#but no im not budging on this YOU'RE WRONG YOU'RE DEAD WRONG
andorerso · 8 months
I'm gatekeeping Cassian from the people who thinks he can't cook
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howlsofbloodhounds · 1 month
Delta anon here again and I am loving these most recent posts. I have many ideas now.
For one, if Color was distressed enough about not knowing how Killer is doing, I feel like Delta and Epic would let him call - under the exception that they are allowed to listen in. Color obviously protests this, but they refuse to budge. Because although they do want Color to recover from the abuse and manipulation he's going through with Killer, they also know how bad his panic attacks get when he thinks a loved one is dead. But the immediate minute Killer starts guilt tripping, one single word about it, one of them physically takes the phone away and hangs up while the other restrains Color from stopping him. No hesitation.
And if he sneaks out? Oh, buddy. You have an engineer for a friend. You bet your ASS that Delta somehow managed to put a location chip on him somehow - phone, hoodie, pocket, you name it. He managed to put it in - and incredibly well hidden. So if Color sneaks out? Once they wake up and realize he's gone, they follow Delta's tracker straight to him.
Obviously once they get Color back (and once Delta and Beta are allowed their time of beating the shit out of Killer and probably psychologically fucking him over a bit, too), they first check to make sure he's ok. Then they launch straight into scolding him for it. Because really, what the fuck? We understand that you're worried for him and that you miss him, but that wasn't ok. You need to be ok with not being able to peek over Killer's shoulder (hypervigilance) 24/7 to make sure he isn't doing anything wrong. You can live without him and he can live without you.
Now this is probably about when Color starts trying to defend Killer, or get out of it somehow. They shut that bullshit down instantly.
Delta calls it as it is. It's abusive, toxic and manipulative. And although Color hates it - deep down, he knows they're right. He won't ever admit it to himself, but he knows that if Delta or Epic were somehow in this situation, he would call it what it is, too.
Epic takes a gentler approach, knowing Delta can definitely speak for the both of them, so he focuses more on making sure Color is ok at the moment and isn't getting too upset. He steps in when needed, but let's Delta do the most of the talking. Because Beta is telling him exactly what to say and how it's abusive. Because unfortunately, poor Beta knows what an abusive relationship is like.
Color, of course, would probably try to flip it - he'd try to play therapist again, asking how Delta/Beta knew about abuse, why did they? Yeah, that wouldn't fly either. That also gets shut down very quickly.
The road trip would last a very long time. The bigger a fight Color puts up, the longer it lasts. And then some on the way back. Because like hell are they gonna be letting Killer near right now. They love Color way too much to just sit on the sidelines and watch him be abused and manipulated by a mass murderer.
Oh hello again delta anon so happy to see you!! /gen
Also may i propose some bits of Ekko vs Jinx for either Cross vs Killer or Delta vs Killer.
cuz like. the exhausted walk, the death glare and sneer, the unhinged giggle, and “ooohhh..look who it is! the boy SAVIOR!” either that or ekko can be murder/dust protecting color & delta all the possibilities. or just good old delta protecting color & epic.
(But for my own sanity im gonna say it doesnt manage to ever come to this type of confrontation. please i cant take it i need them to go back to being themselves!! 😭) (thats a lie i love the drama of it all lmao)
and of course delta put a tracker on color lmao. get chipped idiot.
and like..imagine that color has a hard time putting seeing himself as completely blameless simply because killer made him into a forced perpetrator. and hes like i said that or i did that and i hurt him and delta & beta have to remind him of not only the context surrounding all of it—how killer pushed and pushed and manipulated—but also point out that killer and chara and nightmare had this exact same shit going on.
if color can claim killer wasnt to blame for what chara and nightmare made him do, then how can he be to blame for what killer made him do. breaking that cycle baby hell yeah.
oh i wonder how itll all end. Will it keep escalating, will it just be a period of enforced no contact between color and killer until killers able to get it together. or will color and killer run off eventually.
aw god imagine colors interactions with stage 1. id imagine he didnt have a clue what’s going on really—what would he ever think this was okay? where did the logic come from?—and also id imagine hed have missing gaps between the memories of color comforting him and the memories of color punishing him—why? what happened? whywhy? this cant be real what did he do?
