#but now i am committed to the bit. i haven't seen the movie and I won't see until we finish
magpie-trinkets · 2 months
Wait so are these your actual live reactions to Eternal Diva have you actually not seen the movie
Yes, I haven't seen the movie! Those are my live reactions and feelings. I will be watching it for real when we finish the hourly eternal diva!
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kremlin · 11 months
An earnest call for your support: Help me determine if there is a gas leak in my house.
for a long time now, I have been reading and hearing about This Guy on the news, and have been reading all the articles and stories about him:
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Above: Sam, tenting his weird-ass fucked up fingers like a real Wall Street Guy might do in a movie he saw
Yep, you already know this guy, his name is Sam, I'll be referring to him as Sam, as that is his first name, and not by his initials, which is what I imagine a pod person might do in an attempt to emulate human behaviour. Whatever. You already know him and what he did, I won't waste your time. Listen. Pay attention. This is not a post about this guy or what he did. That shit is boring as fuck. This is a post about a potential gas leak in my house. We'll get to that in just a bit. Remember.
I've read all the articles and all the op-eds and everything. About Sam. Let us explore the entire spectrum of media coverage of Sam and Sam's Big Ass Problem, starting from the bottom, with the worm-food-tier jackasses: What do people like Jim Cramer and Shark Tank Guy have to say about him?
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Above: CNN's "Mad Money" Jim Cramer also doing a weird hand gesture while he tells your alcoholic cable-news-addicted uncle to put his money in some dumbass shit
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Above: I think this is the Shark Tank guy? I don't remember his name. Could have sworn his suit had dollar signs and not question marks (?)
I'll summarize their conclusions: "Sam is a boy genius who is super duper smart and can move objects with his massive brain due to knowing about Tech, FinDom FinTech, and computer money, specifically Money Coding. Unfortunately Sam committed massive fraud and will get his ass fucked in federal court".
Moving on from the worm-food-tier to the mediocre-tier: The totally nameless basic bitch journalists at the New York Times or Bloomberg. What do these assholes have to say?
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Above: Jim Fuckface, associate financial correspondent for Bloomberg. Jim enjoys winding down on a Friday afternoon by sipping a Bud Lite Lime and wearing his baseball cap backwards, which bears the logo of his local professional sports team.
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Above: Kate Fuckface, columnist at the New York Times. Kate enjoys spending her time chatting and interacting with her friends on Social Media Platforms like Facebook and Instagram, as well as purchasing items on Etsy
I'll summarize their conclusions: "Displaying the characteristic awkwardness of incredible technical and financial genius, it was clear to me during our interview that Sam's depth of knowledge truly knew no bounds. Unfortunately Sam committed massive fraud and will get his ass fucked in federal court."
Finally moving on to the people that might actually have a clue about what they're talking about. Sam Levine and Michael Lewis:
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Above: Matt Levine, author of a comedy email newsletter named Money Stuff that is 95% financial information by weight and somehow still usually funny as fuck.
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Above: Michael Lewis, author of a bunch of really good books you haven't read that were made into pretty decent movies you have seen: Moneyball and The Big Short.
I'll summarize their conclusions: "Sam sure is a smart kid and seems to know a whole lot about economics and this digital currency, and I mean a whole lot, and even more about business, accounting, and finance. Bright kid! Unfortunately Sam committed massive fraud and will get his ass fucked in federal court."
A pretty goddamn clear consensus across the board on both counts.
I listened to the interviews the entire spectrum of people listed above conducted with him -- the ones during which they unanimously concluded how smart he is. I listened to many hours of ad-hoc, unscripted Twitter Space calls he participated in, where he fielded questions about his fraud and his business with complete strangers. I listened to them very carefully. And here is my problem! I came to a different conclusion!
Sam is a fucking moron. I am not talking about solely his intellect, or solely his decision-making abilities, or any specific criteria. I am talking about all of them.
There are two possibilities:
(A) I am correct and, somehow, literally everyone else is incorrect, most of whom know vastly more about these topics than I do
(B) There is a fucking gas leak in my house and I have completely lost all cognitive abilities, suddenly and unwittingly, and exist in a cartoon reality inside my skull that would allow me to reach such a wildly different conclusion from the same evidence.
The likelihood of (A) being correct is very nearly 0%. I mean, come on. I am not fucking around when I tell you how troubling this is for me. I wrote earlier that this isn't a post about Sam or his bullshit. This is a post asking for your help in determining whether I have lost my god damn marbles.
I'll give Sam one thing -- he has some nominal ability to bullshit. If he's writing a Tweet, or making a short statement, he can finesse his words that, on some level, mask how much of a dimwit he is. He absolutely can't do that through about six hours of unscripted interviews. Listen to that shit. Listen.
I am going to go check all the joints in the gas lines in my house as well as the ports on my stove and heater. I'll come back and write a follow-up post on outlining exactly why I think homeboy is an idiot. While I do that, please, go listen to the interviews and tell me what you think.
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rigil-kentauris · 6 months
URIANGER: 2,4, 7 OR 8 (whichever you prefer), 15-16-OR-17 (again, preference), 20, 23
urianger my beloved
okay let me go dig up my questions
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
I LOVE HIS THEE AND THOU-ING. I especially love the fact that. There's no reasons like culturally for him to be like this, most sharlayans talk normally, if not a touch more formally. he made himself like this. i adore it.
i forget here it is (if its an npc who says it or if its a lorebook thing) but i like the part where the lore says hes Like This because of all those damn prophecy tomes he was on as a little kid. so i just imagine tiny little urianger looking at Ye Old Prophies and COMMITTING. he is precious to me
Small thing: I also love his stupid two sets of goggles when in his Potato Sack era.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
hmm... i feel like if i just sent him off on his own, he would wilt a bit. i would want to put him in something that gave him a fun, relaxing time, and think if thats to be accomplished I would have to send some of his People with him. he's been alone an awful lot and i see those as times that have also been or ended Bad. i think that might be something he dwells on.
OH I KNOW. okay weird one. but. BUT. hear me out. i would send him to Roller Coaster Tycoon. I know that's just technically just like a theme park but when i build them they are the BEST POSSIBLE THEME PARKS IN THE WORLD. if he could bring than, ryne, and gaia along, i just know he'd be really fulfilled by having a Fun Family Trip. i kind of see him as the guy who happily holds the bags and waits at the end of the ride. and i KNOW gaias got bags. also i feel like he is taking pictures and making the kids wear silly Park Gear. they go to some of the slow like Sitting and or Show type rides for him.
also if he was in RCT i could pick him up and Dangle him. not like malevolently but with the same emotion as I would have if I was Rotating Him
also also i have. forgotten everything ive ever read played or watched so im sure i have a better answer rolling around in there but alas.
7/8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like/despise?
I don't actually know much about the fandom takes on Urianger. Most of what I see is people analyzing his actions w/ The Warriors of Darkness and in Shadowbringers, and I haven't seen it be unfair yet. I think, though, I am not deep in the Fandom.
OH you know what I do hate. Every now and again people will mishear a bit about 1.0, and start popping off about how ~~~~~~secretly~~~~ Urianger is ACTUALLY a millennial old WISE and SCHEMING IMMORTAL WIZARD~~~~~~. I cannot blame anyone for thinking that, but it drives me off the wall. hes a 29 year old weird PhD haver who went around at aetherytes and chanting his insane End Of The World prophecies, he wears EITHER potato sack OR a backless dress and the only thing he knows how to do other than is eat hot chip be bisexual and tell the most insane lies possible. actually come to think of it i feel like HE was the one who started the insane lie ' is ACTUALLY a millennial old WISE and SCHEMING IMMORTAL WIZARD' so. either that or it was a general team effort. im getting into the weeds here so i digress.
urianger is so weird. i love him.
15. What’s your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn’t matter if it’s canon or not.)
I'm on that Urianger/Than ship if the bit about the theme park didn't give me away lol. I also like Uri/Moen but if I had to pick one it would be Uri/Than. Uri/Moen makes me sad to think about...
16/17. What’s your least favorite ship for this character?
Lol I havehit up the archive for this one. I'm genuinely not sure what the most popular ships are for Uri outside of Thancred. My guess is Uri/WoL, then Moen. But lets see.
lmao i opened the ffxiv tag and the first fic is an Uri/Than fic ive been reading which YIPPE! its updated!
okay im back its all than/uri and some uri/WoL. there are other ships but i got to the point where there were so few it would feel like kicking a life-raft to mention them.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn’t matter?
I thought about this long and hard. I went at it from every logical angle. I took apart his characteristics, history, things he's done and to who. Interests, likes dislikes. I thought HARD.
I could NOT shake my immediate and initial thought of Estinien. I haven't got a stick to shake at my pile of evidence I just feel this in my heart.
I guess I was very impacted by uh... when was it. The Scions were in the Rising Stones, and Uri was mentioning he was going to get some books or something to try and share with Estinien to get to know him. It was the most endearing shit I have ever seen and it cut me to the bone. I think probably that attempt did not work but I do not care. GO FOR IT URIANGER! i also, i suppose, wonder how many friends Uri has every actively tried to make himself. like in childhood it seemed more like moenbryda Selected him, and that not many other kids liked him. his complicated history with the scions is complicated, but i think obviously he has to put in active effort to maintain those relationships (ESPECIALLY SINCE HE LOVE HOT CHIP LIES), but a lot of his character development w/ the scions seems more akin to 'hey this is the guy on our team we've known each other for like a decade so we are friends now' and less akin to 'hi my name is urianger can i show you some cool books'
its just intriguing to me why he did that. i hope so much it works out.
also come to think of it i dont know how many friends ESTINIEN have sought out of his own volition. he actively avoids aymeric half the time. orn kahi appears to have also gone the moenbryda route of Mine Now. tataru and krile had to actively hunt and Blackmail him into the scions. certainly i would call him friends with us now, and he cares a lot about alphinaud, but as far as Who Reached Out To Who, i think he is actually in the same boat as uri. huh.
vrtra, i think, is it. though i haven't had enough review time to say who lead that one.
now i want to see uri and estinien sitting silently in a room doing their own separate silent tasks (uri is reading a Tome, estinien is Caring For Weapons) SPECIFICALLY so i can caption it 'tag two blokes who do fuck all'. maybe its alisaie sneaking a bad blurry picture over her shoulder with her front camera and sending it to alphinaud.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
oh man i dont know. theres so much good ingame content and there SO MUCH GOOD ART and i do not have ANY of it tagged by character. let me go look.
OH NO I KNOW this is my favorite image of urianger of all time i want to cry every time i look at it. the fucking. expressions. i cant possibly describe in words how MUCH i feel when viewing this image. im going to pop.
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atmilliways · 1 year
Fic title: Midnight Lessons 👀
(fic title meme)
Prefacing this with a general announcement that I haven't watched the Metalocalypse movie yet, because it's been like ten years since significant new content and I am very bad at change. 😂
Midnight Lessons would be a Narles fic. Nathan and Charles' excuse for spending so much time lately is that Charles wanted music lessons.
(No, they do not specify if singing or a specific instrument or whatever. The guys just accept that it is about "music." Nathan knows how to play piano and a fair amount of guitar, I think, so it could be either of those, but also Charles getting singing lessons from Nathan is very funny to me.)
Anyway, the press gets a hold of this lie and it becomes a Thing. Suddenly Charles is expected to give a recital, which Nathan is Totally Behind because he committed to the bit way too much and insisted that he's a Great Teacher and therefore Charles is a Great Musician now. And Charles can't contradict him to get out of this, because it would make Nathan look like a liar and hurt his public image.
The problem?
Well. You've seen the DVD extra where Charles raps, right? This is not going to be pretty, everyone's gonna figure it out, the whole thing will be an incredibly publicized train wreck.
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amostimprobabledream · 7 months
Writer Tag!
Thanks so much @blindmagdalena! How many works do you have on AO3? As of right now, 67. What's your total AO3 word count?
No idea lol.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? A Lungful of Smoke Quid Pro Quo The Trees Stood Witness The Beast You've Made of Me the beast you've made of me
I feel like three of these should be discounted because I wrote them in like 2017 - the Hawks one was literally when he was first introduced and we didn't even know his civilian name then.
