#but mainverse version...........who even is that guy
truffulacore · 2 years
rambly ramble
what do you do when you create a onceler who is a normal aged onceler but then camp weehawken happens and you've only just created this character but you wanna join so you make him 14 and throw him in there and that's where he gets all his character development. but then the au ends and he's no longer a kid at summer camp so you have to actually do stuff with his character as an adult so you post stuff on his askblog and then his character goes the completely wrong way and you have no idea how to reverse it
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istadris · 7 months
Slight follow-up to the other anon, but how would the mainverse bros feel about their own counterparts? Would Mario be a little unsettled by a version of himself who's fallen into the habit of following someone else's lead for adventures? Would Luigi be able to see through Mr. L's tough guy act but still give the other him enough space to maybe calm down a little?
Would teamups of Doc and Mario and Mr. L and Luigi work a lil better than Doc and Luigi and Mario and Mr. L? Or would those still be a bit of a mess for different reasons?
[The other anon in question]
Oooooh, another very interesting question !
On one hand, it would definitely be very awkward for every part involved.
Mario would indeed be unsettled by Dr Mario. Not just because of, as you mention, his tendency to follow someone else's lead, but also because this version of himself went through something Mario can barely fathom : losing Luigi. Mario can't even imagine the imagine of living in a world without his brother, just thinking about the inevitable possibility in a far away future makes him anxious, and yet this has been Doc's reality for decades.
And Doc didn't just survive to the loss of his Luigi, he went on and managed to turn his pain into something useful for others. Mario isn't ashamed of his own trade by any means, he's happy and content being a plumber, but he would never have thought there was a version of himself smart enough to pusrue long studies and become a doctor. In Mario's eyes, this other Mario feels like a better, more accomplished version of himself : he's strong (to go on after such a loos), he's educated, he's collected, he's mature. They're the same age and yet Doc feels like an older, more intelligent version of himself.
(This isn't what Dr Mario sees. Doc sees Mario's strength, and resourcefulness, his warm kindness that draws everyone to him. He sees this unashamed joy to live and enthusiasm in everything Mario does, something the Doc has lost by retreating behind his walls of apathy and depression. And above all, he sees Mario has succeeded where Doc has failed)
Above all, Doc reminds Mario of the notion that he might fail to protect Luigi someday. A notion he usually doesn't want to contemplate but now is staring straight at him.
As for Luigi and Mr L, as often with Luigi, it's Complicated.
Luigi is a bit scared of Mr L. Not, let's be honest, at first he's terrified of him. Mr L is a big bully with him for obvious reasons and Luigi never knew how to stand up to bullies.
It's also scary on a deeper level. Luigi always has doubts and fears about his own abilities, about how much he's actually bringing to Mario and his friends. He's not like Mario, who doesn't let anything keep him down or bother him; he keeps his mouth shut when people mock him, except when it really goes too far, but sometimes he just wishes he could...strike back. He's too kind to actually do it but think it's out of fear that he doesn't actually take revenge on people who wrong him.
And now he's faced with a version of himself who, without Mario's influence, has gone full villain. Mr L is confident, uncaring of what others think, he's bold, he's daring, he's everything Luigi would dream to be, and he's also a massive jerk who pushes everyone away including his own "brother".
It seems like a disaster in the making for both sets.
And yet.
On the other hand, despite all these differences, no matter the universe, Mario remains Mario and Luigi remains Luigi.There is something that every version of yourself possesses across the multiverse and if you know where to look, you can find it.
Their lives differed but at the core, they think and process things the same. Luigi realizes quickly that for all of his bluster, Mr L is indeed what Luigi would be if he had to count on himself; hiding his fear under a mask of arrogance but still scared, so scared. As you mention, he knows that instead of pushing and forcing Mr L into a corner from which he lashes out, he has to give his counterpart some space so he can feel at ease again. Which is something Mr L isn't used to, except from the Doc (and only after a long period of trial and error).
And Mr L, for all his arrogance and jealousy, feels like Luigi is incredibly lucky to have his own Mario...but after he's thrown enough tantrums about it, he sees that Luigi can be happy even if he's not fighting and antagonizing everyone in sight. It causes a lot of confused feelings, but at some point it develops into a sort of very protective instinct. "You're a wimp so now I gotta make sure you get back to your dumb brother".
It helps that Luigi just nods and goes along with most of Mr L's whacky plans. Luigi has his own little brand of crazy that goes very well with his counterpart.
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mirrorscomic · 3 years
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Summary: In Mainverse, the appearance of the pair from Villainverse has apparently caught the attention of the gods. Will this attention be a good thing, or perhaps be a problem?
Author Notes: i'm back finally with another chapter! this is a special chapter that marks the beginning of the original mirrorsverse context; this is no longer taking place in the dragon ball universe! some changes have been made to the story and characters, such as names and designs, as well as an art style shift! i hope you enjoy the changes ive made! <3
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Another day passes in the Land of Creation--the realm where the Gods of Creation reside. Here, a creator god sits by herself in a field, seeming concentrated on one area of the sky. A figure creeps up quietly behind her, not making a sound…
“So, what is the North Creator up to today, then?”
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She’s startled, but her body relaxes when she realizes who has joined her, and she lets out an annoyed sigh. “Oro, don’t you have better things to do than bother me? Go back and watch over the South Quadrant like you’re supposed to. I have bigger things to worry about over here.”
“Oh?” The other creator god, Oro, looks out to try and see what she is looking at. “Like what?”
“A lemurian living on Earth. His counterpart from a parallel universe somehow hopped through the cosmos with a wormhole and came to stay with him for a few days. I’m keeping an eye on him for now to make sure he doesn’t try doing the same thing.”
“A lemurian?” Oro seems interested. He squints, focusing where she is concentrated on. His vision flies through the galaxy, zooming in on one particular spot of planet Earth, where a lemurian farmer and his mother are seeming to practice. It’s Patoto and Zumeg, and Zumeg is encouraging her son.
“Come on, Patoto, you can do it! Dig deeper!”
“I’m trying…!” Patoto says as he seems to be straining himself to power up. In an abrupt blast of power, he achieves Super Lemurian--something he’s used to--but this time, he’s trying to reach a higher level.
The sight amazes Oro, and he widens his eyes. “What in the world is that?”
The other god doesn’t look from her spot. “It’s called Super Lemurian. Their race can achieve transformations like that to grow more powerful. There’s also a Super Lemurian Two, which is what I assume this lemurian is trying to reach. There may even be a third level.”
