#but look at what they were ACTUALLY against
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reignpage · 3 days ago
Frat Boy!Gojo
Mojito: bottomless brunch and bottomless life
Word Count: 3.0k Contents: angst, cursing, some dark themes, threat of violence, not proofread
Still no message from Gojo. 
You don’t expect him to reach out. He hates you. And it’s not as if he’s going to say congratulations for your engagement to the Zenin, if only because it won’t be announced until months later, when the forced engagement allegations with the Gojos die down, or so your mother says. 
Knowing the probabilities, you still can’t help but check your phone every minute or so. 
It had only been hours after your mother had so graciously broken the news to you and despite that, you’ve found yourself at yet another family dinner discussing wedding preparations. It’s some sort of cosmic mockery, you think. This time, however, you’re at the world’s most frigid hellhole. 
The Zenin Manor is as repulsive as ever — the decor is gaudy and hideous, with bright red carpeting, random displays of medieval armour and taxidermies ranging from great bears to little rabbits. In every room, and there are many, they’ve hung up chandeliers made of, what you can only guess to be Swarovksy crystals, and even the hand soaps in the bathrooms are Chanel. If you steal one, you could probably fund someone else’s tuition for a year or two and they wouldn’t notice. You’re tempted to try.
And then, there’s the actual inhabitants. 
The way they laugh haughtily, flaunt their perfectly aged wine, and look at you with those stone-cold beady eyes all Zenins seem to be born with. It’s all so plastic. A polystyrene bonanza. Women of your age snickered behind manicured hands and French tips, men of all ages leered with sickly sweet gazes, and even the children looked down on you. A baby scoffed at your dress. A fucking baby. 
You hated it here when you were a little girl, and when you were a teenage, and you hate it now as a woman about to marry into the damn family. 
With the way your life is going, you feel inclined to agree with Nietzsche; God might just be dead. 
Or, at the very least, mean.
“You take philosophy, no?” A lady around your mother’s age asks, cutting through the conversations at the long dining table. 
Gulping down bitter-tasting wine, you force a smile, your mother’s nails digging into your thigh. Somewhat flustered by the way she seemed to have read your mind, you answer, with a jovial tone, “That’s right. It’s been an interest of—“
“Oh, goodness. Philosophy is such a dreadful subject. All that talk about nihilism and whatnot to no end. Life is so amazing, why ruin it with miserable ideas against capitalism? Capitalism built this country!”
Someone else says, “It’s an awfully useless subject too. As I’ve been discussing with the Ryomens, we should do away with these Mickey Mouse degrees. All these arts and crafts and ridiculous gender studies rubbish! The children need to learn about the economy and maths and science! How else will they ever contribute to our society?”
A round of hums of agreement resound. 
You don’t say a thing the rest of dinner. And no one asks you for anything either.
The wedding has been planned without a single input from you, from the peonies that will litter the aisle to the peach bridesmaids dresses on the Zenin girls you don’t even know to the fact that you’ll be dropping out of Eden University to begin your stay-at-home life immediately. 
You listen to all that they have to say, static playing in your head, nodding as if on autopilot until you’re guided to your room by a maid. And in there, huddled against the door, you cry.
Within five years, you had lost everything. First your family’s fortune, then your best friend, and now your freedom. You should have taken the engagement With Gojo more seriously, should have tried harder to make him like you, because even if he couldn’t grow to love you, you’re at least confident enough to say he’d never steal your future from you. If anything, it was you stealing his from him. 
There’s no one you can talk to. Your only real friend is in a coma, your father is always too drunk to know what’s going on, and your mother?
Not a single memory of a heart-to-heart can be found when you think hard about the last time she was willing to hear you out. In fact, on the car ride over from the hospital to the manor, she only rattled off all the conditions the Zenins had made, the rules and expectations they had.
You have a curfew at six in the evening, you cannot bring friends over (which is fine since you have none you’d want to show this side of your life to), you cannot ever, under any circumstances, be seen with Gojo (also fine since you’ll probably never see him again anyways), and worse of all, your wardrobe will be managed by a family-approved stylist to ‘ensure you don’t tarnish the picture-perfect image they’ve cultivated over centuries.’
This whole thing is fucked. 
And you hate that you’re crying over it but nothing can be done, you supposed. At least this way, your family will be taken care of. Your father might just get the help he needs and the stick up your mother’s ass will be taken out and burnt…hopefully. 
Not to mention, it’ll be much easier to pay for Asahi’s hospital bills this way.
Right, so it’s okay. It’ll all be okay. 
You’re going to be just fine. 
No matter how your life is turning out, you’ll find a way to thrive, just as you have done before and you will again. The Zenins will leave you alone as long as you comply — wear their stupid clothes, attend their stupid events, smile like a stupid wife, bear some stupid Zenin babies, and you’ll be fine. 
Oh fuck. 
You’ve forgotten all about the actual man you’re marrying: Naoya. 
There’s no telling what that man is thinking. Maybe he has just as much interest in this marriage as you do, maybe you’ll rarely ever see him, and maybe the rumours are wrong. 
Is this all just wishful thinking?
Maybe you need to consider backup plans. But where could you go? Who can you turn to?
You sigh, head thudding back against the door. 
This room they shoved you in is just as ugly as the rest of the manor. Everything is so over-the-top and stereotypically feminine you can almost taste the artificiality of it all. There’s a pink lace canopy over some grandmother-like bedsheets, everything’s in pastel, and there are mirrors on every wall as if that’s all a girl could ever want or need. This prison tastes like strawberry-flavoured children’s medicine. And you think you might just throw up the dinner you’ve just eaten. 
You need to get out of here. 
Sneaking away is a lot easier than you thought it would be. The hallways are empty, and downstairs, past the foyer, you can hear the chattering in the dining room as they plot how to ruin your life and the high-pitched, pretentious laughter is fuelling your escape. There’s no life in this place, like the limp wick of a candle, only being lit to perform, and then blown out again when the watchful eyes are gone. 
That will indubitably drive you insane when you’re permanently trapped there. You’ll be brought out like fine china for charity events, to rub elbows and kiss ass, the winding key at your back turned and turned, tightening the spring inside until your smile is pulled higher up your cheeks and you dance like a circus monkey, all cute and whimsical with the threat of a whip always in the shadows, beyond the tent. 
Could you last ten years living like that? Even five? One?
You ponder all those questions on your way to the hospital, grateful that your dress, or what remains of it, provides a camouflage in the darkness of the night. 
At first, the hospital gave you reprieve every night, allowing you to distance yourself from your family and your own stuffy home, but then university started and you could only go a couple times a week, and then eventually only every Thursday, though here and there you’d visit more often, under the guise of going to the spa for part of your wedding preparation. There’ll be no more of that. 
It felt like betrayal to live the life he was supposed to, which is probably why the only friends you made are only good for getting high and accompanying you to raves. 
But still, you’re the only one who visits him, and now that you’re getting married to a Zenin, you wonder how often you’ll get to visit now. Once a month? Every year?
Breathing another heavy sigh, you walk through the familiar hallways, the ones that ironically feel much more alive than that god-forsaken place. The nurses smile at you, so do the patients through their open doors. You belong in here just as much as they all do. This is your true home. 
“What happened to your dress?”
You look to your left. 
A little girl is staring at you through the doorway of her own suite. You smile. 
“Hi, Noba. How are you?”
She kicks her little feet out, miles higher than the floor. Despite how late it is, she’s still awake, short hair bobbing with the tilt of her head. “Good. What happened to your dress?”
Stubborn as hell, you know she’ll follow you around and keep asking if you don’t surrender now, so you reply, “Got into a fight. It was terrible. I won, though.”
“Was it with that boy?” The look of confusion on your face makes her roll her eyes, tugging the line of IV with a wave of her arm. “Y’know, that snowman-looking boy. The really loud one. He was asking everyone about you. Even Shoko. She kept telling him to go away because she was helping me eat breakfast but he wouldn’t stop talking.”
Your heart clenches. 
“It wasn’t with him. But it’s okay. I’m fine.”
She isn’t convinced, you can see it in her doe eyes but she shrugs and shuffles on her bed. “My mummy says that all the time. I’m always in here but she says she doesn’t mind as long as she gets to be with me. Why do adults lie?”
You don’t have an answer and she doesn’t expect you to. Lying back on her bed, she stares at her pale hand, so small and fragile, and shakes it, entranced by the needle lodged inside. 
Your heart clenches again but for a different reason; Nobara’s been here longer than Asahi has. In fact, she hasn’t left since she was born, the nurses say. And yet her headstrong attitude has never wavered and she’s always a ball of light that cheers the other patients on. Sometimes you’d find her in your friend’s room organising the flowers, throwing out the wilted ones. You couldn’t imagine this place without her but more than anything, you really hope you can. 
“Are you going to see your friend?”
Nodding, you give her, what you hope is, an encouraging smile. That drops, though, when her head turns, arm dropping, and her eyes meet yours. You feel  spine-tingling dread crawl up your spine before she even opens her mouth. 
“He’s already got a visitor but I think he’ll be happy to know you came when it isn’t Thursday yet.”
Getting to his room is a blur, your body moved on muscle memory alone, and when you push the door open, the pounding of your heart thudthudthudding against your chest like a bomb ticking, all your worries come alive. 
Because, there, standing by an empty bed, is your future husband. 
His grin is twisted and shivers rapidly wrack your body, piercing your bones, hooking themselves in your flesh. He’s dressed in hunting clothes, a speckle of blood on his collar the only thing out of place. The bastard’s even brought the gun along, it’s leaning against the foot of the bed. 
And he doesn’t look the least bit surprised to see you here.
“Good evening, bride.”
Disgust crawls in your throat. His voice is indescribable but it’s just as plastic as anything else in his home. It’s the kind of voice that speaks nothing but high class politeness even though it’s riddled with thorns of venom. That’s a voice you’ll have to listen to for the rest of your life and it’s coming from a mouth you’ll have to kiss tomorrow.
Carefully, you take a step inside. “What’re you doing here?”
Fingers skimming the sheets on the bed, he lifts a shoulder in a shrug. He’s making it abundantly clear that he’s only answering what he wants to answer at his own pace, on his terms, and not yours. 
“I simply wanted to get to know my bride better. It’s been some time now since we last saw each other, no?”
Your hands ball up into fists, nails threatening to draw blood out of your palms. That pounding in your chest isn’t going away and sweat is dripping down your back. It feels as if you’ve wandered to the gates of hell, the threat of judging fire smouldering on your skin. 
“I must say,” he begins, eyes scouring your body in both repulsion and intrigue, “your personal style is not quite what I like, but on our wedding day all of that will be taken off, so I suppose it matters very little. They’ve told you your wardrobe will be managed by the estate, yes? You need not answer, I’m sure they have, and if they haven’t, well you know now.”
When you don’t say a thing in response, he continues. 
“You might feel like it’s all happening so fast but I must admit,” he muses, exploring fingers reaching the barrel of his gun now and you’re stuck in place when he lifts it up, aiming it at your head, “I’ve been planning this for a while now. I’ve had my eye on you since you were but a child clinging to your mother’s skirt even as she tries to shake you off. It was a curious sight. And when I found out about your engagement to that Gojo, I was livid. Of course, I knew all about your family’s misfortunes, try as your parents did to conceal it all, so I took no offence to the arrangement. No, what upset me most was that he was going to get first taste.”
Even with the distance between you, two metres or so, you can feel the phantom kiss of the cold metal against your forehead. You don’t need to wonder how he managed to bring a gun into a hospital; he’s a Zenin, they do as they please. But the knowledge that if you called out for help no one would come makes you gulp despite the dryness of your mouth.
You won’t humour him. You won’t listen to his spiel, won’t buy into the bullshit he’s spewing. Whether there’s any truth to his words or not doesn’t matter because the intention is all the same: he wants to rattle you. The rumours were true, just as you had suspected — he takes great pleasure in fucking women up, starting with their minds. 
Steeling yourself, you ask again, “What. Are. You. Doing. Here?”
His grin grows impossibly wider like he’s glad you caught up on your own. The Zenin watches your eyes scanning the bed and then the room and the bed again; he’s been waiting for you to walk into his trap, an unfortunate deer all vulnerable to his violent desires. That was the real trap. 
Carelessly, he throws the shotgun on the bed. It bounces only once, settling in quite comfortably. You grimace. It’s still pointing at you.
“You’ve been visiting another man for years now. That wouldn’t look good for me if my wife paid so much attention to someone else, would it? No, I didn’t think so.” 
He steps towards you, adjusting his collar so casually one would think he’s talking about the weather.
“Erasing your party-girl history is easy; most of those ingrates you associated with are too high to even remember their names. But your visits to the hospital? Well, I can’t kill every patient here, can I?”
The twinkle in his eyes tells you he has definitely thought about it and he’d be very eager to try. You know he isn’t bluffing. You’ve always known what men like him, apex predators with limitless money, can do and do do. It was something your father did all the time, until he messed with the wrong people and made the wrong call and then he lost all his influence. 
“So, I took matters into my own hands.”
Blood running cold, you ask tentatively, “What did you do?”
You already know the answer. Maybe you knew it before you even came in, before you left the manor, or as soon as you met him at some party and his cold, unfeeling eyes never left yours. r
Every step he takes towards you sends you reeling back until you’re pressed against the wall and goddamn it you hate hospitals. Or better yet, hospitals hate you. His body heat is suffocating, the musky cologne he wears is too strong and it makes your eyes water. Everything about him is wrong. His hair isn’t white, his laugh isn’t addictive, and the windows to the void inside aren’t pretty and blue. 
When a hand, baby smooth, brushes your cheek, all you feel are prickles scraping your skin, like the tongue of a cat. 
“It was bad enough I had to get a Gojo’s leftover. What I will not put up with is sharing my wife with some no-name dribbling vegetable.”
Leaning in close, you can do nothing but let his lips tease the shell of your ear. No one’s coming. No one will help. No one will see your descent into oblivion as the very last of your spirit is crushed under the weight of his madness. And certainly, no one will catch you.
“You tell me what you think I did.”
He said it like it was some joke. The world’s funniest joke. But you’re not laughing. In fact, when your eyes fall upon that empty bed again, you feel like screaming. 
And so you do. 
All the way to the altar. 
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invoncible · 18 hours ago
RUNNING INTO INVINCIBLE VARIANTS DURING THE WAR ft. mohawk!mark, viltrumite!mark, nogoggles!mark w/ gn!reader
— you were special to them, in another universe... — in which reader is not with the mark in the main universe, but has history w/ the other variants
the news said to stay inside. couldn't they have broadcast just 10 minutes earlier when you weren't in your car on the way to work? heroes resembling invincible were wrecking cities and taking lives left and right, and you were stuck in a traffic jam, trucks and vans crammed against your doors.
you climbed over the center console into the backseat, squeaking in surprise when the car rocked you off balance. some idiot decided to bulldoze through the traffic carelessly.
"fuck." you cursed, hurriedly opening the sunroof, climbing out and sliding down the hood. unfortunately for you, before you could even get off your car, you were stopped by—
a joyful whoop made your head snap towards the incoming missile bulldozing through the congested traffic, trampling cars, snapping bodies in half, toppling buildings over onto the highway.
he flew right past you, bumping your car over to the side. your eyes were stuck on the building that was teetering closer and closer to tipping over. the resonating crrrreak sealed your fate as it came crashing down—
this is how i die. you let your eyes fall shut.
they were promptly forced open a second later when invincible crashed into your stomach, throwing you over his shoulders as he bolted out of the area of impact.
"holy shit!" he stopped in the air, holding you up proudly. "y/n!"
"wait!" you gripped him tightly, nails digging into his skin. you coughed when the dust plumed upwards, the fallen building settling against the broken road.
he hissed at the sensation but laughed; laughed like he was a kid in a candy store. "don't worry, i won't drop you. you trust me, don't you?"
"i..." you gasped, catching your breath as you studied him. he looked crazy, but after what he just did, looks wasn't where the insanity stopped. "i don't know who you are."
he frowned momentarily, holding you against him by your waist. "really? this world's me is lamer than i thought. i mean, look at you." he leaned in close, burying his face into the crook of your neck. "you smell the same. god, i missed this." he inhaled deeply, crushing you in his embrace.
you flattened your hands against his chest and pushed him back a little. "what are you—?"
"hey. i saved you. can a guy get a thank you?" he playfully scolded you, but with him, you couldn't tell if he was actually joking or not.
your eyes trailed over the calamity beneath you. thank you? as bewildered as you were, you played into his hands.
"thank you," you mumbled, a small smile spreading on your lips for good measure.
"you're welcome." he grinned, flying over to the top of an untouched building and setting you gently on the roof's surface. you stumbled onto the concrete until his hand steadied you.
"you say you don't know me. but i know you. and we are so good together, baby." mark said softly, backing you onto a wall. for all the blood on his suit, he handled you so gently. "what d'you say? let's get reacquainted."
your breath caught in your chest as mark shot down from the sky, sending ripples through the asphalt road. you screamed as your vehicle floated in the air for a split second, enough time for your heart to skip a few beats too many.
mark sped over to you, stopping abruptly right in front of your car. the impact of his sonic boom made your car shoot backwards, sending your back into the windshield mirror with such a force that the glass broke under you.
you didn't even have time to blink before he grabbed your wrist and yanked you towards him, dangling you in front of him like a child inspecting a toy.
"you look just like them." he mumbled under his breath, brown eyes narrowing.
you just stared at him dumbly, horrified by the splatters of blood over his otherwise pristine white uniform.
in stark contrast to the barbaric way he introduced himself, he collected you in his arms and floated away from the disaster on the ground.
"wait—" you protested weakly, but he cradled you closer to his chest.
"dad said you'd come around. that after we took over the planet, i could keep you and you'd eventually stop fighting me." he sighed, heavy. "my mother did. she eventually stopped fighting my dad."
your eyes were wide and vulnerable, unable to tear away from who could be your murderer. what was he talking about?
his grip tightens involuntarily. his jaw clenches. why aren’t you reacting the way you should?
"don't you recognize me? or does the invincible of this world direct his... affection somewhere else?"
mark can feel himself getting frustrated by the look of confusion on your face. you didn't recognize him and it makes him want to kill the invincible of this world even more.
on his world he went to earth to conquer it by his father's side. he didn't expect to ... fall in love with you. love is what his father told him he was feeling, a human emotion that he could only have for something small and harmless. like a pet.
"mother will like you," he muses to himself. "it's been a while since she's seen someone from her home."
"i don't—"
"shhh." he softened as he looked at you, a ghost of a smile on his face. "i'll take care of you like i promised. it'll be just like before. we'll be so happy together. right?"
something told you to nod your head if you wanted to live.
"boo!" mark touched down right in front of your car, a wild grin plastered on his face. this bitch looked insane, the wide-eyed delight he had on his face from causing the carnage around him.
you screamed and slapped him impulsively, a loud crack echoing around you. oh fuck. holy shit, i am so dead.
but he laughed. he giggled all giddy and massaged his jaw. "holy shit, you've got a good arm on you. do it again."
"huh?" you spluttered, scrambling up the hood of your car away from him.
"wait," he frowned, grabbing your ankle and pulling you back down the windshield. "i said do it again."
as frightened and perplexed as you were, you couldn't stop your mouth from running. "you... want me to hit you?" what the fuck?
"i'm not gonna ask again." his eye twitched imperceptibly. "c'mon, give it your best shot. it'll be fun!"
when you continued to hesitate, he jerked forward. you flinched, sending your knee into his nose.
"haha!" he beamed, swiping at the trail of blood underneath his nose. "this is more fun than the heroes. you're so..." he gripped your shoulders, squeezing experimentally. "small but—"
your hands curl around his biceps in an attempt to deter him, your nails digging through his suit. he hissed, clicking his tongue as he laughed lowly.
"ughh it sucks that i've gotta go kill some heroes now..." he said under his breath, unmoving as you squirmed against him.
mark leaned back, stretching his arms like he hadn't just been breathing down your neck. "you're lucky I'm in a good mood." he tilted his head, as if reconsidering. "or maybe you’re unlucky. guess we’ll see, huh?" he huffed a laugh, his expression wild.
he took your hand gently, almost sweet, lifting it up and pressing your knuckles against his bruised jaw.
"go on," he whispered. "give me one more for the road?"
© invoncible
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enhaflixer · 2 days ago
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ENHA HARD HOURS - brat tamer!enhypen x brat f!reader cw(MDNI 18+) : atp idek what to say biting, spitting, explicit hard core stuff. jake's mouth is disgusting as usual and jungwons actions might acc kill me and the rest i just have no words
𝐋𝐞𝐞 𝐇𝐞𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐠
You should’ve known better than to push Heeseung this far.
It had started as a game. A little teasing here and there, brushing him off when he tried to pull you into his lap, dodging his kisses at the last second, giggling when he let out a low, frustrated sigh. You knew exactly what you were doing. You liked the way his patience thinned little by little, how his fingers flexed like he was barely holding himself back. It was a dangerous game—you knew that. But you didn’t care. Not when the reward was watching him unravel.
The real mistake, though, was what you did next. Flirting with Sunghoon had been an impulse decision, one you knew would push Heeseung over the edge. You weren’t stupid. You could feel his gaze burning into the back of your head as you laughed just a little too sweetly at something Sunghoon said, reaching out to touch his arm for no reason at all. But when you turned to look at Heeseung, expecting to see jealousy, maybe a flash of irritation—his face was completely blank. No reaction at all.
That should have been your first warning.
Later, when he finally grabbed your wrist, his fingers wrapping around it just a little too tightly, his voice was steady, unreadable. “Come home. Now.”
You smiled, tilting your head up at him, smug as ever. “Make me.”
The shift was instant. His grip on your wrist tightened, his jaw tensing as his eyes darkened. Your stomach dropped.You had pushed him too far.
Heeseung barely gave you time to react before you were pinned to the bed. Your wrists were trapped above your head, held in place by one of his hands, his other hand gripping your jaw, forcing you to look at him. His gaze was sharp, cold.He wasn’t smiling. He wasn’t playing. This wasn’t part of the game anymore.
“Oh, sweetheart.” His voice was calm—too calm, mocking. “You really thought you could get away with that shit, huh?” His grip tightened just enough to make your breath hitch.
You swallowed hard, but refused to break just yet. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
A sharp slap landed across your ass, the sting stinging deep, making you jolt. Before you could even react, another followed. Harder. You bit your lip, determined not to give him the satisfaction of a reaction, but Heeseung just laughed.
“You wanna try that again?” His tone was casual, almost bored.
“Fuck you,” you hissed.
Heeseung hummed, tilting his head like he was actually considering it. Then, with a slow, wicked smirk, he let his fingers trail down your body, teasing—but never touching you where you needed it. “Oh, baby,” he sighed, fingers ghosting over your inner thighs, making them twitch. “That mouth of yours is gonna get you in so much trouble.”
You lifted your hips, trying to get any kind of friction, but Heeseung pulled away completely, making you whine.
“Oh, no,” he tsked. “You wanna be a brat? Then you don’t get to have me. Not yet.”
You let out a frustrated whimper, squirming beneath him, but he just smirked.
Another sharp slap. Your thighs trembled, the mix of pain and pleasure making your body burn.
“You thought you were so fucking clever today, didn’t you?” His voice was low, dangerous. “Ignoring me. Touching Sunghoon. Flirting right in front of me.” He let out a dark laugh. “Cute.”
You opened your mouth to protest, but his hand wrapped around your throat, cutting you off instantly.
“You really think I’m stupid, baby?” His lips brushed against your ear, his tone dripping with condescension. “You really think I wouldn’t notice you acting like a little slut all night just to get a reaction out of me?”
A shiver ran through your body. You hated how much that word sent heat pooling between your legs. Hated how your body betrayed you every time he talked to you like this.
Heeseung noticed. Of course, he did.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he chuckled, his hand leaving your throat to trail lower. His fingers barely grazed your folds, spreading the wetness he found there. “You’re dripping. Fucking soaked.” He let out a mocking laugh. “God, you really are filthy, aren’t you? You like this, huh?”
You shook your head. “N-no,” you whispered, but your voice betrayed you.
Heeseung pulled his hand away.
Your stomach dropped.
He sat back, watching you. The loss of contact made you whimper, your thighs pressing together desperately, but he just grinned.
“You don’t get to lie to me, baby.” Heeseung’s voice was dark, velvety, merciless. “You don’t get to act like a little brat and then expect me to fuck you nice and sweet.” He leaned in, lips brushing against yours but not kissing you. “You’re gonna beg for it.”
You swallowed hard, pride hanging by a thread. “P-please…”
“Please what?” he smirked. “Use your fucking words.”
You clenched your fists, frustration building. You wanted him so bad. But he wasn’t going to give it to you unless you broke.
“Please, Heeseung,” you gasped, voice shaking. “Please touch me, I—I need it, I need you—”
Heeseung just sighed. “Mmm. I dunno, sweetheart. You were being such a fucking brat earlier.” He let his fingers tease you again, barely dipping inside you before pulling away, making you cry out.
Another sharp spank.
“You can do better than that.”
Tears pricked your eyes. You couldn’t take it anymore. “I-I’m sorry,” you choked out, desperate, broken. “I was wrong. I’ll be good. Please, I need you, please—”
Heeseung tilted his head, watching you fall apart. Then, finally, his lips curled into a slow, satisfied smirk.
“There’s my good girl.”
And then, at last, he ruined you.
Heeseung didn’t let up—didn’t slow down, didn’t let you breathe. He touched you everywhere, made you feel everything, his hands and mouth claiming you so thoroughly you didn’t know where he ended and you began. He didn’t stop until you were a shaking, whimpering mess, barely able to think, barely able to breathe through the pleasure.
As he kissed your temple, soft again, sweet again, he whispered against your damp skin, voice dripping with satisfaction.
“Next time you decide to test me, sweetheart…” He chuckled, low and dark.
“Remember how fucking bad you begged for me.”
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐉𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠
Jay had always been a giver.
The kind of man who put you first, no matter what. The kind who kissed your ankles before trailing up your thighs, who held your face so tenderly when he pressed his lips against yours. The kind who worshipped your body like it was his sole purpose in life to make you feel good.
Which is why, when you first brought up the idea of bratting, he had just laughed.
“Baby,” he had sighed, shaking his head with pure adoration. “You know I could never be mean to you.”
You had just smirked. “We’ll see.”
It had been too easy to get under his skin.
You knew exactly how to poke at his restraint. How to test the limits of his patience. It started small—pushing his hands off you when he tried to touch you, rolling your eyes when he kissed your neck. When he pulled you onto his lap, his arms wrapping around your waist?
You huffed dramatically and stood up, brushing yourself off.
“Nah. Not in the mood.”
Jay had blinked up at you, brows raising slightly, clearly taken aback. You watched the way his jaw tensed just a little,the way his fingers curled into his lap before he exhaled, forcing a smile.
“Okay, sweetheart,” he murmured, voice gentle as always. “Let me know when you are.”
That was your first mistake.
Because you had wanted him to snap. You had wanted him to take control. Jay, sweet, patient Jay, had tried so fucking hard not to.
But the moment you rolled your eyes again? The moment you let out a small, dismissive scoff?
That patience shattered.
One second, you were standing. The next, you were on your knees.
Jay had grabbed your wrist, yanked you down in front of him, and before you could even process it, his fingers were gripping your chin, forcing your gaze up to meet his.
“You wanna act like a brat, baby?” His voice was low, tight, dangerous. “Fine. But now, you’re gonna fucking take care of me first.”
Your stomach dropped.
Jay had never been selfish. Never taken before giving. Never used you for his own pleasure. But now?
Now, he was looking down at you like he was going to ruin you.
He leaned forward, his lips ghosting over yours, teasing. “I spend all my time making you feel good,” he murmured, his fingers trailing down, brushing over your collarbone, tracing the delicate lines of your body before moving lower. “And you wanna act up? Act like you don’t fucking need me?”
His fingers hooked under your chin, tilting your face up.
“That’s fine, sweetheart,” he sighed, mock sympathy dripping from his tone. “Then tonight, it’s about me.”
Your lips parted, breath catching.
Jay just chuckled.
Your thighs clenched. But you obeyed.
The moment your mouth parted, Jay’s fingers slipped inside, pressing against your tongue, his eyes darkening as he felt the wet heat of your mouth.
“Good girl,” he murmured. “Now let’s put that bratty little mouth to work.”
Your brain short-circuited.
Jay reached down, undoing his belt with deliberate slowness, watching your face the entire time. You could see it—the way his chest rose and fell just a little heavier, the way his fingers twitched with anticipation.
But then, when he finally pulled himself out, you whimpered.
“That’s right, baby.” His hand threaded into your hair, gripping just tight enough to make your scalp tingle. “I don’t want you teasing. I don’t want you playing.” He leaned down, his forehead nearly pressing against yours. “I want you to take it. All of it.”
