#but like in general i think f/o would have a sweet tooth. absolutely
vellichorsdesire · 7 months
just ate fruit loops for dinner i thjnk my f/o would love this stuff actually
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
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Aemond General Headcanon Alphabet
A - Animals - Are they an animal person? Good with them? Scared of them? 
Beyond Vhagar, Aemond views animals as a practicality - if not for meat, milk or wool he sees little point in them.
B -  Boozy - What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? 
Aemond isn't a drinker, he rarely imbibes, having spent most of his life witnessing the negative consequences of Aegon's overindulgence. He gets pretty tipsy from a single glass of wine, which removes any inhibition/filter he has, hence his "Strong Boys" toast.
C - Chocolate - Do they prefer savory tastes or do they have a (secret) sweet tooth? 
Aemond doesn't have a sweet tooth. He sees food as a necessity, not an indulgence. Any sweet treats that cross his plate he gives to Helaena.
D - Decision - Are they impulsive decision makes? Do they follow their heart, or do they prefer thinking it over?
He is meticulous in his decision making, unless angered. Aemond is at his most impulsive when he feels slighted.
E - Explosive - Are they quick to get angry? What kind of angry are they?
Aemond's temper is a slow burn, but when it reaches its boiling point he isn't explosively angry, just vengeful and spiteful.
F - Friendship - Do they make friends easily? Or are they more hard to approach?
Aemond is a loner by nature. His proclivities towards being a know it all mean people aren't quick to warm to him, and having been picked on most of his life he prefers to keep others at arm's length.
G - Ghost - Do they believe in the paranormal? Are they superstitious? 
No. Aemond is practically minded. There's an explanation for everything in his mind.
H - Health & Hygiene - Do they take proper care of themselves or do they need to be reminded to have better habits? 
Aemond prides himself on his appearance and puts a lot of time into ensuring he is well kept.
I - Income - Do they feel like money = happiness, or are they happy with enough to survive? Do they dream of a lavish lifestyle, or do they think luxury is unnecessary? 
Aemond is a Prince, so he's accustomed to a certain lifestyle. He'd absolutely struggle without it.
J - Job - If they’d be living in our world - modern AU - What kind of job would they have? Would they be good at it? 
He'd be a lawyer, most definitely. And he'd be amazing at it - he's intelligent, hyper focused and loves to debate, no doubt he'd be top of his field and earning big bucks.
K - Kindness - Are they kind? Do they like to pay it forward? Are they kind to strangers? 
No. He's kind to his loved ones, particularly his mother and sister. Prefers to keep away from everyone else. Absolutely not a philanthropist.
L - Love Language - What is their love language? Does it change when it’s a romantic relationship or are they consistent with how they show love to friends and partners? 
Aemond's love language is quality time. He prefers to be alone, so when he cares for someone it's a big deal when he wants to be around them/have them in his space.
M - Music - What kind of music are they into / would they be into? Can they sing / dance? Do they have good rhythm? 
Absolutely cannot sing or dance, zero sense of rhythm. Typical white man. Enjoys darker sounding pieces. In a modern setting would absolutely listen to metal.
N - Nature - Do they enjoy the calm and quiet of nature or do they prefer people and the city? What kind of nature resonates most with them (sea, forest, mountains…) 
The quiet solitude of sitting by the fireplace in a library, or being above the clouds on dragonback.
O - Offspring - Do they want kids one day? Are they good with children, or do they prefer to stay away as far as possible? 
Terrible with children, as he never really had the opportunity to enjoy being one himself. Absolutely wants kids of his own though, as it's considered the "proper" thing to do and he wants to carry on the Targaryen bloodline.
P - Pain - Do they have a high pain tolerance? Are they quick to admit that they are in pain or will they endure it by themselves? 
Considering what Aemond went through with his eye and how much of that he internalised, it's safe to assume his pain tolerance is quite high. If he's suffering he'll keep it to himself.
Q - Question - Are they curious by nature? Do they know loads of little trivia? Are they very knowledgeable in their field? 
Aemond is a thirsty boi when it comes to knowledge. If a topic interests him then he's not satisfied until he knows all there is to know about it. He provides himself on how well read he is.
R - Rain - What is their favorite type of weather? Favorite season? Are they an ‘I’m always hot’ or an ‘I’m always cold’ kind of person? 
Aemond prefers dry, cooler weather. His proclivity towards wearing leather means he gets too hot when it's sunny, and rain messes up his hair and makes it difficult to train/ride Vhagar.
S - Sleep - What are their sleeping habits? What does their bed look like? 
He survives on very little sleep, but never looks fatigued. He's going to bed late, but also waking up early. He doesn't need a lot of rest. His bed is minimalist and always well made.
T - Tired - Are they a morning person? A night owl? A permanently exhausted pigeon? 
He doesn't really switch off. He's up with the dawn and not going to bed until well after midnight.
U - Unwind - What do they like to do to relax? Do they need a lot of downtime?
Aemond needs a lot of time to recharge if he's spent a lot of time around other people. He'll either go for a lone ride on Vhagar, or tuck himself away in the library to read.
V - Vulnerable - Are they quick to overshare? Or do they keep up their defenses? How long does it take for them to trust someone and open up? 
Aemond doesn't open up to anyone. Information has to be pried from him and he'll only really start to open up once he feels a sense of trust/comradery with someone, which takes a long time.
W - Weird - Do they have any habits that are considered strange or abnormal by other people? What are they? 
His preference to being on his own, his reluctance to open up and his penchant for having to know the most about everything at all times could all be considered strange.
X - XOXO - In a modern AU: are they a texter or a caller? Do they use emoji? What are their most used Emoji? Do they use a lot of common abbreviations, or do they type out everything properly? 
He'd be a texter. No emojis. Everything is typed out properly, but also doesn't say more than is absolutely necessary.
Y - Yes man - Are they quick to help out friends? And Strangers? Will they be easy to convince to do things for others or do they prefer just taking care of their own business. 
He'd die for his family, and do absolutely anything for them. The rest of the world can fuck off as far as he's concerned though.
Z - Zone out - Are they prone to daydreaming? If so, what are they dreaming about? Or are they more focussed, and if they are, how hard is it to break their concentration?
Aemond is constantly in his own head, as he's not much of a talker. However, when he's doing something it has all of his attention, he doesn't do things by half measures. Babygirl concentrates.
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hiseternalmayfly · 1 year
(If you have the energy. If not, feel free to ignore my ass lololol)
All of the questions for Ji Hu
I am feral for more content, please. I love Seven, yes; however, the feral platonic love I already have for Ji Hu is mildly concerning. I need to be beasties (besties but we're feral) with the fellow gremlin.
Since this is going to be long its all going under a cut
1. what are the basics of your self insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.? Name: Ji-Hu Yoon DOB: 11/16 Age: 20 Height: 4'10" Weight: 130 pounds.
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
The gang would meet him along their travels. Since Ji Hu sorta "runs" a town with his gang. I say run rather they just bullied everyone into submission and now they steal kids candy and rich peoples money and also kick rich old men for funsies.
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
Vash: Thinks Ji-Hu is a bit of a brat. Think exactly how he reacted to Katie in tri98. You know when he was slamming his head into Katie over and over? Yeah, same thing Wolfwood: These two butt heads hard. The second Wolfwood opens his mouth with an insult they are straight fighting each other. Wolfwood does remember who Ji Hu is but since Ji Hu doesn't, Ji Hu thinks Wolfwood is just a condescending asshole Milly: .....His wife t4t wife Meryl: He loves to pick of Meryl. Bullies her about being short despite literally being short himself
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
He is an EOM sleeper agent. If he were to ever be activated he would easily slaughter a town with raw strength. However until it's unlocked he's literally just a dude!
6. does your self insert have any pets?
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
Maybe Vash????? Maybe Wolfwood?????? I'm not sure. He's a huge brat its hard to get through to him
8. what is your self insert’s orientation?
He's bi but don't ask him what his gender is cause he doesn't know either
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
No one understands how Milly of all people was able to get him to soften up. He utterly refuses to be soft with Milly around others and still sorta gives her the same lip he gives everyone else but she just picks him up and goes "Oh sweet boy calm down!" and pats his back like a baby until he shuts up.
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
That signature look stays pretty much 24/7. Ankle length brown skirt and a varsity jacket. You'll pretty much never see him in anything else. He might take the jacket off sometimes but he just wears a dress shirt under it.
13. does your self insert have any information about their family?
His real family? No. The fake family background that Knives and the EOM members gave to him? Yeah. :3c
14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
Bullying rich people and stealing candy from kids.
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
He's a conflict of interest. Obviously once they get to know him better they want to protect him....but once that switch is set off how would they feel seeing the damage he can cause? :3c
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
Ji Hu has a VIOLENT sweet tooth. Basically everything he eats is sweet as hell. Even his coffee is absolutely loaded with sugar until you can hardly taste the coffee.
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okarawrites · 3 years
Can I get both a SFW and NSFW alphabet for Future Trunks???
Thank you for aiding my obsession.
Of course! Here is the SFW and i'll get working on the nsfw one asap!
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He isn't the most touchy person in public, but he also isn't afraid to wrap his arms around you when you two are alone. He tends to just go with what you're comfortable with.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He's loyal AF! He will defend you to the end. The friendship would probably start after you help him out in a fight or help him to gather supplies.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves to hold your head under his chin. The man has spent his whole life in fear of losing those he loves to you bet he's going to hold you like you're the most precious thing on earth.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
This man doesn't have enough time for cooking and cleaning. It's a daily fight for survival so settling down isn't something he plans, but he hopes that it could happen one day.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He'd be as kind as possible. He'd feel awful about it, but he would let you down gently.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Again, his worlds in a bit of a rut. But he dreams of a rebuild society were he could make an honest guy/gal/non-binary pal out of you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He's gentle at heart, but he's had to harden over the years. But in the right setting he will show his gentle nature.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He loves a hug, but as said before isn't much into pda's. Though he will always offer a hug to those who need it.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes him a while. He's scared of getting attached to people as he's already lost so much. So he'll try and convince himself that he isn't in love for a long time.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He hates to admit it, but he often feels a pang of jealousy. I think he definitely felt it a bit when he travelled to the past. To see a version of himself who had both his mother and father definitely stirred some unwanted emotions.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
They're passionate. Every kiss is like the last. He takes nothing for granted so he'll be intense and take your breath away.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's great with kids! They love him and his friendly and protective way. He always seems to soothe them.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
He's an early riser so he's normally up before you, but he'll always give you a kiss before he head out.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He's usually very tired at the end of the day, so expect a lot of laying together talking about your hopes and dreams.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He'll reveal things slowly. Not necessarily because he's secretive, but he want to know about you more than anything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He's quite patient and understanding. Only really angry if someone hurts someone he loves.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He remembers every detail about you and will often surprise you by referencing little details you once said.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Any time when he can make you smile.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Extremely protective! He will lay down his life for you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He doesn't have access to a lot, but he will always be thoughtful and try his best.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He gets in his own head a lot. End up blaming himself for things that he couldn't have prevented.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He's not overly concerned, but definitely knows what works on him. The man was raised by Bulma after all!
