#but like I lost that… discipline while sick. and now that I think I’ve fixed the issue I haven’t fully recommitted to recovering it
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prozach27 · 2 years ago
#I think I’m at that annoying stage nobody ever talks about#where I was in survival mode for literally years#like FIVE YEARS#and now I think I’ve found a med regiment that works#and my life has kinda been reclaimed#but now I need to relearn how to function in society?#like normally if I had any energy it was devoted to making the most of my day bc I just never had energy and needed enjoyment#but now that I’m getting that daily it’s like. okay. time to focus on making the most of every day#but I have so much work to do lol. and I need to relearn how to overwork myself#like relearn how to have that willpower and desire to pursue goals that are hard which got me to where I am#clearly I have it.#but like I lost that… discipline while sick. and now that I think I’ve fixed the issue I haven’t fully recommitted to recovering it#there’s so many skills I wanna develop on top of my career#but I think my career is so ambiguous with its goals and shit that it’s easy to feel ok with things and let stuff slide#so that’s my goal for the remainder of the year.#fully refocus on developing routines and boundaries#and if I have to go overboard and sign up for classes etc to relearn then so be it#but I need to regain that discipline#idk it’ll all work out but for now I just gotta relax + unwind + change my habits#I guess you don’t think about how being chronically unwell for five years ingrains bad habits in you#so that even when you’re better you have to actively unlearn business as usual and develop something new for your routine#I’ll make it work. it’s just gonna take some time. down to be patient with myself as I relearn that lol
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dionaurelius · 10 days ago
The Revision
This personal log will serve as a collection of my ideas, insights from literature, personal goals, and the swarm of thoughts I wish to organize. My goal is to simplify and clarify my mind, presenting my thoughts in a clean, manageable way. This will help me rationalize my thinking and feelings. Today, I’ll articulate the goals I’ve set for the next three months.
Why Am I Doing This?
Over the last two years, 2023 and 2024, my life felt like it completely plummeted—due to both uncontrollable factors and my own actions. There are things I could’ve done better, things I shouldn’t have done at all, and things I failed to see.
But instead of beating myself up or losing sleep over what I can’t control, I’m choosing to focus on what I can do now. What can I fix? What truly matters?
Treasures, wealth, and material things cannot bring true happiness. They break, get lost, or are taken away. This world, with all its distractions, poisons my thoughts and hardens my heart. True happiness comes from enlightenment—an understanding that cannot be broken, lost, or taken away.
At this point, I desire understanding—not answers to the mysteries of the universe, but an understanding of human nature. How can i be so mean and self-serving and still crave connection? Why do i seek it in the worst places—clubs, bars, the internet, drugs, and shopping? We settle for artificial fullness, it’s junk food
I’m doing this to remove the junk
I’m doing this to remember what matters.
I’m doing this to better myself.
I’m doing this to become truly happy.
I’m doing this to find truth.
I’m doing this to become a real person.
I’m tired of being tired.
I’m sick of feeling like a zombie.
I’m disgusted by the creature I’ve become—chasing meaningless thrills, in the darkness of night using my wife like a vessel for gratification.
If all I think about is feeding the flesh, the flesh will consume everything until nothing is left. I’ve fed my flesh for far too long, chasing all the wrong things. I’m done. I quit.
From this moment on, if something doesn’t improve me or my life, I don’t want it.
Things i’m Quiting
1. Pornography
Excessive consumption damages self-control, reward centers, and neural networks. It impairs judgment, reasoning, and emotional regulation while fueling stress, anxiety, and depression.
2. Doomscrolling
Mindless internet use increases stress, disrupts focus, and harms emotional stability. It damages the brain’s reward centers, impairs decision-making, and causes sleep problems.
3. Smoking
Smoking accelerates brain aging, reduces gray matter, and harms memory, reasoning, and mental clarity. Ironically, it increases stress and anxiety by disrupting brain chemistry.
4. Substance Abuse
Marijuana and alcohol impair memory, decision-making, and emotional health. They exacerbate anxiety and depression, creating a cycle of self-destruction.
Anxiety and Depression
Chronic stress releases high levels of cortisol, shrinking key brain areas like the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. This impairs memory, emotional regulation, and decision-making. I fall into the same destructive habits, which reinforce negative thoughts. Then I procrastinate and avoid change, stuck in a limbo of doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.
But I’ve realized this damage isn’t permanent. Science shows the brain is malleable, and I believe I can reverse much of it. I’m not a lost cause.
Things I’m Starting
1. Reading/Writing
Reading focus, comprehension, and critical thinking. Reading strengthens neural connections, slows cognitive decline, and exposes me to original ideas. Writing Helps process emotions, clarify thoughts, and improve memory. Writing also fosters creativity, communication, and mindfulness while releasing mental clutter.
2. Waking Up Early
Boosts mental clarity, productivity, and emotional health. It builds discipline and sets a positive tone for the day.
3. Playing Guitar
Reduces stress, boosts mood, and strengthens memory and coordination. Music encourages emotional expression and fosters creativity.
4. Math
Sharpens logical reasoning, decision-making, and attention. Math strengthens memory and cognitive function.
5. Studying the Bible and Stoicism
The Bible offers spiritual and moral guidance, helping me cultivate empathy, resilience, and purpose.
Stoicism teaches emotional control and rational thinking, focusing on what’s within my control. Together, they provide frameworks for clarity, growth, and balance.
What I’ve learned and how I’m using it in my plan
I’ve read two books
Atomic Habits: by James Cleara,
And. Rewire: by Richard O'connor
Both books talk about self improvement, but in two different ways, atomic habits has given me an understanding on how to make multiple small changes for a bigger result while rewire has given me insight into my flaws and understanding and what causes me to react to negative ways
Firstly I will talk about my flaws and the bad attributes of my character
The Perfectionist
Sets unrealistically high standards and fears failure. In holding such a high standard in what my life should be like I often find myself being ungrateful in the small and even big progress I’ve made this ungrateful behavior can make me feel like I’m losing even when I’ve won. “the more you make financial success important, the more dissatisfied with both work and family life you become” my ideal perfect life has always been driven by the love for money. “If I have it all then everything will be okay”
The Procrastinator
Avoids tasks out of fear or overwhelm. Another bad habit I have out of pure fear I freeze and become compliant with my self made miserable life. The fear of failure is so strong that I plan how not to fail. I plan for weeks and months. I sit around because “I’ll get to one once I’m ready” but I’m never ready I’m never prepared I’m so focused on being ready I never take action
3.The People Pleaser
Puts others’ needs first at the expense of their own. Yet another flaw of mine. I’m so afraid of upsetting people that I tend to keep my mouth shut even when it hurts me or makes me look stupid. Truth is I play stupid and I feed into the character others think I am by allowing this behavior
4.The Overachiever
Takes on too much to compensate for insecurity. In a way this is me I feel so dumb and useless that I set these high expectations for my self “I’m going to start doing this and this then I’ll do that and I’ll show them” but I think this is part of the The Perfectionist
5. The Rebel
Defies authority but sabotages their own goals. Because. My people pleaser tendencies hurt me I try to adapt this rebel mentality but in doing so I truly become a rebel without a cause “fuck this guy, Fuck that, Fuck this job, fuck this car” my heart becomes cold and people view me as unlikable. This mentality also causes me to tackle problems have heartedly constantly going by “fuck it” lifestyle in all the wrong places
6. The Avoider
Evades challenges and emotions, leading to recurring issues. This definitely explains the people pleaser behavior.
7. The Victim
Feels powerless and blames external circumstances. yes I do this not much to add here
8. The Narcissist
Focuses excessively on self-image to mask insecurities. Not only that but narcissistic behavior also includes having the belief that you deserve better when you’ve actually done nothing to expect such results
9. The Addict
Relies on substances or habits as coping mechanisms. Yep alcohol, pornography, marijuana. Binge watching television doomscrolling. Sleeping throughout the day our way I cope. None of these activities benefit me or better the situation. I believe this character feeds into the victim and avoider
10. The Dependent
Leans on others excessively, hindering personal growth. This Character is such a good nutritious source for the procrastinator, waiting and others relying on others for all sorts of things. I’ve definitely done this
11. The Obsessive
Fixates on control, leading to anxiety and rigidity. I’ve constantly attempted controlling factors out of my each and others as a comfort mechanism
The thing that’s funniest to me is how theses character at first glance can contradict each other but each trait feeds into one another’s bad behavior. As an example, these bad traits tend to make me feel isolated when experiencing this feeling of isolation I will “watch the parade” (not partake in all the fun others are having) which leads to stronger feelings of isolation I’ve always struggled with connecting with others, but the habits of mechanisms I’ve adopted have only worsen this struggle I can see that. Now let’s use the book micro habits for guidance
I have to figure out who’s the person that accomplishes the goals I’ve set an an easy way to do that is by looking at the inverse of my bad character traits
1. The Realist
Sets achievable goals, accepts imperfection, and focuses on progress over perfection.
2. The Doer
Takes consistent action, breaks tasks into manageable steps, and values momentum over waiting for the “perfect moment.”
3. The Self-Assured
Prioritizes their own needs while maintaining healthy relationships, setting boundaries with confidence.
4. The Balanced Achiever
Strives for success without overloading themselves, maintaining work-life balance and self-care.
5. The Cooperative Individual
Works collaboratively and constructively challenges authority when necessary, balancing independence with harmony.
6. The Confronter
Faces challenges head-on, embraces discomfort, and works through emotions instead of evading them.
7. The Empowered
Takes responsibility for their life, focuses on solutions, and believes in their ability to create change.
8. Humble Connector
Builds genuine relationships, values others’ contributions, and balances confidence with humility.
9. The Self-Regulator
Uses healthy coping mechanisms, practices moderation, and finds fulfillment beyond external dependencies.
10. The Independent
Cultivates self-reliance, makes their own decisions, and seeks support without over-relying on others.
11. The Adaptable.
Embraces flexibility, lets go of the need to control every detail, and adapts gracefully to change.
My theory is if bad behavior feeds bad behavior then the same should be true for good behavior if I can take up two good characteristics from this list then the rest should come naturally, just as the bad characteristics did. So know we have a rough understanding of the kind of person that reaches my goals. We’ve removed mental clutter. We’ve acknowledged. What needs to change now and we’ve set a rough idea for a goal now I can work on the systems that will get me there
The Self Improvement System
Now I’m getting into the meat and potatoes of this shit so let’s talk activities I’m picking up on
Meditation and self reflection.
through Meditation and self reflection I can improve Stopping Self-Hate, Conflict Resolution, Emotional Control, The ability to experience satisfaction and joy when good things happen and lower the frequency of misery
A sense of meaning and purpose can be found through the Bible and Stoicism
I’m aiming to Improve by 1%
And to Create rituals when I’m sad or mad for example when sad or mad I will take three breaths and smile after that I will kiss my baby and play.
Additionally In order to make things easier I must direct my atomic self in the collection I want. A change in one degree can cause a plain to land in NewYork when its destination was Washington.
In order to make my self destructive automatic self work in my favor I must work on repetition If I can make my atomic self work towards My goals things will become easier.
“A breakthrough is made by little changes that add up over time” to master my automatic self i must master repetition “The difference between master and the amateur, The master shows up even when he doesn’t want to”. finally now that everything is organized I can set a short and flexible schedule
My Schedule
The Morning Ritual
5:30 am Wake up
Pray and SelfReflect
Study the Bible For spiritual guidance
or a stoic book for self reflection
30min to an hour
Shower and set the mood of the day
Actively speaking positivity into existence
Journal things I’ve learned or ideas I have
on paper
Have a cup of coffee
And that is all. A simple a small change with some structure as the months go on I will add more to this schedule but priority one is to get into the routine of this ritual It is the foundation of self Improvement. Everything else will come naturally.
Closing Thoughts
I’m done chasing distractions and feeding my flesh. I choose to focus on what truly matters. Life won’t change overnight, but with persistence, I can heal my mind, break free from anxiety, and transform my habits.
This is the beginning of a better me.
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perpetual-stories · 4 years ago
How To Fight Writers Block
hello, hello. hope everyone is doing well. as you can all tell, this post will be about how to fight writers block.
it’s really annoying to me when I hear people say “oh you don’t have writers block, you’re just lazy.”
first of all, yes, I am naturally lazy. second of all, how dare you. writing isn’t as easy as many think. granted, all you have to do is write down words on paper, but it’s not always easy to find the right words to express what you are feeling, or what you wish to say.
I have had terrible writer’s block for the last few days and it’s horrible! as a business owner or a small writing store, I have to be ready to write and fulfill my clients’ ideas and orders.
it’s not easy. It takes a heavy toll on my imagination, and digs me a deep pit of blockage, drowning in the lack of originality because of the constant writing and repetition or certain phrases and sentences in different projects.
i am making this post in the hopes to remind myself about over coming the dreaded and sometimes skeptically believed writer’s block.
What is writer’s block?
Yeah, I know. We all know what that is, but let me define it.
is the state of being unable to proceed with writing, and/or the inability to start writing something new
some people believe it to be a real problem, others believe it's “all in your head”
What Causes Writer’s Block?
in the 1970s, clinical psychologists Jerome Singer and Michael Barrios decided to find out
they concluded that there are four broad causes of writer's block:
Excessively harsh self-criticism
Fear of comparison to other writers
Lack of external motivation, like attention and praise
Lack of internal motivation, like the desire to tell one's story
How to overcome writer's block: 20 tips
1. Develop a writing routine:
Author and artist Twyla Tharp once wrote: “Creativity is a habit, and the best creativity is a result of good work habits.”
it might seem counterintuitive
if you only write when you “feel creative,” you're bound to get stuck in a tar pit of writer's block
The only way to push through is by disciplining yourself to write on a regular schedule. It might be every day, every other day, or just on weekends — but whatever it is, stick to it!
2. Use "imperfect" words:
A writer can spend hours looking for the perfect word or phrase to illustrate a concept
You can avoid this fruitless endeavor by putting, “In other words…” and simply writing what you’re thinking, whether it’s eloquent or not
You can then come back and refine it later by doing a CTRL+F search for “in other words.”
3. Do non-writing activities:
one of the best ways to climb out of a writing funk is to take yourself out of your own work and into someone else’s
Go to an exhibition, to the cinema, to a play, a gig, eat a delicious meal
immerse yourself in great STUFF and get your synapses crackling in a different way
Snippets of conversations, sounds, colors, sensations will creep into the space that once felt empty
4. Freewrite through it:
free-writing involves writing for a pre-set amount of time without pause — and without regard for grammar, spelling, or topic. You just write.
The goal of freewriting is to write without second-guessing yourself — free from doubt, apathy, or self-consciousness, all of which contribute to writer's block. Here’s how:
Find the right surroundings. Go somewhere you won't be disturbed.
Pick your writing utensils. Will you type at your computer, or write with pen and paper? (Tip: if you're prone to hitting the backspace button, you should freewrite the old-fashioned way!)
Settle on a time-limit. Your first time around, set your timer for just 10 minutes to get the feel for it. You can gradually increase this interval as you grow more comfortable with freewriting.
5. Relax on your first draft:
Many writers suffer form perfectionism, which is especially debilitating during a first draft
“Blocks often occur because writers put a lot of pressure on themselves to sound ‘right’ the first time. A good way to loosen up and have fun again in a draft is to give yourself permission to write imperfectly.” — editor Lauren Hughes
perfect is the enemy of good,” so don't agonize about getting it exactly right! You can always go back and edit, maybe even get a second pair of eyes on the manuscript
6. Don’t start at the beginning:
the most intimidating part of writing is the start, when you have a whole empty book to fill with coherent words
instead of starting with the chronological beginning of whatever it is you’re trying to write, dive into middle, or wherever you feel confident
7. Take a shower:
Have you ever noticed that the best ideas tend to arrive while in the shower, or while doing other “mindless” tasks?
research shows that when you’re doing something monotonous (such as showering, walking, or cleaning), your brain goes on autopilot, leaving your unconscious free to wander without logic-driven restrictions
showering is my favourite thing to do if I may add
8. Balance your inner critic:
successful writers have in common is the ability to hear their inner critic, respectfully acknowledge its points, and move forward
You don't need to completely ignore that critical voice, nor should you cower before it
you must establish a respectful, balanced relationship, so you can address what's necessary and skip over what's insecure and irrelevant
9. Switch up your tool:
a change of scenery can really help with writer's block. However, that scenery doesn't have to be your physical location — changing up your writing tool can be just as big a help!
if you’ve been typing on your word processor of choice, try switching to pen and paper. Or if you're just sick of Google Docs, consider using specialized novel writing software.
10. Change your POV:
great advice from editor Lauren Hughes: “When blocked, try to see your story from another perspective ‘in the room’ to help yourself move beyond the block. How might a minor character narrate the scene if they were witnessing it? A ‘fly on the wall’ or another inanimate object?
11. Exercise your creative muscles:
Any skill requires practice if you want to improve, and writing is no different! So if you’re feeling stuck, perhaps it’s time for a strengthening scribble-session to bolster your abilities
12. Map out your story:
If your story has stopped chugging along, help it pick up steam by taking a more structured approach — specifically, by writing an outline
13. Write something else:
Though it's important to try and push through writer's block with what you're actually working on, sometimes it's simply impossible
feel free to push your current piece to the side for now and write something new
14. Work on your characters:
It follows that if your characters are not clearly defined, you’re more likely to run into writer’s block
15. Stop writing for readers:
write for yourself, not your potential readers
this will help you reclaim the joy of being creative and get you back in touch with what matters: the story.
this is something I really need to do. because of my etsy business i don't write for fun anymore, but instead as a business and a deadline. i'm going to have to pull out my old crappy wattled fanfics or write some new ones.
16. Try a more visual process:
when words fail you, forget them and get visual. Create mind maps, drawings, Lego structures — ideally related to your story, but whatever unblocks your mind!
17. Look for the root of it:
writer’s block often comes from a problem deeper than simple “lack of inspiration.” So let's dig deep: why are you really blocked? Ask yourself the following questions:
Do I feel pressure to succeed and/or competition with other writers?
Have I lost sight of what my story is about, or interest in where it's going?
Do I lack confidence in my own abilities, even if I've written plenty before?
Have I not written for so long that I feel intimidated by the mere act?
Am I simply feeling tired and run-down?
once you identify what's wrong, it'll be so much easier to fix.
18. Quit the Internet:
If willpower isn’t your strong suit and your biggest challenge is staying focused, try a site blocker like Freedom or an app like Cold Turkey
19. Let the words find you:
meditate, go for a walk, take that shower
Word Palette is a great app that features a keyboard of random words, allowing you to simply click your way to your next masterpiece.
You can also try AI auto-completers like Talk to Transformer, where you can enter a phrase and let the app “guess what comes next.”
even though they often produce nonsense, it's a great way to help that writer's block.
20. Write like Hemingway:
And if your biggest block is your own self-doubt about your prose, Hemingway offers suggestions to improve your writing as you go
it's a pretty cool app if you ask me.
it highlights your sentences (if need be) and makes suggestions on how to improve them!
well, there you have it! a lengthy post on how to fight writer's block. now i just hope i can combat my own soon.
like, comment and reblog if you find this useful! feel free to reblog in instagram and tag me perpetualstories
Follow me on instagram and tumblr for more writing and grammar tips and more!
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meta-squash · 4 years ago
Brick Club 1.6.2 “How Jean Can Become Champ”
I’m sorry if some of this is muddled, I wrote some of this post to avoid doomscrolling yesterday (not that it worked). It’s also long.
First of all I gotta say, I do love how Hugo manages to get everything to slot into place, when he doesn’t use his handwavy magic. The chapter opens with Madeleine settling some “pressing business of the mayorality” just in case he decides to go and collect Cosette from Montfermeil himself. Obviously this doesn’t happen, but the fact that he’s arranged stuff in advance means he’s able to go to Arras etc and mayoral matters are settled even when he’s revealed his true identity.
Hugo calls Javert “this savage in the service of civilization, this odd mixture of Roman, Spartan, monk, and corporal.” I’ve always assumed the term “savage” was another reference to his Romani ancestry, as well as his origins within a jail. The rest of the references have to do with different types or levels of self-discipline and sense of duty. Essentially, this phrase is saying that Javert carries his sense of duty with him everywhere and rarely strays from it. I’ve nicked this straight from the wikipedia page on Roman pietas, but I feel like it fits so well: “A Roman with the virtue of pietas did not leave his religious duties at the door of the temple, but carried them with him everywhere, following the will of the gods in his business transactions and everyday life.”
"His whole being expressed abasement and steadfastness, an indescribably courageous dejection.” Weirdly I love this description. Javert hates being wrong, but to admit it is to  act justly and according to duty, so he does it. Which is just so interesting because he could easily not even bother to tell Valjean about any of this, and just go on with his life as normal, and Valjean would be none the wiser. But that’s not how Javert functions. The difference between himself and other cops is that his sense of duty and justice extends to himself, which he says much more directly later on in the chapter. I just like that this description includes both his steadfastness to duty and his humiliation and self-frustration at being wrong and admitting it. “Courageous dejection” is such an interesting phrase, but it makes sense. It takes courage to admit you’re wrong, and even more when it’s something as egregious as informing on a superior.
Javert interrupts Valjean here, which I can’t decide what to think about. Part of me assumes that he interrupts Valjean because Valjean hasn’t even started to speak, so it’s still sort of....socially allowed for Javert to tack another bit of explanation onto what he just finished saying. Part of me wonders if Javert feels okay about interrupting Valjean either because he assumes he’s going to be dismissed anyway, and so this small rudeness of interrupting a superior doesn’t really matter, or because despite his sense of duty, he still feels quite a bit of aversion towards Valjean (which Hugo tells us a paragraph prior) and so is less bothered by interrupting him due to his dislike. Either way, it’s interesting that Javert is so keen on duty and correct conduct and yet he interrupts Valjean here.
“...you were severe to me the other day, unjustly. Be justly so today.” Wow okay so. Javert directly disobeyed and contested authority, argued with Madeleine and attempted to undermine his command to let Fantine go. Madeleine reacted accordingly, sending Javert away. And yet Javert feels that this treatment was unjust. I think the reason he sees it as unjust is because he sees himself as defending the honor of a mayor or authority figure (as well as a well-to-do citizen, Bamatabois) against a lowly prostitute. Despite the fact that Valjean specifically defended Fantine and offered her help, he’s still going to see his defense of authority and justice as being in the right over Valjean’s empathy towards her. (Sidenote: I love that he says “the other day” even though Fantine’s arrest was almost two months ago.)
Again, we get another concrete passage of time. It’s been six weeks since Fantine’s arrest. She’s still in hospital. Hugo isn’t huge on indicating exact passages of time. Lots of “eh, about three weeks later” or “maybe four months ago” in this book. Also the absolute mess of the Thenardier boys’ timeline. Anyway, these continuous references to how much time has passed is important. Hugo wants us to know how long Fantine was a sex worker for, and now how long she’s been languishing in bed, still sick.
Javert lists off things that he recognized in Valjean. All of these make sense to me except “information you obtained at Faverolles.” When has Madeleine ever mentioned being from or going to Faverolles? The Hapgood translates this as “inquiries which you had caused to be made at Faverolles.” This makes it sound like he actively tried to find his family. Hugo specifically tells us that by the time Valjean left prison, he had forgotten his family entirely. And yet, it seems here as if he made an effort to find them, or find out what happened to them, once he had the means. What’s interesting to me is that Valjean would do that at all. Part of me says, well of course he would, he still cares about his family, and probably wants to know what happened to them, not to mention he has this thing about rose-colored glasses and probably was hoping he’d get some information despite knowing deep down that they were lost to him. But another part of me wonders why he would do that, considering that it could compromise his identity. Also I can imagine he might associate his past self, even his pre-bread robbery self, with his convict-Valjean self and his past as a “Bad Person,” so I’m not sure he would want to think about or associate with his convict self in that way. Just the idea that he maybe sent to Faverolles for information about his family is an interesting little piece of information.
We also learn that he has a leg that drags a little (and at the very end of the novel we learn it’s because he spent 20 years with a chain on that leg). Something that I’ve sort of written about before, when I reread the book in February last year, is how much information about Valjean we don’t get from Hugo’s narration. Despite much of the book being from Valjean’s POV (or Hugo looking over Valjean’s shoulder, which is how I always imagine it), Hugo always stays respectfully distant compared to his narration of other characters. The post I wrote was mostly re: Valjean’s true Thoughts And Feelings, but it also goes for a lot of his physical aspects and actions as well. Hugo doesn’t tell us about Valjean’s dragging leg when he describes him, Javert has to reveal that to us. We are told a lot of his aspects or actions through other characters interpreting him to him (wow jesus does that phrase make sense?) rather than Hugo showing/telling us while narrating through Valjean.
“He was very poor. Nobody paid any attention to him. Such people get by, one hardly knows how.” So my first thought is that this line is sort the opposite of what I talked about above. Javert knows how such people get by. Partly because he sees it every day, and partly because he grew up like that. While we just got evidence of Valjean remembering his past, this is evidence of Javert rejecting and forgetting his own. And my other thought is again how applicable this is to modern day. Cops, rich people, etc turn away despite knowing how hard poor people struggle. They know “how these people get by,” which is barely, and they know why and they know what can help or fix it, but they turn away and absolutely refuse to see it.
“Such people, when they are not mud, are dust.” This is such a pretty and poetic way of declaring such a gross opinion. But also it’s such an interesting pair of descriptors. When you’re poor the way Valjean was, or the Thenardiers will be, you are in a position to be blown away by society and by poverty, to be dirt that disappears and spreads far and wide with the gust of wind, and if you’re trying to locate a certain speck of dirt that you had been looking at before the wind blew, you wouldn’t be able to identify it. Or you’re in a position to be bogged down, to be stuck packed together, trying to survive, begging and stealing off of others around you because there’s no other way to survive, being stepped on and scoffed at by people in a better position than you, and then scraped up and tossed in a gutter or the galleys when it gets to be too much.
We get an age! Valjean is fifty-four. I feel like this is important mostly for his hair later on. Fifty is old enough to be greying but I think this makes us aware that he’s not yet old enough to be totally white-haired, and the change is a shock for that reason as well.
Holy shit this is the most adjectives I’ve seen used to describe a single character within a single chapter so far. Words describing Javert or Javert’s actions in this chapter: respectfully, conscientious, clearheaded, straightforward, sincere, upright, austere, fierce, violent, soldierly, cold, patient, genuine humility, tranquil, resigned, serious, calm, gloomy, sad, abasement, steadfastness, courageous dejection, solemnity, incorruptible, supplicating, simplicity, dignity, unenlightened, stern, pure, desperate, resolute, bizarre grandeur, oddly honest. The biggest takeaway from all of these, I think, is how much Javert’s pious loyalty to justice and morality is not corrupt, at least in the usual sense. It’s misguided, it’s unsympathetic, but he genuinely believes in his own actions. He is aware of his severity, but he doesn’t see it as cruelty, he sees it as justice. He doesn’t acknowledge the evil of his actions because he doesn’t see them as evil. He is (and I want to go into this later for 1.8.3) a personification of the “evil of good,” and an illustration of how justice can go too far. But he does everything with that air of honesty and cold dignity, because he genuinely believes that his morals and his dedication to justice is in the right.
“And now that I see the real Jean Valjean, I do not understand how I could have believed anything else. I beg your pardon.” So we’ve already established that Javert does not change his mind or admit wrong easily. We also already know he doesn’t like Valjean anyway. The only reason, it seems, that he is admitting to this mistake and asking for dismissal, is because of Valjean’s position of authority. Javert does not do mercy; once he believes someone is bad, they are forever bad. The exception is those in power, those who he sees as authority figures, even when he questioned them just a chapter or two earlier. His sense of duty overrides his morality. Which I think is a major point for him. This is what screws him over later on at the end of the book. When his morality drastically changes, he can’t change his sense of duty to fit it. The issue in this chapter a mistake which is fairly excusable: there is another person he can transfer that moral judgement onto (Champmathieu) and Valjean’s position as an authority figure overrides any of the moral suspicions Javert had about him before this transfer of moral judgement. If Madeleine-Valjean had been just a regular merchant, I wonder if Javert would have admitted to his identity mistake but also continued to be suspicious, simply because his instincts told him that if you think someone is bad, they’re probably bad.