Fuck. Fuck.
You barely had time to react before he was pushing past your lips, slow but deep, groaning as he felt you stretch around him. His head tilted back for a second, his throat bobbing, his breath hitching.
“Fucking hell,” he muttered, his voice wrecked already. His hand tightened in your hair, keeping you still as he pushed deeper, deeper, until the head of his cock hit the back of your throat, making your eyes sting with tears.
Jay groaned. A deep, primal sound, his thighs tensing as he held you there for a second, letting you feel it.
Then, he pulled back. Not all the way—just enough to let you breathe before he thrust back in, slow but rough, making you choke slightly.
You whimpered, drool slipping past the corner of your lips. Jay cursed under his breath, wiping it away with his thumb, smearing it across your cheek.
“You like this, don’t you?” he murmured, his tone taunting. “Like being used. Like being fucked open.” His grip on your hair tightened, tugging your head back slightly before thrusting back into your mouth, making you gag. “Not so bratty now, huh?”
Your thighs pressed together, the heat between your legs unbearable. You wanted to touch yourself so fucking badly,but Jay noticed the way you squirmed.
He laughed.
“Don’t even fucking think about it,” he warned, breathless. “You don’t get to touch yourself. Not after the shit you pulled tonight.”
You let out a muffled whine, and Jay groaned again, his head dropping forward, pressing against the wall behind him.
“Fuck,” he hissed. “You’re so fucking good for me now, huh? Taking me so well. Not a single complaint.” His fingers brushed against your cheek, soft again, affectionate. “That’s what I thought, sweetheart.”
His hips jerked forward, losing rhythm, and you knew he was getting close. His thighs were tensing, his stomach flexing. His breathing was ragged, desperate.
Then, his fingers slid to your jaw, gripping just tight enough to make you look up at him.
“Eyes on me, baby,” he muttered, his voice low, ruined. “Wanna see that pretty little face when I cum.”
He broke right then and there.
Jay groaned your name, his hips snapping forward, his abs contracting hard as he spilled down your throat, his entire body shuddering. He held you there, panting, shaking, his fingers brushing over your lips as he watched you swallow everything he gave you.
Then, after a long moment, he let out a breathy chuckle.
“Fuck,” he sighed, running a hand through his damp hair, his cheeks flushed, his eyes hazy. “You’re gonna be the fucking death of me, sweetheart.”
You licked your lips, giving him a sly, innocent look.
“So…” You tilted your head. “Did I push you far enough?”
Jay just shook his head, grinning.“Baby,” he murmured, leaning down, lifting you up with ease and throwing you onto the couch. “We’re just getting started.”
𝐒𝐢𝐦 𝐉𝐚𝐞𝐲𝐮𝐧
Jake had never been this fucking angry before.
Not at you. Not at anyone.
It started small—just a disagreement, a little back and forth, nothing serious. But you had been pushing him. You had wanted this.
And now?
Now, he was burning with it.
“Why the fuck are you acting like this?” Jake snapped, standing across from you, his fingers digging into his scalp as he ran a shaky hand through his hair. “You wanna piss me off? Is that what you fucking want?”
You crossed your arms, leaning against the couch like you weren’t intentionally trying to get under his skin. “I’m not doing anything, Jake. You’re the one getting worked up.”
His jaw ticked, his nostrils flaring as he took a deep breath, like he was physically restraining himself from losing it completely. “Worked up? You’ve been a fucking brat all day. Ignoring me, rolling your eyes, mouthing off like you don’t know who the fuck you’re talking to.”
You scoffed. “Oh, please. Don’t act like you’re intimidating, Jake. You’re not.”
His jaw clenched. Hard.
“Try me.”
You could feel the heat radiating off of him, the way his entire body had tensed up, his hands curled into fists at his sides. But you weren’t done.
Not yet.
“You don’t scare me,” you said, tilting your chin up at him. “You act all cocky, but you let people walk all over you, Jake. You’re too nice. Too fucking soft.”
Jake let out a bitter, breathy laugh, shaking his head. “You’re so fucking full of shit.”
“You know I’m right.” You shrugged, the smirk playing at your lips. “You pretend you’re in control, but let’s be real—you don’t even know how to take what you want.”
That did it.
His head snapped up, his eyes burning, his patience completely fucking gone.
“You wanna see me take what I want?” His voice was low, dangerous, lethal. “Careful what you fucking ask for, sweetheart.”
You should have stopped. Should have backed down, should have apologized.
But you didn’t.
Instead, you said the worst fucking thing of your life.
“Y’know, he could probably make me cum faster than you can.”
Jake’s entire body locked up. His head tilted slightly, his lips parting like he wasn’t sure he heard you correctly.
In an instant, he was in front of you, his hand wrapping around your jaw, gripping it hard enough to make your lips part.
“What the fuck did you just say?”
His eyes were burning, his fingers digging into your skin, his entire body shaking with barely-contained rage.
You swallowed, chest rising and falling, heart hammering in your ribs.
But you were too far gone.
You smirked.
That was it.
Before you could even breathe, Jake had yanked you onto the couch, shoved you down, and spread you the fuck open.
“I’m gonna fucking ruin you.”
No teasing. No warm-up. No fucking foreplay.
His hands gripped your thighs so hard you knew there would be bruises. He ripped your panties down with one sharp tug, the fabric burning against your skin as he yanked them past your thighs.
“Pathetic,” he muttered, dragging his fingers through your folds, spreading the mess you had already made all over yourself. His touch was slow, taunting, humiliating.
“You’re fucking dripping. You like this, don’t you?” His voice was low, mocking, pure condescension. He let out another chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief. “Such a dirty little bitch. Talking about another man when you’re this fucking wet for me.”
You bit your lip, hands digging into the cushions, your body betraying you, trembling in anticipation.
Jake noticed. Of course, he did.
His grin turned wicked, dark, completely unhinged. “Bet if I slapped this nasty little cunt, you’d fucking moan, wouldn’t you?”
Your entire body tensed.
A sharp, stinging slap landed directly against your clit, the sudden shock ripping a strangled gasp from your throat,your back arching completely off the couch.
Jake’s breath shuddered, his cock straining against his jeans, his fingers flexing against your thighs like he was barely holding himself back.
“Oh, you fucking liked that.” His voice was pure filth. He tilted his head, watching the way your thighs twitched, the way your hips subtly shifted like you wanted more.
“God, baby, you’re disgusting.” His fingers spread you open again, admiring the way your slick dripped down onto the couch. “You got my fucking couch messy. Dirty fucking slut.”
This was a man on a fucking mission.
His tongue was rough, filthy, relentless, flicking against your swollen clit so fast you couldn’t even process it. His lips wrapped around it, sucking with obscene, wet sounds, his breath heavy, ragged, completely unhinged.
And then—he bit you.
Your scream tore through the room, your thighs clamping shut around his head, your back arching off the couch.
Jake groaned into you, loud and filthy, gripping your legs and forcing them apart again, holding you wide fucking open.
“Keep running your mouth now, baby,” he murmured against your cunt, his voice low, ruined, mean. “Tell me again how someone else could fuck you better than me. Say it, I fucking dare you.”
You couldn’t speak. Couldn’t fucking breathe.
Jake just laughed.
“That’s what I fucking thought.”
Without warning—his fingers slammed inside you.
Deep. Hard. Perfect.
The stretch burned, his pace ruthless, unforgiving, fucking into you like he wanted to break you. His tongue flicked over your clit again, biting down every time you made a sound.
You sobbed, your body convulsing, your hips trying to jerk away.
Jake’s grip tightened.
“Uh-uh, sweetheart. You’re not fucking going anywhere.”
His voice was pure sin.
“You’re gonna sit the fuck still and take it.”
You whimpered, shaking your head, begging for something—anything—but Jake just fucking laughed again, low and mean, before spitting on your cunt, spreading the mess with his tongue.
“Messy fucking whore.”
Your orgasm hit you like a fucking truck, tearing through you so violently you screamed, legs shaking as you came so hard you thought you might black out.
But Jake?
Jake didn’t stop.
“Oh, you thought we were done?” He snorted, mean and mocking. “Nah, sweetheart. You wanted to talk shit?”
He sucked your clit back into his mouth, moaning at the taste.
“Now you’re gonna fucking take it.”
Your second orgasm ripped through you instantly, your entire body spasming, your hips trying to jerk away, but Jake just gripped you tighter, forcing you to sit on his face, to fucking ride his tongue.
And then, before you could even breathe, your entire body tensed—
Liquid gushed out of you.
All over his face, his chin, soaking the couch beneath you, your body completely convulsing.
Jake let out a wrecked, breathy groan, his hips grinding into the floor, his tongue still fucking working you open, still fucking sucking every last drop from you.
But even then—he didn’t stop.
“Oh, you’re fucking crying now?” He mocked, his fingers still slamming into you, deep and fast. “Poor fucking baby. Can’t take what she asked for?”
You sobbed, your body completely wrecked, completely useless.
You tried to say something—beg him, plead, say anything, but the words barely even formed, coming out in a broken, trembling whimper.
Jake just laughed, mean and taunting, his tongue dragging over your clit again, biting down hard enough to make you scream.
“Shut the fuck up, baby.” His voice was low, dangerous, dripping with dominance. “If you’re not gonna scream like the filthy little cumslut you are, then don’t fucking speak.”
He went back in.
Biting, sucking, bruising.
Forcing another, and another, and another orgasm out of you until you couldn’t even move, couldn’t even think, your entire body trembling.
By the time he was done, by the time he had wrung you out so many times you had nothing left to give, your skin covered in bite marks, bruises, your body shaking from overstimulation, you finally realized,
You had never stood a fucking chance.
Jake licked his lips, panting, his face completely soaked with you, his hair damp with sweat. He leaned up, hovering over your wrecked, ruined body, gripping your jaw, forcing you to look at him.
His voice was raw, low, unrecognizable.
“Next time you even think about talking shit, sweetheart?”
He licked a stripe up your neck, biting your bottom lip so hard you whimpered.“Remember who the fuck owns this filthy little cunt.”
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧
Sunghoon had told you.
He had warned you before locking himself in his office, his voice low, steady, and unwavering. He hadn’t said it cruelly—he never needed to raise his voice to make you listen.
“I have to work all day today. Don’t bother me.”
That should have been enough.
Should have been the end of it.
But you were a brat. And Sunghoon’s biggest mistake was telling you not to do something.
So you made a plan.
A stupid, reckless, fucked-up plan.
Standing in the doorway of his office, completely naked, you knew you had just set yourself up for a punishment you wouldn’t survive.
Sunghoon was mid-Zoom meeting, voice smooth and professional, his fingers flying across the keyboard, posture straight and focused—completely oblivious to what you were about to do.
Until you grabbed a chair, dragged it right in front of his desk, and sat down—spreading your legs wide, running your fingers between your thighs, putting on a fucking show.
For him.
For your boyfriend who had told you not to bother him.
For the man who hated being disrespected.
For Park Sunghoon, who had never been soft on you when you misbehaved.
You caught the moment he noticed.
His fingers paused on the keyboard. His posture straightened. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed.
But he didn’t react.
Didn’t scold you. Didn’t glare.
He ignored you.
Kept his fucking cool, continued speaking in that deep, controlled voice like you weren’t sitting right in front of him, fingers slipping between your thighs, chest rising and falling in slow, deliberate breaths.
That was the moment you knew.
You were so fucking done for.
At first, you teased yourself slowly, dragging your fingers through your folds, dipping them in just enough to make yourself gasp. You moaned, softly at first, letting your body relax into the chair, enjoying the power you thought you had.
Sunghoon’s eyes flicked toward you once, just for a second, before going back to his screen.
It wasn’t enough.
So you got louder.
Your fingers worked deeper, faster, two slipping inside, curling against that spot that made your hips jerk, made your breath stutter. Your free hand trailed up your stomach, pinching your nipples, tugging and rolling them, whimpering as you squeezed your thighs together.
Still, he ignored you.
Kept typing, kept nodding at whatever the hell his coworker was saying, his voice even and smooth, unfazed.
You moaned again, louder than necessary, making sure every single sound you made filled the quiet room.
Sunghoon didn’t react, didn’t break, didn’t give you a single ounce of satisfaction.
You knew he was angry. You could feel it. The tension in his jaw, the stiffness of his shoulders, the way he kept adjusting in his seat, shifting like he was trying to control himself.
But he wouldn’t give in.
So you made yourself cum.
Right in front of him.
Loud. Messy. Desperate.
Your fingers curled deep, your back arching as you rode out your first orgasm, moaning his name, gasping for air as your thighs trembled, squeezing together from the aftershocks.
Still, Sunghoon ignored you.
Kept working.
Didn’t give you so much as a glance.
So you did it again.
Your fingers found your clit this time, rubbing messy, fast circles, your hips rolling against your own touch, your body already so sensitive it was almost painful. The second orgasm hit you even harder, tearing through your body so violently that you almost cried.
Sunghoon reached out and muted himself mid-sentence.
Then, he looked at you.
Just once.
His look alone made your stomach drop.
It wasn’t lust. It wasn’t hunger.
It was pure fucking rage.
You barely had time to process it before his meeting ended, and the moment the screen went black—
He stood up.
You gasped, trying to scramble out of the chair, trying to run, but it was too fucking late.
Sunghoon was on you, gripping your throat, yanking you up so effortlessly it made your head spin.
His fingers squeezed, forcing you to look at him, forcing you to see the way his eyes burned with something dark, something dangerous.
“You really don’t listen, do you?” His voice was calm, controlled, but terrifying.
Your breath was shaky, your naked body trembling in his grasp.
“I—I just thought you needed a break,” you stammered, your voice barely above a whisper.
Sunghoon just laughed. A low, dark sound that made your stomach twist.
“You thought you could distract me?” His fingers tightened just slightly around your throat, not enough to hurt, but enough to make you whimper. “You really think you’re that fucking irresistible?”
Before you could answer, he flipped you around and bent you over the desk.
And then?
Sunghoon ignored you.
Just stood there, his hands running over every inch of your body, touching you everywhere except where you needed him most.
His fingers ghosted over your back, up your spine, over your shoulders. They squeezed your ass, traced the curve of your hips, gripped the inside of your thighs.
They dragged lower.
But not there.
Sunghoon’s hands brushed over your stomach, your ribs, your collarbone, your thighs, your calves, your fucking ankles. He gripped everything. Worshipped everything. Squeezed, kneaded, traced.
But he didn’t touch you there.
Didn’t give you what you needed.
That was when you realized—this was your punishment.
Your frustration boiled over, your body trembling with how badly you needed him.
“Please, Sunghoon,” you whimpered, pushing your hips back, desperate, aching.
His fingers grazed over your tightest hole, teasing, circling, but never pushing in.
You let out a shaky sob, frustration burning in your chest, tears stinging your eyes.
“Fucking touch me.”
Sunghoon grinned against your shoulder, completely entertained.
“Poor baby,” he cooed, cruel, mocking. “So fucking desperate.”
You shook in his grip, letting out a full, wrecked sob.
Sunghoon just chuckled, dark and dangerous, lips brushing against your ear.
“Go ahead, sweetheart. Cry.” His voice was low, deadly, dripping with amusement.
“You should’ve thought about that before acting like a needy little slut.”
He kept going.
Kept ignoring you.
Kept teasing you. Kept teaching you exactly why you should never fucking disobey Park Sunghoon.
𝐊𝐢𝐦 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐨
Sunoo loved to act like he was the one in control. He liked to roll his eyes when you tested him, sigh dramatically whenever you got a little too bratty, flash that smug little smirk when he thought he had you wrapped around his finger.He’d tilt his head, raise a brow, and say something teasing, something condescending, something that made it seem like he wasn’t affected by your games. But that was a lie.
Because Sunoo had no fucking restraint.
When you pushed him too far, he didn’t just put you in your place.
He dragged you down with him.
It started as a stupid little game. You wanted to see how much teasing he could handle before he finally broke. Sunoo was always trying to act like he was in charge, like he had all the power, like he could handle whatever you threw at him. So naturally, you wanted to prove him wrong. You started small—brushing off his touches, sighing when he kissed you, glancing at your phone when he tried to pull you onto his lap. Sunoo noticed immediately. He wasn’t the type to ignore things like this, and you could tell by the way he shifted in his seat, the way his fingers drummed against his knee, the way his tongue swiped over his bottom lip as he tried so hard to keep his composure.
But Sunoo wasn’t calm.
Sunoo wasn’t patient.
Sunoo wasn’t the brat tamer.
Sunoo was just as much of a brat as you were.
So when you looked at him with a smirk and whispered, “Is that all you’ve got?”
Sunoo snapped.
His entire body froze for half a second, like his brain needed to process what you had just said, and then suddenly, you weren’t sitting anymore. He had shoved you onto the bed so fast you barely had time to gasp, his hands gripping your thighs, pinning you down beneath him, straddling your hips like he couldn’t stand being apart from you for even a second. His face was inches from yours, his eyes dark, his lips parted, his breath heavy.
“You think you can just say shit like that?” His voice was high, breathy, trembling slightly— not from fear or hesitation, but from pure fucking need. His fingers trailed up your sides, gripping, squeezing, touching everything he could, as if he was afraid you’d slip away. His lips brushed against your jaw, then your neck, then your collarbone, kissing, sucking, licking, mouthing at your skin like he needed it to survive.
“You think I can’t—fuck—you think I can’t handle you?” His hips rutted against yours, desperate, sloppy, uncoordinated, completely unhinged. His hands were everywhere, on your waist, on your chest, sliding down to your thighs, gripping hard enough to bruise.
Sunoo wasn’t holding back anymore.
Sunoo was completely fucking gone.
“Oh my god, I hate you,” he whined, voice high and breathless, but his body contradicted him entirely as he pressed himself closer, rolling his hips against you like he couldn’t stand not being buried in you already. It was so Sunoo—messy, chaotic, too fast, too much, all at once, no control, no restraint. His hands were shaking as he touched every inch of your skin, as if he needed to feel you everywhere at once.
“You don’t hate me,” you teased, gasping when he squeezed your waist hard, his nails digging in.
“I do,” he muttered, lips dragging over your neck, sucking hard enough to leave a mark. “I do. I hate you so much. You make me like this. You make me—ah—” His words broke off into a shaky moan, high and breathy, as his hips stuttered against you, completely lost in the moment.
Then, you broke.
Because Sunoo wasn’t controlling you anymore.
You weren’t controlling him.
There was no winner.
Just messy, unrestrained, mind-numbing desperation.
By the time it was over, by the time the room had gone still, your bodies tangled together, chests heaving, skin damp with sweat, Sunoo let out a weak, breathless laugh, burying his face against your shoulder. His hands were still gripping your thighs, like he wasn’t ready to let go yet.
“We’re both fucking idiots.” His voice was hoarse, exhausted.
You huffed out a laugh, fingers tracing lazy circles against his back. “Yeah. But it’s your fault.”
Sunoo groaned, rolling onto his side, covering his face with his hands, his whole body still twitching from overstimulation.
“We are never doing that again,” he muttered.
You just smirked, glancing over at him.
“Is that all you’ve got?”
He groaned dramatically, dragging a pillow over his face.
“I hate you.”
Maybe next time, neither of you should try to win.
𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐰𝐨𝐧
Jungwon wasn’t easily impressed.
He had infinite patience for other people—for business associates, for important guests, for those who needed to be handled with grace. He could smile, shake hands, make polite conversation without breaking a sweat.
You were the only one who could push him to his fucking limit.
And you knew it.
So when he had told you, very clearly, that tonight’s dinner was important—not to play games, not to act up, not to try him in public—
You did it anyway.
Because you were a brat.
Because you wanted to see just how far you could take it before Jungwon lost control.
You were going to suffer for it.
It had started subtly.
You had played nice for the first half of the evening—smiling sweetly, making polite conversation, sitting quietly beside him in the private dining room of a luxurious five-star restaurant.
Just when things were going smoothly, you pressed your hand onto his thigh.
Jungwon didn’t react.
Didn’t even glance at you.
He kept talking, voice smooth, composed, his posture completely relaxed.
So you took it further.
Your fingers traced slow, teasing circles on his inner thigh, inching higher, barely brushing over him.
Still, he didn’t react.
But then, just as you leaned in, just as your fingers moved a little too high—
His hand clamped down on your thigh, fingers digging in so hard you knew there would be bruises.
You barely managed to keep your gasp quiet.
Jungwon turned his head slightly, just enough for you to see the sharp, dark look in his eyes.
A warning.
But you only smirked.
And that was the last mistake you’d make tonight.
The ride back to the hotel was silent.
Jungwon didn’t speak, didn’t touch you, didn’t even look at you.
Somehow, that was worse.
Because you could feel it radiating off of him—the quiet rage, the suffocating control, the slow, creeping tension in the way his fingers flexed against his thigh.
By the time you reached the penthouse suite, you barely had time to breathe before he grabbed you.
One second, you were stepping inside—the next, your back was slammed against the door, his fingers gripping your chin, forcing your head up, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“Try that again.” His voice was low, cold, sharp enough to cut. “See what happens if you ever pull that shit in front of people again.”
Your breath caught, your body buzzing with adrenaline, with anticipation, with the sheer intensity of his stare.
Jungwon scoffed, shaking his head. “You think this is funny?”
He leaned in, his lips brushing against your ear, his breath warm but his words pure ice.
“Maybe next time, I should just fuck you in front of everyone. Make you cum on my cock while they watch.”
Your entire body tensed.
Jungwon grinned against your skin, feeling the way your breath hitched.
“Oh?” He pulled back slightly, tilting his head. “You don’t like that idea?” His fingers tightened around your chin, his grip firm, unyielding. “Then why the fuck would you act like a filthy little whore under the table?”
Your stomach twisted, heat pooling between your legs.
Jungwon let out a dark, humorless laugh.
“You’re pathetic.”
In one smooth motion, he spun you around, pressing you against the massive floor-to-ceiling window, forcing you to look down at the glittering city lights.
“You wanna put on a fucking show?” His hands gripped your hips, forcing your legs apart. “Then fucking take it, slut.”
Swiftly, he ripped your dress open.
The sharp sound of fabric tearing sent a shock through your body, your bare chest now exposed to the cold glass.
“Fucking look at yourself,” he muttered, pressing a hand against your spine, arching your back until your tits were flush against the freezing window.
Violent, he spat on your back.
The shock of it made you whimper, made your skin burn, made your entire body lock up.
“That’s all you’re fucking good for,” Jungwon muttered, rubbing his hand over the mess, smearing it across your skin before grabbing the back of your neck, pushing your face against the glass.
And then—he fucked you.
Hard. Fast. Unrelenting.
Each thrust pressed you further against the window, your breath fogging up the glass, your body trembling as pleasure and pain blurred together into something unrecognizable.
But Jungwon wasn’t fucking done with you.
He dragged you onto the balcony.
The cool night air kissed your burning skin, but Jungwon didn’t give you time to adjust before he forced you onto your knees, his chest pressed against your back as he spread your legs wide, making sure you were completely exposed to the city below. 
“You wanted my attention?” His voice was venomous, sharp, pure dominance. “Then fucking take it.”
His fingers plunged into you, rough, punishing, fucking you open with no mercy, no hesitation. 
“Look at you,” he sneered, forcing your head up, making sure your eyes locked on the city skyline, the streets below where anyone could look up and see you. “A desperate little slut, dripping down my fucking hand.”
His fingers curled against that devastating spot inside you, making your thighs shake, making your breath hitch, making you arch helplessly against him.
“You wanna be seen?” His voice was pure sin in your ear, his free hand gripping your throat. “Then fucking scream.”
What were you if not obedient?
You screamed as your orgasm ripped through you, your body convulsing, pleasure bursting so violently that liquid gushed from you, soaking his hand, the balcony floor, leaving you shaking, spent, completely wrecked. 
Jungwon groaned against your ear, his grip tightening, his hand still working you through the aftershocks. 
“Fuck, look at that,” he murmured, rubbing the mess against your thighs, against your clit, overstimulating you until you were sobbing, your body twitching in his grasp. “So fucking pretty.”
Your entire body trembled, your mind completely wrecked.
Only then—only when he was satisfied—did he finally let you rest.
But later, when the night was over, when he had carried you into the warm, soapy bath, his hands gentle as they massaged your sore muscles, he was different.
His lips brushed over your temple, your cheek, your jaw. “I love you,” he murmured against your skin, his voice warm, teasing. “Even when you’re a fucking menace.”
You giggled, and he laughed too, his chest shaking against your back, his arms wrapping around you tighter.
“I’m so fucking happy I married you.” His lips trailed down your neck, leaving soft, reverent kisses. “Even if you make me insane.”
𝐍𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐦𝐮𝐫𝐚 𝐑𝐢𝐤𝐢
You never learned your lesson.
No matter how many times Niki put you in your place, no matter how many times he warned you that your bratty antics would come back to bite you, you just couldn’t help yourself.
You really pushed him.
It started with small things—ignoring his texts on purpose, pretending not to hear him when he spoke, rolling your eyes at his teasing. But what really set him off was when you stole his hoodie and sprinted across the apartment, laughing over your shoulder as he called your name.
That was your biggest mistake.
Because the second you ran, Niki’s entire demeanor changed.
“Oh, you’re dead,” he muttered under his breath, amusement laced with something darker.
He chased you.
You barely made it to the bedroom before he tackled you onto the mattress, effortlessly pinning you down with his weight, your wrists trapped above your head. His face was close—too close—his grin sharp and smug as you squirmed underneath him.
“You think you’re funny?” His voice was all playful mockery, but the firm grip on your wrists told a different story.
You only pouted in response, refusing to give in so easily. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Niki scoffed. “Nah, you know exactly what you did.” He tilted his head, eyes narrowing mischievously. “And now, you have to pay for it.”
Your stomach flipped.
Niki had a habit of punishing you in the worst possible ways—not with pain, not with cruelty, but with something so much more unbearable.
And when he suddenly straddled your hips, pinning you down further, you knew you were screwed.
“You wanna act like a brat?” His fingers suddenly ghosted over your sides, making you jolt. “Then I’ll treat you like one.”
Before you could react, he started tickling you mercilessly.
“NI—NIKI, STOP!” you screeched, thrashing under him, laughter spilling from your lips against your will.
“Not so cocky now, huh?” he teased, his hands never relenting as they roamed over your ribs, your stomach, your hips—every spot he knew made you weak. “Where’d all that attitude go?”
You tried to kick him off, but he was so much stronger than you, effortlessly keeping you trapped beneath him.
“N-Niki, please!”
He smirked. “Please what? I thought you liked messing with me.” His hands finally slowed, giving you a moment to catch your breath—just before he leaned down, lips brushing against your ear.
“You wanna know what your real punishment is?” he whispered, voice lower, deeper.
You shivered.
Niki suddenly grabbed both of your wrists in one hand, pressing them against the mattress while his free hand trailed down your stomach, slow and deliberate.
“You don’t get to touch me.”
Your breath hitched.
He grinned at your reaction, fingers teasing over your thighs without really giving you what you wanted. “You can squirm, you can beg, you can cry—doesn’t matter. You’re not getting anything until I say so.”
Your body ached with frustration. “You’re so annoying,” you huffed.
He just laughed, tilting his head. “Oh? I thought I was so fun to mess with?”
You wanted to argue, but then his fingers brushed exactly where you needed them, and suddenly, words weren’t so easy to find.
But just as quickly as the touch came—he stopped.
You whimpered. “Niki—”
“Shhh,” he cooed mockingly. “You wanna be a brat? Then act like one—squirm all you want, but you’re not coming until I let you.”
And oh, did he take his sweet time.
For what felt like forever, Niki toyed with you, pushing you right to the edge only to pull away at the last second. Every time you got too close, he’d stop completely, watching as you whined in frustration, your body burning with need.
“You’re so easy to break,” he mused, chuckling at your trembling form. “Maybe next time, don’t start something you can’t finish.”
And then—finally, finally—he gave you what you wanted.
But even then?
Even then?
He made sure you paid for it.
Because he didn’t let you come just once.
He made you beg for it.
Over. And over. And over.
Until you were completely, utterly wrecked—panting, spent, boneless under him.
And only then did he loosen his grip on your wrists, kissing your cheek as if he hadn’t just tortured you for the past hour.
“See?” He grinned, nuzzling against your neck. “You should just behave next time.”
You glared at him weakly. “I hate you.”
Niki only laughed, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest. “You love me.”
And annoyingly enough?
He was right.