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes, you're one of the few people he still has. He couldn't risk losing you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He has a major sweet tooth and gets super excited when he finds any canned fruit, though he will always make sure you have some too.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He absolutely hates recklessness. It stresses him tf out!
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He's a very light sleeper so wakes in the night often
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Nobody asked for this but I'm gonna do it anyways...
Fluff Alphabet: Takeru/Aguni Edition
A = Attractive what do they find attractive about the other?
Takeru: only reason he let Aguni wear regular clothes and not swimwear is because he saw ARM in that tank top and was like "oh damn okay 😳." So, y'know, that. (And he'll never admit it but he kinda likes how Aguni is a little bit taller than he is....) Also likes that Aguni has a really dry, deadpan sense of humor—he ways finds a way to make Takeru laugh, even when he's not really trying.
Aguni: I think the physical aspect of things wasn't really a make-or-break for him at first—like, yeah, Takeru's a good-looking guy, but that's secondary. He liked how Takeru is such a live-wire, very loud and colorful and seemingly fearless, no matter what kind of trouble they got into. (But also...he likes the hair. That's a thing for him.)
B = Baby do they want a family? why/why not?
Takeru: If they end up with one somehow, then, sure. But, like. He's not going out of his was to make it a thing. (But also, he has his cat, Ziggy, who he calls his baby, so...)
Aguni: Would secretly love to be a dad but is too worried he might mess the kid up or something. Is more than happy to be 'unofficial parent' to the neighborhood kids, though. Handing out ice pops to the kids that show up at the shop, keeping an eye out and telling them to get home before dark, maybe even showing one or two of them how to throw a better curveball...you know. Real Hallmark channel shit. (And yes, for those who were wondering: Ziggy the cat loves him and often curls up on his lap while he watches TV)
C = Cuddle how do they cuddle?
They don't really "cuddle" outside of bed. Just kinda sit next to each other, shoulder to shoulder, no big deal. But in bed, Aguni lies on his back with his arm sorta outstretched while Takeru...well, my man is worm on a string but OFF the string, he just flops all sorts of ways and a lot of them don't look comfortable but he falls asleep in minutes so whatever.
D = Dates what are dates with them like?
I don't think they do "dates"—they've got a long-term thing going on, so they often end up on the couch eating takeout and watching movies. I think they'd go to the movie theater sometimes (and talk shit for the entire film lol) and every once in a while grab dinner somewhere nice...but, usually because they have some cool limited-time-only dessert item that Takeru insists they try. (And Aguni pretends to be upset about having to get dressed up and go out, but is actually rather pleased to have a little romance...and get something to satisfy his sweet tooth.)
E = Everything you are my ____ (e.g my life, my world…)
Aguni: Emergency Medical Contact
Takeru: Co-Signer On The Apartment Lease
F = Feelings when did they know they were falling in love?
Takeru: About a week after Aguni (drunkenly) confessed his crush. Literally spent a whole week like, "Wow, it's a shame I don't love him back. He's so kind and handsome and smart and funny...too bad, I guess..." until one night he sat up straight in bed and said "Hold up." He then immediately called Aguni and began demanding why Aguni didn't tell him he was in love with him this whole time.
Aguni: They had been friends since they were kids, so it's hard to say when his feelings went from "you're my best friend" to something different. But, once he figured it out, he swore never to mention it because that could complicate their friendship.
G = Gentle are they gentle? If so, how?
Takeru: Yes and no. He's got a bad case of "grabby hands" and often yanks Aguni to and fro to look at something or whatever. Just zero respect for the man's personal space. But otherwise...I imagine he's not particularly rough or gentle, just kind of normal. EXCEPT when it comes to the emotional stuff—like, the real heavy things. I think he's very gentle with that, not asking too many questions and just sort of taking care of him where he can.
Aguni: Generally gentle—physically, emotionally, whatever. But I do think that he's confrontational, like when there's an issue, he comes straight out and asks Takeru what's going on. Even corners him, sometimes. He seems like a "no bullshit" guy, and since Takeru is "Mr. 99% Bullshit" he's gotta deal with it as best he can.
H = Hand/Hold how do they like to hold hands?
The only time they "hold hands" is when Takeru is grabbing Aguni's wrist to drag him somewhere (or run away lol) and when Aguni is pulling Takeru's hand back to stop him from touching something...
I = Impression first impression/s
I headcanon that they met very young, like grade school age. After school, in the park, where Takeru was chilling in a tree and Aguni walked by and he was like "Hey, there's a spider up here, wanna see?" and Aguni is like "Not really, I don't like bugs..." Now, Takeru, being "weird bug kid extraordinaire" can't believe his strange little ears and hops down from the tree and starts explaining why bugs are so cool and that Aguni is wrong...and Aguni listens as this funky, tiny firecracker just talks his damn ear off. Aguni liked how excited Takeru got about things, and Takeru liked how Aguni actually listened to him. And they were fast friends after that!
J = Joker are they into pulling pranks?
Takeru fucks around all the time...and doesn't often find out, because Aguni tolerates all his antics. (To a certain point, but still.) Every once in a while, Aguni will tell some harmless little lie just to watch Takeru freak out—he told him once that Lady Gaga was leaving the music scene forever, and Takeru screamed so loud the neighbors filed a noise complaint.
K = Kisses how do they kiss?
I think they most often do quick pecks—at the breakfast table, when they get home from work. You know. Domestic stuff. But when it's not like that...I think 9/10 times it's Takeru initiating, and Aguni reciprocates by wrapping his arms around him in a big hug (because he likes it but also to keep that skinny little weirdo from wiggling so damn much, he's always moving, he can't just be still—)
L = Love who says I love you first?
Neither! I don't think they really say it at all! Why say something that doesn't need to be said? (At least, that's how they see it...)
M = Memory their favorite moment together
Aguni: It's not really a memory, but...just how they have breakfast together some mornings. Sipping coffee, discussing whatever's going on in the world, the general "togetherness" that comes with it is one of his favorite feelings.
Takeru: The time they spent a full 24 hours in a karaoke booth singing 80's hits and knocking back tequila shots and ordering way too much food.
N = Nickel do they spoil? do they buy the person they love everything?
Takeru: Absolutely buys stuff for Aguni all the time. Mostly random snacks, or little knick-knacks that catch his eye. And also clothes, but...Aguni doesn't always approve.
Aguni: Doesn't buy Takeru stuff BUT leaves vases of flowers he grew on the table for Takeru to find.
O = Orange what color reminds them of their other half
Anything bright and obnoxious reminds Aguni of Takeru—red in particular, which also happens to be Takeru's favorite. And Takeru thinks Aguni has calm and soothing blue-green vibes. Like the ocean, beautiful and serene, but also dark and capable of incredible destruction.
P = Petnames what pet names do they use?
Takeru: All of them. Darling, babe, sweetheart (but he calls everyone those lol). Aguni-specific ones are always over-the-top and ridiculous like "brightest star in all of the heavens..." and he always gets an eye-roll for his efforts.
Aguni: Absolutely does not use pet names. Just says "hey you" or something. Once called Takeru "babe" and Takeru had to stop washing dishes and sit down because he was laughing so hard.
Q = Quaint what is their favorite non-modern thing?
Takeru: I feel like he would collect a ton of vintage stuff—clothes, records, just random little bits and bobs he comes across. But his favorite is definitely his record player—it belonged to his dad, and he keeps it in a place of honor in the hat shop.
Aguni: A set of very old and well-cared-for gardening tools. Takeru got them for him for his birthday, and he legit treasures them.
R = Rainy Day what do they like to do on a rainy day?
Lay on the couch and do literally nothing. Takeru gets the left end, Aguni takes the right, and they binge trash TV shows all day. (And also they make box-mix brownies and eat them straight out of the pan. It's "their thing.")
S = Sad how do they cheer themselves/each other up
Takeru: Aside from all his self-destrictive behaviors (binge-drinking, dangerous situations, etc.) he just really needs a good laugh. And Aguni somehow always manages to make him laugh with an unexpected, deadpan comment. Also, he makes Takeru actually talk through his problems instead of ignoring them...
Aguni: if he's in a bad mood, you just need to let him work through it on his own. He hates being "talked down to" and feels that most attempts at cheering up are cheap, so most people don't attempt. Buf...Takeru is not "most people" and breaks out his most ridiculous jokes to try to get Aguni to crack a smile.
T = Talking what do they love to talk about?
Other people! You know Takeru is the "XOXO Gossip Girl" of the neighborhood, but Aguni...he's like a little old church lady and ADORES hearing all the latest drama.
U = Unencumbered What helps them relax?
Both of them have the same method of relaxation and it's...bubble baths! Aguni does a basic, skin soothing soak and just hangs out in the warm water with a book or maybe just his thoughts to keep him company. But Takeru? He's got some fancy bath soaps, and he takes in a glass of wine and lights a few candles and does a face mask and it's a whole EVENT.
V - Very thoughts about each other
Takeru: Thinks Aguni needs to loosen up and take more risks...but also just loves the guy to pieces.
Aguni: Kinda wishes Takeru would calm tf down sometimes...but also knows that it's just how the guy is and wouldn't dare change him.
W = Wedding when, how, where do they propose?
They're not really the marrying type! They just have a mutual understanding of commitment and that's that.
(But if they did have a wedding... I think it would be a relatively small affair with all their closest friends and family. Like a dinner party, but somewhere extra nice and with lots of good food and alcohol. Intimate and meaningful, with just enough "extra" to satisfy Takeru.)
X = Xylophone What’s their song?
"Total Eclipse of the Heart" because they hid out in a karaoke booth (different from the 24-hour event that Takeru cherishes so much) to es ape the Yakuza and Takeru sang it over and over to pass the time.
