#but my mind is on seriida
honeyheaded · 4 years
when you dont wanna right angst but your brainrot is back so you gotta get it over with so you can write your ship being adorable and dumb again
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doodlegraveyard · 6 years
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“Hey, Prez.”
I like to think that Sero became the official Iida envoy every time the class wanted permission to do something; somehow Iida looked at the idiots that Sero hung around with and judged him a good influence (at least in comparison)
Sero didn’t really get why Denki or Mina or Tooru always asked him to convince their class rep to go along with their relatively innocuous, if silly schemes – it was incredibly easy to convince him to go along with it under the guise of ‘class bonding activities,’ and if the shenaniganery was too obvious, Iida would always trust Sero’s word when he promised they weren’t up to anything.
and when they were, in fact, up to something and Iida caught them all red handed, Sero without fail would escape the worst of his lecturing with a shrug and a “sorry, man.” Iida would just sigh and chastise him for giving into peer pressure, but he never seemed to wise up to the fact that Sero was always in on it.
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curioscurio · 4 years
Seriida headcannons because i have brainrot:
• One day Sero puts on roller skates and waits till Iida starts his warm up of running as fast as he can around the tract and right as he takes off Sero shoots his tape at Iida.
• Funniest 3 minutes of Seros life. that is until Iida realizes he has a stowaway and IMMEDIATELY stops but SERO KEEPS GOING
• Long story short Iida has to run Sero to the nurses office because he skated into a tree
• That video of a car driving by with crazy revved engines but someone was playing a trumpet in it to make car sounds thats sero and iida but sero is riding on his back
• Theyre both health nuts but like on opposite sides of the spectrum
• Iida eats 12 vitamin gummies and protien shakes and enhanced health juices and shit
• And sero is like "iida.... the chemicals.." and eats a handful of basil before going out the door to energize himself
• Iida snores and sometimes when he snores his engines will gently purr and tbh it drives Sero absolutely wild. He thinks its the cutest thing ever
• Yes iida will occasionally smoke with sero but only off of school property on a weekend where he can just tell everyone they were out on a date
• Which they usually are but you know
• Sero leans on Iida all the time. He's sleepy? Lean. Need a shoulder to put his head on? Lean. Looking over his shoulder? Hand on the small of his back and lean. Arm over the shoulder. Hanging off his neck. Mans a koala basically.
• Iida likes to fix Sero's hair or tie or uniform when it's messy or out of place. Sero laughs but if it's in front of his friends he blushes like a madman
• Sero is really good at origami and makes little flowers for Iida. Iida is not imune to origami flowers
• Sometimes Sero falls asleep on Iidas shoulder during movies or when he's high or during late night studying and Iida takes it upon himself to carry him to his room every single time...
• in like 5 more mins tho i mean the movie is almost over theres no reason to wake him up yet 👀👀
• Seriida fusion would be named Hanten and their quirk would be asphalt feet so like. Imagine the sole of their feet produces molten asphalt and on the ankle is a wheel that flatens it out as soon as they roll over it. Essentially heelies that pave roads if that helps.
• Sero loves hearing Iida ramble and just lets him speak about whatever's on his mind and Sero will listen intently
• Example It's very obvious when Iida has a bad day and he will try and hold back because he doesnt want to overhwelm Sero but the minuite Sero asks what's wrong Iida let's it all flow out
• On the other hand, getting Sero to talk about his deep feelings is like pulling teeth and sometimes it's hard for Iida because Sero will just Not Want To Talk About It and iida just wants to find a solution or fix the problem
• Also sorry kind of off topic but Iida is the "can i speak to the manager" and "excuse me he ask for no pickles" and sero eats the pickles so not to cause a scene
• Who's more reckless Iida or Sero? Well
• Iida is reckless in life or death situations and will always sacrifice himself for a civillians sake or to avenge something and Sero has to snap him out of it.
• "Oh my god! Some idiot hero just rushed into the burning bulding at incredible speeds-"
• Sero, swearing: "thATS MY IDIOT"
• Sero is casually reckless as in driving one handed, jumping into unknown situations, jumping off roofs but trusting that iida would catch him, approaching a wild animal, that kind of thing.
• Does things that he doesnt realize are reckless. Would drink cactus juice because plant=water of course
• Iida has to stop him from licking swingsets because Denki dared him to
• When sero forgets to eat and iida bring him a snack and/or a meal
• Sero taking on some of Iida's communal chores because Iida already does like 26363u3 things for their class
• Iida letting Sero cuddle close to him when its really cold outside and it feels like he's back in the ice at the sports festival and everyone is watching and pitying him but oh! Iida is there with an arm over his shoulder and now it's just the two of them and sero feels warm again and oh wow iida is a big man
• Sero noticing that it's Iida's turn to cook for the dorm that night and see's the way Iida's hands shake when it comes time to slice the vegatables and Sero gently takes the knife away from his trembling fingers. Gives iida a new task and takes over most of the cooking but sero really doesnt mind.
• When iida has nightmares about that dark alleyway and the smell of blood and wakes up thrashing but calms down because the smell of the insence in seros room is nothing like blood. The salt lamp in the corner keeps the darkness away and sero groggily asks if he's ok and grabs iida's hand and helps him breathe through it. sero gets up and makes iida a cup of tea and listens to iida talk about his dream and reassures him till iida can fall back asleep
• Middle of a battle and Iida gets cut up on his arm but Sero INSTANTLY drops by him to apply a tape bandage and make sure he's ok
• A villain is about to strike Iida from behind but suddenly his weapon stops mid swing and he's completely imobilized by tape and holy shit have you ever seen cellophane that pissed off before ??