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do, though not every comment - usually if they're just like "Part Two!" or "More plz!" I tend not to reply to those. I tend to worry about looking like I'm purposefully boosting my comment number by replying to them all.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Definitely "as the stars explode".
What’s the fic you've written with the happiest ending? I'm not sure, most of my fics are smut oneshots so I guess hitting the big O is a happy ending. "The Gift" was a pretty happy ending for Grimmjow and Reader.
Do you write crossovers? Not usually but that doesn't necessarily mean I never will.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? Yes. Once I got a particularly stupid one about some girl getting salty that I spoiled a character's death - a character that had only appeared in the manga, so as an anime-only watcher she shouldn't have even been reading about him since she shouldn't know who he is if she hadn't already seen some spoilers.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I think it's pretty much all I write lol. I'm trying to branch out a bit but I worry people feel cheated with no sexy payoff.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? I have, though this was back in like 2015 of a fandom I'm not naming out of embarrassment, and they reposted it to ff.net. Luckily I don't think Reader Inserts are permitted there so I'm assuming it got deleted anyway.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, a couple of times! Mostly into Russian.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, though my Peaky Blinders OC fic is based off an RP I was doing with my friend, so some of it was partly written by her, which I'm repurposing with her permission. <3
What's your all-time favorite ship? I tend to not get too involved with shipping because I like ships that are more unusual and get tired of the same super-popular pairing getting shoved down my neck. That being said, I am forever salty Peaky Blinders set up Tommy/May in Season 2 and then inexplicably just sorta dropped it because May's actress got preggers. (I want them to finally get together for the movie so badly but I'm not holding out much hope.)
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? I like to think once my hyperfixation kicks in I'll go back to some fics I've ditched but I find multichapter stories difficult to commit to. I do want to continue with my Demon!Dabi story and that Dazai one I wrote one chapter of and then ditched. What are your writing strengths? I think I'm fairly good at dialogue and I try to put unique twists on concepts I've seen done before. I personally also enjoy the personalities I give to my Readers, I'm a bit picky with Readers in Reader Inserts (I hate it when they're either super passive and meek or aggressive af for no reason).
What are your writing weaknesses?
I think I have a bad tendency to skip a lot of exposition because I want to jump to dialogue. I also sometimes worry my writing is too beige prose-y and I should take my time a bit more. Also I am awful at finishing multichapter fics because I get distracted so easily. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I guess it depends on how it's used? I quite like it when people write characters with accents, I think it adds a nice flavour to stories. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Fruits Basket and Naruto lol. What's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to I have a bunch of like, half-started Billy Butcher x Reader concepts but he's such a hard character to write for. I think it's because I don't get to discuss him nearly as much as Homelander. What's your favorite fic you've written? I'm personally pretty fond of "I'm neon phosporescent" for Dabi being a kinky bastard and "stardust in my eyes" as my first foray into The Boys.
No pressure tags: @librarianqueen @inkyveins @honeydazai-main and anyone else who wants to participate!
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
Dream Drop Distance is really cool so far! Anyone who's heard me speak knows I love shit with dreams, and I'm glad KH is really throwing itself into that mix now. The intro was admittedly a bit jarring, because I was like... "okay... they're younger... with raft? No Kairi? URSULA?! They're drowning? Traverse town... did I skip a cutscene without realizing?"
But I'm good to go, now! 😆 👍
Except for the phantom Ursula bit... why her? Trying to figure that one out, still.
Anyway, here's where I squeal!
Remember when I said this, one post ago, in reference to Maleficent rhetorically questioning fiction vs. reality:
"Here we go, create new worlds from stories, huh?"
On top of Sora's journal being established as being tied to his very being, and that the two clearly have just as much life within them, and that line, it's an interesting choice that the Dream Drop Distance opening movie shows lots of storybooks with writing within them of places in the games, particularly one of Destiny Islands with the trio within it. The game's going meta, boys... I'm banking on it.
The intro scene with Braig's death and Xehanort's... whatever is going on... so intrigued...
The Dream Eaters are SOOO cute! I love their wonky little faces and weird eyes. A mix of Inception dream diving, KH, and Pokémon? This game is like... scientifically engineered to make me go insane. I immediately went to see if censors were enacted for Dream Eater naming as was the case for actions in BBS, and Riku now has a colorful bat following him around named "FU%K." Truly, I am maturity incarnate.
The addictive card game in Traverse Town is very rewarding as a CoM Enjoyer with how it replicates the gameplay. The entire time I was running around I shared Sora's hyper reaction of "I haven't seen this part of Traverse Town before!!" :D I am Filled with Wonder. Traverse Town's got a whole underground supersized mailroom that reminds me of that one place in Polar Express, holy cow!
The two worlds I've been to are so pretty so far! And AAAA a Hunchback of Notre Dame world, which I have been wanting since the first game, ohmygod, guys! The intro got my hopes up for a Fantasia world, but it could've just been a one-off reference like they've done before, and there's so much in Fantasia that I don't know if they'd actually commit to stylizing a whole world off of it. But anyway, if they did... I'd explode. But I won't hold my breath (I say, coping, setting my expectations to a reasonable level). Anyway, now I can legitimately say "Sora and Riku fight the church lmao" and actually have canon backing for it. My wish came true again. And wow.... the cathedral windows are so purty... I just sorta stared at them for a 'lil bit. Then I fought a frog. Then Sora got profiled by Frollo (that was not on my bingo sheet, but something was both disconcerting and hilarious about Frollo looking Sora up and down and going "I know what you are," *projects discriminated group onto Sora's oblivious being*).
And hoo boy, don't get me started on my little duo. Not half an hour into the game, and already Sora was screaming for Riku at the top of his lungs. That was the true indicator it was a KH2 sequel. And Riku, Mr. 'I-agree-with-the-I-wanna-protect-the-one-thing-that-matters-feeling,' *reaches out tentatively for Sora's spectral face,* and "Wish I could take my own advice?" (In terms of struggling to be vulnerable enough to look for acceptance from those close to him- a theme I hold near and dear to my heart) (Seriously, that Quasimodo and Riku parallel was just *chef's kiss*) These two are gonna be something (and when were they not), aren't they?
Also loved when Riku just instinctually backed up Esmeralda with the 'I am an alien to this world and do not know your slurs, I only know to turn a blind eye when I see someone running from authority.' I lol-ed.
Theory time! I guess not really a theory, but moreso multiple observations. The Dream Eater symbol is really similar to the Unversed symbol, first of all! Which is interesting, but would also make sense, as Nightmares and "Bad, lingering feelings" can kinda go hand in hand. Will that mean something for the plot? I'll see! ALSO I think it's interesting how the story took the time to have the characters be like "woah my clothes are different," so like any self respecting person with eyeballs that work, I looked at the clothes and noticed Riku had a Dream Eater symbol on his back! I checked, and unless it's hidden, Sora did not, so hm.... I mean, all I could really throw out with that is "Riku's a dream eater!" But that wouldn't answer why, how, why Sora isn't one, what it really entails to exist as a dream eater, anyway, so it's not really a theory and instead is half baked speculation. But... neat, y'know?
I'm still figuring out what exactly the Sleeping Worlds are and what they mean for the canon, but ya know I'll get there! It's about the journey, maaan. 😎 But know that so far, I am definitely a happy camper (Playing in Proud mode though, we'll see how long that good feeling lasts, lol).
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dorefasolsido · 7 months
1. Did you wake up cranky?
No, I struggled to wake up but felt surprisingly fine once I did.
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
Nah. They're waaaay too young.
3. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?
I don't really care, but I've always had more girl friends. I guess I just relate to them better.
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
Yeah, why not.
5. Can you commit to one person?
Tbh, I definitely have some commitment issues. Not so much in a sense that I need to be with more people at once, but rather that as soon as things start looking serious (even with friends), my avoidant attachment kicks in.
6. How do you look right now?
Just as I always do when I'm sitting around the house.
7. What exactly are you wearing right now?
Black leggings, black socks, and a black Christmas sweater with a deer on it. Yes, I'm aware we're waaay past Christmas now.
8. How often do you listen to music?
Usually I listen to it in the car.
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
Jeans, but lately cargos are my go-to.
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2014?
Lol damn. Well, I don't think my life changed dramatically then, but it did in 2014.
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?
I'm not either, I guess you'd say I'm a bit asocial. But I'm not actively antisocial.
12. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
Well, nothing. I mean, what can I do? I'd just accept it and try to move on.
13. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
A little too good, I'd like to unlearn some of that.
14. Can you drive a stick shift?
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?
Sure, I don't think anyone enjoys when other speak badly about them.
16. Are you going out of town soon?
Probably, yes. To this big teambuilding event.
17. When was the last time you cried?
I know for sure I cried on Tuesday.
18. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
Hmm, you could kind of say so. I never really expected to consider dating a girl.
19. If you could change your eye color, would you?
I like my eye colour, but sure. Wouldn't hurt to try a different one.
20. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
Tomorrow will just be a day for seeing people I haven't seen for a while.
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
My day was actually perfectly and then I suddenly started feeling so restless at 12 AM and had no idea what to do. That happens so often, like everything's just fine and then my brain goes like "But aren't you enjoying yourself too much?" Like, leave me alone, man.
22. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?
Another difficult question, so I'll say kinda. And I think that same friend liked me back at the time.
23. Are you nice to everyone?
I try to be, but tbh, I wish I wasn't really always.
24. What are you sitting on right now?
The couch in my living room.
25. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
Cheating would not be the issue at all. The issue would be if I'm able to not get spooked by feelings and run away. I used to be better about this, but I feel like I've definitely regressed in this department.
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
Not really.
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
I think my cat lol.
28. Do you get a lot of colds?
Not normally, but in the past few months I did.
29. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?
30. Does anyone hate you?
I don't know. I can think of one person who might, but I'm not sure even she does either.
31. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
Kind of, but I'm not sure I could tell everything to anyone.
32. Do you like watching scary movies?
Yess, my favourite genre.
33. Are you a jealous person?
Not normally. But I've had my moments in the past, when I was much younger.
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
I don't think I'd delete any of them. Even 2020 and 2023, both of which absolutely sucked, I'd still keep.
35. Did you have a dream last night?
I did but I completely forgot what it was about.
36. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?
Again, I do think there are people who would listen and not judge, but the problem is literally just in me and my need for privacy.
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
No. I have no interest in marriage.
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
Idk, I rarely assume that. The friend I mentioned before, I'm not sure if he still feels that way and I'm also not sure how serious another friend is when he jokingly talks about us dating. But I'm always inclined to say no.
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
I doubt it, it's late and most people I know are asleep.
40. Did you have a good day yesterday?
It was good, actually.
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
42. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
In some ways it is, in other ways, it's completely different. My living situation is largely the same, but I feel like I've totally changed as a person in the past few years.
43. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
I don't have such a person.
44. What’s the best part about school?
When you're done and you can go home.
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
I deleted my FB.
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?
We did pass notes sometimes, and then later we transitioned to texting.
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
Often. Way, way too often.
48. Were you single over the last summer?
Of course I was.
49. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Nothing really, thank god. I'm so so tired of work.
50. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?
She's cute.
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clarenecessities · 2 years
I hope you get to watch the actual Blade movie soon, if you haven't already. I haven't actually seen the whole thing ever but the bits I have were really good (I should also get around to watching the whole thing)
don't worry anon, about 10 minutes into The Morbius Segment, after they admitted to their nefarious plot, i began asking "so can we finish blade now? can we finish blade, though?" in an effort to pester them into putting on the rest of the movie, which i have since learned is actually Blade (1998) and @hollis-exe just named the file the wrong year, despite being so fucking committed to maintaining Blade's exact run time that they spliced in several seconds of darkness and a wind blowing sound effect to make a seamless transition into The Morbius Segment without cutting down the length.
unfortunately hollis is immune to pestering & relented only to showing me 'the sex scene' (matt smith dancing around) at which point i left the stream. "you should have just rickrolled me," i told them at one point. i was eventually convinced to return to the stream, because i am very gullible and wanted to watch the rest of Blade so so badly.
naturally, they rickrolled me.
but then they put on the rest of Blade and it's a great fucking movie. and i got to hear some killer tunes. we are all winners here.