Y = You the ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese)
"Breaking" to my "Entering." The "Assault" to my "Battery." (They both hate this sort of thing and try to come up with the worst answers possible lol)
Z = Zebra if they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?
They already have the cat, Ziggy, who is their perfect little angel.
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Peter Parker Fluff Alphabet
Peter parker x reader
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: None, other than tooth rotting fluff
A/N: howdy! It's been 84 years since I last posted any originals so here's a fluff alphabet, I plan on doing quite a few more in the future! Enjoy - Aphrodite
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A - activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Between school, Peter loves to spend time with you in his & May's apartment. He sees the city so much while being spider man, so a cozy night in with pizza and Star Wars is his favourite thing. Peter will try and spend as much time with you as possible, but you both have tight schedules due to being avengers, so he'll take whatever he can get. He always feels guilty about not being able to spend as much time with you as he wants, so sometimes you have to reassure him that any time spent together is time well spent.
B - beauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Peter is 100% about personality over looks, and he thinks the most beautiful part of you is your kind and caring nature. He loves your open mindedness and the fact you treat everybody equally, but he also loves the sarcastic and witty side of you. He values your personality loads, but it's just a plus that you're also the most gorgeous person he's ever seen.
C - comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
When you feel down or a bit anxious, Peter can always sense it. He doesn't blatantly tell you, but he always shows you a lot more physical affection to make you feel better. He'll hold your hand and rub small circles on it with his thumb, he'll cuddle up to you and gently massage whatever part of you is closest to him, anything to physically distract you. If you're alone then he'll give you small pecks or the forehead - not only does it make you feel better, but it also makes him feel better too.
D - dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Literally every day. When he's bored in class, when he's trying to get to sleep, when he sees something that reminds him of you; you're on his mind a lot, he absolutely adores you.
E - equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
It depends on the situation. When you're on a mission together and there's even a slight threat, he's automatically dominant and gets very protective of you. But usually he's quite passive, with a hint of dominance when he gets jealous.
F - fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
You and Peter rarely every fight, but when you do have small arguments he's always the first to apologise. The only time you both have had a really serious fight is when you got badly injured after a mission and he got angry that you unnecessarily put your life at risk. However, he was still the first to apologise, as he couldn't stay mad at you for long.
G - gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Oh boy, Peter is SO grateful for everything you do. In fact, he's grateful even when you aren't doing anything. Just knowing that he has the most amazing and kind s/o in the world makes him so thankful.
H - honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
You know pretty much all of Peter's secrets, so there isn't much for him to hide. Even when he does have something he wasn't planning on sharing, he always tells you. He knows you won't judge or tell anyone else, therefore he often uses you as a human diary.
I - inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around?
You and Peter both changed each other for the better. Peter made you appreciate the small things so much more, and has taught you a lot about his favourite things, music, and science. Whereas you've taught him a lot of hand-to-hand combat, and love teaching him your hobbies & the languages you know.
J - jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Peter trusts you completely, so when he sees you spending time with another man then he doesn't really mind. He knows you would never flirt with anyone but him, but as soon as he sees the other person get handsy then he's automatically pissed. He's quite good at hiding his emotions though, so he'd only be slightly passive aggressive towards whoever is flirting with you. He knows you can handle yourself, but sometimes he just wants to make sure people know you're his.
K - kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Your first kiss was amazing. You had been dating for a few months and were spending the night at the avengers tower, in which Peter has a room. You were both cuddled on his bed, eating ice cream, watching Back To The Future when you caught him looking at you. You didn't have time to say anything before he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. Before you could register what was happening, he leaned back with a crimson blush plastered on his cheeks. You cupped his cheek and pulled him back in, this time for longer. His lips tasted of the chocolate brownie ice cream he had been eating, but it was so wonderful and sweet that neither of you will ever forget it.
L - love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
The first time Peter told you he loved you was mid-battle. You, Peter, Sam and Natasha were fighting a group of criminals who were trying to infiltrate Stark Industries - while fighting one of them, you looked over to your boyfriend when you spotted one of the criminals with a knife running up to Peter behind his back. In an instant you jumped over and saved him, using your abilities to your advantage. Once the crimumal was on the floor, Peter laughed, mouth agape, "I love you so much!"
You froze, completely shocked, not knowing what to do. It was only later that evening when you knew what you had to do, so you caught Peter in the hallway of the tower and kissed him, with as much passion as you had in your body. Peter responded quickly, one hand resting gently your waist and the other cupping your cheek. You both stood there for a few minutes, lips working in harmony, before you pulled away and pressed your foreheads together.
"I love you too."
M - marriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
You and Peter are still young, so marriage isn't something you both have thought about too much. Despite this, he knows that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, and eventually get married and start a family. He hasn't brought it up with you as he doesn't want to scare you off, but he knows you feel the same way.
N - nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Peter has loads of cute pet names that he loves to call you, but also has a few silly ones from stupid incidents in the past. He still calls you 'apple' from when you first met and you spilled apple juice all down your clothes, but his signature pet names are 'honey' and, in private, 'baby'.
O - on Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It's very obvious to everyone in the tower and at school that he's head over heels for you. He's constantly making heart-eyes at you, and is always talking about you when you're not around. He compliments you so much that you don't think he's ever said a normal sentence without letting you know how appreciated you are!
P - PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Peter isn't the biggest fan of intense PDA, but would go crazy with it when you're alone. When in public he usually sticks with holding hands, a hand resting on your thigh or around your waist, and small pecks on the temple. When you're alone Peter loves to cuddle, give you small massages of your achy muscles, and would happily kiss you non-stop. But Peter really loves the domestic affection you share, like when he washes your hair or gets to cook with you.
Q - quirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
It's almost like Peter can read minds. If you think about something small that you want, then he'll get you it the next day. You don't know how he does it, but you've always believed that your connection is more powerful than anything you've ever felt. Fancy red velvet cake for dessert? He's already there with a slice. Thinking about rewatching the Harry Potter movies? He'll suggest a move night just in time.
R - Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Peter is very romantic, and likes doing a lot of the cliché things that happen in the movies. But Peter has a lot of creative ideas when it comes to dates and ways to spend time with each other, so you're always in for a good time. He would do anything to make you happy, no matter how cheesy and sappy it is.
S - support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He would do anything to help you achieve your dreams, and will always help you reach success. He studies with you, trains with you, and is there at your beck and call to make sure you know you're supported.
T - thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
You and Peter don't really have a routine, but neither do you spice things up too much. You're always trying new things, and neither of you lead boring lives, so there's always fun stuff to do.
U - understanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Pete is extremely empathetic with you, and knows you better than you know yourself. You've been through some stuff that he doesn't know too much about, but he supports you through everything that he can, and you always do the same.
V - value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship is the most important thing in the world to the both of you, but more so to Peter. He's lost too many people in his life, and the thought of losing you makes him want to die. You're his world, his life, and his one true love, and there's nothing more important to him than the bond you both have.
W - Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Peter and you definitely have different love languages and show love in separate ways, but one thing that unites you both is the love of having you hair played with. When you both are cuddling and drifting off to sleep, peter will run his fingers through your hair, gently massaging your scalp. And sometimes the roles are reversed, you delicately toying with his soft curls, earning small hums of comfort when he feels your warm fingertips against his forehead.
X - XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Kissing and cuddling is Peter's favourite thing. Being soft and vulnerable yet feeling completely safe means the world to him, and it's even better that he gets to do it to you.
Y - Yearning - How will they cope when they're missing their partner?
He barely copes. When you're on a mission and he's in the tower he has to find somebody to pester because he doesn't have you there to mess around with. Usually he annoys Bucky or Sam, but he'll be clingy with whoever is there until he has you back in his arms.
Z - Zeal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
Peter would simultaneously kill and die for you, and sacrifice all he has left in the world. If it made you happy, he'd do whatever you asked :)
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ursoself-satisfying · 6 years
Thank God It’s Christmas
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yes!! soft 80′s deaky tho ::”””)))))
John Deacon x F!Reader, NSFW 
A/N: based on some requests!!!! 7.7k words, took me longer than i thought it would yet its still rushed?? kinda wanted to sit on it but i also wanted it out on as close to Christmas as possible so here she is!!! not as fluffy as i originally wanted or intended but i might do a soft sequel idk im not much for sequels but we will seeeeeeee,,,,, also rip my generic ass holiday title,,,,,, so anyway happy boxing day!!!!!!!
Warnings: NSFW, no intercourse just blowjobs at Fred’s house, s w a l l o w i  n g, kinda kinky?? language and commitment, big sub!john here guys sorry,,, theres fluff at the very beginning and BONUS at the end is fluff if u wanna skip to it!!
playlist!!! vvv
Deaky’s foot tapped against the cold tile floor at a rapid pace, twice that of the holiday music echoing through the spacious building. Anxious energy circulated through his veins for no reason he could figure yet. The masses of people around him, strangers mostly, in uncomfortably revealing ensembles pushed against him as he did his best to stand his ground in the entryway of the lavish house. Gilded accents adorned the perimeter of the ceiling, reflected the sparkle of the excessive fairy lights wrapped around every inanimate object within five feet of an electrical outlet. The colors varied from string to string and right then the bassist was standing beside a particularly bright bundle of rainbow bulbs that were strung halfway up the staircase banister. Perhaps it was the blinking and flashing of the decor and the poppers or the loud noises of the party horns and fireworks- He knew that wasn’t what was causing this dry feeling like his blood had turned to sand and he was weighed down where he stood. A tingly sort of feeling encased him in the form of holiday anxiety. It was the emotional tinsel of holiday maladies, properly named as such because of the irritating and hazardous tendencies of it.
John tried to distract himself from his attempted denial of having such an issue by focusing on what he was even there for. The party? Well, that part was for Fred and the rest of the boys. They all came together, having brought their subsequent other halves to enjoy the celebration with them. His other half, however, was late and that sent him into a natural flurry of worry. Why hadn’t she arrived yet? Where was she? Was she ok? Had something happened and he didn’t know? Deaky wasn’t a weak-willed man by any means, nor did he lack confidence, but he did have an excess of love which unfortunately came with a side order of fear. How early in the relationship was too early to say ‘I love you’, he wondered, or perhaps say something more. The first bridge had been overcome probably quicker than it should have. From the moment he saw her, he knew he loved her, he would say, but now it was time to show that. He wanted to solidify this feeling and ask her, after all that she’d done for him, if she’d be willing to spend the rest of their lives together. That’s what he’d been wanting to say to [Y/N] all month but had been putting it off for a special evening together. He’d had one planned, actually, but the party had taken precedence over his private arrangements. No one had meant to throw off his plans, no one had known he’d even had plans. Of course, he couldn’t say no to those shining round eyes as Roger had really insisted the two of them attend. [Y/N]  was all for it, loving the idea of spending the holidays with the boys without considering what kind of parties it was that Freddie threw.
