#but like the way lea hates cameras is so cute
leaschuller · 3 years
Bayern Frauen 21/22 season team presentation
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
I just remembered some other things that really annoy me so here's another list.
Repost tiktok and Instagram accounts especially ones that don't give credit.
The honey chewing videos like stop looking at the camera whilst you eat honey it's gross fuck off.
People who shame interests that don't match theirs. Like not a football stan account shaming someone for liking Minecraft. Their interests have nothing to do with you and yours has nothing to do with them so leave them alone.
Adults who fake having child like mannerisms like taking small bites of foods and trying to look cute and childish.
People who think that only child means snobby. Especially when most kids are the only child because their parents couldn't afford to pay for more than one child. We're not in a wattpad story where the rich bully is an only child.
Daddy Long legs and stick insects.
People who try to force their opinions on others no matter the subject like let people have different opinions and ideologies than you.
People who think that not downloading tiktok is a flex or a personality trait.
People who pretend to be living under a rock it's not making you a unique person.
I don't like people who gatekeep "fandom" things like i promise you a 13 year old discovering MCR isn't going to ruin it for you but if it does that's completely on you not them, you're the one getting offended over someone else's entertainment.
People who spend time defending their favs from the general public. The person you're defending doesn't care and in a week the person you were fighting will have forgotten that some random fan account started attacking them for having an opinion.
People who try to assign colours to school subjects and then fight over it. It's a colour and subject why are you upset over it.
Artificial fruit flavouring especially banana.
Healing and meditation stuff. If you like it and believe it that's fine but my ADHD can not sit still for that long and listen to some woman ramble about inner peace and tranquility.
People who claim that new fans ruin things. For example saying that the original Harry Potter fans were way better than the new ones is weird like it's not that deep and I'm sorry you can't handle change but get out of the past grandma.
People who shame situations like why are you bullying a child for having lice, why are you bullying someone for being uneducated on things. Same as poor shaming. That's weird.
Instagram couples.
Burner accounts made with the sole purpose of bullying people like do it on your main account you fucking coward. At leas they're open about their opinions instead of hiding anonymously.
Carrds. Especially ones used as informational things.
The phrase "through thick and thin" or "through all the ups and downs" being used in celebration or anniversary posts like that is low-key a backhanded compliment. We're still together even after the 6 times you cheated on me = We've been through thick and thing together.
Stairs without railing or with gaps in-between them. I hate them.
People who use their minority card as a way to get things. "You have to agree with me or you're racist" or "@ *insert celeb* follow me or you're homophobic" Same as guilt tripping people by using the minority card and trauma card. Like I'm sorry your whole family got eaten by a dragon but it doesn't give you the pass to be a demanding bitch.
The whole "Android is worse than iPhone" and "Android user derogatory" thing. First off the only reason is because iPhones can't save android photos without ruining the quality which is by the iPhone fault. Secondly it's poor person shaming. Like why is it any of your business what phone someone uses they all have the same functions. Like I hate to break it to iPhone users but you're literally being ripped off, you can get the same phone or an even better one for less than half the price.
Unsolicited dick pics and people who blackmail using revenge porn. Both of which is illegal might I add both under sexual and cyber harassment.
People who shame things like tattoos, piercings and dyed hair. Like let someone express themselves they're not harming anyone by tattooing a heart on their wrist and getting a nose ring.
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alphabees-writes · 5 years
Glee - S1 E4 (Preggers)
And from this moment onwards, Kurt Hummel proceeded to steal every single damn scene he was in. I’m actually unironically excited for this one. I didn’t think that could still happen! Here goes!
I will always love this Single Ladies scene. I will always love season 1′s Tina/Kurt friendship. Also, Brittany’s here, inexplicably. Did he pay her for this? In Pixie sticks, perhaps? Or Monopoly money?
“Kurt’s Superstar Playlist” is the most adorable name his playlist could possibly have. All we get to see on it are 4 Beyonce songs, and 1 Gwen Stefani - but it’s a cute little insight.
God sometimes I forget how cute Jenna Ushkowitz is and then this scene really slaps me round the face with it huh!!!
WHY are you filming this, Kurt? What are you using this for? I’d love to know. I’d say it’s just to check out his own dancing technique but it’s in black and white… Where are you posting this!!!
I want that swingy-suspended chair thing he has in his room sooooo bad
Ok now the fact that this is being filmed is giving me fic ideas…
BURT HUMMEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BURT F U C K I N G HUMMEL BABIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God the look of fear on all three of their faces when they see Burt??? Don’t you worry kids he’ll come around real soon…
Burt’s approving nod when he yanks on Kurt’s unitard… God I love this man.
The LOOK on Kurt’s FACE when Brittany says he’s on the football team… I can hear his inner monologue like “bitch we may be in the basement but I will make a window to throw you out of”
Kurt just wants to relate to his old man so bad :( Baby boy he’s already so damn proud of you!!! Also that LAUGH.
He really just slapped Tina’s ass! And she completely rolls with it, the absolute champion. Also, the subtitles Netflix provided me with were (smacks bottom) and I just love that.
Oh god it immediately cuts to the WORST scene. Terri learning to give birth. William Schuester trying to help. Just let me perish, RIB?
Shout out to Kendra’s actress for somehow managing to make her character even more despicable than Terri!
Actually the shit she says to Will here is almost valid… All three of them are fucking awful huh!
Seriously why are Kendra and Terri the best actresses on this whole show? It’s the only reason I care about this fake pregnancy arc anymore…
The teacher’s lounge is always either an arid, desolate wasteland, or the only watering hole within 100 miles where all the thirsty ass teachers congregate. Take your pick.
Why does Will pretend to hesitate before going to sit with Ken and Emma? They’re the only people we ever see you talk to dude!!!
Ken with the psychoanalysis, wow. Just hit her right there buddy!
Rachel really just EXPECTS every solo… I almost forgot how bad she was when she started. “Maria is MY part!” Not anymore!! Kudos to Lea Michele for managing to make Rachel really sound like she thinks she’s the victim when she really isn’t.
Tina’s face… She was seriously happy. Season 1 Rachel SUCKS for even trying to take this from her. She IS talented. She IS ready!
Everybody else knows it’s a fat load of BS… Kurt lowers his sunglasses to look at her like she’s a bug beneath his shoe. Also, Kurt, why sunglasses? You don’t start getting hangovers ‘til next episode, sweetie!!
“You’re trying to punish me” I think being a total martyr might be one of Rachel’s worst traits early on in the series. I get that performing is her deal, but she can’t even take a second to at least fake being happy for Tina? Unreal.
Everybody else just moving straight on with it is hilarious. They’re all so happy for Tina and don’t give a shit about Rachel’s melodrama, which I’m living for!
I wanna be all “Finn’s an arrogant bastard for assuming Kurt wanted to ask him to prom, grr!!” But then I remember Kurt’s canonically in love with him at this point, so I’ll let him off this time
Kurt’s devious little smile when he asks Finn for a favour… I love one (1) boy!
AHHH THE TRYOUT SCENE. INCREDIBLE. This might honestly be my favourite scene from season 1. It’s definitely up there, anyway.
Cute brotherly Furt moments. Finn putting that helmet on for him. “Red’s your colour!” And they DON’T make Kurt get all giggly about Finn just being nice to him? Kurt just telling him he’s really cool? Pure.
“Rehearsing–” “PRACTICING!”
Finn tells Kurt he’ll be murdered if he uses his music and Kurt comes straight back with that rum chocolate souffle line. This show would be NOTHING without Kurt.
And THIS is what I mean when I say Kurt was a Gryffindor from the get-go. Even now he’s refusing to be anything less than himself for anybody, even the jackasses that harass him every day when he’s on their pitch.
Shut the fuuuuuuuck up, Puck!
“Hi, I’m Kurt Hummel and I’ll be auditioning for the role of kicker.” What did we do to deserve him?
His starting pose… His hips… The footwork… “That was good, right?” His whole ATTITUDE. THE ROYAL WAVE.
As if the TV network would cancel Sue’s news segment for having a few Cheerios in the glee club?
