#but like. it means I haven’t finished my granola bar and when I don’t eat before clinic
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can they invent a me that’s not nauseous
#emetophobia cw#Afton hums#it’s cause I didn’t get a lot of sleep and I’m always stressed when I go to a new clinic#but like. it means I haven’t finished my granola bar and when I don’t eat before clinic#I have straight up ~vomited~ before my friends#so I’m just gonna take my silly little deep breaths and hope that being at clinic early will give me time to settle lol#I KNOW THIS PHYSICIAN I’ve done so much lgbtq+ advocacy work with him it’s GONNA BE FINE#but SPOOKY#my stomach is like watch me become the size of a walnut#NO SIR be normal size blease
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A Potions Mishap
Pairing: Seonghwa x f!Y/N
Tropes: Hogwarts au, Slytherin!Hwa, Ravenclaw!reader, hurt/comfort, fluff, mutual pining
T/W: injury with a knife, feeling dizzy/sick, f word
Words: ~4k
my masterlist
You normally enjoy Potions class, you really do. But, today, the thought of spending the whole afternoon in the dungeons was filling you with a sense of tediousness and dread. Not only was it a perfect summer day- one that you couldn’t even enjoy because of double potions, but it was also exam season- so, even if you hadn’t had class blocking up the whole day, then studying for your N.E.W.T.’s was enough to ruin anyone’s mood. Add a granola bar for every meal for the past two weeks and barely four hours of sleep from the night before, and the equation spelled a truly annoying and exhausting end to your school day.
Noticing the sour look on your face, your friend and fellow Ravenclaw housemate, Hongjoong waved his fork in front of your face. “Earth to Y/N.”
You wrinkled your nose at him. “Whaaaaat?”
“Have you seen the time? We have class in 5 minutes, and – did you seriously not eat anything, again?”
You blinked down at your where your plate should be. Instead, you saw your Potions text, riddled with notes in the margins and covered in pink highlights. To the side sat your plate of food, untouched.
“Ah, shit.”
Hongjoong began to open his mouth to lecture you before you cut him off, “Just save it- as if you haven’t forgotten to eat because you also got caught up in some project at the table!”
He quickly closed his mouth and gave you a stern smile instead. “At least I don’t do it every day. From tomorrow onwards, if you don’t eat, I will force feed you, I swear.”
You stuck your tongue out at him and finally pulled your sandwich towards you. Still, you only managed a few bites before it was time to go.
You sighed as you walked down the stairs. You were really not looking forward to – before you could even finish the thought, you were attacked from behind. Gasping, you almost lost your balance down the last step, but the perpetrators steadied you. You shot a look of annoyance over both your shoulders at the two banes of your existence.
“Aw, noona. What’s got you sighing like that?” San asked.
“Or should we ask- whoooo?” Wooyoung wagged his eyebrows at you.
You huffed as you pushed them both off. “As if. Try to kill me again, and I’ll hex you so bad you won’t be able to sit your exams, I mean it.”
“Oh, noona. Please hex me. PLEASE. I really don’t wannaa take these fucking N.E.W.T.s.” Mingi added.
You pushed ahead of the three Gryffindor idiots, hiding your smile. “Why do I even bother?”
A low chuckle reached your ears. “I ask myself the same question every day, Y/N.”
Your heart skipped a beat, but you managed to keep your features cool as you turned your head up to Seonghwa who was holding the door to the classroom open for you and the guys. You managed to say hello and thank him before the blush could really bloom on your cheeks and across your nose.
Hongjoong wagged his eyebrows at the look on your face as he took his usual spot next to you at the worktable. He was the only one who knew of your crush on the Slytherin.
It had all started in 6th year. Up until then, Potions had always been taught to you with the Hufflepuffs. As such, you, and Hongjoong for that matter, had never had this class with the Gryffindors or the Slytherins. However, at the N.E.W.T. level, there were barely enough students to fill a single classroom. This is when you first came across Seonghwa in a classroom setting. Even though you were friends with his “band of pirates” as they liked to call themselves, you had never seen or interacted with Seonghwa outside of the group. Here in class, San and Wooyoung were paired up at a workstation, as they had been their whole Hogwarts career, and the same was true for you and Hongjoong. Though Mingi and Seonghwa were from Gyrffindor and Slytherin, respectively, they had never been partners before 6th year. Even though they had always been friends, House always came first. Even you had always paired with Hongjoong, even though you were both close with Yunho who was a Hufflepuff who you had shared Potions with for 5 years.
“I’m telling you, Y/N. We gotta glamour your face or something, you’re as red as a tomato.”
You looked at Joong in horror as your hands came up to cover your cheeks. “Is it really?”
It was at that moment that Seonghwa reached his table and took his seat in front of you two. “Everything alright?” He looked between the two of you.
“Yes, of course!” You laughed awkwardly as you hit Hongjoong on the arm. It sounded a bit too high even to your ears.
Seonghwa’s smile was stiff on his face as he nodded and took his seat, just as your professor started the class.
“Alright class. New orders from above. Today, we are going to be striving towards inter-house unity!”
As the class gave each other unsure looks, the false cheery smile slipped off Professor Nott’s face. “I know it’s annoying guys, but please find a partner from a House that is not yours. And before any of you try to be sneaky- yes, I’m looking at you Mingi- if you already have a partner from a different house, then find a new one! We’re going to be working on the Shrinking Solution today, and you all know that needs two hands for the chopping and stirring that needs to happen at the same time.” The class groaned. “Do not kill me; it was not my idea,” he held up his hands. “Why the Headmaster decides at the very last minute of your academic career to shake things up; I’ll never understand,” he muttered under his breath, not quite successfully.
You stood from your spot with your bookbag, unsure of where to turn. But, before you could even take a breath, Mingi came around your corner of the table, jostling you, and wrapped his arms around Hongjoong. “Dibs!” The Ravenclaw was quick to shrug out of it and yell and start wagging a finger at him, but Mingi just stuck his tongue out at San and Wooyoung across the aisle who were throwing their arms up in the air and giving him the finger.
In the chaos, Y/N didn’t see Seongwa scowl at Mingi as she steadied her balance yet again.
You chuckled and started to make you way over to the Gryffindors you were most comfortable with, before San and Wooyoung quickly and efficiently swapped partners with the Slytherin boys that always sat in front of them, Changbin and Leeknow.
You frowned and quickly let your eyes dart around the whole classroom. Everyone was paired up, except for Seonghwa. He sat calmly at his spot, twirling a quill between his long fingers, almost as if he was waiting for you.
He sensed your gaze and looked up at your from under his long lashes.
“Wanna be my mine?”
Even though you were quick to surmise the true meaning of his not-so-innocuous question, you couldn’t help your eyes from widening as your heart heard a different meaning.
“S-sure, I’ll be your partner.” You took Mingi’s vacated seat quickly and avoided his gaze.
As the class settled, Professor Nott started his brief lecture on the potion. Your knee bounced under the table. You were so aware of every line of Seonghwa’s body, just inches from yours. Did you and Hongjoong sit this close, also? You had truly never noticed. The space between you and the Slytherin felt so heavy with static. Were you moving too much? You stopped shaking your leg, but that lasted two seconds, before your fingers started drumming against the desk.
Seonghwa suddenly leaned forward from his slouched position to place his forearms on the table next to where yours were. His fingers covered the movement of yours.
Your breath caught in your throat, but you kept your eyes on the board, as you felt him lean his head towards yours.
“If you’re so nervous about this potion, Y/N, don’t worry, I’m the top of this class. I’ve got you.” His whisper was a tickle against your ear.
Was it just you being delusional or did all his words have double meanings? You smirked back even as your heat raced in your chest at both his proximity and his teasing words.
You met his eyes briefly to retort back. “Actually, you’ll find that your tied for that position, with me. So, maybe it is I that will be carrying you.”
He smiled back, and your eyes caught in a moment that lasted what seemed like forever, before it was broken by the sound of scraping chairs.
You both blinked before also standing to start your potion. Pink dusted both student’s cheeks, unbeknownst to the other.
“Oh also, class! I know you know this but be careful when you’re chopping the cowbane. Even the juice on your knife is very poisonous blah blah, get to it!” You smiled at Professor T’s cavalier attitude, even though you knew he cared very deeply for his students and educating every generation of students he could be available to.
You and Seonghwa quickly settled into an efficient routine. It was almost like you could read each other’s minds; without even speaking, you both divvied up the tasks in a way that made sense to you. He had already chopped the shrivelfigs and added their juice to the cauldron, while you intuitively prepared the next steps by mincing the daisy root and preparing the hairy caterpillars as he heated the cauldron gently.
You were surprised, as you had never had such chemistry with another Potions partner before. You always had a hard time doing group projects, because you thought you could just do better on your own and were often irritated at having to go at someone else’s slower pace. You and Hongjoong had always worked well together, with the minor bumps caused by his temper tantrums and your passive aggressiveness, but you had thought that he was the best a partner could ever be. As you watched Seonghwa vigorously stir the potion, a step you always hated because your arm always got tired, you realized you couldn’t have been more wrong. You both naturally gravitated towards the different aspects of the potion that you favored and preferred. It was honestly euphoric to be working together like this, and the academic in you was singing with joy.
You were working on juicing the leeches when the heat of the room started getting to you. The many fires under the cauldrons made it so that the dungeons were sweltering. Somewhere in the room, Wooyoung started screaming that he had accidentally added rose petals instead of daisy root, and the whole class groaned because any first year knows that combining rose to blood from anything made for the most disgusting smell. The fumes started to make you dizzy, and you were suddenly regretting only eating two bites of a sandwich.
Seonghwa paused in his shaking of the rat spleen you had just handed over, barely a tremble to your hand. “Are you okay, Y/N?”
You blinked at him, surprised. “Yes..?”
His eyes looked into yours deeply. You were not used to someone noticing when things were barely off with you. This little bit of dizziness was nothing.
“If you’re sure.” He didn’t look too convinced as he turned to stir the cauldron clockwise.
As you started working on the cowbane, these thoughts took another turn. Not only was he the best partner you had ever had, but he was also so caring and asked after your wellbeing! Your crush reared its big head before you could stifle it down.
You were carefully slicing the second piece of cowbane to render more liquid- the first had not yielded enough for the potion. All of a sudden, the dizziness came back in full force and your vision swam before your eyes. The knife missed its mark and instead imbedded in your thumb. You blinked and swayed.
A hand wrapped around your left wrist, while another took the knife out of your right hand.
“Sorry, Seonghwa.” You had ruined the potion. He had stopped stirring because of you.
Along with the dizziness came a new feeling. Your body felt so floaty. Everything was too bright and too loud.
A voice swam in from far away.
“I think the knife had some juice on it, Professor, and she cut herself pretty deep. I’ve been holding pressure, but…”
“No, you did the exact right thing, Seonghwa. Don’t worry; she’ll be okay. We just need to get her to Madame Patil in the hospital wing, and the antivenom will fix her right up.”
There was the sound of a bomb exploding.
“I’ll go take care of San’s potion- he clearly added the rat spleen incorrectly, seeing as it misfired. Are you ok to take Y/N up by yourself?”
“Yes, sir.”
Then, an arm wrapped around your waist to pull you up from your chair. His other arm took yours over his shoulder as he began to take you out of the classroom.
“Y/n, just hang on, ok? We’re going to the Hospital Wing.” He looked down at you.
“You’re too tall.”
He looked down at you, confused, but did not stop his hurried rush across the corridor to the stairs. “Excuse me?”
“My arm hurts at this angle.” Why were words coming out so readily right now? Was it the cowbane?
He brought you both to a standstill. “Um, yea, it’s one of the effects of cowbane poisoning. Sorry, I didn’t realize it was uncomfortable.” You could barely feel alarm that there was no filter between your brain and your mouth through the haziness that was descending over your whole body.
He looked unsurely up the stairs and back at you twice before his face set in determination.
“Ok, Y/N, I’m going to have to carry you.”
“No!” You stepped back shakily. You were definitely too heavy. This was going to be so embarrassing. But, also, it would feel so good probably. To be in his strong Chaser arms. Oh my god. Wait, he could hear everything. This is so embarrassing.
He smiled privately to himself before pulling you closer. “I hate to do this without your consent, but technically, you are not sound of mind and actively have a poison in your system, and Professor told me to get you there as fast as possible, so-”
And with that, he swung you up in your arms, like you weighed nothing and started off up the stairs.
The sudden change of position set your stomach rolling and the dizziness came back with doubled force. You whimpered and burrowed your head further into his neck, forgetting to fight him for manhandling you.
“I don’t feel so good.”
Seonghwa glanced worriedly down at your face which was turning an unhealthy-looking shade of green. “We’re almost there, love. Just hang on. I’m getting you there.”
You whimpered and tried to focus on breathing in and out slowly. Still, even though you were feeling so sick, the comfort and exhilaration of being so close to Seonghwa was not lost on you. If you threw up on Seonghwa right now, you were gonna kill yourself.
“Please don’t. I’d miss you too much.”
“Ugh, please stop reading my mind,” you managed to say between clenched teeth.
He chuckled quietly before depositing you softly onto a bed. Oh, a bed? Was it his bed? What was he going to do? What did you want him to do? Before your brain could come up with incriminating ideas to answer that question, a soft voice interrupted you.
“Oh, thank Salazar she’s conscious.”
“Um, Ms. Y/N, you are in the Hospital Wing.” There was a laughing lilt to her voice before it turned serious. “Mr. Seonghwa told me of the situation that happened in the Potions class, and I have just administered the antidote. It takes effect in 15 minutes, so just try hang on a little bit longer as it clears out the poison in your system. I also administered an anti-emetic, so just breathe in and out so you don’t throw up the antidote, or we’ll have to start all over and you will just feel worse as the cowbane spreads further. Just these 15 minutes, Y/N, and after that you should start to feel better within the hour. I’ll go whip up a hydration potion, also, because your basic diagnostic charm did not look good, young lady.”
You finally blinked open your eyes to see the high ceiling above you. Madame Patil was not wrong in taking extra measures to make sure you didn’t throw up. You felt like a ragdoll thrown at sea. The nausea was overwhelming, and the panic that it was causing wasn’t helping either. Before you could start hyperventilating in full, a hand grabbed yours.
You turned your head to where Seonghwa sat in the chair next to your bed.
“Sh, just focus on me.” He inhaled exaggeratedly and raised his eyebrows at you to follow.
You clamped down your jaw harder and mimicked him. It helped a fraction. Then, the next breath came easier. As did the next.
You don’t know how much time passed, but looking at him helped you hold on and focus even when your whole body was thrown in turmoil. Staring into his eyes and seeing him stare back just as hard at your own anchored you and healed you in more than one way.
You didn’t even realize 15 minutes had passed and that the nausea had stopped until Healer Patil bustled back into the room, a pale pink potion in her hands.
“You did so well, Y/N,” she soothed quietly. At the nurturing tone and the knowledge that you could finally relax a little now, your eyes welled up.
“There, there- none of that. The worst has passed. Now, drink this.”
You wrinkled your nose and glanced at Seonghwa in dread. Rehydrating potions tasted so bad. When will the horrors end?
He shook his head at you sternly. “Hurry up, Y/N.”
“Ugh.” You downed the whole glass, and Healer Patil leaned you back softly onto the headboard.
“All done. Now, you just rest. I’m writing you a pass for classes tomorrow as well.”
“Oh, but-”
She looked down at you sternly. “No buts. I know it’s exam season, Y/N, but if you want to write those exams to the best of your ability, then you need to take care of your body as well as your mind. That means eating well, sleeping enough, and resting when you need to. Your body has just undergone a major ordeal even if it was healed so quickly, so give it the time it needs to recuperate.”
“Okay, okay. I promise I’m not that bad at taking care of myself!”
“Do you think my diagnostics lied to me? You haven’t eaten well in the past week and a half from the looks of it and are severely dehydrated! The poison wouldn’t have worked so fast if you weren’t already so compromised!”
At that, you had nothing to say. The older Ravenclaw nodded and sniffed as she walked away.
That left you alone with Seonghwa. As the haziness of your mind started to clear, the events of the past hour came back to you.
You snuck a glance at him. He looked the most worried you had ever seen him. Even more than when Yeosang had been upset- this sent any of the pirates into a spiral. More than when Jongho had to take a break from Quidditch because of a knee injury. More than any occasion before.
You looked back down at your hands. It was surprising to see the cut that had started this whole fiasco. Though it wasn’t that deep of a gash, it was pretty long, almost the whole length of your thumb. You winced as you prodded at it.
“Oh, here. Let me heal that for you.”
You looked up, surprised. “Oh, that’s okay. It’s not necessary.”
“Yes, it is.” He frowned at you. You were scared at his expression. He had never looked at you like that before. Just what exactly had you said in your state of delirium? What if he hated you now?
Before you could suggest that Healer Patil could do it, he took your hand gently in his and pulled it towards him. He softly muttered the incantation as he waved his wand over the cut, and the cooling rush of his magic tingled all the way up your arm. It was so intimate.
The heady feeling of happiness rushing through your chest at the feel of his magic coming up against yours halted in its tracks. What if he hated you now? His whole demeanor was so off. You had to clear the air.
“Listen, Seonghwa. I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for noticing what happened immediately and getting me here so quickly and helping me… And, also, I wanted to say I’m sorry.” You were glaring at where your hands were twisting the sheets, so you missed his look of surprise. “I feel bad that you had to take care of me and that I took time out of your learning time, especially when we know that the Shrinking Solution is probably gonna be tested on the N.E.W.T.s, and I – I , whatever I said, I’m sorry. If you could just tell me what I said that offended you, I promise I probably didn’t mean it. Or if I did, then I can just explain-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” His hands covered both of your own.
You looked up at him, your lip between your teeth.
“Who said I’m mad? I’m not. I promise.”
“But you- you looked so serious just now.”
“Well, yea! Of course, I am.” He ran his hands through his hair agitatedly. “But not because I’m mad that I had to take care of you or leave class because of you or any dumb reason you just came up with right now.” He smiled at you.
You laughed weakly. “O-oh.”
He looked up at the ceiling and muttered under his breath, “Fuck it.”
His hand came up to wrap around your own again. “Y/N, I was worried. Just now. That’s why I looked so serious. And who wouldn’t be when you hear that the girl you’re in love with pushes herself so hard that she is physically unwell? That a Healer who was trained for years had to spell that out so clearly for you?”
Where the poison couldn’t finish the job, his words just had- your heart was stopped. But that was surely impossible, because you could feel the telltale burn of blood across your cheeks. Could a girl still blush if her heart was stopped? You dropped your gaze to your hands again.
He chuckled quietly at the look on your face and leaned impossibly closer still.
“But, you don’t have to worry. I won’t look so serious again, because I figured out a solution to my problem.”
“What’s that?” Why was your voice so shaky?
“Since you won’t do it yourself, I’m just going to have to take care of you.”
You looked at his eyes, his impossibly soft brown eyes. And you saw reflected in them for the first time the same feelings you had harbored for him in your own the past two years.
You teared up at the sudden revelation, the tenderness with which he spoke, and the utterly gentle care you had received from him. And you just knew- this was it. This was it for the rest of your life. He smiled back at you just as brightly as you both were quiet in the reverence of such a moment shared between two souls.
The sudden bang of a door could be heard, not from the entry to the wing but from the Healer’s private office. It signaled that she had stepped out. Seonghwa tilted his head and then smirked mischievously at you before quickly climbing into the bed with you.
“Hey!” You laughed as you poked him in the side.
“Don’t act like this isn’t sooo comfortable for your poor healing-from-a-poison body right now.”
“Mm, I can’t deny that.” Now that you were not nauseous or dizzy or delirious anymore, your body felt like it had been hit by a truck. You sighed against his chest and his arms squeezed around you tighter, only this time you could properly enjoy it.
The silence was peaceful.
“Now, I know I’m in your bed, Y/N, but please try to keep your thoughts a little innocent for now. You’re sick, you know. When you feel better, we can revisit all those things you wanted me to do to you in a bed, ok?”
“Shut up!”
#kpop fanfic#kpop fluff#kpop#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#ateez#ateez fluff#ateez imagines#ateez scenarios#seonghwa#park seonghwa#seonghwa scenarios#seonghwa fluff#seonghwa imagines#ateez fanfic#ateez x reader#ateez fic#atz#ateez reaction#seonghwa ateez#seonghwa fic#ateez hogwarts#seonghwa x you#seonghwa x reader#hurt/comfort#fluff#ateez ff#ateez au#toomywriting
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A so Called Tamaranean | Part Two
So, people seem to really like this little story I made, so I guess I’ll continue it! Part 1 if you haven’t read it yet or forgot something from it :) Also I am going to put both parts onto Ao3 in like, a day or two.
Edit : Ao3 Link! Also unsure if I’ll continue this because I don’t want to stress out over it. This was partly inspired by the “Grudge Match” ep from the JLU cartoon(go watch it it’s so good). Don’t ask what continuity this whole fic is set in, because I am making it up as I go. Warning for mentions of blood, I think there’s slight dehumanization, and mild elements of horror. There’s a fight scene. You know, regular superhero stuff.
Tag list since people wanted to be tagged(there are many of you ๑╹ω╹๑):
@spectralstardustandphantomnights - @skulld3mort-1fan - @ballzfrog - @toomanyfandoms11 - @blueflipflops - @everest-nightshade - @terzatheunderscorerima - @thegatorsgoose - @mnemovoid - @ace-aro-as-shit - @pikakaistudios - @phoenixcatch7 - @alice-hazelwood - @idfk-man20 (I can’t tag this person for some reason???) - @keimiwolf - @cankoking - @dxrksong - @learning-to-fly-on-my-own - @chaoticmistake - @ectoplasm024 - @akikkobara - @nerdypaintbrush - @worthlesswall - @stargirl1331 - @treepainting - @that-awkward-fae-nerd - @kawaiikenna - @raspberry-muffin
“Alright kid, this is one of my safe houses,” Nightwing said, “We’re going to stay here for a while until I figure out what to do,” they muttered the last part. They both were in a small apartment in an abandoned building. It was stocked with some med kits and rations, with a mattress tucked into a corner. There was a single window that they used to get inside, facing another building.
“Small house,” Danny commented, trying to hide his smirk.
“Yeah it’s supposed to be small-now I need to call Starfire for the first time in a few months,” Nightwing groaned, “Man I’ve been busy.”
Danny sat on the mattress while Nightwing out a phone to call this “Starfire” person. Danny was sweating bullets, because surely she would notice that Danny is definitely not a Tamaranean. Maybe he should just come out and say what he really is…Nah.
He hasn’t even told his own parents that he’s actually…whatever he is, so he certainly isn’t going to be telling this stranger who he is. Maybe once he can find out how to get back home he’ll tell them. He’ll just have to keep his secret to himself, which shouldn’t be toohard. And Danny’s stuck in his ghost form now, for some reason. But that means that it’ll be easier to pretend to a Tamaranean! And he could just say he wasn’t raised wherever Tamaraneans were from, and was experimented on by the people who raised him. Not too bad of an idea from a C-student.
Danny was humming happily as he came up with his plan. He had to ignore what Nightwing was saying because he was pretty sure Tamaraneans weren’t supposed to know English. Honestly he was sure of nothing and probably should’ve eavesdropped on Nightwing. But once he thought of that idea, Nightwing finished their phone call.
“Okay Nightgale, Starfire’s going to be here soon, and you need to eat don’t you-of course you need to eat, what am I talking about?” Nightwing sighed, “Do you have any preferences? Like, sweet or sour foods since you probably don’t know any Earth foods.”
“I will eat anything and everything you give me,” Danny responded, “I have no preferences other than survival.”
“That’s…so sad oh my god. I wish I could give you like, a honey crisp apple or something other than granola bars and military rations.”
“Food is food I guess. Oh, do you have any water my throat’s kind of sore.”
“On it,” Nightwing went and grabbed a couple of granola bars and a bottle of water and nearly tossed it over to Danny before stopping and just handed it to him.
“Thank you,” Danny said as he smiled innocently, before wolfing down the granola bars and chugging down all of the water in less than a minute. Nightwing could only watch in horror as when they tried to make Danny slow down, he tried to bite them.
“So,” Danny made direct eye contact with Nightwing after he finished eating “What’s Starfire like?” He was oddly proud of himself for this rather simple question.
“Oh! Well, she’s the Princess of Tamaran and-“ Nightwing was stopped by a sudden knock at the door. They froze and swiftly went over to the door.
“It’s me! Starfire!” a muffled voice said from behind the door. Nightwing let out a visible but silent sigh of relief before they opened the door.
“Starfire, you got here quickly,” Nightwing commented.
“Of course! There’s a baby Tamaranean here who needs help! Plus, I was nearby already,” Starfire floated a few inches off the ground as she went inside the tiny apartment. Nightwing pointed her over to where Danny was, and she gasped happily with a gleeful shine in her eyes. Danny tried his best to hide his grimace and prepare for whatever was going to happen.
“Hello! Hi there!” Starfire shot over to Danny-which he thankfully expected to happen this time-speaking Tamaranean. Starfire had long, red, fire-like hair, flickering at the ends like a flame. Her skin was an unnatural shade of a bronze-like orange-but it was probably very natural for Tamaraneans. She was also wearing this odd, purple jumpsuit-looking outfit. Not only were her irises were green, but her sclera had a green tint to it. Danny could swear that she was glowing slightly.
“Can you not do any sudden movements Princess?” Danny said, fully grimacing, “Or get too close.”
“Oh! Sorry young one,” Starfire backed a few away from Danny a smile plastered on her face, “What’s your name?”
“I assume that Nightwing already told you but I’m uh, Nightgale. It’s…nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too Nightgale! I’m Princess Starfire of Tameran, but you may just call me Star or Starfire.”
Starfire went over to Nightwing and spoke to them in English. Danny thought this would finally be a good time to eavesdrop.
“He doesn’t know any Earth languages right?” Starfire asked.
“Nope and he seems far too touch-adverse to do…that language acquisition thing,” Nightwing answered, sighing and rubbing their temples, “He’ll shoot anyone who so much as attempts to even reach out a hand to him-I should know, because that’s what happened to me.”
“Oh no! Are you okay?”
“Yeah I just got shot in the face but it only hurt for a moment-actually, it hurt Nightgalemore, his powers seem…unstable.”