Oro watches in awe. “Such power…”
...should be used by a god.
He stands up straight and waves his hand as he turns to leave. “Well, you have fun with that. I’ll be off back to my own business.”
The other god frowns a little. “It’s about time.”
As Oro walks away, he glances over his shoulder with a rather devious expression.
Back on Earth, Patoto leans over onto his knees, obviously winded from all the exertion. “Phew… I think I’m gettin’ closer!”
Zumeg smiles and walks over to pat his back. “I think you are, too. Your energy seems a lot more intense now than it was before.” She walks by him, then. “I’ll go get us some drinks. You deserve a break. I’ll be right back, okay?”
As Zumeg disappears into the house, Patoto is left to stretch happily. However, almost immediately, his body transforms into that of the creation god, Oro. He’s confused by his new, smaller appearance, looking down at himself. “H-huh? What the--?”
“This is a very interesting planet you have here.”
Patoto looks over to where the voice came from. There floating in the air is what looks to be himself, wearing strange new clothes and earrings. Patoto is even more confused than he was before. “H-hey… That’s my face!”
His copy grins wickedly. “Finders, keepers, I guess. Hm…” He looks over Patoto’s clothes, seeming to inspect them for a moment before waving his hand over his own body. His wardrobe changes to that of Patoto’s suddenly, except this version is all black. He grins and holds out his hands to his sides. “Blends in a little better, don’t you think?”
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Just as this happens, Zumeg returns from the house with two drinks. She stops in her tracks when she sees the scene playing out before her, furrowing her brow. “What in the world?”
Patoto looks back at her. “Mom!!” He quickly makes his way over to his mother and points at the false Patoto. “Mom, this stranger stole my body…!”
She looks at him confusedly. “What…?”
“Please believe me!” Patoto urges. “I’m Patoto! That guy over there isn’t me; he stole my face!”
Zumeg looks back at the apparent copycat. He has a sick smirk on his lips, which causes her to frown. “... I believe you. My son would never look at me like that.”
Setting the drinks down, she walks away from the real Patoto and glares at the newcomer. “Who the hell are you? What do you want with my son?”
The fake Patoto sticks up his nose with a grin. “It makes sense that you wouldn’t know me. I am Oro, one of the five Creators of your universe.”
“Creators? What the hell are you talking about?”
“Of course you wouldn’t understand. To put it simply, I am a god of your world.”
Patoto looks at his hands. “A...god? Y’mean I have a god’s body right now?”
“Yes. But, I don’t expect you to know how to use it, heh.”
Zumeg chimes in. “What would a god want with my son, then?”
Oro folds his arms behind his back, looking around at the scenery. “I was watching you all from my world and I saw something amazing. You transformed and became much more powerful than you were before. I saw this power and realized that it was much more suitable for a god than it was a measly mortal. So, I wanted to try it out for myself.”
“So, you stole my son’s body?” “Borrowed without asking.” Oro raises a hand and charges up an energy ball with it. “I wanted to play around with it for a while.”
Realizing what’s about to happen, Zumeg dives back towards Patoto and tackles him out of the way just before a ball of energy hits the ground where he stood. Once they’re safe, she turns back and snarls at Oro. “Hey!!”
Oro doesn’t seem to be paying attention to her. He’s looking at his hand, mesmerized. “Amazing… Even at base strength, the power is incredible. Now, for that transformation…”
Zumeg and Patoto watch as Oro channels his energy through his body, yelling as he does so. In a sudden burst, his hair turns blonde and his eyes go crimson, completing the transformation to Super Lemurian. He looks back at his hands, smiling. “Amazing…! I’m overflowing with immense power! This transformation is outstanding!”
Zumeg starts walking towards him. “Alright, you’ve had your fun! Give my son back his body!”
She charges at him with a punch, but he blocks it easily with his finger. In response, she begins to throw a flurry of punches, but he blocks all of them with a finger as well, almost taunting her. With a smirk, he suddenly whaps her away with his tail, and she goes flying.
Patoto is watching from the ground in dismay when he’s suddenly joined by another person seemingly out of thin air. He turns to look at them--a woman with pink skin and white hair, similar in appearance to his current body. “W-who are you?”
She turns to look at him. “I am Enlil, a God of Creation. I’m the Creator in charge of your universe quadrant. I’m here to stop Oro from causing more trouble than he already has.”
Patoto blinks. “You’re a god, too?”
Behind them, Kinpa and Evelyn come hurrying out of the house, apparently having heard the ruckus outside. Evelyn looks at the two standing in front of the porch. “What’s goin’ on out here?”
She notices Zumeg and Oro in the sky as they fight. “What in the world are they doin’ up there?”
“Your son’s body has been stolen by a god who thinks he can just do whatever he wants,” replies Enlil. She gestures towards the real Patoto beside her. “This is your Patoto.”
Patoto’s eyes start to tear up. “Mama…”
As he rushes over and hugs her, Evelyn looks startled. “P-Patoto…?”
Kinpa looks from Patoto up to the dueling lemurians. “So… That’s not Patoto? That’s a god in Patoto’s body? How did he switch bodies like that?”
“He used objects called the wishing stones on a planet called Phibia to wish it that way,” Enlil explains. “Unfortunately, those wishing stones can only be used once a year. I have to find a way to keep him at bay until they can be used again.”
Kinpa thinks for a moment. “Wishing stones…? Hey, don’t we have those on Earth? I remember an icejin talking about them.”
Enlil looks over at him in surprise. “Really?” She proceeds to close her eyes for a moment in silence, and she then opens them again. “You’re right! How did I not see them before? There’s a phibian on this planet who has a set.” She turns to Kinpa and holds out her hand. “Come with me. I need someone with me in case something goes wrong.”
Kinpa looks at her hand before hesitantly taking it. “U-um… Okay.”
In an instant, the two teleport away, leaving Evelyn there with Patoto. The next thing they know, they’ve arrived at what seems to be a campsite in the middle of a forest somewhere. As they look around, someone opens the door to the little hut that is sitting in front of them.
A green-skinned individual, the phibian in question, comes out and blinks. “Oh! Can I help you?”
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Enlil steps forward. “We don't have much time to explain, but we need to use your wishing stones. There’s a crisis that could eventually endanger the whole world if we don’t stop it right now.”
