#but my brain is like yup this is gonna affect you forever now
pseudophan · 2 years
brains are so annoying why can't it limit long lasting trauma to things that are actually traumatic. like it's actually so embarrassing to have objectively small things that don't mean much severely worsen my mental health lol
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dalishthunder · 7 months
Happy valentine's! It's me smile anon :]
It's been a really really long while and I planned on replying much sooner but in short: college life and depression. I'm not back to full power yet, but getting there and I absolutely had to leave a message on valentine's day since I missed new years.
I've been around since the GEO days and I've even interacted before, just never left anything that indicated I'm the same person hehe. That fic and universe will always have a special place in my heart. I binged the whole thing in one day when it was one chapter away from being finished and I laughed and I cried and the ending left me warm and satisfied despite not being into cronus at all. I've read that fic entirely for the humor, the emotions, the dynamic between two characters you've beautifully constructed (and made me gain a new appreciation for, cronus-wise. still a goober, but your take really fleshed him out), and for the background characters who got their own depth and interiority that it made the story's universe come alive. It's one fic that really touched me and I think even affected the way I approach my own creative projects. And then I proceeded to scour your blog for every other thing you've written and have been hiding in your (tumblr) backyard, occasionally whispering 'yippie' ever since lol
Anyway back to what we're both here for, GoG:
READER GOT TO (ATTEMPT) KILLING SOMEONE ("INDIRECTLY") :D!!! I was wondering when it will be coming to this and yup. Here it is. With Ramattra basically going "Point and I'll kill them" as a show of trust/respect lmao. I am really excited to see how this plays out, if there will be any casualties on their side. How that would make them feel. If it would be difficult seeing themself the same way again after asking for something like that even knowing the person they ordered killing wouldn't think twice about the suffering they'd inflicted. I'm also worried about what will happen when Talon figures out their real identity...
This project started as a two parter and look where we are now. I'd leave a longer more in depth comment but my brain is pretty fried rn ashsh. Just wanted to let you know I'm still here finding joy and comfort in your writing, and thank you for sharing it this valentine since we're celebrating the love and all that :3 Hope you have a good day today!
Happy Valentines Day!!! Oh my god thank you for sticking around so long! And I'm so glad you enjoyed GEO enough to stay for the ride ;u;
writing GEO was honestly such a huge emotional experience for me beginning to end. It's... one of those ones that will probably stay with me in my heart forever because it was the first big thing I wrote in... a good 9-10 years, and it was filled with a lot of heart (not that my other stuff isn't, I do pour my heart and soul into my other works, but GEO was special to me yknow?) So I'm really glad that you enjoyed it so much
And that's so touching to hear that it's kind of changed the way you view your creative endeavors!!!! At least I hope it's in a good way haha ASLDKJFASLKDFASDFSDF
And yeah baby's first murder... Ramattra is so proud
But in all seriousness there's gonna be a lot of emotions in the next chapter and I'm so fucking pumped for it... (if my hands and brain would cooperate and type)
I hope you also have a wonderful day!
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juyoens · 4 years
day one | hyunjae
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summary: when a stupid promise you and your best friend made to each other 17 years ago comes back to haunt you two–it’s time to do some serious thinking about both of your futures. pairing: hyunjae x (gn)reader warnings: drinking, like one curse word, cheesy dialogue oh my gawd a/n: this one might a little messy so i would love to hear some feedback for this :’’”<< anyway, this was requested! ty anon for taking the time to do so! <3
It has always been Hyunjae. Since day one, the two of you have been inseparable, always being seen walking around hip-to-hip. It was a “Buy 1, Get 1” deal, as both of your parents would put it.
“Jae, at what age should someone get married?” you ask as you laid on your bed, turning your head at Hyunjae, who sat on your desk as he doodled on one of your old notebooks.
“I don’t know–maybe 28?” he stops to answer your question, raising an eyebrow at you. “Why? You plan on getting married?” he scoffs, going back to what he was doing. 
“No. Wait–I mean….I don’t know.” you shrug. “Do you?”
“Of course I do. But I’m not sure if anyone would want to marry me though,” he jokes, making you let out a chuckle. 
Suddenly, Hyunjae drops his pen, getting up from your desk and making his way over to your bed, sitting down right across from you. 
“I’ll tell you this. If we’re still single at 28, we’ll get married. Alright?” he holds out his pinky. You tilt your head in confusion. “That’s….17 years from now? Will we be able to remember this?” you question.
“Then….we should get fake married right now or something.” he giggles. You smile at him, hooking your pinky around his. “It’s illegal to break a pinky promise, y’know that right?”
And so you both did do that. The getting fake married part, of course.
You both haven’t brought it up since. Not because you both felt awkward, it was simply one of the many memories that have been buried in the pits of both your brains because of the hundreds and thousands of them you both shared.
That is, until your 28th birthday.
“Y/N! This is for you! Open it!” Hyunjae’s mother excitedly hands you a box, and you simply chuckled at her enthusiasm as you took her gift and placed it on your lap.
Opening the box, your eyes widen as you see the photos from the fake wedding that had occurred 17 years ago, along with the rings you two made out of paper mache.
You look up at her, your mouth curving up into a bright smile. “Thank you, Auntie. This is seriously…..bringing back memories?” you scrunched up your face, trying to hide the uncomfortable expression with a smile.
Hyunjae, knowing you like the back of his hand, immediately leans over to look at what his mother got you, and now he understands why. 
“Mom!” he hissed, but his mother only brushed him off. “What! It’s adorable! And...you never know?” she smiles, shrugging.
Slowly closing the box once again and sliding it under your chair, Hyunjae could only whisper a sorry as your parents start to tell everyone there what had happened, and the promise you two made 17 years ago. And to say it was uncomfortable was almost an understatement.
This wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. People, (mostly your families), have always teased you two about the idea of possibly getting together. The casual displays of affection, the I love you’s being thrown around like it’s nothing, still sharing a bed at times and cuddling because “you’ve been doing it since you two were kids”. 
Hell, you were both each other’s first kisses because you two “wanted to practice”.
Yup. Totally platonic, right?
At the end of the night, you both found yourselves back at your place, continuing to celebrate your birthday. This time, just the two of you.
“I’m sorry for my mom today,” he sighs, handing over the glass of wine he had just poured you. That’s nothing.” you assure, letting out a chuckle as you leaned your head on his shoulder. “You know what? Let’s look at them!” you giggle, getting up from the couch and grabbing the box from the dining table. “I can’t believe we didn’t remember this,” you say, sitting back down next to him. 
Hyunjae picks up one of the photos, scoffing as he stared at 11 year old him getting the veil (actually your mother’s scarf) away from your face.
“Why would she give this?” he questions, shaking his head as he puts the photo back in the box.
The room is suddenly engulfed in silence. You bit at your bottom lip, swirling your wine glass as you tried to remember how this fake wedding even came to be. And then, it hits you.
The moment of silence is broken when you suddenly burst out into laughter. “What?!” Hyunjae, visibly confused, turns to you with furrowed eyebrows.
“It’s just……” you quickly collect yourself, taking a sip of your wine. “We pinky promised each other that if we were still single by the time we were 28, we would marry each other. And….guess how old we are now.” you explain, shaking your head.
Hyunjae’s eyebrows raise. Well, you just made this awkward. 
“That was….really stupid of us.” you try to joke, but Hyunjae is serious, his eyes narrowed. As if he was actually thinking about it.
“R...Right?” you mutter, tilting your head. But he doesn’t answer. 
“Hello? Earth to Hyunjae?” you wave a hand in front of his face, snapping him out of it.
“Is it possible that you’ll see me in a romantic way?” he suddenly asks. Your eyes widen at the sudden question. “What?”
“I don’t know, I mean…..what if we do that?”
Hyunjae is startled by your sudden raise of voice, quickly shaking his head. 
“No, no! I just mean…..we’ve always been close, right? We’ve always been affectionate, always have said I love you to each other. I’m sorry to bring this up but–we’ve kissed.” he explains, listing out examples. “Have you not ever thought of me romantically? Not even once?” 
“Lee Hyunjae,” you furrow your eyebrows at him. “I…..how did we even get to this topic!” you try to brush his question off as a joke, turning away from him and taking a sip of your wine.
“I’m not kidding! Just think about it.” he shrugs. 
Yeah, you were definitely thinking about it.
“This isn’t exactly something I can just figure out right now!” you exclaim, sighing. 
The room is once again engulfed in an awkward silence as you try to navigate your feelings, trying to get the answer to Hyunjae’s question.
It’s a scary moment. The answer is most definitely yes, but it’s not like you’re in some pathetic unrequited love situation with Hyunjae where you’ve loved him all this time. In the probably cheesiest way to describe it–it’s more like you’ve just always had a place for him reserved in your heart, if that even makes sense at all.
If you were to be honest, you have thought about dating him at some point. But like all other suddenly-dating-my-best-friend-of-forever situations, what if it all goes wrong? 
“So?” Hyunjae follows up your answer to his question. “Yes. I have….at some point.”
Hyunjae simply hums in response, slowly nodding. “Okay then. Same goes for me.”
“.....Why are you asking this?” 
“I just think it’s interesting that we made that promise. We were like 11 but….still.” he says. “If I was gonna be honest I…….actually have been thinking about you a lot lately.” he admits, and your ears perk up and you turn to him with wide eyes. “What?”
“Do you picture it? You and I? Together?” he asks.
“I….guess I do.” you mutter. “But if we try and it all goes to shit then-”
“It won’t. I’ve stuck by you for the past…...21 years? What’s not to love?” he cuts you off, assuring you. You gave him a small smile.
“I know you mean well but….you are disgustingly cheesy. And we’re disgustingly old.”
Hyunjae only laughs as he reaches for the box and takes out the old rings you two made out of paper mache, wearing one on his pinky finger. 
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sometimesiwrite · 3 years
Just a Scratch
B I N G O ! 
Prompt: It’s Just a Scratch
Pairing: Lambert/Aiden; Eskel & Lambden; Implied Geralt/Eskel 
Rating: Teen 
Summary: Lambert and Aiden are moving to start the next leg of their adventure together. Eskel sees them off.
Warnings: Modern AU; bittersweet; friends leaving; implied COVID distancing A/N: For Ben & Jemma
@witcher-rarepair-summer-bingo @continentcakeshop @morethangeraskier​
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33145900
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“All set?” Eskel asked, squishing in one final duffel bag into the footwell and backing himself out of the rear door of Aiden’s VW Golf. Anya, Lambert and Aiden's husky mix, dozed sleepily in the back seat despite the excitement, having been rudely awoken at 6:30am to confusedly do her business.
“That’s it,” Aiden shrugged, letting the trunk close with a dull, satisfying thud. He opened his arms questioningly, and Eskel wasted no time pulling him into an affectionate squeeze, touching his hand to the back of Aiden’s head before pulling away. 
“You take care of yourself. Let me know when you make your first stop, alright? Anything goes wrong, just let me know.” 
“We’ll call you from the hotel,” Aiden reassured as he flipped the car keys over his finger.
“I still say we can make it to Port Hope by the end of the day if we push it.” Lambert was tucked under the hood, giving the car one final check for fluid levels (tyre pressure had already been meticulously checked earlier that morning).
Aiden tilted his head, “That’s if you drive and unfortunately the highway patrol doesn’t care about fuel efficiency if you’re going ten over the speed limit.” He ambled his way over behind Lambert to get a cheeky eye-full of his favourite view, “Besides, I need you to put that sexy brain of yours to work for navigation.”
“Oi! Gerroff!” Lambert protested and Aiden backed away, but not before getting in a perfectly resonant smack. “If you had it your way, you horny old bastard, we’d be stopping every two hours to—”
 Eskel pointedly cleared his throat, scratching his head as he met Aiden’s eyes with a mixture of amused pride and endearing awkwardness that Aiden had so quickly grown to love. He would miss Eskel. They'd gotten close over the last five years, close enough that they had become friends of their own—each keeping the other company when Lambert or Geralt was out of town, planning surprises... 
Aiden's proposal had gone perfectly, their crowning achievement of mutual scheming. Lambert didn't even try to deny the fact that he'd cried like a baby—candles, dusk, his favourite hiking trail, champaign. Even Anya had behaved herself. That is, until she decided her owners had been embracing for too long and not paying nearly enough attention to her. Eskel had offered to edit that part out of the video, but Lambert insisted on keeping it in—"What's a special moment without our favourite dingus. Isn't that right, Anya? Are you a dingus? Yes! Yes you are!" 
“Not gonna miss us at all, are ya, big guy?” The hood latched heavily as Lambert wiped his hands and stowed the oil rag in the passenger's side door next to the Stanadyne.
"You kiddin'? I'm gonna miss you like hell. C'mere." Eskel wrapped Lambert in a bear bug that nearly crushed his goddamn ribs. 
"Easy, Eskel, Jesus I gotta breathe!" 
"Sorry," Eskel eased off, but he didn't let go. There hadn't been enough hugs in the last year. The last few months had barely made up for it, and now there would be far fewer. More dinners over Skype, more sporadic phone calls, occasional texts... watching his and Aiden's life unfold over Instagram and Facebook. But at least they would be happy, Eskel told himself. At least they were starting the next stage of their lives together with an adventure they'd remember forever. This was important for them. And yet the chill, damp fog of isolation was already creeping in around Eskel. Even as he held Lambert close to him and swallowed tears he'd save for later. 
One final squeeze and a pat on the back, and Lambert turned to get in the car, tossing a treat to Anya as he settled in. Aiden gave Eskel a final peck on the cheek, "Take care of yourself, alright? Don't be a stranger. Call, text, whatever. We're always happy to hear from you. Promise?"
Eskel nodded soberly, "I will. Thanks, Aiden." 
"We'll skype when we get to the new place. I want you to see it before it gets cluttered with boxes. We could even do dinner or—"
Eskel waved a hand, "We'll figure something out. Just get there in one piece, and send pictures. I'm not worried." 
Aiden smiled warmly, "Good. Good." A heavy exhale, "Alright, well..." 
"I hate to interrupt the bleeding hearts moment, but we've got commuter traffic piling up on the 606 as we speak! Get your gorgeous butt in the car, we gotta move!"
Aiden took a beat, "Yes dear!" 
"Okay, Anya! You be good!" Eskel gave the chocolate-and-caramel pup one last scritch behind the ears and closed the rear door just in time for the stereo to start playing Journey.
The car rolled down the driveway and Eskel watched until it disappeared over the hill past the stop sign. When the gravelly diesel purr was finally drowned out by late summer cicadas, Eskel sat heavily on the front steps with his coffee. He couldn't bring himself to open the door and go back inside. Something about the stark emptiness of a home previously occupied with guests made the aimless silence too loud. Besides, robins and cardinals were better than daytime tv for company. Finally, Eskel rested his forehead against his thumbs and let the wave of emotion breach the dam.
Shedding tears was something Eskel usually associated with significant pain—rage, grief, remorse, indignation—an open wound that took time and tending to heal. This wasn't like that, though. This was a scratch. Simple, uncomplicated pain: he was sad. Eskel couldn't remember the last time he'd cried because he was just... sad. Decades ago, he imagined, though he couldn't pinpoint a specific moment. It was something children did before emotions became more complicated. But here he was, sitting on his front steps, crying because he was sad. Eyes streaming, hot and wet down his cheeks because his friends were leaving. Just a scratch.
He felt silly, crying over something so inconsequential— and a man as touch-needy as Eskel, bearlike as he was, was left with the sinking feeling that, aside from Geralt, he might not touch another person for a rather long time.
It's not that they didn't have friends, of course, and he would talk to them later that night. He was helping to plan their wedding for chrissake, it's not like they would never speak again. But proximity to other people was something that had grown increasingly scarce, and Eskel—bearlike as he was—had the sinking feeling that, aside from Geralt, he might not touch another person for a while. 
Lambert and Aiden had an uncomplicated relationship with affection that always freed Eskel from the burden of second-guessing the odd touch to a shoulder or elbow. So many others had different personal spaces, many of which had expanded recently. Eskel was happy to respect, and accommodate, but Eskel always felt most himself when he could be affectionate with the people he cared about, and with those two gone, it suddenly felt as though a part of his identity was being forced back into shadow and shyness.
Eskel felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he sniffed loudly before answering. "Yup? Geralt, hi. Yeah, they just-just left. I'm ok-I'm okay. You know. Goodbyes are never easy. How's the conference? Heh. Good, good. Tell him I send my regards... Listen, I should get to work. No, I’m okay, I'll call you later... Will do. I l— I love you, too, hon. Buh-bye.” 
Eskel hung up the phone and stared quietly at the bird feeder for a few more minutes before going back inside, feeling as though something in the cosmos had shifted. 
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eurydicees · 4 years
true enough to be convincing, unruly enough to be real
summary: tamaki needs someone to date, just for a week. it’s not a big deal, it isn’t. kyoya can pretend to be in love with tamaki for a few days. what could go wrong? the classic tale of boys fake date, boy wears other boy’s jacket, said boy is suddenly maybe not faking it so much as actually falling in love. 
prompts: 3 + 28: fake dating + wearing the other’s clothes. for @wishiwasntstillhere ! i hope you enjoy :) 
pairings: tamaki suoh/kyoya ootori
words: 3,441
warnings: none
“We have to be convincing,” Tamaki says, waving an arm vaguely in Kyoya’s direction. He has a tendency to talk with his hands, every other word emphasized by a wave or a clap or a clench of his fists. “We have to go all out.” 
Kyoya closes his eyes, leaning against the headboard of Tamaki’s bed. They’re in Tamaki’s bedroom in the second Suoh mansion; Tamaki pacing in circles and the long-suffering Kyoya only half following what he’s saying. He’s still stuck on Tamaki’s words from five minutes ago: we should date. Oh, no, no— not for real, I mean— just pretend, for a bit. We should fake date, just for a week or so. 
“Stop,” Kyoya says, squeezing his eyes tighter shut. Judging by the lack of creaking of the floorboards, Tamaki has stopped pacing and is staring at him. “Why do we need to do this?” 
Tamaki sighs, and Kyoya looks over at him as Tamaki moves to sit on the bed. The mattress dips as he sits down, his hands going to rest on Kyoya’s ankles. “I kind of… Look, okay, there was this girl and she was asking me out and she was, like, so earnest about it, and I wanted to let her down easy, so—” 
“So you told her we were dating?” Kyoya asks, raising an eyebrow. “That’s the stupidest and most you thing I’ve ever heard.” 
Tamaki groans, pushing Kyoya’s ankles away from him. “I didn’t say it was you specifically, I just said that I was dating someone.” 
“Then why are you asking me?” Kyoya licks his lips, studying Tamaki closely. There’s no reason that it has to be Kyoya that Tamaki is fake dating. “Literally anyone else would be better for this.” 
Tamaki shrugs. “You’re the best liar I know, and…” 
“And I trust you,” Tamaki says, more in a breath than in words. He shifts, now sitting cross legged on the bed, pressing his hands against his knees. “You’re the only one I could pull this off with.” 
“Not Haruhi?” 
Tamaki shrugs. “I already asked her, and she laughed in my face.” 
Something in Kyoya’s stomach drops at that, and he doesn’t know what it is, or why it bothers him, but there’s a sinking disappointment in his stomach that itches like a word on the tip of his tongue. It shouldn’t matter; Kyoya doesn’t even want to do this. He should be laughing just as Haruhi had apparently done, when Tamaki asked her first. 
“Right,” Kyoya chokes out. He shouldn’t be so affected by that. He doesn’t care. He doesn’t care about any of this. “Fine. I’ll do it.” 
Tamaki breaks out in a grin. “Thank you, mon ami. I owe you one—” 
“You owe me everything,” Kyoya mutters. He inhales deeply. “What do you need specifically?” 
“I don’t know,” Tamaki admits. He drops his hands to his ankles, swaying forwards and backwards as he looks at Kyoya. He’s never been one for sitting still. “Just… what people in relationships do.” 
Kyoya narrows his eyes. “Tamaki. Have you ever been in a relationship before?” 
There’s a pause. Then, “You know the answer to that question.” 
Kyoya does know the answer to that one— no, neither of them have been in a relationship. Great, Kyoya thinks somewhat bitterly, his first relationship is going to be both fake and with Tamaki. He should be angry about that, but there’s a kind of swirl of confusion in his head instead, and he hates it. 
“Well,” Kyoya says, sighing. He leans his head against the wall, the edge of the headboard digging into his shoulder blades. “Things people do in relationships. They’re around each other all of the time, they make each other laugh, they… touch.” 
“Right,” Tamaki agrees. He’s still swaying, and Kyoya is finding the sound of shifting of fabric incredibly distracting. “They kiss.” 
Kyoya swallows. He can feel the tips of his ears heating up. “We’re not kissing.” 
“No,” Kyoya says firmly. “We have to have some boundaries, at least.” 
Tamaki sighs, but then brushes it off with a shrug. “I guess that’s fair. Can we at least… kiss each other on the cheek?” 
“If you insist.” 
Kyoya finally meets Tamaki’s gaze, searching for some kind of joke resting in his eyes, some kind of laughter. But there’s nothing. Tamaki is deadly serious about all of this, and Kyoya can’t figure out how to feel about it. 
He hates it, he wants to hate it, this is a ridiculous scheme, and it’s going to crash and burn around them, and for some reason, he wants to try anyway. It’s just like it was with the host club, Tamaki says an idea and Kyoya can’t help but fall in line, just another captivated Ouran student following Tamaki, Kyoya’s own personal pied piper. 
“Thank you for this,” Tamaki says again, and Kyoya just nods numbly. “It’ll only be for a week and then you can publicly dump me, if you want.” 
“I wouldn’t do it publicly.” Kyoya says it absentmindedly, not really thinking about what he’s saying, but then his brain kicks in again, and he’s suddenly thinking about this ending. What are they going to do when it’s over? It’s just a fake relationship, but there are careful, tight lines in their friendship, and Kyoya has just agreed to cross all of them. 
He thinks back to what he had told Haruhi only a few weeks ago, that his friendship with Tamaki is based entirely on self interest. It’s not true, and everyone around them knows it. It’s just that they genuinely like being around each other; but Kyoya will turn over in his grave before he ever says that out loud. Even if they genuinely like each other, there are still lines. 
Then again, Kyoya draws careful lines in the sand with everyone he meets and interacts with. Lines between acquaintance and ally. Between business partner and friend. Between friend and family. Between friend and lover. Within those lines, too, there are promises that Kyoya makes to himself— you can never let a hand linger too long, or your gaze hover on someone for even seconds past friendly, or your thoughts center around one idea for too long. 
All of those rules go out of the window when he’s around Tamaki. 
When he leaves the Suoh manion and heads home, Kyoya can’t tear his thoughts away from Tamaki. He can’t stop thinking about this plan, about this ridiculous secret that they’re both now holding. Tamaki had seen him off at the door, kissing his cheek, like any good boyfriend would do, Kyoya, and Kyoya can still feel the warmth of Tamaki’s lips against his cheek. It’s the cold, Kyoya tells himself, and not a blush that lingers on his cheeks long after he’s left the Suoh property. 
He tries to shove the whole plan out of his head that night. He has to, just to be able to sleep at night, just to be able to stop thinking about Tamaki. He doesn’t think he’s felt this obsessive since he first met Tamaki and drove himself crazy trying to fulfill his every whim as they traveled around Japan. 
It’s not until the next morning, finding himself in a shopping center with the Hitachiin twins, that he realizes that fake dating Tamaki means that everyone around them thinks they suddenly get to judge their… relationship. 
Kyoya didn’t know what he expected, knowing them. He didn’t know why he thought for even a second that they wouldn’t care— it’s not necessarily judgement that he’s suddenly faced with, but it’s definitely a conversation he hadn’t meant to start, and didn’t particularly want to finish. 
He meets the others at the front door of the shopping center, finding that he’s the last one there. Hikaru and Kaoru both wave at him as he approaches, and Kyoya is about to wave back when he catches Tamaki’s eye. Tamaki is smiling, but there’s a knowing glint in his eye that Kyoya doesn’t really know what to think of. Is there a word for the kind of glow that’s hovering at Tamaki’s cheeks right now? Is there a word for the way that Kyoya’s heart is suddenly falling to pieces? 
He’s about to say hello, just treating everything as normal, and then Tamaki skips forward and kisses him on the cheek. It’s soft, the kind of touch that’s barely there, but it makes Kyoya shiver. Tamaki’s breath is warm on Kyoya’s skin. 
It’s not an act when his cheeks heat up and the tiniest of smiles finds its unwilling way to his lips. It’s not an act when his heart pulses; a green light asking for more. He wants to smile fully, bravely— and then he remembers. 
He remembers that this isn’t real, and Tamaki is feeling nothing. Kyoya swallows, steeling himself, and pushes his glasses farther up his nose. He’s not feeling anything either. 
“Hi,” he says quietly. 
“Hi,” Tamaki says, and it’s with the kind of grin that makes Kyoya burn with a fake romance. 
Kyoya finally tears his eyes away from Tamaki and towards the other two who are waiting for them; Hikaru is staring with wide eyes, while Kaoru has a kind of unimpressed look in the tilt of his chin. 
