#fun fact sero is just wearing my clothes the day i drew him
doodlegraveyard · 6 years
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“Hey, Prez.”
I like to think that Sero became the official Iida envoy every time the class wanted permission to do something; somehow Iida looked at the idiots that Sero hung around with and judged him a good influence (at least in comparison)
Sero didn’t really get why Denki or Mina or Tooru always asked him to convince their class rep to go along with their relatively innocuous, if silly schemes – it was incredibly easy to convince him to go along with it under the guise of ‘class bonding activities,’ and if the shenaniganery was too obvious, Iida would always trust Sero’s word when he promised they weren’t up to anything.
and when they were, in fact, up to something and Iida caught them all red handed, Sero without fail would escape the worst of his lecturing with a shrug and a “sorry, man.” Iida would just sigh and chastise him for giving into peer pressure, but he never seemed to wise up to the fact that Sero was always in on it.
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Shouji Mezo X Reader part 18 Remember
Shouji passed his exams and felt the massive burden off his shoulders. It was mostly Hagakure saving the day, but he knew his courage to face Snipe had its help. He’d gone back to the dorm with the rest of the students. Satou, Kiri, Mina, Kaminari, and Sero were all nervous about what was going to happen with the camping trip. Other students tried to comfort them, but one student was missing. Shouji saw Urakaka watching the window, and found Midoriya and Y/n were training together outside. Being the background character he was, he changed his hand into an ear to listen. He pretended to watch the students comfort the failures, but was listening to the window.
 “You’re trying to be more like Bakugo with a move like that. Your landing technique might shatter your ankles.” Y/n told him. 
“When you were running around, did you roll your ankle or anything? Did you endure it?” He asked her.
“You could no doubt, mr break your arms like a glow stick, but your running won’t be as sturdy.” Y/n told him. “When you’re launching your legs, think about the back of your thigh where it connects to your butt.”
“I’d ask you to demonstrate again, but I don’t want you to hurt yourself again.”
“I’ll be fine. You’ll just have to get me back to my dorm without the class finding out.”
What! Shouji looked at the window. His sudden movement got some attention. 
“Something wrong, Shouji?” Momo asked a little quietly.
“No I was just…” his gaze went to the window as he couldn’t hear the rest. 
“She came over and Midoriya asked for some training. It’s kinda admirable how much he trains.” Momo said. “I’m sure they won’t mind if you join them.”
So she was only hiding the fact she was injured not that she was there. Does he go down there and help them out, or does he leave them to their plan of not getting caught? It would be selfish just to ruin their plan for pure fun. Midoriya came back into the dorm for a water.
“Is y/n not coming in? She probably needs a water, Midoriya.” Jiro said. “I can get her one.”
“No-no that’s fine, I got it!” 
 This kid was a terrible actor. He was too nervous to expose Y/n to the class. Mina smiled at Shouji.
“Maybe I’ll just ask her to come in! We have to tell her about the exams-“ it was a ploy!
“She’s really tired-“ Midoriya said, trying to stop Mina.
“I‘ll take this.” Shouji took the water bottle. “I wanna to talk to her.”
 The girls swooned and Urakaka had a sigh of relief. 
“I’ll go with-“ kiri said.
“You will not!” Mina tackled him. 
“You gotta give them space.” Momo whispered.
Shouji went outside to find Y/n waiting. She was bleeding or coughing and it didn’t seem like she had a rash, but she was wearing clothes so who knows. She was just looking straight ahead. Shouji was trying to prepare himself for what backlash she was suffering from.
“Hey.” Shouji made his presence known.
“Oh- hey Shouji what are you up to?” She asked him. 
“Midoriya told me to give this water to you since you two were training.”  He held out the water bottle. 
She didn’t even look at it.
“I’ll be fine, I didn’t do much work.” She said. “Is he coming back out here?”
“I don’t think so. But I can help you get back to your dorm, or recovery girl if there was an issue with your training.”
 “Oh I’ll be fine. We can just go back to my dorm.” She told him. 
 He realized she wasn’t even looking up at his face. Was she embarrassed to talk to him? Did she actually like him like that? It was a silly thought, but it still lingered.
She was not the one to walk first. It was like she was waiting for Shouji to go, so he did, and she followed. Her footsteps were copied to his. He decided to stop and she did the same. He went back to walking and she followed. 
“How was your day?” He asked, trying to be normal for her.
“Oh you know, comfortable. Better than prison.” She said. 
 Her steps were straight but going off the course of the side walk. She was walking right into a light post. Shouji pulled her to the side, again her back was pressed up against his chest. His hand was on her hip and another one was holding her arm to provide support and make the pull wasn’t too harsh. 
“Almost ran into the pole.” He told her quickly. 
“I was gonna get out of its way in time.” She lied pretending to keep her cool.
 Her heart was racing feeling his touch. She didn’t pull herself away. 
“Sorry mr hero man!” She peeled herself off of him.
 Shouji faced her. He placed one hand on her shoulder, another on her hip. The moment wasn’t dying down like though. The other hip got a hand. So many hands. Then she felt one hand move her chin up to meet his eyes. Was he gonna kiss her? Y/n’s hand went to his wrist on her shoulder. She relaxed her body to prepare herself for such a moment.
“You can’t see can you?” Shouji asked. 
Oh she was about to explode. She threw her hand to her sides.
