#but like. yeah i love friends to lovers but thats kinda dumb. attraction at the least can happen instantly
vaugarde · 1 year
I was sitting here thinking about my prequel like "nooo I can't have Atlas and Castor get together in the prequel too early because I have to show them slowly trusting one another given their backstories and THEN have the mutual attraction happen and-" but yknow what. I don't care actually, those two were hooking up when Castor is still trying to capture Atlas idc
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simptasia · 6 years
🔥 torchwood, lost & detroit become human??
torchwood: i don’t think its that bad. the way the bi rep was handled is kinda wonky because… 2006 but like, overall its a good show. series 2 especially
also i love gwen. i dunno how much gwen hate still exists now but yeah
the finale was great, fantastic, beautiful, A+++
the characters matter more than the ~mysteries~
i like/love jack, kate, ana lucia, michael, charlotte, shannon (heck, insert any female character name here because they’ve all gotten ragged on)
jacob is a bad person
i don’t think kate & sawyer work as romantic partners, i just like them as friends. i approve of several ships in the love square but thats one i’m ehhh about, and i know its very popular
i like sayid/shannon. nay, i love sayid/shannon
but overall im happy the modern lost fandom is fulla queer feminists because from what i’ve seen, the old lost fandom (2004 to 2010) was… not as pleasant
detroit become human
oh gosh this is gonna be bad (i have friends who hate this game)
i wanna make it clear ahead of time that i absolutely am aware of the flaws in this game and i’ve even spent a lot of time discussing them with my friends.nobody can diss dbh better than a dbh fan, believe me. i can be aware of something’s flaws and still like something (anybody whose followed me for lost knows i’ve dissed the flaws in lost loads of times. i still love it!) 
also the dude who wrote/directed this game is an asshole, an idiot, a sexist and a bunch of other bad things. thats not an unpopular opinion, i just wanted you guys to know that i know this. when i praise dbh, i’m not praising him
long story short, i like the creation not the creator
i went on a bit so its under here
despite who made it: it’s a good game, brent
i think despite its flaws, there’s more good things than bad things
allegory isn’t inherently racist. note my emphasis
“heavy handed”, “on the nose” and “not subtle” aren’t bad things? i see it get used as insults a lot but to me i got no bother. not subtle doesn’t mean bad. bear in mind that i’ve grown up a star trek and x-men fan so yeah
i don’t wanna say the word overrated because i don’t believe in that. i just find it interesting how certain characters are getting a lot of attention (e.g gavin, nines) whilst other characters are ignored or reviled. thats not me saying the characters whom are popular in fandom should be ignored, thats me saying i’d like more focus on other characters i like too e.g markus, kara, kamski, the jerries, north, josh, rose & adam and a bunch more. i just really like all the androids and some humans okay
like, its pretty obvious why simon (white man) is being adored whilst josh (black) and north (woman) are being ignored and despised respectively, right? and thats not me hating on simon or saying less simon. i like simon! (or like, what can be done with him bcuz canon simon has no depth)
i just happen to like josh and north! which deserves its own bullet point
not only do i like north, i love north and she’s one of my fave characters!
i do not agree with the often used phrase “hank and connor are the only worthwhile part of this game”, in fact, i hate it. sure, the best part of the game, go ahead. but the only worthwhile part? fuck you, because
i like markus and kara and their stories! whilst most my problems with this game are in markus’ story (just trust me on that), overall i still like it. and kara? heck theres not a single kara chapter i don’t like. and on that note:
i don’t consider kara’s story to be useless. yeah she’s not part the revolution plot but thats not bad. i think it provides a balance. think of it like this: markus represents The Leader, the liberator, the messiah. he is fighting for his people. and he comes from a privileged background. connor is representing The Man, The System, depending on how you play him he is rebelling against The System or is a part of it. now what does kara represent? The People. her and the other androids she encounters represent the average android in this world. markus and connor can’t do that so i feel its important we see her. we’re seeing what markus (and maybe connor) are fighting for. and i think thats really important
and besides all that, i just plain like it okay
i like markus/north, i think they make a good couple (moreso in my head than in the game but i still think they’re sweet in the game)
the concept that pacifist markus and north don’t “make sense together” is stupid because ur assuming north is bloodthirsty and has no room for growth. and that all couples need to agree with each other. also north for violent markus and simon for pacifist markus also makes no sense to me becuz 1. people aren’t rewards, 2. ur confusing simon with josh. again. and 3. violent!markus and north would just be enabling each other. if north is to be with any markus, it should be pacifist markus because they’d be good for each other. also all three of them being options woulda been nice but that’s not an unpopular opinion anyways so moving on
the awkwardness felt about markus/north coulda totally been fixed by literally just one change. take the “lover” indicator and move it until after their first kiss. that way the timing is far less jarring and because the player can choose the kiss or not, the “lover” thing feels more like “yay i made their relationship grow” and less “oh whoa that was sudden”. if that was moved and nothing else changed, markus/north would’ve been way more loved. but alas, markus’ relationship scanner is just damn awkward
markus, my markus, is a verse and a kind, socially inept boy (i like how with the jericho four, north is a rowdy girl whilst the other three are various kinds of soft boys in their own way. i think thats cute and neat)
connor is not an innocent niave dumb bimbo (save that for the bedroom) and i wanna remind ppl that he’s an expert on psychology
the humans killed by daniel, ralph, echo (blue traci), shaolin (HK400) and north all deserved it
north, josh and simon would not all hate each other, fuck you. these people are meant to be friends, remember? (also jericho OT4, y’all!!!)
