taking over. You wrapped your arms around his neck and whimpers against his mouth, which just made him groan against you.
He moved his lips from your mouth to your jaw, then to your neck. You tilted your head to give him more access, and the more you let him the more your whimpers turn to moans.
He moves his hands all over your body, “this okay, princess?” He whispered against your skin, and you nodded fervently and grasped at his black cloak. You felt him palm at your chest, and you sighed and whispered a, “more, Bucky, please.” He nodded against your skin and moved his hands up your thighs and squeezes the flesh of your thighs.
You felt the heat pool between your things and squeezed them together. Bucky smirked and pushed them away, “nuh uh, none o’ that.” He got closer to you, and you wrapped your legs around his hips and chuckled. His hands moved to your inner thighs, and you gasped out, the wetness pooling more into your underwear.
You felt his knuckles brushed against your core and you whimpered and dropped your head against his shoulder. “Please, Bucky,” you muttered against his costume. Without any other word he ripped your tights at the centre and felt the wet path of white cotton.
“Oh princess, so wet f’me already?” Bucky snickered and you nodded at his question. He rubbed his knuckles against your cunt’s lips and pressed his fingers harder when he heard your soft mewl. “You like it don’t you, princess?” To which you nodded again and whispered his name breathlessly.
He pushed your underwear aside and sunk his thick fingers in, and you whined at the intrusion. The sweet stretch felt better than your own meek fingers and soon Bucky was pumping his fingers in and out making your legs shake. “I’m not even rubbing your clit, princess. Your legs are already shaking,” he whispered roughly against your ear.
His thumb started to rub at your clit and that’s when you lost your mind. You mewled and moaned his name as his fingers were rubbing that deep spot in you and his thumb playing with your button has you becoming a wailing mess. He bends down and started to attack your neck. “Fuck, Bucky. Please,” you cried out as you feel your impending orgasm start to build at your core.
Bucky roughly rubbed at your clit and within seconds your gushed around his fingers. You sighed and untensed your shoulders. Bucky brought his fingers to his mouth, closed his eyes and licked them clean. You whimpered at the sight.
You both leaned in and captured the other in a deep kiss, Bucky picked you up like you weighed nothing and exited the bathroom and walked until he placed you down on his bed.
He pulled the Ghostface mask down and leaned to tower over you. You bit your lip, and he chuckled, “didn’t know princess was a bit freaky, hmm?” He unbuckled his belt under the cloak, and you took off your tutu and tossed it somewhere in his room.
When he managed to get his cock out of his pants, your eyes widened as the sheer size of him and then looked at him to see the small smirk that was painted on his lips. “Something wrong, princess?” You gulped and said, “it’s not gonna fit.”
Bucky chuckled and leaned over you once more and whispered into your ear, “we’ll make it fit, princess.” The tone he used made you shiver, and you gripped onto his shoulders and readied yourself. Bucky ran his shaft up and down you’re sit and you whined desperately.
“Bucky, please. I need you,” you squeezed your eyes shut and threw your head back. He tapped your cheek with two fingers and said, “eyes on me, princess.” And with that Bucky slowly pushed inside you. The stretch was so deliciously sweet and painful it made you lose your mind. You both gasped at the feeling of him moving further into you.
“Fuck, princess. You’re so tight,” he grits out as he starts to slowly thrust in and out of you. Your legs wrapped tightly around his waist and your nails raked down his back and he let out a deep moan which made goosebumps raise on your skin.
The sound of skin slapping on skin wasn’t’ as loud as your wails of Bucky’s name and moans. When the tip of him tapped against that spot in you, your eyes rolled to the back of your mind and you squealed, “Bucky right there, oh! Right there!”
Bucky grabbed a hold of the headboard and thrusted harder into you, aiming at that same spot and you felt tears run down the side of face in pleasure. “Fuck, princess. Gripping me like a vice,” he purses his lips as he knocked his hips against yours.
You felt the sheer length of him move in and out of you, your walls embraced him like he was meant to be there in the first place. “Attagirl. Take what I give you, yeah?” He huffed against your ear. The coarse patch of pubic hair that rested at the bottom of his happy trail, rubbed against your clit giving your that nice friction and it made you whine even more.
He pressed a hand against your abdomen and pressed down harder and it made the feeling even better. He saw how you reacted and pressed down harder, and you arched your back at the feeling. With that you felt the climax in you start to rise, “Bucky, I’m so close.” You whimpered as you watched the man wearing the Ghostface mask rut into you expertly.
He threw your legs over his shoulders and rutted into your harder, the band at your core bends and bends until it finally snapped and soon you were coming around Bucky’s cock.
Bucky groaned deeply at you squeezing him tightly, he pulled out and you whined at the loss of the feeling. He was fisting his length at the sight of you post orgasmic bliss and it looked so hot from your perspective. You quickly got on your knees and replaced Bucky’s hand with yours. “Fucking hell, princess,” he ran a hand through your hair and bunched it up at the back of your head. “That’s it, making me feel so good,” he sighed and threw his head back.
He groaned when you parted your lips, the mushroom head of his member inches away from your mouth. He tipped his head back, “fuck I’m so close.” And soon you felt his warm spent spill down your throat. Bucky moaned at the sight, and his chest reverberated deeply when he saw you swallow.
He pushed you down to lay on your back again and he then he laid next to you. You reached up and took of his Ghostface mask so you can his face. “That desperate to see my face? Hmm?” He smirked at your action. You shook your head and chuckled shyly, “maybe.”
Bucky reached up and caressed your face. “You know you’re really pretty right, princess?” You blushed at his comment, “buy me dinner first, Barnes.” Bucky chuckled and then nodded, “are you free this weekend?”
You froze, “you can’t be serious.”
“Well, I kinda am.”
“You are a piece of work James Barnes,”
“Should I take that as a, yes?”
You chuckled and shook your head; you gave him a soft smile.
“I’m taking that as a yes, princess.”
A fic posted during the midst of exam period?!
I would like to thank @buck-star for helping me with coming up with this idea!
This took a while and it's ALOT, but late night productivity hit me like a freight train haha.
I've one more exam in the next week and I'll be done!
Hope you lovelies liked this!
Lemme know what y'all think of the fic!
Till' then,
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
#bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes#bucky barnes x you#james bucky barnes#bucky barnes smut#bucky barnes au#bucky barnes fanfiction#bucky barnes fanfic#bucky barnes imagine#bucky barnes x reader smut#james bucky buchanan barnes#bucky fanfic#bucky#bucky x reader#bucky x you#the winter soldier#james bucky barnes x reader#bucky barnes and reader#bucky barnes fluff#bucky barnes fandom#bucky barnes fic
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i’d love to see what you’d do for a holiday spent with rockstar!eddie 🙂↔️ maybe a quiet night in decorating or just smitten with each other’s company after time spent apart?? a suggestive ending maybe 🧎♀️🧎♀️
ty for requesting :D — you and rockstar!eddie spend the holidays together after coming back from tour (rockstar!eddie universe, established relationship, allusions to smut 18+ | 1.2k)
You wake that morning to a heavy and familiar weight on top of you.
Eddie Munson — rockstar, heartthrob, and world-famous dweeb — is sprawled along your back like your own personal blanket. You swear you can feel his heart beating softly against your shoulder blade while his mouth rests on your cheek, pink and softly parted to exhale little snores in your ear.
You let him for a while, until you think you feel drool on your jaw.
“Wha—?” Eddie slurs when you shift slightly to shove at him. He makes no move to get off of you, though.
“You know we aren’t in a bunk anymore, right?” you mumble into the pillow. “So you don’t have to sleep directly on top of me now.”
“Well, jokes on you, ‘cause I love being on top of you,” he quips, voice heavy with sleep.
You raise a feeble hand to swat at him. “You’re such a perv,” you grumble.
Eddie laughs quietly in your ear, then brushes his lips along your cheek in a chaste kiss. “Want breakfast?” he mumbles against your skin, soft and warm with a lingering slumber.
You nod lazily against the cushion. “Yeah. But I also wanna sleep for, like, five more hours…”
“How 'bout I do a bagel run, and after we fall asleep on the couch? Like old times?”
The mention of old times makes your chest feel all sparkly. Back when you swore you’d hate each other to the grave, but Eddie still had your breakfast order memorized, and you’d still have his favorite T.V. show on by the time he got back.
You’d doze off together, on opposite sides of the couch, but under the same blanket — like some kind of old married couple. Until Steve inevitably found you both there, and you’d go back to hating each other all over again.
“Deal,” you mumble, already half-asleep.
Eddie pats your ass twice and slides off of you.
You grieve his warmth the moment he’s gone.
An hour or more later, the two of you are sufficiently full with breakfast, passed out on opposite sides of the couch, with Scooby Doo re-runs playing quietly across the room.
That’s precisely how Steve finds you — his roommates turned world-famous rockstars — snoring with their mouths wide open, at one in the afternoon, after months of being away.
With his arms full of groceries, he slams the door shut with his foot. The resounding thud startles both of you accordingly. You and Eddie lift your heavy heads like waking zombies, wincing as you stretch your aching backs.
“This is really humbling to see, by the way,” Steve quips as he hangs his keys by the door.
Eddie scowls. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“Nothing,” Steve shrugs. “It’s just— while you guys were halfway across the country, people wouldn’t stop gushing about the two of you... But it’s a really nice reminder to know that you guys are still a bunch of slobs.”
“Asshole…” Eddie grumbles.
You wipe the sleep from your eye and sit further up. “What are those?” you ask, nodding to the paper bags he holds in both arms.
Steve’s lips jut softly out as he peers over the tops of his groceries. “Ornaments, garlands, tinsel… And some condoms, ‘cause we were running low.”
“Who’s we?” Eddie scoffs.
“Me and your mom—”
“I love you, Stevie,” you say. “But there’s no way in hell I’m decorating this place today.”
“Yeah, Harrington,” the wild-haired boy beside you squints. “We just got home. You’ll have to peel me off this couch if you want me to help.”
“Oh, please,” Steve scoffs.
You flash him a knowing grin. “We all know you’re gonna watch Steve do it until he inevitably puts something in the wrong spot and pisses you off until you just to do it yourself. You do it every year, Eds.”
Eddie rolls his chocolate eyes. “I’m not that predictable, doll.”
The apartment is fully decorated by nightfall, by Eddie’s own stubborn volition.
Steve helps you bake a batch of cookies, then promptly leaves after taking a phone call you weren’t allowed to spy in on. He shoves on his coat and mumbles something about an old bootycall that was back in town for the holidays.
You break into his good liquor accordingly, and spike your mugs of hot chocolate with his expensive whiskey.
“C’mere,” Eddie waves from his spot by the glowing Christmas tree.
You let out an immediate whine from the couch, made sluggish from the long day and the spiked cocoa. “What?” you call back in a dramatic mewl.
“You gotta put the star on, doll— You do it every year,” he mocks with a lopsided smile, slick with alcohol.
“But I’m comfortable!”
“Stop complainin’ and get your sweet ass up here.”
You comply, though not without a series of inaudible grumbles as your feet shuffle along the carpeted floor in subdued protest. Eddie guides you up the small step ladder with his palms splayed on your ass.
“What? I’m helping you!” he defends when you flash him a knowing look.
His hands jerk instinctively to your hips when you rise to the tips of your toes, leaning slightly over to hang the shining star upon the highest bough, as it were. You don’t seem to notice how the old wood wobbles slightly beneath you. Eddie does, though, and his chest stings with a fleeting panic as you smile widely down at him.
“It’s so pretty, Eds,” you marvel, only partially tipsy. “You did such a good job.”
“I know,” Eddie hums, all proud of himself, as his palms smooth back over the plush of your ass. “So pretty…” he echoes in a distracted murmur.
“Stop being a perv. I’m trying to compliment you.” You roll your eyes and descend the creaking ladder.
The tree looks best from far away, you think — a chaotic mess of lights and tinsel; of shiny new ornaments and old ones the three of you have collected since childhood. It’s nostalgic, homey, warm. All the feelings you’d nearly forgotten about after spending months on the road.
“Thank you for doing all the work, by the way,” you lilt sheepishly, resting your head on Eddie’s shoulder when he stands at your side. You inhale the sweet scent of his cologne until your chest glows with it.
“How’re you gonna make up for it, huh?” he quips, obviously playful, as he presses a chaste kiss to your hair.
“By cleaning up the mess you made.”
Eddie only then seems to notice the piles of boxes and ripped-open plastic littered along the floor. “Okay, well, what about after that?” he presses.
“Um… Getting in the shower, probably,” you continue with a feigned obliviousness. “‘Cause I smell like sweat and booze.”
A pleased sound rumbles in Eddie’s throat as he smiles down at you. “Mm… Can I join?”
You meet his grin with your brows raised in question. “Only if you’re gonna shave my legs for me,” you answer.
He’s grown strangely fond of doing it for you, which you noticed after months of sharing showers to save water on the road. Not only does it save you the grueling work, but it’s always sure to end with his mouth between your thighs.
So it's a win-win, really.
Eddie knows it, too, and he smiles wider than he realizes.