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
hi there! AMAZING blog and great bleach write-ups. u know the characters so well it rivals - if not surpasses - kubo himself. im just curious what ur thoughts were on the 20th anniversary special one-shot chapter? (i apologize if u already talked about this but im just living vicariously through some of ur old bleach posts and haven't caught up to the new ones yet. sorry!)
Hi, thank you so much! I *wish* I knew as much about the characters as Kubo... the only thing I don't like about the return of Bleach is that he keeps dropping info and ruining my headcanons/stuff I said in my fanfic. 😂
Here is my very personal and biased take on the one-shot: I loved it. To be honest, it was basically catered to my very specific interests: lore + my faves. Renji had more panel time than any other character (really, truly, someone on Twitter counted) and his DILF energy was off the charts. It was lieutenant-centric overall, my favorite group of characters. We got an Akon shikai tease, I love both the new lieutenants, Mayuri shot laser eyes at Hisagi, Shinji made a hilarious face. There is now canonically tv, Line, and videophones in Soul Society. Yumichika is a wine aunt. Rukia is a shitlord. It's perfect.
Beyond that, even, I actually like the new story arc that's being teased (I am working under the assumption it is going to continue, it just doesn't make sense otherwise). My primary complaint about late Bleach is that there are too many characters. Kubo feels the need to have all his mains get a fight and then he needs to let everyone they fight have a backstory and he tries to interleave things and it takes so long to come back around to the small subset of characters any given reader actually cares about.
Don't get me wrong: I really, really like Ukitake, Unohana and Kyouraku as characters, but part of what I like is that they are a) old as balls, b) have seen and done some gnarly shit, and c) enjoy the relative peacetime where they get to mentor young people and be kind and pretend like they haven't committed a ton of murders for the Good of Soul Society. Yamamoto is a special case because I don't believe he's remotely sorry for anything he ever did (see: that filler arc where he falls asleep while Amagai is screaming about how Yamamoto threw his dad under the bus). In any case, we never really got to see Ukitake go ham, and we only got glimpses of Unohana, and I'm honestly kinda into the idea of them becoming Lords of Hell, because they probably do deserve it. Also, I want to see Bankai Rukia vs Hell Yamamoto, that shit is gonna slap.
I do wish we'd gotten a little bit more of Orihime, Chad and Uryuu (and no one needs to tell me that was the back of Uryuu's head at the ramen shop-- I don't actually think it was and also the back of someone's head is not very exciting). As I said, I have every expectation that this story will continue and I am hoping they are all involved. I can't imagine that Orihime *wouldn't* be, but it is a strong possibility that Chad and Uryuu will get shafted. I am saving my rage for them. (Note: What if Chad got to fight Shrieker again?? That would slap!!) I'm not really concerned about other people not appearing much-- it was already an extra-sized one-shot, and it had a lot of cast members, it was enough for me.
Two last thoughts!
1) I liked the amount that the kids appeared. For a while, I was really concerned that they were gonna pull a Boruto and make some next-gen series (possibly with minimal involvement from Kubo) and it was literally going to make me hate Bleach the way the new Star Wars movies made me hate Star Wars, a thing I once deeply loved. Instead, the kids were there and they were relevant to the plot, but the action was carried by the adult characters. This is cool in my opinion because it lets use see our faves in their role as parents and it builds the kids' characters organically instead of asking me, the reader to care about them solely on the basis that I liked their parents.
2) I mentioned Kubo ruining my headcanons earlier, and probably the #1 thing I didn't like about the one-shot is that I had always assumed that Soul Society basically knew how Hell worked, and that they had some sort of treaty or natural division of responsibility between them. Tbh, that's on me, my expectations were far too high. From day 1, shinigami have consistently known jack-shit about how anything works and just blunder through the larger greater spiritual world, making stuff up as they go along. I used to assume that this was a Rukia thing-- she only had one year of shinigami school, she's a Kuchiki so she can just say things and no one disagrees with her, and she's Rukia. But, no, Kyouraku's out here performing insane rituals and sending his pals to Hell and he's like, "oh, man, I think I read something about this on Yahoo! Answers once but then I got distracted." Complete and utter buffoonery. I can't wait to see more.
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ateez-amanda · 3 years
Amanda's Artist of the Month- December 2021
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am: hello! i'm artist of the december ateez's amanda!
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am: i'm extremely honour to be chosen as atom and very excited to showcase my dancing for everyone!
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am: i contemplated on what kind of concept i wanted to do since i have shown a variety of concept. in ateez, our fans get to see more powerful and hard-hitting side of me, so i wanted to give our fans another side of me that they haven't seen yet through this performance.
am: the song i chose for my performance is little mix’s 'confetti' featuring saweetie.
am: we had a lot of fun creating the choreography. it is mix of smooth, sensual, elegant and precise movements. it different from what our fans usually see me perform so i really can't wait for them to see it.
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what does dance mean to you?
am: for me it means inspiration and joy. since i was a little girl, i loved to dance. i would watch indian movies which have a lot of music and dancing. it brought me so much happiness and i dreamed of being like them. though i struggle a lot learning to dance since i was born with a weak body. but i overcame them because i was persistent and committed to dancing, which is what lead me to where i am right now as studio choom's atom. i hope i can spread that joy and help inspire others when i dance.
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am: as the second member of ateez to be atom, there's a bit of pressure to keep up with wooyoung’s oppa amazing performance. i work really hard so i hope i am able to showcase a spectacular performance worthy of representing ateez.
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am: to my lovely atinys! :D i can't thank you enough for all the support you have given me. this performance is for atinys so i hope you like and are proud of me after seeing it! please continue to give lots of love to ateez! *blows a kiss*
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Performance Video:
note: there are a couple of videos i had in mind for her performance. this and this (especially the hand movements)
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disclaimer: the collages are mine but the photos are not
taglist: @skzfairies [send an ask if you want to be on/off the taglist! :) ]
© ateez-amanda — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost my work.
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drunkkenobi · 3 years
fanfic ask! 3, 15, 19 (ignore the other one, i see you did 23)
3. favorite line/scene you wrote all year: oh this was hard! I think maybe the movie theater scene in blond(e)? That fic was a tough one to write but that scene came out fairly easily. And I like this bit:
He’d never been religious, barely even been to a church, but sitting in a big, darkened theater with only the screen ahead of him, Shane understood the appeal. Movies were the one place where he could simultaneously disappear and be seen at the same time. He never felt more like himself than when he was watching someone else’s story up on the big screen.
15. Something you learned this year: ohh I think I learned a lot about myself with writing this year. The aforementioned wip stuff was a big one, along with learning to embrace my own style of writing. It will never be the most polished or perfect thing and that's okay. I write fic for fun, I don't want to be a professional writer or even really write any kind of original things, fic is the perfect intersection of my interests and ambition. And because no one is paying me to do any of it, I can make the rules of what I want to write and how I write it. Of course, I'd always like to continue to become a better writer, but if I don't? That's okay too. I've been a lot more productive in my writing since I changed my thinking on it, so it's working for me.
19. Any new fics to start the new year: Well, I have been working on something about the final BFU episode, but now I have to really rethink it since these fuckers (affectionate) aren't actually done ghost hunting. I'm happy with a lot of what I've got so I don't want to trash it, but maybe it needs to be canon divergent at this point.
And I have two hazy ideas that I haven't started at all but am thinking a lot about. One is some sort of Shyanara where Sara is the daddy, but kinky stuff is a bit out of my usual wheelhouse so I'm not committing to that yet. Another is one I just started thinking about last night (thanks @blacktofade) that might be a continuation in the Ellie-verse, but set a few further years in the future where she's older and her dads are a bit stagnant in their relationship. But as I'm just thinking about these, I won't commit to saying if they'll happen or not!
Oh, I also very much want to write lesbian Shyan. I've got a WIP about them but is a bit daunting with the story I planned, so I might shave it down. That is one WIP that I really do want to finish.
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achubbydumpling · 3 years
I am so glad to have discovered you and your exceptional stories! You've gotten yourself another fan 😊. Can't wait to see what else you have in store! I just am curious about one thing. What did you have in mind for the Andy Barber/Ransom Drysdale/TJ Hammond au? It sounds interesting! 😍
Hello! Thank you so much for this ask. I am flattered that you like what I write 🥰
Luckily, flattery gets you very far on this blog, so even though I should really answer the two week old asks I still have in my inbox.
Let's talk about Andy, Ransom and TJ :D
this AU isn't very fleshed out yet, but just imagining these three together, oh lord have mercy, plus, their initials spell "art", so you could call this ot3.. art3 😂
this all started when I saw a gif where someone had edited together some clips of TJ and Ransom, with TJ being Harlan's care taker, I sent it to @wotvagyok and *bam* new AU
(a gif set which I can't find again, if anyone knows what I'm talking about, send me a link please!)
oh yeah, and I haven't seen Political Animals and I don't really stick to the facts of the other canonical universes either 😅 everyone is very much ooc!
it all starts, like in the movie, when Harlan dies of an apparent suicide
this time around Ransom is suspected from the start, except--surprise--he isn't the killer
Ransom and TJ have been kinda fooling around for about as long as TJ has been working for the family
when Harlan threatened to disown Ransom if he didn't break things off with TJ, Ransom chose TJ and now they're sort of in a relationship
"sort of" because they both have ✨commitment issues✨
and Ransom's decision was also intended as a fuck you to Harlan and not because he'd suddenly started believing in true love overnight
TJ and Ransom are pretty compatible kink-wise,
they've talked about having a threesome/adding a third person into the dynamic, since TJ has a pretty big Daddy kink and Ransom does not want that type of responsibility
since Ransom is still being suspected of being involved in Harlan's death, he hires a lawyer: Mr. Andy Barber 🥰
there's some tension between them during the investigation into Harlan's death, but Andy only makes his move once it's over and Ransom has been cleared of all suspicion
Ransom says he's kind of with someone and looks over Andy's shoulder at TJ
Andy follows Ransom's gaze and chuckles a bit
"The guy that's been staring at my ass the entire time is your boyfriend?"
Ransom tries to say that's not really what they are
"Well, call him over. I think we can arrange something. Unless, you don't want--?"
Ransom calls TJ over immediately
all of this plot is just set-up to get these three together in a bed
imagine Daddy Andy, Baby TJ and idk switchy brat Ransom
(300 words in and I haven't even mentioned anyone being chubby, can't have that)
TJ is kinda soft and has put on the freshman 15 already before his freshman year is even over
he's pretty insecure about his weigth gain, he's never been particularly lean or tried to really build muscles
but he always had a pretty flat stomach and now there's a little belly that curves out over his waistband
Ransom never says anything negative, but he also doesn't say anything posititve about TJ's body either
when TJ tries to lose weight Ransom does tell him he looks fine
but they just never really talk, you know? they both just assume what the other is thinking
their first date with Andy is at his place, he cooks them dinner and he basically asks them all about how they expect this to go
Is it a one-time thing? What do they expect? For tonight? Limits, kinks, safe words, etc.
Andy has a lot more experience than Ransom and TJ, has been in a kink relationship before
ohhh used to be in a throuple with his canon wife and rival?
(idk, I'm coming up with new things just while writing this stuff down 😂)
Andy is in his thirties, Ransom is in his mid-twenties and TJ in his early twenties
that first night Andy pretty much leads TJ and Ransom the entire time, easily falls into that Daddy/Dom role
Ransom thought he was a Dom before meeting Andy, but he kind of reevaluates after that night? thinks he might enjoy subbing for Andy? would still be a brat about it though :D
they do eventually discuss feedism and feeding TJ
I'm just rambling at this point because it's not really that fleshed out yet 😅
but eventually I'm imagining a scene with Andy directing Ransom to feed TJ, his focus is completely on TJ though, praising him and encouraging him to keep going, to be a good boy and eat for him
Ransom puts up with not getting any attention for all of two seconds, Andy told him before they got started his only job is to feed TJ and he can only come after TJ does, so of course Ransom starts feeding TJ one-handed and starts touching himself, Andy warns him once
then he moves closer and reaches over to where Ransom was gripping his own dick and almost purrs
"Ransom?", his breathing gets heavier and Andy's hand replaces Ransom's and then he squeezes hard at the base of Ransom's dick,
"What did I tell you?" Andy demands,
"Feed him."