the facial expression on simon’s face after markus and north kiss at the end is gentle approval. he looks happy, some ppl are just projecting
i don’t mind that alice is an android
the way some markus/simon shippers talk about north is downright sexist and i think most north hate is caused by sexism & rape apologism
(i’m a live and let live kinda person about ships and also i’ve very into multishipping so some y’alls behaviour is perplexing to me)
there is nothing inherently morally wrong with shipping hank/connor. connor is capable of consent and age differences aren’t inherently bad. and the only reason this ship is controversial is because hank looks old and he’s not conventionally attractive. nobody would care otherwise
kamski isn’t evil, he’s morally ambiguous / chaotic neutral
i, uh, like kamski/chloe. its interesting (i’ve embraced that it’s fucked up) and i like the idea that chloe actually does love him. its kinda tragic?
a bunch of that was more about the fandom than the game but whatever. and as usual when i make a list, theres probs more but like, thats what comes to mind
yeah there was room for improvement on this game but overall i think its great and i like the characters, more than that i like what can be done with the characters. like, its a nice place to build from. and like, the people who are all like “if ur a fan of detroit become human, ur a bad person” can just fuck off
thats not how… anything… works
and besides its a piece of android media, done in a story based game, that has android babes and is fulla allegory and it’s something i can analyse to death (and as a bonus, the graphics/rendering/mocap/texturing are PHENOMENAL)
of course this is something i would like and i won’t apologise for that
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cherwd-pen · 4 years
hi!! i’d love to request a bnha matchup if that’s okay! my zodiacs are snake and pisces, i’m an infj, i’m a boy and i’m gay. i really like reading and i do a lot of it, and honestly i like almost any genre. fantasy, true crime, young adult, poetry, classic, i don’t care. if it’s good i’ll read it! i also really like video games although i have this problem where i’ll play them nonstop for hours and days and then not touch my consoles for a couple weeks and then do it all again. i love stuffed animals and i collect them!! and cuddle them. because they deserve it
i really like anime! clearly. um ;; i think my favorites type is anything that looks really cute but is actually really dark. ex. madoka magica, school live, magical girl raising project, etc. but my heart can only take so much dark, and my favorite anime of all time is love live, especially love live sunshine. tbh i’m more of a manga reader than anime watcher. i really like the toilet bound hanako-kun manga!!
i don’t trust people very easily tbh, and i get uncomfortable when people are nice to me because i automatically assume they’re using me or don’t actually like me. i get really paranoid that everyone secretly hates me. just Trauma Things. i try to be nice to everyone but some people are just Actually Terrible and i won’t even pretend i like them. i don’t pretend i like people, it’s stupid and a waste of time and if i don’t like someone they will Know. but!! again i try to be nice to people and generally i am! that being said i don’t really like being around people if i can help it, except for people im really really really close to in which case all i want to do is be around them. i’m very physically affectionate although my main love language is quality time!!
i want to work in a library someday and also write a book someday! i play the piano, i love music but my music taste is pretty much classical and whatever my partner likes lmao. i’m kind of very sensitive though and am kind of a crybaby, so like,, i would appreciate someone who can be gentle with their words because i can and will cry if they aren’t. i’m also very defensive over my intelligence because im an ex gifted kid and based my whole personality around being smart when i was a kid so now if my intelligence is challenged i get upset. im definitely a dumbass outside book smarts though lmao i cant even make grilled cheese. i don’t know how to use a toaster oven. life skills? nope. dont have any of those. also i love learning new languages! i can speak english greek and japanese because of that
thank you so much! i know this was a hell of a ramble lmao. but!! thank you!
a/n: oh honey they really hit copy and paste with us; life skills? nah. random facts? oh yeah thats the one.