“His arm was in a lot of pain both times he shot a starbolt at me, so I’m pretty sure his powers are at least somewhat unstable. God how-what are we going to do-WHERE did he even come from?”
“He could’ve come from anywhere I think-but! I think we might need to get him some sort therapy for the touch-adversity. So it’s a good thing that it is just physical touch in general that makes it so we can learn other’s languages, so he could just poke someone and boom! He learns English!” -Starfire spun around a little bit- “I…also think we might need to get the Justice League involved.”
“Yeah, we probably do,” Nightwing leaned up against a wall, probably pondering about what to do next. Danny was also wondering about what to do next. He could probably just punch someone in the face and pass that off as a language-acquisition thing. He looked out the window and right at that moment, a green bird landed on the windowsill.
Danny made direct eye contact with the bird. Its eyes were the normal black void of sparrow’s eyes, but the entire bird was green. It wasn’t glowing so it probably wasn’t a ghost.
“Oh hey! So you’re that Tamaranean-“ the bird said, it spoke, and Danny blasted it on pure instinct, obviously. He screamed, it screamed, but it swiftly dodged and flew inside. Its body shifted and grew, turning into a human-a green skinned human with dark green hair, but human nonetheless.
“WOAH! Never seen a talking bird before?” The green person chuckled.
“Beast Boy, are you okay?” Starfire asked.
“Yeah, but that kid seems jumpy.”
“Of course he’s jumpy, he just fell from the sky not even an hour ago,” Nightwing sighed, “Also why are you here Garfield?”
“Oh, she texted the whole group chat about the little Tamaranean here, didn’t you see it?” Beast Boy-Garfield was probably their real name but Danny could only think about a certain orange cat-pointed over to Starfire.
“Kori why?” Nightwing groaned, “So do just the rest of the Titans know?”
“Yes it’s just the rest of Titans, I’m sorry I was just so excited!” Starfire apologized, “He’s a fellow Tamaranean with powers nonetheless!”
They continued to argue and Danny knew that this was his chance. He had to get out of here. He’ll come back obviously, but he really didn’t want to keep looking at people’s mouth to figure out if they were speaking English or not.
He stood up and placed his hand on the windowsill, looking back for a moment before jumping up and bolting out of of there.
He turned quickly, just barely scraping his arm against the other building. He focused on just going faster and faster, constantly taking wild turns and changing his altitude.
He kept going and going, ignoring everything else, and he felt like he was reaching his limit in no time at all. He shoot high into the sky, spotting docks nearby. Shooting back back down like a lightning bolt, he almost slammed into the ground nearby. He didn’t make a noise or dented the concrete, so it was a win in Danny’s book.
The docks seem unused and abandoned, but oddly enough the warehouses didn’t. There was one warehouse that was bigger than the others, and it had a clearly visible side door on it. Danny looked around both at the sky and the docks. The skies were clear, but he could definitely hear something coming from that big warehouse.
Danny looked at his hands. Yeah, there might be some criminals in here. If not? Well then he’ll just give some poor folks a handshake or something. Taking his gloves off and tying them onto his belt, he noticed his veins were glowing a bright green. Danny did not know if they always were like that, but it was probably for the best to not use his powers, which was completely fine as he could still throw a mean punch.
Walking up towards the door, he had to take a deep, deep breath. What was he doing? Why was he pretending? Why does he always have to be constantly lying? He could go back now, tell them all the truth before things get more and more out of hand.
‘But it’s too late,’ he kept repeating to himself. The same thing he had always repeated to himself whenever he thought about telling his own parents who-what he was.
He gripped the handle of the door, already able to hear fighting coming from the inside. It didn’t fully sound like normal humans fighting, but a bit like ghost fighting. Shooting, burning, the ground being ripped apart and crushed. People with superpowers exist in this world, Danny could see that much from what he’s noticed so far. He felt like he was definitely not ready to fight anyone who can punch as hard as Shulker per say, but he was already here. He had to do something.
Danny looked around for those heroes who helped him out. Seeing no one around, he took in another a deep breath, and opened that side door.
Nightwing really did expect the kid to run off at some point. He just did not expect the kid to just be gone after he looked away for a single second. Just one second, he just wanted to talk with Kori and Garfield, but no, now he has to search for a glowing, physically andprobably mentally unstable Tamaranean child. If it was only as easy as it sounded because Nightgale was gone gone. Which meant that everyone was freaking out, obviously.
“Starfire! Do you see anything?” Nightwing called out from a rooftop nearby the safe house. Starfire was high in the sky so she could probably see a glowing person much more easily, and she shouted out ‘NO!’ which did wonders to Nightwing’s sprit.
“Beast Boy, how about you?” Beast Boy swooped down as an eagle and shook his head no. Nightwing sighed, “Well, we’ll need to split up then. Beast Boy you go west, I’ll go north, Starfire will go-“
“Nightwing,” Oracle’s voice had suddenly spoken from Nightwing’s earpiece, interrupting him. He put his hand on his earpiece to answer.
“What’s going on Oracle?” Nightwing responded instantly.
“An illegal meta fighting ring has been reported coming from the abandoned commercial docks in Blüdhaven. Do you think you can check up on it?”
“If I had a nickel for every time a meta fighting ring has happened here-yeah I’ll deal with it quickly.”
“Even with the Tamaranean child?” Batman’s voice interjected.
Nightwing’s face dropped. Of course Batman knows about Nightgale, he’s Batman. God damn it.
“Yep, even with them.”
“Their name?”
“They said their name was Nightgale. Now, I’ll get back to you later goodbye!” Nightwing took his hand away from the eyepiece and groaned.
“So we have to deal with a meta fighting ring as well?” Beast Boy asked, “Oh wait! What if the kid got caught up in the fighting ring?”
“Nightgale got caught up in a fighting ring?!” Starfire had come down and was very concerned.
“No-well,” Nightwing thought of how likely it was that Nightgale could actually get caught up in a fighting ring, “There could be a chance-“
“We have to go! Where is the fighting ring?” Starfire eyes were filled with determination.
“Yeah! Let’s save those metas AND that Tamaranean kid who’s name I can’t remember. Sorry,” Beast Boy nervously chuckled a bit during that last part.
“It’s Nightgale,” Nightwing repeated. Actually, the more he thought about it, the more strange it was that the kid’s name was Nightgale. It was pretty close to Nightwing, and there was also the problem of accidentally mixing the two names up. Maybe he should call them Gale, or Night Jr. Damnit, he was turning into Bruce wasn’t he?
Nightwing shook off that thought process, focusing on the matter at hand, “Now, let’s go to the docks!”
“Yeah!” The other two exclaimed. They all bolted towards the docks, towards Nightgale.
It didn’t take too long to get over to the docks, especially since Nightwing knew the way there by heart and the other two could fly. The trio still looked around for Nightgale on the way there, but had no luck with that. Nightwing really hoped that Nightgale wouldn’t be at the docks. He felt like there was a good chance that they would’ve gotten hurt, or worse.
Once the trio did get to docks, they saw the biggest warehouse had a giant hole in its side. People were running away from it, screaming and tripping over themselves.
As the heroes got over to them, they noticed just how scared the people acted. “P-please take us in, we’ll go to jail, just get us away from here!” One of them shouted. All of them were heavily bruised and bleeding lightly, large, but very shallow claw marks across either their chests.
“So this the illegal meta fighting ring I’ve been hearing about,” Nightwing muttered, “Alright, I’ll cuff these guys real quick, get them to the hospital, and then we’ll-“
“Please get us away from here first! That-that monster in there will-“
“Oh! That might be Nightgale right?” Starfire asked.
“Yeah! They seem strong enough,” Beast Boy added.
“Let’s check it out. You criminals stay here or I’ll get that ‘monster’ to hunt you down.” The threat seemed to be very effective against them, which was very worrying, but right now Nightwing needed to focus at the situation at hand-someone dangerous was inside that warehouse with the metas, and that someone could very well be Nightgale.
As they rushed towards the hole, Starfire caught a criminal being thrown out of it. The criminal also had a large, shallow claw mark across their chest. She placed them down and told them to stay with the other criminals, and they ecstatically did as told. The trio were finally at the hole.
Nightwing now believed the criminals when they said there was a monster here.
He couldn’t focus on anything other than-that thing standing in the center of the warehouse. It was a shadow, fickle and dark, glowing green-bleeding green out of its hands and eyes. Eyes that stared right at him, right into his very soul.
It was pulsating with light, unsteady and bright, drawing Nightwing’s mind to nuclear waste. It’s body seemed to flicker in and out of existence as fast as a blink of an eye, small, almost invisible sparks of electricity jetting out of it.
Its hands looked sharp, fingernails indistinguishable from flesh. They were stained red, blood dripping towards the ground. Blood was splattered at its feet and the ground around it. But he couldn’t see any blood on the rest of it’s shadowy body.
This was it, this was how Nightwing was going to die. He couldn’t move couldn’t think about anything else other than the horrors that awaited him. It was all going to be over and he couldn’t even help that one kid-
“Nightgale!” Starfire exclaimed and flew inside. Suddenly, Nightwing was snapped out of his trance, and the monster disappeared, leaving a tired and trembling Nightgale behind.
Nightwing looked over at Beast Boy, and it was clear that he saw the same thing as Nightwing. Beast Boy looked at him for an answer, but all he could do was shrug slightly. Whatever affected him and Beast Boy didn’t affect Starfire, so he could easily pass this off as some Tamaranean thing, but something in the back of his mind said that he shouldn’t.
Something wasn’t right. Something wasn’t right about Nightgale.
But he’ll think about that more later. Right now, Nightgale and the metas needed help.
“Beast Boy, you look after the metas, I’ll deal with the rest of the criminals,” Nightwing said and then immediately sprang into action.
“R-right!” Beast Boy responded and followed suit.
Nightgale had taken care of most of the criminals involved, but the ringmaster, Roulette, had nearly escaped.
“Roulette! I see that you haven’t changed at all,” Nightwing commented when he caught up to her. He could see that her left arm was bleeding, baring the same shallow claw marks as the other criminals had. “This is what, the second time you’ve set up a meta fighting ring in Blüdhaven? Why’s that?”
“I didn’t expect to get caught so quickly I’ll tell you that much,” she replied, “Much less did I expect to get caught by your son.”
“Okay, Nightgale isn’t my-“ Roulette took this opportunity to kick Nightwing square in the face. In retaliation, Nightwing grabbed her foot and flipped her over, and the fight commenced.
Back in the warehouse, Starfire was checking Nightgale for any injuries. And he had a lot of injuries. No cuts but a lot of bruises had formed already.
“We have to get you to the Watchtower right away-it’s basically the Justice League’s base and they’ll have everything we’ll need to fix you up okay?” Starfire told Nightgale. Only after she finished talking did she realize that she was speaking in English, so she readied herself for having to repeat that whole thing again.
“I’m okay,” Nightgale muttered, back in English.
Starfire gasped, “Did you learn English while punching all those criminals?”
“Uh, yeah, that’s why I took my gloves off, I’m sorry if I wasn’t-“
“No no! It’s okay, it great actually, because now you can communicate easier with everyone else! Good job Nightgale,” Starfire smiled at them and they shyly smiled back.
“Thank you,” Nightgale muttered, “Do we help those people now?”
“I got it!” Beast boy shouted. He had rounded up all the metas and there were a concerning amount of them.
“There’s at least 9 people here,” Nightgale commented, “Or more. I’m not good with counting.”
“That’s okay Nightgale,” Starfire lightly patted Nightgale’s shoulder, and they didn’t even flinch! Which was great, progress was being in one way or another. “Now, how about we check up on Nightwing hm?” Nightgale nodded, and Starfire quickly checked up on the metas before bringing Nightgale with her outside.
Nightwing and Roulette noticed the two immediately, and Roulette’s eye widened in horror.
“That kid-“ Roulette started, before becoming yet another person who got cut off by Nightgale shooting at them. She dodged but Nightwing was quick to knock her unconscious with his Escrima sticks. Nightwing cuffed her while Starfire helped out Nightgale, who was currently doubled over in pain.
“Are you okay Nightgale?” Starfire asked.
“I want and feel like death, but other than that I’m fine,” Nightgale groaned, “At least this blood isn’t mine.”
“Yeah you need to go get help right now,“ Nightwing commented, facing towards the warehouse, “First we just need to take care of metas, the criminals-this criminal, in particular, and then-“ Nightwing suddenly whipped his head around and faced Nightgale, “-did you just speak English???”
“Yeah I punched a bunch of people. No big deal. What’s that shadowy figure over there?” Nightgale pointed over towards their left, and Nightwing immediately knew who it was.
“If I look over and I see it’s Batman I will not be surprised,” Nightwing sighed. He turned around and did not see Batman, so clearly he needed to spin back around and there he was, Batman.
“I’ve notified the League about the Tamaranean child,” Batman had began, quickly getting to the point, “You and Starfire can take him to the Watchtower with the Zeta-Tubes and preform a check-up before any questioning.”
“Doesn’t the Zeta-Tubes only work for registered members?” Starfire asked.
“And what about the bad guys?” Nightgale added. He was looking at Batman with a sense of awe, for some reason.
“Beast Boy and I will take care of it. I was able to collect a DNA sample from the initial crash site and registered Nightgale as a guest,” Everyone noticed how Nightgale very visibly flinched once Batman talked about collect a DNA sample.
Nightwing gently patted Nightgale’s shoulder, and they looked up at him with their tired, scared eyes. Nightwing gave them a little smile, “It’s going to be okay Nightgale.” But Nightgale’s expression stayed the same as the trio made their way towards the nearest Zeta-Tube.
It was going to be fine, Nightwing was sure of it. Yeah, something bad might happen because life, but Nightgale would be okay soon enough. But Nightwing could only think about what he saw before he entered the warehouse. Was Nightgale really a Tamaranean? Starfire wasn’t effected by whatever he and Beast Boy saw, and they were both human.
Nightgale wasn’t a human, that’s for sure. But what if was a human, a meta more likely. But then why did he fall from the sky? A portal could’ve opened-actually, a portal would’ve been the only way they could’ve came here, since they definitely don’t seem to have the energy to fly all the way to Earth from…wherever they were from.
So what was Nightgale? Who was Nightgale?
Nightwing didn’t know what was the truth yet, but it wouldn’t be long until he found out. He was sure of it. But for now, he just wanted to make sure Night Jr. was safe.
#danny phantom#dpxdc#dp x dc#dp fic#dp x dc crossover#dp x dc fanfic#a so called tamaranean#dp crossover#dp x dc au#hehe get adopted idiot#danny fenton#danny phantom crossover#I’m so anxious about this I hope you guys like this “-_-#pacing in stories is not my strong suit#are the characters in character?? I sure hope so#is this part long enough?? I for sure hope so#I tried to not have a “head hopping” problem but I don’t know if it worked#revenant makes fanfics
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Sparks fly - Part 2

Summary: After working as an engineer for Wilford & Gilliam Trust for several years you find evidence of seedy dealings and burned books. After turning in the evidence you find yourself in danger and seek help. You're taken into the protection of a mob family where you run into your high school best friend, Mace.
Word Count: ~1200
Warnings: Implied violence and attempted murder. Please let me know if I missed any.
Part 1 -- Part 3
Series Masterlist

After Huffman left you hugged Mace again, much tighter this time. You'd been hiding how scared and angry you were from Huffman but Mace was a familiar, trustworthy face. He hugged you back and you cried out your frustrations from the past week. Mace didn't say anything the entire time and you appreciated that.
When you felt a little better you gently pull yourself away and ask, "so how is this place different from the last three? Other than a familiar face. Why is this place deemed safer?"
"Because it's not an on-the-books safehouse," he starts. "That means any moles on the force won't know about it. And, because we know who to talk to and whose palms to grease, we can install security measures way more potent than the legitimate safehouses get away with."
"This... This isn't legal?" Your eyes widen as your voice lowers to a whisper, "Mace, what kind of people are you involved with?"
“Good people,” he assures. “People who look out for their communities first and foremost. People who take protection seriously.”
“Okay,” you nod. “I know it’s been a while, but I’ll trust you about the people.” You hesitate before asking, “can I see some of the security measures? For my own peace of mind?”
“Of course,” he confirmed. “Let’s start with the basics.” He takes you on a tour of the apartment, detailing all of the security measures. Bulletproof windows, motion sensors that turn on the lights when the front door is opened, even a solid steel headboard on the bed to protect from possible shots through the walls. It definitely felt safer than the last few places you were in.
Mace was talking you through the setup when your stomach made an audible growl. Heat rushed to your face in mortification but Mace definitely heard it and asked when you had last eaten.
“I…I think it was this morning? Maybe a granola bar?”
“Well that won’t do,” he says as he heads into the kitchen. “I wasn’t able to fully stock the place given the time, but I definitely got enough to cook us up some dinner.”
“Since when can you cook,” you giggle. “Last time I saw you in a kitchen you were burning the instant ramen in the microwave!”
“I’ve changed a lot since high school,” he bantered. “I’ve picked up lots of skills since you last saw me.”
“Also a sense of style,” you tease. “I forgot to mention that I like the haircut. Buzzcut definitely suits you better than that mop you had back then.”
He laughs at that as he starts cooking. You’re so glad he agreed to stay. You haven’t felt this calm in days. Well, you haven’t felt this safe in days; you haven’t felt this relaxed in years. The two of you chat as he cooks up some grilled cheeses, making sure to cut yours diagonally.
“You remembered,” you exclaim.
“Kinda hard to forget your comfort foods when they’re also my comfort foods.”
“Yeah, but you don’t like yours cut diagonally, heathen.”
He smiles, “it’s because you always made such a big deal about me not cutting my sandwiches that I remember.”
You eat the grilled cheese faster than you intend, finally realizing how hungry you are. You want to ask for another but he still hasn’t finished his so you wait. He sees you eyeing his sandwich, smiles, and heads back into the kitchen, cooking up another for you while eating his own. “Thanks AC,” you whisper.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed about being hungry, DC,” he gently chides.
“I know,” you concede. “I’ve gotten better about putting my needs first but…”
“It’s easy to fall back on old habits? Especially when you’ve been put through the wringer in terms of stress? Especially when you’ve been in survival mode for at least a week?”
You smile, “thank you for understanding.” He smiles as nods as he monitors his cooking. “Some days I really do miss having you to help me against bullies. Or other people who wanted me to do their homework for them. Having you around probably would’ve kept me from getting involved in all of this.”
“How so?”
“Helping everyone with their work let me see connections they couldn’t. I was able to pick up on a bunch of irregularities because I was doing second checking for other departments. Daryl from Chemical Engineering R&D needed me to take on some of his work so he could flirt with Jo from Accounting. Elaine from Bio-engineering asked me to help her with some equations so she could leave work early. Just, all these people from all of these different branches and that’s how I noticed things I probably shouldn’t have.”
“All because you wanted to be helpful, because you’re a good, nice person,” Mace comments as he hands you another sandwich, sliced diagonally. You nod your head as you start eating. “Might sound strange, but I’m glad.” You tilt your head in confusion. “I’m glad you’re still a good person. That you still want to be a good person. It can be incredibly tough to do.”
The moment is interrupted by Mace’s phone buzzing. He reads the text message and you can’t read the expression on his face.
“Backup has been found,” he tells you. “The guy’s methods are…a little off but he’s one of the best.”
“Will I be meeting him?”
“No, thankfully. GBH likes to keep as low a profile as he can while he’s working.”
Mace sighs, “he…he calls himself God the Bounty Hunter.” Your eyes widen with shock. “I know, I know. Like I said, he’s weird but dammit if he isn’t great at protection. If they got someone that I didn’t think could keep you safe I’d argue for someone else.” His blue green eyes look deep into yours, “please trust me, DC?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you. Now, we should probably get you some sleep. The bed is yours. Feel free to keep on whatever lights you want or need to help you sleep. If you need a fan or a white noise machine, I can get that set up for you.”
“Where are you sleeping?”
“I’ll be pushing that living room chair in front of the door. Make sure no one can open it and no one can try to open it without alerting me.”
“Mace! There’s no way you’re sleeping like that!”
“I’ve slept in worse scenarios, DC. Besides, I personally test all the chairs and couches in the safehouses so I know damn well how comfortable it is.”
“No arguments. You’re tired. You’ve had a very long and very dangerous week. We’ve got backup watching over this apartment and I know I’ll sleep easier knowing I’m between you and the door.” He gently pushes you towards the bedroom, “so please let yourself get some sleep. If you need me, I’ll be right here. Don’t be afraid to wake me up for anything, okay?”
“Thank you,” you hummed. “Thanks for always looking out for me.”

Part 1 -- Part 3
Series Masterlist
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Random thoughts #34 (00:19)
This got so long oh my god- also, natural light is one of the cheap, frat-bro beers around here, I couldn’t not-
Kuroo has deep, deep dimples that only come out when he laughs really, really hard.
And I mean more than those cackles that he has. More than general amusement. More than inappropriate jokes at bad times that make so many people in your friend group cry and clutch their sides in agony for their laughter.
And you try everything- one of his friends from high school tells you that the space just below the hollows under his arms are the most ticklish spot on his body, you try shitty dad jokes that you’ve been passed down from your friends, you try videos of kids doing stupid things, anything that makes you cackle, you try with him.
But he doesn’t let you tickle him without a fight. Sometimes, he finishes the dad joke with a satisfied smirk. And on occasion, he just cracks a smile at the video and says “that’s awesome,” before turning back to his homework.
You start to think they’re a myth, he doesn’t have dimples at all, and you’re just left like an idiot trying to find this magical feature of his, and pray he doesn’t call you out on why you’re trying so hard to make him laugh.
But then, you order Chinese take out, and you’ve cracked the code.
It’s two in the morning, you’ve both been studying for far too long, and you beg for him to please order something for dinner that isn’t cheese curls and granola bars. You feel exhausted, and he reflects that in his appearance: he’s drunk on caffeine and shots of energy drinks. The bags under his eyes make him look infinitely older, his hair tousled and greasy at the lack of a shower. His brain is fried, but it’s finals, and he can rest after.
The only place that’s open is the shady Chinese food place on campus, it’s always open, yet somehow, you’ve never seen anyone inside of it and any point of the day- or night, for that matter. You settle, and he promises to treat you to something more exciting when you’re both recovered from finals.
And you’re both shoveling fried rice and vegetables into your mouths, eating like ferocious beasts who haven’t been fed in months (it’s only been days, but god, you could’ve been fooled), and there’s a few jokes and a couple of alcoholic drinks that he’s made you.
And he cracks open a Natural Light.
“Oh my god, don’t even tell me you bought that,” you snort, choking on a bite of beef and broccoli. He cocks his head in confusion, and you point, you actually point and laugh at him. “Where the hell did you find that in this neck of the woods!”
A shy smile quirks at the corner of his mouth, “I… heard it was popular on campuses, I thought I’d give it a try.”
“Kuroo, they make memes about that beer!” You cackle, willing yourself to swallow as you laugh. “You’re literally the embodiment of the frat guy they warned me about on those Instagram pages- oh my god, I’m gonna pee!”
“Jesus, fuck, stop laughing at me,” he snorts, moreso laughing at your reactions to him than your teases.
“Oh my god, how are you going to spend thousands on housing and take me to dinner every weekend, then buy Natty Light!” You continue, “What, you going to sue the professor if he fails me, too?”
“That’s what they call it? Ew!” He asks, his head tossing back against the couch.
And it’s not funny, it’s literally the stupidest joke you could have made, but you’re both so exhausted and burned out, your brains are so fried that you can do nothing but laugh at each other, cackling and wheezing when the other snorts, slamming his feet into the floor and tears of mirth clinging to your lashes.
And finally, when you look up, there they are.
Dimples, settled happily in the center of his cheeks and enhanced by the stretched grin that forces itself on his face. He must know they’re there, because he smacks a hand over his face to hide his cheeks and mouth, much to your dismay.
“Don’t you dare!” You scold, quickly crawling on his lap and moving the beer can from his hand. You’re grinning too, giggling less than before, but he looks so childish, so carefree from laughing so hard, you just want to relish in it more.
He’s shaking his head no, his hands covering his face and firmly too, as you try to pry his hands from him. He’s still laughing, he can’t stop, and if he could, they’d go away, but he can’t, he’s nervous and shy and you’re not helping, and you’re trying so hard to get them free-
You fall silent when you finally manage to move his hands away, two big wrists encircled by your smaller fingers. His gawfs settle to little giggles, his beet red face slowly settles to a dusting of his cheeks, and when he finally manages to look up at you, through his glassy eyes, his stomach flips to see you looking at him like that.
Like he’d sewn the stars in the sky, he could cure the sick and heal wounded puppies. Your hands cup his cheeks and stroke longingly at the newly shown dips of his face, gaze like love and adoration and like a perfect future with him never breaking with his golden irises.
Did you always do that?
Just as quick as they came, his dimples were stolen from your enjoyment, his face dropping at the predicament you two were in from the heat of the moment. You’re close, so close- Christ, you smelt good- and he’s scared to move, scared you’ll realize it too and get uncomfortable if he does.
“How dare you go around being so cute, and not let me indulge!” You scold, but you’re grinning and kissing the hollows where his dimples just were, eliciting more choked laughs and snickers from him. It tickles, and that doesn’t help his laughter, but he was more relieved to see you were far from deterred at the closeness- instead, you seemed to relish in it, and it made him weak and stupid and god, what did you do to him?
Large paws settle on your waist, and he stretches his smile back out widely in an attempt to make his dimples appear once again for you to enjoy for as long as you’d wished.
Yes. For your sake only. Of course.
#UGH IM ANXIOUS BUT I LOVE HIM#kuroo tetsuro#kuroo tetsuro fluff#kuroo tetsuro x reader#kuroo tetsuro x reader fluff#kuroo tetsuro imagine#kuroo tetsuro x gn!reader#kuroo tetsuro haikyuu#haikyuu#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu imagine#haikyuu x gn!reader#hq#hq fluff#hq imagine#hq x gn!reader
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Another bit from my Steddie fix-it, Holding Out For a Hero. (ETA: new name - I'd Fall For You Twice)
(After one of them - probably Eddie - wakes up from a nightmare.)
"I don't know how you do it, man." Eddie's voice is muffled from where he has his face pressed to his knees.
"Do what?" Steve asks. He scoots a little further onto the bed, tucks Eddie closer to his side.
