#but maybe not today(I have an addiction to guys with toned arms and abs if you can't tell)
rizzkisworld · 7 months
Yk that one Maki fit where he's wearing the football uniform? I'm having thoughts about highschool/college football-player!Maki rn-
Going to his games, giving him a kiss for support because he swears up and down that it helps him play better. Him asking you to stay after school sometimes to watch him practice, and then when everyone leaves he "shows you how to play football" (he's actually just flexing his skills) The cute fluffy makeouts afterwards when you two are alone. He's so giddy and giggly, but so are you. I also feel like his hugs are the best because like he already has naturally toned muscles (German genes, am I right?), but if he played football his muscles would probably be even more defined so....
And when I write a fic with this idea one day then what?
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briefololtragedy · 4 years
Of menus and audio-books
Pairing Kakashi Sakura
Rating M
Summary: Sakura and Kakashi both want their dinner date, but Sakura's work keeps getting in the way. Sakura asks for Kakashi's help with tasting the menu, lets see what happens. The coffee shop saga continues
also posted to AO3 , follow up to Pakkun’s plan and Frazzled Friday
Sakura couldn’t believe the last two weeks she has had. Two weeks ago she was supposed to have dinner with Kakashi, but she kept having to put it off for work. She really needed to make a note to never cater ever again. She thought nothing could be worse than catering for that 16th birthday party, a shiver ran up her spine thinking of all the pink and sparkles. Hana, Sakura loved her to death, but between her changing her mind about the menu every other day and then Kiba constantly showing up in the coffee shop, Sakura was on her last shred of sanity. Kakashi still visited with Pakkun, but for not as long and his visits were what was getting her through this hell. She knew that Kakashi wasn’t fully comfortable talking with her when Kbia was present. 
Burning...something was burning! She looked around and realized it was her muffins that she put into the oven. Sakura made a mad dash to the kitchen, smoke was billowing out of her oven. The muffins were beyond saving. Throwing the tray into the sink she couldn’t help but let out a frustrated yell. The shop wasn’t open yet, not for another 30 minutes, so there were not any customers to scare away. 
And it was just at this moment her phone decided to ding. Not even two seconds later the phone was flying across the kitchen. Yep...here come the tears. She didn’t know anymore if they were out of frustration or actual sadness. Hana changed her mind again and wanted to go into a different direction. Sakura already decided that this day sucked. She just wanted to crawl back into bed and cuddle up with a good book. Silver flashed across her mind, cheeks flushed. She wouldn’t mind cuddling with him either. 
Sakura didn’t know what to make of their relationship. He was more than a customer, but she wasn’t sure what he wanted. She wanted to get to know him more, wanted to see him outside of these stupid walls. She wanted to shave her legs, do her hair and makeup, and wear a dress for him, well more for her, but she wanted him to be there to appreciate her. A small voice said she also wanted to appreciate him, take that scarf and more off of him. 
After her 10 minute freak out she got up from the floor, retrieved her phone and went to work. She was on the phone with Hana when he came in, he was earlier than usual (very odd). After talking Hana down from the edge, no she would not do German Russian fusion, what even the hell was that! She will handle the menu and told Hana to not worry about it. She couldn’t help the flutter in her chest when watching her favorite duo take a seat. She thanked whatever deity was looking out for her since Kiba was nowhere in sight. 
“I think someone played a prank on you and messed with your clocks. You do know that it is 9am?” Kakashi was yet again hard at work on his laptop, Pakkun at his feet. She sat across from him, well she more like flopped into the seat, but it was a long day and it was only 9am! 
“Hmm, maybe I just really wanted to see you.” Kakashi felt worn down, he didn’t want to beat around the bush. He was here finally when Sakura wasn’t busy with a certain customer. It was over a month since he had started to frequent Sakura’s coffee shop and he really wanted that dinner date. It didn’t help that Genma started talking about the pretty pink haired coffee shop owner when he was drunk the other night. Images flashing through his mind. He also wanted to take her up on her offer of helping him with his audiobook debacle. Kakashi decided that today would be the day, they would set the actual day for their date.
“I’m sure a busy editor like yourself has better things to do.” Sakura took a pause. “I’m sorry we haven’t been able to get our dinner together. This catering event has been a huge headache. You and this little guy have been so helpful.” Why couldn’t they seem to get out of these four stupid walls. 
“I’m never too busy for coffee or your dessert of the day.” Sakura couldn’t help but smile, it was then she decided to throw her shoulders back and give herself a mental pep talk. “So my client changed the menu again, this is a short notice, but how would you feel about testing out the menu I came up with tonight?” It felt like an eternity as she waited for his answer. 
Kakashi wanted to jump up and cheer, but he was not Gai. “Tonight would work.” His palms were not sweaty, he was not a teenager anymore. However, he felt himself melt at that wide dazzling smile. “Perfect! I’ll send you my address. Does 8 work?” 
“8 sounds good.” He would have made sure that it worked. Kakashi watched her walk away and couldn’t help but chuckle at the flour she had on the back of her jeans, highlighting her amazing backside asset. Eight couldn’t come fast enough. 
Sakura couldn’t help the extra pep in her step throughout the rest of the day. Mei looked at her like she grew a second head when she was giving customers free upgrades on their coffee orders. Sakura even had time during her break to make a menu and grocery list. She would have plenty of time to get what she needed, exercise (cause of her sugar addiction), and start preparing the food. She felt good, she hadn’t felt this good in a long time. Sakura had decided on a simple green fit n flare dress that came to her mid thigh, hair was in a messy bun, and just a little bit of makeup. 
A knock on her door brought her back down to earth. She froze and was at a loss for words at the sight before her. Kakashi was wearing dark loose fitting jeans and a light grey henley shirt. She could see part of a tribal tattoo peeking out from under his right sleeve. Then there was his scarf, or more importantly the lack of a scarf. Internally she started to whimper, it wasn’t far for him to look like that. 
“Kakashi please come in. I’m not making everything that I was thinking of serving for the event, but wanted to do a variety. You wouldn’t mind giving me your opinion on the other foods too?” Sakura felt more comfortable talking about food or more work related topics. She didn’t trust herself with him. Previous boyfriends didn’t like it when she was more “aggressive.” 
“Sounds good.” Kakashi couldn’t help, but appreciate Sakura’s appearance. She always looked stunning, but now...  He could see her muscular thighs, small waist, toned arms, and her rear. He had admired one of her best assets earlier today and couldn’t help stare as she led him through her house.  
“Here is the menu I wrote up. Whatcha think?” Sakura was leaning over her kitchen island resting on her elbows. 
Kakashi looked at the menu in front of him: Short Rib Crostini with Cambozola Cheese and Cherry Jam. Kimchi deviled eggs. Apple stuffed pork tenderloin wrapped in bacon. Butternut squash soup, tomato soup with mini grilled cheese crouton. Caramelized onion, goat cheese, and mushroom flatbread. Teriyaki salmon mini burgers. Medley of roasted vegetables Desserts in a shot glass: Tarrimsu, white chocolate blueberry cheesecake, lemon meringue. Trio of hot chocolate and cookies 
“There will also be fruit and vegetables, fresh dip...Oh and some homemade crackers. I was thinking of baked brie with apricot jam. There were fresh apricots at the store and couldn’t help making some jam.” Before he could speak his stomach decided to join the conversation. 
“Hmm , maybe I should stop talking about food and we should go to the eating part. I made the deviled eggs, flatbread, vegetables, tomato soup and grilled cheese. Then the hot chocolate and either chocolate chip or snickerdoodle cookies.” All of the smells that hit him when he first walked in all made sense now. He could smell the cookies, but really caught his attention was the eggplant in the mix of roasted vegetables. 
“That sounds like a perfect plan. I forgot to ask if it would be alright to take you up on your offer from a couple of weeks ago, and have you listen to me read?” He had tried reading for Jiraya earlier, but all he got was a sour face from the man. 
“It's the least I can do. Let’s eat!”  Sakura found the conversation was easy. Kakashi gave some comments on the food, she noticed how he went back for more eggplant. She also had to pat herself on her back for not being too awkward. She found herself talking about Naruto and Jiraiya. Along with stories of Ino. Kakashi shared about his dogs, how he rescued them, he had more than just Pakkun. He had been in the army, but left after 5 years. He found himself settling into the publishing business with his passion for books. 
Kakashi had settled into her sofa, while she decided to clean the kitchen before dessert. Guilt overtook him while he watched her do the dishes and clean off the counters. He found himself making his way to help her, she seemed shocked when he pushed her over to dry while he washed. It seemed like her friends didn’t volunteer often to help her clean. 
The dish water had gotten his shirt slightly damp on the front, allowing for it to cling just enough to get an outline of his abs. It was getting hotter in her kitchen and the oven was off. She was taken out of her thoughts when she felt an arm grazing her back. “Sorry, I finished washing and decided to help with drying, the only other towel was to your right. You were lost in thought I didn’t want to disturb you.” 
“Sorry for zoning out. Let me get the hot chocolate ready. Do you want white, milk, or dark chocolate? Also cookie choice.” She had decided on white chocolate and snickerdoodle, hmm this sugar was going to go straight to her ass. 
“I’m starting to think you are made out of sugar. I will have dark chocolate. Hmm I think I’ll try both, I’ve been a good boy.” Sakura felt warm again, how was she going to get through him reading one of those stupid books. 
“The night is still young, hope you stay a good boy. Lets go to the living room for your contribution to the evening.” Kakashi was having second thoughts. “Are you sure it’s okay for me to practice?” He didn’t want her to run away or ruin what relationship they had.
“Kakashi it's the least I can do! You have been so much help with all of this, have a seat.” Kakashi went back to sitting on the sofa, placing his hot chocolate on the end table. The chocolate chip cookie was already gone. Sakura made herself comfortable on the other end of the sofa, she was sitting facing him, one of her legs under her, she was sipping on her drink and occasionally dunking her cookie into it. 
“Alright here goes nothing.” Kakahi cleared his throat as he started to read. 
“We shouldn’t be doing this, Maalik.” Elena looks forlorn. The wind blows her chestnut hair in front of her face obscuring her crystal clear blue eyes. They are meeting in their safe haven, far from the eyes of their families. A small stream flowed through the area, wildflowers surrounding. The trees provided shade from the gruling sun. A ray of light had cut through the trees and onto Elena, it was their oasis.. Maalik couldn’t help but give pause. She was beauty, nothing could compare. He could feel his palms become sweaty and his heart race as he looked at her. 
Kakashi noticed that Sakura was adjusting in her seat. She was cupping her mug with both hands staring at him intently. He continued on. 
“You say that everytime we meet, my love.” Maalik’s smoky voice penetrated through the air. He couldn’t help, but bring his hand to her face making her look him in the eyes. Elena’s heart was beating so fast it felt like it would come out of her chest. All thoughts vanished from her mind as she looked into his brown eyes. His arm went to wrap around her waist, pulling her to him. Elena’s hand was resting on his chest and she could feel his heart beating like a drum in his chest. 