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▸ your sweetheart is . . . DENKI KAMINARI
▸ your song is . . . JUST LIKE HEAVEN BY THE CURE
▸ other love letters from . . . TAMAKI AMAJIKI & SERO HANTA
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i find this sorta funny since he’s an ENTP and your a INFJ, which are almost polar opposites but maybe the saying is true - opposites attract
you give me whimsical, wise vibes which is complimentary to his high and zappy vibes
as a libra, he’s a foundation - the glue of multiple relationships - and can offer a person where you can just exist and not have expectations, or take your time with to just grow with
there will definitely be some small hurdles but nothing you babes can’t handle
oh get ready to be the world to this boy; he looks at you like your the freaking sun
he’s totally chill with just being in the same room as you and doing your own things as long as your touching, there i said it. plz give the puppy some kisses and cuddles
speaking of that cuddles: you collect stuffed animals? and sleep with them? you must be trying to kill him with cuteness
i feel like you both started out as friends for a long time - maybe till the beginning of 3rd year - but the boundaries were blurring in 2nd and everyone else assumed you both were dating
he just kinda went with the flow for MONTHS until katsuki made a comment about yall being sappy and you both kinda just 😃 lover? who now?
plz yall finally talked and got it together and from then on it was being class 1a's oddest couple
your both are where the lines between the dekusquad and bakusquad meet so good luck being the class glue
the fights are so rare and never actually fight-fights, just dumb disagreements about small things
cuddles in private, holding hands, and goofy kisses are all by your pace and denki eats it up like a starved being
i see denki as becoming a hero that's popular but not high ranked power wise (which is good) and you would probably his #1 sidekick or a straight up hero couple
the fans are dying for the wholesome wedding details-
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skiasurveys · 7 years
sex sex sex sex.
1. What’s your favorite position and why? i like doggy style a lot because i dont know it just feels really great and its pretty dominating..but i also like missionary but its boring but i like it when i want to feel “romantic”. lmao.
2. How did you lose your virginity? If you’re still a virgin, is there any specific reason?  I lost my virginity at 19. Basically I was preparing to bang my boyfriend ( my current one!) but I was super nervous ( I already had some trauma from the past). I was scared and stuff and so we tried and I was like Idk man im scared. Then later that night we just started to kiss and make out and he asked if I wanted to try again and I said sure so I got naked blah blah, I was sitting on him kissing hm and then bam he fucked me but it felt really awesome and nice, didn’t hurt because he was slow at it and then he fucked me from behind after i got used to it lol. Great times. That was like a year ago!
3. If you could have sex with any porn star or model, who would it be?  i dont know any porn stars and im not attracted to any models either.
4. What’s one thing in particular that makes you want to tear off your lover’s clothes? Sometimes if he looks at me a certain way or if were doing something . Or if he starts touching my thighs and/or kissing my neck 
5. Five turn ons. 1. Strong looking/masculine 2.Taller than me but no taller than 6′3 3. kissing my neck. 4. man handeling me (without being too aggressive).5. showing me off ( Not like “OH LOOK WHAT I HAVE” but being proud you have me. 6. Five turn offs. 1. Being an asshole. 2.Acting like you don’t care about me when youre around others. 3.Racist/sexist/etc 4.Creepy. 5.Hating my friends
7. Have you had any embarrassing sexual experiences?   its so embarrassing.. so I had just finished my period ( OR so i thought) and we started to fuck and it was going well.. after we finished he was like “Um i think you still have your period.” and Im like “what?” and yeah there was blood on his dick and I legit ran and cried in the bathroom like a little bitch LOL. He came after me and said it was fine and that hes done more awkward shit but DUDE...
8. Do you have a fetish? not really. I like calling my boyfriend daddy in the bedroom but i dont like the ddlg fetish at all. 