"Deal with it. With all that Upside Down shit. I mean, you've been fighting monsters since, what, '83? It's just been a few weeks for me and I'm scared as hell. I'm terrified he's gonna come back for me or Max, try to finish us off. Or that he'll try to take out one of the kids. Or Nancy or Rob or you," he whispers, his voice strained and halfway to a sob.
There's an almost imperceptible pause in the way Steve is running his hand comfortingly up and down Eddie's arm. But he doesn’t say anything and Eddie thinks maybe he doesn't want to get into all this feelings shit.
But then, "Me, too," Steve whispers back, almost inaudible. "I think I've been afraid ever since that night in the Byers house."
Eddie peeks over his knees, tears clinging to the edges of his eyelashes, and side-eyes Steve. "You? Steve Harrington. Scared?"
Steve glances over and nods. Swallows. "Yeah. Me, Steve Harrington. Terrified. After that first time -" he sighs. "I just wanted to pretend it never happened. You can ask Nancy, it's why everything between her and me went to hell. But then it happened again. And again. And now it's happened again and I don't know if it's ever going to stop happening."
His breathing quickens with his rambling words, his arm tightening around Eddie's back. Moving one of his arms from where it's clasped tightly around his knees, Eddie lays his hand comfortingly over Steve's where it rests on his shoulder. Feels Steve tangle their fingers together and waits for his breathing to even out.
"Like I said - you've had all this shit for years. And yet, you just keep fighting. How do you do it?"
Steve tilts his head over to rest it against Eddie's. "I really don't know. I just - do. I mean, what'll happen if I don't? That hellhole will try to invade our world again and I won't be there to help stop it. So I guess I just…" He pauses, thinking, and Eddie waits, relaxes into the feel of Steve pressed close to his side, of their hands wrapped around each other.
"I guess I just do what I can," he continues. "I take the gremlins to the arcade and I drive Robin to school and I give Dustin stupid advice about girls and I make sure there's a box of granola bars in my car for when Max 'forgets' to eat breakfast and I always restock the first aid kit at work and I learn CPR just in case someone stops breathing the next time we have to fight. Because at least then, I'm being useful. At least then -" He stops, just closes his eyes and breathes for a moment, as if he can't quite bring himself to say the next words. "At least then, I'm not bullshit," he whispers and it sounds like a wound.
Eddie squeezes Steve's fingers, trying to soothe the bitter tone in his voice that he doesn't quite understand. "So… you take care of everyone else," he says and it isn't a question.
Steve huffs out a breath. "Yeah, I guess I do. It's about the only thing I can do."
Eddie is quiet for a long moment. He doesn’t agree with that, but that’s really a conversation for another day. "Who takes care of you?" he finally asks.
Steve blinks. "What?"
"You take care of everyone else. But who takes care of you?"
Now it's Steve's turn to be quiet. "I don't - I mean - I don’t need - “ Steve shakes his head, clears his throat. “Robin. I’ve got Robin, you know. To talk to. She’s great.”
Eddie smiles softly. “And thank god for Buckley. I’m glad she’s there for you - when you let her be.”
Steve looks away, but Eddie keeps pressing. “Have you told her you’re still spending every night in a hospital chair? That all you’ve been eating is those granola bars you keep in your car? That you haven’t heard from your parents since before spring break?” Steve shoots him a look and Eddie just raises his eyebrows. “I’m convalescent, not stupid. You think I haven’t noticed?”
He doesn’t get an answer.
“How can she take care of you, like, really take care of you, if you haven’t told her any of that?”
Steve sighs, rubs at his forehead. “Eddie, it's not anyone else's job to do that. To take care of me."
"And yet you've made it your job to take care of all of them - well, all of us, I should say." He squeezes Steve's hand again. "So how come you won’t let anyone take care of you?"
Steve sighs. "It's not - it's not like that. I can take care of myself, no one else needs to worry about me."
"Sleeping for nights on end in that back-breaking chair is what you call taking care of yourself?" Eddie says with a wry twist to his mouth.
Steve is quiet for so long, Eddie thinks he's not going to answer. But finally, "I don't want to be a bother," he answers softly.
"Steve Harrington, you are many things. But a bother is not one of them," Eddie declares. He can’t help but think how, if someone had told him even two months ago that he would one day be assuring King Steve that he is in no way, shape, or form an annoyance, he would have laughed in their face. But now? "Scooch in and get comfortable and let someone - let me - take care of you for once," he insists, trying to tug Steve to lay down next to him. "I'm not letting you fall asleep in that damn chair again, not when there's plenty of room right here. And tomorrow, you are getting a real breakfast before you go to work.”
Steve resists for a few moments. “Eddie, c’mon, you don’t have to - you need your rest, I’ll be fine.”
But then he makes the mistake of looking down and Eddie is peering up at him from under his lashes, big doe-eyes pleading, and Steve lets himself be pulled down. He shifts, careful of the spots on Eddie’s body he knows will sometimes flare with pain, but stays close, his arm still around the other boy’s shoulders.
Eddie settles closer, pulls the blanket up over both of them. Their eyes meet and Steve feels something stutter in his chest, has to close his eyes against that gaze that he knows now sees him far too clearly. He feels Eddie relax against him, feels his breathing slow, starts running his fingers through Eddie’s curls, trying to ease him back toward sleep.
Nuzzling his face into Steve’s neck, Eddie sighs out, “Maybe now we can both get some sleep, yeah, Stevie?”
Steve smiles tiredly. “Yeah, Eds.”
He feels one of Eddie’s hands gently tuck some hair behind his ear, stroke softly down to rest on his cheek. “Shhhhhhh,” Eddie whispers.
“Mmkay.” Steve mumbles, as the rhythm of Eddie’s breathing - safe and steady and oh-so-alive - finally lulls him to sleep.
#steddie#steve harrington#eddie munson#holding out for a hero#steve takes care of everyone else but doesn't let others take care of him#because he feels like that's what he has to offer and if someone needs to take care of him in return what he's giving is useless#eddie *does not* agree#and *will not* let him get away with it#ETA: new name is I'd Fall For You Twice#i'd fall for you twice
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Part 2
A/N: Natasha’s journey through her time at S.H.I.E.L.D. See how she overcomes her past and creates bonds and friendships. This is going to be a series!
Warnings: Natasha/Maria Hill (not the main focus though). Language, talk about whipping, Sexual assault, Past abuse, Child breeding, Nightmares.
Summary: it’s Natasha’s first day at S.H.I.E.L.D. She’s positive she’s going to hate it, but doesn’t have much of a choice.
“Natasha Romanoff, I’ve been told I should give you a chance. Usually I’d say hell no, but Agent Barton is one of my top leaders, so I shall put some trust in his judgment.” Nick Fury walks Natasha down the busy halls of S.H.I.EL.D.
“His judgment is wrong. You’ll regret it.” Natasha has her cold gaze as she looks at what’s in front of her.
“I guess we’ll see if that’s true or not.” Fury opens the door to an office. When Natasha steps in, she’s met with a brunette behind a desk. Natasha refuses to let her think anything positive about the women in front of her.
“Hello Ms.Romanoff, I’m commander Hill. I know you didn’t choose to be here, but believe it or not, prisons don’t want to keep you. So, you’ll be staying here. Until you’ve earned our trust. You must have a team lead by you any time you are outside of your room.”
“This is bullshit. I don’t want to have anything to do with your little corporation. I’m not going to do your dirty work.” Natasha crosses her arms as she flares at Maria.
“Romanoff, we understand that these past couple of years haven’t been easy for you-” Natasha scoffs, “however, I will not be treated with disrespect. You have a week rest, get to know the place and the people in it.” Maria states calmly.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” Fury asks from beside her.
“I don’t need a week off. I’ll be fine.”
“We’ll, it’s mandatory and I won’t take no for an answer. You are dismissed. Fury, can you escort her to her room please? I would have Barton do it but he’s in training till 4pm today.”
“Will do Hill. Cmon, kid.” Natasha and Fury make their way to the door.
Before they can exit, Natasha hears Maria say, “You can come to me whenever you need Romanoff. I hope your first week is better than you expect it to be.” Natasha doesn’t look back or respond, she simply walks out with Nick leading her to her room.
“So kid, have you eaten anything today?”
“I’ll be fine, and stop calling me kid.” Natasha rolls her eyes at the older man. Natasha has gone many days without food, she no longer can tell when she’s hungry.
“Well, I’ll bring some stuff up for you. It should keep you satisfied until dinner at 5.” Fury leads Natasha to her door, leaving her open it. He wants to respect her boundaries and leave her be, so, once Natasha is in her room, he heads down to the kitchen to gather some stuff he thinks Natasha might like.
Natasha sits in her room confused. He’s bringing me food AND I get to eat again at 5?! She’s never had more than one meal a day.
Natasha doesn’t know how long she stays in her head until there’s a knock on her door. She gets up and opens it and sees Fury holding a couple of things.
“Here you go. I’m not sure what you like, so I got you a couple of different things to try. Here’s some pop-tarts, orange juice, granola bars, and fruit snacks. I know they’re not that grand but-”
“Thank you.” Natasha says quietly. She takes the items from Fury and sets them on her bed.
“No problem kiddo. Tomorrow we’re going shopping for clothes for you. We leave at 7am for breakfast. I’ll come get you when it’s time.” Nick leaves without giving Natasha a chance to protest.
She lets out a sigh and makes her way to her bed. She looks down at all of the choices she has and settles on trying orange juice first. To say she likes it would be an understatement, along with the fruit snacks.
In the Red Room, none of their food had much flavor and usually lacked color. After she finishes two fruit snack bags and her orange juice, she sets aside the rest and gets changed into S.H.I.E.L.D attire that was given to her in the mean time.
She feels exhausted. Maybe she’ll let herself fall asleep for just a little while. She lays down for a couple minutes, feeling the cool air in the room and the soft comforter over her. Her pillow under her is the perfect amount of softness and she’s slowly coaxed to sleep.
“Natalia, you know what happens to girls that are bad. You know what to do.”
She drops her knees, pulls her arms up to the handles, and feels the stinging on her bear back immediately. The pain is so intense, her vision goes in and out every time the whip meets her skin.
She’s not sure what she did in order to end up in this position, but knows better than to ask questions. The last time she did, she ended up strapped to a medical bed with sedatives running through her body and different liquids being injected into her. She still doesn’t know what they exactly were, but she remembers them being surprised that she lived through it.
With every ounce of strength she had that day, she tried to get out of the restraints, “Please, please. I’m sorry I was bad. I won’t do it again.” In response, her hospital down is pulled up and her undergarments and ripped off of her. She was 8 the first time she was raped by workers of the Red Room.
“Natasha! Natasha, it’s okay. It was just a nightmare, you’re safe.” Natasha’s awoken with a startle when she hears Clint Barton’s voice. She can’t seem to catch her breath.
Clint slowly, makes his way closer to her, his hands out so that she can see them. “Breathe with me Natasha.” He slowly moves his hand to rest it in front of her, wanting her to initiate contact if she wanted.
After a couple minutes, her breathing is a little better but still not normal. She tentatively moves her hand to meet with Clint’s. Not ready for too much, she softly interlocks their pinkies.
He stays there until she fully calms down. They sit in comfortable silence for a while.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Clint asks, whispering as to not scare the redhead next to him.
She just keeps her gaze on her lap and shakes her head.
“It’s 5:30pm, dinner should be waiting if you want to come.” Natasha ponders for a minute. Maybe she will go. Food doesn’t sound like a horrible idea, and she doesn’t think she can handle being in her room right now. She looks over to Clint and nods her head.
“Okay, let’s go. Hey look, we’re matching pjs. Oh and today’s spaghetti night! Do you like spaghetti?” He rambles as they walk the halls.
“I’ve never had it.”
“I’m sure you’ll like it.” They make it to the cafeteria and take a seat and one of the tables where their trays are already set up for them. Natasha is in awe at the amount that’s plated on her tray. She has a plate half filled with spaghetti, a side of green beans, and a piece garlic bread.
“I’m going to go get us something to drink. Anything you particularly like?” Clint asks, making his way off of his chair.
“Umm, I like orange juice.” She whispers. God, why is she acting like this?! She’s supposed to be strong! Why is she acting like some incapable child?!
Clint comes back with their drinks and sits back down next to Natasha.
“So, how has the fist day been so far?” Clint asks, he has some spaghetti sauce on his lips making Natasha roll her eyes with a small smile.
“Umm, not that great. I don’t really want to be here.” She waits a small moment than asks, “why didn’t you kill me?”
Clint’s eyebrows raise, not expecting that question. “Something about you told me you were worth saving. I know you have walls put up, I did too when i first got here. However, I think with enough time we’ll be best friends.”
“I don’t make friends. They become a distraction.” Natasha shrugs and looks down at her plate. She can’t bring herself to eat more. She’s too full.
“Sometimes distractions are just what we need. You can’t live a life where you simply just live. There’s no fun in that. You’re my friend Natasha. We’ll work our way up to becoming best friends.” Natasha takes a moment to think about what he said. Her whole life has been about simply surviving. She can’t remember once doing something she actually enjoyed besides training, which was forced.
“Oh and one more thing. Don’t be afraid to come talk to me. My room is to the left of yours in case you need me. I’m gonna go head to bed. Don’t tell commander I left you unsupervised. I trust you. Plus, you don’t need a babysitter. Goodnight, Tasha.” Clint gathers his tray and puts it away, heading upstairs.
Natasha stays in the cafeteria for a while, picking at her food. She’s full but she knows she has to finish her meal or else she’ll get punished. As she takes very small bites, she thinks about all the things Clint told her. She’s be lying if she said it didn’t feel a little nice to have someone consider her as a friend.
Her thoughts are interrupted by someone sitting next to her. She looks to her right and sees Maria. She gives Natasha a small smile. Natasha is nervous, thinking she’s going to get in trouble for being alone. “You know, you don’t have to finish all of your food.” Natasha is very confused at that.
“I don’t?”
“Of course not. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to here, unless it’s for your own safety. If you’re full you can put your tray away.”
“Okay.” Natasha gathers her things onto her tray and puts it away. Maria follows close behind.
As Natasha goes to walk towards her room, and Maria walks beside her. “I had signals coming from your room earlier before dinner saying you were in destress. Was it a nightmare?” Natasha feels panicked at the question. In the Red Room, if you admitted to having a nightmare, you were sent into a room for the next night where you were restrained to a bed while you slept. Their reasoning was to train them not to show any weaknesses.
She feels her heartbeat pick up and she’s scared to answer the question. “Hey, Natasha, look at me.” They stop right in from of her door. Natasha looks up to Maria, a hard gaze trying to conceal her fear. Maria sees right through her.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’m okay. Goodnight.” Natasha opens her door and closes it on Maria.
Maria sighs and rests her head on the redhead’s door. “I’m here if you want to talk. I get nightmares too. I know how much those suck. Look, we all care about you Natasha. I know it’s hard to grasp that, but we’re all here for you. Goodnight.” Maria walks away and goes to her room which happens to be down the hall, 5 doors down from Natasha’s.
Maria has an apartment outside of S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters, but usually opts to stay here instead.
Natasha sits against her door with silent tears running down her face. How could Maria just admit to having nightmares?! Does she not know how dangerous that is?
Natasha then starts to think about her words and how she said she cared for her. She’s never heard those words ever in her entire life. In a way she hates it. She doesn’t like that she’s becoming vulnerable. She’s only known these people for a day and she already feels different.
Deep down, Maria’s words sent a fluttering feeling into her stomach.
She sets an alarm for 6:30am to get ready for her time out with fury to go shopping.
When she finally lays down in her bed, she feels lighter in a way. Like a small amount of weight has been lifted from on top of her. She falls asleep easily, surrounded by the white noise of the air conditioning and the softness of her blanket.
“Natalia, you’re a failure. Get up and do it again. If you mess up one more time I’m sending you to Dreykov.” Her handler tells her.
Natasha gets back up and tries again. The weight she is expected to lift is 4x her body weight, purposefully impossible.
Sometimes the leaders got bored and gave the widows impossible tasks just to watch them fail.
Natasha falls again, her legs giving out. She’s grabbed from the floor by her hair and onto her legs. She feels a harsh slap on her cheek and she has to take a sharp breath in so that she doesn’t shed a tear.
Natasha was sent to Dreykov later that evening and had to perform routine body checks. She hated those. The humiliation that came with it was indescribable.
The body checks were exactly what they sounded like. She was stripped down to nothing and asked to stand in different positions so Dreykov could asses her body and the worthiness that came with it.
When you’re a widow, you were forced to go on missions where offering your body was a tactic and a necessity. She was only 11 when she went on her first mission that required that.
Natasha jumped awake with her hair stuck to her face do to her sweat and her breathing labored. She feels like she’s lost in a trance and can’t seem to get herself out of it.
Her mind replays scenarios and images over and over and she can’t do anything about it.
Out of her peripheral vision, she can see someone coming into her room. She can see the blurry figure sit in front of her trying to get her attention.
“Natasha. Cmon, look at me. It’s Maria. You’re okay. It was just a dream. You’re not there anymore.” Maria repeats these words. Natasha looks like she’s looking right though her instead of at her.
Softly and slowly, Maria extends her hands out and places only the tips of her fingers on top of Natasha’s.
She jumps at the contact but is immediately brought back to the present. She’s surprised when she sees Maria sitting in front of her.
“It’s okay. You’re not there anymore. You’re safe here.” Natasha’s breathing slows and finally turns back to normal.
“Do you want to talk about it?”
Natasha frantically shakes her head and hides her face between her knees, her arms around them. “Im sorry, I didn’t mean to. Please don’t strap me to the bed.” She’s crying now, shaking as she’s scared of what she thinks is about to happen.
Maria furrows her eyebrows in confusion at her words. She moves on of her hands to softly run though Natasha’s hair. She flinches away harshly.
“Shhh, it’s okay. I’m not gonna hurt you. I promise.” She moves Natasha’s hair away from her face and tells her, “We don’t do that here. It’s completely normal to have nightmares. I’ve never met a person who hasn’t had at least one in their life. It’s okay to be scared Natasha. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel.”
Natasha is looking up at Maria with hopeful and surprised eyes. “Showing emotions make you weak. They make you vulnerable to threats.”
“No, showing emotions make you human. That’s what you are Natasha. Human. I’m gonna stay in here the rest of the night over there on the couch. Don’t be afraid to wake me up if you need to. I mean it. You’re not a burden.”
Natasha nods and reaches to hand Maria one of her extra blankets.
Before Maria gets off the bed, she gives Natasha’s hand a soft squeeze in reassurance. Natasha doesn’t flinch away.
Maria makes herself comfortable on the couch and waits for Natasha to fall back asleep. She never falls in a deep sleep, making sure to be attentive to Natasha’s breathing pattern.
Maria doesn’t know what it is, but she understands why Barton chose to give her a chance. Those eyes hold nothing but someone who wants out. Someone who needs a second chance at life.
#lesbian#mcu imagine#natasha and yelena#natasha x reader#the avengers#wanda maximov#wandanat#wandanat x reader#cute#natasha romanoff#blackhill#maria hill#agents of shield#black widow x reader#black widow#hillary clinton#clint/natasha#nick fury
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I've been working out a little bit (Spencer Reid/Reader)
Requested: Yes.
Summary: Spencer has been working out with Penelope, and they are doing their best to keep it a secret. Until (Y/N) finds out and tries to help. And though he doesn't want to because he is embarrassed about his poor athletic performance, somehow she manages to help.
Category: Fluff
Warnings: Curses, frustration. Good old fools in love.
Word count: 3.8K
A/N: Hello, pretty people! I've missed you! I hope you like this little story. It's one of the last requests pending on my list. Tomorrow I can finally visit my grandparents, I'll be taking care of them for at least two weeks, and though I know it's hard work, I am just so happy I can be with them again!! I miss them! Take care, whenever you are! Love you!
- "No fucking way, Spencer!" (Y/N) widened her eyes and laughed so hard tears filled her eyes. She was sitting at her desk at work, staring at her best friend, who could barely walk due to the two hours he had spent that morning training with Penelope.
- "Please, don't tell anyone."- he whispered and looked around the bullpen. He was too embarrassed already to let anyone else know he had to take the mandatory fit test. He wanted to avoid the jokes, especially Derek's.
- "Your secret is safe with me, as always, chipmunk"- (Y/N) smiled and bit her lips, trying not to laugh anymore- "But why on earth are you working out? You have enough case hours to cover a fit test!"
- "Apparently, I can't skip it this year. Both me and Penelope have to take it."- Spencer whispered and sat down very slowly, pain written all over his face.
His best friend stared at him reading the mix of embarrassment and physical pain he felt with each movement he made. (Y/N) smiled and opened one of her drawers, looking for the last Snicker she had hidden in case of need. Watching Spencer in pain was precisely the case. She stood up and handed him the candy, making his heart skip a beat. Spencer did his best to hide the blush on his cheeks and just looked away.
- "I can help you if you want."- (Y/N) whispered and cut him the most adorable smile she had.
- "Help me what?"
- "Working out."- she replied and bit her granola bar- "I can teach you how to kick ass, and I do look hot wearing sweat shorts."
Spencer nearly chook. He flushed and closed his eyes, trying to cover up his embarrassment. But (Y/N) giggled and turned around. Her job there was done. Now Spencer had to be picturing her in her sweat shorts.
Of course, he was. He couldn't stop, actually.
The two agents were the youngest of the team, and somehow sometimes in-between cases, it showed. Especially when they were on their own, and their conversations ended up in casual flirting.
(Y/N) was head over feet in love with Spencer, though she was never going to face it. God knows Penelope had tried to force her to deal with her feelings. But she was closed as an oyster. No matter how much Garcia insisted or how drunk they were, (Y/N) kept denying her true feelings in public.
Spencer wasn't indifferent. Not at all. As a matter of fact, he was in love with (Y/N). Everything about her bewitched him. Ever since the first time he laid eyes on her, he felt it. She was tailor-made for him. If only he weren't a nervous wreck each time he saw her...
After two years working together, Spencer had managed to overcome part of my shyness and awkwardness around (Y/N). They were best friends, and they would usually hang out in their free time. The little free time they had in the BAU. But even when they could playfully flirt all the time, Spencer was sure she didn't like him that way. He convinced himself she was just joking.
(Y/N) headed to the Batcave holding a large frappuccino and knocked on the half-opened door before walking in.
- "Penelope García, I had the feeling you were running caffeine low."
- "Oh my pretty little thing! How do you do it? You read my mind!"- the tech analyst nearly hyperventilated as soon as she held her ice and creamed coffee.
- "Reid and I were out for a little break, and I knew you would like one of these to cheer up your afternoon"- Garcia sipped her frappuccino and nodded. But as soon as she had finished savoring the perfect coffee, she asked.
- "So, you and Reid..."
- "We were out getting coffee, like the best friends we are."
- "But, there's coffee here in the kitchenette. There's no need to go out and get coffee unless you want to find an excuse to be alone with him."- (Y/N) raised an eyebrow and sighed. Garcia did that every single chance she got.
- "You and I know the FBI doesn't share our concept of "good" coffee."- (Y/N) looked at her friend and just smiled- "Besides, I told you, I felt you needed some extra sugar and joy in your life after your early workout session this morning."
- "That little snitch!"- (Y/N) chuckled and shook her head.
- "Don't get mad at Reid. He didn't tell me anything. I kind of figured there was something wrong 'cos he looked in so much pain just breathing."
- "Oh man, he is sored, but I am sure he would be way sorer if you train with him."
- "I offered myself to help him"- Garcia raised an eyebrow at (Y/N) 's words, and the young agent wide opened her eyes, blushing- "Stop staring at me like I'm a perv! I meant helping him train for the test. I could help you too."
- "Thank you, but no, thank you. I trained with you, and there's no way we are going to do all that boxing again."
- "Come on! You said you had fun!"
- "I did! I really did... but I could barely move the next day! And I had a date! I couldn't even dance, less doing... other... nevermind"- Penelope stopped herself in her tracks and shook her head.
- "Shit, PG!"- (Y/N) closed her eyes and chuckled- "Spare me the details."
- "Sorry... anyway... you and the little genius should definitely train in a more... horizontal way."
- "Garcia! Stop it!"- (Y/N) laughed and stood up- "I'm gonna go back to work 'cos clearly you have some hormonal issues today, and you are projecting."
- "Stop acting like you haven't thought about it!"- Garcia said and chuckled as her friend walked away.
- "I'm not telling you anything."
- "That means yes!"
- "No! it doesn't!"- (Y/N) was blushing; that's why she refused to turn around and look at Penelope.
- "Oh! It so does!"
The end of that day found Spencer even more sore, hungry and weary than he had felt in years. All he wanted to do was go home, eat pizza leftovers from the night before, and go straight to bed.
- "Hey, chipmunk!"- (Y/N) looked at Spencer, gathering all his things and getting ready to go home.- "Dinner at my place tonight. My treat."
- "I can pick the take out tonight?"- he said immediately and asked himself where did that come from if, a second earlier, all he wanted to do was to go to bed. Probably from the same place that kept coming back to the image of her in sweat shorts.
- "Even better. I'll cook"- (Y/N) answered and winked, playfully- "You deserve a proper homemade dinner after all the workout you did this morning."
Spencer looked at her and didn't even notice the silly smile on his face. If he had known how in love he was looking, he would have probably slapped himself. (Y/N) sighed and stood up.
- "I'm gonna take that silence as a "Great (Y/N)! Thank you! How considered! I'm so lucky to have you in my life".
Spencer rolled his eyes and shook his head.
- "Thank you, (Y/N). But I'll give you more praise if your food turns out to be eatable"- the young agent gasped, pretending to be insulted by his words, and hit Reid's arm with her knuckles.
- "Auch! (Y/N)!"
- "I'm being nice, and you are insulting me! I'm having second thoughts about driving you over!"
- "I can take the subway! You are such a slow driver I can actually be there faster."
Spencer stuck out his tongue at her and ran to the elevator, 'cos his friend widened her eyes and ran after him, probably to hit him again.
Morgan and Prentiss stared at the scene in silence, sharing a few looks, both of them thinking the exact same thing: "When are these two goofs ever going to hook up?"
- "They are annoying"- Rossi stood next to Emily's desk and crossed his arms on his chest.
- "They are in love"- she corrected, but David shook his head and sighed.
- "I know, and they are adorable, but it's so annoying staring at the same scene over and over again, waiting for something, anything, to happen between them."