The phibian looks them over. It doesn’t take long for him to nod in approval. “Okay. I can tell your intentions are good. Let me get them for you.” He starts to disappear into his hut, but he looks over his shoulder first. “Name’s Kigai, by the way! It’s nice to meet you. Now, give me one second…”
Back on the farm, Zumeg and Oro continue their fight as Evelyn and Patoto watch in concern. Zumeg is getting beaten back pretty good by Oro, who hasn’t even broken a sweat. The god dodges elegantly away from every punch.
“This was fun for a while,” he muses, “but now it’s starting to get annoying. You’re persistent; I’ll give you that. But…”
He points two fingers at her before firing a laser beam through her chest. She falls to the ground lifelessly as Evelyn and Patoto watch in shock.
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“You should know never to cross a god.”
“How do we summon the dragon?”
Kigai looks at Enlil after finishing arranging the wishing stones on the ground. “Like this…” He hovers his hands above the stones. “Wish dragon Shtelru, by your name, I summon you!”
The stones begin to glow a brilliant blue, and then, suddenly, an energy beam shoots upward out from them. From the beam forms a giant dragon, towering above the group. Kigai and Enlil seem unfazed, but Kinpa is blown away from the size of the creature.
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Soon enough, the dragon speaks. “Speak your wishes now, and I will grant them, if it is within my power,” he booms.
Kigai gestures to Shtelru, turning to Enlil. “Go ahead.”
Enlil steps forward. “Great dragon, I wish for you to switch Oro and Patoto’s bodies back to normal!”
Shtelru’s eyes glow a bright red. “Very well. It is done.”
In an instant, Oro and Patoto’s bodies swap back to their original owners. Oro looks down at his body in confusion. “What?!”
Meanwhile, Enlil turns to Kinpa. “Kinpa, you stay here. I need to make sure it worked. I’ll be back.” She looks up at the dragon again. “Shtelru, can you wait just a moment?”
“Do not make me wait long.”
“I won’t.”
Enlil teleports back to the farm, leaving Kinpa to stand with Kigai. When she arrives, she’s greeted by the scene of Evelyn holding her wife on the ground, sobbing over her body.
“Zumeg…!” Evelyn cries. “Zumeg, wake up…!”
Enlil is shocked. She looks to where Patoto is standing with his fists clenched tightly at his sides, now in his own body. He is trembling.
“You… You shoulda never hurt my mom,” he growls. The air around him begins to crackle as his energy spikes. Suddenly, he explodes with power, his hair turning blonde and his eyes burning red. Tears are streaming down his face. “I’ll make you pay!!!”
He launches himself at a surprised Oro, who proceeds to get the punch of his life directly to the face.
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He’s flung back through the trees, crashing through the forest before skidding to a stop in a ditch formed by the impact of his body on the ground. He opens his eyes just in time to see Patoto flying towards him, and he just barely dodges an intensely-powerful blow that instead strikes the ground below him. Patoto snaps around as Oro tries to fly away, grabbing him by the leg before slamming him directly into the ground.
While this is happening, Enlil stands over Evelyn. “Wait right here. I can fix this, I promise.”
She teleports back to the others at Kigai’s camp, wasting no time before speaking again. “Zumeg was killed. Can Shtelru bring her back?”
Kigai nods. “As long as she hasn’t been brought back before, yes.”
“Okay.” She looks up at the dragon once more. “Shtelru, I have another wish!”
Shtelru’s thunderous voice responds, “Speak it now, before I run out of patience.”
“I wish for the lemurian Zumeg to be brought back to life!”
Once again, the dragon’s eyes glow brightly as he grants the wish. “It is done.”
Miraculously, thanks to Shtelru, Zumeg’s eyes flutter open as Evelyn cries over her. She sits up, surprising Evelyn in the best way. Evelyn hugs her tightly. “Oh, honey, I thought you were gone…!”
Zumeg rubs her head. “What happened…? Where’s--”
She looks up to see Patoto kicking the absolute shit out of Oro. The god is bleeding profusely, evidently having been taking an intense beating from the lemurian. Patoto performs an overhead kick and sends Oro flying down to the ground, where he crashes and slides along the dirt. When he stops, he weakly looks up to see Enlil staring down at him in disappointment. Patoto lands a few feet behind them as Enlil nods to him. “I’ll take him from here Patoto. Thank you.”
Patoto doesn’t seem to be quite finished with him yet, still clearly angry, but the voice of his mother stops him from stepping forward.
He turns to see Zumeg running towards him, and the anger in his expression completely disappears into relief. “Mom?”
The two hug tightly as Patoto powers down to his base form once again. As this happens, Enlil lifts Oro up over her shoulder and turns to everyone, who is gathering around Zumeg and Patoto.
“I’m sorry to have brought you all so much trouble,” she assures solemnly. “He won’t be back to do it again after this; I promise.”
The two gods disappear, leaving the group to stand there. Patoto nuzzles his mother lovingly, clearly happy to have her back and safe. Evelyn also seems pleased with the outcome of all this. Kinpa is the only one whose mind seems to be elsewhere.
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miru667 · 4 years
A few notes on Audrey (and the Once-ler)
I’ve gotten a lot of new followers lately and also a lot of words of support and kindness from so many ppl, so I first wanna say thank you, you know who you are and it all means more than i can say ♥
I’ve been asked to explain more on what I think about Audrey and the Once-ler as a ship, so I’ll use this space to talk.
And I think I’ll first talk about Audrey. When I draw Audrey nowadays I’m really only drawing my own Audrey OC or my friends’ Audrey OCs, and we’ve all made them different ages from the canon Audrey in the 2012 movie. Everyone’s Onceler ocs are different ages, so why not Audrey ocs? I’ve seen Audreys as young as 5 and as old as 60. This isn’t unusual at all for the onceler fandom; it’s this level of imagination and creativity that has kept the fandom going for over 8 years. I haven’t drawn canon Audrey in a rly long time (but maybe I could again someday, who knows).
I headcanoned my own Audrey as 15-16 during the movie, and I made a mainverse askblog for her back in 2012 which took place right after the movie’s plot had finished. In 2018 I then revisited her to rp her in a zombie apocalypse AU, BUT I wanted to start her story with her already being a seasoned zombie slayer, so I pretended some years have passed since her mainverse days and made her 18. That is the only reason I aged her up.