Sakura could feel some discomfort between her legs grow. She wanted to rub them together. It should not be allowed to have his deep baritone voice so smooth, warming her all the way to her bones. 
“Every time I see you I can’t help but feel like your beauty grows, it puts the flowers to shame.” He couldn’t help but bring their lips together. It had been weeks since they last saw each other. Elena was hesitant at first, but wasted no time to deepen the kiss. They both were acting like people dying of thirst getting water for the first time. Before Elena knew it she was laying on the grass, Maalik hovering over her. Their kiss never broke. 
Kakashi’s heart was beating fast. He was sure he was blushing. Sakura’s eyes had started to glaze over. He wanted to reach out and move that strand of hair from her face. 
“Please...Please Maalik it's been too long. I need you.” Maalik didn’t have to be told twice as he ventured down Elena’s body leaving wet trails as he made it to his destination. 
“Sakura… are you alright?” She had been fidgeting in her seat. “I...” All self control had abandoned her and she lunged. She shoved the book out of his hands as she settled herself on his lap. Sakura cupped his face in her hands and went in for the kiss. She could taste the lingering chocolate and cinnamon from dessert. Part of her wondered if he would pull away, but once she felt him deepening the kiss with hands going to her hips she cheered internally. 
Kakashi was wondering if he was dreaming. The slight nip on his lip assured him this was reality. He couldn’t help, but to slide his hands up her thighs to her hips. He took note of the ripple of her muscles with his touch. Kakashi pulled her closer to him. A low moan escaped him as Sakura started to slowly circle her hips against him. The small whine she created when he had to pull away broke part of him. They both were panting heavy just from their kiss. 
“I have wanted to kiss you since the first time I met you. Do you know how much I desired to pull that stupid scarf off of you? “ Sakura’s voice had taken a husky quality to it, while they had stopped their current activity she continued to stay on his lap. 
“Sakura you are no better, with those tight jeans and aprons you wear. How a baker has this great of an ass I will never know.” To emphasize his point one of his hands went to squeeze her ass lovenly. This time it was Kakashi initiating their heated lip lock. His hair was so soft between her fingers. A pleasant sensation ran up her spine as he rubbed small circles on her hip. She wanted to explore more of him. 
Sakura found her right hand venturing downward, tracing the outlines of his pectorals, down his abdominal muscles, to rest just above his jeans. She slowly pulled away from him, resting her forehead on his, as she slowly unbuttoned his jeans to slide her hand to her goal. The moan and bucking of his hips was the only sign she needed to continue. She could feel Kakashi’s lips on her neck, him lightly biting at times. Sakura almost had to give pause once she had his sizable member in her hands. She licked her lips as she started to slowly work up and down his shaft. Her position was slightly awkward as her hand was between both their bodies. She wanted to move with him and found herself circing her hips with his rhythm. 
Kakashi felt like he was in overload at the moment. The taste of her neck and mouth still lingering, then the feel of Sakura’s hand as she worked him, and then her hips grinding against him it was almost too much. Before he could speak he found himself standing up with her in his arms. The small squeak she let out was adorable, but it was her wrapping her legs around him that he focused on. 
“Bedroom?” At his question Sakura pointed her head in the direction of her hallway. As he made his way to his destination he couldn’t help but kick off his jeans as they fell down. Once he found the right door on his own. Sakura had decided to start licking and biting at his neck, hands wondering. At least she had released her hold on little Kakashi because he didn’t think he would have the self control to not take her against the wall. 
He made quick work of his shirt after laying her down, while Sakura made quick work of her dress. 
Sakura started to feel self conscious as she looked at the greek god in front of her. The tattoo that she saw earlier extended up his shoulder and over his right pec. She was so wrapped up on her thoughts she didn’t notice Kakashi staring. 
While Sakura made some of the most delicious desserts they didn’t make his mouth water as much as the woman in front of him. Her breasts were covered by a white lace bra, but looked like they would fit perfectly in his hands. His eyes trailed down her flat stomach to her matching pair of white panties. It was time for his second dessert. 
Sakura felt her bed dip as Kakashi joined her. Her arms locking around his neck as he started to kiss her. She couldn’t help but to rub her legs together as one of his hands went to her breast, messaging it. He started to trail down her with kisses. Him making quick work of her bra as he latched onto one of her nipples, while he messaged the other. After a few minutes he switched. The pressure between her legs was building and she couldn’t help her whimpers and moans. She wanted more. 
As if hearing her thoughts he ventured down her stomach pausing where her underwear started, then it was gone. His thumb started to rub circles over her clit before he replaced it with his mouth. He started sucking gently at first then the pressure started to build, especially once he placed two finger into her pumping at a lazy rhythm at first. Her back arched and she was coming. 
Kakashi came back up to kiss her and she could taste herself. She wasted no time in wrapping her legs around him as he positioned himself. Finally he slid inside, stretching her deliciously. 
They laid intertwined both exhausted from their multiple rounds. 
“You don’t like my scarf?” Sakura rolled her eyes as she nestled into him more. “Shut up and don’t make me regret spending my day off with you.” 
Extra- Pakkun's thoughts:
Pakkun thought all was well 2 weeks ago, yet his owner can't seal the deal with the pretty shop owner. Pakkun has his life set and Kakashi had to ruin it. Tonight just takes the cake! Kakashi left him! Kakashi had looked like a nervous teenager when he left, mumbling to himself as he walked out the door. It almost sounded like he was giving himself a pep talk. Pakkun looks to the sofa where the other human is sitting, sipping a beer, while having a toothpick in his mouth, why was this guy even here! Pakkun had become accustomed to tuning out this human. he vaguely hears a ding of the phone. "Well peanut looks like it will be just us. Kakashi wont be back tonight, lucky dog." Genma has a smirk on his face.
Pakkun doesn't want to be with Genma and he also sees his hopes of a belly full of dog biscuits crumble. Surely if Kakashi was visiting Sakura he would have taken Pakkun along.
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m00nslippers · 5 years
Everyone Crushing on Jason 2
Today is my birthday, and I’ve got a present for you all! It’s chapter 2 of the ECoJ AU! Later tonight I’m going to post the first on AO3 under the title Jay-Crazy, then a few days later I will add this chapter tow it and then all future chapters will be simulposted. So I hope you all enjoy this slice of complete crack.
If you missed Chapter 1, it’s here.
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“Holy shit, who is that?” Hal demanded of Barry, jabbing his friend with his elbow to get the hero's attention.
They were in the Watchtower Satellite after routing a poorly orchestrated alien invasion attempt. Even compared to the usual morons that thought they could conquer Earth despite it's super-powered protectors, it had been especially inept and the whole endeavor had barely made it to the ground. Martian Manhunter, Cyborg and the Watchtower scanners had detected the alien vessels quickly and, once hostility was ascertained, the satellite and vacuum-hardy heroes like the Kryptonians and Lanterns  lit their asses up. A small force managed to slip by their attacks and make it to the Earth, but according to MM, a hastily dispatched contingent of available JLA members mopped them up easily enough. Hal hadn't heard any of the reports, was actively avoiding them to be honest, but everyone seemed to have come out of the incident alright except the bad guys, so he'd say everyone in participation had earned a beer, especially himself for being a front-line badass. Too bad he was stuck on the Watchtower until the all-clear went through.
He and Barry had just managed to dodge an after-action report with ugh Batman and were loitering in the infirmary—partly because Barry suggested they should be around in case anyone needed more hands with the injured, but mostly because Hal had found out the Bat was allergic to medical care—when Hal's eyes had zoned-in like a laser on the most exquisite pair of tits he'd ever seen on a man.
Jesus that chest was toned! Hal didn't know what kind of exorcize gave a guy pecs developed enough to spill out of your hand, but this guy was doing them and clearly never skipped. Hal was damn near hypnotized as he watched the man strip out of thigh holsters and shrug out of black reinforced-Kevlar body armor that zipped up from the back, revealing a body like a battle axe, hard, cut and stacked, shoulders broad and muscular. The man's legs were insane, his thighs were bigger than Hal's head! He looked like he could dead-lift Hal with one hand and Hal was suddenly wishing the guy would try.
Hal had pretty much been sold before he managed to take in the full package, but lighting on the guy's face Hal realized he was young, in his early to mid twenties, and almost painfully good-looking, even with the domino mask obscuring his eyes. His hair was dark and had a hint of a wave, longer on the top of his head and short at the sides, and at his temple was an interesting streak of white. His face was long and he had a wide, dynamic mouth that was on the verge of a snarl as he argued something with—oh, hey, Nightwing! Damn, he'd been so distracted with the view that he somehow missed that Nightwing, AKA the best ass in the entire vigilante community, was trying to stitch up a nasty three-inch gash in the mystery man's side that should have curbed Hal's arousal but somehow just made him hotter. Yeah, Hal liked the battle-worn and sweaty look all of a sudden.  
Barry squinted where Hal was staring (he assumes, Hal refused to look away from those drool-worthy abs, squeezable pecs and powerful arms and back muscles that had him drooling a puddle on the infirmary floor). Luckily his friend had an answer for him because Hal needed a name to put to that amazing piece of real estate ripe for the tapping that had presented itself before him.
Barry's voice was incredulous as he answered, “That's Red Hood. You know, the guy we all voted into the JLA two nights ago?”
Eh, Hal never paid attention at those things. “Remind me, will you?”
“Gotham Vigilante. Like Nightwing, he used to be Robin. He was a bit of a villain until a few years ago, but he's cleaned up his act and Batman vouched for him—which is all information you should know if you listened at the meetings,” Barry complained. “Don't tell me you voted for someone without knowing anything about them again, Hal...”
Hal tore his gaze away from the smoking hot Red Hood so he could roll his eyes at Barry. “Does it really matter? You listen to the boring stuff and look into all these people and I just vote what you vote.”
Barry sighed, wearily shaking his head. “Hal, that's not--”
Hal raised his fingers to Barry's lips and cut his friend off mid-sentence. “Shh—Daddy's on the prowl,” he whispered and bobbed his eyebrows suggestively.
The speedster's wince was clearly communicated despite his mask as he shoved Hal's hand away from his mouth. “Please don't let me ever hear you refer to yourself as 'Daddy' again, Hal. I'm begging you.”
Hal smirked and clapped his friend on the shoulder. “Begging me, huh? Don't let Iris hear about this, she'll be jealous.”
“Why are we friends again? I can't say anything to you,” Barry mused, covering his face in embarrassment, ready to phase through the floor to disappear from the conversation.
“Don't know, but here is where I leave you, pal.” Hal gave a lazy two-fingered salute and grinned. “I've got a pair of pants to get into or die trying—and the pants don't belong to me!”