- "Are you turning into a bitter old man who completely forgot about the charm of being young and in love?"- Prentiss raised an eyebrow and turned to Rossi. The Italian stared right into her eyes and shook his head.
- "I'm just saying someone should try to tell them something."
- "I've tried to talk to him about her a million times. But Reid is one private kid."- Derek said from his desk as the three of them stared at Spencer and (Y/N) getting into the elevator, still arguing and playfully playing.
- "And he is so insecure. He doesn't think she likes him."
- "Likes him? She is clearly in love with him!"- Prentiss said, annoyed- "I swear, if nothing happens between them this weekend, I'm going to intervene."
- "Now who is forgetting about the charm of being young and in love?"- Rossi joked and sighed- "Come on guys, dinner's on me."
(Y/N)' s dinner was a success. Spencer ate two portions of honey mustard-glazed chicken bake. She even managed to make him eat vegetables. And Spencer didn't even argue. Not only because it was delicious, and his body really needed some homemade dinner. But also 'cos (Y/N) got him wrapped around her fingers, even without knowing it. And if she asked him to eat veggies, Spencer (no matter how much he would argue) would eat his damn veggies. And he could actually enjoy them.
- "Ok, chipmunk, you ate all your food. You earned your dessert"- (Y/N) smiled and picked the dirty dishes from the table.
- "Let me do that. You already fed me. The least I can do is do the dishes."
Spencer followed her moves and took the dishes to the sink. (Y/N) didn't argue with that. It wasn't the first time Spencer cleaned the kitchen with her, after all. They had been good friends, close friends, for a long time, and they were used to being around each other.
But this time, it felt somehow different. Like there was something in the air warning them things were about to change for good.
- "Ok, doc. Do you wanna eat your dessert watching tv for a while?"- (Y/N) handed Spencer an ice cream bowl with chocolate chips on top and some whipped cream.
- "A smiley ice cream bowl?"- Spencer chuckled as he stared at it. He loved it.
- "Yes, you are never too old to eat food with a smile on it. And that's a life lesson, Spencer Walter Reid."- she said and walked to the couch, holding the remote control.
- "You are filled with wisdom, (Y/N)"- Reid teased her and sat by her side.
- "I know. It would help if you let me train you. You would pass your fit test in a blink."- she said and continued surfing channels.
- "Thanks, but no thanks. I wanna do it on my own."- Spencer glued his eyes on the screen and ate his dessert. (Y/N) just nodded and continued surfing channels.
- "Why?"- she asked him after a few minutes. They had been watching an old movie in silence, just eating their ice cream.
- "Why what?"- he whispered and looked at her just for a second. He didn't trust himself around (Y/N), especially under those circumstances: alone in her house. She had changed into leggings and an old extra-large sweatshirt. Her hair was in a messy bun. And Spencer didn't feel able to look at her into the eyes, 'cos he was going to cave in. He was going to grab her face with both hands and kiss her right there. No questions asked.
Which is why he avoided looking at her.
- "Why don't you want me to help you train?"
- "Just because"- he answered and glued his eyes to the screen. But (Y/N) knew better. She moved closer to him on the couch and held his hands. Spencer shivered right away at the sensation of her skin. It was so warm and soft. All he craved was some more of that. He wanted to feel her. Touch her. Taste her.
His head was going way too fast, and just because she held his hand.
- "Spencer, look at me"- she whispered and practically begged her friend to pay her attention- "I just wanna help. It's just a stupid fit test. It ain't hard."
- "For you."- he mumbled and looked down at his hand as her fingers played against his skin.
- "I didn't want you or anyone to help me 'cos I'm a fucking SSA who should be perfectly able to perform a simple fit test on his own. But no. I can't! And do you know what that means?"
- "That finally I know there's one thing you are not good at?"- she answered and smiled at him. Spencer raised his eyes and met hers. He knew his cheeks were all shades of pink, but for once, he just didn't care. He just wanted to look at her and see if she meant it. Or if she was just teasing him.
- "Right"- he snorted and shook his head.
- "I mean it, Spencer. You don't have to be good at everything."
- "It's a fit test. It's basic to be an agent. I need to be able to catch an unsub."- (Y/N) frowned and tried to understand where all that self-doubt and insecurity was coming from. To her eyes, Spencer had nothing to be ashamed of. To her, he was perfect in every single way.
- "You already catch unsubs, chipmunk. Everyday. You don't have to kick down doors to make a profile. And you don't have to run six miles to get the bad guy. Everything that you do every day at work is what an SSA is supposed to do. And you excel at it."
(Y/N) sighed and smiled at her best friend, trying to push aside the urge she felt to kiss him. His golden-brown eyes looked so big, like honey pools, she could stare for a lifetime. Spencer didn't know what to say. He really wasn't good with praises. He wasn't used to them. Not in that way.
- "Besides"- (Y/N) added after a few seconds of silence when she realized she might have said too much and started panicking.
- "It feels good to finally know there is one thing I am better than you at."
- "What are you talking about?"- Spencer answered right away, in the sassiest tone of voice.- "Just because I suck working out doesn't mean you are better. Even at my lowest, I'm still better than whatever you can do in a gym."
Reid was obviously joking. He knew (Y/N) could kick ass. Not only had she saved his life many times on the field, but also, he had seen her working out. And she could definitely kick his ass if she wanted to.
That didn't mean he wasn't going to tease her just because.
- "You take that back, Reid!"- she threatened him and
- "No"- he sentenced and crossed his arms on his chest
- "Last chance. Take it back, or you will pay for it."
- "Make me."
And that was it.
In a second, (Y/N) was on him tickling him, and trying to practice a chokehold on him. But Spencer was faster, and somehow, stronger than her. Maybe it was because he was struggling with himself. A part of him wanted her closer, and a part of him didn't want her too close, 'cos he knew his pants were going to start feeling too tight if she did.
Whatever the reason was, after two minutes of wrestling, Spencer had (Y/N) pinned down against the couch. And the way she panted against the fabric of the cushion wasn't helping him with his pants.
- "Spencer, it hurts"- she cried and tried to move from his grip, but he didn't let her go.
- "If you want me to release you, you have to say I am the best agent in this house."
- "Never!"- (Y/N) quickly answered and continued struggling.
- "Just say it, I've got you held, and I'm not going to let you free until you say it."- something in his tone of voice, it was teasing but also... sexy? (Y/N) knew Spencer wasn't trying to act that way, but it was working for her in a way she hadn't imagined. He would be so soft. And now, there he was, acting like a dominant man, holding her tight, not letting her move, literally pinned against the couch.
If only it were all happening in a different context.
- "Let me go, Spencer Reid!"- (Y/N) battled against his arms, but it was useless
- "Just say it"- he leaned in and whispered in her ear, and (Y/N) sword she could almost feel his smile as he spoke.
- "You are the best agent!! There, happy?"- she mumbled, making her best to sound annoyed and not turned on. Spencer released her, and she quickly sat down properly, rubbing her left wrist.
- "Did I hurt you?"- Spencer whispered and noticed how flustered she was. That was a first.
- "No. But I gotta tell you, you are stronger than I thought."- she said and stuck out her tongue to him, trying to be playful and innocent, though you could feel it in the air. That moment was anything but innocent.
- "Yeah, I've been working out a little bit."- Spencer answered and chuckled at his own words.
- "Well, you are going to have to learn how to control your new strength, 'cos this is going to leave a bruise"- (Y/N) whined and showed him her sore wrist. Spencer winced, ashamed he had been so hard on her without meaning any harm. He moved closer to her and held her wrist carefully. (Y/N) just looked at him as he kissed her wrist a few times.
That man couldn't be real. He was such a tease.
Did he know all the things he was, in fact, doing to her with that simple touch?
He surely had to know. Otherwise, there was no explanation, she thought.
- "Thanks"- (Y/N) whispered and fixed her eyes on his lips, still landing small kisses on her wrist.
That was when she stopped breathing. Spencer was literally breathtaking. He smiled at her, and she just couldn't help it anymore. (Y/N) leaned in and kissed him. It was a soft, short peck. But she had dared to do the unthinkable.
She kissed her best friend.
Spencer widened his eyes, shocked, and looked at her, not saying a word. They just stayed still for a good thirty seconds until Spencer finally made his move, cupping her jaw carefully with both hands and pulling her face against his.
The way she moaned into the kiss made him feel more in control than he had ever been before.
It was a soft kiss but intense. Spencer's lips rubbed carefully against her mouth, and his tongue moved carefully, making its way until he could taste her. (Y/N) moved closer to him until she was basically sitting on his lap, and his arms wrapped around her body, locking her against him.
They were in heaven.
Until it was over. Their phones buzzed at the same time, breaking the spell, ending the charm. (Y/N) jumped from Spencer's arms and grabbed her phone.
- "We've got a case"- she whispered and turned to him. He was agitated, his cheeks were red, his pants felt tight, and he was starving for more of those kisses.
- "Ok."- he replied but didn't move.
- "I'm gonna change, then we can go."- (Y/N) added, but he didn't say a word. To be fair, Spencer wasn't processing what was going on. He was still trying to elaborate a coherent thought. And most of all, he was fighting the boner in his pants that didn't let him stand up.
You could blame all the sugar in his body after the massive bowl of ice cream, or all the praising (Y/N) had given him, but Spencer found a new level of courage in that kiss. He decided it was time to stop overthinking it. It was time to act on his feelings.
- "(Y/N)"- Reid knocked on her bedroom door and heard her from the walking closet.
- "I'm almost ready. Did you talk with Garcia?"
- "No, but I don't wanna leave things like this. I wanted to talk about what just happened."
(Y/N) sighed and took a look at herself in the mirror. She could still feel her cheeks burning after that kiss, after feeling her best friend hard underneath her body, holding her against him. But she wasn't sure she wanted to hear what Reid was about to say. Most of all, because she was sure it was going to be something along the lines: "That kiss was a mistake, you are my friend. I don't wanna ruin this."
- "That kiss was..."- he mumbled and walked to her as soon as she showed up in the room, but words were hard to find when she looked at him that way.
- "Spencer, I..."- she tried to speak, but he just continued.
- "Would you like to..."
- "Pretend it didn't happen?"
- "Go out on a date with me?"- the two of them said at the same time and widened their eyes in shock.
- "What?"- (Y/N) questioned and stared at her best friend in shock- "You want to go out with me?"
- "You want to pretend it never happened?"- he asked her, scared he might have rushed to the wrong conclusions.
- "No, no, no, I don't... I can't pretend it didn't happen"- (Y/N) quickly answered and held Spencer's hand, afraid she might have ruined everything.
- "I was just scared you were going to reject me or..."- (Y/N) bt her lips and dared to look at him- "I wanna go out on a date with you"- she whispered and watched his whole face change as a big silly grin drawn on his lips.
- "Really?"- he murmured, still not sure it was actually happening. He asked her out. She said yes. He was sure that was never going to happen in real life.
- "Really"- she assured him and leaned in slowly to kiss him one more time. But her phone rang again, and so did his. This time it was a message from Hotch. Wheels up as soon as they reached the FBI.
- "But after we catch the bad guy."- (Y/N) added, and Spencer chuckled.
- "Sounds like a plan."
Spencer Reid’s taglist:
@calm-and-doctor @all-tings-diego
Requested by @shilohpug
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Temporary Home: Chapter 17
Guardians of the Galaxy fanfic | Reader x Guardians (With Yondu and Kraglin!)
Summary: Peter, grasping for straws to remain 'The Prank Master,' thinks he's found a way to annoy you into conceding. Unfortunately, and unbeknownst to him, what he's found is something much worse.
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Author’s Note: Content Warning for descriptions/mentions of PTSD and flashbacks. Also, for my records this chapter ends on day 34 of the Guardians living with reader. Enjoy!
Word Count: 6,761
Red covered your mouth and nose, all over your hand, and a bit on your sheets. You blearily tried to gather your senses, tried to open your eyes against the unforgiving light that blinded you.
Peter stood over you, laughing. Telling you that you got what was coming to you as you groaned.
That fecker had put ketchup in your hand while you slept and then tickled your nose with one of the fuzzy-tipped novelty pens on your desk. The dickhead.
"Ugh! Gross! Dude!?" you complain, sitting up and reaching over to grab the tissues off your desk so you could clean yourself up.
"Serves you right for what you did to me!" Peter countered, gesturing to the blue staining his body. He began to walk out of your room, making sure to let you know that you shouldn't expect the two of you were even.
You roll your eyes and continue wiping the ketchup-y mess off of you. You glance down at your sheets and realized you'd need to wash them today too. Great. Guess this is what you got for sleeping-in.
Once you had finally cleaned yourself up you gathered your sheets to take them downstairs to wash them, but not before making a pit-stop to Peter's room. Wanting to make the trip quick you grabbed the first thing you could find- his comb- and pocketed it. It was about to have a date with some jelly.
As you turned to leave his room you saw Rocket standing in the hall just outside the door.
With a knowing grin he asked, "Whatcha doin' there?"
"Nothing," you answer flatly, gathering your sheets back up.
He let you pass but said, "So I guess I didn't just see you steal Quill's comb, then?" There was amusement in his voice.
"He'll get it back," you answer, not pausing in your walk towards the stairs.
"What do you plan on doing to it?" he asked, intrigued. He had no intents to squeal on you. This prank-y-ness was a side of you he had been pleasantly surprised to see. Much better the the stiff agent-type you usually liked to display. Had he maybe misjudged you?
"The less you know the better," you answered, continuing down the stairs.
No witnesses. Rocket liked your style. Maybe you didn't have such a stick up your butt after all.
You threw your sheets in the washer and put the kettle on. It was time to make some jelly.
While waiting for the kettle you grabbed the packet of jelly from the pantry and something quick for breakfast. Deciding on a granola bar, you go to pull one from the box when you also notice that all your spices had been flipped upside down. Obviously Peter's doing. That's also when you remember that you had hidden the rest of the food dye behind the spices, prompting you to give a quick peek to see that the box was still there.
It wasn't.
Peter must have found it while setting up his prank and took them, intent on making the two of you "even."
The kettle began to whistle and you pulled yourself out of your thoughts of doom to start fixing the jelly. You could think about the dye later. Right now you had mischief to make.
You mix up the jelly in a glass bowl, adding in an extra packet of gelatin to make sure the shape would hold later. Then, looking around to make sure no one was around, you take Peter's comb out of your pocket and drop it in. The bowl was just big enough for the comb to catch on the sides roughly about halfway deep in the jelly water, so that when you turned it out it would be nicely suspended in the green jelly. You then quickly take the bowl to the fridge to set, burying it in the back on the bottom shelf so it hopefully wouldn't be seen.
Then you simply went about your day as normal.
Other than several bad puns, Peter surprisingly didn't attempt much to annoy you that day, and you had no doubts that it was because he was confident that he'd be able to return the favor in dyeing you an odd color when you showered tonight.
Not if you had anything to say about it.
Too bad for him he had no way to know that you knew, and you were confident that you could deal with it when that time came if you paid enough attention. For now you were just going to act none-the-wiser, and accept his invitation to watch a show with the others.
You settled in on the couch and the episode starts. It's a title you haven't heard of before.
Watching it you gathered it was a type of mystery/detective/thriller type that was somehow also a comedy. A detective was accused of killing this old lady, and he was on the run to try and prove his innocence. Lots of action, a bunch of red-herrings, overall not a bad show so far if you had to judge by this episode.
Then there was the end-scene.
The detective finally found the actual murderer, the mayor, and after tricking him into broadcasting his confession over the radio in this abandoned radio station- where he somehow had managed to make a broadcast work- the two fight. Only the mayor has a gun, and the detective's fell into a storm drain two scenes ago.
Through his cunning the detective manages to escape alive, but not unharmed. He's got a compound fracture to his leg. Cops are on the scene and arresting the mayor after surrounding him at gunpoint, and ambulances can be heard in the background.
You feel the hair on your arms stand up.
The sound of the sirens just keeps getting louder.
You swallow, your throat suddenly dry.
They get louder. You look away from the screen into your lap.
All you can hear now is sirens. You don't realize they've already stopped on the screen. There's now instead dialogue, a conversation between characters, but you are unaware of it.
Your hands clench into fists, nails digging into your palms. You fight the images in your head. You don't want to see them. You hear sounds of tearing metal. Sirens. Screaming. Beeping. Your breathing gets shallow and you work to keep it quiet. You had to fight it back. Sirens. Bright lights. Glass shattering. Screaming. Sirens. You keep saying to yourself inside your mind that it's ok. You're ok. But what about-
Kraglin makes a comment to Yondu about something said on screen. You don't hear him. You only hear the sirens. God, why won't they stop? Screeching. Sirens. Blinding lights. Sirens.
Yondu turns to reply to Kraglin, but sees you looking strange. He raises an eyebrow, which Kraglin notices. He follows Yondu's gaze and sees you staring into your lap, body rigid, hands balled tightly into fists. Your eyes are wide, but unseeing. Your jaw is set.
Before either of them can say a word the buzzer on the washer goes off and you seem to jolt out of it, quickly hopping up and making your way out of the room.
Yondu and Kraglin share a look. What was that about?
You didn't return for another episode. Instead, you decided it was a nice enough day to hang your washing on the line. It hardly took you any time at all to finish, but you decide to stay outside for a bit anyways. Fresh air and all that.
Everything was fine. You were ok.
When you finally come back in it's well after a suitable lunchtime, and realizing that the only thing you had today was a granola bar, you decide to cut up an apple and sit at the table, scrolling on your phone as you eat.
Yondu comes into the kitchen for a drink and joins you at the table. "Where'd you go runnin' off to?" he asks, "Decide you didn't like the show?" What he really wanted to ask was what had prompted that look in your eyes earlier, but he knew better than to just come out an ask. You'd just deny anything had happened.
"Had laundry to dry," you answer, not looking up from your phone.
"Ya were gone an awful long time for laundry." Yondu said, not missing that you completely ignored his question about the show. But the question still bugged him. He recognized the look in your eyes back then. He remembered sometimes catching it in the eyes of some of the older battle slaves in the barracks when he was younger. It was the look one had when they were flashing back to something horrific they had been through. He and the other younger battle slaves were always told by other elders to leave those be when they were "stuck in it", as they would say. Don't disturb them. They'll come out of it. Nothing for it but to let it pass.
That never did sit right with him.
"It's a nice day. Thought I'd enjoy it," you answered.
Yondu hummed shortly. You weren't giving him anything, and he knew you wouldn't.
He decided not to press it for now, but he could tell something had triggered that response from you, he just didn't know what. He suspected it had something to do with whatever it was that you kept locked away inside. He had clues and suspicions as to what, but of course he couldn't be sure, though he was more determined now than he had previously been to figure you out. Only one thing was certain. You had pain inside you. A lot of it. No one should have to go through that alone.
Kraglin, unlike Yondu, wasn't nearly as subtle when he saw you next. However, he wouldn't get any further.
"Mind if I help?" he asked, joining you in the garden where you were pulling a few weeds.
"Go for it," you reply, barely looking up. There weren't many to pull, as it was starting to get cooler lately. You mostly just came out for something to do. Soon it'd be time to harvest the whole garden.
The two of you work in silence for a bit. Then, Kraglin asks, "So, um, was you alright earlier? I mean, saw that ya looked mighty shaken when we was watching that show."
"Don't know what you're talking about," you answer, standing up and tossing the weeds you picked over to the compost bucket.
Kraglin looked up to meet your gaze, frowning. He was about to say something along the lines that you were full of shit, but he stopped himself when he saw your stern expression. You weren't just denying it. With just those few words, combined with the subtly hard look on your face, you were outright telling him that he didn't see whatever it was that he thought he saw.
He exhaled out his nose and just gave you a look that said that he didn't believe you, but he wouldn't push it. He could see that you would just shut him out, and he felt like it wasn't his place to press it.
Suddenly a gunshot rang out, breaking the awkward silence and causing you both to jump.
You sigh, not appreciating the jolt, and said, "Damn hunters."
Kraglin nodded and tried to take this distraction as an opportunity to change the subject. If you wouldn't open up, maybe he could try and make you smile instead. "So... nice job on dyeing Pete blue last night. Real funny."
"I certainly thought so," you said.
He almost thought he saw you crack a smile. Wanting to bring about a full grin he decided to tell a story. "Yeah, it was just like this time Pete rigged a dye pack up in one of Yondu's drawers, I think he mentioned it last night. Anyway, so somehow Pete rigs it up, I think he got mad at Cap'n for making him scrub the grease traps or somethin', but anyway then Yondu goes to open his drawer one mornin,' yeah? And he's blasted in the face with this red dye. Ohhh boy! He was madder than a muzzled Flerken!!"
The mental image was enough to make your lips curl up involuntarily.
Kraglin noted this and continued, "What's worse is he had to meet with some lady client the next day about a job, and he couldn't get it off. He was this funny shade of purple for over a week!"
A short laugh suddenly breaks through your throat and you look at him. "Really?" you ask, mirth in your eyes. The mental image of the blue man looking quite cross and splattered purple while trying to commit space pirate business dealings was a humorous one.
"Yeah. He grounded Pete for so long after that." Kraglin replied, chuckling.
"I'll bet," you say as you stand up and brush yourself off, now finished with weeding and prepared to go inside. "Thanks. For helping in the garden, I mean." you say.
Kraglin also stands. "Not a problem, ma'am."
You wince and shake you head as you turn back to the house. You thought of telling him to knock it off with the 'ma'am' stuff, but you were concerned with what might replace it. So you left it alone for now.
You were on alert when you got ready for your shower that evening. You knew Peter had plenty of opportunity to have tampered with your bath products, but you played it cool. Acted unaware.
The plan? Beat him at his own game.
First you turned on the shower and let it run. You cupped your hands beneath the stream to make sure the water wasn't an odd color.
All clear.
You get into the shower, deciding to inspect your shampoo and conditioner bottles first. You felt it was unlikely he'd put it in those, as it would be unlikely to have a decent enough payoff for him, but you still checked just in case. Your shampoo bottle was see-through and the liquid inside clear, so it was obvious it had gone untampered. You went ahead and used it.
Time for conditioner. Unscrewing the top you look inside the conditioner. Completely white. Untampered. Good.
Finally you checked your body wash. It was a rose scented type and was already colored pink. If he was was going to strike anywhere, it would likely be there with the red dye. You squirted a little into a rag to test it on your hip, an inconspicuous area. You didn't even need to use it before you realized you were right. The body wash came out much darker than usual. It was like he hadn't even mixed it. Actually, that's likely exactly what he did. He probably wanted to make sure as much dye got on you as possible and so just squirted it right on top. Just out of curiosity, however, you still tested it.
Yep. It left a red steak right on your hip. You catch a glance at Peter's bottle on the shower shelf, and grin.
Silly Peter. He shouldn't have forgotten his bottle in the shower. Again.
You reach out of the shower for a new washcloth, and use some of his body wash instead. Of course, not before testing it on the first rag to make sure it wasn't left behind on purpose as a trap. It wasn't. The test proved it free of dye and safe to use.
For now.
Once you finished washing you then unscrewed the top off of Peter's bottle and carefully poured in as much of the dye from the top of your tampered bottle as you could without getting it on your hands. You had to sacrifice a little of the soap down the drain just to make sure it would come out clean the next time you used it.
Was he sure to notice? Probably, but you didn't care. You'd be just as happy with the message it would deliver if nothing else.
He was going to see that you were the Prank Master here.
Once finished with your shower you retreated to your bedroom. On the way you could hear Peter in his room asking Gamora if she had seen his comb, and you grinned. You sure knew where his comb was.
Mantis is gathering her own stuff together to take a shower when you enter the room. You glance at what she's carrying to make sure she has enough soap. God forbid she might run out and then use Peter's instead of yours. You actually would feel bad if the prank accidentally hit her instead of Peter. Satisfied that she does you shut your door behind her and wait, unable to keep a grin from splitting your face.
Perhaps half an hour later, a good bit after Mantis had returned from her shower, you can hear Peter shouting.
"Are you KIDDING me!?"
Mantis looks towards the sound in shock before turning to see you covering your giggles with your hand.
Now you can hear Peter cursing your name.
"What did you do?" Mantis asks, both intrigued and alarmed.
"He tried to get me back for turning him blue by putting red dye in my soap. I found out and turned it back on him," you answered, nearly stuttering over your giggles.
"I just poured the tainted soap into his bottle. Now he'll have been dyed twice." You grinned, but it fell shortly when you heard the bathroom door slam open and heard his footsteps coming in the direction of your room. You jumped up and quickly flicked the lock just before he reached the door.
The knob jiggled and then he started to pound on the door, cursing your name and demanding you come out.
Feeling cheeky, you answered, "Nobody's home!"
From the other side Peter said loudly, "Come out here, you coward!"
"Do you need something?" you ask, your grin wide.
"You. Out here. Now."
"Whatever for?" You're have a real hard time biting back your laughter. Mantis is sitting on her bed, hugging her bear and openly giggling.
"You know exactly what for!"
You look to Mantis. "Should I?" you chuckle.
"YES! You should!" answered Peter from the other side of the door.
"Didn't ask you!" you retort. You look back to Mantis and she nods excitedly. She wanted to see what had happened to Peter.
"Alright," you answer, loud enough for Peter to hear as well. You unlock the door and slowly open it.
You tried to hold it in. Honestly, you did. But the sight of Peter standing there in his pajama bottoms, and now purple where he had previously been blue, and a pinkish-red just about everywhere else you could see, you lost it.
Your laughter, combined with seeing that you didn't have a spec of dye on you, made Peter cry out in frustration. "HOW?!"
"It-It's your fault," you laughed. "You left a trail!"
Peter narrowed his eyes. "I did not leave a trail!"
"You did! I-I saw you had taken the rest of the dye and I knew what you'd do with it. Dude, you- you really should have left the box behind. I might not have noticed then." It was all you could do to say the sentence coherently as you tried to hold back your giggles. "How did you not notice I turned it around and poured it back in your bottle? Don't you look??"
As Peter sputtered indignantly for a reply you noticed that you again had an audience. Yondu and Kraglin stood at the bottom of the stairs, grinning up at the scene and shaking their heads. Rocket and Drax were standing by their room, Drax chuckling with a giggling Groot on his shoulder and Rocket almost looking impressed. Almost. Gamora was standing across the landing, shaking her head, though it appeared more out of second-hand embarrassment for Peter rather than disdain for you.