And true to the OG onceler fandom, my friends and I then made more AUs, so I kept my Audrey at 18 or older since I got used to it. She actually should be 24 right now if I used her mainverse askblog as a starting point and let her age in real-time (which is what a lot of onceler fandom mods have done with their characters), but I have a couple college AUs with my friends for example so I kept her younger than 24 for those.
Being passionate about your own versions of the movie’s characters, changing them a little (or a lot), putting them in AUs, letting them grow up, this is all natural onceler fandom-brand progression for any person who invests themselves in a lorax-related oc for longer than a few months.
You are free to agree or disagree with changing a character’s age. Please curate your own fandom experience by ignoring, blacklisting or blocking content you don’t want to see.
As for shipping, if you got to know me at all then you'd know that i actually very rarely ship or think about ships in any fandom, relative to everything else i engage in/share/talk about. I know you guys have seen me talk about 7212 but that was only cuz I was prompted, even tho it’s my fandom otp. Shipping just isn’t a big part of my life at all in the grand scheme. I’ll say like 2 things about a ship i think is neat and then just move on usually.
That said, I DO ship my non-canon Audrey with my friends’ characters for fun once in a blue moon, and a few of those characters ARE Once-lers, also non-canon. But we have always agreed beforehand that they are the same or similar ages, and that they’re both consenting adults. I’ll do my best to mention this detail in the tags or description of any audrey ship art i draw and post, and please let me know in private if I forget to. I’m extremely uncomfortable at the thought of a teen with an adult, and I do not condone it.
Some other odds and ends...I’ve portrayed my Audrey having a celebrity crush on the Once-ler before in mainverse, but it was obviously one-sided and never to be reciprocated. I think that’s pretty normal for a teenage girl. I also have my Audrey’s Ted crushing on her, but that won’t be reciprocated romantically either.
When I have reblogged non-oc audler before, I have always assumed that they were both consenting adults as well. Audler is a crackship, which means it can’t ever exist in canon, which means we are free to imagine space and time shenanigans for Audrey and Onceler to have met while they were similar ages. People age down Norma to ship her with a young Once-ler when they don’t even know either character’s canon ages (like who knows, what if old onceler and grammy norma are actually 10 yrs apart?), but in young normaler art we think of them as similar ages. So the same can be applied to audler art as well. We should just think they’re mostly the same age for our own mental peace.
I have tagged a few posts/reblogs with #audler even if it looked like they were just friends in the picture - this is to keep people who have blacklisted audler as safe as possible while still getting to make my blog my own personal organized space. I reblog art mostly because I like the execution/style; the content is actually of lower importance to me. If you read the tags I write in my non-onceler-fandom reblog blog, you can see i am 90% of the time gushing about how beautiful the lighting is etc and only 10% of the time saying i love the character or ship. or at least that’s how it feels like in my head. im here to look at art, not ships.
I understand if there are still people who are uncomfortable with all this and you’re of course allowed to not interact with any of it. I am not interested in engaging in drama or discourse but I think a lot of new people in the fandom must not be familiar with how the fandom has been working since the beginning and the things we had collectively agreed upon in the fandom since the beginning, so I hope this post helps clear up some confusions.
Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far and thank you to all my followers for supporting me and sticking with me and being interested in my stuff, it really means the world to me. Please stay safe and let’s hope the new year is better.
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forcefuried-a · 4 years
ok but time for some real talk about vader’s redemption--
if i had seen star wars for the first time when i was like, my age, right now, i would never have accepted it. i’d probably be as upset as i was at zarkon and honerva’s redemption in voltron--absolutely furious, almost to the point of tears, lambasting star wars for the utterly offensive suggestion that someone who had been complicit in slavery and genocide should get to have a sweet dying moment with the kid he’d tried to kill. but i didn’t see star wars when i was my current age. i saw star wars when i was a kid, a little kid who was so naïve she wasn’t even aware she was being abused…i was so different back then, and that meant that when i saw vader telling luke to take off his helmet so he could see him with his own eyes--i thought it was beautiful. i thought the redemption was deserved. what is my current view on this? well, it’s somewhere in between.
logically, i know i should be ragingly upset. if i RPed him the way i would have RPed zarkon or honerva, i would not stick to the canon where ani got to be a light force ghost in that happy ending with luke on endor, i should be writing him as idk tormented in force hell for all eternity or some shit…or even killed by his own son rather than having died to save his life. heck, i would probably loathe this guy too much to even want to RP him at all, as i do with zarkon (at least in zarkon’s mainverse--alternate universe versions of zarkon i usually hc as good beans, but this is more out of my desire to have lotor grow up in a happy family). but i don’t. i accept his redemption and i even headcanon that force ghost anakin is the best version of anakin……i guess i’m just really sentimental for how that redemption scene hit me as a child and i can’t bring myself to hate even though i know i “should.”
what i do acknowledge now that i didn’t when i was a kid, however, is that he can never be fully redeemed. back when i was little i just, idk, walked around with the assumption that anakin could be forgiven all because he saved his son when now i realize that really, he can’t. in his survival AU i have him in exile because i acknowledge this--realistically, he will never be accepted by the galaxy at large and the best he can hope for is to have some good times with his son while they’re off living on a deserted planet. luke appears to forgive him for everything, and in the star wars novels leia and even han solo appear to forgive him too--even to the point that they name one of their sons after him, anakin solo. but that’s their choice and it doesn’t mean that i should expect others to forgive vader, because forgiveness is always up to the individual person and fuck i really forgot where i was going with this because my mom interrupted me to tell me that all the abuse i suffered at her hands was all in my head and that my friend of 8+ years was right to not believe me when i shared my story but……yeah. in conclusion, i will always love vader’s redemption due to childhood memories, but i at least have enough sense to know that at least in mainverse, his “redemption” will always come with a massive asterisk.
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fatherxfear · 5 years
Just read all but the last 30 pages of the fifth book (had to pause: honestly this book struggles significantly with organization and even with basic rules of prose, with lots of shifts in voice, and a lot of telling-instead-of-showing, and so many plot points and new force-fed bits of lore that it’s exhausting to read much at a time).  Here are some observations and....reactions, I guess.
1)I’m very sad for Pitch, or well, not for Pitch, I suppose, so much as for Kozmotis.  Let me be perfectly clear about my Pitch/Koz muse: He will never be okay after this. Even though he is saved, even though he is purged of the fearling parasites, he will always have the memories of the awful things he did as a puppet under their control.  He will never be rid of his guilt, and for me, having written him since 2012 (going on seven years), that’s...rough.   
