#but man....... hunting for food is one thing but I can never stand people who kill just for sport & in excess
runawaycarouselhorse · 3 months
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Accurate representation of how I feel searching for deer related things on eBay and it's all stuff made from antlers or apparel for people who make hunting deer their whole personality.
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suguru-getos · 1 year
࿐ soft yandere neuvillette hcs (f!reader) ࿐
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neuvillette being a hydro dragon was always territorial of the things he held dear, whether it was his unyielding love for the melusines, or the love for the people of fontaine or the love for justice and the idea of it for the people. this has never been translated into an intense devotion for a human until he saw you. lawyering up oh so sweetly against one of your friends to defend the defamation case lodged against their business.
it was then — that your eyes lingered with the chief justice. for someone who holds a power so supreme — he sure had kind eyes. standing above all, having the ability to shut the whole opera house in a second with the stern daunt of his voice. he was enamoring too… but you didn’t know how enamored he was of you. for the first time neuvillette was getting distracted during a hearing. how your eyes fiercely spoke along with the entanglement of your words. how exquisite.
you won the case & the happiness which made your smile all the more beautiful with the glimmer of victory dancing all over it. you also got a chance to thank the chief justice, too. to which of course — he’d be kind enough and deny. “please don’t thank me. i am just doing my work here.” still, when neuvillette shook hands with you to depart, his eyes widened with the registering of a weird, twisted feeling inside of him. he wanted to protect you for life, mate with you, wanted to be by your side…
it was one of the weird times when it had been the sunniest after the trials. the people of fontaine were weirded out to find out no rains for the rest of the week. despite of the trials. truth been told, neuvillette didn’t have the time to be upset for anything because now he has someone he was invested in.
why waste time? neuvillette thought to himself, he had never approached anyone yet. so? when he approached your door and knocked with a tender smile, with a bouquet on his hands and a sweet smile just to ask if you’d be so kind for a date, you heartily agreed. heart fluttering throughout the date when he pulled your chair, ordered the same food as yours just so he can taste your likes. asking if you’d be so kind as to give him another date opportunity— kissing your forehead while dropping you home. things were beyond golden.
things started getting a little controlling after a first month or so. as someone who had a few friends who liked to travel, you’d find the chief justice of fontaine not so eager to allow you to move out of fontaine. “inazuma? do you understand how far it is from here?” he had a point, of course… “but one of my friend’s family is there and the vision hunt decree is abolished now and i—” neuvillette doesn’t yell at you, he’s too soft for that. “i believe i didn’t ask for any reply to that dearest. you will be here in fontaine. if you want, i can arrange that your friend’s family come here. they’d be given the most royal treatment-”
neuvillette also quickly shuts down any opportunity for you to be talking to someone unknown. it’s simple? he has met your friends in gatherings and they are intimidated and respectful of your man. the others would take too much of his time in dissection of their personalities. how does he stop you? simple — neuvillette gets needy. he would clutch you in his arms and pout. not wanting to let you go at any cost. “i missed you sweetheart.” you can’t help but give in.
he doesn’t do punishments. it is too heartbreaking for him to see you stressed and distressed of him of all people !! however there was an instance where you forgot to inform him & came back home at 2 am with a bunch of people partying. neuvillette didn’t take that lightly. you know this because that was the first time you were pinned against the wall. kind and tender eyes glowering down and enraged. you couldn’t help but sniffle for hours when neuvillette brought you over his knee for a spanking. he hated it when you cried, it was stormy in fontaine for the rest of the week <\3 why don’t you understand he just loves you so much it makes him lovesick!
to make it up for losing his temper — he would spoil you with so much love. it would get hard to breathe under the undying affection he gives you. kissing your forehead, bringing you your favorite food, letting you feel the freedom you felt taken away, anything and everything. would probably surrender and get on his knees, sobbing if you give him the silent treatment.
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(MDNI 18+, smut will be eventually happening in this story line but still please respect the MDNI)
(Plus size reader x Negan. In the world of the dead rising, you just happen to fall for the one fucked up person who has no interest in you. And I am aware the timeline doesn't add up but for the story I had to make the timeline longer than a couple months.)
*Trigger Warning - There will be a few hurtful words. Negan is going to be an asshole for the first part of this so if you want the fluff and smut just skip past this chapter. Fatphobia. Eating Disorders. Fat shaming.*
You remember the day that you were found and bought to the Sanctuary by Negan himself. You had been abandoned by your own people and left to die in the woods, Negan and his crew were on their way back home when he spotted you sitting at the base of the tree.
"Well Shit looky here" he said, and you looked up at him as he flung the bat over his shoulder. "You lost little lamb?", you were too scared to reply so you just nodded. "You alone?" again you nodded. "Do you speak?". You took a deep breathe and shallowed the ball of fear that had made it way to your throat "Yes, ummm" you didn't know this man, but holy hell was he hot. "I'm Negan, you may have heard of me?" He questions again. "No sorry I haven't." You tell him truthfully. "Well fuck me girly you have no fucking idea who I am" He looks shock as he lowers himself to your level, your eyes lock on to his. "Where did you come from; I own all the survivors in this area?" "My group never settled down, we were constantly wandering in search of supplies and would bunk down wherever we felt safe." Negan nodded understanding now how she wouldn't have known him if they were always on the move. "So where is your group now?" "They left me here, so I don't know."
"Excuse my fucking language but they fucking left one of their own out in this shithole world, what are you gonna do be walker bait? you don't seem to have any weapons on you, you're as helpless as a baby." You shrug, "I really don't know what I am going to do." He gets up quickly, but not before grabbing your hand and making you stand up to. "You are going to come to the Sanctuary with me. It is safe there, plenty of supplies and you can work for you food and other things," "Ok" is all you said as you follow Negan back. The first night there they didn't have a spare room for you so Negan let you crash in his room while he went and have fun with his wives. You had wanted to object to staying in his room, no doubt you could bunk on the floor anywhere else but he insisted that you had a goodnight sleep and that was that. For the first time in years, you slept peacefully.
You had lived with Negan as your leader for a few months now. You were thankful for the first time in your life to be a fat person, it meant Negan didn't want you as his wife, you could fly under the radar when it came to that way of living. You had been told many times by the other women there how they all had been asked to be his, but they had decided not to, they were allowed to live and work here.
He had a type as you could tell by the wives that he paraded around the compound daily and the ones he checked out when new people were bought in. His type was the tall skinny type, the ones that would go out nightly and party, who now obeyed him and gave themselves over to him whenever he wanted.
Yes, he was nicer to you than he was to most, he spoke to you with a kind voice, but he never asked you to be his, he never asked you to go hunt the dead down or even fight the ones who threaten to take over. Whenever you had interactions, he would never yell, and would often be smiling at you, of you took it as he was being a friendly leader. He disliked it when his men would interrupt your conversations. You did see his dark side, you saw what he did to people, the punishments, the torture.
After a while you started developing feelings, you tried to deny them, try to tell yourself it was pointless but it never worked, the more he spoke and showed you affection the more harder you fell and it made your heart break every time he had his body wrapped with his wives, it hurt to hear him talk about how they pleased him, how hard he was for them almost every day.
That changes in a blink of an eye.
"Hey Y/N Negan wants you in his office now" Simon says, leading the way to him.
You panic, have you done something wrong, have you not been pulling your weight? Had you missed an order he had given you?
"Come in" Negan says as soon as Simon knocks. "Sit" He orders you and Simon leaves you two alone. The room ran cold suddenly, this was not the Negan you knew. "It has been bought towards me by some of my men that maybe you should have less portions than the others considering how fat you are" Negan smirks, a laugh in voice. The words cut you like a knife. You look away from the man in front of you. "It really wouldn't hurt to lose a few now, would it?"
All you can do is nod. "Answer me dammit" he screams his hands hitting the desk. "Yes Negan" you muster up in a quiet voice. "I agree"
"Well alrighty then you can go finish your job then." he says dismissing you. You walk quickly to the bathroom, rushing past people trying to hide the tears.
"You, ok?" A female's voice says from one of the stalls.
You know her, she is one of his wives. "Yeah, I'm fine"
She puffs on a cigarette, "Let me guess you're Y/N?"
"How....did you know that?" You ask wiping your face.
"He talks openly around us, without realizing we hear and remember all, and from the tears he said some hurtful things, right? He has been boasting that shit all week. I am so sorry he said those things."
You shake your head, afraid of saying anything in case she would report it back to Negan.
"It is the truth, I am fat, I could use less food. I am not going to deny it. Less portions for me means more for others."
You leave the bathroom, feeling more shit about yourself than before.
It took about 2 months of planning before you had snuck enough weapons and food to make your get away. Sherry had helped you plan and save up for you to escape when nightfall came, she wanted to give you a chance, something that she didn't have at this point in time.
"Promise me you will never come back here" She asked as she opened the gate for you quietly.
"I promise but you deserve this so much more than I do" You whisper back to her, tears forming in both.
"I know Y/N but if I can help you and the others than maybe one day, I can be free to" she says wiping your tears away.
"You shouldn't have fallen for such a cruel man; I hope you find your happiness out there one day." Sherry gently places her hand on you cheek and smiles then closes the gate, leaving you in the woods once again. You run to the car that she had bargained just for you about 15 minutes away.
Once you started driving away you fought back the urge to cry. You were alone again, traveling to God knows where.
12 Months later ~ Alexandria.
You had been at Alexandria for about 6 months when those trucks came rolling into your home. You had heard the stories about what he had done with Ricks gang and Rick knew that you had been one of his people before you escaped, only he knew the truth, he kept your secrets.
He made sure that each time Negan came to collect you were out scavenging. He wanted to protect you from him, with fears that maybe he would force you to return or hold some grudge over you leaving.
But on this day Negan had decided to come two days early and you looked at Rick for answers, you couldn't run and there was no point hiding as they searched the houses. Today you would be out there, you had just hoped that he didn't recognize you.
"Go over to the garden. Keep yourself blended with them; keep you hat down. He shouldn't bother you." Rick says pushing you to go.
You run over and quickly make yourself look busy, you picked up the small rack and you grabbed a spare hat and put it on, hiding your face.
You heard the tires, the brakes of the trucks squeal and a very familiar voice.
"Well Ricky boy look at you, your so close to pissing yourself aren't you."
You couldn't hear his reply. His men started to grab the goods that you spent time getting for him, a couple of them walked past you are smiling and wolf whistling at you and the others. You could hear him and Rick walking to the pantry, Olivia greeted them.
Negan laughed when Olivia was explaining that they were running out of food and staving.
"You got a fat chick guarding the food, are you sure as hell she not sneaking it at midnight.?" Rick stayed silent and Olivia started crying, you couldn't bear it.
You storm over to Olivia and Negan and slap him hard across the face. You turn to hug Olivia tightly.
"Fuck me, who the fuck do you think you are?" He says rubbing his cheek. You look at Rick from under your hat, "I'm Sorry" you whisper to him as he stares in shock.
"I asked you a question, you are to fucking answer it" he says grabbing you from Olivia pushing you to the floor, aiming Lucille at your face.
The hat still hiding your face, "You come here and take our stuff, that we worked hard on, that I don't care about but to talk shit about someone's weight is the fucking worse thing. You have no right to judge us on appearance." You say getting up, ignoring the protests from your friends and the fact that Lucille was still aimed.
"You must have some lady balls to speak to me like that. Who are you?" He uses Lucille to push the hat off and stops smirking. For the first time in 12 months, he locks eyes with you. Negan cannot believe what he is seeing.
"Y/N." he whispers. He notices that you have changed so much, you look good, not that you didn't look good before he thinks to himself.
"Are we done here?" Rick asks, everyone not sure what is about to happen.
"Leave us, I think I need a word with Y/N alone." Negan places Lucille on his shoulders and one by one they leave. The group questioning Rick about you.
"Have you been here the entire fucking time?" Negan was mad.
"What does it matter?" You respond, eyeing him off.
"You fucking left in the middle of the night. Why?" He growls.
"Not like you cared but so what. One less fat mouth to feed would be a good thing, right?" He can hear the venom in your voice.
Now Negan understands, "So that is why? You were hurt by what I said."
"I am not the only one who wanted to escape you that night." Negan raises and eyebrow., you ignore his question.
"Let me guess, Sherry helped you. I had a feeling when she acted all weird the next day, avoiding me and shit." Negan slams Lucille down onto a coffee table, smashing it.
You don't flinch, you just look at the table, all broken. Wondering if you could repair it.
"AFTER EVERYTHING I DID FOR YOU. " Negan screams. You just breathe deeply.
"I was always thankful for what you did for me, saving me, giving me a bed and a room and a job." you say ignoring the tantrum that he was having.
"WHY?" You scream back before taking a deep breath "I was already eating less portions, if you or your men even cared to have noticed I only went to 2 dinners a week, I skipped most breakfast and lunches. I was already feeling bad for being fat, the looks I got for having the EXACT amount of food then everyone else confirmed what everyone was thinking and then you go and listen to your men and ask me to cut down more without even consulting me."
You tell him the truth; you were starving yourself anyway.
"You acted like an asshole; you could have maybe noticed that I was trying to change but you didn't." You spit back at him.
"So, you come to ole Ricky boy here and he takes you under his wing?" Negan eyes blacken as his says Rick's name.
"They saved me from a horde, I was stupid enough to try something and got overrun and stuck for a couple days on the roof of a shop. Simple as that, Negan."
"YOU WOULDN'T HAVE GOT STUCK IF YOU HAD STAYED WITH ME" Negan shouts the anger is bad once again. "I never asked you to scavenge, I kept you inside for a reason. I didn't want you to get hurt. I was always nice to you; did you not notice that?"
"And that is why your men did what they did, you showed me kindness, you showed them weakness, so when they came to you, telling you lies, and shit and you felt scared and put on the Big Bad Wolf pants and did what you did." "I have nothing more to say to you Negan. So, get the shit Rick and the rest of us have collected for you and get out." You look at him straight in the eyes, he just stares at you sternly, pointing Lucille at you. "If you were anybody else, I would have killed you." With that he turns his heels and stomps out, you hear shouting and the sound of the trucks being loaded. Once the gate closes, you break down crying. You feel Rick hugging you as you cry.
The next time you run into Negan, he a prisoner in Alexandria.
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Carlisle x Teen!reader - my family
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Hey could you do one with the Cullens and a female teen reader, like maybe they save her from other vampires that are hunting in the area, but then she’s scared of them because she knows their secret, and they’re like reassuring her that they’d never hurt her, and maybe adopt her? With some emphasis on Carlisle because he’s like the sweetest dad 😅. Thanks! 💜 - @marvelfanfn2187a113 💜
You had no idea what happened, one moment you were walking home from your part time job, and the next moment you were screaming and in pain from being slammed against a building.
“Oh you humans are so annoying when you scream.” The man scoffed.
His red eyes pierced yours, and he crouched down in front of you, gripping your wrist tightly in his hand and no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t pull it away.
Before he could hurt you, he was thrown away, and a woman was helping you stand up.
“Come on, quickly now.” She said softly.
She ushered you towards her car and put you inside and she got in the drivers side.
“What about them?” You asked.
“They’ll be alright don’t worry.” She smiled.
You nodded your head, you were dazed, and in the pain you didn’t really think about not getting in a car with a stranger.
But your vision was fuzzy, and you head was pounding, and before you knew it you had fallen unconscious.
When you came too, the pain in your head wasn’t as bad it was before, but it still hurt.
“Hey, you’re awake. How’re you feeling?”
You furrowed your brows a little and sat up, rubbing your head, and your fingers brushed against some stitches and you stopped.
“You only need a couple, it’ll be healed in no time don’t worry.”
You looked at the voice and your confusion grew.
“Dr Cullen?”
You looked around.
“Where am I?”
“My house, my wife brought you here when you passed out in her car. Do you remember anything of what happened?” He asked.
You thought for a few minutes before slowly nodding your head.
“All of it.. he… red eyes… he was so fast… and strong..”
Carlisle sighed heavily, looking back at his family who were standing behind him waiting to hear what was going to be said.
“We should probably have a talk.” He said softly.
He didn’t want to, but at this point he had no choice but to explain everything to you, you already knew too much.
And while he was explaining everything you slowly stood up, backing away from them, tripping over something.
Esme acted quickly and without thinking, she was behind you in a second and you pulled away.
“Don’t touch me!”
“Okay. Okay I’m sorry.”
She backed away and Carlisle stood up, holding his hands up as he slowly moved around the couch.
“We’re not going to hurt you.” He spoke gently.
“You’re vampires… you hurt people…”
“No, no, we only feed in animals. I promise, it’s why we have different eyes.” He explained.
You still hesitant, and he understood it.
If he was in your shoes he’d be terrified as well.
“We wouldn’t hurt you (Y/N), you trust us right? We always hang out at school.” Alice smiled.
You turned to look at the Cullen children, and you stared at them all.
She was right, you were usually with her or Emmett during school, they were your two best friends and they had never hurt you.