“And?” She was angry.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Shouji asked, removing his hands one at a time. 
“It happens here and there. I didn’t think it was a big deal.” She sighed. 
 “How long does that usually last?” 
“I’ll wake up fine.” She sighed. 
She looked so sad as she sighed. Her emotions were fighting over being disappointed or angry, but the girl knew she wasn’t entitled to what she thought was going to happen. She felt stupid she thought something like that was going to happen. She was wrong!  Her eyes didn’t sparkle anymore. It was Shouji’s confirmation that she did want something to happen between them. He’d be lying if he said he was completely if this was his goal. There was a part of his brain saying do something, and hoping she did like him even if it seemed weird and impossible before. That part was his heart. He went back and forth on those thoughts to. It just feels like he would be taking advantage of the situation.
“Here…” he said, putting one arm around her shoulder and the other held her hand. 
 Though she couldn’t see him, he saw her eyes widen and a smile lip curl at his action. Her smaller fingers wrapped around his. Maybe Shouji did like her, but in all honesty, kissing would be going too far right now. This was nice as it was, but now isn't the time for risks and impulsive decisions. This was already overwhelming, risky, a lot.
“Worried I’ll run into another pole?” Y/n asked calming the tension a bit.
“Yeah...I gotta use my big hero arms to prevent that.” He told her. “I passed my practical exam today.”
“That’s good Shouji, was it scary to verse Snipe? I’d shit my pants if I had to.” She told him. 
“Yeah, but Hagakure figured out what to do so I created a division.” He told her. 
“Resourceful!” Y/n shimmied her shoulders. 
 She kept talking, keeping their tension light, relaxing and fun. As Shouji looked down at the blind girl he confirmed he too liked her. She had a need to be tough and prove herself and though it could get annoying that she refuses help, it was what drew him closer to her. He liked how her fingers felt in his hand, or how his arm draped over her shoulders. And honestly she was beautiful. Yeah she was conventionally pretty, but to him she was beautiful inside and out. She stood up when her friends were rude. She had this certain magic that she could just make room for herself in your life and you would want her to stay. She rubbed his thumb over his knuckles. 
 They made it to the dorm, but their time together did not end. He was invited in. She asked for his help to pick out some pajamas from her drawer. He handed them to her and he waited outside. She invited him back in again. At first they were just casually talking about class and food they liked. Their feelings began to heat up some more again. They both found themselves laying in her bed, facing each other. They were still talking and laughing. Y/n’s eyelids were indicating she was actually tired as they looked heavy, fighting to stay open. Probably from training Midoriya.
“I think when I’m an old lady I’m just gonna have a million cats and too many pillows on my ugly floral couches.” She yawned. 
 Shouji has completely forgotten what they were talking about. He was just in bliss listening to her talk about random stuff. He decided to take a risk, not a kissing risk, but a romantic risk. He took his arm and brought Y/n into an embrace. There was no rejection in her body language. In face she curled her body more into Shouji’s chest. She used his arm as a pillow and finally shut her tired eyes. She had talked herself to sleep it seemed. He brushed her hair out of her face to see her sleeping visage better. It was that easy, huh? 
 “You know...someone as rock hard as you...you would think you’d be… too hard to….”she yawned. “...but you’re actually pretty nice to…”
His whole life he was used to being scary. He had a scary face, a scary body. Words were constantly spoken behind his back. He told himself that this was fine. But this...with Y/n was better. He was wanted, and she wanted to listen to what he had to say whether it pissed her off or not. She had one hand on his chest. His eyes went to the clock of the room. He had ten minutes before curfew.
“I gotta go.” He told her.
“Don’t let big mean Aizawa catch you.” She yawned.
 Shouji pulled a blanket over her shoulders and then ran out the door. She would at least get a good night sleep, since she went to bed so darn early. He made it to the dorm in record time, but that didn’t not save him from some of his classmates staying up waiting for his arrival. His mind was still jumbled from the events in Y/n’s dorm.
“You were gone a long time Shouji.” Mina said, pretending to act casual.
“Is there anything you wanna tell us?” Momo asked while sipping tea.
“Did you two bang?” Kaminari asked.
“I told you not to ask that!” Jirou kicked him.
“Not much happened.” He lied.
“Haning out at someone of the opposite sex’s dorm so close to curfew-’ Iida popped out from behind the couch yelling.
“But I made it on time, so there’s nothing to worry about.” Shouji pointed at the clock.
“I mean, you could do something juicy before curfew.” Mina said.
“She mostly told me about how she wanted to be  a cat lady.” Shouji said, not lying.
“I don’t know if that’s enough to satisfy us. Why don’t we invite her shopping with us tomorrow?’ Mina asked.
 Shouji had his own reasons not to be so vocal about whatever this was. One, he wasn’t even a hundred percent sure he liked her, nor was he knowledgeable about dating. Two he didn’t want to get teased. Yeah, feeling like a background character does suck, but he was not ready to make a dramatic leep. 3 Y/n may not even like him back. Yeah back there she did, but it might be because she doesn’t know how to repay him. She’s rich so she would feel the need to buy him things, but knows it wouldn;t work on Shouji, and he’s a hero so he wasn’t gonna take cold hard cash. She couldn’t even see him today, maybe she was just caught up in the moment. He wasn’t worried about Y/n keeping whatever this was a secret. It would look bad if she was flirting with a student…right?
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