It had started out nice enough, to be quite honest, but of course, every plus one had a plus one and the door was eternally open at the singer’s shiny new home so the “little get together”, as Freddie had so fondly called it, quickly passed capacity. A drag queen emerged from the hall beside John carrying a man in a leotard with a pink glitter beard. He subsequently held an entire bottle of red wine which he graciously poured down the queen’s front. It dripped and stained both of them as the one in the dress stumbled against the doorway with a booming laugh, caught themselves, then continued through the foyer. John had jumped out of the way, aware that they weren’t aware and if he didn’t move himself he would be move. He watched the two continue to trip and stumble through the tight, growing crowds of colorful fabrics and feathers, always somehow managing to stay upright. Quite a feat to be partying, or doing anything really, in studded 12-inch heels, Deaky thought, though he’d seen far stranger things in this house.
A tap on his shoulder caught him off guard and he turned quickly, only to come nose to nose with the exact person he’d been longing for. [Y/N] stumbled back at the man’s sudden spin and surprised look. She laughed loudly at him as she watched his entire face light up at the sight of her. His smile was soft and buttery and the crinkling at the corners of his eyes was like rays of sunlight breaking through the leaves of a snow-covered tree. It took a millisecond for her to take in all his features, soft nose and chin and cheeks framed cushiony lips and a gap-toothed smile that seemed to melt all the cold of the outside off your shivering bones. John disregarded her reverent moment of appreciation, as he was ignorant of it occurring at all, and engulfed the woman in a tight embrace.
She was glowing when he saw her, nose and lips pink and chapped and skin tight from the winter freeze she’d walked through. She sniffled to keep the snot from dripping drown her upper lip and her dry eyes watered from the environment. He thought she looked absolutely beautiful. “I hadn’t even noticed you’d come in,” he said, lips pressed against the side of her stiff face. His fluffy mop of hair filled in the space between their heads as his hands dug into the padded layers of the heavy overcoat she wore. His warm breath was hot and startling on the frigid hairs on the back of [Y/N]’s neck. Her nose was pink and numb from the temperatures beyond the threshold of the mansion, but she could still smell the contrasting remnants of booze and aftershave in her lover’s hair as well as soaked into his holiday sweater. Her arms were stiff by her sides, gloves in one hand and a large canvas bag in the other. Though the heat of his body against hers was a warm relief, the freeze had yet to wash from her. Upon noticing the lack of movement coming from his companion, the excited brunette let go, slipping his palms over her cold fingers instead.
“I’m sorry, John, I didn’t mean to surprise you!” She laughed and pecked a quick kiss against the corner of his mouth. “Hold on and help me with this, would you?” Straight to business, she handed him the oversized bag in her hand. It was painful for her to let go of him, but she did so nevertheless and proceeded to rid herself of the layers of warmth she wore. Beneath the furs and sweaters, her form was revealed and the poor musician beside her nearly dropped the bag he held. Every part of her was stunning and every time she showed himself to her he was just as awestruck as the first time. Every time since then he’s prayed the fit of his jeans would act as a functional restraint for the way she made him feel.
She’d hung her knits and overcoats in the closet beneath the stairs. When she’d opened the closet door, she was welcomed by a face full of sequence and an explosion of dangerous looking leather straps. Carefully, she placed her items near the back where they were least likely to be contaminated y feathers, glitter, or other transferable fabrics. “Feel a bit out of place dressed so smartly,” she started smoothing out the front of her garment, “didn’t know the dress code was Carnivale showgirl otherwise I would have dressed accordingly.” With a small laugh, she turned to John who stood open mouthed and unresponsive. “John?”
A solid pat on the arm should have shaken him from his trance. His eyes had caught hers, twinkling in the festive lights she stood by, all the colors becoming a kaleidoscope over her irises and he lost himself in it. [Y/N] was used to this by now, this dazed look he would have sometimes. She recognized it as one of utter love and didn’t mind the price for such a moment was repeating her side of the conversation. Chuckling, she softly hit him again. The man made a confused noise, like the whine of a puppy, and his lips trembled for a moment before forming a sheepish grin. He cocked his head to the side apologetically. “Sorry, I- I did it again, didn’t I?” His laugh was warm and familiar. “What were saying, love?” His raised brows urged her to continue.
The closet door closed with a quiet clack and [Y/N] went to take her bag from him. “Nothing,- Nothing, just- I look a bit out of place, don’t I?” She leaned close to him as she said this, scrunching up her nose and smiling as she observed the loitering guests who passed through the halls around them, every item they wore caught the light in blinding ways.
John looked back at his partner and bit his bottom lip with an amused smile, “I think you look lovely.”
[Y/N] tore her attention from the gentleman strolling past them, clad completely, completely, in leather with only a hole where his mouth should be. The sweet face beside her was a stark contrast to her surroundings and she melted a little upon meeting his eyes which never strayed from her, regardless of what may have been hovering around them. “You always say that.”
She breathed a thankful sigh and Deaky eagerly responded, “Well, that’s because it’s always true. You do always look lovely.” She shot him a sly grin, eyes squinted playfully as she shook her head at him.
[Y/N] shyly turned her gaze to the floor, “John-” A burst of noise shook them both, which was saying something for how loud and busy the party already was. A gaggle of girls, quite obviously drunk and giggling, all clad in jockey uniforms, moved through the halls in a huddle. They carried an array of mismatched sporting equipment above their heads and at the end of each one was tied a bough of holly and mistletoe.
“It’s the holly brigade!” One of the guests announced and all the girls cheered and laughed at their name being called.
“No, no! I thought we were the mistletoe militia!” A member of the group shouted.
“The December draft!” Another called out. The rest of the assembled group groaned at the name, little spouts of ‘That’s the worst one yet!’ and ‘Not this again!’ were heard. “Oh, kiss my smooth fuckin’ ass, Bernice!”
“Fuck you, Priscilla! Maybe I will! Maybe that’s what I’m here to do, Goddamnit!”
The quiet couple turned to each and blinked, not surprised but still amused. Apparently, one of the gaggle had sniffed out the two of them and made it their mission to change their position. “Looks like we have some victims!” A redhead exclaimed, moving her hockey stick above John’s head, the festive garnishes hanging from it dangling in front of his nose and swaying often to hit him in the face. He swatted at them defeatedly with a weak smile. The crowds around them cheered at the earlier announcement and began to chant, ‘Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!’ John was red in the face, no, deeper than just red. He was the same color as the beetroots Freddie would send them from his garden. The man quickly scanned the crowds, a shaky breath leaving his lips. His fingers walked up his neck to fiddle with his ear, something he subconsciously did when he was flustered. [Y/N] smiled at the gesture, seeing it out of the corner of her eye.
The entire population of the small room focused on the pair of them. The weight of expectation and anticipation mixed to form a bittersweet scent rolling over them. Noses nearly touching now, sharing breaths, [Y/N] leaned in close to her lover, staring into his soft eyes with half hooded ones of her own. “What do you say, John? Give the people what they want?” After a hesitant nod and a shy, but mischievous smile from him, [Y/N] pushed against him eagerly. The audience roared and laughed, whoops and hollers not enough to break the two of you apart. A female voice above the loud whistles and commanded the team of matchmakers to move on.
Lost in each other, John held his girl by her arms, squeezing her tightly. Her still purple fingernails dug into his shoulders as their lips moved in sync. Not that the collision had started at all chaste, but by now it was most certainly the opposite. He tasted like fruity champagne and something salty, she thought, hands snaking up the back of his neck. She could picture him before she’d arrived, securing a place by the snack table, claiming the cheese and crackers she tasted now. Their tongues intertwined sloppily and they rocked back and forth with the pull and push of their want for one another. His large hands cradled her head and kept them together, her hair falling over his long fingers like waves of light.
The heavy sack she carried on her shoulder slipped to her elbow and ripped them apart. “Oh-!” Catching her sides, John laughed. “Sorry-! Sorry,” She chuckled, pulling her ominously full bag up back up her arm. Dragging the back of her hand across her mouth, she cleaned the shared saliva off her face then reached forward to wipe the corners of her partner’s mouth. God, he was cute when he was flustered. His chest rose and fell quickly, blush not fading. His gaze fell down her body. She followed suit and took in his whole form, aware of the subtle bulge below his waistline.
His swollen lips parted and he began to speak quietly, “You’re-”
“You’re too much for me, John Richard Deacon.” She interrupted with a wink. The man mentioned laughed cautiously and pulled away as his cheek was pinched by his pucker lipped lover. “Why don’t you take us to the boys then, hm?” She re-adjusted her bulging bag on her shoulder, looking petite in comparison to it. It reminded John of a child on their first day of school, packs full of far more supplies than they need.
He glanced through the doorway leading to the moonlit foyer, overwhelmed with characters. Somewhere through there, he knew, was the rest of the band. Did he really want to risk the trip? Venture into the great party beyond? “They’re, well,” he nodded towards the most crowded room, “last I knew, they were somewhere in there.”
“Oh,” [Y/N] paused a moment, then straightened up and took a deep breath, inhaling her courage. She looked to her companion and nodded firmly. “If we don’t make it out,” her hand drifted to stroke John’s lost face dramatically, “tell the kids I love them.” A stoic expression stared back at the man before he broke and laughed, rolling his eyes.
“You think I’d let anything happen you?” He cooed, faux offense filtered through the phrase. He pressed a barely tangible kiss to her cheek before taking her hand from his face and lacing his fingers between his instead. “Come on then, Miss Desmond,” with a laugh, he pulled her behind him and they entered the Coliseum.
Though she’d been giggling just seconds before, the mood was irrevocably shifted to something much more chaotic and disruptive as soon as they crossed the threshold from the entryway to the rest of the house. Not to say the mood was darker, because the bright colors and happy faces around them would deny any sadness ever existed there, but the air was heavier. Maybe it was the influx of bodies, making it noticeably warmer around them, or perhaps it was the “party favors” that the guests had brought themselves.