Oh god. Quinn telling Finn she’s pregnant. The fucking cinematography here… The camera work, the audio mixing…
“Think of the mail… Think of the MAIL…”
Did Quinn seriously just say “Ask Jeeves” told her the hot tub could knock her up? I mean, I know she’s lying, but ASK JEEVES? That should’ve tipped Finn off more than anything else…
Damn. Season 1 really had the power to get me shook, laughing, and then crying in the span of 30 seconds? Or maybe it’s just because I can’t stand seeing Diana cry…  
Sandy lets his kettle whistle for far too long, it stresses me out
Sue just… Offers this fired man a job? I know she’s got Figgins by the balls over the stockings commercial, but come on, surely the council would get involved or whatever???
Rachel sucks right now but god damn it Taking Chances gives me chills every time I hear her sing it… And she’s so cute when they tell her she got the lead!!!
If musical stuff is so frowned upon socially here, how are they expecting to get a full cast for Cabaret? Especially if NONE of the other glee kids are interested?
And there’s no funding for the arts but they have a whole ballet studio on school property…?
Sign #12 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: He just straight up tells Rachel that he’s the only person that likes her, which is wrong for so many reasons
He does have a point about Rachel needing to take a step back sometimes though. I hate that she’s so awful sometimes that I have to agree with Schuester.
He’s not HURTING you Rachel, he’s giving a chance to grow to somebody else!
Jenna did a beautiful job with this solo… Tina’s so cute too! I love her singing this sweet song with her goth aesthetic
This scene between Mr Schue and Tina was almost sweet BUT:
Sign #13 That Mr Schuester Is An Asshole: He did NOT need to touch Tina’s shoulders, or get that close, or whisper to comfort her.
Don’t take one for the team, Tina! Take one for YOURSELF!
I’ll let him hugging Finn slide because, wow, Finn’s breaking my heart right now…
However I will not let it slide that he’s seemingly taken him off campus for lunch…???? Dude, take him to your office. This is creepy as all hell even if he has good intentions…
“I got this at the school library. Did you know that you can just… Borrow books from there?” Protect him. Protect him at ALL costs. He was so genuinely inspired by watching Kurt make those goals that he went to a library for the first time in his LIFE oh my goodness
Oh god. The camera panning from a random father and his young son, over to Mr Schue looking at Finn? HE’S NOT YOUR SON MY GUY, HE IS YOUR PUPIL. PROFESSIONAL BOUNDARIES!!!
Terri and Will are both brushing their teeth with no toothpaste… Freaks…
Have I mentioned how much I adore those little background choir soundbites between scenes? They did so much for this show…
SHUT! UP! PUCK! Drink your fucking character development juice already!!!
Kurt just casually dropping in Sun Tzu’s Art of War… He just knows that. He’s prepared to just drop that in conversation. Son, why are you so ready for combat,
Also the way Kurt commands their attention? They can rag on him all they want but they all know he’s legit…
Look at all these doofuses in their football gear busting a move. Look at Kurt sat at the front just watching, judging, as he was born to do
MIKE! KILLING! IT! I love that they let us see a sneak peek of his moves… Serious HC that Kurt making the football team dance is the first time that Mike really got to show off his skills
Kurt shooing Mr Schue away like that gives me life!!! Sit down old man
“All right boys…”  And they all look so concerned behind him lmao… “Oh– SNEAK ATTACK back to the ring…” Mike’s trying so hard to keep in time. I love him. OH and there’s Matt! Most valid glee club member simply because he never says anything.
“Comb through the hair… SLAP THE BUTT!” And they’re all trying so hard… 10/10
“I’m your best friend,” says Puck, to the boy he has been consistently fucking over for four (4) episodes, and presumably many years prior…
I really do hate Puck for the first part of this season but god damn does he have some lines. “’Sup, MILF?” “Well, CALL the Vatican! We got ourselves another ImMaCuLaTe CoNcEpTiOn!”
I remember the first time I heard the term “Lima Loser” but I didn’t know the show was set in a place called Lima (I would’ve been, like, 9) and I thought it was lime-a-loser. Like he was going to have limes thrown at him. And it was this big, serious threat…
How the FUCK did Terri get into Quinn’s car? Why is that never addressed? Like, ever? Quinn doesn’t even ASK?
Do this many people turn up to American high school sports events irl??? And do they really play the national anthem? That must get old
Why are all these football players 30… I’m so thirsty for realistic casting…
BURT’S HERE TO SEE HIS SON!!! We love a proud dad.
“I TOLD YOU! I TOLD YOU!!!” And now he’s doing high kicks. Kurt’s doing the absolute MOST.
I will never understand the rules of American football… And I mean NEVER.
“Ring on it on three” I love that it has a code name. And they were all too busy being dudebros to call it Single Ladies…
The one dude on the opposite team who starts boogying along is the real MVP
“Can I pee first?” Legendary
Burt just going “he’s so little…” In the middle of the silent crowd…
I feel like Puck seeing Finn and Quinn kiss and then the crowd going silent as he walks away is meant to make me feel… Bad for him…? But we’ve only ever seen him be mean to Quinn, really. You’ve got to earn those moments!
Ah… The skincare routine. He’s thriving.
Burt! Hummel! Is! Proud! Of! His! Son!
Burt… I’m pretty sure he assumed you wished his mother was alive. As opposed to her corpse being at the big game.
Oh boy here it comes…… Chris looks SO young here. So scared. So vulnerable. The way he slightly stutters… He nailed this scene. So much.
He’s gay!
He knows.
Do they make sensible heels in sizes for three year olds…? Asking for a dad
The raw EMOTION on Kurt’s face. It’s killing me.
This is the starting point… “I’m not in love with the idea, but I love you.” And it only gets better from there…
And he THANKS his SON. He’s sure. He’s so sure, Burt, and you are going to be so proud of him forever.
Finn gives Quinn that blanket his dad gave him when he was a baby… Did she give it back? I fucking hope so…
You tell him, Finn! Puck IS an asshole!
MIKE’S IN GLEE!!! SO IS MATT!!! And Puck’s here I guess, yay… He’s got a season or so of sucking to go before I can get excited about that.
“Regionals” here we come? My guy, let’s get through sectionals first…
Rachel’s big, cruel smile when she thinks she’s going to be handed Tina’s solo. Why would she presume that it’d just get handed to her??? I mean, I know why, but like, why… And she has the audacity to look like she’s been betrayed. Not even slightly, hon! You deserve nothing if not getting one solo is all it takes for you to quit!
This Sue’s corner genuinely gets me through some shit. “There’s not much of a difference between a stadium full of cheering fans and an angry crowd screaming abuse at you - they’re both just making a lot of noise. How you take it is up to you. Convince yourself they’re cheering for you. You do that, and someday, they will.” Hits me hard!
This one was longer. Primarily because of Burt, I will admit, but it can’t be helped. Perhaps it’s the best episode of season 1 because of Burt! Now that’s a break through…
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Slovenia to Eurovision with a dreamy couple
Oh boi, now here comes another NF I wasn’t interested in. I don’t hate EMA as a thing, it’s just that it’s infamous for not listening to what people want most of the time, often axing their faves (BQL, Raiven, Nika Zorjan, even going as far back as Saša Lendero and Nina Pušlar...). This year it seemed like Raiven finally had what it takes with her post-dubstep-era dubstep tune, “Kaos”. BUT did she go? Oh nope
Instead we got possibly the best thing that ever happened to Slovenia. That thing is this one entry sung by a cute crossover of Lorde and that trombone fetus thing from Courage the Cowardly Dog (well, at least she looks better than him, hence why ‘cute’), Zala Kralj, and she has her 2-year-long partner Gašper Šantl by her side too, to make up the musical part for the couple’s Eurovision 2019 entry for Slovenia, “Sebi”.
