#but no! we get her rebellion era post-Reset!
tmae3114 · 5 months
y'know, of all the possibilities for how this would eventually happen, I did not anticipate The Elemental Wastes Are The Moon
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nny11writes · 5 years
What Star Wars stories do you have for us hungry readers next?
I’ll be honest, because SPOP has content coming out a lot right now my attention is more on my fics there (in a desperate bid to beat Season 3′s release in August). BUT! Below is the full running list of Star Wars fics I’ve still got banging pots and pans around my head! This doesn’t include all the other rando ones I work on to try and play with characterization, world building, plot points, etc etc. I do a ton of writing that is never meant to be finished and posted, but instead to help me get a better grip on what I’m doing. So sometimes I write in those instead of any of these which is part of why there’s a long delay in my stuff lol! Someday I might make a “series” of just “Hey Everyone Here’s some Trash Fics That Have No Connection and No Ends!” to get it out there but that day is not this day.
THERE’S A LOT OF THEM SORRY FOR THE LONG POST Y’ALL Current Focus: I know I keep saying there’s more with Let’s Try This Again, but there is! I’m not sure why i keep getting hung up on the chapters but the next one’s almost ready to go, and we have at least 7 more chapters after that! Up Next: 1. I have the still horribly working title named “Barriss finds Ahsoka via sonar”, which is set during the Rebellion era. Ahsoka goes to find a potential Jedi and it turns out to be Barriss. The two struggle with their re-connection and the lingering feelings of hurt and love. Dramatic but also some fun/funny? It’s close but I need to put more on the ending. 2. Fulcrum and the Negotiator is (another) time travel AU where Adult Ahsoka goes back in time and helps to end the clone wars and out Palpatine as Fulcrum. Then Obi-Wan finds her and it goes more into her, him, and Anakin trying to figure themselves out.
3. DECLARATIONS! It will live again! I’m feeling better and better about the idea that the “quality” will “drop” on it. I needed emotional distance and I think I’m getting closer to actually getting back to it. I no longer have a beta for this fic and I’m nervous about the length of it, I looked at it again and realized we might be further along than I thought we were, but it’s still in season 1 of the series and I want to actually follow that through to the end if not more.
4. Close But No Cigar Universe! I have SEVERAL stories for this AU still:
a. “Journey of the Wills” (yes I do mean Wills and not Whills) The in between story following Anakin and Ahsoka as they visit Shili, Tatooine, and eventually land on Raada, the B plot is Yoda and Qui Gon getting a call to Dagobah.
b. “The Siege of Raada” The one where Palpatine finally over extends his reach, but mostly because Count Dooku has an ego and Grievous has a score to settle. This would include post siege content (some of which I’ve posted).
c. “Untitled Mother’s Fic” I got the suggestion (I wanna say from bobkitten but it may have been dontcallmebugaboo) that Shmi and  Azaahsa meet and talk. I liked it! 5. Barriss Haunts Ahsoka needs a massive overhaul I’ve realized, and as a consequence keeps getting shoved further back on the back burner. :| I want me some ghost shenanigans and mild horror dang it!