They had always made sure you got home safe, got you food if you were hungry, helped you with homework and things you didn’t quite understand.
They were your best friends.
But they were vampires.
And you were conflicted.
“We haven’t hurt you before have we?” Emmett asked.
You shook your head and he grinned a little bit.
“So, you can trust us now right?”
“You’re vampires… oh god there’s vampires in my apartment building… I thought they were wearing contacts…”
“What?” Rosalie asked.
You looked at her with wide eyes.
“A few people moved into the apartment building… there was a few empty apartments and they were rented out… I thought it was just party people… contacts…”
“(Y/N) is there anyone else in your apartment? Parents?” Carlisle asked.
“No… it’s just me…”
He quickly nodded his head, and he walked over, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“We can’t do anything about it yet, it’s too dangerous. You can stay here for now, okay?”
You looked up at him and slowly nodded your head.
You wanted to go home, but you felt safer there then you did in your apartment complex now.
So they set you up in Alice’s room, they got you a bed and anything else you might need, and you stayed with them.
At first, you stayed away, but soon you grew to accept them, and got used to them.
They were working on a way to safely and quietly get rid of the other vampires, and you had all your stuff moved into the Cullens home.
You basically lived there now.
Sitting in the kitchen, you watched as Carlisle made you some lunch.
“You can cook really well for someone who can’t eat it.”
He chuckled a little and looked at you.
“Have to blend in somehow.”
“True. That’s very true.”
You looked at your homework, finishing off the questions.
“Mr Cullen?”
“You can call me Carlisle you know.”
“I know. It’s weird though, but… I want thank you for looking after me…”
Carlisle stopped what he was doing and walked over, resting his arms on the counter and he took your pen so you looked up at him.
He smiled softly at you.
“You don’t have to thank me, if anything I should be thanking you for taking our secret and accepting us for it. I know they would be devastated if they lost you as a friend, especially Alice and Emmett. Do you mind if I ask you one thing?”
You shook your head.
“Why do you live alone (Y/N)?”
You sighed a little.
“My uh.. my parents passed away a few years back… I’ve been working since I turned 16 and moved out of the care home to live on my own…”
He nodded a little.
“You must be exhausted.”
You shrugged a little.
“Got to work for what we want in life.”
He hummed a little and got up to finish making your lunch and he set it in front of you, moving your homework out of the way.
“You can stay here if you’d like.”
“As in live here?”
Carlisle nodded as he washed up.
“We’ve got the room, we can clear one of the other rooms into a bedroom just for you.”
“I can’t do that, it’s okay. I suppose I don’t mind living on my own.”
“You wouldn’t have to work, you’d just have to attend school that’s all, plus I know everyone loves having you around.”
“I dunno…”
Carlisle chuckled a little.
“Just think about it, alright?”
So you did, you thought about it for a few days and finally you agreed, and you got your own room.
They became your family, and you finally had time to relax and rest after nearly a year of working nonstop.
Months passed, and you were cooking yourself something to eat for dinner when everyone came filing into the room.
“It’s weird you guys watching me cook.”
Everyone laughed a little.
“We’ve actually got something for you.” Esme said.
You turned around and walked over.
“For me?”
You looked at the vampires all grinning from ear to ear, and Carlisle handed you some papers and you carefully read them.
“You.. want to adopt me..?”
“We do. You’ve become part of the family, you’re our daughter now.” Esme smiled.
“You don’t have to become a vampire if you don’t want to.” Jasper said.
You glanced at him then back to Esme and Carlisle.
“This is all your choice, but the offer stands no matter how long you want to think about it.”
You set the papers in the table.
“I want you to adopt me.”
He smiled brightly and hugged you, and everyone joined for a group hug and you smiled brightly.
This was your family, and they would forever be your family no matter what
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gaias-space · 6 months
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“Dean we’ve got nothing!” You shout frustrated. “Is Sam sure there’s even a case?” You sink in the chair of the building you were in. Sam was at the bunker with a busted knee, so he assigned the next best person he knew to hunt alongside Dean, you. You were skilled, had years of experience, and smart. You’d known the boys for years, Sam admired you, but Dean…he never knew why but you rubbed him the wrong way. But you too felt the same. Neither of you got along, you were on the brink of ripping each other’s throats at any time you were around each other. But when it came to a job both of you tried putting that aside to get the job done and then wouldn’t have to worry about seeing each other for another few months or for both yours sakes, years.
“Yeah I’m thinking that too, but the mass of deaths in this town…it’s off. But where the hell is the evidence” Dean says also frustrated. It was late, you were exhausted. And Dean, refusing to admit it, was also tired. “Alright well how about tomorrow we head into the town and speak with the local sheriff” you suggest: Dean agrees “yeah. You’re right, we’re going to have to check it out tomorrow because god…I’m so tired.” The two of you yawn. “it’s gettin late. And I want some food, I’m starving”. Deans voice was low, never once looking you in the eye. “There’s a motel not far from here, we’ll have to crash there and tomorrow we’ll look for more answers” you say. Deans brows crease and he hisses frustrated. “oh hell no. No way am I putting up with your ass got a whole night. There has to be someone who can give us any sort of information” he turns around slowly gesturing to the remaining people in the office. Your heart ached and you took a step back. “Ass” you murmur under your breath. “Dean it’s nine at night, we’ve been up since six. Not a person here has given us any- or much useful information. I say we try investigating the sheriffs office tomorrow but we need sleep and we need to do this for Sam.” your voice hopeful. Dean rolls his eyes frustrated. “Yeah…you’re right.” His voice deep and filled with annoyance. Sam had felt depressed for weeks while he was in the mend, seeing his eyes light up knowing there was a case- well how could you not do it? You sit in silence in the impala, Dean blasts his favourite songs with full intention of drowning you out if you even tried to speak. He couldn’t stand your voice, he couldn’t stand your excited rambling when you discovered something he couldn’t stand you. He just wanted this case to be over, and he was regretting taking this one since it’s taking a lot longer then he wanted it to be. The car ride was painfully long, but you couldn’t help the loud sigh of relief when Dean says “we’re here”. He pulls into a small parking lot and a small motel building. He pulls the car into an empty lot, turns the car off and looks at you. “One night, and first thing Tomorrow morning, bright and early, crack of dawn, sunny-“
“Alright, alright I get it Jesus!” You wave a hand in dismissal. “God you really are the worst” you say exiting his car, refusing to hear another word. It was now closer to ten pm, you were tired and exhausted, but now more irritated then ever. The two of you enter the small building to boom a room. In the office was a thin, scrawny young man. “H-hey what can I do for yous tonight?” He says with a squeaky voice. He has to be young, or this is his first job. Dean stands in front of you, dominant like always. “We need a room” he demands. The nervous kid flicks through the motel book and sighs happily. “Ah perfect! We have one room left and it’s perfect for you lovely couple it’s a-“
“Excuse me?” Dean interrupts. The boy chokes and there’s a shakiness to hos voice again. “Well uh there’s one room available. One double bed…”
“No! No none of that! We sure as hell ain’t a couple! Listen buddy we need two rooms or two beds anything else!” Dean slams his fist on the desk, startling the boy. You can’t help but chuckle at the situation, of course this would happen to you. “Oh I’m so sorry sir…I didn’t mean to assume. But we’re all out, that’s the last room we’ve got tonight.”
Dean sighs and runs his hand through his hair. “Is there another motel nearby?” His voice lowered. “I mean not for another four hours…”
“Four hours!? What kind of city is this- god…just..fine. That will do.” He says in defeat. The boy nervously grabs the key and hands it to Dean. “C-can I have a name?…for the book I mean”. You couldn’t help. But feel sorry for the kid. He looked like he was about to wet himself. But Dean was an asshole, he had that effect on a lot of people. “Kyle Maddison” Dean says. He always used an alias especially on a job. You sank in the waiting seat you were tired, exhausted, trusted, disappointed now. The one thing you wanted was sleep, and also to get this job done and not see Dean again. But of course this had to happen. As much as you wanted to put up a fight, the idea of sleep sounded marvellous. Dean finishes up and turns around storming out the door not waiting for you. Why would he? You follow along and find yourselves at room 403. “Can’t fucking believes this” he mutters. You enter the room and he throws his bags on the small table. Both of you look at the double bed in the room. Now there was the elephant in the room. “Well what are we going to do now?” You say. Dean takes his jacket off and kicks his shoes off. “I dunno about you sweetheart but sleep sounds great right about now and this bed- oh she’s calling my name”. He smiles at the furniture and falls o to the comfortable looking mattress. “Excuse me?” You say annoyed. Dean just st looks at you confused, as if you should already somehow know the answer. “What?” Your jaw drops and you scoff. “Where the hell am I gonna sleep? Why don’t I get the bed? Ladies first and all?” Dean lets out a choked laugh “ha! Honest I paid for the room. I get the bed. And I sure as hell ain’t sharin’ so.”- he darts his eyes at the floor. A small space beside the bed that could fit your body with a little extra room. “You’ve got to be kidding me Dean” you growl. “Your fucking ridiculous” you shout. “Well that’s not my problem now is it? You’re lucky I even let us stay in here. Lucky I even paid for us to have the room. Speaking of”- deans eyes dart to the mini fridge. “Bingo”. He rolls his body out of bed and raids the mini fridge. “You know you have to pay for that?” You attempt to ruin his joy. But he just shrugs. “Ah fake credit cards, never paid a dollar for these in my life” he says muffled as he shoves chips into his mouth. “You’re actually ridiculous my god”. You couldn’t believe he was making you sleep on the floor. You notice there was a small ensuite. Perfect, a shower. Just what you needed after today. Showers always made you feel better no matter what kind of day you’ve had. And perhaps this would help with this sleeping arrangement. “I’m going for a shower” is all you say as you enter the bathroom and shut the door behind you. Dean continued stuffing his face with drinks and snacks.
The shower was warm and refreshing, the water trickled down your body and the rosy scented soap suds drizzled down you and into the drain. For a moment you had forgotten all about your worries. Just the warmth and comfort of the shower. You had been in there for quite some time and you were now at the brink of passing out from tiredness. You quickly finish in the shower and dress yourself in satin sleepwear, another comfort item. You open the ensuite door and are greeted with the smell of pizza. “Dean. Did you get pizza?” You ask in shock and confusion. You watch as Dean shovelled down a pizza, noticing the delivery recipet hanging on the bed. “Yeah…well, the snacks didn’t fulfill my hunger so I ya know- got food.” You could barely make out his words while he chewed. The smell of pepperoni wafted in your nose and you felt your stomach ache. You too were starving and hadn’t eaten for hours either. And now it was almost sickening. “It was a two for one special so I got you a cheese pizza” deans voice interrupts your thoughts and he points to a box on the bed. With a shocked expression you move your way to the box and take it “uh…thank you” you mutter. “Pfft didn’t do it for you. Almost considered eating that one myself. You just got lucky tonight that’s all” how voice was cold and sarcastic. Would he ever lighten up? Rolling your eyes you sit on a small stool and shovel the pizza in your mouth. More time had passed and it was closer to midnight, your stomach was full, Dean was now lying in bed trying to sleep and you, you were making a makeshift bed on the floor. as you made your bed, you huff and puffed and made all kinds of sounds expressing your annoyance and frustration with your sleep arrangement, hoping it would get a reaction out of Dean. “Look I ain’t happy about it either, the sooner we get this done the better it will be alright? You fight demons and all kinds supernatural beasts but you can’t sleep On the floor? pfft make that make sense” he snarks. Rolling your eyes you finally lay down on the hard, rough carpeted floor and attempt to find a comfortable position. “Yet, you’re too afraid to share the bed” you respond. Dean doesn’t reply he rolls over facing away from you and attempts to sleep. He couldn’t help but feel a little bad for making you sleep on the floor, it was cruel even for him, but he refused to kill his ego and sleep in the same bed with you. Soon he shut his eyes and drifted off to sleep. And you, you tossed and turned for another hour trying to get comfortable until sleep finally took you and you fell into a deep rest.
Hours had gone by, it was around 4 am when you felt something touch your arm. It’s little legs tickled your fingers, and then your hand, then up to your arms and finally, you woke to the sensation, thinking it was a dream. Your eyes fly open, and you notice and sensation was real. It was a roach from the floor, crawling on your hand. Your eyes widen and an earth shattering scream bursts through your lips. You jump to your feet waving your arm around, throwing the roach into the air. “FUCK! BUG! ROACH! AHHHHH!” You could barely make the words, Dean wakes up in a panic. Your worst fear was bugs. “What the hell Y/N?!” Dean yells. You grasp your knees breathing heaving trying to catch your breath. “There was a - a bug!…crawled on me-“ you pant. Deans face contorts, annoyance and tiredness reading all over him. “You woke me up over a goddamn bug!?” Dean yells. You were still shaken up “it was Crawling in me!” You scream. Dean signs and falls back onto his pillow. “Go to bed. Fuckin pussy” those last words he mutters, but you could still hear him. You look back at your bed, a blanket and a single pillow. If there was one roach, there had to be others. You were exhausted, your eyes barely focusing. Dean grunts and tries to fall back asleep. But no way in hell could you sleep now. What if another crawled on you? What if it went in your mouth? Or bit you somehow? Can Roaches even bite? Well you weren’t gonna try and find out. With a shaky breath you contemplate what to do. The floor was so uncomfortable you knew your back would hurt in the morning, there was also possibly a family of bugs waiting to dance in your body. But there right in front of you was the coziest looking bed right now. You sigh feeling defeated, you knew what his answer would be but you needed to try. You tiptoe over and stare at him for a moment. The moonlight illuminating his features. He looked so peaceful sleeping. His soft lips parted slightly, his arms hugging his pillow. He looked cute, almost like he could be nice. Something he’d never been to you. You reach out a finger and poke his arm, he grunts but doesn’t wake. “Dean!” You whisper. He could not have fallen back asleep that fast. “Dean!” You say louder. He jolts awake again “huh? What? Oh…for god sakes Y/n what are you doing awake? You’re not still scared about a damn bug are you?” His voice deep and tired. “As a matter of a fact yes, I’m horrified. Can I-can I please sleep on the bed? You won’t know I’m even there? Please” you whimper. He rolls his eyes too tired to argue. He was tired, he wanted sleep. Needed it infact. His eyes lazily look at you “no” is all he says before laying his head on the pillow. “But - but”- he doesn’t say a word he closes his eyes and ignores you. ‘You’ve got to be kidding me’ you thought. Well it was worth a shot. You shakily lay back down in your makeshift bed feeling unease. Dean wasn’t asleep, he couldn’t. Not after the guttural scream that came from you. He felt guilty. Why? He wasn’t sure. But it wasn’t fair for you to sleep on the floor. Dean tried everything he could to get comfortable and sleep but all he could hear was you tossing and groaning.
His tired figure rolls across and he props himself up on his arms watching you. Watching your tiny body shake and quiver. ‘God she’s really shaken up over a bug?’ Dean thought. He knew you were completely terrified of them, it was almost pathetic. He couldn’t help but feel dread and guilt. You looked so frightened, that floor did not look comfortable and after all you hadn’t annoyed him too ouch today. Perhaps he shouldn’t be so hard on you, for tonight. His arm hangs down and he shoves your shoulder, starting you awake. “Cmon. Now” is all he says. He pays the mattress beside him I. A sleepy manner before rolling back over. “Don’t make me regret this”. He mumbles. It takes you a second to realise what he said and you jump to your feet. You knew Dean wanted you up bright and early but with the broken sleep you were having, that plan was going to change. You gently slide yourself into the mattress, trying not to disturb Dean. The soft foam supported your back and the pillow under your head was the perfect fineness. Your eyes shut almost immediately, exhaustion overriding you as you fall into a deep sleep. Hours had gone by and both you and Dean had slept in. It was now 10:30 am and neither of you had woken up. The sun beams on your skin, the sound of birds chirped outside.
The second you had placed your head on that mattress you had the sounded sleep Ever. In fact possible too good- Dean was first to wake his eyes slowly blinking open. But he couldn’t move. Sleepily he looks down and it takes a moment before he freezes in place. Your head on his chest. You were sleeping in a ball snuggled tightly into Dean, peacefully sleeping on his chest and one hand over his chest. Drool escapes your lips and trickles onto this shirt. You looked…peaceful. Deans eyes widened. What the hell would he do now?
(Stay Tuned For Part Two…Coming Soon)
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gojo-enthusiast · 6 months
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Chapter One: My Stalker
mlist <3
My Serial Killer — Suguru Geto Series
"Good morning! Welcome in!" You smiled, waving at the tall broad long dark haired man. You noticed him come into the bakery every morning, grabbing the same thing he did every morning, a crossaint and a black coffee. "Same as usual." You cheerly said, as he went to check out. The man hummed, fishing out the cash from his wallet, setting it on the counter. He was handsome, tall, buff, and his jaw was perfectly chiseled, it was almost as if he had been handcrafted by God himself.