9. Have you experimented with anyone of the same sex?  no 10. What’s “out of bounds” for you during sex?  Choking, or tying me up, or like bondage stuff. I just have a severe panic attack if that happens and I dont like it and I had trauma so its actually triggering.
11. What’s the best sexual unsolicited advice you can give?  Just dont fuck them if youre not ready. 
12. Hickies - get ‘em or give ‘em? both
13. Do you like giving head? im that weird girl who actually enjoys sucking cock
14. Do you like getting head? yes 
15. What’s one thing you look for in a partner?  loyalty and companionship. 
16. How many partners have you had?  1 and im still with him :)
17. What’s your sexual orientation? Straight
18. If you’re bi/pansexual, what gender do you tend to prefer? n/a
19. Describe the best sex you’ve ever had.  Theres a few. It usually is when he goes hardcore with teasing me and kissing me. One time he was kissing me and teasing me. He ate me out for a bit which was amazing, and the he kissed me from my tummy to my lips, and he fucked me hard but slow and said I love you which was awesome. But i also had one where He was teasing me and doing lots of foreplay and he told me he owned me and that he wanted all of me and then he fucked me so good. especially when he cums inside me. MMMMM.
20. Describe the worst sex you’ve ever had. It wasnt bad but I just have depression and sometimes it hits me when were fucking and  i lost my sex drive and just didnt care and it didnt last that long but i lied i orgasmed so he could finish because i wasnt feeling it lol
21. Have you ever had a funny sexual experience? What was it? i dont know. Im sure. 22. Are you okay with rough sex?  Yess just not too rough ok!
23. How big was the biggest dick you’ve ever seen? Was it in a porn or in real life? well i mean guys in porn always have huge dicks but my boyfriend is the only one Ive had and he is pretty big.
24. Boobs or ass - which is better? ass. 25. Do you prefer sex or masturbation? sex i hate masturbating.
26. Describe how you usually masturbate. ill leave that for your imagination. 
27. Do you like tattoos on a partner or do you like them to have a clean slate, skin wise?  i dont care. either or.
28. How do you feel about daddy dom/little girl roleplaying? some people go a little too far with it. Like for example actually acting like they are 4 years old in public. You can leave it to the bedroom, please.
29. What’s your fantasy?  pay off my student loans.
30. Do you have any sexual regrets? no
31. When did you last have sex? april 1st before Connor moved! He will be back in the end of May or start of June so it will be a while before we have sex again :(
32. When did you last masturbate? last night
33. Have you had anal? yeah. Its ‘ight. 
34. Do you like to spank/be spanked?  i like to be spanked.
35. What do you want done to you right now?  well since  I havent seen my boyfriend in like a month i would love it for him to just push me against a wall. mmm.
36. Are you comfortable with getting tied up? no
37. Did you have sex in high school? nope. No one really liked me back then. I had like 2 boyfriends then and it was shitty then. I met Connor the fall after i graduated. Hilarious.
38. How old were you when you lost your virginity? How long has it been? 19 years old and its been a year now.
39. Do you like teasing or would you rather get straight to the point? teasing.
40. Sexting or phone sex?  ive done both. sexting is fun but phone sex can be pretty hot. I just dont like phone sex..i rather sext tbh
41. Have you had sex in any interesting places? One time we were hanging at our friends place and everyone had gone to bed and Connor was cuddling me on their couch and he said , “ I bet its just bothering you that you cant touch me” and im like whatever idc and then hes like “lets lowkey fuck” so we fucked on their couch while they were sleeping! It was pretty fun but nervous cus if someone walked out. oh god..and then we fucked behind a couch like 3 times while there was a party going on. cool.
42. Are you sexually active?  i guess so. since he moved its hard to say but its only for short time.
43. Have you had car sex? no our car is too small for that. but i want to.
44. Have you ever had sex with anyone else in the location you were at? (i.e., while your sister was in the other room) yes..see above
45. Why aren’t you fucking anyone right now? well the only person i would fuck is in a nother city obvs so thats why.
46. Are you able to have emotionless sex? not rly
47. Does penis size really matter? yes
48. What has been your most memorable experience sexually? theres a lot
49. If male, are you well endowed? n/a
50. If female, what’s your breast size?  34 B cup.
51. Have you ever been the other person? no
52. Have you ever cheated on anyone?  no!
53. Describe an orgasm.  i just felt really weird and shakey but it felt so good.
54. What’s the longest time you’ve had sex for? I dont really keep count.
55. What’s the shortest time you’ve had sex for?  like 5 minutes. -___-
56. If you could change the person you lost your virginity to, would you?  no
57. Have you had any pregnancy scares? Yeah kinda. my one period didnt come once and i was so scared. I bought like 3  sticks.