"Don't I- You- I'm- UGH!" Peter sputtered in frustration. He had half a mind to tickle you until you peed your pants for this- Well, not literally, though he wouldn't be above threatening it. He may be an asshole, but he wasn't 100% a dick. Regardless, the other half of his brain was too busy trying to think of any suitable comeback... and failing. He was The Prank Master! How were you beating him at his game? He glared at you. He wanted to wipe that smirk off your face. "You think you're so funny, don't you?! Just wait. You better watch your back. I'm gonna... I'm gonna..."
"You're not going to do anything, Peter." It was Gamora who spoke now, her tone teetering somewhere between warning and exhaustion, with a hint of amusement buried somewhere in there. "She beat you at your own game. Go to bed."
You couldn't stop the grin that split your face if your life depended on it. You took a calculated step back, hand resting on your door. You put on your most innocent voice. "So..." you started. "Does this mean I'm The Prank Master, now?"
The look in Peter's eyes could have vaporized you. "That's it!" he cried, stepping towards you. He wasn't sure what he'd do when he got hold of you. Hold you in a headlock until you apologized? Wet Willie? Both? Neither? Didn't matter. All he knew was you were going to pay for this.
However, he'd never get the chance. You were too fast, slamming the door in his face and flicking the lock just before he could get near.
You and Mantis doubled over laughing and Peter sputtered some more empty threats before Gamora could be heard scolding him and telling him to go to bed.
It was even better the second time.
The next morning you were, dare you say, cheerful.
Peter, less so. He was still a bit cranky that not only had he been the victim of the dye prank twice, just one night after the first, but that it had happened because he tried to get you back and you turned the tables on him. Sure, he had cooled down a bit from last night, but he was still an uneven purple/pinkish-red mess and the others kept snickering at him. Even Gamora had been caught hiding a grin behind her hand a couple of times.
It wasn't fair. He was determined to get you back, but how would-
He spotted something on the kitchen table, interrupting his thoughts. Something shiny, and green, and was that...?
Oh you were going to get it.
You were minding your own business, walking over to one of the bookcases in the sitting room, when suddenly you were accosted.
Peter had pulled you into a headlock from behind.
"Hey! What the hell! Let me go!" you demanded.
"Tell me you're sorry and I'll think about it!"
You had a feeling what this was about, but you played dumb. "I'm not going to apologize for turning the tables back around on you! It was your own fault for trying."
"That's not what I mean and you know it!"
You started softly laughing despite the moderate chokehold. You couldn't help it. "Did you- Did you ever find your comb?"
Suddenly you feel something wet in your ear. You knew there was only one thing it could be. "Ew! No! Peter!" you squeal, trying to squirm away. "That's disgusting! Stop it!"
Peter was chuckling now, still giving you a wet willie. "Say you're sorry!"
You jerk against him. "Never!" You were laughing despite really only having one hand to fight him with. The limited range on your brace made it so you couldn't bend your elbow enough to grab his arm with that hand, and you were standing too close to the bookcase to throw him over you and get out of the headlock. Well, too close to do it without hurting him, or your books, that is. You were stuck, but you still weren't going to give in.
Turns out you wouldn't need to.
"Alright. Break it up," came Yondu's voice from somewhere off to the side. "What's going on here?"
Peter released you and you rubbed your ear against your shoulder to get the wet feeling out of it. "She put my stuff in Jello!" he complained.
Yondu gave you a weird, albeit amused look. "Don't ya think ya did enough to him already, missy?" He wasn't scolding you, but he actually was surprised you were still on the attack after having seemingly won the war last night.
Fighting a grin you reply, "In my defense, I'd already done that before the dye thing. I only found out he was planning that afterwards," Technically not the full truth- you actually found out during the setup of the jelly prank, not after, but it was close enough, "and what was I supposed to do, not turn the tables back on him when I found out?"
Peter punches you in the shoulder, but there was no anger behind it, just cheekiness. You stick your tongue out at like a child in retaliation.
Yondu grinned and shook his head. It'd been awhile since he'd seen his boy carefree and goofing off like this, even if he was bickering with you like the two of you were kids. Still, he should maybe try to persuade a stop to the prank war again before things escalated any more and you two killed each other. It'd be a shame to save him from Ego just to let him die in a prank war of all things, and bad form to let him kill their host. "Boy, I think ya might need to accept that she won this round." he said, a hint of teasing in his voice.
"I will do no such thing! She just got lucky." Peter replied.
You smirked. "Yeah. Sure. 'Lucky'," you taunt. "Just say it and I'll call us even."
"EVEN?!" Peter exclaimed. He gestured to the stained purple and pinkish red of the areas of skin you could see. "Look at me!"
Trying not to smile you slowly look down to the brace on your arm. Head cocked to the side your eyes look back to Peter. "You were saying?"
Peter bit his lip and narrowed his eyes. You could tell he wanted to retort with something, but he knew he had no leg to stand on. Eventually he settled for, "I'm still not saying it."
Yondu snorted a laugh. "Whatever it is, just be a man and say it, boy. Quit while yer ahead."
Peter looked at him indignantly. "I am not going to declare her The Prank Master."
Unable to suppress your grin any longer you nudge him in the shoulder and say in your sweetest voice, "It's ok, you don't have to say it," taking a few steps away you add, "We already know." You then jogged out of the way when he made a grab for you.
You made your way out the front door, but he didn't follow, instead just stood there pouting.
"Ya finally gonna give it up, boy? Take yer loss like a man?" Yondu chuckled, teasingly.
"Never." Peter responded, too busy plotting revenge to fully catch the "take it like a man" part as he walked out of the room.
Yondu chuckled and rolled his eyes as he went to take a seat on the sofa. It was nice to see that you had a goofy side, though he wondered if it was Peter rubbing off on you, or if you had just had it buried under layers of stubbornness and sass.
Either way, it seemed certain that the boy was gonna have to relinquish his self-proclaimed title of "The Prank Master."
Over the next couple days the pranks between you and Peter had slowed down. This was likely in part because of how you made Peter realize that he couldn't complain too much about getting even for the dye prank if he considered that you were still in a brace as a result from one of his previous pranks gone wrong, but also in part because the two of you had pulled so many pranks so far you were seemingly running out of ideas.
Peter moved the furniture in your sitting room 3 inches to the left, likely to get your back for putting his comb in jelly.
You retaliated by setting up some cling film up at head height in the kitchen doorway for him to walk into and then calling him into the kitchen.
He got back at you by swapping your salt and sugar out, thereby ruining what would have been a perfectly good cup of tea.
For this high crime, you decided to get him back by scrapping out a couple Oreos and filling them with toothpaste. He was most definitely not fond of that one. Called it a crime against nature, and he may have been right, but so was what he had done to your tea.
Other than that, nothing really escalated, well apart from the oreos and tea, that is. The two of you kept making little jabs at each other and annoying one another. Really bad puns, petty insults, that sort of thing.
You did assume, however, that Peter was just biding his time, trying to think of something big that he could spring on you that might make you give up the game and declare him The Prank Master, because gods knew he wasn't going to concede.
And you'd be right.
Peter spent a decent amount of time brainstorming ideas for a really good prank, or even just a decent way to annoy you, in between all the smaller ones, but he was coming up with nothing he deemed quite good enough.
He was about to consider throwing in the towel when you inadvertently provided him with the fodder he needed.
It was the fourth day since the first dye prank and most of the dye on Peter had worn off by now.
You were reading on the couch, little Groot was playing with the TV and flipping through random videos on the YouTube app with Drax, and Peter and Kraglin were in the middle of a card game at the table on the other side of the room.
In what you would chalk up to a cruel twist of fate, Groot managed to find his way into a video of ambulance calls.
Rudely and immediately torn from your book by the sound, your hand shoots out for the TV remote and you mute the TV, much to the dismay of little Groot, who had found the noise fun and had been cheering the siren on. As calmly as you can despite your rapid heartbeat, you ask Drax, who was confused by your behavior, to please tell Groot to find something else to watch.
Drax looks at you strangely, but translates for Groot anyway, which again, only sounded to you like he was repeating your words verbatim due to his translator. You still didn't know that the translators didn't actually translate into Groot, but rather Groot had just picked up and could understand a bit of Galactic Standard, even if he couldn't speak it.
Groots looks slightly disappointed for a second but agrees and switches videos and you unmute the TV.
You didn't bother checking what new video he had chosen. That had been a mistake.
After the ad finished playing you were jerked back into reality from your book by the sounds of now multiple ambulance calls going at once. You mute the TV once again and say, "I'm sorry. I should have been more clear. Anything else. Anything else except for videos of that sound."
Drax, rightfully confused, asks, "Why?"
"I do not like it." is all you offer, and you don't elaborate when asked.
Peter, of course, overhears all this, and thinks he's found his new way to annoy you. He of course had no way of knowing the reason you couldn't bare the sound wasn't due to annoyance. He had no way of knowing its effect on you.
He tested the waters the next day after lunch.
You were washing up the dishes with Gamora when the sound of an ambulance siren makes you freeze in the middle of drying a bowl.
Gamora turns her head towards the noise and wonders aloud what it was.
Without answering you take towards the direction of the sitting room to, gently, scold Groot for playing those videos again.
Of course, when you get there, you only see Peter, who pretended to be surprised to see you.
"Turn that off," you say sharply.
"What?" Peter asked innocently.
You didn't ask him again. You just grabbed the control and exited the video before throwing the control back down into his lap. "Don't play that again," you warn.
"Why? Does it annoy you?" Peter asked with a smirk. He didn't notice your hands shaking.
Your eyes hardened. "Just don't," you say, returning to the kitchen.
Peter grinned. He was going to have fun with this.
Peter would play that sound three more times that afternoon, each time eliciting a more irritated response from you until you finally ripped the plug to the TV out of the wall and turn to him to angrily yell, "Stop it!"
"What?" Peter asked, chuckling in surprise at your latest response. You must really hate that noise.
"You know exactly what. I'm seriously, genuinely asking you to knock it off," you reply.
Gamora, who could tell Peter was working your last nerve and who was also becoming irritated by the repeated playing of the sirens, nudged Peter and told him he had his fun.
Peter half smirked and seemed to relent, saying simply, "Okay."
You sigh. "Thank yo-"
"After you declare me The Prank Master."
Gamora rolled her eyes and propped her head up on the hand resting on the arm of the couch, not wanting to get involved, but inches from yelling at her boyfriend that she was ending the prank war herself.
You were seething. "You're a goddamn child!" you scold, leaving the sitting room and considering getting out some of the vodka you had in the freezer just to calm your nerves.
You had only just made it into the kitchen when the sound started up again.
You back against the wall and cover your face, inches from tears. Your breaths came in shallow gasps as flashes of bright lights and the sounds of tearing metal and screaming fill your senses. You tangle your hands in your hair.
"FUCKING STOP IT!" you scream.
Peter and the others in the sitting room, as well as those upstairs, all paused in shock at the sheer volume behind your scream.
They then heard the sound of the back door slamming forcefully.
Yondu, who had been at the table playing cards with Kraglin, had only been present for the second and last incidence of Peter annoying you with the sound, and it wasn't until now that he put the pieces together. That day when you acted strange and walked out on the show- this siren sound had been playing then too.
He got up and scolded Peter, who in his shock still hadn't turned the video back off. "Turn that shit off now, boy! If I hear it again I'm gonna shove my arrow up your ass! You hear me?"
Peter, recognizing the tone in Yondu's voice as one that he had encountered many times as a child when he was in trouble, immediately switched the video off. He had to concede that perhaps he went a little too far this time, but of course he didn't actually understand just how true that sentiment was.
Yondu went to go see where you went, and he didn't need to look very far, which surprised him. He was for sure you would have taken off for the forest again, since it was kinda your thing.
Instead, you were sat with your back pressed against the stone of the house about a couple meters from the door, hand clamped over your mouth and eyes in that terrible 'wide yet unseeing' way. In the dim light provided by what shone out the kitchen windows from inside he thought he could almost see the remnants of fallen tears.
He tried to approach you slowly, but you caught him out the corner of your eye and jerked to a standing position.
"Hey, hey-" Yondu said, holding his hands up. "It's alright-" he started, but then found he didn't know what else to say. After a moment he settled on, "Ya wanna talk about what that was about?"
You don't meet his gaze. "Nothing. He just pisses me off. He's a damn child."
"While that may be true, yer still full of shit."
You glare at him.
He continues. "If this was just about Quill gettin' under yer skin ya wouldn't be shakin' like that, and I doubt you'd be crying neither."
"Am not," you mutter. You turn away, wipe your eyes, cross your arms self-consciously, and start walking away. "It's cold."
Yondu rolled his eyes. It was cool out, yes, but it wasn't that cold. "Ya wanna talk about why ya dislike the particular noise so much?" Yondu called after you. "Ya ain't got to, but I can tell somethin's eating ya. I might help to get it off your chest."
"It's nothing." you reply. "Just an annoying sound."
Yondu frowned. "Now listen here. I ain't gonna force ya to tell me, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let anyone just flat out lie to my face, missy."
You turn to him, indignant. "I'm not-"
"Hell if ya ain't. I've seen that look before, I know what it is. Ya can lie to yerself, but ya can't lie to me!"
You glare at him. "Who the hell do you think you are? Coming in here acting like you know anything about me!"
"I'm the person telling ya that it ain't healthy to keep that shit bottled up inside ya. It'll eat ya alive."
You don't respond. Just roll your eyes and start walking away again.
Yondu threw up his hands. "To hell with you then!" He starts to walk back inside but stops at the door to speak again, this time his tone a little softer, "I have a feelin' no one's ever told ya, girl, but ya don't have to 'be strong' all the time. Sometimes it's ok to let people in. It don't make ya weak." With that he headed back in the house.
You lean your back against the cool stone and sigh in frustration. What did he know.
You head back inside a bit later, not feeling much better.
Peter catches you as you're about to head up the stairs. "Hey, I just wanted to say sorry for-"
"Don't." You cut him off, not stoping in your path. "I don't care. I'm going to bed."
Peter frowns, but lets you go. Maybe he could try again in the morning. He truly was sorry. It was just supposed to be a bit of fun.
You stared up at the ceiling from your bed for what felt like hours. You couldn't sleep, couldn't stop thinking about it. You knew Peter had no way of knowing why you couldn't stand that sound, but you still couldn't help but be unhappy with him. He just wouldn't stop.
You can feel your jaw clenching with each flash of horrific memory.
You were annoyed at Yondu too. Acting like he knew anything about you or some shit. What did he know? Not you, that's what. You didn't need someone acting like they cared. You didn't need anyone, really. People come, people go. No one stays forever.
You feel your chest clench. Your throat tightens and you sit up. You didn't want to cry.
A walk. That's what you needed. A walk in the forest would surely help wash the memories away. You could walk until you were too tired to think about it, then sleep it off. It would be better in the morning. You'd be ok.
You quietly slip on some jeans and make your way downstairs to put on your boots and grab a jacket. Choosing your thin leather one because it had been chilly when you were out earlier, you open the back door and head out into the cool night air.
You'd find out soon enough that you should have stayed in bed.
#gotg#guardians of the galaxy#gotg fanfic#gotg fanfiction#marvel fanfic#x reader#yondu udonta#peter quill#starlord#kraglin obfonteri
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Requested? Yes
Pairing - Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary - Hi! could I request a piece where the reader and team are solving a pretty tough case and you find out some bad news. Knowing that you have to finish the case, you don’t say anything but you just end up breaking down. Thanks.
Warnings - None
Word Count - 2k
And all imagines/fanfics/blurbs are written solely by me so please don't steal my work and/or post it without my consent.
Feedback and Comments are welcome. Happy reading!
Requests are CLOSED!
“This feels weird,” You look up at Emily as she looks up from her paperwork.
“It does feel a bit strange, doesn’t it?” You nod.
“Are you sure it's been three weeks?”
“I feel so fidgety sitting here and doing paperwork,” She said grabbing her empty cup and taking yours as well.
“Me too,” You follow her to the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar.
Spencer and Morgan walked into the kitchen as well.
“What’s wrong with you?” Emily looks over at Morgan. “And what’s on your hands?”
“It’s black ink,” Spencer answers before Morgan can.
“Why do you have black ink all over your hands?” You ask.
“We work for the FBI, we do a shit ton of paperwork for every case we ever work on, you’d think they would have a functioning printer. You would want them too, right?” He asks and you slowly nod. “Well, they don’t! Instead, they have the piece of crap in there that they call a printer. It doesn’t do shit!”
“Morgan’s right,” Emily agrees. “That thing is garbage.”
“Maybe try to not beating it up every time you print something and maybe it’ll start working better,” You suggest. “Then again I wouldn’t know because I have my mini printer,” You say, smirking.
“Oh that was so well played with Hotch, I still can’t believe you got away with that bullshit and ended up getting a printer for your desk.”
“I had a broken leg Morgs,” You reminded him. “Besides Hotch was the one who asked if I needed anything.”
“Anything yet?” Reid asks, pouring coffee and handing a cup to Morgan.
“Nope,” Emily sighs.
“Are we this desperate to catch a serial killer?” You ask.
“This is the longest we’ve ever gone without being called on a case. Hotch is probably in his office trying to figure out which case to take on," You chuckle at Morgan's response.
Just then Garcia walks in, holding several files.
“I’m giving this case file to Hotch but grab your go bags, the jet is running, brief on the jet.”
“Oh,” Emily quickly grabs it. “Finally,” You all drop your cups and run to grab your bags and head towards the elevator.
It’s been almost two weeks and you all were nowhere near to solving this case. The victimology and MO of the unsub made no sense to any of you.
Anytime you’d think you have something, you’d connected it with what you already have and it just wouldn’t make any sense.
“It’s late,” Hotch said. “Let’s head back to the hotel, rest up and start again tomorrow morning.”
“When I asked for a case I didn’t mean one that makes absolutely no sense,” Emily said, dropping her head down on the table.
“No case is ever solved in a day,” Rossi says.
“We've spent the last however many days in this boardroom and we haven’t got much Rossi,” You said pointing to the evidence board. “Our unsub killed two people before we got here in the strangest way and now has gone awol.”
“We spent the last 336 hours going through this case,” Spencer corrects you as you chuckle.
“They’ll strike again,” He responds. “They always do.”
“Oh my god,” Emily groans. “What time is it?”
“Almost 8 o’clock,” JJ says, looking down at her watch.
“I need tequila!”
“I’m so in,” Morgan said.
“I’m in,” JJ said.
“I’m buying. Aaron you in for a couple of drinks?” Rossi asked.
“Sure,” Hotch replies.
“What about you two love birds?” Morgan looks at you.
“Nuh-uh, I’m so sleepy,” You said.
As you and Spencer got ready for bed, you can’t help but have a strange feeling forming in your stomach. Something was nagging at you but you couldn’t tell what it was.
It was making you feel sick, almost.
“You okay?” Spencer asked.
“Yeah, I miss sleeping in our bed. Hotel beds just aren’t that comfortable.”
“Me too,” Spencer said, kissing your forehead. “Come on,” Spencer turns off the light and he pulls you closer.
An hour passes as you twist and turn but you still couldn’t get that awful feeling in your stomach to pass. You carefully get up and pour yourself a glass of water. You pull at the blinds a little, which reveals the moon. You stare at it for a while until you hear shuffling.
“Babe?” Spencer sits up rubbing his eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” You responded.
“Then why are you up?”
You sigh, sitting down beside him.
“I just can’t sleep tonight,” You tell Spencer honestly.
Spencer could tell you were anxious about something. He turns on the lights and takes your hands in his.
“Talk to me please,” He said softly.
“I jus-” You take a deep breath before continuing. “I just have this bad feeling about something.”
“Bad feeling about what?” He asks.
“I don’t know.”
“How long have you felt like this?”
“Not long,” You reply. “It sort of started when we came back to the hotel and were getting ready for bed.”
“You let me go to bed when you were feeling like this earlier?” Spencer asked, concerned.
“I thought the feeling would go away but now it’s making me feel sick.”
“Tell me how I can help you?”
“I want to sleep.”
Spencer lays back “Come here,” You lay down next to him as you place your head on his chest, you can hear his heartbeat as his hand moves to your back, softly rubbing your back.
Before you realize it, you slip into slumber.
“How are you feeling?” Spencer asks the next morning as you're getting ready to head back to the station.
“I’m better.”
You lied.
You didn’t feel good, if anything you felt worse than last tonight. The nagging feeling was eating at you even more. You were pushing the feeling aside but the more you did the more you wanted to throw something at a wall or yell into a pillow.
“Good,” Spencer said, kissing you. “Come on, the team is waiting for us downstairs.”
As this case was getting nowhere you decided to step out aside and get some fresh air, outside.
You quietly sat on the bench, closing your eyes as you took in the light breeze and warm sun. The moment didn’t last long until you jumped at the sound of your phone piercing through your ears.
Your heart started racing when you looked at the caller ID.
“We need to re-deliver the profile,” Hotch says.
“Alright,” Morgan replies as he realizes that you're not in the room with them. “Pretty boy, where is y/n?”
Spencer turns to face Morgan as he realizes that you weren’t in the room. Spencer wouldn’t be concerned when he doesn’t hear from you in a while because often when the wheels in your brain were turning you tended to be quiet and focus on your thoughts.
“I thought sh-”
“I’m here,” You say, gripping your jacket with your hands. “So-sorry, I went out fo-for some air. Where are we?” You ask, walking past Emily to stand next to Spencer.
“We’re about to re-deliver the profile,” Your hands were shaking, no matter how much you tried to control your breathing, you couldn’t.
You felt like you might pass out but you quickly grabbed Spencer’s hand as he put his hand over yours.
“You okay?” He whispered and you nod.
“Absolutely,” You flash him your fakest smile, as you and him both know that it didn’t reach your eyes.
No matter how much you tried to drain your thoughts with the voice of Hotch speaking your mind wouldn’t let you.
You had no control over how your body was reacting; your hands were shaking, you kept fidgeting, all your body height was on your left foot and you were swaying side to side. Your eyes were glued to looking out the window on your left-hand side.
You don’t how long passed until you realized the room was quiet, as you peel your eyes away, all the officers and the team were looking your way.
“Agent Y/n,” You looked down at your feet not wanting to look at Hotch but you felt someone’s hand on your back.
“What’s wrong?”
No, no, you can’t do this here. You're doing your damn job this can’t be happening right now.
No, please.
You felt Rossi pull you aside. “Kid, what’s going on?” You felt the tears pressing your eyes as your breathing was picking up again.
It was happening; you were starting to feel it.
You looked up at Rossi, as water threatened to spill out of your eyes and you shook your head.
“I jus-” You couldn’t even finish your sentence without wanting to fall into pieces. “I don’t kn-”
“It’s okay,” He reassures you.
You look past Rossi’s shoulder and see Spencer standing there and that completely did it for you.
“I’m sor-sorry, I can’t,” You push past Rossi, Spencer, and the team, heading back into the conference room.
You shut the door, leaning against the table as you feel an overwhelming sense of emotions. You try to hold back the tears but the more you did, the worse you felt. So you let them fall and you let yourself feel weak and hurt.
“Y/n,” There was knocking on the door but you didn’t flinch, or turn around to see who it was. “Can I come in?”
Without turning around, you nod. You hear the door open and close.
“Please talk to me,” Spencer didn’t come near you but he stood by the chair. He patiently waited for you to say something. Spencer being in the room once again made your tears fall and made your insides yearn for someone you’ll never see again.
You turn around to face him and his face softens seeing your tear-stained face. He walks up to you but stops enough to see your face.
“What’s wrong?” Spencer’s voice made you crumble more inside.
You all you did was look at Spencer and it was almost like he knew what you were going to say.
You know you had to say it.
Say it.
Say it.
Say it so you can be okay with it.
“He’s dead.”
As soon as Spencer’s arms wrapped around you, you completely broke down. You gripped his sweater with your hands and dug your head into his shoulder as you held onto him tightly.
“He’s dead,” You repeated, feeling yourself falling apart. Spencer supported you by holding you close as he let you fall apart in his arms.
“It’s okay.” He whispers coddling your head.
The next couple of hours were a blur to you. Spencer and you made it back to the hotel. Spencer helped you change into comfier clothes, ordered some food, and quietly sat with you until you were ready to talk.
“I’ll never be able to go back to that park,” You spoke up. “It’ll remind me of him too much.” Spencer squeezes her hand. “I’ll never be able to tell him that I love him or we’ll never be able to go and get ice cream ever again. I won’t ever be able to call him and ask him for advice, and that I’ll never hear him crack one of his lame jokes. I’ll never be able to hug him again.”
Spencer knew you were hurting and he wanted to say something to soothe your pain but nothing he would say, would ease your pain.
“He’s gone Spencer,” You started tearing up again. “My brother is dead.”
“Hey, look at me,” Spencer wipes your tears. “He may not psychically be here anymore but now he’s always watching down on you. He’s your guardian angel.”
“I never told you but he’s been calling me for the past two weeks and been asking when I would introduce you to him. He was so excited to meet you. He had this huge list of things he wanted to do with you. He was so ecstatic when I told him about you,” You turn to face Spencer, laying your head in his lap. You looked up at him as his fingers ran through your hair.
“I guess it wasn’t meant to be.”
You hated that it wasn’t mean to be, you wanted your brother to meet the man that pulled you out of your darkness and pushed you towards the light.
“You would have loved him, Spence,” A single tear rolls down your face. “He just had so much life to him. He has always up for a challenge and the love he had for books is just insane. He would've loved to share his books with you. He once told me that he so excited to play a game of chess with you and absolutely crush you.”
Spencer lightly gasps. “Nobody can beat me in chess.”
“Oh, he would have ended you in five moves.”
There was a long pause, as Spencer just stared down at your features. “I believe you.”
“I played so many games with him but I never found a way to beat him.”
Spencer loved the way you talked about your brother, the way your eyes would shine, and the way your smile would light up your whole face.
“This is exactly how your brother would want you to remember him, by all his good memories. He wouldn’t want you to be upset.”
“I know,” You sigh, rubbing Spencer’s hand. “I love you and thank you for being so patient with me.”
“I’ll always be here for you. I love you.”
