#but maybe it‘s just me and i don‘t like the hoodie and pants design that is established for him
eekonis · 8 months
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some c!dream character designs!
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jbbuckybarnes · 4 years
Professor Sugar - 5/7
Pairing: Student!Reader x Professor!Bucky Description: Like tons of other students you struggle with finances, but you can’t get any aid since your parents are filthy rich. The system doesn’t care that they broke off contact after you came out as bisexual. There is, however, someone else that cares. The prof of your class on PTSD and trauma. Professor Barnes. Warnings: 18+, f/m smut, oral (female receiving), secret relationship, not beta read.
Professor Sugar Masterlist // Masterlist
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Not too long after a routine had started to develop he finally took you to his place after one of your study and work sessions in his office. You knew this was about to get real. Until now it was a cute little romance with a few kisses behind the curtains. While you were sitting in his car, watching his eyes concentrated on the street, you realized how much more this would be set in stone. „You look cute when you drive.“ You mumbled towards him, cuddled into your jacket on the passenger seat. „Well, you look cute always.“ He chuckled before he turned into a side street with a few apartment complexes.
The moment you walked into his door you were met with a mix of white, black, navy and dark wood. „You really fucking play into this professor thing.“ You mumbled while looking around. Most walls were white, some with pictures in dark wood frames, his open living room had a bookcase wall full of all kinds of books and magazines. Most of his decor was white and navy, his kitchen black and white. „But you like it.“ He murmured into your ear and made you chuckle. „I mean, it could look worse.“ You looked up at him beside you. „Want some lunch, darling?“ He asked putting a bit of hair behind your ear. „Sure, why not?“ You smiled up before following him towards the kitchen.
White marble counters, probably fake, but looking good nonetheless. You jumped up to sit down on the isle and dangled your legs back and forth. „What would you like? Pancakes? Pasta?“ „Pasta, always. Although the pancakes sound good for another time.“ You bit your lip as he started putting a pot of water on the stove and started cutting up tomatoes. He looked like someone who cooked every now and then as a hobby. There were some cool appliances on the counter opposite to the kitchen isle. „I don‘t know if this hot or just domestic.“ You commented and had him look over with a little smile. „I‘d be happy with spreading either of those vibes.“ He answered before putting the stuff he cut up into another pot, pouring sieved tomatoes over it and dumping a pack of pasta into the water. „Hmm, what else do you like to cook?“ You asked with him leaning back across from you now. „I make a mad Asparagus-Potato-Tart and I also like to think that I make great stuffed tomatoes.“ He smiled proudly. „I like to make layered desserts for my friends‘ birthdays...and cupcakes.“ You smiled brightly and had him move right in front of you. „What else?“ He smiled up at you, more boyish than usual. You liked that look on him. „Mushroom soup, all self-made.“ You smiled. „You‘ll have to make me something next time.“ His voice dropped. „Sure, if you don‘t die a sudden sugar death.“ You giggled and were interrupted by a kiss. „If I die from sweetness, then it‘s from your sweetness.“ He murmured before leaving you there hot in your face while he finished making the food. After you ate while sitting on the kitchen isle together and you had an entire talk about the shittiness of your rich parents, he jumped back down onto the floor. The dirty plates landed in the dishwasher and the pots in the sink. He turned around with a suave look on his face and started talking again, „What do you say...good grades mean you‘ll get something nice. Letting me take care of you means you‘ll get something special.“ He suggested. „Like what?“ You smirked while leaning back, your legs slowly going apart. „Don‘t know. Maybe clothes, jewelry, a new phone?“ He grabbed you closer by one leg and your lower back and his voice got low, „Fancy underwear, sex toys, a new bed.“ „Why a new bed?“ You grinned. „Might ruin the one you have now, if you keep teasing me like that, sweetheart.“ He answered almost growling, making you shiver. „You like that?“ He whispered into your ear. „Yes. Yes I do.“ You whispered a little out of it. „You want me to take care of you, darling?“ His hands went up your thighs now, sending tingles down up your body. „Please, I haven‘t had good sex in months.“ You whined and got a chuckle back. „Don‘t worry, I‘ll take care of you.“ He murmured, his lips tracing your neckline and shoulder. „Up.“ He tapped your thighs and you did as you were told. His hands delicately removed your leggings and panties. Only thing still covering you being your big hoodie. His hands gently pushed apart your legs again and his lips now traced from your right knee towards your center. His attentive eyes were trained on you as your head fell back with a moan. A tongue went through your folds and swirled around your clit as you shivered again. „Oh fuck.“ You moaned out again as he pushed your legs to stay where they are. One of your hands went to grab into his short hair to grab his mouth as close to your center as you can. He got the note and licked right over your sweet spot. „Please.“ You whined out before he sucked it in and made your moan out. He went for it now, shaking his head, sucking in your clit and humming. Your body started shaking, shivering and concentrating its energy onto that one spot. „Holy shit!“ You panted as he pushed to fingers into you and stroking that spot. „Bucky.“ You moaned out and felt him chuckle. „Oh shit, I‘m gonna-“ you moaned out again and were unable to talk again. With another suck of your clit you came all over his chin with a loud groan. „That‘s my girl.“ He chuckled, cleaning his face off, „And now I‘ll actually take care of you.“ He got rid of his pants and climbed on top of you, smiling down. „I guess tomatoes aren‘t the only things you like to stuff in the kitchen.“ you commented dryly and you both broke out into laughter, before he shut you up with a kiss and a push. He managed the perfect balance between making love and merciless fucking. Just the right amount of delicateness mixed with dominance. You never had felt like you were in such good hands.