"Be careful pretty, I heard there has been some disturbing activity over here." He said gruntly. You had never really heard him speak so much, hearing his voice sent shivers down your spine. "Of course, thank you Sir!" You smiled. "Suguru." He smirked, "Oh, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you Mr. Suguru." You waved, after handing him his food and coffee.
You were not oblivious to the people who kept coming up missing, and found a mile down the road, sluaghtered to pieces. There was always a little note on the indivuals. "She is mine." You had noticed after the 5th man to be murdered horrifically that these men were all men who came into your bakery and tried hitting on you. Tonight was one of those nights, as you tried locking up the bakery to get going home, and feed your two cats, a slender man had been waiting for you. "Hey pretty lady, you closing?" He snickered. "Um- yes sir, we reopen at 7AM. Feel free to come back then." You smiled, locking the door, and walking away. You had pulled your pepper spray out, and sped walked to your apartment that was down the street.
“Let me walk you home pretty.” The slender man said in a purr. “I’m okay. I can surely walk fine on my own.” You nervously said, walking faster. “You scared?” He chuckled, grabbing you by your wrist, as you tried to open the door to your apartment building. “I’m really okay, please leave me alone.” You huffed, walking into the apartment building and going to the elevator.
The slender man walked into the elevator as it was closing, “Sir, please leave me be.” You started to shake, grabbing your pepper spray. “I’m just walking a lady home, that’s all.” He smirked, getting dangerously close to you. You aimed the pepper spray at him, and as you were about to spray, he snatched it from your hand. At that moment, the elevator door opened, and you ran out as fast as possible, you darted for your door, yelling. “PLEASE HELP ME!” You feared what the man would do to you if you didn’t get help. As you raced to your door, and were fidgeting for your keys, the tall broad man you had seen every single day for a whole year was standing at the door next to yours. Neighbors maybe? “Help me please.” You cried running behind Suguru. “Someone chasin you?” He muttered, seeing the man walk to you with a knife in hand. “Ah, I just wanted to walk the pretty lady to her door, but the little bitch wanted to pepper spray me. You don’t wanna have fun?” He snickered. Suguru opening his front door, walking in. At this point, you couldn’t see nor think. Your keys were jumbled and you felt your blood run cold as the man got closer. As you finally opened your door, you went to shut it, but you didn’t make it in time. The slender man had gotten himself inside. He held the knife to your throat.
“How about you shut that trap of yours, or maybe I should shut it for you?” He chuckled. Grabbing you by your neck. “P-please let me go.” You cried. “Oh I love how pretty girls cry, cry with my cock down your throat.” He laughed. Just a moment later his laughter changed to choking, and the only thing you saw was blood spurting from his throat. You looked past the slender man, and saw Suguru’s figure behind, holding a hunting knife. “Is that how you talk to a lady?” He muttered, grabbing the man by his nape and stabbing him over and over. You stood there in shock. You had blood that had gotten on your clothes and hands. You couldn’t scream, you couldn’t hear, you stayed silent and cried. You had dropped to your knees, watching Suguru brutally murder the man. Next thing you knew, you watched two men take the body from your home and disappear. While Suguru stood there and wiped the blood from his hands and face.
“You alright doll?” He asked unphased. You couldn’t speak, you watched as he walked to your cabinet and grabbing cup. How did he know which cabinet? Was it luck? He poured you water from your water dispenser on your fridge, handing it to you. “Here, drink.” He smiled.
“I-“ you stuttered out. “Hush, drink. Talk after.” He said. “There is two men outside your apartment complex, and stationed at every fire exit. Don’t try to run. I’m gon’ go take a shower.” He said, walking into your bathroom and taking a shower.
You sat there on the ground until he came back, when he came back, you had ran to the kitchen, grabbing knife. “WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?” You cried. “You.” He plainly said. “What!” You cried, confused. “I want you.” He said again. “What does that even mean?” You said confused. “I have watched you every single day for a year, you have captured my attention and time. I have watched you, studied you, and I have found myself entranced by your innocence. I’m going to take you away from this place, and you’re going to live to serve me, and I will live to serve you.” He said in an almost growl. “Serve you! Leave here? I’m staying right here!” You were so scared of what this man could do to you. “I’m not going to hurt you unless you give me a reason to. That little knife there is one of the reasons. So if I were you, I would put it down. I just saved you didn’t I?” He questioned. You felt your heard skip a beat. “Listen here, I could force that puny knife out of your hand, and forcefully take you with me, or you could be a good girl, and leave with me willingly, and you don’t have to get hurt.” He said with a serious tone. “I’m not leaving with you!” You shouted. “Listen here doll, I know where your mom, dad, little brother, and even your dear old grandma lives. Either come with me, or I’ll slit all of their throats in front of you.” He grunted. You gasped, letting go of the knife, and it falling on the ground. “That’s a good girl.” He smirked. “I’m gonna have fun with you.” He added, throwing you over his shoulder and walking to your bed, tossing you on it.
“Undress and sleep. We leave in the morning.” He smiled, kissing your forehead and walking out the room.
What the fuck…
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Dream world
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a/n It's been a hot hot minute since I've written for this man and I missed it so much. I hope you will enjoy it! 🤍
summary: Joel can't seem to let go of the shadows hunting him even in Jackson. After countless of sleepless nights and no remedy for it he finds himself needed even more of your and Ellie's love. Can a night of sleep bring him some clarity?
warnings: mention of pills, sleep deprivation, past trauma, people burning.
Joel was convinced. He had very successfully convinced himself that he was never going to find peace. Not after the outbreak. Not after Sarah. Not after almost taking his own life. Not after the thought of losing Tommy as well. All he had done in the last twenty years was lost. Lose everything he loved. Everything he had worked towards. Everything that he had built. There was nothing. Piece by piece coldly ripped away from Joel's hands.
So when you came around. All smiley and giddy. Joel couldn't help but hate you in some way. When he spotted you across the street helping out an old lady, he couldn't help but curse you silently. Stupid thing, Joel had thought back then. Stupid thing that still felt. How could anyone smile now? After everything. Jole hated himself for thinking about it, but he wanted to drop a dead body at your feet and tell you to throw it into the fire. He wondered if you would be smiling then. But all that faded when his eyes met yours, and you beamed at him. Waving before you turned back to the old lady.
Then Joel spent his days convincing himself that you would never have it in you to care for him. You would never even want to be in the same room as him. Joel had a reputation in QZ. Not only because of his strength, no. Joel was careless. Cold. Cunning. He had no emotion. No empathy. A dead man walking. That's what he was. And yet, when he stumbled upon you in the eating quarters handing out food, he couldn't help but silently beg that you would glance his way.
You were someone Joel could crush in the blink of an eye. He knew all the things he could tell you to make you cry, but for the first time in years, he didn't want to. That was the last thing he wanted to do. Joel got addicted to that smile of yours. He found himself looking for it in the crowds. Drinking his nights away when he didn't. And you two would have probably never actually come within a standing distance of one another if not for the day when you stumbled into the discharge area where they burned the infected ones, the ones who accidentally startled a tired soldier. Just this time, you were far from smiling.
Joel noticed you pushing through the sea of people. Trying to get to the trucks. His feet started moving even before his brain had made a decision. "Let me see her! I need to see her", you shouted straight at the soldier, who was gripping your hand way too firmly for Joel's liking. "Let go, you people killing fuck", you spat at the soldier, and he instantly lifted his hand to hit you, yet it never came. You had flinched away, ready to feel the sting, but no matter the breaths you took, it never came. "Who do you think you are to raise a hand against my wife?", Joel had caught the soldier's hand in midair. Shooting daggers at him. "Pick your bitch and move", Joel leaned closer to him.
Your hand instantly slipped between the two males. Joel might have been all big and scary, but he didn't have a gun, and his finger wasn't on the trigger. "I would pick the word whiskey", Joel snarled before turning to you. "I will need you to trust me", he muttered into your ear as he held onto your shoulders. Your sweet smell filled his senses, making him almost quiver. You simply nodded your head at him. "Let me get you, home love, you need to rest", Joel said much louder so the soldiers that started to gather would hear him.
If Joel would have known that you were going to make him want to be a better man. Want to finally look for the light instead of sending people to eat their shit, he would have never believed it. But with every day that you spent by his side, he felt like he could live. Not just drowning in endless darkness. You had been the first person to show him kindness, to see him for him. You didn't judge. You embraced him as he was. You were the first reason why Joel Miller wanted to stay alive.
When Ellie quite literally fell from the doorway into your life, Joel's initial reaction was refusal. He didn't need anyone else; he had you, and that was enough. This kid would be a burden. Unnecessary use of resources. And Joel was already so scared. So scared of losing you. No, he refused to let that thought even linger. Joel knew somewhere deep down that no matter his guards, Ellie would find a way to slither in. She would find a way, and then he would have so much more to lose. So much could be taken away from him.
But one look at you. The way you helped the girl up. The way she jerked away from you, pushing you away. Joel was about to interfere. Was a step away from pressing a gun to Ellie's head when you carefully lifted your hand. Showing it to Ellie as if she was a stray animal that you were trying to get familiar with your scent. Then brush your fingers through her messy hair, stopping to pick a piece of dirt from it. "Just figured you wouldn't want to walk with that in your hair", you said softly, smiling at the girl slightly. Ellie said nothing. But from the way something in her eyes glimmered, Joel knew that your magical touch had made an impact on the girl the same way that it had transformed him.
Jackson could not be real. It just couldn't. From the moment you had made your way there and the initial euphoria of reuniting with Tommy had worn off, Joel just couldn't stop thinking. How? Where was the catch? Were they going to come and take you away while he slept? Where are they also eating their people? It was too good to be true. With so much darkness still around the world, what was the likelihood that right here? Right in this little town, a seed of light grew.
No matter what he did, Joel couldn't settle. He loved seeing you and Ellie finally get to experience nice things. He loved watching Ellie look at the animals and crops that she hadn't seen before with her big eyes. He loved how the tension had vanished from both of your shoulders. How the light sounds of laughter filled the tiny house. How you sang along, teaching Ellie the melodies from the pre-pandemic era. How you two danced in the middle of the living room, both in Joel's shirts, socks on as you slipped around the floor.
Home. This was home. Or at least was supposed to be. Joel knew he should just accept it. But, no. You were home. Ellie was home. Not this place. And God doom him, Joel couldn't understand why he felt a million times more content in the middle of the woods with a gun in his hands guarding you and Ellie while you slept, cuddling together in a sleeping bag than here. There was no peace here for him, no rest. Every sound at night made him jump up. He walked back and forth from your bedroom to Ellie's. Over and over and over again. What ifs clouding his mind.
Of course, you were quick to notice. Never being a deep sleeper yourself, you felt every movement at night. It broke your heart to see the dark circles getting darker and darker under his eyes. The frown set in deeper. You tried to just hold him and let him lie practically on top of you. Let him feel your heart beating. Let him ground himself at least a little. It had helped Joel get a couple of hours of sleep for the first few days, but then back it went. You pulled a mattress in so that Ellie could sleep in the same room as you two. She gave you a puzzled look at first, growling about how the last thing she wanted was to listen to you two having sex, which had led to you pushing her playfully into the mattress. But that didn't seem to help as well. Joel just sat there between the bed and the mattress the whole night. Watching. Monitoring. Waiting.
Ellie herself wasn't worried about this, nor did she notice it until you brought it up and until she saw the worry lacing your face. Her world was made up of you and Joel. Your well-being, both physical and emotional, was vital for her. Most of your moods rubbed off on her. Any frustration and fearfulness were quick to cripple her.
"Is it really bad?", she asked you one evening, slumping onto the sofa right beside you. You just shook your head slightly. "What is it?", "The situation with Joel", Ellie said firmly. A part of you wanted to deny your worries. The last thing you wanted was to worry Ellie, even if deep down you could tell that she had picked up on the situation. "He's worried, and I just — I just don't know how to help him", you said, taking a shaky breath, rethinking it all. "I went to a doctor this morning, and she said they would look for some pills to help with it, but… What do we do till then?"
Helpless. You looked helpless. Ellie was quick to cuddle into your side. Wrapping her arms around you the same way she had seen Joel do so many times. Warmth. Comforting warmth was all she could offer you, and Ellie was hoping that it would be enough for you. Enough to at least keep you going. Your arms wrapped around the girl, bringing her closer to your body. "We will make sure he eats well. That will keep his body going", you muttered, and Ellie was quick to nod her head. "Joel loves a bit of roasted dinner. We could make that", a small smile tugged across your face. Ellie's ability to catch on to little things always made you smile. Just like Joel, most of the time her love language didn't revolve around touching or words of affirmation. She was attentive with her actions. Two scoops of sugar in your morning tea; a scarf hung on too tightly to Joel's winter coat so that he wouldn't forget it. "Yeah, we should make that tonight", you said, placing a loving kiss on Ellie's head before you two headed toward the kitchen.
When Joel stepped through the arched kitchen door, the table was already set. Ellie was pouring the sauce into the little dish, with you closely supervising her. Itching to take the hot dish from her hands. Scared that she might end up burning herself by accident. Joel wanted to smile. Wanted to feel a thread of relief, but all there was tiredness.
"Oh, good. You're back. Wash up and come sit down. I'll get a plate ready for you", you said, stepping closer to the older Miller and reaching up to place a loving kiss on his still-cold cheek. "I'm not hungry; you two eat", Joel said blandly, turning to go upstairs, but your hand quickly reached out to stop him. "It's been a long day, and we made your favorite", you tried again, turning to Ellie, who nodded her head, "And even opened a jar of cranberry sauce". But Joel only let out a frustrated sigh, running his hand over his face. "Joel, come on, you…", but you were quickly cut off by his booming voice, "Y/N, I'm not in the mood for this. Eat and just…", but Joel himself didn't finish his sentence. Waving a dismissive hand toward you two as he stepped out of the kitchen.
You bit down on your lip as the tears started to flood your eyes, wrapping your arms around yourself for comfort. You felt Ellie nuzzle into your side the moment Joel disappeared. Her own sad eyes looked at your tear-stained cheeks. You managed to give her a slight smile, brushing some of the hair away from her face. "Let's still fix him a plate. I'll bring it up to him just in case", you said, with an aching chest, as you moved towards the tray of roasted potatoes and vegetables. Hoping and praying that Joel was still going to take a bite or two.
The house was quiet for the rest of the night. Joel didn't come down. You knew he wasn't asleep because you could hear him passing upstairs. You and Ellie went through some of her homework. Getting ahead of her reading tasks since she found them the most challenging. You caught her watching you more than once. Little stolen glasses as if she was always monitoring you. Just in case your eyes glossed over again. Just in case she would need to give you another hug. So she would be right there. And you let her. After a couple of dismissals. Instead of telling her not to worry, you just let Ellie do her thing, knowing that she found comfort in it.
When you two got upstairs to get ready for the night, Joel was sitting on the bed. Head buried in his hands. So lost in his mind that he didn't even hear you and Ellie walking in. Only when you told her to get her night clothes ready did Joel lift his head. The fact that Ellie didn't even look his way as she walked past him made Joel's heart hurt. He couldn't have her, or you hate him. No, if you hated him, it would give you a reason to leave. He didn't want you to leave.
"I ate it. It was delicious", Joel said quietly, gesturing to the empty plate. Ellie went to the bathroom without a second glance, and you nodded your head. "I'll wash it up", you reached for the plate, but Joel caught your wrist, bringing it closer to his lips. "I'm sorry for snapping, it's just..", "I know. It's okay", you said quietly, but Joel shook his head. "This doesn't give me a reason to take it out on you two". Stepping closer to you, Joel wrapped his arms around your shoulders, bringing you closer to his chest.
"I just worry about you so much. We both do", you admitted, feeling your bottom lip start to quiver, "I can tell that you're struggling, but I don't know how to help you, and it kills me". A choked-out sob slipped past your lips. You felt guilty for crying. Guilty of making this about yourself in a way. "I just…", Joel rasped out himself, "So many thoughts, and I can't seem to find a way to calm down". You lifted your head from his chest, meeting his eyes. His heart was beating beneath your palm. "I… you…", Joel shook his head; speaking out his emotions was always a struggle for him. "You don't have to talk about it all tonight", you reassured him quickly. "Just know that we are here for you. Always". With a slight nod, Joel rested his forehead on yours, breathing you in.
You stood there in your lover's arms until Ellie came back. Then, with a little kiss on his chest, you slipped out to wash up yourself, leaving Joel and Ellie together. Still drying your hair, you walked back to the bedroom. Stopping in your track at the sight of the two of them giggling quietly. Ellie was in the bed beside Joel, pressed against his chest. Both of them had their hands stretched toward the ceiling. Ellie was trying to reach Joel's fingers, but her hand was way shorter than Joel's. She was desperately trying to pull at Joel's wrist, but his hand didn't budge. "You're cheating", she mumbled, "I'm not; it's not my fault you have baby T-Rex arms". Ellie let out a scoff, pinching the skin on Joel's arm in frustration. But her frown was quickly replaced by a smile when Joel grasped her wrist, making her slightly pull away from the mattress with a laugh.