because through it all stage 1 would immediately jump to the conclusion that he did something. he cant say why—he doesnt understand, what was he thinking? he cant connect with his other stage’s logic—and yet theres also this sense of..fear. around color.
which is thinks is fucking stupid hes the reason it even happened at all. and the whole thing sets stage 1 back entire leaps and bounds in his process and he keeps his mouth fucking shut and tries force himself to deal with the guilt and shame and misguided fear and ooh all the drama.
hmm does anyone have any ideas for what happens with stage 1 or what just happens next 🤔
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notzawzark · 2 years
GHOST (mw2) X MALE READER (platonic)
NOT ROMANCE, uh, reader kinda already had a backstory, so kinda bordering on oc, but things like his hight/skincolor/appearance in general is kept blank.
its kinda dogshit looking back on it, so dont expect it to be like.. good, in any sense of the word, its riddled with plot holes and like. writting inconsistency. and also the writting as a whole is just.. mid
TW/CW's: torture, implications towards past abuse, maybe other stuff, but you get the gist, if you your not for any of this, dont read, keep yourself safe
“so..” I break the silence that had once held the room hostage. “you're ghost.” I didn't expect him to actually get captured, let alone get captured alive. Looking through all the intel we have on him, by all means we shouldn’t have been able to get him alive.
I doubt doing this will prove fruitfull.
Were both sat In an “interrogation” room. Only recently was it promoted as such. It used to be more of a “torture and kill” room. Its empty for the most part, only a metal table, two old wood chairs sitting across from each other, and a few pieces of paper with a pencil on my side of the table.
A door behind me, no windows, walls made of some bleak concrete. There are two guards outside the room blocking the door. Not for me. For him. Hes tied up, the boss was never one to take chances. Neither would I with the record and reputation this man has racked up.
“you probably know why you’re here..” I look around “ in this… room.”  He doesn’t budge. The mask makes this infinitely harder. “you should probably get comfortable.. I don’t see you leaving anytime soon.” I sigh. I don’t see him leaving ever. Hell probably get killed before he ever gets that luxury. 
“ill be completely honest with you. My.. boss, along with all my associates think that what im doing is pointless. They all want to tear into that skin of yours.” I put my feet onto the table. Taking a deep breath in trying to figure out how to word my next sentence. 
“I don’t think any of that will work.” Its blunt, but its true. “I think” I pick up the pencil on the table and start tapping it absentmindedly. “that no amount of pain, or threatening of your life, or humiliation will make you to tell them what they want to hear.” I look him dead in the eyes, trying to gage how he reacts. “I think that shit just brews spite.”
 Nothing. Honestly its kind of uncomfortable. Staring into his unblinking eyes. They always kinda look glazed over, and red, like he doesn’t sleep much. “I hope you can help me prove them wrong. Because once im done here today theyre going to start torturing you.” I look away. The eye contact is to uncomfortable. “so, whats your real name, ghost?” he doesn’t respond. “what is it.. jack? Is it.. jason?” (I wrote this at 2 am, and thought that jason was ghosts brothers kid, im pretty sure that isnt right, but ignore it, his name is jason now) theres something in his eyes when I say the name jason, but I don’t think its his name. maybe someone he knows. Or knew. “ill be honest im trying to think of british sounding names, and I cant find any.” I crack a joke. Obviously, he doesnt respond.
I sigh. This is going to take awhile. I suggest a few more names. Jason was the only thing that he reacted at. A small reaction however. It could have just been my mind playing tricks. “what about your family?” hopefully this gives me more. “what was your mom like?” nothing. “your dad?” an eye dart. There. That. That is what I needed. I hum, its low, its clearly satisfied. He picks up on it. “your dad, was he a good man,”
Shit. Nothing. Hes either correcting himself now because He knows what im doing. That im trying to get a stir out of him. Or I was mistaken about his reaction. I continue. “was he a bad man?” nothing. Im going to kill myself. “my dad was a bad man.” He shows a hint of confusion. I assume he wasn’t expecting me to talk about myself. “I mean he wasn’t a horrible man from what Ive heard. But he left me and my mom.” I get up from my spot on my chair, and hop up, sitting on the edge of the table to his right. I can see his face better now.