Streamers, though nicely strung at one point, now looked haphazardly flung about the chandelier and rafters. Against the white of the ceiling and walls, the streamers looked almost like the northern lights, all pastel and waving in the wind of the tall open windows. Freddie always did have good tastes, though lavish, [Y/N] thought as the couple squeezed between the grand piano, suffocated in fairy lights and hard to look at, and a large man in a wrestler’s costume. It smelled awfully of alcohol and sweat. By the end of the night, she was sure she would reek of salt and sickly sweet candies. Clinging tightly to the full bag at her side, the girl was jostled around unceremoniously as the crowd bounced to the beat of whatever pop song blared through the speakers.
John looked back over his shoulder at his tail when his hand got a violent squeeze. He was greeted by an accompanying look of terror, cradling her luggage in front of her. Her wide eyes bore into his and, though her discomfort was nothing to laugh at, her wide, thin-lipped, teeth-baring grimace was. The curly haired man couldn't help but smile, full of sympathy for her state. He turned again to face forward as he foraged through the forest of party goers and hopped a few times to gain some sense of direction. When they’d entered, he’d spotted the cluster of chairs and pillows he’d been lounging on earlier and headed that way. There was no counting on the boys to still be there, but he had no other guesses. Glancing back again, he decided his friend needed a break from the journey and pulled off from the mass of bodies, heading up the stairs to the significantly emptier second floor.
Nearly tripping over the first step, [Y/N] rushed up the carpeted stairs behind her boyfriend to the secondary location. There was a couple midway through a hot make-out session in one corner and another very obviously feeling each other up leaning against the banister. The two took refuge in the small hall leading to the bathroom. The party thumped beneath them, physically able to feel the celebration shaking up through the floor. [Y/N] took one last look back at the chaos they’d just left, grateful to have done so. In the pause, she finally let the tension roll off her and she dropped her tote bag at her feet. “Thanks for getting me out,” she started, a bit out of breath. “So, are they up here, do you think?” Turning back to John, she raised her eyebrows in doubt. “John!”
The bassist snapped his head to face the voice calling him, a deep blush spreading from his nose to his ears. Knowing he’d turned from where the 2 men pressed firmly against each, so much so they nearly toppled over the second story railing, [Y/N] didn’t say anything. Judging from his face and a speedy glance at his pants, she could reasonably assume he was a little bit, how to say, frustrated. “Sorry, what-”
“Nothing,” she said softly, assuring without outright saying that it was ok and he didn’t need to be embarrassed. This wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. Their days together were often interrupted by an impatient or emotional Deaky, crimson-faced and needy. He never said anything, his lover was always the on to initiate it when she could tell it was necessary. Poor boy would suffer through it if she wasn’t with such an observant partner. She stepped to the side and looked around the corners. After scanning their surroundings, concluding there were approximately 5 couples engaging in varying activities upstairs (2 in the halls, 2 in the bedrooms, and 1 in the bathroom), she came to the conclusion that then might be an opportune time to help out little Deaky. “Hey, babe,” she started carefully, “Would you maybe wanna duck into this room here?” She nodded at the door they’d been parked in front of in the small hall. “We got lucky, there are no lewd noises coming from this one.”
While his lover wiggled her eyebrows at him, John adjusted his pants and grimaced. Few words had been spoken since they’d changed locations. “Are you sure?” He knew exactly what she was doing. She always did this, she took care of him. He regretted how guilty he felt whenever these situations occurred and she was the one with the initiative to resolve it. God, he couldn’t help that every time he looked at her he was just overcome with want. She had that effect on men or, well, maybe just him, he hoped. It was just the way she stood and carried herself, the way she moved with such grace and promise. He’d seen her far too many times in far too many intimate ways to not have fallen completely in love with every breath she took. Her voice alone drove him mad and she took full advantage of that when she wanted to.
Too often though she didn’t have to do anything for him to get excited. This occasionally caused problems for them, particularly in instances much like the one they were in just then. The two of them would be making small talk, at a party or, or just hanging out with the boys but it would be a social time and an inconvenient one for them to slip away. [Y/N] always noticed, though, as, though the boy was ignorant of it, she never took her eyes off him just as he never did her. His discomfort was like a searchlight for her, obvious and urgent. Too polite to say anything in public and too afraid of messing it up, John never excused himself. [Y/N] always seemed to know how to handle it, though the rest of the band would usually figure out why they’d run off anyway.
There were no friends or guests up here to trick and an empty room right in front of them. It was easy and convenient, “And the boys aren’t looking for us, are they?” [Y/N] cocked her head in question, convincing her other half to take this time to let off some steam. “I want a moment with you,” she spoke in a lower voice now, pulling him towards her by hooking her fingers in the waist of his skin-tight jeans. Their chests collided and John caught himself on her shoulder. Gripping her upper arms tightly, he suppressed a groan, the strain against his erection becoming too much. Her voice, her movement, her command- He was weak, but only for her.
Inches separating them, the brunette leaned forward and was blessed with her scent, that of a garden after a heavy rain, cinnamon sticks, and the familiar backseat of a London cab. “I suppose there’s no harm,” he replied with a sly smile, breathing a soft laugh on her cheek. For a few seconds, he had the opportunity to revel in her presence and in his fragile state it almost pushed him over the edge. Distracted, he stumbled forwards after the woman when she pushed back at the door behind her, slipping in when it swung open. They disconnected as she shut the door after the musician. This gave them a chance to examine the room of their chosen connection.
It looked like Fred’s room to them. The walls were littered with framed photos of the singer himself and old Hollywood actresses. A heart-shaped vanity made [Y/N] laugh but the real giveaway was the king-sized canopy bed in the center of the room. Fur throws covered the upper half of the mattress and the colors of the entire room were coordinated reds and pinks. Romantic, she thought, and very Freddie. “Deaky, take note, I want my life to look like this room.” Heading straight for the lavish looking bed, [Y/N] swept away the sheer curtains surrounding it and dramatically fell onto the plush covers. They engulfed her and she was lost in this sea of rose-colored satins, curling like a cat and twisting through the sheets with purrs and mewls to accompany her graceful stretching.
As the only other person in the room, Deaky was there to witness it all. His attention strayed from the florally patterned trinket he examined on the dresser. She was glowing, shining through the sheer folds hanging from the canopy obstructing his view. True to theme, the way she curled and twisted on the bed reminded John of the same stars hung on the walls. She’d look perfectly fit in a black and white melodrama. He imagined her sprawled across the bed in shadows, donning a silk slip, lace trim slowly sliding up her thigh as she turned, straps falling from her shoulders as she moved- Deaky was suddenly very uncomfortable. His focus locked on the woman on the mattress and his feet took him quickly to stand over her, intention weighing down his every footstep.
Laughing to herself quietly as she buried her face in the velvet throw pillow beside her, [Y/N] didn’t notice the arrival of her lover now planted between her dangling knees. “I’m not sure how entirely appropriate it is to be, uh,” he paused to laugh a bit but as she turned to face him, now aware of his presence and position standing between her legs- His breath hitched. He regretted using the word ‘glowing’ to describe what she was, it simply wasn’t enough. It was like watching a miracle happening before him every time that sultry filter shone across her face. Darkened irises peaking through long, low lashes as she licked her plump lips waiting for him to continue, it all drove him crazy. “How appropriate,” he tried again to get his thought out in broken words, “to be, uh, fucking- fucking on the host’s bed.”
[Y/N] sat up slowly arching her back and pulling her shoulders back in a stretch, her hands making electric contact with the thighs in front of her. She swore she could almost hear the buzzing of the sudden energy surging between the two of them. Her fingertips squeezed his leg, nails digging in lightly to the denim holding him together. A shuddering breath fell from his lips upon the shoulders of the woman below him and it washed over her. She was baptized by his sound crowning her, filling her with the final drops of motivation she needed, knowing this feeling of accomplishment from making him lose control of his basic instincts like this would be rewarded to her tenfold after their rendezvous. The pads of her slim fingers traipsed up the front of his legs and caught the hem of his tight Christmas coverall, tugging on it for his attention, then letting the same clingy digits hook into the belt loops around his waist to yank him closer.
John was hypnotized by the beauty that belonged to the powerhouse before him, lost in the maze of a hazy halo that seemed to always be floating around her. He was pulled from the dreamy vision by a tug on his shirt and his hips being pulled forward. The heat of his lover’s gaze when he lowered his eyes to meet hers bore through him and he could feel his face burning, even more, somehow he was sure he was turning even redder. Her face was level to his crotch and slowly she leaned to press her cheek to it. The obvious bulge was warm and sensitive through the garment as she put her face to it.
Images of her raced through John’s mind when she did this and they were enough to make a whore blush. Some were memories from past coitus, some fantasies he’d been too ashamed to share, but all were absolutely irreverent. One of her with her lips locked around the base of his cock, she was kneeling on a bed much like she was at the present. Her eyes were low and full of lust, dilated pupils making them shades darker than usual. Her makeup was smeared, lipstick was strewn halfway across her cheek and her mascara leaking down her face as black tinted tears rolled down the sides of her face. Her brows were upturned tiredly, past her first orgasm and nearing her second. Her nose was pink and soft, hitting against his pubic hair every time he was hilted in her mouth. He was practically there, feeling the tightness of being deep in her throat, hot and wet and so pleasurable. In the back of his memory, he could hear her muffled gags, feel them vibrating around his cock, sending ripples of ecstasy through him until he came. Her eyes would roll back and the gurgling guttural noise that came from the depth of her stomach as thick ropes of cum flooded her passage. Neck thick with his length, she was overwhelmed, eyes rolling back white, breathing quickening. She had been face fucked within an inch of her life and he had loved every second of it. Her reactions could put him over without effort- her looks, her sounds, every way she felt when she was convulsing around him, milking him for all he was worth.
A cutting snap echoed through the room as [Y/N] had pulled back the elastic hem of his underwear and let it hit the skin across his hip bones. It broke John from the fantasy he’d fallen into. The sting of the snap hung on the red line it left behind. When he finally got over the shock of it, his eyes met [Y/N]’s. She wore a  bemused smile cocked her head with a laugh. “Where’d you go there, rocketman?” At this point, she’d undone his pants and began slipping them down his legs. Slowly, her hands caressed the exposed skin, starting at the slivers shown at the tops of his thighs.