"You are both children", you murmured, sitting on the other side of the bed. Joel's hand instantly moved to caress your hip. "Joel is returning to the dipper stage", Ellie teased again. "You'll be returning to the mattress soon", Joel threatened her, but the two burst out into a laugh almost immediately. You shook your head, yet the warmth that grew in your chest was hard to hide. You were happy that Ellie had found a way to reach Joel. They were so similar. They understood each other better than anyone could. Cuddling into Joel, you reached out your hand to Ellie. Joel let out a yawn, and you and Ellie locked eyes. Maybe with you both in his arms, he was finally going to sleep through the night.
Joel woke up with a jolt. A bright ray of sunshine was shining through the window, making him quickly cover his face. His head felt fuzzy. In a way lighter but then also so heavy. As if I had been drinking a night away yesterday. Yet even a hangover seemed less brutal than this. Joel was never a fan of the morning, and this only proved why. His arms suddenly felt empty. He could swear he had fallen asleep with you and Ellie in his arms last night. Stroking both of your hair. Listening to Ellie's light snores and loving the feeling of the warmth seeping into him. Joel reached out across the bed blindly, the sun still way too bright for his eyes. But all he was met with was coldness. A cold shiver ran down his spine. Was it a dream? Had something happened? Had he missed it?
Quickly sitting up, Joel looked around the room. His heart started to beat fast and fast. There was no sign of you or Ellie—nothing. There was no evidence of your being here in the same bed last night. Joel swung his legs over the edge. He needed to find you. Needed to see. "Y/N", he choked out, hands pressing onto his chest that seemed to grow tighter with every passing minute. The corridor was as empty as the room. Joel grabbed for the bathroom handle but found no one there. The ringing in his ears grew louder. "El", he called out again, "Y/N". His shaky hand gripped the railing, and the few sets of steps down seemed like a lifeline to him. "No, no, no", the fear was the only thing in his body now.
You thought you were the first to wake up, surprised to be still laying on Joel's chest. Ellie was quietly laying on her back while she played with Joel's fingers. Your stirring caught her attention as she turned to beam at you, "I think he slept through the night", she whispered. You nodded your head, putting your finger against your mouth. You were determined to make sure that Joel slept for as long as possible. Who knew if the next night he was going to find a peaceful slumber? You carefully moved his arms away from your body. Ellie quickly followed the lead. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?", she asked you when you two were out in the corridor, and the door to the bathroom was already closed. "Pancakes?", you asked, earning a fist pump from Ellie. "Fucking pancakes", she chirped, rushing down the stairs.
It was truly a magnificent morning. It's been a while since the sun has been this bright. You even cracked open some of the windows. Ellie was smiling to herself as she dried out the dishes. You two didn't talk much. It didn't feel necessary. Your head jerked to the side once the sound of footsteps came through the hallway. Yet the smile died out the moment the gasps of air followed suit. You dropped the spatula to the side as you rushed toward the sound.
Joel was leaning against the wall. His head hung low as he gripped the left side of his chest. These panic-like attacks have been happening for a while now. They scared you to death, but the doctor said that his heart was healthy, or as healthy as it could be, given his age and everything that had happened. You reached for him in an instant, making him jump back. "Joel,", you called out, and he practically leaped into your arms, pulling you into him. "Oh, thank God, thank God", he cried. You frowned slightly but let him embrace you regardless. "Are you hurt? Did something happen? Where is Ellie?", Joel's head jerked up as he scanned the room. Ellie stood a couple of feet away from him. Joel reached out his hand toward her, and she instantly moved closer. His breathing eased up. Right here in his arms. Not dead. Not taking anything away from him.
"Is everything okay?", Ellie asked quietly. You expected Joel to say nothing. Understanding his need for space and time, but to your surprise, he did speak up, "I thought I lost you. I thought I finally failed you", you looked up at him straight away. The silent tears were rolling down his cheeks. "I'm just so scared I won't be able to… keep you safe. Make sure that…" Joel said, closing his eyes and tilting his head back. "You're full of shit", Ellie stated, stepping away from him, "You've been here since day one; nothing changed". You wanted to warn her about the words she used, but then again, she was right. "Joel, you brought us here. You can rest a bit now", you reassured him, but he shook his head. "What if something happens while I sleep? What if I can't stop it?", "In our house? In a town that's surrounded by a huge fence?", Ellie cut in again.
You cupped Joel's face carefully, turning his face towards you so he would look into your eyes, "It's okay to still be scared. Fuck, I don't think it's possible to get back to any kind of normality after the last twenty years, but…", you fought the lump that started to form in your throat as you leaned closer to Joel, "But you're going to be okay, we all are going to be okay. Because we're a family. There's nothing we can't accomplish together".
And then it all came crashing down. With a loud sob, Joel fell to his knees, and you sank alongside him. Arms, not letting go of him even for a moment. Ellie stepped beside him, her head resting on his back as she too fought her tears. You let him cry. You may have burst into a silent sob somewhere along the way yourself. Everyone had the scars they carried. Some were deeper than others. Struggling to heal. Struggling to see the light. It was easy to give up. Fighting was a whole other story. But once you found people who made you want to live, who you had to live for, giving up wasn't an option, and that was so scary.
"I love you both", Joel whispered after some time. You brushed his last tears away, smiling at him. "Well, I also love you, but you better start talking about your emotions, or I'll eat your pancakes", Ellie warned him, nuzzling into his chest. Joel let out a chuckle, "You're starting to sound like Y/N". You gasped slightly, shifting closer to them both, "You'll lose your space in the bed too, not just pancakes".
TLOU taglist: @theslytherinwriter @daddysfavoritesexkitten @randomstory56 @woofgocows @ohthemisssery
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youcouldmakealife · 9 months
LBTE: Jared (158-160)
In which there are meetings.
If you'd like to follow along, the series page is here.
158. Under Advisement
Sit down, it’s actually a good thing I have a chance to talk to you guys without PR breathing down my neck.”
“Um,” Jared says. Private meetings with GMs are not historically his favourite thing, even if Foster’s always been cool before. “Should we — maybe we should wait for everyone?”
“No, no,” Foster says. “Sit.”
Brian Foster: PR’s worst nightmare.
“Ownership’s explicitly told me you’re not currently tradeable assets — I didn’t need to be told that, by the way, I just want you to know that the first thing they said to me. Well, actually not the first thing, the first thing was — never mind, I’m rambling, I do that. It’s an annoying habit.”
“It’s not annoying,” Jared says, which gets him a grateful look from Bryce as well as Foster. “I think PR would have been pretty cool with that speech, honestly.”
“Are you kidding?” Foster says. “It’d be all ‘you can’t identify who asked for advice, Brian!’ ‘you can’t tell them about a private conversation with the owner, Brian!’ Though probably that’s more HR. Who are also going to be at the meeting, by the way. It’s an all hands kind of meeting. We probably should have booked a conference room. Not that we need to book, it’s — never mind.”
PR’s worst nightmare. Also there are three people in this room and maybe one functioning brain to mouth filter between them.
“Of course they do,” Foster says, then frowns at him. “I told you to as well. Anyway don’t tell them I told you that stuff. I shouldn’t have. That’s — I know the rambling is annoying. I’m trying to get better about it.”
I am very fond of this man.
“I couldn’t figure out how to book the conference rooms,” Foster says. “The system kept locking me out.”
“You’re the GM, Brian,” Dwyer says. “You delegate that. Stay here, I’ll find us a conference room.”
Everyone suddenly arrives, then they scatter, off on the hunt for a room big enough to hold everyone, then on the hunt for someone who has keys to the room, then calling Summers and Greg to let them know things will be delayed. Foster was right — everyone calls him Brian, and there are a lot of exasperated ‘Brian’s being said, while Bryce and Jared sit in Foster’s office, forgotten for the moment.
Very, very fond of this disaster GM.
“Babe—“ Jared says, then Foster’s coming in, saying, “Sorry to barge in!”, like they aren’t sitting in his office, then, “They found a conference room. I’m not allowed to organise meetings anymore. Did you guys want coffee? Shelley’s assistant is going on a coffee run.”
Every bit I write of Brian makes me smile. A little treat for me.
“Okay,” Foster says, then, retreats, mumbling something to himself that Jared can hear — he’s reciting Bryce’s drink order under his breath, presumably so he doesn’t forget it.
“Oh,” Foster says, bursting right back in. “You guys should probably come to the conference room, eh?”
He, like Greg, is doing his best.
So — small mercies, he guesses. They have supportive friends and teammates. His parents are giving him some distance because he asked for it, but they’re standing by. Bryce’s mom came with food and hugs. Their GM is behind them, as is their room, and they couldn’t have depended on that in Calgary or Edmonton. This could have happened earlier in their relationship, when Bryce was less comfortable with his sexuality and Jared had less faith in them as a unit. It really could have been so much worse.
Listing all sorts of possibilities that could have, but did not, occur in this narrative.
Do we need Dmitry as an annoying chaperone going forward Jared texts Stephen after Elaine heads out. He wonders after if that’s a confusing question, but then decides that Stephen pretends to be omniscient often enough that he can figure it out or be confused.
Gabe is much less annoying if you require a chaperone Stephen replies, which is comforting, and also true.
Yes but Jared doesn’t scowl the moment Gabe enters a room, so that will do nothing to mitigate Jared’s soppy face.
Also: confirmed, Stephen is omniscient. Or just very on Jared’s wavelength.
“What’s twitter saying about us now?”
“How should I know?” Bryce asks, but his guilty face gives him away and he knows it.
Someone must stop him.
“It’s not as bad as I figured it’d be,” Bryce says. “Like. I don’t know if I made it bigger in my own head all along, or if it’s like — it was that bad, the first few times players came out, and then time passed and it kept happening and people got used to it. I don’t know. There’s shit but it like — honestly people said worse shit about me when I got traded to the Canucks. By like, a lot.”
That’s weirdly unsurprising, and both depressing and encouraging at the same time. Like, sure, you can marry a dude, but playing for a divisional rival? That’s a bridge too far.
The conversation has significantly changed since Marc and Dan were outed (2010). There’s some extremely alarming backsliding happening, but all told, it would be a very different reaction than what Bryce witnessed as a teen.
Also seriously imagine if Leon Draisaitl joined the Flames or something. CHAOS. OUTRAGE!!
“And everyone’s talking about how hot you are,” Bryce says. “Which, like, obviously I agree.”
Jared rolls his eyes. “They are not,” he says.
They are. Incessantly.
And it’s kind of comforting to know that while Jared would get caught obsessing over all the worst tweets, Bryce is focusing on the ones that call Jared hot. Not the ones complimenting him — and if there are tweets about Jared being hot, there are probably twice as many about Bryce — but Jared.
There are not twice as many about Bryce.
“What’s that for?” Bryce asks when Jared kisses his temple, the crest of his cheekbone, his mouth as it curves up. He was clearly expecting that argument about cognitive bias, and he looks confused but pleased that he’s getting kissed instead.
“Nothing,” Jared says, and takes that golden opportunity, Bryce smiling, guard down, to confiscate his phone, because clearly Bryce needs to be saved from himself.
Bryce so touched he forgot about machinations.
159. Rehearsal
Bryce makes a noncommittal sound, and Jared breaks his own ‘don’t touch the driver’ rule, reaching out and squeezing Bryce’s thigh in a way he hopes is comforting and not like, grope-y. Not the time for grope-y. Kind of because of the general situation, but mostly because of the whole driving thing.
No groping in motor vehicles. This is not a lesson Jared needs to learn twice, unlike the shower lesson.
Jared wonders if they opted for a younger employee to make them feel less defensive, more related to. If there’s one department he can assume is always trying to spin something, it’s PR.
Grace also does a lot of the social media stuff though, and they knew this wasn’t something they could handle exclusively via traditional media. So ‘relates to the youth’ but also ‘is the youth’. She’s in her late 20s, which they consider close enough. There are youth-ier employees, but nobody’s putting an intern in charge of this, even with supervision.
“Before we start discussing how the press conference is going to go, I want to hear from you guys, in your words, the answers to some of the questions you’re probably going to get,” Grace says. “And we can build on everything from there, okay?”
In other words: how much do I have to edit the words that will be coming out of your mouths?
Jared tries not to wince. He thinks he fails. Bryce glances over at Jared, and then gives a very tame, very redacted version of camp. Jared only sounds moderately dickish in it, which is impressive, really, because now that he’s no longer seventeen, he accepts that he was extremely dickish the entire time, and also extremely lucky that Bryce likes that about him for some reason.
I think this is the first time Jared admits, without caveats, that he was an asshole to Bryce at the camp. No ‘but he was a douche’ quickly following or the like, no defensive ‘he started it’, just ‘I was extremely dickish to Bryce’. Good work, Jared. (He’s still never telling Bryce he was right about that stretch, even though they both know he was)
“That’s how we met!” Bryce says.
“It sounds sketchy,” Jared says.
“It sounds so sketchy,” Grace confirms.
It was supposed to BE sketchy. Fucking Bryce, man.
“Great,” Grace says. It does not sound like she thinks it’s great, honestly.
“Jared was really mature for—“ Bryce starts, then quiets when Jared kicks his ankle before he makes things sound even sketchier.
“I’m not going to ask you to lie about how you met,” Grace says. “But I am going to ask you to not tell the truth, unless you want people to start talking about power differentials and the age of consent.”
“Not in Canada,” Jared says. “Age of consent is sixteen.”
Of note! Because of course Jared looked it up (there are also ‘Romeo and Juliet’ near in age exceptions that would encompass their relationship, because nobody wants that law getting used to harass a sixteen year old dating a fifteen year old.)
“It wasn’t sketchy,” Bryce tells her very earnestly. “I know it sounds sketchy, but it was like—“
Jared silently wills Bryce not to say ‘true love’.
“—true love,” Bryce says.
“Like, we’re married,” Bryce says. “We’re spending the rest of our lives together. It was like—“
Jared hopes ‘fate’ or ‘destiny’ isn’t leaving Bryce’s mouth next.
“—meant to be, y’know?” Bryce says. “Stop looking at me like that, J.”
“I’m not even looking at you,” Jared says. He is looking at the table, because he can’t bear to accidentally meet Grace’s eye while Bryce is saying these things.
Bryce is starting to warm up to this media business as he realises he can say things like ‘true love’ and ‘meant to be’ and nobody starts booing and face washing him.
“This is exactly the kind of dynamic we want. People tend to push back against the gross in love stuff when it seems manufactured, but it’s pretty clear it’s genuine. We can definitely run with this.”
This is a very kind way of calling Bryce gross.
“That’s not really Jared’s thing,” Bryce says.
“We could try?” Jared says weakly.
“No,” Bryce says. “That’s — that’s not J. We’re not like — we’re not coming out just to pretend to be people we’re not.”
Oh Bryce.
“Just because you’re stupidly romantic like, naturally, does not mean I can’t be just as gross as you if I want to be,” Jared says.
He doesn’t believe it even as he’s saying it, and neither does Bryce, judging by his face. Which is — fair. It’s fair. Nobody could compete with Bryce’s level of mushy, but Jared isn’t even in the running. Dmitry is mushier with Bryce in public than Jared is. And frankly Jared’s fine with that, but he can be mushy if he has to. He guesses.
“Doing this in public is also totally acceptable,” Grace says.
“Doing what?” Jared asks.
As Jared is feebly arguing he can be romantic, Bryce continues to have visible hearts in his eyes for his lying husband. It’s a great dynamic. Grace is excited about it. (she hasn’t seen them in front of cameras yet.)
They exchange contact information, making sure to CC Summers. Also Greg, though that’s more so he doesn’t feel left out. This is Summers’ show, and Jared thinks Greg knows it, and honestly doesn’t think he minds. Jared certainly doesn’t.
I cannot begin to express how relieved Greg is that this is Dave’s show.
“Absolutely no internet,” Grace tells them. “None. I mean, other than the email I’m going to send you, obviously.”
“Not even funny dog videos?” Bryce asks.
Bryce has to make sure after Dave’s ‘nobody but me and Greg’ somehow allowed him to take calls from his mom.
“Okay, fine, you can have funny animal videos,” Grace says. “But stay off all social media. Also anything to do with hockey.”
“Can I check the box scores, though?” Bryce asks. “It’s important to keep up with the rest of the league.”
Grace sighs. “Okay. You can have box scores and animal videos. And that’s it.”
“But—“ Bryce says.
Jared doesn’t see Bryce much in the context of ‘authority figures’ (loosely, in Grace’s case, but she is calling the shots), so beyond Bryce and Dave having a combative relationship, Jared misses part of the issue with Bryce in these situations is that he sometimes (often) pushes back just to push back. He’s gotten a lot better about it as he’s matured, but sometimes he can’t help himself.