Taglist: @naurwayyyyy @ziiao @beariegyu @seonhoon @zzhengyu @ijustwannareadstuff20 @annybah @ddolleri @elairah @dreamy-carat @geniejunn @kristynaaah @zoemeltigloos @inlovewithningning @mellowgalaxystrawberry @vveebee @m3wkledreamy @lovelycassy @highway143 @koizekomi @tiny-shiny @simbabyikeu @cristy-101 @bloomiize @dearestdreamies @enhaverse713586 @somuchdard
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submattsmxmmy · 2 days ago
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roughdom!stepbro!chris x bratty!stepsis!reader
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🖤 content warning: 🖤 smut, heavy step sibling kink, degradation/praise, dirty talk, thigh riding, unprotected sex, dick riding
🖤 summary: 🖤 when you find out that chris has a date, you find yourself getting incredibly jealous, so you do everything you can to keep him from going
hiiii it's @ariestrxsh ! this is my second account. if you're not into the whole stepcest thing, do not read further ! if you're my mom, god, or chris sturniolo, do not read further !
dividers by: @/strangergraphics
chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
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"Holy shit. You actually look nice for once!" You jeered at the rare sight of your stepbrother in a long-sleeved black button-down and matching slacks as you walked past him room. "Yeah, don't get used to it," Chris retorted back, cuffing his sleeves. Your gaze lingered on his long, thin fingers and the prominent veins in his hands as he adjusted his tie, tightening it around his neck.
"Where are you going?" You wondered, leaning up against his doorframe in a white tank top and silky pajama bottoms. You couldn't take your eyes off him, warmth pooling between your thighs. You'd never seen him get dressed up like this, and the two of you had been to a funeral together.
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Chris smirked, dodging your question as he peered at his reflection in the mirror. "What are you being so secretive for? Just tell me," you replied, taking a few steps closer to him. He ignored you.
You caught a whiff of something that had notes of cedar and some kind of spice you vaguely recognized. You tugged on his black tie to pull him closer to you, pressing your nose up against his collar. "Chris. Are you wearing cologne?" You asked him, furrowing your brow. It really wasn't like him to put any effort into his appearance, never mind his scent.
"I'm going on a date, alright? Now, can you scram and let me finish getting ready?" Chris waved you away, smoothing out his tie. "So, when you fuck me, you wear your sweaty shirt you played basketball in, and when you're trying to fuck another girl, you get dressed up all nice, huh?" You sneered, shoving him. There was a bit of real anger behind it.
"Woah. Who said anything about me fucking her? This is our first date," Chris told you, defensively throwing up his arms. "So, you're going on a date, and you don't even know if you're gonna get laid!?" You asked, raising your voice.
You didn't know what hurt worse - the idea of Chris fucking another woman or the idea of him going on a romantic date with another woman. You felt your heart sink as you imagined him holding the door open for her, paying for her dinner, and kissing her goodnight.
"C'mon. Don't get all weird on me," Chris sighed, rolling his eyes. "Do I know her?" You asked, crossing your arms and praying that the answer was no. His lips curled into a shit-eating grin, "maybe."
"Chris. Please. Answer me. Do I know her? Please tell me it isn't one of my friends," you whined, tugging on his sleeve and begging for answers. "Don't worry about it, huh? What's it matter if you know her or not? What do you care?" He snarked back, knowing his vague answers were driving you crazy.
"Chris.. don't go," you begged, pushing him onto his bed and climbing on top of him to straddle his thigh. "Are you trying to get me to fuck you before my date?" He smirked at you as you started to loosen his tie. "Not before. Instead of," you giggled, starting to unbutton his dress shirt.
"You're such a little fuckin' slut. You know that? What am I supposed to tell my date when I show up late to pick her up? That I needed to give my stepsister some first?" Chris snarled at you, grabbing your hands to keep you from tugging at his buttons.
"Tell her you can't make it tonight. Please, please, please," you whispered, taking his earlobe between your teeth and gently nibbling on it as you rolled your hips forward, grinding against his leg. "Don't go. I need you."
Your begging sent blood rushing below Chris' waist. It was getting harder and harder for him to resist you. He peered over your shoulder at the reflection of you two in his full-length mirror. "I've gotta leave soon. You can't do this to me right now," Chris protested, but he was smiling to himself, watching the way your ass poked out of the bottom of your silky shorts.
You could feel his cock growing hard beneath you and beginning to struggle against the tight black fabric. "Are you sure you want me to stop?" You purred, pulling your tank top off over your head. His eyes dropped to your breasts, his expression softening as he admired them.
"I have to leav-" Chris repeated, but you cut him off, pressing your lips against his, your tongue begging for entrance into his mouth as you rubbed up against his leg like a dog in heat, your drooling cunt soaking through your shorts. "You don't get to put on this sexy outfit and tease me, and then go fuck some other bitch," you whined into his mouth, your voice laced with envy.
"You're so hot when you're jealous," he whispered to you. "I'm not jealous," you denied his accusation. "Mhmm," he hummed in a dismissive tone that let you know he didn't believe you one bit.
You unbuttoned his shirt the rest of the way, placing your palms against his chest and feeling his heart thump away at a faster pace. "You're actin' like such a slut right now. Really need it that bad, huh?" Chris muttered under his breath, starting to slip his arms out of his button up. "No. The tie and the shirt stay on," you replied, stopping him from taking his clothes off the rest of the way.
He smirked and let out a small chuckle. "What? Y'like the way I look in a suit?" He wondered aloud, moving his hands to your waist. "I fucking love it. You have no idea how much it's turning me on right now," you whispered into his ear before you started trailing kisses down his jawline towards his neck, your hands lingering on his rapidly rising and falling chest as you continued grinding against him.
"Fuck. You're ruining my slacks, ya little slut," Chris growled, staring down at the wet spot you left on his thigh from riding it. "What are you gonna do about it?" You cooed, giving him a cheeky smile as you grabbed his bulge that was straining against them.
"I'm gonna fuck you senseless. You're practically beggin' for it. Take these fuckin' things off," Chris rasped, looking intensely into your eyes and tugging at the waistband of your shorts. You stood up and slipped out of the last of your clothing.
Chris watched in awe, pulling his aching cock out of his pants as your panties fell to the floor around your ankles before you stepped out of them. "C'mon. Come ride your stepbrother's cock," Chris demanded, stroking himself as he smirked at you and getting himself fully hard. You watched the way his hand pumped over his swollen tip, a bit of precum pooling at his slit.
"You're so fucking disgusting," you replied, climbing on top of him to straddle him again. "You're the disgusting one," Chris started to say as he lined himself up with your entrance, "because I think you fuckin' like it when I say shit like tha - oh my god," he groaned as your pussy engulfed his tip.
And you did. You couldn't get enough of the way Chris talked to you - degrading you, telling you what to do, reminding you that he was your stepmom's son. You loved how wrong it all was, and so did he.
He let out a relieved sigh as you slid down his length, watching the way it disappeared into you in the reflection. He admired the way you started to arch your back as your walls fluttered around him, stretching around him and sucking him in.
His hands traveled to your tits, his thumbs brushing against your stiffening nipples before he pinched them. You squealed in delight. He leaned in, taking your supple breast into his mouth as his blue eyes stared up at you. "Oh, Chris. Feels so good," you moaned, tossing your head back as his tongue flitted around on your sensitive nipples, suckling on them.
You grabbed onto his tie to stabilize yourself as you started bouncing up and down on him. He let out a guttural moan with your tit still in his mouth, the vibrations of his pink lips adding to the sensation. The two of you were already panting, fucked out expressions on each of your faces as you both chased your sweet relief.
He released your tit from his mouth with a small pop from all the suction he'd created. Chris' hands slowly slithered down the small of your back, wandering to your ass as he watched it jiggle in the mirror every time you came down on his cock with all of your body weight. His fingertips gently glided over your warm skin, making you shudder under his touch.
"Filthy little slut. Ya take it so fuckin' well," he growled as he delivered a harsh smack on your left cheek while you were riding him, causing you to arch your back again and call his name out in pleasure. He loved how reactive you were. He delivered another powerful slap. And another.
His hands firmly gripped your ass, and he started bouncing you up and down on his length a little faster. You could feel every vein, every ridge, and every subtle twitch of his perfect cock as he drove it in and out of you.
His glazed over blue eyes were locked on yours, his brows pinched together, and his pouty lips parted in a look of pure ecstasy. You started to exaggerate the movement of your hips, massaging his cock with your velvety walls. "Fuck," he moaned in satisfaction as you rhythmically grinded on him.
Your knees were growing weak, and your quads were aching, but the way Chris looked at you, his expression saturated in pleasure with a slight look of desperation in his eyes, motivated you to keep going. "Good girl.. don't stop.." He whispered, his gaze locked on yours.
He reached up and gently caressed your face, the pad of his thumb making slow circles on your cheek before he brushed up against your bottom lip. "So fuckin' pretty when you're on the edge like that," Chris purred, recognizing how close you were getting.
You parted your lips, taking his thumb into your mouth. Chris let out a soft moan as he felt your tongue swirl around it, pushing it in further. You sucked on his thumb for a few minutes, sending waves of pleasure through his body and straight to his cock.
Chris slipped his thumb out of your mouth and gripped your hips tightly, holding you in place while he pounded into you from beneath you. "Chris," you hissed through your teeth as he slammed into your cervix over and over, bottoming out in you and bringing you each closer to the edge as you slumped into him.
"Can't.. take it.. gonna cum," you whimpered, clenching your thighs around his waist as the knot in your stomach threatened to snap. You wrapped your arms around his neck, digging your nails into his back through his black button up as you bit down on his shoulder. "I love having such a slut for a stepsister," he cooed into your ear. "Gonna cum for me like the little slut you are?"
"Oh, my god! Chris!" You practically shouted, your whole body trembling. The two of you finished in unison, your cunt clenching around his throbbing cock, milking him for all he was worth as he pumped you full of his load. He peered into the mirror as you coated his cock in your fluids, watching the way the mixture dripped down his shaft.
You threw your head back again, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as your whole body tightened. Your orgasm hit you like a series of cascading waves, nearly knocking you down and pulling you into the undertow. Dopamine coursed through your body, pleasure flooding your system as you climaxed.
As you came down, your riding slowed to a halt. Chris breathlessly chuckled into your ear, helping you off of him. As you stood to your feet, your knees wobbling, his cum spilled out of you and dribbled onto his spent cock and the crotch of his slacks. "Shit," he whispered, peering down at the mess as he reached for a dirty shirt to clean it up with.
"Oops. I guess you can't wear these on your date tonight after all," you smugly stated, pulling your shorts and your tank top back on as you glanced down at the cum stain on the front. "I'm not going on a date," Chris responded, tucking himself away and rising to his feet.
You threw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for agreeing to stay home with me," you replied, refusing to loosen your grip on him. "No, I mean. There never was a date to begin with," he admitted, a smirk playing on the corner of his mouth.
"What!?" You asked, releasing him from your grasp as you glared at him. "I lied. I just wanted to see your reaction if you thought I was going on a date. You like me," he accused you, narrowing his perfect blue eyes at you.
"What? No, I don't. You're just a good lay. That's all," you nonchalantly shrugged, rolling your eyes. "You were begging me not to go. I don't think I've ever seen you so desperate," he teased you. "Fuck you," you snarled, pressing your finger firmly into his chest. "You're fucked up for playing with my feelings like that."
"And you're fucked up for begging your stepbrother to fuck you," he smugly responded, raising an eyebrow and grinning devilishly at you. "Fuck, if I had any idea how you'd react, I would've put that stupid suit on sooner."
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luxcuriousao3 · 1 day ago
Based on this post by @dante-mightdie . One line of dialogue taken directly from it so all credit for that goes to them!
Warnings: misunderstandings, mentions of murder (no violence or murder actually happens), pregnancy, no smut, ~1200 words
“I’m pregnant.”
The silence that followed your declaration was nerve wracking, and you drummed your fingers against the dashboard of Simon’s car. You’d been coming back to the pub you met him at for three weeks straight since that damn test had turned up positive, wanting—no, needing—to at least tell the man who’d knocked you up about his baby growing inside you. You didn’t expect anything from him, not really. He was a stranger, a ruggedly attractive man you’d gone home with after one too many drinks. Not that you’d regretted hooking up with him, he was as good in bed as he was hot—or at least you hadn’t until you’d missed your period.
You’d nearly given up on meeting him again when you walked into the pub today and saw him in the same corner booth he’d sat in last time, nursing a pint. He hadn’t smiled when he’d seen you, but his eyes had locked onto you and not strayed as you strode towards him, nervous but determined. When you’d asked to speak to him in private, he’d raised a single brow, letting the silence stretch on for so long you were sure he’d say no. But then he’d just gotten up and walked towards the door, holding it open for you and clicking his tongue when he turned around to see you frozen in place. Like a misbehaving child being scolded, you’d scrambled towards him, whispering a stuttered thanks and then following him to his car, cheeks hot.
The car in which you now sat, still stifled by silence as Simon just stared at you, face blank and giving nothing away. You swallowed thickly, a shaking hand pressing against your belly, a habit you’d unconsciously picked up over the last few weeks. Simon’s dark, penetrating eyes tracked the movement, lingering for a long moment before he suddenly reached over you, ignoring your surprised flinch to grab your seat belt and buckle you in. Before you could ask what he was doing, he’d thrown the car into reverse and peeled out of the parking lot, making you grip the handle above you for dear life.
“S-Simon, what— what are you doing?” You asked, doing your best to keep the tremor out of your voice. Simon just grunted. “We have— we have to talk about our options—”
“What options?” He asked, voice flat and deadly. “Ring options? Mortgage options? Paint swatches f’the nursery?”
You shut up, tears stinging your eyes at his mocking. You weren’t going to ask him for any of that, but it still hurt to hear him be so cruel. You turned away to look out the window, the light from the streetlamps the only thing penetrating the inky darkness of the night. Shadows crawled out from the forest, making a shiver run down your spine.
“Just take me home,” you whispered, dejected. “Please…”
“I am,” Simon answered, still in that same emotionless tone.
You didn’t know if you believed him.
Your gut feeling was proven right when he parked the car in an abandoned lot, wooded and secluded and a perfect place to murder the mother of his unwanted child before disposing of your body. You sat stiffly in the passenger seat as he climbed out of the car and walked around to your side, opening the door and holding out his hand for you. You stared at him, eyes wide, frozen like a deer in the headlights. He huffed in what could have been amusement but was probably annoyance, reaching over you once again to unbuckle you before scooping you up and carrying you deeper into the lot.
“See that tree?” He asked, nodding towards a sturdy looking oak. “That one branch stickin’ out’d make a good place ta hang something from.”
Oh my God, you thought, feeling dizzy and nauseous. Is he going to hang me and make it look like a suicide?
“There’s a pond down there,” he continued, and to your minor relief, walked right past the tree. When you reached the pond a minute later, he finally set you back on your feet. “S’dangerous. Fully grown man could drown in it.”
You flinched, your breathing picking up. He’s going to drown me instead. Simon turned to look back up the hill he’d just carried you down, his back facing you. It was now or never. If you wanted to live, you needed to run.
“Gonna have to build a fence ‘round it. Not too high though, don’t want ta mess up the view from the house—”
You didn’t hear the rest of what he was saying, already halfway up the hill by the time he cut himself off. A gruff, angry “hey!” had you moving double time, nearly clawing at the ground just to get to the top faster.
You didn’t make it.
Strong, thick arms wrapped around your middle and lifted you in the air, and you screamed, shrill and terrified.
“No! No! Let me go!” You begged as you flailed in Simon’s firm grip. It was useless—he was so much stronger than you, so much larger than you, and his hold on you was unbreakable. He didn’t say anything as he carried you back down the hill, towards the pond, towards your death, and your shrieks turned into sobs as big, fat tears rolled down your cheeks. You were hyperventilating, now, animal panic wrapping its hands around your throat and squeezing, cutting off your air. Or maybe those were Simon’s hands? You didn’t know, you couldn’t think straight through the fear. All you knew was that you didn’t want to die.
“Thinkin’ we could name the baby John, if it’s a boy.”
The words filtered through your panic after an indeterminate amount of time, and you slowly came back to yourself, the blackness leaving your vision. The first thing you noticed was that you were cradled in Simon’s lap, face tucked into the crook of his neck as he murmured softly in your ear. The next thing you noticed was that one of his hands was rubbing your back soothingly, while the other rested on your belly. You let out a confused, snotty croak, and his voice quieted, before he pulled back a bit to look down at you.
“You back with us, love?” He asked, but then gently shushed you when you whined. “Shh, s’alright. Try not ta get all worked up again, hmm? S’not good for the baby.”
“But— but— but you don’t want it,” you whispered. Simon blinked at you, the slightest of furrows appearing between his brows. “You’re g-gonna kill me…”
“Am I now?” He tsked. “That’s not very nice of me.”
You whimpered, squirming in his lap and trying to get free. His face softened minutely, and he started rubbing your back again, still not letting go.
“Shh, shh,” he repeated. “S’alright, love. M’not gonna hurt ya. Was just makin’ a shite joke, yeah?”
It took another few minutes of you struggling (and failing) to escape, and him cooing gruff reassurances at you, before you gave up.
“You’re not gonna kill me?” You finally sniffled, scrubbing at your wet, red-rimmed eyes. Simon’s lips twitched into an almost-smile, and he pressed a kiss to your forehead. You relaxed, practically melting into him as your heart rate started to slow. Maybe you had been wrong. Maybe Simon really wasn’t dangerous.
“I’d eat my gun ‘fore I hurt ya or our baby,” he vowed.
You stiffened again.
“You have a gun?!”
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natsaffection · 2 days ago
Redline. pt 6 | N.R
Older!Motorsportboss!Natasha x Younger!Racing!Driver!Reader
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Warnings: Age gap (N= 32, r=23), 18+! MINORS DNI! sexual tension, trauma, violence, crashs
Word count: 12,1k
A/N: Okay…a really great time has now come to an end. I want to thank everyone who interacted with the fic, it literally blew up so much, I never expected it. I gained so many new people here and some lovely anons because of it, and I’m truly grateful. Thank you!
I hope I made the ending worthy of the story (even though Tumblr shortened it due to the word limit). I really hope it doesn’t feel too rushed. 🫶🏼🍾
Part 5
1 Month later
You were lying in Natasha’s bed scrolling through your phone, half-awake when the articles started popping up.
Romanoff’s Favorite – The Relationship Between Natasha and Her Rising Star.
Not Just Business? Photos Capture Natasha Romanoff’s Rare Smile at Y/N’s Victory.
More Than Just Racing? The Paddock Buzzes Over Y/N and Natasha’s Dynamic.
Your stomach twisted. It wasn’t new that people speculated about you and Natasha. The media was always looking for a story. Always waiting for something to tear apart.
But this? This was the first time they had proof. There were pictures.. Natasha, standing with the team, a champagne glass in hand, watching you on the podium. Natasha, smiling. Actually smiling. Natasha, looking at you like you were the only thing that mattered. Your breath caught. Oh, fuck…
“You’re up early.”
You nearly jumped at the sound of Natasha’s voice. She was leaning against the doorway, arms crossed, still in the loose sweats she wore when she wasn’t dressed to terrify the entire paddock.
“Did you see this?” you blurted out, shoving your phone in her direction.
Natasha arched an eyebrow, stepping closer to take the device from your hand. She scanned the articles, lips pressing into a thin line. “Of course they’d make a story out of this.” she muttered.
“This is bad..” you groaned, rubbing your hands over your face. “The press conference today is going to be a fucking disaster.”
Natasha hummed. Then, to your absolute horror, she smirked. “What?” you demanded.
She tilted her head slightly, tossing your phone onto the bed before leaning in closer, so close that you could feel her breath against your cheek. “You’re nervous.” she murmured, clearly amused.
“Of course I am, Natasha, this is a mess-”She cut you off with a chuckle, straightening up. “Let them talk.”
Your stomach flipped. She wasn’t worried. She wasn’t freaking out. She was enjoying this.
“You’re not serious..”
Natasha shrugged. “It’s inevitable. They were always going to figure it out.”
You blinked. “Figure what out?”
Her smirk widened, but she didn’t answer. Instead, she turned towards the door, pausing just long enough to glance at you over her shoulder.
“Get dressed. We have a press conference.”
The room was buzzing with anticipation by the time you stepped in. Cameras flashed, reporters murmured among themselves, and the air carried the weight of a dozen unanswered questions. The energy was different today, sharper, more expectant. You knew exactly why.
Natasha walked beside you, her presence as commanding as ever, a steady force in the chaos. Dressed in her usual sleek suit, she radiated an untouchable authority, but there was something else today. Something in the way she moved, the way her gaze flickered across the room before settling on you.
She was prepared. Always. But this wasn’t just about the race anymore. You took your seat, adjusting the mic in front of you, your fingers brushing over the cold surface as the press officer nodded for the first question.
A journalist from Racing Line leaned forward, eyes sharp with intrigue. “Y/n, first of all, congratulations on your win yesterday. A phenomenal drive. But beyond that, there’s been a lot of talk about your dynamic with your team principal.”
He paused, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. “Care to comment on the pictures circulating? Romanoff looking unusually pleased with your performance?”
You clenched your jaw, pulse spiking. Of course. The photos had been everywhere this morning. Natasha, standing at the pit wall, watching you with a look that was unmistakably soft. For her, at least. And then on the podium, the way she’d lingered, the rare glimpse of a smile.
Natasha’s presence beside you remained steady. No reaction. Just sharp focus, like she was calculating every possible outcome of this moment. You exhaled slowly, forcing a small smirk as you leaned forward. “I think any team principal would be happy when their driver wins.” you said, voice level, playful even. “It’s kind of their job.”
A few chuckles echoed through the room, but the journalist wasn’t backing down. “True, but this seemed more personal. Some might say.. more invested than usual.”
You barely had time to process it before Natasha spoke. “If you’re implying that I don’t take every win personally, then you clearly don’t know me.” she said coolly, her gaze locking onto the journalist with a pointed sharpness. “I push my drivers to win. That’s my job. Y/n delivers. That’s hers.”
The response was effortless, perfectly calculated to dismiss any rumors while still standing firm. But you knew her too well now. The way her fingers tapped lightly against her leg under the table, the slight tick in her jaw, it was irritation masked under absolute control.
Another journalist jumped in. “Y/n, this season has been a defining one for you, but given your history with crashes and the challenges you’ve faced, do you ever feel like you still have something to prove?”
Your stomach twisted at the question, but you didn’t let it show. You straightened, fingers flexing against the table. “Every driver on this grid has something to prove. That’s why we’re here. But if you’re asking if I doubt myself? No. I wouldn’t be sitting here if I did.”
The room went still for a second, the weight of your words settling before another voice cut in. “Natasha, you’ve worked with some of the best drivers in the sport. Where does Y/n rank among them?”
Your breath caught. Oh. That was a trap. Natasha didn’t play favorites. Ever. Her entire brand of leadership was built on ruthlessness, on absolute control, on never showing anything that could be perceived as bias. But then, she turned her head slightly, eyes locking with yours, just for a fraction of a second.
“She fights harder than most..” Natasha said finally, voice even, measured. But there was something in her tone, something more. “And no. She hasn’t finished proving herself yet.”
The tension in the room shifted. You weren’t sure if anyone else caught the unspoken weight behind her words. But you did. The questions continued, each one sharp, some pressing about the championship fight, others about your rivalry with Walker, about strategy, about what came next. You answered, playing the game, maintaining your composure, even when the topic of your previous crash came up again.
By the time you made it back to the team’s facility, you barely managed to get your stuff done before heading straight for Natasha’s office, needing to breathe, to think, and the moment you stepped inside, she was already there.
Natasha stood near her desk, arms crossed, watching you. The way her eyes scanned you, calm, assessing made your stomach twist. She had felt it. She had seen it.
“What’s wrong?”
You groaned, running a hand through your hair. “It’s just..They talked like they know anything!”
“They don’t.”
You huffed, pacing the room. “But they think they do! They’re making this entire thing into some huge scandal, ‘Natasha Romanoff smiles? Must be because of Y/N L/N-
Natasha smirked slightly. “It’s not entirely false.”
You froze mid-step, whipping around to face her. “Natasha.”
She shrugged, completely unbothered. “What?”
Your frustration only grew. “How are you so calm about this? You know what people are saying-”
“I don’t care what people are saying.” Her voice was steady, unwavering. You stared at her, jaw tight, hands clenched at your sides. “Well, I do.”
Silence stretched between you till Natasha moved. One second, she was standing by her desk, and the next, she was right in front of you, so close you could feel the warmth radiating from her.
“You do?” she murmured, voice dropping. You swallowed hard. She tilted her head slightly, studying you, her gaze flickering to your lips for just a second before locking back onto your eyes. “What exactly is it that’s bothering you?”
Your breath hitched. “The attention?” she continued, her voice softer now. “The rumors? Or the fact that they might be right?”
Your stomach twisted, your body betraying you with the way your pulse spiked. She saw it. Of course, she saw it. Her fingers brushed against your wrist, light, teasing, but enough to make you shiver.
“I..” You didn’t know what you were going to say. Didn’t get the chance to find out. Because Natasha took another step forward, crowding into your space, her presence consuming, her scent, leather and something unmistakably her wrapping around you like a trap you didn’t want to escape.
“Tell me.” she murmured, her breath brushing against your cheek. You swallowed hard, your heart hammering against your ribs. You could lie. You should lie. But you didn’t. Instead, you whispered, “I don’t know what this is..”
Natasha’s lips curved into a smirk, but her eyes softened just enough that your chest ached. “You will.” And then she kissed you. Slow. Purposeful. Like she had decided. Like she had always known. And for once, you stopped thinking.
Race 22
The moment you crossed the finish line, your grip on the steering wheel tightened. P2. Not the win, but damn close. And after the chaos of the rain, the battle with Walker, and the near spin that nearly sent you into the barriers, you’d take it.
“P2, Y/n! Well done!” Your race engineer’s voice crackled through the radio, but there was something else beneath it. A small pause.
Then Natasha. “Good job, Y/n.” her voice was controlled, professional, but you swore there was something more. A flicker of pride just under the surface. “You handled the conditions well.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, a slow grin tugging at your lips as you leaned back against the seat, adrenaline still coursing through your veins. P2. The points were crucial, but more than that? Your parents were here today.
You knew exactly where they were standing in the paddock, right at the edge, watching from behind the barriers. Your dad had always been more subtle with his pride, but you could imagine the small nod of approval he was giving right now. Your mother, on the other hand, had probably been clutching his arm the entire race, barely breathing each time you overtook.
You let out a breathless laugh, shaking your head as you pulled into the pit lane, the sound of the crowd still roaring around you. The podium celebration was nothing short of euphoric. The champagne bottle was cold against your palm, the pressure inside ready to burst. You popped it, aiming the spray at the crowd, the golden bubbles soaking into your race suit as you laughed, high off the victory, the energy, the moment.
Walker was there, of course. You could feel his presence, could practically sense his frustration at not clinching the championship today. It fueled you. And then, the press again. It happened fast. The podium celebrations ended, and before you could even get a second to breathe, the paparazzi descended.
“Y/N! P2 today, how do you feel after that battle with Walker?”
You expected the questions. You were prepared for them. You kept walking, still riding the high, your team’s mechanics clapping you on the back as you moved toward the garage.
“Were you worried about the rain conditions?”
“Your spin almost cost you the podium- what was going through your mind?”
You answered, giving them just enough without revealing too much, your voice still buzzing with the rush of the race.
“The next race is at Silverstone. Your Silverstone. Are you ready for that?”
You froze. The air in your lungs thinned, and suddenly, the roaring of the crowd, the flashing cameras, the overwhelming everything..felt too loud. The wreckage. The fire. It slammed into you all at once. You blinked hard, forced the memories down, and made yourself breathe. Your voice, when it came, was calm. Controlled. “It’s just another race.”
A lie. But one the world didn’t need to know. You started moving again, Natasha keeping pace beside you, her presence unwavering. She didn’t say anything, but you felt her watching. And when the press had finally been left behind, when the cameras were no longer in your face, when it was just you and her walking toward the garage, she finally spoke.
“You okay?”
You nodded, too quickly. “Yeah, let’s go.” Her silence was sharp. Calculating. You knew she didn’t believe you.
The road stretched ahead in quiet darkness, the soft hum of the engine filling the air. The city lights flickered past the windows, casting brief flashes of neon against your skin. The rain had stopped, but the roads were still damp, the reflections of streetlights shimmering on the slick asphalt. You barely noticed. Your mind was elsewhere.
Every corner. Every turn. Every shadow of the past that lurked beneath the floodlights of that track. You could see it. Feel it.
The way the car had snapped away from you in that fraction of a second, how the wall had rushed toward you. The helplessness, the terror. The excruciating pain that had followed. The fire. The pressure of the seatbelts locking you in place as you fought to stay conscious. The memories clawed at the edges of your mind, threatening to pull you under.
Would it feel the same next weekend? Would you hesitate when you reached that same turn? Would you flinch- You didn’t get to spiral too far before a hand suddenly waved something in front of your face.
A phone.