“I don't even know what to say...” he heard Barry profess as Hal smoothed his hair and strode confidently across the infirmary floor to where his future—Boyfriend? Sex friend? Morning regret? He'd take what he could get, honestly—had an arm resting on Nightwing's back while the other vigilante was underneath it, bent over his side, putting stitches into the long red gash across the man's ribs. And honestly it spoke to the power, or maybe just the novelty, of his new obsession that he wasn't drifting behind Nightwing to get a view of his fantastic booty, but was marching straight up to Red Hood, ignoring Nightwing almost entirely.
But no sooner had he stepped up to the plate then Guy Goddamn Gardner stepped out in front of him with his dumb red hair and his cocksure strut, cutting off his path.
“Hey, is that your jacket, there? Looks nice,” his rival Lantern said, nodding to a brown leather jacket laying on the medical cot next to Red Hood.
Guy's head blocked his view as he raised a brow in disbelief. 'Hey, is that your jacket, there'? 'Looks nice'? What kind of opening line was that? The hell was Guy playing at?
The Red Hood looked up from where he'd been scowling at the floor—damn, his scowl was mean, it was freaking hot—to eye Guy with the confused incredulity such a stupid ice-breaker deserved.
“Uh, thanks?” Hood said, sounding confused as to why anyone was talking to him, which was vaguely adorable to Hal for some reason. “'s kinda breezy, though. Gotta few bullets holes I haven't patched up yet.”
Hal thought he was going to melt into the floor. Shit, even Red Hood's voice was hot. On the deeper end of baritone with a street-sounding drawl Hal had only ever heard in movies because most people didn't actually have accents that strong.
Gotham vigilante, huh? He sure sounded like it. Hal usually had a 'no Bats' policy when it came to pretty much everything in his life he could manage, but this guy seemed different, more chill, more down to Earth than the usual Bat—or maybe Hal was just making excuses to justify sucking face with the guy. Whatever, he wasn't about to question it. The dick wants what the dick wants.
“Yeah, I used to do the whole leather jacket biker-schtick,” Guy said, his usual cockiness leaking into his tone as he flipped up the collar to his vest as if he actually thought he looked cool emulating a 60s greaser. He pointed a thumb at himself with pride as he said, “I incorporated it into my Lantern uniform and everything. It's a one of a kind style in the corps.” Hal could hear the attempt at a smolder in Guy's voice as it dropped half an octave and he praised, “I bet it doesn't look as good on me as it does on you, though.”
Red Hood's expression slanted into bafflement, mind clearly whirring as he processed the words spoken to him, turning them over every which way before hitting on the realization that he'd just been hit on. All at once Red Hood's cheeks blushed pink and he reached a hand up to tug through his hair anxiously, almost as if he wasn't used to people pulling out corny one-liners trying to get his attention and he had no idea what to do about it. It was so damn cute that Hal's brain momentarily ceased to function. Hal was stunned, amazed, incredibly turned on. What the hell, how does someone who looked like they could punch a hole in a car door, no powers necessary, and shoot you without remorse, look that sweet and innocent? It would be wrong if it wasn't so sexy.
Crap, he couldn’t let this go on. Hal had to get in there and break this up or he was going to be shown up by freaking Guy Gardner of all people, and that was something he simply couldn’t allow, especially when someone this good-looking was on the line.
“Okay, move over Horatio, the real Green Lantern has arrived,” Hal said, reaching out to physically maneuvered Guy out of his way before the other Lantern realized what was happening. Taking advantage of the opening, Hal swooped in to his place in front of the delectable Red Hood, whose eyes flicked from Guy to Hal and back quickly, with the almost creepy assessing intelligence that Gotham vigilante's were known for.
Hal offered a hand and his most dazzling smile. “Hi, Red Hood? I'm Hal Jordan, AKA Green Lantern, AKA Earth's first and best Green Lantern, AKA one of the JLA's founding members. I hear you just got accepted into the league, congrats! I bet you'll be a worthy addiction—I mean, addition, around here. Maybe after Wings finishes fixing you up I could show you around? I know all the best spots to avoid Batman.”
The Red Hood didn't take his hand but his mouth stretched into a lop-sided grin, a thing of brightness with a hint of mischief that had Hal going weak in the knees and he didn't know what he said to get said smile but damn was he going to enjoy it. Red Hood snorted in amusement. “'All the best spots to avoid Batman', huh? Maybe I'll take you up on tha—ow!”
Red Hood scowled down at Nightwing who was glaring at the Red Hood's wound as he tied off his stitches. “Oops,” he deadpanned, sliding his disapproving gaze Hal's way. Hal narrowed his eyes back, not sure when the guy had put on that party-pooper bat-look Hal hated, but now he suddenly couldn’t forget the other vigilante had worn the cowl of his greatest rival, world-class busybody Bruce Wayne. He'd always liked Nightwing better in the role of the big bat—he was more laid back, he cracked jokes even if they were mostly stupid puns—but he might have to reassess that opinion. Apparently Nightwing had picked up a thing or two from his mentor. Specifically, how to make Hal feel like scum for breathing.
Hal opened his mouth to ask Nightwing why he was here and what his relationship even was with Red Hood, but before he could confront his potential cockblock, Guy grabbed Hal by the arm and dragged him away to the corner of the room with a mumbled, “Excuse us, guys...” as Hal complained, “Hey, easy on the goods there, Guy!”
As soon as they were out of ear-shot, Guy rounded on Hal with fury in his face. His usually pale complexion was flushed red with anger and embarrassment, twin to his fiery red hair.
Guy shoved Hal hard enough to rock him back on his heels, whisper-shouting, “What the hell, Jordan! Why you gotta butt into my business?”
Hal scoffed. “Your business? No no no, I let you have first crack, but now it's my turn.”
Guy snorted and got in his face, as if he actually thought he could back down the GL Corps original 'man without fear' with his inadequate self. Please, Guy wasn't even close to his level. “You didn't let me do anything, Jordan. I saw him first and you just shoved your way in, like an asshole!”
Hal threw up his hands, unrepentant. “Hey, the man has a right to make his own choices, and clearly the better choice is yours truly. I'm just presenting him the option of my amazing self.”
Guy looked ready to strangle him with his bare hands, which was pretty typical of the man. “Why do you always have to be number one, huh Jordan?” he demanded and an edge of pleading entered his voice that put a momentary damper on Hal's sense of entitlement. “I might have found my soulmate here, why can't you just let me have this?”
Hal frowned, suddenly uncertain. Did Guy know Red Hood previously and have some relationship with him Hal didn't know? Was there some connection between the two that Hal was selfishly getting in the middle of?
“Soulmate?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and regarding his fellow Lantern with skeptical but open ears. “You think Red Hood is the one, huh? What makes you think that?”
Guy's face turned dreamy-eyed and dopey as he explained, “I saw him right-hook an alien in the jaw, take the goon's own gun and blast his face off in a quarter of a second, then back-flip off a car and detonate an explosion that wiped out a landing craft. I fell in love instantly Hal, this is the real deal, man!”
Oh, so he didn't have a connection, Guy was just being typical Guy.
Hal rolled his eyes, unimpressed. “He's not your soul-mate, you just saw him do something badass and now your smitten!”
“Well you just saw him take off his shirt and now your smitten,” Guy countered with a snarl, “At least my reason isn't superficial!”
Hey, physical attraction was usually the first step to a relationship, or so he'd heard somewhere. It was human nature to see a hot body and go after it. “There's nothing wrong with—”
“Hey!” Hal heard as someone snapped their fingers in front of his nose and he looked over to see another fellow Lantern, Kyle Rayner, gracing both of his predecessors with something like irritated disbelief. “Are you two seriously fighting over Jason Todd of all people?”
“So his name is 'Jason Todd'?” Guy perked up, voice soft, “I love it. It just perfectly captures his, like, his everything, and—”
Hal shook his head. “Words are not your strong suit Guy, just stop.” Please.
Kyle pinched the bridge of his nose beneath his Green Lantern's mask, wearing a pained look as he said, “Okay, let's just put on hold the absurdity that is anyone thinking that dickhead Todd is attractive enough to pursue despite his garbage fire of a personality--”
“Woah, that's a bit harsh Rayner,” Hal said with a raised eyebrow, taken aback by the fierceness of Kyle's insult. What the heck? The kid was usually so nice. What did he have against the other man, how did he even know him?
“—aside from all the obvious reasons Todd is a bad idea,” Kyle went on, ignoring him. “If you're really interested, then you guys have way bigger problems than each other.”
Guy crossed his arms and tilted his head in question. “The heck are you talking about?”
Kyle jerked a thumb behind him and Hal looked over his shoulder to find the object of his and Guy's affections, Red Hood, one Jason Todd, was crowded by no less than Supergirl, Superboy, Booster Gold, Arsenal and Starfire, as Nightwing and Orphan hovered nearby like stodgy nannies. Kara had actually latched onto one of Red Hood's arms like a leach and was pressing her breasts against the man's biceps as she covertly ran her eyes all over him, no doubt putting her Kryptonian x-ray vision to good use (so unfair). Superboy—the older one, Kent's kinda-clone, not his kid—was trying to shove Kara out of the way and insert himself into the conversation, but the girl was clinging fast and refused to let go. Booster Gold was yacking and gesticulating, trying to draw attention to himself, but Red Hood seemed to be ignoring him in favor of chatting with Green Arrow's old partner and the Tamaranean princess who were looking way too friendly, with Starfire's hand on his shoulder and Arsenal poking at his ribs, as Red Hood swatted back.
“What the hell is this?” Hal demanded, the unfairness of it all pissing him off. “We were there first, come on!”
“I was there first,” Guy corrected and clicked his tongue angrily. “Man, this is freaking bullshit. This is all your fault, Jordan!”
Hal huffed, indignant. “My fault? You're the one who dragged us away! If you hadn't we—”
“Seriously guys, don't fight over the Red Hood. He's the worst,” Kyle spat with an uncharacteristic vehemence. “He thinks with his gun instead of his head and he's a broody goth-nerd lone-wolf-wannabe who he doesn't know when to quit!”
Guy's face screwed up in confusion. “What's your angle here, Kyle? You're just making him sound hotter.”
Kyle put a hand on Guy's shoulder, inviting him to listen closely as he explained, “Look, he's not hot—I mean, yeah he is, he's like crazy hot—but he's not, trust me.”
Guy looked like his brain was struggling to keep up with Kyle's non-logic. Actually, Hal's was too. “You are making no sense,” Hal informed the kid.
Kyle didn't look especially bothered. “Just don't fight, okay? Seriously, I'll sic John on you.”
Oh, not John Stewart-stick-in-the-mud! He'd shut down their whole operation like the by-the-book buzzkill he was! Damn, when did Rayner get so bitter? The kid was still in his twenties but he was already old and jaded and wise to he and Guy's ways.
“Woah, calm down,” Hal said evenly, as if soothing a potential jumper away from the edge. “We don't need to get John involved. We're cool, right Guy?”
Guy was a bit closer to John than Hal was, so he wasn't sure if the other Lantern would back his play on keeping the third Lantern out of it, but Guy also seemed to realize they needed to think smart here.