#published by bug#eddie munson x reader#eddie munson x y/n#eddie munson x you#eddie munson smut#eddie munson#eddie munson imagine#stranger things#stranger things x reader#stranger things imagine#stranger things fic#stranger things fanfic#stranger things fanfiction#eddie munson fluff#eddie munson fanfiction#eddie munson fics#eddie munson fanfic#eddie munson fic#st drabbles#eddie spaghetti drabble#rockstar!eddie
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In one of your last answers, you said “series reboots are usually pretty gross and sad”, and I was wondering if you could expand on that? Assuming “reboot” covers any kind of continuation of a currently cancelled or finished show (and maybe that’s the wrong assumption!), from the outside looking in it feels like a pretty mixed bag. On one hand, if I love XYZ Show, it’s cool that I get more stories with these characters and another chance to support XYZ Show and its creators. On the other, it definitely feels like a lot of ideas can only get funding if they’re tied to something already, meaning creatives are having to now tie whatever cool idea they have to some reboot/relaunch/retread, which can feel pretty disheartening if you don’t want to do a reboot/relaunch/retread. Is that a similar feeling from your side of the industry?
Thank you so much for all your answers and insight!
Usually reboots and spin-offs are just cash grabs. It happens a lot in animation. In fact, I would argue that the entire industry is just one big cash grab now. In the 80s, everyone complained that cartoons were just half-hour commercials for toys. And they were right. And we're right back there, but now that you can't legally push toys all day, it's just general "IP". Mugs, posters, more spinoffs, whatever.
I was offered three show running gigs over the pandemic. All reboots that I would consider unwise to pursue because they were "of a different time" and didn't (in my opinion) have anything more to say. Two of them were properties created by notorious sex pests, so there's also that. The animation industry loves to prop up its sex pests.
I turned all of them down, partially because I didn't respect the original creators but also because none of them had anything going for them except just being "more of the same".
I don't think any of those projects survived the intervening years, so in retrospect I maybe should've taken the job. I'd probably feel a bit gross, but at least I'd have floors in my house.
The entertainment industry is in a bad spot. The whole thing. I've had I don't know how many pitch meetings in the last few years, and they all start the same way:
"Hey! Before we start, we just want to let you know that we're not actively producing anything right now. We think maybe soon, but we won't be picking anything up today..."
And then later:
"The little we are doing is IP, so if you have a new take on our IP or a new IP you're connected to that you can bring in, that'd be great."
I always wanted to make original stuff. There came a time when I'd had my fill of Billy & Mandy and wanted to do something else new and original. That never manifested, and I was constantly being offered IP to produce. I turned too many of those down, maybe, before deciding that it was probably better that I run the IPs that mean something to me rather than having some hack do it.
But now those jobs have all gone to celebrities and fallen live-action writers, who are also slowly being eaten by the system. WB was hot for Scooby stuff a few years back, so I pitched some ideas. A few of them were turned down for being "off-brand" in a variety of ways. WB has now made (I think) all of those off-brand shows (or something close) with celebrity show runners.
I was going through a whole Midlife Impostor Syndrome thing recently where I was wondering if maybe I don't just suck. Like, it's weird that for a couple of decades I'd have people calling me trying to get me to run shows, and now nobody will call me back about the possibility of a design job.
Talking to some friends and realizing that they were in a similar situation helped me feel like I wasn't alone. That was nice. Talking to some of the most talented colleagues in my industry made me made me realize that those people weren't getting jobs either. That was unnerving. Talking to complete strangers in other parts of the entertainment industry now has me thinking that the whole house of cards is coming down. That's real concerning, yo.
It's hard not to think it's purposeful, when deranged billionaires own the entirety of our media and want to shape a society where they can't be criticized. We're letting wealthy tech bros firebomb the very heart of our culture, and it's weird that no one is talking about it. Because (for now) we still have that capability.
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(So this is a little continuation from this post)
So basically in that post, Marvel and Aquaman got separated from the JL and find some ancient underwater Atlantean zombies.
*zombie groan*
Aquaman and Marvel: *slowly look over*
Giant Horde of Zombies: *just standing there*
They proceeded to go on a scooby doo be do type of chase, eventually deciding to hide in a ruined building.
Aquaman: “Should we just get rid of them?” *peeks head over some rubble to look at the zombies and is already readying his trident*
Marvel: “We can’t.” *also peaks head*
Aquaman: “What do you mean, we can’t? We have to take care of this now. If we leave, they might follow us back to Atlantis.”
Marvel: “I’m not saying we should leave them. They’re cursed.”
Aquaman: “Magic did this?”
Marvel: “Yeah.” *nods head* “We have to find out what happened to them.”
Aquaman: “Wouldn’t killing them be much easier? It’d be putting them out of their misery.”
Marvel: “Arthur, they’re still alive.”
Aquaman: “Eeeeh… Are they though?”
Marvel and Aquaman: *watch has a zombie runs into a wall and keeps trying to walk through that wall*
Marvel: “They are. Killing them will be our Plan B. If the curse is lifted, they might go back to normal and if not...”
Marvel and Aquaman: *look back at the zombie that is still running into the wall repeatedly*
Marvel: “We’ll get rid of them.”
After sneaking around a bunch more, they finally found a temple.
Marvel: “Gosh, I remember this place!” *looking around in wonder* “It was beautiful. It’s a real shame it’s just ruins now.”
Aquaman: *leaning down and looking at some broken stained glass* “I bet it was.”
Marvel: *spots a chalice on an altar* “I think that’s is it. I can sense some magic residue.” *jogs over*
Aquaman: *also walks over and spots a plaque on the altar* “Ancient Atlantean?” *skims it over* “Wow. The thing in that cup was a glorified liquid plague.”
Marvel: “It was? All the priests always talked about it like it was holy water.” *picks up the chalice* “Looks like someone drank it.”
Aquaman: “No wonder they’re zombies.”
Marvel: “Huh. To think the plague lasted this long. It’s a wonder they aren’t decomposing.”
Aquaman: “Uh, Cap?” *points to the horde rushing at them*
Marvel: *sighs* “It looks like we’ll have to get rid of them after all. If they’ve been with this plague for so long, it’s probably bonded too deep for me to use a counterspell.”
Aquaman: *pulls out his trident and gets to work*
Like Two Days Later…
Supes: “You were gone for almost two days, where have you been?”
Aquaman: “Oh yeah, that’s our bad. We got rid of some zombies-
Flash: “Zombies??”
Aquaman: “-and then popped up to the surface for some burgers.”
Batman: “And you didn’t think to contact us at all?”
Marvel: “We were really hungry. Arthur also tried to pay them in Atlantean currency cause that was all he had. So I spent like twenty minutes having to convert it into US dollars.” (Ref to the Wonder Girl and Marvel post from a long long long time ago)
Flash: “Cool! Uh… but why’re you guys covered in blood.”
Aquaman: “This is from the zombies.”
WW: “Have neither of you bathed yet…?”
Marvel: “Nope.”
They were in fact covered in blood. Fun fact, after killing all the zombies, Arthur actually found out the hard way that Atlantan zombie blood doesn’t infect you if it gets in your mouth. Though, he still ended up retching for like five minutes while Marvel was just patting his back.
Aquaman: *violently retching his guts out*
Marvel: “It’s okay, pal. Let it all out.” *patting his back*
#billy batson#shazam#dc captain marvel#captain marvel dc#fawcett city#fawcett#fawcett comics#aquaman#arthur curry
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Elijah Mikealson x reader - just one person
Hi! Do you still write for Elijah mikaelson? If so could you write a fic where the reader is a newly turned vampire who can't control their bloodlust and was friends with Elena but after the reader was turned the Scooby Doo gang all kind of ignored her? So Elijah finds them and learns them how to control their bloodlust? With a fluffy ending please 💜 - Anon💜
Sitting on the floor of your room, you buried your head in your arms, hands clutching at your hair, jaw clenched tightly as you tried to fight the feeling inside of you.
You hated it, and if you left your apartment you knew you would act on the bloodlust, you didn’t want to hurt anybody, at least inside with the door locked, your room locked you could stay inside.
You reached for you phone, dialling the first number you saw you waited for a response but you never got one.
It went to voicemail and you threw the phone across the room, shattering it.
They were supposed to be your friends and help you, they were supposed to be showing you what to do, at least Damon and Stefan were, they understood.
Getting up, you threw your room door open, breaking it, and you stood, running a hand down your face, and made your way to the front door, opening it a bit more carefully.
Making your way down the stairs you had to stop, balling your hands into fists, nails digging into your skin causing you to bleed a little.
You were going to find them, you were beyond angry, and hurt, and you wanted to make them hurt the same way you did.
As you were walking, you got sidetracked and found yourself holding someone against a wall, they were unconscious and you felt the hunger growing.
“Now, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to do that.”
You spun around, dropping your victim and you swung your fist only for it to be caught mid air.
Elijah smiled at you, lowering your hand back to your side and he let go.
“This is not the path that you want to be going down (Y/N). I know you’ll beat yourself up over it, and it won’t make it any easier trying to adjust to being a vampire.”
“I can’t help it.. I just… I’m so hungry..”
He offered you a gentle smile.
“I know. I understand quite well what it was like to be a new vampire, that hunger. The fact that you’ve been this way for nearly two weeks and you’ve locked yourself away without feeding is only making it worse.”
“Take it away Elijah.. I just.. kill me if you have to.”
He shook his head.
“No, I can’t do that. Not to you. However, if you allow me, I can help you learn to control this bloodlust that you are feeling, I can show you how we are able to live among humans.”
Elijah reached into his blazer pocket, pulling out a blood bag and he held it out to you which you immediately took to down the contents.
It was a relief to your system to get something inside of it, and you felt some of the bloodlust subside a little bit.
When you were done you looked at him, and he offered you the handkerchief from his pocket so you could wipe your mouth and you put it in your pocket after.
“Come with me, allow me to help you so you won’t hurt somebody.”
You looked at the person who was starting to regain consciousness.
“I’ll handle it, don’t worry. Everything is going to be alright (Y/N).”
You nodded, waiting for Elijah to compel the person into forgetting what had just happened, and he guided you away from the empty street.
He took you back to your apartment and you invited him inside, letting him close the front door as you laid down on the couch.
“I see you have some issues regarding your strength as well.” He chuckled slightly.
“I hate it…”
“It just takes some time to get used to it is all, and a guiding hand to show you along the way.”
Elijah picked up the door, setting it against the wall, inspecting the frame to see if it was still able to hold the door or not.
“Yeah, because people have been doing a great job at that.” You scoffed.
“Your friends have not been helping you?” He asked.
“Apparently they don’t give a shit about what happens with me. I’ve tried calling, texting, even tried sending an email, nothing. They won’t help me get a daylight ring, they won’t do shit.”
You rolled over, facing the back of the couch and you closed your eyes.
“I guess I was stupid to think they’d help… maybe I can find someone to stake me. Least I wouldn’t have to put up with this crap.”
“Absolutely not.”
Elijah turned around to look at you.
“(Y/N), I know what this feels like. How lost you feel, hopeless in fact, as if you have nobody.”
“You got your brother. Your sister.”
“Perhaps, yes. Though I haven’t always had them, believe me I do understand what it is like to be lonely, you can’t live for as long as I have and not understand the feeling of loneliness, the feeling of hopelessness and not being able to have a normal life.”
You didn’t say anything.
“Why did you agree to follow me if you are not going to trust me?”
“I don’t know…”
“(Y/N), I may not be able to hear your heart anymore, but I still know when you are lying to me, you have a tell.”
You rolled over, opening your eyes so you could look at him and you offered him what he could only guess was a shrug.
“You’re the first person to actually speak to me since I turned…”
Elijah walked over, crouching down in front of you and he frowned a little bit.
“If you were going to kill me I guess you probably would’ve by now… I know everybody hates you and all but it’s just nice somebody notices me…”
“You know I’m not all that bad (Y/N), perhaps I have done some bad things yes, I will not deny that. But I will not leave you here to struggle. I can offer you the help you need if you would let me.”
You studied him for a minute.
You knew he was right, it was either let him help you control and learn how to be a vampire or lose control and hurt somebody.
You nodded your head and he smiled.
“Pack a few bags, I will take you away from the town, away from people so you won’t have to worry about hurting anybody.”
So, that’s what you did.
You packed a bag and you left Mystic Falls with him, going somewhere quite so he could teach you how to control your bloodlust and learn to be a vampire.
It was hard, and most of the time Elijah had to start from the beginning but he never once lost his patience.
He had gotten you a daylight ring, and it’s how he was able to find you so easily, because you liked sitting in the sun.
You had missed how warm it was, and the way it felt to just sit there enjoying the peace. 
You were sat on the gravel road, leaning against his car, tossing small pebbles down the drive.
Elijah walked over, sitting next to you.
“You’re doing well.”
“I’m not, I’m doing shit.”
“Considering how hard you’ve found it, you have made a huge improvement, don’t knock yourself down for a small set back.”
“Elijah I threw you through a window, that’s not a small set back, that was pure rage because you wouldn’t let me eat.”
“I’ve been throw through worse believe me, I know you never meant it.”
You didn’t say anything and he rested his head on the car, watching as you threw another small pebble down the drive.
“Will it ever be the same?”
You nodded your head.
Placing your hand on the ground you moved around, laying down, you rested your head on his leg, and looked up at him.
Elijah smiled down at you, placing his hand on your forehead.
“That does not mean you can’t adjust.”
You shrugged a little.
“Maybe some things just aren’t meant to be, you know?”
“Perhaps not, and I am terribly sorry for you having to become like us. Though, I can’t say I am all that disappointed about it because I’m not.”
You furrowed your brows a little bit.
“You were dying, you had been attacked, so you remember?”
“Yeah, by a werewolf I think. I think it may have been Tyler but I’m not sure.”
“Yes, well, Damon and Stefan weren’t willing to turn you, so I did. Because you did not deserve that kind of death. If this makes you angry with me I understand, and I do mean it when I say I am sorry.”
You just stared up at him.
“You turned me?”