“Everyone likes you best,” Bryce mutters as they’re walking to their car, but only after someone from security made sure no one was lurking in the underground parking lot hoping to ambush them for a picture or a scoop. Which is obviously such a fun thing Jared hopes will continue indefinitely.
“You’ve never checked the weather in your entire life,” Jared says.
“I could,” Bryce says. “Maybe I’m getting old and boring.”
“Knowing what it’s like out is not boring,” Jared says. “It’s preparation. Are you mimicking me right now?”
“No,” Bryce mutters, abruptly ceasing.
Jared elbows Bryce in the side, and Bryce hip checks him right into a pillar. Gently, but still: rude.
They don’t bicker much — it’s more Jared snarking at Bryce, but it’s fun when Bryce bites back. For me and for Jared.
160. Whirlwind
So Jared guesses they got engaged like, practically as soon as they got together. Like, boom, date three or something: engaged. Bryce moves fast in the storyline. Also in real life, but not that fast. Jared thinks Bryce in this storyline moves a little too fast, frankly. And it isn’t realistic that Jared in this storyline said yes that early in their relationship.
Nitpicking Grace’s storyline for OOC behaviour is peak Jared.
“Please,” Grace says, pinching her nose. “It was a whirlwind romance. Based on a friendship that grew out of shared interests and mutual respect and nobody being anybody else’s coach at the time.”
Jared would like to again point out that Bryce was a terrible couch who didn’t do anything but sulk, so it basically doesn’t count.
“You come here, wringing your hands about best business practices,” Foster says. “When a decade ago both Riley and Lapointe went to the Habs as a package deal. Did you forget about that or are you just coming here with a bullshit line of reasoning so you can pretend you’re not being homophobic as you’re asking homophobic questions? You don’t get to have it both ways. You don’t get to say their sexuality has nothing to do with this and then turn right around and ask me if I knew about their sexuality when I signed them. That’s not how this works.”
Brian Foster’s entire press conference was some of the most fun I’ve ever had writing a scene. Pure Id.
Grace finds a tweet with a longer clip, in which Foster manages to insult three media organisations, mock homophobic fans, swear at least half a dozen times, and reiterate the organisation’s support for Bryce and Jared. He also takes a question about the power play.
Love me a man who can multitask.
“I think you should probably give in and start calling him Brian?” Bryce says, looking over at Jared. Bryce caved to his demands the third time Foster explicitly told him to, but Jared wasn’t planning on it: it felt too weird. But he may have to revise that decision.
“He does keep asking me to,” Jared says.
Jared figures angry monologue defending him and Bryce earns first name basis.
He’s sure there’s already going to be ‘wow, Marcus is slumming with a middle sixer’ shit.
“Literally nobody is going to be saying that,” Bryce tells him. “Like. At all.”
Babe you’re the arm candy.
“Bryce!” Jared says.
Bryce very busily looks at literally everything but Jared.
“Stop going online!” Jared says.
He can’t help it!
“I mean, not by Joe from Kamloops who’s decided he can’t support the Canucks anymore, no,” Jared says. “And definitely not Jim from Red Deer who doesn’t give a shit about the Canucks, but has come to say he’s pretty positive your shoulder injury is proof that being gay is morally wrong, actually.”
No offence to Joes and Jims. Full offence to Kamloops and Red Deer.
And Dmitry will probably beat them up, judging by the text he sent Jared assuring him that he will beat them up, along with approximately seventeen emojis Jared didn’t bother trying to parse.
Look: emojis transcend language. A fist is a fist is a fist.
“Okay, then quit reading the opinions of people who are so miserable that the idea of two people in love with each other makes them furious,” Jared says. “It’s pathetic. They’re pathetic.”
Jared was at a very tender, vulnerable age when he saw some of the blowback of the OG coming out controversy. It didn’t make things easier for him as he started to come to terms with his sexuality, and it did not make Jared like people any more than he was originally inclined to.
“They’re planning on like, rainbow flags,” Bryce says. “Canucks fans. They’re coordinating it online. They’re planning on bringing rainbow flags. And supportive signs and stuff. Some have taken pictures. They’re — they’re really nice.”
It isn't all bad though.
“There aren’t any bad ones,” Gabe says, nudging Jared’s shoulder. “If that’s why you’re keeping your head down.”
“I wasn’t doing it on purpose,” Jared says.
This warm up scene is dialogue and action heavy because Jared’s trying really hard not to feel anything right now, starting with keeping his eyes on the ice so he can't see the crowd.
“There’s one behind the net that says LJBTQ,” Gabe says. “The JB is in a heart. I thought it was kind of clever, but you just know someone on the internet is going to say it’s bi erasure. Which, as a bi dude, I completely agree there’s bi erasure in the community, but — oh, that one says PB&J and peanut butter and jelly are holding hands. It’s adorable. I have no idea what the P could be, though. Maybe Pacific? That’d work, I guess, but—
The P stands for ‘we can’t make a PB&J pun without the P’, for the record. Sometimes it’s not that deep.
“Gabe,” Jared says.
“Okay, okay,” Gabe says, putting his hands up, and skates over to where Dmitry’s doing the ridiculous motions he calls stretches.
Jared looks up, but the lights are bright and his eyes are blurry and all he can see is a wash of colour, so he blinks and blinks and goes to find another puck to try to get in the back of the net.
God Gabe can’t you see Jared is trying not to feel emotions?
“If anyone says shit to you,“ Dmitry says. “Tell me. I will fight them.”
“I know,” Jared says.
“Even if they say ‘hello’ or ‘good evening’,” Dmitry says. “I will fight them.”
“Kind of sounds like you just want an excuse to fight someone,” Jared says.
Well. Yes. But also — got your back.
But something breaks through during a TV timeout, has him looking up at the Jumbotron, because the applause and cheers are louder than a kiss cam or dance cam or celebrity lookalike. The camera’s on Bryce in the press box, looking a little stunned. After a moment Leo elbows him, grinning, and Bryce raises a hand to wave at the crowd in acknowledgement, the sound intensifying in response. The Canucks all bang their sticks against the boards, and Jared is late to join them, eyes caught on Bryce’s face.
And Jared knows this is a home game. He knows it isn’t going to be anything like this in other arenas, knows other teams’ fans won’t be this supportive, that opponents are going to use this against them, that there are always going to be people that think less of Bryce, of both of them, simply because they love each other. He knows that.
But Jared also knows Bryce is looking bashful but smiling, a mixture of happiness and bone deep relief on his face, and in this moment, that’s the only thing in the entire world that matters.
The moment that Bryce gets everything he never even dreamed of hoping for. That he gets everything he never thought he could have.
This is the original ending, before one last arc decided to jump onto the back. I also consider it the end of the climax — it’s all denouement from here.
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martyrmystik · 7 months
I think Tumblr needs to know about my dumbass Poppy Playtime AU I literally JUST made today so uhm... Here's the AU I've been hyperfixating on-
More information under the cut!
This is the first half of the Smiling Critters references (I loved making their designs omg)
Tumblr media
Basically to summarize why they are a significant part in this AU:
This is an AU where the Smiling Critters survive, using anything and everything they can to continue to do so. It's a small resistance group (hence the AU name, "RESISTANCE") trying to fight against The Prototype! They still have their dynamics and everything else but they have more freedom to express themselves (hence, the clothes and accessories. And how Kickin' Chicken is wearing two bandana's because yes, he is extra.) AFTER the events of The Hour of Joy. By that time they were like what? 1st-2nd graders considering the experiments that were done? Now they are more like teenagers in this AU since I still follow the plot-line of the actual Poppy Playtime story taking place 10 years later-.
As for how the group works, everybody has their own little role and is in charge of something, they aren't made useless as it is a group based off of teamwork and friendship (despite the casualties.) Here's some of the roles they fall into:
(IF I SEE ANYBODY SEXUALIZE THESE CHARACTERS ISTG. THATS ICKY AND GROSS and I will make sure you get smited by lightning, because even if these guys are aged up THEY ARE STILL MINORS!!!)
Kickin Chicken: The vice president if you will, the leaders right hand man. (Because Dogday is the leader.) He's kind of full of himself but the confidence and pep talks help the team keep motivated, even if he is a bit self-centered
Bobby Bearhug: Assistant to Kickin Chicken (although they have a rivalry.) and also the medic. Is also the one who helps Dogday with anything considering in this AU he still has half of him torn off. (More on Dogday in his own section sometime later)
Hoppy Hopscotch: Basically explores the facility in any area at any time to gather new information on ways to try and get out (all of them are actively looking to escape btw!)
Craftycorn: Maps out stuff (maps, plans, other things) using her drawing abilities, although she also acts as the therapist friend because her art is soothing to others.
Bubba Bubbaphant: THE LITERAL. EMBODIMENT. OF. THE NERD EMOJI. He is a actual know-it-all which can come in handy but that makes him seem like a dick sometimes because of his knowledge.
Picky Piggy: I don't really have anything important to add to her, since I want to keep some of her lore a secret [might be revealed through the ask page I just set up for the AU on my page] HOWEVER she is the chef of the group and is literally the only one that can cook, if anybody else tried they'd all get food poisoning LMAO.
Here's some extra things in this AU that won't go in my other posts about this AU (maybe):
(So take notes if you want.)
- Catnap is redeemed, but it takes a VERY long time for him to get out of "old habits" as I'm going to word it. (Without spoiling too much of what I have planned.)
- I don't know what to plan for The Prototype yet but I'm talking with a couple of my mutuals on discord so maybe I'll figure it out eventually
- Dogday can normally stand and do other things because of the belts he has, however he can't put them on for too long (for like at max, more than 4 hours a day.) because they will wear into the plush, and he needs to put the belts on tight or they will come loose. He only uses such method when the group goes to hunt for food or similar activities, otherwise, he just uses a wheelchair when in the groups safe environment (the Playhouse!)
- This is going to be a shock to some people, but there is NO player character in this AU, not only is this a what if the Smiling Critters survived, but it's also a what if the player character never returned to Playtime Co.! This does come with some issues, like on how the asks are going to work, but trust me, I got everything taken care of when it comes to that!
- There also isn't really any shipping in this AU at all, I'm focusing on the story/friendship dynamics more than that, so if somehow you were looking for Dogday X Catnap this is, unfortunately not the place for that.
- This AU also has the personal interpretation of Dogday being part of the experiments some of the orphanage kids faced, as I don't really vibe with the idea that Dogday might be a Playtime Co. worker??? I don't know, I'm sticking with my idea for now but I will be keeping a close eye on canon if anything confirms or denies it, and I may adjust the AU accordingly if that's the case.
- Future posts may or may not contain other Poppy Playtime characters but the main focus is the Smiling Critters and The Prototype.
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References of Dogday and Catnap are already done but I may wait a bit on Tumblr to see how well this AU is being received :)
(I spent 6 hours on all references in total 😭😭😭)
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jellojelli · 1 year
Arataki Itto Boyfriend Headcanons
*a/n: your honor, I just love him and his one braincell that goes around his head like the dvd screen saver*
♡Itto as a boyfriend is honestly the most fun, caring, and goofiest
♡will literally make a clown out of himself to see you smile
♡he would melt if you wanted to go beetle hunting/battling with him
♡tries his best to spoil you, but he has no job and no money
♡Itto will 100% pick flowers for you every day
♡yes, he has brought back naku weeds before and he’ll do it again
♡he would actually start to cause less of a ruckus in town because of you
♡only because he realized jail time = more time away from you
♡he will always try to make himself look super cool in front of you 24/7
♡that does include embellishing his stories, bribing kids with candy to say good things about him, and also winning against kids in his oni kabuto battles when you’re around
♡LOVES to invite you to any and all festivals, even the ones he and his gang make up for fun
♡you can bet that if the festival his stands with those rigged games he going to want to play every single one of them to win you a prize
♡you can also bet he lost almost all of them
♡sings for you😍
♡and no nothing like his birthday rap, like sweet singing/humming
♡his love language is definitely physical touch and quality time
♡Itto will give you piggyback rides and shoulder rides every day if you ask
♡he will beg you to paint his horns for him and make him look cool
♡maybe he jokes around and starts painting his markings on you so you match🥺
♡Itto always has his hands on you in some way
♡fingers interlocked, holding hands, hands on your waist/shoulders, some part of him will be touching you
♡arguments are incredibly rare
♡he would rather die than make you sad and even if the argument is bad he never yells or says things he doesn’t mean
♡he will apologize first a majority of the time
♡all of inazuma knows who you are because Itto will never shut up about you
♡dates are usually fun little adventures
♡if he takes you to a restaurant or food stall you have to watch him
♡he will likely try to order something with soybeans in it and you’ll have to do your best to carry him home if he eats it
♡not Itto, but the gang members love you to pieces
♡you make the boss so happy, how could they not love you?
♡kuki probably loves you most since now he gets into less trouble thanks to you
♡Itto wouldn’t tell you this until later, but he literally has dreams of marrying you
♡the first time he had a dream/daydream about it he started calling you his wifey/hubby
♡he feels a little insecure sometimes because if the things people say about him/you and his relationship
♡hates if people bad mouth you because of him
♡he’s really scared one day you might agree with them or can’t take the rumors anymore
♡please give this man hugs and kisses and tell him you love him
♡Itto will 100% get jealous if you start hanging out with someone too much
♡he is super childish about it too
♡I’m talking full on pouting at you, glaring, going up to you saying stuff like “omg hiiii bby, who’s your new friend :>”
♡it goes back to him being insecure tho
♡he just really loves you and wants you to stay with him forever
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josephslittledeputy · 3 months
WIP Saturday (Since I always miss WIP Wednesdays)
"Piper, what the hell are we even still doing here?" "We're having dinner, it's courteous." "I'll tell you what's courteous, my foot up Bennett’s ass. Though I'm afraid it might get stuck, what with that stick up there too." "Hanna." Piper says her sisters name in a scolding tone, as if she was the older sibling, not her. "What? I'm sick of his snide remarks, the underlying accusations, and I sure as hell don't like the way he looks at you." She walks over to the sink to stand beside Piper, crossing her arms and leaning against the counter with her back to the mirror. "I mean for fucks sake, he's Dad's age." "I know, I know. I don't like it either, but I can feel an opportunity coming along, I just know it." She reapplies a nude lipstick and blots any excess with a paper towel. "I'll get a better job and be out of that shitty place. Besides, this dinner wasn't just about my birthday or having Bennett pay for it all—which he is, by the way. Creep insisted." She rolls her eyes. "Okay, then what's it about? Cause it just seems like Dakota and I are two animals in a zoo and everyone else are spectators."
"Bennett brought along Grayson, who pretty much controls the board. If I can get on his good side, then I can move up or move out. He knows people, Hanna." She turns to face Hanna, jutting her hip out to lean against the sink. "Great, so he's a socialite, whoopty fuckin' doo!” She throws her hands up, enunciating the sarcasm in her voice. "Why are you like this?" "Like what?" "You know, this." She vaguely gestures at Hanna. "Oh yeah, very helpful, Pipes, thanks." "Ugh, I mean you being so 'against the system man'." She air quotes with her fingers, even going the extra mile to imitate a stereotypical 70s hippie voice. "Because I am against it. The world you're living in Piper? It doesn't care for you." Hanna stands up straight, feeling her anger rise. "It'll chew you up and spit you out and when it's done, what will you have left?" The bathroom has music playing a low volume, but the silence aside from that is stifling. "Nothing." "So what, I should be more like you then? Getting in trouble all the time? Showing up with cuts and bruises and no explanation for them?" Piper steps closer, nostrils flaring. "Everyone out there might have bought what you told them—sales, bounty hunting, whatever—but I know what you really do." "And what's that?" "The same thing mom and dad kicked you out for." The air goes cold, like the AC had just kicked on in the place. "Yeah. You're right." "I—Wait what?" "You're right. I never left. I can't leave, even if I wanted to. But what I do puts food on the table and keeps a roof over my head. I can't go out and do the things you do, Piper. Bennett’s right, we are different." Piper is silent, stunned. She takes a few steps back, observing her sisters expression before she deflates like a balloon. "I'm… sorry. I don't know what I was saying, I just… I want you to be proud of me." "I am proud of you, dummy." Hanna rolls her eyes. "You're gonna go far in life, much farther than I—or even mom and dad—will ever go. I just hate seeing you bust your ass for an ungrateful rich prick like Bennett Clark." "I know, trust me, I do too. But like I said, it won't be for much longer." "Yeah, well, it better not be. Don't know how much longer I can hold off from beating his ass." "Hannaaa." Piper groans, but she's smiling. "What! I think he deserves a little sense beat into him." They share a laugh and just like that, the tension in the air is cleared again, as if it hadn't even been there in the first place. "I mean, you're not wrong." "I never am." Piper rolls her eyes at her sisters cocky statement. "How about this, we stay for another 15 minutes and then we get out of here. Sound good?" "Mm." She purses her lips, moving them from side to side as she contemplates. "Fine. But if he makes one more comment, I'll douse that fucker in wine and light him up like a Sunday barbecue." "Deal."
