#but like yow.
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samcarter34 · 1 month ago
"With Marisha, we didn't talk about it, we didn't plan it. In fact, we planned on it not being a thing."
...Yeah, I can tell.
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selenevassos · 8 months ago
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still got it
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kamaluhkhan · 3 months ago
i should be working on my thesis. i should be grading midterms. but instead? instead im thinking about whether i should do a vi x reader hunger games au or buffy the vampire slayer au or spiderverse au.
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monostardust · 6 months ago
Me whenever I'm asked why I really took Psychology
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Ahem it's definitely not because Hannibal changed my brain chemistry ehem definitely not. I've always wanted to dissect the human mind of course it didn't actually topple over coz of Hannibal.
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hhoneycloves · 9 months ago
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i love this bastard. he's disgusting. i love him. he's terribly obsessive. alternate versions under the cut :3 [including a desaturated version]
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everyone's least favorite cat <333
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tarczar · 1 year ago
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realized way too late that pongorma's head is actually a helmet (skimming the fandom wiki trivia page when I got distracted) meh. I does what I wants and I personally think the party having a wrinkly old bum in it is awesome
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helmet gormas
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chappellrroan · 11 months ago
society if daughters didn't have to be the peace mediator in the family
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monkeytrick · 10 months ago
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Mark Todd / “Devil’s Mission” / 1989
(oil on canvas, 178 by 183 cm)
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I might have to start being obsessed with Matt Smith again.
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rroaddkill · 11 months ago
I gotta draw chucknica and Tiffany. I have to.
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selenevassos · 1 year ago
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my first ever sonics.... and some of my new sonics...
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start-anywhere · 9 months ago
gonna admit something which is that i just finally googled tma/tme and learned these stand for trans misogyny affected and trans misogyny excluded
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theinkchild · 9 months ago
alright fine, making a silly post here since im dissapointed in engagment lol.
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text ahoy ahead, for those of you who have forgotten what GD rambling looks like, since my blog postings are more and more rare these days...
and no. i refuse to use a readmore. this post should be shortened automatically for those on the dash, mobile, whatever. if not, SCREW it. i only have a few mins. one shot to ramble and i refuse to edit. will just spill my guts. BLEGH.
🔥🔥🔥 final warning long emotional post entry start 🔥🔥🔥
well to start off, yea i've been "on a break" since May. by break, i wanna define it as, changing my routine, doing something good for me that will benefit me, reflecting back on the stuff i did when i wasn't on it.
"a break" doesn't really matter here. i've been disegnaged. it's really hard for me to interact on here when i've treated this place like a grey area. it's the same for many places that don't feel like they're benefitting my growth atm. this place STILL holds alot of meaning to me, for being the 2nd platform i took root in, and started friendships (or also rather continued them) on.
i slowed down once i realized how the familiar craziness sunk too deep with me, and I've regretted some attitudes i've had in the past where i'd scream maniacally at nothing to earn not much back. like, i wasn't really getting it. and at the same time, i refused to do what i should have to make it more possible.
this time really mattered.
the growth i experienced while i was disengaged from here was quite a bit. i feel like i regained a part of me i always had latent, and didn't when i was with the wrong crowd, doing the same meaningless things day in and out.
when i was engaged in conversations that had more meaning, something back to give rather than a shallow laugh, everything started to click.
when i hung out with a different crowd not formed primarily by the friends i made here, i felt like i couldn't break away, but in a sense i saw something that i missed having... i saw the same journey i was taking but from more experienced folks.
when it came to a breaking point recently when someone deeply rooted in that community fell off, i took charge. i wanted to END the torment he casually brought to everyone. i ended up doing just that, and leaving everyone in that community with the best outcome.
NOW, i say this on my silly little blog cuz i doubt anyone in either group is listening. the chances are non zero, but i'm honestly happy if at least one person is listening, even if it's a stranger, or quiet long time fan of mine. i've been so disengaged here that i'm really just writing this for myself, like i always have been.
this place, where i feel like i lost some folks and may have even outright refused to make or advance any friendships just cuz i rejected plain invites to do so.. i could've done anything...
instead, i ended up sticking up for someone who needed it the most. everything just lined up for the both of us. all the STUPID drama from stupid misunderstandings, the grievances, the small issues, that all added up to the moment we had to do the right thing. all because even if the world gave up on us, we somehow didn't give up, even if both of us had to be repeatidly brought back to reality when we almost both ended ours on separate instances.
we helped eachother with the little freedom we had left.
we ENDED something that had to be ended and gave everyone the full happiness they deserved for all those years they didn't have it.
that, as insignificant as it is to literally 99% of the population, and fuck it, who the fuck cares if you were my old friend who hardly cared. idk bro. kindly fuck off if you are. i'm still somehow following you ._.
but, it's very very significant to me and all the friends i still regularly interact with. they mean the world to me, and i'm happy THEY saw me grow.
i will continue. to keep doing what i do best.
and i refuse to die or back down or abandon my blog, despite all the grievances i had in the past with it.
i'm just making a deeper mark on this world the more i prove i exist and continue to be a survivor.
even if my self esteem is bad on some days. even if my will isn't even as strong as a worm left to fry on asphalt.
i refuse to go on quietly.
and i'm stronger now because i refuse to be as bad as the people who treated me far worse. i finally gained some sense and standards.
and if you don't think that's crazy, then idk man enjoy your life. i'm gonna keep continue living mine lol
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ge · 1 year ago
🐌: old man chung myung.... save me old man chung myung with wrinkles and a low ponytail..... i need to kms rn so that i can be reincarnated as his *loud train noise*
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ivie-ro · 1 year ago
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This is my dumb dumb. He was 150lb last time I weighed him and is always *extremely* excited to see young kids. The family I adopted him from as an older puppy had a 5 year old son he played with a lot, so he gets super playful and affectionate around anyone near that age. But he's 3x the size he was then and kids get knocked down easily and then are scared of dogs. Unless the kid has been around and done well with a 50lb+ excitable dog I try to limit their playful interactions and even then I'm watching like a hawk. He sits quietly for pets from other kids but he stays in a heel position the whole time.
I recently started working in a daycare with kids 3-6 years old. As soon as I get home I have to change my clothes because his nose is glued to my pants while he looks at me with sad betrayal in his big brown eyes.
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ttngummybear · 1 year ago
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Very important Yow update: I found him a collar and got him a tag engraved!
Closeup of the collar:
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It's got little rainbow stars on it!
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