2) Doing things like destroying whole galaxies, like preying on Nightlight/Jack’s emotions in order to try and kill everyone he loves, and therefore forcing Jack to live in a frozen lake for 100 years, with forced amnesia? Enforcing that trauma on Jack???? Basically making Jack suffer the same way Emily Jane Seraphina suffered, stuck in that burning star?  How can Seraphina forgive Kozmotis for that? How can Jack? Even though it wasn’t Kozmotis doing it, the fearlings were USING Kozmotis’s faculties, like, his ability to strategize for battle, or his logistician’s mind, or his courage, or his ferocity.   3) To that end, all my headcanons about Pitch being like a dark inverse mirror superimposed over Kozmotis, are they tenable anymore? Or was Kozmotis really just a puppet? Maybe he wasn’t. Maybe there’s some murkiness about his consent to this stuff here. Were the fearlings like a  disease, making him like a dementia patient, doing things truly beyond his own volition? Or is it worse, were they more like a drug, influencing but NOT fully controlling his choices? In which case I don’t see how he can ever live with himself.  And maybe he  WAS controlled but HE FEARS he wasn’t. Maybe he has survivor’s guilt and PTSD and he will never ever be okay again. Fuck, man.  How is this a children’s book series, damn.  
4) There’s some stuff about Mother Nature that differs from my mainverse MN @materxnatura‘s writing even though she’s largely still a super canon version of the character, and it bugs me lol.  I can’t help but feel like Seraphina cared more about the welfare of the planet than she cared about her father. There’s even a line on page 312 that confirms this.  Yes, she wants redemption for her father desperately, but she’s not willing to achieve it at the expense of others, which I guess makes her good-aligned, but....I dunno.  Maybe my idea of morality is different. Maybe I’m more loyal to family than to causes. I dunno. 
  Even though he MUST be stopped at all costs, it just really hurt from the standpoint of KOZMOTIS (NOT Pitch) when she tricked him into thinking they were allies by causing storms to “block” the Guardians from the moon when secretly she was helping the Guardians to eventually attack and defeat him. 
 I thought Mother Nature was supposed to be a True Neutral, not a Neutral Good, and this bothers me a whole lot. 
5) Has anyone explored the fact that Jack has LITERALLY become a Pitchiner?  That his blood mixed with Pitch’s black blood, causing their telepathic link, and also, by Seraphina’s own words, making Jack her little brother?  
6) Similarly, has anyone explored the fact that Jack LEARNED HOW TO BE A HUMAN BY STUDYING GOOD PARENTS --the Ardelean/Overland family--AND THIS IN TURN WAS WHAT GAVE HIM THE STRENGTH TO SAVE PITCH BY TURNING HIM BACK INTO KOZMOTIS, THE ORIGINAL “CARING PARENT”? Because to me that’s super key but it’s kind of glossed over in the middle of other stuff in the same part of the book.  
7) I love how Mother Nature’s true emotions are hidden 
8) The fact that Pitch turned a lot of people who annoyed or fought against him into monsters is probably going to be cause both for comedic “reunions” after he becomes Kozmotis again, or for heartbreaking ones.  I AM glad he turned the Monkey King into a car salesman centipede though.   Lmao.  
9) I love Twiner, but did anyone else feel...confused and disoriented... at the WHOLE werewolves thing? And the Transylvania location? Like????? How bizarrely ill-suited to the entire rest of the series is that...? 
10) And is it me or did the Jack/Jacklovich and Ana thing feel like a really forced mess of a retcon where he tried to marry the movie with the books?  Like Bill Joyce is the kindest most creative person but I don’t feel like this was his most successful work.  Even remotely.  
Ugh. Idk guys.
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lacksmortality-blog · 6 years
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back to life after bein underground ; gotta figure my life out | MAIN v
DEFAULT.  this verse is the default of the blog. the mainverse is post death and his resurrection that happened in the miles morales: ultimate spiderman line. he’s returned to being spiderman after taking off with mary jane watson to places unknown after miles’ disappearance into the main marvel universe  (   616   ). his age is defaulted around 16 - 21, it’ll depend on thread, who he interacts with, etc.
notes:  most characters of this home universe or those we plot to be in this universe will  know what his secret identity  is due to the reveal upon his death. 
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you win and you die and the end doesn’t even bring sweet resolution  |  MAIN v II
ITSV VERSE  /  SECONDARY DEFAULT.  adapting some of the comic lore into 1610 movie verse  ;  so in doing so i’m adding him as a verse to my blog which   DOES   follow blog canon then pulls comic canon to the root. in doing so, the spider - bite he received when he was 14 kept him from staying dead like comic canon had done.  he was legally dead and from public eye for just over   SIX MONTHS   to find out his identity was known by the public and a   MUCH YOUNGER  spider - man was doing his old job. he finds him, considering he   had   met him before he had died unlike comic canon and wanted to help train him some more.
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its something to say that being a teen was easier. girls ; school and powers ; not death | TEEN v
pretty straightforward. follows peter’s early career as spider-man up all the way til his death days after his 16th birthday. pretty standard. 
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blackmailed & broken was when the spider was bought | SINISTER SIX v
being manipulated and blackmailed by norman osborn, peter parker ends up being part of the sinister six and assist in deeds he would usually stop. the “menace” has truly become one but not out of his wishes. his family, friends   --   harry  --  are at stake if he doesn’t comply. 
second to this is   post   sinister six, where spider - man’s a fugitive or  leaving  the raft. all depends what’s been plotted.
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incomplete. something's off. you know deep down what it is. your a | clone v
peter parker has returned  . . but is still buried. upon waking up in  atlanta  he found on computers that were left behind that he was   made   from the dna of peter parker upon his death. he was number #60 of failures. questions remained in  who  did this to him and  why.  he has more questions than answers, full memories of the original’s life,  slightly   in denial, and   . .   no idea   where to go from here.
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things are weird. doesn't smell super right. its home but .. kinda hellish perhaps | displacement: mcu  /  tasm 
1610 peter is displaced to the mcu or tasm timelines basically. it just depends on what’s been plotted for   sometimes   events that happened in that timeline have happened to himself.
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could be worse. could be in the middle of nowhere. | displacement: 616.
same as above but in the prime marvel universe. knows who miles is considering he came from his own earth. younger  (    much   )  version of peter parker. kind of the same guy, kind of not. 
won’t be from that timeline at all. he’s just visiting xoxo.