To live in hearts
We leave behind
Is not to die - Thomas Campbell
#spencer reid#spencer reid fanfiction#spencer reid angst#spencer reid imagine#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid x y/n#spencer reid x you#spencer reid x fluff#bau#bau x reader#Criminal Minds#criminal minds masterlist
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𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮
fluff², Haechan x Reader,
Hyuck comes home to you and only granola bars. Or something of that sort
My praise kink jumped there once, woopsie


warnings: reader forgets to eat (unintentionally!!) some suggestive jokes and minor swearing.
hope u enjoy!
“Well hello to you too baby.” Haechan hummed, squatting down next to your collapsed frame on the couch.
Your laptop was still open, a half-finished draft of an assignment - an overview of Uruguay’s Economy and Trade Policy you had to hand in in about thirty hours - an empty water bottle right next to the hot device.
Haechan carefully pressed a feathery kiss to your forehead, causing you to open your eyes and blink tiredly against the light.
“Hyuck?” He just hummed, watching you push your upper body up just to collapse against him. With a soft laugh he wrapped his arms around you, preventing the both of you from falling back.
“How was your day?” The question was mumbled against the skin of his neck but Haechan didn’t mind it. He just hoisted you and himself up on the couch, letting you climb into his lap fully without you having to give up your spot in his neck.
“Stuffed. Lots of choreography slash repetition for the recordings later. And we did a VLIVE...” you nodded tiredly. That VLIVE you had witnessed, forty-five minutes of you staring at the screen with a dopey smile.
“I watched.” Haechan snorted surprised. “You did? Oh wow.” You lifted your head off his shoulders to look at him properly.
“Why so surprised, I always watch your guys’ livestreams. Besides it’s lots of fun.” He said nothing, just smiled. “You looked comfy.”
“Oh you think so? Missed having you there.” You just smirked agains his neck.
“Ah you had Jeno, no?” His response was to pinch your hips softly, causing you to squeak against his skin.
“I’m joking, I’m JOKING!”
Haechan clicked with his tongue, resting his hand on your hips again. “Have you eaten anything already?”
The silence that followed afterwards was answer enough. Haechan sighed deeply before making an attempt to get up.
“Noo stay here I’m good.” Haechan just shook his head.
“You have anything home? I can order...” before he could continue you pressed you lips against his.
“I’m not that hungry Hyuckie. Relax. I was working on my deadlines and other things for work I just didn’t feel like breaking my flow...” Haechan scoffed angrily.
“You need to eat. Don’t forget about your body amongst all the work, don’t forget about yourself! Baby!” You whined at his scolding, quickly pressing a trail of kisses against his jaw.
“I’m not doing it intentionally Hyuck. I’m just busy. But look I drank lots of water today!” You pointed at the - almost - empty bottle next to your improvised working station, doe-eyeing Haechan expectantly.
“Well...good. At least. Now let me find you some food, even if it’s just a granola bar or something...” Haechan mumbled after pressing a rewarding kiss to your lips.
“No objections! Let me take care of you now.”
You nodded, carefully slipping off his lap, not missing out on the chance to smack his butt when he got up.
Haechan just narrowed his eyes back at you, pointing two v-sign fingers first at his and then at your eyes.
“I’m watching you!” You just giggled.
“You know I was joking with the granola bars before. Now please tell me how thats actually the only edible thing in your flat is, babe. Are you good?”
“Listen up buddy, just because you make millions by making girls scream doesn’t mean I do that too. You know taxes and life expenses and bills and...” Haechan rolled his eyes.
“First of all, that’s not my job description. Second...”
“could however be in it. I’m not saying you don’t deserve it by the way. Get that bag, big boy.”
You were silenced with a granola bar before you boyfriend continued.
“Second, I know. But how can someone live without ramen?! And third, you know I pay for you okay? You would tell me if you needed anything, right?” You just hummed, drawing up your knees to your chest.
“I know Hyuckie, but I’m okay. I just have to remind myself to go grocery shopping once in a while and that takes so much effort...” Haechan flopped down beside you, leaning against your shoulders with a pout.
“I come and help you okay? I’ll get you a good snack bar or something, those five granola bars are a sad sight.
You just huffed, bringing one hand up to his hair to softly run your fingers through messy curls.
“Come to bed?” Haechan asked, right before took the empty wrapper of the granola bar from you hands and tossed it in the trash like the attentive boyfriend he could be. At times. Most of the times. When he wasn’t a cocky little shit-times.
Your yawn was again all he needed to hear before pulling you up and nudging you towards the bathroom where he insisted on taking care of your skin before hoping in the shower himself.
“Don’t peak yeah?” You just laughed.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before.” Haechan’s head appeared from between your shower curtains, nose scrunched up and lips curled into a smug smirk.
“Nothing you haven’t screamed about you mean. Since that’s apparently part of my job-description...” You flipped him off with a huff before exiting the bathroom.
“I knew it would get to your head.” You could hear Haechan laugh through the walls and couldn’t help but smile to yourself.
“Thanks for coming tonight.” You mumbled before you snuggled closer into his embrace. He smelled good, like himself and bit like your body wash even tho he always denied using it.
“All day, your highness granola, I hope you are satisfied with my service.”
You nuzzled you face closer into his chest. “Very much so Sir. Five stars on your Google review for sure.” Haechan’s chuckle vibrated through his whole chest. “Glad to hear that. That would be about seven grand in cash. Gotta get that bag, you know.” This time it was your turn to pinch his sides, eliciting a squeal to come out of his mouth.
“You can fulfil your Callboy-fantasies elsewhere Lee Donghyuck, because as long as you have a key to my door and your shampoo on my rack this is considered a relationship.” Haechan tightened his arms around you with a small but happy sigh.
“Alright alright. I make a special offer then. I give you thirty percent off and a discount code...”
“Donghyuck I swear to god...”
“To keep that 37.5% viewer rating...”
“Oh shut up.”
“I love you too.”
✰- nct127 masterlist
#lee donghyuck#haechan x reader#haechan x you#haechan x y/n#nct haechan#haechan fanfiction#haechan fluff#nct x reader#nct127 x reader#nct dream donghyuck#nct dream x y/n#nct dream#fluff#my writing#kpop fanfic#fullsun#nct hyuck#hyuck x reader#hyuck scenarios
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Pairing: Blake Gallo x reader
Summary: Y/N tells Blake some news he didn’t expect to hear, and the way he reacts makes her regret saying anything in the first place. But when Y/N is in an accident, he has to rethink his future
Requested: No
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy and severe injuries, slight reference to abortion/adoption
Word Count: 2,341 Words
The whole firehouse was standing outside, sign at the ready. Blake was doing a 13 mile run today, and he was going to pass the firehouse any second now. He was even running in full PPE gear to raise awareness for cancer in firemen. I was bundled in my coat, and a beanie was resting on my head.
“Here he comes! Hold up the banner!” Stella shouted. Her along with a few others held the up banner they had made with the words “Go! Gallo! Go!” written on it. That’s when Gallo arrived, and when he saw the banner, a smile graced his lips. I cheered louder than the rest of the firehouse because Blake also happened to be my boyfriend, and I was really proud of him for doing this.
“You’ve got this babe!” I cheer. Blake then began jogging over in my direction, and when he reached me, he pulled me in for a kiss. I cupped his cheeks with my hands, and I could feel the heat radiating from his skin. His whole face had a reddish tint to it, possibly because he was running 13 miles in full gear, but it made him look adorable. “I love you,” I tell Blake as he pulled away.
“Love you too,” Blake replied before going off to continue his run. As Blake ran off, I suddenly felt a bit dizzy. I grabbed onto Ritter, who was closest to me, and he caught me in his arms as I sort of collapsed.
“Y/N! You okay?” Sylvie asked as Ritter wrapped an arm around me to keep me steady.
“I-I’m fine. Just got a bit dizzy,” I answer.
“You, fainted, Y/N. That’s not normal. Come on. We’re going to take you to Med,” Emily spoke and took me from Ritter’s arms. Her and Sylvie got me into the ambulance, and then we started the drive to Med. Thankfully, they didn’t put the sirens on, because I didn’t want to cause a scene over nothing. At the hospital, I was put into a trauma room, and a few minutes later, Dr. Manning walked in.
“Hey, Y/N. I heard you kind of fainted earlier. Everything okay?” Natalie questioned.
“I just got dizzy for a moment. I’m sure it was nothing,” I respond.
“Okay, but I want to run a few tests just to be sure. We’ll get you out of here as soon as possible,” Natalie told me. After about 2 hours, Natalie came back, meaning my tests were done. “Okay, so your blood pressure was a very low earlier. Have you eaten anything today?”
“I had a granola bar earlier, but before I could eat breakfast, we got a call,” I explain.
“Well, you’re going to need to be more on top of your eating now that you’re eating for two,” Natalie informed me.
“I-I’m sorry. What did you just say?” I ask.
“One of the tests detected hCG in your blood. It means that you’re pregnant. 6 weeks,” Natalie clarified. “So, who’s the lucky guy? Would it happen to be Blake Gallo, the very man standing right outside?”
“He’s out there? Please tell me he can’t hear us from out there,” I plead.
“Uh, no. He can’t hear us. Is there something wrong, Y/N?” Natalie quizzed.
I didn’t answer her, and instead asked another question. “Is it okay for me to go?”
“Sure. But Y/N, I think that you’ll be a great mother, and if Blake loves you as much as I believe he does, then he’s going to ecstatic,” Natalie confessed.
“Yeah. Sure. Bye, Nat,” I say and leave the room, only to bump into Blake.
“Hey. I got a call from Ritter saying that Brett and Foster were taking you to Med, so as soon as I finished the marathon I came straight here,” Blake said. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I didn’t eat much today, so my blood pressure was low. That’s why I fainted. Nothing else is wrong,” I lie. “Can we get going?”
“Yeah. Of course. We can stop by the firehouse to get your stuff and then we can head to my place,” Blake answered.
“Actually, can you just drop me off at my apartment?” I question.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay? You’re looking a bit pale,” Blake exclaimed.
“I’m fine. I just want to get some sleep,” I murmur. Blake nodded and led me out to his car, and after we grabbed my stuff from the firehouse, he dropped me off at my apartment. I wanted to get some sleep, but all I could think about was the life growing inside of me, and how I would eventually have to tell Blake and everyone else. I should probably do it sooner than later, considering I had a dangerous profession, but part of me didn’t want to say anything. Blake and I had only been together a few months, and I didn’t want to ruin our relationship. At my next shift, the day was pretty slow. We hadn’t had any calls, which was unusual seeing as we were the busiest house. All I wanted to do was be alone, so I went into the gear closet and sat on the floor. After sitting there for a few minutes, I suddenly began to cry. I couldn’t help myself. It felt like my life was falling apart by the second. That’s when the door to the closet opened, and in walked Blake Gallo, the person I didn’t want to see.
“Hey,” Blake mumbled and crouched down in front of me. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m so sorry,” I sob as more tears fell from my eyes.
“Sorry for what?” Blake asked and used his thumbs to wipe the tears from my face. “You haven’t done anything wrong?” This caused more tears to escape, and I could see worry painted all over Blake’s features. I didn’t want to have to do this now, but I knew deep down that I had to. Blake needed to know.
“Blake, I’m pregnant,” I state.
“W-what?” Blake questioned.
“When I was at Med the other day, Natalie ran a few tests to make sure that nothing was seriously wrong with me, and she discovered that I was pregnant. I should have told you sooner, but I couldn’t bring myself to,” I disclose. Blake sat down across from me, and I could tell he was thinking about something from the look on his face. He was probably trying to figure out when this had happened, but I already knew. Natalie said that I was 6 weeks pregnant, and around 6-7 weeks ago, things got heated between Blake and I after a night at Molly’s. We were both so drunk that we forgot to use protection. It soon got to the point where Blake’s silence scared me, so I spoke up. “Can you say something? Please.”
“What do you want me to say?” Blake asked.
“I don’t know. Anything would be nice,” I exclaim.
“Well, I don’t have much to say. Excuse me,” Blake murmured and stood up before exiting the closet. At that moment, my whole world came crashing down. Blake had just walked out without saying a word, which basically meant he didn’t want to deal with a child. And how the hell was I supposed to do this on my own? Of course, there was always adoption or..... I couldn’t bring myself to say it. I couldn’t even think about it. I sighed and wiped the tears from my eyes, and once I felt ready, I exited the closet. That afternoon, we got a call about a house fire. Upon arriving at the scene, Casey was already doling out orders.
“L/N, you and I are going to examine the second floor and check for victims,” Matt ordered. I nodded and put my helmet on my head. As I went to walk towards the house, Blake grabbed a hold of my arm to stop me. I shook him off and continued walking towards the house, placing my mask on before heading inside. Flames were raging around us, and even through my gear, I could feel the heat. Matt then walked up the stairs with me following behind him. Smoke was gathering on the ceiling of every room, and it was getting hard to see. As we got to the second floor, we discovered a woman crawling towards the doors. “Ma’am, you’ve got to get out of here,” Matt demanded.
“I can’t,” the woman protested. “My husband. I think he’s still inside.”
“I’ll find him,” I tell Matt. “You get her outside.”
“Are you sure?” Matt asked me.
I nodded. “I’ve got this.” Matt then helped the woman up, and they made their way back downstairs. I poked my head into the first door, and looked around. “Fire Department! Call out!” No one answered, and it didn’t look like anyone was in there, so I moved onto the room down the hall. Just then, Boden came over the radio.
“L/N, get out of there! The place is about to blow!” Boden exclaimed.
“Just a minute, Chief. There could be another victim in here,” I reply and enter the next room, which had fire raging everywhere. As I stepped inside, the ceiling above me hissed, and seconds later, wooden beams and other materials fell from above. I moved out of the way just in time, but the bad news was that the doorway was now covered, and there was no way out. I looked around as the fire spread, hoping to find something that could get me out of here, and that’s when I saw the paint cans everywhere. This room was being remodeled. Just my luck because paint was highly flammable. At that moment, the fire reached the paint cans, and I had to make a split second decision. I ran at the window and threw myself into the glass, causing it to easily shatter. I flew from the second story just as the explosion went off behind me, sending flames out of every window in the house. I was in the air for a few seconds, and then came the fall. I hit the ground hard on my side, sending waves of pain through my body. Seconds later, I was being surrounded by my fellow co-workers.
“Y/N!” Matt shouted and removed my mask from my face. “Brett! Foster! We need some help over here!” My vision started going in and out as the pain became stronger. My whole body felt heavy, and I felt paralyzed. There was nothing I could do but sit here and take it. The last thing I saw before losing consciousness was the face of Blake Gallo.
Blake’s POV
Y/N’s head fell limp as I reached her, and I was immediately filled with worry. Brett and Foster ran over to us with their supplies, and Matt and I helped them slide the backboard under Y/N before lifting her up onto the gurney.
“I’m thinking possible broken hip, maybe some internal bleeding. We need to get her to Med now,” Sylvie spoke and placed a breathing mask over Y/N’s face.
“What about the baby?” I question.
“Baby? What baby?” Emily asked.
“Y/N’s pregnant,” I tell them. The ride to the hospital was chaos. Y/N wasn’t looking to good, and Sylvie eventually had to intubate her because she wasn’t breathing well enough. Sylvie said that was likely from a broken rib that may have punctured a lung. The whole ride, all I could think about was the baby. I had reacted badly when Y/N first told me, and I didn’t want her to think I didn’t care. When we got her the hospital, Will Halstead met us at the door.
“You have to save her, man. You have to save both of them,” I exclaim.
“Gallo, I will do everything I can to make sure her and the baby are safe,” Will confessed as he rolled her gurney into one of the empty trauma rooms.
When I woke up, I felt a bit groggy. Like I had just woken up from a very deep sleep. I felt a bit of pain, but it was mostly muted down. I groaned and opened my eyes to see that I was in a hospital room. That’s when I remembered the fall, and I started freaking out a bit. Was the baby okay? Will then entered the room with his chart.
“I’m glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?” Will asked.
“I’m fine. How’s the baby?” I question.
“The baby is fine. It’s almost a miracle. That fall should have caused you more severe injuries,” Will explained. I let out a breath that I didn’t even know I was holding in. I was so grateful that the baby was okay. “Gallo is waiting outside. You want me to send him in?”
“Yeah,” I mutter. “I need to talk to him.” Will nodded and left the room, and seconds later, Blake walked in.
“Hey,” Blake murmured and took a seat in the chair next to my bed.
“Hey. Look, Blake, I know this is unexpected, and you don’t have to agree with me, but uh, I’m keeping the baby,” I inform him.
“That’s great, because I want to keep it too,” Blake responded. “Back at the firehouse, I had no right to leave you in the dark like that. We should have talked things through, and instead I left you alone. I know we’re young, but I love you, and I will love this baby more than anyone else in the world.”
I smiled. “That means a lot, Blake. I’m super scared, but I think we can survive this.”
“Me too. You get some rest, okay?” Blake told me and stood up.
“Actually, can you stay? I don’t want to be alone right now,” I say.
“Of course,” Blake stated and sat down. “And you know, while we’re alone, we could start discussing baby names.”
I laughed. “It’s a bit too early for that, but okay. So, what did you have in mind?”
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@prettypyschoinpink @securityfriendly-jay @scarletsoldierrr @lorenakaspersen @virtualreader @carnationworld @caitsymichelle13 @anotherfan07
#one chicago#chicago fire#chicago fire x reader#chicago fire imagines#chicago fire imagine#blake gallo#blake gallo x reader#blake gallo imagines#blake gallo imagine#ambulance 61#squad 3#truck 81#firehouse 51
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US, AGAIN | four.
SUMMARY. they say history repeats itself, but you’d like to disagree. you had to disagree. history changes, even if you had to force it. but when all your attempts to twist fate were met by nothing but the flashing recurrences of the past, what were you supposed to do?
or, wherein you try everything in your power to have nothing to do with na jaemin, but na jaemin wants nothing but you.
PAIRING. na jaemin x female! reader GENRE. college! au, historical! au, soulmate! au, past lives, forbidden love stuff, reincarnation, romance, drama, humor, angst, fluff, looots of flashbacks, this is an entire kdrama, very loosely inspired by the webtoon “see you in my 19th life” WARNINGS. (for this chapter only) swearing, night terrors, hospital mentions, passing out, the works hgdhjasf WORD COUNT. 5.1k
NOTE. I’M SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG <///3 but life is life thank god we only have to go through this once unlike our dearest mc HJGASDJSF anyway!! lots of jaemin fluff here!! you’ll want to punch him in the face!! hope u enjoy <3
CHAPTER FOUR: why the sun sets and rises
Through the winding branches that cut into the air, the silver lake, the jagged ground, the clouds in the wind at each and every shallow pant, you were running—
A gunshot.
—running until your legs gave away.)
You woke up in a cold sweat.
Looking around, you noticed that it was far too early for you to be awake— the hazy light that barely slipped through the thin curtains, the desolate silence that seemed to have consumed your room whole, and the bedside digital clock down below you that said 6:21AM in big bold letters, indicating that you should be fast asleep especially after staying up at ungodly hours in the morning finishing up an assignment. But even after burying your head in between two of your pillows, you couldn’t even suffocate yourself into unconsciousness.
You groaned and jumped off of the top bunk.
When your feet landed on the floor, you had expected to see Seungah’s ghost of a face lying sideways on the bottom bunk, but all that met you was a small, neon orange sticky note laying soundly on her smoothed out pillow. ‘Had to leave early to the diner! Eat the breakfast I made you or else xoxo’, it said. You sighed.
There was no point mulling over the past when you had an entire future to take care of.
“Oh my gosh.”
Hong Nabi was in shock with what she saw when she arrived at the benches by the garden to work on your group assignment today. It was shocking to the point that she dropped all her binders and papers onto the pavement.
You sighed, sliding out of your seat to help her. She spared you a few, quick glances as the both of you were slouched on the floor, and he couldn’t help but bite her bottom lip in worry. The Y/N that was usually so cool, so put together, and so unbothered looked like she was casket ready. That, or ready to star in a Tim Burton animation.
“Is it Halloween today..?”
“Let’s just get this thing started,” you groaned, finally finished cleaning things up and you were now back onto your seat. Nabi sat right in front of you, organizing her now jumbled up material. She wanted to ask if you were okay— but would that be offensive considering that you were very clearly not? Still, she opened her mouth to speak, but was scared into silence when you suddenly cursed out loud. “Since when did this become a paired project? Where the hell are they?”
Nabi pressed her lips together, looking around. “I’m not sure.”
You still had around two weeks more until the presentation, but that didn’t mean that they could slack off as much as they wanted. In a fit, you grabbed your phone from your sling bag, exasperatedly tapping on the fragile screen that Nabi was almost sure that you were going to break it, but before you managed to burst a vein, an incoming sound of noises and laughter approached your ears.
Boys will be boys, but you weren’t having any of that shit.
“Yah,” the moment Jeno, Renjun, and Donghyuck showed up at your table as if nothing was wrong, you decided to smack the nearest head with a rolled up sheet of stapled paper. “Didn’t we agree to start at nine?”
“Yah,” Donghyuck snatched the weapon from you, his other hand focused on caressing the spot on his head that you’d just every so gently smacked. “Don’t you ‘yah yah’ me, missy. Did you forget that you’re younger than us?”
If only he knew.
“Is that so? You should grow a sense of responsibility, then. It doesn’t take fifty fucking years.”
With that, you let out a huff and swung your laptop open.
The rest of the people occupying the table exchanged concerned glances as they shuffled to find seats of their own. They haven’t known you for long, but this type of temperament from you was arguably out of the ordinary. Even when Donghyuck would strike a chord too dangerously, you wouldn’t snap at him— today, you weren’t your usual self, and they all mutually agreed in silence that they were going to tread carefully if they still wanted their heads attached to their necks.
When the sounds of your fingers clicking against the keyboard stopped, they felt their hearts stopping, as well.
You looked up from the laptop screen, proceeding to look around, closed your eyes, and then breathed out. “Where’s Jaemin?”
At that moment they all flipped their phones open, scrolling, clicking, and typing before they can taste any more of your unraveled temper. You had to admit, you were feeling a little guilty for being such a bitch. A part of it was yes, sleep deprivation, shitty nightmares, and a whole truck load of stress can really take a toll on your sanity, but the other part was voluntary.
Jeno looked up, the first person who managed to pinpoint Jaemin’s whereabouts. “He just texted. He says he’s running— oh, there he is.”
There he was indeed, a couple of feet away from where you all were. Once you confirmed that he wasn’t absent, you turned back to continue working, but the rest of them continued to stare at Jaemin, who was barely hanging onto his dear life, sweating and panting. And as they all watched the poor boy breathlessly running towards the table, they all thought of the same thing with one mind, heart, and soul.
Na Jaemin was a dead man.
He pulled up right in front of you, hunched over breathless with his hands on his knees. He stood up and promptly apologized. “Ahh, so sorry for being late. I had to stop by somewhere and there was traffic. I’m really—”
“I didn’t ask about your personal business,” you hummed, not even looking at him. Everyone, not only Jaemin, flinched at your explicit coldness. “Did you get the files that we need?”
He looked at you. You weren’t looking at him, but you knew he was looking at you.
“...Yeah. Hold on.”
As if the mood wasn’t already shit earlier, it actually turned into absolute horse crap after Jaemin arrived. It wasn’t his fault, really, but circumstance after circumstance didn’t exactly paint the prettiest picture of him. When the clock finally struck eleven in the morning, everyone except you all released a synchronous sigh. “We’re done today, right?” Renjun asked, and you responded with a quick nod, noticeably a lot more mellow than earlier.
Nabi stood up and started fixing her things. “I’ll send everything later to you tonight, Y/N,” she smiled at you.
“Yeah, sure,”’ you hummed, nodding. “Thank you.”
The four boys froze. Why were you being nice to her? Of course, their complaints were verbalized into nothing more than silent whines, groans, and grumbles that easily flew above your ears, Jaemin being a lot more quiet about voicing his complaints than the rest despite taking most of your attacks.
Still, even if you were being particularly thorny to him, he thought it would be a good idea to speak out just as you were about to leave. “Do the both of you have any classes after this? We were planning on getting lunch together,” he said. “Would you like to join? My treat.”
You looked at him. There was a polite smile on your face. Evidently forced.
“No, thanks.”
Donghyuck let out a genuine gasp.
“Did she just—” he stammered, switching his sight back and forth from Jaemin to you. “Did she just turn down a free meal offer?”
“She did,” you sighed, rolling your eyes as he continued to gawk at you. You picked up your heavy bag from the bench seat. “I gotta get going. Have fun, you guys.”
And you let them just like that, with five pairs of eyes trained at the back of your head until they finally lost sight of you.
For someone like you, the bulletin boards at the bus stops were like a gold mine. A gold mine of part-time jobs just waiting to be filled. There were flyers haphazardly plastered onto the board, all in different colors and different fonts. You bit a chunk off of the granola bar that served as your lunch for today, eyes meticulously scanning the available offers, a few flyers already wedged in between your armpit.
“Hair salon assistant— can’t do that. Diner waitress— a hard maybe. Already have a restaurant job pending, my shifts might clash. Library assistant? Alright, I need to check it out further, though. What about a movie— oh!— oh my god, you scared me.”
“What are you doing here, Y/N?”
Sooah suddenly appeared beside you, looking up as she clutched her backpack straps. You let out a sigh of relief upon the realization that it was just her.
“Fancy seeing you here, cadet,” you hummed, folding the neatly folding the few flyers that you had and shoving into your sling bag along with the emptied granola bar wrapper. “Are your classes over?”
“Mhm! I’m waiting for my mom to pick me up.”
“Aren’t you honored to spend time with me as you wait?”
You let out a chuckle, sitting down on the wooden seat, patting down the empty spot beside you, and Sooah happily hopped to sit down right away. Peeling off one of the flyers stuck onto the board, you decided to fold it— once, twice, countless more times until the flat, square piece of paper was now shaped into a lotus flower. Sooah beamed in amazement.
“Y/N,” she started, and you dropped the little paper flower onto her tiny hands. She placed it on her lap before looking up to you, large eyes hinted with curiosity. “The story you told us last time— was it a true story?”
You suddenly felt a chill in the air.
“...Why do you ask?”
“Oh, well,” she mused. “My mommy is a Korean Literature teacher at my school, but she teaches a grade above me. Sometimes, I’d go through her stuff to read some stories that I haven’t read in my class, and the other day—”
Uh oh.