Oh okay so this actually potentially answers my question from last chapter. Javert says “Scaling a wall and theft includes everything. It is a case not for a police court but for the superior court.” So does that mean the police could just toss people into prison for however long they liked if the crime was a misdemeanor?
Javert mentions that the police have not found Petit Gervais. I mostly want to note this because Hugo told us earlier on that Valjean gives money to every Savoyard that passes through M-sur-M and asks their name, and it seemed to imply that in doing that he’s maybe secretly hoping Petit Gervais will turn up. If Valjean hasn’t found Petit Gervais yet, I doubt the cops will.
Javert fundamentally misunderstands how Valjean is sly and cunning. Because Valjean is quite clever and cunning, but the difference is nearly all of his cunning comes not from direct lies or playing dumb the way that Javert is implying, but by using his surroundings and other people’s assumptions to his own advantage. (Plus disguises and wigs, but we don’t see that until Paris.) He buys himself time through things like the fake address trick during the Thenardier encounter, or wandering and disappearing into the woods like Boulatruelle observed, or taking advantage of incomplete information, like becoming Fauchelevent’s brother or burning his passport and becoming Father Madeleine. Valjean’s whole thing is being able to very quickly scan a room, register things, and then adapt and/or react to his situation quite quickly. (Side note: What’s interesting to me is that he’s great at adapting and acting when it comes to action but he is rather stilted and slow when it comes to emotional reaction or adaptation.)
“...tell her to make her complaint against the carter Pierre Chesnelong. He is a brutal fellow, he almost crushed this woman and her child.” Whenever Hugo mentions carts there’s usually symbolism there. In this case it sounds to me like a parallel of Javert, Fantine, and Cosette. At this point, Fantine is still alive though very sick, and Valjean is planning to go to Montfermeil himself to get Cosette. Javert’s imprisonment of Fantine would have destroyed Cosette along with Fantine, just as Chesnelong’s cart nearly crushed Mme Buseaupied and her child. She gets to make a complaint, she has the potential for Chesnelong to be punished. Fantine doesn’t have that, not to the same extent. She dies before it could happen anyway, but even if it could, she’s a prostitute who would be complaining against a cop, there’s not a lot of power on her side, even with Valjean vouching for her. But at this point, she’s only been “nearly” crushed; her child will be with her soon, at least she get that reunion despite being mortally ill, and Javert’s punishment for nearly crushing Fantine and Cosette is, weirdly, Valjean’s refusal to acknowledge his sense of duty and dismiss him.
“Besides, this is an offense that concerns only me.” This almost exactly parallels Valjean’s comment on Fantine insulting him: “The insult is to me. I can do what I please about it.” This is the second time that Valjean has denied, to his face, Javert’s sense of justice and duty by claiming offenses as a personal matter rather than a judicial one.
“In my life I have often been severe to others. It was just. I was right. Now if I were not severe toward myself, all I have justly done would become injustice. Should I spare myself more than others. No. You see, if I had been eager only to punish others and not myself, that would have been despicable!” I mentioned it above, but this is just so telling. Javert knows how severe he is, but he doesn’t see it as cruelty or lack of empathy, he sees his severity as totally in the right because it is for the good of justice. He especially sees it as good because he is willing to treat himself in a similar way. But this does make me wonder, like, would any treatment he got be as callous as the way he treats others? He’s a cop, and while he’s not the favorite of the other cops, he’s still an authority figure. So if he asked for others to be severe to him the way he had been severe to others, would they be? Or would they treat him better because he is or was an authority figure? Anyway, this line really establishes how entrenched in his own morals Javert really is. I feel like these lines here are the entire setup for his conflict and death at the end of the book. If he didn’t believe in treating himself with the same severity as others, the stakes wouldn’t be as high re: the consequences for letting Valjean go free.
Javert calls the defense of a lower person against a higher-up “ill-begotten kindness,” which I think is a really good indication of the way his view of justice works. Defending someone like Fantine, who has been beaten down and nearly broken by the system, isn’t empathy or charity to him, but kindness that shouldn’t be. He seems to think that in situations like this, the person who is being pardoned or defended shouldn’t be, and is sort of like gunning for special treatment by accepting that kindness.
“Good God, it is easy to be kind, the difficulty is to be just.” Maybe this is a weird way to look at this line, but I can’t help but think about Valjean’s conflict after leaving Digne when I read this. At that point, for Valjean, the difficult was in choosing to be kind, rather than choosing to continue to ride his old instincts that would lead to more crime. Javert learns at the end of the novel how difficult it is to be kind when all you know is being “just,” and it kills him. But here Javert equates kindness with moral leniency or maybe even moral abandonment, rather than with empathy and aid. To Javert, people who have done something criminal or morally bad cannot change and cannot be rehabilitated and will always be bad. Which makes me wonder what he thinks kindness actually is. What is Javert’s version of kindness, since he sees kindness in the form of aid or sympathy as reprehensible?
I wonder if Javert is thinking of Fauchelevent when he says, “I have hands, I can till the ground.” Would Javert have changed if he’d gone into labor work for a while, like Fauchelevent? Would work as someone who has no power over others have changed him?
Javert describes himself as a spy in a derogatory way. I think this is the only time he ever references spying in a derogatory way towards himself. However, he has been described as a spy or having spy-like qualities more than once by Hugo. For just a moment, he agrees with the narrator and reader about what he’s like, only it’s from a completely different angle. We can see that he’s “like a police spy” because he’s merciless and inflexible and generally unwilling to change any of his ways at all. He sees himself as “like a police spy” because he has breached a social contract and not only falsely suspected but reported on a superior.
A thought on Tome 1.6: I find it really interesting that despite the fact that this tome is titled “Javert,” it doesn’t include 1.5.13, which contains more of Javert’s narrative than 1.6.1 does. In 1.5.13, we see the drastic effect Valjean’s actions have on Javert, and the emotional turmoil he goes through in questioning authority the way that he does. And yet, that chapter is contained in “The Descent.” Instead, the Tome starts with “Now, Rest,” and Javert’s only role in this chapter is to write the letter to the prefect of police. So despite the Tome being titled after him, Javert is really only emotionally and narratively relevant for the second chapter. I would think that it might have been better to bookend the Tome with two chapters that were most relevant to him, 1.5.13 (which would be 1.6.1 then) and 1.6.2. Instead, 1.6.1 focuses more on Fantine’s condition which, though caused by Javert, doesn’t actually include or affect him at this point. At the same time, the last Tome was titled “The Descent.” This descent of Fantine’s levels out once she has fainted, which is a good transition into the next Tome.
9 notes · View notes
we-live-in-a--society · 4 years ago
Prima facie
A mere word, a conglomerate of letters once combined by a long-gone person, holding more authority than the richest, than the most talented, than the so-called Übermensch with the perspectives of ‘eternal’ life sprawling in front of him.
Genocide of the spiritual beings, unrestrained in the sublime sense of word, slaves of the outside influence, damned for
Feigned assurance, mere illusion blurring out the lines between reality and fantasy, the dreamland of fools, built upon skillful falsities, where each one has an unrepeatable chance to stand on both sides of the barricade.
Relief-providing, such an obtuse lie, beyond offensive to assume anyone would believe it, and yet the affirmation is effortless – just look around, they say, and you will see the things no one has ever wished for.
Ecstasy-granting, allowing to visit the places… the places abounded in the deepest desires, now within the reach of each and every man, person who considers them in terms of fulfilling, enough to stifle the sour thoughts.
Entropic fallout.
The perspectives that hunt the brightest.
* * *
“Day two thousand eight hundred first,” subdued by the sound of running shower, and yet clear enough to be filtered out just perfectly. “It’s funny that people perceive others in terms of their achievements and nothing else. All they see is that outside surface that divides them from their surroundings, and sometimes it’s so hard for me to understand that way of thinking. It’s so absurd, so abstract, and yet I’ve been someway forced to understand it… the reality… it’s so absurd that one day you do things you don’t wanna do, and then something changes and you feel like it’s a big deal, a meaningful transition, and then you realize that it’s all bullshit but it’s also too late. You’re drowning in the same shit once again…” a coarse laughter, indication of sarcasm, intruder creeping between the male’s words, just about to lose his train of thoughts.
���Even though there’re times when you forget it was ever there but it’s always there. Of course, you can pretend, ‘cause pretending is easy but does it make sense? It’s a meaningful question – does it make sense – but I also believe it’s the question of people who are lost and don’t really know what to do, so they just keep asking the same question, keep reconsidering it, but never get the result they aim for, and in the end realize that maybe it all makes no sense, but what would we have if elsewise… those things we see, those people we meet, and who we‘re beyond all of these, beyond the modifications that we do, beyond the changes, beyond pretending to be someone we are not…”
“It’s funny, truly the fallout of everything but so blessed, so pretty, everything that we’ve ever desired for within our reach. We think that it justifies our choices, that we’re so perfect we don’t need to justify anything, that we can do whatever we want to, ‘cause we have the resources, while in reality we don’t have as many as we think we have.”
“You know, there was a man in my past who used to tell me that ‘you gotta do what you gotta do; and what you gotta do is you gotta man up’…”
A speech that is interrupted by an unyielding forefinger pressing the pause button, and so putting the device on halt, soon to be abandoned in the depth of his safe. It is that kind of data he would never store on his personal hard drive, since the possible leakage would result in disastrous consequences, the ones he is not much likely to dig out of.
Just any other day, his eyes drift to the bathroom mirror, greeted by the common, not to mention beyond-pleasing, sight – a man in prime of life, fit as in evidence of self-discipline, skin almost black with the ink, although usually obscured by the expensive suits, meant for his eyes only, but at times shared with the passing-through lovers. Raking his fingers through the hair, he decides the sides require some trimming, especially today, since first impressions are always important, at least according to what he was told in the past, considered inconsequential if juxtaposed with present – a paradox in its purest form.
(Time is money.)
Settling the thoughts aside for a moment, he fishes out the clippers, buzzling to life in his hand, then ties the longer part of hair into a resemblance of bun. Of course there are much more convenient, which might as well be replaced with ‘faster’, solutions to fix the overgrown cut, and yet he opts for the old-fashioned way – a reminiscence of father’s tales, but also related to the self-reliance, capacity of accomplishing as many tasks as possible without anyone’s assistance – since with the right device it takes barely any effort.
With that thought in mind, he rakes the blade past the sides, tiny pieces of hair soon to sprinkle down onto the towel draped over his shoulders in advance, and after a few longer moments, he is greeted with the satisfactory sight, basked in the bright mirror LEDs. As for the final result, he releases the top part, combing it back with a hint of product to keep them styled neatly for the rest of the day – display of classic elegance that he has grown accustomed with throughout the years. Being honest here, he has always considered appearance in terms of something significant in his line of work – flawless presentation of one’s professionalism, indication of people’s superficiality – firmly detached from his private life, since elsewise he would lack in the former quality.
Years ago, he has come to a conclusion that blurring out the lines between those two factors leads to a relatively obnoxious outcome – a moment of ignorance and troublesome aftermath, although worth sacrifice at times. Perfection is nothing more than an obtuse dream, while mistakes are what makes one a human, acts that shape up the present – only aspect within the specie’s reach – bestowing each one of them with everything he could dream of, but in capacity of snatching away equal amounts. Suffering is the greatest paradox of all – blissful pain – akin to a bunch of clouds obscuring the sun, obviously present underneath even if hidden for our poor perception – a promise of transitional felicity, feigned when it comes to one’s assumptions about its everlasting duration.
Long live the deceit.
And yet, what seems to preoccupy his mind more, aside from the competence-related ponderation, appears to be the odd curiosity oscillating around her persona, or rather the difference between the so-called rising star
(let’s see for how long)
and her predecessors: how often would she call in sick? decline interviews? refuse to cooperate? oversleep? overdose? Which might as well be a question of time, meant to unravel in due course, all to his misery, even though he should be able to abide such circumstances with a decent amount of money, leading to dubious mental capacity when it comes to dealing with extravagant artists and their arsenal of lacking predictions, fallouts with producers, fussy whims, along with all the acts of great absurdity that somehow get him to roll his eyes in exasperated disbelief on each and every occasion.
The least patient man.
* * *
Morning light.
The most relentless alarm clock ever ‘invented’, practically prying her eyes open, immediate to bury her face in a silky pillow, letting out a frustrated groan, as she pulls up the covers, body shivering in the chilly room. Relieved by the newfound wave of heat, she is back to tethering on the edge between dreams and reality, hoping to get as much sleep as possible until the digital sound will slice through the city hum, which in turn evokes genuine respect towards the people who ‘rise and shine’ during the earliest hours just to face the day and seize all opportunities. Part of the woman scolds her for such laziness, but realistically thinking it is yet another transcendent goal, not noted with intention of fulfillment, instead left to lurk in the back of mind and bother her in the most unfavorable moments, as per usual.
Along with the pressing desire to ignore that peculiar stressful tension, it adds up to the growing pile of lies, meant to complete itself as she pursues further with life, but at the same time labelled as a habitual factor, allowing her to keep the head clear when required, unoccupied by the never-ending considerations, and yet opposed to the raging storm of thoughts. In one hand, her stomach is twisting with the nervous anticipation, but in the other she cannot deny the fluttering butterflies that have been disrupting the young woman since the very first time he called her, or more precisely – since the very first time his hologram appeared on dialing device, accompanied by the husky baritone that he used to expound the details concerning their arrangement – inexplicable yet important.
(Take the bitter with the bitter, isn’t it what they say?)
Funnily enough, she remembers each and every time her mother would preach the prodigal daughter about the consequences of such behavior, built upon foolish beliefs, teenage cravings of ineffable love, never meant to be fulfilled if beyond idealized. However, said factor has never seemed to put her pursuit to a halt, and so thwart the zeal – incandescent rod branding her soul for blissful eternity – soaked in the tears of those who perished, mainly her and the injudicious teens, lacking in what she was searching for at that time – a desire obscure enough to participate in the realm of ideas, in other words unable to be verbalized in face of pitifully limited vocabulary. Might as well be the reason why she struggles with forming any long-term relationship, always distracted by the passing opportunities, unable to break the unfortunate turn of events, conflicted with the more mature part of her, aiming mainly for self-development that leads to inevitable success – another silly daydream?
“Ugh, fuck this,” she whines into the pillow, presumably late, either way finds herself not quite concerned by concepts as equally absurd as time, while rolling onto the cooler side of bed – close call to the dubiously pleasant encounter with polished floor. Frustrated as ever, she hears the digital ringtone, more than aware who might be bothering her generously elongated sleep at such early hour, nevertheless obliged to pick up with a heavy pat delivered onto the screen. “Hello?”
“Good morning, Gia,” oh my fuck, he remembers. “I’ve wanted to make sure everything is relevant today, ‘cause I’ll be there in like… fifteen minutes, I think.”
“Oh, fifteen minutes,” she almost gasps, unable to conceal the nervous chuckle, certain there is no possibility she will meet him on time. “That’s cool, but I won’t make it.”
She hears his exasperated huff on the other side of the line, along with the calm exhale, and the following words – indication of the so-called professionalism. “How much time do you need then?”
“I don’t know…” she draws – a mannerism that he loathes more than anything – uncertainty audible within her voice, since she has blocked the visual channel, presumably still on the early stage of preparation. “Half an hour?”
“That supposed to be a question or an answer?” He manages to conceal the aggravated bark, tightening his grip around the steering wheel instead.
“An answer, I guess,” she shrugs, now risen up to a seating position, with the silky sheets pooling around her waist.
“Brilliant,” he concludes, a tad bit too drily for her own tastes, either way she ignores the unpleasant note, belittling it to the status of yet another subconscious allusion, prompted by the fairly deceivable mind.
“Anyway, you can drop by my flat if that’d be more convenient,” she proposes, yawning as her limbs stretch, joints cracking in a satisfactory way.
“Text me the address then, and I’ll meet you there,” he instructs in a blunt manner – non-verbal indication that ‘no’ appears to be an invalid response in such circumstances.
“With-” oh right, he hung up.
What a douchebag.
Luckily capable of ignoring the bitter aftertaste, at least for now, she stands up, shivering as her feet brush the cool floor, which in the end turns out as rather beneficial, pacing up her walk to the bathroom. Accompanied by the electric buzz, the light flickers out, reminding her for the nth time this week to call the estate owner, and deal with it like any reasonable adult would do, or simply wait for the day when she will be forced to complete her morning preparations in pitch darkness.
(Couldn’t dream of a better outcome...)
Certain that opting out for the top priority appears to be the most sensible solution in her position, she steps under the shower, letting the hot water cascade down her back, skin flushing due to the temperature. The heat itself elicits a relieved moan from her throat as the tension begins to evaporate from her body – parallel to the steam sprawling on the glass – tingling with the newfound excitement, apparently enhanced by the growing warmth. Perfectly aware there is neither a decent mood nor enough time to search for any relief, she ends up uttering a frustrated huff, while painting her front with the liquid soap, soon to stream down to the drain.
Having accomplished what must have been the quickest shower she has ever had, she only manages to put on more or less randomly picked up clothes, before the morning lull is sliced by the ringing doorbell that almost forces a fearful shriek from the broody woman. With a few hurried steps through the living area, she unlocks the door, confronted by the sight of virtual impatience, anticipating her presence since the earliest hours of dawn – posh dweller of equally polished suit – along with the flawless composure that evokes this peculiar insecurity in reference to the personal choice of clothing, seemingly not appropriate for such occasion.
Intimidating to say the least.
“Hi,” she greets him with a welcoming smile either way, gaze altering between his face and the ink peeking from the collar of his shirt, evoking the newfound curiosity about the whole concept, hidden beneath the fabric.
“Hello again,” he reciprocates as the corners his lips twist into what must be the so-called smug smirk, features visibly lightening. “May I come in?”
“Sure,” she snaps out of the trance, failing to conceal the nervous giggle adorning her affirmative response, caught hand in a cookie jar.
(Ah yes, the dovey one.)
Which is yet another subconscious mind’s assumption, although he believes that tendency to evaluate any given situation on the go appears to be linked with age, or more specifically – gaining general knowledge over the human dwellers and their behaviors. Therefore, in order to enhance the efficiency, one obtains the ugly habit of premature judgment, openly loathed by majority of population and yet dealt with from the hand of few, which in turn leads him to a rather inconvenient truth – one day, there will come the time when he trips and smashes his nose on the floor – metaphor adorned in pain less bearable than in a physical case.
(Been ‘round the block a few times.)
Nevertheless, the petite girl steps aside, allowing him to pass the threshold, further on perch upon the sofa and snatch the flat screen from his bag.
“Back to business…” he initiates, motioning her with a suggestive eye tilt, icy irises that bore into her soul, such a cooling contrast for her synthetic hue, enough to send an uncomfortable shiver down her spine.
“Don’t you want something to drink?” She gulps, gaze adverting to the side, unable to bear its intensity, right before she plops down onto the couch, brushing his knee by accident – plain contact that almost has her jolting away to the side.
(Get a fucking grip.)
“I’m good for now,” he rejects the proposition, just to witness her frown slightly in response. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later.”
“I’ve disrupted your schedule, haven’t I?” She ascertains, seemingly more preoccupied with tucking one of her feet under the pleasantly warm thigh than maintaining eye contact, which irks him up more than he cares to admit; not a good sign to be honest.
“Pretty much yes, unless we hurry up, of course,” without letting her speak, he carries on with the beyond obvious explanations. “Anyway, here’s the contract that I need to sign if you’re willing to continue, which I think is polished by now, so let’s just cut to the chase, shall we?”
“Sure,” she accepts the offered device, flinching as their fingers brush, cold like ice. Clueless when it comes to what is happening to her, or more importantly – why he has such potent influence over the outgoing woman, at least until now, eliciting the most unusual reactions, the shameful shyness for instance.
“You can’t be this tense if you want to make this arrangement work,” he states, apparently out of nowhere, leaning towards the coffee table, weight braced on the elbows.
“Excuse me?” She frowns, with the metallic stylus in her hand, now long forgotten, as she glares at him, not so caught-off-guard for a change.
“You’ve heard me,” he cocks a condescending eyebrow at her, and if not for the blinking she would suspect he is not a human after all.
(Do androids blink?)
“Stating that won’t make any difference,” she huffs, peaceful façade seared by the gradually developing irritation.
“Care to elaborate?” He nags further, as if already capable of naming all her weak spots, thanks to his long-term professionalism in such domain.
“There’s no shift in the attitude,” she clarifies, noting the fact as if it was an absolute truth, suited for this and every other occasion in the future, greater than all the celestial beings, even if combined together.
“Would not pointing it out make any difference then?” He retorts, not expecting to hear a verbal answer this time, instead filled with the telltale silence. “See? Told you so.”
“That’s not what I meant,” she counters, shaking her head in denial, hand mirroring the rushed movements.
“So what did you mean for a change?”
“I meant that pointing this out usually enhances the tension,” she explains, glancing briefly at the thin piece of metal clutched tight in her hand – a realization casted upon the woman.
“I believe it’s still worth the effort,” he shrugs, infuriatingly careless now that he has won, at least according to his suppositions.
“Why are we even discussing this?” She sighs, as if utterly exhausted by the teasing debate, and so willing to wind it up with the simple scrape over the screen. “Just let me sign the contract.”
“Go on, no one’s stopping you,” he flicks his wrist in an affirmative gesture, encouraging her to pursue. “I’d even dare to say right the opposite,” oh, so now he would play the smart guy, how delightful, she thinks, and yet responds immediately, topping up said contract with a flourishing signature, quick to hand it back to him. “Thank you. And by the way, you have an interview scheduled for tomorrow, just so you wouldn’t forget.”
“Thanks, I appreciate it,” she flashes him a replacement for a proper smile, just to witness the male respond with a parallel gesture, and before she knows it, he is back on his feet again, towering over her figure, and so prompting to follow his traces.
“It’s just my job, no hard feelings.”
No hard feelings.
(Easier said than done.)
* * *
Easily associated with safety, blissful awareness granted by the reliability of bygone memories, a place where one is willing to return to in times of unspoken restlessness, and so dive into the flowery reminiscence – beloved escape. However, at some point in one’s life an unspecified hand flips the switch, allowing to see the sheer absurdity, which in turn leads to a purifying realization – the past is not enough anymore, and so a different, more potent stimulant is required.
Her best friend would probably label it as ‘yet another mistake’, worse than falling for Cara, nevertheless she cannot help herself, knowing that one way or another she will be forced to release some steam, to transfer the concoction of feelings into work – a song, sublime and powerful, carrying an amaranthine meaning. Losing herself in the complexity of the world she has gotten to inhabit – borne against her will, such a cruel law – seems so effortless in comparison to the sheer burdens of existence, paired with the average life expectancy and the endless predictions of elongation, justifying it as yet another whim of humanity.
(Even rhymes with immortality, what a coincidence.)
Why would anyone even crave something so insane – eternality – unaware of the real meaning hidden behind these ten letters, bound by the long-gone linguist – extinct specie? Expression of their thoughtlessness? Might as well be.
At this point it appears as quite tough to specify, her mind delving into far too many places at once, incapable of maintaining the indispensable concentration with Nova running through her bloodstream, retreating the human ability to focus on a single factor. As the reality begins to fade away, various background noises dull into one unpleasant screech, inseparable, her ears ringing as the first wave rocks through her body, a vague pat on the back, followed by the tingling sensation of a relatively cool hand tracing her spine. While a minuscule part of her loathes the feeling of metallic digits dancing over the heated flesh, the more influential one is flying sky too high to care, remaining still in that one inconvenient pose, leaning towards the shiny table.
“Exciting, isn’t it?” His hand slides further down her back, playing with the hem of the low-cut dress she has opted for today, its silvery hue reflecting the colorful lights. “What do you say, sweets?”
“Mhm, yes… exciting… exciting it is,” she barely formulates the affirmation, her brain clinging to the established choice of words, out of capacity to exchange it for anything more intricate. “But I think I gotta… I think I… I gotta go I think.”
“So soon?” He questions, both eyebrows risen in feigned disbelief, chrome digits dipping underneath the fabric only to find the silky strap in process, stimulating enough to occupy his carnal interests for a brief moment.
“I’ve paid you… I’m sure I have…” she mumbles, involuntarily jerking away from the touch, muscles twitching as an innate response to the unwanted contact, lost in between her attempts to complete the sentence, “for the pills, I mean.”
“Well, yes, that’s correct, you have,” he agrees, albeit immediate to clarify, “but I’d like something more from you.”
“What?” She frown in confusion, eyes staring into the distance, blurred outlines of dancers rushing through her mind, hips swaying to the beat. “No, I… take me home… please.”
“Maybe later, ‘kay?” He proposes, still patient, fingers stroking the smooth skin in an attempt to soothe the confused female.
“No… I wanna…” she counters, one final time, although enough to crack his resolve, hand abandoning its previous track, leaving only the fleeting remains of proper touch on the heated skin.
“Quit whining and get up,” he huffs, audibly irritated, and she cannot help but wonder about the causes, random associations blending into one shapeless pulp – concoction of equally indistinguishable elements.
“No!” She squeals, a little louder this time, as a stab of pain shoots through her arm, almost yanked out of its socket, at least according to her perception, attracting attention of a passing female, although definitely short-lived, soon to mingle in the crowd.
Because who cares?
“You. Are. Coming with me,” he punctuates the words, delivering another harsh tug, intent to force her to move. “Whether you want to or not.”
Unable to verbalize the evident objections, let alone break away from his iron grasp, she can only follow his traces, while trying oh so desperately to figure out what is happening around her, cling onto at least one given stimulus. Her vision is blurry, blinded by the neon lights, as if her eyes were tearing, but at the same time she doubts she has ever felt that helpless, that fearful, emotions running all over the place, full of contradictions, frenzied and delirious.
Searching for physical support, she leans in to his frame as soon as the man stands still, but due to the black spots staining her perception, she can barely make out where they are, especially with her head is spinning like crazy. Before she knows it, his arms encircle her waist, preventing the young and oh so promising musician from a disastrous rendezvous with equally unforgiving floor, much to his exasperation.
Overall, the plan has been a little different, certainly not featuring the scenario in which she passes out, another unconscious body to take care of, whist also ‘unfuckable’ in such state. Therefore, the most he can do for the woman is to dump her by the corridor wall, as befits the ‘immature dickhead’, certain that no one would attempt to link her with him, at least according to the general numbness in the so-called ‘world full of cruelty’ and the glorious lack of interest in dealing with minor crimes.
(And what else?)
* * *
The first time she experienced something like this was approximately about sixteen years ago, give or take, although she prefers to keep such stories to herself, since people tend to label it as rather dubious and the last renown she aims for is ‘untrustworthy’. Nonetheless, it all appears to be rather simple – high fever tends to retreat distant and prompting visions, mainly associated with sensory memory, aspects that are supposed to remain out of reach, and yet linger somewhere in the back of one’s mind. Take for instance the sensation of being rocked to sleep in mother’s arms, deprived of any distinctive images, just the monotonous lull and mere hum of her silvery voice, singing some nonsensical song, its lyrics undistinguishable by now.
Ergo, for a brief moment, yet to collide with reality, she is convinced that she has forgotten to swallow the necessary medicaments due to her ailing state, evident in the disastrous headache, possibly linked with abnormal temperature, and mind drifting towards obscure dimensions once again. Before she gets a chance to familiarize with the newfound vision, it is disrupted by a harsh jerk, so unlike her parents’ manners, forcing both eyes open and so greeting the woman with a sight she is not braced for yet – a guy, recognized as a bartender, shaking her awake, not Carlos who might as well be long gone by now.
“Gia?” He frowns, visibly puzzled, both hands resting on her shoulders, warmth atop icy skin, sending a pleasant wave of heat through her half-conscious body.
Unable to grant any sensible answer, she blinks a couple of times, trying to adjust to the neon lights, with her vision still a little blurry, before she actually manages to formulate a proper response, voice croaky, as if not hers at all. “What’s going on?”
