#but not for not liking mcflurry and making anti post about them
evyisaks 1 year
I hate whenever the tag has a resurgence of people trying to defend M*leven shippers. They will absolutely never do the same thing for Bylers. Obviously every single M*leven isn't a raging homophobe. But crying over how unfair it is to say negative things about them when a lot of their fanbase is very vocally homophobic just screams pick me behavior.
Also, I'm sorry. But if M*levens don't see a problem with the gay kid's feelings being used to fix a straight couple's problems, that is really sh*tty of them. Wanting people to get queerbaited and the plotline of the show to be homophobic just because "my ship is cute and I Iike them 馃ズ " is not a stance that many Bylers will get behind.
Hii! :)
Yes exactly! And I honestly have no issues getting started on how annoying and problematic parts of the Byler fandom can be. There are people in the fandom that are so hateful, and not for not finding Mcflurry cute or for thinking that Mcflurry's aren't watching the show right, but they are downright hateful.
However, this isn't what's being discussed when talking about the issues in the fandom. And I'm sorry but there's a difference in saying that someone isn't watching a certain piece of media correctly, and then being called slurs. There's a difference in saying that you don't ship Mcflurry and think that they were never in love, and then people calling Bylers homophobic slurs and wishing Will's death so that he doesn't come between McFlurry.
And most of the posts about Will from Mcflurry's is almost never positive- even if it's outside of Byler. Will is a loser. He's annoying. He's a cry baby. He's a crybaby. He's a bad friend and brother. He's creepy for liking Mike. You are creepy if you ship Byler. You hate El if you ship them. You are ableist against El if you want her brother to steal her boyfriend. But gay people having unrequited love stories and ending alone is realistic. It makes sense for Will's character to end up alone. Will realising that he's not a kid anymore and ending up alone makes sense. You need to read these bible verses because shipping Byler is a sin. The social media didn't queerbait with Byler, Bylers are just throwing up that word for nothing. Will dying would make sense in S5. Will dead and Mcflurry as endgame in S5 is the perfect ending.
I get it that people have friends who ship Mcflurry and they are nice, I'm mutuals with people who share different ships and fave characters than I do, and that's okay.
Do I agree that Bylers need to be nice to each other? Yes. Because at the end of the day we only know what the writers tell us and what is confirmed. Ones theory about Henry isn't the correct one and it doesn't make your theory any less valid than the one posted by a popular blog. People speculating about Mike's sexuality need to stop and think why bisexual Mike offends them so much, and some goes to people having bi-Mike as canon. Why does Mike being gay offend you?
Calling out people from your own fandom is so important to do because hey, Bylers aren't perfect shippers. People go too far. People don't always separate real life from fiction. Some Bylers are hateful. That's facts.
I think what bothers me is that we aren't telling some Bylers to back off because they are being hateful and disgusting. No we are telling Bylers to take all the hate and slurs from Mcflurry's, because saying that they are interpreting the show incorrectly is bad. And how can you say that Mcflurry aren't cute??? So sit back and watch the homophobic replies to a post that was "Mcflurry aren't cute. They were never in love and they bring out the worst in each other" because how dare Bylers not like Mcflurry?
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coplins 4 years
Please, please, don't go down the vindictive "ruin CW because they did a bad episode" rabbit hole. I'm sad they handled Cas poorly in the last 3 episodes, but it kills me to see authors I love supporting movements that are supporting widespread harassment of the actors and crew. A lot of SPN fans in these movements are behaving just like the anti-Captain Marvel fanboys and anti-Rey fanboys have, with spammed IMDB downratings, downright insane conspiracy theories and hate. It's breaking my heart.
Hey, Nonnie. I think your concerns are valid and I'm guessing this is about the post I reblogged about not watching CW for a week in February?
So here's where I'm coming from. The way I see it, the cast and crew were as fucked over as we were in that last episode. I love them dearly and I don't think they had any say at all in how the show ended. They shouldn't get any harassment for it. They do, but they shouldn't, and it's awful that they do get shit they don't deserve. It's like yelling at the cashier at McDonald's because the McFlurry machine is broken. It's not their fault, they can't do anything about it. I hate seeing some fans direct anger their way. I myself loathe Buckleming's writing but it would never occur to me to go on Twitter to tag them in hateful or angry messages. It doesn't do any good for anyone.
So. Back to the situation at hand. In the span of three episodes, we got queerbaiting, kill your gays, a complete eradication of the found family (SPN Family basically made a mockery of), and a strong message of "stay in your lane, you can't change anything, so be happy with the role society chose for you", heavy implications that women are only there to produce kids but otherwise have no emotional impact on their partner, child abusers go to heaven, topped off with obliteration of any and all character growth of the characters we identified with.
Now, I know the post I reblogged called for the hashtag 'reshoot the ending' or something like that. I'm not going to adhere to that bit. If you're a reader of mine you should know I'm a big believer in "Don't like? Don't read." The CW told the story they wanted to tell just like I write a whole lot of questionable stories too. That's their right. I don't have any say in what they put out in the world. But there's a slight difference. Since they're a major company, they impact society with the stories they tell. Hey, so do I. From comments, I know I've helped one person overcome their internalised homophobia to come out and someone else to recognise that they were in a toxic relationship. That's monumental for me. And that's not even a fraction of the impact a network like the CW has.
So when a show that was advertised as an inclusive found family story chooses to make the last episode backtrack on that and send several messages that go against some of my core beliefs, I feel conned. In hopes that they'll change in the future I have one way of showing that: "Don't read/buy/interact." But there's a problem. I still want to support the actors in their future endeavours and they might work for the CW and Warner Bros in the future. That means I can't stop watching CW indefinitely.
So that's why I support the one week rating drop in February. It might be felt, but it won't have a lasting economic impact. Hopefully just enough for them to realize queerbaiting, sexism, and mocking your core audience can have consequences. And if not, well then I'll end up doing what I always do when I come upon stories that have potential but play out in a way I don't like; I realize I'm not the target audience and stop watching/reading, not bothering to leave a comment about why.
I just wish the CW would have tagged properly, if you feel me? I mean, I enjoy Wincest as much as the next guy, but...
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evyisaks 1 year
Im the same anon as before, and yes it's annoying that it keeps showing in the tag because I have blocked the anti byler tag but it keeps showing up idk why. I don't really care because I'm so confident at this point that no anti post makes me doubt and I'm actually really entertained with them, but what's funny to me is how that account swears to be so sure that milkvan is endgame but they spend the whole day, 24/7, on the byler tag reading every theory. I don't know if it's just me, but judging by their posts I can tell that they're really scared of byler endgame and they are trying to convince themselves at this point
Hii! :) That's exactly it. Like if they have so much faith in their ship, and we are just silly delusional fans, then why are they caring so much more about byler than about mcflurry? it makes no sense. So def must see that's something potential there and the fact that byler are popular and liked, and if explored they will be accepted and popular too
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