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a friendly neighbour comin' to the rescue | displacement: 1048 
same as two above. displaced in the  insomniac games  universe timeline. 
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a brother doesn't have to be from home ; just stick together | brothergained v. 
closed verse with @brothergained that may or may not include @brothermourned at some point in time. pretty much just follows interactions with ben reilly when he first plops his feet in the 1610 universe to current main verse at top. its 50/50 plotted as random things are bound to happen with these two. two spiders with a lack of impulse control and tempers ? should be good.
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quebracabeca · 4 years
(originally created by hatsudenki)
Repost don’t reblog
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Mun name: Vani (IDC how you guys will address me by)
OOC Contact: IMs or Disc.ord (mutuals only)
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
Atem (or Yugi as he used to go by) was once a powerful pharaoh, from 3000 years in the past. Unfortunately due to the war (the battle against TK Bakura, and Zorc. Which led to him sealing away his soul inside of the millennium puzzle) his reign was short-lived, on top of that his existence has been completely erased from history. His story had been deemed lost for good. Fast-forward to the 21st century a boy managed to solve the millennium puzzle, which awakaned his spirit. He resided Yugi’s body, with no recollection about who or even what he was. Thanks to the help of his vessel and his friends, they are capable of restoring his memories and finally let his spirit rest in the afterlife (in the company of his court, friends, family and loved one.).
Points of interest:
// Atem can’t exist in the modern world (mortals realm), without Yugi’s body. Although this becomes nearly impossible to do, ever since he made it to the afterlife.
During his time with Yugi, he carries out a relatively normal life. He is always accompanying his partner, and is extremely open-minded about trying new things.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Golden arid sands verse: Atem’s reign has begun, and he is getting used to the new life. He is always in the company, of any of his priests or members of the royal court. Unfortunately, he is stuck within the palace, he is rarely brought out or even allowed outside of it for his safety. Unfortunately, this isn’t exactly a high point in Atem’s life, he is going through a lot of self-doubt and questioning himself in regards to his powers and those around him.
Nameless & forgotten but not lost: Standard for interactions- Takes place anywhere within DM’s duration. While it is a priority for them to figure out, Atem’s (yami Yugi’s) past and try to recover his memories. Yugi still is a normal boy that has a life of his own, which as imagined comes before anything else.
Lay me to rest: Post-DM. Atem is finally capable of becoming the pharaoh he has always, aimed to be. Meanwhile along the way, he reconnects with his old friends, family and most importantly with his lover. All while, he stays in touch with Yugi through dreams, on top of teaching him how to use magic. His soul is finally receiving, the peace it deserved all along.
Where to find them:
// In AE and afterlife, he can be easily found in the royal palace. He rarely leaves it.
Meanwhile as yami!Yugi, he is pretty much anywhere that Yugi is. They will easily swap places, if they ever feel the need for it.
Current plans:
// I don’t have any? Not in the sense of making something, that would involve other muns muses. I’ll just keep working on my HCs, and hopefully write a few drabbles I have been meaning to get to for awhile.
Desired interactions:
// gIMME THE GEEK SQUAD!! Gimme Yugi and all of his friends!!! Let Yami have fun and discover more about the 21st century together!!
I also would love to write anything with his folks from AE, either during his mortal life or in the afterlife TBH.
Offered interactions:
// Oh geez: I'm pretty open in regards to when an interaction takes place. From his mortal life in AE, his yami!Yugi time and even anything taking place in the afterlife.
I know that in the end, it can be lowkey limited to mostly AE muses. But I really, don’t feel like having an AU where Atem stays. It just doesn’t work for my take on him.
Current open post/s:
// Unless there is a dash shenanigan that involves my Atem? I don’t really do any opens, sorry.
Anything else?:
Please be mindful about the canon source of my muse! He is being strictly based off the anime. I don’t take season 0, the manga, the games and especially not the movies into consideration for my interpretation!
For shippings: My Atem is primarily being shipped with my interpretation of priest Set, that’s his mainverse. I’m not really that interested, nor keen in writing that many other ships with him. But if they happen, they must be heavily discussed and written- because they will stand as an entire AU. The only ships I straight up refuse to plot anything are any versions of Bakura/Atem, I’m not interested on them.
I don’t expect my portrayals/takes on the characters to be everyone’s cup of tea. I’m bound to touch on certain subjects that might be upsetting for certain users, so please take care of yourself and know your limits.
I haven’t watched everything related to YGO. I’m the most familiar with DM and GX, I still have to catch up with everything that came afterwards.
I want to remind you all that, any and all HCs that mention a character’s name. Will never be applied nor enforced, upon anyone’s muses!
I can rp on disc.ord as well, if that’s easier for you!
Please don’t let these things intimidate you! I look forward to talk & discuss with you!
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fullmoonfireball · 7 years
OC Recap-thingy???
hecc i put this off for too long 
i dont really know what that anon meant when they requested this, but i hope this’ll do (readmore bc this is gonna be Long)
Crinoline Parisa
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Ribbon’s mom
where’s her husband??? we just dont know
she’s doing her Best™ to be a good mom to Ribb
Lace Parisa
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Mirror World!Ribbon
an edgy lil shit
very grumpy
why have i never posted a coloured pic of her
Shadeleine Walsh
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Mirror World!Adeleine
Probably the OC I fiddle the most with.
She has a really strong Texan accent for some reason??? I don't know why I gave her it
Takes magic lessons from Wiz( that magician guy that no one seems to remember/care about?). As it turns out, their brand of magic is not anything she can pull off.
Works as their assistant sometimes... Even if it can be slightly terrifying because of their methods (their magic lets them make the tricks a bit more than just illusions). Shaddy has gotten cut in half (or more parts) more times than she cares to count.
Actually more interested in drama, but she's taken what she got.
She's good friends with Shadow Kirby! They hang out a lot!
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Her name used to be Shado. And yes, that IS pronounced the way it looks like it is. She hated it.
Owns an oversized magenta sweater and wears it at ever chance she gets. Wiz hates it.
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there wasn’t originally another character in this picture what are you talking about
Shadow Marx (left)
Mirror World!Marx (no duh)
Mild insomniac. He hates it.
Just wants to sleep, like any other noddy.
Dating Mirror Magolor
May or may not have kept him up with his late-night thoughts a few times.
Syzzle (right)
Mirror World!Gryll
Doesn't care about Star Stacker (or any similar game) in the slightest.