“I could’ve ask you the same,” he reciprocates, audibly annoyed, hands now abandoning their previous spot upon her shoulders on behalf of a more convenient squatting position.
“I don’t remember much,” she admits, clenched fists rising to rub her eyes in hopes it will somehow bring her back to the land of living.
“You did it again, didn’t you?” He huffs, accusation evident in his voice, or maybe it is just fatigue, disappointment with her countless predicaments, not that he is the only one.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she shrugs, the least talented liar ever born, beyond embarrassing to pursue.
“Whatever Gia, I don’t give a shit,” he sighs, utterly defeated. “And I’m resigning from babysitting you tonight. Work schedule, you know.”
“No time for that,” he interrupts, remains of the so-called empathy long gone by now, granting the blossoming irritation with essential space. “Someone’s gotta drag your ass from here, I mean the club, and take you home.”
“I can’t stay here?” She frowns, disappointed with the unfortunate turn of events.
“What?” He laughs in disbelief, a mocking tingle that enhances all negative emotions disrupting the guilty songbird. “Of course not, it’s a club, not drunk tank.”
“Just find someone who can take you out,” he instructs, glancing at the door, hoping the manager has not noticed his absence by now. “And tell him it’s fucking urgent.”
“Okay,” she agrees, displeased with his harsh approach, irritation evident within her voice. “Just give me some fucking space.”
“Sure, I gotta head back anyway,” he shrugs, careless all of sudden – feigned façade mastered over the years. “Can you stand up?”
“I don’t feel like checking it by myself,” she utters a nervous chuckle, hand already outstretched for the bartender, and who is he to leave her hanging like this, ever the gentleman. “Could you help me?”
“Sure,” he throws her a fleeting smile, and with a steady grasp on the woman’s arm, he hoists her up from the ground, knees seemingly too weak to hold the rest upright. However, the necessary support is granted by the wall, allowing the female to brace her weight on the forearms and press the forehead to the concrete structure as a potent wave of dizziness rocks through her fatigued body.
“Thanks,” she murmurs faintly, still in the process of dealing with the unpleasant aftermath of earlier decisions, and so dangerously close to throwing up on the polished floor.
“It’s nothing, Gia, really,” he assures, his mind already circling back to work-related issues. “Just get your sorry ass outta here.”
“Sure,” she huffs, rolling her eyes in an almost theatrical manner, as if to ensure he gets the message with plenty of reserve. “Have fun.”
“Yeah, you too.”
And with that careless response, he walks away, hasty steps echoing in the corridor, soon to disappear around the corner, and so leave the hall altogether. Finally deprived of any company, she fishes out the phone from the depths of her purse, and calls the only person she can think of in such circumstances – Connor, or Connie, since the choice is apparently not his to make. At this point she is practically trembling with that peculiar concoction of excitement and exhilaration, fingers crossed he will pick up at such late hour, since wishing for anything else seems like a childish exaggeration now.
“You better have damn good reasons for calling me in the middle of the fucking night,” ever the most talented in the field of pleasant conversations, he opts for greeting her with such expression, voice rough with sleep, sending a shiver down her spine.
“So I got into some trouble tonight and-”
“Just cut to the chase,” he barks out a blunt order, his patience running low in the face of increasing exasperation. “I don’t have energy to listen to some background bullshit.”
“I need you to take me home from Interstellar,” she states, having decided that to keep it simple means to succeed, rather than to bestow him with countless euphemisms, supposing it would justify her irresponsible behavior.
“Excuse me?” He chuckles in disbelief, a mocking laughter that almost has her snapping at him – the most immature reaction she could ever imagine. “Seems like you might’ve mistaken me for your fucking chauffer, who I’m not by any means, so thank you for such divine opportunity but I think I’ll pass.”
“Why are you always acting like a fucking dickhead?” She sighs, voice smaller than she would like it to be, as the day-long fatigue settles into her bones, which combined with the unpleasant tone nearly has her bursting in tears.
“And why are you always getting personal?” He jeers, a crude remark to stab her right in the chest, and so discourage to pursue. “It’s just work, nothing else, and the sooner you learn it, the better for you, ‘cause I’m not hired to deal with your non-career issues.”
“It might become a career issue if someone finds me here,” she reciprocates, betrayed by the not-so-subtle hint of desperation lacing her voice, shaky at the end.
“Tryna out-talk me?” He chuckles bitterly, his head lulling slightly to the side in her mind’s eyes – a mannerism she has grown accustom with during those few weeks. “C’mon, don’t be ridiculous.”
“No, I just wanna go home,” she tries once again, now actually on the blink of tears. “Please.”
“Pathetic,” she hears him spat on the other side of the line, probably not meant to reach her ears, but it does either way, forcing Gia to suppress the choked sob threatening to escape her constricted throat. “No, just no. I’m not doing shit for you. You’re a fucking adult, so I think you’ll find your way outta here.”
“No, enough of that,” he interrupts, annoyance evident in his voice. “It was nice talking to you, but I’m going back to sleep now. Have fun.”
“Don’t hang up, please…”
Oh right.
Fighting the urge to cry out in exasperation, she dials his number once again, dangerously close to chanting an actual lucky prayer, nevertheless determined to make him comply for a change, since in this case hope indeed appears to be the mother of fools.
“The fuck you’re calling me again?” He barks out, absolutely furious.
“Will you come? Please,” she sobs, finally letting the tears stream down the sides of her face, way past her breaking point now. “I don’t wanna stay here. It’s so cold, and I’m so tired.”
“You won’t let it slide, will you?” He sighs, a realization casted upon the man for a change.
“No,” she sniffs, wiping her eyes with the free hand, black dust from the so-called ‘waterproof’ mascara coating her fingers. “They’ll throw me out elsewise.”
(Silence speaks a thousand words.)
“Fucking fine,” he gives up after a longer pause, seemingly ready to consent to her wish. “Just stay right where you are until I get there. We’ll meet by the main entrance as soon as I text you, ‘kay?”
“Okay,” she gulps, trying to conceal the exited squeal threatening to slip past her lips as a result of his approval.
“Very well. See you.”
“Connie?” She calls out one more time, voice laced with distinctive hesitation.
“Thank you.”
“Sure, no big deal.”
And with that he hangs up, on one hand leaving her with a bitter-sweet wish they would chat a little longer, while on the other she is well aware it would be simply nonsensical, lingering somewhere in the back of her mind. Once again deprived of the craved-for company, the sensory aspects hit the woman with full force, the pounding ache of her own body, betraying in the midst of crisis, arms encircling her trembling frame in order to deliver at least a mere illusion of being held by someone.
(Ha! You wish!)
(He doesn’t even like that nickname… the fuck is wrong with me?)
Unable to keep herself upright, she plops down onto the cold floor, with the bottom part of her dress hiking up, and so exposing the legs to icy air which, enhanced by the fatigue, has her trembling on the ground. In hopes it will somehow allow to maintain the essential warmth, she curls into a ball, resting her forehead on the bent knees, eyelids shutting on their own, which in turn bestows her with odd solitude, even though there is no possibility she would drift to sleep in such circumstances with her body trembling like a leaf in the autumn breeze.
Minutes upon minutes, she is gradually beginning to lose the track of time, not daring to glance at the clock even once, surprisingly patient for a change, maybe in the face of feasible fulfillment. And yet, despite the aforementioned calmness, she almost jumps out of her skin as soon as she feels the phone vibrating in her hand, not wasting any time to check the incoming message.
“I’m here,” it reads, which puts a relieved smile on her face, and so she is rather quick to stuff the device back into her purse, then get up with a renewed vigor, walls granting the necessary support.
Pushing the heavy door open, she walks out to the guests’ zone, greeted with all its splendid virtues: loud music and insufferable crowd, which prompts her to circle the dancefloor and so avoid the troublesome encounters. Lucky to get past without any of that, she steps through the reception area, soon to make her way out of the club altogether, cool evening breeze palpable on her face, sweeping the bangs away from her forehead.
Nevertheless, with more pressing matters occupying her mind, Gia is immediate to spot him, leaning by the side of his car – such an unusual sight to behold, without one of his beloved suits, exchanged for the benefit of more casual attire. She blinks a couple of times, as if to ascertain he was not mistaken for another man, having assumed he would be the only person waiting outside, and to be honest she cannot conceal the relieved sigh slipping past her lips as a response to the inviting gesture – a graceful flick of his wrist.
“You look absolutely miserable,” he notes, and even in face of the gruff greeting she almost fails to restrain from hugging the coarse man as a thank-you gift. “C’mere.”
“I owe you,” she declares, a steady exclamation until disturbed by his hands gripping her arms, leaving the woman confused for a moment.
“Yes, you do,” he agrees, frowning as she reciprocates the gesture, lithe fingers wrapping around his biceps; and hell, it is just to prevent her from hitting the pavement, not indicate anything sexual. Why does she have to read every message wrong? “Now get in the car.”
“There’s no need to be unpleasant,” she huffs, visibly annoyed, and so seriously considering the break-away from his not-so-loving grasp.
“I’m being practical not unpleasant,” he rolls his eyes in response, blatant and unashamed, choosing to release her this time, intent to open the door for his female associate, “since I don’t think you’d like to experience yet another encounter with a ground of any kind.”
“Sure, thanks,” she reciprocates, cold as ice – terribly feigned façade, although immediate to get in the car, letting him shut the door for her, then ride away in what seems like a blink for her limited perception.
At least according to what she keeps telling herself.
* * *
“I’ve left you a glass of water on the bedside table, ‘kay?” He throws a brief glance at her figure lounging on the bed, now clad in a monochromatic tee, suppressing the urge to linger on the exposed skin for a little longer.
It is always hunting him, the flesh.
“Tell me you understand.”
“Yes,” she mutters, voice muffled by the pillows, not caring to throw him a merest glimpse.
“Yes what?”
“Yes, you’ve left me a glass of water on the bedside table,” she complies, as if fed up with his never-ending requests oscillating around definite responses, ever the hypocrite.
“Very well,” seemingly pleased with her response, his lips twist in what must be a ghost of a proper smile, although the following words fail to satiate the prominent craving, much to her displeasure. “So sleep tight and make sure you call me as soon as you wake up.”
“Connie?” She calls almost at the spot, having decided to take the matter in her own hands this time, afraid that if he gets up, nothing will be enough to stop him from leaving altogether.
“Connor,” he corrects, voice laced with an audible hint of annoyance.
“Doesn’t matter,” she dismisses, while urging her body up on the elbows to look at him properly for a change, at least according to the etiquette of any decent conversation. “Stay with me tonight?”
“I don’t think so,” he counters, cold as ice once again – a notion enhanced by the neon lights casting shadows on his sharp features.
“’Cause I’ve driven your sorry ass home which is enough of selflessness from me for the following month,” he spats bitterly, intent to rise from his spot on the couch and walk out of the door, leaving her hanging, as if it was the most convenient solution ever imagined.
“Why do you have to be such an ass?” She huffs, disappointed once again – an impression she has learned to associate with him on the course of their encounters, and yet never failing to disturb her, even if only in the emotional sense.
(Helps me to keep the distance.)
“Nothing personal,” he claims instead, not even blinking as the words slip past his lips. “I’ve got errands to run tomorrow.”
“I don’t believe you,” she confronts, now seated properly with her back supported by the wall, as if to grant the superior position in their flimsy quarrel.
“Well, you don’t have to,” he reciprocates, infuriatingly calm all of sudden, shoulders shrugging at her furious expression.
(So easy to rile up sometimes…)
“What?” He snaps, head twisting in her direction, eyes meeting with a metaphorical shot of electricity through her body.
“Is it so hard to understand? The fact that I don’t wanna be alone tonight?” She sighs, now in genuine doubt whether he is a human after all, which might as well be linked with the flawed perception, based on her own attitude – blemished. “You know, it’s just… today’s been so messed up and I just… I don’t know...”
“Got anything to confess?” He cocks an inquisitive eyebrow at her, as if attempting to conceal the previous irritation with some careless swagger.
“I don’t remember much, but I have a feeling that something bad has happened to me,” she begins, having decided to choose her words carefully, since indicating that she is yet another pathetic junkie is the last direction she is aiming towards.
“Like what?”
“I don’t know, really,” she refuses to cooperate, instead gets up from the bed and takes those few steps towards the couch to plop down beside him, shortly before resuming with her undefined explanation. “I’m aware of what I was doing throughout the day, but the evening memories are all vague, are… um… all fuzzy, and honestly I have no idea what to think about this.”
“Wanna talk about it?” He questions, seemingly relaxed, if not for the corner of his lip tilting in an unnerving way, proving that said proposal carries some hidden meaning as well.
“Yes,” she nods, since playing by his rules appears to lay beyond the realm of conscious control for now, no idea why.
(Is that his voice? The fuck is wrong with me?)
“So tell me the truth.”
Speak of the devil.
“It wasn’t all a lie,” she scoffs, and yet cannot help but advert her gaze to the side, focusing on the small reddish stain decorating the coach cushion, wine presumably.
“Sure,” he hums in agreement, soaked in bitter irony, although pleased with the confirmation of his little theory. “But I wanna hear a genuine story this time, or none at all. Is that clear?”
“Crystal,” she affirms with a telltale burning upon her cheeks that appear to disrupt the defined vision of proper explanation. “So, I wasn’t alone at the Interstellar, I was with someone…”
“With whom exactly?”
“Doesn’t matter,” she refuses once again, shaking her head, as if more to clear out the mind before the key explanation than emphasize the earlier words. “The thing is, he gave me one of those pills he had, and I took it, so that’s why I don’t remember shit.”
“Well, that I’ve already figured out myself,” never the one to disappoint, am I right? “So where’s the catch?”
“I think I’ve made a mistake… I mean doing something like that in his company is a mistake itself, but… I don’t know… I feel so messed up,” she rubs a single hand across her face, hoping it will somehow soothe her, but nothing like this happens, so instead she slips it in his, searching for physical support – a gesture that catches him off guard for a brief moment. His flesh is cool to touch, most of it covered in some bizarre ornaments, black upon white – pale skin that looks almost eerie underneath the neon lights – her gaze following the pattern up his arm, until their eyes lock once again – tangerine and steel.
“It’s fine, I get it,” he affirms with a subtle smile, squeezing her hand in a skillful manner, enough to fulfill said wish without causing unnecessary discomfort.
“That was the first time something like this happened to me though,” she confess, throwing their linked limbs a brief glance, as if to ascertain he is still there, like in flesh and bones, not a passerby from a parallel reality. “It freaked me out.”
“No wonder it did,” he concludes. “Losing control can be one of the worst nightmares.”
“Tell me about it,” she huffs, rolling her eyes – a gesture to top the sarcastic remark with. “I don’t get it. Even though I’m aware of the consequences, I keep making the same mistakes over and over again… Hell, I’m so happy I have an opportunity to die.”
“Now you’re being dramatic,” he chuckles – not the exact reaction she intended to gain from him, but that will have to do for now.
“Aren’t we all?” She cocks a challenging eyebrow at him, her eyes glistening with an ghost of amusement, rather unexpected in such circumstances, which is also a good sign to be honest, the fact he is able to elicit that kind of response from her.
“Thanks for listening though,” she ignores the little hypocritical attempt, indicating the blatant disagreement.
“Anytime Gia, anytime,” he bestows the woman with a smile for a change, even if fleeting – odd beauty to it all.
As her focus drifts towards the places of unknown, with the pensive silence settling over them, she fails to notice the subtle shift of his position, until their intertwined hands rest on her thigh, eliciting an embarrassingly audible gasp from the female, knuckles teasing the tender flesh as his tendons flex, supposing to prevent the nerves from getting numb.
“What are you expecting from this situation?” He interjects, his gaze focused solely on hers with intensity that has the female almost backing away – soul-drill to crack her attitude in two.
“Feelings are not to be verbalized,” she reciprocates, rolling her eyes at the inappropriate question, and yet opts for going out on a limb, since what goes around comes around, right? “And also, I think there’re more pressing matters to clarify anyway.”
“Such as?” He turns towards her, and now that Gia has his undividable attention, she is ready to put her inconsistent plan into notion.
“Ever wondered what would it be like… to kiss me?”
An exclamation that has him laughing out loud this time – such an unusual occurrence, although not the best sign to be honest – and yet she can work with that, glaring at him once the sound dulls down. With amused glimmers dancing behind his gaze, he appears to be studying her expression, as if in an attempt to read his songbird like an open book he would like her to be, at least for him, and yet, aside from the blatant desire for attention, the rest is buried somewhere deep, deep down, safe from his prying curiosity.
How infuriating.
Nevertheless, he is well aware what to do to gain the essential answer – break the not-so-stern rule, temptation in its purest form, granting the special privilege of seeing her gasp in shock, feign indifference just to throw herself in his arms as soon as an opportunity presents itself.
Sublime. Sadistic. Selfish.
Simply what he needs right now.
“To kiss you? No…” he draws on the syllable – a purring baritone that catches her off guard for a brief moment – not even supposing he is capable of making such sounds. “But to fuck you… now that’s a whole different story…”
(What the hell?)
“But we can just kiss if you prefer the PG-13 version,” he cocks a challenging eyebrow at her, and she takes the bait, all to his pleasure as far as it matches the plan, crafted on the go.
“I don’t-”
“No need to lie to me, Gia,” he interrupts, leaning slightly towards her, just enough to brush her chest, breath palpable on the exposed neck, prickling her skin with goosebumps. “Tell me, what is it that you desire?”
“Right now? For you to kiss me,” she gulps, failing to pursuit with the seductive tone, muscles twitching as she feels his arm snaking around her waist, still hoping she would maintain the confidence throughout the act.
(With him touching you like that? Sure.)
“A bit boring but if that’s what you want…” he chuckles, breath flaring through her hair, quick to catch the woman off guard again by yanking her onto his lap, one thigh pressed in between her legs.
“You’re such a dick,” she gasps at the unexpected contact, her insides coiling in anticipation to satiate whatever ache has been blossoming inside the artiste the moment he laid his eyes upon her.
“Sure, whatever,” he hums, careless as ever, tickling the side of her neck with feather-like kisses, barely present, like wind whispering patterns on her skin, ready to fly away and forget as the scent of his cologne engulfs her senses. Some twisted part of her wants to witness him break first, give in to the temptation, with dilated pupils and disheveled hair, rake his fingers through the strands, but nothing like this happens. Instead, he keeps teasing her with the gentle touches, tips of his fingers tracing the hollow of her spine, up to the point where she cannot take it anymore – the merciless tormentor – and tilts his head to the side, crashing their lips together.
(So it is on.)
With his arms around her body, he gains the essential motion range, ability to maneuver her upon his lap and of course guide the kiss, but since their plans seem to differ, she attempts to squirm out of the grasp – a matter he is quick to rectify with a harsh nip upon her bottom lip, drawing a surprised squeal from the woman. Even though she is already past the point of wondering whether he would be gentle, whether he would treat her like the finest china or just another frivolous chippie, she has not expected such straightforward approach, at least not from the very beginning, since that is what all the previous partners accustomed her with – the cautious build up leading to more ardent acts, while he appears to be toying with both contradictories, leaving her in anticipation for more.
(Fucking douchebag.)
With Gia gliding through her thoughts, he opts for seizing the opportunity now that her mouth is agape, seemingly beyond realization yet, and sweeps his tongue over her bottom lip, relishing in the tremor that runs down her spine as a response to the caress, palpable underneath his hands. Right when she expects him to dive straight into it, he breaks away, eliciting a disappointed whimper from the singer, a whimper that has him twitching in the confinement of his pants like some immature teenager, intent to switch to her neck and mark the flawless canvass – now simply pale and pure. As if put on repeat, she mimics the earlier sound – a response to the harsh suck – leaning backwards, expecting him to continue the established path further down, and yet he is back at the face level within a matter of seconds, having stained her flesh with a purplish bruise.
“I do mind that a bit, you know,” she huffs, feigning annoyance, even if only in a partial sense, unable to ignore the rapid pulsing of violated skin, akin to a sisterly heart drumming just underneath the surface.
“Didn’t see you complaining earlier,” he hums against her lips, planting a lingering kiss on the plump pout. “If I were in your shoes I’d be happy to have something to eye in the mirror when the lover boy is gone. Which, by the way, reminds me that I gotta be going, now that I’ve clearly overused your hospitality.”
(Like flipping a switch.)
“You gotta what?” She frowns in confusion, squealing in surprise as he slides her off his lap, leaving the female perched on the sofa, beyond agitated.
“Sleep tight and remember to call me in the morning.”
And with that he is gone, slipping through the door like a desert dust carried with the wind, its remains inhabiting every space imaginable, forgotten to be swiped away even while cleaning; since he would be damned if he allowed some brat to flash him her bits, get him all riled up just to back out in the end with whatever pathetic excuse she manages to make up on the go.
So instead he prefers the prevention strategy.
Leave her hanging.
Desperate for any kind of attention.
As for the clever, cunning.
* * *
It is safe to assume that getting used to the thought of her and Connor together took the young singer a fair amount of time, and not only that. What else was required to accomplish such inhuman target must have been the so-called emotional tranquility, not her most spectacular forte to be honest, and furthermore accepting the fact that he wants something more from her, whatever that something is.
The very thing that destroys her?
Might as well be, not that it would surprise Gia, considering her ever-present knack for involving in presumably not the most beneficial relationships, just for the sake of illusionary intimacy justified by equally tentative trust, the need to keep people close, lend them a helping hand in hope they will reciprocate someday. To contribute but never to be rewarded, at least with the desired amount of compassion, always judged through the prism of her performance, the outer surface – tissue-thin epidermis – deprived of human curiosity to dip millimeters underneath, and so discover what else she is willing to offer, beyond the carnal realm.
Cruelty of the
And yet, she cannot stop thinking about him, imagining how his steps would echo in the corridor leading to her flat, how his hand would rise to press the button, how his feet would tap the ground while waiting for her to meet him by the entrance, far more preoccupying than she would like it to be. Tethering on the edge between two parallel dimensions – corporeality and conceptuality – she barely notices the slicing sound, tearing up the multi-level reverie into a bunch of useless pieces – a ring reverberating in the air.
“Fuck,” she curses, startled by the way too real noise, almost tripping, as she shoots up from the couch, rushing to open the door. She is greeted with the oh so unexpected sight of the ‘lover boy’ – display of vibrant confidence, obscuring the hint of impatience that must be lurking just beneath the surface, once again without any of his posh suits, although not lacking essential elegance, having opted for simple black pants and matching shirt, keeping the top buttons undone, certain she would notice. As per his earlier assumption, her eyes linger on the exposed flesh, also marked by the ink, evoking the wonder about how far it actually reaches, which in turn leads to the much more risqué concept – the fact that tonight she is meant to clarify all doubts.
“Ever bother to check the visual?” He leans against the doorway, clearly waiting for any invitation, cocking an inquisitive eyebrow at her – an indication she catches sooner than later, allowing him to step inside, and shut the door. “Or is it the perspective of seeing me that distracts you so much?”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” she throws over her shoulder – feigned carelessness – as she follows him to the living area, frowning when he perches atop the mattress instead.
“And depend on random compliments?” He chuckles, fingers stroking the silky sheets, as if to approve their law of existence as a part of her bedding. “I think I’ll pass.”
“Sure you will,” she rolls her eyes, nevertheless allows him to pull her onto the plush surface, their knees bumping as she settles down beside the man.
“What a clever girl you are, truly astounding,” he purrs – the exact same tone he used just a few days ago, and yet so much different – fresh and bold, evoking the insatiable desire for more. “Which reminds me that I’ve brought some wine for us.”
“I’m more of a Tequila girl to be honest,” she bestows him a fleeting smile, thrown off guard by the brush of his fingers upon the exposed thigh, now that her dress has ridden up a little, nevertheless quick to return on the abandoned track of thoughts, “but wine is a classic, so I appreciate it.”
“Sure, Sundance,” he teases, tickling her skin with feather-like strokes – another call-back to their last encounter – although this time her muscles quiver as he skims the golden ring adorning her shapely leg.
“So do you want to drink it now, or-”
“Why the nerves?” He frown, in time with the touch-deprivation, placing the aforementioned bottle by the foot of her bed with a soft click – unsettling since terminal, at least according to personal perception – supreme deceiver. “It’s not like I’ve came here to hurt your or something.”
“Yeah, I know,” she nods, reaching out for his hand to thread their fingers together. “But you’re just something… something new to me, and I have no idea what to expect, that’s all.”
“Oh honey,” he smirks, eyes glinting with a lingering promise that leaves her determined to uncover the truth behind his intents, “you’re gonna love this, I promise.”
“Guess I’ll have to take your word for that then,” she shrugs, allowing him to pull her onto his lap once again, calves on either sides of his thighs for a change.
“Guess you’ll have to.”
And with that, their lips collide, sucking a breath from her lungs, and so shaping up the focus – tunnel vision, disability to judge the situation through the prism of a bigger picture, especially when his hand reaches the zipper of her dress, soon to drag it down, exposing the pale flesh to relatively warm air. In spite of that, her skin prickles with goosebumps, failing to contain a violent shiver, as his fingers explore the area in sync with the sensual dance that is their kiss – awakening of the burdened desire, prompt to shove him down, check whether he would crack in response – such an absurd idea, downward foolish, although that she is yet to realize, all in due course.
Puzzled with the sudden shift in her attitude, he peers up to the woman, forehead marked by a frown of confusion, until his gaze follows a path further south, halting once it reaches the disarranged cleavage, tops of her breasts peeking through the fabric. As if with a mind of its own, his hand reaches out to tease the feminine curve, eliciting a gasp from his not-so-stern partner, leaning towards his touch – fleeting scrape of butterfly’s wings upon the heated flesh, meant to enhance the inborn craving for more.
“C’mere,” he purrs, low baritone that sends a vibrant buzz straight to her core, and yet she hesitates to comply, tethering on the pinnacle between elongating the mild, although undoubtedly pleasant, experience and succumbing to the whispering prompts of her instinct, too caught up in the trance to deny the subconscious responses delivered by her body.
Seemingly unable to defer anymore, she leans in to him, sighing as he cups the perky globe in one hand, teasing the protruding nipple with the pads of his fingers, until she gasps his name – a single word, yet potent enough to cloud his eyes with a resemblance of lust, mirroring the fiery hue of her own irises. With the self-control aspect casted aside, she allows him to pull down the fabric and so expose the upper half of her body that he appears to be quite fond of at this point, attempting to ignore both the burning gaze upon bare skin and the growing hardness in between her legs, applying pressure to the dampening folds.
Intimidating to say the least, considering it has been a while since she was placed under such circumstances – a penis owner in her very own bed, grazing the lacy cloth with barely palpable shifts. In the midst of honesty she is ready to admit that the concept of stuffing a rigid member inside has always filled her with some odd kind of nervousness, disgust maybe – determinant of established preference, leaning more to the opposite option.
Even so, she has found herself attracted to the Connor almost at the spot, the exact moment his eyes landed on her figure by the doorway – initiation of the merest physical attraction, meant to blossom into something of entirely different nature, something that scares her more than she cares to admit. Furthermore, the last issue she needs to deal with is unrequired love, considering he is not the man who gives his heart away to each and every person he crosses paths with, unlike some people – hit for the metaphorical nail, precisely why she possesses so much hatred for him, at least a part of her does, while the other is drowning hopelessly, claiming she is a unique being, crafted for him like personal software.
With all that crap in mind, there is still the third aspect to it all – lust-laced craving, the carnal impulse that has her thighs fluttering in anticipation for what he is intent to deliver as his eyes bore into her – burning itch atop the exposed skin.
And that she is dying to find out.
“Mmm… fuck,” she moans, dumbfounded by the unusually intense sensation, rocking her hips to relieve the tension – subconscious response to the lack of direct stimulation – eliciting a throaty chuckle from the man below.
“So soon?” He teases, flinching as she presses closer to him, radiating with natural heat that has him twitching in some animalistic need to dive straight to the main business, even if for a split second. “How about a little variety first?”