It's been a while since I've done a WIP Any Day & after taking a little break, I've been working on some stuff for Hanna that I feel pretty good about. Subject to edits and changes, of course.
Tagging @inafieldofdaisies @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @carlosoliveiraa @tommyarashikage
@clicheantagonist @adelaidedrubman (no pressure, of course!)
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coffeebeans18 · 2 years
Dean Winchester Smut
Pairings: Dom!Dean x Virgin!Y/n
Warnings: Some kinky shit. Nothing too serious. If you find something that needs a legitimate wanting, let me know.
Summary: Y/n's got a thing for hands and Dean's using it against her.
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I'm sitting in the bunker's library with Dean. I'm supposed to be helping with research, but I keep getting distracted by his hands. His big, grease covered hands. For whatever reason, he chooses to eat the messiest things while doing research. And somehow, the mess never gets beyond his hands. I'm watching him eat and lick his fingers, when I'm supposed to be doing research. He's caught be staring at him, a few times, but he just have me a cocky comment like "I have that effect on people" or something like that. I don't know. I wasn't really paying attention. I was too busy looking at his hands. The man's already perfect, without looking at his hands. His hands only add on to the perfection.
"Watching me won't get anything done, Sweetheart."
Shit. Busted. Again.
"I'm sorry. I was just-"
"Staring at my hands again. I know. It's alright."
He stands up from his chair and starts walking towards me, abandoning his food and research.
"You know. If you want something, all you have to do is ask."
"Uh, what?"
"I've seen the way you look at me, Y/n. I know what you want. But you have to tell me. I'm pretty big on consent."
"I don't know what you-"
"Hey, look at me real quick."
I look at him, not sure what he's about to do. Then he dips his finger in his plate, getting grease on his finger. I watch as he shoves his finger in his mouth, licking it clean. There's an audible gasp, catching Dean's attention, which was already on me.
"See that? That look you give me when I use my hands?"
"I'm sorry. Really. I didn't mean-"
"No need to apologize. Everybody has kinks, Y/n."
The hell's a kink? I feel a little embarrassed, not knowing what he's talking about. I think it relates to a sexual turn on.
"Everybody gets turned on." He says, probably noticing the confused look on my face.
"Oh. So hands can be kinky?"
"Anything can be kinky. It depends on the person."
Wow. The things you learn. I didn't even know what a kink was. And now I know that anything can be kinky.
"You wanna take a break from this?"
"Um, sure."
I close my laptop and stand up from my chair. I'm not sure what to do with myself. I should probably get rid of the hot feeling in my...area. I start heading to my room, but Dean steps me.
"Where are you going?"
"To my room. I thought you said we were taking a break."
"We are. In my room."
Why would we be taking a break in his room?
"Oh. Ok."
He gently grabs one of my hands and leads me to his room. Once there, he closes the door and leads me to his bed. I look up at him, still confused as to why we're in his room, and he motions for me to sit down. Or maybe he was motioning for me get on the bed, in a way that's not sitting down. I don't know.
"I'm ok standing."
"You wanna do this standing?"
"Do what?"
"Damn. I guess I read the signs wrong. I'm sorry. I thought you wanted to-"
"What signs?"
"When we were talking about turn ons and your thing with my hands, I thought you wanted to do something."
"I do, but, um-"
"Not with me. I get it. It's ok."
"No. I've never done anything before."
He just looks at me for a second. It looks like he's trying to see if I'm being serious.
I nod, embarrassed that at 28 years old, I've never had sex or done anything sexual.
"You're a virgin?"
"Is that bad?"
"Being that we're about to go on a hunt for a witch who kills virgins, yes. But any other time, no. You were probably just waiting for the right person. But I hate to break it to you, if you're still a virgin in the next 8 hours, you're not going on this hunt."
"I was kinda hoping that you could, um, help?"
"You want me to help you? Help you what?"
The smirk on his lips tells me that he knows exactly what I want his help with. I think he's teasing me.
"Tell me what you need help with, Sweetheart."
"I need you to fuck me."
He nods and motions again for me to get on the bed. I lay down, on my back, and Dean slowly gets on top of me. He's kissing my neck and making his way down to my shirt.
"Off." He commands.
I usually don't like being told what to do, but that's usually with basic shit. I've never been in a sexual situation before. I've heard of people liking to be told what to do in bed. Am I one of those people? Doesn't matter. I do as he said and take off my shirt. He takes off his own and starts taking off my pants. I help him with his own pants and he starts kissing my body. This feels nice. I like this. He eventually makes his way back up to my bra, and I take it off. I've never been so revealed in front of someone else. But I'm oddly comfortable, probably because I know that Dean's not judging me for how my body looks.
"You're beautiful, Baby."
"Do you mean that?"
"Of course I mean that. I'm about to show you just how much I mean it."
He leans down to kiss me, which I've also never done before. This all seems so easy. How have I never done this before? He slips my underwear off, then slips two fingers into me. He's pushing them in and out and it feels fucking amazing. This feels a lot better than I thought it would. Dean's fingers feel a lot better than I thought they would. I wouldn't think that such big fingers would feel so good inside of me. If anything, I'd think they'd hurt. But it doesn't hurt. It feels quite nice, actually. It doesn't take long for me to feel like I'm gonna cum. Can I do that? On his fingers? Would he be mad about that? I don't know how to control it, so it's gonna happen. Is he gonna be mad?
"That's it, Sweetheart. Cum on my fingers."
I guess not. I cum on his fingers and he slips them out of me. He leans forward and shoves his fingers into my mouth, making me taste myself. I lick his fingers clean with no hesitation, and he takes them out of my mouth. He takes his underwear off, revealing his hard dick. How is he hard already? I seriously don't know how any of this works.
"Do you want me to keep going?"
I nod and he lines himself up with my entrance.
"If I hurt you or you just feel like you wanna stop, you let me know and I'll stop. Ok?"
"Ok. Dean?"
"Please go gentle."
"Of course."
He slowly pushes himself into me and I let out a shocked moan. This hurts, but not in a painful way. You know?
"You ok?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm ok. Keep going."
He pushes himself deeper into me until he can't fit anymore of himself into me. He gives me a second to adjust before he starts thrusting in and out of me. It slowly stops hurting and starts to feel really good.
"You're doing so good, Sweetheart. So good for me."
He's going slow, a little too slow. I want him to go faster, but I'm afraid it might hurt. But I really want him to go faster.
"You sure?"
"Yeah. Go faster."
He's thrusting really fast now and I'm pretty sure I'm about to cum. Again. I can't describe how I'm feelings, but I can say that it feels good. Like, really good. He places both of his hands on each side of my head as he starts breathing really hard.
"Dean, I think I'm-"
"Cum for me, Baby."
I cum on his dick and he pulls out of me, cumming on the floor. I'm so glad that the bunker isn't carpeted. That would be a sticky situation. I'm sorry. I think I'm funny. Anyways, we're both breathing really hard and Dean's kissing my head and telling me how good I was for him.
"I did good?"
"Good? You did great, Baby."
He walks to his bathroom and comes back with a towel. He cleans the floor and my thighs, then throws the towel in his laundry basket. He lays down next to me and pulls me close to him.
"That was awesome."
I smiles and he kisses my forehead again.
"We should get back to research."
"We have time. And you should rest for a little while."
He's right. I should rest for a little while. That might've been awesome, but it was also tiring. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep in Dean's arms, happy that of all the people in the world, he was the one who took my virginity.
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blubushie · 10 months
can u explain everything in ur dni list and y u have it as dni? i think itd be funny
Yeah, sure. I think it'd be funny too.
Having to cut this in half cuz it's long.
Are vegan (vegetarians are fine). -> I can't stand vegans. Oh my god, can I not stand vegans. Every vegan I've met has been an insufferable idiot who doesn't understand that going on an all-plant diet is still destroying ecosystems. Growing their crops requires space, this space results in deforestation, the widespread use of pesticides and poisons kills billions of animals every year and results in that poison being passed down the food chain, killing animals that aren't the initial target of the poison. Vegans act like hunting is luxury while not acknowledging native land rights, while not acknowledging that for many people hunting is the only way for them to survive multiple months through the year, vegans consider themselves holier-than-thou and are sure to remind you of this. Too many vegans deny basic biology of human being omnivores--this is why we have canine teeth, pointed molars, and incisors in the shape we do--or they make the argument that despite being omnivores, there is no reason to eat meat as we live in the "modern world" and therefore supplemental vitamins are readily available. This is ignoring how expensive these supplements are, and how unavailable they are to many people. Also M*lbourne vegans chucked red paint on my car and I still find flakes sometimes between the slats. Cost me almost $200 to have it powerwashed off and to pay for a new advertisement sticker.
Are a cyclist (bikies, you're on thin fucking ice) -> Cyclists can't stay in their fucking bike path and keep riding in the street. What's the fucking path for if you're not gonna use it? Bikies are on thin ice because they're like cyclists but Cooler.
Don't like flanno -> All I wear is flanno
Are scared of snakes -> I love snakes and, as pest control, I'm tired of explaining to people that you're more likely to be bitten by a snake while trying to move/kill it and that you should just leave snakes be.
Are scared of bugs -> I love bugs
Unironically say "NAURRR" (Aussies are exempt) -> As an Aussie it's just... really fucking annoying. Get better jokes. This one's overused.
Drive a manual (I'm jealous of you) -> I cannot drive a manual because I always second-guess myself when I shift gears and then shift to the wrong gear or accidentally ride the clutch.
Scream when you're afraid or startled -> I don't do this normally except when I'm on the horn with someone and do it as a heads-up that I'm muting myself to talk to whoever's interrupted me. Also this'll kill you in a survival situation.
Don't take your shoes off indoors (WTF is wrong with you?) -> It's gross and rude.
Have never loved the stars too fondly -> I love astronomy.
Claim your favourite flower is roses -> Cliché.
Like the colour pink -> People always think this is a misogyny thing but no, it's a trauma thing. Additionally in the Australian mental facility I was in as a kid, my room was painted a soft pink and so now I just hate this colour as a whole.
Don't wear a watch -> I always wear a watch. It's dependable when your phone dies.
Don't like vegemite (WTF is wrong with you? x2) -> I'm an Aussie.
If you DO like vegemite, DNI if you eat it at level 6 or anything below 3 -> I'm an Aussie.
Eat vegemite plain off the spoon (WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU? x3) -> I'm an Aussie.
Call all cattle "cows" -> I'm also a stockman and this is annoying. Cows are female cattle who've had calves, bulls are unneutered male cattle, heifers are female cattle who haven't had a calf yet, steers are neutered young male cattle, bullocks are neutered adult male cattle.
Use chapstick (let your lips split like a real man) -> I don't use chaptsick and eventually my lips stopped chapping.
Weren't sacrificed on the altar of Victoria Bitter -> Aussie and bogan.
You drink Foster's -> Aussie and no one here drinks fucking Foster's.
Call thongs "flip-flops" (wrong) or "jandals" (inhuman) -> THEY'RE THONGS.
Are a ranga -> Rangas are redheads. Gingers are ok. Rangas don't have souls.
Wear neon colours (hunting orange is fine, safety green is only permissible for tradies) -> Eyestrain. Also people who wear neon make me nervous as someone who hates attention being drawn to myself in public.
Like wearing shoes -> I hate shoes.
Wear socks and ESPECIALLY if you sleep with socks on -> But I hate socks more! Autism no like.
Like maths (you're an alien) -> I am very bad at maths. I know enough to be a sniper but even then I usually use a calculator and/or my Kestrel app.
Wash your face every morning -> Exfoliate with sand like I do.
Don't know how to change a tyre -> Everyone should know how to change a tyre because you never know if you're going to need it. You might need it, someone else might need it, etc. It might save your life some day. Life skill.
Think heat above 80F/25C is "unbearable" -> I'm an Aussie, suck it up.
Have never ridden a horse -> I pity you.
Don't know the difference between revolvers and pistols -> It's annoying.
Have, at any point, unironically uttered the phrase "assault rifle" -> You don't know anything about firearms and don't have a leg to be standing on in conversation regarding them.
Are from M*lbourne (Victorians, you're on thin fucking ice) -> See the "vegans" thing. Also M*lburnians are largely up themselves and the whole city suffers from Tall Poppy Syndrome. You're not better than anyone, cunts.
Are from New Zealand -> Basically M*lbourne but a whole country. I'll admit a lot of my "hatred" is just for show, though. You're our dickhead little brother and we hate you and also love you. Nobody fucks with the Kiwis but us <3
Are French/speak French (Africans, you're on thin fucking ice) -> Bad experiences in regards to the language, but as far as nationality goes, see "pompousness."
Are Canadian -> Bad experiences with Canadians.
Are French-Canadian (double-wrong) -> Very bad experience with a pompous French-Canadian.
Are English. The rest of the UK, you're on thin ice. -> Pommy cunts. You're not my dad!
Are from a city with a population higher than 1mil. People from cities with populations of 30k to 999k are on thin fucking ice. People from cities/town/shires/villages with less than 30k I love you. -> I grew up bush in a town with a population of like. 5. And now there's zero.
Think "bogan" is an insult -> It's not.
Don't shave with a knife (people who use straight razors, you're on thin fucking ice, people who don't shave at all I love you) -> I shave with a knife in the bush and straight razor when I'm around people (because getting caught shaving with a knife is a good way to have your girlfriend yell at you for being stupid).
Have never been sunburnt (only for people who can get sunburnt) -> Get skin cancer like a real man (like I have).
Don't like camping -> I love camping.
Own decorative towels and ESPECIALLY if you get mad at people for using them. It's a bloody towel and I'm using it for its intended purpose -> This has happened to me too much and I get pissed every time. Why do you have it if you're not supposed to use it? How am I supposed to know it's not meant to be used?
Believe in astrology -> I don't trust people who judge others off their fucking star sign instead of their actions.
Have a skincare routine and/or wear makeup -> I don't like people who are vain. Life's so short, who cares about your appearance, go out there and enjoy life.
Drive a Toyota Prius -> You're probably a shitty and/or obnoxious driver, you either speed or drive too fucking slow, never use your indicators when changing lane, or cut people off.
DON'T love thunderstorms -> I love thunderstorms.
Were born after 2023 -> You do the maths.
Think catching toads to get high is "animal abuse" (the toads are fine unless they're cane toads, fuck cane toads, all my mates hate cane toads) -> It's not. The toads are fine (again, unless they're cane toads, which I kill because they're invasive species).
You microwave water for any reason -> Jostling microwaved water causes cavitation bubbles to burst, which can make the water itself spray you. This results in boiling water drenching your arms and probably face. This is how you get severe burns. Stop doing it.
Have never been to a B&S ball -> They're fun and I pity you.
Don't believe in aliens -> I refuse to believe we're alone out here.
Are taller than 158cm/5'2" -> Fuck you for being taller than me!
Take multivitamins (aka you are healthier than me) -> Fuck you for being healthier than me!
Haven't read my fic (minors exempt, do not read it) -> Please read it if you're an adult, I put my heart and soul into this shit...
Don't like bush ballads or sea shanties. I'm going to show up at your house and aggressively sing Waltzing Matilda at 3am outside your bedroom window -> I like sea shanties. And the sea.
Think the term "blackfella" is racist -> It's not, it's the preferred term for black (native) Australians.
Would give me up, tell a lie, and hurt me -> Get Rickroll'd.
Don't bless the rains down in Africa -> Get Tito'd.
You shave your eyebrows -> No eyebrows makes me nervous since I kinda depend on them for reading faces (autism)
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scarisd3ad · 2 years
To the end and back | Daryl Dixon x reader
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Chapter nine - call it what you want
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Summary - after the world ended you were sure you’d never find love again but a certain archer catches your eyes and changes the entire trajectory of your life.
Warnings - regular twd warnings
'Cherokee rose'
Season 2 ep4
we woke up really early today, packed up the rv, left a sign for Sophia with food, and then left. "Be careful" I whisper, Daryl and I stood behind the rv, talking quietly. "I will" Daryl says with a nod before pressing a quick kiss to my lips. "Hey Daryl, I hav-" I was about to ask, I really was but I was cut off by dale.
"y/n! Daryl! you ready."
I let out a quiet groan of frustration before walking back around to the other side of the rv, and getting in. I take a seat at the table and place both my elbows on it. the drive was short, there were a couple of times we turned down the wrong road and got lost but we fixed the problem quickly. we pull up to a farm, practically in the middle of nowhere. the only things around it are fields of grass and woods. the main house is pretty big. bigger house than I've ever lived in. 
when we all get out of the cars rick, and Lori are walking out of the house. I run up to the both of them and hug Lori. "Is he alright?" I ask in a whispered tone. "he'll pull through" Lori replies with a nod. I pull away "thanks to Hershel and his people." Lori says turning her head back towards an older man and a blonde lady. "And Shane, we'd have lost carl if not for him" rick adds. Shane now has a shaved head and is wearing close at least 2 sizes too big for him. he should've kept the hair. dale hugs rick and carol hugs Lori "thank god we were so worried" she whispers. were all hugging and greeting each other like we didn't just see each other all yesterday. the next person I'm hugging is Glenn. I'm holding onto him as tight as I can. I really can't live without him. "Thought you forgot me" he whispers with a laugh. "I missed you" I whisper as I bury my head in the crook of his neck. "Missed you too" he replies. 