58. Are you comfortable naked?  kinda. Ive been with Connor for a year now and I still feel awkward naked. lol
59. Are you comfortable sending pictures of yourself to others? depends.
60. What’s your sexual comfort zone like?just dont do rape play.
61. What’s something sexual that you thought you wouldn’t like, but ended up liking?  i cant think of anything
62. Do you have any piercings in fun places? (i.e., clit, nipples, dick) no
63. Would you say you’re good in bed?  i think so.
64. How do you get sex tips? internet or i ask him how he wants me to do something. like i ask him if he likes what im doing and he will tell me how he wants it.
65. Have you ever had sex with anyone while they were on their period? Have you ever had sex while on your period?  no except that one time when i thought i was fkn done but i wasnt. kill myself.
66. If you could be the other sex for a day, would you and what would you do first? idk.
67. What’s your favorite part about being the gender you are? I dont know really. I can buy cute drinks without looking dumb?
68. Slow but passionate, or fast, furious, and kinky? slow but passionate. But also depends on the mood or whatever because sometimes i want rough, sometimes i don’t.
69. Have you ever 69’d? Did you enjoy it?  yes but it feels too good to suck him while hes eating me out.
70. Have you ever done drugs and then had sex?  weed
71. Have you ever had sex with someone you’re in love with? yes
72. How are you with BDSM? Would you ever engage in it?  nope.
73. Do you like gagging on cock/having someone gag on your cock? Why?  i love gagging on his cock.
74. When it comes to oral, are you gentle? Do you use your hands too? gentle. i dont want to hurt him but if i do go hard kinda. and yeah i used my hands.
75. Okay, how do you feel about handjobs?  sometimes i do hand jobs but its only when im making him hard. Lol.
76. Have you had any unwanted pain during sex? yeah.
77. What is something that’s not sexual that can turn you on more than anything sexual?  arms? 78. Can your sexual partners be categorized by their zodiac signs? no
79. Have you had sex to music? What’s your favorite sex song? we fucked to Wish you were here by Pink Floyd.
80. What’s something you want to try in bed?  i dont know.
81. Has anyone drew blood from you during sex, whether it was by cutting, biting, or scratching? How did you feel about that? no. if there was blood from biting/scratching/etc i would feel awful.
82. Have you ever fucked someone who was sad? Did it help them emotionally or make it worse? I have fucked him when he was sad and it helped and same for me sometimes it makes me feel way better.
83. Do you like sexual anons? no
84. What’s your ideal round of sex?  i dont know.
85. Do you like the use of whipped cream, handcuffs, chocolate, and cherries?  nope.
86. Have you ever been walked in on or caught?  almost got caught.
87. Have you ever had sex in public? Would you? yes and i would.
88. What’s a good sex joke?  i dont know. 89. Do you like to be called a dirty slut or would you rather be treated like royalty?  i love it when he calls me a slut but theres a time and place during sex when i want to be slutty and then loved LMAO.
90. Are you more submissive or dominant? sub 91. What’s your naughtiest secret? i almost fucked a 33 year old when i was 18.
92. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve encountered sexually?  i cant think of anyting
93. Have you ever “stuck your dick in crazy”? Was there a lesson learned?
94. Do you like playing with balls/having someone play with yours? i like playing with them because he loves it. 
95. What’s the best nonsexual feeling?  feeling safe and loved by them.
96. Do you like feet? ew 97. Do you look at rule 34/hentai? ew....
98. Pick a random question off this survey for yourself. N/A 99. Who’s your ideal sexual partner? MY BOYFRIEND.
100. Do you have a partner right now? Would you like one? have my boyfriend :) 101. Are you accepting “applications” for a partner?  um no
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stormpainter · 8 years
==> Make up
Today at 3:51 PM wickedpainter hey
carnivalsorphans hey sorry i made ya upset. wickedpainter yeah
you okay?