“What variety?” She frowns, the movements of her hips halting as his hand abandons her breast, curious, or maybe just anxious, about his intensions.
“Ever been blindfolded?”
The question left to linger in the air for a split second, required for the artiste to comprehend its meaning, garnishing her cheeks with a reddish hue that laces his lips in yet another version of the so-called smug smirk, cocking an anticipatory eyebrow at the female. With her faced marked by the concoction of embarrassment and most importantly lust, she is no more no less a sight to behold, chewing at the corner of her lip in restless wonder – overthinking, burden of humanity. Even though it last for only a few seconds, he perceives it at least as a million
(what a surprising turn of events…),
yet maintains the essential patience to hear Gia’s response as his hands stroke her sides in some mindless form of caress, and so delay the decisive process, maybe without realization. What requires that brief struggle – point of discussion – is her return from the voluptuous trance, featuring the flash of seemingly every possible scenario, frenzied enough to appear as embarrassing, she shakes her head no – brisk denial – still leaving the matter pending.
“Wanna try it out tonight?” He proposes, to which she nods for a change, feverishly enough to fuel the cocky smirk upon his features – a concoction of lust and amusement. “Say it.”
“Yes, I wanna try out tonight,” she complies, without hesitation this time, as if he managed to strike some cord deep within, a cord that has her thighs twitching in search for the relief-granting friction.
(Fuck… that’s too much.)
“Very well then,” his gaze adverts to the side, indicating Gia to follow the established direction, settling once it reaches the flimsy gown hanging on the door of her wardrobe. “Give me that silky ribbon from your robe.”
Without further ado, she rises from the well-accustomed-with spot, and with a few, rather wobbly, steps, snatches the aforementioned item from the hanger, quick to pass it to him, indifferent whether it will reach its destination as smoothly as desired. In spite of that, he catches the belt with distinctive grace, twirling it in between his fingers for a brief moment, up to the point of fatal distraction – Gia discarding her dress to the side, allowing him to steal a glance of red lace covering the place of his interest, before she joins him on the bed, settled upon his lap once again.
“Now close your eyes,” he instructs, failing to conceal the breathy note marring the flawlessly composed voice – a nuance that appears to slip past her attention, without a doubt on his benefit, excited to follow his request, shivering at the first brush of silk over her skin, although not meant to relish the sensation for a longer while, since he is quick to tie it at the back of her head and so obscure the vision.
Pitch black.
“Lie down,” he bestows Gia with a concise order, having deprived her from the steady grip, hands now flying to grasp his shoulders, afraid to lose balance now that she is blind.
“How about a little help?” She huffs with a lingering hint of annoyance marring her voice, prominent enough to reach the picky ears of her paranoid manager. “I don’t fancy slamming my head in the wall, you know.”
“Don’t use that tone on me,” he snaps – an exclamation laced with a tethering promise, indicating that he is indeed a man of little tolerance to any form of misbehavior, which is not much of surprise to be honest, especially when considered through the prism of what she has witnessed him perform on the strictly professional ground.
“Or what?” She taunts, too blind, in the metaphorical sense of course, to realize how ridiculous she appears to him at the moment, pawing at his shoulders as the self-preservation instinct fully kicks in, working against her benefit, at least when it comes to narrow extension, yet to reach the verbal realm.
Which is exactly what elicits a mocking chuckle from the male, followed by an equally derisive comment, more than aware how to get under her skin. “Don’t tempt me, Sundance.”
“Like you wouldn’t want it,” she rolls her eyes, even though he is unable to see through the silky ribbon, letting out another vexed huff, cut short by the sudden flip that has her squealing in surprise, all against the conscious will. Some part of her finds such capacity rather unsettling, precisely how he can manhandle the dainty body in any desired position, while the other – dug out of the subliminal depth – relishes the sensation of physical submission, shivering in anticipation for more.
Luckily, that he is able to deliver, at least according to what she is hoping for, although the following action leaves her puzzled and most importantly alone on the mattress, almost prompting to remove the fabric in order to check why he has abandoned her. However, before she settles on any specific choice, she hears him rummaging through the bed drawer in search for hell knows what, and even though she is probably supposed to cut such liberties short, the woman remains still, well-aware of what he is looking for in there and yet caught in denial.
“If that’s what I think it is...” she begins, unable to conceal the subtle hint of trepidation within her voice, clearly excited to verify the inkling.
“What? This?” He pokes her in the side with the not-so-foreign object, buzzling to life in his palm, eliciting a shocked squeak from the female, much to his amusement. “Knew a lonely lady like you would have one.”
“I’m not-”
“Sure, Sundance,” he hums as if in some derisive form of agreement, lacking in pity but making up with condescension, now seated beside the partner, evident in the teasing brush of his pants’ fabric against her thigh. “But if you’re denying it so fiercely… then maybe I should stop?”
“No, I-”
“Just say it,” he prompts, tracing the golden ring encircling her thigh, which sends a resonating tingle all the way to her throbbing nipples. “Say that you want it, and it’ll be all yours.”
“I want you to touch me,” she states, feigning indifference, if not for the subtle hint of trepidation betraying her in the times of trial, which is no more no less than a hyperbole, but still – perception is delusive.
“Then beg,” he reciprocates, smirking as she twitches under his touch, subconsciously drawing her legs further apart – an instinctual invitation.
“But you said-”
“I know what I said,” he interrupts – a manner that elicits an audible huff from the dependent woman, supposed as a provocation, but at this point he is too amused to let such a silly misbehavior unhinge him. “So now I wanna hear you out for a change.”
“Please?” She asks – blunt and accusatory.
“Oh c’mon,” he frowns, undoubtedly displeased with her lack of dedication to the prior request – another polished façade he tends to display when needed. “You’re not even trying.”
To that, she has no response, at least throughout the course of several dozen seconds, required to verify the so-called balance of burdens and benefits, all while attempting to ignore the teasing brushes atop her exposed skin. She has never experienced anything like this – being so responsive to any form of touch, no matter how gentle, how fleeting, casted upon her flesh akin to some grotesque shadow – substitute of proper caress – which might as well be the real reason for cracking her resolve.
“Please, I need you to touch me so badly,” she strives for the most docile version of her tone, not used to such deal of resistance from the second participator, puzzled with the amount of self-control he has been displaying throughout their encounter. “Please.”
“Now was that so hard?”
“No,” she sighs, beyond impatient, desperate to alleviate the tension blossoming between her legs, retreating the merest ability to focus, as if all pitiful remains of poorly constructed concentration have been thrown out of the window.
(Entropic fallout, wasn’t it?)
All too soon, in one precisely brisk maneuver, he is hovering over her form, surrounding the female with natural body heat, as his lips trail butterfly kisses over the tender flesh of her neck – a gesture she would consider sweet under any other circumstances, albeit this time convinced that he is intent to transfer it into yet another merciless act. With the ability to contain her reflexes long gone, now that she is receiving any physical attention, she arches towards him, failing to contain a breathless gasp slipping past her lips as a response to his gesture – tracing the outline of her breast, as if to draw a spiral pattern to the middle – a fiery brand upon the sensitive skin.
“Fuck,” she squeals, synchronized with the harsh nipple pinch, eliciting an amused chuckle from the arrogant lover who is now preoccupied with stroking a line down her stomach, tensed with the anticipation for the coming dive.
“Mmm… fuck…” he groans into her ear – billowing puff of breath – heat over heat – as his fingers skim the lace-covered folds, greeted by a soaking amount of wetness that speaks to the most primal parts of his brain, that has him twitching in the confinement of his pants, wishing to launch for the simplest cut-to-the-chase, even if for a brief moment. “That excited already?”
“Mhm,” she hums in agreement, pushing her hips up in an attempt to meet the hand hovering just above the delicate material – merciless denial that has her muscles twitching in anticipation, enhanced by the sensory deprivation, lack of vision that forces her to ponder upon each and every outcome. “Please, I need- uh, f-fuck…”
A mere plea, uttered in the state of lust-laced deliriousness, disability to comprehend what is happening around her, caught off guard by the following action – a dive straight to the main point of interest, no more excess teasing, fooling around with the fleeting touches that set her skin aflame, wordlessly begging him to pursue. Instead, he replaced the previous tickling with firm pressure, smirking as her hips buck in response, determined to fulfill the innate craving for more direct stimulation, not separated by the thin lace – flimsy barrier that has risen to a rank of an ultimate obstacle, obviously thicker than she would like it to be.
“Take them off, please,” she whines, all too familiar with the burning frustration, laced into her being, taking a form of some grotesque thread, stinging like a sharp needle, crying to be removed.
“Seems like you’ve been demanding a lot lately, don’t you think?” He taunts, almost back to the smooth baritone if not for the lingering hint of restrain hiding behind his voice, the smoky gaze he has been casting upon her exposed body for quite a while, perceivable on the intuitive aspect alone.
“No, please,” she cries in despair as his fingers abandon their previous spot, beyond desperate to complete the process, hands reaching to grasp him, but he evades the clumsy clutches, letting out an amused chuckle at the frenzied attempt.
“Relax,” he purrs into her ear – a sound that sends a resonating shiver down her spine, which paired with the abrupt nip delivered on the tender earlobe almost has her moaning out loud, “I’m far from done with you yet,” an exclamation meant to elicit another violent shiver, accompanied by his throaty laugh. “But before we move on, any specific requests you have in mind?”
“No, just touch me,” she whines, too unhinged to bother with general appearance, clenching her thighs to alleviate the ache, in foolish hopes it will somehow slip past his attention.
“How exactly?” He continues, quick to grasp the woman by the shapely muscle and draw her legs apart, all for the purpose of witnessing Gia trembling in frustration.
“However you want,” she reciprocates, already past the point of bothering to conceal her responses – polar opposite to the moderate man beside her, which might as well be yet another foolish assumption, if missing out the lustful glint in his eyes, silvery hue that has transferred into one of these restless storms – dark and predatory.
“Sure, Sundance,” he hums – a conclusion laced by a lingering hint, somehow sinister, indescribable with the human vocabulary, probably unsettling in the eyes of the young artiste – a final warning – but she is not in the mood to dwell on any underlying doubts, meant to be clarified as soon as he presses the vibrating bullet to her clit, forcing a choked moan from the equally astonished female.
“Fuck,” she gasps as another incomprehensible wave rocks through her body, muscles twitching in response to the increasing pressure, once again dying to get rid of the flimsy barrier, “off, please.”
“Lift your hips,” he instructs, almost at the spot, maybe fed up with drawing the inevitable as well, to which she complies, allowing him to slide the lacy panties down her legs, then approximately toss them aside.
Settled beside his lover again, evident in the heated exhales palpable upon her cheek, he resumes the initiated activity, dragging the buzzling bullet up her folds to circle the swollen nub, eliciting another reedy squeal from the squirming partner, which in turn has him wondering whether it is her casual reaction to such form of caress – inability to remain still, shifting from side to side as if caught in some frenzied state of lust. Therefore, to facilitate the process, he opts for an alternative position, tugging Gia in between his legs, back to the firm chest, now able to hold the woman more steadily with an open palm sprawling across her abdomen. Even if that simple, the act affects him more than he cares to acknowledge, at least when attempting to match the distinctive candor, marveling at how lightweight she is – penchant for dainty women in general – which combined with the soft moans slipping past her lips has him twitching against the swell of her ass.
Despite the thick curtain of lust clouding her mind, she can feel him perfectly through the thin layer of clothing, more than nervous to acquaint the full length, considering there is barely anything appealing about said part of male anatomy. Furthermore, her attitude leans more to the category of ‘intimidated’ than ‘excited’, while pondering upon the possible outcome, someway obliged to convert it into ‘inevitable’ – a trait that tends to lead people on the baneful avenue.
As well as concealing the truth.
“Enjoying yourself?” He mutters into her ear all of sudden, dragging the woman back to the contemporary realm, at least as much as the carnal aspect allows to, mind foggy with desire, relishing the temporal docility that she is displaying, more vulnerable than ever.
Seemingly not in the mood to oppose, she hums in affirmation, twitching as her body surges with the approaching wave of ecstasy, surprisingly close by now, considering how little physical attention she has received on the course of their encounter, maybe due to visual deprivation as for the enhancing factor. With the heightened sense of touch, the low vibrations on her clit feel divine, otherworldly even, as a part of her wishes to tether on such stage for blissful eternity, explore the unknown realm at leisured pace.
Unfortunately, it turns out that she will not be the judge of that, since he removes the toy, not quite certain when exactly, since the ability to evaluate the passing time has abandoned Gia as soon as he pressed the bullet to her clit. As if caught in some tunnel-vision state of lust, she attempts to reach out for him, unfortunate to slash through the thin air, which has her groaning in frustration, and despite more than evident amusement, he soothes her with a warm palm on her thigh and a whispering promise, dedication that causes her to choke on own spit, head snatching in his direction, more than certain that she must have misheard him.
“What did you say?”
“I said I wanted to taste you,” he repeats, the same purring baritone as before reverberating in her ear, sending a violent shiver down her spine – a throbbing buzz straight to her clit. “What? Man’s never gone down on you?”
“Man? No,” she counters, still in genuine shock due to the least expected proposition, especially from the lips of the most arrogant, selfish bastard she has ever encountered, opting to dismiss all sensible doubts, when considered through the prism of his potential intentions, certainly not featuring the direct aim for climax. “But please do go on, I’m interested.”
“Wouldn’t have guessed,” he reciprocates, a sarcastic comment that somehow slips past her attention, most likely because she chooses to ignore it – negative for picky with more pressing matters occupying her mind.
“Can I get rid of the blindfold first?” She verbalizes what is germane, hands already reaching up to untie the knot, but he halts her with a disapproving click of his tongue, not intent to expand it to the physical realm, by grasping her wrists for instance.
“I don’t know, can you?” He teases, eliciting a frustrated huff from the female, as her hands fall to the chest, waiting for his approval, which pleases him more than she suspects, and so prompts to let it loose with a negligent tug.
Blinding light.
“Fuck,” she gasps, shielding her eyes from the city neons illuminating her face, bright and aggressive, marring the vision with ghoulish spots – temporal disability, excluded from the flawless world, shoved away as soon as it bumps into any of its dwellers, wandering in search of an ultimate place.
Parallel with humanity?
(Don’t be ridiculous.)
Smart enough to wait until it subsided, she adjusts their position, now chest to chest with Connor, as her sight shifts towards him, taking in the contours of his face, now accentuated by the artificial light, caught on the glimmering hint of chrome decorating his cheekbones – sharp and unyielding. Giving as good as he gets, his eyes bore into her façade – resemblance of a steel tool, corresponding with the icy shade, now reflecting the female’s image – orchid hair and tangerine irises, almost auburn in the dim illumination. There is something devilish about her, the intimate setting she is aiming for, the dainty hands braced on his chest, the affection in her gaze, prominent enough to unsettle the steady man, even if subdued by the membrane of lust, screaming warning to accelerate the process.
“Lie down,” he prompts, palms on the either sides of her hips as if to ensure she would move, “or else I might think you’ve changed your mind about this.”
“Sure,” she purrs, lips inches away from his, but still, the abrupt closure catches him off guard – firm pressure applied on the tender flesh – pouring every ounce of the bottled-up emotion into the kiss as for the vulnerable creature she is, meant to shatter in his callous grip, knowing it will be too intricate to comprehend if transferred into words. He lets her go with offbeat reluctance – a hint that she is able to catch, detached from his usual composure, topping it up with yet another fleeting peck, before she actually rolls to the side, nestling in the silky sheets – indication to pursue.
With her spread out like this, prolonging the inevitable appears as beyond pointless, foolish dreams of a self-centered man with reliable composure, superior when juxtaposed with the pitiful rest, and yet succumbing to the carnal desire – spirited among the spineless, spineless among the spirited – civilized paradox. All meaningless in face of the feminine creature, lying on the velvety fabric, one knee bent, anticipating his touch, craving the flattery if only in the tactile realm, the synthetic hue of her irises now obscured by the eyelids – a detail at odds with his tastes and so a matter that he is quick to rectify with a stern grip upon her chin, eliciting a discontented whine from the young artiste.
“Eyes on me,” he bids, voice laced with proficiently concealed impatience, if not for the lingering hint marring the quintessential presentation – evidence of the lustful longing within his gaze, within the manner it outlines her curves, following up to the partly confused façade.
“I thought you-”
“Then you were wrong,” he interrupts, almost trespassing the point of autocracy that has her laughing out loud, albeit still capable of transferring it into a mere shadow of a proper smile – a nuance not meant to evade his perception, heightened by an animalistic instinct. “Don’t tempt me to wipe that smirk off.”
Without bothering to clarify the four-letter query, as per usual, he retreats to the initial intention, determined to fulfill the shared craving – polar opposites that mingle into one, overlapping both perspectives – a prelude to the everlasting doubt:
To give or to receive?
(That is the question.)
In consideration with the dualistic lack of competence to put it to an end, and yet each time the occasion arises, every average scum would ask about interlocutor’s preference.
It must be the people who are damaged,
Shattered akin to a splinter of glass.
(Give me a fucking break.)
“Connie?” She frowns in confusion, clearly the one to be left hanging this time, albeit not only at loss in such realm – an exclamation shattering his reverie, not that it bothers him much under current circumstances.
Hence, being brought up to a point of boiling impatience, he opts for the simple cut-to-the-chase move and so settles in between her legs, pried apart with the telltale pressure of his hands applied onto the tender insides. Unable to ignore the tingling of her thighs, now grasped in his palms – slim and dainty in comparison, which evokes that odd concoction of contradictions – anxious but
(to the point of)
aroused, almost trembling with excitement for what is about to come.
(And fuck, does it come…)
Practically keening due to the freshly occurred friction, fleshy and tangible on the swollen folds, drawing a throaty moan from the woman – not the most appealing sound she could have uttered, but still, there is always a room for improvement, she thinks bitterly – caricaturistic resemblance of Connor’s notions. Little does she know, he is far from displeased, now that his hands are clasped around her thighs, and the tongue is tracing the feminine outline with deliciously firm strokes, having opted out of the warm-up, considered nonsensical after all prior actions.
In spite of the so-called burning frustration, each stroke is languid, leisure, as if it was his elementary intention to memorize the shape through such manner, but at the same time prevent from overwhelming her on the very first shot. That, paired with the poor concentration, limited to the heady flavor occupying his mouth, has his eyes adverting to the side, lids heavy with the decadent intoxication, mind much drowsier than before, so instead of maintaining the direct contact, he allows them to fall shut, even if for a mere moment.
Deprived of the visual stimulus, the object of main focus shifts to the taste-related factor, linked with a nuance that he has always perceived as interesting – each time it manages to satiate the fussy palate, which might as well be a direct result of pheromones’ presence – a bitter reminder that even below all the meticulously crafted layers lays yet another insignificant human, succumbing to the innate whim. A human barely able to maintain the substantial concentration with the rhythmical pumping of blood audible in his ears and an evidence of ardent lust crawling down his neck, beyond positive that his skin is hot to touch now, matching the tender flesh that is clutched in his hand, hard enough to bruise, he somehow manages to keep the pace, occasionally sucking at the swollen nub, intent to get as much from her as possible.
“Fuck, more,” she whines, urgency evident in her voice, shifting beneath the unyielding man, clenching around merciless nothing, “I need more.”
(There it is. More.)
“Already?” He cocks an inquisitive eyebrow at the frustrated vocalist, infuriatingly dapper in its condescension, tickling her with a mere stroke of his tongue upon the heated folds.
“Mhm,” she hums in agreement, twitching due to the moderate caress, up to consider locking his head in between her thighs, even if for a split second, required to brace for the simplest of requests, “please.”
“And why is that?” He reciprocates in a teasing manner, now halting his movements all together to eye Gia with the signature intensity, still nested in the exact same spot. “Better not disappoint me with the answer, Sundance.”
“You’re such a-” she begins, soon interrupted by a cruel nip delivered right to the tender flesh of her folds – brisk, and so mind-clearing, but not harsh enough to hurt severely, and yet she cannot bother to hold back the boiling curse. “Ah- fuck you,” she spats, clearly not in the mood for any excess teasing, fed up with his never-ending talk, queries uttered in the most unfortunate moments, catching her in that peculiar state of delirious fogginess, as if intent to receive the most feverish answer.
“Well, I don’t see that coming,” he baits, still amused with each rising attempt to dethrone him from the superior position, feigning obstinacy to crack his resolve, check whether she has the capacity to break him – foolish pursuit of a permanent idealist. “Although I appreciate the sentiment.”
“So,” he ignores the confused exclamation once again, determined to gain the desired answer from the woman, itching with impatience, enhanced by the lingering aftertaste upon his tongue. “Still so keen on disappointing me?”
“No, please,” she practically whines, dreaming about locking her legs to ease the ardent crave for friction. “It hurts.”
“I know it does,” he reciprocates, almost getting the hair-thin thread of longanimity to snap, thanks to the signature smooth swagger, especially when his eyes shift to the heaving breasts, pulsing with unresolved tension.
“Then ease me,” she suggests, not so demanding despite the straightforward nature of prior verbalization, laced with a prominent hint of desperation, impossible to be omitted. “Please.”
“Now was that so hard?” He flashes her a pitiful smile, albeit this time she does not bother to formulate any retort, already shoved past the point of carnal urge, with tunnel vision drifting the hopeless individual towards her final destination – inevitable wreckage. To be honest, he must have lacked the corporeal form to omit all of these: how she is practically dripping on his tongue, quivering under the precise manners he glides her with, wave after wave, climbing higher and higher, up to the point where the rhythmical pulsing becomes tactile on the moist muscle. He is well aware of how little it would take to unravel the dumbfounded artist – three, maybe five sucks if he decides to embrace the latent potential for generosity – and yet the sadistic component wants to witness the scorching heap of frustration, spatting and cursing him to the nth degree just to get back on track with begging, merely a brief moment later.
(What a merciful man I am.)
(Merciful, huh? Now prove it.)
Almost sobbing in relief when the first tide rocks through her tingling body, she arches off the bed, damned if these were not stars she was seeing – nova, luminous explosion, blacking out the vision for a split second, yet enough to miss the hubristic glint in his eyes, relishing in the way her thighs quiver on both sides of his head. Allowing Gia to ride out the aftershocks, he bestows her with a milder alternative, barely skimming past the abused flesh, until she tugs him away by the hair, denying the access altogether, now that she is too sensitive to continue.
“That was nice,” she mutters, glancing at the rising man whose hands are now preoccupied with unbuttoning the burgundy shirt, “thanks.”
“Your ’nice’ is a fatal understatement, don’t you think?” He retorts, bitter once deprived of the physical connection, although the unravelling sight acts as enough of a distraction from the sour timbre, right at the gates of finding out about the authentic expanse of his tattoos.
“Maybe…” she drags on the syllable, drowsiness evident in the leisure mannerism, allowing her eyelids to fall shut for a longer moment, as if positive the resting interval between the tandem of acts is more than essential, “I don’t know…”
Once again without the visual stimulus, as if filtrating the faint shuffling in the background, her focus drifts towards more unnerving matters, towards how bizarre it will be to experience the subsequent intercourse in the manly way after those few years, now that she is a mere step from clarifying the preposterous doubts. Although she is certain he has no intentions in making her feel uncomfortable, out of place, as if she belonged elsewhere, as if she was incapable of transferring their time together into an enjoyable record for both of them – insecurity laced in between the strings of her being – she still hesitates, tethers on the pinnacle determining the predictive outcome.
(Now that is absurd.)
“C’mere,” he prompts, and if not for the purring baritone – a note that she has had a fair amount of time to get accustomed with – gentle tug of a dainty hand, she would remain trapped in the conceptual dimension. Instead, he settles Gia on his lap, eliciting a choked gasp from the artiste once she discovers the blunt lack of any form of clothing, all sturdy flesh below her petite form, eyes drifting to the stygian patterns marring the pale skin.
Vessel for conspectus.
Corporeal form.
Flattery of artistry.
Asseveration of one’s mindset.
Mysterious understatement.
“What does it mean for you?” She inquiries – a doubt popping out of blue, laced with apprehension of discovering the possible truth lurking behind his polished façade, emerging to the surface as a form of carnal avidity he eyes her with – a man starved, restive due to the intentional delay. “Sex.”
“Sex, huh?” He smirks – a ravenous glint enlightening his countenance. “Sex means power.”
(At least he is frank.)
(Sometimes, I feel sorry for him.)
“No, I mean this,” she gesticulates, pointing at each of them, albeit missing the amused tilt of his lips as a response to the untimed query, “you and me.”
“Entropy,” he bestows her with yet another evasive answer, now that he is so keen on pursuing further for a change, hands taking a steady grip on either sides of her waist, before he leans in for a kiss, meant to prevent the innocent doubt from blossoming into a full-blown sparring match – an overflow of endless qualms. In spite of her, rather disputable, judgment, she returns the caress, scooting closer to him – blatant euphemism since her breast are practically mashed against his chest, with frenzied heartbeat resonating through the ribcage.
Pinnacle where one is deprived of the human ability to perceive reality as a compound of coherent particles, instead gradually declines into a place where most aspects acquire a diametrical form – indiscriminate and so considered unimportant through the prism of future reference. Analogy parallel to her current state, each and every worry evaporating in the night’s breeze, as his lips brush – no – claim the lonesome territory, hands trace the outline of her hips – reminder of the primordial intention – a mere breath away from flipping Gia on the back to clasp her hands above the head and… the rest speaks for itself.
(Better show than tell.)
And so, in order to keep up with the rush of concepts clouding his perception, he fulfills the aforementioned, eliciting an outraged gasp from the surprised female, as soon as she comprehends the abrupt reposition. Deciding to test the waters, she tugs at the makeshift binding, expecting him to tighten the grasp, but nothing like this happens, as if he managed to outrun her suppositions, and while it is still relatively firm, the pressure remains unchanged.
Deep in her personal probe, she fails to notice his progressing movements, until he nudges her legs apart, right at the threshold of sliding in, twitching against the slender thigh in excitement. Due to the interval dividing the last and tonight’s encounter, rather generous in length, she acquires that peculiar like-a-virgin attitude, tensed and nervous, valuating the possible amount of discomfort, parallel to the potency of pain, almost blocking the way when he prods at her entrance, presumably by accident considering the following statement.
“You don’t have to impress me, okay? Just relax.”
Probably his first and only display of sweetness she would ever witness.
(Enjoy while it lasts.)
Which is exactly what she opts for, having taken a deep breath, hoping it will calm her rapid heartbeat – not only a futile but also naive attempt – prelude to the tearing entrée that forces a choked whine from her constricted throat, that has the hybrid nails biting crescent shapes into the heel of her palm. Although partly drowned by the feminine whimper, he utters his own groan – evidence of layered frustration, eased by the surrounding tightness, even if for a brief moment – while a part of him struggles to maintain still instead of nailing her to the mattress, not so metaphorically anymore.
“Fuck,” he hisses through gritted teeth, chest heaving with each uneven breath, and what he suspects must have extended to hours and hours of malevolent interlude, in reality requires less than a minute to feel the woman shift below, hips bucking in form of a silent plea.
And who is he to deny her that?
Having opted for such choice, he rocks into her, at this peculiar state of awareness when it comes to each scrape, each flutter, each alternative in pressure against the throbbing member that forces a barely audible gasp from the preoccupied male. Always so self-contained, so persistent, so… composed, and yet she has managed to shatter the inch-thick pane with the merest nuances – a blemish of honor – which disturbs him more than he cares to admit.
In a heap of developing necessity to shove the thought aside, he picks up the pace, forcing his eyelids open to observe the variety of reactions manifesting themselves on her face, too monotonous for his own liking, as if something was preventing the artiste from enjoying their encounter, as if a part of her was immune to the charms he used to enchant a number of lovers throughout the years. Even though she is, indeed, responding, uttering a soft mewl here and there, for some reasons each time he attempts to add his duos, the equalization grants him with an answer of three, as if a single particle was missing, which infuriates him even more than the stain once did.
Matter laid in his hands.