He nodded his head.
“It’s why I wanted to help you, because I couldn’t just leave you like this and not take responsibility for what I had done.”
“Why did you do it?”
He smiled softly at you.
“Because it was you, I couldn’t let you go in such a way.”
“That’s so corny Elijah.”
He chuckled a little bit.
“Perhaps, but it’s true. They were willing to just let you die like that, not even attempt to ease your pain.”
“Shit friends.”
He hummed, nodding his head.
You closed your eyes, placing your hand on his arm.
You didn’t need sleep, but you still felt tired all of the time, so sometimes you would take quick naps and Elijah just stayed there with you.
He didn’t move, he let you fall asleep there in the sun.
He took responsibility for you being a vampire, but he wasnt going to leave you alone he was going to keep helping you no matter how long it took.
What Elijah wasn’t telling you is that your friends had tried to get in contact with you since you left, but he never passed along any of the messages.
He didn’t want you to be angry or stressed, it wasn’t what you needed right now.
Right now you needed to be relaxed and calm, and you needed someone by your side the whole way to show you the ropes, and he was that person, he was going to keep guiding you down the right path so you didn’t turn up like some of the others.
You were sweet and kind, he didn’t want you to loose that sense of yourself.
He rested his head back, closing his eyes as well.
“Hey Elijah?” You mumbled.
He opened his eyes, looking down at you.
You smiled a little.
“Thank you…”
“For what?”
You rolled on to your side, grabbing his arm to put over your shoulder, resting your head on his knee.
He smiled at you, patting your shoulder a few times.
He didn’t know if you had fully processed what he had told you, he was the reason you were a vampire, but for now he’d take the small win, and face the rage if it came later
#the vampire diaries#the vampire diaries x reader#the vampire diaries x you#the vampire diaries imagine#elijah mikaelson imagine#elijah mikealson#elijah mikaelson#elijah mikaelson x reader#elijah mikaelson x y/n#Elijah Mikaelson x you#elijah mikealson x reader
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telephone || k.mg
PAIRING || Mingyu x Female Reader
GENRES || Horror, 911 Operator!Mingyu, Romance
SUMMARY || Working the night shift as a 911 operator was hard as it is and the last thing Mingyu needed was those calls from his ex-girlfriend. Whom he had not seen in years. For obvious reasons of her being dead.
Or, in which, Mingyu kept getting calls from his ex girlfriend claiming that she had murdered him.
SERIES MASTERLIST || till death do us part
WARNINGS || inaccurate 911 stuff, description of murdered body, horror, mention of murder and ghost
A/N || If you recognise this story, no you don't. but anyways this was one of my most favourite works even though i'm not that great at writing horror so i'm really glad i'm starting off with this story for the series. i've tried my best to make it as scary as i could (sorry but im a pussy) so yeah any feedback would be really helpful!
TAGLIST || @monamipencil @nonuify @black-swan-blog27 @hipsdofangirl @wonuilu @kibs-and-bits @unlikelysublimekryptonite @gyuguys @hanicore @alyssng @hyneyedfiz @weebotakuboy @aaniag @thepoopdokyeomtouched @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @sea-moon-star @hrts4hanniehae @athanasiasakura @doubleshoticedshakenespresso @asasilentreader @isabellah29 @mrswonwooo @nonononranghaee @hoichi02 @cheolsboo @dinossaurz @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @tinkerbell460 @bluewbwerry @hoeforcheol @kawennote09 @iamawkwardandshy @winterbeartaehyungbestboy @jjeongddol @k-drama-adict @mnstxmnbb @stervahaha @escoupseu @wonvsmile @mansaaay [if you want to be added to my taglist please fill in this form!]
“911, please state your emergency.”
Static. He waited for a minute more but there still wasn’t any sound coming from the other side.
Mingyu sighed exasperatedly, sure that this was another prank call. Halloween night was looming close which also meant teenagers found it funny to call the operators up at night to scare them.
But he was used to this. Which was funny because Mingyu was the biggest scaredy cat in his group and could not even watch Scooby Doo without whimpering at least once. But he took his responsibilities very seriously and there was no way he was going to let his fear come in the middle of his work.
He was about to hang up the call when he heard a sound. Immediately he jerked back the phone to his ear and strained them to hear anything, but all he could hear was a buzzing sound.
“Hello? How can I help-”
He inhaled sharply, the woman’s raspy voice very clear in the empty office. Mingyu was the only one serving night shift in his floor currently, and the only thing accompanying him was the soft beeping on the seven screens in front of him and the buzzing of the fluorescent tube lights above him.
“Ma'am, are you in a position to tell me what is happening?”
His fingers flew across the keyboard, noting down the number first and then quickly texting the other department to find out the location of the call.
“Pl-please help. Make him stop.” The woman whispered, her ragged breath harsh against his ears.
“Make whom stop? Can you tell me who is near to you, ma’am?”
Mingyu felt an unnatural calmness settle into his bones, one that always came whenever he forced himself to calm down in such situations.
A message dinged on one of his screens indicating that they had traced the nearest cell tower of the cell phone.
“Officer Lee.” He said, already on the other line, talking to the nearest official he could see. “We have a 911 emergency of abuse.”
“Roger that. Address?”
“It's…” Mingyu’s voice trailed off on seeing the address.
No way- How was that possible? There had to be some mistake right?
Because the address was of his house.
He cleared his throat, sure that the address was wrong since they tracked the nearest cell tower, and that could be kilometres away from the destination.
“Uh, the address shows my house. I… I think you need to be on the lookout for areas near my house.”
There was a pause, as though Seokmin seemed to be trying to process this information. Seokmin had been good friends with him, so Mingyu knew that even he found it odd, especially when his neighbourhood was a safe and nice one.
“On my way.”
“Ma’am,” Mingyu said, back to line one, “if you could tell me your name or your address, or even what is happening to you, I could help you out better.”
His eyes were trained to look at all the monitors at once, one monitoring the small dot that represented Seokmin heading towards the destination, another with a blank form about the caller and another one where he was rapidly typing what he was hearing, ready to call in other emergencies in case he heard something important.
“Help! Why don’t you help me? Please help!”
“Ma’am help is on the way, please calm down-”
He was interrupted by a loud pop as all the lights went out, the only source of light now being the soft glow of his computer screens. The room was now lit up eerily and he felt the hair on the nape of his neck rise up. Mingyu wasn’t very scared of the dark ever, but the growing sounds of gurgling and growling in the telephone line was causing shivers to travel down his spine.
“Mingyu…” The woman rasped, this time sounding like she had gargled razors, her screeching voice turning his blood to ice.
How did she know his name?
Goosebumps rose all over his skin as his breathing came out in sudden pants, feeling an icy invisible hand wrap around his neck. He sucked in a breath harshly and with a jolt, he realised how lonely he was, not a single soul on his floor whilst he was plunged in darkness.
Then the call cut off abruptly, and at the same time, the power surged back to life.
Yet, the cold feeling hadn’t left Mingyu as though he could still hear the woman gargling in his ear.
He jerked as the second line suddenly came to life, Seokmin’s voice clear through the landline.
“H-Hey. Did you find anything?” He tried his level best not to sound shaken, but it was hard because the more he tried to ignore wherever had just happened, the more the gnawing feeling in the pit of his stomach grew.
“Nothing. We will be needing to get a more specific address. Your entire apartment seems safe to me. Is she still on the line?”
Mingyu exhaled harshly, rubbing his chest with his hand to calm down his heart that was beating too fast. He then realised how dry his throat had become, and quickly took a sip of water before continuing.
“No. She cut the call. I- uh, I don’t think she needs help anymore. She sounded alright at the end.” He said, wincing having to lie. He still couldn’t shake off the feeling of horror he had felt when he saw his own address flash on to the screen.
“Are you sure? Shouldn’t we follow the protocol still-”
“She told me so herself.” Mingyu snapped, and Seokmin shut up, not saying anything more.
He sighed, rubbing his template, trying to forget what he had just heard. But it was like the noise had been ingrained into his brain. He could hear it even now, even though there were many other small sounds beside him.
But being a 911 operator, there was bound to be such horrors, right? He had heard some similar stories of ghost calls from his superiors. Maybe this was one of them?
“Well then…I suppose that’s it huh?” Seokmin cut the silence, causing Mingyu to flinch as he jumped out of his thoughts. “Are you calling it a night?”
Mingyu felt his heart leap to his throat.
Calling it a night? On any other day, he would have loved to crash on to his bed but all of a sudden going back to his house, the place where this lady claimed to be at, seemed like a distant nightmare, something which was waiting for him to tear him apart.
“Uh, n-no. I’ll continue my shift I think. Besides, Seungcheol won’t wake up if I call him now.”
“Hey, are you okay?” Seokmin asked, concern lacing his voice. “You sound…scared.”
“I’m fine.” Mingyu swallowed thickly, feeling a patch of sweat that had formed on his forehead as he tried rubbing his temples.
“We’ve dealt with these before, right?” Seokmin asked again, trying to sound bolder for his sake.
“Y-yeah. Yeah. We have. I’ll… hang up now.”
As soon as the phone went down, Mingyu buried his face in his hands, trying to forget the horrible sounds he had heard on the phone.
But the more he tried to forget them, the more he was convinced that they were no more voices in his head, but were coming from the room. It was almost like he could hear the noise coming from behind the door.
I’m probably just hearing things.
He got up and decided to get some fresh air. He walked to the door and paused, the sound still ringing in his ears. Clutching the door knob, he took in a deep breath and with his eyes screwed shut he turned it open, bracing himself for whatever lay ahead of his.
Silence greeted him as he slowly peeled his eyes open, looking around tentatively for anything that might jump on him out of the dark.
The sound of the elevator’s beep caused his heart to nearly stop, the sudden sound cutting through silent night that was almost engulfing him. He felt his entire body freeze as all he could do was watch the numbers on the screen of the lift increase until it reached his floor, limbs paralysed with fear.
With another soft ding! the lift door began sliding open, and Mingyu found himself almost begging that he shouldn’t be greeted by someone, or something, once the lift door opened.
The dim blue light of the lift spilt out as Mingyu watched in terror, but to his relief only emptiness greeted him back. He looked at his own reflection in the mirror of the elevator.
Mingyu looked deathly pale, his eyes tired and haggard like he had just seen a ghost. His cheeks were hollow and he felt his stomach lurch when his reflection wobbled, indicating that that the lift was about to close.
And then the lift shut close, leaving him alone with a pin drop silence that almost felt suffocating.
Weren’t there others who had night duty? Because there was no way he was all alone in the building, right?
The thought was enough to cause his stomach to lurch, and he swallowed thickly wondering if he should call someone to take his place.
But his house! Mingyu could feel goosebumps rising on his skin the second he thought of his house.
What if she- that thing was still lurking around his house? Or worse, was actually in his house.
The ringing of the telephone cut through the silence like a blade, causing him to jump a mile. His reflexes kicked in though, and clutching his painfully beating heart, Mingyu ran towards his computers to pick the emergency phone call.
“911. Please state your emergency-”
Mingyu froze, the familiar voice draining out all the blood from his cheeks again.
No way.
He wanted to cut the call, wanted to block out whatever this woman was about to beg for because her voice was like icy daggers to his skin, rekindling his fear like never before. Mingyu had never felt so terrified in his life before.
“Please help… Mingyu.”
It was like her whispering his name had opened Pandora's box, and lots of emotions hit him at once. He couldn’t even question how she knew his name because that wasn’t what terrified him the most.
But it was the familiarity of the voice of the woman. A voice he used to hear almost every day before it was snuffed out of his life suddenly.
“Y/N.” He whispered, fear clutching his stomach as he felt his heart hammer in his chest.
In the empty office he could only hear his own ragged breathing and the slight buzzing sound coming from the phone.
But how was this possible?
Because you had died six months ago.
Or rather, you had been killed in his apartment. Murdered in cold blood even though it didn’t make sense because you were the sweetest and most caring person he had met in the world.
At first, he had been charged with murder. Those two months of investigation had nearly driven him mad. It was hard as it is dealing with your death but constant poking of the police made it even worse.
Finally he was set free due to the lack of evidence.
Even thinking about you made his head throb.
“Help please.” You rasped again. “Help me-”
“Where are you?” He whispered urgently, not sure why he was even asking questions. Because this had to be some sort of sick joke, right? Or maybe- maybe he was hallucinating after all. Hallucinating that you had come back to life to get some sort of closure.
“In our apartment! Why aren’t you helping?” You sobbed on the other end of the line.
He felt his head spin. Whom was he even talking to? With each word your voice turned more and more raspy and he could feel the familiar fear returning.
“If you don’t help me he’ll-”
Mingyu heard you gasp, followed by a whimpering as he heard someone slap you.
“Y-Y/N?” He asked, though he truly didn’t want to know what had happened to you. Was the person you kept mentioning your real killer? Then… was this your ghost he was talking to?
“Stay away.” A male voice spoke into the telephone suddenly, causing him to nearly fall off his seat. The hair on his arms and necks stood up at the familiarity of the voice.
“Stay away." He repeated.
He could hear his own voice on the other side of the telephone line asking him to stay away and Mingyu felt his head spin at the thought.
The telephone nearly slipped from his sweaty hand as he tried taking in a deep breath to calm himself down.
"And- and who’s this-”
“Just stay away from us.” He heard his own voice command him, before the line disconnected finally.
“Who was that?”
Mingyu jumped from his seat, hands flying to his mouth to prevent himself from screaming, until his eyes landed on Seokmin.
“You- you scared me!” He hissed, rubbing his sweaty forehead while trying to calm his shaking body down. What had just happened?