carnivalsorphans i've been worse wickedpainter that aint an answer
carnivalsorphans the answer don't matter much just yet. you okay? wickedpainter shit matters to me. I aint as upset as last night
carnivalsorphans i still ain't really knowin what got ya upset. i mean, i know what made ya upset, i get that somethin bout me sayin i don't want you and lilac ta get together weren't right, but i don't know why. wickedpainter mm I dont talk to people much dont got many friends no lovers to speak of even if I did I might be upset about someone tryina dictate who I can and cant be attracted to, who I'm allowed to get close with
carnivalsorphans ... i'm sorry. can see how it'd be a bigger deal for you than it is for me. wickedpainter yeah I actually care bout people
carnivalsorphans ... i was more talkin on how i got a fuck ton of lovers so it don't matter to me if two or three are removed from the list ... but yeah. i guess that too. wickedpainter all I've got is vel, tars grey ace
carnivalsorphans i'm. sorry. wickedpainter which is why we were in pale for a while, cause he doesnt do the sex, but my best friend's mates ace too so it just. It aint a big deal I'm bein dumb
carnivalsorphans didn't. mean ta make ya all upset. was probably gonna tell ya soon if lilac didn't. wickedpainter yeah I gathered that shit
carnivalsorphans it had come up cuz i fucked his ex. and shit got... weird. wickedpainter whys it matter to anyone who someone sleeps with
am I supposed to avoid any motherfucker you sleep with cause I'm gatherin thats everyone
carnivalsorphans no!
carnivalsorphans i just. got a thing bout non fuckin quads and fuckin quads mixin. if sugary was able to fuck, i'd feel uneasy on you sleepin with her too. and. ... i mean, it ain't a fuckin end of relationship deal. it just makes me uneasy. and i was tryinna get lilac ta see it was alright ta have a few nos if it poisons the relationship for me ta be plowin people. like his ex. so i had ta figure someone to put on the list. ... and it just. makes me uneasy ta have quads overlap. specially fuckin and non fuckin. but that's the reason i hate when kankri sticks his nose in mine and lilac's business, and why i'm stayin away from vel like he's the damn plague. and why i fuckin leave the room any time lilac or val talk about fuckin eachother.
carnivalsorphans and. it's just my pan fuckin up. and i'm sorry. wickedpainter ..sounds like some shit we ought to jam on sometime
carnivalsorphans ... i was plannin on it. i just. don't always remember shit too well. and lilac's fuckin stupid, and it seems like half the problems we have are involvin sex, and it's... weird, a bit, ta me ta talk to you bout my sex life. so it just. hadn't come up yet. wickedpainter look I aint got a lot of people I know an the only clade I ever observed that was any kinda healthy, an I know mine aint, everyones quaddin everyone else, an they just fuckin, let serendipity do its thing
what alls happened upsets lilac bout sex an you?
carnivalsorphans motherfuck that's a tangled mess of fuckery.
carnivalsorphans ... it feels like submission, for me ta bottom. so i don't do it often. gotta like... trust a motherfucker, before i'm up to it. but i got ta trustin lilac, and i wanted it ta be... earned, i guess. fun. a challenge. so i told him he could fuck me if he beat me in a fight. and then that whole shit storm with kankri and sugar sis happened, and before that i was considerin let kankri go down on me, and i figured i might as well do it as a show of trust since i was thinkin on it anyway. then HE gets it into his head ta fuckin TEASE ME bout how sensitive i am on it and how it makes me color, like it's the funniest goddamn thing, which really pisses a motherfucker off to be gods damned honest.
and then lilac gets upset about that. fucks off a while. next time we fight, he don't try so hard. then there's two of him, and they win, and they just have me tie em up.
then i fuck his ex, and apparently his ex cheated on him with one of his abusive alts and lied at him and a buncha shit, and he got upset, and then just. that whole conversation, bout boundaries and shit happened. and i had ta fuckin make him trust me at fuckin all for him to even tell me what the hell was goin through his pan.
and the whole thing with red ain't really been resolved but i ain't touchin him with a ten foot pole. and i know it bothers him when i sleep with val, but he fuckin INSISTS it don't matter, despite the fact he said yesterday he's got a thing for overlappin quads too.
and now, even though i've flat out fuckin told him, asked him ta fuck me before, he goddamn panics and gets all anxious about it cuz he fancies i ain't actually wantin it, i just wanna make him feel good. and it's just. goddamn he's stupid.
carnivalsorphans we've probably got in spats about four or five times by now. and it's all goddamn tangled in trust and boundaries and him not wantin to set em and me makin a big deal of how exactly i want gettin plowed to go down and relationships and.