After living for twelve whole lifetimes and currently going through your thirteenth, there was always this feeling that haunted you all throughout, a feeling that you were all too familiar with. It was gnawing, grinding, and chewing up the bottom most part of your gut. A warning sign for something bad to come.
You were definitely feeling that right now.
“—I found the same story as the one you told us, big sis.”
Yep. It was never wrong, and it never will be. You bit down your bottom lip.
“And I found something interesting!” oh, how much more must anxiety drown you, but Sooah seemed so excited that you didn’t have the heart to stop her. You raised a brow, urging her, and she smiled brightly. “You said you don’t remember the girl’s name, right?”
“Y/N! She has the same name as you!”
Of fucking course.
“The last name is different, though—” she added as an afterthought. “She was Song Y/N, and you’re not. Still. Isn’t it really cool?”
Not cool at all. You wanted to scream, maybe cry a little and lose a generous chunk of your mind, because as far as you knew, there had never been an instance where you had heard of this story being shared to the public— to an entire class, nonetheless. It shouldn’t matter, right? It wasn’t your life anymore. Just an old, tragic tale passed on from mothers to their children as a bedtime story.
But somehow, it made you feel vulnerable.
How many more people knew about this?
“But, sis. You’re kind of a dummy, though. How could you forget someone’s name when it’s the same as yours?”
Sooah questioned, tilting her head, but it eventually washed pon her that you weren’t looking all too well. You had your lips splayed into an evident frown, worry creasing your forehead, which she could not at all get. Were you okay?
“Did you finish reading all of it?”
You asked after a bout of silence. Sooah shook her head in response. “No, not yet,” she huffed. “My mom caught me making a mess out of her things and scolded me.”
That’s good, you thought. At least she didn’t make it to the end— that would only complicate things. After a second of deliberation, you figured that this would be the best move if you played your cards right.
“Sooah,” you started. “Do you think your mom will let me borrow that story?”
The next day, your classes were all condensed into the afternoon— a deliberate decision to allow yourself to recharge in bed for the entire first half of the day.
But right now it was eight in the morning, yet you were already busying yourself inside the campus.
No, you didn’t have a group meeting today, neither did you have any prior commitments needed to be accomplished here in school, but you figured after not having a single fucking blink of sleep last night thanks to Sooah’s revelations yesterday, you might as well head to school early to apply for the part-time job at the library. Only one problem— where was the library?
It was eight in the morning. You had been here since seven-thirty. Not a single bookshelf in sight. You opted to just give up and mold yourself into the floor because you couldn’t even ask anyone for directions because no one was there.
Well. Almost no one.
You had just passed by a single living soul earlier as you were trudging around the bottom floor like a zombie, but you completely missed him. Na Jaemin caught your disheveled figure marching through the hallways earlier, evidently lost, as he left the faculty office with a steaming hot cup of coffee in his hands. He immediately brightened upon seeing you— as if his bloodstream was directly charged with caffeine, but he didn’t come around to approaching you until now. He couldn’t get the timing.
Even now, as he discreetly tailed behind you without your knowledge, he didn’t know when was the appropriate time to give you a simple ‘hello’. He pressed his lips together, taking in a sharp breath through his nose, and decided screw it— you wouldn’t even be happy to see him no matter the timing.
He picked up his pace and sounded from right behind you.
“Morning, group leader.”
You stopped, swiveling your heels around, and he was met with your grimacing face.
As expected. He gave you a blinding smile.
“How are you?”
“My morning is shit, thank you very much,” you spat. “Even more now, after seeing you.”
Jaemin knew that you weren’t exactly fond of him, and he’d spent too many hours wondering why. Maybe you just disliked him without bearing much of a reason. Some people were like that, but he didn’t hold it against you. He still pressed on with a smile.
And it irritated you.
(You believed that it was irritation, or made yourself believe. Yeah, let’s go with irritation.)
“Now, what do you want?” you crossed your arms, shifting your weight to one leg as you looked at him with exasperation. “You’re definitely not here to ask me about our assignment, right? I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I might as well say it to your face for your own good.”
You roughly shoved a finger to his chest, mustering up not a glare— but a plain look of disinterest.
“I don’t like you.”
Jaemin simply looked at you.
“You don’t like me.”
“No matter what you try to do, that won’t ever—wait, what? What the fuck?” you had to double take, expression suddenly morphing into a comical confusion, which Jaemin found cute, but of course he couldn’t say that out loud. He settled with the same smile as earlier, which you found a little more irritating as much as it was conflicting this time around. Within a second of silence, you felt heat slowly rising and you felt it slowly getting to your head. “You’re just gonna take that...as that?”
He let out a hum, shrugging. “I can’t dictate how you feel, can I?”
You gawked at him.
“You’re not even gonna ask why? Not even gonna protest?”
“Do you want me to?” he leaned forward, face a little closer to yours, smile a little more irritating than before, the heat growing a little more prominent than ever, your grasp on your consciousness becoming a little more hard to hold than earlier. You felt yourself getting caught in a stammer. “I would, if you want me to.”
Fuck this shit and fuck it completely.
“Where are you going?”
“None of your business,” you stormed off before you could find yourself getting caught inside a heatwave, breathing out long, fervent breaths to calm yourself down, the dizzying heat slowly getting to your head making you woozy. It would be a bad idea to even turn around and look at him. “I’d appreciate it if you don't follow me.”
Jaemin frowned when he saw your back yet again. He felt like this was the only thing he’d seen from you— your back perpetually facing him without any hope of you even turning around to spare him a quick glance, but he didn’t want to go against your wishes. He wasn’t planning on following you. But when you suddenly collapse on the floor a few feet away from him—
—what else was he supposed to do?
(“Your Highness.”
It was without question that he’d answer your call sparing not even a second to waste with those gentle eyes of his, and this time was no different. The only difference being the quirk of his lips— pursed, pouting. He stepped away from the bush of azaleas, and stepped closer to you.
“I thought I told you not to call me that anymore,” he huffed, languidly dropping beside you on the stone bench, taking your hands into his with an earnest glimmer. “Say it. I want to hear you. Please?”
It was impolite to laugh at the prince— a punishable crime by itself. You were fortunate that he liked you enough.
“Your Highness,” you hummed. His shoulders drooped down, visibly dampening, but he shook his head with a newfound resolve and instead lended all of his attention to you, instead. “It is without saying that the very breath you take is incomparable to any person on this land—”
Your gaze darted upwards, looking at him.
“—but why do you choose to come see me everyday in the garden? Even when I am not around?”
He was still for a moment, fazed and the littlest bit taken aback, but not a second too long for you to spare any worry. A newfound smile playing on his lips, he lifted up your hands that he was holding, pressing a tender kiss on your knuckles.
“Why does the sun rise in the east and set in the west every single day?”
He looked at you, continuing.
“Just because it was made that way.”)
The whisper that you sounded in your state of unconsciousness caught Jaemin’s ears as he carried you to a vacant room inside the campus hospital. He looked down at you, your voice as clear as day despite the hoarseness of it, peeling himself away from your closed eyes, lashes fluttering above your cheeks before he could stumble over his own feet.
When he gently dropped you on to the bed, the mattress sinking underneath your weight, his windpipes nearly closed, a choking noise escaping the moment he felt you tug him down by the sleeve of his shirt, but he maintained his composure. He dropped your sling bag onto the bedside table, taking notice on the colorful piece of paper peeking out of the bag’s zipper mouth, a huff of a smile when he closed it up. Even you can be a little disordered, sometimes, he wondered in amusement as he gazed down on you.
Jaemin let out a huff of breath, dropping down the chair placed beside your bed, and he pulled out his phone to send a few messages here and there. An hour passed. He noticed you stirring underneath the sheets.
“Ah, you’re awake!”
Maybe you were, maybe you weren’t. You couldn’t tell if the blurred out silhouette of the face you have grown to both hate and love was a mere figment of your memories, or if he was actually real. There was the temptation brought about by your disorientation— to stretch your arm out to his face just to make sure, but you were lucky that your flimsy consciousness came at just the right time before you were to do anything regretful.
“You’ve been out for over an hour. Maybe you should just skip your remaining classes today,” at that point you were sure he was real. Na Jaemin had worry laced all over his voice, expression, and posture. It wasn’t a sight welcome to your peace of mind when you had just woken up after passing the fuck out. “What happened? Did you not get enough sleep? Did you skip breakfast? I asked Jeno to buy some food just in case you wake up and I’m not here, but you were unconscious for longer than I expected.”
“I’m fine, I’ll just—”
A regretful action. You tried to stand up, but all that happened was you falling pathetically back onto the bed.
“Don’t push yourself, Y/N,” Jaemin sighed, tucking you back in and placing a hand on your forehead, and by god you could hear the alarm bells ringing in your ears. “I checked earlier. It doesn’t seem like you have a fever. Oh? You’re starting to heat up, maybe you actually do—”
“I don’t!”
Was it possible to voluntarily pass out?
You threw the blanket over your head.
It was fortunate that he didn’t decide to press on, and instead he just left you alone underneath your makeshift tent to calm the sudden blazing of your face. Did he know that you were embarrassed? Oh god, did he know that it was because of him? Not that it was, of course, but it wasn’t unlikely for him to assume that he was the cause of your sudden temperature rise. It would be much better for him to believe that you did have a fever. Fuck, you should have just told him that you were sick.
“Knock knock,” outside of your blanket shield, you felt something lightly pressed at the side of your head, prompting you to peek outside, just enough for your eyes to be exposed. When you turned around, you were met by a box of Orion Choco Pie, just one of the few snacks that he had brought for you. “Here, have this. Eat.”
You blankly stared at the red box.
“What are you waiting for?”
“Leave it. I’ll eat once you leave.”
“No can do, missy,” Jaemin clicked his tongue, and without your consent, grabbed your nearest hand and opened it into a palm, placing the far too large box on top of it. “I have to make sure that you actually finish it.”
He was resilient.
Much like someone else, you grumbled, opening the packaging and stealing one of the cakes nestled inside. He had a satisfied smile on his face— almost like a proud parent watching his four year old daughter writing her name for the first time. You wanted to throw the damned snack to his face, but voted against the act and took a bite from it instead. “Fine. But for your information, I might have passed out because I barely got any sleep last night, so stop wasting your worries.”
“That doesn’t make things any better,” he said. “How am I supposed to stop worrying after hearing that? You should take care of yourself, Y/N.”
“I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”
“I’m not buying it. I have to make sure that you’re getting enough sleep every day.”
“What the fuck? Do you think you’re my mom, or something?”
“No, what the hell? Don’t make things weird,” He grimaced, looking at you in disbelief. Holy fuck. You nearly broke out into a fit, if you were being honest. Na Jaemin who was usually all smiley and kind was looking at you with an expression that you were sure his facial muscles didn’t even have the knowledge to conjure. His next words were nothing more than a low grumble. “How can she think I want to be her mom when I like her? Jeez.”
The choco pie that you’d been eating threatened to climb back up your throat.
“Wh— What the fuck?”
“What?” Jaemin replied naively. “One more time? Should I repeat it? Y/N, I like—”
“Okay, okay, I got it the first time, please—!”
Dear lord, he was going to be the death of you. You took in a long, sharp, painful breath.
“I get it.”
Jaemin looked at you with a small smile. He didn’t seem like he was going to continue teasing, so you quickly scared down the remaining chocolate snake inside the box so that you could slip away from him as soon as possible. That wasn’t the best idea, though, because the choco pie almost ended up going down the wrong throat and the guy was sure to freak out over it. Luckily you managed to get away with forcing it down and having Jaemin only looking at you with a minimal amount of concern.
It was time to get the fuck out of here.
“Thank you for the food, Jaemin, but I need to get going,” he didn’t even get the chance to say anything, but you were already on your feet, ready to set out to the door. You looked back at his frozen stature before reaching out for the door handle. “I’ll pay you back some other time.”
You bowed politely. Jaemin had only gotten back to his senses once he’d realized that he couldn’t see your face anymore, only the back of your head— a sight that he’s used to seeing, a reminder of where he stood. He scrambled to his feet and took off after you.
“Wait, you should drink water first! And take these with you! Y/N—”
Shit. He didn’t want you to leave yet. Not when he’s finally had a proper conversation with you. The two of you were already out in the hallway, the glimpse of light from the heavily clouded sky leaking through the windows and coloring the white walls and floor with an out of place brightness and at one point the light stuck on you. It was difficult to match your pace— staying not too far behind, not right beside you, never ahead of you. He swallowed.
Jaemin felt bad about pulling this, but he couldn’t think of any other way to make you stay.
You froze on the spot.
There was a heavy weight anchoring Jaemin’s conscience, falling even heavier as you slowly turned around to face him. It fell to the bottom of his stomach the moment he caught your expression.
“How—” you stammered. “Where did you get that name?”
He pressed his lips together tightly, a considerable distance between the both of you as he averted his eyes. “You muttered it earlier while I was carrying you.”
How else would he have hauled you over to the campus hospital? But an obvious fact such as that was still enough to dumb your IQ a couple of notches down. You would have been fine if he didn’t mention it and leave you in your blissful ignorance, but he just had to drill the existence of that fact that you were in his fucking arms when you had sworn to be a piece of shit to him.
The heat was rising to your head again just like earlier.
You heard Jaemin utter a sound from a few steps in front of you— a light grumble, you’d assumed, but you weren’t entirely sure— and it was at that moment that you’d realized how freaking awkward the distance between the both of you was. Were you social distancing?
His hollow sigh and evident pout threw all of those meager thoughts out the window.
“Is he the reason why I can’t get close to you?
What the hell does he mean?
“An ex you can’t over?”
You broke into a coughing fit. Jaemin instantly ran over to you in panic, patting your back to help appease the violent coughs, but in reality he wasn’t of any help at all because his palm was barely touching you. “Holy fuck”—cough—“oh god. I guess— I guess you can say that...?”
“Sorry,” he mumbled from behind you. “I shouldn’t have brought it up. It must be a sensitive topic.”
“If you knew that it was touchy then why bring it up in the first place,” you shot him a glare, looking back, but it was less threatening and more questioning. You couldn’t bring yourself to get mad at him at this point. He stood there in blatant guilt, his expression, stature, and demeanor without any intention of hiding it all. This was why you couldn’t get mad at him. Jaemin was transparent.
You weren’t sure if it was just his nature or if it had something to do with you.
You wouldn’t know what to do if it was the latter.
His lips finally parted after a moment of silence to answer you— even if you hadn’t expected an answer in the first place.
“I didn’t know how else to make you talk to me a little longer.”
You didn’t know what to do, at all.
Jaemin’s cheeks were stained with a shade of pink and fuck— you could see in his eyes that were looking at you, trying not to look at you, that he was bearing all the sleeves of his heart to you without an ounce of regret, but a euphemism of the bright red color that he was trying to hide.
Why did you have to meet him in this life?
“Why?” you voiced, quiet. “Why do you like me so much? You don’t even know me that well, and I’m not even in any way nice to you.”
He didn’t answer.
“So, why?”
For a moment, Jaemin kept quiet, as if waiting for the pink to fade from his cheeks before doing anything, but it never did. Even when his lips stretched into a closed smile, his eyes crinkling and showing the stars that weren’t in the sky, he was still tinged with that soft, powdery color.
He didn’t wait. He didn’t wait for you to speak when he left— when he left right after saying two words that stretched inside your mind until the sun set in the west and the skies turned pink.
“Just because.”
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© hannie-dul-set, 2021
#NCT-WRITERS#cznnet#neowritingsnet#kpopscape#nct x reader#na jaemin x reader#nct dream x reader#nct dream scenarios#na jaemin scenarios#jaemin x reader#jaemin scenarios#nct angst#nct fluff#na jaemin fluff#na jaemin angst#nct dream fluff#fic: us again
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Plaything (Heisenberg x fem!reader)
Chapter 4 (of 5)
Summary: Reader works for BSAA and is scoping out the village until you get captured by none other than Heisenberg who doesn’t take well to trespassers. Once he learns of your hatred for your job, he wants the information you have and he doesn’t have to try hard to get it. You find yourself drinking, fireside, with him and can’t help but let him touch you. Angie said he’d needed a plaything and, well, you’re it.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Smut with (some) plot, chapter 4 below the cut:
You can remember the feel of a scratchy washcloth against your skin. It’s warm and the movement against your nipples is gentle. You want nothing more than to sleep right now, but you open your eyes and note a very shirtless, very tentative Heisenberg cleaning you up.
A moan leaves you as you try to shift over, cover your tits, go back to sleep – but he grips your wrist gently and easily turns you back over.
He chuckles. “Wore you out, huh?” his cocky smirk makes you smile back. “Just…let me do this then you can sleep.”
You nod, eyelids feeling heavy, and you let him take care of you.
When he’s done, you watch him turn toward his desk but your hand juts out to grab his wrist this time. He halts, slowly glances down at you.
“Stay,” you hum, shifting on his bed. “Please?”
Before long, you feel the bed dip from his weight beside you and you let yourself rest.
It’s night by the time you wake again and he’s no longer in the bed with you, but you see the moonbeams through the curtains and stare up at the stars for a moment.
The breeze makes you cold and you reach for a nearby shirt of his. It’s white and shows your nipples through it, but the warmth is a comfort.
An empty room greets you when you look around. There are journals and books you’d never really paid attention to before. A part of you is tempted to flip through them, but you’re reminded of the behavior Heisenberg clearly wants you to exhibit.
Instead, you grab your boots and decide to shower off the events from the other night.
The water is scolding but perfect as you wash with his shampoo. It’s lonelier than last time, but your mind needs some clarity.
What you stumbled into…it’s laughable. If you’d been on any other team with any other lord, Heisenberg probably wouldn’t have saved you. You won’t let your mind wander to the others for too long – how their carcasses are probably tossed away somewhere and forgotten about right now. Heisenberg has his moments, sure, but you’re alive and it’s a kindness he didn’t need to do.
Your fingers are macerated so you shut off the faucet, reach for a towel. Sleep did you good, food would do you better. When your eyes travel to the doorway, you can’t help but scream.
A Soldat stands in the doorway.
Wrapping a towel around yourself, you press your back to the shower wall, breath coming in rapid bursts. The Soldat simply attempts to shove its way into the bathroom, but it doesn’t fit and the drill hits the wall instead.
There’s no other way out and you’re pretty sure the thing is going to drill through the wall. It manages quicker than you expect and you’re still in the shower stall, holding onto the towel for dear life as it strides toward you.
Its one drill gets stuck on the stall door, the other reaching you and digging into your arm. Another scream and you’re cowering down in the corner of the stall, pressing your hand against the bleeding wound.
In a blink, the Soldat is tossed against the other wall and Heisenberg steps into the shower. His eyes take in the blood.
“Can you stand?”
You’re in shock, but you nod quickly and you don’t stop nodding until he’s got you out of the room.
He sits you in his desk chair and grips your wrist, turning your arm over to see if the puncture wound went all the way through. You dare to look at it and see the gouge in your arm, blood oozing onto the towel.
“Next time,” he growls, pulling the towel down and exposing your breasts. “You get me before you shower.”
It hurts when he presses the towel to the wound, applying pressure to stop the bleeding. You grit your teeth, reminded of a recent mission you were wounded in. Pain is temporary, you remind yourself as he cleans off the wound.
He actually has gauze and it feels good once he’s wrapping the wound.
“I didn’t mean to upset you,” you find yourself saying. “I’m sure you were busy.” You notice his eyes take in your nakedness. “Thank you…for everything.”
“This place isn’t safe for you, clearly. Don’t leave my sight again.”
You convince him you need food so he lets you get dressed. You’re afraid to enter where the Soldat is, but you grab the shirt and boots and run back to Heisenberg. He watches you dress in his white shirt and your knee-high boots.
“You are entirely too distracting,” he hums, staring at your nipples through the shirt.
In an instant, you’re shoved to the nearest wall, hands above your head, Heisenberg pressing a palm against your fists. He kisses you deeply, body flush against yours. His hand travels between you two and he plays with your clit. You not wearing panties has proven to be very distracting.
His fingers arched inside of you, mouth pressing kisses to your neck, you’re once again so pleasured. It feels like a wave consuming you – distracting you momentarily from your hunger.
“I’ve got to finish up a project,” he mutters against your neck. “What should I do with you?”
“You want to keep fucking me, you’ve gotta let a girl eat,” you quip.
Heisenberg blinks at you as he pulls away. “What a mouth on you…” he raises a brow. “Fine. It’ll keep you quiet while I work.”
He doesn’t have anything spectacular to eat but you manage to scrounge together something simple – some bread, veggies, more fruit. There’s some granola bars and you’re wondering where he got them but your curiosity melts away when he demands you get done and follow him. Snagging one, you scurry off behind him.
You’re deeper into the factory than you’ve ever been and it’s a bit overwhelming. Heisenberg drones on about some projects and gives you more information on the ins and outs of the Soldats. He claims he doesn’t expect you to work on any today, but you find it hard to believe. The man seems like he’s always plotting.
Halfway through the granola bar, he calls you over to help him but loud growling and snarling nearby alerts you both.
“Shit,” Heisenberg is suddenly irritated as he meanders to a window. His hand slams against the wall. “That oversized, psycho bitch.”
He’s spinning on his heels and approaching you quickly as you swallow your last mouthful of food. Eyes wide, you stare as he strides toward you and pulls your arm. As he’s dragging you down the hallway, you’re struggling to get out of his grip and repeating, “what’s wrong?”
“Apparently since I haven’t checked in recently, I get to be dropped in on by my sister.”
Your mouth goes dry at the thought and you stutter out a, “what do we do?”
“You overgrown waste of space, get out.”
You can hear them yelling somewhere up above, but Karl had specific instructions to take the elevator two floors down, walk through the doors to the left, and take off down the hallway from there. He said wherever you’d go, he’d find you but as your eyes take in the maze down here, you worry that isn’t true.
Still, what choice do you have? It’s either this or be skewered by his false sister once she finds out you’re still alive. The thought chills you.
Deep in the maze now, you hear the movement of the elevator and their raised voices stirring about. Metal clangs, screaming, and crashing sounds above and as you hear the shifting of the elevator again, you break out in a full sprint.
Adrenaline coursing through you, it’s like an electric shock to your senses. The metal clanging almost seems louder and you wonder if Karl is doing that just to alert you where they are.
You’re good and lost by now, entering rooms that attach to other rooms; trying to find a hiding spot before you realize they’re moving again.
Her senses are sharp, apparently.
Approaching a room deep in the maze of things, you see a few lights on; wonder what he uses this for – but your wondering is cut short by the shadow of a figure standing in the nearby doorway.
An almost-scream leaves your throat but you cover your mouth with both hands in attempt to silence yourself.
The beast grunts, approaching slowly. Both arms are drills – the same version of the Soldat that attacked you earlier. It raises its drills in a readying attack.
You run back the way you came, back to the parts of the factory you know these things aren’t. Karl had mentioned before to stay near him if you were ever to venture out, but given the current unexpected guest, you’d had no other choice.
The creature charges after you, its grunting loud. Of course you look back at it – its grey skin – it’s like you still can’t believe what you’re seeing.
You manage to find your way back to a main hallway and take it all the way down. Glancing back, you think you’ve lost it…and then a loud clanging noise greets your ears.
It feels like everything is in slow motion when you turn. The oversized woman from the church stands just off the elevator, her long claws reflecting light. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears and as she charges at you, you see Heisenberg swing his hammer behind her.
With a flick of his wrist, he sends a bunch of metal scraps toward you with such power, you’re crashing against the nearest wall.
“I told you to stay out of it,” he’s yelling and it makes you hold your breath from on the ground.
“You kept her?” the woman screams. “I’ve known you to do some stupid things, but this?”
“Yack yack, go squawk to Miranda.”
“Do you know who they are?” she gasps. You notice Heisenberg is silent. “The others I brought to Castle Dimitrescu, they offered up knowledge: these people were meant to gather information on us,” she’s screaming at him. “And yet you keep this spy as a plaything? I knew you had intentions, idiot man-thing. You need to take care of this now.”
She clicks her tongue when she notices you pulling Heisenberg’s shirt down to cover yourself – feeling exposed.
“Oh, believe me, I will…” his voice is polished, mannerly. It stops you in your tracks. “You know how I don’t like anyone ruining my fun. This little slut has been sucking and fucking all night. I’m using her until I’m done and then I’ll string her body up for the Lycans.”
The tall woman lifts her chin with an inhale. You notice as she takes you in, Heisenberg is glancing down the hall you ran from, as if looking for his creation.
“Well, I…” the woman pauses. “I suppose I must honor Mother Miranda’s choices – though they may be poor at times.” A nod. She steps toward you, punctures the skin on your chest. “You disgusting harlot. I hope you rot.”
You cry out from the pain, try backing away, but are pinned to the wall suddenly by metal wrapping around your wrists.
“I’ll take it from here, dear sister,” Heisenberg sneers. “It’s my hour of need and…I’m sure you don’t want to be around when I take what I’m owed.”
The suggestive tone in his voice makes the woman sneer at him.
“Fine. Show me out.” She stands at full height and saunters over to the elevator. Just as you think you’re safe, she pauses, sniffs the air. “She’s not alone.”
“There’s another.”
“What do you mean?” he’s spastic now.
“Did you bring another here?”
“No,” he quirks a brow at her. “Sure you aren’t losing it? Hat’s too big for your head – no time for big brain moments.”
She rolls her eyes and follows him to the elevator.
Heisenberg leaves you here, pinned up to the wall, crying and bleeding and praying to a higher power that thing doesn’t find its way back here or you’re dead.
And as the minutes tick by, you wonder just how honest he was being with his sister…was this all a ruse? His kindness just an extended roleplay to get what he wanted out of you before killing you?
The movement of the elevator startles you once again. A part of you is grateful for his return, meaning the monster may be kept at bay; yet you’re worried what his intentions are.
As he strides over to you against the wall, he exhales cigar smoke in your face.
“I like you strung up like that. My shirt, nipples hard, legs spread…” He kisses you then and you want to lean into it, but you’re frozen. He notices, pulls back. “Ah, I see the gears turning now…” he taps the cigar ashes off on your arm. “Not to worry, kitten. I’ll take care of you.”
The movement to your left makes your stomach drop. The monster from before lurches into view – loud and menacing.