No way he had been talking to himself, right? How was that even possible?
Seokmin raised an eyebrow, walking towards him and sitting down on a chair opposite to him?
“Did I scare you? Or that call did?”
Mingyu looked away.
“What are you doing here?”
“I came to check on you.”
“I’m fine.” He snapped, wiping his sweaty face with a tissue. The last thing he needed was Seokmin asking too many questions before he started questioning his own sanity.
“You’re not. You asked the caller whether she was Y/N.”
Mingyu shivered involuntarily at the memory, giving away his fear.
“It sounded like her.” He lied, not wanting to remember what had just happened. Maybe if he was nonchalant about it Seokmin would leave him alone.
“Are you sure? That call before was unusual, coming from your house.” Seokmin said, still concerned. “It's okay to be shaken up by this, you know.”
He exhaled out, trying to calm down his nerves as much as he could.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry. Pretty sure it was a prank. I mean,” He forced out a laugh, which sounded odd against the silence surrounding the two of them, “How can it even be Y/N? That makes no sense. I probably miss her a lot. That’s why I can hear her everywhere.”
“You should go home.” Seokmin cut him, patting him on the shoulder. “I think you need to rest a bit if you’re that stressed out. Sometimes, stress causes us to see and hear things that are not real. ”
Mingyu opened his mouth to protest, feeling dread fill the pit of his stomach at the thought of going home, but with the way Seokmin was staring he knew he didn’t have an option. Or else he would need to explain how he heard his own voice speak to him and ask him to stay away.
Stay away.
Was that a warning, then? Was it a big mistake going back to his house?
But with the way Seokmin was staring at him, Mingyu had no other option but to get up slowly and pack up his things. His hands wobbled, causing him to nearly break his favourite mug, but he managed to force a smile and walk to the elevator, knees threatening to give out any second.
Once inside the elevator, Mingyu chose to stare at his reflection’s nose, unable to meet its eyes. Something told him that seeing his reflection eye to eye would not be a good idea.
Please hurry up. Please open the door fast-
His heart jumped again as his phone rang suddenly, cutting the heavy cold silence which was accompanied by the occasional soft dings.
"Hello?” He whispered, wondering who was calling so late at night. It couldn’t have been Seokmin since he had his number saved, right?
“Why did you kill me?”
Mingyu froze, unable to breathe anymore. How did you-
“Y/N? How did you- Kill you- What are you talking about?” He panted, stumbling back to support his wobbly legs with the help of the wall of the lift.
All of a sudden the air felt cooler, and his clammy hands seemed to be unable to grip the hand bar of the lift. His eyes darted to the equally petrified reflection and a yelp escaped him, phone dropping to the ground.
Because standing right beside his reflection was you. You, looking just like how you had the day you were murdered. Except there was blood all over your dress and multiple stab marks on your chest and stomach.
You smiled at him sweetly.
“Don’t you know? You killed me. Well, not exactly you. It was Mingyu. But he is you, you are him, right?”
His legs finally gave away as he pushed his back into the walls of the elevator, terror filling every single of his senses.
He heard the lift ding as it reached the ground floor. Crawling to the buttons of the lift, he frantically pressed the open button, eyes not leaving your face as you grinned at him, baring your bloody and broken teeth.
Finally the door opened and Mingyu darted to crawl out but froze almost immediately, feeling his heart stop for real this time.
“No.” He sobbed, as he watched the real you walk towards him. Edging back, he felt his heart hammer painfully hard in his chest, every bit of rational thoughts leaving him as you stepped into the elevator.
You leaned towards him much to his terror, and Mingyu screwed his eyes shut as he finally accepted his fate. His breathing eased a bit but he could still feel how tense his entire body was, adrenaline rushing coursing throughout his body.
I don’t want to go.
“Now it’s time for me to return the favour.”
A/N: Please do tell me what you think about this story!! I worked really hard on it and I would love to know everyone’s thoughts on it~ Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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Series Masterlist || Main Masterlist
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
Summary: Dean isn't looking for a mate, and the last place he expects to meet his soulmate is while on a case. Fate ain't real. He still has free will, and saving you is just another part of the job. Except, monsters aren't the only things you need saving from... 18+ only MDNI
Chapter Word Count: 5k words
Chapter Warnings: canon typical violence, language, referenced physical abuse, referenced sexual assault, injuries to reader
A/N: The first two chapters I uploaded were partially rewritten from the original version I have elsewhere, but it’s not feasible for me to keep doing that, especially if I’m ever going to write new stuff; so from now on I’ll be uploading this story as is. Chapters 3 to 14 predate both, Another Notch On His Belt and Snickerdoodles & Special Sauce While I’d do some things differently, they’re all part of the journey. Enjoy! ✌️❤️
Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
“Dick?” Sam gave a half-assed chuckle.
Dean’s eyes lit up mischievously. “Her mate.”
Oh, the mother fucking irony. He wasn’t just a dick, his name was Dick. Or Richard, to be more concise. Dean had passed over that insignificant detail and Ritchie, as you’d called him, to go with what he found to be the most fitting of the three.
While Ritchie suggested a plain loser, Richard sounded like a pompous jackass, which Dean figured didn’t fall far from the tree. But Dick? Dick narrated a scumbag he could work with.
He remembered Dick Roman and his crass grin all too well, and with his face in mind, Dean had run through all the satisfying things he wanted to do to your mate since the moment he’d found you in the park. Whatever manifested, or not, was for later Dean’s enjoyment, but everything his genius had concocted so far suited Dick to a tee.
Sammy, however, saw the bigger picture.
A tsk left his mouth. Followed by an eye roll and the shaking of his mop-hair through a downward glance. It was a wonder he could do both at the same time. “Don’t you think you should be worrying about her, not her ex?”
Dean’s head flicked over his shoulder to the door on the other side of the car park, where he presumed you were still fast asleep. The heel of his left boot even shifted backwards a fraction. All he had to do was fling his other leg towards the room, and your scent and stimulating curves would soon surround him again.
Was it possible for a heart to skip a beat? Because that action, with that very organ popping out of someone like Scooby Doo’s chest, sure described the way Dean felt at the mention of Dick’s finality in your life.
“I’m really getting soft,” he muttered.
“Nothing.” Dean ran his fingers through his hair. “She’s still sleeping. With any luck, I’ll be back before she wakes up.”
“Don’t Dean me.”
Sam could argue, meddle, and question all he wanted. Dean wouldn’t sway from his plans, no matter how stupid his method was. “I ain’t letting him get away with it.”
“I’m not saying you should. Just take a minute to calm down and focus on her, not him.”
“What part of he raped her, don’t you understand?” He sighed and drew his thumb and forefinger across his eyes. His voice, while not the loudest he’d ever produced, had been enough to make even Dean anxious.
He cared little about anyone else in the vicinity, but as with every other motel they frequented, the walls were paper thin, and the door you were behind was a mere thirty yards away. Yes. His guilt fueled conscience had him going stir crazy.
Him needing to be long gone before you woke up wasn’t for your benefit. It was for his own sanity. Sam’s too.
“I understand you want revenge. But she still went back to him yesterday.”
“Because I let—”
“You didn’t do anything!” Sam snapped, then shook his head. “They’re bonded. Chances are she loves him. That won’t change overnight.”
“I know that.” Of course he did. Dean wasn’t that unattuned with the world around him, as people always suggested. He got social cues and had feelings like any other guy. He simply chose not to wear his deepest ones on his sleeve out of survival.
Everyone else could still suck it. Sam could too.
“So why are you so set on doing this right now? Do you really wanna risk pushing her away by beating up the alpha she cares about?”
“It ain’t about him or me.”
“Yeah.” Sam scoffed. “Like I said, revenge.”
“No. Alright? Just, no.” Dean’s arm swooped through the air, as if shoving Sam’s statement off an imaginary table.
This wasn’t about Dean seeking retribution, although he’d never deny there wasn’t a small piece of him that found the concept enticing.
Okay, a large slice.
He had to find some fun in his shitty existence, especially after being careful for so long.
Ever since Sam had lost Jess, they both had been. Aware there were plenty of other fuckers out there besides the likes of yellow eyes. Crowley, for starters, even Cas and the other angels, Roman, the Steins, Chuck. And not wanting to risk history repeating itself, they turned to suppressants.
Though it took a single instance of him going feral and a stern warning from Bobby and his own shotgun pointed at his extremities, for Dean to see sense and allow his rut to occur once a year.
“One cycle with one of them fake dolls ain’t gonna kill ya, idjit,” he had said. And while that was a fond memory of Dean’s now, it had scared the crap out of him.
So, “If I let him walk, she’s a target. With my claim or not,” he said.
Sam should’ve known that, but his eyes grew wide and a grin made them lift even higher. “Are you going to?”
“I just met her!” And that was still the scariest thing in all this.
He and you were soulmates. Fated to be. Chosen for each other by who even knew? Someone who didn’t know you and expected you both to do what? Commit to each other at the drop of a hat?
Dean couldn’t bring himself to think, let alone say the L word. He’d avoided it on purpose when Sam had mentioned you loving Dick, and that was plain dumb. It was four fucking letters. He wasn’t a child, though he had done some crazy, adultly stigmatised shit on your behalf.
Taking you back to the motel as he had and cleaning your wounds. Sleeping close by and letting you take his jacket to nest with. Ordinarily, these things were tame, but law enforcement would say otherwise if Dick decided to press charges against him even before he did what he planned to do.
It was way too much, not because of the illicit nature, but because it was too soon. Too easy to fall. Too easy to be trapped into something more, and yet, he’d been thriving on every second of it so far.
As usual, Sam knew it, too.
“You’re thinking about it,” he said. “You should ask her to come with us.”
But he didn’t respond with how Sam wanted him to. “Keep an eye on her, would ya?” He patted him on the shoulder, once to steady himself, the second to reassure. “Call me if anything happens.” And with that, he strode ‘round to Baby’s driver’s side and got in. It was now or never.
When he reached your street, Dean parked Baby around the corner. Close enough for a quick exit, but further away from your building to avoid arousing suspicions. Not that there was anyone around to question him or his motives.
Just as it had been during the night, the neighbourhood was quiet and restful. Still early enough on a Sunday for most people to be in bed.
Not him, of course. But regular people. Civilians.
Someone like you, included in his picture of suburbia and the apple pie life he’d always admired from a safe distance. It was a shame that the bubble had burst when he found you in the park.
It looked different in the daylight hours as he moved towards the entrance. All that he’d witnessed tainted the luscious leaves, turning the hues dim. It didn’t help that the clouds overhead were already bleak with grey.
They made the white rendered walls of your apartment block appear worse than his original critique of the place. Even though this was your home, it was a home you shared with Dick. A place Dean would find no comfort in.
He entered the building and made quick work of the steps, bounding up them two at a time, guided by his nose. And the letterbox he’d read at the bottom that had your surname on it.
As he honed in on your front door, his ears perked for any movement besides his own, but all was clear, and he was able to thump on the wood without interruption.
But by the third time, his patience had worn thin, and he resorted to his usual methods.
He wrapped his fingers around the ivory grip of his 1911 and drew it out of his waistband, cocking it in readiness. The cool metal, the perfect fit as always, satisfied his hand and the hunter within.
Was the gun overkill? Eh. That was up to interpretation. Just as he still knew little about you, he knew less about Dick, besides the name and what he had done. The weapon was a precaution. A scare tactic at best.
And with that in mind, the sole of his boot raised and collided with the door of the small apartment, sounding a loud crunch as the wood gave way. It made his bow leg twang from the force, but damn, was the rush of adrenaline worth it.
Fuck! He was pumped.
Ready for a fight or a match of words, though the former was far more enticing. Revenge would be sweet, no matter what Sam said. Which was such a shame because his grand entrance hadn’t paid off.
Dick was nowhere in sight, and Dean begrudgingly returned his firearm to its usual resting place. The fucker must’ve been out looking for you.
As Dean stepped over the threshold and past the now broken door, your familiar scent hit his nostrils. That, and the musk he’d caught in your hair. It was the smell you’d find labelled pine or forest in a gas station’s air freshener selection. Pungent, overpowering and something he’d never allow Baby to be exposed to, let alone his own skin, anymore.
Of course, anything that belonged to Dick was repulsive. The recliner Dean stared at had to be his. What with the high back, built-in cup holders that were the perfect size for a cold one or a Dean-sized arm holding a scotch, and a remote in the other hand.
The chair would be awesome in the bunker. Maybe he could… no. No, no. He’d get himself a new one. Along with the flat screen, comfortable-looking three-seater sofa, and the fluffy blanket that had to be yours.
His feet carried him over to the item and brought it to his nose. It was yours alright. The touch of cinnamon he’d savoured during the night had soaked into the colourful fibres and worn thread, and he could just picture you curled under it, cosy and warm. You would look even better with the one he’d buy you, on his bed, nesting, with his pup safe inside your belly.
God, he was being delusional. Conceited too. You nesting on his bed? His pup? The second you discovered the true extent of his meaningless existence, you would change whatever mind you had about him. As you should.
This window into your personality he wandered through reminded him of what he knew, though, and your world was far different from his. Soulmate or no, it would be selfish of him to ask you to give this lifestyle up to be in his where monsters and gore were a constant.
As for pups. Little versions of him mixed with you? The idea took over his body with warm fuzzies, but it was a pipe dream fueled by his instinct to mate and breed.
He knew that.
‘What the hell, man? You don’t even want a family.’ Not like that, anyway.