carnivalsorphans plus i got kankri tryinna play clubs any time i just ask him for a lil advice on how the fuck lilac even thinks cuz i can't figure him out, and then lilac's talkin on bein ganged up on and i didn't even really want him to be involved at fuckin all. becuase he's a nosy little busybody who ain't got any damn sense of where his words are and aren't welcome. wickedpainter it aint so bad, layin out rules at the beginnin about what each session oughta be like. me an vel gotta negotiate sometimes, cause both us got fucky pans but we aint do somethin if we promise not to
hes prolly mistakin you gettin pissed about bein teased about somethin private for bein ashamed of a thing you aint wanna really do
I was gonna say you might wanna get an auspistice but definitely shouldnt be his rail, an it sounds like he dont feel like hes gettin heard a lot
also maybe don fuck valor just to see if you can get him to use his words and tell you to stop, unless you two are real sweet on each other or somethin
carnivalsorphans yeah, but it seems like lilac is so fuckin caught up on how bad he'd feel to put limits on me, he don't realize i don't give a fuck. and that if i don't got boundaries, i push limits until i find some.
we'd had a weird language dispute and i had said 'i'm willing but not ready' and i'd meant my bulge bein out and he'd thought i meant for nook things. and we ended up gettin in the biggest goddamn fight and now i think he's too damn antsy ta think on it no matter how much i tell him i really do want it. now i'm just... waitin for him ta realize it's fine.
we might wanna get an auspistice, but i can't think of who. and i DEFINITELY don't want it ta be valor. and i ain't fucked valor since the first big fight, even though we said we would since gam said he didn't mind. we got lots of overlappin interests, but honestly i get the feeling he'd fuck anyone with paint, and i got no shortage of lovers. plus his empathy makes me uneasy cuz i like bein private.
carnivalsorphans valor pisses me off honestly, he's just. fuck, he's annoyin. get the feelin he's tryinna lord over me and keep me all controlled every time we talk.
carnivalsorphans and any time i get upset anywhere he can see, he starts pryin real hard and bein all public bout it. wickedpainter communication is real important but usually I'm communicatin to vel not to bite my bulge off cause I like my bulge, so I aint got the kinda experiance you need to help with that shit
..tell Kankri you got a fuckin moirail publicly
carnivalsorphans hahahaha fuck yeah. fuck i don't know why i was so damn worried bout talkin at ya, i'm just. i love ya so much, brother, i'm sorry. wickedpainter love you too, an I appreciate that you apologized an accept it
carnivalsorphans OH. AND FUCKIN.... THAT NIGHT I WAS GODDAMN PANICKIN, VALOR TOLD ME HE LOVED ME AND TRIED TA GET ME TA SAY IT BACK AT HIM. and just. messiahs damn him, there was a bitta misunderstandin but he just really wanted ta feel all ~cared about~ and like he ~mattered to me~ and he chose the fuckin night i was panickin and had ta get picked up by you to get all expectant at me ta say it.
carnivalsorphans and like. i do care bout him. my alt banned him from his church, but he's still faithful enough ta see tragedy, and he painted up for the funeral and gave em a sacrifice and shit.
carnivalsorphans so he's just as much family as any other faithful. but god damn he pisses me off so damn much. wickedpainter :o/
the fuck is he doin professin love like that he aint even a quad?
carnivalsorphans i think he's just the ~lovin~ type. and for him, lovin means bein up my ass all the time. could find the log if ya wanna see it. wickedpainter later I think, I aint gonna go confront him
Motherfucker needs to learn not everyones got the same feelins he does
carnivalsorphans lilac's told me he ~likes~ me, but like.... he don't. it don't... it don't feel the same. he just. he's so damn affectionate, and it's... so much different from how She used ta be.
carnivalsorphans and i... i don't love him. not like i love you. but i'm fond of him, like i'm fond of vel, and i wanna... wanna make shit work. wickedpainter I dont got much to base pitch shit on but me an vel an I know we're not healthy, but I think you an him'll work it out
carnivalsorphans .... i don't know what 'healthy' is supposed ta be, really. just know what my pusher tells me. and my pusher tells me he's... not a challenge, not really, cept in the way that he'll call me out if i'm bein 'bad'. but he just. .... he's a makara. and i wanna look out for him. and i wanna see him get better, and come into the faith, and come into himself. and he's fuckin SABOTAGIN HIMSELF along the way, and fuck if that ain't annoyin. and i had ta tell him my name weren't ringleader. he's so damn absentminded, it pisses me off. ... but he's real sweet too. just... it's. different. and it's nice. wickedpainter Mm. I love vel. did you know that shit?