“Should I let it repeat the scene from earlier? Your blood shed and my family won’t be forced to check on me anymore. No doubt Miranda’s about to find out about the fact that you’re still living…” as he rambles, the Soldat storms closer.
“Stop,” you whisper out, shaking.
He examines you then, “That’s real fear there, isn’t it, doll?” he huffs a laugh. “You truly think that I’m that much of a monster? To waste such a pretty specimen on such a gruesome death? No.” He snaps his fingers and uses his powers to urge the Soldat back down the hallway. “You’re lucky.” Another exhale of smoke in your face before he shifts his hands and the metal holding you to the wall loosens enough for you to slide to the floor. “Come on. Get up. No use wasting our time sulking.”
You’re hesitant to follow him to the elevator. Once again he’s acting so flippant and you’re afraid to let your guard down.
Still, what choice do you have? You follow wordlessly because you’re stuck here even if you find out he’s a bad man.
He chuckles at you as you join him on the elevator. “All that spunk is gone?”
You open your mouth to speak, close it, inhale sharply. He blinks slowly at you, crossing his arms.
“What the Hell was that? Are you planning on killing me, Heisenberg? Is this just some drawn out roleplay fantasy of yours? Fuck me, give me Stockholm Syndrome, then off to create me into some corpse of a machine?”
He smirks around the cigar as you raise your voice at him.
“There she is,” he hisses, grabbing you by the hair. “I wondered how long that fear would hide your attitude.”
When the elevator stops, he motions for you to follow him. You hesitate, but you do; slowly, cautiously. The maze of the factory takes you to his quarters in a way you can’t imagine memorizing. He’s silent as you walk together.
Barely into the room, he reaches for your shirt and rips down. The buttons go flying everywhere and the garment falls to the floor – leaving you naked minus your boots.
Heisenberg’s hands move as a collar and chains float behind you. You’re trying to maneuver away but it clasps around your neck before you can move too far. The chains are all connected, your wrists clasped behind your back. Heisenberg shoves you to your knees and you feel cold shackles around your ankles.
Eyes wide, mouth open, you’re too stunned to speak.
He’s in front of you in seconds, looking down at you like he’s inspecting his work. The way he licks his lower lip makes you shift your gaze to his erection right before your eyes.
“Too easy. Didn’t even put up a fight. You going soft on me, kitten? Or is it that you want this?”
He pulls a glove off, crouches down to your level, reaches in between your legs, and feels your wetness. A low groan leaves him.
“Wh-what are you…-”
“You so enjoy this, [Y/N]. Don’t act like you don’t, just embrace it. You like being my plaything – it’s the best job you’ve ever had.”
“Worst pay I’ve ever had,” you retort. It’s sort of a joke, you think.
His hand cups around your throat and he presses in warning.
“Real cute, huh?” He shoves you off, stands back up. “Mmm you have no idea how badly I want that mouth of yours on my cock…but I’ve got a few notes to take and a phone call to see if my dear brother knows of your survival yet. And you’re going to kneel and wait for me.”
He presses his hand to the back of your head, shoves his crotch in your face for a moment until you struggle against him, still unsure how to read the situation.
Finally, he pulls away, leaves you on the filthy floor, and sits himself at his desk.
“You should have just killed me on the bridge if this was all your plan.”
He doesn’t even look at you, which had been a hope of yours. You want to see his expression, see his eyes.
“Keep talking and I’ll bolt metal across your lips.”
Things go silent until he has to make his phone call – just pen scratches across paper and the normal metal clanging of the factory. You imagine more of those Soldats are stomping around somewhere and the image makes you shudder.
You barely notice when he’s picked up the phone, you’re too busy focusing on the pain in your knees.
“No, Moreau, this isn’t Miranda…” he sighs into the receiver. “Yes, I’ve heard that they were agents…no, I’m not worried…look, you globular piss baby: has Lady Gargantuan called you today?...”
You’re waiting for his response to continue but Heisenberg has gone silent. His back is to you so you can’t read his expression once again. You see his shoulders move with his breathing.
Suddenly, the receiver slams.
“This arrangement isn’t going to last long,” he growls as he stands, knocking over his chair.
Before you can respond, he uses his powers to lift up the metal chains around you and toss you to the bed. Face-planted, you struggle to sit up, turn over.
“If that weeping sack of mucus knows, you can bet he’s told the star of his Oedipus Complex.”
Heisenberg is unbuckling his belts, tossing off his shirt, completely undressing with each step toward the bed. You watch him from your awkward, uncomfortable position and your stomach flips.
When he flops down on the bed, he pulls the chains so you’re forced to straddle him. In ankle and wrist restraints, your range of movement is significantly reduced. He knows this. It’s clearly doing something for him as you watch his dick get hard again.
“Ride my cock, [Y/N],” he demands.
Your knees ache, but he helps pull you down onto him and the instant pleasure makes you forget about the soreness in your knees for a little while. Your legs can only spread so far with these ankle cuffs but that sort of adds to the sensation with how tight you are against him.
“Karl,” you whine.
“Mmm, yes, pet?”
“What are you gonna do to me?” your voice brakes as tears fill your eyes.
His expression changes for a fleeting moment. The ankle shackles are opened with a wave of his hand. You feel your knees buckle under you and you fall face-first into his broad chest. Heisenberg runs a hand through your hair, trace down your back. You feel him press his lips against the top of your head, a moan making his chest rumble as he thrusts up into you.
“Right now, I’m gonna enjoy you,” he speaks softly. “We’ll figure out the rest in the morning.”
It’s a soft moment and it catches you off guard. You lift your head up and meet eyes with him. It’s then that you realize his intentions, know in your heart that he was putting on a front for Lady Dimitrescu.
Suddenly, the position you’re in doesn’t seem so dire.
#karl heisenberg#heisenberg#karl heisenberg x reader#karl heisenberg x you#heisenberg x reader#heisenberg x you#smut#lemon#karl heisenberg fanfic
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Hi! Can I get a ship? I'm an INFP, straight girl with social anxiety. I listen to music all the time. (mostly rock) I never leave the house without my earphones. I enjoy movie nights, reading books (romance and mystery are my favourite genres), playing videogames, goofing around with my friends. My friends would describe me as kind, helpful and loyal. I'm really into photography. I wanted to be a photographer as a kid, but it's just a hobby nowadays. I'm a hopeless romantic and a night owl. It takes time for me to open up to people, but once I'm there I can be pretty talkative. I'm 5'8" tall, I have half long brown hair, dark brown eyes and I wear glasses. If I have to describe my style it would be somewhat 80s grunge. Thank you!
(tw: swearing and eating)
I ship you with Scott Summers!
You never got along very well with Scott Summers.
He always came across as a bit of a preppy asshole. Not that his preppy-ness was necessarily correlated to his asshole-ness, but it did seem to enhance it.
You may think that not getting along perfectly with some random boy who happened to live in the (large) building you live in is not much of a problem, but you are incorrect.
When your best friend (and dorm-mate) of ten years, Jean, is on a so-called "superhero team" with and is good friends with said boy, it is not exactly easy to avoid him.
Since Jean's biological family was not around, she made her own.
The first member of her so-called found family was you, who arrived just a day before she did. When she first entered your dorm, you were adjusting all of your newly unpacked trinkets. You were both young enough to immediately become friends, no questions asked, and your friendship stuck. You two tended to keep to yourselves and each other, until you two were older.
When Jean was invited to join the X-Men with some of her friends, you couldn’t have been prouder. The problem was that when you met this other part of her found family, it did not go well. None of you clicked whenever in the same room, and Scott immediately made fun of you the moment he met you. You ultimately decided to avoid her other friends, but be supportive of them. Not because you couldn’t handle Scott, but because you didn’t want to put Jean in a position where she had to choose between you and them. Overall, this just made Jean desperately want you and her other friends to get along.
"Come on, just sneak out with us this one time!" Jean was sitting on the edge of your bed, making puppy dog eyes at you and clasping her hands together.
She always tried to convince you to hang out with her friend group. Even if that meant, in this case, convincing you to break (very reasonable) rules with them.
"No. Absolutely not. Jubilee is going to try to 'catch me a man', and Scott's going to try to be funny but just end up making fun of me. Besides, why would I break school rules and steal a car for a trip to the mall?"
"Because you haven't seen Empire Strikes Back yet, and I bought you a ticket for 1:00 PM today."
"Shit. You're evil, you know that? This is unfair. You know me too well."
Jean beamed at you. "Thank you, I try. Now, get dressed, you're going to love this."
"I am dressed, and you can’t make demands. I’m the one being convinced here!"
"I will not be pestered by Jubilee's pleas to let her give you a makeover! Just throw on jeans instead of your sweatpants or something! Now chop, chop! We're leaving in 10 minutes!"
"I'm sorry, 10 minutes?"
"I knew if you had more than 15, you would change your mind. Meet me by the front door when you're ready to go!"
After Jean left your shared room, you threw on some different clothes and hastily grabbed everything you needed to go. With your sneakers in your hands, you ran into the school's kitchen and shoved a granola bar in your mouth. As you were hopping, trying to force your shoes on your feet, someone spoke from behind you.
"Well, you look elegant as ever."
You froze, squinted your eyes, and clenched your jaw. Well, as much as you could with the previously mentioned granola bar in your mouth.
Scott Summers.
You swallowed and turned around, plastering on a smile in preparation to respond to his sarcasm.
"Well, you know me, unwaveringly ethereal."
Once you finished your attempt to keep the peace, your grin dropped off your face and you went to tie on your shoes, occasionally having to push your glasses back up your nose as you did so.
Jean then started talking to you while making her way into the kitchen.
"Come on, we need to go before Charles's class ends- well, well, well, look at you two!" she spoke in a sing-song tone at the end.
"Trust me, there's no 'you two' here." Scott hissed at her. Hissed! The audacity, would it be so terrible for him to be theoretical friends with you?
"Calm down, I just mean that I'm glad you two are talking," Jean said. "But we need to go. Like- now."
Jean then grabbed you by the arm and started to pull you out of the room, wiggling her eyebrows at Scott on the way out. Scott got up to trail behind you two, if he could glare at people with the glasses he wore, then he would have been glaring at her.
You elbowed Jean in the side and whisper shouted at her.
"What was that? What was the purpose of the eyebrow wiggle?"
"What eyebrow wiggle? I have no idea what you're talking about."
"You're a menace to society, you know that?"
"I am aware that you don't actually think I'm a menace, but I appreciate the compliment." She leaned down and messed up your hair. "Now let's move it!"
When you got to the minivan you were all "borrowing" from Charles, most everyone was already there. Kurt, Jubilee, and Peter took the back seats, and Ororo was sitting in the driver's seat.
You walked to sit shotgun, but Jean sped up to beat you to the seat.
Squinting at her, you went to sit in the middle row, where Scott also made to sit.
It was silent for the first minute of the drive until Jubilee tried to strike up a conversation.
"So! Y/N, I'm so glad you decided to hang out with us! I love your outfit. Ooh! Peter, hand me my bag! I have a scrunchie that will match perfectly."
Peter looked at her with mock disbelief. "Yeah. dude, make me reach behind my seat and into the trunk of the car."
Kurt clearly did not want to be part of this conflict.
Jubilee smiled sweetly at Peter. "Shut up and grab me my bag, please?"
Peter sighed half-sarcastically. "Yes ma'am."
Well, Jean's friends were just as you remember (aka slightly crazy).
You heard Jean's voice in your mind "If you don't wear that scrunchie it will genuinely hurt Jubilee's feelings, and I will never forgive you."
You looked at her through the mirror and raised your eyebrows.
Jubilee's voice took back your attention. "Here it is! Scotty, I can't reach. Can you hand this to her?"
Scott visibly winced at the nickname "Scotty" but handed you the scrunchie anyway. After trying to hide your amusement at the use of "Scotty", you attempted to put your hair up with the scrunchie, and you saw Jean smile. You were determined to make friends with these people for Jean.
"Thanks, Jubilee," You smiled at her. "So, how do I look?"
Scott chimed in immediately. "Like you're twelve."
"Ok, shut up Scott. You look cool, Y/N." Ororo gave you a thumbs up from the front seat. They were all clearly told to make friends with you by Jean in the same way you were. Well... told or threatened. Who's to say.
The car ride was awkward, to say the least. When you finally arrived at the mall and exited the car, you felt like you could finally breathe. You spoke first while you were all walking into the mall.
"So, how are we planning on killing time before Empire?"
"Well, Jubilee wanted to pick up some more eyeshadow with me, and Peter, Kurt, and Ororo are probably going to buy even more colored leather jackets," Jean said.
"Where does that leave me and your wallflower?" Scott asked Jean. You turned to look at him, attempting to make your lack of amusement clear. "What?" He shrugged, "It's true!"
"Ok, first of all, she's not actually that shy, you're just mean. Second of all, I was hoping you two could go into the book shop together until we're done."
Your eyes widened as you turned to Jean, silently begging her not to leave you and Scott alone.
"What? Why are you looking at me like I'm crazy? Maybe I thought you would try to get along because you both love me and I want you to be friends!"
Scott responded first. "You're totally guilt-tripping us right now."
"Yes!" Jean responded. "Yes I am, and you better be feeling guilty. Now, we're all going inside, and you are going into that bookstore together, you are going to bond over your cheesy dreams about falling in love, and, Scott, you are going to be kind! Or I will be very upset!"
You and Scott looked at each other (slightly afraid) before you turned to Jean and nodded your head at her.
"Ok. Let's go, Scott." You looked at him and he nodded at you both of you then started to head to the bookstore.
In the door of the shop, you glanced at him awkwardly. "So... is there a specific section you want to visit? Or-"
"Uh, I usually just... wander." He was bouncing on his heels.
"Oh! Ok, uh... where you lead I will follow!"
He spun around and started to walk aimlessly, actually trying to make conversation.
"So- you take photos?"
"...How did you know that?"
"I've seen you. That sounds creepy, I just mean that I saw you with a camera once when you walked Jean to training. It seemed nice. Only a dumbass would own a nice camera and not use it."
"How kind of you to not see me as a dumbass," you mumbled as you ran your hand across the book binds. "Do you have any hobbies?"
"Not really to be honest. Well, actually- I like... cars."
"...Cars. Huh. Elaborate."
"My brother, his name is Alex, taught me how to fix up cars when I was younger. Ooh- recently we found this beautiful 1962 AMC Rambler- I mean, it was basically a pile of garbage, but we're fixing it up."
"What's a Rambler?"
"W- 'What's a Rambler?'" He looked at you like you were speaking another language. "A 1962 AMC Rambler is only the car of my dreams!"
"The 'car of your dreams'?"
"Uh, yeah. What- do you not have a dream car?"
You laughed at him, "No? I don’t know that much about cars."
"You don’t have to know shit about cars to have a dream car! Come on, you don't have any car you would want to drive?"
"A school bus."
"...What do you mean."
"I mean- I bet I could live in a school bus. It's big, has a lot of windows, it's yellow." Scott was surprisingly easy to talk to.
"A school bus. Huh."
"I thought of that on the spot, it's not a long-term dream of mine."
"No, I see the appeal. I do think it's weird that you listed it being yellow as one of its positive attributes though."
"Holy shit. Holy shit!"
"What? What's the problem?"
You grabbed the book you spotted and held it out to him with your arms fully outstretched, it almost hit his nose. "Do you know what this is?"
Scott's hands appeared at the top of the book, and he pushed it down so you could see his confused expression. "A... book?"
"Very funny, Scotty, but no this is not just a book. This is a sequel."
He crossed his arms across his chest. "... 'Scotty'? I'm gonna kill Lee."
"Who's Lee?"
"If you can call her 'Lee' why can’t she call you 'Scotty'?"
"Because 'Scotty' makes me sound like I'm twelve!"
"Well, according to you, this scrunchie makes me look twelve. So I guess we're even, Scotty."
"I see why you and Jean are friends. You’re both evil."
"I called her evil not 10 minutes ago! Look at us, 'bonding' and all."
"Speaking of a 10 minutes ago, and that whole 'twelve' thing, I'm sorry."
"What do you mean?"
"Sorry for calling you twelve... and a wallflower. You seem... neat."
"Thanks... I think."
"Neat is a good thing."
"I'm kinda messy actually."
"I meant neat as in like- cool. Plus, you’re the first friend-ish person I've had that also wears glasses!"
You smiled at each other for a moment.
This was amusing.
He was amusing.
Unfortunately, someone popped the bubble encasing you and Scott. "Wow, 'friendish'? That's an upgrade from them low-key hating each other."
You whipped your head around to see Peter and Jean standing on the other side of the aisle, clearly having been observing and talking about you.
Scott spoke first. "How long have you two been standing there?"
"Long enough," Jean smiled. "You two get along."
"...So?" Scott asked.
"So, about an hour ago that seemed completely impossible."
An hour? That couldn’t be possible. "Wait, what time is it?"
Jean responded. "12:45, you’ve sure been chatting for a long time."
Scott cleared his throat and turned to you, "So, uh, you should buy that book, and then we should head to the movie theater room thingie."
You looked back at him. "Yeah! Ok, so... yeah."
After you and Scott walked away, Peter leaned over to whisper to Jean. "Well, that was a long glance. We've really gotta lock 'em in a closet together or something."
Jean shoved Peter, and you all went about your mall trip as you did before, except that now you might have a new friend... ish.
#tw swearing#scott summers x reader#x men#scott summers#tw eating#writer's block#am i right?#i really hope this is good#i did research on cars for this#also i know hank has glasses but him and scott aren't really friends they're more like a teacher student thing so shut up
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Perfect || Izuku x Reader
Pairing: Izuku x Reader
Request: “Hiya, precious bean! So, I've requested this a few times from other authors, but none have been comfortable with it so far. I found your page recently though, and you're writing is amazing! So, maybe Stockholm! Reader x Yandere Izuku, where reader thinks she isn't good enough for bb Zuku and gets anorexic and loses lots of weight, and when she gets super weak Izuku finds out? Love your work -Anonymous”
Notes: Wow, thank you so much! I’m glad you like my writing, and I hope you enjoy how it turned out. Heads up, yandere themes are ahead [Mentions of Anorexia, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Self-Hatred, Kidnapping, etc.]
All-day you had felt off. Not necessarily feverish, just more tired than usual. Even the usually cozy temperature of the house felt slightly colder than normal. Leaving you with the feeling of not even wanting to get out from your spot within the covers. However, you knew you had to. You had stayed in bed long enough.
Izuku would be home soon, and you wanted to show your appreciation to him for working so hard by cooking him dinner. You had been watching a cooking show earlier in the day and saw them preparing Katsudon. It triggered a memory that you had of Izuku where he mentioned early on in your… ‘relationship’ that he really liked Katsudon, so you were doing your best to recreate it.
You were just about done, which was good because the smell was starting to make your stomach growl slightly. You hadn’t had a full meal for a few days now, and you were definitely starting to feel the effects. You don’t remember what triggered it entirely, you just remembered looking at yourself in the mirror one day and feeling nothing but dissatisfaction. Midoriya would tell you repeatedly how ‘beautiful,’ and ‘stunning’ you were, but you could never understand, and the more you continued to look at yourself, the more you couldn't help but wonder...what if he left you. What if one day, he sees you the way you see yourself. Would he still love you? Would he continue to keep you around? You had been with him for so long that the mere thought of him tossing you to the side was enough to crush you. You didn’t want to give him a reason to leave, so you did your best to change.
At first, you would only skip meals every now and again, but dissatisfied with the lack of results, you started missing more and more. Until you were here. Going on days without eating more than a granola bar. You felt Izuku growing suspicious, so whenever he was away, you would make yourself meals, only to throw them down the garbage disposal after they were completed. The missing food, along with the dirty dishes and silverware giving the illusion that you had eaten something. Then when he would come home, you would insist that you had already eaten.
You finished up a plate for him and placed it on the dining room table before returning to the kitchen to clean up your mess. You pulled out some plastic containers and moved your eyes over the rest of the food left behind. Maybe a bite wouldn’t hurt? Eyes slowly finding their way to your stomach. No. Better not.
You quickly brought your attention back to your pan, moving the leftovers of your meal into a tupperware container. You were so absorbed in your cooking, you didn’t even notice that Izuku returned. Watching you from the kitchen entrance, his expression falling into a state of bliss at the sight of you. His perfect angel.
His feet made their way over to you, hands wrapping around your torso from behind, pulling you closer to him. Gently he leaned down placing his head against your neck, his hair, now even wilder than usual after a day of hero work, tickling your skin, causing you to try to squirm away. But Izuku didn’t back down, only humming, a small chuckle erupting from his chest.
“Mmm, smells amazing, Angel. What did you make?”
“Katsudon. I thought that, maybe, you deserved it after the week you had.” You explained completely oblivious to the ecstatic look, creeping onto his face.
“You remembered?” He questioned, turning you around so you were both facing one another. You felt yourself becoming more and more embarrassed at his lingering gaze before he finally leaned down. Connecting you against him gently, as he savored the taste of your lips on his, sucking lightly on your bottom lip before releasing you. “Thank you. You don’t know how much it means. Knowing that you prepared this meal just for me. Now, come on, let’s go dig in.”
“I’ll just finish cleaning up. Your plate is made and is already on the table.”
“Oh…” He trailed off, hands slipping off of your waist, “You’re not going to join me today?” He was disappointed, and you couldn’t help but feel guilty. You knew how much he enjoyed spending time with you, but being forced to sit through a dinner with him, answering questions as to why you’re not eating was just something you couldn’t do. It would only bring up even more questions you weren’t willing to answer.
“No, sorry. I ate before you came home. I guess all that cleaning really worked up an appetite.” You stated casually, making sure to finish your lie off with a smile, hoping it would be enough to sell it. He gave you a suspicious look, but followed it up with a kiss on the forehead before walking over to the dining room.
“You know you really shouldn’t overwork yourself,” Izuku called out, “You shouldn’t even be cleaning or cooking, although I do appreciate it. I told you so many times that I’m more than capable of doing all of that when I get home.”
“I know, but I want to. I feel guilty since you’re doing so much for me, it just seems unfair. Plus, I like cooking for you.”
“Well, I do love coming home to you looking so focused.”
Slowly your hearing began fading out, instead being replaced with a high-pitched ringing, followed by a slow pressure that was brought into your head as you felt your world becoming more wobbly. Your vision blurring before you lost consciousness completely. The last thing you heard being the clattering of the pan hitting the floor, and Izuku calling out to you.
Ironically, the last of the two ended up being the first thing you heard as well, as you began coming to. Izuku was panicking, shaking you as tears were falling down his face. “Y/N? Oh, thank god!” He cried out, pulling you against his chest. You could hear his frantic heartbeat and uneven breathing. Confirming he was just as scared as he looked. “I knew something was wrong. I knew it! And look at what happened. I wasn’t able to keep you safe.”
Hearing him blame himself made you feel sick. You were the one to blame. You were the one at fault, not him.
“No, Izuku.” You spoke up, trying to lift yourself up, only to be pulled back down into his lap.
“Don’t get up! You could have a concussion. Do you feel nauseous or dizzy at all?” He held the sides of your face and and began examining you intently.
“No, I feel fine.” You lied, trying to push him off of you.
“You’re lying, Y/N. Why won’t you just be honest with me?” He sighed frustratedly, “I’m going to ask you something and I need you to be honest with me. Have you been eating?”
You froze, caught off guard by the straightforwardness of the question. He didn’t beat around the bush at all, and that was unlike him. He isn’t usually one to say what he was thinking, but this was different. Your health and safety is something he takes seriously.
Your expression giving him all the answers that he needed, he continued. Raking his fingers through his hair before speaking up. “Why? Just…why? Why would you do something so careless? Is there something wrong with the food here? Did I not get you anything that you liked? Because if that’s the case I’ll fix it. I-I’ll get you something else. Anything, just tell me what you want.”
“That’s not it.” You whispered, looking down at your lap as remorse overcame you.
“Then what is it? Please,” He begged, “just tell me.”
You held back tears as your throat started becoming tighter. You felt like you were trapped, and you just wanted to be left alone, but you knew that wasn’t an option. Not until you told him the truth.
“I just wanted to be pretty for you,” you confessed, tears making their way down your cheeks, “I just would look in the mirror and hate myself. I hated what I saw. And I was just so scared, that if you saw me, the way that I saw me, then you would leave. And I would be all alone.”
Izuku was stunned, watching you break down and confess what’s been going through your mind broke his heart. Was that really how you saw yourself? He just couldn’t understand. He could never leave you. His love for you was just too strong. How could you not see yourself as pretty, when to him, there’s no one in this world more breathtaking than you.
“Shh, I’m so sorry,” He soothed, kissing your face between each syllable, “this is my fault. You only feel this way because I haven’t made you feel loved enough. That’s okay though because I’ll fix it. I’ll take time off of work so I can spend more free time with you. I’ll show you just how much I love each and every day until you can’t forget it. You’re just so beautiful, and so incredible, but your beauty goes so much deeper than that. I don’t care about the way you look at all. I love you for who you are. And who you are is Y/N. Just plain and simple. You’re my Y/N. And nothing will ever change that. Especially not something as meaningless as your weight. So please, stop. Just stop for me. I want my happy healthy, Angel back.”
After more words of encouragement from your boyfriend, you finally worked up enough strength to bring yourself to eat. It was only a little at first, but Izuku was on top of the moon regardless. He kept his promise of taking time off of work to spend more time with you, but a lot of that time was spent making sure you were well fed. He always made sure you had cleared your plate before he allowed the two of you to do anything fun together.
It was so hard at first, but Izuku was nothing if not persistent. Whenever he caught you looking in the mirror too long, he would immediately pull you away, making you lay in bed with him as he counted off all the things he loved about you. It was so corny, but oddly enough, little by little you felt it working. And that little amount of progress was all the hope and reassurance that you both needed to prove that you were getting better. And that it would only be a matter of time before you were comfortable in your own skin again. Something that Izuku was going to make sure happened.
#yanderesleepybutwriting#yandere#yandere boku no hero academia#yandere my hero academia#yandere midoriya#yandere midoriya x reader#yandere izuku#yandere izuku x reader#midoriya izuku#izuku midoria x reader#midoriya imagine#midoriya x reader#yandere deku#yandere deku x reader#deku x reader#deku imagine#bnha fanfiction#bnha#bnha imagines#bnha deku#mha fanfiction#mha x reader#mha headcanons#mha izuku#mha#perfect
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