“Did you finally sort yourselves out, then?” Kaoru asks. “Are you dating yet?” 
Kyoya stares. “I—” 
“Yup!” Tamaki grins, then slides his hand down Kyoya’s arm to tangle their fingers together. His palm is sweaty as Tamaki squeezes his hand. “It’s new, though.” 
“Finally,” Kaoru says with half a laugh. “Haruhi and I had a bet on how long it would take. Oh, she’s gonna be in debt forever.” 
Tamaki rolls his eyes, but he’s still smiling as he leads the way into the shopping center. He doesn’t let go of Kyoya’s hand the entire time. Kyoya is pretty sure that his heart is pulsing in his wrist, dripping down into his palm; he’s pretty sure that Tamaki is holding Kyoya’s entire soul right now, and he doesn’t know.
“This is going to be easier than I thought,” Tamaki whispers, leaning closer to Kyoya, his lips hovering by Kyoya’s ear. “They’re falling for it so easily.” 
Kyoya can only nod. This is going too far and too fast— or, it’s barely going at all, except for the fact that Kyoya’s mind is jumping light years ahead of we’re just pretending and right to this is getting all too real. 
“So,” Hikaru starts, keeping pace next to Kyoya, who is still holding Tamaki’s hand like a life line. “When did this happen?” 
Kyoya swallows, glancing over at Tamaki. They should have gotten their story straight before they had gone out into the world holding hands. He can so easily imagine Tamaki turning to Kaoru, who walks beside him, and saying that they’ve been dating for years, all while Kyoya tells Hikaru that it’s been hours. 
“A few days ago,” Kyoya manages to say. He says it smoothly, somehow, his tongue so practiced at smoothing over all the bumps and inconsistencies in his lies. “Like Tamaki said. It’s new.” 
Hikaru shoves his hands in the pockets of his jeans, glancing at Kyoya from the corner of his eye. “So you haven’t been pretending you’re not together for years now? Because that was my bet and—” 
“Shut up,” Kyoya says, rolling his eyes. He looks away from Hikaru and towards the crowded walkways that they’re entering. “We were just friends, until recently. That’s the truth.” 
“Sure,” Hikaru says, grinning. 
It’s a subdued, or doubtful, grin, but Kyoya doesn’t get the chance to ask before Hikaru is bounding forwards, pointing towards the food court. Tamaki agrees enthusiastically, and the four of them make their way there. Tamaki never lets go of Kyoya’s hand— that much is real. 
They order food quickly, not bothering to think too hard about it. This is, as Tamaki put it, just a fun day out, pretending to be commoners. Kyoya, though, knows what it’s really about— it’s a test run of their fake relationship, to see how well they can fit themselves into the world and into their little friend group. It’s a test run to see if they can really pull this off; they have one of the more observant people they know and one of the more gullible people they know, and that’s a good range. Kyoya, if he weren’t so distracted by Tamaki’s hand resting on his knee, would almost admire the plan. 
He’s so distracted by the fact that Tamaki is tapping his fingers against Kyoya’s leg that he doesn’t notice when Tamaki waves a hand just the slightest bit too enthusiastically, sending an uncapped bottle of soda flying across the table. It spills open and out, right onto Tamaki’s shirt. 
Four people spew a string of curses as Tamaki jumps up, knocking over his tray with the half eaten hamburger on it, sending that spilling over onto the table, too. Kyoya grabs the soda bottle before it can do more damage, but it’s too late. Tamaki’s shirt is soaking wet, and while he grabs the thinnest of napkins to try and dry it, it’s a fruitless effort. Hikaru is just laughing, while Kaoru tries helplessly to hand over more napkins. 
Tamaki swears again, tossing the napkins onto the table. He sits down with a humph and sighs. Kyoya, so quickly that he’s almost unaware of it, finds himself sliding an arm around Tamaki’s shoulders— this is what a boyfriend would do, right? Hold Tamaki when he’s upset? Kyoya thinks he’s guessed right, because Tamaki leans into his touch, burying his face in Kyoya’s shoulder. 
“My shirt’s soaking wet,” Tamaki moans. 
The vibrations of his words against Kyoya’s collarbones make him shiver, and he sighs. “You should be more careful.” 
Tamaki sits up again, slowly, but doesn’t fully pull away. Instead he rests his cheek against Kyoya’s shoulder, eyes closed. Across from them, Kaoru is grinning. 
“Cute,” he says, and Kyoya glares at him. It doesn’t deter him at all, and Kyoya just finds his face muscles growing tighter and Kaoru’s smile growing wider. 
“Shut up,” Kyoya mutters. 
It’s all a part of Tamaki’s game, though, and so Kyoya can’t find it in himself to be mad. If Kaoru thinks they’re cute, then they’re pulling this off well. That’s the important thing; not this stupid fluttering in his heart everytime Tamaki’s hand gets close to Kyoya’s knee. Kyoya swallows down any reservations, only to turn his head and press a light kiss to the top of Tamaki’s head. It’s tender and private and it comes so naturally that, for a moment, Kyoya forgot it was a performance. 
Tamaki doesn’t react to the kiss at all, except for the tiniest of smiles. 
“Cute,” Hikaru says, in an exact, smiling imitation of how Kaoru had done it. Kyoya hates them both. 
Lucky for him, though, no one at that table has a good attention span, and so none of them focus on that kiss for too long. Instead, Kaoru points out one of the department stores that he had wanted to check out while they were there, and the four of them disentangle themselves from the mess, throw away their napkins and half eaten food, and start to leave the food court.
“People are staring,” Tamaki complains. He’s walking next to Kyoya, so close that their shoulders brush every now and then, Tamaki leaning into every touch. Hikaru and Kaoru walk in front of them. 
“It’s because you’re covered in soda,” Kyoya says. He thinks that it’s a perfectly reasonable thing to say, but that just makes Tamaki pout more. 
“I know.” Tamaki sighs, crossing his arms tightly around his chest. It does nothing to cover up the stain. 
Kyoya looks over, scanning the disappointment on Tamaki’s face and the hunched over way he’s carrying himself, and then sighs. “Here. Take my jacket. If you zip it up, no one will be able to see anything.” 
“Are you sure?” Tamaki asks. He says it slowly, but he’s already brightening up. “You won’t be cold?” 
Kyoya shrugs. “It’s May. I’ll be fine.” 
“Thanks,” Tamaki says, grinning.
Kyoya sighs, but it’s not a tired sigh— it’s an exasperated, happy sigh that only a lover can make. He shrugs off his jacket and holds it up for Tamaki to put on. Once it’s on, Tamaki turns to face Kyoya, his smile like a wound in Kyoya’s composure, and puts his hands to his waist. 
“How do I look?” he asks. 
“Fine,” Kyoya says, rolling his eyes. “The whole point is to zip up the jacket, Tamaki.” 
Tamaki laughs at that, unbothered by the tone of his voice. He zips up the jacket and then poses again, hands on his hips, smiling. “Now?” 
“Good,” Kyoya says. He looks more than good, but Kyoya will be damned before he says that out loud. Fake, fake, fake, he chants to himself. “Let’s catch up to Hikaru and Kaoru, I think they already went inside.” 
Tamaki nods. He starts walking forward, and then pauses to look at Kyoya. He puts his hand up in the air between them, and Kyoya feels a boiling smile working its way through his chest when he takes Tamaki’s hand. 
The four of them spend the rest of the day like that, wandering through the shopping center, making their way through every department store and every chain store and every miscellaneous merchandise stand. Somehow, the day passes quickly. Kyoya had expected it to drag on, to be painful to spend so much time somewhere like a mall, but by the time that they start leaving, he finds that he had actually had fun. 
They part ways at the front of the shopping center, where Hikaru and Kaoru go off to Parking Lot A. Kyoya and Tamaki walk together to Parking Lot C, Tamaki swinging their interlocked hands in the air between them. 
“This was fun, don’t you think?” Tamaki asks, smiling at Kyoya. 
“It was,” Kyoya admits. 
They’re still holding hands, though no one is around them, and Kyoya can’t help but hope that Tamaki doesn’t notice that there’s no reason to pretend anymore. He can’t help but hope that Tamaki keeps holding his hand. It’s a deep, selfish desire that Kyoya cannot say out loud. 
“This is my car,” Tamaki says, stopping in his tracks. Still, he doesn’t let go of Kyoya. “Hey— thank you. For today.” 
Kyoya frowns. “What do you mean?” 
“Pretending,” Tamaki tells him, as if it’s supposed to be obvious. Now that he says it, Kyoya feels sick with how unobvious that had been to him. “I know we agreed last night, but I didn’t really think you would. Thank you.” 
Kyoya swallows. Tamaki hadn’t expected anything of him. Looking back over the day, Kyoya is suddenly wondering how much of what he had done had just been because he wanted to. Did he— did he want to kiss Tamaki so tenderly when his head was resting against Kyoya’s shoulder? Did he want to hold Tamaki’s hand? Did he— 
“Yeah,” Kyoya says carefully. He can’t afford to break face now. “Anytime.” 
Tamaki nods, smiling. It’s a bright smile, but something about it is different from the ones he had been giving Kyoya earlier. He lets go of Kyoya’s hand, patting the pockets of his pants until he finds his keys. “I promise you can break up with me in a few days.” 
“I look forward to it,” Kyoya chokes out. He takes a deep breath, then moves a few steps backwards. “I’ll see you at school.”
Tamaki finds his keys and gives Kyoya a wave as he unlocks his car. Kyoya has only just turned and begun to walk away when Tamaki calls out his name again— Kyoya’s heart jumps onto his tongue, stupidly quickly, enough to make him almost say, I love you, even though he’s not really sure if it’s true yet. 
“Kyoya!” Tamaki calls again, and Kyoya turns back to him. “Your jacket!” 
Tamaki has unzipped the jacket, and the wet stain on his shirt has since dried off. Kyoya’s jacket hangs tightly against his shoulders, though they’re probably about the same size, and the black fabric is a dark shadow against Tamaki’s pale skin. Even in the concrete limelight of the parking lot, he looks radiant.
“Keep it,” Kyoya says, and Tamaki frowns, as if he can’t hear. “Keep it! It— it looks good on you.” 
Tamaki grins, and he blows a kiss towards Kyoya. It makes Kyoya glow, deep inside, and that’s not something he can fake. 
Oh, he’s so screwed.
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writingwithciara · 4 years
Around The World And Back  ~Luke Patterson~
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summary: a ghost falls in love with his best friend, but not without its consequences [lyrics from Around The World And Back by State Champs are what inspired some of the dialogue] 
word count: 1.6k
pairing: luke x reader
warning: mention of death
note: [lyrics from Around The World And Back by State Champs are what inspired some of the dialogue] song lyrics are bold & italicized
been around the world and back this year
Being a ghost had it’s perks. You could go wherever you wanted and never be seen. You could do whatever you wanted without any consequences. Well, mostly anything. 
For a ghost, falling in love was hard. It was even harder if the person you fell in love with just so happened to be your best friend, and one of the few lifers that could see you.
Luke was one of the unfortunate ghosts who found his affections for a live human, growing exponentially and without warning. Aside from Julie, y/n was his best friend. She believed in him when he couldn’t find the strength to do so himself. 
Unbeknownst to him, he was falling in love hard. 
And when he figured it out, he fled. Like, completely disappeared. No trace. Not even Alex or Reggie could find him.
He spent a lot of time exploring and trying to comprehend the pain he began to feel, knowing he could never physically be with y/n, if she even felt the same.
told myself i want to face this fear
When he finally returned to LA, it was 3 months later. 
Standing outside of Julie’s garage made Luke feel like he was about to meet a bunch of strangers. He wasn’t even sure they would welcome him back instantly.
Taking a deep breath, he walked through the open door.
“-and then we can....Luke?” Reggie was in the middle of an intense conversation with y/n when he spotted his best friend behind her. 
The minute his name was spoken, y/n turned her head and suddenly, everything came back. Every feeling, every memory. They all came rushing back to her brain as she stared at the ghost boy before her with tears in her eyes.
“Hey.” he weakly spoke, making a quick eye movement to his feet.
“What are you doing here?” she responded.
“I came back to see you guys.”
“It’s been 3 months and you couldn’t even say goodbye, Luke.” her voice was breaking and it was killing him.
“There’s too many ways to say goodbye.” he sighed and took a step towards her, only to have her jump back, nearly knocking Reggie over as he tried to help support her weight. “But it’s quite the opposite this time.”
“If there’s too many ways to say goodbye, why couldn’t you have used one of them? If you wanted to leave so badly, you should’ve at least told us why.” she looked up at Reggie and he nodded. 
“Look, the reason I didn’t say goodbye was because,” he took another chance to approach her and smiled when she didn’t back away. “Oh god. How am I supposed to say this without it hurting either of us.”
“I don’t know. You tell me.” she folded her arms and glared at him. All she felt was anger towards the ghost who broke her heart.
“Reggie, can you give us a minute alone?”
“Yeah, let me just-”
“No. Whatever you have to say to me, you can say in front of Reggie too.”
“Fine.” Luke shook his head and took a deep breath. “The reason I didn’t say goodbye was because I was scared. All you lifers get to do all these amazing, wonderful things and us ghosts get nothing good in our lives.”
“So now I’m nothing good? What the hell, Luke? I thought I meant more to you than that.”
“You do. I swear you do. And that’s why I couldn’t say goodbye when I left. When I left, it was because I found out I’m falling in love and it’s scaring me. Ghosts aren’t supposed to fall in love with a human. It doesn’t work for either party.” By now, Luke was pacing.
“I know that it can work. And if you would’ve stopped to think for a few minutes, you could’ve at least told a certain someone how you were feeling. Maybe they would’ve told you that being in love with someone outside of your ‘species’ wasn’t totally insane. They may have just told you that they have been having those feelings too.” 
“What are you talking about?”
“It came to me in a dream, but I realized that I was also falling in love with someone outside of society’s ‘normal standards’. I fell in love with a ghost and, believe it or not, that ghost is you, Luke. You running off for 3 months made my whole world fall apart. I felt like I lost everything, And I thought that you just didn’t want to be around us anymore.”
“I’m sorry I made you feel like that. It was never my intention. All I wanted was time to figure out how I felt and to see if I could get rid of these feelings.”
“And did it work?” she let go of Reggie and slowly approached Luke.
“Nope. I’m still in love with a lifer.”
“And I’m still in love with a ghost.” she smiled through her tears and pulled him in for a kiss. A kiss where their lips actually connected, something that they’ve never been able to do. Reggie watched in amazement as Luke began to glow. True love must be what connects them to the lifers. 
A year down the road was when everyone realized just how short a life could be. 
Luke sat on the balcony hanging over the coffee shop. He watched as all the cars passed by. It was something that always calmed him down. It also helped him organize his thoughts.
He was supposed to be meeting y/n on the balcony to celebrate her getting into a good college. She had wanted to go to Stanford her entire life and when she finally got the acceptance letter, she threw a party to tell Luke. He asked her to meet him at her favorite coffee shop for a smaller celebration and since he wasn’t able to poof somewhere with her, she had to drive.
He was sitting alone and looking up at the sky, waiting for her when all of a sudden, he heard a loud crash from below. Fearing the worst, he glanced down.
There was a pile up of cars just outside the cafe. Luke poofed down and searched the wreck for y/n, hoping she wasn’t part of it. But when he saw her car at the back of the crash, her unconscious body still at the wheel, he nearly broke down into tears.
His emotions ran higher when the paramedics informed each other that there were no survivors.
Watching them wheel her body into the ambulance made him break even more than he ever thought he could. It wasn’t the fact that she was dead. It was the fact that she may automatically crossover and not spend any time as a ghost, meaning he would never see her again. 
If that was the case, his last words to her would’ve been ‘I’ll see you in 10 minutes’ instead of ‘I love you’.
When he arrived back at Julie’s garage, the rest of the band and Flynn were all sitting with their heads down. They heard him enter the room and all their attention went to him.
“Is she-” Alex began to ask but Luke nodded before he finished and they all broke into tears. Julie and Flynn pulled the boys in for a group hug as they mourned the loss of their best friend.
“Oh god. I’m gonna miss her sweet smile.” Alex sat at his drums and looked at the sticks y/n had gotten him for his would’ve-been-birthday. “She was the best.”
“Yeah she was.”
At this point, Luke hadn’t said a word. He looked at the guitar she would play as he taught her the right notes to a song.
“Luke, you okay?”
“No.” he sighed. “I never got to tell her I loved her.”
“Yeah you did. A year ago when you came back after being gone for 3 months.”
“I said I was falling in love. That didn’t mean I loved her. It meant I was working towards it.” he began to pace and his anger started rising. “Now I’ll never be able to say it.”
“Say what?” 
Everyone heard the voice and they all turned towards Luke. Their eyes widened and he spun around quickly.
Y/n was standing in the doorway of the garage. Flynn, being the only one to have processed the situation, went over to her and tried to touch her but her hand went through her arm.
“Yup. Another ghost.”
This new information made Luke feel intense feelings. He ran to y/n and was quick to pick her up and spin her around. Instead of the sad tears he was shedding just mere minutes ago, he was letting all his happy tears flow out of him. He had never been happier to see someone dead.
“So, is anyone going to answer me?” she giggled as Luke set her down. 
“I forgot what you asked.” he smiled. “I’m just so happy to see you.”
“I just wanted to know what you said you’d never be able to say.”
“I thought I would never get the chance to say I love you.”
“But, you did, didn’t you? A year ago.”
“Apparently, that time didn’t count. He said he meant he was working towards it.” Reggie chimed in, causing y/n to giggle.
“But I do love you. I really really do.” 
“I love you too..” she smiled. “I feel like we’ve been around the world and back this year.”
when you believed in me, it brought us together. everybody says that it won’t last forever
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energyanon · 3 years
Surprise reading as I can’t seem to shake off the curiosity. Ok, I’m gonna set them up in relation to this drama. Personally, I don’t believe it. NV would have to have various personality disorders in order for this to be true, among 5000 other reasons why that is not normal, sane human behaviour. But the Instagram.. so many things don’t match up. However, both me and another anon felt fuzzy headed when we were representing her.. maybe it’s not just her overthinking, maybe it’s something more relating to some kind of disorder, but that’s not my place to say. Let’s check it out. Once again I’m gonna type as I go.
I’ve decided for three set ups here: 1. NV, 2. The group chat as a whole as cited on said Instagram, and 3. Henry.
Set up 2. (The GC) first. I picked up NV and got a headache.
First flag: Natalie wanted to be on top of the GC… that’s weird..
Henry is at a distance but he is staring at them both. Starting to feel like I may have been wrong in my judgment here ha.. 😬 I’m really hoping it’s not true cause otherwise that’s fucking sad and NV has genuine issues. But, I’m ok with being wrong.
Alright, let’s start as NV (cause GC, I feel I already know their feelings regardless of if it’s true or not) FYI, I have moved NV to being close but not on top, as one energy on top of - group of energies would be much too hard to decipher.
Immediate dizziness. I feel very hot and my air con is currently blasting down upon me so it’s not me. The group chat feels very little to NV. like tiny, as in I could step on them. (1. This can mean they’re not even being seen, she barely cares about them, or 2. Can feel more powerful than) as we know in the screenshots the latter was supposedly the case, so I’m not going to cross that out just yet, but it feels more like I’m just not even seeing them. they’re dirt under my feet. They don’t really have her attention and she’s not super bothered by them, but once I brought her attention to it She does want to stamp it out, it’s a complete nuisance. She wants to cover them up. I gave them a little tap, which ended turning into many taps which turned into actually wanting to destroy their rep all together. so she’s angry about it. (At this point I don’t know if she’s angry about This situation being a lie, as in she’s sick of these people doing this to her, or if she’s genuinely angry at the group for exposing her) the tiny dirt now feels a bit bigger but more like a basketball sized nuisance. She still feels bigger than them, it’s just that this is so ANNOYING. Still wants to rip them up into little pieces, she’s annoyed, she’s moving me around a whole bunch, she’s angry, she’s frustrated, she’s tying her hair up, she’s not having it. like it’s fucking annoying. this is all so ANNOYING. She’s stressed, she’s annoyed, she wants this over and done with.
No more energy shifts. Incoming questions.
Q: do you know them?
No I don’t fucking know them
Ok do you think that was a friend who exposed you?
I don’t know I can’t think I- (just a bunch of profanities) [note: it’s like she’s keyboard smashing in my brain right now it’s REALLY annoyed]
Jaw clenched, I’m swaying from side to side my hands are on my hips, hair away from my face I want to move somewhere else but I need to deal with THIS FUCKING THING FIRST ISHDJFKSJXJDSNX.
god it is SO ANNOYING like if you guys were all in front of me right now you’d be heading me yelling and screaming and So irritated I’m so I’m SO Annoyed. I can’t even think of any other questions to ask cause I’m too busy getting keyboard smashed atm.
I’m gonna move to the group to just see if the intentions there are legit. I need a break from NV.
Ok the group:
the group have some anxiety, stomach dropped. They’re not angry they’re just looking at NV. None of them can be sure if It was NV - I think some of them doubt but it was a “get it out just in case” situation. At least one of them feel bad. Nervous jitters from my right leg. You know how you fidget when you’re waiting to get in trouble?
Q: do you believe it was NV?
There are many of them so I’ll just say it as it came up. No (1) I don’t know (majority) one of them is a yeah, feels like the leader of the group but even then the yeah isn’t a solid resounding yeah. But it’s also not like a “yeaahhh?” It’s like I’m just gonna make a decision and it’s yeah.
Q: are you mad that nv is with Henry
I’m not mad (1)
We’re not mad, we just think he could do better. (Majority)
Q: why did you do this
To expose her
Q: why to expose her if you didn’t truly believe it was her
There is a very weak “it was the right thing to do” like.. when I say weak it feels like they don’t even believe that, but they’ve convinced themselves it is..?
Q: at any point did you lie or fabricate the screenshots?
Resounding no, but one solid yes from someone.
Q: Yes?
One of them.
Q: which one
(I was shown one of them, it was one of the purple and black ones, one where there isn’t much purple - I’ll have to check it after)
Ok, my leg isn’t going crazy anymore - there is just an expectant waiting. They’re looking at NV, she’s taller than them but not much taller (not like they’re a basketball being looked down upon, just normal human heights) the feeling is just waiting. Waiting to see if there is a response. That’s it, that’s all I’ve been given I can’t even conjure Up another question. (Sometimes when the energy is done sharing its just done, I can’t force it past that and I’m not in my right to)
Checking Henry:
Henry is tired, he’s disillusioned, he’s just staring into space. The other two are in front of him (facing one another) but he doesn’t see them. Genuinely no thoughts from him it’s complete disassociation. But I did ask if he knew about this situation, he doesn’t seem to know yet.
And yet he’s still disassociating.. the thought “I don’t know what to do” came up, but it was so slow and fractured it was like… you know that video of that kid who’s trying to say have you ever had a dream that you could do anything but he muddles it up for 20 seconds before getting to it? It’s like that (I’ll link it when I’m done)
“I don’t kn- I just I - what do I ev- wh-“ and it keeps going but imagine it taking FOREVER for him to say it.
He’s stuck in the disassociation. Weird choice, but I need to do it. I’m gonna slap him. (Which yes, means slapping myself)
Ok, that didn’t make much difference, he’s still super tired, he still didn’t see the other two but I tried to bring his attention to NV and he was already turning around to leave “I don’t care, I don’t care I’m too tired” and then he turned back and said to NV to clarify “I do care, but I don’t, I’m tired” and I took him out cause he was walking out of there anyway.
Back to NV one last time, and then I’m doing other stuff with my day and then I’ll do CE tonight.
It’s always dizziness with this chick, I swear. Everytime im with her I’m dizzy, I’m losing blood pressure. She’s calmed down at least but fuck I’m dizzy more dizzy than I usually am (can be her, could also be me continuously going into different energies, I don’t tend to feel like this though but don’t rule it out)
Dizzy, Im not tired, but fatigued like I don’t need to sleep, I need to just lay down. I see the GC but they can fuck off I don’t care. She wants to kick them out of the way. As soon as she does she wants to leap out at them and tear them to shreds. She goes from 1- 100 real quick. I don’t want her to destroy my representative for the group, cause I don’t want anything to accidentally manifest in real time for the actual group, so im going to create a little thing that she can destroy instead - just in case there are any energetic consequences of her destroying the representation of the GC. Found a little piece of paper I called it placebo GC and we’re tearing it up.
Ok so, I got her to tear up Placebo GC. She got raveonous with it. I am now coming to believe that NV has some major anger issues. To be fair, im feeling how annoyed she is and I get it honestly it’s the only way to get out this level of emotion. It’s not healthy, therapy is needed for sure, but I’m not gonna sit here like this and say that she’s overreacting cause when you’re feeling like she is, there’s no where else for this to go
She ripped them up, crushed them, tore at them with her teeth, crushed them into a little ball again and chucked them away and then we just screamed “FUCK!” For literally about 3 minutes and she was LIVID. I’ve sat her down now while I write this, she’s still annoyed, she’s not livid.