“Yeah, we can act civil about this. Probably,” Guy said, fluttering his lashes innocently.
Okay, 'smart' was relative.
Kyle rolled his eyes, not in the least sorry that he was trying to ruin their day with a lecture from John about GL solidarity and keeping your mind out of the gutter, or whatever rules the architect-ex-Marine followed to keep his nose so damn clean.
“Yeah, sure you can,” was Kyle's skeptical retort. The younger man rolled his shoulders wearily and finally seemed to let up on the oppressive tone. “Well, I'm out of here—they sent out the all-clear, no casualties, so I'm flying to my apartment to crash.”
“Okay, goodnight, I guess. Good work out there,” Hal said by way of a goodbye.
The younger Lantern smiled back, suddenly more himself. “Thanks. You guys too.” As he started to walk away Kyle hesitated and stabbed a finger their way, saying, “And if you take my advice you'll stay away from Todd.”
With that, Kyle set off toward the door, only pausing as he walked passed Red Hood and his accumulated admirers to sling a snarky, “Not dead yet, asshole? Shame.”
Jason immediately reacted, throwing up a middle finger as he tossed out a, “Fuck you, Bitch-Lantern,” that sounded almost playful. “I've already come back once, what makes you think I wouldn't rise up from the grave just to kick your ass?”
Kyle was still walking towards the door, yelling back, “I'd like to see you try, Failure-Robin.”
“Suck a dick, Rayner, I could bend you in half,” Jason retorted easily.
“I've got a piece of alien jewelry that says otherwise.”
“I bet your ring runs out of power before I run out of bullets.”
Kyle huffed. “Pff, whatever.” He turned the corner out the door with a much more friendly, “See ya nerd.”
Red Hood rolled his eyes and flapped a dismissive hand at him. “See ya geek.”
Hal stared wide-eyed and dazed in Kyle's wake. The hell was all that? How the heck did Kyle know Red Hood, Jason Todd? And what was with all the belligerent sexual tension? Did he have to worry about Kyle now too? Damn it, this was getting out of hand!
“That kid's a problem,” Hal muttered darkly.
Guy looked like he had somehow fallen even deeper in love after hearing his crush shout at Kyle to suck a dick. “Shit, this is bad,” he said and Hal wasn't entirely sure what Guy meant by it, but he was also certain that the man was correct.
“I hate to say it, but I agree.” Hal chewed his lip, for the first time beginning to think this wouldn't be an open and shut case of show-up-get-laid. He might actually have to work for his prize. It would probably be worth it, though. God, but he could die happy crushed between those beefy thighs.
“Maybe we should...I don't know, join forces or something,” Guy offered.
Hal frowned. “How would that work?”
Guy raised both brows and pointed at himself with a deprecating chuckle. “You're asking me?”
Of course, what was he thinking? “Good point, um...” Hal thought a moment before he said, “How about...we share information and give each other space to work, but everyone else is the enemy. If either of us land him we back off.”
Guy nodded. “I'm game. Truce?”
“Truce,” Hal answered. They sealed their alliance with a fist bump, ring to ring, and both Lantern rings sparked green briefly. Hal and Guy dropped their hands and moved to regard their competition with zealous scrutiny.
“Right,” Hal said after a moment to strategize. “Now let's get in there. You try to push out Booster and the ex-Titans and I'll take the Supers.”
Guy punched a fist into his hand and grinned, ready for a brawl. “Got it.”
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philipsgaiamemories · 5 years
Secret Meetings
Fandom: Kamen Rider Gaim
Relationship: Kumon Kaito/ Kazuraba Kouta
Summary: No one could find out how Kouta got his extra cash. No one
Rating: Explicit!
‘How did it end up this way?’
The current leader of Team Gaim, Kazuraba Kouta, sighed gently as he walked up slowly to a familiar tall, expensive building.  Somehow he kept coming back here, back to this place which held Team Baron’s fancy club house.  As much as he hated himself for coming here, this place kept calling him.
It all started in Kumon Kaito’s, Baron’s leader, apartment not too long ago.  In his dimly lit hallway, Kouta had tripped over himself, and in the heat of the moment, he found himself peeling away at Kaito’s perfectly pressed pants.  The stand-offish man attempted to resist, but gave in quickly to Kouta’s impulsive nature. Gave in to the energetic boy’s mouth…What happened after was a blur. The two were suddenly wrapped up in one another, Kaito refusing to let Gaim’s Leader go, demanding more.  The small boy could feel his cheeks flush hotly, remembering the warm gel against his skin, the heat of being entered, and the pleasure of being violated.
And after all of that, as he was trying to leave the apartment, for some reason Kaito shoved money into his hands. It was an strange interaction, but, the face of Baron’s Leader had an even stranger expression.  A mixture of uncertainty, of awkwardness, as if he wanted to say something more but couldn’t.  And since then…
The door opened to Baron’s clubroom, but its occupant did not hang in the door way, retreating into the hallway.  This wasn’t unusual treatment though…yet, ever since that night, and seeing that puzzling expression, Kouta had returned multiple times, as if drawn to see it again.   Shutting the door behind him, Gaim’s leader followed the soft footsteps through the dimly lit hallways, until they reached the quiet, dark, clubroom.  The blinds to the empty clubroom were drawn, shielding them from the public eyes.  It was just Kouta and-
Stealthily from the shadows came a taller male, dressed in scarlet and black, wrapped his arms around the smaller dancer.
“K-Kaito!” A small breath left Kouta, feeling the warmth of Baron’s leader’s lips against his neck.  
Kaito’s voice was dark, and low again Gaim’s ear. “Back again, Kazuraba?”  
The smaller boy turned around, a slow smile crossing his lips. He stood on his tip toes wrapping his arms around his rival, feeling the heat radiate from his body. Kouta nodded his head, staring into the dark hard eyes of Kaito.
“Hm…I figured with all of this…you could blow some steam. And Christmas is around the corner…”
It was a lie of course, he didn’t need the money that badly.  But, to be here, to get this close to the elusive Kumon Kaito, Kouta had to stretch the truth a little.
Baron’s leader scoffed, “Heh, I guess it can’t be helped.” With that, Kaito’s large hand lifted, and grabbed Kouta’s chin.  Lifting it slowly, the taller man lowered his face, and pressed his lips roughly against the small dancer’s.  
There it was…that warmth and intensity of his lips that was the cause of his addiction. Everything that Kaito did, everything that he was, was full of wild unbridled passion.  It was a drug which he craved more and more, his fingers sliding into the soft, perfectly styled hair urging the taller boy closer. It didn’t take much, the gentle teasing was all that was needed for the taller boy.  
Kaito’s hands lifted up, and cupped around Kouta’s small face, pulling him closer. Normally such an act would be affectionate but for the leader of Team Baron, it was more of a power move, a show of dominance. It caused goose bumps to crawl all up Kouta’s skin, and his heart to pound against his small chest.  He would never admit that though, he couldn’t admit that…that, he enjoyed all of this.  
The two began to move backwards in the room, their lips still connected, Kaito refusing to let go. The sound of chairs, scraping against the floor echoed through the empty space, as they were forced out of the way. It was barely noticed though by the boys, because Kouta’s hands were too busy grabbing at the small black buttons to Katio’s vest.  The last time, the young Kamen Rider was too eager, and pulled at the buttons, popping a few right off his expensive Baron uniform.  Of course, that lead to some consequences…luckily all the scratches that he sustained, healed quickly, so all that was left now was faint lines.
But as Kouta was finishing his work on the vest buttons, and half way through the dress shirt, Kaito had already lead them across the room.  Suddenly, Gaim’s Leader, felt the cold metal of the car against his back.  Slowly, his lips were released, as Baron grabbed at Kouta’s jacket unzipping it in one fluid motion.  
Kaito’s dark, hazy gaze flicked down, and glared hatefully at the Gaim shirt Kouta wore underneath.  Slowly, Baron’s large hand slipped underneath the shirt, his fingertips stroking across Kouta’s sensitive abs.  The muscles underneath twitched anxiously, as if aching to be touched more, and of course Baron was eager to comply.
The smaller boy let out a hot breath, his lips hovering right below his secret lover. His mind now completely fogged, feeling flames crawl up and down his stomach with each stroke of Kaito’s fingers. Kouta’s hands shakily reached out, and grabbed at the buttons again, quickly undoing them.  Pushing the fabric aside, the fingers of Gaim’s lead traced across the curves of Baron’s defined muscles.  
An incoherent sound came from Katio’s throat, as he buried his face against the smaller boy’s neck.  Kouta could feel pressure, pricks, against the sensitive skin, and he automatically knew he would have to hide bruises later.  This sensation was also followed by the Kaito’s warm hands slide across his thin waist.
“K-Kaito!” Kouta let out a soft whine, unable to control himself.  The holder of Banana Arms felt the need to leave marks all over the smaller boy, another way he would show his dominance.  Or maybe, a way to mark his territory?
With a soft growl Kaito pushed his hips forward, pressing his finger’s into Kouta’s firm rear; causing the small boys hips to thrust up immediately in surprise.
“Mmph!” The taller Leader captured Kouta’s lips immediately, silencing him and his whimpers. Their hips grinded up against one another, as the smaller male was pressed up against the car, unable to move. Lightening crackled up their bodies with each rub, small gasps escaping from their desperate kiss.  Then, through the thin fabric separating their warm bodies, the smaller boy could slowly feel a hardness growing from Kaito’s waist.
Against Baron’s lips, Kouta smiled, normally the composed boy took his time enjoying the teasing, but today…Today, Kaito was riled up and frustrated, his large hands sliding across Kouta’s skin towards the front. Finally, those hands grabbed at Gaim’s front, pulling at the buttons undoing them with ease. The quiet sound of a zipper slowly becoming undone danced in the air, causing Kouta to shiver in anticipation.  No, Kaito was not the only one who was anxious and riled up.  
As the zipper went down, the taller man’s fingertips brushed against his hardened length which was protruding from his jeans.  
Kaito scoffed, his face morphing into that amused sneer, “Already?...I hardly touched you…” His long fingers slipped within the pants, and rubbed against the moist cotton boxers teasingly.  Each touch released pleasured moan and whimpers from the smaller boy, encouraging Kaito even more. As riled up as Baron’s lead was, he truly took pleasure out of hearing those noises from Kouta.  Sometimes those whimpers lead to –
The smaller boy couldn’t help, but shift his hips uncontrollably, rubbing themselves up against Katio’s long fingers.  It wasn’t just on the dance floor, or battle field where Kaito wanted to be the best, he had to be an expert on everything, and, it felt…incredible.  His length was throbbing and aching with every stroke adding fuel to the fire boiling within him.  The breath coming out of Gaim’s leader was becoming sporadic, into a deep, heated panting.
Kouta’s mind was spinning, unable to form any rational thought beyond just the base desire for more pleasure.  Kaito was a drug, and the smaller boy willingly because an addict for it.