"Don't come."
"You don't have any self-control, puppy? Do you?"
Ransom shrinks under the petname, but he doesn't try to apologize, explain or defend himself. TJ eventually interrupts them whining that he's still hungry.
"Go fetch your cock ring, puppy. That's gonna help you control yourself, no?" Andy says and then Ransom does try to argue.
"Would you rather just watch?" asks Andy while rubbing over TJ's belly for emphasis and Ransom does what he's told.
(idk why but I just love Andy calling Ransom "puppy" :D)
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bisexual-horror-fan · 3 years
"Crescendo." Warwick Wilson X AFAB!Reader.
Hey! So I know, I know, I still got asks in my box and am commited to those but it has been a minute since I have done something fully for me and totally self indulgent! So that means some Warwick Wilson. I have always wanted to do a follow up to this piece I did back in Feb, Upon His Table, that, as well as this are movie spoiler free so read away with no fear if you haven't seen the movie! Hope you all dig this and enjoy this follow up!
Rating. Explicit. Length. 6.4K. Warwick Wilson X AFAB!Reader. Warnings. Teasing. Dirty Talk. Edging. Asking For Permission. Asking For Forgiveness. Punishment Play. Fingering. Public Shenanigans. Oral Sex. Blow Jobs. Road Head. Vaginal Sex. Creampie.
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You wanted to kiss your friend.
You wanted to thank them profusely, take them out for dinner or at the very least send them an edible arrangement for the part they played in this. If it wasn’t for the fact that your friend was late that night at that art exhibit you might not have ever met him and that was simply unthinkable now.
You fit together so well, couldn’t be happier with him honestly.
He was drawn to you inexplicably that first night and struck up conversation over the painting you were looking at and it was a fantastic choice on his part, you had impressed him with your knowledge and insight. You looked great and your opinions were incredible, the conversation continued as you both viewed more art and he had such a great time. He was into you and if the way you were looking at him was any indication you were very much into him in return. Just when he thought you couldn’t get better, you surprised him. He had to run, unfortunately, but wanted to get your information, more than just your name and instead you suggested something totally wild and out of left field, suggested as you called it a serendipitous act of faith, call it for now and if you run into each other again to hold on and not let go.
He never could have anticipated you saying that but he was so utterly enamored by you that he simply couldn’t turn you down, as much as he wanted to do everything possible to get to know you at that very moment he decided listening to you was imperative. He agreed. And so you both bid farewell and while it took a few days for you to be kicking yourself for not getting his number, for him it was that very night when he was back at his job that had so cruelly cut your first meeting so short.
Luckily he ended up finding you. It was over a week later, he was out grabbing some lunch and on the way back to work when he saw you, he had to pause, looking at you sitting at that table outside. You were drenched in the afternoon sunlight, pouring over an open book, drink and pastry in front of you and he knew he couldn’t wait a moment longer as he strode to you and took the seat opposite, unable to stop his smile as he said simply, “Found you.”
And thank God he did.
That was the start of you two dating and it was kind of unbelievable how well you two meshed and got along, bonding over art and literature and food, it was wonderful.
And speaking of wonderful, that first night that he brought you to his house with the offer to cook you dinner fit that word perfectly. The food was amazing, the conversation was mentally stimulating and painfully fraught with ample flirtation and it escalated so the first time you got truly physical beyond basic kissing happened on his dining room table. He ate you out with care and skill that made your head swim, edged you beautifully and one hundred percent on purpose, you used your own mouth on him and were a bit too cheeky and ended up bent over the table. You were treated to the simply exquisite feel of him sinking inside of you for the very first time, stretching you beautifully, you were made to hold on as he fucked you and it was better than you ever could have dreamed of.
You might have gotten just a bit too into it however, hands gripping that white table cloth, twisting and tugging on it and in the throes of ecstasy you pulled too hard and tipped your wine glass, spilling the sweet pink alcohol and making such a mess.
He stopped with you on the bleeding edge of what promised to be a mind melting orgasm, calling you out on the mess you made and wondering out loud just what he should do with you. What he did to you really sealed the deal that yes you two were in for something special in being together, that this was the right call and utterly amazing, that you were compatible on every level, not just mental and emotional or on interests but on that oh so important physical frontier.
He told you that if you wanted to make a mess then he might just be in the mood to make a mess too, and what better thing to make a mess of than you? He held still, cockwarmed you and made you apologize, beg for his forgiveness, barely moving at all in you, one of his hands snaked around you, fingers pressed to your aching clit and if it weren’t for the table supporting your weight surely your legs would have given out. You begged as he wished, pleaded, and finally when he deemed it good enough, truly believed your words he set to it again, he fucked you and made you come for that first time and you nearly sobbed, his name the only thing on your tongue.
Once wasn’t good enough.
On it went and by the end of it you were three orgasms deep and your legs wouldn’t stop shaking and he came over your ass and let the sticky evidence of his pleasure run down your ass and over the backs of your thighs as you feebly attempted to catch your breath.
He checked in to make sure you were fine. You were more than fine, you fucking loved every second of it and made sure he knew. You loved how he was so seemingly proper and could carry on conversation about the most intelligent of pursuits and cook the best food and then fuck you like that; insanely well and with heat and a dominative aspect and nigh reckless abandon.
He proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that you really could have it all.
And all of that and more is what led you to wanting to find some way to thank that friend of yours for setting you down this path with him. You’d been seeing each other for a couple of months now and couldn’t be happier. The physical aspect was still fairly new, you two didn’t rush into it, taking weeks upon weeks to reach that point but now that you had? Keeping your hands off of each other was essentially impossible if you were in private.
Tonight was a big deal.
Your dates so far have been an amazing time but you hadn’t done anything crazy, most of your first dates were day dates, sightseeing and lunches and things pertaining to art and culture and history, lunches and walking in parks, all more casual and freeform. Until that dinner he hosted just for you of course but even still you hadn’t gone out together at night, just had some admittedly very fun nights in. He told you he had taken care of everything and knowing him you were positive he planned it all with as much finesse and care he put into everything he did. All he told you was to not eat and to dress up, like really dress up and so you listened, the tone he used on the phone with you was delicious and you couldn’t help but let your mind run wild wondering with thoughts of what he might have planned.
He was coming by your apartment for the first time in order to pick you up. You had made the trek to his place instead of him coming over thus far and you were so fine with that, I mean he actually owned his own house and while you loved your apartment his place was much admittedly nicer.
You were practically vibrating with excitement as you got ready. You hoped that what you had was nice enough, you might have gone out and gotten a new dress just for the occasion, what could you say? You wanted to impress him as much as he impressed you on a constant basis.
You weren’t planning on staying here but you cleaned up all the same, it was the first time he was seeing your place after all, and just as you were making sure you had everything in your clutch and slipping into your heels, almost as if it was on cue, there was a knock at your door. You strode to the door and pulled it open to find him there ready and waiting, perfectly on time as expected, even more dressed up than usual, which for a man like him who seemingly lived in suits was saying something. He was looking away and upon opening the door he took in the sight of you and the smile that crossed his face as he looked you up and down, you were so curious about what he might have to say about how you were dressed and he didn’t keep you waiting as he spoke, “Well look at you. Making me feel underdressed.”
How did he always know just what to say?
“You’re one to talk you big flatterer.”
You reached for the lightswitch near the door as you asked, “Ready to go?”
“What? Aren't you going to invite me in?” He asked it in a tone that read as being mock-offended and you were tempted but you knew it could go one of two ways, you knew yourself and you knew him and if you invited him in that you might not end up leaving at all tonight, might get too wrapped up in each other. Or the alternative, you could invite him in and allow him to tease you relentlessly and rile you up and THEN go out while making a mess in your panties and not get any relief until hours later, after whatever he had in store for you both tonight.
So you took the third option, not allowing him inside at all. “And let you mess up my outfit and make-up before we even go anywhere? Not a chance.” You teased him in return, turned off the light with a smile and stepped out, door shut and locked. He snapped his fingers as he said, “Damn.” and after putting your keys in your bag you took his hand and said, “Maybe next time Warwick.”
“Promise?” He asked hopeful and you nudged him with your shoulder and a light laugh, a nod as you said, “Promise.”
Soon you were in his car and on your way, he still hadn’t eluded to what you were going to do tonight, he did however have much to say about how good you looked and you loved the attention from him. You were sure to make your own thoughts on his appearance crystal clear and he took those compliments graciously, after that he asked if you wanted to know what he had planned and you told him of course you were dying to know. He told you to open the glove box and take a look, you did and fished out an envelope, he encouraged you to open it and you did so, pulling out two tickets and you gasped upon reading them, “Warwick! Are you kidding me?! I thought these were sold out for months! How’d you get your hands on these?”
He was grinning and glanced from the road to you, “Oh I have my ways, certain connections. So I take it you’re excited?”
Excited was an understatement. He managed to score seats to this amazing, professional symphony concert, one you had been simply dying to attend but of course had sold out near instantly, the fact he got his hands on them was astonishing, you knew he wanted to attend but also knew that he had definitely got them mostly for you, if his intention was to impress you then he achieved that.
“So excited! This is amazing, thank you!”
You would have to come up with some way of showing your appreciation and thank him properly. He said that you were welcome and he had been really looking forward to this, but first things first it was time for dinner. He picked the restaurant, naturally, and the dressing up made perfect sense, not just for the symphony but for this too, it was by far the nicest place you had ever been in. He assured you it was his treat and to not worry about how much it would be and you weren’t about to argue, you knew it would be futile so why press the issue. You were looking over the menu and noticed the lack of prices but tried not to let that bother you, he said he had it covered and you trusted him.
Speaking of trusting him you asked for his opinion on what to get and he brightened at that, he had good taste and you made sure he knew that. Once the food arrived asking him was obviously the right call, it tasted fantastic. Spirited conversation started over dinner, you had found your way onto the topic of one of his previous dinner parties, you inquired what the best one he felt ever hosted was.
There was this look on his face, kind of wistful as he recalled it to you, he talked about the food he made and how his usual friends were in attendance and how that dinner party escalated into drinking and dancing, and general revelry, but part of what made made it really special was this one guest who was in attendance. You asked about this guest and the way he talked about him only made you more curious, “His name is John and he is without a doubt the best guest I have had, he made the night so exciting, utterly unforgettable. He had such panache.” Hmm. Good word. You couldn’t help but wonder what made him use it, what made John have such panache.
“Oh don’t tell me all of that. I am already nervous enough for when I finally get invited to one. All of your friends sound so interesting, however am I supposed to measure up?” You pulled your glass up and took a sip, damn the wine he picked was again, fantastic and had the added effect of soothing your nerves just a touch. You were genuinely excited to get to go to one of his dinner parties but everyone he regularly invited seemed so damn put together, you were worried about fitting in, every time it came up you got a little nervous.
“Don’t tell me that little miss serendipity herself is worried about being interesting enough for my friends.” His hand was on yours and you gave a small nod, smiling however, you didn’t admit it but you liked the nickname he had given you based off your first meeting, “Okay, maybe just a little.”
“You have nothing to worry about, I am sure they will be just as smitten with you as I am.”
And that made you smile wider, ‘smitten’ he used the word smitten to describe his feelings for you and it certainly did something to bolster your confidence. The rest of dinner was lovely, conversation had continued and moved on and over dessert, creme brulee, his suggestion, you were looking down at it, “Good choice. Been years since I have had it.”
“One of my personal favorites, why’s it been so long since you have had it?” He asked, spoon coming down and cracking his open in a rather satisfying manner and you figured since he shared earlier you could recount a memory of your own.
“Reminds me of someone no longer in my life. First guy I was ever really into made it for me. I was at this theater camp, working in the kitchen, he was lead cook and I helped, we became friends and then more than that. It happened over the course of one summer and I totally fell for him.” He had his spoon in his mouth as he was listening to you and once you took a pause he removed it, “Sounds like a very lucky guy. What happened then?”
You let out a sigh and a slight shrug of your shoulders, you couldn’t tell him what really happened, so you edited, “Summer ended, so did our little romance, we both left camp and lost touch. Creme brulee always makes me think of him so for the longest time I just didn’t partake in it.”