Interesting to note though, all throughout the screaming there was never a single thought that came up that was like “why can’t they just let US live, why can’t we just BE together” she really doesn’t seem to care about the affect it has on her and Henry’s relationship, she’s just annoyed people are talking shit. Like she just doesn’t care that people won’t accept them.
Oh! I haven’t checked on her vs. HC so lemme do that. I wanna see if she checks up on him too, cause from a normal relationship perspective, this would affect him too. But let’s see.
Yup, ok, nothing from her end, if anything she’s giving him the silent treatment. Like she’s looking at him in the way you do when your partner has said something stupid and you’re too angry to answer. But she doesn’t care that he’s there. I went to him also to see if he would comfort her and he was just a brick wall, kind of more like “here I am I’m showing up but idc. I really idc. Sorry that you’re going through it I guess.” Both of them had the ~aura~ (I don’t know how to explain it on text) of “this did not go as planned” however, they didn’t SAY that, just as an FYI, it was just a bit of a shared feeling translated into words.
That’s it. I’m ending it there. I’ve got life admin to do, be back later for a CE reading as promised. :)
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chickensarentcheap · 4 years
Never Gonna Be Alone- Chapter 21
Title: Juxtaposition
Warnings: none
Tagging: @c-a-v-a-l-r-y, @innerpaperexpertcloud, @alievans007, @miss-smutty, @tragiclyhip​
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It goes better than expected.
The older kids handle the reunion remarkably well; fake yet believable smiles plastered upon their faces, accepting kisses on the cheek and praises and compliments regarding how big and beautiful they’ve gotten, and returning enthusiastic embraces with tense and awkward one arm hugs. They’re polite and mildly pleasant; sticking together in a small, tight group as they thank their grandparents for the gifts and answers questions about school and their favourite extra curricular activities and life in Australia as opposed to the U.S. And Esme notices the look of disappointment that comes across her mother’s face when it's obvious just how much the kids prefer ‘the land down under’; gushing about the house and the acres of property it sits on and the close proximity of the ocean. She knows her mother had long held out hope that the kids actually hate being where they are; thousands of miles away from any extended family and never getting to experience the true wonder of four different seasons. But they hold firm even when Michelle tries pushing them to commit to visiting Colorado; adamant that they're perfectly content where they are and have no desire to ever go back to THAT part of their lives. Australia is home; the sand and the surf and the kangaroos and koalas and the smell of the salt of the ocean and the feel of blazing hot pavement under bare feet.
Esme both understands and feels the same way. It’s where they belong and where they feel they can be exactly who they’re meant to be; not held towards ridiculous standards and allowed to freely explore and express themselves in every way they possibly can. There’s no judgement there; mom and dad encouraging them to be themselves and not bend to limits and labels put on them by others. Even twelve and half years ago Australia had been where she’d discovered herself; finding levels of freedom, comfort, and peace that she never even knew existed. The old Esme had been left behind; either perishing on that bridge in Dhaka or left in Bangladesh to wander aimlessly. She had ceased to exist the moment she chose to try and save Tyler’s life over her own well being; mere minutes away from safety yet refusing to leave him there to meet a likely extremely painful and gruesome end. That had been her choice; a chance at a new life with him as opposed to returning to an empty and meaningless existence.
The smaller children have a harder time accepting the sudden appearance of their grandparents; Brooklyn harshly firing off invasive questions while refusing all offers of affection, Takota tucking himself behind his mother’s legs and occasionally peeking out from behind and offering small, tense smiles, and Addie nervously and frightfully clinging to her father. Refusing to allow him to put her down; whining and pouting at the mere suggestion and then tightening her hold around his neck and digging her heels into his ribs. It takes nearly half an hour of Sarge attempting quiet and calm small talk before she relaxes; loosening her hold on Tyler’s neck and allowing him to finally sit down, but adamantly refusing to let him dispose of her entirely. She eventually begins to settle entirely; put at ease by Sarge’s deep and soothing voice and gentle disposition. The way he sits beside them, yet doesn’t infringe on her personal space, the soft smiles and the compliments on her ‘pretty clothes’ and being ‘beautiful just like her mommy’ and having the cutest little nose and freckles. It begins with her hold around Tyler’s neck going from two arms to one, followed by none; simply leaning back against his chest with her head tucked under his chin. It then proceeds to her slipping in between the two men and then finally ending up on Sarge’s lap. No fanfare or big deal made out of her brave move; just smiles exchanged as she settles in and begins chatting endlessly and amicably about her bedroom back home and the goats, chickens, and pigs, and Charlie the Joey that comes for peanut butter sandwiches.
While Brooklyn and the older kids eventually grow tired of socializing and head up to their rooms, Addie and Takota linger; the former now in her grandfather’s loving and protective embrace as they stand in front of the Christmas tree as she points out ‘special’ ornaments and the stories behind them. And after spending the majority of the ‘meet and greet’ hiding behind his mother’s legs and venturing a peek between her thighs every so often, he takes the opportunity left behind by his sister’s departure. Scurrying from one parent to the other and hurriedly climbing into Tyler’s lap; throwing both arms around his neck and curling his legs around his waist.
He grimaces when a heel comes in contact with the scar at the small of his back. It’s been five years and direct pressure still hurts; a burning sensation that originates at the site of the bullet wound and then travels straight down the back of his leg. “Really ‘Kota? Really?”
“Really, daddy. Really.”
“Here…” he slides a forearm behind Takota’s knees and shifts his position. Sideways with tiny legs draped across his lap; both arms wrapped around his son’s petite frame and hands locked together and resting on the four year old’s hip. “...sit there. Other way’s hurting my back.”
Takota pops a thumb into his mouth. “Where the bad guy shot you.”
“Daddy kills bad people,” the four year old informs his grandmother, as she sits in the nearby recliner.
“Takota…” Tyler’s voice bears a scolding tone. “...what did I tell you? About talking about that?”
“We don’t. Talk about it.”
“Then why are you?”
He shrugs. “Making conversation.”
“Well make conversation about something else. And this…” he wraps his fingers around his son’s wrist and pulls; effectively plucking the thumb from his mouth. “...does not belong in there. You’re not a baby.”
“Says who?”
“Me. And mommy. You want me to get you a bottle? A soother? Put you in a diaper?”
Takota pouts. “No.”
“Then the thumb stays out of the mouth.”
Giving a whimper in protest, he curls an arm around his dad’s neck and rests the side of his head against his chest.
Tyler drops a kiss on Takota’s head. “What’s wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing. But there will be in a few minutes if you don’t smarten up. What’s going on? Why you being like this?”
“I dunno,” he shrugs.
“Tired? Wanna have a nap?”
“What if I do? What if I want a nap?”
“You have one. I don’t wanna nap.”
“You’re just being shy?”
Takota nods. “Don’t want to get my brain eaten.”
“I already told you, no one is getting their brain eaten. There’s no such thing as zombies.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I DO know that. All the bad people I’ve come across? Not one of them has been a zombie. Out of all the millions and millions.”
“That many? That many bad people?”
“That many,” he confirms. “And not one of those bad people were zombies.”
“How do you know?”
“Trust me, I’d know. Zombies aren’t real. They don’t exist. That’s just stuff TJ and Millie talk about to scare you guys. There’s no zombies and no one is going to eat your brain.”
“I promise. I won’t let anyone steal you and eat your brain. Or any part of you for that matter. So why don’t you get down and socialize and…”
“No!” Takota cries, and frantically scrambles up onto his knees, throwing both arms around Tyler’s neck and tightly pressing his much smaller, lighter body against his broad, solid chest. “No, daddy! I wanna stay with you!”
“I can’t hold you forever. I eventually have to put you down. What if I have to take a leak?”
“Take me with you. I don’t wanna get down. I wanna stay with you.”
“Why don’t you go and see mummy?” Tyler suggests, as Esme returns with fresh pots of tea and coffee; filling everyone’s respective drinks before setting the carafes on the cluttered coffee table and dropping heavily down onto the cushion beside him. “Mummy LOVES cuddles.”
“No,” Takota remains steadfast. “Mummy’s not comfy.”
“Excuse you,” Esme frowns. “I carry you inside of me for nine months, get all fat and gross and that’s how you thank me? By saying I’m not comfy? That’s some nerve, kid.”
“You’re beautiful, mummy. But daddy’s more comfy. He’s got bigger arms. So he gives better hugs. Your hugs are good, but they’re not daddy good.”
“I know who to NOT put my will now,” she teases, and tucks her feet under her and sips leisurely at her tea.
She watches them together; father and son. The trust and the adoration in Takota’s brilliant blue eyes as enormous hands -with their multitude of scars and calluses and misshapen knuckles- tenderly cradling the back of his head as he’s laid along his father’s thighs; palms slipping down to the little one’s back as he dangles upside down between slightly parted legs. His t-shirt sliding up and revealing slightly tanned skin and the adorable pudginess that often comes with four year old tummies. A high pitch screech followed by his musical little giggles filling the living room when the tip of a nose and the roughness of a beard tickle tender flesh. Lips coming to rest over that slightly outward positioned belly button; blowing a loud ‘raspberry’; accompanied by Tyler’s rich, deep chuckle as he carefully pulls Takota back up and once more settles him on his lap.
The smile on her husband’s face is real; reaching his eyes and making them sparkle and crinkling the corners. So genuine and beautiful; a man who has seen so much horror and inflicted so much brutality on others -and had it inflicted on him in return- still able to smile like that. Reserved for the people that are closest and most dear to him; his wife and children often the only ones who get to witness it. And it’s a juxtaposition; how gentle and attentive and caring he can be considering all of things he’s had to witness and do to stay alive. It still haunts him; mistakes of the past and having to kill people as a means of survival. He has a lot of blood on his hands; toes he’s stepped on and bridges that he’s burned. And if anyone should be cold and callous considering everything he’s done and has been done to him, it SHOULD be Tyler. But he’s become the opposite. He’s patient and loving and caring; hands that are capable of such damage remarkably soft and tender. Strong and burly; intimidating when need be. But possessing a heart that’s even bigger than his body.
“I really think you should get down,” Tyler says, and drops a kiss on the top of his son’s head. “So I can actually drink my coffee this time.”
“No,” Takota buries his face in the warm, safe place between his father’s neck and shoulder. “I want to stay with you. My tummy hurts.”
“Something tells me it doesn’t. Something tells me you’re making that up.”
“My teeth hurt,” Takota tries again.
“Your teeth hurt? Why? Got cavities?”
“No. They just hurt.”
“You got some loose ones in there? Let me take a peek. Let daddy look.” Tyler places one hand on the middle of the little one’s back, slightly tipping him backwards as the other rests on the top of Takota’s head. “Open up. Let me see.”
Takota obliges; bridge of his nose crinkling and the corners of his eyes scrunching as large yet surprisingly gentle fingers search his mouth for anything amiss.
“There’s nothing loose. Want me to yank them all out just in case?”
“No!” He speaks around the thumb and forefinger tightly grasping one of his top front teeth. “Daddy no! No yanking!”
“Why not? They’re baby teeth. You’ll get your adult ones. You won’t be toothless forever.”
“No!” Takota frantically wriggles in an attempt to get away. “No daddy! Don’t pull my teeth out! Mummy! Don’t let him yank ‘em!”
“Daddy is not going to yank your teeth out,” Esme assures him, and scowls at her husband and slaps him on the thigh. “Daddy, don’t. You’re tormenting him. He’s going to have nightmares.”
“I don’t know, mummy. It would save us dentist bills. Yank them all out now, worry about it when the big ones come in.”
“No!” Takota yells, and then shrieks when the fingers that were in his mouth find the sensitive spot just below his chin; savagely tickling until he’s giggling hysterically. “Daddy stop! You’re going to make me pee my pants!”
“Don’t get him so riled up,” Esme scolds. “It’s almost n-a-p time and you’re going to get him all worked up and it will never happen.”
“Mummy’s a party pooper,” Tyler says, and gathers Takota in his arms and settles him against his chest; lips finding his temple, palm coming to rest on the side of his head. The four year old gives a content sigh; arms once more curling around his dad’s neck, cheek pressed against the cotton of his henley shirt. “Tired?”
“I think you’re lying. I think you ARE tired. Wanna go for a nap? I think you should go for a nap. Naps are good. You’ll love naps when you’re older.”
“Not tired. No nap.”
“How about if I lie down with you? Have my own little sleep? Would you nap then?”
“Maybe,” Takota singsongs.
“Let’s go and find out. Let’s at least try, yeah? Daddy could use a nap.”
“Daddy’s escaping,” Esme grumbles. “Daddy thinks he’s clever.”
“Daddy knows he’s clever,” he retorts, sliding a forearm under Takota’s bum and then standing up; wincing and muttering a barely ‘audible’ fuck as he’s assailed by pain in both the small of his back and his right knee. It’s a bitch of a thing; forty seven years old, getting yourself into what SHOULD be the best shape of your life, and having days where you feel like you’re ninety. It isn’t as bad as before; no longer chronic and debilitating. But there are moments of weakness where he longs for the relief brought on by the mixture of oxy and booze.
“You alright?” Esme’s face is lined with worry; hand resting on his hip as he leans down to kiss her. It’s hard for her to turn off; the worry -and even the fear- that comes with the vivid recollection of the damage that had been inflicted upon him. She’d seen it with her own two eyes; TWICE. And she’d been the one accompanying him to painful and gruelling physiotherapy sessions; the person entrusted to manage his pain meds, the only one he let himself be vulnerable with and would cry to when it all got to be too much to bear. “You can take more meds. The day’s still young and you’re nowhere near your limit.”
“If it gets worse I’ll take some,” he assures her, then presses a kiss to her forehead. “I promise.”
“Don’t let yourself suffer,” she whispers. “ There’s no need for that. Just take the meds. Don’t do that to yourself, okay? I don’t want you suffering.”
“I’m fine right now. If it gets worse, I’ll grab some. Takota, give mummy a kiss. She needs a kiss.”
“Love you mumma,” the four year old says, as he dangles over her and he lands a peck on her lips.
“I love you. Both of you. Sleep well. Just a little nap, okay? You don’t sleep tonight, Santa won’t come.”
“Just a little sleep,” Takota promises. “Daddy’s tired.”
“That’s because daddy's old and his body is falling apart,” Tyler says, and then slings his son over his shoulder; fingers hooked around one of the belt loops on Takota’s jeans, effectively and safely keeping him in place.
Esme watches as they go; Takota’s giggles and his pleads of ‘don’t drop me, daddy!’ and her husband’s constant reassurances and promise. His long and purposeful gait familiar; the slight hitch of the hip and the limp that becomes more pronounced when he’s tired or the nerve issues are bothering him or the arthritis is acting up. But none of that matters; the dents and the blemishes and the damages done. He’s beautiful no matter what; surviving the worst possible circumstances and surpassing all the odds that had been stacked against him. Fighting battles with his own mind every day; forcing himself to open his eyes and pull himself out of bed for the sake of his wife and children. And THAT’S what makes him truly brave; the ongoing war against his own brain and somehow managing to keep going and put one foot in front of the other.
She checks on them an hour later; father and son fast asleep on a twin bed riddled with wrinkled sheets and stuffed animals. A long and muscular body looking even more so in such a small confined space; impossibly long legs stretching the length of the mattress, feet dangling over the edge. Tyler rests on his back with Takota on top of him; a flushed cheek pressed against a broad chest, strong, tattooed arms wrapped tightly around a tiny body, and a large hand protectively placed in the middle of a slowly rising and falling back. Both snoring lightly; lips slightly parted and their eyelids flickering as they dream, hair already mussed and slightly damp from sweat. She pauses at the side of the bed; running fingers through thick tresses and pressing kisses to foreheads; eyes closed as she breathes in the familiar scents that cling to both of their bodies. The biggest and the smallest men in her life; both so beautiful and perfect. Takota with his meek and mild disposition; shy to a fault and profoundly sensitive. Tyler with his enormous body and the scars and blemishes serving as reminders of a hard life; his heart so big and proud and loving with so much power and fierceness. It’s a side not many get to see; knowing him solely as a ‘tough guy’ with a checkered past and blood on his hands. But to know him...TRULY know him...is an honour bestowed on a select view; privy to what makes him laugh and what brings out that smile that reaches his eyes and what touches his heart and brings out that softer, more vulnerable side.
She had been one of the lucky ones; giving him an understanding and non judgmental ear and a safe place to land even from day one. He’d opened up easily and effortlessly. The first night in Dhaka -as they lay in a mess of tangled sheets and naked, sweaty limbs- confiding in her about the loss of his son and how the terrible choice he’d made at led him to the job; his drinking problem getting him kicked out of SASR, war injuries sustained leading to an addiction pain medication, the extent of his guilt, regret, and grief driving him to choose a dangerous yet fairly lucrative career. He DID have a death wish; he didn’t deny it and had confessed that he’d been too scared to do the deed himself and that with every job he took, he hoped and prayed a sniper’s bullet would finally hit its mark. He couldn’t understand WHY it hadn’t happened yet; why was he allowed to keep living when he abandoned his own child while he was suffering so badly? Was it punishment? Was he destined to live a life on the edge yet never meet his demise? Was that the plan? Make him suffer as much as possible -mentally and physically- but not actually kill him? It was the first time a man had ever been that open and honest with her; Mark was extremely closed off and strayed far away from sharing feelings and showing emotion. And her ex-boyfriends had been high school classmates; young and immature and with relatively clean slates.
Tyler had been different. She’d recognized it the moment she met him; his hands surprisingly soft and gentle despite the calluses on his palms and the damaged, misshapen knuckles. He had beautiful eyes; brilliant blue yet possessing a staggering amount of sadness, his smile never reaching them. He was a man with deep, profound secrets and a lot of pain; both physical AND emotional. It had been less than half an hour; from the time she’d stepped onto his front porch and their gaze had met through the open door to when she’d left to join Nik and Yaz on the flight to Fitzroy Crossing. Yet she’d found him intriguing. His simple way of life in that ramshackle house; built by hand and poorly maintained yet obviously giving him a sense of home and security. The tattoos and the scars and the strong, powerful build and a shockingly handsome face. A man that came with quite the reputation; skilled and savage and seemingly fearless. Someone with a dark, dangerous and mysterious past yet the kindest hands and one of the softest -if not entirely genuine- smiles she’d ever come across. And she’d liked that smile; the way he would tuck his chin into his chest and give a small chuckle and the corners of his mouth would just ever so slightly lift. And despite those humble surroundings and his simple attire, he’d smelled so good; a mixture of fresh air and salt water and the slightest tinges of coconut and whiskey.
The attraction had been there; right from that first handshake. She can remember thinking how it wouldn’t be so bad to just give in to primal urges; indulge in nothing more than mindless, no strings attached sex. To just surrender to physical and sexual attraction; allowing herself nothing more than being pleasured and pleasuring someone in return. After all, there was no chance anything COULD come of it; the job was no place to find a romantic partner and with thousands of miles between their homes, there was no possibility of ever really getting the chance to connect and get to know one another. A second marriage and children had never been in her wheelhouse; Mark destroying her and breaking her and stripping her down to a weakened and more vulnerable version of herself. She wouldn’t go through that again; give her heart and all her trust and faithfulness to one man, only to have them betray and hurt her. And that’s all she’d really wanted it to be; sex with an incredibly attractive man with a dark and dangerous reputation. She didn’t have the time or tolerance for anything BUT that; enjoying being single and independent and not feeling as if she had to answer to anyone.
In the blink of an eye, it all changed. That first night in Dhaka turning out to be much more than she ever expected or bargained for. Seeing him in a way he didn’t let anyone else see him; trusting her and confiding in her and being as raw and honest and vulnerable as he could possibly be. And she’d turned around and done the same; talking about the loss of her father and her abusive marriage and the loss of her identity and her journey to find it again. Mindless, no strings attached sex quickly became something so much more; the deep and intense conversations, the way he’d smile -genuinely smile- when she’d tease him about his accent or about how tall he was or how big his feet were. The way those big, strong arms felt when they wrapped around her and drew her tightly into him. And it was the exchange of long and soft kisses even though she’d told herself she wouldn’t do THAT; kissing way too personal and leading to the development of feelings. Which were way too dangerous.
She’d gone into it expecting something purely physical and came out with so much more. A best friend. A confidant. A protector. A lover that turned into a husband and who had helped her make seven beautiful, incredible little human beings. Someone so wounded and damaged that loves so profoundly; a man that worships her and loves her with everything he is and everything he has. Who will protect her at all costs. Who has proven time and time again that he has her back no matter what; willing to suffer and die for her if need be.
It’s overwhelming. To be loved THAT much. It brings tears to her eyes even now as she stands at the side of the bed and watches him sleep; his face and body relaxed and peaceful. She pushes her fingers through his hair and brushes it away from his forehead; lips meeting smooth, warm skin. And when she goes to step away, he reaches for her; fingers capturing her hand and bringing it to his face; his eyes never opening as soft, warm lips press against her palm.
“Nugget?” Esme raps her knuckles against the wooden barn door that closes the bottom bunk off to the rest of the room. “Are you awake in there?”
TJ and Declan have long departed; holed up in the family room with Millie and Alannah as the four quietly and civilly play a board game. Tanner had a hard time; seeing grandma again after so many years had been a difficult and nerve wracking moment for him. But he’d done his best despite the lingering trauma her treatment of him and the things she’d said have left behind; politely answering questions and thanking her for the Christmas gift, but refusing to show or accept any form of affection. Sometimes it’s all he can do to hold it together long enough for the simplest of greetings, and he’d done exceptionally given the troubled past with his grandmother. But he’d fled when she’d tried to get too close; screaming ‘no!’ in her face and pushing her away and then dissolving into tears as he fled the room and rushed upstairs to his safe place.
“I’m awake.” The little voice is shaky and higher pitched than usual; the remnants of tears and his meltdown noticeable.
“I thought I’d come and check on you. Are you okay? How are you doing in there?”
“I’m okay.” He sniffles noisily. “I’m fine.”
“I brought you a snack. One of those wraps that daddy makes; peanut butter with banana and chocolate syrup and coconut shavings. That’s your favourite, right?”
“Daddy didn’t make it, but I’ve gotten pretty good at it. I’ve been taking lessons from him; on how to make it EXACTLY how you like it. It comes with a glass of chocolate milk. If that makes my meal preparations any easier to stomach.”
Tanner manages a small laugh. “You’re not THAT bad at cooking, mummy. You’ve gotten a lot better. Daddy and I are teaching you pretty good.”
Esme chuckles. “You really are. Do you want it? Your snack?”
“Not right this second, but thank you. Can you put it close by? Where I can reach it easy?”
“I’ll put it right beside your bed,” she says, and then sets the items on the ground and fetches the chair from his desk; setting it beside the bottom bunk and then carefully placing the treats on the seat. “Daddy’s taking a nap, but when he gets up, we’re going to do gingerbread houses. I know how much you always enjoy that. Will you join us?”
“Will grandma be there?”
“She’s not into that kind of thing. I’m sure she’ll just hang out in the living room with grandpa. You don’t have to worry about her, okay? You just stick real close to daddy. He’ll keep you safe and sound. He always does, right?”
“Well, I’ll leave you to do your thing. Your snack is waiting for you. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I’ll be downstairs, alright?”
“Mumma?” A faint of rustling of sheets and then the click of the lock; a little face appearing as the door slides open. “Do you really have to go?”
“I don’t have to go anywhere. I just wanted to give you your space. But no. I don’t have to go.”
“Will you snuggle with me for a bit? We haven’t snuggled in a while. I miss it; mummy snuggles.”
Smiling, she toes off her slippers and climbs into the bottom bunk; Tanner sliding his smaller body over towards the wall and giving her ample space.
“You can be the big spoon,” he offers, and rolls onto his side and presses his back into her front. “You never get to the big spoon, I bet.”
“Not once in the last twelve and a half years,” she says, and drapes a leg over his and curls an arm around his waist. “Daddy is NOT fond of being the little spoon. He’s much more comfortable being the big spoon.”
“That’s because of toxic masculinity.”
“Something tells me you’re right.” She settles the side of her face against his pillow and stretches her arm out along the mattress; fingers repeatedly brushing through his hair. Pressing a kiss to the back of his head when she feels him lace his fingers through hers and then tightly squeezes her hand.
“I don’t like grandma.”
‘I know you don’t. And you don’t have to. I understand why you feel the way you do. And you have every right to feel it. She’s done a lot of bad things. And SAID a lot of bad things.”
“About daddy.” His voice quivers once again.
“About daddy,” Esme confirms, and tightens her hold on him. “But you know what? Nothing she says matters. Because we know it’s not true. We know that he’s a really good man. A really good daddy.”
“The best daddy ever. If I could pick daddies, I’d pick him. A million times over. Why does she hate him? Why does she say mean things about him?”
“I don’t know, baby boy. I wish I did. I wish I had the answers. I know it hurts; to hear people say horrible things about him. It hurts me too.”
“She said daddy was going to hell. Because you and him made Millie before you were married. Is that true?”
“No, baby. It’s not true. Daddy is NOT going to hell.”