“and a good person doesn’t leave their family, now do they?”
He shifts his focus over to my new spot. He wants to talk. I don’t know what he wants to say, but I can feel his eagerness in the air. “from what I hear you have a dead brother.” Surprise, then anger, then sadness. He looks away. Off to his left. That makes things harder. “how old are you?” he looks to the table as he asks me a question. He seems genuinely curious. “well your definitely British, Jesus.” I remark on his accent. He looks up at me, unamused with my observation.
“im 20.” He doesn’t buy it at all. “19” he seems even less convinced. “17” his eyes narrow. “fine, 16..” I mumble looking at the ground. I don’t see his reaction, but it doesn’t matter. “what is someone your age doing workin’ for a group like this?” I side eye him. “and what is someone of your status doing getting caught by a group like this?” he grunts and goes back to looking to his left.
I sigh, I probably shouldn’t have retorted with that. I might just have sent myself back to square one. “what do you do with your free time, mr. ghost?” he doesn’t respond yet again. I definitely sent myself back to square one. I get off of the table, back into my seat across from him, “have you ever had any pets?” I look up at him, to see his reaction.
It’s a very telling reaction. Hes uncomfortable. “yes? No?” nothing. I look back down, grabbing a piece of paper, and the pencil, I start drawing him. He doesn’t know that though, or at least I assume he doesn’t. I might be a bit more obvious then I want to be. “whats your favorite animal?” I look up again. Hes uncomfortable, less then before, but that’s probably just him regulating it. “mine are snakes.”
He closes his eyes. Ive definitely found something. Theres a moment of silence. “I like the big yellow ones.” He opens his eyes. “I also like the folklore and stories behind snakes.” Hes disengaged. Fuck.
I back down. “who is your favorite artist.” Safer. “music, painting, writing it doesn’t matter.” I focus on my drawing. Im not looking to get a reaction. ”don’t have one.”  He answers. “why not?” a genuine question. “don’t have time to have one.” 
“well I mean, you cant be working all the time, you get a few weeks off after each mission right?”
I hum a response. High pitched. Acknowledging what he said. I begin to get more focused on my drawing, talking less and less. Eventually were both sitting in silence, the only noise in the room being my pencil scratching against the paper.
“you like art?” he nods to the drawings in front of me.
“it passes the time.”
He doesn’t say anything after that. An hour passes by. Im done. Well. As done as ill ever be. I stand up, pushing my chair back. Eyes fixated on my art. Analyzing it to no end. I pick it up, and place it infront of ghost, while I stand close beside him.
“your eyes are expressive.” It sounds creepier then I meant it to. He looks down at it. He really looks at it. Not just a glance over. taking a few minutes. for a bit I think hes fallen asleep until he speaks. “impressive.” 
That’s all he has to say? He looks at a drawing for three minutes in silence, and all he has to say is one word? ‘impressive????’ that’s it????? This guy is gonna make me shoot myself. “thank you.” I try my best to make it sound earnest. A very difficult task. 
I sit back down at my chair. Hes still looking at the art. “theyre probably gonna come soon.” He looks confused at first, but then it clicks. Hes gonna meet those associates i mentioned earlier. “but if you give me as much as a hint of what they want to hear, I can probably stop him.” Ghost doesn’t respond. Quiet as always. I sigh and lean back in my chair. He looks down to the drawing again. “you ever been drawn before?” I ask
What freak talks like that? Negative??? I get hes in the military but Jesus fucking christ. “you can keep it if you get out of here alive.” I laugh at my own joke under my breath. 
“hold onto it. I don’t want it getting bloody.” He looks up from the drawing. Completely deadpan. I cant tell wether hes joking or not. 
The door behind me opens, I get up off my chair. “heyyy.” I greet the man at the door from my spot. Hes big. Big big. Probably 6’7-6’8. Sturdy build. Hes always been scary, but I guess that’s a part of the magic. He rolls in a cart im unpleasantly familiar with. It has an assortment of metal tools. For all sorts of different things.