“Too many memories.” He said and you hummed with a nod and finally brought your own spoon down, splitting the sugary crust and scoop some up, bringing up that first spoonful and when it hit your tongue you couldn’t help your eyes falling closed or the moan you let out around the dessert. “Damn.”
You realized what you said and opened your eyes, looking to him and he gave you a particular look, a small warning, ‘damn’ was a pretty inoffensive curse word but still one all the same and you were at the table. Sharing a meal. You knew better. You bit your bottom lip and knew he wouldn’t do anything here, not out in public like this but you thought you just might end up paying for it later, you did your best to look apologetic and he had his arms crossed on the table in front of him, leaning forward on his forearms as he asked, “Good?”
“Very good.” You admitted, “Don’t know why I waited so long.” Were you talking about the dessert or about being with him? He was smiling wide and with a nod said, “Well eat up then, enjoy it to your heart's content darling.”
You couldn’t say no to that. Seems he was dropping the fact you swore for now and you finished the dessert with gusto. Drinks were finished and he paid and soon you were off again.
It felt good. Being actually out and about with him, on his arm, you felt great about it, felt important and special and more. The seats he managed to get you were pretty damn nice you had to admit. You were so excited for this, nearly thrumming with energy and barely able to believe you were really here and getting to do this, share this experience with him.
It was his hand that pulled you out of your thoughts, starting on your knee and your attention pulled down to look at his hand, his fingers started to trail up your leg, he was leaning over and whispered to you, “I really love this dress on you.” His touch as light as he traced over your skin, dragging up your leg, your eyes glanced up to see his own eyes down, watching as he moved, “The skin it shows is simply divine.”
God the way he said that word, it sounded nearly sinful, you were glad you knew his taste so well already, when you tried it on you knew the slit that ran so high up your thigh would please him. His gaze caught yours and while you were distracted with that his hand didn’t stop, his touch was so bold for being in public, fingertips dipping under the fabric of your dress, he could feel the soft and delicate lace of what you had on underneath. The lights dimmed and it was about to start and your eyes widened and your hand made a move to grab his wrist and he said in a firm tone, “Don’t.”
“Warwick…” It left you rushed and very quietly, trying to beg him quietly to not do this, not here, not now. He leaned in closer to make sure you could hear him and only you could hear him as the music started he told you, “If you didn’t want this then you shouldn’t have said what you did at dinner.”
You knew you were going to pay for it but you didn’t expect to be paying for it so soon or so publicly. It was dark, no one was looking at you and now with the music starting there was no way that anyone could hear you if you made any sounds. But even with all of that, you still didn’t want to do this here. His eyes were still looking into yours, “I’m sorry.” you mouthed to him and he smirked, his fingers moved closer between your legs, another attempt, “Please?” and a small shake of his head told you that no, you were simply going to have to endure this.
He was leaning back comfortably in his chair, his hand still on your thigh, fingers curling over soft flesh, resting so close to your heat, right fucking there, the pressure was apparent. You were sitting back in your own chair, hands on the arm rests of the chair, just anticipating, waiting for it.
You got swept up in it. The music was fucking amazing. You were utterly enraptured listening to it, you actually managed to forget about the threat of what he was going to do for now.
Until he started doing it.
He was unfairly good with his hands. He was still only over your underwear but it felt incredible all the same. The movement wasn’t even intense, it didn’t need to be, he was well aware of how much of an effect it was having on you, the fact of where you were was what was amplifying it. In such a public and fancy setting, the way you were dressed too, looking so fucking proper and put together and here he was, touching you with no one else aware of it even though there were people seated all around you.
His fingers traced over you, fingers slipping over your clit, slow circles with decent pressure, it made your grip the arm rests hard, knuckles nearly white, trying to control your breathing and your face, not giving away what he was doing.
He didn’t touch you through the whole performance. It was on and off and purposeful. You could only hide so much from him, he could feel how much you tensed, the ways your thighs pressed closer together and other small signs, knowing just went back off, hand going back to resting on your thigh.
Your heart was racing, chest rising and falling, breathing harder than you probably should but the music was loud, no way you could be heard, your eyes fell closed and your hips tilted forward slightly, pushing into his hand, trying to get some more contact, it wasn’t dignified but you were desperate, you wanted more. He continued, pressure increased, bottom lip tugged on with your teeth, you were getting so close, he had stopped and started so many times now it didn't take much for you to hit the edge again.
He wasn’t stopping.
You were wondering when, or IF he would stop this time, what his goal was. To rile you up, make you a mess once again in this public setting or to actually do that, take you all the way there and make you cum out in the open. You didn’t think he would do that before but right now he wasn’t slowing at all, and you didn’t want him to.
He pressed on and you got closer still, toes curling in your nicest pair of heels and the intensity of the music rose as did the pleasure inside and you realized that yes, the bastard had every intention of doing that, and he did it with impeccable timing too. As the music hit its crescendo, so did you, you managed to suppress your shaking but unable to stop yourself, you knew no one could hear you, were sure not even he could hear you over the music, even if it was for you and you alone you gasped his name in awe and reverence.
It was entirely unforgettable.
He had given you so much already by bringing you here and giving you this wonderful experience you had wanted so badly and in typical Warwick fashion he found the best way to elevate it, improve upon it and make it something truly unique.
You had barely come down from your orgasm, still heaving when the applause started and his hand was out from between your legs and instead on your arm, you were pulled up on your heels, legs still trembling and eyes opening to see everyone else up, a standing ovation. Your smile broke out as you joined in, clapping and just trying to stay upright, you glanced at him and he looked very pleased with himself and damn right he should, he had a plan and executed it beautifully, you were pretty pleased yourself.
After the excitement had died down and people were beginning to leave you retrieved your clutch from under your chair and when you came back up he had those fingers he used on you in his mouth. You swallowed hard and asked, “Do you want to go back to your place?”
You left pretty giddy and hanging off his arm, excited for the rest of the evening you had ahead. The second you were in the car you playfully smacked his arm with the back of your hand, “I cannot believe you just did that!” “Really? Because I think it totally seems like something I would do.” He teased and you conceded, “Alright, alright-” “Besides I think you loved it.” Your seatbelts we’re done up and he was pulling out of the spot and you teased, “How can you be so sure?”
“I was looking at you.”
His eyes were on the road and yours were on him. He continued, “Everyone else was looking ahead, watching those musicians play and I couldn’t do anything but watch you. I saw every little way it played out on your face and even though I couldn’t hear it, I saw it.” He glanced at you, “You gasped my name. Am I right?”
Fucking hell. You were falling for him way too fucking hard and way too fucking fast. You couldn’t say it, weren’t about to pull a Schmosby and risk ruining all of this, not a chance.
Is what you said instead and you wanted to do so much and then the realization hit. Why not? Why couldn’t you. What was holding you back? He was so good at it and did it constantly, teased you amazingly and the way you were feeling, how much he had riled you up was totally his fault, he deserved some of his own medicine.
Your hand was on his inner thigh but it didn’t stay there for very long, dragging up and you caught how his grip on the steering wheel tightened, he asked, “What are you doing?”
“Nothing. Just focus on the road.”
Easier said than done. You palmed him through his pants and felt him shift under your touch, he kept his eyes forward and you kept yours on him, he was normally so good at playing it cool but you knew what you just did back there got to him too even if he kept his composure outwardly. You wanted to make him break apart, crack the facade, you needed it, you teased him until he felt painfully hard under your touch and you haven’t even gone skin to skin yet.
You leaned in closer to him and asked softly, “You okay Warwick?” He cleared his throat and gave a short nod, “Yes, fine.”
Your other hand joined the first and you started to undo his belt, “Just fine?” A hum from him and you continued, “Well I think we can do a hell of a lot better than just fine.” And once your hand was in his pants, closing around him, grip decently tight you watched his lips part a quiet gasp and you felt power in that moment and it was delicious.
You started to stroke him, slowly, grip tightening and you could see him start to struggle a bit, focusing on the task of driving was a getting more and more difficult and you really shouldn’t be doing this, it was dangerous and stupid but it was just so fun. So enjoyable and you decided to push it even further. Your seatbelt was adjusted and you shifted in your seat, tucking a loose bit of hair behind your ear and leaning down, you were a mere few blocks from his place so he wouldn’t have to endure this for long. You had no intention of finishing him here but you wanted to up the game, try and match this even a little bit with what he did to you earlier. Your tongue left your mouth and licked over his head and you could already taste pre-cum, you must have gotten to him more than you had anticipated, you heard the harsh intake of air above you, a soft groan of your name and you pushed onwards.
You had never actually given road head before and weren’t sure if he had received it but even if he had he still seemed to be really enjoying it, why wouldn’t he though? Of course he did when you did it like that. Even with the off angle you really were giving it your all, and if how tense he felt under you and the way he groaned when you pushed him as deep inside as you could manage was anything to go by he was having a hard time handling it. In a few short minutes of you bobbing up and down his cock, messily sucking and allowing hums and moans around him to slip out, he was unable to stay still, bucking up slowly into your mouth.
You felt him make a turn and believed that was the last turn onto his street, your hand on his inner thigh, squeezing as you decided to really push it. You increased the pace, fucking your mouth on him and the choked moan of your name from him made you press your thighs together again, you were drenched and wanting. You lost yourself in the motion of it, you knew you were good at what you did and took pride in it, as you rightfully should. Soon you felt the car stop, he put it in park and turned it off and you were coming up, mouth wet from the effort of what you did to him and with you so close his hand was on your neck and pulling you to him, his mouth crashing into yours.
So there you were, furiously making out in his car, hands grabbing onto each other, desperate for more, in between kissing and rushed breathing he told you, “You’re terrible, you know that?” That made you laugh, pulling back to speak and instead of giving you space he instead leaned further forward, his hands were on your back and he pulled you closer to him, kissing your neck making that same laugh break off in a moan, “Me? Wha-what about you?”
Your hands went to his shoulders and pushed on him lightly, he pulled back as he repeated the same sentiment of what he said earlier, “Don’t pretend you didn’t love it.”
You couldn’t argue and so you didn’t, hand on the collar of his dress shirt, pulling him closer as you said, “Shut up.” Another deep kiss that he didn’t protest as he tucked himself back into his pants and you needed to get inside already, you shifted your hips and it was a reminder of how soaked you were and you needed to deal with that already. You were surely both looking a little disheveled as you exited the car and made your way up the walkway, not able to keep off of each other, but it was dark and late and who the fuck cares, it felt too good. You did have to actually pause for a moment to allow him to unlock the door, bless him he tried but you were quite the handful at the moment and didn’t make it an easy task. Second the door was open and you were both inside that was rectified, Christ he was a good kisser, dinner was hours ago and you only had a glass of wine but you felt drunk off of him.
After all the build up, the fact that you were now fully alone meant there wasn’t a single thing left standing in the way. You still had so much time, no reason to rush but with how turned on you both were it was impossible to stop, couldn’t even make it to the bedroom. He had this sitting room that was right near the front door, it was a nice room, fireplace, hard wood floors, tastefully decorated but most important for right now, a couch. He was the one to lead you there, you were the one to push him back onto the cushions and straddle him, back to kissing him and the possessive way he returned it made you melt just a little, hands on his jacket, helping him remove it. Jacket is thrown aside and he is loosening his tie and you are reaching back, hands pulling your heels off and letting them drop to the floor and you move your hips forward and back, grinding on him and it makes you finally break your heated kissing, your head falls back with a soft moan. He took advantage of his opportunity. Hands on your waist, grinding up onto you and you responded immediately, hips moving with him, feeling how hard he was and you felt almost painfully empty right now.
“Warwick. Fuck. Pl-please?” You sounded wrecked already, desperate and he loved that he could get you to that point, do that to you. He was feeling a little drunk himself at the moment, looking up at you in the moonlight coming through the window and the way your lipstick had smeared, hair out of place, grinding on him and weakly begging him to ruin you, break you open, so in need you couldn’t wait to get down the hallway to his bedroom or for either of you to fully get your clothes off. “Please?” he repeated and you nodded frantically-
“Please, God, please-” and his grip tightened on your waist and he moved you, soon you were on your back, he was on his knees on the floor. His hands slid down and caught the hem of your dress starting to push it up and you aided him, tugging the bottom of your dress up and as soon as he could see them he took a moment to admire what you had worn just for him before ripping them down your thighs, thrown aside.