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„Am I missing something?“ You held out your iPad to him and he took it to read over your new study notes, comfortably leaning back on his couch. „Maybe a mind map of the process and the cycles, so you get what is connected and what is recurring.“ He mumbled and handed back the tablet in true professor demeanor. „Thanks.“ You smile sweetly before concentrating back on your studying. It was important to him that your studying and college experience stayed as normal and focused as possible and you totally respected that. His little comments were noted like an email between student and professor, not like a couple that just had a makeout session after one of them got back to the couch. „Causes...Symptoms...Recovery.“ You whispered as you wrote your mind map and had a fond smile directed at you that you weren‘t aware of. „Pancakes with self-made apple sauce.“ You presented to him proudly a week later. He was grading assignments the entire day and didn‘t leave his desk, so you decided to start making dinner for the two of you. His kitchen was decently filled with fresh food and you had the urge for something sweet. He looked up from his work with a soft smile and a shimmer in his eyes, „You are really something, aren‘t you?“ You grinned, „I might be.“ He tried your food and nodded, „Sweet, just like you.“ A wink was sent your way. With a giggle you trotted off to get yourself your share of the food. The evening was spent with you making a few notes for other courses and him creating a new presentation on his Macbook next to you. It was all feeling so natural and domestic. You came over a few days a week, you both talked a lot, had sex, one of you made food and you both either spent the evening working, watching Netflix or being all over each other.
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„Open it.“ He held a little box towards you after you both came home from college. „Bucky.“ You looked up apprehensive. He said he was willing to buy you some really expensive things for „letting him take care of you“ and you had also talked about this whole thing not only being a sexual but also a romantic relationship...but it still felt weird getting gifts, knowing now, that is in part paid by sexual favors. This was a weird limbo of sugar daddy and older boyfriend. „Just do it, please.“ He smiled so boyishly and sweet you couldn‘t say No. You carefully removed the wrapping paper bit by bit with patient eyes on you. After the last bit of tape was off you removed the paper and revealed a sleep black and white packaging with a „Google“ logo and a phone on it and looked up with wide eyes. „Bucky! You can‘t just…“ You were unable to find words. „Sweetheart, your current phone is almost 5 years old. And this one has a good camera, so you can make that study Instagram stuff.“ He sounded so out of time saying it but so nerdy too. Of course he would check all the specs on your old phone and this new one. „I, um, wow.“ You took the packaging and turned it onto every possible direction. „Open it.“ He said a little giddy himself now and you chuckled. With your fingernail you got off the sealing sticker and carefully lifted the top part off to reveal a lot of tiny manuals, a gorgeous phone and a few cables. „Woah.“ Your eyes went wide. Your old phone still had a home button and a kinda bulky design compared to this...Google Pixel. „I think it‘s already charged. Put it on.“ He smiled next to you on the couch. „Okay, okay. Calm down, nerd.“ You giggled and got a little pinch into your side for it while pressing the On-Button. The rest of the day was spent with the new phone, taking all the pictures in the world, searching for a nice case and „Thanking“ him thoroughly. The next morning was spent stealing his decorations and taking flatlay pictures for your new Instagram on his coffee table. Including a post-shower interruption of him, ending in shirtless pictures of him on your phone. „Great, I have a new background.“ You grinned. „If one of the other students see that, you‘re toast.“ He said more joking than serious. „I‘ll just crop the head and hold it up whenever you walk in front of me.“ You winked and had him grab you with a laugh. „Sugar, you‘re the best.“ He murmured before landing a kiss and letting you get back to work.
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„So, um, I need to get this out of the way.“ You mumbled sitting in front of him on the bed. „Yeah?“ He sat up and grabbed your hands. „I don‘t really...feel good with all the gifts. It makes all the fun we have so...materialistic. I feel like I‘m using you and might be used myself. And I know you don‘t and I don‘t do that either, but it just feels a little bit that way. So, uh, maybe don‘t gift me things for a while. I don‘t want sex to be a currency between us.“ You finally got it out in the way you had been wanting to for days and weeks now. He already knew you usually didn‘t like gifts that much, but you never fully explained why. The only talk you had was that this was not a relationship based on sexual favors and that you actually had feelings for each other. This just needed to get out of the way. „I can hold that promise until the end of the semester.“ He smiled cheekily. „Well, that‘s when your true intentions come out if you have any.“ you joked. You didn‘t expect him to turn on you or change much after you weren‘t his student anymore. But it would definitely not feel off anymore to be together and get gifts. It would be the time you‘d go from dating into an official relationship if everything went smoothly. „True intentions, huh?“ He smirked and eyed you intently, „You mean supporting my girl to become the business and psychology boss that I can already see her as?“ „Maybe I‘ll turn into your sugar mommy.“ You shrugged and you both spent the evening laughing and dreaming together a perfect life.
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