Before she gets a chance to take a grasp on what is happening, he leaves her lying cold by his side, even if only in a metaphorical sense, struggling to relocate in the changing settings, if the abrupt emptiness counts as one, beyond confused and so determined to express her immerse displeasure with the recent turn of events. While he however, less than keen on hearing whatever complains she dares to throw at him, shushes her in the most brusque way possible, at least if considering it through the prism of abusing the physical superiority
(is this even the right expression?),
by tugging her over his lap once again, albeit this time getting Gia to face the window, which has her frowning in confusion, all before he somehow situates himself inside once again, eliciting a throaty moan from the woman, surprisingly husky in contrast with the usual honeyed tune.
“Fuck,” she whimpers, clenching around him, positively caught off guard due to the fresh angle, squirming as she tests the waters – an action that has him hissing in discomfort, full of hatred towards the sensation that comes with being teased.
“Glad to hear that,” he mutters into her hair, breath tickling the tender skin below her ear. “Now grind your hips.”
Puzzled with the sudden shift in his attitude – giving up the control from before, at least as an initial impression – a matter of delusional deception – she halts instead of complying, which prompts him reiterate.
“C’mon, don’t make me repeat myself,” he purrs into her ear, lips stroking the sensitive flesh as he speaks, intent to discover what pace does the trick for the young artiste in his arms, and with that thought in mind, he allows himself to sigh as soon as she begins to move. Despite being well aware it might not be the most convenient position to lead, he intends to find out about the unspoken preference – reason of their misconception – and much to his surprise, she seems to enjoy whatever is happening between them now, having settled for the slower pace.
Soft and tender.
“Touch me, please,” she whines, grasping him by the arm in order to direct it in between her legs, when all off sudden, instead of fulfilling her wish straight away, he grasps her by the hips, putting the leisure interlude to an end, replaced by his own thrusts, meant to elicit that husky moan once again. Therefore, he slips his hand right where she wanted it merely a moment ago, drawing a honeyed mewl instead as it circles her clit, teasing the swollen nub with the same languid pace that almost had him tremble in frustration before, dying to witness the myriad of responses lying in her capacity.
“How does it feel?” he rasps, voice hoarser than ever before, clouded with a dense fog of lust, as if indicating the non-acceptance of disobedience in any form. “Tell me.”
“So good… so…” she begins, struggling to find the right words, the bodily influence over her mind more than evident under the current circumstances, “so… relieving… just keep going, please. ”
In spite of the hackneyed cliché, the sentence itself creates a binding influence over the male, combined with the layer cake of various frustrations, filled with piling impatience, and so enough to prompt him to fulfill the wish straightaway. Ergo, he increases the intensity of both aspects, which has her writhing atop him, squirming and whining for release, mouth agape and back arched, soaked in the neon glow – foggy reflection in the glass pane, branded underneath his eyelids for plenty of nights in the future.
Carnal fixation.
Who twists her neck to steal a kiss, bumping their noses together, dying to taste him once again before the final climax – elsewise pleonasm – fluttering around his girth as a prelude for what is inevitable, beyond anticipated, while he appears as perfectly capable of sensing her need, and so returns the caress. Albeit this time, it is safe to assume he is not just toying with her anymore, now that he is creeping closer and closer to the personal pinnacle, thighs twitching as she clenches around him to the point of vice-tight, almost preventing any movement, which might as well be a matter of hyperbolizing, but still, he would never allow it to end prematurely.
(A blemish of honor, was it?)
“Tell me you want this,” he rasps, with the self-control aspect running thin, evident in the loss of rhythm, perceptible even if not absolute.
“I- ah-” she gasps after a particularly rough thrust, interrupting whatever train of thoughts she has been gliding through, rewarded with a sharp nip on the side of her neck.
“Tell me,” he reiterates – gravelly groan that sends a tremor down her spine – rubbing the sensitive nub in firm circles, up to the point where she cannot help but buck against his hand, right at the cusp of bliss, ready to fall.
“I want this, plea-ease,” she whines, stuttering at the end, voiced laced with sheer desperation, dying for the final push.
(And fuck, does it come…)
Mouth agape in a silent scream bubbling inside her constricted throat, she arches into a telltale bow, head falling onto his shoulder, as she flutters around him – rhythmical pulsing that pushes him over the edge, muscles twitching below. Never had she allowed a man to use her like that, and while the artiste was once positive it must be the single most distasting experience of one’s life, she finds herself relishing in the inglorious sensation, trembling as the wave of aftershocks rocks through her limp frame.
(Fucking hell.)
(Fucking hell.)
Tangled on the silky sheets and coming down from their heights, neither of them dare to exchange a word, and so break the comfortable silence – tranquility emerging from the storm – instead bask in the afterglow, with him nuzzling her hair, seemingly in a moment of weakness, lacking the previous rapture. As if unable to foresee the inevitable, she utters a whine of protest the moment he pulls out from her body, having settled the partner aside once he collapses onto the mattress, fatigue evident in his movements, and yet allows her to curl into his side, even intertwine their fingers.
What else might be considered in such terms is the contrast, beyond stark, both in color and texture – creamy and tender juxtaposed with the inky pattern, flesh that is rough in to touch, indicating he must have been working in an entirely different field from the current corporative line – a layover on the methodical path to the ornament itself. Examining the small tattoos drawn over their length, she finds the disability to identify what has been depicted on his skin in such a dim lightening a tad bit infuriating, although not mood-defining, which would be rather odd elsewise – getting emotional over some minuscule detail.
“Did they hurt?” She asks, breaking the drowsy lull that has settled over them, a question that prevents him from dozing off for now, which might turn out for the better in the nearby future, since he is not quite fond of random modification in the hygiene routine.
“No,” he bestows her with a dismissive answer, once again and much to her annoyance if under any other circumstances, certainly not when she is lying half-asleep beside another warm body. “Mind if I use your shower?”
“No,” she mimics his most recent answer, nevertheless positive when it comes to the veracity of said statement.
What a terrible misconception.
* * *
It is safe to assume these two weeks must have been the most bizarre period since the Resurrection – peaceful if not for that peculiar inkling lingering in the back of his mind, as if to indicate some ominous turnabout he opposes to discover. Pairing it up with one of the most loathed traits – attempting to fool himself – does nothing to alleviate the situation, instead enhances the disquietude that has been occupying his soul for quite a while, which in turn brings the anticipation of any possible denouement to the light, craving for certainty rather than a bunch of arising assumptions, even if it would lead to a minacious discovery.
Imminent downfall.
But a lesson from the most experienced teacher.
Life that has managed to educate him on a carnival realm, including even the least expected plot twists, the most obnoxious outcomes, begging for correction, a correction beyond qualifications, evoking the ardent embarrassment that follows in the wake of incapacity.
Although this time what initiates the process is an act.
An act so simple.
Nearly offensive.
A telephone.
Let’s try that again.
It all starts out with a telephone from an old pal.
“Buenas noches, Connor,” he greets with a throaty tune that the manager has almost brought himself to forget – a road paved with good intentions. “Long time no see, eh?”
“Yes, most certainly,” he reciprocates, albeit surprisingly brisk to block the visual, all while striving for a note as calm as possible, burying all worries underneath the surface, at least for now – flawlessly polished façade.
“Oh c’mon, why so formal?” He whinges, smirk audible in his voice. “We haven’t talked for how long? Seven? Eight years?”
“Does it matter?” He shrugs, feigning indifference – desperate attempt of a drowning man. “It’s work related anyway.”
“Still concrete, I like this,” he remarks – deceptive tease.
“Flattery is useless,” he counters, tone harsh akin to a dagger – a reminiscence from the old times. “Unless, of course, you’re calling ‘cause you’re bored to shit and have no one to fuck. But I believe that’s not the case, now is it?”
“Sadly no,” he sighs, as if truly upset. “I have a wife now, so you know…”
“Oh and that’s stopping you? Fuck…” he rolls his eyes in mock disbelief – an involuntary response to the smoky tone. “But okay, let’s assume it does; then what’s the real issue, where’s the fucking catch?”
“You see people change-”
“And you believe in it? An old dog like you?” He interrupts – a retort followed by an incredulous chuckle. “Give me a fucking break.”
“Yes, I do believe it now,” he counters, voice laced with a hint of annoyance. “You see, I don’t like people within my scope, what’s mine stay mine. And who would understand it better than you, am I right?”
He only hums in approval.
“Very well,” he must be smiling now, not that he would want to see anything of that sort, but still, it disturbs him more than he cares to admit – a malevolent omen. “So I want you to do something for me, you know, for that time in New Mexico. I hope it rings a bell.”
“Yes, most certainly,” he mimics the prior answer, which has the man huffing in annoyance, although not interrupt his train of thoughts, if so enhance the need to spill the tea now that he has been given a chance.
Disastrous decision?
Well again, not really.
“Still remember how to kill?”
How many words?
Five words to utter the contrasting sentence, indicate the earth-shattering proposition.
Five words to send him straight to hell.
In business class.
“Do you have the slightest idea what the fuck are you talking about?” He responds after good three minutes – a fleeting expanse of time, slipping out of attention’s grasp, unnoticed by the stern man – voice marred with helpless wrath. “I won’t get involved in any of your shady little businesses.”
“And why is that?” He asks, cocking an eyebrow at the empty screen, wishing Connor could see this – a victory amongst the vicious.
“Fuck you,” he spats, hands twitching in immerse rage. “Just- fuck you!”
“Better not piss me off, chico, ‘kay?” He interjects – an exclamation laced with blossoming annoyance now that his interlocutor has allowed himself for far too many liberties. “I’m nice, ‘cause we’re friends, but I won’t be nice if you piss me off, está claro?”
“Can’t you hire anyone else?” An attempt of discussion? Really? Downright pitiable. “I bet you have multiple sidekicks that would gladly do this for you, ‘cause now I don’t have any time to deal with your shit.”
“Pfft… as good time as any,” he counters, oh so unexpectedly. “Plus I think you’re gonna do this far better than any one of them, not to mention – for free.”
“The first one is a fucking lie, which we both know, and the second-”
“Oh I beg to differ,” he interrupts, still vexed although convinced that what Connor needs is time, time to get accustomed with the inevitable concept, matter extending beyond the realm of personal control. “Both are relevant. You’re the best and you’re gonna do this for free ‘cause you fucking owe me. End of the story.”
“I don’t-”
“Oh you do,” he cuts off once again, intent to get the best of him – calm attitude and meticulous precision, “so just fucking listen for once.”
“What is it even about?” He queries, now that he has managed to satiated the ardent rage, at least enough to circle back to the milder tone, a tone that would fit Thiago’s tastes. “Business? Revenge?”
“Well, both I’d say,” he bestows him with a brisk affirmation, not that he is surprised, “but I don’t wanna get into many details now that we’re on the line, not that anyone of those sacks of fuck would care, but still, you know how it is… Anyway, his name is Carlos Vásquez, and two, three years ago he was just a pimp, a regular pimp, ‘recruiting’ regular people to do regular shit, nothing special, right?”
“So what has changed?”
“He’s extended his business’ interests to the drug market, but even that wouldn’t concern me much, at least not that much to kill him,” he halts, possibly to enhance the suspense, which combined with exasperating Connor creates quite a lucrative form of entertainment. “Which was until that pendejo, pedazo de hijo de puta, sent a bunch of assholes to kidnap my daughter, my fifteen-year-old daughter, my Ava. You’ve never met her, but I believe I’ve mentioned her once or twice in New Mexico.”
“If only,” he huffs – a mannerism deliberately ignored by the influential businessman – rolling his eyes in a display of thespian impatience.
“And let me tell you, I’ll never, ever let that motherfucker get away with this,” he continues – malicious promise, albeit paved with good intentions.
“Where is she now?” He interjects, a blunt query that has his friend, supposing he can be labeled as such, laughing out loud.
“Don’t tell me you’ve gotten soft all of sudden… Christ.”
“It’s a practical question,” he explains, apparently displeased with the obligation to enlighten the aforementioned. “’Cause I want you to know from the very beginning that I ain’t gonna save her.”
“Oh, thank you kindly for your compassion, but she’s safe now, which is all you need to know,” he clarifies – an exclamation that has the manager sighing in relief, considering his reluctance when it comes to any dramatic rescues.
“And the details?”
“I’ll send them later,” the Mexican flips him off with a dismissive flick of his wrist, having forgotten he has blocked the visual, not that it bothers him much anyway. “You know, photos, business associates, lovers’ names, blah, blah, blah…”
“Sure you will,” he nods, feeling obliged to clarify all matters despite the boiling tension, threatening to leak onto the surface – indication of the so-called professionalism. “Any special requests?”
“Well… actually yes.”
(Ah, of course. Fuck me up, will you?)
“I want it the old-fashioned way. Strangle him for me. Bare hands.”
(Sure, and what else?)
“Sure, customer is king,” and he even manages to pull off a smile.
“Glad we agree on this one, but don’t forget to record it,” he reminds – an unprofessional explanation, beyond obvious, and so to the point of offensive. “It’s gonna provide me a prove of you work, plus later on… who knows? We could… reprogram it into a simulation for instance.”
“Sure,” he agrees – a brisk affirmation, a signature of his.
“And maybe, just maybe, don’t get too hooked on the idea, you’ll get some spare cash after all, from the sale of course,” he proposes, not that it bothers Connor at this point, lacking the essential turnabout.
“Mhm, merciful,” he remarks, ever the sarcastic. “But what now? Should I wait for some kind of a call or…?”
“Yeah, just wait,” he bestows him with yet another terse confirmation, indicating whatever low-class joke that has been blossoming underneath his skull. “Dulces sueños, babe.”
And with that he hangs up.
Son of the bitch.
* * *
It is safe to assume these two weeks must have been the most bizarre period since the Resurrection – release of her debut album, and so considered as an entry ticket to the variety of possibilities, reserved for the elite only, at least according to what she thought at that time.
Therefore, as the years pass by, so does her confidence when it comes to the human potential, artificial power that he has gained through the achievements of the most sublime minds, possession of little respect, taken for granted. All for the convenience of the beneficial ones, monstrous corporations with tremendous influence over the common men lead by the exceptional – an astral being that transcends human consciousness, marking its presence in the society’s genome for generations.
Ridiculously potent.
Romantic phantasy?
But worth recommencing.
Ergo, she has decided to make a use of all the interludes in between their meetings, and so replace the prior mindless fumbling with an action far more directed when juxtaposed with hours and hours of staring at the celling. For months, she was struggling to realized how many inhibitions were piling up to form one grotesque stack, defining the incapacity, artistic lameness that accompanies them, crossing creator’s steps, interfering with the futuristic vision.
And so, she has transferred the mental freedom into work, resulting in a trio of fresh composition – a birdlike tune, cyber tweet – with more than a little help from the synthesizer – an attempt to retreat it in the limelight as a substitute for the dreamy vocals that would play the first fiddle in her debut album. Regardless, as a slave to consumerism, she cannot fight the nervousness that comes with driving down the less explored road, hoping it will pick anyone’s interest and so curries favor with the influential corporation, at least according to what Connie has asseverated.
The most influential spice…
But that was before the article.
“Gia?” She hears a male voice addressing her, audible due to relatively close proximity – a factor rather important in the buzzling club. “I haven’t seen you here for a while. Why?”
“Um, I’ve been busy,” she explains, lifting her gaze, only to be greeted with a sight of an infamous Interstellar bartender, leaning by the table top to face her, “but I needed to let off some steam, so that’s why I’m here tonight.”
“Cool,” he nods in affirmation, a matter to cut the topic short. “So what’s you poison?”
“Don’t you think it’s interesting?” She eludes, eyes glued to the array of various liquors preening from behind his back. “The fact that we say ‘poison’ instead of ‘alcohol’, ‘drink’ or whatever as if it was some kind of an indication?”
“Honey, I’m a bartender,” he smiles, apologetic yet condescending – such an odd composition. “It’s my fucking job to sell them, so what are you expecting me to say?”
“I don’t know, nothing probably,” she shrugs despite the burdening weight draped over her shoulders – non-verbal indication of a missing query.
“Look at me,” he prompts, to which she complies, locking their gazes together, even if for a split second. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know either,” she sighs for a change, distracted by the subtle clink of glass against the polished table top – water, she presumes, satisfactorily sparkling. “I mean, it’s just… Have you seen the articles?”
“‘Romance with an outlaw?’” He cocks an inquisitive eyebrow at the woman, unable to miss the reddish tint blossoming upon her checks as a response to the ridiculous headline. “Yes, and sometimes I’m amazed where the fuck they dig that shit from, which is probably the Net, but still, their ‘dedication’ is incomprehensible for me.”
“He’s not even an outlaw, so I don’t get it,” she shakes her head – expression of a deep-rooted disapproval.
“Well, he doesn’t have to be,” he shrugs, careless all of sudden. “I just think the editors assumed it’d sell itself as, I don’t know, romantic or some shit, but that’s by the by.”
“I mean the real problem is that he hid so many things from me,” she frowns, gaze glued to some mindless spot on the bar – venomous green, absinthe maybe? “And although he has never been the one to discuss his past, I was surprised when I read the article, and I’ve been surprised ever since.”
“Mhm, so tell me now, have you ever asked yourself just why he did that?”
“Yes, but um, it was just… a weird experience? I don’t know,” she sighs, hybrid nails scratching at the pale temple. “I feel like he should’ve told me since we’re together, ‘cause that’s… that’s what I’d do.”
“I believe not,” he opposes – dry and unyielding, beyond unexpected.
“Oh great, so now you’re defending him,” she fusses, exasperation evident in her voice. “That’s exactly what I need, thank you very much.”
“Christ, Gia,” he rolls his eyes, sometimes just as equally tired with her pendulum-like moods. “All I wanted to say was that it’s nothing but an academic example. Take for instance that moral dilemma with pedestrian crossing. You’re sitting at home, drinking tea, while choosing to murder random groups of people. And that’s absurd, ‘cause in real life it’d never happen, and even if, when push comes to the shove you might act out of pure instinct, deprived of warm beverage and blanket. So what I’m trying to say is that those hypothetical scenarios… they are all just assumptions, no more no less, and we’ll never know what we’d do unless we find ourselves involved in a certain situation.”
“Okay, but I still think he should’ve told me,” she justifies, seemingly at loss of the mental flexibility.
“How long are you together?” He questions, as if only to prove a point. “Two? Three weeks?”
“Four,” she corrects – a matter considered beyond insignificant by the bartender who is relatively quick to brush the artiste off in resemblance to Connor, and so much to her exasperation.
“Doesn’t matter, ‘cause, you know, not anyone feels ready to spill the guts after twenty-something days of personal relationship.”
“I was just trying to be honest with him, ‘kay?” She counters, attempting to mitigate the prior surge of spite with an apologetic explanation. “Show a little empathy, or something.”
“So you’re telling me your ‘empathy’ is uniformed when it comes to, I don’t know, traumas?” He retorts, as if genuinely tired with the lacking logics when it comes to justifying her motives.
“Yeah, I mean, I’m sorry,” she sighs, once again back to the resigned attitude, now that the ire has evaporated. “It’s just… he’s killed people there, and I don’t know… I feel like it’s a lot to digest. Especially since I got furious and pushed him into telling the truth, and he… he told me so many horrible things, he told me they-”
“Which war was that?” he interrupts, having sensed the approaching lachrymose confession. “Climate one?”
“Yes, the Fifth,” she bestows him with a terse affirmation, swallowing the thick lump in her throat.
“The Fifth one… okay, so think about it now,” he waves his hand in a self-indicating gesture, accompanied by her eyes following the movement, even if for a split second. “He must’ve been like, I don’t know, twenty at best.”
“Yeah, I know, I know,” she nods, face marked by a perturbed frown – indication of worry, “but then I started digging, and I’ve discovered some really weird shit.”
“Like what exactly?”
“It’s like he’s been alive for eight years or something,” she begins, having reversed the chronology, at least according to his assumptions, considering she tends to do that sometimes. “I mean he told me he had had some kind of an accident there or whatever, got half off his organs replaced because of that. But when he had gotten better, they were to send him back on the field, right?”
“Right, but what about these eight years or something?” He inquires, attempting to redirect her train of thought to the clarifying realm, now that he is getting curious.
“I’ll circle back to it later, ‘kay?” She sighs, albeit this time to indicate the vexation evoked by his query. “So the last thing he told me was that he deserted, right?”
“Right,” he nods in affirmation.
“And that was when Cara pushed me to start digging,” she reveals, emphasizing it with the click of her cantaloupe nail against the table top.
“Cara? I thought you two were-”
“Yes, we are, but that’s not important now,” she interrupts, determined to set the record straight now that he is interfering with her vision, even if unintentionally. “Anyway, after the desertion there is like… a blank spot on his record – six years or something – and then he’s back in the corporative class.”
“Where have you learned that?” He frowns – puzzled expression dancing over his features.
“In the Net,” she states – a sentence considered beyond obvious, redundant, waste of a triple nature.
“Don’t you think you’re being paranoid?” He indicates, hesitating when it comes to veracity of said assumption, but at the same time uncertain whether it is a sane idea to confirm her beliefs. “Maybe he moved to his parents’ house, wanted to get some rest, or something? Wasn’t active on social media? Christ, I don’t know.”
“I mean it was just the Surface that we managed to check, so…”
“Oh, so that’s why you’re here!” He exclaims, shaking his head in disapproval, now that the realization has been casted upon him. “To pay that sleazy son of fuck to get you down to the Dark, now am I right or am I correct?”
“You know where is he?”
“No,” he negates, careless all off sudden, as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, “and I haven’t seen him tonight at all.”
“I don’t believe you,” she states – dry and demanding when refused.
“Well, you don’t have to,” he smiles – both apologetic and condescending once again, prompting her to finish this conversation, no matter how helpful it turned out to be.
“But thanks anyway,” she concludes, having opted for a lighter undertone, since a part of her refuses to treat him akin to some pitiful pushover, not that he would care much in such circumstances.
“Sure, you’re welcome, Gia.”
A greeting appropriate just for tonight.
Indication of lacking fortune.
* * *
It is a simple act, lasting in a self-repeating loop – inhale and exhale, entwined with each other on the model of the aforementioned construct – remaining out of notice due to its permanent presence throughout one’s life. Which is why he considers meditation as worth the effort, since it lets his focus switch to the routine activities connected with the process itself: steady rises and falls of his shoulders, expansion of the ribcage conditioned by the diaphragm’s contractions – a way to get rid of what is redundant but also a method of relaxation, capacity valued in the times of trial.
Times such as now.
Times when he is forced to circle back to the past, and so to break the promise, ideological contract signed by the immaterial stylus, undoubtedly requiring the highest penalty.
Times when the dim lights become blinding.
When the silhouettes stop moving.
When the music dies down.
Leaving him alone in the secluded dimension.
Wiped away from the memories.
From the consciousness.
Buried deep enough to prevent the excavation.
And yet he is standing there, just at the doorway coexisting in two realms – both virtual and metaphorical – ready to take the leap.
Just a mere step
Pass the threshold.
“Everything’s ready?” He ascertains, struggling to recognize the rasp of his own voice.
“Yeah,” he hears the cracking noise reverberate in the earbud, before the connection steadies, allowing him to distinguish the following words properly. “Push it now.”
“Mhm, sure,” he hums, acting as per her request just to be greeted by the sight of a luxurious penthouse, impossible to be swept as a whole.
“I’ll lead you through, ‘kay?” She has a nice voice – a nuance that does not slip past his attention – smooth as molasses.
“Well, I hope so,” he teases, having decided to stray from the subject a bit, even if only for the entertaining purposes. “But, you know, I’ve been wondering what it is that you’re actually risking by helping me?”
“Doesn’t matter,” she refuses to clarify – ice-cold queen. “It’s not like I’m doing it, ‘cause I have the softest heart ever. It’s that kind of shit you get paid for. Generously.”
“No need to lie to me, you know,” he nags further, as if to determine her tolerance for such attitude in general, now that he intends to redirect his train of thoughts – transition between tension and thrill. “Thought you might like to talk, but if not, I get it, no pressure. It’s just… I’m curious, and probably just as fucked as you are, but that’s by the by.”
“Connect to the monitoring system,” she directs – blunt and reserved.
“Sure, anything,” he affirms with a hint of smile tugging at the corners of his lips, fingers fishing out the portable device from the inner pocket of his jacket, ready to jack in. “Not in the mood to talk?”
“I? Not in the mood?” She retorts, presumably a query, but the flat tone might be delusionary. “What a plot twist.”
“Mhm, most certainly,” he agrees – a humming baritone that resonates through his chest.
“Mhm,” she mimics the sound, milder when juxtaposed with the prior accusative timbre. “Thanks for not fucking this up by the way.”
“So you’re in the system?” He ascertains, rising an inquisitive eyebrow – a conditional reflex – despite the fact she is unable to see him now.
Or is she?
“Yeah,” she bestows him with a brisk affirmation just as he steps through the threshold of the security room, intent to hide in the opposite area, and so seize the opportunity to sneak up on the pimp from behind.
“Should I worry about anything else?” He inquires – a matter of clarification – now that he is leaning by the quartz pillar.
“For now? No, just wait,” she instructs, probably for the last time this evening, which evokes that odd tension once again, indicating the inevitability of the climax. “He’ll be here soon.”
“And just how’d you know that?”
“’Cause I’ve fucking fried his security system, which means he’s got the message that there’s a malfunction?” She snaps, voiced laced with a distinctive hint of sarcasm; and it suits her, he thinks. “What did you expect?”
“Certainly much more fumbling,” he explains, having opted for ignoring the accusative tone, at least for now, although a part of him still considers it weird, the fact that he is in full supervision of his own security system – dictated by the trust issues maybe?
“Better lower your expectation for the next time, huh?” She suggests, allowing herself to switch back to the bedroom area that he is currently occupying, even for a brief moment, a moment of distraction, curious about his appearance, which might as well be the second most irresponsible decision of this month, but still, she cannot help herself.
It has been sane to say they are both equally fucked.
“That’d actually set them higher,” he chuckles – a sound that catches him off guard for a split second, enhanced by the fact he is the one to voice it – a paradox maybe? “’Cause if I expect a relatively tough situation to run smoothly, it means that I set my expectation high, at least when it comes to the fortunate circumstances or my capacities.”
“But isn’t it like this sometimes?” She ponders, metallic nails scratching her chin, as she drinks in his features – ash blonde hair, geometric cheek implants, and tall silhouette, clad in dark clothing – interesting to say the least. “That, um… that you do something unintentionally or by accident, and in the end it turns out for the better?”
“Maybe it is,” he shrugs, glancing at the camera’s lens, as if he sensed her gaze on him, which has the woman adverting it to the side, cheeks burning with embarrassment. Ridiculous. “Maybe I even dare to say I agree, but-”
“Okay, C,” she does not even know his name, for fuck’s sake. “Sorry to interrupt, but he’s here. Luckily alone.”
“Yeah, right according to our assumptions,” he nods, calmer when confronted by an factual information. “So how much time do I have?”
“Fuck, I don’t know,” she vacillates – feverish, and so incapable to decide, even if for a split second. “A minute? Two maybe?”
“Couldn’t you like… tell me earlier?” He frowns, voice laced with a hint of accusation.
“Maybe if you weren’t fucking distracting me?” She mimics his tone – indication of an approaching argument, although she is yet to surprise him in that realm.
“Well, I tend to do that sometimes,” he teases as per usual, maybe to conceal the fact she appears to be quits in that matter, eliciting a vexed huff from his female partner on the other side of the line.
“Uh just- I don’t know, good luck.”
Beep, ensued by silence.
Alone again.
Although not for long.
Indicated by the click of the front door and cautious steps reverberating in the adjoining area, or rather the creeping climax acquiring a form of a male with chrome hand – external damnation – from where he can see approaching the security room with a gun clutched tightly by the synthetic digits.
Closure that grants perspectives.
Perspectives at hand.
Hand of providence.
Providence of a man.
Man to replace the God.
One step, two, then three… from or towards the target? Clueless, deprived of an ability to count, with tunnel vision drifting him towards the goal – a man leaning by the table, gaze fixated on the computer screen, scrolling through the program.