"how'd it happen?" dale asks rick. "Hunting accident. that's all- just a stupid accident" rick replies.
we all attend the funeral of who I learned died while going out with Shane to get supplies. Shane says the guy named Otis sacrificed himself. but the look on Shane's face says otherwise. each of us add a rock to pay our respects.
 "Blessed be god, father of our lord Jesus Christ. praise be to him for the gift of our brother Otis, for his span of years, for his abundance of character; Otis, who gave his life to save a child's, now more than ever, our most precious asset. we thank you, God, for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. he died as he lived in grace." 
Shane has this look on his face the entire time that just gives away that He's lying. I don't understand why nobody else sees it. "Shane, will you speak for Otis?" Hershel asks. Shane looks like he just shit his pants. "I'm not good at it." Shane responds quickly. "I'm sorry" he whispers as he shakes his head. "You were the last one with him. you shared his final moments." cries a lady named Patricia. "Please. I need to hear. I need to know his death had meaning" cries the lady. Shane stands there his mouth gaping open. "okay" he whispers. he looks around thinking about what to say "we were about done.... almost out of ammo. we were down to pistols by then. I was limpin', it was bad.... ankle all swollen up 'we got to save the boy.' see, that's what he said. he gave me his backpack, he shoved me ahead. 'run' he said. he said, "I'll take the rear. i'll cover you.' and when I looked back...." Shane begins to limp towards the large pile of rocks "if not for Otis" he takes a rock out of the wheelbarrow "I'd have never made it out alive. and that goes for carl too. it was Otis. he saved us both. if any death had meaning, it was his." then he placed the rock in the pile. the man was a good liar, I'd give that to him. that was an amazing story he just told there, but it wasn't the truth. I spent the last few months getting to know him, he was like family up until a few days ago. I knew him, he knew me. and I knew he was lying. I'd take that to my grave. 
Daryl, Shane, Andrea, rick, Hershel, and I are gathered around a car talking about Sophia, plans and stuff. I was going to be a part of the search for Sophia no matter how much Daryl disliked it. Sophia and her mother were family too me now and God dammit if I didn't put my whole being into finding her. It wouldn't be right if I didn't. "How long has this girl been lost?" asks Hershel. "this'll be day three" rick replies as Hershel's daughter Maggie walks up with a map. she spreads it across the hood of the car "county survey map. shows terrain and elevations." she says "this is perfect. we can finally get this thing organized." rick says as Maggie places three rocks on the map to keep it down. "we'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams." rick says "not you. not today. you gave three units of blood. you wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out." Hershel says to rick before turning his head towards Shane. "And your ankle, push it now, you'll be laid up a month, no good to anybody." Hershel says. we're out 2 and we need people searching so Daryl can't even say no to me helping. 
"So, I guess it's just me, I'm gonna head back to the creek, work my way up from there" Daryl says leaning over and tracing it over with his finger. "What about me?" I ask with my brows furrowed. after a bunch of convincing Daryl agreed to me going, he can't just go back on his word. "you're not comin' stay here with Glenn. help him or somethin' it's not safe" I let out a groan and cross my arms. "You said I could help" before turning around and marching off towards Glenn. I can hear Daryl let out a frustrated sigh behind me, but he said I could go! it's not like he's my boyfriend or my husband and even if he was, he still wouldn't have the authority to boss me around. Glenn can tell I'm frustrated "what's wrong?" he asks. "He won't let me go!" I groan, "He's just bossin' me around telling me it's not safe and shit. it's not like he's my dad. it just wasn't like this before y'know." Glenn has a smirk on his face, I roll my eyes "what's so funny?" I ask, "maybe its cause I don't know...he cares about you?" he says with a laugh. I roll my eyes. "I know he cares doofus" I say. "It just doesn't mean he can boss me around." I say crossing my arms and leaning against the tree next to me. he rolls his eyes as he continues working on whatever he's working on "what are we 15 I haven't been called a doofus since I was in high school" he laughs. "Why do you even want go with him anyways" I don't reply just stare. I want to go because I won't feel safe here without him. even though Hershel says it is secured I still won't feel safe unless I know Daryl's here. I know very sappy but that's how I feel. "I don't feel safe without Daryl here" I whisper. Glenn smiles "aww. you like him don't you?" I nod slowly "good cause he does too" I scoff "how do you know that?"
"He told me and t-dog, that night at the CDC." I didn't even think he'd remember that shit all four of us were drunk out of our minds. Maggie, Hershel's daughter walks up to Glenn. he turns his head towards her mouth gaping open. he likes her, or at least thinks she's pretty. I can tell. "I'm gonna go talk to Daryl" I say walking away. I walk towards Daryl whose getting ready to leave. "I already said no" he says as soon as I'm close enough for me hear him. I let out a frustrated sigh. "Please...Daryl. I just- I just don't feel safe here without you" I say whispering the last part as I look up at him. he just stares at me processing what I had just said. "rick'll be here. and Hershel says the farm is secured." I shake my head putting on some puppy dog eyes that never failed me when I was younger. "But Daryl I only feel safe with you. I can help...please?" he sighs and rubs his face with his hand "it's not safe out there."
"please" I whisper again. 
he lets out a groan "fine, but you have to hold your own I'm not goin' to be the only one lookin' for Sophia" I roll my eyes, why wouldn't I be looking for Sophia? if he didn't let me go with him, I would definitely be going out by myself. "I will, thanks Daryl. I'll go grab my bag." I run off towards the rv and quicky run back towards Daryl who's talking to rick near the front of Hershel's house. "I thought you were going by yourself?" rick says with his brows furrowed up in confusion. "I decided I might need a little help" Daryl mutter "we could send Andrea with you-" 
"no just y/n. we'll be fine" Daryl says cutting rick off.
we start our journey into the forest. I've got my gun clutched in my hand as we walk slowly through the overgrown grass, and branches. Daryl's in front of me with his crossbow ready to shoot. "You should teach me how to use that thing one day" I say quietly. "Yeah, one day" Daryl replies.  
about hour into our search, we come across a house that's been very overgrown. it had to been abandoned way longer than when the outbreak first happened. Daryl takes off his crossbow and takes an arrow out of the front of his crossbow "stay behind me" he says as he continues walking towards the house. "mkay" I mutter. he kicks the front door open and examines the area before continuing into the house slowly. the old wooden floor creaks under our steps as we walk further into the house. Daryl turns the corner into the first room, makes sure there's no one in it and continues onto the next. no one. he goes onto the next, and also there's no one. next we go into a kitchen like area. there's no one in there but there is a trashcan with a somewhat recent opened can of fish. Daryl sniffs at it before pouring it out back into the trashcan. that opened can just gave me the little hope I needed that Sophia could be alive. yeah, it could've been anyone who opened that can but the only other people alive we've seen out here have been the people at Hershel's farm, and the other one is Sophia well at least we hope Sophia's alive. Daryl looks up and notices a brown door just open the tiniest bit. "Stay behind me" he whispers as he raises his bow. he walks closer to the door, the wood creaking under his feet. then he pulls the door open, keeping a great distance between himself and the door. it just ends up being a pantry. a pantry that had a pillow and a blanket on the floor. it looked like someone had been hiding out in this house. "You think Sophia's been here?" I asked quietly. "It could've been anybody" he mutters before we turn around and head out. 
"Sophia!" shouts Daryl as we walk out of the house. "Sophia!" I call out. "Sophia!" Daryl shouts again as he walks around checking out every side of the house just in case she's passed out against a wall. Daryl walks over to a flower; a Cherokee rose to be specific. he kneels down next to it looking at it. "whatcha lookin' at?" I ask "flower..." he mutters to himself. it's only a singular one. I haven't seen flowers in ages. god I barely remember what a red rose looks like. "it's pretty" I whisper. Daryl nods. I decide to pick it, for Sophia, when we find her. she told me awhile back, when I first met her how much she liked flowers. I knew she'd appreciate it. I put it my bag carefully before we head back to Hershel's farm. 
"Daryl?" I whisper, we've been walking for about 20 minutes. "Hm?" he hums in response. "What are we?" I ask. he turns his head towards me with his brows furrowed "what'd ya mean?" I let out a quiet sigh. "Never mind" I whisper. "no tell me." I let out a barely audible sigh before saying "like what are we? relationship wise" he shrugs in response "whatever you want us to be sunshine." 
"What do you want us to be?" I ask with my brows furrowed. Daryl stops and turns around towards me. "Do you want to be my-" Daryl cuts me off. 
"Yeah sure" he says before turning back around and continuing on walking.
when we arrive back at Hershel's farm I volunteer to go and talk to carol. I walk into the rv where carol was. Shes in the bedroom. the rv is quiet and way cleaner as I walk through to the back of the rv.  she looks up at me "I cleaned up, I wanted it to be nice for her" she says softly. "For a second I thought I was in the wrong place" I whisper. she lets out a quiet laugh through her nose. I open my bag up and presented the flower to her. "a flower?" she asks cocking her head to the side.I nod. "I picked it for Sophia when we find her. she told me how much she liked flowers awhile back so I...y'know" I whisper. she's got tears in her eyes. "I'm so sorry carol...for how harsh I was last night. you know I never meant to hurt your feelings, right?" she shakes her head lightly "you didn't hurt my feelings y/n. you were just trying to protect the others" she says as she stands up pulling me into a hug. "I checked the highway...she wasn't there" carol says through tears. "sh..she wasn't there. I miss her so much" carol cries. I rub small circles into her back. "I do too. I'll find her I promise."
I decide to visit carl for the first time. he's laid in a bed with a gauze wrapped around his torso. "y/n?" rick is passed out in the chair next to him. Lori said he's been giving blood like crazy. "Yeah, it's me buddy" I whisper as I kneeled down next to the bed. "Mom said you went to look for Sophia?" I nod "yeah I did." he gives me a weak smile "did you find her?" he asks I shake my head "no..I didn't but Daryl and I we're lookin', and I promise we'll find her" he nods in response "I know you will." 
"I'm kinda like you and my dad now, y'know we all got shot" I laugh he's right; we've all been shot. "Yeah kinda" I say reaching over and ruffling his hair. when rick wakes up, I decide to leave give then some father son time. 
when I am exiting the house Glenn is standing on the porch seemingly waiting for me. as soon as he sees me, he blurts out "I had sex with Maggie" my jaw drops in shook "what the fuck?" I whisper. "Seriously?" I ask, he has to be lying. I knew he had the hots for her, but I didn't know he'd go straight to sex! "Yeah, when we went out to the pharmacy" I quietly laugh "seriously in a pharmacy? with a bunch of walkers around?" he nods slowly "I'm going to bed. I think I need to after hearing that" I reply as I walk away from Glenn. I didn't want to hear that; I didn't ever want to know that. 
when I go to grab my tent to set up for the night Daryl stops me. "You can share with me. y'know cause mine is bigger." I nod following him towards his tent.
he holds me close to his chest as we both try falling asleep. it had been a long day I knew I'd be out fast. his chin rested against the top of my head. "Daryl?" I whisper. "Hm?" he's half asleep, I decide not to mess with him now "never mind" I whisper as I close my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.
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vdragon-creations · 7 months
Meet Fortnite Sasha!
She's here!
Now, before we get started, i wanna make this very clear. I don't know the slightest thing about Fortnite Lore or Gameplay wise. and i don't care! This is just an excuse for me to draw Sasha with Fortnite Donnie and nothing else! (Tho it is fun to try and put another spin on my cheeb again.)
But without further delay, allow me to introduce...
Fortnite Sasha!
Like the Fortnite Turtles, this Sasha is a mix of some of the other versions! (I believe they where modeled after 2003, Bayverse, and 2007. With maybe a dash of 87 in there given the belt buckles with the letters on them. So i pulled from 2003, 2007, Bayverse and 87 myself)
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This version of Sasha comes from a race of cat aliens who use a mixture of Technology and Magic. So this Sasha has access to mystical powers as well as being incredibly skilled with machines. And while she's not a Soldier, she's still pretty skilled in combat, thanks to her training as a Hunter! She also has a Multi Weapon Tool that has 5 settings! Dagger, Sword, Whip, Spear, and Bow!
Most of her mystical abilities are pretty tame, as a Hunter, she's no Master Spellcaster. She can levitate small objects, heal minor injuries, and teleaport over short distances. She can also spawn mystical arrows for her Bow and create small smoke bombs that can cause a target to see things. Her weapons and armor also have mystical properties to them, her mask in particular allows her to see body heat and can even help her track targets and aim more efficiently with her Bow!
Sasha is a Hunter, and it's exactly what it sounds like. Hunters are sent to live their lives out in the wilderness away from civilization. They provide the food thier people feed off of to survive and are highly trained in the art of The Hunt. Each lady is chosen for very specific reasons, Sasha in particular was chosen as she was a subspecies known for thier speed and ability to adapt to different climates easily. It's a very important job, but very hard and restrictive with how one gets to live thier life.
It's a ladies only position, and they are forbidden from Marriage or Starting Families. (Can't quite hunt while pregnant after all.) However, they are still allowed to have romantic relationships, so long as it's with other hunters. Meaning most hunters, Sasha included, are more often then not, Bi, Pan, or Lesbian.
Sasha was born a very small but far away planet inhabited by a race of cat aliens. This race was known for having the unique abilities to use mystical powers as well as access to powerful technology. Because of this reputation, her people were currently at war with a similar race of reptilian aliens who wanted to force them to give up thier secrets.
This conflict never really bothered Sasha much, spending her days hunting for pray among the brush of the desert plains or the treetops of the lush jungles she called home. That was untill, she and her fellow hunters were attacked by a squad of these Reptiles.
In an attempt to escape, she and her other hunter friends loaded into some emergency pods that would shoot them straight to the nearest city for help. But...she never made it to the city.
Her pod was attacked by an enemy ship and sent far far of course. Knocking her pod out into open space, and straight into a collision course with another planet. Earth to be precise.
Apon landing, Sasha was knocked unconscious thanks to the impact. When she finally came to, she found herself being pulled out of her pod by a tall reptile man. He was fairly built for one who seemed not much older then she was. He was a terrapin wearing a purple mask, and he wasn't alone. Three more just like him seemed to be standing by, looking at her with concern by wery expressions.
Thinking they were part of the squad that attacked her people, she quickly kicked out of the grasp of the purple cladded terrapin and assumed the position to defend herself. She quickly realized her Lingua (an implanted device her people give at birth that translates all languages) had been damaged during the crash. She couldn't understand them and it was clear they couldn't understand her either.
It took some time, but after a bit of persuasion, she calmed down. They weren't going to hurt her, at least not now. And they didn't exactly seem like the same Reptiles she was familiar with. They seemed almost....nice. The one that saved her offered it seemed to make a device for her to wear that would translate for her, at least till her Lingua could be fixed. He showed her kindness and seemed to really be intrigued by her people's technology. He also seemed to take and intrest in her too, and...Sasha could help but think the same. He was pretty cute, in a turtlely way.
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themsource · 9 months
Homeless in New York - HT!Sans/Reader
Another idea ramble! Well, basically plot spiel. This one is very long though. I really liked the part in Beyond Two Souls where Elle goes through the homeless experience with Stan and everyone, for how eye opening it was and...other reasons! ^^
Said in the new year I'd share more so I'm blowing dust off my idea folder and just putting them out there lol
...I have a lot ._.
Rating: M
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You and Sans start out as rivals.
He’s mean, cruel, says the most awful stuff with even worse morbid puns that set your hairs raising whenever you encounter each other but you’re just as vicious right back. There’s an energy to your exchanges that always leaves one of you smiling in the end, a witty verbal game of cat and mouse where the roles are constantly flipped. 
For some reason out of all the fellow homeless you’ve met Sans gets to you the most. Mainly because you both always end up competing when it comes to resources. It’s a constant battle but one that you end up finding security in with how often it happens in the bland monotony that is job hunting and scrounging.
He smirks as he gets the last bed for the night at the shelter, fine, you have your favorite vent in the far off ally behind the donut shop anyway but you beat him to the food kitchen and steal the last bowl of potato soup much to his annoyance. Sometimes it’s in reverse, sometimes you both end up winning and missing out, but those are rare and far between.
You’ve been homeless for a long time and know the streets and the people on them. Sans is someone who only popped up a year ago wearing his four coats and his bizarre choice of three layers of mixing shorts and pants, one of only three monsters in the big city as far as you know since the race came top side six years prior. You don’t know where he came from but this whole rivalry started because you’d had to step out of your place in line to help someone outside the food bank and Sans had stolen it.