The sweet torture did not last long though, as the taller man lifted his hands, and grabbed at Kouta’s pants.  Tugging the waist line, Kaito forcibly turned the boy around, Kouta’s hands grabbing at the model’s cold car door for support.  He knew what was coming next as he felt the cool air rush up his hot skin, causing him to shudder. Baron’s leader had yanked his pants and underwear down with one swift move, reveling Kouta’s hardened length for the other mans amusement.  
From behind, Gaim’s leader could hear the rustling of clothes, and in his minds’ eye he could see Katio’s pristine pants, and expensive briefs, falling into a pile on the floor around his feet.  Suddenly, Kouta felt warm fingertips crawl up his legs, until-
He felt the pleasurable sting of Kaito sharply slapping his rear, “Ah! O-Oi Kaito!”    
Baron snorted, his tone annoyed, but Kouta knew there was a smirk across his handsome face. “Quiet.”
The hands returned, rubbing Gaim’s firm ass, before he felt something hot press against his skin.  He could feel his butt-cheeks spread and before Kouta could prepare himself, he felt the sharp pain of being violated.
“AH!~<3” The small fingers of Gaim’s leader pressed into the cold car door, with the overwhelmingly painful sensation. He could feel Katio’s length press further into him until he could feel the man’s waist against his rear.  
Biting his lip, Kouta let out a loud whimper, feeling the taller man’s length slide back from within him, and glide back in, in slow thrusts.  Katio’s fingers pressed into Kouta’s thin waist, holding him in place, as he slowly rocked back and forth.  
The soft rhythmic sound of flesh colliding, alongside the soft sounds of grunting and whimpering from the two boys, filled the room.  At first, the pain rocked him, knocking the breath out of him.  But now…after it melted away, the sensation was incredible!  Kaito filled every inch of Kouta’s being, stretching him out from the inside.  Some sort of strange mixture of pain and pleasure, that caused his body to go haywire.  
Gaim’s leader felt licks of fire crawl up his pale back, feeling the taller man’s lips brush, and drag across his skin.  Each movement was methodical, going over each sensitive spot as if Kaito was indulging on a treat, and didn’t want to gobble it up too quickly.  All the while of course, the brash man was claiming him.  
Kouta let out sharp yelps, feeling Kaito’s teeth bite into his back, leaving dark bruises all over his skin.  From behind him, the small boy could hear Baron’s lead let out an annoyed sigh, his breath hot against his skin.
“So noisy…”
Suddenly Gaim’s leader felt his short chocolate hair being grabbed, and then pulled back. Gasping softly, Kouta’s head was forced back, a shock of lightening racing down his body, from the sudden show of force.  
“Kai-to” A soft needy whine came from the smaller boy, as his head was held up feeling his hair being pulled.
Scoffing, “Heh.”  Kaito then quietly growled, his other hand holding onto Kouta’s waist firmly.  Their rhythm started to speed up, as the taller man began to violate his secret lover harder.  The bent over boy bit his lip trying desperately to keep his cries at a minimum.  But the more and more that Baron’s leader thrusted into him, the harder it was to do. Kouta’s back arched perfectly, his rear sticking out, as he rocked with the other body, desiring more and more sensations. His whole body was becoming slick with sweat, his nerves raw, and completely working in order-drive.  
The smaller boy could feel Baron’s large hands clutch his chocolate hair even harder, in that perfect sort of way, that caused his rear to tighten in pleasure.  The sounds of flesh pounding against one another got louder, mixing with the sounds of gasping, and moaning.  By this point, even Kaito’s voice was heavy, coming out in short growls.
“Ka..zu…ra…ba…”  There was desperation within the movements of the two of them, fast and hard, seeking the ultimate pleasure.  
Kouta, still grasping onto the car for dear life, began to tremble underneath the taller male, his body reaching uncontrollable climax.  It felt like his whole body was on fire, set ablaze with each squeeze, touch, and pull from the other man.  
“…Don’t…” Kaito softly hissed in his ear,   “…Don’t you go first…” Baron’s leader thrusted hard into the small boy, as if emphasizing his point.
There was a soft whimper that released from Kouta, a smile crossing his lips. Yes, this was how it was, even in the heat of the moment, Kaito demanded to be first at everything.  He craved that sense of being on top, first and in control.  And with each stroke, and thrust, he wanted to exhort that control.  By this point though as much as Baron’s lead wanted him to wait, Kouta was shaking under him, his body threatening aching to release.  
Kaito, sensing the urgency growing within the other boy, did not waste any more time. He slid his hand from the boy’s chocolate hair, and firmly grabbed onto the boys waist thrusting unmercifully into him. Kouta rear tightened up just perfectly, causing his whole body to quiver, fire rising within his abs.  Baron’s leader was being pushed to the edge by his lover, and he moved furiously seeking to fall off the edge.  His body’s desperation, and the sounds of Kouta’s whimpers, moved him, drowning him in a sea of passion.  
“A-ah…Hmmph!” Burying himself deeply into Kouta, Kaito hissed sharply between this gritted teeth as he felt the fire leave his abs.  The pressure built within him now dissipated, as he violently released everything he had into his lover.  
Kouta gasped softly in response, feeling hot liquid spread within him.  “A…Ka-ito…”
He shifted, Baron’s leader may have felt the sweet release of climax, but the smaller boy was still bursting inside.  Kouta’s body quivered, a soft needy whimper escaping from his throat, tilting his head slightly sideways.  His eyes, dark, and hazy lifted their gaze to stare into Kaito’s, eyes, from behind his long bangs.  That was it…that look at Kaito had, was one of the biggest reasons Kouta kept coming back. A look of pure bliss, of unhindered emotion, that no one else has seen in this world.  Something that only Kouta got to see.  
Kaito felt his heart almost skip within his chest, a heavy breath leaving his lips. The look Kouta gave the taller man was downright dangerous.  Needy, and hot, begging to be touched.  That look was going to be his undoing…It just made the tall man want to ravish the young dancer even more.  
His large hand slid around Kouta’s thin waist, whispering hotly, “…I guess…I should take care of this…”  The small boy’s rear shifted anxiously, as the hand reached around, slowly until…
Rocking his hips forward eagerly, Gaim’s leader felt Kaito squeeze his hardened length. “A…aa..”
The taller man slowly pumped, controlling the rhythm between the two.  Kouta’s length was dripping wet, with pre-cum and sweat, making it easier to glide and tease. The smaller boy couldn’t help himself, trying to move the motions faster, seeking the release.  But Kaito kept his pace, slow, using his thumb to tease the slit. And soon, his smaller, hidden lover caught the pace, and rocked with him, until his eyes rolled back in his head, and he released violently in Baron’s hand.
“O-oh..m.mmmm…” It was a soft purr that came from Kouta, as he slumped against the car, completely spent.
The two stood still for a moment, their breathing ragged, and heavy.  The taller man’s hand slid across the boys waist, wiping himself clean. At the same time the lips of Kaito brushed up against the back of Kouta’s neck, almost uncharacteristically tender.  Yes…no one ever got to see this side of him…and Kouta loved that he was the only one.
“A-AH!” Suddenly the smaller boy felt an emptiness overcome him, and the warmth and heat that filled him, go cold.  Biting his bottom lip, Kouta turned his head slightly to face the other boy, but before he could completely turn, a towel was thrown in his face.
Slowly he stood up straight removing the towel from his face, and watched as Kaito slowly began to wipe himself clean. “Hurry and clean up.”
And there it was, Kaito turned back to his stoic self, his face back to being unreadable and hard.  Sighing lightly, Kouta slowly wiped off his pleasure juice shivering at the cotton against his sensitive length. His whole body was on pins and needles, still feeling the ghostly touches of Baron on his body, as he grabbed his clothes from the floor. The two dressed in silence, and as Kouta began to zip up his jacket, Kaito quietly came up next to him.  In his hand was a few colorful notes of money.
“A-ah!” With a gentle smile Gaim’s leader reached out and took the money, his hands brushing against Kaito’s. Yes… this was normal too… “Thanks”
He had to take the money and smile, even though he didn’t want to.  They kept their relationship hidden, knowing how much it would rock both their worlds if they let it out.  But Kouta kept his own secret, he wanted to be here, wanted to touch Kaito, and to see this side of him.  Shoving the money in his pocket, he diverted his gaze away from the taller man. For now, this, this would have to be enough to be close to his secret lover.
“I should leave.” He said finally, knowing that their time was coming to an end.  If he stayed for much longer, then he would risk getting caught by the rest of Team Baron.  
Kaito scoffed, walking slowly towards the entrance, “You didn’t have to tell me that Kazuraba.”
Running his fingers through his hair Kouta rolled his eyes, following closely behind. “Anyway, Ill see you later…okay?” His voice was soft, but the last word gently held a hopeful tone.
It wasn’t the most energetic answer, but, as Gaim’s leader passed by Kaito in the hallway, he spotted the slightest of nods from the man. Kouta’s lips turned into a silly grin, satisfied with the response, as he poked his head out the door, verifying no one was around. Brushing past Kaito he went out the door trying to look as nonchalant as possible.
He could feel his heart leap as it always did when he left the clubhouse, each time they met like this, it got harder and harder to want to leave.  Sighing heavily, he shoved his hands in his pockets, his mind already counting the days until their next secret encounter.  
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Salt and vinegar
First of all, thanks to everyone who read my first attempt at the first person writing, I always struggled with that.
I must say I didn't plan to write a second part to Cakes and accidents because I am a sucker for one shots with open endings, but I actually had a clear idea in my head about how it should continue, and I found a spark of inspiration so here is the part II.
And thanks to @tholland96 @jillanaholland for commenting.
Also part of the inspiration came from this interview in case you want to check it out.
Tom Holland x reader
One shot
Warnings: Fluff, cursing, poor table manners.
The message was bright and clear in your cellphone screen, but still you had to look at ti three more times to make sure what it says, and once the idea had sink in your head you tossed the device away in the laundry basket you were supposed to do that night as if it had somehow offended you. That wasn't real, it was a cruel joke of destiny that Tom Holland, actually Stanley, said the voice in your head, invited you to have dinner with him.
And of course you didn't want to read much into it, you have been talking in an amicable way for the last three days and he was probably trying to be friendly with you. But if you had to sit next to that charming smile and those breathtaking eyes that make you smile like an idiot just by thinking about them, for more than 20 minutes you will end up making an awkward mess of yourself and he would probably feel uncomfortable and would run away scared.
You pick up the phone and ignore the text to call your sister, she may be younger but the list of broken hearts in her past made her the perfect person to give advice, and since it was almost 8 at night she may be free in her new home all those mile away.
"Well he clearly enjoys your company" The voice of your sister told you in the phone after you briefly summarize how you meet him "Y/N why are you doing this? This Holland guy is clearly interested in you, what the hell if he said is name is Stanley or Lucas or Wenceslaus" She made a pause to let you laugh, she always did that, even when she was angry, making jokes was a second nature for Y/S/N "If anything it only means he wants to have a more normal discret experience as a young adult, and trust me it that is hard to find, you should see the blokes out here, they feel like just because they have a couple thousands followers in IG I should be kissing the floor they walk on"
"I suppose you are right, but I haven't done this in so long what if I mess it up?" You said with a voice a little more desperate than you hoped for.