You blinked, snapping back into the present. The scent of Natasha’s car, the low music playing through the speakers, the woman herself sitting beside you with an expectant look.
“Order food.” Natasha instructed, smirking slightly. You furrowed your brows, still trying to shake off the ghosts of your past thoughts. “What?”
Natasha waved the phone again. “Food. You know, the thing we eat to survive?”
“Right..” you muttered, grabbing the device and pulling up the app. You scrolled through options, selecting your usual choices, though your mind was still distant. It wasn’t until you reached the address confirmation screen that you hesitated.
“Nat…” you said slowly, glancing toward her. “This isn’t the track. Where are we going?”
Natasha’s smirk widened as she turned onto a quieter road, one that led away from the team facilities and the usual places you stayed.
“My place.” she answered simply.
You stilled. Natasha’s home. You had spent countless nights together, hotels, at Natasha’s track, but never at Natasha’s place. It was private. Personal. Hers.
You swallowed. “Your place?”
“That’s what I said.”
You could feel your heart beating a little faster. Natasha flicked you a knowing glance, clearly sensing the shift in your demeanor. Then, with a devilish smirk, she added, “Relax, printsessa. If you’re thinking about it, I wouldn’t have bothered ordering food.”
Your face heated instantly. “I-I was not thinking about..!”
Natasha let out a low, amused chuckle, her fingers drumming lightly against the steering wheel. “Sure you weren’t.” You groaned, slumping back into your seat. God, this woman.
When you arrived, Natasha pulled into the private driveway of a sleek, modern home tucked behind high walls and tall trees. The moment you stepped inside, you were hit with a sense of quiet intimacy.
The place was hers. Clean, organized, yet undeniably lived-in. The walls were lined with dark wooden shelves, books and old records stacked neatly. But what caught your attention the most were the photos.
One by the entrance, Natasha in her racing suit, helmet under her arm, a victorious smirk on her face. Another by the bookshelf, her with her family, a rare moment of unguarded happiness shining in her eyes. A framed picture of her and another driver, a teammate from years ago, grinning with champagne in hand. You took it all in, feeling something warm settle in your chest. This was Natasha’s life. The parts she didn’t show to just anyone.
“You gonna stand there all night?”
You turned to find Natasha leaning against the counter, arms crossed, watching you with that same infuriatingly attractive smirk.
“Just looking…” you murmured.
Natasha’s expression softened. “I don’t let just anyone in here, you know.”
Yeah, you knew. Your eyes met, and the air between you shifted. The teasing edge faded, replaced by something warmer. Deeper.
Natasha pushed off the counter and stepped toward you, slow and deliberate. You tilted your head up, your breath hitching slightly as Natasha’s fingers brushed against your jaw.
The kiss started soft, gentle, unrushed. But as soon as your hands found Natasha’s waist, pulling her closer, the heat between you ignited. Natasha’s hands were firm, sliding against your waist, gripping just enough to make your stomach tighten with anticipation. The kiss deepened, needier, hungrier. Your fingers tangled into Natasha’s jacket, pulling her in-
The doorbell rang, and you both froze. Natasha exhaled through her nose, dropping her forehead against your shoulder. “Are you kidding me?”
You laughed breathlessly, still gripping her jacket. “Food’s here.”
Natasha groaned but finally pulled away, muttering something about terrible timing as she went to get the food.
You sat on the couch, food spread between you, the glow of warm light casting soft shadows on the walls. The tension between you had shifted, not gone, but different now. It simmered beneath the surface, intertwined with something softer, more vulnerable.
Natasha watched you pick at your food, your fingers tracing absent patterns against the edge of the takeout container. You weren’t fully present, still lost in thought.
“Talk to me.” Natasha said quietly, resting her arm against the back of the couch.
You hesitated, then exhaled, setting your food aside. “It’s just…”
Natasha said nothing, just watching and waiting. “It’s not just another race..” you continued. “I know I should be past it by now, but… I don’t know…”
“You don’t just ‘get past��� something like that.” Natasha interrupted gently.
You huffed a soft laugh. “You’d think nearly dying would be enough for me to quit racing.”
Natasha tilted her head. “But you didn’t.”
“Yeah…” Natasha reached out, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. Her fingers lingered a second longer than necessary, her touch soft. “Because it’s who you are. You’re not afraid of fighting for what you want.”
You met her eyes, something settling in your chest. Then Natasha smirked. “And for the record? You’ll be fine. I’ll be there the whole time.”
You let out a genuine smile. “Thank you.”
“Happy to help.”
The tension had lightened, but it still buzzed beneath the surface, the kind of pull that never really went away between you. Then, in one smooth, calculated move, you climbed onto Natasha’s lap. Enough with depression.
Natasha raised a brow, but didn’t move, didn’t protest, just watched. You settled yourself, your legs bracketing Natasha’s hips, your hands pressing lightly against the older woman’s shoulders.
“Thought you were nervous.” Natasha murmured, tilting her head up slightly, amusement flickering in her green eyes.
You smirked. “Maybe you’re just really good at distracting me.”
Natasha exhaled slowly, her fingers instinctively settling against your waist. “Mm. And what exactly do you think you’re doing?” Natasha asked, voice low, teasing, her hands barely moving, just resting there, warm and steady. You leaned in slightly, your lips just close enough to brush against Natasha’s ear. “Distracting myself.”
Your voice was soft, sultry..a promise and a challenge all at once. Natasha exhaled, her grip tightening just the slightest bit. But she didn’t move to take control. No..she was going to let you play your game.
And you took your time. You let your fingertips graze down Natasha’s arms, featherlight, teasing, slow. You leaned in again, pressing an almost nonexistent kiss just below Natasha’s jawline, barely there, just enough to make Natasha’s breath hitch, before pulling back again with an innocent expression.
Natasha smirked, tilting her head. “You’re dangerous, printsessa.”
You smiled, shifting just enough that you could feel the reaction you were pulling from Natasha. A slow, deliberate roll of your hips, just a fraction of movement, but it was enough to make Natasha’s jaw tighten. She was watching. Letting you put on a show. Not stopping you. Not rushing you.
You ran a hand up Natasha’s chest, fingers lingering at the collar of her shirt. You played with the fabric for a second before leaning down, just close enough that your lips barely brushed.
Natasha wasn’t chasing. Not yet. You smirked. “Something wrong, boss?”
Natasha exhaled slowly, her control almost infuriating. “Not at all.”
A challenge. You leaned down again, pressing a slow, unhurried kiss to the corner of Natasha’s mouth, not quite giving in.
Natasha’s grip on you tightened just slightly. You were playing with fire now. You kissed along Natasha’s jaw, soft, teasing, dragging it out. You could feel Natasha’s patience thinning, the way her breath was a little heavier, the way her fingers dug just slightly into your hips.
You smirked against her skin. You were winning. Or at least you thought you were, until Natasha’s hands suddenly shifted, flipping your positions in one swift move. Now, you were on your back against the couch, Natasha leaning over you, hands braced on either side of your head.
You swallowed. Your heart stuttered and Natasha smirked. “You think I don’t know exactly what you’re doing?”
You licked your lips, looking up at her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about..”
Natasha leaned in, not kissing you, just hovering, watching. Watching your breath hitch, watching you squirm just slightly under her gaze.
“I let you have your fun..” Natasha murmured. “Now, it’s my turn.”
You barely had time to react before Natasha’s lips finally crashed into yours. This time, there was no hesitation. Natasha kissed you like she was claiming you, like she was making up for every second you had made her wait. It was deep, hungry.
Her hands moved, no longer still, no longer restrained. One gripping your waist, the other sliding up your back, pulling you in as close as possible.
You exhaled sharply, your fingers digging into Natasha’s shoulders, trying to keep up. You had started the game. But Natasha was the one finishing it. You barely noticed the way Natasha’s lips moved lower, kissing along your jaw, trailing down just enough to make your toes curl.
Until..The phone rang.
The sound cut through the moment like a blade. You both froze, Natasha’s lips still pressed against your skin. You groaned. “Nooo!!”
Natasha let out a low chuckle against your collarbone before pressing a quick kiss there and pulling back. She reached for the phone, but you grabbed her wrist, shaking your head. “No. It can wait.”
Natasha smirked. “Impatient?”
You narrowed your eyes. “Don’t start something you’re not going to finish!”
The phone rang again. Natasha sighed, glancing at the screen. She smirked, then, a knowing, smug little smile.
“Oh, this one can’t wait.” she murmured, amusement flickering in her gaze.
You frowned, still breathless. “Why?”
Natasha picked up the call, holding you in place. “Because, it’s for you.” she murmured against your lips before answering.
Here voice was low, calm, businesslike..echoed from the hallway as she wrapped up whatever conversation had interrupted you. You barely registered the words, still feeling the ghost of Natasha’s hands on your skin, the heat that had been building, building, building before that damn phone had stolen her attention away. The soft sound of the phone being set down made you glance toward the doorway.
Natasha was back.
She stood at the edge of the dimly lit living room, watching. For a moment, neither of you spoke. Then, without a word, Natasha moved. She crossed the room with the same quiet, predatory grace that made her dangerous both on and off the track. Unrushed and in control.
You barely had time to process it before Natasha was climbing over you, bracing her weight on the couch, her hands framing your face, her knee pressing just enough between your legs. The breath hitched in your throat.
Natasha smirked. “Now.” she murmured, her voice like velvet and steel, “where were we?” And this time, nothing stopped her from finishing what she started.
The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting golden streaks across the sheets. You stirred, feeling the warmth of the bed beneath you, the soreness that came with exactly how last night had gone. A lazy, satisfied smile curled on your lips as you stretched, fingers reaching for the familiar presence beside you-
Only to find empty sheets. You cracked one eye open, frowning slightly. Natasha’s side of the bed was cool. She had been up for a while. You groaned, rolling onto your stomach, letting yourself melt into the mattress for a moment longer before you finally forced yourself upright. Your muscles ached in the best way, your body still humming from the night before.
That’s when you saw her. Natasha stood near the dresser, already fully dressed, the perfect picture of composure. She fastened the last button of her team-issued shirt, the usual red and black livery fitted perfectly to her frame, like the night before hadn’t just happened.
You huffed, your voice still rough with sleep. “You really have a habit of getting up and leaving.”
Natasha glanced over, a small smirk tugging at her lips. “I didn’t leave.” she countered smoothly.
You raised a brow. “You weren’t in bed when I woke up. Feels the same.”
Natasha chuckled, stepping closer. She leaned down, one hand braced against the mattress, the other tilting your chin up so your eyes met.
“I finished what I started, didn’t I?” she murmured, her tone edged with amusement.
Heat flashed through you at the memory. Natasha took full advantage of your silence, pressing a brief but thorough kiss to your lips before pulling back, still smirking.
“Come on..” she said, straightening. “We have to leave.”
You groaned, flopping back onto the pillow. “Too earlyyy..”
Natasha nudged the blanket off of you, ignoring the way you tried to pull it back up. “It’s not early, you just don’t want to get up.”
You peeked up at her, eyes playful, teasing. “And whose fault is that?”
Natasha only tilted her head, her smirk deepening. “Mine, obviously.”
You rolled onto your back with a sigh. “Where are we even going?”
Natasha simply grabbed her phone, checked something quickly, then looked at you. “You’ll see.”
You sat in the passenger seat, your fingers curled into your lap, your gaze fixed out the window as the world passed by in a blur of muted colors. The closer you got, the more the tension coiled in your chest, wrapping tight around your ribs.
You had already seen it. From a distance. The track. The place where it happened. Even from far away, it stood like a specter in the distance, a shadow of something you had never fully escaped. The floodlights, the sharp turns you once knew like the back of your hand, the long straights that had once filled your veins with nothing but adrenaline.
But now..now, it was different. You hadn’t set foot here since the crash. Since you had nearly lost everything. Your chest tightened. The closer you got, the harder it became to breathe, the air suddenly too thick, too heavy. Your fingers curled against your thigh, your body going rigid as the memories threatened to surface.
Natasha sensed it. Of course she did. Without a word, she slowed the car, pulling over to the side of the empty road leading toward the track’s private entrance. The engine idled in the quiet, but she didn’t move to keep driving.
Instead, she turned her head. “Hey.”
You exhaled shakily, keeping your eyes forward. Natasha didn’t push. She just watched, her voice low, steady. Grounding.
“Look at me.”
You hesitated, your pulse still hammering. But you turned. And there it was. The thing that always managed to steady you no matter how loud the world got. Her eyes. Green. Certain. Unshaken. Like there was not a single doubt in her mind.
“You’re safe.” Natasha said softly, reaching over, her fingers lightly brushing against yours. “Nothing’s going to happen.”
You swallowed. “I know that.”
“Do you?” Natasha challenged gently, her fingers tightening just slightly. “Because you’re acting like you’re back in that car two years ago.”
You pressed your lips together, inhaling sharply through your nose. The older woman’s thumb traced slow circles against your skin, her voice unwavering. “You already won this battle, Detka. You made it out.”
You closed your eyes, exhaling. “I thought I was past this. I hate it.”
“You will be.” Natasha assured. “But not by running from it.”
Silence settled between you, thick, heavy. But Natasha waited. She always did. And eventually, you nodded. Natasha studied you for another beat, then, without another word, she put the car back in gear and drove.
The entrance to the track loomed closer. Your fingers curled against your knee again, but you kept your breathing steady. Inhaling, exhaling. The gates opened as Natasha pulled through, leading into the pit lane, the vast emptiness of the track stretching out before you.
She stopped the car near the garage. For a second, neither of you moved. Then, Natasha unbuckled her seatbelt, stepping out. You watched as she rounded the car, her movements unhurried, purposeful. When Natasha reached your door, she opened it, the cool air from outside slipping in. And then, she stepped back.
She didn’t say anything. Just tilted her head slightly, gesturing to the driver’s seat. Your heart stuttered. You looked at Natasha, eyes wide, uncertain. But Natasha’s gaze didn’t waver.
You took a slow breath as you slid into the driver’s seat, fingers wrapping around the wheel. It felt familiar. The weight of it, the smooth material beneath your hands..it should have been comforting.
But it wasn’t. Not here. Not on this track.
Natasha shut the door behind you. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t have to. She simply slid into the passenger seat, settling in like this was any other drive. Like this wasn’t the place where everything fell apart.
You swallowed, shifting the car into gear. You started slow. The track was eerily quiet, so unlike the last time you had been here. No roaring engines, no deafening crowd, no radio crackling in your ear. Just the low hum of the car beneath you, the whisper of tires on asphalt.
But you already felt it. The weight. The pull of the past creeping in. Every turn was one you had memorized. Your body still knew the angles, the braking points, the racing line that had once been second nature to you. But then, The trees. They appeared in the distance. And you knew. You knew what was coming.
The curve.
Your breath caught, your grip on the wheel tightening. Far before you even reached it, you saw it. You saw everything. The way the road bent, the familiar angle of the wall. You saw the moment your car had lost control, the sickening snap of the tires, the helpless spin.
You saw fire. And suddenly, it wasn’t just memories. The beep of machines. The sterile scent of antiseptic. Pain. A deep, agonizing pain that wrapped around your body like it would never leave. But that wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was the voices. Your parents. You couldn’t open your eyes fully, but you heard them.
“Will she walk again?” Your mother’s voice, raw, desperate.
A pause. Too long. Then, the doctor’s voice, flat, measured, carefully spoken like he was trying not to shatter them completely.
“We don’t know yet.”
Not a real answer. Not the one they wanted. Silence. Your father, his voice quieter, heavier. “You mean she might n-not?”
Another pause. “We can’t say never. But the spinal damage, the nerve trauma, her body went through extreme conditions. It will be a long recovery. She may regain movement, but returning to full functionality? To racing?” He shook his head. “It’s unlikely.”
You wanted to scream. You weren’t a body. You weren’t something to assess. You were here. You could hear them. You could feel the pain, the weight of your own broken body on the hospital bed. But you couldn’t move.
Your mother’s breath hitched. “S-She just turned twenty-one..” she whispered. “She..she’s supposed to have her whole life ahead of her!! Her career. Her dreams. You’re saying that’s just- gone-“
“You’ll race again!” It wasn’t a doctor. It wasn’t your father. It was Natasha. Her voice was sharp, unwavering. Unshaken. You gasped, staggering back into reality. You blinked rapidly, hands trembling at your sides. The track was still there. The sky was still open, the wind still cool against your skin. You weren’t in that hospital bed. You weren’t trapped. You were here. Alive. Walking. Racing. And..Natasha was here, too.
You blinked rapidly, gasping as reality slammed back into you, but it wasn’t enough. The car felt too small, too tight. The air too thick. You needed to get out. Now.
Before Natasha could say anything else, you ripped off your seatbelt and shoved open the door. The rush of cool air hit you as you stumbled out, barely keeping your balance as you walked away, fast.
Your boots scraped against the asphalt as you stopped a few feet from the car, your back turned to the curve. You placed your hands on your knees, trying to breathe, trying to focus on the present, but the past kept clawing at you.
You didn’t turn around. You couldn’t, not yet. But you heard Natasha’s breath as she stepped closer, heard the patience in her voice as she spoke.
“You’re not there anymore, Y/n.”
You swallowed, your throat dry. “I..know.”
Natasha didn’t correct you, didn’t push you to turn around just yet. Instead, she took another step, coming close enough that your arms nearly brushed.
“You think this track is what almost killed you.” Natasha murmured. “But it’s not.”
You closed your eyes, your breath shaky. “You made it out.” Natasha continued. “You fought. You survived. And now…”
You felt the warmth of Natasha’s fingers grazing against yours. “You came back.”
Your chest tightened. You exhaled. Slowly, cautiously, you turned around. And this time, You didn’t look away. The fear was still there, pressing against your ribs. The memories still whispered in the back of your mind. But they weren’t pulling you under anymore. They weren’t controlling you.
“Go finish your round.”
You glanced back at the curve. Then at Natasha. She just raised a brow, her smile soft, knowing. Like she already knew your answer. You inhaled deeply. And then, you nodded.
Without a word, Natasha gestured back toward the car. And this time, you got back in. You settled into the driver’s seat, your hands firm on the wheel. Your pulse still pounded, but this time, it wasn’t from fear.
It was from something else. Determination. Natasha shut the door beside you and leaned in slightly through the open window. “You good?”
You exhaled slowly, your grip tightening. “Yeah.” Natasha studied you for a beat, green eyes sharp, assessing. Then, without another word, she stepped back. You pressed your foot to the accelerator.
The car moved. The track stretched ahead, the tires gliding smoothly over the asphalt as you built up speed. The engine hummed beneath you, steady and strong, your hands guiding the car as if it was an extension of yourself.
And then, the curve. It came into view, and for a split second, you felt the flicker of hesitation, the whisper of memories trying to crawl back in. But you didn’t let them. Not this time. Your body knew what to do. You adjusted the wheel, keeping your line smooth. You hit the apex.
And you took it cleanly. No fear. No ghosts. Just racing. As you exited the turn, your heartbeat steadied. Your breathing evened. And for the first time since the crash, it felt like yours again. The track. The moment. The control. You slowed as you reached the pit lane, pulling up where Natasha stood waiting. You let out a shaky breath, your fingers flexing against the wheel.
You blinked, catching your breath. “What?”
“Do another lap.” Natasha said, tilting her head. “This time, without stopping.”
You gripped the wheel and pressed your foot to the accelerator, feeling the car respond instantly. The low growl of the engine vibrated through your chest as you sped down the straight, the track stretching endlessly in front of you.
This time, it felt different. This time, there was no fear clawing at your throat. No weight pressing on your chest. No ghosts chasing you. Only you. And the car. Natasha’s words echoed in the back of your mind.
“Again. This time, without stopping.”
So you did. The corners came faster now, the rhythm of the track flowing beneath your fingertips. You moved through each turn with precision, your body and mind in sync, your breathing controlled. Like you had never left. And then, the curve.
It came up ahead, just like before. But this time, you didn’t brace for impact. You didn’t flinch. You didn’t freeze. You just took it. Clean. Smooth. Fast. You barely registered the moment you exited the turn. Because suddenly, it didn’t feel like a monster in the dark. It was just a turn.. Just a part of the track. And you had taken it like you were born for it.
You exhaled, gripping the wheel tighter as you pushed forward. One more sector. One more straight. The finish line appeared before you, this time, not a symbol of survival, but of victory. You crossed it at full speed. And for the first time in years, you felt free. The car rolled to a stop. The sudden silence was almost deafening, the echoes of the lap still buzzing in your ears.
Your hands were still on the wheel. Your heart was still pounding. But you weren’t shaking anymore. You exhaled, letting your head fall back against the seat for just a second before finally pulling yourself together. You pushed the door open, stepping out, the cool air hitting your flushed skin. You turned, and before you could even speak, Natasha was there.
Close and proud. There was no teasing remark. No smug comment. Just a look. A look that said everything. You swallowed, your throat thick. “I did it.”
Natasha’s smirk softened. “You did.”
You blinked up at her, your chest still rising and falling with the weight of everything that had just happened. Natasha studied you for a moment, and, without warning, she reached forward.
Her hands cupped your face, pulling you in. And she kissed you. Slow. Deep. Unrushed. Not like the night before, not with heat, not with hunger. But with something else. Something heavier.
Something that tasted like pride. Like relief. Like I knew you could do it. When you finally pulled apart, Natasha rested her forehead against yours, exhaling softly. “That’s my brave girl.” she murmured. You smiled, breathless. And for the first time in two years, you really believed it.
Race 23
The paddock was alive with the chaotic energy of race day. Engines roaring in the distance, mechanics scrambling over last-minute checks, media teams swarming in every direction. The tension in the air was thick, almost suffocating. But you? You had drowned it all out. Headphones in. Music blasting.
Your fingers tapped against your thigh in rhythm with the beat as you leaned against the side of the garage, eyes closed, trying to steady yourself.
The track where everything almost ended. You had studied the turns, visualized every sector, forced yourself to relive the crash over and over until it didn’t hold power over you anymore.
At least, that’s what you told yourself. Natasha stood just a few feet away, arms crossed, eyes trained on you, her gaze calculating, unreadable. She was watching. And she wasn’t letting anyone interfere. Every few minutes, someone tried. Engineers, strategists, team personnel, all waiting to talk to you.
To brief you. To check in. To discuss last-minute adjustments. And every single time, Natasha stopped them. One sharp glance. One curt shake of her head. Not now. She wasn’t letting anyone break your focus. She’d made sure everything was in place. That all your data was locked in. That your team was prepped.
That you were untouchable. Until he appeared. “Still seeing the wall in your sleep?”
Your entire body went still. The music still played, but you weren’t listening anymore. Your breath hitched, hands clenching into fists. And that was when Natasha turned.
She saw the way your body stiffened. She saw your reaction. And in less than a second, she was on him. She grabbed him by the front of his race suit, shoved him backwards against the garage wall, the force of it making his head jolt.
Hard. His smirk vanished. Natasha leaned in, her voice a razor-sharp whisper. “I should have done this the moment you put her in the wall last time.”
Walker tried to mask the fear flickering in his eyes, but Natasha saw it. And she fed off it. She tightened her grip, voice deadly calm.
“You think you’re clever?” she murmured. “You think you can get in her head?”
Walker swallowed. “Romanoff-”
“I am not one of these fucking PR reps who’s going to slap you on the wrist and tell you to play nice.” Her nails dug into his race suit, jaw clenching.
Walker scoffed. “You’re losing it..”
Natasha’s lips curled into something dark. “I haven’t even started.”
Cameras were on them. Photographers had gathered outside the garage. Whispers spread like wildfire. But Natasha didn’t care. She was seething. Yelena was the first to try to pull her back. “Nat.” Her voice was sharp. “Let it go.”
But Natasha wasn’t letting go. Not yet. Not until he understood. Not until he felt what she had felt. Not until he knew, without a doubt- That if he touched you again, if he even so much as breathed the wrong way in your direction— She would end him.
“Stay the fuck away from her.”
The second you and Natasha stepped into the privacy of the team garage, the noise of the paddock muffled behind the heavy doors, the weight of what had just happened came crashing down on both of you.
Her jaw was tight, eyes burning with residual fury, her breath coming in short, sharp exhales. She was holding back. Holding everything in. Because she had lost control. And Natasha Romanoff never lost control. The second the doors shut behind you, she yanked her arm free, running a hand through her hair.
You had never seen her like this. Not like this. She had always been calm, sharp, precise. Every move calculated, every emotion locked down.
“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Yelena threw her hands up, her Russian accent thick with frustration. “Are you trying to get suspended before the championship? Or, I don’t know, arrested?”
Natasha didn’t react. She just stood there, silent. Yelena scoffed, shaking her head. “Jesus, Natasha.”
Then she turned to you, eyes scanning you up and down. “And you.” she muttered, gesturing vaguely. “Why the hell are you letting her act like your attack dog?”
You blinked. “I- what?”
“You know she would burn the entire paddock down for you, right?” Yelena said bluntly. “Like, full villain origin story.”
Natasha sighed. “Yelena.”
Yelena ignored her. “You have her wrapped around your little driver finger.”
Your face heated. Natasha shot her sister a warning glare. “I will kill you.”
Yelena smirked. “See? She’s in denial.”
You bit back a laugh, rubbing your face. “Can we focus on the fact that the media just saw that?”
Yelena shrugged. “Oh, yeah, you’re screwed.”
You groaned. Natasha ran a hand over her face. “How bad is it?”
Yelena pulled out her phone and tilted the screen toward you.
“Natasha Romanoff LOSES CONTROL—DRAMA before the final races!”
Before you could say something, Your parents stepped in and Natasha’s blood ran cold. She recognized them instantly. She had met your parents once before, but this? This was different. Your father’s eyes flickered to the scene again behind him, the cameras, the tension, the way Walker was still adjusting his suit, trying to shake off the encounter.
And then? He turned back to you. He searched your face for a moment. And then, he sighed, shaking his head with a small, tired smile. “You never did back down from a fight, did you?”
Your breath hitched. You didn’t realize you had been holding it until then. And for the first time that day, You let out a laugh. Your father stepped forward and pulled you into a hug. And suddenly? You weren’t a racing driver. You weren’t the girl who had just been shoved into the spotlight again.
You weren’t the girl who had almost died here last time. You were just his daughter. And God, you had missed this. When he pulled back, he placed both hands on your shoulders.
“Are you okay?”
You hesitated. Then nodded. And he believed you. Your mother was next. She didn’t hug you. She didn’t smile. But she stepped forward. And that, alone, was enough.
“I still hate this.” The words weren’t cruel. They weren’t judgmental. They were just honest. You exhaled, nodding. “I know.”
She sighed, crossing her arms. “But.”
Your heart stuttered. “But I also know how much you love it.”
She looked at you then, really looked at you. And for the first time since your accident, she saw the joy in your eyes instead of the scars. And when she spoke again, it was softer. “Just promise me you’ll be careful this time.”
Your throat tightened. But you nodded. “I promise.”
Natasha had been standing just a few feet away. She had given you space. But now? She stepped closer, until she was by your side. Your father looked at her. Then at you. And then? A slow smirk. “Romanoff causing trouble for you?”
You let out a soft laugh. And Natasha? For the first time since she nearly killed Walker, her lips twitched into something close to a smile.
“She does that.” And for the first time, your mother didn’t argue. She just sighed. “Then I guess you two are a good match.”
The roar of the crowd was deafening as you sat in your cockpit, hands gripping the wheel with white-knuckled intensity. Even through your helmet, you could hear the thunderous energy of the fans, the commentators hyping up the moment.
“After years of fighting her way back, Y/N L/N is back at Silverstone, the very track that nearly ended her career. And now, she has a chance to take another victory here.”
“The nerves must be unreal. This is the track of her nightmare.”
You exhaled sharply, steadying yourself. This wasn’t just any race. This was Silverstone. The last stepping stone before the championship. And even more than that, it was the race. The one that left scars on your body, that nearly stole everything from you.
Your fingers twitched against the steering wheel, tension coiling in your chest. A voice crackled through the radio.
“Radio check.”
It was Natasha. Firm, steady. The only anchor keeping you from drowning in your own thoughts. You pressed the button on the wheel, your voice tight. “Copy.”
A pause. “You good?”
Your throat was dry. “I don’t know.”
Another pause. Then, softer. “Breathe, Detka. I’m right here with you.”
The Russian curled around you, grounding you. It wasn’t something she used often, only in moments like these, when she knew you needed something solid to hold onto. You inhaled deeply. Held it. Exhaled slowly.
“Just another race.” Natasha murmured, voice smooth. “Just another grid. Just another set of lights. You know what to do.”
You clenched your jaw, nodding slightly. “I know.” But before you could settle into that thought-Walker. He was right in-front of you, P1 on the grid, his presence a venomous reminder that he was still in the fight. You caught a glimpse of him over the halo of your car, his smug expression barely visible under his helmet. Even from here, you knew he was going to make this difficult.