“Fuck,” he mutters to himself – a sound that sends a shiver down the manager’s spine, but also prompts him to move forth, closer and closer to the man, echoing in the mental dimension, on the pinnacle of tensity, bracing for a fall.
A fall that comes with a surge forward, with a clasp of his hands around the pimp’s throat, with a choked groan, uttered in an empty space.
A hiss recognized as his own, evoked by the sharp pain resonating from the wrist, clasp in between the artificial fingers, biting in the flesh.
An idea, out of pure instinct, to pull the target down to the ground, before he manages to elbow him in the gut and so wriggle out from his grasp.
A contact – interference of gazes, dazed juxtaposed (mingled?) with determined, face flushed due to the effort, piercing red irises staring right at him.
A mere adjustment – evidence of skill and practice – to cut off his blood flow, switch from choking to strangling.
A fall that comes with a dull thud – head colliding with the polished floor – body slack in his hands, hands that keep their hold around the victims neck for a few longer moments – a procedure to ascertain that his brain remains hypoxic for long enough to cause fatal damage.
“Fucking hell,” he rasps, once again struggling to recognize the sound of his own voice, as he scoots away from the body, finding the necessary support in the nearby wall.
With back pressed flushed against it, head tilted to the side, he is vaguely aware of the dull throbbing resonating from his wrist, now that he is coming to senses, which prompts him to rise the violated limb to the eye level. He is greeted with a sight of reddened flesh, indicating the inevitable appearance of a purplish bruise, albeit deprived of any nasty outcomes – no sprained joints and crushed bones – much to his relief.
Clean work, as for the professional.
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath, massaging the achy spot with the opposite hand, as he attempts to swallow the thick lump down his throat, parched to some inhuman degree.
Incognizant of what has just happened on the security room’s floor.
Incognizant of the body lying at his feet.
Incognizant of the myriad of possible consequences.
Just tired.
And thirsty.
And with that thought in mind, he makes his way to the kitchen, as if only for the sake of delaying what is inevitable.
Aftermath of conscience.
* * *
Vastness of possibilities?
Dimension for creation?
Vicious end?
Dreadful perspective?
Sacrifice worth the grief.
Or a decision that has been bothering him since he passed the threshold of that fatal penthouse, burdening him with a distinctive realization – he is far from proud or pleased with the turn of events, all against his will, forced to succumb, degraded to the level of some common mercenary.
How many days was that? Two thousand eight hundred and fifty six?
And now? Ten?
A missing piece of puzzles – that is what it feels like – a habit he has grown accustomed with throughout the years, a channel to pour sorrows to, and now? How is he supposed to record his ideas, intents, or insights when he has none, no inquiries, no impressions.
No fate.
An ending line, elongating past the point of a broken promise – informal, yet more meaningful than any other he has ever concluded – indicating the disastrous vision acquiring its vessel’s form – sticky liquid, leaving indelible stains on each and every surface as if to mar it for all eternity.
(That’s a tad bit dramatic, don’t you think?)
To be fair, he is far from the level of knowledge that would allow him to elaborate a romantic expertise, not only a loathsome trait, but also lethal, lethal to consider suicide as a redemption from some tragic love – factor that is meant to shatter their proximate universe. As an individual (what a fitting term) he conjectures it to be far more than just plain dangerous: following their obsolete beliefs, soaking up their wisdoms, switching to their philosophy of life – simply damnation-granting. Nevertheless, the contemporary world appears as beyond deprived from any excess traces from the bygone times, pitiful remains that are swept away with the passing years – an eternal river – all to the convenience of its dwellers.
Which leads him to yet another assumption.
What if he is wrong? What if it is bound to indicate a conclusion of entirely different nature, a conclusion leading to an ultimate enlightenment – our future is what we consider it to be, a conglomerate of particles, of events to be foreseen, of idealistic visions and rational objectives, transcending human comprehension, so fatally finite?
With us occupying the creator’s chair.
“People are marred,” he states all of sudden, which captures the artiste’s attention, and so prompts her to rise from the lounging position on the sofa, legs still draped over male’s lap as his fingers trail mindless serpentines over the ivory skin, “damaged, shattered, akin to a glass pane.”
“What makes you think that?” She inquires, forehead marked with two thin lines – indication of puzzlement – with her gaze lingering on male’s profile, on the slightly crooked bridge of his nose, up to the subtle geometric line adorning his cheeks, and the intricate patterns decorating the side of his neck.
“It was just a random thought, nothing significant.”
(Sure I’d believe that.)
“Mind if I smoke?”
“You smoke?” She frowns once again, confused due to the alternating course, watching him from the propped-up position, not the most convenient to be honest.
“Only after sex,” he bestows Gia with a brisk clarification, offering her a helping hand as she rises from the spot, now kneeling beside him with his arm encircling her waist, palm flat on the hip. “So?” He cocks an expecting eyebrow at her, as if searching for an answer. “Do you mind?”
She shakes her head no, shivering once his hand abandons its previous spot, and so deprives the female from his body heat, no matter how moderate it has been until now. With her eyes following the leisure movements that result in lighting up a slim cig, held delicately in between a pair of his long fingers, she cannot help but dwell upon each and every notion evoked by the unfortunate publication, the fact that he barely talks about himself as if he could not trust her – a partner who is supposed to be the person to open up to, a friend to soak up all sorrows, a guarantor of the so-called unconditional love.
But is he even capable of that? Of romantic affection? Or is he simply yet another cold-hearted inhabitant, so fitting in the cruel world, a place where vulnerability overlaps with divergence, a place nowhere near to be considered as home, vast and empty, of multiple dimensions and unexplored concepts?
“What else have you been hiding from me?”
“And what is it that you’re expecting to hear?” He glances at her from the seat by the open window, face illuminated by the shimmering neons. “Some kind of a story?”
“That’s what I’m counting for,” she affirms, fixing the tee that has ridden up her thighs, as if sensing that excess exposure is rather unfavorable in such case.
“Fine then,” he agrees, taking the last drag from the half-smoked cigarette, before he tosses it out of the window, much to her distaste. “I’m gonna tell you a story, a story an idealistic girl like you would never understand.”
“I’m not-”
“Do you know what it feels like… being forced to kill?” He begins, having ignored her opposition, all considered trivial when juxtaposed with his attempt of confession. “Answer me.”
“Why do you think you, or anyone else, have the right to kill?” She huffs, a concept laying beyond her comprehension – a superior man, the one to overuse his authority.
Lord of Life and Death.
Or an inquiry that has him chuckling in response, a bitter laughter that echoes in the empty space, even if metaphorically so, ringing in her ears as they receive the stimulus.
“And the body? What it smells like? How heavy it is?” He continues, leaning backwards, elbows supported by the window frame, as if bracing for the lethal leap. “Impossibly so. It’s like you can barely lift it… perhaps because of the emotional baggage? Who knows?”
The words that reverberate in the fragile expanse of her mind.
Words that shatters her affection, her deep-rooted fondness.
Everything that she has ever bestowed him with.
And it strips her bare, naked in front of his penetrative gaze.
“What have you done?” She gulps, anticipating the terminal answer with parched throat and tensed muscles.
“And against your conscious will? That’s truly the debasement of humanity,” he shoves the query aside, at least for now, intent to explain everything on his own conditions. “Just imagine that, you have no fucking money, and it forces you to fuck some sleazy pimp in order to provide all necessities. And you hate yourself for that, ‘cause it’s fucking disgusting, fucking… hideous as it seeps through your pores. But you can’t deny it, and more – gotta accept it as a fact, ‘cause there’s no other way.”
“Oh, man of little faith,” she rolls her eyes – a mannerism he chooses to ignore, along with the pitiful comment – a sack full of idealistic absurdities.
“For almost eight years, I thought I could escape my past, ‘cause I’d think that’s where all bygone actions belong,” he continues, gaze fixated on some unidentified spot decorating the opposite wall. “And then I got a phone call from an old pal. You know what he told me?”
“I’m not omniscient,” she retorts, choosing to be sarcastic all of sudden, a turnabout that he finds oddly amusing.
“Oh you’re not? Okay,” he throws her a brief glance, lips laced in a condescending smirk – a signature of his. “So he called me because of a favor. Old times, saved my life in New Mexico, and you’ll never understand what it means, unless you experience that kind of bond. It’s something that’ll always defy the laws of physic, finding its way back to the surface, no matter the amount of stones you use to drown it.”
“What kind of favor?”
“Of the non-negotiable kind,” he clarifies, a matter offensively obvious in his notion, “and what was that favor you may ask? Fairly simple, get rid of some overconfident pimp, the rest is not important.”
A mere statement.
Not to mention beyond expected.
And yet potent enough to drain blood out of her face, push past the pinnacle of emotions, coiling just underneath the surface, coiling and wailing to be released from the confinement of their prison.
Resurrection that comes with catharsis.
Rampant rage.
“You didn’t have to do it, you know,” she spats – blunt and accusatory. “And the fact that you did it only makes you a coward – no – it makes you a hypocrite, who is also a coward, for not following his beliefs, ‘cause… you know what defines one as a human?”
“What defines one as a human, miss Ortega?”
(How dare he!)
“The quality of being good,” she explains, struggling to keep up with the calmer tone, not willing to blow up just yet, “the quality you clearly lack. And it pains me to see how much mistaken I’ve been.”
He laughs again.
And this time it has her blood boiling hot.
“It’s so ease to judge others, don’t you think?” He retorts, calling back to that ridiculous conversation at the Interstellar, just few days prior, or a lifetime maybe? “Especially when all you have to worry is ‘being a good person’. It is an incredible privilege to choose between those two factors – what’s moral and immoral – a privilege not everyone can afford.”
Up to the breaking point.
“You’re incomplete,” he continues, rising to walk towards the door, indicating her inevitable departure that creeps closer and closer, tightening its claws around her weeping soul, “and you’ll always be until you understand that other people’s beliefs don’t define who you are.”
“You know what? I hate you! You’re the most hideous, the most disgusting-”
“Sure I am,” he nods – a terse affirmation, so laconic it almost has her slapping him, safe only due to the fact she is putting on her pants. “But I believe you’ve already mentioned that.”
“I- I-”
“Oh do go on, tell me,” he interrupts – a jeering remark, a mannerism that she loathes more than anything else as an evidence of her disastrous tendency to maneuver between the polarities, “share your very important beliefs.”
“No, fuck you!” She exclaims, fingers clasping around the material of her coat, soon to yank it from the hanger. “I’m leaving and I can guarantee you won’t see me. Ever. Again.”
“Overly dramatic, but okay, I can cope with that,” a response that consists of a mere shrug, as if it was the only action laying in his capacity after those few months together – the most vicious farewell. “And whatever you’re planning to do with yourself… good luck with that.”
“Dickhead,” she throws over her shoulder – an expression of bitter virulence – ready to depart with a heavy slam – indication of a bygone phase, never to be retreated, fleetingness laced with some odd kind of beauty, the one he has almost dared to forget throughout the years, all of sudden thirsty for its everlasting charm.
Ergo, he remains awake that night.
Staring at the celling until sunlight accompanies the neons.
* * *
“Day twenty seventh,” he begins, the sound of running shower acting as his lonesome listener, not that he needs any audience today. “I’ve noticed an interesting pattern recently, or maybe I’ve just been reminded of its existence... I don’t know…maybe… The thing is, I’ve got some vague memories of my childhood, maybe because I was trying so desperately to push away the past, to treat every day like a rebirth, and so forced myself to forget… Actually, that sounds ridiculous when spoken out loud, but it’s fine, I can cope with that.”
“So as a kid I’d perceive world in terms of a simple black-and-white matter, which had me thinking my curiosity was soon to be satiated, kind of ironic… Anyway, as I was getting older, I also came to a conclusion that our world is run on secrets, and despite the years that have passed since then, I still agree with this sentence. It gets me to wonder how much of the given information applies to the reality, which makes quite an important factor in the contemporary world, but that’s by the by.”
“Cutting to the chase, realizations are like cycles, and by saying so I meant that they pay us a visit in self-repeating patterns. Which indicates the so-called tendency of changing one’s mind that sometimes allows us to circle back to the starting point. Quite interesting to be honest, especially in the face of some intense experience, both physically and emotionally, that is… that is, um… capable of rearranging the entire sequence of outlooks.”
“For years I’d think that what the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over, or something, I’m only paraphrasing… but this seems to sum up why I’ve decided on all these tattoos, hours and hours of stinging discomfort. But it was nothing compared to being obliged to see all the scars, not because of the aesthetics but because of the continuous pain… the continuous pain and its physical reminiscence. At that time I couldn’t accept it, but now… I don’t know… it’s weird, both relieving and chilling, as if a piece of puzzle was missing… which makes me think that I’ll just need some time to get used to it. Either way it’s refreshing, so blissfully refreshing… fuck, I love it.”
“Normally at this point I’d remind myself of that crappy shit I was told in the past, maybe because it was my only way to connect with it, and fuck… it makes me such a fucking hypocrite, but now… I doubt whether I need it anymore.”
“’Cause I did fucking man up. End of a story.”
Created: 12/28/20 Completed: 03/11/21 Edited: 03/17/21
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cas-backwards-tie · 5 years ago
A Day Off
Clyde Logan x Reader
Request: clyde deciding to take a day off for the first time in forever.
Words: 834
Warnings: None? 
A/N: I’m not sure why, but this was surprisingly hard for me? I guess because it’s the first thing I’ve really written in length for a while.
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Clyde doesn’t just ‘take the day off’... who are you kidding? Running a business is no joke. He has to worry about paying mortgage, plus there’s all the expenses, and the taxes, not to mention the salaries, and the licenses, and all the other miscellaneous things that go into running a bar and grill. He’s either sick or there’s something terribly wrong for Clyde to take the day off. Even then, you bet your ass he’ll come into the bar sick, he’ll just make sure to: wash his hands after every little thing, keep his distance, and take all the medication he can to recover as quickly as possible. Coming from the army, you learn that routine and discipline are key, the keys to success in life.
However, that isn’t to say that Clyde runs himself rampant or overwhelmed with work. It isn’t often, no, he’d never allow himself too much time off, (that’d just get ‘em out of habit) but every once in a while, Clyde knows that he needs to take something that you’ve told him is... what do the kids call it? A ‘mental health day’? When you’d first told him about that, he’d laughed and then smiled. It never crossed his mind to call it that, but he loves it. Suddenly that’s what he calls them now. A mental health day.
As much as he’d love for you to join him, Clyde chooses to spend these days alone. Letting himself sleep in a little doesn’t hurt, nor does the process of relaxing and enjoying a nice slow breakfast with no rush or worries in the back of his mind. From breakfast onward it’s whatever he feels like doing. Today he decides to sit on the couch and read. His feet are propped up on the coffee table in front of him, thumb pressed between the pages of a lengthy novel; Clyde has nothing else to do today but de-stress. The only sound throughout the trailer is the air conditioning unit running on full blast as the summers have just gotten hotter and hotter these past few years. “Hotter than Satan’s butthole,” Sadie repeats one day, much to Jimmy’s chagrin. Clyde laughs at the memory, smiling to himself as he thanks the Lord, or whatever higher power is out there-if any-for the things and people he has in his life now.
Much of his youth had been spent ‘down south’ in the big house for petty crimes and schemes to help out his Ma and Pa. After losing both of them and heading into the army only to lose his hand... well, they’ve always been the Unlucky Logans. Everybody knew that. It was just a fact, hell, they all knew the curse was headed for him after Jimmy done hurt his knee so badly he couldn’t get the scholarship. Now, though... now things are different. No more ‘Unlucky Logans’, no. After the heist... after you came into his life, well, now Clyde might think it, and no, he’d never say it aloud... but they could damn well be the ‘Lucky Logans’ now... maybe, just maybe. He wouldn’t jinx himself, though. Saying it aloud would cause too much harm, possibly altering things, and he couldn’t risk that. Not when he has you now.
The chime of the clock takes him out of his thoughts and he looks over to see that it’s almost half past twelve in the afternoon. Considering it’s around lunchtime, Clyde gets himself up and fix himself a little lunch to take out in the field, determined to have a walk and a little picnic. Sure, it might seem girly to some folk, but if there’s anything you’ve taught him, it’s that the little things in life are the things to enjoy most... not that he needed you to tell him that. So Clyde takes it upon himself to set out and venture into the woods out back of the trailer. Of course he’s not too dumb, smart enough not to go too far out and get himself lost. With his army training he wouldn’t be in too bad a shape if he got lost, anyhow. He’s a professional.
The sunshine does him good, supplementing him with that Vitamin D, nourishing his skin and warming him up maybe a little too much for his liking. Birds chirp in the distance, a few Mourning Doves nearby if he can recall the sounds right. Grass tickles his calves and he realizes he shouldn’t go too far into the woods since he’s not wearing hiking gear. Instead, Clyde parks himself and the bagged lunch in his hand down on the little hill a few feet away. It isn’t massive, and with a nice little view he can admire all the weed flowers like dandelions, mustard, and corn flowers. He knows you might stop by for lunch just to see him on his day off, and if you do, well, he’ll spot you first from atop the hill adjacent to the trailer park.
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caravanslost · 7 years ago
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Characters: Damen/Nikandros.
AO3 Link: (x)
Tags: Modern AU; Army AU // You can’t love a man and lead him at the same time // For @aiimeriic
“Soldier?” Says Damen. “Is that what I am to you, now?”
“No,” says Nik, and he’s sick of the word.
He had already said it calmly and patiently; and then again, with mounting frustration; and now, angrily, decisively, declaring an end to the conversation like a red flare in the sky.
He’s lost count of the number of times he’s said no tonight. It does not pay to count, with Damen.
They’re alone in his office. The rest of the base is firmly asleep, the only exceptions being the soldiers rostered to keep sentry for the night. No men, no drills, no raised voices, no one barging into Nik’s office in need of instruction. Something close to silence hangs about the base, and it’s a rare blessing.
In the centre of the room, between Damen and Nik, is a square table. It is large enough to seat eight, and in a room where most surfaces serve a dozen purposes, the table has only one. It bears the weight of a map so large, so heavy, that its borders run over the edges and almost spill to the floor.
The map is an enlarged detail of the hell-hole region where they’ve been posted. It was the first item that had Nik unpacked in this office, and the one to which he found himself returning most often. He has passed hours hunched over it, pondering a solution to their mission. The map is easily the largest item in the room, and the most important.
Damen, unthinkingly, has put his beer on it.
The surface of the map already bears four ringed stains, mostly from mugs of coffee. Damen is responsible for each one. Nik regards the beer bottle with irritation, but they’re already arguing. He doesn’t open a fresh battle on a new front.
Damen watches him from the other side of the table. He’s hunched over the map too, his hands on it and bearing his weight. His jaw is set.
“Let me do this,” he says, ablaze with determination. “Let me win this for us.”
“Damen,” Nik says, in lieu of no, and this time his tone is a warning.
But the response comes low and deadly. “Don’t you dare Damen me, when you know I’m right.”
And the thing is—
—he probably is.
Their eyes return to the centre of the map.
At centre-right is their target – the mountainous city of Ankiros, perched at the highest point of an inhospitable, rocky terrain. Command had received good intelligence that the city was providing refuge to Decimus, a warlord that had evaded capture for three years. His capture and death might not end the war, but it would perhaps nudge the fight a little closer to its end.
But the path to Ankiros, and therefore to Decimus, is forbidding. The only route up the mountain is a single road, steeply inclined and wildly exposed. The terrain around it is carpeted with rocky cliffs, hostile to all but those who grew up around them.
At centre-left, and well below the city, is the military base they established a month ago on the endless flatlands. The terrain around the base is dust and empty horizons. It parched a man’s throat, just to think about it.
It was a stalemate. No one from the town could come down—and no one had, for a month—but no one from the base could go up either. The arrival of Nik’s troops had signalled an impasse, and nothing had changed since then.
Damen, like a chained hurricane, was growing restless.
“We wait,” says Nik. “We wait till the town runs out of supplies, and then we strike.”
“That town has civilians. Women. Children. You’d starve them, just to smoke out one man?”
“I take no pleasure in the thought, and don’t you dare suggest that I do.” Nik warns. “But Decimus is an artery. If we take him out, we immobilize everything under him.”
“At the cost of innocent lives.” Damen says, savagely. “Whereas I’d finish this mission in a week, if you’d just let me.”
Nik bangs a fist on the table. He doesn’t mean to do it. Damen doesn’t flinch.
“You don’t get to moralize with me about the cost of lives in the same breath that you ask me to gamble with yours.” Nik says, low and deadly. “I won’t, Damen. I won’t.”
He was sick of the idea. Sick of hearing about it, and sick of turning it down.
Damen had first peddled the one-man mission to him a week ago. Nik was alone, the first person at breakfast, enjoying the mess hall in its rare quiet. Damen had arrived and sat across from him, quietly outlined the plan, and left him to contemplate it.
Damen had said that a group advance would be visible from the town, Any soldiers witless enough to travel up that road would be shot down down like cans at a fairgame. But one man, travelling up the side of that hostile and rocky mountain, might go unnoticed. One man, dressed in the right kind of camouflage and with the right kind of look, might sneak into the town. And Damen, if he didn’t shave for a week, had the hulking look of the locals. He spoke the native language well enough to make do, unless someone was listening with suspicious ears.
Nik knows that a one-man mission is a good idea—maybe even a brilliant one. But the brilliance of Damen’s ideas is always, always matched by their suicidal stakes, almost to the unit.
Nik steps back from the map. He reaches for the chair behind him and collapses into it, scrubbing the exhaustion out of his face. His head throbs in protest and he needs to sleep, or at least to argue about something different for a while. He closes his eyes for a few moments and reopens them to find Damen right where he left him, his defiance unbridled.
Nik says, conclusively, “I won’t let you put yourself at risk. I’m not delivering your corpse to your brother.”
Damen laughs at that—an acidic, humorless sound.
“You think Kastor cares if I die?” He asks, a new edge to his voice, like a freshly sharpened blade. “Why do you think he sent our battalion out here? Why do you think we’re in the middle of nowhere, with only half the men we need and none of the equipment?”
“I know,” Nik concedes, because what else can he do? It’s the truth. “I’m sure nothing would give him greater pleasure than watching us fail. But I don’t think he wants you to die for it.”
“Do you know what I’ve been doing, for the last month?”
“Tell me.”
“I’ve been imagining Decimus dead at my feet. Imagining all the different ways I could rub Kastor’s face in it. Let me make it happen. Please.”
The jackhammer throb in Nik’s temple intensifies. He kneads it with his fingers in vain.
Rue the day that Kastor passed over Damen and made Nik Captain. Rue the day that he was put in charge of his best friend and lover.
It had been an inspired move by Kastor—a public blow to Damen, and an elevation that Nik didn’t want. It wasn’t enough to come between them, but the optics were terrible. It looked awful. It fomented whispers about what Damen had done to earn the slight. Damen was proud enough to wear them off, but the insult was obvious, and intentional.
Worse still: it stuck a legal wedge between Nik and Damen. For the first time in their military careers, one of them out-ranked the other. Relationships between a superior officer and a direct subordinate were forbidden. To continue as they were—as they had always been—was now not only difficult, but illegal. A kiss could see them both disciplined. A fuck might get them court-martialled.
Nik knew that at some point, somewhere, Kastor had contemplated that exact possibility and frothed.
“Kastor can go fuck himself.” He says bitterly. “I care if you die. I won’t lose my best solider because you have a bone to pick with your brother.”
“Soldier? Is that what I am to you, now?”
Nik flashes him a warning look. “You don’t get to play that card, when you're asking me to bless your suicide mission.”
Damen pulls his beer off the map and takes a long, heavy drag of it. Nik watches him drain the rest of the bottle; and the long, sturdy column of his throat as it moves.
He watches because he can’t do anything else. They haven’t fucked in three months.
Three months since Makedon’s surprise re-assignment and Nik’s surprise promotion. Three months since they had shared a bunk. Three months since they scrambled to wake up before the rest of the unit, and in the rush of their movements, accidentally put on each other’s clothes.
The air is sweltering—the air conditioning still hasn’t been fixed—and Damen’s t-shirt is damp with sweat. It suits him. The sight of him like this is every summer they’ve ever spent, every scorched afternoon under the sun, running and laughing till they’re dizzy in the heat.
Damen finishes his drink, replaces it back on the map, and wipes off his mouth with the back of his hand. His gaze is as heavy as the air that sits around them, warm and still and immovable. There’s intent in his eyes—the kind they can’t afford to give in to.
It’s torture, having Damen this close. Nik knows that if he reaches out a hand, Damen wouldn’t miss a beat in coming to him. Damen would crowd him against the shelves because Damen didn’t give a fuck about disciplinary protocols. He only observed them out of respect for him.
Nik wills himself to focus, and finds that he can’t.
“I wish you’d let me fuck you.” Damen says deliberately, aflame. “You used to agree to anything, after a fuck.”
The next morning, Nik takes his time shaving. A coffee mug is balanced precariously on the side of the basin. It’s the only breakfast his stomach can tolerate after last night’s fight. Damen had stormed out on him and Nik had barely slept
He’s still not ready for the day when someone knocks on his bathroom door—a petrified, staccato kind of knock, all urgency and no manners. The sound of it unsettles him. Enough people have knocked on his door in three months for him to judge the bad omens from the good.
Nik’s razor pauses for a moment under his jaw. His eyes are on the mirror, watching the door’s reflection.
“Come in,” he says.
The door opens and reveals Private Isander. The young man is visibly uncomfortable, unable to meet Nik’s eye immediately, or for any length of time thereafter. He’s one of the youngest members of their battalion, doubtless the reason why he’s been bullied into the role of messenger.
But Nik’s in no state to pity him. He’s barely taken three sips of his coffee and his shirt is slung over his shoulder. His face is half-shaved. He gives Isander a few moments to temper his nerves, and uses them to finish the job.  
He’s rinsing his razor by the time Isander musters the courage to say, “Sir.”
“I’m a little busy, solider. Can it wait?”
“No. It’s—uh, urgent,” he manages, eventually. Then he remembers himself, and adds, “Sir.”
There’s a distinctly un-soldierly tremor in his voice. Nik towels off his hands and holds Isander’s gaze in the mirror. The boy is beet red.
“What happened?” Nik asks, steeling his tone.
“I’m sorry, sir.” Isander blurts out.
As soon as he says that, Nik knows. In his heart, he knows. A force seizes on his gut like a clamped fist and jerks it down, below his knees, and it’s nothing short of a miracle that the rest of him doesn’t go to the ground as well.  
“Sorry,” Nik echoes, “for—”
“—Lieutenant Akielos, sir,” says Isander, apologetically. “He’s gone.”
Nik enforces the AWOL protocols and holds his tongue. It's bad enough that Damen's gone. If it comes out that he disobeyed direct orders as well, Damen would be ruined.
They comb through the base once, twice, three times. Damen is nowhere to be found. His bunk is uncharacteristically immaculate, but aside from a missing rucksack, no one knows what he’s taken or left behind from his room. The kitchen reports an absence of seven combat ration packs. Inventory reports that a single M4 carbine rifle is missing, along with three magazines.
Damen has enough food to last two weeks outside of base, and enough bullets to achieve his goal ninety times over.
That, or get himself spectacularly killed.
On the third day after his disappearance, Nik reports Damen’s absence to his brother. Kastor receives the news mildly. Nik could have been speaking about anyone, for all he reacts. Damen’s words come back to him like needles breaking through skin: You think Kastor cares if I die?
By the fifth day, Nik stops sleeping. He lies in bed, replaying their last conversation with all the sober benefits of hindsight. He cycles through thoughts like beads on a rosary—wishes that he’d been more diplomatic; less dismissive; that he’d let Damen kiss him; and given less of a damn about the risk. Nik worries, too, that they’ll never touch again, that their last conversation was a fight, that their might already be a corpse; that they might never recover it.
On the seventh day, news comes.
Not from Ankiros, but from Command: intercepted intelligence that Decimus was found dead in his bed by his mistress, a single bullet through his temple. They receive photos. The gunshot wound is stellate at the juncture of his brows, and its margins are blackened and seared. The wound speaks of a shot taken with the muzzle directly against the skin. Decimus had likely died staring into the eyes of whoever had killed him.