Let’s start reviewing this by complimenting its atmosphere. It’s cosmic. It’s pure. It’s pleasant. I feel like I’m floating among the stars... in the same way as if someone is projecting a star backdrop on a wall and I’m just against the projection, dancing silly. I feel like I’m covered in stardust. This is achieved by the composition of the song, which is very melodic, although a bit background-music-like. It incorporates a lot of those softened hi-hats, soaring synth waves and harmonious additional backing vocals (I think I heard those? whatever that was that adds more depth and gorgeousness to the song...). The lyrics are also cute, the poetry here is pretty fascinating, and I love the hints of intimacy and nature. The chorus reminds me that you have to stay true to what you are and who you stand for, and you don’t need to apologize for being different. Something along the lines of this. And Zala sounds like a person that could do a vocal ASMR therapy - and I imagine that as something that gives tingles to my neck everytime I hear it. You just need to strip the melody away and let me listen to more of those silent, soft-spoken, eerie whispers, and usually I feel creeped out and want it to stop, but at the same time it’s seducing and oddly enough I want some more.
This song has its faults though - it’s supposedly the song being repetitive (look at that chorus’ lyrics, just repeating 3 lines during it doesn’t really suffice, especially with the song being composed like THAT), Zala’s vocals being so hauntingly chill they even sound too calming or too monotonous, and this song is a simple electronic track with it just flowing all so well? Like, it’s something you’d find more on an unknown project’s Bandcamp page and that project usually has 1500 views or so on their videos. It’s a soothing ocean, it’s a galaxy, but sometimes the silence overwhelms you too much you just want to fucking scream... or fall asleep and miss the beauty of it all.
So as a whole it’s a stellar ride through galaxies and supernovas: the song. Great production, slight lo-fi vibe (idk how to explain it but everything here feels so... hmm... soft tune and quiet vocals make it to be something of the more indie-er side of a lower-cost production I suppose?) and sparks of pure bliss raining down on me whenever I remember or hear it. Truly, truly some indie goodness.
The most interesting part? The guys seem too overwhelmed about their Eurovision experience! Sure, Eurovision doesn’t require a too-laidback approach from the participants, but there always are Eurovision non-enthusiasts (seriously, don’t yell at Eurovision participants on Youtube comments when they fail to recognize a language of a song’s from a previous year! Just because they didn’t hear it and/or forgot the language, doesn’t mean they need to be put at stake), or those who just didn’t expect to win their NFs and then are like “shit um now I need to do something about that Eurovision thing I guess”. Salvador never really watched it before, AWS didn’t really hope to participate in Eurovision at the early stages of their NF, now we don’t really hear much Eurovision news and shit from these two Slovenians... well except of them releasing a shortened version of their song so it could comply to Eurovision’s lenght rules (giving it an apt sub title - “Dare to Dream Version”), declaring that one line of the song’s will be sung in English so that everyone not speaking in Slovenian could understand it better (just like Lea sang the end of “Hvala, ne!” in Portuguese because... well we all understand either of them, do we? lol) and that their staging will be similar to the one they had in EMA, and that their stage clothes won’t be the same but of a similar light color. They do have Eurovision in mind, but not quite as much as some other participants, and that’s perfectly fine. As long as they do their job right, that matters.
Approval factor: I may let you in on a little secret here - this is, in fact, my absolute favourite Slovenian entry this decade, if not overall. I have a hard time approving Slovenian entries because they end up lacking something at the end. This one... kinda fits in well with me, so Zala and Gašper did enough of THAT to warrant a big fat thumbs up for me.
Follow-up factor: Wasn't a big fan of Lea's song, BUT I can confirm that she started something good for Slovenia in Eurovision, especially after qualifying. And the couple certainly continued it, so it moves on well! ^^
Qualification factor: Now that's an interesting question... I might be wrong but a part of me fears for them to become the fan favourite duo/couple with a really pretty song that doesn’t qualify, like it already happened to Norma John and ZiBBZ before. They even have been drawn to semifinal 1, ffs. But maybe there’s still a spark of hope somewhere for the two, and I’d be inclined to believe that there is. I don’t wanna see sLOVEnia flop on the year I like their song, ffs. So I’m seeing a borderline result for thee, you the nation of usually fairly-underrated songs. Maybe this cosmic sea beauty will be in them finals.
So, EMA 2019, eh? I guess that was a thing that happened. I at least admire the fact that they used dancing robots for their “not-so-postcards-but-postcards” that played before each performance (I mean, you’d get camera shots of the stage being set up for the act to perform next with their info graphic in the NF’s LED background and next to it there was a re-creation of The Creation of Adam with the other hand being one of a robot’s <3, then cut to EMA’s visual design of the year and the dancing robot person, another shot to the performing act, and then lights out). They had a good time there. And there was a duet singing Salvador Sobral’s ESC winning song, one of them performed by a person who had to be Salvador for a TV show. Ah, fun. I wasn’t all in up for the she-bang (instead I watched A Dal Semi 2 and Supernoval final on that night), but I got some other goodies that I noticed that people noticed before me, for y’all to reminisce. Here are some moments and some songs that lost to this lovely pair:
• So what’s the deal with Raiven, anyway? She’s on the show for her third time, and has already firmly grasped onto the iconic NF partaker’s status, together with.. well... other NF 3-timers (that are mostly from Sweden). This time she went all her way out to prove y’all that “dubstep’s not dead in 2019!!!1″ with her song, “Cows” “Kaos”, and a rather interesting effect show taking place on her face. I don’t know why but Raiven’s and Aly Ryan’s from Germany stagings remind me of each other, maybe because of them being so interesting? Anyway, like as usually, this multicolored songstress failed to grasp the victory of her country’s national final, and honestly, good for that to happen because in my irrelevant opinion, the dubstep in “Kaos” is ridiculously unnecessary and it doesn’t make the song flow very well. Just rework the chorus to make it more suited to the song and maybe it could have worked, as the last 30 seconds and the verses actually rock! I love me some songs that make me feel like I’m listening to sunset transcribed to actual melodies and sounds.
• The 2015 entrant couple, Raay and Marjetka, are incredibly restless for some reason, and it’s that because they have co-written quite a few songs over the past few years even since their eventual victory as themselves in 2015. Maybe they’re the Slovenian Stig Rästa, probably as in “we loved the Eurovision green room experience so we always want some more!” kind of way. This year they did 2 songs: an electro-swing inspired number about Fridays and “spending some quality time with one’s girls” for the Slovene JESC debutee Ula Ložar and a radio-pop-esque track for a lady named Kim (not Verson). The one that I gravitated towards more will have its video down below and it is probably obvious a bit now. And if it was my will, I’d’ve replaced Raiven with the below lady in the superfinal because... frankly, yet again, I’ll restate that imo it wasn’t Raiven’s year even without the eventual winners having participated...
• For a country of whose NF’s I didn’t seem to care about, they indeed had quite a few nice numbers. I already shed my thoughts on 2 of them, now here’s another one. Somehow, most countries out there shied away from having rock songs (well except Hungary because I don’t really see any other NF with more than 3 of those clearly audible rock/metal tracks, maybe has to do with the fact they already sent one last year), and as a result, none of the actually submitted ones won because things didn’t really go well with even the slightest rock-sounding songs last year (except one of them almost got into top 10). So one of the rock gems we happened to lose came from Slovenia. INMATE brought the 00s American alt-rock sound that was popular with uncomfortable teens that acted outrageous with their song “Atma” (which somehow means “soul”??). And man they were banging.
• There’s not much I want to say about the rest of the NF’s gems that you missed. Well, there was one song about horses that is considerably well-received by the fandom, perhaps because of the slow and relaxing ballad sound that surrounds it (but they don’t know the lyrics enough to start hating it). And a song co-written by last year’s Svenskfloppen winner that, as he was destined to, flopped in Melodifestivalen as well. And a decent club track that was actually one of my other favourites, together with “Atma”. And some 00s teen sitcom theme song performed by a completely-careless-about-their-image-band (they call themselves Lumberjack but they dress nothing like ‘em, I assure you) with chill-surfer-attitude-bearing, long-haired lead singer. They brought in a nice vibe at least with their color-splashing LED images and slightly energetic performance. And like I said about how the lead singer looked... well just look at him and try to not see him as a troublemaker teen archetype from a high school rom com or at least irl that can’t score a date:
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Damn, Manel Navarro really let himself go.