A complete NERD
Probably owns a library or something
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Theatra (left)
Mirror World!Claycia
Complete drama queen
Which is good, because she's an actress.
Gay as hell for Shadow Elline
she’s supposed to have horns like Claycia, but I forgot them in this picture
Shadow Elline (right)
Mirror World!Elline (what a shock)
An inkbrush fairy-thing
Writes most (if not all) of Theatra's stuff
Gay as hell for Theatra
the ‘straight man’ of the duo, despite being neither straight nor a man
Mirror Magolor
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Mirror World!Magolor (obviously)
An anxious little negg (nerd egg)
A cinnamon roll (unlike his counterpart)
Protect him
Knows nothing about where he came from
Dating Shadow Marx
Slightly annoyed by how much he keeps him up. But he stops rambling... eventually.
More info on him can be found here
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Rose Symyva (left) and Violet Larivi (right)
They're married
Rose is pretty chill, Vi's a bit more eccentric.
Don't insult Violet unless you want to face Rose's wrath (which you don't).
I don't know much about them yet, they're mostly just designs.
Typhiste Nirymsu
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He was An Ass
Dated Magolor at one point.
Used to be a prince (now he's just dead)
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Also dead, but less so.
Died from electrocution.
Doesn't remember anything about her life, which distresses her.
When she was alive her name was Iris
Updated version of one of my first Kirby OCs 
Niaviri Taysin
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Also dead (for real this time)
A good little egg
Was a florist!
v gay with Odalania
Tislora Altryb 
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Mags’ mom
v sweet egg
maiden name is ‘Azaress’
was closer to her son than Aparctias was
idk what else to say about her
Aparctias Altryb
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Mags’ dad
firm, but kind
taught the egg most of what he knows about magic out of family tradition
also got him started on learning English
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Hynwari (left) and Sanfyria (right) Rimaddim
only exist in the Popa AU
super dead, even in the AU 
both of them are Very Short (Sanfyria especially). they could make Meta Knight look like he’s average height
Popopo (the green half of Kirby)’s parents
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she’s supposed to have speckles i just forgot them in the original pic
they were specifically targeted to be killed just so their son could be taken from them by Nightmare
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Hazel Pesyphomia (left) and Amelia Evitheth-Pesyphomia (right)
Adopted a certain artist as their child.They love that noodle-orb a lot
Amy would absolutely fight you if you were to insult her wife or her kid.
Were honestly really scared the first time one off their kid's drawings came to life
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You know her. She's the one with all of those scarfies.
Spoils those little beasts
Was actually supposed to be trained as a Spynum, not a Simirror, but was more interested in magic than archery.
Lives mostly-alone in the woods.
Amicia Tyopt
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technically that’s not actually her in that picture but let’s look past that
as implied above, her body was stolen by sectonia (shown above)
idk anything about her personality yet tbh
Osgifu Amata 
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handmaiden moth, in more ways than one
worked for Sectonia Way Back When
Eglantine Cujoi
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Into™ gals
first body stolen by Sectonia
deceased in both body and mind
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anime-verse oc
demon beast
just read this it’s got all you’ll need to know about her
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Jordan (the one with the spear) and Coral (on top of Jordan)
BWD's siblings
Jordan is their older brother, Coral their younger sister.
He works as one of Dedede's guards. She's too young to work.
Jordan's a little jealous about Taylor (BWD) outranking him, but he's proud of them at the same time.Coral is a little ball of energy.
They were the other Waddle Dees in Dream Collection's intro, and the sleeping Dees with the eye implants next to Bandanna Dee in Robobot( in the modern train level I think?).
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Really freaking good at magic
Lean Bean
Worked for Typhiste's family
Gay™ with Niaviri
also has a casual clothes ref
Magolor (not that one)
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yes, every other time ‘Magolor’ has been mentioned I was referring to canon one. i call this one Old Magolor/Classic Magolor/etc. for simplicity
this is who canon mags named himself after
Old and Dead
one of the lor’s previous captains
Cymboria Taysin
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niaviri’s younger sister
she’s the bigger one
very sweet
good at magic
likes to travel 
often brings foreign flowers back to nia!
Morastrum Altryb/Nirymsu
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doesnt exist in the mainverse
a Good Lil Girl
... even if her dads (mags and ty) are both Asses
last name depends on if Typhiste is alive or not
likes sweet foods
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mirror world!drawcia
an automaton made by wiz 
speech has a Low Quality Garble
incredibly bitter over the loss of her sister
always has at least 5 throwing knives on her
Glorious Nebula
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really old 
their language shows their age 
how are they still functioning
no one’s really sure how they lost that quarter of their face
used to have one of those shooting star decorations, but it got broken off at some point i totally didnt just forget it
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??? (left) 
old and dead
one of the ancients
married to garulin, was very happy with her
probably worked a lot on the clockwork stars, but did help with other artifacts as well
pleasant guy, but not really anything special if you ignore his place in history
Drusorig (middle)
also old and dead
another one of the ancients
i don’t have a proper ref for him, but there is this
he has dark fur, for all that matters
i dont trust him
very strong magic
the master crown was his own personal project
he didn’t trust anyone else with it so i think you can imagine who the subject of his experiments with it was.
destroyed most of the evidence of his experiments before his death so no one would know about them
it worked
Volzavair (right)
also also old and dead
guess who’s also one of the ancients (it’s him)
actually has a proper ref
gay, but ended up marrying a woman out of convenience and desire for offspring
relatively weak magic, specialized in technology
worked on the Lor Starcutter, but died before it was completed
his oldest kid probably finished it
Kyneriun Snekell
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press ‘f’ to pay respects
sweet pastel boy
loves baking
a little younger than magolor
Dalindia Nirymsu
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was queen regnant
could be a pretty strict ruler, but tried to be a just ruler
her husband is dead(er?)
ty’s mom
tried to keep him in line
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i’m not even sure if that should be their name but i’ll just... roll with it
theyre nonbinary
a literal doodlebug (pillbug artist)
painted these portraits
doesnt have any magical abilities unless floating their hands counts
bought Paintra from Paint Roller, and was... pretty surprised, to say the least when she suddenly came to life
regardless of their surprise, they’re trying to take good care of her
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a honey bee
runs a cafe
very polite, but not a pushover
more or less a design with a few ideas attached at this point
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married to the unnamed green ancient
technically one of the ancients but not commonly acknowledged as one
pretty good at magic
mostly worked with the artifacts’ ‘mind’s, both through programming and magic
Shadow Sectonia
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mirror world!sectonia (what a shock)
floralian jewel wasp
accidentally ended up corrupting other world!sectonia by having too much contact with her
naturally a wasp. hasn’t stolen anyone’s body
she’s too nice to do that
dead. actually got murdered around the same time her counterpart died
spoilery elements below (don’t worry he’s the last OC here)
Shadow Taranza
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mirror world!taranza (who would’ve guessed)
like, ‘would unhesitatingly die for someone he cares about’ kind of loyal
nervous mess, even before Sectonia died. that only worsened things
he’s not okay
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what do you think would have happened if X-Men 92 had continued?