“And she said she wished daddy would just die already,” Tanner bursts into tears; body shaking with the ferocity of his sobs. “That we’d be better off without him. That it would be better if he died. It wouldn’t be. It wouldn’t be better AT ALL.”
“Nugget...come here…” She waits until he rolls onto his side to gather her into her arms. Pressing a series of kisses to the side of his head and his temple and his cheek; fingers buried in his hair as she holds him close. “...I am so sorry. That you had to hear those things. I am so, so, SO sorry.”
“Why would she say that? Why would she want daddy to die? Doesn’t she know we’d miss him? How sad we’d be? Does she hate him THAT much? Does she hate US? Is that why she doesn’t care if we’d be sad?”
“Tanner, I don’t know. I don’t know why she says the things she does. But she doesn’t hate you. She just wasn’t thinking; when she said the things she did. And I really am sorry. That she said those things about daddy. Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you say something? When did this happen?”
“When you and daddy were in Ireland. And grandma came to help Ovi with us. Right before Ovi took us away. Grandma got mad because we were being bad. We were fighting and causing lots of noise and she got upset and that’s when she said it. She said that she wished you never met daddy. And that he was nothing but trouble and that we’d all be better off if he died already. If someone did us a favour and killed him.”
“Oh my God, Tanner. You’ve been holding onto that all this time?”
He nods.
“Baby boy…” She fights back against her own tears; a mixture of heartache and rage; hands shaking as her fingertips clear away the tears on her son’s cheeks. “...you should have told mommy. You should have called me and told me.”
“I didn’t want to upset you. And I didn’t want you telling daddy. I was worried if you told him, he’d get mad and you’d get into a fight and then he’d leave again. He’d move out like he did last time, only he wouldn’t come back. Ever.”
“Tanner, that never would have happened. Daddy and I never would have fought over that. And he never would have left us. What happened way back then? When he did leave and was gone for a while? Things were bad between us. Really bad. Remember?”
He nods.
“But daddy never would have gotten mad at you if you told him what grandma said. He would have been angry at her, but not at you. Or me. He would've done whatever he could to protect you from her. Daddy loves you so much. More than he loves himself. He would never, EVER, get mad at you for something like that.”
“I don’t want him to know. Don’t tell him, mummy. Please don't tell him. I don’t want it to hurt his brain. I don’t want it to make his brain sad.”
“Tanner, you have to…”
“No,” he insists. “I won’t tell him. And you won’t either. Please promise, mummy. Promise me you won’t tell him.”
Esme relents. “I won’t tell him. That’s your secret to tell. And you will one day. When you’re ready. When you think daddy is ready to hear it.”
“I don’t want him to die,” Tanner sobs. “I don’t want daddy to die.”
“He’s not going to die, Nugget. He’s here and he’s safe and sound. With us. He’s in the next room; napping with Takota.”
He sniffles. “Yeah?”
“Yup. I was just in there. They’re fast asleep, snoring away. Daddy is safe. He’s with us. He’s not going anywhere.”
“I don’t want him to go away ever again. It’s scary when he leaves. I’m always afraid he’s not going to come back.”
“So am I,” she admits. “I worry about the exact same thing.”
“Tell him he can’t leave anymore. Tell him that he has to stay. With us. That he’s not allowed to go. Tell him, mumma. Please tell him.”
“I will,” she promises, and cradles his face in her hands and presses a kiss to his forehead. “I am so sorry, Nugget. That you ever had to hear that. I know how much you love daddy. And believe me, he loves you just as much. Remember what I told you? About how he stayed with you in the hospital when you were born? When you were sick? And he didn’t want you to be alone?”
He nods. “And he picked my name.”
“He did. He loved the name Tanner. We wanted two T names, and that’s the one he picked right away and that’s the one he stuck with. That’s pretty cool, huh? That you’re the one daddy named?”
“It’s really cool. I like that; that he picked my name. It’s really special. Knowing he did.”
“Well you’re very special. You always have been. Right from the very beginning. You were so tiny when you were born; you fit right in the palm of daddy’s hand and your toes didn’t reach his wrist.”
“That IS tiny!”
“It is. You were super tiny. And daddy wouldn’t leave your side. He stayed in the special nursery with you and he slept in a chair beside your bed and he made sure you got the best care and the best nurses. He wasn’t leaving you alone. He knew that you needed him. And you know what? He needed YOU too.”
“He did?”
“He did. He needed that time with you. You and your brother were the first boys after Austin. That’s a pretty big deal. Daddy never thought he’d have any kids again, never mind a boy He got two! At the same time. That was pretty special for him. Getting not just one son, but two.”
“Did he cry?”
“He did. He cried when he got to hold TJ and he cried when he got to hold you. He was the only one who got to hold you right away. Because you needed help and they sent you to the special nursery to be looked after. And he went with you and never left. Not until I was able to come and see you.”
“That’s proof, you know. That daddy loves me.”
“He loves you so much, Tanner. More than he could ever tell you. You have no idea how much he loves you. How proud he is of you. And he’s pretty good, right? As a daddy?”
“He’s an awesome daddy. All the kids at school are jealous. ‘Cause he’s big and has muscles and cool tattoos. None of their dads have those things. Just mine. Their dads are lame. My dad’s cool.” He rubs his nose on the sleeve of his shirt. “If you met daddy a different way, would you have still fallen in love with him?”
“I imagine I would have. I can’t see why not. He’d still be daddy; he’d still look the same. And it’s kind of hard NOT to love him.”
“How would you have met him? If you guys didn't do the same job?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I would have gone to Australia on a trip and met him that way. Or maybe he would have come to Colorado and we would have bumped into each other somewhere. What do you think?”
“A singles cruise.”
“A singles cruise?” Esme laughs. “Why a singles cruise? And how do you even know about those?”
“I saw a commercial on tv. And then I googled it. I bet you and daddy would have met on a singles cruise.”
“I don’t know about that, Nugget. Daddy isn’t really the cruise kind of guy.”
“Maybe you would have met at the supermarket. On your trip to Australia. Maybe he would have been in line in front of you when you were waiting to pay for your groceries. Or maybe he would have been behind you and when you didn’t have enough money, he’d give you some. Or pay for your stuff. Daddy would do that; pay for a pretty girl’s stuff.”
“I kind of like that idea. Meeting my knight in shining armour at the grocery store. Him coming to my rescue right when I needed it.”
“You still would have liked him? If you met him that way?”
“I definitely would have. A handsome guy doing something like THAT? How could I not?”
“And he’d still look like daddy. He’d have the blue eyes and the cool hair and the big muscles. And the nice butt.”
Esme laughs. “Yeah, he would. I would have for sure noticed all of that.”
“You would have went out with him if he asked you on a date?”
“I definitely would have. I probably would have even let him kiss me.”
Tanner’s eyes widen. “On the first date? Mummy, that’s scandalous!”
“Hey, when you know, you know. And I knew. Pretty quick. That your daddy was the one for me.”
“Did he know too? That you were the one for him?”
“I don’t know. I THINK he did. He won’t admit it, though.”
“I’m going to ask him. If he knew right away you were the one for him. He’ll tell me. I know he will.”
“Well good luck with that. Are we good here? Are you calm now? Are you glad you told me what you did?”
Tanner nods. “I feel a hundred pounds lighter. That was a lot to carry around. Especially for so long. You’re not going to tell daddy, right?”
“I promised I wouldn't. But I really think YOU should.”
“I will when I’m ready. I swear I will.”
“Okay,” she agrees, then smooths his hair away from his face and presses a kiss to his brow. “I love you. So much.”
“I love you too. Thank you for being my mum.”
“Thank you FOR picking me to be your mom.”
“And thanks for having sex with daddy. If you didn’t, none of us would be here.”
She laughs at that. “You know what, it was a difficult thing to do, but I managed. And I’ll lethim know that you appreciate his participation. And his cooperation.”
“You know…” Tanner flops onto his back, hands behind his head. “...you and daddy make a weird couple. Not weird in a bad way. Just a different way.”
Esme props herself up on her elbow, cheek resting in her upturned palm. “How so?”
“You’re so tiny and he’s so big. It’s funny when you stand side by side or when you walk down the street together. Because it’s SO noticeable; how tall he is and how short you are. And it’s really sweet; when he goes to kiss you and you stand on the top of his feet AND on your tiptoes and he STILL has to bend down.”
“Well what can I say? Your dad is freakishly tall.”
“And you’re freakishly tiny.”
“Hey!” She reaches out to tickle his tummy; smiling at the way his eyes scrunch shut and he giggles. “Don’t you start taking after him when it comes to trash talking my height!”
“Daddy’s right, mum. You ARE small enough for him to pick you up and put in his pocket. And that’s cute. REALLY cute.”
“YOU’RE cute,” she says, and places a kiss on his cheek. “I’m going to go and get daddy up and get him started on setting up all the stuff for gingerbread houses. You going to join us?”
“In a while. I want to have my snack first.”
She tousles his hair and pecks his lips before sliding off the bunk. “I’ve got it ready and waiting, good sir. I’ll see you in a bit, okay? Do you want things closed back up?”
“No. I’m okay now. Thanks, mum.”
“See you soon,” she says, and presses a kiss to two of her fingertips and then reaches out and places them against the tip of his nose. “Bring the dirty dishes downstairs, okay?”
“Okay,” Tanner agrees. “Mumma?”
Esme pauses in the doorway.
“Thank you. For loving me like you do.”
Smiling through the threatening flood of tears, she swallows noisily around the lump of emotion sitting square in her throat. “You make it very easy, Nugget.”
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maroonmorons · 5 years
Eddie falls asleep on the couch while chilling with buck at Eddie's place he wakes to buck gently shaking him to go to bed. Buck went ahead and cleaned while letting him rest and Eddie's like wow. They're not even together yet but that's real sweet buck didn't have to do that. Idk maybe he like sleepily mumbles God I could kiss you while going to his room still out of it as buck's like what and thinks he didn't mean it only he did and he's not ashamed to admit it buck's the best thing to happen
haven’t felt this way in a while [buck/eddie, G, 1.5k]
Buck waves a hand in front of Eddie’s face halfheartedly.
“Eds,” he whispers.
There’s no response.
Or, there could be a response.
Buck can’t quite tell if Eddie is snoring very quietly or ifhe’s developing some sort of cold.
Hopefully it’s the former.
Buck half turns on the sofa, careful to distribute hisweight slowly.
“I think he’s out cold, Superman.”
Christopher giggles, quick to muffle the sound in his hands.
“Looks like it’s just you and me,” Buck continues in atheatrical whisper.
He rubs his hands together and grins at his favorite childin the world.
“Whatever shall we do with ourselves?”
Christopher takes the question very seriously, his eyebrowsinching closer together as he thinks it over.
“We could each eat an extra cookie!”
It’s Buck’s turn to smother his laughter at the suggestion.
Leave it to Christopher to suggest extra snacks while hisfather is asleep.
“I’ll make a deal with you,” Buck leans even closer towhisper. “If we clean up our dishes – I’ll split an extra cookie with you.”
“Okay,” Christopher agrees immediately, as if it’s anamazing offer.
Maybe to an amazing kid it is.
They make quick work of the dishes with Buck rinsing them inthe sink and Chris loading them into the washer. Then, they carefully split achocolate chip cookie.
Eddie sleeps through the entire ordeal.
“Okay, Little Man,” Buck says, bending over to get onChristopher’s level. “You go brush your teeth and pick out some pajamas. I’llbe in to help you in a minute, okay?”
Christopher nods.
“What about bed time?” he checks.
“Don’t worry, I’m not gonna let your dad sleep on the couchall night. Lazy Bones can at least come say goodnight to you.”
Christopher giggles again, quickly checking to make sure hehadn’t woken up Eddie.
As Buck puts soap in the dishwasher and starts it up he listensto the careful way Christopher’s crutches tap down the hallway.
He can’t help but smile to himself. His chest issuspiciously close to bursting with affection.
More than anything – he wants this every single night.
He wants to help Chris ‘sneak’ around when Eddie dozes off.He wants to tell Chris stories and clean up more than one set of dishes.
He wants in ways that he can’t fully verbalize. Not even tohimself.
To keep the thoughts at bay, Buck grabs the dishrag and runssome warm water over it.
He wipes down all the counters and rinses out the rag,putting more hot water on it before tip toeing into the living room.
The coffee table gets the same treatment as the counters andthen he heads back to the kitchen. He rinses the rag again, rings it out andsprays the residue from the day down the drain.
Next, he empties the trash and ties the bag tight. He setsit by the door to take on his way out.
The light in the bathroom is out already as he makes his waydown the hall so he peeks into Christopher’s room, unsurprised to see the boyalready sitting on his bed.
He’s picked out tonight’s book and it sends a bittersweetpang through Buck to see it.
He’ll stay for story time but it still aches a bit, to be avisitor.
Again, he shoves the thoughts aside.
He helps Christopher into his pajamas and puts him in bed.Christopher’s dirty clothes go in his hamper shaped like a shark and his crutchesget leaned carefully between his bed and his nightstand so he can reach them inthe morning.
“Alright, I’m gonna go get your dad,” Buck tells him.
He can’t help bending down to press a kiss to the top ofChristopher’s head.
“Okay, Bucky.”
The urge to wake Eddie with a kiss to the top of his headclaws its way up Buck’s chest until it settles at the base of his throat with apowerful grip.
If only he wasn’t too terrified to try and take that leap.
Sure, he and Eddie had both been single for some time nowbut that didn’t mean anything.
You couldn’t just say to someone ‘hey you should date myfriend, he’s gay/bi/pan/whatever’ not without being an asshole at least.
The point is – just because people could work in theory didn’tmean it would work.
Buck knows more than most people how much of a tangled messlife can become.
So instead, Buck walks around the couch and tosses himselfdown on it hard enough to bounce.
Eddie snorts himself awake, jerking upright and blinkingrapidly.
“You fell asleep,” Buck informs him. “Christopher is alreadyin bed and waiting very patiently for story time.”
Eddie rubs at his right eye before looking to the coffee table.His eyebrows move up in obvious surprise.
“You cleaned up?”
“Of course. Chris and I did it together. The dishwasher isrunning and I’ll take the trash on my way out.”
“You didn’t have to do that, man.”
“Well, you were hardly going to do it while you slept,” Buckteases. “Come on, story time.”
He pushes off the couch, corralling his thoughts once again.
Buck plants himself in the chair that he can hardly fit into wait for Eddie. He shares another smile with Christopher as Eddie’sfootsteps pad down the hall.
“Who took my chair?” Eddie questions.
“You were too slow.”
Christopher giggles and Eddie rolls his eyes.
He crouches down next to the foot of the bed, picking up thebook Christopher had selected.
“Ready, mijo?”
“Mmhm,” Christopher murmurs before yawning.
Buck leans his elbow on the armrest of the chair that’scurrently cutting into his left hip. He cups his chin in his hand and sighs quietlyto himself.
As Eddie and Buck make their way out of Christopher’s room,it’s time to be quiet for another Diaz boy and Buck doesn’t mind in the least.
He doesn’t miss his huge empty loft. He doesn’t miss thefact that he can leave on whatever lights he wants, or play his music loudly,or leave dirty dishes wherever.
This is a home. Eddie and Chris are his home. Atleast, he wants them to be.
“Sorry for falling asleep on you,” Eddie says.
“Nah, you’re good.”
Buck wants to drag his feet. He wants to procrastinateputting on his shoes and gathering his keys.
“Why don’t you just crash here? We have the space.”
It’s enough to stall Buck for a second.
“No,” he decides out loud. “I should get going.”
Eddie doesn’t protest.
He obviously can’t hear Buck’s thoughts.
Ask me to stay – just one more time. Ask me like you meanit and I’ll stay. I’ll stay forever.
“Alright,” Eddie agrees. He sighs. “Thanks again forcleaning up. I could honestly kiss you.”
Buck snorts.
“Sounds like you need to get back to sleep.”
“I feel better than I did,” Eddie has to pause to yawn,which does a lot to dismantle his argument, “probably couldn’t make it throughanother movie though.”
“Well, you should get some rest. You must be pretty tired tothink about kissing me for doing some dishes.”
Buck should just leave it alone. But it’s like a scab – he can’thelp but pick at it.
“I don’t have to be tired to think about kissing you.”
“Um…is this some housewife joke I’m missing?”
Eddie scratches at his jaw.
“I guess it could be? Like – you make my life better. Thehouse feels fuller, brighter when you’re here. I think you’re actually thesecond best thing to ever happen to me. Does that make you a housewife?”
Buck feels like Eddie’s just presented him with a thirtyfive page dissertation on the difference between miosis and mitosis. He can’tthink of a single word to say.
Yup. His name is a good start.
“I…what?” Buck finally manages.
“Sorry,” Eddie says after a stilted beat of silence. “Doesthat sound like I’m coming onto you? I’m definitely not coming onto you. Unless…youwant me to?”
Buck blinks at him dumbly.
Has he been asleep on the couch this whole time? Is this hisdream?
Say something.
“Did I break you?” Eddie questions.
Dear God. Say something. Anything.
“You…like guys?” Buck asks.
Three whole words. And they make sense in context.Amazing.
Eddie lifts and drops a shoulder quickly.
“I like you.”
“Like… Like like me like me?”
He’s reasonably sure that still makes sense, but it also feelslike his brain is currently rolling down a hill.
But Eddie nods. His cheeks are stained pink.
Holy. Shit.
“How long?”
“Why?” Eddie questions, rubbing at the back of his neck andlooking away.
“Because I need to know how stupid we both are. For science.”
“Both of us?”
Eddie takes half a step forward then, his hand droppingaway.
His heart is firmly in his throat but Buck nods.
“Months. It’s been months,” Eddie admits in a rush.
Buck can’t stop himself – he takes two steps forward. There’sbarely anything left between them. Just a few inches of air that feels like it’sfull of static energy.
“We’re both idiots,” he announces happily.
Eddie takes Buck’s face in both hands and kisses himsoundly.
“Absolute idiots,” Buck breathes when they part.
“Shut up,” Eddie laughs.
He doesn’t give Buck a choice though. Instead, he kisses himagain.
260 notes · View notes
floralseokjin · 5 years
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PBN drabble | Yoongi fucks you like the good old times (Set inbetween chapter 7 and 8)
warnings; the usual smut/fluff pbn concoction, yoongi’s hands, breath play wordcount; 4.4k
listen to; all night – bts, juice wrld
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“Hey.” Yoongi’s mouth quirks up, a crooked smile on his face as you open the door to greet him.
Only he’s the only one that gets to do so. You’re not even able to take the breath you need to speak before he’s through the threshold, hands on your waist, lips on yours.
He kisses you like it’s been weeks, but in reality he’d turned down your invite inside not two hours before... Yup. It‘s obvious how much he was regretting that one... If the way he has his tongue down your throat and how he’s tugging at your (his) t-shirt is anything to go by. You’d stolen it a while ago, way before you’d decided to try at something serious. Way before you’d found out Yoongi’s secret torment... His hidden feelings, that you now returned...
“Seulgi isn’t home, right?” He asks. Voice thick and gruff as he pushes you against the wall.
You shake your head. Shocked he’s allowing you time to get a sentence in. “She’s at Taehyung’s.”
“Great. I don’t want to embarrass you.” That smirk should be illegal.
“What do you mean?”
His lips are at your jaw by now, kissing down your neck. Lots of tongue. Some teeth too. “Babe, you’re gonna be loud. Hell,” he adds with a scoff. “–don’t wanna embarrass myself. I’m gonna be loud.”
His hands are up your t-shirt, happy because you’re not wearing a bra, and as he rolls your nipples between his fingers he pinches them. You keen loudly into him, fire shooting between your legs.
He growls. “Gonna fuck this whole place down.” It’s not a threat. He’ll do it, and you’ll let him. You can feel his erection pressing into your pelvis, and as you kiss you can’t help but grind into him, eager now. As if you haven’t been eager forever...
“Y-yoongi,” you break, feeling him return the desperateness, rutting into your body, breathing turning heavy, uneven.
“Missed you so much,” he manages to get out between wet, hot kisses, palms cupping your face, fingers threading through your hair. “I’m sick of being the good guy.”
“What do you mean?” But as soon as the words leave your mouth, you understand immediately. Yoongi and you decided to try things out properly a few weeks ago. It took a while to get here. At one point you thought it was impossible, but thankfully it’s all worked out. Yoongi’s been keen to do things correctly; taking you out on dates, politely declining your invites inside like a gentleman...all that kinda stuff. It didn’t bother you at all, in fact, you thought it was pretty adorable, considering the way you started... Considering how many times he’s already fucked you silly...
However, a girl can only take so much. So can Yoongi it seems... That’s why he’s here. Rushing over gone midnight after a desperate late-night confession over the phone. He doesn’t need to answer you. You get it. He’s not the good guy tonight. The one who kisses you goodbye and leaves you at your doorstep. He’s the guy who’s itching to get you naked. Itching to get his dick inside you like it might explode otherwise... Itching to make you his.
He tastes like the best thing you’ve ever had. He tastes like the memories that’ll never leave you. He tastes familiar. He tastes like yours, and you’ve never been happier. How lucky you are to have someone like him. How thankful. You thought it would take a long time for the guilt to leave your chest, but it turns out Yoongi makes it easy. This is your brand new.
“Need to fuck you.”
His words are tight and squashed, tongue curling along your jaw and you shudder, eyes closing, arms wrapping tightly around his shoulders. You never want to let him go. It’s dangerous how he has this affect over you. Your knees shake. Insides burn. “Mmm. Please.” That’s all you can do, safe for begging.
He’d love it if you did though. On cue gripping your face tighter, he wants you to open your eyes to lock with his. You comply, just to see him smirking. “Yeah? Should I fuck you right here?”
Like you can’t help it a please lodges in your throat, but you’re distracted by his hands on your ass, grinding you into his crotch. You groan. “God, Yoongi. You’re so hard.” Honestly, did he drive here with that? How did he get here in one piece?
“And you’re hardly dressed,” he counters, his hands finding their way under your t-shirt again, exposing the tops of your thighs and just a hint of underwear. “You wanna kill me.”
You cock an eyebrow. “Well get me naked and let me kill you some more.”
That’s an offer he can’t refuse. Even if it’s at his expense. T-shirt a ball on the floor, his mouth is on your tits like they can kiss back. The back of your head accidentally slams against the wall in a fit of pleasure but you hardly acknowledge the pain. Not when he’s got a nipple between his lips and a hand down the back of your panties, playing with the flesh of your ass like he owns it. (He does.)
Impatiences roars at you, whining his name as you grip his head, trying to tug him to look at you. “Yoongi. I feel exposed.” You’re pretty much butt naked in your hallway. Back bent, body angled at his mercy. He’s fully dressed. Seems a little unfair.
He gives you a questioning look, like he can’t see the problem, and with fingers threaded through his hair you lure him back to your mouth, whining. “If you’re going to fuck my brains out, bedroom please.” As appealing as the wall fuck is, this is about to be the best sex you’ve ever had. You can feel it in your bones and you know you’ll need to be lying down for it.
Yoongi seems to agree, because his arms are wrapped around the back of your thighs and you’re thrown over his shoulder before you really hear the end of your sentence. He carries you with an ease that surprises you, although you’re not sure why, and soon enough you find yourself in your bedroom, a slap to your ass as he drops you down on the bed making you squeal.
Beyond yourself, you scurry back on your hands, sitting against the excessive about of cushions you’ve collected in your time. Yoongi hasn’t fucked you here since the time you reconciled, just over three weeks ago, but he hasn’t fuck fucked you for the longest time. Way before you decided you wanted something more. Don’t get you wrong, every way he’s been fucking you since has been amazing, albeit slightly hesitant on his part. Like he doesn’t want to ruin anything, scare you away. He’d confessed as much over the phone tonight and after some reassurance here he was. Ready to fuck you like the good old times.
You spread your legs the same time he rips his t-shirt off over his head, so when you come into view again he practically staggers to the bed. Lured in, you’re calling his name. He’s left the door open. Taking full advantage of the absence of your best friend.
And now his tongue is in your mouth again, fingers rubbing against your damp underwear. “Babe, you’re so fucking wet.” Not an exaggeration.
“What do you expect,” you pout, pushing some of his hair behind his ear. “You’ve been depriving me.”
He chuckles. It runs straight between your legs. “I’ve been depriving myself.” His fingers slip under the side of the cotton, slicking himself and nearly sliding inside of you. But it’s Yoongi, and he likes to tease...
“Yoongii.” Likes to make you whine too. “Do something!”
He smirks. “Like what?”
“Finger me!” You’re not usually this forward but well, you get to a certain level of horny and... “Before I explode...”
Yoongi heaves a sigh, but it’s all put on. He loves it. Loves it when you’re desperate for him. Loves it when your mouth begins to get a little dirty. You’d say more if he prompted you, but he’s content with that for tonight.
Sliding a single finger in you, he raises an eyebrow, a shit eating grin spreading on his face as he begins to move it slowly. “Happy?”
You grumble, unsure how he still has this much patience to tease you when he’s the one who rushed over here not twenty minutes before... Impatiently, you grab his wrist, beginning to move his hand for him, eager to speed up his motion. You beat him at his own game. His jaw slacking, he has to swallow in the end. Like he can’t help it, he adds a second finger.