• Lea Sirk, besides performing the ESC winning song from two years ago in a duet with someone, and obviously re-appearing to be a honourable guest after having won EMA last year after like 4-5 tries, also served her part as a jury member. Y’know, one of those people that maybe visibly or not visibly tried to push Raiven to her eventual EMA win after her 3 tries so that she wouldn’t become an annoying NF hogger for years on end. Well that didn’t happen because the televoters went for the Zalšper couple! You gotta love it when the teleaudience picks that song for Eurovision that is performed by those that didn’t specifically submit it because they wanted Eurovision, right? Well apparently, Lea took the loss of Raiven as a small stab to her heart and was heard complaining about the unexpected outcome (simply not being able to believe Raiven lost), out loud, to the viewing audiences at home and in front of computer screens. Yep, THAT happened... And I couldn’t be bothered to find a clip of it anymore, so instead I’ll post some pictures of a visibly shook Lea with her new hairdye on fleek (I guess that was to reflect Raiven’s love for hair dye?):
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noooo why do I have to give a trophy to those whom I did not support to win... well fine I will
With all that out of the way, I just really hope for this lovey-dovey duo all the best possible with having to carry the responsibility of representing a country in a very big European music competition on their shoulders. They aren’t seemingly stressed out themselves from the looks of it (if they were in a Brantsteele’s Hunger Games simulation, they’d be those people who’d pick flowers all the time), but you know what happens when you’re given such a big honour but you let what the honour stands for down, upsetting the others who look up to the honour somehow. Terrible, terrible things. Hope the haters don’t grind these two down if anything happens. Srečno!
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akingdomtheorist · 6 years
KH Catch-Up: BBS FM Ventus
"Xehanort fuckin' used darkness in plain sight! I didn't notice that!"
"And that's when Xehanort was like 'ooh that's gonna be my new vessel'."
"I just realized- that's Haley Joel Osment? That's on purpose, that's on purpose isn't it. Why do you sound like Sora?"
"How did you get in my room?"
"This is really bitter sweet now."
"Why were we allowed to just leave?"
"We have a skateboard? Oh heck yeah we do."
"Wait it was Xehanort that refused Terra's Mastery?"
"Let's go follow those little peo- I mean wait no, little people's the correct term."
You're not here for our diamonds? "No I'm not playing Minecraft."
"Obviously no one can be that tall, god."
"I'm sad." "Why are you sad?" "You know whats not there?" "What?" "Cure..." "Yeah." "BUT YOU KNOW WHO HAS CURE?" -proceeds to D-Link with Aqua-
"Are we seriously playing Hide & Seek?"
"This is a wide open area and you're telling me no Unversed are here?"
"Ven, get with the program, we gotta rhyme in this world."
"Now all the Unversed are gonna show up."
"UHHHHH... that's a big boy."
"What the fuck? Yeah you almost look like a person! What?!"
"Mhmm. Yup Terra. About that dream. Nothing bad's gonna happen."
"I wasn't expecting to be shrunk down to the size of a mouse, and then saved by a giant- oh this is pathetic."
"Now we're breaking into her room! This is someone's fetish."
"Has no one noticed I look like a human yet? I guess with talking mice a tiny human is not the weirdest thing Cinderella has seen."
He immediately buys Cure the first chance he gets.
-sees fork- "Ooh, I know what to do here."
"What does the cheese do..."
"I get to beat up a cat."
"I've done this boss fight a hundred times."
Can you tell me why she's sleeping? "Because it's night Ven."
"Damn invisible walls, I want to be king."
"You missed a bird." "I'll get him when I'm done with these." "See?" -completely WHIFFS the finisher- "Flawless."
-walks into room with magic circles, pans camera around- "Nope. Nope not dealing with that."
"Aww no this is the Rainbow Rocket bullshit."
"I hate this. Oh look it's the end I'm not gonna get any chests but fuck it whatever."
"I'm just waiting for Maleficent to dragon me."
He got hit out of Cure after being Doom Stunned.
-sees spiral of doom- "Wtf is this?"
"Aqua! =D"
"Can we just talk about the fact that Ven took the presence of a nightmare being in his room very well?"
"Welp time to go to the Keyblade Graveyard. I know what this is now, it's not just Land Before Time meets Chernobog to me."
-Vanitas summons keyblade- "Oh good..."
"Jesus-wait did he just actually kill me? Oh no it's an I had to lose fight."
"Hi Mickey?!"
"Now we fight for real!" "Yeah with that one inch of HP you took off his health bar." "Shut up."
"I miss Leaf Bracer so much."
He died. So he made Cura, and then went to go get it and Second Chance.
"It is weird hearing Haley Joel Osment being all edgey and shit."
"I almost said I didn't need Cura this entire time, but I didn't, because I would have died."
"Oh my god, Mickey is like a little baby right now."
"Oh, no Radiant Garden yet?" "That's LITERALLY RIGHT THERE." "Oh. I'm an idiot."
"Are we gonna meet Ansem?"
"Who is that?" "Well put an X with Even and what do you get?" "Uh... Vexen?" "Yeah." "That's not--that IS Vexen!"
-gets Disney Town passes- "That's a credit card!"
"Ven is like 'Mom Dad stop fighting!'"
"Who is that? Is that Siax?" "No, but his real name is Ienzo." "OH THAT'S ZEXION?" "Yeah he little!"
"There are so many people with grey hair and blue eyes."
-gets Reversal- "-GASP- YAAAAY!"
"Poor Ven! Poor Ven... I'm sad now." "Well get ready for a flashback and a callback."
"Is that? IT IS! And theres-" "I told you."
"Oh my god you dork."
"AAAAAAH. This is why Axel is so attatched to Roxas! Right?" "It might help."
"Oh my god, Isa laughed, what."
"Hi Zack."
"Oh it's this again."
He won the mini game by two points and had no right to win that.
"Why is Phil a jerk in this one?"
"Well yeah your only friend in the world that isn't Aqua is about to get Norted so I mean..."
-sees the onslaught of Unversed- "Time Splicer is gonna be so good in this..."
"Aww Zack..."
"Is this Pete's new scheme?"
-unlocks Master Mode for It's a Small World- "Excuse me...?"
I wish I had someone lookin' out for me. "Yes Ven and they all told you to go home."
"I feel like a security system that can be defeated by spitting is a very bad security system."
-Gantu shoots Stitch's wayfinder- "How DARE you!"
Gantu is now a dick for what he did.
"Did you read what the tutorial thing said?" "No, not at all. I assume I have to stop the ship from taking too much damage?" "Well yeah. The strategy is to yeet Stitch at the boss." "Ohhhhoho... or I could just do that!" "What did you do?" "I Time Splicer'd it took out half it's health!"
"Did we just get tossed into space? Aw we just got Mass Effect 2'd... alright when are we gonna wake up dead on a spaceship..."
-sees Vanitas- "Oh my god..."
"WINGBLADE???" "You gots an upgrade."
"Why is there no Moogle here?" "Moogle probably went on Union Break."
"Or I could just beat you up with a giant key..."
"I like how he told the Unversed to scram."
"I feel like I've seen this (Wingblade) before..."
"Hello old grinding spot, I missed you."
"I know where I've seen that animation before! Noctis!"
"You could say he's caught between a croc... and a hard place." "....." "Now excuse me while I beat up this middle aged man."
Then there was a lot of grinding for a lot of rare commands to meld them into.
"Sorry I'm late I had to grind!"
"Oh hello bad man."
"Oh good we got our memories back. This was the perfect time for this to happen."
"Oh that's why he puts the x in everyone's name..."
"I'm not falling for it and neither is Terra!"
"Oh, are we getting sent to the Anakin part?"
"Shit, I feel WAY less bad about the Anakin thing now."
"Honestly this is on Eraqus."
"Oh heck... I forgot they go to Destiny Islands. I forgot Terra sent Riku on the path to super villainy."
"Oh you bitch..."
"Those are Heartless, those are straight up Heartless."
"Very intentionally hiding Vanitas' face."