A tap on your helmet made you turn your head, Yelena. She crouched beside your car, her green eyes searching yours. “You ready?”
You scoffed. “Yes.”
She grinned. “Good. Now go kick his ass.”
You smirked, shaking your head. “That’s the plan.”
Natasha’s voice cut through the comms again. “Grid up.”
You pulled your visor down, locked in, fingers twitching on the wheel. This was it. “Let’s hunt.”
Five red lights flickered overhead.
Five… Four… Three…
Your breath caught in your throat.
Two… One…
The world held still.
Lights out.
The explosion of sound and movement was immediate. Engines howled, tires screeched, the smell of burnt rubber filling the air as the pack lunged forward. Your reflexes kicked in, instincts sharper than thought.
“Nice start.” Natasha’s voice was smooth over the radio. “Hold it, don’t rush.”
Turn 1 was pure carnage. Cars dove aggressively, desperate to gain positions before the field settled. You barely had time to process before reacting, threading through the chaos.
Lap 3 emerging worked perfectly.
Lap 7 Box stop. Your team executed flawlessly, barely 2.4 seconds before they released you back into the fray.
“Perfect stop.” Natasha praised, her voice low in your ear.
Lap 10 Walker was directly in front of you, his car a flashing red target in your sights.
“Don’t rush it.” Natasha warned, already anticipating your aggression. “You’ll get him.”
Lap 18. Your breath stilled. The curve. The very turn that had nearly taken your life was right in front of you.
Your fingers clenched around the wheel. Flashes of the past crept in, the moment you lost control. The helpless spin. The wall rushing toward you. The sound of metal crushing.
Your vision blurred for half a second. Terror curled its fingers around your throat. “Breathe.” Natasha’s voice was softer now, private. Just for you. “You’re in control.”
Your chest rose and fell too fast. “Let it go, Y/n.” Natasha coaxed. “This track doesn’t own you anymore. You own it.”
Your breath hitched. The car rocketed toward the turn. This was it. You committed. Full throttle. The car hugged the track, smooth, controlled, perfect. No oversteer. No panic. No fear. A single tear slipped down your cheek. You did it. The pit wall erupted. Mechanics cheered, Yelena whooped in celebration.
Lap 20 You held firm, but he was defending every inch.
Lap 25 Final lap.
He lunged, reckless, aggressive. But you knew him. You baited him into Turn 6, letting him think he had the overtake. At the last second, you switched lines, cutting back perfectly. The move was flawless. You heard the frustration in Walker’s engine as he locked up behind you.
And then, the checkered flag.
Your vision blurred, heart slamming against your ribs. The radio exploded. Shouts. Cheers. Yelena screaming. “You did it.”
You exhaled sharply, swallowing the lump in your throat. You did it.. The car rolled into the pit lane. The moment you stopped, you ripped off the wheel, launching yourself out of the cockpit. A sea of bodies swallowed you, mechanics, engineers, your team, screaming, shaking you, holding you.
Natasha stood at the pit wall, arms crossed, her lips twitching at the corners. And for the first time, in front of the entire world, She smiled. And in that moment, you knew. You weren’t just fighting for yourself anymore. You were fighting for her.
And fuck..You were going to win this championship.
You weren’t sure what you were expecting, but when you walked into the team’s headquarters the morning after Silverstone, still buzzing from the victory, you were met with something entirely unfamiliar. Silence. No scheduled briefings. No physical drills. No mechanical debriefs. Just a single message on your phone.
“Meet me at the hangar. Be ready.”
You arrived at the hangar, dressed in your usual training gear, expecting something, anything, resembling a preparation session. But instead, Natasha was standing next to a private jet, leaning against the frame with her arms crossed, watching you approach.
Your brows furrowed. “What’s this?”
She smirked. “Your final week of training.”
You stared at her. “What does that mean?”
She pushed off the frame, stepping closer, voice softer now. “You’ve pushed yourself hard enough, detka. Now, you rest. You reset.”
You blinked. “And you’re deciding that for me?”
She arched a brow, tilting her head. “Do you trust me?”
Your heart clenched at the sincerity in her voice. You swallowed, nodding slowly. “Yes. I do.”
Her smirk returned, this time softer. “Then get in the plane.”
You followed, still confused but knowing better than to question her now. The flight was peaceful. No talk of racing, no debriefs, just the soft hum of the jet’s engines. You sat beside her, fingers drumming idly against your thigh. “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?”
Natasha didn’t look up from her tablet, scrolling through something unreadable. “Nope.”
You huffed, shifting in your seat. “You know, normal people discuss things like this.”
She smirked but still didn’t look up. “And since when have we been normal?”
You rolled your eyes, leaning back into the plush seat. “Fair point.”
The destination remained a mystery until you landed. When you stepped out of the jet and into the warm, sea-salted air, your breath hitched. A private villa. Hidden away, far from the chaos of the racing world.
“You brought me to an island?” you asked incredulously.
Natasha just grabbed her bag, slinging it over her shoulder. “You needed a reset.”
You blinked. “And your idea of resetting is a literal paradise?”
She glanced at you over her shoulder, smirking. “Would you rather be back at the track?”
You scoffed. “No. Absolutely not.”
Natasha chuckled, shaking her head. “Then shut up and enjoy it.”
For the first time in months, you woke up without an alarm. Without the weight of race strategy meetings, without the looming stress of upcoming battles. Instead, you woke up to the soft rustling of waves, the distant call of seagulls, and the scent of coffee drifting through the open villa.
And her. Natasha was sitting on the patio, her laptop open on the table, a cup of coffee in hand, her eyes flicking between the screen and the ocean. You leaned against the doorframe, watching her, arms crossing over your chest. “Do you ever stop working?”
She hummed, tilting her head in your direction but not looking away from the screen. “Do you ever stop overthinking?”
You scoffed, stepping closer. “Touché.”
She finally looked up, a small smirk tugging at her lips. “Coffee?”
You nodded, sitting down across from her. The moment you took the first sip, you exhaled, the warmth spreading through you. “Okay. Maybe this was a good idea.”
Natasha chuckled. “Told you.”
A comfortable silence settled between you, the waves providing a soothing backdrop. After a moment, Natasha leaned back, closing her laptop. “How are you feeling about Abu Dhabi?”
You hesitated, running a hand through your hair. “I don’t know.”
She didn’t push. Just watched. Waited. You sighed, setting the coffee down. “I feel ready, but also… it feels different now. Everything does.”
Natasha tilted her head. “Because of the championship?”
You swallowed. “Because of you.”
The words slipped out before you could stop them. A beat of silence. Natasha’s expression didn’t change immediately, but there was something in her eyes, something soft, something unreadable. You looked away, suddenly nervous. “I mean—”
“I know.”
You met her gaze again. She exhaled slowly, like she was choosing her words carefully. “I feel it too.”
The confession was quiet. Almost vulnerable. Your breath caught. “Natasha-”
She shook her head, a small smile ghosting her lips. “Not yet. Not before the final race.”
Your chest tightened, but you understood. This..whatever this was, was too big to unpack before the championship was decided. But that didn’t stop you from reaching across the table, from sliding your fingers over hers. And Natasha didn’t stop you either.
The week passed in a haze of quiet moments. Soft touches. Unspoken words. Natasha never pushed you to talk about the race, never brought up Walker, never made you think about anything except being here.
But the night before you left for Abu Dhabi, everything shifted. You stood on the balcony, staring at the ocean, lost in thought. You felt her presence before she spoke. “You’re thinking again.”
You huffed a laugh, shaking your head. “I can’t help it.”
She moved beside you, resting her arms against the railing. “Tell me.”
You swallowed. “What if I lose?”
She didn’t even hesitate. “You won’t.”
You turned your head toward her, searching her face. “How can you be so sure?”
Natasha met your gaze, eyes burning with something fierce. “Because I know you.”
A pause. “And you’re mine.”
Your breath hitched. She turned toward you fully now, stepping closer. The tension between you snapped taut, electricity crackling in the space between. She lifted a hand, fingers brushing against your jaw. “And I don’t lose, dorogaya.”
Your pulse slammed against your ribs. And this time, this time, there were no interruptions. Her lips were on yours before you could even process it, warm, insistent, desperate. You melted into her, hands tangling in her hair, pulling her closer, needing more, needing everything.
The final race was tomorrow. The world was watching. The championship was on the line. But right now? Right now, the only thing that mattered was her. The atmosphere was electric.
Final Race
The Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi was alive with tension, the air buzzing with anticipation. Fans crowded the grandstands, waving banners, their cheers blending into the deafening roar of engines warming up in the pit lane. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting golden hues over the track, the last race of the season set to unfold under the lights.
This was it. The championship decider.
You stood in the garage, your fireproof suit already zipped up, helmet in hand, heart pounding in your chest. You had never felt this level of pressure before—every decision, every overtake, every second would determine whether you would leave this track as a world champion.
“Welcome to the final race of the season, the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix! And what a season it has been! It all comes down to this, two contenders, one final battle, and the championship on the line!”
“That’s right! Y/N L/N and Walker have been at war all season, and now, after 23 grueling races, it all leads to this moment. Whoever finishes ahead tonight will be crowned the world champion!”
The camera feed cut to Walker, standing a few garages down, already locked in conversation with his engineers. You caught his gaze for a split second, and he smirked, giving you a mocking two-finger salute.
Your jaw clenched. Natasha, who had been standing beside you, caught the interaction immediately. “Ignore him.” Her voice was firm but steady, grounding you. “He wants to get in your head. Don’t let him.” You exhaled sharply, nodding.
The pre-race ceremony was grand. Fireworks lit up the sky, and the national anthem echoed across the circuit as drivers lined up for introductions. Cameras panned across each contender, zooming in on your face as the commentators continued hyping the moment.
“This is the most anticipated title fight in years. The young challenger versus the reigning champion. Y/N L/N has defied all odds this season, recovering from injury, fighting back from setbacks, and proving she belongs at the top.”
“And let’s not forget the woman behind her success, Natasha Romanoff, the enigmatic and ruthless team principal who rebuilt this team from the ground up. This isn’t just a battle between drivers, it’s a war between philosophies, between two teams that have fought tooth and nail to get here.”
As your name was called, the crowd erupted in cheers. Your stomach twisted with nerves, but you forced a steady breath. Then, Natasha’s hand found your lower back, just for a second, a silent reminder.
“You’re ready for this.” she murmured, barely audible over the noise. You swallowed hard, nodding.
The camera moved to Walker, his confident grin plastered across the screens. He thrived under the spotlight, waving dramatically at the crowd. The moment passed quickly, and soon, you were making your way to the car, slipping into the cockpit for the final time this season.
The formation lap was tense. The weight of the championship sat heavy on your shoulders as you weaved through the turns, warming up the tires, getting a feel for the grip under the lights. Natasha’s voice came through the radio. “Alright, Y/n. This is it. We’ve prepared for this moment all season. You know what to do.”
You exhaled. “I do.”
A pause. Then, softer “I’m proud of you.” Your chest tightened, your grip firming around the wheel. “Let’s win this.”
This was it. The moment everything had been building toward. The last race of the season. The championship on the line. The crowd was deafening, their cheers vibrating through the grandstands, but inside the cockpit, it was just you, the machine, and the voice in your ear.
“Radio check.”
You exhaled, adjusting your grip on the wheel. “Loud and clear.”
A pause. Then, her voice softened, just slightly. “You’ve fought too hard to let this slip away. Start strong. Control the pace. And bring it home.”
Your heart pounded. Natasha had never been this soft over the radio before a race. It settled something in your chest.
Lights out.
The engine screamed as you launched off the line, your tires gripping perfectly, carrying you smoothly into the first corner. You held your position, P1. Exactly where you needed to be.
Walker was right behind you.
Lap 5
Natasha’s voice crackled through the comms. “He’s pushing early. Don’t let him dictate your race. You control this.”
You kept your breathing steady. “Copy.” Walker was testing you, feinting a move on the inside, but you covered the line perfectly.
Lap 10
“Box, box.”
You dove into the pits, your crew flawless. 2.3 seconds. You rejoined the track in P3, behind two drivers who hadn’t pitted yet. Walker followed, just seconds behind.
“Cold tires. Build them up. He’s going to attack.”
Lap 15
Chaos. Two cars behind you collided violently. A massive impact. Debris scattered across the track. One car spun into the barriers at high speed.
“Safety car.”
Your grip on the wheel tightened. Your eyes flicked to the mirrors. “Are they okay?” Your voice was sharp, urgent.
A long pause. Then, “Both drivers are out of the car. Medics are on them.”
You let out a shaky breath. The race was neutralized. But the tension didn’t fade. Natasha cut in, voice steady. Grounding.
“Don’t think about it. This isn’t your past. This is your present. This is your win.”
You nodded to yourself. You were not the same driver who crashed before.You were stronger. Smarter. Better.
Lap 20
The safety car pulled in. The race was back on. You timed the restart perfectly. Walker was right there, trying to lunge up the inside, but you blocked him cleanly. He was getting desperate.
And then, Lap 27.
He made his move. Too aggressive. Too reckless. Your rear tire was clipped. The car twitched violently. Your breath stopped. For a second, you felt it happening again. The Silverstone crash. The helpless spin. Your lungs locked. Natasha’s voice was calm, urgent.
“You’ve got it. You’re in control.”
You held it. You corrected, stabilized the car. Walker was still pushing. Still desperate. “Don’t let him rattle you. You have him.” Natasha’s voice was sharp.
Lap 35
Final one. Walker lunged forward. He was too aggressive. He clipped the curb badly. His car twitched. Your eyes widened. He lost it. His car slid sideways, full speed into the barriers. A brutal impact. Carbon fiber shattered. Metal twisted.
The crowd gasped. Your lungs locked. Your voice broke through the radio. “Is he okay?!”
Silence. Then, Yelena’s voice. “He’s moving. Medical is there.”
Natasha followed, controlled but tight. “Stay focused.”
Your eyes flicked up. The finish line was ahead. One more corner. You had done it.. The realization hit you all at once. You erupted in a scream. “YEEEESSSS!” Your hands trembled on the wheel as you crossed the line, the weight of everything crashing over you.
You had won.
Not just the race. Not just the championship. You had won yourself back. The sound of your own screams of victory echoed in your ears, blending with the deafening cheers from the crowd, the roaring engines, the overwhelming rush of adrenaline that flooded every inch of your body.
Through the radio, your team was exploding with excitement, voices overlapping, Yelena’s unhinged screaming, engineers shouting your name—everyone losing their minds.
And then, Natasha. But this time, her voice wasn’t just professional. It wasn’t just the sharp, controlled guidance of your team principal. This time, she laughed. A real, genuine laugh, the sound crackling through your earpiece, warm and unfiltered.
“Jesus, Y/n, you’re insane.”
You let out a breathless laugh in return, blinking back the sting of emotion. “I fucking did it...”
Her voice softened, low, proud. “Yes, you did.” The realization hit you like a freight train. You were the world champion.
The second you parked the car, you ripped off the wheel, unstrapping yourself as fast as possible. Before your brain could even catch up, you were climbing out of the cockpit, the weight of everything crashing into you.
They were everywhere. Your mechanics swarmed you, hands grabbing your suit, shaking you, hugging you, their cheers ringing out in celebration. Tears burned at the edges of your vision. This was real. You were on top of the world.
You hugged every mechanic who got to you, arms wrapping around engineers, feeling every ounce of their pride, their joy, their belief in you. But then, your eyes flickered up. And there she was.
Standing just beyond the chaos, arms relaxed, her lips curled into a rare, small smile, her green eyes locked onto you. And that’s when you felt it. The sting of emotions rising too fast, too sharp, the sheer weight of this moment overwhelming.
Before you even realized what you were doing, your legs were moving. You ran. Straight to her. Natasha barely had time to react before you crashed into her arms. She caught you effortlessly, her hands gripping tight, holding you like she had no intention of letting go.
Your breath was ragged, your heart hammering against your ribs. You buried your face in her shoulder, inhaling the scent of her, leather, champagne, and something unmistakably her. You felt her laugh, the softest thing, as her hand slid to the back of your head, holding you close. And then, before your brain could even fully process what was happening, Natasha leaned back slightly, just enough to tilt your chin up, her eyes flickering between yours, searching.
And then, she kissed you. Right there. In front of everyone. The crowd erupted. The cameras flashed. The team roared. And none of it mattered. Because Natasha Romanoff was kissing you. Not rushed. Not hidden. Real. Raw. Completely, unapologetically hers. You melted into it, your hands gripping her suit, pulling her closer, desperate to feel every inch of this moment.
When she pulled back, her forehead pressed against yours, her breath warm against your lips. And then, she finally whispered it.
“I love you.”
You blinked, your chest tightening painfully. She had never said it before. Not once. Not when she held you after long, exhausting nights. Not when she whispered Russian against your skin. Not when her hands traced over your scars like they were sacred.
But here..in front of the world..she did. And fuck, you had never loved her more. Your fingers curled into the fabric of her race suit, your voice shaking as you whispered back.
“I love you, too.”
She smiled, a real, genuine, unguarded smile. And just as the cameras continued flashing, just as the team lost their minds, she pulled you in for another kiss. Because now, you were champions. Together.
The roar of the crowd was deafening as you made your way through the pit lane, your body still buzzing with pure, unfiltered adrenaline. Every muscle ached, every heartbeat pounded against your ribs, but none of it mattered.
You had won the fucking championship.
As you walked toward the podium, your crew and engineers lined up, cheering, clapping, some even grabbing your shoulders, shaking you with pure joy. The mechanics who had spent countless hours perfecting your car, the engineers who had studied your every move, your team, your family.
You grinned at them all, shaking hands, hugging anyone who reached for you. But then, your eyes flickered forward. Natasha Standing just beyond the team with your parents, arms crossed, her stance effortlessly composed as always. But this time, her green eyes weren’t filled with sharp calculation. They weren’t focused on data, strategy, or performance.
They were on you. And for the first time, in front of thousands of cameras, in front of the world, Natasha let herself smile. It wasn’t big. It wasn’t obvious. But to you, it was everything.
She lifted a glass of champagne, a silent toast from where she stood, her expression laced with something you’d never seen from her before, not in front of the cameras. Pride. Pure, unguarded, unmistakable pride.
Your chest tightened painfully. She was proud of you. And that? That made your throat burn more than anything. Before you could even begin to process it, an official gently tapped your arm, ushering you toward the podium. The crowd erupted as you took the steps, standing in the middle, on the highest platform. The place only one person got to stand. The champion’s place. Your team principal’s place. Natasha’s place.
Your breathing hitched as you stood there, the weight of it finally crashing over you. You had done it. Walker was a few steps below you, his expression tight, controlled. He wasn’t looking at you. Good. He didn’t matter anymore. Because this moment? This was yours.
The anthem played, the flags waved, and you felt the world shift beneath you. The bottles were handed over, the anticipation buzzing through the air. You grabbed yours, shaking it violently before popping the cork, the liquid bursting forward like a dam breaking.
And then, chaos. You turned the bottle, drenching the second-place finisher, who cursed but laughed, retaliating immediately. The third-place driver joined in, and suddenly, it was an all-out war of champagne and celebration. The golden liquid soaked your race suit, your hair, your skin. But you didn’t care. You laughed, heart soaring, the feeling unlike anything else in the world.
For a moment, you let yourself breathe. Let yourself feel it. You had climbed back from hell, from the crash that nearly ended your career, from the doubts, the nightmares, the whispers behind your back. And now? Now you were at the top.
Your eyes instinctively flickered past the cameras, past the roaring crowd. Straight to her. Natasha was still standing there, watching, her glass still in hand, her lips curled just slightly.
And this time, she lifted it higher. The acknowledgment. The silent toast. The unspoken message. Your vision blurred for half a second, but you blinked it away. And then? You did something you hadn’t planned. Something natural. You lifted your own bottle in return, mirroring her.
A toast. To the one person who had been there through it all. To Natasha fucking Romanoff.
The second you stepped down from the podium, the cameras swarmed. Questions flew at you from every direction, reporters desperate for the first statement from the new world champion.
You barely had time to process them.
“Y/n, how does it feel-”
“What a comeback! What do you have to say to your doubters-”
“What does this mean for your future-”
The questions were a blur. Your mind was still racing, your body still buzzing from the victory. “Alright, that’s enough.”
The reporters stilled. You turned, heart skipping a beat. Natasha was right there, her body angled just slightly in front of yours, the presence of a shield, a protector. And just like that, the questions stopped. Because when Natasha Romanoff spoke, people listened. She glanced over at you, her green eyes softer now, just for you.
“Let’s get you out of here.”
You nodded, exhaling softly, letting her take your hand, your fucking hand, right there, in front of everyone. The world had no idea what had just changed. But you did. And that? That was all that mattered.
The End.
🏷️ TAGLIST: @l0nelyish @ayrtonwilbury @ima-gi--na-tion @whatthesnoodle @blackswanxzn @ivyasproperty @seventeen-x @wandanatlov3r @nebthetautora @casquinhaa @veroeuqin @1234mockingjay @artemisarroxvolkov @natashasmuse @cactuslover2600
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sacr1ficialang3l · 3 days ago
I can handle me a dangerous man˚୨୧⋆。 (no really I can)
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SUMMARY: Mid 40s Dean is trying really hard to resist the temptation that you are, but you're making it really hard. 3.7k
WARNINGS smut (MDNI). oral f receiving. age gap. implied penetration.
NOTES: He is here! I am not very used to writing smut, so I tried my best. Can you tell that dilfs telling stories about their life is so hot to me? anyway, this was incredibly self-indulgent. As always, English is not my first language. Enjoy<3
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It’s another night of you walking around the bunker in a tiny, white lace dress. Long legs visible, looking even longer because of the slight heel of your boots. There is a necklace resting softly against the hollow of your throat, and your cheeks are rosy, lips glossy and full. Dean doesn’t know if it is makeup or if you simply look like that, but it is killing him. 
You started hunting with Dean and Sam a few months ago after they found you trying to kill a whole werewolf den by yourself. You were young –too young– and didn’t have anyone else. You were alone in this world. It was almost instinct that the brothers took you under their wing. It was supposed to be a temporary thing, just until you gained a little more experience and could go on your own, or until they find you a hunting partner. 
But you never really left. Weeks started going by, and you stayed by their side. 
At first, Dean was annoyed. He was in his 40s, he was too old to be babysitting. He had to admit you were a damn good hunter, but you were too impulsive. Too ready to jump to action, too ready to put yourself in the line of fire. That was his job. But Sam wanted to make sure you would be safe after you got hurt in the werewolf incident, so he let you into the backseat of his car and drove you to the bunker. 
As annoyed as he was, he had to admit, you were gorgeous. Soft hair, pouty lips, shiny eyes. You had a halo of light around you, an innocence to you that was captivating. Not to Dean, of course. He couldn’t. Because the longer the time he spent with you, the more you dug your way into his heart. Your soft giggles echoing through the otherwise gloomy bunker, the sweet smell of cookies when you decided to bake, the gentle touches of your hands as you patched him up after an especially awful hunt (he hadn’t been touched so gently in… ever, actually), the adorable smile you gave him after he begrudgingly compliments your improving hunting abilities. 
You were too naive, too pure, too… good. 
So Dean kept his distance. Or he tried.
Because what Dean didn’t know is that you were anything but naive. You knew from the moment your eyes met his, that you wanted him. He was tall, and broad, and his hair was long, falling a little over those piercing green eyes. He was rugged in the ways you liked, and soft in the ways that mattered. But it was the wrinkles around his eyes, the ones that reveal a history of laughter and playfulness even as he glared at you, that charmed you. 
So you flirted with him, insatiably. Directly and indirectly. You ran your hand up and down his arm as you cleaned his wounds, squeezing his bicep tentatively. You complimented him in the worst possible moments, when he was concentrated in research or had just finished off a monster. You ran your fingers across his shoulders when you walked past him and you took any opportunity to press yourself to his huge frame. But you also flirted in other ways, wearing your shortest mini-skirts around the bunker, accidentally bending over to pick up a book in the library when you knew he was watching. You sucked on a lollipop as he tried to explain a case to you, and you blinked your big eyes at him, eyelashes fluttering and lips parting. 
But every time, you got the same response. For a single moment, Dean would lean in. He would stare down at your lips, or he would take a step closer, hand hovering over your waist, and then he would look away. He would tell you he is too old for you, that he can’t take advantage of you. That he is too broken, too damaged, that you deserved better, someone your age that could give you a normal life. He would tell you that you have no idea what you’re asking for, but you know what you need.  
So you walk into the kitchen late at night, past midnight, to get a snack after parading yourself around the bunker all day in your flimsy clothes while Dean did some work in the garage and tried not to lose his mind. You loved the way his eyes darkened when he saw you, the way his hands almost shook with the need to take you. His self-control was slowly crumbling, and you couldn’t be happier about it.
But this meeting is accidental. You are actually just looking for something to eat, not expecting Dean to be sitting at the dining table with a half-empty whiskey bottle and clouded eyes. You stop for a moment while he is lost in thought, not noticing you. He looks a little sad, and it is one of those few moments when the tough guy facade fell and you could witness the weight of the years on his shoulders. The years of hunting, of losing people, of nothing but fighting. As much as you desire Dean, you are also very much in love with him, and you didn’t like when he hurt like this, alone and drowning his thoughts with booze. So you clear your throat, making him turn to you.
“It’s drinking night and you didn’t tell me?” You joke, walking behind the kitchen island to grab a bag of chips from one of the cabinets. 
“I thought you were asleep.” He murmurs, voice even deeper than it already usually is. You turn to look at him, meeting his eyes. Dean is good at keeping his emotions in check, at controlling his expressions, but you are good at reading people. Especially him. And there is this glint in his eyes, the one that tells you he doesn’t want to be alone.
So you grab a beer from the fridge and walk towards the dinner table, sitting down across from him. You had always preferred sweet, fruity drinks, but thanks to the Winchesters you had learned to appreciate beer. Whiskey was a hard no, though. Dean stares at you for a long moment, eyes unreadable, before lowering his eyes to his glass and letting out a low chuckle. 
“What were you brooding about?” You take a sip of your beer, opening your bag of chips and offering Dean some. He shakes his head, taking a swig of his whiskey instead. 
“Nothing, really. I don’t want to bore you with my old man stories.” He laughs, and some tension leaves his shoulders. 
You bite your lip. Oh, if he only knew how much you loved it when he went all old man on you. When he reminisced about the past, when he tried to give you advice, showing you how experienced he was in so many different things, and how much it made you want to find out exactly how experienced he really was.
“I like your stories.” You offer softly, a small smile on your lips. “Come on, tell me a good one.”
He looks up at you over the rim of his glass, and you give him your best puppy eyes.
He crumbles immediately. 
“Once, when I was twenty-three and Sammy was in college.” He starts, and he doesn’t stop.
You spend what feels like hours but also seconds sitting there, drinking beer after beer, listening to him. He tells you about this weird religious cult slash mental control witch he found once when hunting on his own. He tells you about the time he hooked up with some girl at a bar, and she ended up being an Amazon. He laughs at some of the memories and you laugh along. His expression gets somber when talking about certain people, the people he lost, and you give him a few seconds to wallow in it before you make a lighthearted comment that makes him smile again and move to another story. He talks about the times he died, the times he almost did. Sometimes, unconsciously, he rubs his hand over a part of his body as he tells a story, presumably where a scar marred his skin. All while you stare at him with shiny, attentive eyes, like he is the only person in the world that matters.
By the time you finish your third beer, Dean is already a tiny bit… not drunk, but definitely less guarded.
Still, he had such a high alcohol resistance. It was so hot.
“That case was crazy. I still wonder how the siblings are doing. I hope they’re okay.” There it is, the look on his eyes. The way they unfocus slightly as he absentmindedly traces the edge of his glass with his finger. It was in those moments that you can truly look at him, take in every small detail of his face. Every wrinkle, every scar, every evidence of every battle. The living proof of his resilience, of his experience, of his survival. You press your thighs together, trying to ground yourself.
You fantasize for a moment about sliding under the table, taking Dean into your mouth. Make his nostalgia turn into pleasure, make him feel good, remind him of the good old days.
“When was that?” You ask, gently coaxing him out of whatever place he got lost in his mind. He blinks at you, taking in your soft smile and sweet voice before replying.
“Right after Sammy started hunting again, so I was like… twenty-seven?” 
You quickly do the math in your head, calculating how old you were back then. Fuck. You were still a kid when Dean was already killing wendigos and vampires and shifters. Oh, there must be something really wrong with you, because that makes something on your lower stomach burn.
“So, you were quite the ladies man, huh?” You tease him, trying to shake away the desire building inside of you. You watch him chuckle and drop his head forward.