6. Passing (the fake dating AU) actually has at least another 16 chapters/2-3 new stories I’ve slapped summaries/outlines for down. It had a much warmer reception than I expected both here and on AO3, so I might write more stories in that AU. Not sure If I’d add them onto Passing or make it a series, hence the weird numbers up above lol TENTATIVES (Aka, the fics muc less likely to be finished/light of day, but I do like them! I refuse to call them dead yet since I do go in and edit or write for all of them on and off) 1. Emperor Sassy Pants Sends his Evil Daughter to School (The one where Obi-Wan is a Sith in the senate playing his own long con game against Palpatine and the Jedi along with his Apprentice Ahsoka, who he finds instead of Plo. So also I guess a Sith!Ahsoka and Double Agent!Ahsoka fic? Most just intimidated by how /long/ of a fic this would need to be, and how much Legends/EU research I personally feel I need to do to make it work.) 2. Dying to Live (On Ahsoka’s resurrection on Mortis, she loses the ability to die. Instead “resetting” to an earlier point until she survives. Eventually Anakin finds out, but the tonal shift between the first and second part is....problematic to say the least.) 3. Father’s Daughter-Title Pending (originally it’s own piece, I think it is actually part of the Padme Says No AU. Just further exploring them as a family post Palpatine’s fall. I really like the idea of this, but since I’m now retconning the original framework I need to basically re-write the whole thing and just keep a few small parts I liked) 4. Rex & Ahsoka are Bros, a series of one shots. (I’ve actually posted less than half of what I have written, but the remaining ones need a lot of character tweaking so they stop being sooooo OOC)
5. Untitled Rex&Anakin OR Rex/Anakin Fic (L-LOOK, I had my ego stroked a lot recently over these types of fics and I do like the ideas, but right now everything I’ve come up with is disconnected and disjointed. I need to lay out a framework or outline to know where the hell I’m going first. Also I’m hilarious not confident in the way I write Rex, or the way I write him and Anakin interacting so this has been A Trip and A Thing on that side as well.)
6. The Werewolf AU (I’ve got over 45k words sunk into basically the outline with some scenes written out. Two problems on this one. 1. This needs massive, massive overhauling to adjust the gore and explicit content to match more with what I’m trying to write. The first part is horror the second part is campy humor found family and the disconnect is killing me. 2. I like the overall concepts of this enough that I started drafting out a YA Original Novel based on the world (the story would have some major differences as it’s /NOT/ a found family now). So I feel like I need to kill the 45k Star Wars AU and actually write the damned book instead.)
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domina-alba · 7 years
Domina Alba
Hey Everyone, These are the chapters that were initially posted to Ao3 and FFN so if you’ve already read Domina Alba feel free to skip! If you haven’t read Domina Alba you can find information about the fic Here.
VI As the tension began to die, Domina opened her mouth to begin asking one of her many many many questions when a sound echoed from the ship that chilled her to the core.
“Shards.” Domina cursed sprinting to the door of the ship as the Diamond Line continued to chime.
She skidded into the main part of the ship, pulled the crystal octohedron out of the console, made sure her back was to a wall instead of the window and as the diamond line split into a Yellow screen, frantically smoothed her hair back from where the hat had disturbed it. Yellow Diamond appeared on screen, though her attention was focused on another one of the plethora of workstations surrounding her. White Diamond raised an eyebrow.
“Yes what is it?”
“Really, your Pearl should be answering Domina” Yellow Diamond drawled
“She’s busy, I’m more than capable of answering the Diamond line myself.”
“Hm, yes, Where are you?” Yellow turned to look directly at the other Diamond.
“Checking in on things.” White Diamond said with a shrug.
“What sort of things?” Yellow Diamond raised her eyebrow.
“Nothing that’s any of your buisness.” White diamond could see the group of gems and Steven clustering at the door. “What’s going on?”
“We need to talk, You Blue and I. On Homeworld, how quickly can you get there?” Yellow Diamond said. White diamond pursed her lips, doing the calculations quickly in her head.
“Roughly 2 hours.”
“Excellent, I will fill you in when you get here. There’s somethings you need to know.” Yellow said with a small smile and a nod
“I’m sure.” White diamond worked hard not to let the anger from yesterday flicker to her face.
“Oh and on your way from the Crystal system if you happen to come across the Sun Incinerator know that the Emerald that was in charge of it doesn’t seem to realize that I know that it’s been stolen. ” Yellow Diamond turned back to her screens. White Diamond tried to keep the embarrassment from showing on her face.
“If I’m in the area I’ll take care of it.”
“I’m sure, Don’t waste time White.” Yellow said. The screen collapsed and Domina caught the communicator in one hand with a sigh and looked at Pearl.
“Well that’s the end of this then,” Domina said.
“Uh... should we worry that YD knows you’re bumming around on Earth?” Amethyst asked. Domina snorted.
“No, though I’m sure I’m going to hear about it when we get to Homeworld.” Pearl had already moved through the clump of people and was going through a preflight check. The Other pearl looked around the ship for a moment hesitantly before following her to talk with her in a voice low enough that Domina couldn’t hear.