Fuck no. He’d already dipped his toe in that pool and found it too cold. Being a dad wasn’t for him. Not with the target on his back. And this infinite loop of yearning, then backtracking? It certainly wasn’t, either.
Was this what they meant by a mid-life crisis?
Or maybe it was Dick’s pheromones making him go awol? With notes that belonged in a can of axe body spray Dean had used as a teen before he presented.
His snort was comical.
At least he could put whatever this was to good use. That and the rest of his self worth and a smidgen of hate. They were the perfect recipe for a strong uppercut and Dean was lucky Dick didn’t keep him waiting long.
The unmistakable jangle of keys looking for their lock was the first thing that alerted Dean to his presence.
“Who’re you?” was the second.
Dean spun around on his heels, oozing confidence with his cocksure grin. He didn’t feel the slightest bit intimidated as Dick puffed his chest out. Nor when his gaze travelled the length of his body, top to toe. And rather than answering the other alpha before him, he thought it best to show him how badly he’d fucked up.
Dean’s language was action, after all, and he was finally about to have some fun.
His right hand moved to hover behind his back as the other’s fingers locked around the edging of his shirt collar, pulling it down in slow motion for added effect. He was an expert in gaining attention, even if it was purposeful to piss someone off.
The haughty laugh Dick produced was better than any reaction he could’ve hoped for, and it urged him on.
“Somethin’ funny?” Dean said.
“Guess I was looking in the wrong places. She swore you didn’t want her.” Dick stepped forward, slinking further into the room, unaware of what Dean could achieve.
Mistake number one.
On the outside, Dean was relaxed, too. Both arms returned to his side, keeping his distance with his front positioned towards the other alpha.
Inside, Dick’s every movement was under his scrutiny. He wanted him to fuck up. To say or do something stupid. That way, Dean had probable cause. It would make whatever he ended up dishing out sit better on his conscience if he heard Dick admit it himself.
So Dean poked the bear. Outright asking him, “Did she say that while you were raping her?”
“I marked her as mine.”
Those words were Dick’s second mistake. He’d just given Dean the chopping block.
“And I suppose she didn’t ask you to stop when you hit her, huh? When you tried to scratch my initials out of her skin?” Dean’s voice remained void of all emotion, even as the anger bubbled in his gut. If he held a mirror to his soul, Dick’s face would have been its reflection.
“The little slut is obviously yours now. What do you want?”
Other than using your name, there was nothing Dick could’ve called you that wouldn’t have resulted in him handing over the axe and a third strike.
“I came here to give you a taste of your own medicine. But I don’t swing that way,” Dean said as he withdrew his gun and held it in the air. “Then I thought I’d use this.”
Dick’s whole body flinched. A Mexican wave of nerves twitching all over if you had watched closely, as Dean, of course, had. “You’re fucking crazy!”
Dean was still casual, his smirk devilish. “Oh buddy, you’ve got no idea. If we’d have met last night, well, let’s just say you wouldn’t be here.”
It was all talk. Dean would never go that extreme, not now that he’d had some time to think. He’d meant that bit about being calm. But he loved watching Dick squirm.
His face was hilarious. Dick’s not Dean’s. Dean looked down for business, whereas Dick may as well have been down on his knees. “You want me to apologise? Never see her again? Done. She’s all yours.”
“You think I was waiting for your permission or something? Nah. But I’d appreciate it if you come at me first.”
“Why?” Dick scowled.
“So I can claim self defence.”
To Dean’s exhilarated surprise, his jaunts worked and Dick lunged forward, colliding his fist into his cheek. The muscle below throbbed, and the broken skin stung, but the blood that swirled through his mouth was worth it.
Dick was too dumb to realise Dean was playing with him.
He took blow after blow, waiting for the moment Dick wore himself down to absolute exhaustion.
A punch to the gut. Another to his ribs. With each new strike, more of Dean’s stock appeared on the other alpha’s knuckles. If it weren’t for the colour, he may have confused the patterns and added chunky bits with strawberry jelly, seeds and all, smeared over his pasty white skin.
“Is this what you did to her?” Dean taunted. As much as the truth would anger him, he wanted to know. The more he heard, the easier beating Dick to a pulp would be.
But Dick was too busy concentrating on his workout. Huffing and puffing, with zero energy to answer, or blow the house down.
“That all you got?” Dean made him work a little harder. He’d started dodging, adding some defensive blocks amongst the steps he took backwards. His goal, further from the door, knowing full well that by bringing Dick into a different room, there would be no chance of any witnesses.
It proved more difficult, what with his centre of gravity slightly off because of the punch he’d allowed Dick to land on his right ear. But now in the kitchen, with counters he could lean and bounce off of, Dean decided it was time. His defence turned into offence, and in a matter of seconds, his fist had shaped its way into Dick’s face twice, the butt of his gun another, satisfying every part of his being.
Dean delivered more, all to the fleshiest parts of Dick. His stomach, his thighs, colliding with both boots, and his namesake, which met Dean’s very forceful left knee.
Both men winced. Both groaned, too. Only Dick was in pain, Dean out of mock sympathy.
His hand grabbed the back of Dick’s shirt next, lifting his body upright to send him flying, much like his front door. He landed head first into the lower cabinet with a thump and a flop onto the floor, where he received more of Dean’s wrath.
Looming over your mate, he used his boot to roll him to the side, further toeing his chin to make sure he had the bloodied face’s attention. “Being someone’s bitch ain’t so fun, huh, Dick?”
“Who wants breakfast?” Dean did his best to act casual and ignore the two pairs of eyes that followed him as he walked back into the room. His body ached all over.
He’d been gone a little under three hours now, but he knew that wasn’t what either of you had an issue with.
His brother’s gaze forever judged, while yours appeared concerned, possibly frightened, and neither surprised him, having received similar stares from strangers the entire way back to the motel. A swollen face and bloody knuckles just did that to people, and Dean accepted it.
“What happened?” Sam asked from behind his laptop. Though it should’ve been obvious “I thought—“
“Nothin’.” Dean wasn’t gonna talk about his confrontation with Dick. Not anytime soon, least of all when you were in the room. He needed to gauge your feelings on the matter first, then he’d play into them.
Would you be upset he’d beaten the guy into a pulp or were you concerned with his injuries at all? Because while the latter sure sounded appealing, it wouldn’t help his latest penchant towards you.
He moved to the table and unburdened his hands of everything he carried, starting one by one with the two trays of drinks he’d been balancing. “We got, ah, black, milk, mocha, red-eye, iced, breakfast tea? With, huh, milk? Hot chocolate, and,” he lifted a steaming cup to his chin and inspected the scrawl written on the lid, “the lady said this had Thai in it? I dunno. It’s popular with the locals.”
Impressed, Sam stood up and reached over to pick out a coffee Dean had labelled, only to be smacked away by an overtly aggressive hand.
“Ladies first.” Dean shot you a glance.
You were sitting on the bed he’d left you sleeping on, but had since been remade. As had his Sam’s, with his jacket folded at the end. “I also bought some sandwiches, donuts. Pie.” Both brows raised on that last part, and his grin, although stained with blood, was rather proud.
He had no idea what you liked, but he was confident you would find something to your tastes among this lot. He may have been intent on pushing you away, but he could still protect and act chivalrous towards his soulmate.
If you decided you wanted nothing, it wouldn’t go to waste because he was salivating over the aroma alone since he’d picked it all out. He could always have another coffee, too.
While he didn’t hesitate to pull up a chair and slump into it, he did second guess himself when he addressed you. “C’mon Omega. You must be hungry.”
The term slipped off his tongue with ease, and one thing he was suddenly certain about was his sack being empty. He’d dropped his balls somewhere between dealing with Dick and now, and this uncertainty and stilted behaviour needed to stop.
Even after seeing your apartment, being surrounded by your things and having his inadequacies resurface again. He wasn’t what you needed in your life, and he had to remind himself of that, though it drove him crazy.
This constant mystification around you would surely end with your reflection in Baby’s rearview once more, wouldn’t it?
Yes. It had to because he was Dean frigging Winchester. Never confused by anyone, male or female.
But you and your hesitant steps, observing him as you made your way to join them, were an enigma. Beautiful even with your still stiff gait and bruising on your face and neck that had darkened again. The two of you could almost be a matching pair. Dick sure favoured a hook.
“What’ll you have?” he asked as you sat down, eyes focused in and around his.
The plastic against your pelvis must’ve been uncomfortable. Dean paid particular attention to the way your expression tightened, then relaxed as your body did.
“Coffee? Tea?” He ignored his anguish, pointing to each cup as he listed them, waiting for your response, then passing you your selection when you did.
Your grip was gentle. Your bites and movements were just as soft as how you held your drink when you ate, and through Dean’s constant glimpsing, he found himself less and less interested in his own food.
“You sleep alright?” he said, and your lip twitched into a soft smile when you nodded. Your continued stare had him pulling at his collar.
Sam watched the entire exchange with interest. Here was Dean, someone so hellbent on never entering another relationship after whatever it was he’d had with Lisa and Ben, now infatuated with you. Sure you were soulmates, but it was simple and refreshing.
He saw the way Dean grappled with his instincts, trying to pretend you were no one special, even though all these sweet gestures showed otherwise. The food, the coffee, the bag he’d packed with as many things of yours as he could after leaving your apartment.
You may not have realised what the duffle below your feet was just yet, but Sam sure did. The scent of your belongings oozed off of it, blending with his brother’s own.
Cinnamon, apple, a touch of vanilla, and other spices that collected under those which Dean surrounded himself with. It fit that his palate, in its purest form, would work so well with that of his soulmates.
Almost the same as Sam and Jess’ own mix…
Sam understood Dean’s reluctance, not just with you, but with everyone. He appreciated that his own misery had shielded Dean from heartbreak so far. He wished the transformation he saw in his brother would open himself up more to find what he had lost.
Until then, though, Dean was going to receive a world of shit when they were alone again. Sam owed him for the morning’s wake up call. No doubt for other instances he still didn’t know about, too.
The clothes Dean had picked for you from your wardrobe before leaving the apartment, while fitting as they should, left him disappointed. As crazy as he knew the notion was, he enjoyed seeing you wearing his things, even though temporarily. There was something about the way his shirt flowed over your breasts and hips.
It had engulfed your figure. How it hung below your rear, revealing your thighs when you stretched, and the edging of what he presumed to be a cute pair of lacy panties hugging the curve of that sweet ass he’d pictured as he took care of himself.
Yup. He was going to hell. Again.
He’d been over this and it couldn’t happen.
‘She was just fucking assaulted, man,’ his brain rerouted. ‘Not even a day ago. She doesn’t need this shit from anyone, least of all her soulmate. Or her alpha.’
There it was, that primal side of him coming out. It had been there at your apartment too, but it, like the more sane part of him, was more interested in screwing with Dick at the time.
Now that it was all over, he needed to do his utmost best to reel it in. There was still one last thing that had to be addressed, and neither lusting nor pussyfooting around was going to get it done.
He had to cut ties with you. He had to. His life wasn’t for you, not after seeing the life you could have, with or without Dick. So as he helped you clean up from breakfast, sorting out scraps from leftovers and recycling from trash, he decided there was no time like the present. The sooner the better.
Dammit. He had to do this, now, and he listened to make sure the shower was still on and Sam, in it. Then, running his fingers over his hair, flinging each bristle forward, he cleared his throat.
“So, now that our case is over, me and Sammy will head home to Kansas.” He was smooth. In control, and confident in his delivery. It showed a little too well.
“Right,” you whispered. Your head, delaying by a second, gave a quick shake.
Was that pulling your teeth over your lip nerves? Disappointment?
Scrap that part about confidence. There was that powerful beat in his heart again. The one that felt like it had escaped his chest, pumping back and forth for the world to see.
“I ah. The good news is he won’t bother you anymore.”
Your body froze on the spot. “You—”
There was no need for you to say anything further because he could tell by your horrified expression alone you thought the worst.
“No. No, no. I mean, he looks worse than I do.” He chuckled awkwardly. “But I didn’t murder the guy. As much as I wanted to.”
He shouldn’t have said that.
“I might’ve hustled him a little first, but he’s gonna recover. Just like you will.” He paused and raised himself, pulling his muscles taut. He’d forgotten all about the medicated cream he’d bought you.
His hands touched his hips, then his thighs, searching his pockets, though he didn’t know why. The tube, still in its box, wouldn’t fit anywhere on his person.
He scanned the table and the ground below it before reaching down to pick up the small paper bag. “I got ya this at the pharmacy near the diner. They said it’d help with the infection. Might have to borrow some myself before we leave.” He grinned.
But you didn’t return it. Your brow furrowed as he stepped closer to hand it to you, fingers playing with the package the second they touched. “What’re you trying to say, Dean?” you said, and damn. Using his name stung.
You really were intuitive. He should’ve bargained for it. And what choice did he have but to rip the bandaid off? “Look. What I said about wanting you was true. But my life is dangerous, and I can’t bring anyone into it. Especially you.”
Though his words were every bit rejecting, the way your chest rose below the outline of his chin and your lashes batting against your cheek had him taken, and his concentration proved difficult to maintain.
There was a touch of spice in the air that hadn’t been there before. Something familiar, yet he couldn’t quite put his finger on where it came from. It was addicting, and while he knew it was wrong to let it engulf his senses, he didn’t stop himself.
“So,” he shuddered, using the slight tremor as a final plight to clear his head, “if there’s some place you can go, family or friends, I’m happy to take you there. Anywhere at all. I think it’s best you do that, and you know, forget about Ritchie, and—“
“And you.” Your lips were so plump and enticing. His eyes could only focus’s on their shine, moving under the light as you spoke.