You already knew that, because he still is. You have to watch women throw themselves at him in every hunt and every bar. It was infuriating.
“You could say that.” He replies nonchalantly, but there’s a smirk on his lips as he down the rest of his whiskey. 
“Can you imagine me meeting you in your mid-twenties?” I giggle, and it causes Dean to snort and shake his head amusedly, refilling his glass. You lean forward on the table, your hand laying next to his. So close. “I can. I can imagine us meeting at a bar, or a diner.” You smirk. “Maybe even a concert! Can you imagine us meeting in a rock festival’s pit?”
Dean snorts again, eyes still down on his glass. He presses his tongue to his cheek, like he is trying to stop the words from coming out of his mouth, but they end up escaping him anyway.
“I was very different back then, sweetheart. I wouldn’t trust my younger self around a girl like you.”
And there it was. 
The comment makes your breath get stuck in the back of your throat, and you look up at Dean with wide eyes. 
I wouldn’t trust my younger self around a girl like you.
A girl like you.
Dean returns your heated gaze for a moment, his eyes sharp and deep in the way they only got after you teased him too much. 
“But you trust yourself with me now?” You ask with the most innocent voice you can utter, batting your long eyelashes at him. You watch as he takes in a sharp breath, swallowing harshly.
“Barely.” He whispers, looking down at your lips when you lick them and then back at your eyes. 
“You don’t have to, you know?” Dean looks at you slightly confused, and you lean further forward before whispering. “Control yourself, I mean. You don’t have to.”
There is a second in which you think Dean will lunge himself at you, finally. His eyes are darker than you have ever seen them, because they weren’t dark with anger, they were full of pure, raw hunger.
His hand twitches, and then he pulls away. 
He gets up from the table, downing back the whole glass of whiskey before setting it down on the table with a little too much force. He starts to walk away, and you don’t know if it’s the beers you had or the desperation that had been accumulating for months, but this time you try to stop him.
You get up from the table too, quickly moving until you are blocking his way out of the kitchen.
He says your name in reproach, eyes glued to the floor. “We can’t-”
“Yes, we can.” You interrupt him, waking a step closer until your chests are almost pressed together. You grab his arm, making him look at you. “Please, Dean. I want it, you want it. Come on.”
Dean still shakes his head, deep frown on his face. “I’ve told you, I’m not good for you, you-”
You groan, rolling your eyes and stomping your foot on the floor. It didn’t help make you look any more mature, but you didn’t care.
“Yeah, I know. I’m too young, you’re too old. You’re broken and dangerous and all of that.” You say sarcastically, making him raise his eyebrows. “When are you going to stop lying to yourself, Dean?”
That makes him scoff, and he shakes his head while looking away again. “It is true. You deserve better than some guy old enough to be your father.” He grimaces at his own words, rubbing a hand over his face.
But you double down, pressing your body completely against his. You push forward and Dean lets you guide him backwards, and you know he’s letting you because you could not make him move an inch if he didn’t want you to. He ends up pressed against the kitchen island, hand still covering his eyes. You use your hand on his arm to pull it down, forcing him to look at you again.
“Dean, I want you.” You look deep into his eyes, and he almost looks pained by it. “I know you think I don’t know what’s best for me, but I do. I know what I need, and I need you.” You squeeze his bicep before your hand moves to the back of his neck, fingers tangling with the hairs there. 
He says your name again, almost as a plea.
He was breaking. He was caving in. 
“Please, Dean.” You whisper as your lips brush his, looking into those green eyes that consumed your every waking thought. “We both know I need a real man.”
And that seems to do the trick. He lets out something akin to a growl, and his hands are finally on you. One moves to your waist, grip bruising. The other one goes to your hair, fingers intertwining with the long locks and pulling your head back, hard, exposing the delicate curve of your throat. It makes you whimper. 
“You don’t know what you’re asking for.” Dean leans in closer, but he doesn’t kiss you. Instead, he lets the tip of his nose brush against your skin, from the apple of your cheek to your jaw and down your neck. “I’m no prince charming.”
“I want you, Dean.” You whine when his lips brush against the sensitive surface of your throat. You use the hand that is still tangled on his hair to pull him up, make him meet your eyes. “Ruin me.”
His lips are on you in less than a second. The kiss is bruising, violent with months of repressed want. He pulls you even closer, his beard a little scratchy against the soft skin of your face. You love it.
He pushes your lips apart with his tongue and you let him in, whining at the way he bites your lip before licking behind your teeth. You weren’t inexperienced like Dean thought, you had hooked up with people once or twice, but nothing had ever felt like this. Nothing could compare to the way Dean’s experienced tongue explored your mouth, or the way he spins you two around until you are pressed against the kitchen island, callused hands running down your sides until they’re gripping the sensitive skin of your thighs, lifting you up until you are sitting on top of the counter.
You gasp at the sudden movement, but you part your legs and let Dean slide in between them, shuddering as his fingers run up and down your legs. 
“You’re so fucking sensitive.” Dean grunts, lips moving down to kiss your neck. He bites the skin softly, and then a bit harder, making you moan. 
You pull his hair harshly, and it is his turn to moan, a sound you wanted to hear every day of your life. You wrap your legs around his hips and pull him closer, until his clothed cock presses against your core over your dress. You two groan at the same time, and you pull Dean into another kiss.
“Come on, Dean. Show me how a real man fucks, teach me what real pleasure is.” You whisper against his lips, and he seems to go a little insane at that. 
In seconds, his hands have already pulled the tiny white dress off your body, leaving you only in your lacy black underwear. He grunts again at the sight, hands running over all the new skin visible.
“You’re so sweet, so fucking beautiful.” He whispers, almost adoring, as his fingers brush over the curve of your breasts and down to your stomach. You bite your lip, enjoying the feeling of his rough hands on your smooth skin. It is hot, to be only in your underwear while Dean is completely clothed, but you want to see him too.
So you pull his shirt off him before he can say anything, and your mouth waters. He is all lean muscle and tanned skin. There is the tattoo on his chest you’ve fantasized so many times about licking, and you decide to go for it. You first bite softly over his collarbone, trying to subtly suck a hickey there. Judging by Dean’s chuckle, you’re not very subtle. You make your way down, trace his tattoo with your tongue, bite down on the flesh of his pectoral. You kiss over every scar you find, licking over the larger ones. It makes Dean shiver every time, and the way he holds you turns a little softer. 
Then you press your hand over his bulge, and his breath hitches. It makes you feel proud that he is this affected by your touch. You rub him over his jeans for a moment, just basking in the feeling of it cupped in your hand and the fact that this was actually happening. You use both hands to undo his belt and unbutton his jeans. You pull them down along with his underwear, and Dean takes a step back to be able to step out of them. And that is when you finally see all of him. 
You have to bite your lip before doing something too crazy. Dean was big. Curved up against his stomach and flushed. And so fucking hard. 
I did that, you think deliriously as you feel yourself getting wetter.
You lick your lips, craving to feel the weight of him on your tongue, but you need Dean to touch you right now.
Another time.
“One day I will suck you off until you pass out.” You breathe out, and it makes Dean groan. He presses back against you, kissing you harshly.
“You’ll be the death of me, baby.” He whispers against your lips before undoing your bra with just one hand, sliding it off your body. He pushes you backwards until your back touches the cold surface of the counter. It makes you shiver, but it is all forgotten when Dean takes one of your nipples into his mouth.
He sucks softly, and then a little harder. He moves to the other breast, giving it the same attention until your nipples are wet and flushed and hard. You are a whining mess by this point. He continues to make his way down your body with his mouth, lips brushing against your inner thighs and leaving dark purple marks on them. Because you were his now.
He takes off your boots and leaves your socked feet resting against the edge of the counter. The position leaves your legs wide open, and your chest rises and falls more rapidly the closer Dean’s face gets to your clothed pussy. 
“Dean.” You whimper when he presses his face to your mound over your panties.
“Have any of those little boyfriends of yours ever eaten you out, or are they too much of a coward to do it?” You don’t respond, because your head is spinning and your vision is hazy. “It doesn’t matter, because I will show you how it is done.”
And he does. He pulls your panties off and devours you. He has you whining and moaning in seconds, hands pulling on his hair for dear life. He sucks on your clit and runs his tongue through your folds like a starved man. You come on his tongue once, and then again. You basically have to peel him away from you before you lose your mind when he keeps going, keeps sucking until you’re twitching with oversensitivity. 
“Please, I need you inside.”
And how could he ever say not to that.
It is almost morning by the time you two are laying under the covers of Dean’s bed. He had fucked you there on the kitchen island (Sam can never know), and then he had fucked you again on his bed. You were both exhausted as you laid on his chest, drawing figures with your fingernails across his skin. You chuckle and look up at him, only to find him already staring at you. His eyes are softer than you have ever seen them as he seems to bask in the sight of you all fucked out and soft. It makes you blush.
“You might have actually ruined me for anyone else.” You joke, biting your lip. But it was true, you were sure that your body would reject anyone who wasn’t Dean Winchester from now on. 
The joke makes some heat come back to Dean’s eyes, but also something else, something softer. Something so warm and delicate and absolutely terrifying. 
“Good.” he rasps out. “Because you won’t need anyone else.”
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NOTES: I can't believe all of this came out of a half-asleep horny thought that I had. Anyway, thank you so much for the overwhelming support, you are all the best.
Older Dean MAY come back because I am too obsessed with him, only if college doesn't kill me first.
TAGS: @h8aaz <3
If you wanna be tagged in future works, let me know!!
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unabletonotlovesatoru · 2 days ago
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nanami isn’t sure how he let you talk him into this. maybe it was the way you batted your lashes at him, all sweet and insistent, or maybe it was sheer exhaustion from the week, his usual resistance worn thin.
one moment, he was sitting on the couch, reading, enjoying a peaceful saturday night. the next, you were dragging him into the bedroom, shoving a police officer uniform into his arms with an excited glint in your eyes.
and now—now, he stands stiffly in front of you, dressed in the ridiculous thing, adjusting the too-tight collar with an air of suffering.
“this is absurd,” he mutters, rubbing his temple like he’s already rethinking every decision that led him to this moment.
“this is fun,” you correct, perched on the edge of the bed, legs swinging. “besides, you look hot.”
he shoots you a flat look. “i look ridiculous.”
“you look like the world’s most attractive police officer,” you say, head tilting as you admire the way the snug uniform stretches across his broad chest. “seriously, you should’ve been a cop.”
“i would rather be set on fire.”
you snort, and nanami exhales through his nose, crossing his arms. he doesn’t miss the way your eyes linger on them, ogling him shamelessly as you watch him.
“what exactly am i supposed to do?” he asks, like he’s already regretting playing along.
you prop yourself up on your elbows, giving him a slow, mischievous smile. “you’re supposed to arrest me, officer.”
his brow twitches. “for what crime?”
“hmm,” you hum, pretending to think. “being too cute?”
he pinches the bridge of his nose, mumbling something about regretting his life choices.
“oh! or—” you perk up, eyes sparkling. “tax evasion.”
that makes him pause. he levels you with a long, unimpressed stare, then says, “you can roleplay as a criminal, and you choose tax evasion?”
“it’s a very serious crime, nanami,” you say, mock-grave.
he shakes his head. “i work in finance. this is the least sexy crime you could have picked.”
“okay, fine,” you huff, rolling your eyes. “arrest me for being too hot.”
“i don’t believe that’s illegal,” he deadpans.
you sigh dramatically. “ugh, you’re terrible at this.”
nanami looks like he’s about to argue, but then something flickers in his expression. he exhales, long-suffering, before straightening his shoulders, fixing you with a cool, unreadable look.
getting impatient, you part your legs, letting him catch a glimpse of what’s between them— the hem of your nightgown riding up your thighs to reveal your underwear. nanami gulps, the sound echoing in the silence.
“officer,” you purr then, stretching your legs out in front of you, the movement deliberately slow. “i’ve been very, very bad.”
he exhales through his nose, rubbing his temple like he’s already regretting playing along. for a second, you think he’s about to call it quits, but then something shifts in his expression. he straightens up, his broad frame casting a shadow over you as he takes a step closer.
“is that so?” his voice drops slightly, taking on a more authoritative edge.
your stomach flips. you didn’t expect him to actually get into character, but the way his eyes darken sends a pleasant shiver down your spine.
“yes, sir,” you tease, tilting your chin up defiantly.
his jaw tightens. you can see the internal battle in his expression—the part of him that wants to scoff at the whole thing, warring with the part that enjoys the way you’re looking at him. after a brief pause, he lets out a quiet sigh, then reaches for the handcuffs at his belt.
“turn around.”
your breath hitches. oh. oh.
you swallow, your playful bravado faltering for just a second as you obey, turning to face away from him. a moment later, the cool metal of the cuffs brushes against your skin before clicking into place around your wrists, firm but not tight.
and then nanami is behind you, his body close, his warmth radiating through the uniform. he leans in, his breath grazing your ear.
“you have the right to remain silent,” he murmurs, his voice lower now, more confident, more controlled.
his fingers skim down your arms, slow and deliberate, making your pulse jump.
“but i doubt you will.”
your lips part, a quiet gasp escaping before you can stop it. nanami hums in amusement, his hands finding your waist, his grip firm as he pulls you back against him.
“already breaking the rules?” he muses, his breath hot against your neck. “that won’t do.”
you exhale shakily. “maybe i need a… harsher punishment, officer.”
his grip tightens, and you can feel his chest rise and fall behind you, steady but deliberate. his lips brush the shell of your ear, and his voice is rich with something dark and teasing when he finally speaks.
“careful what you wish for.”
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beloveds-embrace · 1 day ago
(Bakery/coffee shop au in which you have a policy where you don’t serve people with they want, but rather what you think they need.
The bell above the door rang, sharp and clear.
You barely looked up from where you were wiping down the counter, expecting another regular, maybe someone new but predictable- someone who would hesitate, take in the menu, and fumble over what to order.
Instead, he walked in.
Tall and broad, not arrogant, exactly, but something close. Confidence so deeply ingrained that it didn’t need to be announced, and not even the fact that you could see only his eyes took away from confidence.
He didn’t hesitate. Didn’t glance at the menu or take in the cozy atmosphere like most first-timers did. He just strolled right up to the counter, gloved hands sliding into his pockets as he regarded you with sharp, calculating eyes.
“You’re new.” You observed, breaking the silence.
Said eyes gleamed slightly. Amused. Like he already knew he was going to enjoy this. “That obvious?” His voice was smooth, accented, carrying a lazy sort of smugness that immediately set you on edge.
Still, you folded your arms, unimpressed. “You don’t look like the type to visit small bakeries.”
His head tilted slightly. “What type do I look like?”
You didn’t miss the challenge in his tone.
“The type that asks for black coffee and thinks it makes him better than everyone else.” You shot back.
That got you a soft chuckle.
“Schlau,” he mused. “Alright, then. Let’s not waste time. Black coffee. No sugar. No nonsense.”
You sighed dramatically; black coffee… the very bane of your existence. “Yeah… no.”
He blinked. Then laughed. “No?”
“No.” You were already turning toward the machines, mind whirring as you thought of what to actually give him.
A pause. Then- “You always this difficult?”
“Only for people who think they’re in charge…. And for those who can’t read the written policies.”
He leaned an elbow against the counter, clearly intrigued now. You pretended not to enjoy the bit of his flexing muscles that you could see. “That so?”
You ignored him, focused on crafting his actual order. Dark chocolate espresso with orange zest. Alongside it, you placed a hazelnut biscotti, crisp and golden.
When you set them down in front of him, he regarded them like he was deciding whether or not to be insulted. “This isn’t black coffee.”
You smirked. “No, but it’s better.”
He exhaled a sharp laugh, shaking his head. “Unbelievable.” But he took the cup anyway. Didn’t storm off. Didn’t push back. Just… studied you for a moment longer before you huffed in amusement and left to give him privacy to drink.
A while later, you returned to find him having finished both. Like a shark smelling blood, you came to him right away and said with a grin, “You liked it.”
He set the cup down deliberately, tilting his head. “Cocky little thing, aren’t you, Frecher Pfau?”
“Takes one to know one- wait, what does that man-?”
His laughter came easily this time- low and rich, a sound that was somehow both mocking and genuinely entertained.
“So.” He glanced at you, not yet leaving. “You do this to everyone?”
“I give people what they need.”
A thoughtful hum. He took another slow look around, comfortable now. Like he wasn’t just passing through anymore- like he’d decided to stay a little longer, just to see what you’d say next.
You let him enjoy his silence, waiting to see if he’d actually, maybe, tell you his name.
But when he finally stood, you could practically feel that he was smirking beneath the mask, sharp eyes flicking over you.
“I’ll be back.” He murmured.
“You don’t even know if I’ll remember you.” You teased, lips twitching into a smile.
“Oh, you will.” He was already walking toward the door, moving with that same lazy, confident ease. The kind of man who knew exactly how to leave an impression.
And just before the bell rang again-
“I’d bet on it.”
You were so focused on him, you didn’t notice your phone vibrating with a text message that would ruin a part of your life.
Hey girly
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roosterforme · 11 hours ago
Aim for the Sky Part 39 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Bradley would never forgive himself if you got hurt. It feels like he's been biding his time for ages, and his patience has worn thin. When Maverick returns to base, things finally start to change, but in whose favor?
Warnings: Angst, adult language, DILF Roo, pregnancy, smut, lactation kink
Length: 3600 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
Aim for the Sky masterlist. This was written to accompany my series Is It Working For You? along with a bunch of my one-shots and other series, but it can be read on its own! Check my masterlist for the reading order.
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You settled on the couch with the new ultrasound photos from our appointment on Monday, eager to show them to your parents. But Bradley had other ideas.
"Roo," you hissed, pulling his hand away from your chest while you looked at your reflection on the iPad screen. "Knock it off."
"I'm horny," he whispered against your neck. You could hear the whine in his voice. He'd been very understanding when you told him that you needed to work late the past few days to help Cat, especially after you explained that she was bogged down with extra work because of Indigo. But now he was pouting on the couch with his other hand slipping into the back of your leggings while the call to your parents connected.
Your mom's voice rang out as Bradley grabbed your butt. "Hi!"
"Hi, Mom!" you replied, voice entirely too peppy as you tried to scoot away from your husband. You shot him a glare as he smirked and finally folded his hands in his lap. "How's packing going?"
"Oh, it's so stressful," she complained, going into a rant about all of the bins of things she'd been saving since you were a kid. You let her ramble, knowing she was secretly excited to be able to let Rose and the second baby play with your old toys someday after they moved to Coronado. Bradley and your dad sat quietly until your mom took a deep breath and asked, "What are you doing for Thanksgiving?"
Now you felt like pouting. They would be moved into their new house in time for Christmas but not Thanksgiving. "Probably making dinner for our friends. Just hanging out with everyone here," you told her with a shrug.
You turned to look at Bradley who was shaking his head. 
"What do you mean no?" you asked. "Are you going to cook Thanksgiving dinner for everyone? Your kitchen skills are much improved, Roo, but that seems a bit ambitious."
Bradley snorted and leaned in to kiss your cheek. "You're not cooking. I'm not cooking. We won't even be here, Baby Girl," he whispered. Then he turned to face the iPad. "I'm taking my girls away for an anniversary trip. We'll be gone that weekend."
Your mom looked like she was going to swoon. "Really?" you asked, letting his hand creep up your thigh toward your belly. "We're going away?"
Bradley's eyes held innocence as he grinned. "Yeah. Don't you remember when I asked you just the other day if you'd prefer the mountains or the lake?"
"Oh," you whispered. You did remember. He had been fingering you at the time, your pussy slick and full of his cum. When your cheeks grew warm, you realized you did not want to have the rest of this conversation with your parents listening in. "Yes, I do recall that, actually." You cleared your throat. "We should let you go. It's late."
"But we didn't get to talk to Rose!" your dad complained.
"She's still taking her after-dinner nap," you told him apologetically. "Maybe tomorrow! Love you!"
When you ended the call, Bradley was already tugging on your shirt. "Please," he murmured. "I'm so horny. I'll do anything you want. On the couch, in bed, in the shower, anything you want, Sweetheart."
"I want you to tell me where we're going, Roo," you replied sweetly as he pulled your shirt over your head and palmed your breasts through your sports bra. It was a wonder he could get hard right now after he'd seen you wearing your maternity tent less than an hour ago.
"Mountains," he grunted, pulling you closer.
You knew he was planning something, but you didn't know it was already worked out. "I'm impressed," you told him as you carefully removed your bra. "You did this all by yourself?"
"Nothing's too good for my girls." His voice was raspy, already fading into the silent room as he eased you onto his lap. You fed Rose not terribly long ago. You were tired. Your breasts weren't very perky at the moment. But Bradley moaned as soon as his lips met your nipple. His cock was hard against your thigh as you settled in.
With his big hand splayed along the side of your growing bump, you let him get his fill of rubbing his nose and mustache all over your chest. Your back arched as he started grinding his hips up to yours.
"Does this mean we can get nasty on the couch?" he whispered, flashing his brown eyes up to yours. When you giggled, he added, "It's been days." Part of you wanted to tell him that your back hurt and you couldn't handle getting twisted into a pretzel right now, but you slid down to the floor between his legs, his eyes tracking your every move. "What are you doing?" he mumbled, a little grin finding his lips as you tugged on the waistband of his gym shorts.
"Stop acting like you don't know I'm about to suck your dick," you whispered, trying not to laugh as his cock bobbed out from his underwear.
A soft sound at the back of his throat spurred you on. He simultaneously scooted his hips closer to you while he settled back against the couch. "I didn't want to assume," he murmured, eyes wide as you took him between your parted lips. "Fuck. I'm so spoiled."
You hummed your response around his cock which had his head tipping back as he reached for your face. Big, calloused fingers brushed along your cheek before trailing to the back of your head. You controlled the pace, but that bit of pressure from his excited hand made you suck a little harder just to hear his appreciation.
Long, languid strokes had Bradley's restraint slipping. After he tapped the back of your throat his hips rose incrementally from the couch. When your tongue circled his tip, his hips were up again. He was eager to cum, so you slowed your pace.
"Jesus," he whimpered, balls tightening as you sucked on them. You could feel your saliva drip down his cock to your face as you ran your tongue in circles. "Keep this up, and you'll never not be pregnant, Sweetheart."
Before you could react, Bradley was pulling you to your feet, careful not to be too rough. He yanked your leggings down and guided you back to his lap.
He was big and thick, but your body welcomed him as he filled your pussy. "You're getting a vasectomy after this one, Roo."
He gasped, whether from your words or from the way your pussy was already squeezing around him with need, you weren't sure. You wanted to reiterate that two kids was plenty for you and he to handle, but his palm met your butt, guiding you in a slow roll that erased all thoughts from your brain.
"We'll talk about that later," he crooned, kissing your lips softly. "Right now, I want you to think about how bad you need me." You moaned in spite of yourself at his cocky words. "I want you to think about how good Daddy takes care of his girls."
"Oh, god," you whimpered, bouncing on his cock. "You do. You do," you babbled. One swipe of his finger along your clit, and you were seeing stars. Hadn't he been the one begging for this? How did you become the needy one right now? "Fuck!"
You were panting as he guided you along, taking you for everything you had until your face was buried against his neck to quiet yourself as you came. He knew what to do, and he was too good at it, pinching and plucking your clit until your hips rolled to a stop as your pussy squeezed him gently.
When you opened your eyes, you were still dizzy as Bradley held you. Your pussy was slick with his cum, both of you spent as his hand settled on the side of your belly.
"We'll circle back to that vasectomy conversation later," he whispered as you laughed softly with his cock still inside you. "Right now, I don't want you to move an inch."
"That's convenient," you mumbled, "because I think my bones are jello." You snuggled in closer, eyelids heavy, but Bradley's body jerked beneath you.
"Holy shit," he gasped, sitting more upright as you grabbed his shoulders.
"What's wrong?"
"I can feel her," he whispered, his hand trailing along your belly, pressing firmly. "I can feel our daughter moving."
You were so used to her almost-constant squirming, it took you a beat to realize that she was turning somersaults below your ribcage, but she was moving a lot. Bradley's gaze met yours, and a beaming smile filled his face as he adjusted his hand an inch higher.
"She's moving a lot, Roo. I think she likes your voice."
Tears glittered in your husband's eyes, and you kissed his cheeks. It felt so good to be back on solid ground in your relationship. Perhaps you never had anything to worry about, but moments like this one were priceless to you.
"I love you so much," Bradley promised, his lips finding yours, kissing you through his words. "I love my girls. This is the best fucking day."
When Rose started crying to eat again, you finally crawled from your husband's lap. But he followed you into the nursery, claiming, "I want to be close to the three of you." He barely left your side for the rest of the night.
Bradley was still stressed out about Indigo. He didn't really think about her when he was at home, but when he got to work and saw her lurking about, his anxiety seemed to spike. Today, she was outside his classroom when the others filed in for his lecture. He wondered how much longer the little scheme you and Cat worked up could possibly keep her on the ground. He still didn't have all the details, not that he wanted them, but he knew better. She would be back in the air by the end of the year. And he hadn't heard a word about his complaints against her.
"Good morning, Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw," Indigo sang, setting Bradley's teeth on edge. He had to take deep breaths and remind himself that he couldn't rage at her. When he thought about how he spent last night feeling the baby kicking, he calmed down.
"Lieutenant Jeffries. I trust you haven't forgotten you're not permitted in my classroom?"
Her smirk was obnoxious. "Of course not, Sir. I was just simply stopping by to inform you that your superior is back." Her smirk turned into a bright, joyful smile. "And I'm going to stop by his office."
Maverick was back from Lemoore. Mav was back, and somehow Indigo knew about it before he did. While that rubbed him the wrong way, Bradley thought perhaps things could move along faster now. Maybe there was a way out of this whole mess. He wanted his life to go back to normal again. He needed it.
"Enjoy your morning, Lieutenant Jeffries. Don't forget to stay out of the aviators' lounge."
Bradley closed the door softly instead of slamming it, and then he got his notes out. The other students were eager to hear what he had planned. Even Spice seemed to have distanced herself from Indigo which was interesting; perhaps she valued her career more than a toxic friend. Bradley wrote some notes on the board and got to work. 
What was supposed to be a two hour long discussion with the group was cut short halfway through. When he walked around the classroom, pausing to answer a question, Bradley's gaze was drawn toward the window. He saw you outside in the sunlight near the hangar. It was impossible to miss you in your maternity uniform, not that he would ever tell you that, but even the curve of your cheek was unmistakable to him.
God, you were fucking perfect. His heart skipped around in his chest as he watched you turn back toward your office, and he crept closer to the window for a better look. He couldn't wait until lunchtime so he could sit with you.
Then his back went ramrod straight, and Bradley froze. Indigo walked past you, checking your shoulder with hers. "What the fuck?" Bradley snarled under his breath. Indigo kept walking like she hadn't just intentionally run into you. You. A pregnant woman. Bradley's pregnant wife. "You're all dismissed," he barked, heading for the classroom door as quickly as he could walk. Once he was in the hallway, he was running for the exit in the atrium.
The sunlight was blinding, but he saw you immediately. When he called your name, you turned to him and smiled. Indigo was nowhere in sight now as he ran to get to you. 
"Are you okay?" he demanded, touching your shoulder before letting his hand settle on your belly.
"Yeah, I just had to take something to Cat. Why are you out of breath?" you asked, kissing his cheek softly before he wrapped you up in a hug. "What's going on, Bradley?"
He kissed along your forehead and said, "I saw Indigo plow into you through the window. She did it intentionally."
"Oh. Yeah. She does that all the time. I wish she'd just hit me in the face already, because I'm not about to retaliate."
Bradley held you at arm's length, eyes wide. "Don't say that! I don't want her laying a finger on you!"
You took a deep breath and sighed. "You know none of this would be a problem if you weren't so sexy, right?" Bradley's cheeks felt warm as you tucked yourself against him again. "I need to get back to my lab, but I'll see you at lunch. We can start discussing baby names."
As you strolled away, Bradley once again felt terrible that you were in this mess with him.
You didn't want Bradley worrying any more than he always was, but Indigo did hit your shoulder pretty hard this time. You were still rubbing it when you walked into your building and headed for the elevators. 
It felt like you were trapped in some realm filled with optical illusions; somehow Indigo was standing in front of the elevator buttons. How she got inside so quickly was beyond you.
"Excuse me," you told her, trying to reach for the up arrow with your chin held high, but she didn't move. "You're in my way."
"How does it feel knowing your husband fucked me in his office?" she whispered. Your hand stilled in the air as you met her horrible, blue eyes. "How does it feel knowing I can have him whenever I want? Every Monday after his office hours. This past Monday was something else. Would you like some details?"