"Then at least you have had dinner with a handsome lad, and you will move on. Look you are not sure if this is a date right? Then take it that way just two friends eating, a normal conversation, maybe a beer and please big sister put on a bloody dress" she said before you start lecturing her on how little you cared for gender specific clothes and she talked some more about her new school. By the time you hung up it was 9:00 and you sent the answer to his text.
Sorry, busy doing laundry. Sure mate! 6 works for you?
"Oh Y/N why did you say mate?" You asked yourself outloud, you really were bad at this.
And here I am, being useless. You are such an adult. 6 works perfect, I'll pick you. Sweet dreams mate! 😉
His text came in within minutes and you let go a relief sigh, before start thinking about what you should wear, but Y/S/N was right, you had to take it as calm as you could, and he was in fact a charming friend, worst case scenario you still were going to have dinner with Tom Holland, that couldn't be bad, and with that in mind you finally went downstairs to do the bloody laundry.
"Looking good Bristol" he said once you open the door at exactly 6:00 pm the next day. "Good thing Tessa is not coming today, will be a shame to get grass and dirt on that dress" he add pointing down to the skirt of the flowy summer dress you finally picked, looking at you for one second to long. So maybe it is a date your mind said happy.
"Oh that's too bad, I actually got her something" You said picking out something from your purse "So she won't be out there chasing innocent british pastries" You said giving him a chocolate cake plush toy. And following him out to his car.
"This is adorable" He said again smiling with his whole body, and you wonder again how does he do that? "Sorry I forgot to tell you to don't posh up, I'm actually just coming out of the gym" Actually never mind. Your mind told you since he was wearing again a simple black tshirt and dark blue jeans, and then you could notice his hair was wet, he probably had just taken a shower ... don't go there. "And I'm actually starving, chips sound good?"
"Sure, I actually didn't like the ones in Bristol so it would be nice to eat them here." Yo said trying to shake your thoughts away from the danger zone and putting on the seatbelt "Isn't it late for being at the gym? I hope you are not an excercise addict"
"I don't think I am" he said with a little laugh "But what do you think is this too much" He said with an obvious pretend innocence flexing up his arms making the tshirt rise on his abs. That's obscene sir, sorry girl you are on your own. Said your inner voice shutting down all logical thinking
"No, you look quite... healthy" You said finally looking to the left, never finding a review mirror so interesting.
"Good I would hate to be too big" he said and you could hear the amusement in his voice, and somehow the fact that he was aware of your obvious crush on him make you confident enough to acknowledge the elephant in the room.
"Obviously, period pieces never look good on beefcakes and you can't be spiderman forever" you said casually and he turn at you a bit astonished.
"When did you knew?" He said and thankfully his tone was not anger nor embarrassment just genuine curiosity "And I would love to do a period piece, what about Heathcliff ?"
"Well I don't believe there is many Staffordshire bull terriers around named Tessa" You started "But I actually recognized you when I saw you" You finally confess, feeling the pressure lifting off your shoulders "But I thought since you were not comfortable giving out your own name it wasn't my place to say anything. And Heathcliff is overrated Linton on the other hand is more of a challenge"
"Oh don't be so harsh on yourself, I didn't mind giving my name or not, it just seemed something funny to do at the time, and Tom or Stanley I actually enjoyed talking to you" He said while he found a place to park. "Do you mind walking from here? Is a nice place but doesn't have and actual car park".
"Not at all, as long is not more than 5 blocks, I am getting hungry" you said with a smile while he maneuver to park his Audi.
"O'Neill's Kingston upon Thames" He said once you were both on the ground and he once again offered you his arm "Have you ever been there? Great food"
"I actually never been there, but sounds fine, let's go" you said gladly taking his arm and walking by his side and a couple blocks later you were finally at the Irish Pub.
"A pint of Guinness and cod and chips" He said returning the menu to the waiter.
"And the lady?" He asked while you struggle to not take forever to decide what you wanted, an old bad habit that your mother have tried to change constantly.
"The Bacon cheese chips and a pint for me as well" you said finally putting the menu away.
"My kind of girl" He said and winked at you, clearly not realizing that your legs will stop working because of it "So when do you go back to bristol?" He asked and that honest interest encouraged you to speak.
"By mid September, my mother is actually about to toss my train ticket in the trash since I didn't came back for spring vacations, but I had so much work that I couldn't."
"I totally get it, whenever I'm away my dad makes such a big deal about it" he said letting go a little laugh "I mean is not the same since I didn't go to college but is sweet"
"Oh but you cross the Atlantic, they have reasons to be worried. I'm just one train away" you said and a small spark of pride shine in his eyes, was he self conscious about you being in college? No that was ridiculous. "Anyway I actually needed this, my friends from uni are in their houses and my friends from high school are too happy with their boyfriends and girlfriends to hang out with me." There I'm a loser now we are even.
"And your sister is gone, been there. I have the feeling Harry is going to break up with me when he gets a real girlfriend" he said and make you laugh, a bit louder and more nasal than you wanted.
"That's some laugh" he said laughing too but instead of making you shut up or get embarrassed you laughed louder causing the waiter to look at both of you like you were crazy while holding your food.
"Yours is no better sunshine" Yo said finally and giving a I'm so sorry look at the guy that kept looking at you and he finally put your food on the table. "This looks delicious" You said taking out one of the chips making a cheese string to extend from the hot plate.
"That's like too much cheese" He said making a funny disgusted face, and then proceeded to add more vinegar and salt to his chips.
"And that's like too much vinegar" You teased back at him, and then taking a big sip of the Guinness.
"No darling, this is too much vinegar" He said taking one of the complementary pickled eggs on de table and giving it a big bite.
"That's actually fucking disgusting..." you started but ironically and unplanned you were betrayed mid sentence by the beer and a loud and horrifying burp came out of your mouth, and the shame and the look on other people faces made you want to be swollen by the floor "Oh shit, I'm so sorry, that was so awful, I'm so gross..." The apologies start bubbling in your mouth while your face turned red and you dare to look at him, and the serious look on his face could have broken your heart in the very moment because you could almost hearing him say how you should end the dinner for once.
"Oh you wanna get tough" He said instead and took a sip of his beer and let go an even bigger burp and then looked at you with the brightest smile yet and add "Beat that baby" and he raised his opened arms as if he had won. You only smiled and nodded and you kept talking about other nonsenses until two beers and a order of onion rings later he was waiting at the door for you to came out of the bathroom to walk back to his car.
"Sorry I take forever, I went back to give a bigger tip to the waiter, we were so awful" You said at him.
"You were awful, I was being completely charming" He said and this time he didn't offer his arm to you instead simply took your hand without saying a word and before you noticed you were already walking holding it tightly.
"Of course you were, the guy put two more picked eggs at the table for you and kept looking drooling" You said and he laughed.
"Sorry sweetheart I can't turn off this pretty face" He said pointing at him when you reached the car, you couldn't agree more.
"Well he must be in love, that's a lot of vinegar to want to kiss someone" You said, again before you could think better and stop your tongue, he stood still and you questioned yourself if you had offended him, since he didn't say anything you let go of his hand and try to walk to open the door, but before you could do it he grab you by the wrist, and you froze immediately.
"That's actually quite disappointing you know?" He started no smile, but no anger either, just an honest tone, he let go of your wrist but you remained in your place "But I have never think it's okay to try and kiss someone in the first date so I figured it would be okay"
Your feet were still on the ground but for a moment your head was miles and miles away in the sky screaming of happiness and incredulity, it was a simple four letter word yet it felt like the most beautiful poem in his lips, and at the same time your logical thinking brought you back to the ground in a millisecond, you needed to be certain of what he had said.
"Well I was not aware this was a date, otherwise I wouldn't have ordered the extra onion rings" you said and give him a timid smile.
"Then I must be terrible at this" he said opening the car door for you "Although I wouldn't mind, but as I said it's a first date so I just want to take you home safely.
"Well that's really sweet of you" you started and he start the car to get back to your home "And since apparently I'm incapable of behaving like a decent person in public when I'm with you next time you should come to my place".
"I like your indecency" He said "And I would love too, are you going to tell me that you can cook too? Because in that case you are officially annoyingly adult"
"Of course, my speciality is reheated pizza in the microwave" You said and he laughed, there was a narcissistic pleasure about being able to make him laugh.
As a perfect gentleman he walked you at your door, there was so much that you wanted to tell him, but the idea of going out with him again soon was so powerful that you almost didn't mind watching him leave.
"That was the funniest and more amazing date I ever have"
"Oh stop it" You said blushing again "I'm going to start believing you and it would get to my head"
"Believe me, I almost run to the drugstore to buy a toothbrush" He said and give you a devilish wink that make you thank your door for being behind you holding you still.
"You know how unfair this is when you look like that?" You said desperately looking at your feet "And for what is worth I have an amazing evening too, and if I'm honest I wouldn't have mind at all too" You said and dare to touch his arm softly before turning your back at him to get inside.
He suddenly grabbed you by your waist and turned back to him, planting a quick soft kiss on your cheek, and you could see the fun grin on his face, he was not being considered he was torturing you with anticipation, and you love it.
"Goodbye then" He said and with one last wink he walk away and got in his car.
You stood ther for solid five minutes touching your face where he had just kissed you and watching the street, then you finally get inside thinking about how happy and uneasy this force of nature of a man made you feel, he would be the end of you, but you wouldn't change it for the world.
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airanddust · 4 years
A day in isolation
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Day I don’t even know. It’s March 27. I should be packed and ready for a trip to Japan, but that was cancelled a month ago. We should have been there to see the cherry blossoms and stay in a cramped Osaka hotel room. Now, as the meme says, we will be going to “Los Kitchenos.”
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My mornings start with a sense of reluctance. Sailor nudges my leg two minutes before my 7 am alarm. I used to wake up at 6, which, since the time change, is now 7, but I haven’t been to the office since then so I’ve been waking up at this time for…three weeks. Since March 5.
I feed the dogs, stumble in the wan light to pull open the blinds, flip on my Happy Light, and unfurl my thick purple yoga mat. I don’t bother with the toning yoga videos anymore. It’s all stretches and relaxation practices. I choose fifteen or twenty minutes, or thirty if I didn’t hit snooze and feel luxurious. I tilt my spine side to side in tabletop position, hands and feet against the ribbed mat. A catch releases somewhere in my back.
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The first downward dog is always a balm for my calves. My right leg is a block of concrete, stiff and unmoving after an uncomfortable night. I often wake to find myself jammed against one shoulder, or with a hand tingling, or my hip screaming so loudly it pulls me from a dream.
I work through the flow and inevitably need a tissue when my body spurts up some gunk that went dormant overnight. Clarity returns to my sinuses. I feel a little less hatred for the day ahead. It almost feels like a normal day.