When you came back and pointed it out he had only shrugged and said ‘sounds like a personal problem kid.’
Never had you encountered a fellow struggler who wasn’t kind and supportive. New York may have been renowned for its cold shoulders and careless attitudes but that didn’t apply in the homeless community, there was always sharing if it could be managed rather that was a spare bit of food or a warm trashcan fire. You’d even tried telling him that wasn’t how it works and tried to nicely explain but he’d rolled his single red eye and told you to ‘buzzoff’ instead of listening.
You vowed to never let him know peace after that.
This continues for months and during that time you find moments. Moments where there’s some sort of silent understanding. Catching him with a bummed cigarette and several crossed off job posts on the paper he’s holding, exchanging a frown for his shrug. Him watching as you are attempting to duct tape the sole back on your shoe and titling his skull with you gesturing accusingly at a careless nail abandoned on the curb that had caught you. Never speaking except for those bantering moments where you’re trying to one up and beat the other out.
There’s no kindness, no verbal sympathies.
Until one day when a new shelter opens up and there’s plenty of space, it’s the biggest most well equipped one yet with the softest beds that you’ve found in years, only to see them chasing Sans off, or trying to. He stands there unimpressed as the man who owns the place, a blading big hefty man in his 60s yells up at him both hateful and derogatory things.
‘Your kind is a nuisance! Nothing but nightmares! Just look at these innocent people, don’t they suffer enough without having to see your ugly mug!?’
No one is trying to step in, more likely afraid they’ll be kicked out for back talking. You can tell they’re uncomfortable though because they all exchange awkward glances. Obviously they feel the same as you. Sans deserves the help as well. In fact you recognize a guy in the crowd you’d seen hanging out with Sans once sharing a smoke and the look on his face practically shouts offended and angered.
The man sputters as you approach and Sans’ eye lazily pans over before widening, and his frown shrinks as you take a step between him and the old man. ‘He has a right to be here just like the rest of us!’
Sans glowers as he reaches for your shoulder, ‘i can handle this–’
But you shake him off and spin on him.
‘I know you can! You’re such an asshole I bet you could rip this guy's skull from his shoulders and not give a damn!’ His glower drops as he looks over at the guy (who visibly sweats at the look) and back to you before shrugging and you continue. ‘But he needs to learn we’re a community!’
You spin right back around and point at the guy, jabbing him in the chest. 
‘We suffer day in and day out! We struggle to get by and sometimes the only kindness we get is from each other. People like you? Who think they’re doing us a favor by making us play damn lottery just to get a bed or some food, you’re the ugly ones! Because look at you! There’s still plenty of beds but you’re turning one of us down just because he’s a different race, knowing he’s struggling too! Talk about showing your damn colors. Not to mention this is obvious discrimination!’
The embarrassment and fear in the man’s face vanishes as he latches onto your last sentence, ignoring the rest of your rant and valid points like a complete jerk, turns smug and stern.
‘Discrimination laws don’t apply to monsters miss. And you’re right, we have the right to ‘play lottery’ as you call it because sometimes things get tight, and sometimes so we can provide for the people that deserve it! Kindness gives is what kindness gets and if you want to abuse a fellow human being over trash then you can get the hell out!’
There are a few that know you that look ready to intervene but you shout about how you ‘don’t need handouts from a jerk’ and that you ‘have a perfectly working vent in the park’, keeping those that would help from suffering another painful night needlessly. You spin around back to Sans who’s been silent watching this whole thing and he meets your eye with a half lidded look that you can’t help snapping at.
‘Shut up and come on! Benches are more comfy than those rock slabs he calls mattresses anyways!’ You stomp away and Sans follows you. The cold night air helps to tame your temper as you walk but not by much and it’s some time before Sans finally says anything.
‘you’re a dumbass.’
You're shivering and tuck your hands under your armpits. You’d forgotten it was supposed to be negative three tonight. Your response is a grumble. ‘You’re welcome.’
‘...here.’ He sheds one of his four jackets and dumps it unceremoniously over your head. 
You gratefully latch onto it and roll yourself in the larger material like a walking burrito and when you get to the vent that night not only does Sans help setup right beside it with his own foil blanket to share with the mat you’ve provided but also silently tucks you into his chest.
It’s awkward at first but you’ve cuddled with complete strangers before in the New York climate and so willingly fall asleep in his arms.
From there you spend time getting to know each other for a few months. Working to make sure you both manage to grab food and a bed even if you have to share sometimes, which honestly you’re okay with because turns out Sans is surprisingly warm for a skeleton. You still mouth off to each other but now there’s questions, words not hostile in nature.
‘you good?’
‘The manager didn’t know what he was talking about, I bet the next interview will be the one!’
There’s a time where he spots you meticulously washing your fingerless gloves, making sure to pay extra attention to the rose embroidery so the color don’t wind up too faded.
‘those are pretty.’ It’s said off-handedly but you feel an appreciation for the comment nonetheless. They’re all you have left of the one who loved and raised you before they died and your life went to hell in a handbasket. You don’t tell him any of that but Sans can tell they’re important anyways.
The gratitude shows in your voice as you smile down at them. ‘Thanks.’
Then suddenly you feel awkward and remember the quarter you have in your pocket. You pull it out and toss it at him, marveling how easily he catches it without looking up from one of the free burgers he snatched from a care worker doing patrols.
‘what’s this for?’
‘A penny for your thoughts, a Quarter for your manners.’ You reply smugly.
He snorts, ‘that’s not a thing’, but pockets it anyways.
Sans actually manages to get a job for a bit, you both celebrate and rent out a double bedded hotel room for a night with a breakfast buffet, but quickly the dream is crushed when Sans gets let go for some high school student.
Then you manage to earn a good chunk of change from a side job an old friend offered you and you use the money to buy you and Sans better winter clothes (which he tries to argue with you over but you ignore him as usual and win the argument by stating it’s a necessity for survival).
All is good, for once being homeless seems not so bad, still sucks but not awful.
Reality reminds you good things don’t last as news hits that the city is passing new mandates to help curb the homeless problem by eliminating shelters and closing down food banks. Supposedly it’ll get people to ‘get off their asses’ or go ‘loiter elsewhere’ all in all people believe this will solve things.
Things get tense as fellow homeless start turning on each other over scraps and places to sleep, even you and Sans get weary with each other but start deciding to find abandoned houses and buildings to squat in for a few nights at a time. Somehow without even noticing you both have started doing practically everything together and have started sticking to the other like glue.
But never once did you ever have to sacrifice. You were both very sufficient at finding your own things and if there was extra offering it to the other. That’s why it feels as if the world shattered the night you finally feel the fallout of having not eaten in a while.
You’re both in a basement of an old school, sitting around a meek fire made of newspaper and woodchips but you can’t feel the meager warmth at all. In fact your lips have gone blue and your vision keeps doubling in and out. 
Sans looks at you from across the flame with a frown as he’s rummaging in his pockets.
‘when did you eat last?’
It’s a struggle to think. ‘When I found us that half bag of sunflower seeds by Charlies.’
‘that was four days ago.’
‘Oh…’ A part of you cringes at the revelation and yells at yourself over your stupidity. ‘Lost track I guess.’
‘and here you’re supposed to be the more experienced out of us.’
You chuckle lamely before breaking into a coughing fit. Sans looks down at the fire and then at the potato he found in his hand. It’s raw and has roots growing out of it, not to mention a suspicious green mold on one side, by all accounts it will probably make you sick.
But it’s something.
He holds it out in offer. ‘here.’
You stubbornly shake your head and pull the foil blanket closer. ‘N-no, you’re hungry aren’t you? Last time you ate was day before yesterday.’
Sans rolls his eye at the fact you’ve kept track of him but not yourself and he glances away. If worse comes to worse he can manage on finding a small animal or something. He’s been better since reaching the surface in managing his symptoms but he still has a limit. You on the other hand being human you won’t last nearly as long as he will before going insane.  
‘i’m fine. i’m not that bad, yet. i can last a little longer.’
‘Didn’t you starve underground?’ You ask, uncertain and guilty.
Sans ignores you and gets up to slap the potato in the palm of your hand. ‘shut up and eat.’
Prepared to argue you snap your mouth shut instead over the loud rumbling your stomach makes. You shakily bite into it, wincing at how foul it is but choke it down. You finish sick and nauseous but the hunger is gone and you survive another night curled up with Sans by the dying fire. One of the first things Sans ever said to you was that he hated humans, ‘you most of all’ during one of your spats. 
But it looks like that’s slowly started to change.
The mandates are just the beginning, you both find a newspaper while garbage scrounging one day that declares a new law being enacted to start locking up anyone that’s homeless as it’s now seen as a crime tied into loitering. Sans shrugs it off and scoffs as he once again, really frequently, mutters low under his breath ‘stupid humans’. 
But you’re shocked, because of course they would decide that wasting precious tax dollars to lock someone up like a criminal would be a smarter decision than putting the funding towards helping to  find better jobs or bills to help create some, maybe even help to lower the cost in the housing market. No money can only be spent to try and earn more money. Good luck to that though because all those fines on a homeless person? 
What a fucking joke. 
As if closing down the shelters and food kitchens wasn’t enough.
Land of the free? More like land of the dollar.
Horrifyingly the homeless population gets cut down by half within a month. At first you think they’re at least getting in from out of the cold, and you admit a bit shamefully that it's kind of tempting (Sans even huffs an agreement 'makes me a bit jail-lous, not gonna lie' as he rubs warmth into his hands) but when you learn they’re being sent to places that are essentially labor prison camps you and Sans both do your best to avoid being seen too often.
At this point you’re no better than a murderer or thief in the eyes of the law. You don’t even want to think about what could happen to Sans as a monster. Job interviews are never done more than twice every few days to avoid suspicion of your desperation, and you and Sans both start washing your clothes in the cleanest ponds and fountains you can find as often as you can.
It’s rough.
…You’re not prepared the first time Sans goes hungry.
You don’t know what’s happening, Sans is shaking, trembling as he stays huddled in on himself, hands fisted over his face and phalanges curled in the brim of his beanie, pulling it down in what looks to be painfully tight.
Is this really what he looks like hungry?
You wrap your arms around him, trying to comfort him but it feels as if the skating only gets worse and there’s rough growling under his breath that concerns you. You’re lost, you don’t know what to do and there’s nowhere you can go so late at night to–
A rat, about the size of a shoe, runs across the floor.
You don’t want to think it but…
It’s something.
You leave Sans to his corner, reassuringly rubbing his arm though he doesn’t seem to notice and take a deep breath of icy air as you slowly make your way over to where the rat is nibbling on something. Your joints are stiff and your whole body aches from the cold but still you steel yourself and lunge.
Never before have you been so grateful to have decent reflexes.
It’s over in a blink with one good smack against the ground. You take a moment to calm down. Killing has always twisted your stomach, never in your most hungry moments did you ever kill an animal to get by. But this was for Sans.
You slowly walk back over and lightly shake his shoulder to try getting his attention, ‘Sans, Sans look!’
It’s agonizing how long it takes for his quaking hands to pull apart just the slightest inch, revealing his eye which is blown wide in a manic frenzy and the horrifying blackened drool running from his teeth like a tainted waterfall. 
Your heart skips and you shake as you feel like prey before a predator. 
Refusing to be cowed you cautiously hold up the rat and his eye immediately snaps to it. He snatches it from you with such ferocity you yelp as you quickly back away. Sans tears into it with a viciousness, devouring it whole in three gruesome messy bites that makes you slightly sick to witness. And then he’s staring at the wall unseeing, breathing heavy as he wipes his jaw with a hand as the shaking slowly dies down. Gradually he’s still again, in that ever calm pose that you’re used to seeing and his eye shrinks back down to normal size, only then does he look over at you.
It’s as if Sans just now realizes what happened and quickly grabs you, starts turning you around as he looks for anything amiss despite your worried protests. When he’s satisfied he’s holding a hand over his face and chuckling with relief. ‘aw geez, sorry kid i—’
Your sudden embrace cuts off his words. Sans doesn’t say anything and neither do you. He slowly returns the embrace with another mumbled sorry but you only hold him tighter. You don’t know what that was but you never want to see it again. You never want Sans to ever get that bad, not if you can help it. Which leads to you constantly splitting the food you find from then on, even if it’s no better than a mouthful and he tries to fight you on it before conceding every time you threaten to leave the food where you found it. 
Sans’ refusal to waste is…oddly endearing.
When he calls you ‘Rosebud’ for the first time instead of kid it shocks you, but you don’t protest. In fact you try not to blush over it but he sees it anyways and gives you shit over it with a smug grin on his face.
Then you actually witness the police beating a man with a baton for trash digging before dragging him away. Only Sans’ hand on your shoulder stops you from trying to help before guiding you and him both to safety. You both stop traveling together as much in daylight, meetup at certain times and certain places to check in and then find a place together for the night. One of you goes trash hopping and scrounging during this time while the other keeps watch over the base, and it works well.
But when morning hits one day and Sans doesn’t come back you panic. 
You leave a note on the cement floor with a rock ‘looking 4 u’ and then go hunting. You search half the city, risk your safety by approaching people who know you’re homeless to ask after Sans or if they’ve seen a skeleton monster. With each negative and sad head shake you grow more and more anxious. Tears are in your eyes and you're freezing when night hits but you don’t stop, you keep going and even dare to sneak around the back of the local police station to see if Sans is in a holding cell.
When he’s not you try heading back to the base for one more night.
The sound of sirens stops you.
They get closer.
Frantically you look every way you can for a path off the trail but find none in your panic. You’re going to get caught and you still haven’t found Sans and he won’t know what happened–
A hand grabs your arm, and you're running blindly where it leads you.
The shadows of an alleyway fall over you and you’re pinned to the wall just as flashing red and blue lights pass. Mind slowly catching up you glance at who’s sheltering you and meet the red glow of Sans’ eye as he peers down at you. He’s covered in sweat, panting from having ran, but he’s here and fine–
You aren’t thinking when you pull him into a kiss and neither is he when he returns it with just as much passion. He hoists your legs up over his hips, growling ‘rosebud’ with a fierceness that shakes you, and drags you further into the alleyway, safe from prying eyes.
Being in a relationship with someone while being homeless has always been complicated. Always hurt feelings or worries that can’t be helped, an uneven power dynamic where food or drink is being forced on you for good conscious that even the affection you can get begins to feel questionable in its genuineness.
There’s none of that with Sans, nothing really changes.
There’s maybe more kind words, but there’s kisses now and sometimes more.
You both still have spats and go back and forth just as you did when you first met but you both end up smiling at the end of it, together. It strikes you how you really still don’t know that much about Sans, and he doesn’t know much about you either. You’ve both just been living in the moment and you decide to keep doing so. You’ve been happy so far despite being on the run like fugitives, why change that?
You regret that decision when Sans suddenly gets sick. He was fine that morning, but as the day wore on and you kept meeting up with him he started looking off colored from his usual white, grayer and grayer. When you ask he says it’s just a cold which you choose to believe.
Then as night hits and you go to cuddle with him…
You notice he’s already passed out.
Sans is sweating and…
You freeze.
You don’t know the first thing on how to help a sick monster. You doubt anyone in any of the hospitals do either and you start worrying. He continues to sleep, unresponsive to you no matter what you say, panting, and you make the executive decision to search him and see if he has any medicine or anything at all.
That’s when you find a bundle of string tied letters tucked away in one of the many pockets of one of his multiple coats. You quickly look through them, noticing they’re all from someone named ‘Papyrus’. Birthday wishes, holiday greetings and random life updates…the word ‘Brother’ and many, many, names of various people Sans obviously knows by how they’re talked about.
You have to stop and take a second to register what you just discovered.
Unlike you he has a loving family. 
So why was he homeless? 
…You didn’t understand.
A sharp gasp has you jolting and slipping a hand to his forehead. He’s burning up, as hot as a kettle. You start skimming the letters again until you find a phone number. There’s only a split second where you hesitate knowing how Sans feels about his privacy and how this might really upset him but you ignore the worry and go digging until you find a single spare quarter in one of his pockets, the one you’d affectionately given him.
Thankfully the payphones still work in the area you’re both currency camping at and you manage to sneak from building to building without notice. Your heart is racing when the call goes through and the number starts ringing.
‘Is this Papyrus?’
“WHY YES! THIS IS THE GREAT PAPYRUS! MAY I ASK WHO YOU ARE AND HOW YOU GOT MY NUMBER?’ You consider, it’s not too late to hang up and stop from crossing this personal boundary more than you have already because you still don’t know why Sans isn’t with them, you can hang up and hope that Sans was right and this was just a cold and he’d be recovered by morning.
But then you remember the potato and the alleyway after you’d feared he’d been caught…
‘He’s got a cold.’ You whisper.
A sigh.
Papyrus’ tone is suddenly subdued and no longer jovial, serious as a heart attack. ‘Where is he?’
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