As soon as the jean had inched past the end of his length, his arousal was set loose and sprung upward. The stretchy fabric of his of his undergarment of choice wasn’t nearly enough to hold him in position. His erection strained against the cotton he wore, only stopping it from hitting his stomach and instead having it curve outward. The girl was eye level with the outlet of his want. It was throbbing and stuck straight out, aimed at her, darker at the tip, wet because of his leaking pre-cum. She licked her lips at the appetizing sight and all her lips were wet, dripping in excitement for the feast she faced.
“I, um,” he was going to explain, though reluctantly, where his mind had wandered but was interrupted by his grateful release. A wavering moan played like music to his lover’s ears. Relief engulfed him, he thought, but then realized it was simply the absence of pain and now he was left with undefined arousal and need. A pinch on the bottom of his buttcheek reminded him to continue his story, but when he tried to speak, it wasn’t words that came out.
‘Squeak’ is the best word to describe the sound he made. [Y/N] responded with a pleased squeak of her own and, now that his lover torso was sufficiently accessible, went on to slip her fingers between the fabric and the soft skin at his hips. She didn’t mind the tighty-whiteys to be quite honest. It fit his personality.
“What were you saying, love?” Sparkling eyes searched for his as eager fingers hooked through the legs of his last cover, pulling them slowly down. The waistband slid down his shaft and pushed it down until it was catapulted by the final slip of grey elastic. The slap was quiet and muffled as his slick head collided with the rough knit of his seasonal wear. [Y/N] bit her lip at the reveal and looked up at the even more relieved Deaky. Anticipation spread across his features as he waited to be touched, forgetting what she’d just asked him. She’d completely forgotten as well, dismissing it for the option of palming at the sensitive skin of the cock grandly standing before her, feeling the pulse of his love on the patterns of her hands.
“Oh,” John did his best to taper his breathing from the heavy gasps moments before, “please, please, [Y/N]-” The hand slid up his dick and when it came down, his erection was wrapped in hot digits. Playing down his erect length like scaled on a piano, she rubbed, bringing down the clear stick from his head to lubricate him. She squeezed an unseemly grunt from him and he had to lean against the bedpost to stay upright. His knuckles turned white from the desperate grip he held on the dark wooden pole, the pole of his own finally touched. [Y/N] shifted as her man’s knees fell against the tall mattress, picking up the pace with her hand, then adding another.
“Do you want me to use my mouth?” She nodded and spoke delicately. She held one hand at the base of his cock, threading her fingers through the forest above his manhood and using her thumb to stroke the start of his balls. Deaky’s eyes drifted to her falsely innocent face, struggling with forming a comprehensive answer. His mouth hung open with unspoken want and he swallowed his words before he could throw them back up in the form of a weak gurgle that translated to ‘yes’. “Ok, sweetie, because you asked.” Bittersweet tones flew to his ears while a sudden wet warmth dripped down from the tip of his shaft.
Soft lips enveloped his head and it continued down. Her tongue swirled around the end of his length, rough texture tasting all the sweet excitement Deaky couldn’t hold back. Two hot intakes of breath was all the girl could hear as she took more and more of his erection in her mouth. She was suctioned to his fifth appendage and felt every ripple that made up the skin around his muscle. He could feel her tongue tracing every pulsing vein and he hit the back of her throat, sporadically thrusting into the hot, slick cavern of her mouth. By now his hand had reached to the back of her head and pushed into her, a fistful of her hair knotted in his hand. The bunch he held acted as a rein when he face fucked his lover with increasing need.
[Y/N] ground down into the mattress she sunk into, pushing for her soaking pussy to get some minimum contact. Her hips rolled and pressed down as best she could, sure she was wetting the bed with how aroused she was. One had was gripping Deaky’s bare ass and the other followed her spit covered lips at a quickened bouncing pace. Every time she felt the back of her throat hit the tip of his cock, lips sucking at his base, nose tickled by pubes and teeth barely brushing his blood vessels. She got nostrils full of his scent, musky and hot, like the first hot day after a rain in the city. He hilted himself in her and gasped so grossly and desperately, she was sure it could be heard outside the room.
When John looked down, it was too much like his fantasy. “God, fuck- please,” he begged, “swallow.” Her pleading, glistening eyes narrowed and the wave of pressure that rolled down his shaft from her tightening tongue brought him to the edge. Curses and dirty, profane things spilled out from his normally clean lips, seeping through the cage of his teeth in an eye-rolling ecstasy. The flood of sounds that drove through [Y/N]’s ears brought her an accomplished feeling until the stream of hot white love filled her cavity. She grunted through her filling mouth, pushing down the thick liquid from her lover. She gulped it down gutturally, hot wave running down her chest as it traveled. Her hands were tightly holding to his sides, hiking up the thick sweater still handing off his thin form.
Like an hourglass filling with sand, Deaky felt pin like tingles roll through him from his toes to his head as he came. A shiver ran down his spine and every muscle from his softening erection out tensed. He twitched in the wet velvet sleeve of his girlfriend’s throat. Knowing that every spurt shot down the tunnels and to her stomach got him off even more. It was disgusting from a blatant perspective, but fuck, it was so hot. She took it all from him so willingly after his ask. The stills of his best memories sped across his mind and it nearly perfectly matched his view with her hair pulled back in his balled hand and longs long, shining from smeared excitement left across her face. Nothing could make the situation less arousing but there came a point when he had nothing left to give.
Lips ‘o’ shaped and eyes shut, to [Y/N] he was a vision of pure beauty. His hair floated above him in a soft halo and he was angelic. No light shone off him, no reflection of holy images resembled his position, but he was still an angel. His release had come quick but it was no surprise to his partner. Downing the last of his salty high, [Y/N] continued to move and milk his dick for the last of his cum, final drop on her tongue mixing with her swishing spit and following suit as she swallowed one last time. Her mouth popped off his end and she wiped away the mess around the orifice with her sleeve, immediately regretting doing so afterward. Deaky hovered above her, breathing heavily, unevenly. She could almost see the hot puffs leaving his mouth like a little dragon, the cold of the season not entirely being kept out of the home but the both of them too hot and bothered to notice. Her own breathing was strangled and could be heard through the room.
A rush of feeling finally returned to the man standing and he lowered his gaze to meet that of his partner’s. She smirked at first, but it quickly turned to a tired laugh as she moved to attempt to fix her unseemly hair. “Thank you,” he said quietly. He gingerly tucked his limp extension back into his stretched underwear and sat down limply beside her, not bothering to pull up his tight pants at all. [Y/N] placed a cold, damp hand on his hot thigh. They turned to each other and smiled softly. Her free hand went to cradle the side of his face and press her lips against his, pulling him to her. They remained connected while she lifted herself from her kneel and scooted closer to him. One hand slid up his thigh while they beat their lips against one another in sync. It took all her self control not to encourage the growing ache echoing from her core as she pushed hard against the man beside her. She tasted like hot skin, like sweat and salt and underneath were subtle hints of holiday chocolates and candied apples, but overall, she tasted like him. He could feel himself on her lips and he pulled away. She looked dazed and a bit disappointed at the sudden lack of contact. “I don’t think it’s the best idea to get this started again,” he said, though his eyes hung on her parted, swollen lips, “not here or really right now-” He saw the way her thighs clenched when her squeezed his slender fingers around her forearm. His neglect drove guilt through his bones and he tilted his head slightly with a softened look. “I’m so sorry, love-” It was more than a whisper, but only barely rising above the low level when she kissed him again.
This time it was softer still. Her lips on his, curled in a forgiving smile and warm but only for a moment. “It’s Christmas, Johnny, a time for giving,” she spoke quietly against his lips.
“No, it’s not, I wanted to ask you something tonight- It was supposed to be about you- I had plans-” He stuttered.
“Save them.” In her eyes, he could see some knowing shine, some reflection of himself to calm him down from his rising worry. She broke the eye contact with a sideways glance and continued with a sweet smile. “Anyway, I’m flattered it takes so little to get you up for me,” her hand ghosted over crotch before retracting and smoothing over the tops of her legs, “but sometimes, to be honest, I think it’s more the tightness of your jeans than it is me that gets you so-” Pausing to stand, she continued, “eager.” With a wink, she extended a hand to help the bassist up off the deeply plush bed. He smiled back sheepishly and accepted her assistance, struggling to pull himself up. Once he did, though, he waddled a step forward then pulled the very fitted pants back up, making himself decent again.
[Y/N] started a leisurely walk back to the door, signaling John to follow. He did so and they shared the same thought, embracing one another in open arms. [Y/N] hummed against the heavily festive knit shoulder of her lover. “So, do you think we should go find the boys now? I brought gifts and I’d like ‘em to see them before they pass out or are drunk beyond belief.” She breathed a laugh and her hot breath his John’s ear. He shivered then pulled back with a laugh.
“Is that what’s in that great, hulking bag of yours?”
“Well, what else? I’ll get it and we can-” She reached for the door and swung it open, only to find an empty space where her sack had once been. Deaky thought he could feel the air chill upon the woman’s realization. “MY FUCKING GIFTS-”
Somewhere in that mansion at that very moment, there was a group very drunk, very loud girls with very persuasive sports gear wandering around and delivering presents to every physically engaging couple they could find, starting by handing a signed Cheap Trick album to an incoherent drag queen nursing an oversized martini. There was now a who man wore a new sweater covered in cats and a woman had a coordinated set of sunglasses all on at the same time, meaning 6 pairs lined up on top of one another, wandering around as well. With a distant crash, a very nice custom pair of clogs was thrown through a high window and oblivious to this all was a couple, upstairs, in the host’s bedroom.
The light shining through the open window woke the woman up first, but the sleep was shaken from her when she reached out for another warm body to comfort her shivering one. The thin sheets were not enough to block out the cold over her nakedness. Rolling over with a grumble, she looked at the clock. 10 A.M. on December 26th. Christmas was over and everyone was better off for it. So what if no one had gotten any gifts intended for them? They’d had each other last night and that was more than enough for her, though the sting of losing her work still hung on her ego. She tried not to think about it. Instead, she sat up and scanned the room for her boyfriend, upset by his absence. Then from around the corner, he came, clad only in fresh boxers and contrastingly the same soiled sweater from the night before. He was blurry n her sleep crowded vision and she questioned him as she rubbed her eyes. “Deaky, baby, what have you got there?” Her words trailed off into a yawn and she stretched, eyes closed, though she could feel the mattress shift under her lover’s applied weight.