“(reader).”he acknowledges me. his voice always finding a way to unsettle me. He walks past me, dragging his cart of goodies with him. He stops. Grabbing onto ghosts chair, the wood making a shrill sound as he trudges it to the back wall. He takes his cart with him. Ghosts breathing has gone rapid. Mine probably would too. Scratch that. Mine definitely would too.
I grab my drawing off the table. I don’t want to be in here. I start to leave. “(reader), leaving so soon?” the big man turns around, some horrible device already in his hands. Im quiet. I have to watch what I say around him. “yeah.” I search for the right words. “you know I don’t like loud sounds.” Its true, I don’t. theres a tenseness in the room. Like a twig bending before it finally snaps. 
He turns his normal sick expression into a hallow smile. “how forgetful of me.” He turns back to ghost. Whose eyes are darting around the room. Probably looking for a way out. He closes them shut tightly, and I find that my queue to leave. I quickly walk through the door, past the guards, and out into the hallway. 
That night wasn’t a very restful one. the concrete walls might as well have been made of paper.
boom, you made it to the end, wow thats rad, heres an emoji : 🤯
ALSO if i do continue this, ghost and reader are prob gonna have like a father/son or older/younger brother bond. but yeah. uh i hoped you liked the fanfic.
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crimson-lair · 7 months
help i just sent that previous ask without elaborating LMAO i just saw your. uh. banner? thingy? and its suspect r and let me tell you before zoya's appearance in the story changed my life it was suspect r who hooked me to the story. like whoa. we are entering into this world with boobs in my face okay. so. i know for a fact its so difficult to figure anything about that woman (granted i, yes, still havent budged from 9-10 but i am nearly done leveling laby up so i dont know if she ever appears after the first two times) but we do know she has our back, and even in the worst moments (we are almost dead) she is just 'haha silly girl so silly' and then there is that ao3 fic about her creating the chief or something so- there is a lot of potential ykwim. i am making hand gestures to the screen to get the point across. a bot made for her would probably be ooc or whatever but. big puppy eyes. idec if its platonic or otherwise i just. i should stop using periods so much. if you have any ideas, you can just you know post it here you dont even need to make a bot. i just need something to feed my brain worms thank you zio-nim
i second this statement
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suspect R, the woman you are..
The first thing you woke up to was literally the pure fragrance of her body (boobs) that was contaminated by the smell of blood. (yes, i can smell 2d women)
"Did you have nightmare? Tell me what you're dreaming about."
Asking you with concern, like a wife would gently wake you up from a nightmare- if not for the fact that her clothes were stained with bloods, sounds of gunshots, and the broken ceiling above her head indicating that this situation was not as peaceful and harmonious.
like- MA'AM WHAT ARE WE??? (delulu self-aware I'm her wife 👰)
the plot was like- chief lost her memory and then forgot her lover or something 👀
(you're still stuck there? 🤣 good luck comrade)
honestly, you're asking the wrong person to feed your brain worms. im not a writer 😌
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Forgot - but then Steve Remembers
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Steve FLUFF a tiny bit of angst but thats from steve part 1 here
Rebloogs and comments welcome do not repost or publish anywhere just a bunch of fluff tiny bit of angst sahing18+ just incase
I included number 89 from @time-for-a-lullaby repost of @youngdumbbrokehijabi-deactivate
In the quinn jet
"Nat please tell me that's the wrong date."
"Ok thats the wrong date."
"That's still not going away,"he sighed. "But really is that the wrong date?"
"No. Why had a date?"
"Actually yea."
The entire quinnjet had come to a standstill.
"It was her birthday the day after we left. I thought- I can't  believe I mixed up the days. What do I do?"
"Grovel." Nat went back to piloting.
"Say you sent her flowers and there a mix up."Tony shrugged
Steve looked Tony dead in the eyes with ire.  "Tony I'm not going to lie to her. Plus she basically always knows when I'm lying."
"Did you tell her you were leaving?  It was last minute." Nat tries to counter act Tony
"Yea but I didnt say it was a last minute mission just that id be on radio silence until I get back in like a week.
"You coud at least tell her you're comming back now." Nat offered.
"On the QJ be home soon. Can I come see you?"
Almost as quick as he sent the text he got a reply.