His room had been otherwise undisturbed when they found him. All the entrances and windows had been secured. There were no other casualties to speak of.
More importantly, the assassin remained at large, his identity unknown.
Nik, who had been holding his breath in fear of a second corpse, exhales.
Then, comes the ninth day. He’s in the middle of another briefing when Corporal Pallas bursts through the door, formality be damned.
It’s clear that he’s sprinted here, and it takes him a few moments to recover his breath. As the young Corporal stands wheezing and gasping in the doorway, a hope rises in Nik—unbidden—and so mighty that if it’s crushed, he fears it might take him down with it.
“Speak, soldier,” he says, heart in his throat.
“Lieu—“ He says, and pulls himself upright, and pounds his chest to recover. “Sir. He’s back. Lieutenant Akielos. He’s back.”
In that moment, Nik wants to run.
He wants to sprint to him, to see him whole, to feel the solid weight of Damen’s living, breathing body in his arms. He wants to examine every inch of his skin to scan for new scars, to hear him speak and laugh. A new fear had come to him quietly over the last nine days—that Damen might come back but different, broken somehow.
But Nik doesn’t immediately get up. He cannot be seen to run. Instead, he thanks Pallas and dismisses him. Then, he turns a steely eye on Sergeant Nestor, forcing him to complete his briefing, before dismissing him as well.
Then Nik goes to his bathroom, locks the door, and lets go of his control at the sink.
Only with his hands gripping either side of the basin does he realize that he’s shaking. Whether it’s for relief that Damen’s alive, or for fear of what’s to come, he can’t say. But he stands there and avoids looking at his own reflection till the tremors subside.
They’ll court-martial Damen. They’ll imprison him for at least five years.
But God, at least he’s alive.
They’ve taken Damen to one of the holding rooms.
Nik walks in to find a small crowd of soldiers. Pallas and Isander flank either side of Damen, and Sergeant Adrastus stands imperiously nearby. Someone’s made a point of stacking the room with people, in case Damen gets any ideas about leaving again.
Which he won’t, because he can't. He’s on the floor, on his knees, and heavily shackled.
Damen looks up at Nik when he walks in the room. Their eyes meet, and the nine longest days of Nik’s life come to an abrupt end. Nik’s heart almost punches through his chest. Damen doesn’t react at all. His gaze is an unbroken line.
But he smells like landfill. His skin is layered with two weeks’ worth of dirt and grot, and the faces of the three guards closest to him are crinkled with distaste. Each one of them holds a gun aimed cautiously at some part of him, his head or his chest, but the weapons might as well be ornamental. Nik knows—and likely, so do the soliders—that Damen could disarm all three of them before they’ve chambered a round.
He’s gaunter as well. Damen’s still bigger than everyone else in the room, twice over, but Nik knows his body well enough to know how much more of it there should be. The full strength of his jaw is concealed by a thick beard, and there’s a fresh, deep scar on the crest of his left cheek, freshly scabbed.
But he’s alive, and his eyes are bright and resolute, and they dwell on Nik long enough to make the crowd uncomfortable. Nik doesn’t waver. He probes without words to see whether Damen’s okay, and something in Damen’s gaze answers yes.
“Soldier,” says Nik, with a sterile tone.
All eyes turn to Damen. Everyone in the room knows they’ve been lovers. The air is thick with anticipation, a voyeurism that curls like poison ivy against Nik’s skin. It pricks at his estimation of every man in the room. They’re here for a show, and he hopes that Damen won’t give them one.
A lengthy silence passes.
Into it, Damen says, with a voice as firm as deep-seated roots, “Sir.”
“Captain,” begains Adrastus. “The Lieutenant walked back into base this afternoon. We immediately arrested him for desertion.”
Damen, watching Adrastus with a neutral expression, suddenly arches a single, contrary brow.
“Desertion?” He asks. “Good one.”
The room turns back to him in unison, staring in disbelief. Two weeks ago, every man in the room would have stepped aside to let Damen pass through a corridor. Now, Nik watches the beginnings of recoil in their expressions. Desertion during wartime carries a maximum penalty of death. If Damen plans to sit there and treat the matter blithely, he’d lose the room, and word would spread, and even Nik wouldn’t be able to help him.
Adrastus recovers first. “You,” he booms, knocking a rough knee into Damen’s shoulder, causing him to jolt backwards, “don’t speak till you’re spoken to.”
But Damen’s eyes are unyielding, and there’s a new light behind them. Nik suddenly realizes that Damen’s words are to a purpose.
After pulling himself upright, Damen says, “Captain? Permission to tell them about the mission, sir?”
He’s playing a game – and asking Nik to play along.
The room turns back to Nik, awaiting the return serve, and all he can do is stare back at Damen. He thinks, savagely, You son of a bitch, and hopes that Damen can read it loud and clear in his eyes. Nik had spent the better part of a week trying to talk Damen down from the madness, without success. It seems that Damen intends to reward him by laying all the credit at his feet.
Nik says, “Release the Lieutenant.”
Every mouth in the room drops, bar two. Faint edges of satisfaction play at the corner of Damen’s mouth, and Nik’s is set in a hard and unrelenting line.
Incredulously, Adrastus says, “Sir?”
“I said, release him.”
“But sir—“
“It wasn’t a suggestion, Sergeant,” says Nik, raising his voice. “Release him, and if I have to ask you again, those cuffs are coming off his wrists and onto yours.”
That shuts him up. Adrastus bends down behind Damen, and the silence is pierced by the jangling of heavy keys. Then, metal coming loose. Damen pulls his hands in front of him and cracks every bone along the way from his neck to his fingers. A gruff sound of relief escapes his lips, and when Adrastus unchains his feet, he rises.
Upright, Damen changes the balance of the room. Every man around him stands back a little, and holds himself a little less confidently than before.
“Sir,” says Adrastus, his eyes on Damen like a keeper watching a skittish lion. “I—perhaps we might be allowed to know why we’re releasing the Lieutenant? The rest of the men will have questions.”
“The Lieutenant conducted a covert operation to kill Decimus on my orders.”
He does not say, unilaterally. He does not say, against my will. He does not call Damen a madman, or curse every stubborn sinew of his hulking form. Nik receives every gasp in the room and swallows back his anger. Wearily, he accepts that he’ll have to start praising the same idea he tried to shoot out of the sky.  
He also realizes, quite suddenly, that word of Damen’s actions will spread, and that Damen will likely be called a hero. Medals will probably be involved somewhere down the line. None of which bodes well for Damen’s arrogance, or Nik’s blood pressure.
“But—that’s impossible,” breathes Adrastus. “Decimus died of a single bullet in his bed. Are you saying—“
“I took ninety bullets for safety. In the end, I only needed one.” Damen interrupts. “You can check the magazines. They’re in my rucksack.”
Isander is the only soldier from Inventory in the room. Nik flicks a hand, signalling him towards Damen’s rucksack in the corner. Isander pulls out the three magazines and disassembles their floorplates.
After examining each one, he turns to Nik and gives a single nod. “Checks out, Captain.”
“And,” Damen adds, “I bought back a souvenir. Inside the small interior pocket.”
Nik gives him a withering look. This would go better without theatrics.
Pallas fishes his hand deep in the rucksack, biting down on his lip as he struggles with a zip. His fingers emerge holding a single flash-drive. Every set of eyes across the room widens, and Adrastus seems one further revelation away from emitting steam out of his ears.
“What’s that?” He demands.
“Excellent question.” Damen says. “Shame the answer’s above your pay-grade.”
The room breaks out into noise and speculation. The weight of Nik’s exhaustion, which has hovered above him for well over a week by now, collapses suddenly and spectacularly onto his shoulders.
“Enough.” He barks out. “Damen, go to medical. Get yourself cleaned and checked and fed. I expect a full written report in 12 hours. Adrastus, leave him be. The rest of you, back to your stations. Dismissed.”
And without further ado, he turns on his heel and leaves, even though he wants to stay. Blood pounds in his ears as he walks. He pushes away the thought of Damen watching his retreating back.
The next night, there are celebrations on the base. Nik doesn’t join them, and ends the day as he had begun it – retreated in his office, in his chair, his back to the door. He reads every email in his inbox, every report he isn’t expected to read, anything, just to keep to himself.
The revelry was unplanned, unfolding on its own from dinner. Someone had brought out music, and alcohol had been produced, and Nik took that as his cue to leave quietly. The mess hall is on the other side of the base, but the music from it booms so heavily that it rolls through the building, shaking the four walls around him. It’s so heavy that he can’t make out the song for the bass. Nik figures that if the celebrations spill over, someone will let him know.
And there’s a lot to celebrate.
Damen had been examined and washed and shaved. When he eventually re-emerged, he found a base waiting for him with open arms. Nine days of resenting and cursing Damen had not come easily to Nik’s troops, and the thought of him deserting had been an earthquake at their foundations. It was far easier to adore him. Given the chance to do so again, they did, and asked few questions. Damen slipped back into his former post and all the respect he commanded like a man slipping into a well-worn jacket.
But it had taken Nik’s word to save him. Nik, not Damen, endured a two hour grilling from Command over video-link, explaining and defending the mission. Justifying how and why Damen had behaved as he did, and the covert nature of the operation. The experience was like dining on sand—words caught in Nik's mouth, dried his tongue, and only emerged with a wretched spit, but he forced them out for Damen’s sake.
And in the end, Command left him with an informal rebuke for the record, and a quiet congratulations off it. After all, Decimus was dead. Nik made sure to memorize every poorly-hidden crease of disgust on Kastor’s face. He would describe it to Damen, later.
Later, because Nik hasn't seem him since the holding room. He isn’t sure if he’s ready to see him just yet. He hasn’t thought as far as what to say.
And Nik knows that he should rejoin the crowd, if only to stand at the wall and nurse the same beer for two hours, playing chaperone. He knows that his absence will reverberate in that mess hall as loudly as any of the music. He knows that Damen will pivot from group to group, and conversation to conversation, all the while looking for him with declining subtlety. People would talk.
Then again, they already do.
And Nik can’t even enjoy his solitude. It’s restless. He meanders between stations in his office, picking up things and putting them down, achieving nothing . Eventually, he collapses back in his chair and settles in to end the evening as he had begun it—facing his computer, with his back to the door, his mind elsewhere.
Then, a knock on the door.
Three hard raps, and then a pause, and two soft ones.
A knock with a character and a history, and Nik is suddenly 12, back in his bedroom at 2am, with Damen balanced on the heavy branches of the mulberry tree outside his window. Damen, flashlight in his teeth, fist against the glass, eyes shining with the quiet thrill of being young and out of bed at the wrong hour.
The knock comes again. When Nik remains quiet, the door opens without permission. The heavy tread of Damen’s footsteps bears inside. Nik doesn’t turn around. He doesn't know if he trusts himself. Still doesn’t know what to say.
To the wall in front of him, he says, “Get out.”
“—I said,” he interrupts, sharply, “get out.”
The door closes, and the silence is punctured by the metallic click of a lock coming shut. He hears the muffled sound of a body leaning back against wood, the slump of its weight buffered by heavy clothes.
And how typical, for Damen to do the exact opposite of what’s asked of him. Nik's anger rises and sits just under his skin, simmering like voltage, pure energy that begs to be spent.
He suffered through two weeks of thinking Damen was dead. In public, Nik had berated his apparent desertion, but in private, he had mourned the loss of his best friend, and his lover, and his closest confidant. He mourned that all three were in the same person, believing that person to be lost.
Only now, Damen stands in his room, very much alive. And thank God. But the voltage in Nik still spikes at the injustice of it all.
“Nik?” Damen asks.
Gentler, this time. More probing, with a shade of remorse—but nowhere near enough to mollify the storm brewing in Nik’s fingertips.
He doesn’t want to, but he turns to look.
And Damen looks good; a fact he registers with sharp annoyance. His hands are behind his back, trapped between his hulking frame and the door, but Nik can smell the fresh soap on his skin from here. He’s shaved, and someone’s shorn his hair in a fresh undercut, and he’s in clean black clothes.
He looks so alive, so much flesh and blood, that Nik’s anger momentarily slips from between his fingers.
But it recovers. Nik says, “Come to gloat?”
“No. To apologize.”
“I don’t want to hear it.”
It’s not a particularly sharp arrow, but it lands, and it sticks. The resolve in Damen’s face flickers.
“I—guess I deserve that,” he concedes.
“No,” says Nik. In the beat that follows, he struggles to keep his tone uniform. “You deserve a dishonorable discharge. I should send you home in disgrace.”
“Nik, I know.” Damen says, coming off the door and moving closer, hovering at the edge of the table with the map. “Believe me, I know. But I’m alive, and—“
“—you could have died.” Nik interrupts, more loudly than he intends. His anger lifts him up from his chair, and he stabs at the desk with every point. “Or you could have failed and provoked retaliation. Or you could have endangered every man and woman on this base. The fact that none of those things happened is irrelevant.” And then, a pause, and laboured breathing, and forcefully, “Ask me how long it’s been, since I slept.”
A pained wince crosses Damen’s expression. “Nik—“
“—I said, ask me.”
“How long?”
“A week. I thought you were dead for a week, Damen. You killed your man, but you have no idea what you put me through to do it.”
And there, finally, amidst the straight line of Damen’s defiance – a curve of guilt. It’s there, in the shaky exhale of his breath. In the way his shoulders slump a fraction. He meets Nik’s gaze, but holding it is a visible effort.
It’s not enough to placate Nik. He still wants to break something. But Damen takes a few steps towards him, coming around the table, hovering.
“I won’t apologize for what I did,” says Damen, slowly, carefully, “because it needed to be done, and I think you know that. But I am sorry for what I put you through.”
“You always are, after the fact,” says Nik, dark and bitter like coffee dregs, “Keep your damned apology.”
Damen continues his approach, like a keeper towards a predator, and Nik watches him come. His fury is unshakeable, but something else settles next to it—a reflex that comes awake whenever Damen’s close enough to touch, or about to be. It’s irresistible, and worst of all is that Damen knows it exists.
Damen knows that if he comes close, or reaches out a hand, Nik won’t forgive him immediately, but he might let him stay. And Nik knows himself too. The closer Damen comes, the more vulnerable his rage is to being cut through by a single, unassailable thought—
—Damen is alive, and he still wants him close.
Damen pauses at the side of Nik’s desk, a reach away. The walls around them thud with the steady beat of music, and Nik’s heart pounds twice for every beat. They’ll have words, later. For now there is silence, and a hunger suspended between them like flint, waiting to be struck and set alight.
Nik watches as Damen reaches for him. His hands—far gentler than they have any right to be, for their size—cup his face and tilt it up. A reckless part of Nik remembers that the door is locked.
"I missed you." Damen says softly. "Are you not going to stop me?"
Damen takes a step closer, and Nik feels himself pushed back against the edge of the desk. Damen watches him with eyes as dark and sweet and lingering as treacle. Nik thinks, he’s alive.
“Then,” Damen says, lips edging closer, “I should have done this months ago.”
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sandersstudies · 7 years ago
Sanders Side Characters/Pairings Songs - Part 2!
Part 1 is here
Somebody suggested adding LAMP and boy was it hard to pick songs for them! I also added Sleep and Deceit (only halfway as a joke). 
If you’re wondering about my choices (or have your own!), my asks and messages are open. :)
As before, all these songs (from both parts) are on this Spotify playlist: 70 songs total.
Fair warning, a couple of the songs are NSFW. 
Logan (Logic)
Pop: “Fireshrine” by Purity Ring
“Cut open my sternum, and pull/My little ribs around you/The rungs of me be under, under you.”
Musical: “I Speak Six Languages” from The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
“I speak six languages/I am sick and tired/Of always being the best/And the brightest at every mass/Six lousy languages.”
Disney/Animation: “Inmortales” de Big Hero 6
“¡Seremos inmortales!/Inmortales, unidos hasta el fin/Juntos por la eternidad, se acabó la oscuridad/Unidos hasta el fin.”
Virgil (Anxiety)
Pop: “Satellite” by Gabbie Hanna
“Guess I gotta be content with playing in the darkness/A lovely place to hide/Oh, but hide and seek is only fun if, if somebody's looking."
Musical: “Stronger” with Matthew Morrison, Finding Neverland
Now defeat won't be my master/For to conquer the demons/I won't have to wait any longer/I've got to be stronger
Disney/Animation: “Monster” from Frozen: The Musical
All this fear began because of me/Is the thing they see/The thing I have to be/A monster/Were they right?/Has the dark in me/finally come to light?
Patton (Morality)
Pop: “Rainbow Connection” (cover) by Sleeping at Last
“I know they're wrong, wait and see/Some day we'll find it/The rainbow connection/The lovers, the dreamers, and me.”
Musical: “Times Are Hard for Dreamers,” Amélie
“People seem stuck, or lost at sea!/And I might be a dreamer/But it's gotten me this far/And that is far enough for me.”
Disney/Animation: “Towards the Sun” with Rihanna, Home.
“Turn your face towards the sun/Let the shadows fall behind you/Don't look back, just carry on/And the shadows will never find you.”
Roman (Creativity)
Pop: “Leading Man” by Will Jay 
“All the other guys they are so interchangeable/Little talent, yeah, but you know that's debatable/Toss them to the left, to the left irreplaceable/And put your money on me, I'm bankable.” 
Musical: “Hey, Good-Lookin” from Dogfight
“Hey good lookin' hows about a date?/Donde esta la biblioteca?/Hey good lookin' pick you up around eight/Well, hey! Where you running off to?”
Disney/Animation: “You Can’t be a Good Actor Without A Soul” from Peter Panic: The Video Game
“Performing is the only thing that makes me whole/but you can’t be a good actor without a soul.”
Patton and Logan (Logicality)
Pop: “Come to Me” by The Goo Goo Dolls
“Come to me my sweetest friend/Can you feel my heart again/I'll take you back where you belong/And this will be our favorite song.”
Musical: “What I did for Love” with Natalie Cortez, A Chorus Line
“Look, my eyes are dry/The gift was ours to borrow/It's as if we always knew/And I won't forget what I did for love.”
Disney/Animation: “Love Like You” (cover) by Caden Hayes, Steven Universe
“If I could begin to be/Half of what you think of me/I could do about anything/I could even learn how to love.”
Roman and Logan (Logince)
Pop: “Crash” by Trella
“Crashin’ your fable/I'm diving to spaces/I was hiding from.”
Musical: “Take Me or Leave Me” with Idina Menzel, RENT 
“I look before I leap/I love margins and discipline/I make lists in my sleep baby.” 
“A tiger in a cage/Can never see the sun/This diva needs her stage baby.”
Disney/Animation: “Little Wonders” by Rob Thomas, Meet the Robinsons
“And I don't mind/If it's me you need to turn to/We'll get by/It's the heart that really matters in the end.”
Virgil and Logan (Analogical)
Pop: “I Want To Know Your Plans” by Say Anything
“You're what keeps me believing the world's not gone dead/Strength in my bones put the words in my head/When they pour out to paper/It's all for you.”
Musical: “When He Sees Me” with Kimiko Glenn, Waitress
“I stick with real things/Usually facts and figures/When information's in its/place/I minimize the guessing game.”
Disney/Animation: “Here Beside Me” with Hayley Westernra, Mulan II
“What if you never know/How much you cared/Till you are parted/By a stormy sea/How could I let you go?”
Virgil and Roman (Prinxiety)
Pop: “Difficult” by Peppermint Ollie
“'Cause you know we just make sense/Like eyeliner and Evanescence/Like Panic! at the Disco and Brendon and his shiny pants.”
Musical: “Run Away With Me” with Michael Arden, Our First Mistake
“Let me catch my breath/This is really hard/If I start to look like I’m sweating/That’s ‘cause I am/I’m not good with words”
Disney/Animation: “Into the Open Air” from Brave
“And now these walls come crumbling down/and I can feel my feet on the ground/Can we carry this love that we share?/Into the open air.”
Virgil and Patton (Moxiety)
Pop: "Atlas: Two” by Sleeping at Last
“Tell me where it hurts/I just want to build you up, build you up/'Til you're good as new/And maybe one day I will get around fixing myself too.”
Musical: “Secondary Characters,” with Heidi Blickenstaff and Susan Blackwell, [title of show]
“We’ve been left in charge of it all while the plot/Is unfolding like the Lord of the Rings Trilogy/In a way/You and me‘/Til the very end/And like Frodo and Sam Wise/You’ll be my best friend.”
Disney/Animation: “A Friend Like You” by Andy Grammar, Captain Underpants 
“Like the sun and the moon, all the best things comes in two/What would I do without a friend like you?”
Roman and Patton (Royality)
Pop: “Hang Out With You” by Mary Lambert
“And when I wake up it's/Not always just this magic/But all I see is a heart I want/And when I'm with you it's/Something to do with magic.”
Musical: “It Takes Two” with Emily Blunt and James Corden, Into the Woods
“It takes one/To begin, but then once you've begun/It takes two of you It's no fun/But what needs to be done/You can do/When there's two of you.”
Disney/Animation: (Cover) “For the Dancing and the Dreaming” by Lizz Robinett, How to Train Your Dragon
“I've no need for mighty deeds/When I feel your arms around me/But I would bring you rings of gold/I'd even sing you poetry.”
Roman and Patton and Virgil and Logan (LAMP)
Pop: “Stand by You” by Rachel Platten
“Put your empty hands in mine/And scars, show me all the scars you hide/And hey, if your wings are broken/Please take mine so yours can open too.”
Musical: “I Got You” from Bring It On
“I got you/To hang out with when the day is through/We got you/You got me/Growing close like we’re supposed to be.” 
Disney/Animation: “Disney Love Medley” by Voctave
“All at once/Everything looks different/Now that I see you/Come stop your crying/It will be all right/Just take my hand/Hold it tight.”
Pop: “Your Makeup is Terrible” by Alaska Thunderfuck (Explicit)
“Now, I'm not the kind of bitch who's gonna go behind your back and talk shit on you/If I have an issue with you, I'll bring it right to your busted face.”
Musical: “Popular” with Kristin Chenoweth, Wicked
“Popular, I know about popular/And with an assist from me to be who you'll be/Instead of dreary who-you-were, (well, are).”
Disney/Animation: “You’re Welcome” with Dwayne Johnson, Moana
“You're face to face with greatness, and it's strange/You don't even know how you feel/It's adorable!/Well, it's nice to see that humans never change.”
Pop: “Liar” by The Arcadian Wild
"’Cause I am the lying man and I have made you my next victim/I need you to see through my act, to tell me I’m wrong, to take off the mask.”
Musical: “You’ll Be Back” from Hamilton.
“You’ll be back, soon you’ll see/You’ll remember you belong to me/You’ll be back, time will tell/You’ll remember that I served you well.”
Disney/Animation: “Snuff Out the Light” from The Emperor’s New Groove (Deleted)
“I could squeeze myself with glee/The promises you made to me/I've really stopped at nothing/Murder, treachery and lying”
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caraidean-fics · 7 years ago
Honorary Whitewing
Characters: Catria, Cynthia
Pairings: None
Setting: Heroes (Act II, post hypothetical Cynthia adding to the roster)
Words: 1,700
Summary: Catria has a fangirl, and she’s initially not that impressed. She reconsiders this assessment during a shared night patrol at a Nifl fort.
Warnings: None
Notes: This was meant to be a RP starter/drabble for @heroismdreams that got really out of hand on the bus home
A03 Link
There was something about the new girl that irritated Catria, she would admit that. While it wasn't that she was opposed to more Pegasus Knights joining the ranks of Askr's Order - far from it, the Macedonian school of thought always valuing air superiority over almost any other battlefield tactic - her actions and personality were...difficult for her to deal with. Never mind the rumors she'd heard, that she had grown up fighting for her life from a young age, mind doubtlessly scarred from the experiences she had to deal with, there was no excuse for such behavior. She was a professional, damn it all, and she hated every second that the girl disgraced her ideal of a Pegasus Knight. 
"Did you really fight two dozen pirates by yourself on the voyage to Valentia?!"
And, of course, there were the endless questions. Catria withheld a groan as she hung her head, eyes rolling slightly as the grip on her lance tightened. Eventually she turned her head, giving her companion on tonight's watch a level stare with a single raised eyebrow. Cynthia paused, mouth half-open to ask another question, before she flinched back and chuckled awkwardly. 
"Sorry. I'm talking too much." She mumbled, looking away. Catria sighed, reminded for an instant of Est's younger years through the sheer energy and enthusiasm, leaning forwards and answering her question after a few moments. She had to take pity on her eventually, after all. 
"Palla was there as well. And there was only six each." She said, pausing. "Of course, there were more, but we mostly evaded them until we grouped up with Lady Celica and looked for Est proper. Eventually we found her, and from there we had bigger issues than fighting a few pirates."
"I know! I know!" Cynthia's energy was returning now that Catria was talking again, beaming. "I, uh...I got Celica to tell me about most of it when I first got here. I didn't know she'd be so nice!"
"She's always been like that." Catria let out a slight laugh. "Quite a difference, moving from Lady Minerva to her as a commander, but they share more in common than most would think. I always thought the two would get along quite well should circumstances arise for them to meet."
"Do they?" Cynthia asked, and Catria blinked in surprise. "I  mean, surely they've met while we're here. They both beat me here, after all."
"...true." She admitted, frowning slightly. "I haven't seen them talk to each other, but I suppose it must have happened by now. Perhaps I'll ask one of them later."
They exited the hall, heading out onto the battlements as their breath started to mist in front of them. The fort they were using as a base in Nifl was caught in one of the kingdom's seemingly endless winters, and while many of the others were complaining about the temperature the two Pegasus Knights were adapting surprisingly well. Then again, Catria reflected, it wasn't that surprising - it got cold up in the sky, particularly if you went high enough. They were already acclimatized to poor climate, no wonder they were put on night watch. 
"Anything?" Cynthia asked eventually, their walk having turned to silence as they headed around the walls. Catria shook her head, wincing as the other girl let out an exaggerated groan. "Augh, this sucks! It's so boring! The Order of Heroes is meant to be about heading around kicking ass and being, well, heroes, not walking around on a wall looking at a whole bunch of snow!"
"It's about doing your duty." Catria said sharply, making Cynthia flinch as she gave her a steady glare. "Not everything is glamorous, Cynthia. If you never learned that in your world, I wonder what kind of commanders you had."
"Hey, Lucy was a good commander!" Cynthia defended her friend, cheeks coloring noticeably further even under the pinched-red look brought on by the gold. "She didn't care about that kind of stuff! Well, okay, maybe a little, but she never got that mad about it!"
"Princess Lucina was under a great deal of pressure from what I heard and likely didn't have the time to deal with your antics." Catria's glare sharpened a little, and Cynthia shrank under her gaze. "You must have made her life far more difficult than it needed to be."
"...that's not true." Cynthia said quietly, but there was doubt in her voice. Catria sighed eventually, closing her eyes. 
"No, that was unfair of me." She said eventually, resting her back against the wall of the ramparts and glancing back over the empty fields. "I know you weren't in a proper military. I imagine discipline was lax all around."
"A little." Cynthia giggled. She paused, looking over at her companion with guilty eyes, and Catria felt a sudden pang. "...do you really think I'm that irritating?"
Catria wasn't sure how to answer that, and the long silence was all the answer Cynthia needed, shoulders slumping. "Yeah. I guess I am. Maybe I should act more like you, or your sister. Like the pegasus knights in the stories my mother used to read me. That's all I ever wanted to be...guess I've got some more work to do, huh?"
That was it, wasn't it? Catria reflected, tapping her fingers against her lance. The entire reason Cynthia sought out her company so much, asked so many questions. She grew up on stories of people like her sisters - and, well, Catria herself. Gods, she must have been an inspiration to the child, and now she was crushing her with endless criticisms, dousing her with the same self-doubt that she used to suffer from before Palla talked her out of it. She smiled gently, putting a hand on the girl's hair and ruffling it slightly. 