“Fuck,” he breathes, watching you go faster, the mattress groaning as his knees dig harder into it. He begins to curl his fingers each time he reaches you fully, making your back arch up, moaning loudly. “That’s it, babe. This is...This... Shit.” He’s speechless. Practically drooling. “Could watch this forever.” You moan in agreement as he slowly makes his way over your body. You go to kiss him but he keeps a little distance, whispering against your lips before his tongue curls inside your mouth. “You love my fingers, huh?”
“Mhmm.” You hum, your tongue meeting his, and just like that he takes charge, snapping his wrist into you with a speed you could never match. “Shit–!” You gasp, arching off the bed as your hand slides from his wrist to grip his forearm. His veins protrude, and if that isn’t the hottest thing ever you don’t know what is.
“Because I know how to make you feel amazing,” he husks against your wet lips.
“Y-yeah you do.” Your voice is shaky, body much the same, thighs almost pulsating with the intense pleasure. The excitement and anticipation of it all is proving too much, sure you’re about to cum if he keeps this up.
But then there’s nothing. The sudden absence of his fingers leaves you dazed and confused for a second, chest heaving with an orgasm that was cruelly ripped away from you at the last moment. “You’re mean,” you pout at the grin on his face.
“Patience never hurt anyone, babe.”
Interesting how he’s talking bullshit. Stripping out of his sweat pants like his life depends on it. Your underwear following closely behind. Pulled down your legs and thrown over his shoulder. He lunges for you immediately, grinding his rock-hard bulge between your legs with heavy breaths and rough kisses.
“Oh, and you’re really patient,” you sass, snaking your arm between your bodies to cup his dick through his boxers. It twitches.
He jerks his head up from your neck where he’d been sucking something chronic. He’s perplexed by your accusation. “What’s that supposed to mean? I waited and got you, didn’t I?” He grins then. Made himself sheepish.
You wrap your arms around his neck, lazily rolling into him. He really is so hard. “Cheesy,” you whisper.
He shrugs, connecting your mouths as he speaks. “I’m allowed to be cheesy.” Fair enough. You don’t really have much more to say, kiss turning heated once again.
His voice is strained when he speaks again, restless. “Remember the first time? When I fucked you.” He prompts, jerking his hips almost as if he’s fucking you already. You moan in response. “Fuck,“ he curses. “That was the hottest thing in the world. You turn me on so much. How is it possible?!” He’s rambling now, chuckling in disbelief. You hum, nuzzling into his neck. He likes that, shuddering. You want more. Pointing your tongue to slowly drag up the centre of his throat. He moans. Like properly moans. It makes everything in your body burn.
“Likewise,” you murmur against his ear, surprised when he growls and grabs your arms from his neck, pinning them beside your head.
“Better not be trying to stroke my ego.” Your stomach flips at the sound of his gruff voice as he pushes you into the mattress with his hips, and you can’t help but squirm against him, desperate for some relief.
“Look at me,” you whine. As if you could ever bluff your way into bed. Into his heart. He knows that too, easing up with a smirk. His eyes flicker between your legs, checking out your bareness for the first time tonight. It must look appetising because he’s kneeling back instantly, getting in between your legs as he stretches them apart.
“Let me eat you out.” You pulse at his words, already getting to you—and then— “Wanna eat your pussy.”
You groan, arching into him. “Warning you now, I’ll cum straight away.”
“That won’t stop me,” he tells you, beginning to lower down, rearranging his painfully hard dick. How he still has the patience to wait any longer is beyond you. He chuckles, confusing you, until you look down at his crotch. “Babe, you’ve made a mess of me already.” He’s right. His underwear darkened with your arousal.
Perhaps you’d have a clapback if he wasn’t already crouched down, pushing your legs up to kiss the back of your thighs. He moves down slowly, closer to your heat until you can feel his breath. He licks once up your slit and then latches onto your clit, which is impossibly hard by now, sucking expertly. It has you bucking and twisting around, belly clenching.
“Nuh uh. Keep your legs open,” he grunts against you when you go to shut your thighs around his head, and he holds them in position, spreading you open. Lets him curl and flick his tongue as he pleases.
“Going down on you that first time was single handedly the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced,” he manages to pause long enough to tell you. The second attempt doesn’t prove as successful, words coming out slower and shorter as he continues to eat you out. “Memory’ll make me cum my pants any second.”
You groan, his raspy voice travelling straight through you, both hands finding his hair as you dig your fingers in. He lightly blows against your clit and that’s the last straw. By the time he’s sucking on it again, you’re done for. Gasping as a wave of pleasure flows through your body, and just continues coming. “Shit! Fuck. Shit. Oh, my god. Yoongi–!”
He carries on through your orgasm, laving his tongue across you even quicker. It feels good at first, drags the pleasure out even longer until your vision is spotty. But then it gets too much. Too intense, and you’re whining, attempting to wriggle out of his grip.
“Yoongi, stop,” you giggle weakly, but if anything he just intensifies his movements. “Stop–! Please...” You’re begging now, tugging at the roots of his hair and finally he relents. Kneeling up straight he lets go of your thighs and you roll over to your side, moaning softly, too sensitive to even let the air get you. He wasn’t messing around when he said it wouldn’t stop him. He slides his hand over your ass comfortingly and cups a cheek, making you yelp when he brings the palm down to spank you. You’re squealing when he bends down briefly to give you one big, wet kiss at your entrance. Crude, or romantic, you can’t tell…
“You weren’t lying,” he hums, and you roll onto your back again to view him. “Have I really been neglecting you that badly?”
“Mhmm,” you answer with a nod of your head.
He smiles, your arousal drying on his lips and chin. He doesn’t bother to rub it away, an action you find endearing. “God. You’re so fucking beautiful.” And in the same breath— “Dick’s so hard.”
He’s clutching at it tightly, tugging at his boxers. “Let me suck it,” you command. “C’mon! I’ve been dreaming about it. Need it.”
“Dreaming about it?” He asks, curious but smug. You watch him take his underwear off and gripping the base he moves closer.  You let him straddle your shoulders, trapping your arms at your sides. “Remember when I came on your tongue,” he asks.
You nod in reply, not trusting your voice right now. Not when his dick’s so close to your mouth. But yeah, that night was the hottest fuck of your life. You’ll never forget that in a hurry. Look at you... Getting sentimental over blush worthy sex.
As if on cue, he rubs the head of his cock along your mouth. It’s hot to the touch, seems painful, looks painful. Precum dots against your bottom lip, and you open up, letting him sink inside a little, wanting to taste him. You suck obediently as he continues speaking. “Let’s do that again tonight. Yeah?”
You nod again, just as he pulls out and eases down your body. You moan when you feel two of his fingers enter you again, still a little sensitive but eager to just have his dick inside you already. “Just checking you’re ready. Gotta get you ready, huh,” he says, words slurring together. Drunk on lust. “So soft. So warm. You’re a death trap.”
You giggle at that, rocking your hips slowly into his hand as he fingers you at an almost leisurely pace. A far cry from earlier. “Don’t do that,” he warns.
“Do what?” You’re genuinely bemused.
“Act so cute when I’m about to...”
He doesn’t need to finish his sentence for you to understand perfectly. You grin mischievously, letting him kiss it from your face as he slides his fingers from your core, replacing them with the head of his dick.
“You good?” He murmurs, pecking at your mouth. His cock is still pressed against your entrance but you’re so wet it’s slipping inside on its own accord. You breathe out a yes, and that’s when he pushes inside, savouring it, slowly stretching you out. “Mhmm. Missed you so goddamn much.” He grunts once he’s fully sheathed.
You cock an eyebrow. “Me or my pussy?”
He laughs. “You come hand in hand, babe.” You’d love to answer him back, but he’s beginning to fuck you now, hands either side of your head as he leans down and speeds up. It just feels so good. Impossible to concentrate when he’s inside you.
One hand cups your cheek, and successfully you manage to get his thumb in your mouth, sucking softly as you look up at him. His intakes of breath sharpen despite how relaxed he tries to sound when he speaks. “You have the biggest thing for my hands.”
You moan in response, grabbing his wrist to pull it from your face. If he thinks you want more of his fingers in your mouth, he’s wrong, and he watches in slight disbelief as you drag his hand to your throat. He takes direction admirably quickly, wrapping his fingers around the skin. Yoongi really does have the best hands. It’s impossible to think pure thoughts when you catch a peek at them. Maybe you’re conditioned. Not that you care. They’ve never quite been wrapped around your neck like this though. Feels new and exciting, and you’ve hit new levels of horny.
“Kinky little...” He cuts himself off when he breaks the distance and kisses you, fingers squeezing just a tad. Enough to get you grasping around his cock in enthusiasm.
He kisses you roughly, nothing like the past three weeks. He’s out of breath, thrusts irregular as he slides in and out, hips hitting hips with a thud. He’s eager. All over the place, and he needs to get it back together. You know him well.
“Want you to ride me,” he says against your mouth, lifting off you, hand around your neck leaving too. “Yeah?” He prompts, grabbing you by the middle and flipping on his back. You want to say you’re sad about the absence of his hand, but then he’s sitting you on his dick and it’s long forgotten.
“If you’ve been dreaming of sucking my cock, I’ve been dreaming about you riding it.”
“Sounds like a great dream,” you smirk, rolling your hips into him.
“Was.” He agrees, gripping them to bounce you on his dick. He moans as you do. “Reality is better though.”
He’s honestly so hard you’re wondering if it feels painful for him, but he seems to be getting the relief he’s been craving for. Head pushed back into your cushions, hair messy, damp at his temples. He falls into heavy breaths and choked moans until you prove too much for him.
“Motherfucker. Why are you so hot?! It’s not fair…” A hand raises up to one of your breasts, covering it completely as he squeezes, and you gasp, rocking into him, your arousal coating the hairs that lead up to his bellybutton.
“Okay, okay.” He stops, sitting up and stilling your motions. He connects your lips, curling his tongue into your mouth as his fingers weave through your hair. “Need to keep moving if I don’t wanna cum.”
That’s how you find yourself on your knees, Yoongi honing in behind you. “You sure you’re not just greedy,” you ask over your shoulder.
He shrugs. “Fair point.” You yelp when he spanks you. “Greedy for this ass–!” He rubs the sting away as he pushes back inside you, hissing under his breath, and he wastes no time in fucking you just the way he likes it. Hard and fast. You meet each thrust just as meaningful, loving the way he makes you feel.
“God. You love this. Moan a little louder. It’s okay.” He’s right. You’re home alone, no one else to hear you. Door open. You can be as loud as you like. His name falls from your tongue like a mantra. He grips the meat of your ass in his fist, gritting his teeth as he speaks. “That’s me.”
Soon enough you can’t keep up, letting him fuck you into the mattress as you shake under him. “Come here,” he coaxes, turning you on your side easily as he slides behind, still half inside you. You hum weakly when you feel him pepper your shoulder in kisses. No matter how hard he fucks you, he’s always so gentle about it. Surely impossible, but nothing is with him.
“Sure you can cum another time for me,” he tells you. Breath tickling your ear.
“Of course.” You’ve been close for a while, ever since he made you ride him. If he hadn’t moved around so much, it would’ve happened sooner. He moves a hand between your legs, circling his fingers over your clit. “Mhmm. Yoongi.”
He moves a lot slower now, getting deep as he fucks you indulgently, and when he kisses your face everything just feels so warm and perfect. You push your head back into him, exposing your throat unintentionally. Your heart skips a beat when you feel him wrap his hand around it.
“You trust me?” He strains against the side of your mouth. You just nod, unable to do anything else, bar tear a groan from your throat. “Gonna make you feel so good.” He always does, you think to yourself, but that’s the last thought you have. Brain thoroughly  scrambled.
He pushes your hand between your legs instead. “Rub yourself for me,” he tells you, giving your neck a gentle squeeze. The pressure is enough to stiffen your body, letting Yoongi quicken his thrusts easily. You take them so well, and it’s not long before you’re coming. An accumulation of things really, but it’s Yoongi’s grunts in your ear that push you over the edge.
You think it’s the way your insides squeeze around him that finally does him in too. He cums in you just as your orgasm ends, chest rattling, face in your hair. He slowly removes his hand from your neck, wrapping his arm around your chest instead, holding you to him as you both bask in the aftermath and catch your breath.
“What happened to coming in my mouth?” It’s you who speaks first, beginning to shift in his grip. You successfully turn to face him as he replies. Sarky as hell.
“I’m sorry but you pull out a choking kink from out of nowhere. How am I supposed to keep it together? Plus,” he pauses to drop his gaze. You know that look too well. “You try pulling out a vagina that’s literally made for you.”
You look at him judgmentally. “Is this who you are now? A big ball of cheese?”
He chuckles bashfully, draping an arm over your waist. “I’ve always been a big ball of cheese. Just hid it well because well, y’know...would’ve scared you away.”
You smile, closing your eyes when he kisses your nose. “Never. You’re stuck with me.” Your voice is gentle. Matches your sudden sleepy mood. Yoongi senses it, lifting the covers up to get you inside.
“Having sex with the door open just feels wrong, right?” Yoongi says while dropping the excess cushions onto the floor. But he makes no moves to go and close it, joining you in bed.
“It was your idea,” you quip, curling into his chest as you kiss him, wrapping you arms around his middle. He’s so warm you forget you’re naked. “I’m gonna kiss and cuddle you all night,” you glee, kissing your way down his jaw now. You’re unsure how it’s possible to be this happy.
“Fine by me.” He’s happy about it, cradling you to him, but he knows you’re about to flake in under ten minutes. You speak heavy and slow, sleep calling your name. It’s late and you’re a bit of a grandma.
He kisses the top of your head, letting you settle on his chest, your lips already giving up. “Can’t believe you’re all mine.” You can hear the smile in his voice and hum in agreement. He squeezes you. “Fuck cleaning up. We can shower tomorrow.”
Oh, shit. You’d actually forgotten about that. Poor sheets. Tomorrow does sound like a great idea though. But you have an ever better one…
He chuckles. “Is there any other option?”
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altrcistics · 5 years
❄️❄️ –––– have you seen [ ESME MACMILLAN ] since the storm? some say they look like [ DANIELLE CAMPBELL ] but they’re [ 21 ]  & go by [ THE TACITURN ].  [ SHE ] lived in halloway for [ 11 YEARS ] & they are originally from [ LONDON ]. before the town vanished they were studying [ MEDICINE ] and lived at [ UNI BLVD ]. most people knew the [ CISFEMALE ] as [ ALTRUISTIC ] but i’ve heard they can also be [ RETICENT ]. for some reason, they feel [ UNEASY ] about the town’s disappearance.    ––– 
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–––––– well , well if it isn’t me , b , with a broken theme !! but i’m too eager to pay any mind to it right now , and i’ve got homework due at midnight that has to happen after i get this baby posted . hi friends !! very excited to be here . this is my soul baby esme who is just trying her gd best and is stressed out 99% of the time . needs a 12 hour nap and maybe a therapist . summed up in a word ? soft , probably . i hope you love her like i do anYWAY GONNA leave this here and get to plotting so you can also hit me up at  b a y#9956 on discord!! 
weston and anna macmillan never planned on having a child. they were young and in love, and both had struck the genetic lottery – weston with his brains, anna with her trust fund. while weston was up and coming in the world of corporate law, anna had spent her life in pointe shoes and was at the top of her game as a principle dancer for the royal ballet in london. they were picturesque… perfect, even. until anna found herself to be three weeks late and their dazzling little dream life reached its first hiccup.
that hiccup entered the world screaming a whole nine months later!! tiny blue eyed esme grace macmillan was a fuckin handful even before she was born. as anna went through prenatal checkups, she found that her heartbeat was irregular. further tests concluded that she had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (hcm) which is a genetic condition that affects the muscles in the heart and causes irregular blood flow. it’s not fatal, but it is hereditary and gets riskier with physical exertion. being a new mother, anna made the decision to shelve ballet and focus on this new chapter of her life.
which was probably a good thing! she loved being a mom, and it was safe to say that having a set of eyes on esme at all times was the right choice. she was restless and constantly full of energy. from a really young age, it became apparent that esme had inherited some of the best parts of her parents. she got her dad’s brains, catching onto things quickly and learning to walk and talk earlier than most. this turned into simple reading and messy writing shortly after. she wasn’t a very social kid though, didn’t talk much.
as soon as esme was old enough, she was put into tiny pink ballet slippers. she took a liking to dance, and this is when they realized she’d also inherited her mother’s natural grace. early on, it looked like she’d easily follow in her mother’s footsteps.
dance really really opened esme up. it was here that she started making friends and began tip toeing outside of her comfort zone and opening up a little bit, but her direction changed when she was six and discovered figure skating.
it was technical and lyrical like ballet, but it was far more challenging. even as a kid, esme loved a good challenge. so her parents bought her a pair of skates, and the rest is history. as she grew up, her weekends were occupied with practices, performances, and eventually competitions. she was a natural. and for the first time there was an air of confidence about her.
though she loved it more than anything in the world, her life soon came to revolve around school and skating.  it caused her to miss out on a normal childhood, never really making friends close enough to be invited to sleepovers or birthday parties.
that made the move much easier for esme. when she was 10, her father’s firm went international and he was put in charge of the american branch. thus, the macmillans hopped across the atlantic and moved to halloway for a fresh start, a new adventure.
she took a small break from competitive skating when they moved; it was her parents’ choice in hopes of her actually making friends in new hampshire. and it worked! for a while. esme was still quiet, still a little too book smart and a little less than street smart. even as a kid, she was awkward, but she was kind and clever and for the most part — people liked her.
and life was good for a long time! she got back into skating, and around the time she was thirteen she showed no signs of stopping. in fact, her sights were set on an olympic medal, and though her parents were wary of her inherited condition, they supported her in every possible way.
entering high school, life got a little bit harder. her schoolwork and training kept her pretty tied up, and it was often really hard for her to balance a social life along with that. she didn’t show up to every party. she didn’t really have any interest in going on dates. she kept up with her friends and made time for the important things, but she wasn’t exactly the most open person.
this backfired real quick!! as a freshman, at a bonfire, a senior boy kinda came onto her and when she said nope no thank you, he got pissed. instead of taking rejection Like A Man, he decided to spread a little rumor about them hooking up. this combined with her quiet nature kind of caused her to get a bit of a reputation of being aloof and a bit easy which is so far from the truth. but high school is high school!! and people were fuckin mean about it for a long time thereafter!
around this time was also when her parents sorta…. fell out of love. as in… her father got a little power hungry, a little bored of his life, and like the cliche he is started having an affair. the secrecy of it didn’t last… long and he ultimately left both anna and esme. she felt kind of.. abandoned. like they weren’t good enough almost but.. she and her mom got . even closer because of it tbh. the macmillan girls don’t need no man!!
so she threw herself into her studies and even more so into skating. she trained in the morning and on the weekends, year round. winning competitions made her feel good, and she kept doing so. when she was fifteen, she competed at the world figure skating championship. though she didn’t medal, her scores were impressive and she became an alternate for the us figure skating team at 16. being so close to those five rings was enough to push her further.
she left traditional high school and threw herself even further into figure skating. (this only fueled halloway rumors that she was a bit of a snob akjdfha) after graduating, she enrolled at halloway part time in order to slowly get through her gen eds while training for, yup, you guessed it, the 2018 olympics.
and ya know what? it paid off. at 20, she’d had two world’s silvers and a world’s gold under her belt as she competed in the winter games. her whole life had been leading up to that moment, and she brought home an olympic gold medal in women’s figure skating. that’s right, ya girl fucking peaked.
it was a high, for a while. and she rode it quietly and gracefully. idk she was PROUD ok she worked so hard…. but her incessant need to be perfect and to continuously better herself was nagging in the back of her mind. she wasn’t sure how you could really get better than gold at the olympics.
needless to say, she’s in the midst of a bit of an identity crisis. with her heart condition and ya know aging… she knows figure skating isn’t a forever-thing. so she went back to halloway, taking an interest in medicine and trying to understand her own weakness— a weak heart. she began studying medicine and to fell in love with that profession, but . she honestly can’t stay off of the ice. activate existential dread! she doesn’t actually know who she is!
and then the heckin storm happened smh
with a calm exterior and a notorious knack for being maternal . . . someone , somewhere along the line said hey let’s put esme in charge of the hospital to which she said in a john-mulaney-esque voice . . . huh ? what ? huh ? what ??? huh ???? and then did it anyway
if she’s not on call or working at the hospital , best believe she’s studying because she’ll be the first to tell you she has no business calling herself a doctor 
it’s been months!! since!! they disappeared!! and she’s sort of adjusting to this new life which often makes her feel very, very guilty because she doesn’t know what’s happened to her mother at this point
when everything was frozen she still found time to escape and do some skating on the lake aksdjfhas
for the most part, she keeps herself busy ... someone like .... help her tho
esme’s naturally introverted. she likes people, but she’s a textbook people pleaser and gets exhausted quickly when she’s socializing. she’s always been quiet, never the center of attention (unless on ice) and never the loudest voice in the room. when she does speak, though, it’s purposeful and articulate. the sort of ‘she doesn’t talk much but when she does it’s important’ kinda thing idk. she’s not meek ya know.. just reserved
she’s naturally… very kind. cares a lot about other people but struggles to express that which is why she gravitates towards the profession of medicine. she enjoys helping people ya know
ya girl keeps her shit close to her chest. doesn’t really want to bother anyone with her own shit and takes her anger out in physical activity, disassociates from her sadness by reading. a lot of people know her but not on a deep level. tbh does she even know herself? prob not
she’s not a stick in the mud, but she does need a little push every now and then. she lets loose when she’s around people that she’s comfortable with tbh. behind the prim and proper macmillan facade is.. a bit of a goofball. does not hesitate to participate in dramatically karaoke or midnight swims in a lake.
SOFT as fuck but she’s not one to be walked all over. she’s clever as all get out and when snapped at harshly enough won’t hesitate to snap back. she doesn’t get angry to the point of showing it easily, but when she does, she’s very purposeful with her words. don’t underestimate her she hATES being underestimated
competitive as heck. in academics, in sports, in board games. she’s a sweetheart but she will wreck you in spite and malice or sorry bc she just… has a competitive nature
really does give a shit about what people think of her. like… wants to be liked. not being liked by some people in high school really fucked w her bc she just….. can’t help caring about how other people perceive her and wants it to be positively. it’s in part because of how she was raised?? she grew up in a pretty monitored, strict environment between rigorous training and her parents’ world of the rich (will this change after the storm tho??? we’ll SEE)
values honesty like has absolutely 0 time to be lied to and 0 time for bullshit
SO curious, always ready to learn more
will make a fool of herself to see you laugh
a lil bit of amy santiago.. a lil bit of rory gilmore.. a lil bit of caroline forbes..
needs to relax; constantly Anxious
s t u b b o r n
literally never sleeps
doesn’t curse bc there are more clever ways to express anger
reputation: aloof and stuck up. reality: literally just shy lmao
i have a few connection ideas here!! and a tag here!! but also…
friends from halloway that she’s just… straight up been pals with since she moved there
i’m… constantly thirsty for … girl gang shit. any of y’all watch the bold type? i eat that shit uP AND IT’S all i NeED TO BE . HAPPY OK
esme’s an only child and i would love to see a sibling-like bond for her
academic rivals pls and thank!! mayb in their major…. mayb back in high school…. paris vs rory anyone?
the maya to her riley oh man
a bad influence or even… the polar opposite . to her Mom Friend-ness
someone else who grew up in the realm of rich parents like galas suck but at least we got each other!!
new friends! people who she’s met through halloway and quickly taken a liking to. super interesting dynamic bc… while she’s eager to know u she’s not so eager to …. open up lmao
previous roommates
y’all into angsty exes? i know this is the end of the world and all but that don’t mean wE CAN’T get SAD
someone she became friends w via… skating yikes akjdfha i swear that’s not her only personality trait
someone she agreed to tutor!! or study buddies!! ‘i’m going to cry literal tears on my flashcards please study with me!’
someone she was forced to be friend with post-storm. they step on each other’s toes but suck it up for the sake of everyone else
i .. love combining ideas and brainstorming too so!!! we can also do that!!
if you made it this far i’m literally going to cry bc i love you already for reading a rambling like this . aNYWAY !! that’s my esme. feel free to smash the like and i’ll come to you or message me on discord!! 