"You never have to ask. Are you ok? Any injuries?"
"No not even a paper cut."
Steve sat back in his seat "I really like this girl Tony. She's  the best thing to ever happen to me in a long time. I don't want to lose her."
"Like Nat said. Grovel"
It was late when they got back but Steve didn't want to wait any longer. He had disapointed you enough.
But you were awake and waiting when he used the key you had given him to come in. You threw your hands around his neck and gave him a kiss.
"You promise you're not hurt." You looked to see if there was any blood coming through on his shirt.
"I promise. How are you?"
"Good" you gave a small smile.he studied your face but you had already cried the tears and this far off there was nothing left and the continual dissapointment was just stored away there until next year when you'd hope a little less. You tried to lead him to the couch but he wasn't budging.
"Im sorry I missee your birthday."
"It's  ok" you shrugged. Ok all the tears weren't gone. Don't cry!  So you changed the subject.
"Tell me about the mission. What'd you on the mission."
"What'd you do on your birthday?"
"Nothing just another Friday. So-"
"You friends didn't do anything."
"No  they usually forget or are busy. I'm used to it."
Steve's heart sank and then he also felt bad at the parties Tony threw for him. He hated them but you hadn't even had a small fracture of that. At his party there were so many people he brought you as no one would notice another girl as he didn't want to thrust you into the spotlight but when he told you he hated when Tony went all out like this he didn't realize how much pain was behind your words of "Hey it could be worse they could forget your birthday entirely."
And how much it had to sting when he said the words "I wish." He wish he could've seen the pain behind your eyes that you are doing a very good job of hiding right now. But he still see a glimmer of a tear an extra drop of wetness that will refuse your eyes to get dry.
"Tell me about the mission" you asked again with some forced enthusiasm
"I really am sorry I-I should've made sure you got flowers or.  I messed up I know I thought. I had the days wrong but not your birthday I know what day that is I just didn't realize what day it was when I left and-"
"Hey Steve its ok. I get it your job travels. Besides you saved the world what twice now? Three times. It's only a day. And you're here now."
You were so sincere his heart dropped. It was like like he forgot to pick up crackers at the store…ridiculously understanding. How had you gotten to that where it was nothing to you?
You were sleeping while he was wide awake. Not only did he forget your birthday but so did everyone. It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. You were always one to send the first text or call to always be there always asking him do you think so and so would like this maybe I should get it for so and so , but they weren't there for you. What was even worse was that you seemed to expect it. Maybe that’s why, you didn’t want them to feel the same? Or even worse you thought they’d forget you if you didn't do things. He felt helpless, he was helpless because it was something he didn't prevent from happening that he could've; Sure he wasn't saving THE world. But he would've saved yours. And to him that was the same thing.
He swore to make it up to you let you know you were loved by at least him not thrown aside or forgotten - somehow.
Steve's text to tony:
Tony promise me this'll work.
Tony:It will she'll love it.
"And we'll a- Shit I gotta grab something from the tower then well go get dinner. Sound good?"
"Yea babe."
"You wanna come in-the others are gone on a mission they wont bother us.”
Steve took the private avenger entrence and elevator.
"You know I was thinking about introducing you." Steve hope that covered any nervousness that was showing.
"Really?" You were confused.
"Calm down if you're  that excited I won't wouldn't want you to fangirl."
"Sorry I just you said you didnt want to before to keep me safe so."
"Well I was thinking maybe its time we can work on your safety Nat can teach you some self defense."
"You taught me."
"I know."
They reached the floor. He saw the odd  taken back look when you saw the darkness."
"I always have my floor's lights off when I gone."  He walked out of the elevator.
"You have your own floor? Steven you never told me that!"
He smirked at your use of his full first name.
"Steve come back here! A whole floor! “You followed him into the complete darkness until Steve said:
"Hey Friday" Steve said with a smirk.
"Surpise  Happy birthday" everyone yelled with smiles  and the lights tured on all at once. You had jumpd back so much and so hard that you almost fell no scratch that you fell Steve ran back in time to stop you from hitting your head.
"Www" was the only thing you could get out. With your mouth dropping. You looked around
"I think we broke her." Tony snarkrd
"Its all for you sweetheart." Steve wispered sweetly.