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Since stocking up for the vacation-apocalypse, I now have a myriad of breakfast choices as compared to my typical instant oatmeal packet or protein shake. I could have protein waffles, banana bread, strawberries, string cheese, or cinnamon raisin bread that Robert made, wide and puffy. 
I read the Bible while I eat. I used to read it on my YouVersion app, but that was creating a too-addictive don’t-break-the-chain habit (I got to 100 days this year), and the reading didn’t go deep. I switched to the mid-Psalms in my fifteen-year-old NASB college Bible and starting journaling my SOAP —  another unfortunate acronym, but a helpful one I gleaned from our church’s online messages. Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer. It helps me identify what most speaks to me in a passage and consider it more closely. Today it’s Psalm 41.
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I have fifteen minutes to write, perched on the edge of my dilapidated former office chair, which has lost two silver wheels and now sits disabled next to my desk. I realized I need a separate space, even if it’s just a seat two feet from my office chair, in which to write and thus separate myself from work.
I check newsletters in my email. The Denison Forum, the New York Times briefing, the Hustle, Briefingday, and, on Fridays, Girls’ Night In. I take a quick scroll through Instagram. Sometimes I watch a few stories from my favorite fashion bloggers. Then I lift the lid of my work MacBook Pro.
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It’s time to work, but the thought of eight hours ahead of me is nearly paralyzing. I usually open Trello, where I’ve divided my tasks into To Do, Doing, and Done, but today I try Marie Forleo’s handwritten method of finishing the sentence “The one thing I will accomplish today is…” Today, it is sketching and mocking up a grid view for car sensors.
Then the Slack messages come in. I removed Slack from my phone at the advice of a coworker — “only I can give myself anxiety; Slack doesn’t have that privilege” — but the desktop app still manages to contribute to the low-grade anxiety that I will miss a critical conversation. I disabled the red badge of death. I turned on Do Not Disturb. Yet I still compulsively open Slack every ten minutes. Working remotely seems to make me eager to prove I’m around, available, not goofing off, and I don’t get into that deep zone of focus I need. But I try. I turn on an instrumental playlist from Spotify — it only recommends classical and movie scores for me now — and clump my old, cheap Amazon headphones over my ears.
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My cat Nala weaves in between my keyboard and monitor. She flips onto her back and splays her legs out, falls asleep, and spreads ever so subtly until her back leg shoves my keyboard to the far edge of the desk, where I am now forced to sit diagonal to my computer. If I shut her out of the office, she scratches the door and makes pleading guttural noises, but in the office, she seems to know when I have a Zoom meeting and pretends to run an agility course. More than twice I’ve had to introduce her to coworkers when she hops between me and the webcam, leaving a dark tail in her wake.
We had catered lunch daily at the office. Now we fend for ourselves. This week I wrote down a semi-meal plan, and today I pull two red-topped plastic containers from the fridge to mix Thai ground beef with leftover Kraft Mac and cheese. I microwave it until it’s a strangely humid combination of cuisines.
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I read the latest edition of Real Simple while I eat. The magazine came bagged in a plastic sheath, which I peeled off and threw away before washing my hands. I know the content was created months ago before this virus existed, and yet it’s still odd to read something so remarkably free of Covid-19. There is, however, a spring cleaning feature that explains the difference between sanitizing and disinfecting. That reminds me we only have a handful of Clorox wipes left. When we run out I’ve thought of dipping paper towels into the leftover solution at the bottom of the canister. I haven’t been super diligent about wiping down surfaces, but then again, we don’t go out much. I haven’t been outside in two days.
I return to my desk and mindlessly nibble on a Seattle Chocolate Double Distilled Mint bar. I eventually return to the kitchen to make DIY milk tea — cold Lipton with a splash of milk, mixed in my reusable boba tea tumbler. I didn’t think I could tolerate caffeine, but the iced tea has just enough to propel me through the rest of the workday. I don’t have tapioca to add but that’s okay. There are apparently sixty-eight carbs per serving of boba. I’m already eating too much. We stocked up on rice cakes, bananas, peanut butter, oatmeal, canned soup, dried pineapple, Pop-Tarts, and granola. Five-year-old me is constantly aware of this and always planning my next trip to the kitchen.
At three I join a few coworkers for what we call Zoom-ba, our virtual dance session, where I share a pre-made YouTube playlist and we dance in tiny thumbnail windows with each other. Our favorite instructor is a guy named Mao who wears bright colors and dances on a pier somewhere over tropical waters. It helps us feel less like we’re trapped in our small, dark homes.
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After an hour more of work, I join another Zoom call to work out with friends who exercise with me almost daily now. Today we do legs. Last time we did abs, which, for some reason, left Laura with sore arms and me with achy glutes. We’re still figuring out how to do this. We place our laptops on chairs and the floor and follow an impossibly fit woman on YouTube.
Sweaty and tired, I tell my friends goodbye and pull up Instagram to watch the nightly fireside chat from my favorite finance author. It’s comforting to have this small slice of a predictable schedule: to know that every night, he’ll appear on my screen at 5:30. After this I don’t know what I’ll do. Maybe eat, or walk the dogs.
Robert makes mashed potatoes in the Instant Pot, and a thick, starchy scent wafts through the house. The Instagram Live ends and I join him for small plates of mashed potatoes with canned green beans. It feels sort of like a survival meal. We forgot to defrost any meat. I know I’ll be hungry later.
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It’s raining so we don’t walk the dogs. Instead, we finish watching the first season of Altered Carbon, which I wasn’t sure I’d even want to finish watching. I don’t like how the story is ending. I also realize that with each show I watch, I’m wondering why the actors stand so close to each other. It hasn’t even been six months since all of this started. Will I think this way about every show from now on?
After the show ends Robert goes to his home office and I go to mine, where I open Skillshare for the next new routine I’ve established: learning Spanish. A coworker mentioned it could be a good way to pass the time, and since we have several Spanish-speaking friends and I love Zumba music, I’d like to learn it. I sit in front of my laptop and repeat words to the screen.
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Some nights I make a tiny zine out of a sheet of printer paper. I think I’m putting too much on my plate. My creativity feels dried up, restless, and I end up on Twitter or some other internet rabbit hole. I don’t want to look back and see that every decision I made during this time was reactionary, but some days I don’t feel like I can muster much more than that.
Before brushing my teeth and washing my face, I go through my planner, make sure I did everything I wanted to do today. I realize how crude that sounds when, as some articles tell me, I shouldn’t be focused on output during a time of global crisis. But I feel listless without these goals. I need something to put me in motion, even if only for distraction.
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Now I’m in bed. I have a stack of library books procured hours before the library shut down, but I don’t always read them. I keep one on my nightstand just in case. I’ll probably watch Robert play Animal Crossing on the Switch until I can’t keep my eyes open anymore. The music and repetitive actions are calming. Boring. Kind of like life used to be.
I fall asleep.
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amnachil · 7 years
The High School Game Part 1
Okay, here we are ! Hope you’ll like it.
Sam DAY 1 Wednesday
"Hey big boy, how are you doing today ?"
With a smirk, Sam touched Finn's belly. All around, students were laughing, amused by the situation.
"How much food did you put on this paunch this morning ? You really are a big boy."
"Please, let me go." begged Finn. "I have to join the class."
Sam nodded when the bell rang. He took his own bag and joined his sports teammates while grinning. The big boy just ran in the classroom, with his huge potbelly jiggling at every stepp. He was 179 cm (5'8") height and they called him the fatty high school teen, because everyone was laughing at him. Sam, under the pressure of social mass and because he loved teasing, was one of the most agressive. But after all, that was legit. Following Raphaël, Sam entered in the classroom and sat behind his desk, ready for one long hour of mathematics. Boring, this is boring. He glanced at Finn, who was next to Shirley. The boy, with his 87 kg (191 lb), carried a big, round belly. Sat here, Sam could see the rolls of fat hanging over his trousers, pushing against his too tight tee-shirt. So patethic. On the other hand, Shirley was a beautiful girl, standing at 163 cm (5'4"), for approximatively 53 kg (116 lb) of pure muscle. Her thin body, enlightened by her solid breast and strongs arms and legs, was perfect for Sam. Since two years, he just wanted to ask her out, but he had not found the courage yet.
"Stop looking at her like this buddy." whispered Raphaël. "You look weird."
"Hell, true. Thanks."
The class went, one after one, more and more annoying for the young lad. The only things he loved in high school were sports and the canteen. Indeed, with lunchtime came usually a lot of fun for Sam and his mates of the soccer team. Following Raphaël, he chose his menu : one burger, fries and soda. Digging hungrily, he barely watched Raphaël sigh. In no time, he finished his lunch, happy, and decided to play the rest of his free break. Play with Finn. The big boy, sat next to Shirley (Sam did not understand why both were friends) was eating with passion two burgers and one large box of fries.
"Hey, big boy !" shouted Sam.
Raphaël, who finished his own lunch very fast, because he followed a strict diet to keep his built body, laughed.
"Don't call him big boy Sam. He is more like a Big Pig."
"True buddy, and a really big one. Do you mind if I call you Big Pig ?"
Finn, too scared of the two handsomes boys, just stay quite. In the high school, rules were clear : sports guys were at the top, and the other just have to shut up. Sam was glad to know he was one of the most popular teenagers. Many lads wanted his body, with defined six pack, hard pecs and strong arms. But that was an hard work, like 30 minutes of workout every morning plus gymclass every afternoon. Raphaël was doing 1 hour every morning, but only because he was over addicted to sport. And both were playing soccer every saturday with the team, obviously.
"I think we understood." interrupted Shirley. "You two are the funniest guys in the world, but now, get out."
Sam loved to tease Finn, but he wanted the girl's admiration too. He just obeyed to her order, followed by his buddy.
Rest of day passed without any interesting events until gym time. A lot of 11th grade students, boys and girls, joined the lesson of Mr. Litman in order to exercise. Today, planning was running. As soon as the professor gave the signal, Sam started the run of his life. He loved to smell the sweat after a rought time. And furthermore, he loved to win. Which was hard against Raphaël and Tobias, an other teammate. By the way, he ran until overtake the last runner, Finn. Obviously he is.
"Hold on Big Pig ! Try to make an effort !"
His belly was jiggling like hell with every step, just like his fat ass. It was like three meat ball. How pathethic. Sam, too busy laughing at Finn, lost the run. Raphaël was first, far ahead Tobias, and then went Shirley, and then Sam. But that was not rude, because the beautiful girl, too happy to be better than one of the guy, smiled to him. I won my day.