carnivalsorphans yeah, i figured ya did. he seems ta like sayin it when he's doin rude shit or gonna bite you. wickedpainter lovin an hatin can happen at the same time, an I hear a lot of motherfuckers think thats what pitch ought to be like
he gets ..real chipper when hes manic, an when hes manic hes stabby
carnivalsorphans i. feel uneasy sayin 'love' when it ain't.... i don't really feel THAT romantic for him. i don't feel romantic for just bout anyone. cept you. and.... her. wickedpainter he apologized to me last night, seemed to think it was him sayin stuff that caused the fight and not that stuff was done
carnivalsorphans he does that. wickedpainter I hadda bug off though cause I wanted to say shit I shouldnt
carnivalsorphans thinks everythin is on his shoulders
carnivalsorphans ... what sorta shit? wickedpainter he said he aint never seen you worry about anyone the way you were gettin worked up about me an I told him polite like I needed to go
I werent
good last night, all kinda destructive impulses
vel coaxed me out huntin so I could kill somethin
carnivalsorphans i was all fuckin worried on ya, didn't know how ta help and i knew ya weren't good. wickedpainter and I didn tell him its cause you dont feel as strongly for no one else
carnivalsorphans ... think it's probably sorta obvious. wickedpainter it aint somethin I should say to him though
carnivalsorphans ... i love you. love you more than i got words ta say in all the languages i've learned. wickedpainter is it showtime yet? I caint keep my hours straight
carnivalsorphans not even close. wickedpainter you where I can curl up on you or busy?
carnivalsorphans i can get where you can curl up on me. wickedpainter 'd like that fora while
carnivalsorphans i'd move mountains for ya, i can sure as fuck find a private place ta be cuddled at. wickedpainter <>
..magine we both had bad nights, I'm sorry for it
carnivalsorphans <> <> <> ... i just. chilled with lilac, like ya said. didn't get a bitta sleep, but it ain't like that's unusual. ... worried overmuch, perhaps. but that ain't too unusual neither. wickedpainter good on the stayin with him
didnt want you to be alone with me pissed
carnivalsorphans i've been alone plenty. i just... ... i missed ya. a lot. wickedpainter missed you too, my head aint always easy to deal with
carnivalsorphans you ain't never seemed so upset at me that we couldn't talk. and i was fearin the worst. specially since you weren't even that mad bout me not gettin on with tarrat.
carnivalsorphans ... lilac finally just now told me he don't want me ta do shit with his ex, and he thought it'd make me mad. gods he's an idiot. wickedpainter what'm I gonna do shove you against each other an force you to have tea partys?
lilac needs to fuckin learn boundaries are okay
carnivalsorphans dunno. that'd probably be pretty funny. wickedpainter ..and an ex who was actual shit an horrible aint the same as what I was mad about
picturin you in a lil dress now
carnivalsorphans ;o) i'd look great in it you gonna be picturin tarrat in it too? wickedpainter ..no cause he'd get upset with me if I pictured him inna dress
you know how many fuckers toldt him he needs to be more feminine or that he aint a boy?
carnivalsorphans ... it alright if i just. ask ya, if ya ever have sex with any of the people i'm quadded with in the future, ya just. don't tell me bout it? haha, i'd be glad if ya got laid, but. wickedpainter :o* yeah I'll make sure you dont hear nothin from me on it
carnivalsorphans it ain't like i think you're asexual or anythin. you're pretty as shit and i was thinkin bout seein what you was comfortable with before we went pale. just. wickedpainter you think I'm pretty?
carnivalsorphans yeah :o) goddamn gorgeous.
carnivalsorphans nothin about you that ain't beautiful. wickedpainter gonna make a motherfucker blush
lemme know when I can come over
carnivalsorphans now~ gonna kiss you all over wickedpainter :oD
carnivalsorphans and see that pretty blush for mine self wickedpainter >Get your butt over there to have make up cuddles.
carnivalsorphans and then i'm gonna pap it > CUDDLES!!! You pretend you're not being as clingy as you most definitely are, and you are almost instantly purring.
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