Oh gosh, here’s thething—X-Men ‘92 was delightfully unpredictably! Take the Upstarts,for instance. They had the same basic group from 616 and at first itseems like the same basic premise, that they’re playing a competitivegame. At first it seems like the only real difference is that there’stwo less members in this version (no Siena Blaze or Graydon Creed)and the X-Men are their only targets, nobody else. But then all thistotally unprecedented shit happens—the Fenris twins unleashingAlpha Red who turns the X-Men all into vampires, Fabian sending theX-Men into space, Cassandra Nova and Joseph seemingly killing Fabianand cutting the game short, Mystique and Apocalypse turning out to bebehind it (instead of Selene like in 616) and were using the Upstartsto indirectly 'train’ the X-Men to face the eventual threat of Xodus.X-Men '92 was FANTASTIC about keeping the characters the same peoplein terms of their personality, but then taking the plot to totallynew places I don’t think anyone saw coming.So, since I sureas hell didn’t predict anything they did while they were running, Idefinitely cannot predict where it might have gone! At least, notplot-wise. Character-wise, I have a few theories. Since they wouldn’thave had to crunch everything down to ten issues, the Upstartsplotline could run a lot longer (like it was being set up to in thebeginning) and I think each Upstart would get to do their own attackon the X-Men. Fabian might still do his by sending them to space, buthe also might do something else. No idea what Shinobi and TrevorFitzroy would do, but I gurantee you Shinobi’s would be hilarious andincompetant. We would also probably get to see more of all theirwonderfully ridiculous personalities in action. I also personallyhope Fabian would still get hit with a guitar (and many more musicalinstruments)It was also mentioned that there was anothermember of the Upstarts that we never saw because she was “offplanning a nasty bit of business in London” so I think this musthave been a dropped plot and she, whoever she was, was probablysupposed to turn up later. It’s possible it could be Siena Blaze,since she was one of the 616 Upstarts, or perhaps Selene, but givenhow unpredictable this series, it’s equally possible she could bejust about anyone else. Perhaps an entirely new character like Xoduswas!As far as the good guys…I admit, I didn’t pay muchattention to them and where their plots were going before the seriesgot the deadline. I was in this for the Upstarts. But there was somehinted ship tease with Psylocke and Bishop, so that probably wouldhave been developed, there would probably be the ever-continuous'will they or won’t they’ with Rogue and Gambit, and I like to thinkeach of the students (Gen X and X-Statix) would have gotten their ownlittle spotlight story, and developed relationships with each otherthat didn’t/couldn’t have happened in canon. It was hinted in thefinal issue that Monet had a crush on Jubilee, and I like to thinkthat there were plans to go further with that.There wouldsurely be many more continuous cameos, like there were at LilaCheney’s concert with Adam X, Marrow, Random, X-Factor, and others.Most would probably be 90s characters, but some, like Cassandra Novaand Abigail Brand, would be very contemporary characters instead.Some might become important to the plot, but a lot would probablyjust be there to pop up for nostalgia’s sake/show what that characteris doing in this universe and never come back to them (which is not acomplaint, they realistically do not have time/space to give everysingle cameo a proper story, I don’t fault them for that)
Ithink there would have been a lot more worldbuilding and explorationof mutant/human relations in this universe, since this universe ispretty unique in that things actually HAVE improved thanks to theX-Men, who are now regarded as heroes/celebrities due to their rolein “the Westchester Wars” that resulted in the death of Magnetoand defeat of Apocalypse. I actually really liked that, I think themessage that it gets better, even if just step by step, even ifthere’s still a long way to go, is at this point a more interestingone to read about than everything just continually sucking formutantkind, which is something a lot of fans dislike about thecurrent mainverse comics.
Andmost of all…there would be lots of surprises!
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ambthecreative · 3 years
you do... you do get that the mainverse loki and this variant in the tv show have also killed many many people in cold blood, right? citing it as a reason for immediately disliking lady loki is pretty suspect considering the show is about a guy (whose antics i enjoy!) who has tried to become a planetary dictator and do genocide.
Loki has also saved the lives in Thor 3 and tried to kill Thanos while knowing he most likely would fail, but did it anyway, cause it might save Thor's life. Tom himself said this.
True, not this Loki...Yet. But the potential is there. That's the point.
The reason I like Loki isn't because he's good or bad, but because he is in-between and has the potential to become this great character that can transmute organically into something better. (Not perfect or good, just better). Something all human beings should aim for.
I didn't wait years to be able to 100% root for Loki for them to place a female version of himself as his antagonist.
That version may end up actually being "good" and teach him to be selfless by...killing people and stealing their technology against them.
Or even just a pure villain that Loki must overcome in some shape or form.
Regardless, either way it goes, subconsciously, since he is a man and there's no other female variant of Loki yet, the mind will only make the connection that Female < Male regarding Loki.
The only way to avoid this is to make her the main character.... But we didn't wait years for the spotlight to be taken away from Tom!Loki!
I want him to be the protagonist for once damnit! And I thought from the first episode that's what the writers want too!
And I still think they will go that route.
It just became messy and personally problematic for me with the way they're doing it.
Nowadays in the movie industry, bad = good. But not to me. I don't want another "Well they (TVA) were worse, so it's okay to destroy them." I want a story to overcome our shadow selves and we become better, even if still assholes. (Look I still love me some assholes with a heart of gold).
Also I completely believe Mobius is a sweetheart and the thought that this lady would kill him without hesitation makes me automatically hate her.
In conclusion...
This Lady Variant Loki proves extremely problematic in my enjoyment of this show.
That still said, I still enjoy it and this doesn't bother me that much and I see why they would do it in this political climate (I still dislike it though).
That is all
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