It made you physically sick that she thought she had some sort of grasp on you and Bradley. It would be nice to hit her in the face instead of the other way around. But you knew she was lying. She was grasping at straws. Bradley had skipped his office hours on Monday in favor of joining you for your appointment with Dr. Morris just like he always did. The woman in front of you was beyond ridiculous.
"Do you want to know the details?" she demanded. "Answer me."
"I don't answer to you!" Your voice had her taking a step back until she hit the wall between the elevator doors. "I outrank you in every way."
"You can't do this to me," she hissed. "You think you're an admiral on a power trip or something, but you can't ground me indefinitely, Lieutenant Commander."
Just as your lips parted, ready to put her in her place, you heard boots squeak in the polished floor to your left. You glanced that way to see the confident stride of Bradley's godfather as Maverick yanked his aviators off. His gaze was like steel as he stopped at your side.
"Maybe she doesn't quite have the power to ground you indefinitely, but I certainly do, Lieutenant Jeffries."
"Sir," she complained with a pout, "you don't understand what she's trying to do to me. She grounded me and my Super Hornet, Captain Mitchell. She's trying to ruin my career for no good reason. Her commanding officer should be informed that she's manipulating things the way she wants them when I've done nothing wrong."
You were seeing red. She was the one who started this whole thing, not you. And she was the one who kept trying to goad you on because she didn't get what she wanted. And now she was trying to make you look bad in front of Mav. You couldn't tell if you were about to laugh or cry.
"Enough," Mav barked. "I don't want to hear another word. One conversation with her commanding officer, and you'll be eating your words, Lieutenant Jeffries. And do you honestly think anything happens to one of the Super Hornets in the Pacific fleet without me knowing about it?"
Instead of a verbal response, Indigo blushed bright pink and shook her head slowly.
Maverick cleared his throat and lowered his volume a bit. "Someone in your position should be keeping a low profile, but you can't seem to help yourself."
"Someone in my position?" she asked, her gaze flickering your way briefly.
Shaking his head, Maverick said, "I've never seen a harassment case against a subordinate open and close so quickly."
"What?" Indigo squeaked, fingers curling into fists at her sides.
"It seems you have a history of behaving poorly around your male superiors," Maverick added. "I was going to let you save face and have this conversation in my office this afternoon, but it's a little too late for that. Maybe things worked in your favor in the past. You seem the type who got used to getting their own way. But that kind of behavior doesn't belong at Top Gun. And you were barking up the wrong tree with Lieutenant Commander Bradshaw from the beginning. Not only is he happily married, his wife has more friends and allies on base than you'll ever know about. Pack your locker and meet me in my office. You're going back to Texas today."
"Texas!" Indigo wailed. "I'm too good for that program."
Maverick reached around her for the elevator button. "I wouldn't worry about that. You're about to learn that the Navy is too good for you. Now get out of my sight."
It felt like everything shifted as you watched Indigo storm away. Her shoulders slumped, and she seemed to fold in on herself. It was a far cry from her usual behavior as Maverick guided you into the elevator with him when the doors opened.
"Are you okay?" he whispered, tipping your chin up so you met his eyes. "I really didn't mean for you to hear all of that."
"I'm okay," you whispered before wrapping your arms around him as tears leaked from your eyes. "Thanks for looking out for Bradley and me."
He kissed your forehead as you cried. "You're family. I'll always do what I can." When the doors slid open, you realized you were on your floor. Maverick wrapped his arms around your shoulders, guiding you along to your office. Your fingers were shaking as you unlocked the door. "I'll text Bradley and see if he can stop by," he said, following you inside where you sank into your desk chair with your hands on your belly.
"Is she out?" you whispered, completely exhausted as you took deep breaths. "Is Indigo out of the Navy?"
Maverick sighed and tucked his phone away again. "That's up to the admirals in Texas, but if I had to wager a guess... probably."
It seemed wild to you that she would risk it all for something as trivial as a hookup, but then again, Bradley always was irresistible to you. At one point, you were willing to risk everything you'd worked toward since your years at the Naval Academy to be with him. You'd even announced to the entire control room on an aircraft carrier that he was the man for you. But he was yours. He was Rose's. He was the baby's. Indigo wasn't going to get away with even testing the waters.
You weren't sure how long you'd been sitting there reflecting on things with Mav perched on the edge of your desk, but it must have been several minutes. When you heard heavy footfalls in the hallway, you looked at your open doorway as your husband came rushing inside.
"Are you okay?" he asked, panting and sweaty. He barely looked at Maverick before dropping to his knees next to your chair. "Did she hurt you?"
"Jeez, Mav," you murmured as the other man headed for the door. "What did you tell him?" you asked, referring to the text he'd sent to Bradley. 
"I told him you needed him," Maverick replied with a chuckle before closing the door on his way out.
"I swear to God," Bradley growled, focused on your face. "If she hurt you-"
"She didn't," you promised, cupping his cheek. "I promise we're just fine."
He was still everything you wanted. Almost two years married, and Bradley was worth every bit of this trouble. His lips found your belly through your ugly tent, kissing along until his cheek came to rest there. "That's good," he rasped as your fingers combed through his hair. "Hopefully they'll take my complaints against her seriously. I can barely stand coming to work knowing she's giving you a hard time."
"She's out, Bradley." He flashed his brown eyes up to your face. "Maverick is sending her back to Texas where they'll decide what happens to her."
He gave you a satisfied groan as he nuzzled your belly, kissing you a million times. Then his head came to rest in your lap, and you could feel the tension slowly release from his body for the first time in months as you held onto him.
"Just let me stay here with you for a while. Okay, Baby Girl?"
Have fun in Texas, Indigo! Nobody is going to miss you. I feel like BG should get to keep her Super Hornet out of principle. BUT, the most important part of the chapter is the fact that Bradley got to feel the baby! ALSO, next chapter may be the last one in this series.
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ladyycherryy · 2 days ago
Mine To Keep
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There aren’t enough fics out there about Mark being jealous, so here’s my contribution. 🙃
You never imagined it would be that way. Mark had always been.. Well, Mark. The cocky, overconfident guy who you couldn't stand.
The bar was a blur of laughter, lights, and low conversations, but Mark gaze could only focus on you. The way you smiled at him, the way your laugh sounded like you didn’t have a care in the world. It gnawed at him, made him feel something tight in his chest. The sight of you with someone else, laughing, leaning in just a little too close, sent something cold and jagged into his veins.
It wasn’t jealousy — not exactly. It was… possessiveness. But he wouldn’t admit it, not out loud. Not yet.
At first, you didn’t notice him, too caught up with the guy next to you, but Mark was watching you. He always watched you. It was a habit he never bothered to break.
His jaw clenched when the guy’s hand brushed against your arm. He was so fucking casual about it. Too casual. He had no idea who you really were or what you meant to Mark. The tension between you and Mark was something unspoken, something that only existed between the two of you.
And yet, this stranger — this nobody — was leaning in, flirting with you like you were just anyone. Like you weren’t his.
Mark couldn't pinpoint when it happened, but the need to do something, to say something, was suffocating him.
You caught his gaze across the room. For a brief moment — just a flicker of hesitation — you excused yourself and walked over to him. “You’re staring,” you said, stopping in front of him with your arms crossed. Mark’s gaze flicked over you, slow and intentional. “Am I?” His voice was low, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. “You’re not subtle.”
He stepped closer — just enough that you had to look up to meet his eyes. His hand brushed against your waist, a light touch that made you catch your breath. “You didn’t seem to mind,” he murmured. His eyes darkened as his thumb traced the hem of your shirt. “Or should I remind you who you’re actually here with?”
“I’m not playing this game with you,” you whispered. Mark’s hand wrapped around your waist, pulling you in until there was nothing between you but heat and breath. “Then go.”
You hated how your body instinctively leaned into his — hated it even more when that cocky, knowing smile crept onto his lips.
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beenreidingaboutyou · 1 day ago
When I'm Down on My Knees, You're How I Pray
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who? Spencer x afab! reader
content warnings: NSFW, MDNI, 18+ content, unholy use of bible verses, inaccurate use of religious themes, oral (m), fingering (f), reader has hair that can be pulled, mention of religious trauma, Jesus Reid, please let me know if I've missed anything else!
a/n: Believe it or not, I actually toned down the blasphemy in this fic. Huge thank you to @minswriting for answering my 20 million questions about this because I've never written smut before and that's the majority of what she does. (Also she came up with the title, it's a Lana lyric)
thank you to @cafekitsune for the MDNI divider and @saradika-graphics for the stained glass divider
word count: 1.3k
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You’ve spent your adult life avoiding anything related to church and religion. Growing up in an overly religious household and being forced to attend church services twice a week, in addition to the Bible study and choir practice, meant that anything related to religion left a bad taste in your mouth. While you’ve never outright mentioned this to Hotch, he seemed to pick up on it and respected your wishes, never sending you to interview priests or visit cathedrals that had been the scene of a crime. At least, until he had respected your wishes until this case. He paired you with Spencer and sent you both to investigate an older crime scene at a nearby church. Despite your best efforts, you were unable to weasel out of your assignment, so here you were, stuck thinking about the fact that you were going to church with the one person you’d always been attracted to since joining the BAU.
You were oddly quiet as the two of you walked through the building
“So, what are your thoughts?” Spencer asks, breaking the silence.
“Being here brings back all of the religious trauma I endured as a kid and you looking like Jesus is certainly not helping.”
You see Spencer furrow his brows in confusion, his gaze shifting from the church to you, “I-I’m sorry, did you just say I look like Jesus?” 
“Yeah, I did. Except you’d be the one I’d get on my knees for,” you say teasingly, shooting a wink in his direction.
He chokes on air, “e-excuse me?”
“Anyways, let’s go check out the confessional,” you reply, wanting to get out of the church as soon as possible.
As you step into the cramped confessional, you can feel Reid close behind you. You can feel the effect your teasing remark had on him as his bulge presses against your back, though you’re sure the action is unintentional on his part. 
You turn to face him and glance down at the tent his pants, “do you want some help with that?”
His face flushes, “w-what?”
“Shhh, let me take care of you,” you mumble as you get down on your knees in front of him. 
You hear his breath hitch in his throat as you undo his belt. You quickly unbutton and unzip his pants, pulling them down and leaving him in his boxers. You palm his bulge and glance up at him, “Looks like you enjoyed the idea of me worshipping your cock.”
He whimpers and nods. You slowly pull his boxers down, freeing his length. He whimpers as you run your thumb over his tip, collecting the leaking precum. “You like that, baby?” you ask, looking up at him. 
He nods his head pathetically in response. You bite your lip and wrap your hand around his length, giving a few experimental tugs. The sound of his whimpers went straight to your cunt, leaving you desperate to hear more.
“My heart is glad and my tongue rejoices, Psalm 16:9” you recited before you slowly lick the underside of his cock, going from the base to the tip. You can’t help but smirk slightly at the moan that escapes his mouth. You wrap your lips around him, only taking a little more than the tip into your mouth. You look up at him as you swirl your tongue around his length, loving the way he’s reacting to your teasing. His eyes are dark with lust as he looks down at you, enjoying the view, but clearly wanting more. You slowly take more of him into your mouth and you feel him tangle his fingers in your hair as he lets out a loud moan. You keep going until he hits the back of your throat, causing you to gag slightly. Spencer gently caressed your hair, a subtle way of telling you to be careful.
You start to bob your head, going at a teasingly slow pace, savoring the moans and whimpers that he lets out. You hollow out your cheeks around him and he groans in response, bucking his hips slightly. You pick up your pace as he grips your hair, gathering your hair in a makeshift ponytail. He groans and uses your hair to guide you, forcing you to go faster. You moan around his length and something in him snaps. He holds your head still and starts bucking his hips, thrusting into your mouth, causing you to gag each time he hits the back of your throat. You look up at him with tears in your eyes, loving the sight of him with his head thrown back and mouth open. He moaned your name so prettily, the sound echoing around the church.
You feel his cock twitch and he starts to pull out, but you grab his hips and hold him in place. He cums with a loud groan, shooting his seed down your throat. You eagerly swallow his load before leaning back, a trail of spit and cum. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand as you stand up. You can’t resist the urge to wink and say, “Amen” 
He takes your face in his hands and pulls you in for a rough, needy kiss. His tongue slips past your lips and he groans at the taste of himself on your tongue. His hands move down to your thighs and he picks you up, placing you on the prayer ledge without breaking the kiss. 
“From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things and the work of their hands brings them reward, Proverbs 12:14,” Spencer whispers in your ear as his hands slowly trail under your skirt, his fingers tracing your thighs as they get closer to your core. You moan softly as his fingers brush against your panties and he starts pressing open mouth kisses to the side of your neck. You let your head fall back, giving him more room to kiss and suck on your neck and collarbones. He smirks and gently sucks a mark on your pulse point as he pushes your panties to the side.
“You’re so wet, angel,” Spencer murmured against your skin. “Did you get all worked up using your mouth on me?” 
You whimper quietly as he uses one of his fingers to spread your wetness around. He doesn’t tease you for long, within moments you feel the tip of his finger brushing against your clit. You moan in response, his touch sending sparks all over your body. He begins to gently rub your clit in a circular motion, working you slowly.
You gasp loudly when he slips one of his fingers inside you, his long, slender finger reaching far deeper than yours ever could. He slowly pumps his finger in and out, letting you get used to the sensation before adding a second finger. His pace increases and he curls his fingers, brushing against your g-spot. You moan his name, causing him to pick up speed. 
“Does that feel good, angel?” Spence asked lowly, watching the way you fell apart under his touch.
 “Uh-huh, so good, Spence”
He smirks as you clench around his fingers. His thumb moves to rub your clit as he continues thrusting his fingers. 
“You gonna cum for me?” 
“Yes, yes, ohhh god.” You moan loudly, shaking as you let go, your thighs squeezing around him. 
“I wanna be inside you, angel,” Spencer mumbled, pushing your skirt up. 
You nod and lift your hips to make it easier for him. You can hear a low moan slip from his mouth when he exposes the lacy panties you’re wearing that day. He hooks his fingers in the waistband to pull them down, but gets interrupted by the ringing of his phone.
He reluctantly answers the call, “Reid.” 
You listen quietly as he speaks, trying to get your breathing back to normal. He hangs up the phone and pouts, “Hotch wants us back at the station.”
“I gathered,” you mumble as he steps back, giving you room to stand up and fix your skirt.
“If you want, you can come by my hotel room later? Finish what we started?” He offers as he pulls up his pants.
“I’d like that. I’d like that a lot.”
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dix0nspretty · 2 days ago
Summary: Since you came back from Woodbury, you've been skittish and avoiding men- especially Daryl- like the plague.
Daryl Dixon x F!Reader, 1.1k words
Era: Prison (post-Glenn and Maggie in Woodbury)
It's discussion of the aftermath and not active SA, but it is discussion of the reader being raped/SAed. Feelings of guilt and shame from the assault, mentions of isolation, fear of men, and suicidal ideation. This is not a light read. Author is.... working through some things, to say the least. I'm, against my best judgement, engaging in this bastardized version of Russian Roulette Febuwhump/Kinktober for March that I'm affectionately calling Trinket's Cause of Death. It's basically 50/50 whump/kink where I generate a number corresponding to a prompt.
Day 11: Sexual Assault with Daryl (whump)
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When you, Maggie, and Glenn came back from Woodbury after Merle forced you there, something was different. Glenn was beat to hell, Maggie was angry, and you… you were skittish. Quiet.
Glenn has barely spoken to Daryl, Merle having driven a wedge between them right when it was starting to feel like Daryl was finally fitting in. You were a close friend. Rick trusted him with Little Asskicker and important situations around the prison. He was actually listened to and his opinion valued… until he brought Merle back with him.
Most if not all of the progress made between the youngest Dixon and everyone else was out the window, but nothing bothered him more than the way you suddenly avoided him like the plague. Skittering away any time he got even close or called your name. All of the men, actually.
If one of the men enters a room you’re in, you find the quickest reason to leave. You won’t eat meals with the whole group, either eating in your cell or secluding yourself away in a corner, back to a wall and eyes on an exit strategy.
Contrary to recently renewed belief, Daryl Dixon is anything but stupid. He recognizes these patterns and between you and Maggie… he doesn’t like the picture being painted.
So he takes the Daryl way of handling things and comes to your cell when the fewest people are in the prison, sleeping in their cells or on guard or doing god-knows-what elsewhere. He convinces himself that his heart doesn’t ache when he watches you startle, scared by the male silhouette in your doorway. You don’t relax when you meet his eyes and that is nearly as devastating as the change to your cell.
Gone are your belongings spread across the cell in a cheery attempt to make it look more as a bedroom. Your mattress has been dragged from your bed, shoved into the small nook between the wall and the head of the bunks. Your backpack, your boots, and your other belongings form a wall around the foot of the mattress, effectively blocking you in.
It’s not a bedroom anymore, it’s the equivalent of an animal trying to protect themselves in their den and he tries to ignore the faint crack of his heart breaking.
“What are y’doin’ in there?” His voice comes out gruff but attempting to be… what, conversational? He knows what he’s here to ask and it’s not about the weather outside. “Mattress goes on the bed.”
Normally that would’ve earned him a huff and a sarcastic comment dripping with easy wit, but all he gets is those scared eyes looking at him like he’s the big bad wolf. Like he’ll eat you whole.
“Just me,” Daryl softens his voice as much as he can and steps into the cell, slowly and making minimal noise. He ignores the way you flinch, stopping outside of arm’s reach,  a trick he learned as a kid, and eases to sit in a mimic of your own posture. “Ain’t gonna hurt ya.”
The way you look at him screams that no, you don’t know that, so Daryl does something very rare and completely disarms himself. Not a knife, not a bolt, nothing on him other than his clothes, and he passes the weapons over to you. “Body’s tellin’ you I’m a threat. I ain’t a threat to you an’ you know it.”
A small sniffle as you grab his weapons and pull them into your makeshift nest. “Feels like a threat,” You mumble softly and wipe at your eyes. “Everyone does.”
He takes a moment to think about that before shaking his head. “Nah. Not everyone.” You know what he’s getting at and he knows you know, but you seem determined to be stubborn. That’s okay- he’s even more stubborn and a bastard to boot. “Y’get raped?”
The freezing of each and every atom in your body and the shift in the air tells him all he needs to know. You make some strangled attempt to protest, to deny the claim out of shame or fear or guilt, but he simply nods and holds eye contact. “Was it Merle?” His brother is a misogynistic, racist, homophobic piece of shit, but he’s never gone so far as to sexually assault someone- not to Daryl’s knowledge, at least.
If he finds out Merle laid even a finger on you, he’ll skin him alive himself and let you feed the walkers with the pieces. He’ll kill him if he hurt you, if he violated you in the worst possible way someone could be hurt.
“No,” you whisper softly with a shake of your head. He can’t deny the relief he feels that his brother had nothing to do with it, but that doesn’t ease the anger and concern for you.
“Governor?” Daryl lists the second name and there you go, freezing again and avoiding eye contact. Nail on the head. “Look…”
Daryl scoots closer on the floor until his boots are close enough to brush the blanket in your lap if you shift. Close but not too close. He’s an observant person. Everybody in the prison knows how much you thrive on touch, on physical closeness. It’d practically your lifeblood and as far as he knows, you’ve gone over a week without it. He’s extending an olive branch.
“Ain’t gonna make you talk,” He promises once you relax some, body realizing that if he was going to hurt you, he would’ve done it already. “Ain’t gonna make you pretend t’be alright. That’s bullshit, you’re the furthest thing from alright.”
It’s over 10 minutes of silence before the words slowly start to spill from your lips, a slow trickle at first before pouring out in a waterfall. How Merle got the drop on you. Being dragged into a room by myself. Having to listen to Maggie and Glenn scream while not knowing what’s happening, if they’re okay.
How the Governor tried to play good cop before forcing you to undress, making you bend over the cold table.
You’re sobbing in Daryl’s lap, face buried into his neck by the time you admit aloud just what the Governor did to you. The extent he forced you to take, the pain and the shame and the need to get away from everybody your brain deems a threat, which is everyone.
He lets you sob and wail, lets you grieve and work through your emotions silently. He knows you need someone to listen to you, not to pacify you. You need the physical comfort you’ve been lacking and the sensation of being safe. Daryl would kill a hundred men to keep you safe. To take this experience away from you, to take it for you.
And god help the Governor if Daryl ever, ever sees him again.
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verstappenverse · 16 hours ago
The Hardest Goodbye
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Reader
Summary: Max is about to leave for the first leg of the season, taking him to the other side of the world. You know it’s part of the job, but it doesn’t make saying goodbye any easier.
Authors Note: Wanted to get this one out before the season officially begins! Wishing everyone an exciting year ☺️
1.2k words / Masterlist
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The apartment feels too quiet.
Max’s suitcase is already by the door, zipped up and waiting, an unspoken reminder that time is running out. His travel backpack is slung over the arm of the couch, its front pocket half-open, the edge of his passport just visible inside. His phone charger is coiled neatly in the side compartment ready for him to grab at the last second, just like always.
It’s routine. You’ve watched him pack for countless race weekends before, stood by while he double-checked his gear and made sure he had everything he needed. You’re supposed to be helping him do that now, but instead, you’re sitting on the edge of the bed, gripping the sheets with white-knuckled hands.
Max crouches in front of you, pressing a knee into the rug, his hands finding your thighs. “Hey.” His voice is softer than usual, careful.
You don’t look up. If you do, you think your chest might actually crack in half.
“Look at me,” he tries again, squeezing your leg.
You shake your head.
Max exhales through his nose, shifting his weight. “Baby.” His fingers slide under your chin, tilting your head up, forcing your eyes to meet his. “What’s wrong?”
You let out a laugh that tastes like salt. “I don’t know.”
But you do know. Of course, you do.
Because this is the longest you will have ever gone without seeing him. Ever.
Since the day you met, Max has never been away for more than a week or two at most. Even during the longest seasons, there was always a way, an opportunity for him to come back, for you to travel to him, or for the two of you to steal whatever time you could in between races.
But now, he was about to start the first four-race leg of the season, and every stop was on the other side of the world. This time, there was no quick visit, no spontaneous weekday together. You couldn’t take time off work, couldn’t rearrange your schedule. For the first time, he was really leaving, and you had no choice but to stay behind.
Australia. China. Japan. Bahrain.
A month and a half.
You know this is part of his job. You’ve always known. You should be fine with it, should be stronger than this, but the ache in your heart only grows heavier with each minute that passes.
The words clog up in your throat. You don’t want to say them because you don’t want to be difficult, don’t want to be the kind of person who makes things harder when Max already has enough on his plate.
But he sees it. He always does.
His thumb strokes the side of your cheek, and his voice drops. “You wish I didn't have to go.”
You laugh with a small sniffle. “Of course I do”
The corner of his mouth twitches, a sad smile that doesn’t quite form. “You never say that.”
You swallow. He’s right. You never say that. You never want him to feel like he’s torn between you and his job, the job that he loves, the job that he was born for, because he isn't. You would never ask him to choose, never put him in a position where he had to weigh his love for you against the sport.
And you love all of it, the early mornings, the late nights, the constant travel, the adrenaline that keeps his blood pumping even when he’s exhausted. You love the fire in his eyes when he talks about racing, the way he comes alive when he’s behind the wheel, the way he belongs to it as much as he belongs to you.
You know what you signed up for, and you wouldn’t trade it for anything. But that doesn’t mean you won’t miss him. That doesn’t mean it won’t ache every time he walks out the door, or that you won’t wish, just for a moment, that things were different. Not because you want him to change, but because loving him means letting him go.
Max pushes himself up onto the bed next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you in, pressing his lips against your hair. “Come with me.”
Your eyes squeeze shut. “You know I can’t.”
His hand tightens on your arm. “You can.”
“I have work Max, this project” you murmur. “It's important. It’s been in the works for months and I can’t just disappear in the middle of it.”
His lips graze your temple. “Can't you push it back.”
You huff a quiet laugh, shaking your head against his shoulder. “It doesn’t work like that. Deadlines and all.”
He exhales sharply, his fingers tracing absentminded circles on your back. “I’m sure they’d survive without you for a little while.”
You press your face into his neck, inhaling his scent like you’re trying to commit it to memory. “Maybe. But I can’t just walk away not now.”
His jaw tenses. “I hate that.”
You sigh, fingers curling into the fabric of his hoodie. “I know.”
You sit in silence for a long moment. His heart is steady under your palm, but you can feel the tension coiled inside him. He’s keeping it together for you, but you can feel the effort it takes.
“You’ll be back before we know it,” you murmur, unsure who you're trying to comfort more. “We’ll call, we’ll text, we’ll—”
Max pulls back slightly, just enough to look at you properly, his brows knitting together. “It’s not the same.”
“I know,” you whisper.
His eyes wander over your face, as if he’s memorising you. “I wish I had more time.”
You force a smile. “You don’t.”
“I could—”
“Max.” You cut him off before he can finish the sentence, before he can say something stupid like skipping his flight and missing endless duties. “Go.” You try to keep your voice steady. “Do what you do best. I’ll be cheering for you.”
He exhales, pressing his forehead to yours. “I’ll miss you every second.”
You close your eyes. “Me too.”
His hands cup your face, his thumbs brushing away the tears you didn’t even realise had fallen. “I’ll call the second I land.”
You nod.
“I’ll text before every session.”
You nod again.
Max swallows, jaw tightening. “I love you.”
Your heart stumbles, just like it always does when he says it, but this time, there’s something heavier behind the words. Like he’s trying to pour every ounce of emotion into them, make them last through every lonely night and every time zone between you.
You wrap your arms around his neck, holding on so tightly it hurts. “I love you too.”
And then he’s kissing you, and it’s not soft, it’s desperate, needy, like he’s trying to take a piece of you with him.
When he finally pulls away, your breath stutters, and he presses one last lingering kiss to your forehead before pulling himself to his feet.
He slings his backpack over his shoulder, grabs the handle of his suitcase, and hesitates at the door. “One last chance to change your mind and come with me.”
You laugh, shaking your head.
Max sighs. “Okay.” Then presses his lips together like he’s trying to physically stop himself from saying more.
And then he’s gone.
The door clicks shut behind him, and the silence that follows is deafening.
You don’t move. You can’t. Not until your phone buzzes, lighting up with a message that makes your heart squeeze in your chest.
Max: I’m already counting down the days.
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motorsportbarbie13 · 2 days ago
Post It - Part 3 - LN4
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when lando stumbles upon a random tiktok of a pretty american influencer, he can't stop himself from sliding into her DMs. what happens next is more than both of them ever bargained for.
Part 1 Part 2 Master List
warnings: nothing. this entire series is going to be pretty fluffy so :) I do say the word ‘papaya’ a concerning amount though 😂 (a note: as per usual, kudos to @lestapiastrisgirl for always answering my 2am ‘SO HEAR ME OUT’s and ‘BUT WHAT IF WE’s’ ❤️) pairing: lando norris x influencer!reader word count: 3.7k
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story replies: lando lord have MERCY >>>yourusername 🤭 hannahstjohn god we're cute >>>yourusername <3 thank you for being there for me, my love. >>>hannahstjohn i'm so happy you're happy and you are gloooowing today, btw >>>yourusername i've got butterflies han! HE gives me butterflies and i have no idea what i'm doing but oh my god. >>>hannahstjohn thats how it felt with liam. it happened quick but it happed hard >>>yourusername i'm in so much trouble >>>hannahstjohn :)))
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The morning of the sprit race starts off almost identically as the day before: you and Hannah arriving at the track together an hour or so behind Liam, the noise and crowds of the paddock overwhelming you once again the moment you scan your badge at the gate. 
“All I’m saying is, I’m quite impressed with him. I didn’t know Lando could be such a…gentleman.” Her eyes sparkle with mischief, tone teasing you. 
You shoot her a look, already regretting the fact that you had told how how last night had ended. “He was nervous, okay?” You say with a laugh, closing your eyes as you shake your head. 
The chemistry between you two had been undeniable during dinner and after, he had offered to walk you back to your room. Tension sparked in the elevator as you waited for Lando to make a move. His shoulder brushed yours, fingertips barely grazing your lower back when the doors slid open to allow you off at your floor. You had propped yourself up against the door, room key dangling from your fingers as you looked up at him. 
‘Thank you for dinner’ You had murmured, fluttering your lashes at him in hopes he got the message. 
‘Of course.’ Had been his response as he palmed the back of his neck, shifting his weight as his eyes darted between your lips and back up to meet your gaze. For a moment you had thought he was going to actually kiss you and as he leaned in, your breath hitched in the back of your throat, anticipation buzzing through your veins. 
At the last moment, Lando moved his lips and grazed your cheek instead. The touch had been light, almost tentative, like he wasn’t sure if he was allowed to be so close to you. You barely bit back the whine in your throat when he pulled away to look at you again. ‘I’ll have McLaren passes waiting for you at the front desk tomorrow morning, okay?” 