“What I wanted to ask you- Well, what I mean to say- What I wanted to ask you about last night- Oh, well,” he laughed softly, sounding like he’d only just woken up as well. The woman in bed blinked slowly at him and leaned her body towards his heat, hands finding his arm. The man watched her lovingly, starry-eyed, fingers fiddling with his ear. He took one smaller hand in his large ones and placed a cold circle to her palm. “This isn’t really how I wanted to do it, but then I thought it didn’t matter how I did it- I realized I just needed to get it done.” Slowly, the same realization washed over her face and she stared at the shining round object in her hand, suddenly very awake. “I had planned to do it last night, but, well,” he chuckled and his gaze fell shyly for a moment before he was back to intently observing his lover’s reactions, “it was a bit crazy and things got in the way and I just wanted to say-”
Tears welled in the girl’s eyes, pulling them away from the modest diamond ring that sat cold in her cradled hands. When he looked at her, tears came flooding to his eyes, too. He laughed through the rolling drops, wiping them away quickly and smiling wide with crinkling eyes. “I love you, [Y/N] hopefully Deacon,” he enunciated the future name, “and I would be-” Chocking on a sob, he continued, “Would you please do me the grand pleasure of becoming my wife?”
Large dollops of tears fell freely from both sets of eyes now and wet sobs filled the room. She laughed lightly and nodded, hesitantly at first then eagerly. “Yes, yes!” A guffaw escaped her and her future husband snorted in response. They were both laughing now, crying and laughing sitting on their bed in the late morning, Boxing Day. From the outside, it may have seemed like an odd or even uncomfortable scene, but then they threw their arms around each other, no need to communicate with any verbal expression. They knew one another inside and out, maybe more than they knew themselves. She melted into him and held his curly hair close to her. She breathed hotly and sniffled. “This is a wonderful Christmas-”
“It’s Boxing Day, darling,” he whispered with a gentle laugh.
“I love you so much, John Deacon.”
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Skittles! I want to hear all your adorable headcanons for Francis! Make it tooth rottingly sweet and fluffy. Indulge yourself.
AAAAAAA thank you for the ask anon!!!!! I may have gone a lil overboard and made a few of them more shippy than anything, considering they’re supposed to be general but aaaaaaaaaaaa-
Skittles: Do you have any headcannons for your f/o?
-Okay but he absolutely loves to scout out the places that he visits in order to find the best spots. The best restaurants, the best shopping districts- finding all the sights so when he has down time he can visit them all. Sure, he may be at 99% of these places for business, but that isn’t going to stop him from seeing everything.
-On that note he loves looking through dress stores to find things that he thinks I would like. He usually comes back with several bags of dresses, already calling up his tailor so they can be perfectly fitted. Also, he always gets matching shoes and other accessories. There’s a separate closet just for them because he just can’t stop and loves to spoil me.
-Absolutely gives the best hugs in the universe. I cannot be convinced or persuaded at all, under any circumstances, that he doesn’t. They’re the kind that make you feel safe, but also are very dangerous because you could just fall asleep there forever.
Bonus; His favourites are the gentle ones where he can play with my hair, particularly if he can work at the same time at his desk. It helps him focus (or so he claims…)
-His main way of expressing how much he cares is just. A flood of gifts. Good luck finding the space for everything, and even just a necklace he gets costs more than most cars. But the presents aren’t just randomly selected things, all of them are very thoughtful, and he makes sure to get things the person he’s buying for me will like.
-Francis likes extravagant dates and has no idea how to tone it down. Oh you mentioned Disneyland once? We are now here for the entire day, also we get an extra hour after the park closes so we have some time for just us. What, you can’t fully remember what the Caribbean was like, because you were very young the last time you went? Well now we have a day there to refresh your memory. Hear about something in the city? We’re going now and no price tag is too high.
-Super interested in seeing what my life was like before I met him. He can’t really imagine living like that, just comfortable and not absurdly extravagant, but it interests him because it’s so different. But it also just makes him want to completely turn that around and spoil me a lot, insisting I don’t need to worry about money ever again- particularly after seeing how flustered I get when people get me things or how nervous I get asking for stuff.
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Among The Enemy Part 1
*I plan on starting an Ao3 account and then post this story there but until then I will post it on here*
You sighed, feeling tired from a day of hard work. Momentarily you stopped typing on the keyboard in front of you and moved your stiff shoulders, slightly easing the tension in them. It was hard work, managing a space station all by yourself, no matter how tiny it was.
You always woke up from recharge early, starting the day by checking that every part of the station was undamaged and still functioning. If something was broken you had to fix it before doing anything else. Once that was done you could finally take your morning fuel. You always drank it in silence and while going through all the files, making sure that nothing was out of order. When that was done you had another exciting day of watching for decepticons. Not that you ever found any. So most of the time you spent the day performing some personal experiments. It wasn’t your official but it was your passion in life so you never stopped doing it.
As you decided that it was enough work for one day you stretched once more while looking out the window next to your work station. The stars of the galaxy twinkled outside and the gray and harsh ground of the moon the space station was situated on was the same as it always was. You couldn't help but feel lonely as you gazed out into the emptiness of space. How long had you been on this station? Ah, for too long to be without any company at least. You had never been a particularly social bot but that didn’t mean you enjoyed the isolation. But you couldn’t do anything to change it now. Not that you had any choice to begin with.
Turning of the computer containing the weapon schemes you were currently working on you suddenly noticed how empty your tanks were. Scrap, you knew it wasn’t a good idea to miss out on the midday fuel. But you had been so into what you were doing and just stopping felt like such a waste of time and energy. You wouldn’t be able to recharge properly with such low fuel levels so you decided to take a slightly bigger portion of evening fuel. And so you made your way towards the fuel dispenser. Pressing a button a single cube of energon appeared.
The fuel tasted bitter, just like it always did when you were alone. Energon never tastes quite right when you don’t drink it with friends. Not that you had any friends back on Cybertron but at least you weren’t completely alone. Ah, bad thoughts, go away. You don’t need more negativity in your life. Quickly you downed the energon, not wanting to linger on the taste, and quickly refilled half the cube and downed it just as fast.
“Ah, guess it’s time to recharge…” you muttered to yourself, something you had come to do a lot recently. You assumed it was because you could not stand the silence.
The space station was quite small so there were only four rooms in total, if you didn’t count the airlock and the hallway. The four rooms consisted of the lab/medbay, where you took care of any injuries or malfunctions you experienced, the washroom, wish was remarkably tiny, your personal habsuite which was also your office and lastly the supply closet. Home sweet home, right? Ugh, you really hated this place.
You practically crawled onto berth, ready to drop into recharge within a second. You took of your visor before rubbing your optics and yawning loudly. Tomorrow you had to send in your weekly report to Cybertron about all updates. Which was none but you still had to send in the report. Probably to show that you were still online. Not that they cared They didn’t even respond. Did they even read your reports anymore? Probably not, nothing ever happened.
“Stupid fragging…” you muttered sleepily to yourself. “I should at least send in a request… for a transfer… Yeah, that’s what I’m gonna do…” And like that you fell into deep recharge… For about five clicks only to be suddenly woken up by the whole room shaking. Groggy and disorganized you fell of your berth and faceplanted onto the floor. “What the-!?” you exclaimed before jumping up on your pedes, grabbing your visor and rushing out of your habsuite. It wasn’t just your room that was shaking, in fact, the entire station did! What was happening!?
Quickly you made your way to the monitors in the hallway and tried to bring up the surveillance feed from the cameras outside. You noticed that all the energy was out and had to wait a few seconds for the spare generator to kick in. Finally the screens came to life and you could see through the cameras. Your face paled at what you saw.
“It can’t be…” Outside was a massive warship, bigger than anything you had ever seen. And it was decepticon in origin and currently landing on the moon. They must have used an EMP to cut out the power and stop the alarm from going! “Frag… FRAG!” you screamed before rushing to the supply closet. You had all your weapons in there and you had just grabbed the nearest gun when suddenly the airlock got destroyed. You dove into the closest room, which was the medbay and leaned against the wall next to the door.
“Knock knock!!!” a screechy voice suddenly called out and you leaned at the site, slightly peering out the door, only to immediately retract when a couple of shots came your way. One hit your gun and quite literary blew it to smithereens. “Oh, don’t hide autobot! I only wiz to play!” the voice shouted before maniacally cackling. Oh Primus, this decepticon was insane! A sudden whirring sound could be heard before another voice suddenly spoke up.
“It is in your best interest to surrender” the new voice said and it sent shivers down your spine. It sounded so cold and indifferent. “I can assure you I will make your death quick and painless if you”. You shook your head, despite knowing that the decepticon would not see it from the other side of the wall. You had no plan to die. Despite being lonely you were quite pleased about being alive, actually, you’d say that you’d absolutely prefer to stay alive! The cold voice suddenly sighed. “Ah, if that is how you wish to do it”. Loud footsteps started approaching, slowly, as if taking their time savoring the moment. Sadistic fragger. But hadn���t you heard two voices? Then why was only one pair of footsteps? Ah frag, you didn’t know.
You were starting to slightly panic. You couldn’t beat a decepticon without a weapon! And the only weapons you had were the ones that were in the supply closet and-! Oh. Oh, those could do. They were only prototypes but they would be better than nothing, right? Quickly you ran in front of the door and to the other side of the room, narrowly avoiding getting hit by some more shots. Without hesitating you opened the cabinet containing all the devices you had created during your time on the space station and selected which ones were going to be the most useful and least likely to blow up in your face.
You closed your optics and took a deep invent. You could do this. You could defeat those two(?) decepticons and while they were down head to the escape pod where you would contact the autobots. You could survive. No, you WOULD survive. You would not die out here out in nowhere.
The footsteps were right outside the medbay now and you decided it was time to give your plan a shot. You stepped right in front of the door opening and before the decepticons could react you threw one of your homemade grenades at them. Your optics slightly widened as you saw how close the decepticon actually was. It was bigger than you had imagined. Much bigger. And there was only one? Weird. But you didn’t have time to think about that.
The decepticon attempted to shield himself from the grenade with his left arm but this wasn’t that kind of grenade. Instead of causing a violent explosion it detonated on impact and blue foam came out of it, covering his left arm completely and most of his upper body. Hehe, he won’t get out of that anytime soon. Your own special recipe, you won’t find it anywhere else. The foam turns as hard as steel three seconds after exposure to air. The decepticon’s face looked shocked and then something weird happened. It changed. Instead of the blue it had previously been it turned red. The one google had turned into a visor. And the now red face contorted in anger.