"Once we know you were the reason Steve has been so happy the last few months and that he missed your birthday well we couldn't  just not do anything." Nat smiled.
"Plus you do charity I mean you're way out of Cap's league." Tony shrugged
"Tony" Pepper hissed.
"What you're  out of my league too honey." Tony said to Pepper.
"Steve I- thank you all so much you  this really did you really didnt have to do this."
"You should have seen him on the way home when he realized the date and how he screwed up. He wanted to do omething nice for you and so did we. Besides we are going to be good friends now. I'm going to teach you how to take down the brute if he gets to handsy. Or doesn't get handsy enough.” Nat winked and the room laughed.
There was a banner and a whole stack of presents food and a cake.
He introduced you to everyone and Friday put music on.
You were having a conversation with one of the lab techs the team is close with when Steve came up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Mind if I borrow my little spark plug here."
You giggled at the pet name that Tony had actually came up with once you could talk again as you were just plain giddy, a mile a minute . Steve had a the giant smile on his face as he brought you onto the balcony.
"You enjoying yourself?" He moved a peice of hair away from your face and tcxked it behin your ear. Wheich was mere mm away from your giant smile.
"Yea I've never had a surprise party or a party in years. Thank you Steve I mean it."  You felt a kiss would be so disingenuous because it wasn't that he was doing this because he had to as your boyfriend  it's because he wanted to. You know if he didn't want to he wouldn't have gone  to all that trouble, this trouble and a kiss just didn't add upp- it didnt mean enough.
"I love you so much you didn't have to do this-"
"But I wanted to. Your smile makes it worth it "
"I know and that's why I love you you didnt just move on and forget"
"I love you. I didnt know your friends were that horrible. You just you deserve better. And loving you I just I figured you need new friends," Steve leaned in-
"Plus Tony gives the best presents."
"Steve, this party is enough of a present."
"You forgive me for missing your birthday?"
"Steve I told you."
"I know. And I know you were disappointed, you had to, how could you not be."
"Steve I cant blame you for having to work on my birthday. Although I can blame you for not even remembering the day beofre that the next day was my birthday."
"Am I forgiven."
"Of course but just this time."
He pulled you close
"Thank God because love you so much I don't know what  I'd  do without you."
Then he pulled you in for a kiss.
Later that night....
You had stayed at the tower you were too tired, too full and just wanted to never leave the warm and inviting place.
"I have another present for you"
"Go on open"
"You didn't have to"
"Just open it please."
You gasped in awe, it was drawing and sketches and water colors and one really pad canvas painting.
"Ignore my Picasso i can't  paint" he forgot
To take that one out and he did now throwing it on the ground, you made a mental note to get that one to keep. Then you saw subject of the drawings.
"Steve babe this is amazing. This is so beautiful. Is this entire thing-"
"Yep all you my beautiful precious love. He grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips
"You bring me more light than anyone could imagine"
Lost in his eyes his sincerity was not one that could be faked by meryl streep or cloony or anyone it was a look of pure adoration, pure love.  You went to hand him back the sketch book.
He shook his head "No, this is for you. For you of you-"
"But you" you finished his sentance.
"Theres a drawing class free to the public this weekend with -"
"Moma?" Your eyes lit up. Youve been trying to get him to go for that for a while. You had wanted to go as well but were too nervous about being alone plus you wanted him to give you tips.
"What do you yu say we go this weekend?"
You nodded excitedly and pulled him in for a hug. He eyed you up and down taking in your happiness, at a simple free thing and that, that made you rival or beat Venus' statue herself.
"If I know youd be this happy would've said yes when you first asked."
"I love you Steve. I love you so much."
I love you."
He pulled you in for a breathtaking kiss
I originally wasnt going to say anything. But i did this so people understand its not them its thier idiot friends.
but I'm a fall baby and my friends dont always rembember my birthday so the first one was kinda cathartic typing it out but I know theres others who related and thats why I published it cause ur not alone when that happens I kinda wanted to make them see that its not u that needs ro change its ur friends and idiot superhero boyfriend but i mean how many concussions has he had at this point so...
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