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theinsanecrayonbox · 5 years
KP finally finishes Gifted s2
gave up on this back when FOX was stupid and Marvel had me jaded (still does but meh). so here’s the final 3 episodes and my incoherent babble about them i guess, after not watcing the show or nearly a year and only having my previous babble session as a refresher about what’s going on
Episode 14:
 for once the “previously on dbz” segment is needed since,. yeah been almost a year since i’ve watched this...whoops
heeeey opening flashback! i forgot the format of this show...-.- oh hey not-Graydon...you know his comment about “freaks to teleport me through traffic” would’ve been funnier if he was Graydon, since Kurt is technically his sibling...as is Clarice... just saying.
oh right, Lauren was dosed with serum. well, at least it’s working right, really screwing her up. but again, Mom is the only rational and logical one.
how are sewers large enough for a tent metropolis? but oh hey, she knows about past Morlocks hm??? maybe cause some Mauraders action...hm??? or something they previously established with the Brotherhood or not-Bishop explained that i can’t remember, whatever. i’m just happy to see Blink. and the Morlocks have a network to places...like Pittsburgh? i thought they just live din NYC...ok in this story it’s just DC because that’s where we’re set ok, but still...
wait not-Graydon is making Sentinel Guy do the Mauraders plotline?? ooo...
is the Hellfire building CGI? that..looked badly shaded...and Lorna’s hair still looks stupid...though Andy’s hair does too...why do the bad guys have bad fashion sense?
i hadn’t forgotten how Mary Sue the Struckers were though...uhg...but hey don’t sweat it Mom, if Moira McTaggert’ taught us anything, you’re never the only non-mutant in the pro-mutant side; turns out you’l end up being one all along eventually.
oh good back to Blink. please don’t flirt with not-Bishop though. just...go fight Purifiers, since that was backstory for you, ok, that’s way better than flirting. wait Gabby? uh...when’d Blink get blue in her hair?
wait Cop Man, were they dead when you found them, or did you...overall though, i am really liking the atmosphere of the Purifer’s tunnel raid. the mood and tension are great, and the cinematography is doing a good job at keeping it. it’s a shame the editor feels the need to cut back to sunny Hellfire tower to break the atmosphere...but hey
oh don’t get cocky Morlock guys...and grenade, yup cocky. but again, the lighting and mood of everything in the tunnels is really good. the power effects not so much...but tv budget. and i had actually forgotten not-Bishop had a lazer eye O.o
dang Mom you are still best OC here
nooooo you shot Blink!!! baby girl nooooooo. idc about Sentinel Guy’s burst of conscious at “wait there are mutant children?” you shot best girl Blink. boo on you
Episode 15:
flashback time yay -.- but Blink! won’t make me forget you shot her since the recap ended on that...but hey tell me more about her past please, i really want to know why she doesn’t think she’s best girl. just saying “i was with the brotherhood and i didn’t like it” doesn’t cut it...and John no, you’re not allowed to give out redemption to everyone unless they are convenient to your aesthetic or philosophical interpretation, that’s why Krakoa preaches
John you don’t have time to fight not-Bishop out of grief ok. you were a ranger, you should realize that.
wait, so Reeva’s the one to blame for the council of stupid on Krakoa? that...actually makes sense, since she’s done tones of hypocritical last minute rule changing plans. weird.
really, my joke about Sentinel Guy’s heel turn was right? he honesty never realized that there were mutant children? i...wow
hey Lorna’s tiara. it makes her hair slightly less stupid looking. makes her outfit a tad stupid though...she should have more of that green popping somewhere, like her knives or a wrist band, or something.
really John just stayed there punching a wall and no cops found him? bad writing.
oooo is Dad gonna fry Cop Man?? sorry, disintegrate, i forgot what he did. and holy crap he did-sweet!
there are a lot of dutch angles in this episode...
oh Lauren don’t turn on your Mom, c’mon! why is no one thinking realistically?
hehe Cuckoos and fashion joke...although why did they get a pop of color elsewhere...or were the boots white just to point out the dirt
“do you think we can mind control our way to a mutant homeland” hm...should i just put in a cut off now for shots at Krakoa?
Mom you’re the only one with a brain! don’t sacrifice yourself because “i has no powers”
gasp! Sentinel Guy *SEES* a mutant child, now he knows for reals they exist. i’m sorry but this heel turn for him is stupid. i get the “i never saw them as *people* and now i do” but the way it’s framed is, as i’ve said “wait there are mutant CHILDREN?? O.o” and that is just bad writing
i swear, if Lorna trying to save Andy gets her killed, i will hate the Wonder Twins even more forever. but at least i agree with his “well her plan sounds stupid” when he learns the truth. they could’ve colored Lorna’s zippers the metallic green, that would’ve tied her costume together...sorry distracted
Lauren’s shield looks like bubble wrap...and she’s super pouty wth?
ok the Dad-Andy monster talk was really good...ruined by Lauren’s stupid face inserts sure, but the talk was really good.
hey back to not-Graydon and Sentinel Man. ah yes, i knew killing Cop Man would just switch Sentinel Man back in the end, that is also why his little epiphany was so annoying, because ultimately it was pointless.
aw man sappy music when the OC Family gets back together...yeah ok, but still i’ll groan a bit because uhg. but ooo Lorna comes back to Marcos too ok now it’s less groany (but still overly cheesey and neon annoying). do kinda like John on the roof...too bad the over the top music drones it out a bit.
Episode 16:
the finale! i don’t...know what to expect going into this, other than Blink pops in at the end and might be Exiles Blink?
hey the last time shows the reunion scene would’ve worked well without the over the top music. huh
oh the flashback is the 7/15 event. heh Hawks News, instead of Fox, heh. but otherwise...meh, mandatory flashback
so their plan is, use the Uber Mary Sue Wonder Twins to destroy a skyscraper. i...sure, what else can we expect from the Strucker Show (maybe Dad will sacrifice himself and do it all on his own, that’d be a neat-yet obvious-twist)
you can tell John’s depressed cause his hair isn’t floofy anymore ^^;;;
again, Mom’s the only one with thinking ahead skills.
oh, we’re getting spliced in flashbacks...yeah Dad’s gonna die.
Cuckoos! srry, still one of the best parts of any episode. and our dear Esme is starting to turn...
oh John’s going Warpath on us with his face paint (yes he’s Thunderbird, i know). the John vs Sentinel Guy thing might be a bit much, but this is an awesome fight for John...even if he is being a fool and self sacrificial.
at least it was a commercial break that broke the energy of the fight scene, and not just a scene change. also, more flashback, i’m even more convinced Dad is gonna die.
did they dye Andy’s hair so he and Lauren would look more twinny? that’s stupid...and a point i probably already made...
hm...since Bishop is from the future, are they implying that Erg is his ancestor? (though that fails to track with the timeline of DoFP IF this is the same continuity of course)
ooooooo John said it, he is Thunderbird...and i think his face paint changed between shots because that white line wasn’t there by the dumpster scene...whoops
oh don’t tell me the power of friendship is going to save the day. oh good, no, just the standby of “kill the evil cuckoos”
well the Wonder Twins are down for the count, so even more thinking Dad’s gonna die to blow up the Hellfire building...wait...you can’t control your powers when Reeva sonic screams? well Dad has no control-PERFECT!
wow there are a lot of power fights here. no wonder the affects in other episodes sucked, they spent the budget on the finale lol
hey Dad has the same plan i did. again, the writing telegraphed that was the ending...but still, i give Dad credit, he has grown as a character. the flashback doesn’t help though it just spells it out “this is best OC love him he is best ever” which...yeah, this show does that with the Struckers, we’ve covered that a millions times by now
i wonder if Dad touched himself would be disintegrate? also, shouldn’t his kids be safe, since same strain of X-gene are supposed to be immune...or does that only apply to certain power types?
not to play it down, but yup, dad exploded. if it wasn’t so thrown at you that that was how it’d end from, the start, then this moment might’ve had more impact...also the moment itself was kinda “you knew this was coming, there it’s done”
hey Esme’s on their team now, neat! i thought she’d be independent.
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey Blink’s back! but she had a collar on her coat that was reminiscent of her AoA costume, and she opened a portal to a place with burning fire...kinda like the DoFP setting/AoA, and she never addressed anyone by name, just a general “come with me”....so yeah, that was totally Exiles Blink, and not the Blink of this story. that’s really kinda awesome.
too bad we won’t be following up on that since there’s no plans for season 3. but...it was an ok way to end i guess. it closed off the story for our main people, and we all know that it’ll never end with a “and they all lived happily ever after in peace and harmony” because it’s Xmen. it opens the door for other stories to happen in the same setting...and leaves the big hole about Blink at the end, but yeah...
but now it’ll never be followed up probably because disney/marvel thinks the Xmen are the Inhumans now *shrugs* whatever, i finally finished The Gifted, i can check that off my To-Watch List
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hermionesterrier · 6 years
More Than Human: Chapter 9 Liveblog Pt. 2!
Something about it made her look very feminine, and Butch held his breath a little longer before exhaling. He stared at her awhile, then realized she had just asked him something. 
He lets her playfully shove him. He's not even high but he's letting her think he is. He thinks it's the only way she'll open up to him. But he's watching her and observing her and he's focusing on every little move she makes. He's so painfully aware of her presence, of her proximity. He's thinking about how easy it would be to kiss her right then and there and he's careful enough not to blow the smoke he knows she doesn't like in her face. Oh Butch....he's so head over heels for her that it's just painfully obvious at this point.
Those quiet Green moments are part of the reason why I'm so in love with this ship. It doesn't need big love gestures to be epic. The text just lets them...be. The writing for them specifically is so unique that they make every scene they're in comforting yet electrifying. Kudos to SBJ 💚 PLEASE DON'T TAKE THEM AWAY FROM ME
Protective Brick, battling the creeps away, one glare at a time xD
I am commenting from the grave kbye
Brick's gonna be very upset the guys ate his cereal
Despite the length, her hair still curled in circular, wavy patterns against the carpet, like black ink on a blank canvas. Butch is very artisty when it comes to his Buttercup thoughts isn't he xD
Butch completely fascinated with Buttercup like wow too fucking cute
Mitch had said that they'd never done anything worth mentioning, which sounded stupid to Butch. He didn't understand how any guy could stand to keep his hands off her when Buttercup looked like this. Except him. But Butch was different. He didn't know how, but he was different. Uh huh sure Butch. It's definitely not you who can't stop staring at her and you're tooootally not attracted to her that you actually have to force yourself to stop looking nopppe not at alllll
Reds are a mess...more so Brick tho hehehehe 
Fuck it begins...watch as I curl into a ball and wrench my own heart out...
Buttercup, after a horrified moment's contemplation, reached for Blossom's glass of milk and sniffed it. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Smooth Bubbles lol xD
"No part of my brain is in that girl's body, I swear." The suspicion is real tho hahahahahaha
Awww @ the boys showing genuine concern over Brick ❤
Yea sure Brick because hormonal kissing totally normally shifts the earth like something heavenly and puts puzzle pieces into place like duh ofc....fucking idiot gives me headaches why are boys so stupid?
Boomer & Butch barged into Brick's room to keep him company and cheer him up with some weed even though they don't know what's wrong with him SINCERE BROTHERLY MOMENTS ARE MY BREAD AND BUTTER OKAY
Oh my god Blossom is so hopeful and waiting and making excuses for him and it's breaking my fucking heart 
This part is so triggering for me ngl I fucking hate it
Crying does help
How could he ask her to just forget a moment in her life that was one of the happiest she'd ever experienced? I thought, she started, and then tried to stop, but it finished itself. I thought he liked me. FUCK MY LIFE I AM BAWLING
Oh man Buttercup's so concerned and Blossom's trying to get herself together and fuck I can't handle this
Is it wrong that I feel just as betrayed and excluded as Buttercup? I feel so much for Blossom but that's her sister! And it's really unfair to exclude her like that especially since she knows she went through her own emotional breakdown after Mitch so she would understand....she IS her sister too :/ i'm very protective shhh
"...Okay. Is she okay?" Both of his brothers looked up at him. "Who?" Butch said sharply. "Is who okay?" Brick stared at Boomer, wide-eyed, one hand still on the doorknob. Can we just take a moment to deduce that Butch was definitely asking if Buttercup's okay? He got worried about Buttercup and no one can convince me otherwise nope na uh....AND BRICK YOU FUCK YOU BETTER BE WORRIED ABOUT BLOSSOM
And the first person Buttercup chooses to go vent to is....? #besties
Butch's "Whoa, whoa, whoa" totally reminded me of Noah Centineo, that's like his catchphrase! Anyone else think he'd make an awesome Butch? I already casted him in my head sorry not sorry xD
Buttercupppp :'(
Brick suddenly hated himself, more than anything. GOOD YOU SHOULD
Oh he's pissing her off real good oh god
A+ to Butch for instinctively knowing exactly what she needed 💚
"No boys are smart when it comes to girls." Truer words have never been spoken
"Why doesn't he like me?" Blossom mumbled, her tone childlike, plaintive. / Instead she kissed her sister on the forehead and whispered, "To Hell with him. I like you." I AM FUCKING C R Y I N G this is one of my absolute F A V O R I T E sister moments it is FUCKING PAINFUL AND BEAUTIFUL AND BUBBLES LET ME LOVE YOU FOREVER AND EVER ❤❤❤
Buttercup panted for breath, her muscles aching and joints sore. Butch was draped on top of her, his elbows shaking as he propped himself up; he, too, was panting. Her fist opened against his stomach, skimming along the tense muscle before gliding over that chest of his, rising and falling in an incessant, almost calming pattern of movement. She bumped her forehead against his shoulder as she pressed her cheek to his sweaty neck and whispered, "Thanks. I needed that." I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE SBJ I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE :D this totally threw me off the first time I read it ahahahahahaha panting sweaty touching muscle aching greeeeens *_*
I love how after they beat the shit out of each other they still have to make sure the other's okay xD
A small, slow smile worked its way onto his face. She watched it form, almost mesmerized at the gradualness with which it appeared. Like how Butch stared at her smile in those photos and videos? Is this his head over heels in love smile? :D
"Don't see your bra showing." "I like to let it all hang out there, you know." That cracked me up hehehehe
Butch actually apologizing for staring at a pretty girl's boobs? That's a first xD
Butch reeeeeally doesn't like her hair long...and what it represents to him.
This whole scene is everything okay like they're just (ironically considering what they'd just finished doing) so fucking gentle with each other and so quietly comfortably touchy and total comfort zone like I LOVE EVERY LITTLE THING ABOUT THIS SCENE E V E R Y T H I N G greeeeeens 💚💚💚
Yup Buttercup knows, Blossom. She gets it. She understands
I'm better than that, she thought again, jaw set and face hard. I'm stronger. DAMN STRAIGHT LEADER GIRL!
Oh my god Brick fuck off and grow up! You chose to reject the best thing that's ever happened to you so deal with the consequences....idiot.
Only Blossom would use the 3 day rule to force her sisters into doing their homework hehehehe
Brick you grinch, leave the Blues alone not everyone has to be as miserable as you are.
Brick almost went after him, ready to beat some God damn sense into him, because fuck, what did Boomer know? What did he know about anything? He didn't get that this was all his stupid teenage emotions getting in the way of rational thought, that he was blinded by affection for her, and she had no idea, she wasn't looking at him, she wasn't talking to him, no matter if she was only doing exactly what Brick had suggested they do— STOP PROJECTING YOUR ISSUES ONTO THE BLUES YOU ASSHOLE YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF AND BROKE MY BABY'S HEART....this was so well done and human though kudos sbj :D
Wait is that the first time Boomer's said the L word seriously? B A B I E S
"Something tells me Brick's not going to get a lot of things," Bubbles said cheerfully. Like a girlfriend. Shots fired :D
He's so insecure and he feels like not even Bubbles trusts him to be strong enough to handle shit. I see where he's coming from and him being so upset is making me so upset :'(
She hadn't realized how much of a little boy Boomer was, how much he bought into this idea that he was the dumb one who couldn't do anything, to the point where he assumed everyone thought that of him and resented them for it. :'(((
He is a little boy who actually doesn't know any better. Man the boys' upbringing was so messed up and they're still teenagers.
Aaaand Boomer told Bubbles. Now the only one who doesn't know about JS Inc. is the one who probably shouldn't know....I feel like this is gonna blow up when she finally finds out.
All the haircuts though...symbol for the boys' character evolution or a big change coming up?
ROBIN WEARING MIKE'S JACKET!!! I love these little throwaways for them. THOSE TWOOO ❤
Sidenote: 3 guesses who Mike was looking for in the prom chapter :D
Watch as Brick turns into a big baby craving attention *rolls eyes*
"I'd rather kiss Brick than you," Butch sniped at Boomer. "Holy crap, I'd pay twice as much to see that happen!" Buttercup shouted, raising both hands, and the rest of the girls whooped and hollered. HOLY SHIT YESSSS PLEEEEASE GIMME *_*
I would also pay to see Butch and Buttercup kiss just putting that out there...
Buttercup's inner panic at the possibility that Butch might kiss her tho xD
Butch licked his lips thoughtfully. "Cherry soda." He winked at Julie as he sat down, and as Buttercup stared furtively at him it seemed to her that he was avoiding meeting her eyes. Hmmm am I overthinking or is Butch feeling kind of...guilty or ashamed that he kissed someone else?
Coincidence or use of powers that Butch's spin landed squarely on Buttercup?
A few of the other guys voiced their hearty thanks to him. Butch, meanwhile, stared at the full bowl, the image of Buttercup's jaw, open wide and with her cheeks slightly sucked in, playing over and over again in his memory. He suddenly felt a strong, strong craving for cherries. SCREAMS INCOHERENTLY!!!!!!!
Buttercup kisses Brick. Was talking about Brick contemplating the kiss with my best friend (shoutout! 💚). She was saying she's hoping it doesn't turn into a cheesy love triangle or some shit like that but I really don't think SBJ will travel down that road....hopefully xD
Butch is pisssssed af hehehe...wonder if this will come back later.
Let Him come, Bubbles thought, her face hardening for a second, for one brief moment where she forgot to keep it inside, to herself. He can bring it. Let Him try. She focused on Boomer's bright expression, on that happy smile, and summoned up a cheer. Let Him come, she thought again. Her hands tensed, gripping the cushion of the couch. He won't take Boomer from me. I won't let Him. I swear to God, I swear, if He lays a hand on Boomer, if He so much as touches a single hair on his head, I swear I will make Him regret it. I am very much looking forward to that point in the future where Bubbles goes all ~haaardcooore on Him's ass to protect Boomer :D
That ended on a pretty depressing note though :(
God help me when I'm done with it because I will probably be a m e s s
Time for you to join the dark side!
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kirishwima · 7 years
Hey there cool bean! So.. I absolutely love Hance and I also absolutely love Fake Dating, Wrong Number and that "whatever you write on your skin appears on your soulmates skin" Soulmate AUs and I'd love you forever and beyond if you could write a normal life/pre-Boltron OS about one of these because that would be like the most awesome thing ever ;^;
Hey lovely!
So funny thing is, I love Hance a lot too and also really like all three ideas sooo i tried adding all of them into one fic lol ;u; hope you like it!
Hunk stared at the text, his phone’s screen blearing and blurring his vision with its brightness.
To say he was…confused, would be an understatement.
He looked to the message once more, giving it another quick read.
From: Unknown
>Dude hi, look, i knw we ain’t that close or anythin but i rly rly RLY need u to call me and pretend ur my bf rn
Hunk sighed and scrolled down, reading the next chain of messages.
From: Unknown
>this creepy dude is hittin on me and idk how to tell him to back off so cmon pls call me n pretend ur my bf u don’t even have to talk or anythin
From: Unkown
>im gonna owe u like 100000 coffees cMON
It was a do-or-die moment, Hunk knew that.
He knew that the best option would be to ignore this messages-they were obviously not intended for him in the first place.
On the other hand…the person did seem really stressed out. Hunk knew if he was in the situation this person was in, he’d more than likely do the same thing, his fingers shooting a text to his best friend Pidge faster than you could say ‘burrito’.
It was a do-or-die moment.And Hunk decided to go for it full force, before the little anxious thoughts tugging on his skin pulled his barely existent bravado away from his grip.
He clicked on the unknown number and let his phone ring, shakily bringing it close to his ear.
The first beep went by unanswered, Hunk’s anxiety only heightening at the sound.The second beep followed, yet before a third one could be heard, the person on the other line picked up.
The voice was sweet, a light pitch of anxiety clouding over it, yet even with the added stress and the distress of the phone, it was still one of the nicest sound Hunk’s ears had ever heard.
“U-uh, yes?”
Hunk mentally slapped himself, shutting his eyes and shaking his head.Nice going Hunk, he chided himself, way to show you’re intimidated by a person you haven’t even seen before

“Awe babe!” the voice cooed, the words of affection making goosebumps run over Hunk’s body, “you changed your phone number after all? I told you it was about time to!” the person continued, the sounds of background music and chatter now registering in Hunk’s mind.
“I-uh-yeah. Phone number. That’s right.” he stumbled, somewhat astounded at how easily this play of affection rolled through this person’s mouth.
“Well I’m glad you called me. I was just at your favourite coffee shop and wanted to ask you what coffee you wanted me to bring over! I didn’t see you at all today, I missed you.”
Hunk run a hand through his mark absent-mindedly, enjoying the soft voice over the line.
“A coffee would be great, yeah.” he mumbled, slowly feeling more at ease.He wondered if this person had him on loud speaker, or if his own little show of fake-dating this person was more unnecessary than helpful.
“What? You want me to go over straight away? Are you sure?”
Hunk huffed a laugh, quickly realising that the only person that could hear him right now was this guy he was talking to.
“Alright, alright, I’m on my way! Love you, see you in a bit!”
He heard the person mutter something, another somewhat gruffer voice answering back to him, quickly followed by shuffling, the sounds of the coffee shop promptly disappearing.
“…are you still there?” the voice asked, the tone much quieter than before.
The high pitch and sweetness was a show, after all.
“Yup.” Hunk replied, a profound comfort washing over him, all his previous stress diminished.He slumped onto his bed with relief and sighed, waiting to hear an explanation from this unknown person.
“I’ll just go ahead and assume you’re not Steve, are you?”
He laughed at that, shaking his head despite knowing the person he was speaking to couldn’t see him.
“Afraid not. And I guess you didn’t actually mean to text me did you?”
The voice laughed, the sound like water from a creek, crystal clear and joyous to Hunk’s ears.
“No, no, definitely not.” he laughed, “Still, thanks for helping me out. There was this dude that wouldn’t take no for an answer. He only backed away when he thought I was talking to my boyfriend or, whatever.”
“Yeah dude, I hear you, this kind of people are the worst” Hunk grumbled, scrunching his nose in distaste, “Why can’t they just respect another person’s boundaries and get that ‘no’ means ‘no’?!”
The person on the phone hummed in agreement.
“Thank you, that’s exactly what I was thinking!”  he huffed, “it’s so easy and yet some people are just..ugh” he groaned in defeat.
Hunk laughed, letting a short silence stretch that really wasn’t as uncomfortable as Hunk thought it should be.
“I never got your name by the way.” the voice spoke up, a shyer tone in their sound, “I’m Lance, Lance Sanchez.”
He let the name roll through his mind for a moment, trying to think if he’d ever heard it before. He was certain he never did, but there was something about it, about this person’s voice, their mannerism, that made Hunk feel a familiar tinge in his chest, as if something in his heart was tugging it’s way to his brain, smacking it and saying ’of course you know it, silly!’
Hunk shook himself out of his trance.
“Yeah hi! Sorry, sorry, just tryin’ to figure out if I know you from somewhere. I’m Hunk Garett.”
The voice-Lance, Lance huffed, the sound making white noise travel through Hunk’s speaker.
“Man, I thought you were going to hung up on me or something. Which I’d totally get, but you know, putting a name to my life-saver would be nice-“
“Life-saver? I hardly did anything!” Hunk interrupted, his face reddening at the characterisation. Here he was, talking to thus guy with this soothing voice, that was calling him a life-saver?
“Yes life-saver, don’t be humble, and anyway, as I was saying, putting a name to the voice would be nice, but you know what would be better?”
“Taking said life-saver with his honey-sweet voice out for a coffee. You know, as a thank-you for getting me away from a creepy flirt even though you had zero obligation to?”
The words died in Hunk’s mouth, his eyes widening at face heating up.
Coffee? Honey-sweet?
Was…was this guy asking him out on a date?!
“I-no-there’s no need-“
“Aw come on, I did promise you a bunch of coffees in the text. Well, I thought I was promising Steve coffees, until I realised I’d saved his phone number wrongly in the first place, but anyway! The offer stands if you want it!” Lance cheered, the sounds of a bustling street failing to dull his loud voice.
Hunk mulled over the idea, feeling like a fish far, far, far out of it’s waters. So far it could just as well be a fish that boarded a plane and landed onto the Sahara desert.
“Look”, Lance continued, his voice more sullen than before, “it’s totally cool if you don’t want to, and I’m sorry if I over-stepped my bounds. Hell, I just escaped a creepy guy, I don’t wanna sound anything like him myself. All I’m saying is, I owe you one, and if you want to, I’ll be more than happy to repay you.”
“You can even hit me up on social media if you want. I’m pretty much everywhere with my full name, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, you name it. Or you can just hung up and we never speak again, that is totally cool too, and uh, thanks again for helping me out-“
Lance started rumbling, and something in Hunk just lit up, a small bold voice flexing and yelling at him to just do it, completely trampling the shyer, more worrisome voices nibbling at his mind.