-uses Faith for the first time- "OH... well that's a thing."
"Some of these are stretching the definition of key. Some of them are just straight up swords."
"Oh hey Vanitas."
"The only one who actually takes off his helmet is Terra. God dammit Terra."
"Yeah yeah Kingdom Hearts is fuckin' here I don't know why."
"Oh hey Braig. He's been Norted!"
"Ven is VERY angry..."
"Oh no I know how this works, we never attack first, we always dodge."
"Oh right we weren't supposed to do that, shit."
"Oh hello asshole. Oh. Hello broken X-Blade."
If Time Splicer had IFrames, it could one shot bosses. Thats what we are learning.
"That was the COOLEST SHIT. BEST ending fight in this series so far."
"That's right bitch, don't got your sword now do ya?"
I had to go find the one cutscene to watch because I was mad it didn't show up.
"So that's Ven arriving in Sora's heart?"
"This is really cute."
So we will be doing Aqua’s as the last KH Catch-Up post, only because of time constraints. KH3 will be streamed on Twitch and I will post about that, and then eventually KH3D because even though he watched all the cutscenes, I refuse to not let him play it.
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opheliagardinier · 6 years
peep peep cheerio (part i)
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This is only part one because I have a lot of fics to write at the moment and wanted to get at least part of it up.
Thank you so much to Brianna @benjaminschreave and Ester @wyattschreave the for the rp EVEN IF YOU CONSPIRED AGAINST ME. I had a fun time writing this and hopefully, part two will be up soon(ish).
peace out cub scouts
word count: 3013
Happy Birthday to Fee
Some pigeons in a tree
Happpppy Birthdayyyyy to Fee
Though it was feathery
I stood in front of the mirror in my room looking myself up and down. My hair was pulled back a bit and my makeup is simple. The flowers on my dress were just enough to make a statement but not too much so that they would draw attention. Ladylike was the word my grandmother would have used if she was with me. Maybe even perfection if she was in an extra good mood. But neither of those words described the way I felt.
It was a strange routine I’d fallen into. I’d learned to tiptoe on the line between “I’m here!” and “look at me!”. It was something that had consumed my life for too long- but had become my normal.
I divided my life into two parts- The Before and The After. It was all I really could do. I had been deep in The After for over half a decade and not a day could go by without worry. But I was careful to never let it consume me.
I was used to the flashes of cameras and the off the cuff questions from reporters when they find me. In a way, I resented them a bit- because if it hadn’t been for the constant attention I could have avoided this limbo. But still- I would never let it stop me from living my life, which was exactly what I was going to do.
I traced the faint wrinkles that have started to appear on my forehead when I frowned. They frustrate me to no end. I hated frowning with the way it made your muscles feel heavy and the looks people gave you for it. It always opened you up for judgement.
But when you smiled there were no double takes or questions asked. You’re happy and nothing is wrong. And that’s how you get them- and yourself. You pretend most moments of the day that everything in your life is perfect and you get them to believe it. The only problem is if you aren’t careful you start to believe it too. You forget the struggle and you lose yourself.
Today is a happy day. Be happy. So I was. Or at least I resign myself to be.
After leaving my room I made a quick stop in the kitchens. When I went to open the fridge I saw an open bottle of white wine that had been left. For a moment I contemplated opening it- staring at it intently, but then I closed the door with a sigh and shook off the feeling of longing. I acquired a basket, a blanket, and the necessary provisions for what I was about to do, then was on my way.
I was practically grinning as I made my way through the halls. I’d perked up a bit and was looking forward what was ahead. About an hour before I’d sent Wyatt a note telling him to get ready-so all that was left to do was retrieve Ben.
It seemed to be a pattern with the two princes not being easy to track down. For the past twenty-five minutes I’d been searching high and low for Ben, with no one being able to- or willing- to tell me where he was. Granted the palace was huge, which didn’t exactly help when it came to finding someone. Though it must have been epic to use for hide and go seek.
“Aha! There you are.” I exclaimed, finally spotting Ben as I wandered into the library. “I've been looking everywhere for you.”
Ben stopped rummaging through the papers and books scattered over the table as he looked up at me. He squinted at me as I walked over to him.
I was still trying to get used to the nickname. Initially, when he’d proposed it I’d been surprised and part of me had wanted to tell him no. But now- it was growing on me. It had a nice ring to it and it almost was beginning to feel special.
“Hey, I hope you aren't too busy. I brought lunch.” I smiled, holding up the basket I was carrying.
He blinked the basket, then squinted again, letting out a sigh.
“That’s nice of you. If only I could find my glasses.” Ben grumbled, beginning to go through the papers around him.
I laughed as I set the basket down. I then reached forward and pulled them off his head, where they’d been the entire time. Ben wore a surprised expression as I pulled back.
“Here you go, silly,” I told him.
He let out another sigh. Ben told me it happened way too often as he rubbed his eyes.
“I think maybe you should get one of those glasses chains and wear them as a necklace.” I chuckled.
“I’d look just like a grandma.” Ben groaned, reaching out and blindly trying to find the glasses I still held.
“A very cute grandma though.” I tilted my head.
It was moments like these where I forgot The After. I was just me- and hell if I could get someone to laugh I’d take it. I shrugged the feeling off once more.
“I doubt I fit into that category.” He frowned, squinting at me.
You’re going to have a good time.
That was one of the things I liked about Ben. He was handsome and seemed to have a sense of awareness, but it was something he tried to use to his advantage. Although that could have been because he couldn’t have been more fortunate when it came to his social standing- not that he seemed the type to particularly care.
He raised an eyebrow at me- the same way I’d seen him do so many times before. His mannerisms never failed to amuse me.
“Someone’s in a good mood today.” Ben sighed with a resigned laugh. “Are you purposefully holding my glasses hostage from me?”
“Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to.” I reached over and put them on his face with a laugh. “There. Am I not allowed to be in a good mood?”
“It’s just surprising when you throw words like adorable into the mix.” Ben adjusted his glasses. He blinked a few times, finally able to see clearly, then smiled down at me.
So he had caught that. Shit. Well, it didn’t matter. Too late to take it back.
“You mentioned lunch?” He chuckled, glancing at the basket I held.
Ben reached out with one hand and tried to open the top.
“I did, in fact, mention lunch,” I told him with a smirk as I pulled the basket out of his reach.
“Riiiiight.” He raised an eyebrow at me and reached for the basket again.
I held the basket even further away and told him not in the library with a shake of my head. He gave me a pouty look.
“Where do we have to go then? I’m starved.” Ben patted his stomach.
I gave him a sweet smile and told him we were going out to the gardens. To my surprise, Ben grinned at me then grabbed my hand.
“Well come on then.” Ben tugged me towards the doors of the library.
“And I thought I was supposed to be the excited one,” I commented.
I’d been expecting more resistance from Ben. But it seemed I had caught him at a perfect time. Little did he know that in less than fifteen minutes he’d likely hate my guts.
“I’m a hungry guy.” Ben glanced at me. “Why should you be excited though? General good mood?”
“Well, my dearest Jam on this day many years ago I made my debut to the world.” I chuckled.
Some debut at that… I shook off the thought. No. You are going to enjoy this.
He stopped in his tracks and looked at me in disbelief.
“And you didn’t tell me?.”
“Well, you didn't ask until just now.” I jokingly rolled my eyes at him.
Ben gave me a flat look. Well, you didn’t. It was in the files Mr Prince Man. In Ben's defence, he did have thirty-five different girls whose names he had had to learn, so a birthday should have been the least of his worries.
“That is the most overused answer.” He shook his head. Ben tugged at my hand again as he started walking once more. “No matter, we just have to make this a very great lunch.”
“Great lunch”.....
We continued walking, eventually making our way outside. It was a nice clear day out. I heard the joyous chirping of birds accompanied by the sound of a light breeze.
“I’ll give you something else later.” He added with a side glance.
“You don't need to get me anything,” I smirked a little, though not at the thought of a gift. This “lunch would be spectacular” and that was a gift enough.