• Sero fighting a villain up on a super high building but gets knocked out and thrown off and iida can only see a small silhouette plummeting from the sky from where he is. Iida books it as fast as he can and just barely manages to catch Sero before he hits the ground.
• When Sero wakes up he weakly snickers and Iida is holding him close, panicking, and asks "what's so funny??? Do you have a concussion" and seros like "i bet denki 20 buck i that the next time i got knocked the fuck out i would wake up in your arms. Im taking you out someplace bougie tonight babey"
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megglepie · 4 years
B, C, or T for the fandom ask meme? I'm interested in your answers! (and also putting off taking out the recycling)
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind A: in all honesty, i’ve never had someone try to convince me to ship smth?? but i think my soft spot for seriida is definitely @doodlegraveyard‘s fault <3
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will A: yall are gonna come for me i just know it but to/do//d/eku 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all 
but yall already knew that 😌🤧
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kagehinataboke · 6 years
If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could you try Iida x Sero [9] Soulmate au, [2] dancing in the rain, and [4] "i think i love you"? Thank you very much!
absolutely anon!! i ship the heckie out of these two uwu
we’ve got seriida with soulmate au, dancing in the rain, and “I think I love you.”
this could possibly be me humoring my househusband Sero feels a little lol
It isn’t unusual for Iida to spend all day at the office—but when he does, it also isn’t unusual for his mind to be stuck on Sero. He stares at the familiar initials on his wrist, S.H., and traces them over and over with his eyes, counting down the hours until he gets to go home again. On days like today, it’s especially hard. It’s been pouring since morning, and he wants nothing more than to go cuddle with Sero on the couch and listen to it hitting the windows.
When the day is finally over, he rushes home, not bothering with an umbrella. Whenever it rains, he knows where Sero will be: he really likes the rain. Tensei does too, and he used to try to convince Iida of how great it was, but he never really understood. It’s fun to see how much Sero enjoys it, though. He’s cute when he’s excited about something, even if it’s a rainstorm.
As expected: when he reaches home, Sero is standing outside, barefoot, with his head tilted towards the sky—umbrella-less, of course. He keeps his eyes closed until Iida calls out to him from the front gate.
“Tenya!” Sero turns to look at him with a bright grin. “You’re back! It’s a great storm, huh? How was work?”
Iida sets his briefcase and shoes just inside the front door and goes back outside to join him. “Productive, I suppose. How long have you been out here?” He takes Sero by the waist, trying to gauge the answer himself. “Your clothes are completely soaked, Hanta. You’ll catch a cold.”
“You say that every time.” Sero smiles suddenly and takes his hands, pulling him into the first steps of a clumsy waltz. “Hey, dance with me? And then we can go back inside. Promise.”
Iida sighs, because he knows he won’t be able to refuse him when all he’s wanted all day is to see his face. “Okay… but only for a little while.”
They move through the rain slowly, parting the curtains of falling droplets in even, sweeping motions. It’s been a while since they’ve done this, but it’s another thing Sero likes: dancing. With his head resting on Iida’s shoulder, it’s nice to stare at their joined hands and just bask in the feeling of the water falling around them. It’s been too long since they danced.
“Do you know why I like rainstorms?” Sero asks after awhile, twirling in a lazy circle before settling back in Iida’s arms. “I don’t know if I ever told you.”
“It’s because it reminds you of spring, right?”
“Hm…” Sero laughs lightly. “That used to be it, but now it’s because of you.”
“Me?” Iida blinks in surprise. “But I don’t even like the rain.”
“Yeah… Do you remember the first time we did this?” Sero asks, changing the subject. “You were tired after working all night, and you forgot your umbrella. You walked home, and you were soaking wet; but when I went out to meet you with an umbrella, you just hugged me and I ended up dropping it.”
“Yeah…” Iida remembers that day well. They’d only been together for a few months at that time. He stopped working nights after nearly catching pneumonia from the freezing rain. “You asked me to dance because I said I didn’t want to go inside yet.”
“Well, that’s why I like the rain,” Sero admonishes, resting his head on Iida’s shoulder. “You were so tired that you could barely stand, so I was pretty much holding you up.” He squeezes his hand gently. “That was the first time you said it, y’know. It was really surprising, too. You just whispered it in my ear: ‘I think I love you.’”
“I passed out immediately afterward, though,” Iida reminds him with a groan. “That was the most embarrassing moment of my entire life.”
“I thought it was really sweet!” Sero protests. “And after that, I started to love the rain even more.” He nudges Iida’s chest with his chin, eyes shining as he grins up at him. “You really gonna stand here tell me you don’t like it, even just a tiny bit?”
“Okay… maybe just a little,” Iida admits, placing a kiss against his wet forehead. “Not nearly as much as I like you, though. Now I can say it normally: I love you.” He kisses him again, on the lips this time. “I really love you, Hanta. Everything about you, in fact.”
Laughing, Sero pulls him closer still, until not even the rain is between them. “I love you, too, Tenya. An indescribable amount.”
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doodlegraveyard · 5 years
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hazy early morning, haircuts in the kitchen kinda vibe, and later they’ll make breakfast, and maybe sero should just move in already, but thats not a conversation for now
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