“I’ll add you on Facebook. Or snapchat or something and we can uh, see and decide. I mean, are we even in the same city? Or the same country?! You could be in the other side of the world for all we know!” Hunk mused, suddenly realising all the ways this could go wrong. Even his little just do it voice had no come-back to that.
“I mean, your phone number’s nearly the same as my friend Steve’s, and it’s a local phone number so…probably not?”
Hunk stilled.Oh. Right.
They both laughed, slowly understanding how obscure the situation they found themselves in was.
“Alright. I’ll add you on facebook. I’ll talk to you there?”
Lance hummed, his smirk evident even through a phone conversation.
“Sure thing”, he smiled, and continued, “Nice to meet you, Hunk.”
His voice calling Hunk’s name felt more surreal than any conspiracy theory Pidge had ever brought his way.
“I-Nice to meet you too Lance.”
Hunk was hooked.This was a do-or-die moment, and he was pretty sure he just broke the do-or-die system.
Lance’s squeal was loud enough to wake up his flatmate, if the knock on his door along with Keith’s rumble of ‘cut it out Sanchez’ was enough of an indication.
But he didn’t care, not right then and there.
He held his phone in his hand since the moment he clicked the hung up button after his conversation with Hunk, holding it tightly like prayer beads, as if that would make his wishes come true.
He waited for this blessed notification for over an hour, a cruel, agonising, torturous hour, and no, he was not being dramatic, or extra as his friends liked to call him, he was being dead-ass serious.
The moment Hunk uttered one single word to him, he felt the heat rise to his face, his heart thudding and threatening to jump out of his ribcage and run around the city to find the cause for it’s irregular beating.
His voice was like honey and cinnamon and spice and everything nice, dammit, Lance was no poet, but the way this boy talked and the way he laughed did things to his brain, things he was certain brains were not supposed to do, like agonise for an hour wether or not a stranger he knew for a total of five minutes would add him on any of his social media or not.
So when his phone beeped with a Facebook notification that spelled out ‘Hunk Garett has sent you a Friend Request’, Lance was not ashamed to admit he screamed louder than he did that one time he saw Justin Timberlake walking down the street.
With shaky hands, he unlocked his phone and clicked on the notification, the screen immediately loading Hunk’s Facebook Profile.
What awaited him was….it was too good to be true, that’s for sure.
The profile greeted him with a picture of the most beautiful boy in existence, a close up of his face, dark chocolate skin and amber eyes, and the sweetest, softest smile one could ever lay their eyes on.
His heart threatened to stop and he still had only looked at the guy’s profile picture.
He scrolled down, taking a look at his profile, which was set to public view.
Another photo awaited him, this time of the same gorgeous face, now placed in a full-body picture, that displayed Hunk sitting cross-legged in a grassy field, a big cheerful dog with golden fur and droopy ears trying to fit itself onto Hunk’s lap, the boy in question fitting his hands around the dog and hugging it, the biggest of grins on his face, enough to make his eyes squint and crinkle at the corners.
‘Did i adopt him or did he adopt me?’ the photo’s caption said, and Lance wasted no time in his next course of action.
He promptly got off of his bed, where he was squealing and agonising in for the past hour, and headed out to the living room, where Keith sat with a bowl of cereal in his lap, a weird alien documentary playing on the TV.
Lance sat by him and placed the phone in front of Keith’s face.
“Mothboy, what do you think of this guy?” he asked, making Keith squint and turn his attention to the phone in front of him.
Keith studied the picture as he took another spoonful of his cereal, humming before swallowing and turning to Lance.
“I don’t even know him and I’d willingly let him hug me to death.” he deadpanned.
“I know right?!” Lance screeched, and before he could re-think it, scrolled up on Hunk’s profile and clicked ‘accept’ on his friend request.
He had never been more thankful to his clumsy fingers for typing a wrong number more than he was in that very second.
*****The familiar ring of his phone made him shake his head and look away from the books in front of him, earning himself a glare from the tiny girl sitting across of him, although it was a short-lived one-her glare turned to a smirk in less than a nano-second.
“Is that the Snapchat notification sound I hear?” she smirked, raising an eyebrow and leaning closer to her friend.
“You got freakin’ bat ears Pidge, let me tell you”, Hunk grimaced, backing away from her stare  with his phone in hand, “And even if it was, what’s it to you again?”
“Nothing?” she blinked, morphing her expression to the purest most innocent face she could conjure, “I’m merely wondering who it is that’s snap-chatting you, that’s important enough for you to stop mid-way of studying quantum physics of all things, so you could answer.”
“That puppy face stopped working like, two years ago, and no, I’m not gonna tell you who I’m talking with.”
“Please, as if I don’t know it’s that Lance guy you keep going on and on about” she huffed, rolling her eyes in distaste.
Hunk  knew better than to try and argue with her on that-Pidge had been his best friend since forever, and if it’s one thing he could never do to her, it was lie.
Besides, he couldn’t ever lie to save his life, nevertheless lie to his best friend about anything.
“Okay yeah, it’s Lance, so?” he asked, not looking up from his phone as he opened the snapchat application and waited for Lance’s snap to load.
When did the two become so close?
It was only a month since that fated phone call, and yet they were talking more and more each day, to the point that Hunk sometimes forgot they hadn’t actually physically met yet.
“Hunk, my dude, my man”, she started, pushing her glasses up with the tip of her finger, “the guy is practically your boyfriend already.”
“No he’s-“
“Must I remind you your full 20-minute freak-out session when you found his Facebook? You said, and I quote” she paused, clearing her throat and turning to Hunk with wide eyes, “His eyes are so blue and sparkly how can a man be so pretty Pidge I am going to dIE” she sing-songed, mimicking her best Hunk voice.
“I definitely did not say that, and for the thousandth time, he is not my boyfriend! He’s just a-“
He meant to continue, but the loaded snapchat caught him mid-sentence, his mouth slack and turning into a soft fond smile.
The snap was of Lance, a quick selfie with a wink and a wide grin, the tip of Lance’s nose reddened as the sun beat down of him, the glimpse of ocean blue waves behind him, neck and chest bare and peeking into the photograph.
‘Water’s great! Wish you were here too xo’ said the caption and Hunk’s soul immediately transcended to the seventh gate of heaven, if that was even a thing-which it should, because only one was just not enough to contain how blessed he felt in that moment.
“He’s just so…pretty…”
“Called it” Pidge snorted, rolling back on her chair and folding her arms over her chest.
She let Hunk have his small blissed-out moment, even let him reply to Lance with a quick selfie that showcased him and the row of books on their table, Pidge pouting at them in the background, before she coughed and nodded at Hunk.
“Do you think he’s maybe…you know.” she nodded again, pointing to Hunk’s right arm, her point of interest hidden behind his t-shirt.
He looked down to his arm too, soft smile fading as he remembered what was hidden in the inner corner of his right arm, an image hidden from the world under bulky sweaters or light t-shirts.
“Do I think he’s my…soulmate?” he dreaded that last word, the thought itself bringing up bile and anxiety into his stomach.
Pidge nodded again, her face open and hands reaching out to rest in-between their piles of books and closer to Hunk.
“The only way to find out is if you meet him you know? You’re getting along so well already.” she prompted.
“I guess.” Hunk sighed and shook his head, averting his gaze in favour of grabbing his cup of coffee and taking a sip, then fiddling with the cover of one of his books.
Damn summer reading and extra work-load. He’d much rather be at the beach right now, enjoying his college years with a certain blue-eyed someone-
Okay. Wrong train of thought. Very, very, very wrong train of thought.
It wasn’t that Hunk hadn’t thought about it.Could Lance be his soulmate?
Yes.With the way his heart fluttered and stomach clenched with each joke or silly meme Lance sent him, with each quick ‘good morning’ text and short Skype sessions, it was no wonder he grew more and more fond of the bright-eyed boy with each passing day.
Hunk was in deep and he knew it.
But what if Lance just wasn’t his soulmate?
What if they met but there was no glow in their eyes, no burning of their respective marks and swirling colours that’d make each of their marks whole again?
He absent-mindedly scratched at his arm, the thought of that bright yellow circle etched onto his skin, waiting to find the colour it’d mix and match with, that’d make the colour that’d bind him to another person for life.
He already had an idea of who he wished that person to be.
He just didn’t know if fate would agree with him.
*****From: Hunky Hunk
>Hey Lance. I’m soooo sorry but i can’t make it today ;-; Jimmy got sick and i had to take her to the vet asap. raincheck?
Lance sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose before replying.
>>hey dude!! ya no problem, dont worry! hope jimmy feels better soon
The reply he got was instantaneous.
From: Hunky Hunk
>thanks man. will do. sorry again! i’ll make it up to you on your next day off :)
He smiled at the text, even though a certain disappointment gnawed at the pit of his chest.
He understood that life was hard and sometimes things just happened.
He just didn’t understand how life could work it’s way and destroy his plans five times in the same month.
The first time he asked Hunk if he wanted to meet up, was two months after they started talking, gathering up his courage and asking him out for that coffee he’d promised him.
Hunk sounded excited, but sent him a text the next day, profusely apologising because he’d forgotten to tell Lance he’d be out of town for the weekend.
Lance told him not to worry about it, they’d be able to figure out another day.
Then the next week it was his friend’s birthday, so they’d gone out to celebrate.
Then it was his workload that got Hunk slumped and unable to make it.
Then, surprisingly, it was Lance’s turn to be unavailable, his part time work friend getting sick and needing someone to fill his place for a few days, something that Lance wouldn’t ever say no to.
But this was the fifth time in a row that they tried making plans to meet up, and through he knew it was neither of their faults, it still felt like a blow to the side every time, his ego bruised and his hope battered.
He stared at the offensive blue mark on his left wrist and sighed in defeat.
Through their everyday talks with Hunk, the silly pictures and cute selfies he’d sent (that Lance had to fight off the urge to screenshot and keep by his bed every single time), to their common excitement and bonding over astronomy and flying, Lance had slowly started to get this inkling, this small hunch that maybe just maybe….
….There was perhaps a small, tiny, minuscule chance that Hunk could be his soulmate.
He tried not to get his hopes up, he really, truly did, but it became harder to do so with each sweet text and shy phone-call Hunk sent his way.The boy was sugar moulded into a human being and Lance wanted nothing more than to shove himself into a self-induced sugar coma. A Hunk coma, if you will.
He sighed, slumping onto his elbows on the kitchen table, earning a groan from Keith who was sitting across of him with his computer open and his pale skin reflecting the light off of it.
“What are you moping about?” he asked, his voice all bark but no bite. Lance learned by now that this was just his friend’s way of showing concern. “Is it about Hunk again?”
Lance’s lower lip quivered, his eyebrows scrunching.
“It’s the fifth time we’re unable to meet up Keith! The fifth time! Fate is against me and the universe hates me.”
“The universe is too busy minding its own business to hate you. And you and Hunk are practically dating anyway, stop being so sad about it.”
“But we’re not! I’m just-what if he’s not…the one, you know? What if I’m thinking things too much and he’s not even into me at all?!” Lance gasped, sitting up and bringing his hands to Keith’s shoulders, shaking the lethargic boy with intense emotion.
“What if he doesn’t even want to talk to me and he just feels forced to because he’s too sweet to say no?!”
“Lance, I get that you think the guy’s all sunshine and rainbows, and he probably is, but if he didn’t want to talk to you, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t. It’s not that hard to block someone.” he sighed, moving away from Lance’s grip in favour of carrying on typing on his computer.
“…Besides,” Keith continued, peeking up from his work to look at Lance, “I met his best friend Pidge once and trust me, if he didn’t want to talk to you…she’d have obliterated you a long, long time ago.” he shuddered.
Lance slumped back in his seat, face thoughtful.
“That…is oddly comforting. Thanks buddy.”
Keith shrugged, tugging a strand of loose hair back into his messy ponytail.
“Also, your phone just beeped. I’ll take my best guess and say it’s from Hunk.”
Lance turned to face his phone. Sure enough, his Facebook messenger beeped with a new message, alerting him that Hunk had sent him an attachment.
“Conspiracy confirmed cryptid boy.” he smirked, ignoring Keith’s protest in favour of opening up the chat and looking at what Hunk had sent him.
Attached was a photo of Hunk’s dog Emmy, with half of Hunk’s face in the shot, standing right outside a veterinary clinic.
“Doc said she’ll be in perfect health soon! She just ate something bad. Gave her a hug and told her it’s from you and she wagged her tail a lot so that’s got to mean she likes you!” said the message that followed.
Lance let his phone back down and slumped face-first into the table, ignoring the cackle that came from Keith.
“You really like him huh.” Keith stated.
“…I would willingly eat a bottle of hot sauce for him in a heartbeat.” Lance answered.
The scariest part of the situation was that Lance really, truly meant it.
He was wrapped around the finger of a boy he’d never met before.
Hunk felt his phone beep in his pocket, but for the first time in forever, didn’t move to check it, as much as his mind and heart screamed and begged him to.
He was late, he was so, so late and he’d never hear the end of it from Coran if he was late to his first lecture of the year.
He hadn’t even realised how fast summer came and left.Never realised how fast a certain boy named Lance sneaked his way into Hunk’s life even if he’d yet to see him face to face.
He pushed the thought aside in favour of speeding up his step, only pausing for a moment to take out his phone and promptly check the time.
7.30 a.m
Seven. Thirty. In the morning.
In his dazed state, he’d never realised he read the time wrong. The school was only a half hour away from his house, and thinking it was 8.30 when he woke up and his class was at 9.00, he had run the apartment upside down looking for clothes and his toothbrush so he could run out and into the first bus he could catch
But now it was seven thirty and he was five minutes away from the school campus and he honestly never hated himself as much as he did right then and there.
Luckily that hate wouldn’t stand for long-he noticed a local coffee shop across the street, already busy with people shuffling in and out despite the early hour of the morning.
Hunk rushed inside, placing his order to a cheerful yet tired-looking cashier, then moving to the queue waiting for their coffee, his eyes never leaving his phone as he checked through his to-do list and replying to Lance’s text from last night, figuring the boy must’ve been still asleep when he got no reply.
“One cold brew coffee with caramel syrup and soy milk?” the cashier all but yawned, and Hunk turned his head to her with a smile, reaching for the coffee she’d just placed onto the small waiting table.
He stilled when he felt a warm hand clash with his, tan slender fingers with a blue circle on the wrist of said hand.
His eyes widened when the circle glowed, and swirled, his own mark heating up and his eyes burning, the blues and yellows merging into a vibrant green.
There was no need to look up, to realise who it was he’d just felt this connection to.
He’d known from the first time they talked.From that very first, awkward, embarrassing phone call.
Yet he still looked anyway, if anything, just to see the face he could wait not longer to kiss the smirk off of.
“Morning Lance.” he beamed, noticing the green glow subduing from Lance’s eyes, replaced with the baby blues he loved to finally see up close, the smile on Lance’s face too surreal to even try and describe.
“Morning hunky Hunk.” Lance grinned, “glad to finally know what your taste in coffee’s like.” he added with a wink, and before Hunk could reply, he got his arms full of Lance, the scent of sea salt and comfort and home.
It felt right.
It felt stupid to even question it, to ever wonder if this was his person.
Hunk looked down at the boy in his arms, a lip-splitting grin of his own lacing his face, burying himself into Lance’s neck.
“I guess I can finally treat you to that coffee I owed you?” Lance laughed, the warmth vibrating off his neck and onto Hunk.
Hunk huffed, his eyes already watering before Lance leaned closer and kissed his forehead.
“Idiot” Hunk whispered, “You’ve got a lifetime to do that.”
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Cloudchaser and Flitter Explain: Their top 10 Defenders of Equestria cards
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You guess? Did something go wrong?
Then what’s wrong, Cloudchaser?
It’s just that...
There are so many good cards in this set! Cutting them down to just ten meant I wouldn’t be able to mention a lot of my favorites and even ordering the ten I do have was really hard and I’m still not sure it’s the order I want them to be in and—
Feel better now?
Did… did you just boop my nose?
Hi everypony! Have you been enjoying Defenders of Equestria so far? I know I have!
And considering how hard it is to get Cloudchaser to stop talking about the set, I’m pretty sure she’s been enjoying it too.
You can’t just boop someone’s nose like that…
In fact, you might even say we’ve been enjoying the set a bit too much! It’s about time for us to make our traditional top 10 favourite card lists after all.
And Defenders is so full of awesome, it was really hard for me to pick only ten cards to talk about. And something tells me Cici had just as much trouble as I did! Didn’t you, Cloudchaser?
I mean, what would Equestria be like if ponies just walked up to each other willy-nilly and just… boop.
Okay... I seem to have completely shattered my best friend’s brain. Give me a moment to try and fix this.
You booped my nose again…
Well I needed to do something! We’ve got top 10 lists to share with every pony.
Care to do the honors by sharing your first card with everypony?
Oh, uh, sure.
So to start things off, I’m putting Maud Pie: Counteroffer at number 10.
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Now this card may surprise a few people. As, well, she has most of the qualifications for a card that I’d be inclined to say is not good at all for competitive play. She costs 5 for one thing, which is a huge investment for a card unless it gives you a massive advantage.
Which brings us to her ability set. Which, if you ask me, is not at all worth that 5 AT pricetag. Exhausting an opposing character during your Main Phase is pretty underwhelming at the best of times, and there are typically better ways to get +1 counters than when you flip a card.
So yeah, I’d say she’s pretty bad in a vacuum. Close to unplayable outside of a casual environment.
But if you add one other card to the equation, namely Big Mac: Princess for a Night, she becomes ridiculously good. So good, ponies have already been building around the combo.
Ponies like Gyro, which should tell you something.
Oh, so you’ve seen the deck?
Yup! I really liked the idea!
Though I’d probably hate to actually play against it.
Anyway, if you haven’t caught the combo yet, these two friends let you flip your entire deck. Start a Faceoff involving Big Mac and flip a card. Maud will then a put a +1 power counter on him, which lets him spend it to flip another card which lets Maud put a counter on him and so on.
Now, you might be thinking “okay, so this lets you flip your deck and win a faceoff by a lot. So what?” Which is a fair question to ask. Well, two things.
First off, it lets you stack the order of your deck. So you know exactly what you’re going to draw and flip for the rest of the game. And you can even restack the deck in a future faceoff, if you need to.
The other thing is you get to flip every Chaos card in your deck!
Yup. And that’s where her true power lies. There are a lot of powerful chaos abilities right now. And with the right selection of chaos abilities, as well as the correct other cards, you can basically win the game right then and there. Hence why ponies are building around her.
So yeah, she might not look like much at first glance, but she’s actually pretty strong.
Just like a rock.
Well, my number ten pick is nothing like Cici’s, but what else is new, hehe. I went ahead and chose Ravers: Glowsticks Optional!
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Just look at those happy ponies! Makes me wish I was there with them. They’re having so much fun!
Almost as much fun as I have making millions of Earth Pony tokens with their ability!
...Have you actually literally made millions?
Don’t be silly, Cici. That’d take forever to put them all into play.
I just stop at the first couple thousand or so.
Of course. How silly of me.
Oh, and because some ponies miss this when they first see the card, but Ravers actually make tokens when you play them. They trigger themselves!
Which just makes sense, cause you can’t have a rave without lots and lots of ponies participating! So naturally they’d bring friends with them when they first arrive.
And the party keeps going with new friends coming and going all the time. Everypony on the dance floor!
I’ll, um. I’ll stay home, thanks.
That’s okay. Ravers work wherever they are! Even from home!
So they can bring the party to you.
...I’m going to move on to the next card.
So I just got done talking about a 5 cost, 3 req, 5 power Orange Earth Pony. And, well, I guess I’m not done doing that since my next pick is Applejack: Captain of the Seven Seas.
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Yar har har. Shiver me timbers, be that an ultra rare I see? Yar har har.
Uh… sure.
Again, normally I wouldn’t really want to pay 5 AT for just one friend. You can usually do more with your AT than just that. But, in this case? The effect is absolutely worth it.
Basically this is a mono-Orange Party of One.
Sure, there are a few differences. like the fact that this affects resources and Troublemakers too, or the fact that both players get to keep things instead of just one player, but the principle is pretty similar. And a single colour Party of One is pretty nuts.
Now, yes. There are times you won’t want to play this. Like if your opponent has fewer friends than you, or you just can’t afford to get rid of your board state, or whatever. But that was true of Party of One too. And the times that you do want to play her? Well, it’s proven to be very effective.
Very, very effective… I may have been on the receiving end of Captain AJ a few times now.
Plus whenever you play her, you have an excuse to talk like a pirate for the rest of the game. Yar har har! Avast! Dead ponies tell no tales!
Okay, you are having way too much fun with this.
Silence, scurvy dog! Or else I be making ye sleep with the fishes.
Heh, you’d have to catch me first.
Oh, I’ll catch you, don’t worry about that.
But I should probably continue with my next card. Which is Pinkie’s Present!
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Which is the first Song card I’ve put on these lists! What’s wrong with me, I love the song cards!
Ah well, problem solved now, hehe.
So this is on the list mostly just because I like the song. It’s just fun! Who doesn’t love presents or spending time with friends, hehe.
Though it also has a friend borrowing mode, and that’s one of my favourite things to do in this game. And the other options aren’t bad either!
It’s just a fun card with fun art based on a fun song!
Bit of a shame I couldn’t find room on the list for more songs, though, since they’re all pretty fun somehow. But oh well.
Eh, I would have gone with It’s Gonna Work myself if I was going to put a song on today’s list, but yeah, that’s a fine card too.
Anyway, my number eight card is Tri-Horned Bunyip: Elusive Myth.
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Three Super or Ultra Rare cards in a row, huh Cici? Is every card on your list going to be shiny?
What? No!
...It’s just a coincidence.
I’m just giving you a hard time, Cici. Go on with your list.
Anyway it’s no secret that I love aggro. And a key part of aggro decks is point acceleration. Something basically only Blue and White had before Defenders. Which basically meant to be competitive and also be playing aggro, you had to be playing Blue, White, or both.
But with the introduction of Bunyip, Yellow’s got it now too! And this is actually pretty good point acceleration at that. 1 AT for 1 point is pretty fantastic. And it’s much easier to get that point than, say, Night Glider: Overpowering’s points.
Now sure, you do frighten Bunyip to do it. But that’s pretty minor.
Let’s compare to Rarity: Truly Outrageous, who does something pretty similar and is more or less universally considered to be a good card. With RTO, you move her home to score points. It then normally takes you 2 AT to move her back. Similarly, it costs you 2 AT to rally Bunyip. Same cost.
Yeah, there are other differences. RTO has less req, so can be used more easily if White is your off colour, and cares about higher bonus problems, for example. Plus she has 2 power, and it costs you to same amount to score points off her next turn even if you started a faceoff, while it’d take 3 AT to get Bunyip to a problem and unfrightened. And so on.
But Bunyip has advantages too. 1 initial cost is pretty cheap, and there are a few cards that care about 1 cost friends, like Find the Music In You or Pinkie Pie: One Filly Party. Plus, being a critter plays nicely with several of Yellow’s other strategies.
And most importantly, it’s in Yellow, a colour that otherwise has no point acceleration at all. That’s really the most important part.
It’s just a good card. And shouldn’t be underestimated.
My number eight pick is an Ultra Rare too! And let me tell you something…
Evil doers better run and hide because the protectors of a great nation are here to fight.
The Defenders of Spiketopia: Magic and Might!
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...Not the nation I thought you were talking about, I admit.
Hey, imaginary nations can be great nations too!
Defenders of Spiketopia is great! Not only does it have my favourite art in the entire set, with everypony striking a cool pose, but it’s also got a whopping five different traits!
With trait icons to match, hehe. I bet they had to bust out something special to handle that!
Honestly it just annoys me that the trait icons aren’t in the same order as they are listed.
Huh? They aren’t?
They aren’t!
Yeah, I noticed it right away. It’s super minor, but man does it bug me for some reason.
Oh well. It’s still a super fun card with cool art!
...Aren’t you forgetting something?
Hrm? No, don’t think so.
What about their abilities?
Oh, I don’t care about that at all, honestly. Farming’s not my style. I just like the art and the traits, hehe. And I guess also the fact that their name references the actual set name, which is cute.
Though a bit confusing since we also have a Defenders of Equestria card… Ah well.
What’s next, Cici?
That would be my number seven pick, Changeling Mimics: Unreasonable Facsimiles.
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I have the sneaking suspicion I should put this card higher on my list… but I dunno, this just seems to be the place for it.
Which says something about the rest of the cards on the list, because Mimics is really good.
Paying +3 AT to play any cards of the chosen type is pretty huge. You may as well not be able to play them at all, that’s such a huge tax. And unlike Octavia: Harsh Judge, you don’t need to know exactly what the opponent has in their hand, just what they’re likely to have in their hand.
Now, most of the time, you’re going to choose event with this card. Events are the cards that can be played on both players’ turns, and are far more common than either resources or troublemakers. But don’t discount the other options either.
Dilemmas are resources while not in play, for example, and players aren’t going to want to play them at +3 AT. Similarly, Singing Barrel, one of the most common forms of entry in the game, is really difficult to use if it suddenly costs 4.