“WHAT THE FRAG IS THIS!?” he shouted and you couldn’t help but notice the obvious tooth gap. It was… surprisingly cute. The started to twist and turn, struggling to get out of the foam. You could only shake your head. That wouldn’t be getting him anywhere. In his furious attempt to get free the decepticon lost balance and fell on his back. The decepticon screamed in fury. There was not a doubt in your mind that if his servos had been free then he would have been strangling you.
As the decepticon laid on his back you realized that this was your chance. He would not be able to grab you. Quickly you rushed forward and towards the exit. Or at least you tried to. But somehow the decepticon managed to throw himself at you, screaming while doing so, causing you to fall on the ground face-first for the second time that day. The decepticon landed on your back and O O O F F. Frag he was heavy! You could feel your frame dent under the weight.
“I’VE GOT YOU NOW YOU PUNY AUTOBOT, NOW GET RID OF WHATEVER YOU THREW AT ME!!!” he shouted straight into your audio, causing you to wince slightly. Did he really have to yell? You were right underneath him after all. When you didn’t immediately answer him the decepticon shouted again. “I SAID; GET RID OF THIS!”
“I-I can’t!” you gasped. “It takes, ugh, one hour until it dissolves”. Apparently that was not the answer the decepticon wanted as he started shouting at you again and threatened to crush you under his weight. Not wanting to die yet you decided to say something that might help him. Ugh, you were such a disgrace to the autobot cause. “A-Ah! Freezing it will cause it to shatter!” The decepticon stopped shouting and a few seconds passed before suddenly his face switched, turning blue again.
“Thank you for your cooperation” the blue face replied and then there’s a sudden chill in the air as the foam freezes to ice and shatters. The decepticon stood up and as you desperately tried to get away, crawling pitifully and dragging your frame along the floor, he grabbed you by the neck and brought you up till you were at his optic level. “This foam, is it your invention?” You nodded while desperately grasping at the servo holding your neck. For a second the blue face seems to think before nodding back. “Originally we only came down here to erase the evidence that we have been passing through but it seems we found something more”.
“Wh-What do you mean?” you ask. A part of you knows what he’s going to say. But you can’t help but ask.
“This can’t be your only invention, no, there must be more around here. And we have been in need of another scientist for a while now”. The blue face stared at you as your optics widened and your mouth opened and closed at loss of words. The decepticon’s face started turning again and a new face appeared; jet black with red mouth and optics and jagged teeth. It cackled loudly.
And then the world went dark.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year
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Tom Bennett General Headcanon Alphabet
A - Animals - Are they an animal person? Good with them? Scared of them? 
Tommy loves animals. He is the sort of person that will cross the road with the sole intent of petting a cat he's spotted and smiles at dogs as they walk past. Vera the canary will always be his number one though.
B -  Boozy - What is their alcohol tolerance like? What kind of drunk are they? 
Tom is a loud drunk. He's fond of a drink and will get quite rowdy after a few pints.
C - Chocolate - Do they prefer savory tastes or do they have a (secret) sweet tooth? 
Tom eats for necessity, he's not really a foodie. Although if someone has a bag of crisps or sweets around him that won't stop him from dipping his hand in and helping himself.
D - Decision - Are they impulsive decision makes? Do they follow their heart, or do they prefer thinking it over?
He's incredibly impulsive. He's hot headed and a hedonist, which means he rarely takes the time to think through his actions.
E - Explosive - Are they quick to get angry? What kind of angry are they?
Tom is quick to anger and will raise his voice when he loses his temper. It's his way of goading people into a fight, so he can claim they struck first when he inevitably gets into trouble for scrapping.
F - Friendship - Do they make friends easily? Or are they more hard to approach?
Tom's a people person, but his love of winding people up means they're not always a fan of him.
G - Ghost - Do they believe in the paranormal? Are they superstitious? 
Absolutely not. He thinks all of that's nonsense.
H - Health & Hygiene - Do they take proper care of themselves or do they need to be reminded to have better habits? 
Tom does the necessities - he washes himself and brushes his teeth, but that's about it.
I - Income - Do they feel like money = happiness, or are they happy with enough to survive? Do they dream of a lavish lifestyle, or do they think luxury is unnecessary? 
Tom is relatively content with his lot in life. He tends to look down upon extreme wealth, as it makes people snobby.
J - Job - If they’d be living in our world - modern AU - What kind of job would they have? Would they be good at it? 
He'd be a mechanic and use it as an opportunity to flirt with female customers. He'd be skilled, but too busy trying to charm his way into the knickers of every pretty lady to actually be any good at it.
K - Kindness - Are they kind? Do they like to pay it forward? Are they kind to strangers? 
Tom has a heart of gold and is kind when it matters - it's hidden beneath a thick shell of cockiness though.
L - Love Language - What is their love language? Does it change when it’s a romantic relationship or are they consistent with how they show love to friends and partners? 
Tom's love language with friends and family is quality time. With partners it's physical touch.
M - Music - What kind of music are they into / would they be into? Can they sing / dance? Do they have good rhythm? 
Tom can't sing, but he's not a bad dancer - any opportunity to get up close and personal with other women. Not hugely into music, so will typically go with whatever's popular at the time.
N - Nature - Do they enjoy the calm and quiet of nature or do they prefer people and the city? What kind of nature resonates most with them (sea, forest, mountains…) 
Tom's a city guy. Give him the cobbled streets of Castlefield any day over the green expanse of the countryside.
O - Offspring - Do they want kids one day? Are they good with children, or do they prefer to stay away as far as possible? 
Tom is great with kids, as he acts like a big kid himself. The idea of having his own terrifies him though, so he prefers not to think about it.
P - Pain - Do they have a high pain tolerance? Are they quick to admit that they are in pain or will they endure it by themselves? 
Tom won't hide the fact that he's in pain, but he'll also cope and not make a fuss.
Q - Question - Are they curious by nature? Do they know loads of little trivia? Are they very knowledgeable in their field? 
Tom's not academically high achieving, but he has good emotional intelligence. He prefers to learn about people rather than subjects.
R - Rain - What is their favorite type of weather? Favorite season? Are they an ‘I’m always hot’ or an ‘I’m always cold’ kind of person? 
Tom likes sunny weather - perfect for relaxing with a beer, and means that ladies are more likely to be out in dresses, so he can look at their legs.
S - Sleep - What are their sleeping habits? What does their bed look like? 
Tom goes to bed late and likes to lay in until the afternoon. He's lazy and his bed is never made.
T - Tired - Are they a morning person? A night owl? A permanently exhausted pigeon? 
Tom's a night owl, for sure.
U - Unwind - What do they like to do to relax? Do they need a lot of downtime?
Tom doesn't need a lot of alone time. If he needs to relax he'll smoke a cigarette. Typically enjoys blowing off steam at the pub.
V - Vulnerable - Are they quick to overshare? Or do they keep up their defenses? How long does it take for them to trust someone and open up? 
Tom will share enough to make people think he is open, however, there is a wall hiding his real thoughts and feelings - someone has to really get to know him in order for this to come down.
W - Weird - Do they have any habits that are considered strange or abnormal by other people? What are they? 
Excessive smoking, flirting with anything in a skirt, his love of causing trouble.
X - XOXO - In a modern AU: are they a texter or a caller? Do they use emoji? What are their most used Emoji? Do they use a lot of common abbreviations, or do they type out everything properly? 
He'd be someone that sends a lot of voice notes, and when he texts there's excessive use of the eggplant/aubergine emoji.
Y - Yes man - Are they quick to help out friends? And Strangers? Will they be easy to convince to do things for others or do they prefer just taking care of their own business. 
Tom will do anything for his friends and family. He'd be the last person to offer to help someone do something boring and tiresome like move house or mow the lawn, but if someone was in genuine, desperate need of urgent help then he'd be there for them.
Z - Zone out - Are they prone to daydreaming? If so, what are they dreaming about? Or are they more focussed, and if they are, how hard is it to break their concentration?
Tom is someone who doesn't like to be in his own head too much. He prefers distracting himself. He always has to be focused on something.
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savontic · 5 years
1. introduce yourselves. who are you? what do you like to do?
i'm tato!! there isn't a whole lot to do in the underground, but i've taken to helping out at muffet's during the weekdays! she's just been super kind to my little brother and i since coming to snowdin, so i do my best to repay her for it.
*sigh* i knowwww. sorry, it just makes me feel better about it.
welllllll.....most of her laws. isn't it technically treason to be harboring humans? you've got two living under your roof, sweets.
2. how was your first meeting like?
ughhhhhhh yeah, it's really embarrassing to think about. dakota and i thought we were about to be stalker bait, so we kept running unil we couldn't find our way back. it was pure luck that we bumped into you, and that you were kind enough to let us into your home when we had nowhere else to go.
3. how did you get together? who confessed first?
i'm not sure if it counts as a confession per se....
pfft, well, dakota and i had been living with sans and papyrus for a while. we were all having fun while paps had been at muffet's and it led to an inevitable tickle war. dakota had fled to the bathroom to escape, the traitor, leaving me to fend for myself.
oh jeez, i still get butterflies just thinking about it-
4. what are your thoughts on pda?
heheheheh, i guess it has kind of become a game to figure out the best ways to fluster you when we're out and about. i'm sorry angelbite, but it's really the cutest thing.
5. how do you show your affection towards each other/what are your love languages?
honestly, cuddles have to be my favorite thing to show affection, or just spending quality time together in general.
6. who's more introverted and who's more extroverted?
oh gosh, you're definitely more extroverted than i could ever dream of being! i can only be around groups of people for so long before needing alone time to recharge. really, i don't know how you do it, angelbite.
7. who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
sometimes i'll have an off day and need to have him surrounding me, and other times he really needs to be held and assured that i'm here for him! it depends on the day, honestly!
hey! do not!!
8. what do you like doing together the most?
n-no, sorry, i just.....couldn't agree more.
9. tell us a fun fact about the other!
despite paps' reputation, blue actually has quite the sweet tooth himself! new cookies and pastries muffet has taught me how to bake will only last a couple days once he's caught whiff of them!
oh my god-
it's probably just because of the color, but it always reminds me of you, angelbite.
it seemed fitting, what with the heavenly things you can do with those teeth.
10. tag other selfshippers and their f/os.
i'll be honest, i'm not sure who has and hasn't done this yet. if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged! ^^
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