“Will you come back?” Steven asked. Domina smiled.
“Maybe not right away but yes of course. We have a lot to talk about Steven.” Domina said.
“Awesome!” Steven tackled her with a hug throwing Domina slightly off balance. She blinked and patted the boy awkwardly.
“Yeah so uh.. See you later I guess.” She said, then looked at the Fusion who gently pulled Steven away.
“You will keep this quiet.” Garnet said, not so much in the tone of a threat as a promise. White Diamond nodded.
“There’s no reason for me to say anything.”
The Pearl, her mother’s former Pearl, stepped off the ship without so much as a glance at Domina. Pearl turned in her seat.
“We’re ready to take off My Diamond.” Pearl said. Domina nodded and waved to the group that was now standing outside. Steven waved back enthusiastically as Domina closed the door.
They exited the atmosphere moments later.
“You should get ready.” Pearl said setting up the autopilot and activating the gravity engine. Domina braced herself against the initial bump in inertia and nodded.
“Yes, yes..Pearl can I ask-”
“Later.” Pearl said. “I promise we will talk about this. But not now.” Domina frowned but nodded and headed back into the more liveable part of a ship.
By the time she stepped out of the ships shower she no longer smelled like the earth. Her more formal clothes were on the table outside. A white jumpsuit, white boots, white gloves and a high collared white cape that’s underside shone iridescently. Enough white to make her eyes hurt, like it was trying to burn out the memory of the colors earth had offered. When she was done she flipped on her visor and moved into the main cabin. Pearl was waiting for her and Domina sat without a word in the chair so that Pearl could do her hair.
If anything the call from Yellow had made her more determined to find out what was hidden in the Earth file. Even amongst the other databases Domina could find nothing about the war, about the rebellion, it was like every mention of the event that ignited era 2 had been scrubbed.
While Pearls delicate fingers  worked through the tangles, forming her hair into something that looked less “Aimless Drifter” and more “Diamond” Domina began checking her account privileges. She didn’t often even deal with this side of gem technology, taking it for granted that things were being handled properly. At first glance everything was usual, Her clearance level was unchanged. Domina frowned and after a moment of fumbling around opened up the admin panel.
There she saw that there were a couple of changes to her account. Her security clearance was now set  at a 9.5 as opposed to the 10 it had been. There was also a mask overtop of it, showing the clearance page as unchanged. Domina frowned and attempted to revert her clearance only to get an error message. White Diamond growled.
“Hold still please Domina.” Pearl said softly giving no indication that she was reading over her shoulder.
“Sorry.” Domina muttered, She had one other option, attempt to brute force the program, that however would alert whoever had changed her clearance in the first place. But, seeing as she was almost certainly in for a lecture from Yellow already what more harm could it do? She ran the program through a hard reset. This time her clearance reverted with no error message, she hesitantly exited the admin console and attempted to access the Earth data.
Domina smirked and quickly began the process of having the entire section of the database transferred to an external drive. She had no illusions that her account wouldn’t revert the moment that Yellow Diamond realized what she had done.
Pearl stepped away from her hair.
“Finished, You do realize that will take several hours to download.”
“Yes I know. Hopefully by the time we’re done at the citadel it’ll be done.” Domina said. Pearl hummed and went back to the control. Domina felt unnaturally stiff in the outfit, thankfully they would be docking at Homeworld shortly. She focused on attempting to calm her nerves. She hadn’t been on Homeworld in two thousand years. She hated it. Everytime she was there she felt as cold and lifeless as the planet.
It didn’t help any that being on Homeworld meant spending at least 1 sleep cycle on her mother’s flagship, she didn’t relish the idea of that at all. She felt a small jolt as the gravity engine switched off and the ship began its final descent to Homeworld. Domina stood,and let her shoulders fall back, clasping her hands behind her back. Her face went blank as she took all of her anger and confusion and questions and buried them as far down as they could go.
It was not the time for those. There would be time later. Pearl promised.
The ship docked and the door opened and White Diamond strolled off the ship, her pearl trailing behind her.
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