And of course, making Troublemakers cost 4 makes it a bit more painful to play an epic to get rid of the Mimics due to uniqueness. Not impossible, of course, just expensive.
But let’s face it, that’s just a bonus. You’re almost always going to name event because it’s generally going to be the most useful. The other options are just icing on the cake.
Oh, and don’t forget the 6 power. They even do a decent job of protecting themselves against Friends due to being big. Though not so large they’re insurmountable.
I’m just glad they have a bonus higher than 0 so if you defeat them, you get something out of it.
Oh yeah, good point. It does have a drawback.
But then again, it’d have to. It’d be pretty insane without a drawback of some kind.
And even with the drawback, I think it’s the best non-epic Troublemaker we’ve seen in awhile.
What about Tantabus?
That doesn't count. It wasn’t good because it was a Troublemaker, it was good because of its chaos.
Well, speaking of Tantabus, I hope you’re ready to have nightmares…
Because my number seven pick, Zomponies: Terrifying Infestation, is coming to town!
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It kind of spoils the spooky factor when you smile like that.
These horrifying ponies have eaten so many cookies, it did something terrifying to them. Muzzles eternally stained by the objects of their undying desire, they roam all of Ponyville in search of even more tasty cookies to devour. But no matter how many they eat, their cursed hunger never diminishes.
Or maybe it was just one giant prank at Rainbow Dash’s expense, hehe. One of the two!
Yeah, it was that second one. Everypony was in on it, Flits, it’s not like you’re telling anypony anything they don’t already know.
Not everypony! Only those of us here in Ponyville.
Shouldn’t you be talking about the card?
I am, silly! The card comes with the story!
Plus it’s kind of fun just frightening everything over and over. Sure, there are better ways, but none that are so ripe with the ability to tell ghost stories while you do so.
Well, uh, besides Spooky Scary Story, I guess. Or Rainbow Dash: Goosebump Giver.
But hey, why not run them all? The perfect deck to play against somepony if you’re going camping and need an excuse to tell scary stories!
Do ponies really bring card games with them when they go camping?
Probably not. But hey, now that we gave everypony the idea, maybe somepony will!
You are one weird pony, Flitter.
Guilty as charged.
Well, let’s move on. My number six pick is Turning Point.
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Now I know what some of you are going to say.
“Turning Point isn’t as good as Cracking the Case.”
And yeah, you’re right. It’s not. Immediate timing is insanely good, and banishing is always better than just dismissing. If you have the option of running one or the other, you should definitely pick Cracking the Case.
That being said, I still absolutely nove this card.
1 AT to dismiss a TM during the Main Phase by itself would be already the second best TM buster in the game right now, after Cracking the Case. Yes, even better than Epic Win, in my opinion.
Not only does being 3 req make it substantially easier to cast than Epic Win’s 4, but Main Phase timing is way better than Troublemaker Phase.
Having Main Phase timing means that if you pay AT to draw it, you can play it immediately to confront that turn without the opponent being able to mess with it somehow on their turn. Also, 1AT is about as cheap as you can get for this kind of effect.
And this card does more than that! The optional ability to discard a card to borrow a TM permanently is huge!
Especially if you borrow the card CIci was just talking about, hehe.
Yup. Suddenly it’s not you who has to pay +3 to play cards, but your opponent!
And that’s not the only good TM to borrow. Yellow Parasprite, Rarity: Hoarder, and so on are pretty solid candidates since now you’re getting the benefit instead of them.
Really, borrowing any non-epic TM can be worth it. So long as it prevents the opponent from confronting for a turn or two while letting you confront.
Sadly, there are no epic TMs that benefit you for borrowing them, really. You’re probably just better off dismissing them.
Good thing the card can do that too.
Heh, yeah. Good thing.
Anyway, I’m really pleased with this card and feel its utility is great. I look forward to using it in all my Yellow aggro decks.
Well, I look forward to making super big friends with my number six pick, Trixie: Smoke and Mirrors!
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Playing events is fun and making big friends is fun, and this card lets you do both! She can get super big super fast.
One event makes her 4 power. Two events means 8 power. And ten events? A whopping 2,048 power! Twenty events? Over a million. A hundred events?
Two nonillion, five hundred thirty-five octillion, three hundred one septillion, two hundred sextillion, four hundred fifty-six quintillion, four hundred fifty-eight quadrillion, eight hundred two trillion, nine hundred ninety-three billion, four hundred six million, four hundred ten thousand, seven hundred fifty-two power!
Which is good enough to win most faceoffs, let me tell you, hehe.
...How do you even know that?
What do you think Rainbowshine and I have been doing these past few weeks?
Making stupidly large Trixies?
Amongst other things, yes!
To see if we could!
To be honest, we could have gone higher if we wanted to! But a hundred and one events just seemed excessive.
Whatever makes you happy, I guess?
Now maybe working together with your opponent to make nonillion plus power Trixies isn’t your cup of tea, much like it isn’t Cloudchaser’s. But it’s still pretty fun to see just how big you can make her when playing a normal game.
Plus she’s a unicorn and a changeling, despite being one pony! You gotta love fun flavour like that.
So wait…
Trixie is actually a changeling?
No, silly! The other Trixie is Thorax.
Oh. Right. I knew that.
Your turn!
Well my fifth pick doesn’t have the ability to breach a million power…
...But I think it’s still pretty awesome.
In fact, it can easily stop that giant friend with ease. I’m talking about Belly Flop.
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So Belly Flop is probably the best removal card in the game right now. For 1 AT, you can dismiss just about every friend in the game at Immediate timing. That’s insane.
Sure, you do have to retire a friend to play it…
But Pink has no shortage of ways to make friends. Whether it’s an Earth Pony Token, someone you want to retire like Party Favor: Balloon Master, or simply a friend at home you’re no longer using, chances are you’ll have somepony you don’t mind retiring.
Of course, the best way to use it is to combine it with borrowing effects like Pinkie’s Present, which lets you retire your opponent’s friend to dismiss another opponent’s friend. This is ridiculously strong.
And fun! Well, for you. Your opponent might grumble a bit.
Not really much else to say. Just super solid removal that I expect to see an awful lot of in the immediate future, if not forever.
Well, I won’t let your dive bombing Trixies ruin my plans to make the biggest friends ever. Because my number five pick is Cheerilee: Cheerileeder!
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Uhh, how does she stop me from ruining your plans?
Well, she doesn’t.
I just wanted to emphasize I like making the biggest friends ever!
Oooookay, then.
Anyway, Cheerilee is great! If you’ve got a giant friend at home, you can use that giant friend to make another giant friend even gianter!
Why have one friend at nonillion plus power when you could have two?
With one of them at home…
I just played a hundred events, you think I can’t spare a couple AT to move my Trixie at home?
Fair point.
Even without silly plans to make giant friends, it’s just fun moving power around! It’s like your friends are all working together to help each other confront those problems! How fun is that?
Not to mention Cheerilee looks amazing in her cheerleader outfit. And she’s so happy!
You just put this card on here for the art, didn’t you?
Maaaaybe. I’ll never tell!
Moving on to my number four pick, we have Gabby: Lending a Claw.
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Getting into the really good cards now.
Oh, I like Gabby! She’s so helpful and cheerful!
Well, her card is definitely helpful, that’s for sure. The longer a game goes on, the more likely it is you’re going to run out of cards in hand. But Gabby here helps with that pretty amazingly.
More cards in hand means more options, after all. And Gabby ensures you always end your turn with at least four. Which is great for aggro decks that try to play a lot of cards in any given turn.
Not that you’d know anything about that.
Huh? I play aggro all the time.
That’s the joke, silly.
Oh… right.
Anyway, Gabby’s potential to keep you going in the mid to late game without resorting to having to pay to draw is pretty great. Four cards is a lot. You won’t usually get to draw a full four, since you’ll have five on your next turn, but even drawing just two cards off of her is fantastic.
She is basically worth running in any Pink deck that plays lots of cards.
Unless, of course, you’re using Vinyl. She can keep your hand full all on her own, so Gabby’s not needed.
Which kinda puts her in this weird space where she’s best as an off colour friend since if you’re playing a competitive deck with a Pink Mane, you’re almost certainly using Vinyl.
Good thing she’s only got 2 req then, huh?
By the way, Cici…
Have you happened to hear the new hit song that’s been the rage all across Equestria lately?
Oh, you mean Coloratura’s latest hit? Yeah, it’s great! I love everything she does!
Nope, not Coloratura!
Uhh…. Sapphire Shores then? She’s okay, but she’s got nothing on Coloratura.
I’m so pleased I got to actually help out with the preparations when she came to Ponyville! Seeing her in concert was great.
I’m not talking about a Coloratura song, Cici!
Well, who’s it by, then?
Ponyville’s very own princess!
Huh. I didn’t know that Twilight—
I see where this is going.
Sweep Sweep Sweep!
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My number four pick.
How did I not see this coming sooner?
You were too busy fangirling all over Coloratura, hehe.
I wasn’t fangirling...
Anyway, I really don’t have much to say about the card. It’s just got a fun name referencing a silly little bit in Princess Twilight’s history, hehe.
And it never fails to make me laugh! I just love it.
Not sure why they didn’t just actually make it a Song, though. I mean, it even says it’s a song right there in the title!
Maybe because it’s not a song?
Sure it is!
Sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep.
Repeating one word over and over doesn’t make it a song.
Sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep.
Knock it off already.
Sweep sweep sweep sweep sweep!
Anyway, moving on to my number three pick…
Once again, I had some trouble organizing the top 3. They’re all really powerful cards, and picking which one was the best was pretty hard.
But after careful consideration, I came up with this particular list. And I’m pretty pleased with the outcome.
Enough Buildup, Cici! Which card is number three?
Heh, alright then. Sweetie Belle: Most Traditional gets the slot.
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I was very close to putting her in the number one slot too. Just because of how versatile she is.
She does so many things. She can get rid of cards you don’t want to draw or flip. She can help you with faceoff math by knowing what you or your opponent is going to flip next, and if there’s any chaos on those cards. She can even get rid of the opponent’s chaos cards to ensure they don’t flip them!
Though, truth be told, the best way to use her is to control what the opponent draws. Pitch all the stuff you don’t want them to have and give them the stuff you’re okay with them having.
If you’re really confident, you can even let them draw good cards just so you know what they have. Sometimes knowing exactly what’s in their hand can be stronger than getting rid of the good cards. Just because hand knowledge is important.
Don’t forget she’s Stubborn too!
Yeah! You get to do all that and still have her help you confront in the process! She’s pretty nuts.
I’ve seen her take control of games almost single hoofed. The opponent has a much harder time drawing cards they actually want, and almost never gets to draw a way to actually deal with the situation ever again. She is seriously a huge threat.
And don’t even get me started on multiple copies of her. Now you can use one to control their draws while also using the second to control their flips, or help smooth out your draws, or just super ensure the opponent doesn’t get what they want.
It can get kind of gross.
Mostly I just use her to discard the opponent’s entire deck.
Yeah, that’s actually an option too. If you’re getting close to the end game, you may want to switch to just discarding cards from their deck to ensure they run out of tools, be they ones you hoof picked for them or not. Which makes her a huge control tool and also a win condition rolled into one.
Well, sorta. You still need to actually score points after the opponent has no deck, but they’ll have very little way to stop you at that point.
Anyway, that’s more of a secondary function, though. And only when the opponent is down to like fifteen or so cards left in their deck.
If you just use her that way to start off, you’re unlikely to do much unless your deck is entirely dedicated to discarding the opponent’s deck, which is difficult to pull off.
Psh, says you. I do it all the time!
Yeah, well, we have different playstyles.
Anyway, that’s about it for Sweetie Belle.
Though I guess it’s also worth mentioning she’s useful if you’re trying to get specific cards into your discard pile. White is good at playing cards directly from the discard pile, after all. Orange White especially.
There’s probably a deck idea in there somewhere, though I haven’t found it yet myself.
You’ll see!
Well, let’s move on to my top three! And we get to start with Baby Flurry Heart: Newborn Nightmare.
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Ugh, not this card.
Rules Nightmare is more like it, if you ask me.
As you can see, Cici hates this card. But I absolutely love it!
Randomness is fun! Not knowing what’s going to happen can be exciting sometimes. Will your friend move? Or will they stay still? Who knows!
Yeah, but she doesn’t work like anypony expects her to.
See, assuming there are no dilemmas, there are four total locations in the game. Your home, your problem, the opponent’s home, and the opponent’s problem. And Flurry looks at all four as a possible area to move the character to.
And if she picks an invalid location, like the opponent’s home or the place the character already is, the friend stays still. Meaning you tried to move a friend for absolutely no benefit.
Exactly! She causes chaos! And that’s fun!
It’s frustrating.
Sometimes frustrating is fun, though.
Don’t think about it too hard, hehe. Just go into you number two!
Heh, that I can do. My second favourite card is definitely Spitfire: Drilling It In.
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Talk about a card that does it all, she’s got a whopping four abilities, and they’re all great.
You all probably already know how good Prince Rutherford is, which is to say phenomenal. The ability to frighten at immediate speed and also get power in play is pretty great. He even bypasses event hate like The Vote.
And Spitfire does that too.
Of course, she does cost an extra AT, and you have to discard a card to do it.
But the effect is still worth it. Especially since you’re not losing anything for the extra AT cost. She’s still 3 AT for 3 power. Or more, thanks to her Experienced. And she’s in two colours, which is always a plus.
And that’s not even all she does! She also lets you draw a card when she’s put into the discard from anywhere. So if you discard Spitfire to another copy of her, you get a 4 power friend in play and still the same number of cards in hand!
Her ability also works if she’s put into the discard from your deck. Like say, from Sweetie Belle.
Yeah. She’s just an incredibly versatile card with a ton of applications, all of which are really great.
And Cloudchaser’s totally not just saying that cause she’s trying to suck up to Spitfire to get pulled from the reserves and become a Wonderbolt proper.
Huh? Of course not. Spitfire doesn’t even play the game.
Soarin does, though. Oh, and Surprise. Few others too.
Are they any good?
Eh. Surprise seems to have a knack for it, but only ever plays mono Pink. And Soarin is…
Well, he tries.
Well, maybe you should give him some pointers, huh?
Yeah, I help out where I can.
Anyway, enough about Wonderbolts! Let’s focus on my second favourite card from the set: Starlight Glimmer: Taking Charge.
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Of course you’d pick a Redeem card.
Starlight is super fun, since she lets you play a Friend for free every single turn, provided you meet its requirement. This lets you play all sorts of expensive Friends you wouldn’t be able to otherwise!
Sure. Just as soon as you pay her 8 AT cost.
Oh, wait a second, you can reduce that to 5 by retiring another Starlight which cost you a card and at least one more AT, such a good deal.
Your sarcasm is noted.
Look, Redeem is just a bad mechanic, okay? 3 AT is barely worth the initial investment and the cards are nigh unplayable without the discount. Even with the discount, they’re still pretty obnoxious to play since you need your cards to line up just so, and you can’t really count on it..
I’m pretty sure they’re the worst Ultra Rares printed. Period.
Oh hush. I like them.
They may not be competitive at all, but it’s a neat little flavor thing! And their effects are huge, which is cool!
Plus, who says I pay 8 or even 5 AT to play her? I only pay 3!
Huh? How?
Redeeming Qualities, silly!
Or a similar effect. But usually Redeeming Qualities.
Just get her into the discard using the Sweetie Belle Cici mentioned earlier, or Apple Bloom: Re-Markable, and you’re in a great position to redeem her without actually using Redeem!
Okay, that sounds a little fun, yeah.
And then you get to play free friends forever!
Or until the opponent dismisses her. Which happens a lot for some strange reason, hehe.
And since her ability specifically says you’re playing the Friend, she even lets the other Redeem Friends do their thing! So you can totally re-enact their daring trip through the Changeling Hive!
I’ll stick to my decks, thanks.
But I guess there’s a little bit more there than I thought. Still not a fan, though.
Well, that’s it for my number two! All that’s left are our absolute favourites.
The bestest cards in the set!
At least, in our opinions, anyway.
What’s yours, Cici?
Oh, it’s a good one.
Now, when I first saw this card, I instantly knew she was going to be good. She just has value written all over her.
That being said, I never would have guessed she’d have topped my list at the time. But the more I played with her, the more I realized she wasn’t just good, she was deceptively powerful in what she allowed me to do.
So without any further buildup, my absolute favourite card of the set is Angel Wings: Friendly Fan.
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A wonderbolt in both your top two spots?
Are you sure you’re not playing favourites, hehe.
It’s a coincidence, I swear!
She’s just a really good card…
Well, tell everypony why you think so!
Well, it’s pretty simply, really. She accelerates your gameplan to crazy degrees.
Being 1/1 req lets you play her off of any Pink or Blue Mane with either Trading Traditions or any entry friend of the other colour. Meaning it’s incredibly easy to play her turn 2. And since makes your next friend cost 2 less, she’s effectively 2 free power. Which is just amazing for an aggro deck.
With just a single copy of Angel Wings, it’s not too hard to DFO on turn 2 without even setting yourself back at all! I see it all the time with both Pink and Blue Manes. Assuming the opponent’s problem is easy to confront, anyway.
And occasionally, even if you don’t want to DFO or can’t DFO that early, she can be useful just getting out your high req friends a turn earlier.
I’ve seen both Rainbow Dash: On Even Ground and Snips & Snails: Problem Solvers played turn 1 off of an Angelwings. Both of which can disrupt the opponent’s early game strategies pretty hard if they’re not expecting it.
But it’s not just amazing early game plays that makes her so good. 2 free power is good no matter when in the game you are, provided you’re trying to DFO. She makes it so easy.
Heh. I can’t even recall the number of times my opponent has said to me something like “You can only win if you can DFO this turn, but I don’t think you have the power" only for me to surprise them by playing an Angel Wings or two to create huge amounts of power for almost no AT.
She is just that fast!
And of course, providing power in two different colours means she’s great at confronting any problems you’re likely to throw into your Blue/Pink deck. Not to mention she helps unlocking the req for your other friends since her own requirement is so low.
And don’t even get me started on chaining her. Playing two or even all three of her in one turn is just gross.
So what you’re trying to say is she’s a good card.
What I’m trying to say is she is an amazing card! And alongside Spitfire and a slew of other great Pink and Blue cards from this set, I am absolutely looking forward to playing Pink/Blue aggro this year.
It’s going to be an absolute blast!
I’ll bet!
I also appreciate that your list has 2 cards of each rarity, hehe. Kinda wish my list was like that!
Huh, is it? Just a coincidence, really.
But it kinda goes to show the power level of the set when there’s strong stuff across all rarities. And I thought Marks in time was an insane set.
Well, we’ve seen 19 cards so far, and all that’s left is my number one pick. Can anypony guess what it is?
Nope! As amazing as it is to see us on cards, it’s happened a million times by now so it’s kind of lost it’s novelty.
Which isn’t to say I don’t like seeing us on cards or anything. In fact, I hope they continue that trend! It’s just not my favourite card this time. Not even to the point where I’m going to ban it from the list preemptively.
Besides, this time it doesn’t have adorable pictures of you as a filly with flavour text explaining your deep dark past!
Flitterrrrr. Stop bringing that up!
Anyway, no, my actual favourite card of Defenders of Equestria is Sunset Festival!
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Oh, hrm, yeah. That makes sense. It combines randomness with borrowing. Two of your favourite things.
Sure does!
I never know which Friend I’ll wind up borrowing, but it’s gonna be somepony! And that’s just fun!
Maybe it’ll be entry and not help me at all. Or maybe it’ll be the best Friend in my opponent’s deck. or maybe it’ll be Captain AJ and I’ll have to end the Sunset Festival early because everypony was dismissed.
Who knows what chaos will be unleashed!
Yeah, that’s exactly why I don’t want to use it myself. But I definitely get why you’d like it.
One time I hit an opponent’s Coco Pommel: Refurbisher. So of course I chose Sunset Festival with her ability and played it again. Only to hit another Refurbisher! And I still had AT, so I played it again. And hit the third Refurbisher!
Wanna guess who I hit the fourth time?
Let me guess, a fourth Refurbisher.
Wha? But that’s cheating!
Not really! It was a Queen Chrysalis: Identity Theft.
Oh. Right. That makes sense.
It was still a pretty silly turn, though.
I was out of AT then, but oh well!
And with that, we’re done with our top 10 lists! Hope you enjoyed them as much as we enjoyed making them!
This was a tough one this time around. I had so many cards to cut…
But yeah, making it was a blast. So much great stuff to talk about.
When we started this you were freaking out about it. Feeling better now then?
Yeah, guess so.
You don’t think I put too many Pink cards on the list, do you? I had 4 counting the multi-coloured cards.
I wouldn’t worry about it. Your list is your list! As long as you’re honest, nothing wrong with what’s on it.
Fair enough.
Although, come to think of it, I had a lot of Pink on my list too…
Guess Pink was an impactful colour for both of us, this time around hehe.
Anyway, that’s all for today. Thanks for taking the time to let us share our favourite cards with you all. Bye everypony! See you all soon!
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yookihyunjjang · 7 years
ok now with all the conspiracy theories
Time for mine lol which is long as fvck but who cares
So, I got a theory, but it has loads of holes in it. And it’s about all the clan mv’s together.
So, firstly All In
the first album was called Lost. And, in my opinion, everything that happens in the all in mv, happens during some war or uprising shit idk
anyway, it’s called Lost cause all the members were lost in some way: didn’t know what to do with their problems, these hardships that they have (ex. Shownu’s father, Hyungwon’s idk father too, Minhyuk’s boyfriend aka Hyungwon jk, Kihyun’s leg and so on). So, Lost. Also, I think they were taken to fight, to be soilders, so they found a way to “overcome” all the stress that was coming from the war but also their own smaller hardships. And here’s where the blue flower comes in. They found out blue flower gives them strength, to the distinct, that it even heals them. BUT. What I think is... they used it in a wrong way, kinda. It depends on a member I guess now. And this brings us to part 2
ok, the title is also pretty clear, Shownu’s guilty of robbing the bank, plus him and the boys pretty much set on fire a building. He be sittin in jail, as we can see in the Fighter mv. ok now. Remember when I said the blue flower affects boys differentely? So, Minhyuk and Hyungwon bathed together in the blue juice and now they be exchanging their minds or something. And they got put in an asylum, madhouse or whatever you call that, anyway, it’s also pretty clear. Oh! and I think the war that was happening in All In already passed. So, the boys kinda got seperated, as it usually happens after the war. Somehow, they got in contact however and they are trying to get Minhyuk and Hyungwon out of the asylum. We got Kihyun who kills someone for a plantation of the blue flowers, got Wonho who builds a machine to produce the jellies (or candy or whatever that is) that Minhyuk and Hyungwon will eat after. And here’s where the first hole comes in. Idk what is Changkyun supposed to do. I can see that he also got kinda mentally ill and is acting like a child now or some shit idk anyway he helps them with his toys and they manage to get all three (shownu included) out of the asylum and out of the jail. They run away.
ok here. this one actually makes the least sense out of all of the mvs. or it’s more methaphorical, as one would say. all I can imagine that it’s a some type of dream that they all have (including Jooheon or excluding him I can’t decide). Also, idk if everyone noticed that, but they are in some type of corridor, I mean Jooheon is. It looks like a train to me, but I can be wrong. Anyway, let’s just go with the thought that it’s a train. So, that means they are still running away. Also, there is a lot of things that explain everything so now I will proceed to explain them. So
Jooheon, as you may or may have not noticed, is the main character. Yes, it might have looked as if it was Shownu, Minhyuk or Kihyun (in Shine Forever) but it’s actually Jooheon. He’s the one who gives Shownu guns, he leads this all gettin high on blue flower thing, through him Shownu, Minhyuk and Hyungwon get free (I also think he was “the brain” of all of these situations). It is shown clearly here, in Beautiful. He is the one who connects all the rooms, there is also one scene where he sits on a rope. And what does rope do? It connects two things. Well now that I think of it they might just have been on the ship, cause Jooheon’s sitting on a sailing rope, you know what I mean. The one that connects the ship to the shore. Ok now. Time for the Shine Forever.
In Shine Forever the situation is also pretty clear. They are either hiding or still running away from, you know, all the “bad” they’ve done. And yes, Minhyuk got Kihyun in an accident and Kihyun lost his sight. BUT I don’t really think he lost his sight completely, I think he’s either losing it or he got very sensitive to light. And now, the most complicated thing. 
The eyes
Kihyun’s eyes are blue in the very last scene of the mv. Why tho? Are these even his eyes? And I’m gonna tell you - yup, they are. So, remeber the blue flower from All In and Guilty AND Beautiful? Yup, that’s it. What I think is, not everything is shown in the mv. I think they gave him the blue flower, so that his eyes could heal and so that he could see again. All this setting up the lights is not the action to bring back Kihyun’s sight itself, it’s just checking if he can see now. They are doing that at night, in the darkness, not to harm his eyes. And, it worked and he has blue eyes now, because of the aftereffect of the Power of the Blue Flower. ta-dah.
ok now I’m not finished, but all the rest are just speculations, I have nothing more to say, unless you ask or something haha
k bye i’m out
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