The tension was ridiculous, you watched as he removed his belt, dying to get him inside of you already, thankfully the wait wasn’t long until his pants were far enough out of the way, his hands on your hips, tugging you further down the couch. Your legs were spread for him, and he was on top of you, lined up and finally sinking inside of you and the relief made your breath catch before moaning his name. He was seated inside of you, he breathed your name in return and his hands were on your thighs, your legs wrapped around his hips and he started to move. There was this moment, this shared gasp upon him pulling out before driving back in fully, you both felt it, something different about this, electric felt like a fitting word, far better than it had any right to, one of your hands scrambling for purchase on the couch cushion below you.
“Oh my God-” You moaned, eyes closing, his breathing was heavy, your other hand reached up and wrapped around his loosened tie around his neck, tugging on it, pulling him closer, you were practically on fire for him. How into it was really driving him forward, he wanted so much more, to pull every possible sound he could from you, he fucked into you harder and you gave him just what he wanted, rewarded his efforts with those beautifully melodic moans and sweet gasps, rocking with him, legs pulling him closer still. You felt incredible wrapped around him, soaked and so hot, writhing under him, it was too good. You were too fucking good, no way could he last like this but who said this would be the only time this would happen tonight?
Your hand tugged on his tie, leaning up, kissing him again, messy and with tongue, he returned it with equal hunger, a groan into your mouth, you tasted amazing, better than the dinner you shared earlier by a mile. It was getting to be too much for you too, getting close again, you tugged on his tie again, breaking the kiss with a whimper, “Close.” his forehead rested on yours, the only other sound was skin on skin from the pace, how hard he was fucking into you, nearly panting, “Me too-”
“Inside, Warwick pleas-ah!” And you cried out as your second orgasm of the night overtook you, legs locked around him, back arching as he didn’t stop, fucking you through your high and as yours was ending his started and his name was on your tongue as he came inside of you. God it was good, he slowed and finally stopped still buried in you, both of you breathing so hard, you kissed him again, softer, sweeter and let go of his tie, you started to slowly untangle from each other. He pulled out and the excess of the both of you spilled forth, thank God the couch was leather, could be easily wiped off or you were sure you’d be paying for that and not financially.
You spoke first, “You are too good at that.” A light laugh from him, he was sitting up on his knees, finally removing his tie fully as he asked, “There is such a thing as being too good?”
You propped up on your elbows, “There is such a thing as having a mouth that is too smart.” “I can give you that. But you just won’t stop talking.” Again that playful way he said it, before you could retort he was speaking once more, “You better be careful leaving tomorrow by the way.”
“Oh? And why’s that?” You asked and he was smirking, “That way too nosy neighbor of mine caught a pretty good view of us on the way in.” Your hand came up to your face with a groan, “Goddamn it.”
He had leaned over and grabbed a box of tissues so he could clean up the mess on the couch as he said, “You know she wouldn’t be a problem if you had me over to your place.”
Fuck. He was right. Maybe next time you should have him back to yours.
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turbulentt · 5 years
Dirty Laundry
Tumblr media
genre: smut | gangster!wonwoo x gn!reader
word count: +3.6k 
warning: explicit content, a bit of angst, kind of gangster au?, oral, daddy kink
summary: you’ve known wonwoo for a few years now and, even if your feelings grow stronger by the minute, you’re scared of what might happen if you fall in love completely. on the other hand, wonwoo is tired of waiting.
Messages on
   You: Wonwoo, where u @?
Wonwoo: I'm at Mingyu's. Why?
   You: I was just wondering if u wanted to come by
Wonwoo: I still have some things to take care of
But as soon as I'm done I'll head over to u
   You: Thanks and... be careful
Wonwoo: Sounds like u don't know me, I'm never careful 
Messages off
It has been over two years since you got stuck on an elevator with Wonwoo. In the beginning, neither you nor your friends liked him due to the rumors that circled about him, but after a deep talk and some laughs, you felt like you could understand him better.
Everyone you came across always told you "Don't even go near him." or "He's nothing but trouble." or even "You're too pure to be around him, he'll put you in danger.". Of course, you got scared. What is he? Some kind of gangster? 
Yes. He actually is.
Well, that's not the truth. He was a gangster. Not anymore. But you don't trust him enough to believe he already left that life.
He said he gave up on those habits because of you. Because he fell in love with you and wanted to make you happy at any cost. Although his persistence won't let him give up on you, you still haven't replied to his feelings. That makes him sad and you know it, but you're too afraid to end up hurt.  
One hour and a half after exchanging texts he finally arrives at your house. But when you open the door the first thing you see is the bloodstains on his clothes. You don't get worried since you know, for sure, that that blood belongs to another person.
"I can explain." is the only thing he can say.
You step away from the door with a sad expression on your face while he comes in and follows you into the kitchen.
"Explain what, Wonwoo? I knew this was going to happen." you say paying more attention to the food you're cooking "You already know where the clean clothes are. Dinner will be ready in no time." you continue without even looking at him.
"But can I explain myself first? Please," he begs as he tries to come close to you.
You walk away from him, placing stuff on the table and preparing it.
"I'm tired of your excuses." you sigh.
As you hear him walk away from the room you sit down on one of the chairs and rest your head on your hands.
"Why do you always do this to me? Does it feel good playing with my emotions?" you groan and hit the table furiously.
"It smells good." he smiles while entering the kitchen and coming near you.
You just shrug in response and head over to the table placing the food in it.
"Sit down. Let's eat," you say coldly and he obeys.
As the two of you start eating you know his eyes are laying on you and he tries several times to say something but eventually gives up every time.
"Stop it Wonwoo, that's annoying," you say finally looking at him.
"Can you just hear me out? It's really not what you're thinking." he smiled nervously while begging once more. "Damnit Wonwoo. Why can't I resist you?" you think to yourself looking at him.
"Be fast and spare me from the lies." you huff and see a smile forming in his lips. 
"Thank you." he says before telling you what actually happened "I was at Mingyu's helping him taking care of his mom 'cause she's sick. You can ask him after, you know he'd never lie to you.", you agree quietly and he continues "When I left to come here I stumbled across a puppy who was hit by a car and I took him to the nearest vet." he explains because of the blood you saw earlier.
At this point, you were already filled with guilt for not wanting him to explain in the first place, but you still wondered if that was really true.
"Now I understand, I'm sorry for not letting you explain yourself before," you say a little ashamed and he smiles awkwardly.
"It's okay, baby. I know my past doesn't really help me, but I told you I'm working it out..." his smiles widens and you can see the lust in his eyes "...because of you."
You blush and quickly turn your attention to the food in front of you. You hear him chuckle at your embarrassment as he also keeps eating.
Suddenly your phone rings as you receive a couple of messages from someone. Wonwoo glances at your phone with a suspicious look and his face becomes red seeing the name 'Soonyoung' on the screen.
"Why is he texting you so frenetically?" he says with a low tone.
"He's jealous." you think.
"He probably just wants to talk to me. Isn't that normal?" you tease him. "Whatever." he just cliques his tongue and finishes his food.
You finish yours as well and get up to put the dishes in the sink. He follows you and as he leans to place his dish he lays a wet kiss on the skin of your neck.
"W-what was that for?" you stutter while pushing him away. "Don't deny it. You loved it," he smirks and walks away to the living room. "Don't be a pervert!" you shout from the kitchen.
As you're leaving the kitchen towards the living room you read Soonyoung's messages and laugh at what he told you.
"What's so funny?" Wonwoo asks from the couch with an annoyed expression. "Nothing," you say while sitting next to him.
You keep texting Soonyoung and occasionally watching the movie but not paying much attention. You can hear Wonwoo groan beside you each time you giggle with a message. He loses his temper and snatches your phone from your hand.
"Pay attention to me. Only me." he groans while moving closer to you.
You stay paralyzed as he keeps leaning, making your faces closer and closer every second.
"Wonwoo..." you mutter looking at him.
"What? You don't like this?" he makes you lay on the couch staying on top of you "You're so submissive for me." he smirks and you just look away blushing. "No." he places his hand on your chin and makes you face him "I want you to look at me."
He gets closer to your neck and starts leaving kisses all over it. His soft and wet lips make you lose your senses and you let out a gentle moan as he grabs your thighs firmly.
"Why does this feel so good? Why is he so good?" you think to yourself while closing your eyes with pleasure. He raises his head from your neck and tries to kiss your lips but you turn your head and suddenly get out from under him. 
"T-this is not happening." you stutter still a little stunned from what just happened and get away from him. "Come on, baby. I've been craving you for so long." he gets up and starts walking towards you. Without much space to run you just sprint to your room and close the door.
"I can't give you what you want, Wonwoo. Not now." you sigh and mutter quietly.
Messages on
   You: U can stay if you want
   But I'm not coming near u
Wonwoo: Are u really going to leave me here alone?
With a big ass boner? That's cruel, baby
   You: Are u really?
Wonwoo: Get out of the room and see for yourself
   You: I'm not leaving
Wonwoo: Then I'll just send u a pic
   You: Don't u dare
Wonwoo: [media file] 
Too late, baby 
   You: Wow... it's hum big
Wonwoo: U're still not leaving?
I'm suffering here, baby
   You: I don't care
   I'm not falling on ur trap
Wonwoo: Is that so? What a shame
If u don't come to me, I'll go to u
I wonder if there's a spare key... 
   You: Don't go through my stuff!
   I don't have spare keys
Wonwoo: Is that so? Then care to explain what's this
[Media file] 
   You: I told u to not go through my stuff, Wonwoo!
   Put that back right now!
Wonwoo: Make me, baby
Messages off
Suddenly you hear footsteps approaching your room. He must have the keys and will not hesitate to enter for sure. Once he enters you won't have any place to escape to and resisting him will be impossible. Something in Wonwoo makes it hard to refuse him.
"If you opened the door yourself it would be a lot easier." his voice says from the other side. "What do you want from me?" you question already on the edge of giving up "Why do you play with me like this, Wonwoo?".
As soon as you asked that a weird silence settled in and, not sure if he was still there, you called his name but he didn't answer. Thus you decide to open the door just to see a sad Wonwoo sitting on the floor with his back leaning against the wall.
"What's wrong?" you ask worried at the sudden mood change. "You'll never believe in me, will you?" he raises his head and you feel like a dagger went through your heart, he was... crying?
"Wonwoo, you're crying?" you ask still in disbelief, no one has ever seen Wonwoo cry, not even his best friend Mingyu.
"Yes, I am." he says sharply "I'm crying because you think you're getting hurt but you're only hurting me instead. I also have feelings, even tho I don't always show it. But I've told you several times about how I feel about you and now I know why I don't share my feelings often." he states in a mix of sadness and annoyance.
You just stay there staring at him with pity in your eyes not really knowing what to do. He was crying because you hurt him. Him. The boy who feared nothing and no one was on your floor crying his feelings out for you.
"I love you." you quickly say and not waiting for a response you hug him tightly.
He returned your hug and accommodated himself in your arms just like a little child. After a few minutes, he stopped sobbing and you smiled relieved. After all, Wonwoo was really a sensitive little boy inside of a big man's body. Only now you realized how unfair and judgmental you were being with the person you most loved.
"You love me?" he whispers happily pulling you back from your thoughts. "I do. I always have," you state a little embarrassed and he finally faces you. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?" he tilts his head in confusion. "I guess I was just too afraid of commitment, I'm sorry for hurting you." you caress his cheek and he smiles.
"I love you too," he states. "I know." you smile.
"I think you should make up for all the pain you made my little heart go through." he pouts fakely with a completely different expression from earlier.
He's back.
"What do you want?" you ask naively.
He looks down at his pants and you follow his eyes with yours. His erection from earlier was now half gone but you knew it wouldn't take too long for it to be full again.
"Is that all you think about, you pervert?" you roll your eyes and stand up offering your hand to him.
"Basically." he grabs your hand but instead of getting up, he pulls you down again to sit on his lap "Don't you dare to try to run away from me again. I'll punish you, baby."
