#but like now im so emotional thinking about kindergarten Ava
fuckyeah-dragrace · 2 years
literally loved the single mom emojis you did so here's some more! I'll add random emojis and give context but chose to ignore if u want
🦁-zoo trip and/or school field trips
📚-Ava learning to read or her first day of school
🌙- you chose!
I’m glad you loved them💕💖 I really enjoyed writing them and these are so fun!
🦁 Zoo trip Headcanons
Considering the fact that Jasmine absolute adores animals, it’s no surprise Ava loves them too
Like she’s absolutely obsessed with anything fuzzy, small, and 4 legged so they take her to the zoo one day and she is in HEAVEN
Like when I tell you she didn’t stop smiling and she was just 🤩 all day
Daya and Jasmine definitely got there steps in because omg Ava is a bolter, like she just runs to the nearest exhibit
Eventually she gets but in the baby carrier which she isn’t happy about but then falls asleep
If they had to big there favorites to exhibits to see, Jasmine likes the big cats obviously, Daya adores the butterfly sanctuary and Ava only ever wants to go see the bears
No but the funniest thing happened when they went to the big cat exhibit
So Daya was holding Ava in like the carrier, like ones you clip onto strollers, and Ava was already asleep in there and while Daya and Jasmine were looking at a leopard
And ya know Dayas like swinging the carrier around, chatting with Jasmine
The leopard was literally watching Daya swing the carrier and it kept on getting closer and closer till it was like right up to the glass and they both freaked out and sat like 😦
But the biggest struggle at the zoo is the gift shop at the end because Ava grabs like everything and Jasmine is such an enabler because have you seen those eyes??
Ava ends up with just one stuffed animal, took a lot of negotiation, and she sleeps with that polar bear every night
Jasmine also may have bought the cutest little koala onesie and surprises Daya with it one day
📚 First day of School Headcanons
Obviously this is a little further into the future but Ava absolutely loves learning and she can’t wait for school to start
She can’t sleep the night before, she has her entire outfit planned down to her hair bow, her backpack is right next to her bed, she’s even practiced how she smiles in the mirror- she is ready
Daya and Jasmine are absolute wrecks seeing her act so big and they know they’ll only cry more in the morning
Morning of, Ava is running the house and keeping everyone on schedule cuz she doesn’t want to miss her first day like she goes and wakes up her moms and Jasmines like ‘5 minutes’ and Ava literally sits on the bed and watches the clock until it’s five minutes (Daya laughs at that)
Jasmine goes and makes breakfast (chocolate chip pancakes that look like a cat, Ava’s fav) while Daya gets Ava dressed and they way Daya almost cries seeing Ava in her uniform—
She does the little twirl with her skirt and Daya hugs her so tightly and Ava laughs at how silly her mommy is
Jasmine goes and does Ava hair into her favorite braid and that’s when Ava gets a little nervous and asks if it’s scary and Jasmine just 🥺 and gives her all the kisses and says that she’ll be fine
The photo shoot they have before getting to school 😤 top tier
They get to school and there standing outside of the classroom when Ava just kinda freezes and gets so scared and holds onto her moms hands
She gets a big big hug from her proud mamas and she’s off to class smiling and already talking to other kids
Now, if you think Jasmines a crybaby, Daya outdoes her by a country mile
It’s like a constant stream of tears all the way home and Jasmines like laughing at how adorable Daya is and they go home and just cuddle till Daya stops crying
📆Work Headcanons
So Daya performs like night shows on the side to her day job and Jasmine loves having a kinda rockstar as her girlfriend
When Daya has like late shows or gigs, Jasmine always FaceTimes before she puts Ava to bed so Daya can say good night to her and wish her luck before her performance
Jasmine tries to stay awake till Daya gets home but when she does get home, Jasmines usually asleep on the couch
Daya thinks it’s adorable and has so many pictures of Jasmine
Jasmine surprised Daya at one of her performances and she was extra sexy that show, and Jas and Daya get very well acquainted with the storage closet
Whenever Daya has like a lunch or afternoon gig, Jasmine always stops by with Ava who wears her dragonfly onesie that Daya got her and loves seeing
When Ava’s older and she comes to see Daya perform, she always dedicated a song to her
When Jasmine has long rehearsals and Daya gets super bored, she makes TikToks of her and Ava doing the most random of stuff (all not posted for privacy’s sake)
Just like the funniest stuff every and she even does some of the dances with Ava in the carrier strapped to her chest, who’s so chill and smiles through her moms dorky antics
Jasmine comes home and is very confused to see Daya dancing to Lizzo while Ava’s in the carrier with her sunglasses, totally unbothered and done with Daya
One time Jasmine comes home to see Daya holding a blanket wrapped around Ava and lowering her to try and grab the pacifier off the floor with the mission impossible theme playing in the background
She stands there for a good minute and really questions why she decided to date this dork
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