“Yes, I do. It’s your birthday.” Ben scoffed. As we reached the entrance of the gardens he looked around then pointed out towards a spot near the edge. “How’s there?”
I had never been big into gifts. I knew that the intention behind them was nearly always good but somehow ending up with some meaningless junk you’d chuck before the next birthday came around just didn’t do it for me.
“I was given the gift of life for my birthday already- I don't think gifts a necessary.” I chuckled, looking to where he had pointed. “How about that tree over there?”
I tried to see if I could spot Wyatt, but no such luck. He has been right when he said the leaves would hide him. I was just going to have to hope he was waiting for us- or else this would be a very awkward “lunch date”.
“Sure sure.” Without waiting Ben was already walking towards the tree. “It’s completely natural to get gifts on your birthday. I can contribute a little.”
Oh, you’ll contribute all right….
“Fine, if you say so,” I said in defeat.
“Now you’re getting it.” Ben grinned at me. We reached the tree, walking into the cool shade its leaves provided. He looked at me again- brows raised. “Here?”
“Here is perfect.” I nodded, looking around.  
I reached into the basket and pulled out a blanket. Ben reached over and took one end to help me spread it out on the ground. As always, he’s the perfect gentleman. When he helped like this is didn’t mind. However, the constant opening of doors and other such things was just too much. I had two hands and I was more than capable.
“Aren’t you fancy?” Ben asked with a smirk.
“I try to be.” I smiled back, jokingly batting my eyes a few times.
Once the blanket was out Ben plopped down onto it. I knelt down beside him then smoothed the skirt of my dress so I could sit down. Just like Lady Lorelai had been sure to remind us to do. There were so many rules to remember and follow so I suppose I should have been at least a little proud that I’d managed to have not forgotten one rule.
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“Now can we eat o generous birthday Lia?” Ben eyed the basket.
“Yes, we can eat now.” I nodded, and reached into the basket to retrieve the bread I’d packed.”
His gaze went to the bread as his eyebrows furrowed. Ben looked back at me with a confused expression.
“Oh sorry, I have another kind if you don't like that one.” I reached back into the basket and pulled out another loaf.
A few moments later bread crumbs began raining down on us causing him to jump. I looked up slightly but continued to focus on Ben. The pigeons descended upon us almost instantly. Ben was quickly on his feet yelling and swatting the birds away as they swarmed.
“WHAT THE HELL GET AWAY FROM ME,” Ben yelled, turning around to run away.
I let out a screech as the bird surrounded us. None of it was what I’d been expecting. As I tried to shoo the pigeons away I looked to see where Ben was just in time to see him sprint forward and into the tree, before he fell backwards into the grass. Ben groaned and shut his eyes and he held his forehead in pain.
“Oh shit,” I muttered, rushing over to kneel beside Ben. “Are you okay?”
I gently touched his shoulder. Wyatt yelled down asking if Ben was okay, then burst out laughing. Before he could answer either of us a yelp came from above and Wyatt hit the ground beside his brother with a thud.
“Wyatt?” I looked over at him in surprise, while Wyatt began groaning.
“What just happened?” Ben’s eyes opened slightly, but his brows stayed furrowed in pain. His head turned towards his brother before he looked back at me in confusion. “Why did he just fall out of a tree?”
“I’m just an illusion.” Wyatt winced as he opened one eye.
I touched Ben’s forehead as if I were taking his temperature but then pulled my hand back.
“It’s a long story.” I looked at the both of them with worry. “Should I go get help?”
Wyatt began to sit up, wincing as he held hugged his arm close to his side. He told us he was fine and had never been better- not that I believed him given the fact he’d just fallen ten feet out of a tree. He let out a grunt as he slowly stood up.
“I’ll leave you two… love pigeons to continue with your picnic.” Wyatt smirked, still noticeably wincing in between his words. He looked up at the tree with a slight frown, before shaking his head and returning his attention to me and Ben. “You owe me, Ophelia.”
Wyatt waved his hand in dismissal then turned to leave. I reluctantly let him leave, knowing he wasn’t actually fine.
“Jam?" I looked back to Ben who had been glaring at Wyatt up until he had left.
“I think I’m okay.” His focus returned to me. Ben grimaced as he sat up, then gave me a wary look. “Can you explain why a bunch of pigeons just attacked me? And why Wyatt fell out of the tree?”
Oh boy, where do I begin? I only conspired with your brother.
“I am so sorry, that wasn't how that was supposed to go at all.” I gave Ben an apologetic look as I rubbed his shoulder and shook my head. “ We were trying to be funny.”
An expression of understanding crossed his face as he sighed and closed his eyes for a long moment. Then without warning, Ben burst out laughing.
“You set up a prank to freak me out with birds?” He looked up at me, laughing harder as his hand pressed against his forehead. “Oh my god, that’s insane.”
“Yeah, we did.” I let out a breath and nodded, soothingly rubbing his back.
He laughed a bit more. I was glad he was mostly all right but it didn’t stop me from feeling a mild amount of regret.
“Almost went off without a hitch too.” He glanced back at me as a smile tugged at his lips.
“Everything went wrong.” I groaned and put my face in my hands.
“You managed to freak me out.” Ben lifted up a shoulder, half smiling at me. “Minus a headache and a broken brother I’d call it a success.”
“And a few scrapes.” I giggled softly.
I looked down at my hand as I began to notice a stinging sensation. On the back of my hand was a scratch that was a few inches long. It must have happened in the frenzy. Ben’s gaze followed mine and he took my hands in his own, looking them over.
“Shouldn’t hurt too much, I’m guessing?”
“It's not too bad.” I shook my head, looking up at him. I reminded him that I hadn’t been the one to run into the tree before widening my eyes a little as I added, “Unless you don't remember.”
“I remember. Vividly.” Ben gave me a short laugh before reaching into the basket to retrieve a napkin and some water. After wetting the napkin he dabbed the cut to clean it while I grit my teeth in pain. Once he was done he looked up at me with a smile. “There. Just to make sure.”
“Ouch.” I held up my hand to examine his word, then added with a chuckle, “Hopefully it isn't like a werewolf bite. I don't think I'd want to have to change into a pigeon.”
“You’d be a weird mix with that toucan beak of yours.” Ben snorted, before beginning to clean up a little. He eyed the bread and raised a brow at me. “So was this prank birthday worthy?”
I let out a breathy laugh. Worth it? I wasn’t sure. But I’d certainly had a decent laugh. I just wasn’t sure all the injuries helped justify the scheme.
“I only did it today in case you protested having lunch with me, because who can say no to the birthday girl?”
“I wouldn’t have protested regardless of your birthday.” Ben gave me a small laugh, shaking his head.
“I would say that's good to know for future reference, but I think you may not want to have lunch with me after all of this.” I motioned to the disaster that surrounded us.
Ben glanced around. I studied him a moment. I couldn’t believe how relaxed he was about the whole thing. It was truly admirable.
“Maybe just... lunch where no pigeons can get me.” He looked back at me with a slight smile.
“Deal.” I held out my hand, laughing as I shook my head. “No pigeons.”
“I’m holding you to that.” Ben took my hand and gave it a firm shake.
I held back a laugh.
“'l’ll even throw in the added bonus of not inviting any other kind of birds as well.”
“Then I think we understand one another perfectly.” He grinned.
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The Chaos Next Door (pt. 3, continued)
“Can’t you just say ‘Congratulations’?”
“That didn’t sound at all sarcastic,” Taehyung said sarcastically.
“Well, what are you going to do about it now?” Jungkook asked.
“Yoongi invited me to go to a café with him with good hot chocolate,” Taehyung explained. “Should I… confess then?”
“Confess when you feel like confessing,” Jungkook said.
“When did you confess to Jimin?” Taehyung asked.
“Like, when we were riding the biggest rollercoaster in the park, right when it started.”
“Great timing.”
“Hey, I felt that it was the right moment,” Jungkook protested. “And Jimin kissed me right when we were on the loop-de-loop. Rollercoaster kisses are quite thrilling.”
“Aish, you two are too cute,” Taehyung chuckled. He himself couldn’t quite imagine kissing Yoongi on a rollercoaster.