Shirley DAY 1 Wednesday – DAY 2 Thursday
This night, after a family dinner with her twins sisters, her brother and her parents, the young lady went upstair to make some push-up. One, two, three... Since the beginning of the years, almost two month ago, she discovered a whole new world. Last year, she was in a different class, with awesome peoples, kind and funny. Seven, eight, nine... But right now, for his 11th grade year, she just fell in the worst class of the school. Girls were... well, they were awful, judging student by their physiques and feelings, without knowing them. And the majority of the boys was even worst. Twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two... Sam, a wicked boy obsessed by his physique, was the monster. He just made fun of Finn like, well, every fucking time he saw the growing boy. Shirley tried to make him understand that her friend was not only an overweight guy, but... He is too dumb too understand...
"What the hell are you doing in the bathroom ? Oh my god !"
Dan, her older brother was like... well, the perfect man according to Shirley. Get it right, she loved exercise, abs and strong chest, but she had other... tastes concerning boys. Freshman in College (he was in the same high school than her last year) her brother still lived with their parents for cheaper consumption. Standing at 181 cm (5'9"), he weighted something like 72 kg (158 lb), with a little (hardly noticeable) tummy. Sweet, good looking and comprehensive, Dan was definitly the perfect brother.
"Are you seriously doing push-up ?"
Since her 14, she was nearly addict to sport : plus gym in high school, she did 3 hours weekly (on Sunday) of athletics and 30min of workout every morning. In comparison, Dan, working maybe 1 hour every two week, was astonished by her performance.
"Yeah, in order to keep my body healthy." she said.
"You know, you can be heathly whitout that." replied Dan. "Shall I consider I'm unheathly ?"
He patted his tummy with a grin. She blinked, and left the bathroom to let him go. She would not admit it, but seing her brother with a little roll of fat, even if it was invisible under his clothes, made her shiver with excitation.
Morning came after a long and relaxing night. Shirley woke up, reach the kitchen and take her breakfast. She abtsenly watched over her window. Every morning, at 6:45, Raphaël passed in front of her house for his morning workout routine. They say I'm addict, but he is insane. Since she lived here, she saw him daily, even on sunday. According to Dan, he worked 1 hour before class, then joined gym lesson, and obviously, he played soccer saturday afternoon with his teammates. Insane, told you. She went to the bathroom and get ready. In mid-october, the weather was still good for her to wear a skirt and a tee-shirt. She watched her six pack, as hard as a rock, and smiled. Today will be a better day... In primary school, she has a lack in confidence, but nowadays... Her only regret concerned Sam, who bullied Finn too much. But she was thinking about a solution.
Like every morning, after her traditionnal workout, she found Finn buying a box of mini-donuts at Ms. Luliano's Bakery. She got the best groceries over the town, but well... Shirley was not a gourmet. The young teenager joined her friend, the only one she had in this class of nasty student.
"Hi Finn, how are ya ?"
The boy gulped his donut before answering :
"Hi Shirley ! Well i'm stressed, like every day."
No need to tell, Finn suffered from the teasing of their schoolmates. They joked about him every fucking second of the day. And, just to prove she was right, Sam show up at the enter of the high school.
"Big Pig hey ! I saw you ate your donuts ! Are you sure it was enough for that big gut of yours ?"
All above, the others laughed. This is not funny, but Sam he too popular... They just follow like sheeps...
"Enough." take part Shirley. "We heard you enough for today Sam. Leave us alone."
"Calm down lovely girl." teased Sam. "I just joking with my buddies. That's not a girl concern."
Seriously ? She wanted to kick his ass, but that was not a good idea. Firstly, because even with her toned muscles, she only was 163 cm (5'4") and 53 kg (116 lb), while he stood at 182 cm (6'0") and 74 kg (163 lb) perfectly distributed on his muscled body. I'm glad the infirmary release those data, by the way... It was a creepy tradition of the high school. Anyway, secondly, she could not hit Sam in the face, because Tobias was here... and Tobias always told everything to Raphaël... And Raphaël is a real pain in the ass. So, she just smiled to Sam and answered :
"Okay honey. See you later..."
She left the place, followed by Finn... She saw the bully blushing, which was awkward. And then, she realised she called him "honey", which was even more awkward.
Sam DAY 2 Thursday
The whole day, the young lad just thought about Shirley. She called him "honey"... Okay, with an ironic tone, but this probably meant something, isn't it ? Until gymclass, he was not able to think about something else.
"Man, you are absent-minded since the beginning of the day." proclaimed Raphaël. "What the hell is happening ?"
They were the last two one in the locker room, before the activity of the day (workout). Shirtless, his friend glanced at him. He is... handsome. Just, Sam was not gay. But Raphaël, despite his short 177 cm (5'8"), got a perfect body for magazine. His six pack was perfectly chiselled, under two strong pecs, and his arms and legs were athletics, strongs, with toned muscles. Plus, blond with blue eyes, his gentle traits gave the impression to speak with the Prince charming.
"I just thought about Shirley, the new girl. I really, really want her buddy."
Raphaël smiled, revealing his perfect, white teeths.
"Ask her out on saturday... I heard from Dan she would come with Finn."
"Big Pig is coming ? Who the fuck invited this loser ?"
"I do buddy, but no big deal. I thought it would be fun to have our... fatty friend with us. And well, Shirley need some new friends, so, I'm sure you will convince her to let Finn alone and get out with you..."
"How am I supposed to do that ? I'm not sure she likes me."
Raphaël put his sport T-shirt and smiled again.
"Man, we are the most awesome and handsome student in 11th grade. Every fucking girl, even the chubbies and uglies are only dreaming about us. Just ask her out, she will blush, say yes and you will have her. Simply like that."
This evening, Sam just cogitated about Raphaël piece of advice. That was easy for the blond lad, but Sam have not the same confidence. Brown hair, brown eyes, 182 cm (6'0"), he was a normal guy, except his awesome body. Maybe Shirley was more into blond or ginger guys... Leaving his bedroom, the lad joined her mother for dinner. They were living on their own, without an adult male. Dad left when I was 4 she said... Sam and her mother were not exactly in good terms. Since he decided to take care of his body and his alimentation – not as much as Raphaël, but enough to keep in shape – her mother, Nadia, was sad. Former professionel cook, she always loved make awesome meals for her son. But now, with the influence of social media, high school teammates and workout routine, he only ate basics meals, without any skills requirement. Today, Nadia made some broccoli, with a steak and water. Sam ate the wole thing without a word for her, before going to his bedroom.
"Son, wait." ordered her mother. "I have something to tell you."
He grumbled and sat down on his chair. What the hell she want now ? Slowly, she sat in front of him and smiled. Being 171 cm (5'6"), she was thin, with small breast and a flat stomach. She got brown hair, just like him, and the same eyes enlighten by a gleam of anger.
"I got your professor, Mister Pitts, on the phone today." she started. "He informed me of your grades which are decreasing, and he fears your average will be low in the end of the semester."
So what ? Sam was not able to exercise, study and hang out with his friends. He has to make a choice, and he did one : less revisions, more fun. High school was not that important for him. With a body like his, he could do whatever he want...
"Honestly." he stated. "I'm not worried. It's just one or two exams which were more difficult than I expected, but I'm fine. And that's not your business anyway... My work, my grades, that's all."
He did not wait for an answer. He stood up and left the room, letting her alone. I have priorities... First of all, he has to prepare his declaration for Saturday...
Shirley DAY 4 Saturday
The party started right after the soccer pratice, but she decided to come around 20:00. It take place at Tobias home, because his parents were in a business travel and the boy their only son. The town counted a lot of villas like this one, with a pool, a huge garden and three cars. Finn was waiting for her, hidden behind a big tree, probably afraid to go in alone. I can understand... Nevertheless, she did not get why Raphaël invited them yet but... She knew he was like... well like the devil himself.
"Finn, how are ya ?"
He saw her and smiled.
"Better now. I'm stressed because of this party... I think Sam will be here."
Obviously he will be. Wherever Raphaël and Tobias were, Sam was too. And this was a huge party, for the class and all the 11th grade student who wanted to come. For real, even Dan was already in, probably having fun.
"Don't worry, I will take care of you."
That was funny. His friend was taller than her, and really, really more impressive. According to the data of the infirmarie, which were updated every month, Finn weighted 87 kg (191 lb). And well... even 10 kg of fat were enough to make him impressive. Today, he worn a loose blue shirt around his big gut, and a black jeans waist 40 with a belt. Anyway, she bring him with her, and went in the manor.
Noisy, woolly, the living room was full of youngs peoples having fun. Everywhere, students were dancing in rythm or drinking. Ah, yeah... Despite the interdiction of alcohol for teen, high school students loved being drunk. On a corner, a buffet attracted Finn's eyes. To be honest, he was often eating, and Shirley already understood that, despite his overweight, he got a wonderful metabolism to fight against all this junk food. Whatever, she followed him, but did not touch anything. There were donuts, sweets, pie, and, of course, pizza. The young lady watched the surrounding area, rather bored. I don't like party, I came only for Finn. Okay, there was another reason. Dan, her brother, was here, with a group of buddies. For a college student, he loved high school party (probably because Raphaël invited him). And Shirley loved to watch her brother. Okay, this is weird. But, under his tight shirt, she could distinguish his bloated stomach (and it was only 21:00...). With passion, she gazed at him while he drank beer after beer, unconscious of her fascnation. Shirley would probably watch him overstuffed his face the whole night, but Sam came to her 2 hour later, and asked to speak in the garden, far away eavesdropper.
For the party, he evidently chose to wear a tight white shirt, half open to let everyone see his strong chest and a tighter jean, squeezing his ass. It look like he already drank a lot, because his belly was pretty bloated (she could see that because the shirt was nearly transparent) and his cheek were red.
"I needed to talk to you... burp... oh sorry. That's the beer."
Nice, for an introduction. She nodded prudently and waited.
"I'm, burp, stressed, but I think I have to give it a try. Okay, well. You're beautiful. The most wonderful girl in this high school."
Is he that drunk ? By the look of it, Sam was sincere. He had not enough beer to be drunk... But what the fuck is he thinking ?
"Can we go out together ?"
She opened her eyes wide. Seriously ? Why Shirley would date this asshole ? He just had teased her and Finn the whole week, saying every fucking time how fat her friend was, and right now, he asked her out ? This overconfidence was insane. There was no way she would accept.
"I know." mumbled Sam. "I'm not your bestfriend... but... I really like you. I'm ready to take time for you, and to listen to your wishs in order to make you happy. I'm even ready to be nicer with Finn to please you, but hey, say yes."
Shirley realized something. Behind this honesty, she had no choice. If she said no, Sam would tell it to Raphaël and Tobias. The three of them will probably have a revenge by insulting Finn even more. I must agree, or Finn will pay the consequences... Crap, fuck you Sam Boiley, fuck you and your crew. Sadly and quite depressed, she said yes, and promised herself she would find a plan to make Sam regret this decision. He took her hand, happy like a kid, and brought her inside, in order to announce the good new to his friends. And she just smiled, captive of the bully.
To be continued
Note : Height and weight are fairly europeans standards. (That’s why boys are short :p)
Note 2 : Being a non-native English speaker, I may have made some mistakes. Please be nice :D
Note 3 : Do not hesitate to make a comment. Thanks guys !
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