“Yeah,” he whispered, his stomach pulling a one-eighty.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?”
Nope. But what could he do? Your safety was far more important than his need to have you around. His life wasn’t for you. Hell, it wasn’t a life for anyone, and when he stuttered and your mouth pursed in an understanding smile, he was further reminded that what he was doing was right.
“It’s okay. I understand,” you said as your hand came up to touch his and your face lifted to graze a simple peck on the other.
The softness he felt against his skin covered his body in a blanket of goosebumps, igniting a fire within that made his blood thrum, and his ears pop and pulse along with his gut, churning once again. And before you could retract, before you could step away or even turn, his arm had wrapped around your waist, tight, and he commandeered a kiss of his own.
Was he stupid? Damn straight he was, but the genius that lay dormant would pull him through. His inner alpha would always be there to protect his omega. He just needed to figure out how.
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How awesome was that gif at the top? Gave me goosebumps when I was going back and forth, formatting.
I wish I could say that’s the last we’ll see of Dick, but unfortunately, memories live on, and we’ll delve into them more in the future. Did Dean beat him up enough, though? I’ve killed some characters off in the past, not going to lie, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it with him.
We have a cyclone causing trouble here - yay - and my kids are already driving me insane. If you don’t hear from me, it’s because I’ve either lost power/internet, or I’m huddled in the foetal position of my living room, with my wine stash, gone… That’s far more likely. Enjoy your weekend wherever you are in the world!
Chapter 4: Familiarising - 14/03
Dean rolled off to the side, bringing you with him to rest your head against his chest instead. He pulled the covers with you to drape them across your shoulder. Close and cosy, but away from his clear arousal, choosing it best to leave the pressure in his pants over putting it on you.
“I, ah, just need a sec,” he breathed through the grin plastered over his face.
If only you’d give him one.
Your hand patted his sternum, but your leg wrapped over his, bringing your knee close to his semi.
“Not that I’m complaining, sweetheart, but you’re making it hard for me here.”
“Pun intended?” You asked, earning yourself a light smack on your rear.
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#a/b/o dynamics#omegaverse#soulmate au#dean winchester x reader#dean x reader#dean winchester x you#dean x you#a/b/o#hurt/comfort#pregnancy trope#dad!dean#dean winchester#dean winchester smut#dean winchester angst#dean winchester fanfiction#dean winchester fic#angst#spn reader insert#spn x reader#reader insert#x reader#supernatural fanfic series#spn fanfiction#spn fanfic#to you I belong#series#alpha!dean winchester x omega!reader#jensen ackles
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Open Arms
Summary: After a rough day all Peter needs is to be in the arms of the person he loves.
Since you started dating it was rare for Peter to spend the night at his place, on the nights that he did, he promised to let you know he was okay.
Tonight was one of those nights and you were staying up awaiting a text or call from your boyfriend letting you know he got home safe. You were passing the time by watching reruns of Scooby-Doo, but the later it got the more concerned you became.
Just as you reach for your phone, your window slides open and Peter crawls through, kicking off his shoes. You sit up immediately, “Baby? I thought you weren’t coming over today, are you hurt?” He stands by the foot of your bed remaining in silence as he pulls his shirt off, your eyes scan his chest for any cuts or bruises, feeling relieved when there aren’t any.
The feeling doesn’t last long when you catch a glimpse of the dejected look on his face. You lift the covers and open your arms for him, he falls into you, face squished in between your boobs, arms snaking around your waist.
A deep sigh leaves his lips and he deflates, muscles relaxing completely once you start rubbing his back and stroking his cheek, thumb running over his stubble.
Peter nuzzles his face further into your chest, and mumbles, “Sorry for just showing up, I just need to be with you.”
You press a kiss to the top of his head, “None of that, no apologies. I know our bad days aren’t exactly the same, but you’re always here waiting with open arms when I need you, I have no problem returning the favor.”
He squeezes your hip, you can feel his lips pursed repeatedly against the fabric of your shirt, “What are you doing?” He lifts his head, “I just gave your heart like a million kisses, did you feel them?”
You tilt your head at him, “You know before you said that I was certain you were sober now I’m not so sure. Drunk Peter says and does things like this.”
Peter pouts and shakes his head, “Not drunk, I just really really like you.” You push his head back down to your chest to hide your smile from him, “I think the lack of sleep is getting to you. How about we both get some shut-eye? That sounds good?”
You wait till he nods his head before stretching your hand over to the nightstand and grabbing the remote to turn off the TV, and then pulling the chain on your lamp to completely rid the room of any light.
A comfortable silence falls over the room with you tracing shapes on his back while you wait for him to fall asleep first. You focus on Peter’s breathing, trying to fight off your tiredness regardless of how heavy your eyelids feel. The two of you remain that way for a few minutes until, “Honey?” He whispers.
“Yeah, Pete?” You whisper back.
“You never answered my question…did you feel them— my kisses?” You’re glad the lights are off so he can’t see the stupid smile spreading across your face, “I did, baby, thank you.”
“Good,” he pressed another against your shirt, “You get an extra one just ‘cause.”
#peter parker x reader#tasm!peter parker x reader#peter parker x fem!reader#tasm!peter parker#peter parker x y/n#tasm!peter x reader#peter parker x you#tasm!peter fanfiction#andrew garfield x reader#andrew garfield!peter parker x reader#tasm peter parker x reader
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It was Dew’s turn to cook dinner for everyone, which meant it was actually Aether’s turn to cook while Dew sat on the counter and watched. It was nearing 6pm and slowly ghouls would start filtering their way into the den. Rain had already made his way to the den, heading upstairs to shower the lake water off his skin.
“Bets on who’s in next?” Dew asked, his feet swinging off the counter.
Aether stirs as the tomato sauce he’s making.
“Mountain, I think.” He reaches for the salt. “He’s never normally far behind Rain.”
Dew let out a giggle.
“Are you going to pat him down like you threatened last week.”
Mountain was notorious for rescuing injured animals and nurturing them back to health, that was no secret, everyone around the ministry knew him be Snow White. But when Aether had found out that he’d been sneaking little animals, mostly lizards and snakes, into the den and keeping them in an empty fish tank he had, Aether had threatened to do a tsa style search on him before he was allowed inside. They weren’t allowed pet, they all knew that, it was made very clear to them, and Aether didn’t want to get on the wrong side of anyone. He’d seen first hand what happened if you pissed off the higher ups.
“Depends how sneaky he is when he comes in.”
He flicks the kettle on to boil water for pasta.
As if on queue, the back door opens. Mountain tries to sneak in, he really does, but he’s tall and clumsy and speed isn’t something that comes naturally to him so him trying to rush past Dew and Aether ends with a spatula being pressed to his chest and him being pressed up against the fridge with Dew laughing maniacally behind him.
Aether presses the spatula to his throat.
“Empty your pockets.” He demands.
“I-what? Why?” Mountain stutters.
Aether narrows his eyes.
“You know why.”
Mountain holds his hand up in surrender.
“I have nothing this time, I promise.”
“We're demons from hell, promises mean nothing to us.” Dew chimes on from behind them.
Mountain glares at him over Aethers head. He was on his side when he was playing with one of the lizards he’s snuck in.
Aether takes a step back, lowering the spatula.
“You promise.”
“I prom-“
“I can see it moving in your pocket, you lying little shit!” Aether’s trying his hardest not to laugh.
Mountain smirks at him.
“Maybe I’m just happy to see you.”
“He does like being pinned down, we all know that.” Dew pipes up again.
Mountain does a silent cheer, Dew’s back on his side.
Aether shakes his head.
“Pockets. Empty them.”
Mountain sighs and digs into his pocket and pulls out a frog? Or a toad? Aether isn’t sure but it’s some kind of amphibian. He places on the counter, right next to Dew making the smaller ghoul scream, loudly, and jump from the Counter and into Aethers arms in an almost scooby-doo like way.
“What the fuck is that fucking thing?!” He screeches.
Mountain beams at him.
“It’s a frog, Specifically a Moor frog. I found him in the lake when I went to see Rain.”
“Mount, you can’t keep him, we’ve talked about this.” Aether says, trying to balance Dew in his arms.
“He’s too ugly to keep anyway.”
Dew’s still eyeing the frog suspiciously as it hops along the counter.
“Well your ugly and we kept you.”
Dew glares at Mountain with a small growl.
Mountain ignores Dew and pouts at Aether.
“Can’t I keep for today? And tomorrow I’ll go to the lake with Rain and return him?”
Aether, never being able to say no to Mountain or his damn puppy dog eyes, sighs.
“Just for tonight. I mean it, he better be gone by tomorrow.”
Mountain smiles at him, wide and full of fang.
“I promise.”
He scoops the frog up in his hands, still smiling, and heads towards the stairs to go to his room. He has absolutely no intentions of returning the frog. It was his now.
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Sick III
Hardersson x Child!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Magda gets sick
"Momma," You say, hopping down the last step," Morsa's throwing up in the bathroom again."
Pernille looks up from the stove and sighs. "I thought I told you that you weren't meant to go looking for Morsa?"
You shrug. "I didn't go looking for her."
Pernille doesn't believe you in the slightest.
Magda had come down with some sickness, likely the flu, a few days ago. It had started off as just an inconvenience, a stuffy nose and a few headaches. Then came the throwing up and Magda being forced to lean over the toilet bowl for a few hours in the night when she was meant to be sleeping.
Pernille knew it was wishful thinking to hope that the sickness remained with Magda only but you were a bit of a nightmare when it came to getting sick so she wanted to limit the chance of you catching it as much as possible.
If only you understood that because since Magda's sudden illness, you seem to have gotten incredibly clingy towards her like you don't want to stray out of her sight for whatever reason.
Pernille purses her lips as she looks at you, stirring the soup in the pot as she ponders what to do next.
"Why don't you have tv time?" She asks, finally settling on something to keep you occupied.
You don't get a lot of tv time, at least not where you're in control of the tv. You've never really craved it when you could play with girl-swan and girl-moose or kick a football around the garden.
But still, you're a little kid and kids love tv.
"I think Scooby Doo is on."
You think for a moment before your face twists into something akin to annoyance. "I don't like German Scooby Doo," You say," Can I watch Ben 10 instead?"
"Yeah, we can do that."
Pernille sets you up with an episode of Ben 10 in German and you settle on the sofa to watch it. With you now occupied, she sneaks up with a bowl of chicken soup just as Magda makes her way back to bed.
"You look...better."
"Don't lie." It's nice to see that Magda's humour is still there. "Is this for me?"
"Chicken soup." Pernille hands the bowl over. "You should probably wait for it to start cooling down."
"I'll be fine," Magda says," It's not like I can taste it so the heat might be the only enjoyable thing about it."
"How are you feeling? Do you need more medicine?"
"Can't take any yet. Hasn't been four hours but I'll be fine. I spoke to Linda. She said the throwing up only lasts a day. I'll be alright by tomorrow."
"Still," Pernille says," Eat your soup and drink lots of water. We're meant to be setting a good example to Princesse."
The corners of Magda's mouth quirks up a little. "Where is she? You know, I'd feel a lot better if she's here?"
Pernille rolls her eyes, scoffing. "Oh, I see. When I'm sick, I can't see her so she doesn't get infected but when you're sick, you can see her all you want? How is that fair?"
Her tone is teasing and Magda flashes a wolfish grin.
"Swedes don't infect Swedes. It's a rule."
"Well, it's great that she's Danish too, huh? No Princesse time for you until-"
"Hey, Princesse. What have you got there?"
Pernille whips her head around to see you standing by the door, clutching the little first aid kit that's usually hidden in the bathroom cabinet.
"I thought you were watching Ben 10?" She says as you come in, clambering up onto the bed and sitting on Magda's outstretched legs.
"Got bored," You reply, forcing the zip open and rummaging through it," I'm gonna make Morsa better though."
"She's sick, Princesse," Pernille says," Are you sure? You can get sick too."
You give Pernille the biggest judgemental look you can manage. "I know, Momma. I'm not silly. But I'm still going to make Morsa better."
In all honesty, Pernille is a little intrigued about how you're going to make Magda feel better with the first aid kit so she doesn't push anymore for you to leave the room.
"Does your head hurt?"
You bring out one of the bandages, winding it around Magda's head and tucking the end into itself.
"There you go!" You say," Now your head won't hurt. Does your throat hurt too?"
Magda nods.
You whip out one of the big plasters that's meant for big cuts and grazes on the knee and place it over Magda's mouth, making sure it's completely secure.
"You need to stop talking," You tell her sternly," Because that makes your throat hurt." You turn to Pernille. "Momma, I fixed her!"
Pernille has to force down her laughter at the bewildered expression on Magda's face.
"I can see that," Pernille says," We should leave Morsa alone now so she can recover. You did a good job."
You nod. "I know." You blow Magda a kiss. "I can't kiss you because then I'll get sick," You tell her," So have air kisses!"
You blow more kisses at Magda and shuffle off the bed, taking Pernille's hand.
"Can we finish watching Ben 10, Momma? It's a really good episode!"
#woso x reader#hardersson x reader#pernille harder x reader#pernille harder#magdalena eriksson x reader#magdalena eriksson#woso community#woso imagine#woso fanfics#woso#the big adventures universe
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pretty like u (18+)

↳ A little lipstick never hurt anyone...
pairing: early 2000s jeff hardy x bestfriend!alt!black!reader
wordcount: 1.5k+
warnings: 18+, smut, just a lil self indulgent fic, reader is also a wrestler & southern, MUA foreplay basically, making out, lap riding/dry humping, dubcon if u squint, light choking
“You sure it’s gon’ look good, baby?”