“You’ll know when it’s the right time,” Jungkook said.
“I guess…” Taehyung nodded.
“Oh, hold on. I think Jimin’s calling me too.”
“Don’t keep your man waiting!” Taehyung giggled. “See you, Jungkook.”
“Good luck with Yoongi!” Jungkook added before hanging up. Taehyung smiled again, imagining the excitement on his best friend’s face, before putting down the phone. It felt good finally saying what had been pent up in his chest for so long. But that still didn’t quite undo the tangle of worries in his head about Yoongi. Even though Taehyung pretty much realized his feelings for him already, he knew Yoongi must still be in a lot of mental turmoil because of his accident. He may not appear so depressed now, but Taehyung could still tell he was a boat marooned far away from the shore.
Maybe confessing soon wasn’t the right time. Taehyung didn’t want to further complicate things in Yoongi’s head. But for some reason, Taehyung didn’t feel quite restless about not being able to tell Yoongi about how he felt. The two of them were neighbors after all, and right now, Taehyung still enjoyed those moments with Yoongi in his apartment doing chores that he normally hated doing.
Yeah, it still felt like he had all the time in the world.
Dressing up with only one hand was hard. But now, Yoongi realized that dressing up nicely to go out using only one hand was even harder.
“Damn it,” Yoongi cursed out loud when he found out he unbuttoned his shirt wrong again. With one hand, he angrily undid all his buttons and went back to the closet to see if he had something else that was good to wear that didn’t have so many damn buttons. All the other nice things he had to wear were the suits he put on for his competitions. He couldn’t exactly wear that to a simple café outing. But then again, Kim Taehyung probably would.
Finally, his eyes landed on a dark green, turtleneck sweater he received from Seokjin for his birthday. Judging by the tag that was still on the clothes, Yoongi hadn’t worn it yet. ‘Well, there’s a first time for everything,’ he thought, taking off his button-down shirt and pulling the sweater over his head. He looked at himself in the mirror.
Seokjin must have really thought this present through because Yoongi found himself liking the sweater. The color wasn’t any of his usual black or white, basically Seokjin’s way of adding any other color to Yoongi’s wardrobe, but the dark green was something that he liked. Not too bright or loud. The sweater seemed to be the right size too since it didn’t completely swallow him up either and it went well with the black, skinny jeans he was wearing.
Satisfied with how his clothes look, Yoongi ran a comb through his hair to fix it a bit before finally putting on some earrings. Having about three piercings in each ear was one of his little ways of rebelling against his parents. Finally, he deemed himself ready and stayed in the living room to wait for Taehyung.
It didn’t take long before Yoongi heard a knock on the door which caused him to stand up a bit too eagerly to answer it.
“Hey, did you have to wait long?” Taehyung greeted with a slightly anxious smile on his face. He was wearing blue, denim jeans and a teal shirt with a white jacket on top that had really cool paint splatter designs. He also had on a dark blue beret hat. Again, not something Yoongi saw himself wearing personally but Taehyung really did manage to pull it off.
“No, I just finished changing too,” Yoongi shook his head and stepped out of the apartment before locking the door behind him. “So, shall we go then?”
“Sure!” Taehyung grinned enthusiastically and the two of them started walking. “Oh, almost forgot.” He paused and pulled out a pair of shades. “As much as I love of my fans, they do kind of get into your personal space.”
“That’s understandable,” Yoongi nodded. “You can borrow this too if you want,” he said, handing him a face mask that he kept in his pocket.
“Sad that I’ll have to cover up my handsome face,” Taehyung sighed, taking the mask from Yoongi and putting it on.
“You don’t have to completely cover your face,” Yoongi muttered. Taehyung smirked at him.
“Why? Want to see more of it?” he teased. Yoongi felt himself blush and quickly walked ahead.
“Do whatever you want! I’ll start catching a bus.” Behind him, Taehyung laughed and walked quickly to catch up.
The two of them managed to quickly board a bus and, since there weren’t that many people around, Taehyung didn’t have to wear the mask Yoongi lent him. Not that Yoongi completely minded since he himself couldn’t imagine being that famous to the point where he had to hide in pubic to avoid being approached so often.
Talking to Taehyung was never tiring either. Even though they haven’t known each other for so long, Yoongi found his more talkative side being drawn out as he chatted with Taehyung. He was quite a good listener too. Even though Taehyung often had a blank look on his face while listening to Yoongi, he didn’t drift away from the conversation at all. After worrying for practically the whole night about how awkward things might be with Taehyung when they went out, Yoongi found himself relaxing instead at how easy things were going.
“Not a lot of people come over to this café so you can leave your mask off too,” Yoongi suggested as soon as they stepped out of the bus, directly in front of the café.
“’Cityscape,’” Taehyung looked up and read aloud the title. “Ahh! I get it. ‘City’ and ‘escape’, right?” he grinned proudly.
“Congratulations, you have proven that you do indeed have ten brain cells,” Yoongi clapped slowly and walked ahead into the café.
“Come on, don’t be mean like that,” Taehyung chuckled and chased after him.
Inside, the café itself had a simple, minimalistic, black-and-white aesthetic with some pops of gray, yellow, and dark red. Kind of like a city, considering the name of the café of course. What Yoongi liked the best were the watercolor paintings of cityscapes, the skyline of Seoul sketched onto the white walls, and the elegant, black piano that rested against the wall at the far end of the café.
Yoongi smiled at the employees behind the counter, Mr. Sangmin and Ms. Sonyeo, who both knew him as a regular visitor, and went ahead to sit at his usual spot near the piano. Meanwhile, Taehyung followed slowly behind him, admiring the aesthetic of the café. His eyes lingered over the art pieces and he ran his fingers over some of the wall sketches before finally sitting down at the table beside Yoongi. Even so, Yoongi noticed that Taehyung’s eyes never quite stopped roaming the interiors of the café and he smiled to himself, glad to see that he was right in thinking that Taehyung would enjoy the place.
“Are you two ready to order?” Mr. Sangmin asked, approaching their table.
“Just the usual for me,” Yoongi said.
“One americano and one vegetable sandwich,” Mr. Sangmin nodded.
“Any recommendations?” Taehyung asked, looking up at Yoongi.
“The cinnamon-spiced hot chocolate here is really good. I tried it once,” Yoongi said.
“I’ll have that one then,” Taehyung told Mr. Sangmin. “And the berries cheesecake.”
“Hey, it’s lunchtime. Eat proper food too,” Yoongi nagged.
“Fine, I’ll have the same sandwich as his then,” Taehyung added.
“Alright, please wait a few minutes for your order to be completed,” Mr. Sangmin bowed once before leaving Yoongi and Taehyung alone.
“I can kind of see why you like this place,” Taehyung said, looking around the place again. “There aren’t too many people inside and the designs and art are nice to look at when you some time to think. Not to mention the fact that this probably looks like the inside of your wardrobe,” he added, grinning.
“Hey, I did a wardrobe change today,” Yoongi said, gesturing at his sweater.
“I noticed,” Taehyung chuckled. “It looks good on you. But you know, I bet you could pull off pastel colors too.”
“That will be the day when you decide to wear a plain t-shirt and jeans outside,” Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“I’m willing to make a trade,” Taehyung raised an eyebrow.
“In your dreams, Kim Taehyung.”
“Your drinks,” Mr. Sangmin said, appearing with his tray. “One americano and one cinnamon-spiced hot chocolate.” He laid down two steaming mugs in front of them. “The sandwiches will be ready in a few minutes,” he added before leaving.
“Wow, this smells amazing,” Taehyung said, leaning over to sniff his hot chocolate.
“It tastes amazing too,” Yoongi added, blowing on his coffee before taking a sip. “I tried it once for a bit of a sugar rush and it really hit the spot.”
“Hey! We should take a picture together,” Taehyung exclaimed, pulling out his phone. “And we’re against the pretty art against the wall too so it’s perfect!”
“I’m not much of a social media person,” Yoongi backed away slightly. “And you probably have a million followers on Instagram or Twitter or whatever so…”
“I’m not posting this,” Taehyung shook his head. “I just want to keep it for myself and look back on it.” Yoongi paused for a while, considering this, before taking out his phone as well.