You surrender completely hypnotized by his touch. He grabbed your thighs firmly and brought you even closer to him. Roughly, but still careful, he pulls your hair back making sure your neck is totally exposed to him. You close your eyes tightly as you feel his wet lips taste your skin. He started leaving marks all over it, making sure they were visible enough for everyone to see.
"S-stop, I have classes tomorrow.." you whine but he keeps doing as if he didn't hear you "W-Wonwoo." his name leaves your mouth almost in a moan and he smirks satisfied.
"You're mine." he says firmly and stands up with you in his arms "I have to make sure everyone knows it." he walks to your room and throws you to the bed.
He climbs up on the bed quickly and without any hesitation, he takes your lips in his. Wonwoo kissed you like there was no tomorrow, he was so needy and you shared the same feelings.
"You make me crazy, Wonwoo." you thought running your hands through his hair trying to deepen the kiss even more.
You break apart from the kiss and stare deeply into each other's eyes. The vision you had was extremely hot and provocative. Wonwoo was on top of you, painting like a thirsty dog, with is messy hair falling in his face and a pair of lustful eyes gazing at you.
"Are you just going to stand there? Or are you going to fuck me?" you say in a husky voice, that made him even more aroused.
"Eager aren't we?" he smirks taking your shirt off "You're so fucking beautiful." he groans eating you only with his eyes.
He sets down a slow trail of kisses without taking his eyes off you. His gaze was so powerful that you could cum by looking at him. When finally reaching your pants he starts to open them in an annoying and provocative slow pace. You whine for him to hurry but he ignores your words once again.
"Beg, baby. Beg for me.".
"You know I don't beg, Wonwoo. Just take it off for fuck's sake." you groan but he is too persistent and wants everything his way. "Come on. Just say the words and I'll do as you desire," he smirks and you just sigh defeated.
"Please... daddy." you blush immediately after saying those words and his wild side is activated.
He quickly gets rid of all the clothes, both his and yours and gets on the bed again. You look at his length and gulp with a bit of concern in your eyes, he notices your expression and caresses your cheek.
"It's okay. I won't hurt you, baby." he smiles making you less anxious and more comfortable.
You nod in agreement and he kisses you again while slowly running his hands across all your naked body.
He stands up to get his pants and from his pocket, he takes out a condom and you watch while he puts it on. He has everything always prepared.
While distracting you with the kiss he carefully places his member on your entrance and slides it in. You break from the kiss to let out some painful moans and he kisses you again to ease the pain.
He just stays still in place waiting for your approval to start moving. Slowly your pain becomes pleasure.
"Can I go, baby?" he gently asks and you nod.
He starts slow but strong enough to make you let out louder moans. At each one of your moans he gets more and more turned on and his pace becomes faster and wilder.
"W-Wonwoo...", as he hears his name come out of your mouth he loses all his sanity and comes out of you just to enter again, roughly and madly.
"I won't be able to walk tomorrow." you think while scratching his back and spreading your legs to give him more access.
He comes out of you suddenly and you whine looking at him. He smirks at your desperation and kisses your skin from your neck to your ear.
"You should apologize for ignoring me before, baby." he takes his member and teases you by rubbing it in your entrance. "I.. I didn't." you tease.
You were playing his game as well and you wouldn't let him win that easily. Teasing him was too good.
"Is he better than me?" he bites your earlobe and rubs his member a little harder making you bite your lip. "I never tried with him to know." you tease and see his expression change completely. He was not happy at that response. "You're gonna need to be punished. Bad baby," he says standing up.
He stands in front of you as you look at him confused.
"Come here. Now." he says in a dominant tone and you hesitate "Do I need to repeat myself?" he says impatiently.
"No.." you stand up in front of him "..daddy," you smirk and he bites his lip. "Don't tease me, baby." he groans in frustration "On your knees."
"What?" you pretend to not understand and he grabs you closer by your hip. "On. Your. Knees. Now." he spanks your right thigh and you let out an unexpected moan "If you don't obey, I'll do it harder, baby."
You do as he says and kneel on the floor in front of him. He smiles satisfied and pets your head. "Good baby." he bites his lower lip looking at you and continues "Now, make daddy feel good. Will you?".
You slowly look away from his eyes to his hard cock in front of you and understand what he wants. You take it in your hand and start making up and down movements. Stroking it as well as possible, making him throw his head back in pleasure. As you hear his low tone moans you start moving faster but no, you still weren't satisfied.
You look at him and decide to take his cock in your mouth. Surprised by your warmth he lets out a loud moan and looks at you only to see a vision that turned him on even more, if that was even possible.
"Oh baby... you feel so good.." he grabs your hair slowly and starts making hip movements.
He loses his senses and starts to thrust into your mouth. Because of his sudden action, you gag a little but soon you start to keep up with his movements.
"I'm... I'm 'gonna cum.." he moans out and quickens his movements.
Moments later you feel a warm liquid fill your mouth and he slowly comes out of you. You swallow it looking directly at him and he smirks with his standard dirty look.
You get back on the bed and spread your legs wanting him to finish what he started before. He sits on the bed and taps his lap.
"Ride me." 
Without losing any time you hop on his lap and begin a thirsty kiss. He grabs you by your thighs and, as he kisses you dominantly, he places you close to his member. You slide down making him enter you slowly.
You moan loudly as you feel him fill you entirely and start riding him quickly and desperately. He keeps his hands on your hips guiding your movements. Your hands are on his shoulders to help you support your body and as the pleasure runs through your body you scratch his skin.
"I... I'm almost t-there.." you are able to say in-between of the moans.
You quicken your pace and he squeezes your thighs roughly, and probably it will leave a bruise, as he feels his climax coming. You cum with a loud moan and he follows you right after. Wonwoo helps you lay on the bed and he lays beside you with a bright smile. You both look at each other and let out a sigh of happiness.
"Do you have any idea of how long I've been waiting for this?" he covers both of you with the covers and lays on his side to look at you. "I have a slight idea. I have to be honest, I've been wanting to do this for a while too." you smile looking back at him. "Then does this mean we're dating?" he smirks. "Bitch." you giggle at his question "Did you even ask?"
"To be fair I've been asking for the past two years. You're the one who hasn't been responding." he pouts like a baby. "Oh... that's true." you say embarrassed "But it's a yes. I'll date you, Wonwoo."
Messages on
   You: Hey Mingyu ♡
Mingyu: Heyyy
   You: I wanted to ask you smth
   Was Wonwoo with u today?
Mingyu: Yeah. Why?
Why this sudden interest in him? U in love?
   You: It's just curiosity
   But really? He was with u? Don't joke :c
Mingyu: Then why did you take so long to answer?
You're using ':c' now? He really got into you, literally and metaphorically
I'm telling the truth, he was with me. He also left in a hurry bc he was going over to your house
   You: Thank you, Gyu
   Yeah he did "got into me"
Mingyu: HE DID? YOOOO~
   You: Stop overreacting, Guy
Mingyu: I. AM. NOT.
Wonwoo didn't have sex with not even a single soul for the past two years
He was always telling me that it was bc he was waiting for u
Bc u were the one
   You: Did he really? Omg
   Thanks for telling me this, Gyu
   You're an angel
Mingyu: I know, I know
Messages off 
You turn off your phone smiling like a child who just received the best gift. As you turn to your side you face a sleeping Wonwoo and you just stare at him happily. Slowly, trying to not wake him up, you caress his hair and kiss his forehead.
"Thank you for waiting for me, Wonwoo," you whisper.
You seek comfort between his arms and eventually end up falling asleep.
"Always," he whispers lightly.
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stvlti · 4 years
10 female characters tag
@timothydraike tagged me to post 10 favourite female characters from 10 different fandoms and then tag 10 people, but honestly this list isn't gonna be too different from my 10 fave characters list cause most of them are women anyway 😂 😂 but here you go:
Nausicäa // Nausicäa of the Valley of the Wind, Studio Ghibli
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I didn't explain it last time, but I feel like she is the prototype for all the Ghibli girl heroines, free and autonomous, except she's a young woman who knows exactly what she believes in and wants to do. She's a warrior princess who believes in peace and kindness rather than war; she listens to mother nature and tends to her garden as deftly as she handles her glider jet; she's a born leader who puts her subjects' wellbeing before her own immediate safety. This gif here shows the moment she took of her own gas mask to boost morale while they're crashing into a toxic wasteland. I don't think I've seen many representations of female leadership as compelling and utterly human as hers was before or after this film debuted in popular media.
Harley Quinn // DCU
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She's a bundle of contradictions but it's in that I find a female antivillain/antihero that feels real. Her stocky build and bit of chub in the tummy area? Real. Her slobbish habits and love for nasty junk food? Real. Her all encompassing empathy for animal welfare? Real. Disregarding the artists that draw her with too big boobs, she's so ordinary in her appearance and habits that it actually feels like she's the kind of girl that media often overlooks. She's like the manic pixie dream girl but rounded out with relatable human traits.
Tsunemori Akane // Psycho-Pass
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I related to her when I was 20 (exactly her age at the start of the series) because I was at a crossroads in life, just as she was. I was searching for my calling, just as she was trying to understand her purpose and place in society. And at that point in my life, I could appreciate the duality between abiding by the system (legal reformation) and questioning the system (dipping into revolutionary ideas). I can't see myself relating to a cop anymore now obviously, but she's a rather unique figure that I still think about.
Ava // Ex Machina (2014), filmblr
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She brings out all my post-humanist sympathies. And I think she captures a sort of queer android and Other perspective, one that the male characters feel threatened by, that women can understand well.
Maeve Millay // Westworld
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She's my murder mom. Something something about "I've died a thousand times, I'm not afraid of death" (I'm paraphrasing majorly), she's so badass. The fact that she was one of the first androids to awaken and actually challenge the humans, there's so much power in her taking her trauma in stride and moving forward nonetheless. And I think you can see a recurring theme here lolol
Lois Lane (Gotham City Garage) // DCU Elseworlds
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Perhaps this is just preserving a core attribute of her main continuity counterpart, but I absolutely adore the spirit she embodies of journalists who stay defiantly committed to truth and justice in the face of insurmountable odds. Fighting against a fascist terror regime - which hits very close to home - and keeping the broadcast going even out in the wasteland. In this last aspect she carries similarities to Dr. Death Defying's character from Gerard Way's Killjoys series, except she's a woman and she was actually fleshed out as a character with a heart and soul and a lot of gravitas. How can you not love her?
(and I forgot this was supposed to be 10 characters from 10 different fandoms until I finished this list but let's say her being an Elseworlds character counts as a different fandom 🤡🤡)
Ripley // Alien (even tho Sigourney Weaver's personal politics is a bit yikes)
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The proto-final girl and original warrior mother in sci-fi wrapped into one. (Ok, the crown for modern scifi warrior mother might have to go to Sarah Connor actually, but that's also another Cameron invention so they can share that title.) Even tho I can't relate to most of her character arc, I'm still very impressed by her character. They even touch on her PTSD a little which is unheard of in the contemporary movies at the time.
Honorary mention: Sarah Connor // Terminator
Marceline the Vampire Queen // Adventure Time
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Not the original goth gf, but she is a goth gf. Gay and aesthetics aside, I really liked that the show let her be a bit weird and gross (which she should be considering she's kind of undead) and her tragic backstory gets me every time. The best thing is she's still a big softie, who takes good care of Ice King / Simon when he's around; you don't see that kind of (grand)daughter character in media much.
Beverly Marsh // It (2017)
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I haven't read the book but tbh I liked the agency the first movie awarded her enough that I'm afraid of jeopardising it; I don't like how the book portrays / handles her sexuality. She is a survivor of csa, but she's a fighter regardless. I like that about her.
Darlene Alderson // Mr. Robot
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I honestly debated putting her on this list again since I haven't seen a single Mr. Robot episode in so long, but I do remember her character being given her own arc in S2 (and onwards I suppose) and she's a little fucked up in her own way. People look at Rami's character and get sucked in sorting through his alters but Darlene is no less complex - damaged, dangerous, and compelling.
Other honorary mentions:
Riko Sheridan // DCU (an Asian girl who isn't infantilised or reduced to the model minority? shocker!)