“Mhmm, now sit still…you’re gonna mess me up.”
Kittie was playing faintly on your stereo behind you, coming off the nu metal mixtape you put together last week. Jeffrey watched as you continued to work on his face. The two of you were seated in front of your brightly lit, custom-made vanity. You straddled the fluffy brown bench and he sat in front of you, leaning forward in the chair he pulled over from across the room.
You could feel his pretty green eyes on you as you held his jaw sturdy with one hand, using the other to very carefully pen the eyeliner along his lower lash line. You didn’t want to do too much but you knew that he was okay with you playing around a little bit on his face. You could tell he was enjoying himself by the way he blushed and giggled after you’d mindlessly commented about his perfect facial structure while you were finishing up his smokey eye.
Sitting back, you scanned his face to make sure everything was symmetrical. His eyes followed yours, going back and forth until you looked away, twisting to retrieve something from the cluttered vanity.
Jeffrey tried not to stare but he couldn’t help but watch the way your body stretched and the way your clothes pulled around the curves of your body. The thin leopard print halter top you wore began to rise up on your tummy, giving him a sneak peek of the softness he was eager to lay his lips on.
The moth tattoos on the tops of both of your thighs were creeping out from under your black denim shorts. His fingers twitched in his lap, he wanted to trace them along the lines, softly, enough to get you to finally let your walls down for him.
In the few years that you’d known one another, there was almost no separating you. You’d traveled together to matches, and despite having your own hotel rooms, the two of you would often be found in yours—munching on a box of pizza together, watching Scooby Doo or some other silly cartoon. You would fly back home to NC during holidays together, visiting each other’s families before spending your own time alone.
But neither of you ever crossed that line. Sure, there were those times when you would notice his hand lingering on the small of your back as he passed by, or when he would catch you staring while he was putting on his face paint on the other side of the room. Tiny moments that the both of you brushed off as just parts of your weirdly intimate friendship, but everyone around you could see the energy there.
Like now, as you held Jeff’s jaw in your hand, with your own face just inches away from his. The pattern of his beard tickled under your fingers. A moment of eye contact had you both seizing your breath, before you tore your eyes away, focusing instead on his lips—soft, pink. You took a deep breath and popped open your black lip liner with one hand, bringing the pencil up to his face.
“Baby—” His cold hands gently landed on the tops of your thighs.
“Jeff…” You took a deep breath. “Stop calling me that.”
“Why?” His thumbs slid back and forth on your skin.
You lowered the liner back down to your lap. Jeffrey kept his face close, still in your grasp. “Just, let me finish, okay?”
“Okay.” He fought the urge to grin.
You rolled your eyes, biting your lip to hide your own smile. You quickly finished up the liner around his lips, following with a layer of your darkest purple lipstick. “Smack.”
He did as you said, and you released his face. He stayed close, and you didn’t dare to back up either. “How do I look?”
“Pretty like you?”
He leaned in just an inch. “I really wanna kiss you right now.”
You smacked your lips. “So now you wanna mess up all my ha—"
Jeffrey closed the distance between you, swallowing your words down with his lips. Your eyelids fell shut as you accepted the feelings you’d been denying for too long. Blindly sitting your materials back onto the vanity, you brought your hands up to Jeff’s shoulders. As many times as you’ve touched him before, it was nothing like how you felt him now.
His warm muscles tensed under your grasp, relaxing a second later before he slid his hands further down the sides of your thighs, tucking them under and pulling you forward into his lap. You gasped at the sudden rearrangement and Jeff chased your lips like there was nothing in the world that he needed more.
Eyes low and lipstick already smudged, he used a hand on the back of your head to bring you back in. His fingers tangled in your long, black braids, gently stimulating your scalp. Jeff’s other hand was placed firmly on your hip, massaging into your bare skin. You moaned into each other’s mouths, hands scrambling to touch as much skin as possible, to remember as much as possible.
You couldn’t stop yourself from grinding into his lap, already feeling his excitement underneath you. He whined against your lips, beginning to move in circles with you. The harmony between your bodies had you growing needier by the second, feeling almost regretful about taking so long to go further with Jeff. One of your hands found itself lightly wrapped around his neck, your fingers only slightly squeezing the sides. Jeff moaned, putting a few inches of space between your faces. You looked down at his purple, kiss-swollen lips, then back up to his eyes.
“C’mon baby, I’m all yours, take what ya need…”
Resting his head back against the chair, he pulled your free hand up to his neck to join the other. You took the hint and let both of your hands wrap around, squeezing just a bit tighter. Your hips bucked on as you felt him thrusting his hardness up into you, the only thing separating you being the fabric of both of your jeans. The teasing friction had you wanting more and more, and you tried for it.
You threw your own head back, sexually and emotionally frustrated and needing this orgasm to level your thoughts. “Fuck!”
Jeff squeezed your hips, providing a grounding sensation. You zeroed in, focusing on his touch and the heat growing between your bodies. You found the perfect pattern to move your body in, feeling the effects of both his cock and the seams of the jeans teasing your cunt.
You knew you were close, but it felt like you were missing something. You wanted to feel him, actually on you, or in you. You wanted to reach this high with him.
And just like he could read your mind, Jeff brought your attention back to his face, with his hands wrapped around your wrists. “Don’t stop, baby,” He whispered. His eyes were pleading, and so was his body under you.
“Cum with me?” Your voice was hushed, rasped, throat nearly dry although the rest of you felt the complete opposite.
Jeffrey nodded, slowly, moving once again with you as you picked up speed. Your eyes never left one another as the intensity of the moment increased. It was as though you were in tune with each other’s heartbeat, with the way the blood pumped through the other’s system. Everything in the universe began to make sense, like your whole life was leading up to this moment.
You used your hands on his neck to steady you as you moved with an eagerness even you haven’t seen in yourself. “Jeffrey— fuck, oh my god…”
“Mhmm, just like that baby, don’t stop…you’re so pretty grindin’ on me like this…”
You shouted out his name one last time, your entire body freezing up before it began to vibrate. White light blinded you behind your eyelids as you hit your peak, and you could faintly hear Jeff’s choked moans below, his own hips jerking up into you. You could feel every hair standing up on your body, every gentle gust of cool wind from the vents kissing your skin.
Your hips continued to move together, lazily, cooling down. You were synced, it seemed. Your hands loosened from his neck, falling down to his chest and feeling the swell of his chest under your fingertips.
Jeffrey pulled your arms in, effectively bringing your face back to meet his own. This time, he didn’t catch you by surprise. Your lips moved together as though you’d been doing this for years, tongues slipping past one another to explore. Sucking. Licking. Smacking.
When things cooled down, you were forehead to forehead, breathing in eah other's air. You could feel the dampness of Jeff's lap under you, whether from you or him, you didn't care. Your eyes opened and were immediately met with his soft hazel gaze. Turning your head to the side, you placed a quick, gentle kiss on the side of his face. A new warm feeling spurred within you at the sight of him blushing and turning away from you.
"Oh, now you wanna act all shy, huh? Don't tell me this is all I had to do to get Mr. Jeff Hardy to give up all his power..." You teased him, giggling as you circled your hips for a short second, knowing good and well that he could probably make you just as weak if the roles were reversed.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, endearingly pulling you in to squeeze himself against your chest. "Shhhh, girl...just gimme a few minutes..."
i do not give permission for anyone to copy, translate, or repost any of my works. 18+ ONLY -- i am not responsible for the content you consume.
#my writing#sageispunk#smut#jeff hardy#jeff hardy fanfic#jeff hardy x reader#jeff hardy x black!reader#jeff hardy smut#wwe#wwe smut#wwe x black reader#wwe x black!reader
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That's quite cliche oh the boss and his nanny
Barbie dolls: hotch x gn! Nanny! Reader
Word: 2.6k
Summary: hotch asks you stay at his house bc it late and shenanigans happen oh my god holy shit read it please and thank you
Warning: hotch points gun at you, you're a nanny, you have nightmares, mentioned that your hair stands up from sleeping on it weird but it doesn't mention texture I pinkie promise, hotch touches your hair once, jack really loves lightning McQueen, shots (metaphorical) at throw blankets and suburban houses, you say oh my god, that's it I think
It was usual for the team to go out to a restaurant after a long case. So just like usual after the team was off the jet and standing in the hallway, Penelope asked if anybody wanted food. The team answered with different forms of yes. Then after a moment of silence, all eyes turned to Hotch. He looked up from his phone, glancing around.
“So you coming or what?” Emily asked. Hotch shook his head sending you a message telling you he was on his way. He heard a few groans in response. His lips tipped a smidge.
“I have to get home and tell my nanny to go home,” Hotch said, frowning at your lack of a response. It wasn’t too late, you were usually awake at this time. Morgan hummed in a taunting tone.
”Workaholic? You have to shoo them out with a broom?” Morgan asked. Hotch glared at Morgan and stepped into the elevator. Rossi made a sad sound.
“I think you hurt his feelings,” Rossi said, tilting his head at Morgan. Morgan let out a laugh. Hotch rolled his eyes as the elevator doors closed, leaving him alone. He stared down at his message, still with no response. He felt a wave of worry wash over him. He considered calling you but thought maybe he was just being parnoid. Hotch let it slide and slipped his phone back into his pocket. He still let his worry simmer in the back of his head on the ride home. When he unlocked his front door and pushed it open, he felt another wave of worry add to his shoulders.
The lights were off which meant one of two things. You both went to bed early or there was a break-in. He dropped his keys into the bowl next to the door, setting his case down next to his shoes. Hotch quietly walked through the house finding more and more lights off. When he reached the living room he caught on.
The big light was off but the lamp was on. The tv was still playing the credits of a Scooby Doo movie. Hotch hummed now understanding. He looked over the edge of the couch and saw you asleep on the couch. Your sweater was balled up and shoved under your head. Your phone was sitting on the coffee table. Your arm was slung over the edge of the couch, resting on the floor. Hotch saw the remote sitting just barely in your hand. Jack was no where to be seen but he saw a juice box and a halfway-eaten bowl of popcorn on the coffee table. Hotch hummed, assuming Jack already left for his bed. He leaned over the edge of the couch and gently shook your arm.
You didn’t budge, you were out cold. Hotch looked up when he heard movement behind him. He looked behind him to see Jack standing frozen three steps behind Hotch. Jack was holding a bowl of ice cream with a spoon sticking out the top. He was in his pajamas still, and his slippers that lit up when he took a step on his feet. Hotch raised an eyebrow at Jack. Jack stared at Hotch, knowing he was caught breaking the ‘no sweets after 8’ rule.
“Hello, Father,” Jack said, obviously nervous. Hotch hummed and leaned against the couch.
“Whatcha doing bud?” Jack glanced down at the bowl of ice cream with his favorite lighting McQueen spoon.
“Just getting them some ice cream,” Jack said, gesturing to you. You let out a snore that made Hotch sure you’d been out for most of the movie. Hotch hummed.
“How about this, how about you go put that bowl in the freezer? We’ll pretend this didn’t happen and you can have that ice cream tomorrow night?” Hotch said. Jack looked down at the bowl, pouting. His shoulders sank and he turned on his heel, heading back to the kitchen. Jack came back a few minutes later and hugged Hotch’s legs. Hotch pulled him off the ground and hugged him tighter. Jack laughed and Hotch groaned as he set him back down.
“Go get ready for bed and I’ll be in to read you a story,” Hotch said. After a few grumpy mumbles from Jack he left for the bathroom, getting ready to brush his teeth. Hotch turned back to you. He shook you a little rougher making your eyes peel open. He called your name to lead you back to real life through your slumber. You squinted and sat up on your elbow. Hotch heard the remote clatter to the ground. You looked around. Taking in your surroundings. You looked up at him, looking even more confused.
“Aaron?” Hotch hummed in response. You sat up all the way. Hotch reached out to tame the back of your hair. Apparently, sweaters made your hair stand up when sleeping on them. You furrowed your eyebrows and rubbed at your eye.
“What time is it?” You asked. Hotch stayed leaned over the back of the couch, watching you with a smile. Even with your sleep and confusion lacing your every word, you were still breathtaking. Hotch hummed.
“Little past nine.” You groaned, flopping back onto the couch. You tucked your sweater back under your head.
“Five more minutes.” You huffed. Hotch snorted and pulled on your arm.
“Come on, I can’t let you sleep on the couch. It won’t be very comfortable.” You peeked one eye at him.
“Then carry me home.” Hotch rolled his eyes.
“Oh I would, but I have to tuck Jack in,” Hotch said, pointing over at Jack’s bedroom. You sat up and looked at his door. You looked back to Hotch with a frown and twitch in your eye that made Hotch want to massage your concern away. He didn’t, keeping his hands on the couch.
“He’s not already asleep?” Hotch shook his head. “Oh, I'm sorry. I just passed out. I didn’t mean to, it was a long day, and I-“ Hotch shushed you, reaching over to rub your upper arm.
“I don’t mind. You’re an amazing nanny. I don’t think Jack cared either, her was making himself a bowl of ice cream when I got here.” Hotch said, letting his hand linger on your arm even though he knew it was inappropriate professional behavior. You frowned harder.
“Oh damn it, he knows the no sweets after 8 rule.” Hotch let his hand drag up to your shoulder and rub it. Your frown dissapearred and you hummed. You shut your eyes as Hotch added his other hand to your free shoulder.
“You don’t have to go home. It is pretty late. I could set up the guest bedroom for you.” Hotch whispered, staring over your head to watch the credits. You hummed and leaned your head back.