“In that case, I want a picture too,” he said. Taehyung grinned and held out his phone with the camera ready. Yoongi leaned in slightly towards Taehyung and smiled as he took the picture.
“Want me to do yours?” Taehyung offered. Yoongi nodded and handed him his phone before they took a picture again. This time, Taehyung made a funny face so Yoongi decided to join in and flash his signature gummy smile.
“Aww, I kind of want this picture more,” Taehyung pouted as he looked at the image on Yoongi’s phone.
“No problem, I’ll send it to you later,” Yoongi said and resumed drinking his coffee.
“Really?” Taehyung grinned excitedly.
“Sure,” Yoongi nodded, looking at the picture again on his phone. He never really took selfies but maybe he wouldn’t mind so much if it was with him and Taehyung.
Their sandwiches arrived a few minutes later, along with the berries cheesecake that Taehyung more than willingly shared with Yoongi. A few people came and went in the café but none that seemed to recognize who he or Gamer V was. Taehyung was thankful for that, he didn’t quite want anyone interrupting them.
“So, one more week until you get to remove the bandages,” Taehyung said. Both of their drinks, and the refills they ordered to pass the time, were long gone. It was mid-afternoon and only two middle school students were in the café.
“Yeah,” Yoongi nodded, running a finger lightly over the bandaged portion of his hand. “I think I’ve forgotten how to eat and dress up with both hands now,” he joked.
“I’ll kind of miss being able to just come and go in your apartment,” Taehyung sighed. “It’s nice seeing a place that is a lot less messy than mine.” Yoongi smiled at the joke and Taehyung felt as if the floor was falling beneath them again. ‘And I’ll miss spending more time with you,’ he thought. He would miss those times when Yoongi chose not to leave the kitchen or the laundry room when Taehyung was busy taking care of things and the meaningless, casual conversations they shared together.
“You can still drop by of course,” Yoongi said, looking up at him. “After everything you’ve done for me, you’re more than welcome to come over. If you’re not busy of course.” He paused and his gaze turned down at the table. “I know I won’t be busy any time soon.”
“You still don’t feel like playing the piano?” Taehyung asked. For a second, Yoongi glanced at the black piano against the wall right beside them.
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ioncewroteadream · 7 years
Evak’s First Vacation
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Can’t stop thinking about what their first trip somewhere would look like (inspired by Henrik’s trip w/ his friends and Lea)
Arguing about what to pack and what stays (“Isak, you’re not allowed to take textbooks with you. Like, I’m actually offended that you thought this was an option.” “Fine, but you need to put at least four hoodies back. It’s going to be so hot there.” “But my aesthetic”)
Packing and repacking and then remembering they forgot the good camera when they’re halfway to the airport. (They go back and get it. It’s all good.) (They end up forgetting one of their chargers) 
Even takes a lot of pictures. Like. He’s documenting everything every step of the way. So he definitely has pictures from when he made Isak pay for the travel sized lube, all mad and red in the face. He may also have pictures of Isak after they put it to use. 
Falling asleep on each other at the gate. They have early flight and they’ve got 3 hours to kill. (”I think my leg is cramping. I can’t tell anymore though. Everything is numb.” “Even, if you love me, you’ll let me have this.” “The things I do for love.”)
Isak takes Even’s seat at the window, because fuck sitting next to a stranger, and if going anywhere with Even has taught him anything, it’s that Even’s got a bladder the size of a peanut.
Immediately lifting the arm rest. (They have a habit of ending up on top of each other wherever they sit.)
Syncing their movies so they can watch them together.
Holding hands under their blankets. 
Glaring at the sorta cute (I guess) flight attendant who keeps batting those fucking eyelashes at Even. (”Like, you’d think she’d want to, I don’t know, do her job?” Even kisses him sweetly “Honestly, I didn’t notice…I was kinda just looking at what she had on her cart.”)
Even eventually gets into conversation with the older lady sitting beside him. Isak tunes them out at around her youngest son’s girlfriend. (He has a fantastic nap…but his neck feels like shit when he wakes up.)
There’s turbulence. And Isak thought he’d hate it. Actually he knew he would. But when Even wakes up during a particularly bad bit, and looks at Isak with wide eyes and a quivering lip, he wraps his arms around his boy and presses soft kisses into his hair. (It’s uncomfortable, but Isak’s the master of doing shit that’s uncomfortable.)
“Fucking finally.” When the seatbelt sign turns off. Even needs to piss.
Breakfast fucking sucks. (”Ok, I’d rather have another one of your cheese toasts.” “Ok, first, you told me what to put on it. And babe, it’s not even that bad.” “Uh, yeah it is.” Isak forces Even to try his eggs, even though they have the same meal.)
Even making Isak wait for most of the people to get off the plane so they won’t get caught in the crowd.
Letting Even do the talking, because he’s not bad at English, but the way he sounds makes him feel weird. He just doesn’t want to talk, ok?
It’s so damn hot. (”I told you not to wear so many layers.” “I’m not going to sacrifice my look because of a little heat.” Even’s in just a t-shirt by the time they flag down a taxi.)
They spent a long time saving for this trip. So of course, they rented a suite at the nicest resort they could afford. It’s gorgeous. All white sand beaches, aquamarine water, and palm trees lining the street. Isak’s mouth drops a little, because sure he knew it was going to be nice, but this? This is everything and so much more. And he gets to have this with the man of his life.
The view is incredible. Both out the window wall and Isak underneath him. The backdrop of the beach and Isak writhing on the expanse of white sheets makes Even’s heart stutter. He’s just so full of love and everything is perfect. (When he’s on his back, with Isak’s head on his chest, he reminds Isak about the bet that he won. Isak just bites the dip between his pecs and Even laughs.)
Even forces Isak to buy the same awful t-shirt and wear it right away. (Isak kinda loves it. But he’ll never admit it)
SO!! MANY!! PICTURES!! (isakyaki is poppin)
Even. That sonuvabitch wears a friggen BANDANA and Isak can’t keep his hands off him. (They keep making out in random places and actually get kicked out of the restaurant they’re having dinner in. “Why, is it because we’re men?” “No, sir, not at all. Unfortunately we’ve had too many complaints, and if it escalated any further we would have had to cal the police.” Isak has to drag Even away, and talks him out of giving them a one star rating on yelp)
Isak tans beautifully. He’s golden and ethereal. And Even falls deeper.
They try to spend at least an hour everyday at the beach. There’s so much to see and do, but they came for the beach and they were going to take advantage of it.
Even makes them hike and Isak can’t complain when they’re kissing behind a waterfall. (He totally complains the whole way up AND back down, though)
They make love (Even’s words, not Isak’s) every night. It’s fantastic and they can be as loud as they want without a single bang on the wall. (They tried it at the beach once, but Isak felt something crawl across his foot and pushed Even off him. He ends up with sand up his crack. Beach sex is not sexy.) (Hot tubs, though. Those are fucking wonderful and Even fully intends on buying them a house with one.)
Isak makes them take a tour. And it’s actually great. They learn so much and eat at cool places. A day well spent.
They eat everything and anything. There are mini burgers and exotic things that they can’t even hope to pronounce. 
They cuddle all morning, before they have to check out. It’s a little bittersweet, but they miss their families and friends. It’s time to go home.
Isak never really went on vacation as a kid. His family just didn’t do that. Sure, he went on short trips with friends, the odd cabin here and there. But this trip with Even was amazing. He knows he’s going to hold these memories close to his heart for the rest of his life. Even took tons of pictures, but so did Isak. They’re on the plane back, and he’s smiling at his phone, reliving every moment through hundreds of pictures of Even. Laughing. Telling stories to strangers they met at a club one night. Hugging a dog. Eating ice cream. He takes a moment to kiss the top of his head before going back to his phone.
Even isn’t really sleeping. He’s watching Isak swipe at his phone, and his heart swells at this look into Isak’s mind. Seeing himself as Isak seems him. He’s never been happier.
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