Missy // Colette (2018), filmblr (she's actually a real historical figure so I'm not sure if she counts. But she's so radical and ahead of her time - in fact the film seems to suggest she prefers he/him pronouns. I have never seen such intriguing butch representation and I just fell in love with her character. Worth a watch.)
Jo March // Little Women (2019), filmblr (since we're talking about historical women... well, she's a period film character but not a real one, but she's highly evocative of certain female experiences in much the same way)
Blue // The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys (so I didn't wanna crowd this list with too many android ladies but she's the first queer android girl character I came across and I loved her instantly. Too bad they buried her gay but her entire concept is my aesthetic)
Rem // Death Note (I feel like I'm obligated to mention DN, too bad it has shitty writing wrt female characters, that's why I have no choice but to stan the lesbian monster gf friend who is so in love with her gal pal she would die for her. Ugh, poetic cinema)
Ok now I am gonna tag @lawliyeeeet @sweetgloss @dressed-to-keehl @3dnygma @hikenacedabi and anyone else who wants to I guess
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p---leia · 4 years
Ancient Writer of dreams and nightmares: I am 71 (-one month), and have been writing (making up tales) since I was three. I can still remember my Pawpaw whittling a pencil for me, and Mawmaw tearing a piece of brown grocery bag for me to write on. They weren't 'poor', but writing paper wasn't to be wasted on a 'kid' just for fun. I carefully scripted my first short story.
Of course my 'letters' looked more like ancient Hanguel, so I had to read it to my "captured" audience. I really don't remember the story, but as my grandparents had a yard full of chickens and my dog, Mutt, liked to chase them (because of this we 'both' got into trouble -- because I always joined the chase) I most probably wrote about that.
My Pawpaw was a story-teller. For several years I thought there really was a baby found in the wilds of the African jungle and raised by the great apes. I thought he was the luckiest babe, EVER!
Then I found Pawpaw's books about three years after he died. I was eleven when he died, and felt that my best friend had abandoned me. But when I found those books I realized just where Tarzan actually came from and went to. I read everyone of those books and got the complete picture. THEN..
Well, Pawpaw also told stories of Daniel Boone and Davey Crocket...before I saw them on Disney. Then, of course, I went to school and learned what I already knew. Pawpaw was an excellent story-teller and never mixed up his facts, time-lines, or characters.
Growing up under his influence had a lot to do with how I developed as a story-teller. At family gatherings when I meet cousins I haven't seen in decades, they STILL remember me and the stories that I used to tell them. My children and grandchildren have grown up with me re-telling Pawpaw's old stories, and sharing many that I made up on the spot.
But I think what I read in my early years developed my writing style.
I was just turned eight when I read my first Shakespeare, MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. He was my first favorite author. Then I was forced to read Romeo and Juliet. I was disgusted by the fact that TRAGEDY was made famous as a ROMANCE! Even at the innocent (then) age of fourteen, I was disgusted with the idea that it was considered romantic for 'anyone', let alone 'teenagers' to commit suicide over unrequited love.
My sister (now 68) and I recently discussed this play. Because she had a 'forbidden' teenage love, she said that she related to the story (even though she had never read it). GASP! It was required reading in ninth grade!
I remember our dad breaking up my sister and her boyfriend, who was really cool. He was a hard working farm boy who had saved his money to buy a motorcycle. AND his own car. But he wasn't good enough for my sister. smh
I always thought her story would make a great LifeTime movie. But I'm not touching it. She would 'skin me' for sharing with the world her broken heart. And if I added the stuff that sells today, she'd scalp me for lying. Not a win situation at all. So, I will write notes in my "Random Jottings Journal" for future decendants who might grow into writers or story-tellers.
By the way, the title "RANDOM JOTTINGS" came from a sci-fi book that I read as a kid in the fifties. I don't remember the author, although I'm pretty sure it 'might' be from a Heinlein juvenile book. But I've never found a reference to any sci-fi books using that term. SO!!! If anyone recognizes "RANDOM JOTTINGS", which was a note book that a professor/scientist/genius used to keep his 'thoughts', PLEASE share the author's name and the title of the book!!! Thank You.
In the meantime, I referenced Shakespeare. James Oliver Curwood wrote about Kazan, the Wolf Dog, and later Baree, Son of Kazan. From those two books, read when I was eleven, I searched for and found other books about Canada. Later there was Walter Farley, author of the Black Stallion, and the Island Stallion series. I think I met my FIRST friendly alien in the Island Stallion Races.
Of course, Edgar Rice Burroughs taught me much false history about the jungles of Africa, as well as the Moon and Mars. But I loved every 'read-under-the-covers-with a-flashlight' minute! I believe he was a contemporary of Zane Grey, because he wrote a few non-jungle and non-space stories, too. Which led me to Zane Grey.
Having read both of their biographies at a young age, I learned about the hardships of being a writer. I should say 'the hardships of a struggling writer'. I have never had a problem writing. Since I write for 'fun' and not 'profit', the few short stories I've had published were by local press, and a State magazine.
No, my struggles have centered around graduating high school, and completing college, stuggling to satisfy my husband, a 'Mr. Spock in the Flesh' personality, and later raising two children without benefit of parental support or child support. But we survived in the middle of laughter and many tears. And my made up stories about children lost in the woods who were rescued by a great friendly bear, or wolf. Or dog. And sometimes by a great Black Panther - a by product of one of my Pawpaw's 'local historical tales'.
I understand that publishers detest stories that begin with "It was a dark and stormy night.." But let me tell you, some of the BEST bedtime stories occur on stormy nights when the power has gone out, and it's too hot for candles or lanterns. That shadow that stands darkest in the corner and seems to be moving towards the bed is actually grandma come to check on the kids, and stands quiet so not to disturb the kids if they're already asleep. But since they are awake, and they see her 'shadow', she becomes the old crone who lives in the castle dungeon, and has slipped her chains to visit with the 'wee folk'. But there are no fairies out on such a blustery night, so the old crone comes to visit with the 'wee bairn', who fall all over themselves to get out of bed and sit around her to hear her stories of 'long ago' and other 'dark and stormy nights'. Again -- unpublished, because publishers don't like ... LOL
Of course there's always On-Line publishing. But that involves more work than actual writing.
Back to the writrs who influenced my writing:
While I enjoy a good Western, an adventurous space trek, or time travel, I also enjoy the occasional Historical Romance. Georgette Heyer was my first! I still re-read her amazing books. Of course there's Jane Austen.
There are a myriad of modern writers that I have read over the last five decades. Heinlen, Asimov, Norton, Bradley, McCaffrey, Moon, Stirling, Krentz/Castle/Quick, and Moening, just to name a few of the ones whose books I have in my personal library.
Those older authors did affect my writing style to develope as I read their stories. The later authors helped me to move into the late 20th century. But I'm not so sure that I like the 21st century so much. It's all about being politically 'correct'. If you aren't ashamed of your gender, your race, your country, your religion, your culture, your family, your history, then you are prejudiced. That's just too much guilt to have to live with.
I'm still dealing with my mom's death from ten years ago. I was her care-giver for five years. Her doctor had given her nine months. I still worry if I did enough for her in those last years.
And though my children are grown with their own families, I worry that I wasn't a good enough parent. And I worthy as a grandmother? How was I as an older sister? I was responsible as a moral guide when our parents were at work. Was I a good neighbor? A good support in our Church? And Hollywood wants me to feel guilt about something I can't change?!!
I'm an old woman who still likes being a woman and enjoys liking men. I'm not just white. I'm also mixed with a bit of Native American, and even a drop of -- OMG!!! --- Black. snicker.
That's a serious joke, because as a kid I had a recuring nightmare that I was a black man being judged by a group of people in white hoods I was hanged amidst their fiery torches. I always thought those white hoods represented the Catholic Church, because at that young age I didn't know about the Ku Klux Klan. Even though I grew up in the South, my family was not involved with that group of out-lawrey. Thank God!
Still, I'm supposed to feel shame? For something not even my family supported.
I've always believed there's a hint of Fae in my DNA. Because I love dancing in the light of the full moon, and flying with the owls who perch outside my bedroom window and call to invite me to follow the moon's shadow. If I am part Fae, I know it came from my mother's people. They were Irish mixed with Alabama Indians who believed in the Nunnehi aka Immortal, and the Yunwi Tsunsdi, aka Little People.
ALSO, while there's no DNA proof of ancestry, I've always been a 'closet Chinese'.
In the Fifties, when WW2 was still fresh, and we were involved with the 'Korean Conflict', and at odds with China, I would sneak around the radio, turn down the volume, and tune into 'that wierd channel' that sometimes played Opera, or Chinese music. Ahhh. I would close my eyes and wander through the few visuals I'd found in books, or the occasional movie. (before color tv)
A year or two ago I was totally depressed and disgusted with American TV. Hollywood has become so political, so wierd. Their programming is no longer for entertainment, but to 'educate, enlighten, or to inform'. zzzzz
Then I found KDrama!!!!! Korean TV. Japanese Tv. squeal!!! Chinese TV.
The rom/coms are sweet and 'pure'. Okay. I'm realistic. This is not a reflection of real life on any planet. But the innocence of the early 1950s programs is there. Similar to Disney's 'Summer Magic'. I'm happy with those dramas that remind me of thati nnocence. I have found a few dramas that shared more than I cared for, and I do enjoy an occasional 'romp'. But I've always preferred the Lady and Gentleman characters.
And watching these programs have reminded me of those fairy tales and legends from my childhood that had been sprinkled with the Occasional Oriental myth, legend, and children's tale.
Then I remembered my FIRST historical legend. "The White Stag" by Kate Seredy, is the tale of Atilla the Hun!
I recently found a copy of that book and am waiting for a quiet time, when the power is out and there's nothing to do. Then I will use one of the many flashlights I bought for a huge hurricane, and relax on the sofa beneath an open window and read this legend once again. I live in Florida. The odds of this happening increases as the summer progresses. I can't wait to learn if my memory of this tale of Atilla the Hun remained true, or has been distorted in the last half of a century.
Most of the tales that I write involve space adventures, the occasioanl ghost, and encounters with fairies, the evil ones, not the romantic ideal fairy. smh
I've never been very good with romance or comedy. But thanks to the recent influence of the Asian productions, I have re-formatted one of my dark adventures and turned it into a rom/com.
I love a good joke, but very seldom get the point or see the humor. And I can NEVER remember the punch line if I try to share a joke. My family have said they will write on my tombstone --
"I don't remember the punchline ... but it was funny."
But as I write humorous lines or events I find myself laughing. Or crying at sad events. And I am all 'giggly' when I write what is supposed to be innocent romance between a young and shy couple. But I have never felt that my own reactions were a true guide to how the story might come across to a 'reader'.
As it happens, I have two sisters younger than I am. My middle sister is bored easily and immediately redirects our conversation to something about 'her'. Okay. I understand. She is lonely, needy, and maybe a bit selfish? Not judging. She's the 'middle child' and that's her excuse. ROFL..
But the youngest sister is my greatest fan who declares that I am an awesome writer. "I love you, sister, dear."
So she visited me last week and patiently listened as I read the first chapter. She listened quietly, and I wondered if I had 'read her to sleep'. sigh. Boring books are often the best sleeping pill. Then I heard her laugh.
Squeals/Dancing/hooting/flying around the room in ecstasy!!
Okay! At least one person has laughed. And she's not that easily 'tickled'.
So, I will always carry on and write. But now I feel that at least I might be following a path strewn with "Black-Eyed-Susans, honeybees, butterflies, and bunnies".
I don't know if anyone will read this, or will enjoy it. I hope so. While sharing bits of my youth, my worries, and my concern about certain ones of my 'stories', I actually had ideas for developing 'new' stories.
I am always amazed when writers say they are 'blocked'. I have only to open my eyes to see a world around me that no one else can envision. I listen to a song, and I'm in a different world, time, planet. A gift from Pawpaw, and Mother's DNA.
It is my oldest granddaughter's birthday this month, and I don't know what to give her for her birthday. But when she was younger, she always asked me to tell her a story. I think that I will pull out one of my OLD/ANCIENT tales that I wrote when her dad was her age and make it into a book for her.
p---leia aka Mamma KayeLee
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