You had nodded, brain trying to process what had just not happened. “Okay.” You replied weakly, the spot where his lips had touched your skin burning. 
“Text me when you get to the paddock and I’ll come meet you. Get some sleep, pretty girl.” 
And with that, he had turned around and walked back towards the elevator. 
You had spent the rest of the night analyzing everything with Hannah, trying to figure out what had been going through his head in that moment. 
“I had no idea Lando Norris knew how to be nervous.” Hannah chuckles as you walk through the paddock. You chuckle in response but you know better. The Lando you knew, that Lando was totally different from his public persona. He was quiet and anxious and seemed to get into his head too easily. But that was a side of Lando you were beginning to realize that he didn’t show just anyone and that made you feel all the more special. 
30 feet in front of you, the McLaren hospitality building looms, first in the paddock as a result of their Constructors Championship last year. You spot a certain curly haired Brit leaning against the railing, eyes scanning the crowd underneath a pair of dark sunglasses. Your stomach flips when he raises the glasses, light blue eyes catching your gaze as a half-smile hitches at the corner of his mouth. 
“Oh, he’s so down bad for you.” Hannah murmurs at your side and you elbow her with a laugh. “I still can’t believe you’re abandoning me for the enemy. Liam is devastated.” 
You chuckle, picking up your pace to get to Lando quicker. When you had met Hannah in the lobby this morning, you had asked if she was okay with you spending the day at McLaren. Much to your surprise, Hannah had encouraged you to go. She had seen how Lando had looked at you yesterday, had heard the way you talked about him when you called her for a post-dinner debrief. 
“I think Liam will survive. He’s probably thankful even that he doesn’t have to deal with the pair of us this morning.” 
“You’re probably right.” Hannah agrees just as you two reach McLaren’s hospitality. 
Lando’s been watching you approach for the last several minutes from his perch at the top of the ramp of the large orange building. He still can’t believe he chickened out last night, abandoning his plan for a juvenile kiss on the lips. The truth was, he had been so anxious that he was going to mess this up that he hadn’t wanted to push you to a place where you were uncomfortable. He hadn’t wanted to blow this second chance you had just given him so when it came down to it, a peck on the cheek had seemed the only right thing to do. 
He watches you and Hannah chat, the laugh that spills out of your lips when you get closer sending fiery pleasure skittering over his skin. 
“Morning, Lan.” You singsong, watching at he bounds down the ramp to join you and Hannah on the sidewalk. 
“What are you wearing?” He asks so abruptly for a moment you just blink at him. 
“Okay, so like, let’s agree to never start off a conversation with that ever again, yeah?” 
Beside you, Hannah huffs a laugh. 
Lando rolls his eyes, “You can’t wear navy in my garage!” He protests as if you’re the one missing the point. 
“Lando.” You deadpan, “I think this is the only bit of orange clothing I even own! You’re lucky I just happened to have this in my suitcase!” 
“It’s papaya!” He says with an exaggerated sigh. 
“This shirt has papaya in it!” You point to the thin stripes of orange…papaya…that the predominately navy tank top has all over it. 
Lando frowns before shaking his head. “It’s not enough.” He declares before reaching for your hand. “Come on, we need to fix this before I can take you anywhere.” 
You make an indignant sound as he drags you away from where Hannah stands laughing. “I guess I’ll text you later, H!” You shout over your shoulder. 
“Come to Red Bull for lunch!” She calls after you. 
“She’s eating lunch with me!” Lando yells before dragging you through the sliding glass doors of McLaren’s hospitality. 
You hear the echos of Hannah’s laughter as the doors whisper shut behind you. “Okay, that was rude! I didn’t even get to say goodbye to her!” 
Lando just shrugs, not letting go of your hand, as he pulls you towards a set of stairs just inside the double doors. “We have more important things to take care of and I have to be in the car in a bit.” 
“You are so dramatic.” You huff. 
When Lando doesn’t respond, you take a moment to glance around the first floor of the building he’s dragging you through. There are McLaren employees, all dressed in various amounts of papaya and black, bustling through the space. Some sit at sleek black high top tables, tapping away on computers or eating a snack before they’re pulled to another task. There’s a food counter tucked away in the other corner, laden down with breakfast and lunch foods. On the opposite side are several doors that lead to what you assume are team offices. 
You follow Lando up the stairs, trying to ignore the sideways glances you two are attracting as you quickly walk through the space. There’s several sets of doors on the landing and he pulls you towards an open one with his name tacked up on the wall just outside of it. 
Lando’s drivers room is small, with just enough room for a couch, massage table, and small desk. Light spills in through the three floor to ceiling windows that face out towards the back of the paddock, making the entire space bright and well lit. Lando shuts the door behind him before dropping your hand in favor of opening a closet that’s tucked away in the corner. He digs around for a few moments, mumbling something about how he just knows you’re going to look so good in papaya. 
Finding what he was apparently looking for, he crosses the room to where you stand, arms folded across your chest. “Take that off.” He tugs at your navy cardigan you had grabbed to keep the chill of the morning air off your skin. 
“Lando!” You scold, swatting his arm away when he continues to try to undress you. “At least kiss me before you try to get me naked.” 
The driver freezes, eyes flying up to yours before a smirk pulls at the corner of his lips. “Cheeky.” He murmurs before allowing you to remove the cardigan yourself. 
Tossing the cardigan across the room, Lando pulls a papaya colored hoodie over your head. The first thing you notice is how soft and warm the sweatshirt is but the second thing? The second thing you notice is how is smells. Lando’s cologne, the same woodsy scent that had kept you up last night as it clung to your clothes after your dinner with him. The earthy scent of cedar and something citrusy filled your nose and you can’t help but inhale deeply. 
“Wait, is this the hoodie you wore into the paddock this morning?” 
Lando looks at you like you couldn’t have asked a more obvious question. “Of course?” 
“So people will know it’s yours when they see me in it…” 
Again, Lando gives you a look that seems to say ‘duh, silly girl’. “Exactly. That’s kind of the point, so people know who you belong to.”  
“Belong to?” You arch a brow, managing to keep the tone light even though you suddenly can’t feel your toes. 
“Yep.” He says simply before dropping a kiss onto the tip of your nose. 
The blush that flashes across your cheeks has Lando smirking down at you. His stomach swoops a little at the the way it feels having you standing there in his drivers room wearing his clothing. The possessive streak that winds it’s way through his veins at the sight of you catches him off guard. He’d never really considered himself territorial when it came to relationships but something about the sight of you in his hoodie he had just taken off had his heart pounding.  
Lando’s phone buzzes in his pocket and he’s pulled away for a moment. While he talks to his performance coach on the phone, you wander over to where your purse sits on the small black leather couch. Your stomach rumbles a bit, reminding you that both Hannah and you had been running so late this morning you’d had to skip breakfast. 
You sink down into the soft couch, pulling out the fruit you’d snagged from the hotel’s grab and go store. Popping open the lid, you stab at a bit of fruit before popping it in your mouth. You’re distracted for a moment, feeling the couch dip beside you as Lando sits down. “Did you bring snacks?” He asks, tugging you towards him so your shoulders are pressed up against each other.
“I brought myself breakfast. I slept in past my alarm this morning because someone wouldn’t stop texting me last night and kept me up past my bedtime so I didn't have time to eat.” 
Lando smirks, enjoying the way you sass him. “I managed to get here on time, my love.” 
You narrow your eyes at him playfully before you take another bite of your breakfast. “Whatever. I’m not sharing.” 
Lando frowns. “Who even said I wanted any of your gross fruit anyway. What even is that…It’s too dark to be a mango.” 
Your grin widens as you realize he has no idea what’s in the cup in your hands. “Lando, it’s a papaya.” 
yourusername posted
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yourusername hiya papaya hannahstjohn enemy territory >>>lando joint custody >>>hannahstjohn as long as you pay child support >>>yourusername i can see the calendar invite now: PR meeting with McLaren, 9am Monday >>>lando hahaha fuck off >>>yourusername meetings been moved up to 2pm TODAY!!! >>>user2010 guys, i fear she is hilarious and i am in love user222 wasn't she in red bull yesterday??? >>>user239 this girl is getting around the paddock, isn't she??? jfc user029 the adhd hyperfixation crossover i never knew i needed >>>user483 why did this speak to me on a spiritual level?
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The elevator dings, signaling it’s arrival to your floor later that night. Lando had insisted on walking you back to your room after you’d finished dinner with Carlos and Rebecca in the hotel restaurant. 
“Did you have a good time today?” Lando asks quietly, the exhaustion from the activity of the day edging into his voice as you both walk slowly down the empty hallway. 
“I mean, I got to see you make a wild pass on the very last lap to steal the win away from that Ferrari, didn’t I?” You say, bumping your shoulder against his. Grinning, your memory flickers back to the way the garage had exploded when he had dove into the corner with millimeters to spare. You hand’t anticipated how electrifying it would be to watch Lando win but it was an experience you knew you’d never forget. 
Lando’s fingers brush the small of your back as you reach your hotel room. It takes a brief moment for you to find your key and when you turn around to face him fully, you’re surprised at the hungry look in his eyes. 
“That was pretty good, wasn’t it?” He asks, the cocky grin on his face grows as you lean back into the wall, looking up at him through your lashes. 
“Now all I need is to see you take a champagne shower tomorrow and the weekend will be complete.” 
Your heart pounds when Lando leans in closer, so close that you can feel the heat of his breath fan out over your cheek. His cologne distracts you, that same woody and citrus smell digging its way under your skin so you’ll forever associate it with him. 
“Is that so?” He murmurs. 
“Yep.” You manage to whisper, trying desperately hard not to give away how flustered he’s got you. 
“Speaking of tomorrow, did you know that I’m a very superstitious person?” Lando shifts almost imperceptibly closer to you.
Your cheeks heat as you struggle to focus on the words that are coming out of his mouth instead of his lips that are so full that you can’t help but wonder what it would feel like being kissed by them. “Is that so?”
Your voice is so embarrassingly breathy Lando nearly laughs. He’s enjoying watching you squirm under the heat of his gaze.
“Mmmhmm” He hums, swiping his thumb across your bottom lip.  
Your brain scrambles to keep up. “So, how can I help you with that, sir?” 
The flare in Lando’s eyes at your words is near feral. He catches his bottom lip between his teeth and reaches up a hand to turn his black McLaren hat around so the bill is facing backwards. Your knees nearly buckle at the move and you swear you whimper when he braces his arm against the wall, his palm settling inches away from your head. His other hand rests heavily on your hip, squeezing at the flesh there. 
“Sir?” He growls. “Oh I like that.” You blink up at him, suddenly unable to form coherent words. Lando’s lips curl into a satisfied grin. “We’ll come back to that little bit later, though. Let’s discuss how you can help. I’m going to need you in my garage tomorrow because again, superstitious. You’re probably the reason I won today, after all.” 
“Oh? I didn’t know I had that kind of effect on you.” You finally find the words to tease back. 
Lando shifts his weight towards you then, pressing his hips into your body. You feel his unmistakable hardness digging into you, your pupils blowing wide. 
“You have no idea what kind of effect you have on me.” He murmurs into the soft skin at your neck. “Come on, I need my good luck charm cheering me on. You wouldn’t want to be responsible for messing up what could be my first big win of the season, now would you?” 
All you can do is shake your head, once again fully lost to the way Lando is looking at you, breathing on you, pressing his entire length into your belly. It’s a surprise you’ve maintained the ability to stand, really. 
“Come on, baby please? Drive with me to the track tomorrow. Spend the day with me.” 
You almost laugh at the absurdity of his request. Drive with Lando to the track where you would most certainly be photographed arriving with him? Spend the day with him? Give the photographers more opportunities to connect you two? 
“Do you want to cause chaos?” You say, laughter edging its way into your voice. 
“With you? Always.” 
The air sparks between you, thick and heavy with the tension that’d been building since the moment he put his hand on your thigh while he drove you back to the hotel earlier. Lando’s eyes, usually bright and playfully shifted into something darker, something hungrier that had you swallowing thickly. The playful banter that you’d been batting back and forth all day had shifted in the last few moments, the undercurrent of tension now a physical force you could feel pressing against your chest. 
“You’re crazy.” You shake your head, eyes darting away from Lando’s down towards his lips. 
Lando sees where you’re looking and catches his bottom lip between his teeth, smirk growing even wider. He lowers his head, breath warm against your lips. “Crazy about how you’re looking at me right now.” He rasps, voice husky and low. 
The world narrows, the hallway fading into a blur of black and white as his lips finally meet yours. It’s soft at first, tentative and gentle like he’s taking his time with you, savoring the way you feel against him. After a moment though, the dam breaks and Lando tilts his head to deepen the kiss. He drags his hand away from your hip up to the back of your neck, his fingers tangling in your hair as he yanks you closer. 
You melt against him, your own hands finding their way to his chest, feeling the solid warmth beneath his shirt. The kiss was everything you’d been thinking about since the moment you met him, a fusion of sweetness and heat, a delicious blend of anticipation and raw desire. 
Lando pulls back slightly, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His eyes, still stormy with passion, searched yours. “Fuck.” He whispers before dragging his mouth down the column of your throat. You tilt your head back to give him better access, a desperate whine spilling from your lips. “I’ve been wanting to do that all night.” Lando says against the crook of your neck. 
A shiver runs down your spine at his words. Lips still tingling, you struggle to catch your breath and slow your pounding heart as it hammers out a frantic rhythm against your ribcage. 
Lando lifts his head up to look at you. The intensity of his gaze has you clutching at the fabric of his white button down. “Can I kiss you again?” He murmurs. 
“Please.” You beg. 
Lando’s eyes flare, pupils going wide. “Good girl.” 
It’s a miracle you stay on your feet. 
He closes the distance between you, his lips meeting yours in a desperate, hungry kiss. This time, there’s no hesitation, no restraint. He doesn’t hold back as he covers your lips with his, nipping at the your bottom lip just hard enough to elicit a gasp from you. The kiss deepens even further, a connection that runs deeper than either of you had anticipated sparking to life. 
The world outside the hallway ceases to exist. Someone could have come running past shouting about a fire and neither of you would have reacted. The only thing you feel is Lando’s lips on yours, the warmth of his body pressed against yours, the intoxicating scent of his cologne filling your senses. It felt like a moment suspended in time, a stolen moment of pure passion that deepens the already growing connection you shared with him. 
You have no idea how long Lando spends kissing you but when he pulls back, you lift your hands to your lips, feeling how swollen they’ve become from how good he’s worked you over. 
“I should go before I can’t anymore.” Lando says, eyes full of hesitation like he doesn’t really believe what he’s saying. 
“You could stay.” You whisper, reaching out to trail your fingers down his jaw. He leans into the palm of your hand, kissing the warm skin there before he shakes his head. 
“I could, but I won’t.” 
Disappointment surges through you so sharply a whine escapes before you can control yourself. 
Lando chuckles while he runs his fingers through your hair. “I said no more flings and I meant it. I’m going to do this the right way this time and that means turning around and walking away before I throw you over my shoulder and open that fucking door myself.” 
Lando was seriously impressed with the amount of restraint he was showing right now. He’d been thinking of this, of the moment he finally got to touch you, taste you, feel you against him, since the moment he ran into you in the paddock yesterday. When you two had started talking and getting to know each other, he’d been attracted to your personality, the way you had such a passion for life, the way you never felt anything halfway or lightly. But now that he was here with you, had you physically within his reach, the way his skin tingled whenever you were nearby was a feeling he’d never experienced before and he was obsessed. 
You can’t help the frown that forms on your face and Lando leans down to kiss it away. “So you don’t want…” You say against his lips. 
Lando shakes his head, pulling away. “No, baby. I do. Very much, trust me. I just…” He rakes his hand through his curls, trying to find the right words, the vulnerability you’re pulling from him is unsettling but not all that unwelcome either. “I just don’t want to rush this. This isn’t a stolen weekend for me. I want to take my time with you, okay?” 
Your heart thuds at his words, thankful that you’re not the only one feeling this way. After a beat you finally find your voice. “Okay.” 
Lando smiles before dropping a kiss onto your forehead while he holds onto your chin. “Good. Get some sleep, I’ll text you when I figure out what time we have to leave tomorrow morning for the track, okay?” 
It’s all you can do to nod in agreement before you watch Lando turn on his heel and walk towards the elevator. 
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f1.gossip.source posted
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f1.gossip.source new couple alert???? @/lando and @/yourusername were spotted arriving at the track together ahead of sunday's grand prix. They've been spotted together frequently this weekend with the American influencer spending a second day in McLaren's garage cheering on the British driver. They were also spotted late last night on what looked to be a double date with Carlos Sainz and his partner Rebecca. I think this is all the confirmation we need that Norris is officially DONE with once rumored fling and british model @/its_allegra_babes user999 ohhhh this is juicy user919 @/its_allegra_babes uh...so what was that hint about going to Monaco for the off week??? >>>user111 looks like she's gonna be alone in Monaco...or third wheeling it. hahahahah >>>user928 HAHA seriously. where are the 'private but not secret' people now? SEE he does know how to claim a girl in public >>>user992 he hasn't claimed her either??? until that man says the words 'my girlfriend' they're all clout chasing wannabes... user333 NAH because i have NEVER seen this man look that happy when he's with allegra tho. >>>user832 i'm here for the race and have paddock club tickets. i saw them eating lunch before the race and BOY let me tell you. that man is not thinking about anyone but @/yourusername
tag list:
@shelbyteller, @martygraciesversion381, @samantha-chicago, @stelena-klayley @dark-night-sky-99 @luckylampzonkland, @aykxz98 @forensicheart @cheer-bear-go-vroom @lieutenantchaos @willowsnook @linnygirl09 @meglouise00 @mixedstyles @secret-agents-stole-my-bunnies @mrosales16 @charlesgirl16 @leclercdream @daemyratwst @dramaticpiratellamas @mochimommy2002 @llando4norris @iamaunknownsecret @maxivstappen @imlonelydontsendhelp @nina-or-anna-or-nora @a1leexxa @littlegrapejuice @sunflowervol18 @freyathehuntress @finn-dot-com @swiftie-4-lifes-stuff @chirasama @lauralarsen @dr3wstarkey @saskiaalonso @rbv3rstappen @ilovechickenwings @guaaafiiburg @mcmuppet @mindless-rock @piastri-fvx @mel164 @schumi-angel @myescapefromthislife @supertrashbread @sunny44 @tinystudentblaze-stuff @sarx164
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theliving-radio · 3 days ago
Hi :D I've read your Big Brother Malleus headcanons and I love them a lot. I don't know if you take requests but... I've been wondering on what would happen in the following scenarios:
Reader gets involved in a mishap during class and gets turned into a little kid by accident. While Ace, Deuce, Grim, and the teachers try to find a way to fix this, Reader starts crying and screams that they want their Big Brother.
Angsty bit: someone with a grudge against the Draconias finds out that the Reader is Malleus' younger sibling and kidnaps them.
You don't need to write anything you're not comfortable with. Just wanted to share some of my ideas for when a Protective Big Brother Malleus will appear.
1) I love this idea so much, so here’s a writing short~
Professor Crewel passes the neatly wrapped up, toddler Prefect to the three idiots to prepare making an antidote.
Ace held you away from him like you would give him a some weird crazy disease from your tiny chubby self.
“Oh my Sevens… Ace, hold them properly!”
“I am holding them!”
“Mrah! Pass them to me! I’ll carry them! They’re my hench-human after all!”
“Grim, they are like the same size as you but heavier!”
“I’m strong enough!”
All three of them argued over one another, the noise from them starting to hurt your little head. And so you did the only thing you could do to get out of these idiots hold.
It started out as a small sniffle and then increased to loud wailing. All three of your friends stop what they’re doing and go back to focus on you.
“Hey, why are you crying? It’s ok! Look, big brother Ace is here!” Ace raises you in the air and started making an engine sound with his mouth, trying to mimic a plane sound as he pretended you were the plane!
His movements only caused you to cry harder.
“Mal Mal!” Ace stops his movements when he heard you scream out for a certain fae.
“Uh oh.” Deuce also paused as he, Ace, and Grim slowly turn their heads to the classroom door as they heard the sound of loud footsteps steps running in the hallway.
The classroom door slams open to reveal Malleus in the doorway, scanning the almost empty classroom. His eyes land on you, your tiny figure crying in Ace’s hold.
Was that you? It couldn’t be…
But you confirmed Malleus’s thought when you sniffled and started making grabby hands towards him, letting out sad miserable sobs that broke his poor dragon heart.
Malleus was over to the four of you in an instant, stealing you away from Ace to hold you close to himself.
“My poor, sweet, Baby sibling. You do not need to fear anymore. Big Brother is here now.” Malleus ignored Ace, having his full attention on you.
Malleus held your small body close to his chest and rocked his body side to side, lulling you into a deep sleep. Your hiccups and sobs were no more, just the sound of your soft snores as the fae continues to hold you.
Malleus smiles down at this small baby version of you. His baby sibling, (who is an actual baby now) was adorable. You had your face squished up against his chest and your tiny hand was gripping his school jacket.
Ace and Deuce were in awe seeing the dragon fae take special care of you, how gently he handled your infant form.
Grim on the other hand wasn’t really impressed. He’s seen Malleus try and baby you before and you usually swat him away playfully, so this wasn’t really new.
Malleus turns to face the people who caused the problem in the first place. Ace and Deuce thought they were gonna die right then and there. Instead, the fae smiled at them.
“Both of you are lucky that your mishap has created something positive out of it. I already assume Professor Crewel is making something to reverse the process?”
“Yeah… He said we have to take care of the Prefect for the time being.”
“Absolutely not.” Malleus dismissed Deuce, “I shall be the one looking after my Baby Sibling. I am their Big Brother after all.”
Malleus proudly walks away from the three, going back to his dorm and to ask Lilia if he has Silver’s old baby carrier.
He knows you aren’t gonna be like this forever, but he’s gonna use all the time he has to savor this opportunity. Big Brother Malleus is gonna take good care of his Baby Sibling.
2) Now for the kidnapping bit, I wouldn’t think it would be much of angst. Just more of-
You were currently sitting in a chair.
In an office.
Inside the Royal Sword Academy.
Facing Headmage Ambrose who looked as equally as annoyed as you were.
And right beside you was the cause of the reason why you were here.
Standing beside you was a student from Royal Sword, who also happened to be a Prince, standing proudly at his accomplishment.
And what did he accomplish?
Kidnapping you apparently. You were minding your own damn business, having a nice walk with Malleus… when this asshole on a white horse came out of no where and swiftly stole you away from your peaceful walk.
Like excuse you???
“Prince Etienne, please… can you explain to me, one last time, why you brought Mx (Y/n) here?” Ambrose finally spoke up as he adjusted his spectacles, looking at the one named Etienee.
“It’s just like I said, Headmage. I’ve been hearing news about a poor, magic-less student suffering at Night Raven. Clearly, the school had to be taking care of them, right? Yet I couldn't stop my concern..." Etienne crossed his arms and closed his eyes, recounting the events on what he saw.
"So, I rode over to the school, hoping to maybe see the Prefect and how they are doing. But when I made it to the school, what do I see? This poor Defenseless student being attacked by one of their peers! He was about to hit them!"
At the time of your kidnapping, Malleus was teasing you due to the height difference and was about to ruffle your hair... but before he was able to do so, you were taken away.
Did he think Malleus was gonna hit you? Malleus would probably curse himself for eternity if he was to hurt you. Just two weeks ago, the poor idiot locked himself away when he accidentally stepped on your toe. He sent you a chest full of jewels from his own hoard as an apology!
"-so I took action! I couldn't stand by and watch another get hurt! I told my horse to pick up the speed. I was able to grab them by the back of their shirt and lift them up and onto my steed! From there I immediately rode back here and away from their attacker."
Attacker?! Malleus!?
But Etienne didn't seem to care or listen. Even when he took you away, you threw insult after insult at him, yet he did not care.
Ambrose pinches the bridge of his nose and lets out a long sigh.
"Excuse me, Headmage?"
"Yes, Prefect?"
You point over at Etienne, "I wish to report this student for harassment and disturbing the peace... My peace."
Etienne quickly turns to you and dares to look offended... HIM! Offended!
"Why are you reporting me?! I saved you!"
"Saved me from what? Getting my hair messed up? Being teased by a friend?"
"He was going to hit you!"
Ambrose watches as you and Etienne bicker at each other. He sighs and stands from his desk... and that's when he feels it...
A powerful source of Magical Energy was fastly approaching this very room...
Suddenly, the Headmages' office doors slam open, and the room is illuminated by a bright flash of lightning, followed by the sound of rolling thunder. There stood a tall and intimidating figure; the only sound heard from them was the heavy breathing and the small whisps of fire escaping from his mouth.
Malleus Draconia in the flesh looked like he was just about to kill someone.
Before you were able to greet him, Etienne pulls you closer to him and raises his mage pen, pointing it right at Malleus. Seeing you so close to the human prince caused Malleus to growl.
When the situation looked like it was getting too much, Ambrose flicked his wrist and took Etienne's pen away, flicked his wrist again and had you both separated, then motioned for Malleus to come inside his office.
The dragon fae huffed out his nose, letting out smoke as he began to make his way across the room. Etienne turned to Headmage Ambrose, his expression of pure shock. "Headmage! This is the student I saw-!"
"What took you so long, Horton?" You interrupted Etienne, giving Malleus a playful smirk, making the fae move his murderous glare from the prince to you. His expression changed so quickly to one of worry as he strode over to you and began to pat down your body.
"Are you ok? Did you get hurt anywhere? I'm so sorry it took so long for me to get here, I was processing what happened before my eyes." You laugh as Malleus explains himself, still patting down your body to see if you had any cuts or bruises on you.
Etienne's jaw dropped as he watched the student from before, who tried to hurt you, was looking for any injuries on your person. Ambrose lets out a small chuckle as he goes back to sit at his desk. The Prince turns to the Headmage, who clearly wanted to know what was going on, but didn't know how to ask.
"Prince Etienne, I know that I, and many of your teachers, have told you to stop jumping to conclusions. You always assume something before examining the full situation," Amborose motioned to Malleus, who seemed less concerned about the other two humans in the room as he was nonstop checking on your well-being. "This is Prince Malleus Daconia. Future King to Briar Valley."
Malleus took his glove off and pressed the back of his hand against your forehead. "Are you getting a fever? You feel slightly warm..."
"Malleus, it's been like 45 minutes, how would I have gotten a fever within that period?"
"Humans have a weaker immune system than fae, so I wouldn't be surprised if a certain human prince gave you an illness..." Malleus shifted his gaze to Etienne, going back to the death glare he was originally giving him.
“You looked like you were about to hit them!”
“And why, pray tell, would I ever hit my Baby Sibling?”
The room fell silent from the bombshell Malleus just dropped.
You stuck your hand up, adding to what he said “Adopted! He adopted me as his sibling, and I’m ok with that.”
“Baby Sibling.”
“We are not starting this conversation again.” You huff and crossed your arms. Malleus couldn’t help but chuckle at the obvious pout you gave him.
In that moment, Etienne watched as Malleus lifted his hand up… and ruffled your hair…
He got the situation all wrong…
“I apologize for my behavior!” Etienne bows towards you and Malleus. “I really thought the Mx (Y/n) was in some sort of danger! So I acted out without thinking!”
Malleus grew quiet as he looked down at the human Prince, clearly asking for forgiveness from his past actions. The Fae only lets out a huff and steps closer to Etienne.
“I am not entirely happy that you ‘rescued’ my dear Baby Sibling… but, I do admire the fact you sprung into action just to protect them, even when there was no danger around.” Malleus’s words caused Etienne to look up at the dragon fae, confusion written on his face. Malleus continued, “My Baby Sibling was not in any danger, yet when you believed they were, you took action. I admire that. And you were unaware of our relationship, so it would make sense you assumed the worst.”
Etienne picked himself up, his face burning from the embarrassment and the praise Malleus gave him. He nervously scratched the back of his neck and turn towards you. “I also apologize for… not listening to you when you said you were in any danger.”
You wave his words off, “Don’t worry about it. It’s not the first time I was kidnapped.”
“Are we done here Headmage?” Malleus’s turned to Ambrose who rose from his chair.
“Yes, again I apologize for the trouble my student has caused. Please, allow me to escort you out.”
Ambrose walks ahead as you and Malleus trailed after him, leaving behind the human Prince.
Etienne rubs his hands over his face and lets out a sigh. Truth be told, he was aware of Malleus Draconia. He was aware who the Dragon Fae was. Sevens, his kingdom was right next to his!
But he was never aware that there was a new Draconia in the picture. Etienne furrows his brows as he looks back towards your retreating form.
Were you going to be ok?
Sorry for the long response back!
Also it occurred to me that now, Malleus will barge into any room if his Baby Sibling was in danger, or just called out to him lol. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this!
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