“I can’t do that. I don’t want to impede.” You said, keeping your eyes closed as Hotch massaged your shoulders.
“You’re not impeding. I’m offering. I don’t want you to drive tired. Just stay, you can leave in the morning before Jack wakes up.” Hotch said, glancing over at the bathroom. Jack’s Lightning McQueen's toothbrush was still singing. You picked your head up, peeling your eyes open.
“Are you sure?” Hotch clicked his tongue, pulling his hands away. You glared at him, following him with your eyes as he joined you on the couch.
“I want you here. You’re not a burden or impeding. Stay, please.” Hotch said, reaching out to hold onto your hand. You pressed your lips together, humming sadly.
“Right well, I’m stealing a throw blanket or something.” You said, standing from the couch. Hotch nodded and gave you a soft smile.
“Okay. Sleep tight, I’ll make sure Jake doesn’t wake you up.” Hotch said before heading towards Jack’s bedroom to tuck him in. You drifted off to the guest bedroom.
You didn’t sleep well. It started nicely, the room was pretty. The sheets were nice. The pillows were soft, and yet you still had a horrific nightmare. It left you clammy and breathless. You were shooting out of the bed that was not yours and checking the bedroom windows to make sure they were locked. Which settled your stomach for a moment but then you thought of all the windows and doors in the house. It was a little strange to be paranoid over a nightmare but maybe it was a reminder to be extra safe.
You pulled the stupid throw blanket sitting on the edge of the bed over your shoulders and quietly made your way to the nearest window. As you checked the locks, you wondered why suburban homes seemed to always have pointless throw blankets as decor. No one used them, they all felt like sandpaper. Why’d they do that? Furthermore, why did Aaron have them? Is he using the throw blankets? You moved through the kitchen, the window above the sink was unlocked. You stepped into the living room, checking the sliding patio door. It ws locked. You moved to the windows next to it behind the small desk for Jack. You heard a gun cock.
“Don’t move.”
Your surroundings were shed in a light from behind you. You froze and wondered if it was Jack’s nightlight. You slowly held your hands up. You heard Aaron mutter your name. You slowly turned around to face him, the dumb throw blanket falling to the floor. Aaron lowered his gun, clicking the safety back on and setting it down on the nearby kitchen counter.
“What the hell are you doing?” Aaron asked. You felt slightly taken aback at the fact he just cursed at you.
“Checking the locks.” You whispered, glancing back at the window. Aaron threw his hands out, placing them on his hips.
“And you have to do that in the middle of the night while sounding like a burgalar? I thought you were a murderer or something.” Aaron said, glancing around the room.
“I just got anxious-you pointed a gun at me.” You said. Your brain was catching up with the fact that Aaron could’ve killed you. Aaron glanced over at his gun resting on the counter. He looked back at you apologetically.
“I did, and I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I overreacted, that’s my fault. Did I scare you?” Aaron asked, taking a step closer to you.
“I had a nightmare that someone broke in and took Jack so I wanted to check the locks.” You said, staring at the floor. Aaron cooed and you felt a tear slip past your waterline. You weren’t entirely sure why you were crying. It could’ve been your fear that Jack would get hurt or it could’ve been the fact you were just faced with your own mortality even if it was just for a second. Aaron closed the distance, wrapping you in a hug. You gripped the back of his pajama shirt, pretending your boots weren’t totally, fully, absolutely shaken.
Eventually, you stopped crying and Aaron dragged your shaken form to his bedroom. He took the gun with him. Aaron sat you on the edge of the bed as he set his gun away in his safe. He sat next to you once it locked.
“Are you alright?” You kept your eyes on the floor, seeing that he picked a really strange carpet that was a strange mix of blue, green, and white. Aaron reached out and patted your shoulder, whispering your name.
“Did you pick this carpet?” You asked, keeping your eyes on it. Aaron scoffed.
“What?” You stayed silent, giving him time to think over his answer. “No. It was-“
“Good, ‘cause it’s hideous.” You said, kicking your foot on the carpet. Dishelved it was even uglier. You thought you might get nauseous if you kept looking at it. Aaron squeezed your shoulder.
“You sure you’re okay?” He asked. You shrugged.
“Fine, you just have ugly carpet in here. And untrustworthy locks. And scary guns.” You said, sighing at the memory of Aaron’s gun aimed at your back. Aaron sighed next to you.
“I really am sorry.” You mocked his tone. Aaron pulled his hand away from your shoulder.
“I thought it was funny.” You whispered. Aaron shook his head.
“You’re a pain in my ass, you know that?” Aaron asked. You scoffed.
“Um excuse me? Who was it that packed your son’s lunch and picked him up from school today? Oh, that’s right, me! You ought to watch who you’re talking to.” You said. Aaron had a smile playing at the corners of his lips as he opened his mouth to retort.
“Oh is that how we’re playing it?” You nodded. “Right and who determines your paycheck? Oh, that’s right, me!” Aaron said, pointing to himself.
“Maybe we drop it. I’m good with my job as it is, thank you.” You said, looking back at the ugly carpet. Aaron pulled you into a side hug, shaking you lightly for a moment.
“I’m sorry for tonight. It won’t happen again, I swear it.” Aaron whispered against your temple.
“You’re absolutely positive you had no hand in this carpet decision?” You asked, pointing at the ground. Aaron pulled away from you, letting out a scoffing laugh.
“Why are you so set on this?” You ignored him, really focused on the stupid almost teal.
“I mean it’s so hideous. If you did have anything to do with this, I don’t think we could be friends anymore.” You said, laughing through your words. Aaron didn’t laugh though and you felt a pang of regret strike your heart.
“We’re just friends?” Aaron asked, staring at you with his freaky constantly serious face. You paused, keeping your eyes off the floor so you’d stay focused.
“Just?” You repeated, squinted at him. Aaron shook his head and looked down at the carpet.
“Well I was just-“
“Oh. My. God.” You pulled yourself off the bed, pacing in front of Aaron. “You totally fell for the nanny. Do you realize how cliche that is? You’re so lucky I’m a freelancer. If I was a part of an organization, they’d have my head.”
“Why would your hypotetical organization have your head? I’m the one that’s attracted to my employee, not the other-“ Aaron paused as he seemed to piece it together.
“you totally fell for your boss, Nanny. Do you realize how cliche that is?” You glared at him for throwing your words back in your face.
“Just for that, I’m stealing a throw blanket and a pillow.” You said, shoving his arm. Hotch rocked for a second, before stalliing and giving you a small smile. He sucked in a breath.
“You know,” Aaron paused. “If that nightmare is still bothering you, you could stay in here tonight.” You paused your pacing, quirking a smile at him. You stepped closer to him, slipping your arms over his shoulders. Aaron’s hand ventured from his lap to the back of your thighs, warming your legs.
“Yeah? You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You asked, though you already knew the answer. Aaron nodded his head, pulling you closer to him. He stared up at you with a glint in his eye that made you grin. He squeezed your thighs. You let your arms slide further on his shoulder, moving your faces closer together. Aaron tilted his head back, looking up at you. You knocked your nose with him, pressing your lips against his. Aaron hummed into your mouth, letting his hands on the back of your thighs travel up. You pulled back just a smidge, a breath filling the space between you too.
“I’m staying in here tonight.” You whispered. Aaron nodded, tilting his head back up.
“Good plan. Kiss me again?” You obliged his demands, meeting his lips again.
#aaron hotchner#aaron hotchner x reader#aaron hotch x reader#aaron hotch hotchner#aaron hotch fanfiction#aaron hotch imagine#criminal minds x reader#criminal minds
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if you’d like to know more about Connie click this!
“WELCOME, WELCOME NEWCOMERS~! All I wish for are the most FRIGHTENED faces as you explore my mansion of freaks and flesh! TRY NOT TO TRIP..! Every mistake has consequences.”
Yeah I made an AU about a character that’s not even confirmed to be going in game. You can’t stop me. BUT I will say that since we barely know anything about Connie, how I portray her in this AU isn’t reflective of what she’d act like in canon. I’m just obsessed with her, and then got this AU idea. How she is in this AU might be similar, or completely wrong with how she’d be in canon. I might change some things about this AU if she actually gets added to the game, but for now pleaseee don’t think of anything from this AU as close to canon. Also this is my first time making an AU, I might be a bit slow on stuff

In this AU Dandy’s world is instead of the wholesome colorful kids show about learning lessons, it’s a Scooby Doo esk lighthearted horror show centering around the main cast solving spooky mysteries. Connie was one of the main antagonists of the show, usually being the cause of whatever frightening case the group had to investigate. She’d set traps, send monsters after them, and even attempt to possess them every once in a while! She’d try anything to get her way. But at the end of every episode, Connie was inevitably defeated; wether by giant vacuums or just throwing salt at her, the foul ghost always had her evil plans ceased. Though a bit annoyed at this writing choice, Connie had to play her character wether she liked it or not. Once the show eventually ended however, Connie wasn’t satisfied with how her character ended. And so in a fit of rage, she dissociated from her fellow Toons, disappearing from the world to make her own Spookshow. With the Gardenview (I might change the name later) building now abandoned, Connie took it over as her own, turning it into a twisted haunted house. As the years went by, the Toons would forget about Connie, hoping that perhaps she had moved on and is living a better life now. Though that’d be further from the truth, as one faithful day Dandy would go missing. The Toons were distraught, only being left with an eerie note from Connie at their doors, telling them to go back to Gardenview if they want to see Dandy again. After all these years, the Toons were returning back to their roots. A classic missing person mystery, except only this time, it was real.
Scrapped Connie design

I have many ideas for this AU, if you have any questions feel free to ask. @piquuroblox also hiii :3
#Spookshow AU#<- I’ll tag every Spookshow post with this#dandys world connie#dandy’s world connie#dandy’s world au#dandys world#dandy’s world
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how you tell the boys goodbye when you see them off to work !
˚ ୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ ˚
Rafe !
you probably beg him to stay in bed like everyday even though you know he has to leave. like the beginning of the movie, “don’t worry darling” where alice tries to make excuses for jack to stay. “rafey please stay! ill be lonely without you..and! and im sick so who’s gonna take care of me?” and he just sighs because he doesn’t want to leave you but he is the man of the house and he has to work to give you all the things you want. “baby your not sick and you know I will be back, we do this everyday. im the one who has to keep you fed and get you all your nice things and I can’t do that if I stay in bed with you all day alright?” you pout at him knowing you can’t win, “c’mon give me a kiss before I leave.” you crawl to his side of the bed and stand on your knees at the edge of the bed facing him, you wrap you arms around his shoulders and kiss him deeply. rafe wraps his arms around your waist and slides them to the bottom of your ass, squeezing it firmly. “alright sweet girl, I gotta go but I will see you tonight and I left my card on the table. go buy something with your girlfriends and pick up the delivery of flowers that are coming today for you. ill call you and I love you, okay?” you nod your head showing him you understand, “mhm I love you too rafey! have a good day and come home soon!” blowing him a kiss as he walks out the bedroom door.
Jj !
since jj is always working outside jobs in the heat I feel like you would have to make him a lunch everyday before he goes. sometimes it could be leftovers from dinner last night or you could wake up early to make him a sandwich and fill it with all the snacks he likes. so currently, you are in the kitchen whipping up two sandwiches for jj in his oversized t-shirt, bonnet and fluffy slippers, moving from the fridge to the counter, your panties peeking from below every time you reach up for something. your boyfriend waking up from his slumber, scratches his neck, “g’morning babydoll, what you making f’me today?” reaching over to you and hugging you from behind, you smile and beam from the warmth of his chest. “good morning jayj! making you a scooby doo sandwich with chips and gatorade along with..” you ramble to him talking about all the snacks you stuffed his lunch box and he slides his hands up and down your curves, placing little kisses on your neck making you wince, “mmm jj you have to go to work!”
“I know cupcake but just a little bit..” you probably start your day with a make out session every morning because he can’t get enough of you, but when the two are done, you see him off at the door handing him his lunch box, “I love you jayj! have a good day at work nd I hope you like your lunch!” and he smiles to himself while putting his lunchbox around his waist, getting on his motorcycle. “see you later baby, I love ya and ill see you later.” along with a flirty comment probably, but you see him ride off to work with a grin on your face.
Barry !
I think barry cares for you too much to let you stay at his trap house so he never lets you go over there cause it’s dangerous, meaning he bought a apartment when the two of you started dating or he stayed over with you sometimes. but currently he was staying over at your house sleeping next to you. he would wake up first and make you breakfast, so usually you wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs. getting up in your pajamas walking into the kitchen with sleep still in your eyes. barry turns around, and sees you, “good morning sleepy girl, I made you some breakfast before I leave so si’down.” you mumble a quiet “g’morning bear..” and do as your told taking a seat in the cold chair to wait for your boyfriend to give you some food. you two talk for a while about the plans for today and you finish your breakfast. “I gotta leave now princess, some people waiting for me to show up but give me a hug before I go mama.” you smile and run up to him, melting in his touch, you look up at him from his chest giving him a peck. “please be safe bear..I love you and call me!”
“mhm will do ma’am, I love you too and get s’more sleep aight?” you nod and kiss him goodbye at the door.
#obx fluff#rafe outer banks#barry outer banks#jj outer banks#obx x reader#rafe cameron#rafe x reader <3#barry x reader <3#jj maybank x black!reader#jj x reader <3#john b was supposed to be in this but his ass doesn’t have a job so I didn’t write for him 😇#I was also supposed to post this tmr but I got to keep yall fed 🙂↔️
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