"You're acting like Est used to." She said gently, ignoring Cynthia's freezing up and the blush spreading over her face. "My sister is just as much of a real pegasus knight as I am. You don't need to change, Cynthia, just...there is a time and a place, you know?"
"I know." Cynthia mumbled. An idea struck Catria then, and she paused as Cynthia turned away to stare over the grounds, remembering all she'd learned of the other's exploits. Endless fighting from a young age, but more importantly she had saved countless lives. In Catria's reckoning, Cynthia was more of a hero than she was, in both of the timelines that she had served in. She reached up and unhooked her headband as she stared away, brushing blue hair out of her eyes and smiling slightly at the dull white surface. She remembered when she got this, from Minerva herself upon the Whitewing's formation, marking her and her sisters as being in a class of their own. 
She had more of them, she reflected dryly, and tapped Cynthia's shoulder. The younger girl turned to face her again, and her eyes widened as Catria held it out. "Here. Take this."
"But..." Cynthia's hands were trembling as she took it, an awestruck look on her face. "This is..."
"Yes." Catria acknowledged, gently folding her fingers over it. "Put it on."
"But these are for Whitewings!" She blurted out, running a hand through her hair. "I - there's only been eight of you in history! You and your sisters, and five others after you died! It's meant to be a - a symbol of being this great, heroic pegasus knight - oh."
Cynthia's mind caught up to what she was saying, and with trembling hands she strapped it to her head. Catria had to let out a small giggle, the girl putting it on top of her hair in her hurry to fix it in place, resulting in her having a somewhat comical look between the strands caught on top of each other and the one pigtail haphazardly caught under it. 
"I wasn't that experienced when I first got it. You are certainly more qualified than I was when Minerva gave it to me." She said gently, fixing the pigtail that had gotten caught under the headband. "I might not be a Macedonian noble, so I lack the official authority to mark you as one, but...well, surely Honorary Whitewings must exist at some point, hm?"
At that Cynthia turned so bright that Catria was afraid the woman would burst into flame. "I - well, I mean, but - you're so much more-"
"Cynthia. I've had that headband since I was nineteen. Est got hers at fifteen." She assured her quietly. "I may disagree with your attitude, and to be honest I may grow sick of your questions, but understand this - I have never questioned your abilities or deeds. And you deserve to be marked as one just as much as Palla, Est, or myself. Never doubt yourself again, understand?"
"Thank you." Cynthia squeaked, and she seemed torn between fainting and crying. Catria let out a chuckle, patting her on the back and lightly shoving her towards the door. 
"Go on, find a mirror and fix that. You look ridiculous." She turned back to the barren wastes of snow, hearing Cynthia's feet clatter as she headed back inside. So much like Est. She was lost in thought for a while, interrupted by Cynthia joining her again, hair lifted to rest over the headband and looking every part the Whitewing that Catria had marked her as. Well, save that stupid armor and uniform, Catria frowned. Gods, who had approved that damned collar?
"So, uh...I have another question." Cynthia admitted after a second, and Catria groaned a little. "Sorry, sorry! But, uh...where did Est go after it was all over? I couldn't find it in any books, like, anywhere. Why did she leave Abel? Oh, oh, were Palla and Minerva really a thing? Did you ever find someone other than Prince Marth? Say, did you fight in any more wars after your third? Did you ever go back to Valentia?"
...gods, but she still wished she would calm down.
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changinchanginchanged · 5 years ago
Fuck I’m in pain
I’ve avoided deep-diving into my recent break-up and the corresponding mother-fucking mess that I have made of my emotions (and others’ too). 
My ex is beautiful, kind, intelligent, intuitive, caring, dependable, gentle, disciplined, self-controlled and graceful. She is the kind of person you’d want to propose to and introduce to your parents (Christian parents who, as in my case, don’t even agree with or condone the ‘gay lifestyle’). Because even those types of parents can see what a wonderful and moral person she is, and if my mum and dad had a gun held to their head (god forbid) and were told to pick someone for me to be gay-wedded to, I’m sure they would pick her. 
As you can tell, I think very highly of her. And the weirdest part of all (in retrospect of the massive mistakes I have made) is that she truly loved and cared for me and wanted her whole future with me. She was set... on me. And I felt her love so strongly. 
So why did it go wrong? 
As you may have gathered, I’m a rather flawed human being (not the only one, or so I presume), and in this particular relationship, I was no less the mess. In fact, I think it was the messiest mess I have ever been. 
I’m sorry but I’m not sure I’m ready to dive into this yet. Even as I write, I’m feeling my heart aching and I feel weary. The pain is exhausting. And for the first time in a while, I’m acknowledging that it is there. It is real and I am hurting. 
I have caused myself and my darling ex worlds of pain. She didn’t and doesn’t  deserve that. She deserves so much goodness.
I am so sorry for hurting you. I am so, so sorry. 
I will skip over the deep-dive and look into how this pain is currently being projected. I have quickly (way too quickly) fallen for someone new. Someone who actually played a massive part in leading to the break-down of my previous relationship (though it isn’t their fault and I am completely to blame for my actions). Perhaps this is due to my mental health struggles. Or perhaps I really have fallen for this person. Something about them feels right. 
Either way, they’re now on the other side of the planet. After two months of spending nearly every day and night together, they have relocated to the actual opposite end of the earth. 
Similarly to me, they have also recently gone through a breakup. 
They also have fallen for me, in similar and yet varying ways. 
As I am rather fuelled by my emotions, I find it hard to guide them with logical arguments. Person I have fallen for, however, is very (presents as very) rational and logical. Despite emotional beneath the surface. 
Early this morning (approximately 0415 my time), we were talking on the phone. Previously, we had both agreed that whilst we were aware that we had fallen for each other and were able to recognise our special connection, we were in no place to start a new relationship. That being said, we had both said that we do not want to be with anyone else other than each other, and want to focus on ourselves entirely, not hooking up with other people. 
Today, however, the tune had changed a bit. She mentioned about her plans to meet up with someone she has previously hooked up with on her new side of the world. My body immediately froze up. My heart rate went through the roof. And I felt sick to my stomach, Even typing this now, I feel like I’m going to cry. 
It’s not who she was meeting up with nor their history. It was the conversation that followed. 
I was asking her questions trying to gauge where she is at. Perhaps I’m too intense. Perhaps I expect too much and need things spelt out for me so clearly. But in such a short period of time, and due to my lack of an ability to guard my heart, I have deeply fallen for this person to the point where I can’t bear the thought of being with someone else. I don’t want to yet I’m completely, and somehow so stupidly, committed to her. 
By the end of the conversation, we had established two things. 
Firstly, I am not open to meeting, seeing, dating, hooking up with other people. And fuck, I actually believe myself for once as I type this. 
Secondly, she is. 
I’m reminded by a previous post whereby I made a commitment not to pursue a relationship with someone who does not give the same level of commitment or energy that I am prepared to give them. I have been so sad today, so heavy. I have teared up multiple times at my desk at work.
It’s kind of fucked how deeply this is affecting me. Combined with my ex rightfully so telling me that she in no way, shape or form wants a future with me because of how dreadfully I have treated her (I am happy she doesn’t, for her sake), I feel I’ve gone into a depression-like state that can only be fixed by me going inwards and addressing the pain inside of my heart. 
I am broken. 
I know we all are in varying degrees and I am so quick to want to comfort those who are broken around me. But I put my hand up right now and I pull the lid off my heart to expose the cracked pieces. 
I am in so much pain. And no amount of one night stands, or attention, or love from another can fix this. I have to love myself now, with all the energy and strength of love that I possess. I feel weak. I feel lost. But I am ready to commit to myself. 
I have asked for a couple of days space to myself. I need that. I am in so much pain. 
I’m in pain because I am not receiving the same level of commitment I am willing to put out. I cannot expect this from her. I do not expect this from her. But it still hurts. Particularly when she has told me she loves me and still wants to go travelling with me in the future and that perhaps we could work out if we were in the same space.  
I feel so sad. I feel so sad for my ex. I feel so sad that I lost something that would have likely offered me the commitment and stability I crave. 
I am only to blame. Perhaps this is all to do with my inability to be completely honest with myself or truly understand what is going on inside of me. 
All I know is I need to forgive myself. 
I forgive you, self. I forgive you irrespective of what mistakes you have made and what pain others may be feeling now because of it. I forgive you despite what others think of you. We can walk this out together and we can come out the other end stronger, more loving, more truthful, more open and kind.
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dorothydelgadillo · 6 years ago
"Increase Sales by 15% With Customer Experience Ft. Todd Hockenberry of Top Line Results" (Inbound Success Ep. 84)
How can you increase your sales by 15% in one year just by communicating more with current customers?
Todd Hockenberry
This week on The Inbound Success Podcast, I'm joined by Todd Hockenberry, who is the CEO of Top Line Results and co-author of the book Inbound Organization: How to Build and Strengthen Your Company's Future Using Inbound. 
Todd is an expert in helping companies increase revenue and sales by improving the customer experience, and in this week's episode, he shares why simply improving communication with your current customers can increase sales by, on average, 15% - all within just one year.
This week's episode of The Inbound Success Podcast is brought to you by our sponsor, IMPACT Live,  the most immersive and high energy learning experience for marketers and business leaders. IMPACT Live takes place August 6-7, 2019 in Hartford Connecticut and is headlined by Marcus Sheridan along with special guests including world-renowned Facebook marketing expert Mari Smith and Drift CEO and Co-Founder David Cancel. Inbound Success Podcast listeners can save 10% off the price of tickets with the code "SUCCESS". 
Click here to learn more or purchase tickets for IMPACT Live
Some highlights from my conversation with Todd include:
Top Line Results helps B2B, and particularly industrial and manufacturing, companies adopt inbound principles.
Customer experience is a discipline of marketing applied after the sale, and very few marketers or businesses get it right.
Great customer experience starts by getting in the heads of your customers and understanding how they view your company, product or service.
Harvard Business Review did a study and asked customers how long they wanted customer service people to be empathetic, and the answer was seven seconds. They want to hear "I'm sorry" within the first seven seconds, and after that, they don't want you to apologize anymore. 
Customer service can actually increase customer loyalty in the long run by fixing problems.
If you've got good systems, CRM, and a good centralized view of the customer, along with people that are focused on that, that are paying attention to the customers after the sale, you can drive a lot more revenue just by being there and by being helpful and extending that thinking of inbound all the way through the lifecycle.
One company that does customer experience very well is Fatt Merchant. They do it by building a customer-first culture in which someone from marketing participates in every single meeting that the company has and serves as the voice of the customer.
One reason that many companies fail to deliver exceptional customer experience is that their marketing departments are measured solely by the number of leads they generate and not by any metrics relating to the post-sale experience.
Todd says that over the ten years he's worked with clients on customer experience he sees, on average, a 15% increase in sales just by focusing on improving the experience of current customers.
One of the keys to delivering great customer experience is having someone who owns it.
You also need a good tech stack, including a CRM and marketing automation platform, that can provide your team with a "centralized view of the customer."
Resources from this episode:
Save 10% off the price of tickets to IMPACT Live with promo code "SUCCESS"
Visit the Top Line Results website
Connect with Todd on LinkedIn
Follow Todd on Twitter
Get Todd's book Inbound Organization: How to Build and Strengthen Your Company's Future Using Inbound
Listen to the podcast to learn what you need to do to ensure your company is delivering a top-notch customer experience.
Kathleen Booth (Host): Welcome back to the Inbound Success Podcast. I'm your host Kathleen Booth, and today my guest is Todd Hockenberry who is the owner of Top Line Results and the coauthor of Inbound Organization: How to Build and Strengthen Your Company's Future Using Inbound. That's available in just about every book store I've been to as well as on Amazon.
Welcome, Todd. Todd Hockenberry (Guest): Thanks for having me, Kathleen. It is definitely my privilege to be on the Inbound Success show, and anything I do with IMPACT is always a lot of fun.
Todd and Kathleen recording this episode
Kathleen: Oh, well we love working with you too. It's a love fest today on the podcast.
Todd: Oh yeah.
Kathleen: You know, I've obviously had an opportunity to get to know you, but I would love for you to talk a little bit more about yourself, your background, your company, and your book so that my listeners can learn a little bit more about who you are and what you do.
About Todd Hockenberry and Top Line Results
Todd: Sure. Top Line Results was founded almost 10 years ago. A couple weeks it'll be 10 years.
My wife and I founded Top Line Results because I got fired, I lost my job, and I decided I was sick of working for other people and I was going to go do it myself.
So what we focused on for really the last 10 years is helping B2B and particularly industrial and manufacturing companies adopt what we're talking about as inbound principles.
And I had come across inbound principles probably about early 2000s, actually I was working at a turnaround. A company was dead and buried and we were trying to turn it around, but I didn't have a big budget, so I was doing early SEO content creation in vertical niche industrial markets when nobody else was doing it, and we saw tons of success.
So I kind of started doing inbound before it was called inbound, so when I saw it and I ran across HubSpot, it just was natural to jump in.
So when we started our business, that's what we started to do. We started to teach industrial and manufacturing and B2B companies how to use content, how to optimize it, how to create campaigns around content, how to connect with modern buyers using digital platforms. And that's really what we've built our business on.
So we've been very focused on our target persona, which is kind of the, I would say the 15 to $100 million industrial manufacturing companies. We've gone a little bigger than that lately, but we really are consultants now and advisors and coaches on these issues.
We're small. It's my wife and I and my daughter, and so we're not a delivery agency as much anymore. We just don't have the bandwidth to do it, so we really focus on teaching, and coaching, advising, and consulting with people on how to do these things.
Kathleen: Oh, I feel like you and I could do an entire separate podcast on family businesses-
Todd: Oh yeah.
Kathleen: Because I had an agency for 11 years before I joined IMPACT and I started it with my husband, so we worked together for 11 years, and we actually got married when we started the company, so we had never been married and not worked together, and I, to this day, always say to people that my proudest accomplishment in life is that I didn't get divorced in the 11 years that I worked with my husband.
Todd: Congratulations. I would say the question I get asked a lot is, people look at me and say, "How can you work with your wife?" And I say, "Really, it's the other way around. How could she work with me?"
But the answer is that we are different in terms of the skillset we bring. We have different personalities, and when we're in her world, which is more technical and detailed, she's the boss, and when we're in my world, which is more kind of the strategy and sales and marketing side, then I'm the boss, so it works. We don't play in each other's sandbox, so that's what keeps us going.
Kathleen: You know what? That's exactly what worked for my husband and I. That and also our offices were never right next to each other.
When we had our office space, we had about 13 people in the agency, so we were in an office suite. His was on the opposite end of the suite from mine, so we tried to be as physically far apart as possible and also not have any overlapping responsibilities.
Todd: Got you.
Kathleen: So there's something to that.
Todd: My wife and I share an office, but I'm out of it a lot, so I think I give her some quiet time she needs.
Kathleen: That is a good thing. Interesting.
Well as I said, that could be an entirely other episode, but for this episode, I was actually really excited to talk with you because, like you, I've been in this digital marketing, inbound marketing space for a long time, and one of the things I've noticed is that it's definitely an echo chamber, and a lot of us spend the bulk of our time if not all of our time focusing on how are we going to turn strangers into customers?
And many of us started as HubSpot partners, and there's that whole "attract, convert, close" cycle, and we're so focused on that that we forget that a big piece of marketing is customer marketing, and that you really have to look at the whole lifecycle of the customer experience and the whole business because most businesses do have repeat business. They have customers that come back. Or they're SaaS, where you want them to just stay with you and prevent churn.
And I think as marketers, we do ourselves a really big disservice by ignoring the post-sale period, so I am so excited because I get to pick your brain on this topic of what happens after you make the sale, because this is very much what you covered partially in your book and you've talked about a lot. So I don't even know where to start.
Customer Experience & Inbound Marketing
Todd: Well first of all, I think you're absolutely right. I think you nailed it.
Inbound clearly started out as a way to attract, right? That was the beginning. And while that's still important, it's gotten a lot harder. There's a lot more content out there. It's more difficult to just throw a whole bunch of content out there and see the kind of success you're looking for.
There were two ways I discovered inbound success, and I love the name of your show because I think there are two ways to think about that. It's about using inbound marketing or inbound tools to be successful, but inbound success to me is about what happens after the sale.
And you'll see a lot more books and a lot more talk about customer success being a job, and you see these functions, it really came out of the SaaS world, and I learned this from HubSpot.
When I was working with Dan Tyre to write the book, we interviewed a bunch of HubSpot people, and one of the sharpest people I met was Mike Redbord who ran customer success for HubSpot. And they talked me through the process where they would understand essentially everything that was going on with that client well before renewal time came up.
So this was a complex ... because it's software, they had a lot of data and they could automate a lot of this. But the reality is what I discovered was that it was a discipline of marketing applied after the sale, which most people didn't think of.
I go to client where they're, say, an industrial company, and I'll ask them, "Well, how do you communicate with your customers?" And I'm not kidding, I've actually had customers tell me this. They'll say, "We don't know where all of our equipment is. We don't even know who they are." So how could you possibly market to them if you don't know who they are?
So the gap, I think in a lot of companies, between what they could be doing and what they should be doing is huge, and I think it's a huge opportunity to grow your business.
And if you go back to the old cliches, it costs seven times more to get a new customer than it does to keep one. This is what we're talking about. Use everything you know about marketing inbound and apply it to your customers after the sale.
So you asked me where to start, you said you didn't know where to start. I think I know where to start. This is where I would have started and what I teach my clients to do to start.
Start with your mindset. You've got to get your mind right around this and realize that the way you're viewed is not the way ... The way you think you're viewed or the way you want to be viewed, your positioning, right? That's in the mind of your customer. It's not in the mind of your marketing team or in the mind of your sales team. It's in the mind of your customer.
So you've got to get out of your house, get out of your company, and go there, talk to your customers and understand how you're perceived.
I'm an old sales manager. I used to run sales teams, and I used to just lose my mind when I would hear from a customer and they would say, "Oh, we just bought one of those. We didn't know you did that."
Kathleen: Yeah.
Todd: Oh, I hated that because that's just being lazy. And I would say to most companies that I run across that other than the SaaS companies who seem to really get this because they want to produce churn, and that's a natural, right? You've got to get that recurring revenue. Or anybody that's in that recurring revenue model, they kind of get this.
But if you're selling, say, capital equipment like a lot of my clients do, their next sale may be three years down the road, right? And that's important, but it's an easy sale to get if you just do your marketing between the sale and the next one.
And it starts with that mindset where you've got to put yourself outside of your own world and put yourself in their world and understand what's going on from their perspective.
And ultimately, this is all about adding value all the way through the life of the company or the life of the relationship. Everybody has customer service departments, right? But I still see a lot of people, and I think a lot of customer service companies and leaders think of their customer service as, "Well, if something's broken, then help them fix it."
And it's the opposite. That's a reactive mode. It's really about today, it's like, "Keep me happy as your customer. Keep me satisfied. Keep me on track. Make sure I achieve my goals. Make sure the promises you made to me in your marketing and sales process I actually achieve those goals. Hit that ROI."
And I've been reading about this and studying it a lot, and it's interesting because we hear a lot about empathy and we hear a lot about customer service and after the sale being about empathy, but Harvard Business Review did a study and they asked customers how long they wanted customer service people to be empathetic, and the answer was seven seconds.
So after seven seconds, they don't want to hear, "I'm sorry." They don't want you to apologize anymore. They want you to do what?
Kathleen: Fix it.
Todd: They want you to fix the problem. Solve the problem. Exactly. That's all they care about.
And if you look at other studies, you can see that customer service can actually increase loyalty in the long run by fixing problems, not shuffling them around to seven people, not getting an answering machine, getting a real person, being able to get connected via email or chat or after hours, right?
These things, you build a system. And those are all inbound things, right? They're all ways to communicate and connect and share content and be helpful, and if you really absorb this mentally, that this is what you're there for after the sale, then you can build a system that'll take care of those customers in a way that's just fundamentally different than they're going to see most other places.
And we all have to realize that everybody's expectations today are like Facebook or Amazon. Amazon's probably a better example. You want that kind of level of service. Or Zappos or these retail companies.
And if you don't give that to them as a B2B company or an agency, whatever you are, I think you're going to be at a big disadvantage.
And again, the goal is to be in front of them being helpful with the right information at the right time. And again, if you've got good systems, CRM, a good centralized view of the customer, you've got people that are focused on that, that are paying attention to the customers after the sale, again, you can drive a lot more revenue just by being there and by being helpful and extending that thinking of inbound all the way through the lifecycle.
Kathleen: I love that you talked about it being a mindset or a culture, and you mentioned the name of the podcast, which is interesting.
So it's called the Inbound Success Podcast. It's not called the Inbound Marketing Success Podcast, and there's a reason for that, and that is that to me, inbound is not really about marketing. It's a mindset.
We actually have ... at IMPACT, we wrote the Inbound Manifesto last year, which, if you tweet me and ask for a copy, maybe I'll send it to you.
But we describe it as being a mindset and a culture and an attitude, and it doesn't have anything to do with marketing. It has to do with a belief that if you are helpful and authentic and trustworthy and honest, that that will come back to you in spades in the form of business, in the form of other good things.
It's sort of a "pay it forward" mentality, and you can apply that to marketing, you can apply that to customer service, you can apply it to really anything.
But what I think is interesting is that you touched on something that I really believe, which is that yes, we as marketers tend to neglect this stage in the customer lifecycle. I think it's because in many cases, the way we're measured by the organizations in which we work is fundamentally flawed.
A lot of marketers are measured based on how many leads are you delivering to the sales team? So if you're just going to measure your marketing team on the number of leads they're delivering, why would they care about what happens after the sale? There's no incentive there.
Now, I say that. I mean, a really great marketer will advocate to have a role post-sale, but I think the incentive system is off.
So I know I have people who listen to this podcast who are marketers, but I also have people who are business owners, and I think for business owners almost even more so than the marketers, it's important for it to start at the top with the belief that marketing isn't just to deliver leads. Yes, that is an important part of the job, but you've got to measure success on more than that. It has to factor in what happens after the close.
Todd: I couldn't agree with everything you said more. You're absolutely spot on as far as I can tell and in what I believe.
And a couple things. One, how many of your business owners out there have their marketing sales and service people sitting in a room together working on anything together ever? Most of them are separate departments with ... I've got one client that has those three different departments and they all have three different systems to manage the data with the customers. They don't talk to one another.
Kathleen: Yeah.
Todd: They don't have any idea what's going on. And it's a big, successful company. So it's pretty common. So that goes back to that mindset and that belief, these people. That it's all a continuum. It's one connected thing and they're not separate departments because as far as your customers are concerned, they could care less about your departments, your bureaucracy, your processes, your rules. They don't care. They don't care.
They want help. They want problems solved, they want to move forward, they're busy just like you are, and they don't care. They don't want to deal with your nonsense if that's what you're giving them.
But let's go back to the beginning. That's why we wrote the book, what you talked about, your Inbound Manifesto, which is great by the way. I've seen it, and the idea that these are beliefs and principles, that the idea that modern buyers want to be helped first. That doing the right thing is helping them regardless of the short term economic interest in front of you. Treating people like human beings, right?
You're not marketing to a demographic. You're talking to another person. I tell business owners all the time, I say, "Shop yourself. Look at your own marketing. Would you want that to be the way you're treated?"
Kathleen: Right, and oh, by the way, all the things you just said about being helpful, treating people like humans, that will never go out of style. There's never going to be a technological advancement or a trend that makes us say, "Well, we shouldn't be helpful and we certainly shouldn't treat these people like humans."
Todd: It's not new.
Kathleen: Yeah.
Todd: It's not new. My daughter's in college and she's reading Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People. It's the same stuff.
Kathleen: Yeah.
Todd: That was from the '30s. It's not new. It's just the way human beings want to react to each other. But we've been throwing all this technology and all these tools at ourselves and we think that's the answer, and it's not.
Success is us. It's being human and connecting with other people and helping them solve their problems. If your technology amplifies that, helps it, great. But it's not a substitute. It just is not.
Now, if you're talking about transactional sales, I would say that Amazon is a real thing and in terms of, say, basic shopping, if I never step foot in a store again for the rest of my life, I'm happy.
But if I'm buying, say, I was going to say a car, but that's not even good because my wife would buy a car online. But for a lot of sales, for professional service, any kind of complex sale, you're still talking about people and that's not going to go away.
Kathleen: Well and even if you take Amazon, there are elements there that speak to what you're talking about. Helpfulness. This is why Amazon created Prime and eliminated shipping for a lot of things if you became a Prime member because they realized that that was a pain point for people, and there are elements in Amazon's business model that are purely about helping people and having a better experience as the customer.
Todd: Sure. And the personalization and the specific recommendations are awesome.
Kathleen: Yeah.
Todd: But this is why we wrote the book. This is why Dan and I wrote Inbound Organization, it's because we wanted to take these ideas of inbound, and Dan's a senior HubSpot guy, I think he was the sixth employee, he's been around forever, so I've been doing this for 10 plus years, so we've been around this idea for a long time and have a lot of experience with companies that have done it well and not done it well.
And we want to take these ideas and tell people essentially that these ideas aren't marketing anymore, and they're not even sales anymore. It's just your business, and we need to get back to these foundational principles and apply them across your entire business.
We talk about legal departments being inbound and we talk about accounting and finance being inbound, think about every time you work with a potential ... somebody you bought from, and they made it hard to pay you, right?
Kathleen: Ugh. The worst.
Todd: How crazy is that? Making it hard to pay you. Or legal departments that just, if you go through this complex sales process and the legal departments throw up a bunch of red flags. Everybody sees them as like the terms of use. You just click the button. Nobody reads them.
How bad is that? I mean, come on, lawyers. Can't you do better than that? Can't you somehow boil that down into a paragraph of real stuff that you've surfaced the garbage and don't try to feel like you're putting on over on me? That's starting to apply inbound to your entire business.
And don't even get me started on IT departments and how bad they are being inbound. Don't even get me started.
Kathleen: Yeah. You know, one little anecdote. When you were talking earlier about how customers don't care about your processes and all that stuff, they just want things to be fixed, all I could think about was actually IT, and I worked at this job about 15 years ago, and I'll never forget.
We had this IT guy who was just the nicest guy as a person, but every time there was an IT problem and I would go to him and be like, "There's this problem." He would launch into a five minute long diatribe about why Microsoft, their business model made it so that these things happened, and I just remember sitting there, in my head I'm going, "La, la, la, la, la. I don't care. Fix it for me."
And that's exactly I think what's happening most of the time.
What Does Best In Class Customer Experience Look Like?
Kathleen: So assuming that I'm a business and I have this mindset and I believe, but I really want to do this right and tackle the post-sale stage and give my customers a great experience, can you talk a little bit about what that looks like? And let's zoom in from the hundred thousand foot view way, way down to, like, what are some companies actually doing to nail this?
Todd: That's a great question, Kathleen. There's a great story in our book about something called Fatt Merchant, F-A-T-T Merchant, and that's their website, fattmerchant.com.
If you're into payment processing, they're digital, online, amazing company. It's a startup here in Orlando. The lady who runs it, Suneera Madhani is an amazing person and just building a great company that has a culture that's just ... and you would recognize it, right? You walked into their office, it would feel like being in the IMPACT offices. Just totally absorbed in inbound.
Their motto is 'The best damn experience', and it's on their walls, it's in every room. And everybody in the company's goal is to create the best experience for their customers possible.
Their competition, there are some online competitors, but there's a lot of old line financial firms, so they're competing with these big, old time firms. And they're doing this by ... the way they do it culturally is they have a marketing person in every meeting in the company. It doesn't matter what department it is, there's a marketing person in there and they represent the customer. And they advocate and make sure that the best interests of the customer are being accounted for and that everybody in that room is solving for the customer regardless of what it is, whether it's a financial meeting, a product development meeting. Doesn't matter. They're bringing the customer in there and making it a real thing.
Again, that gets the mindset and saying that, "This experience is our promise and that our practice internally and culture is we're going to live by that and nobody's going to be exempt from making sure that every decision we make is going to be in the best interest of the customer."
Kathleen: That's really interesting, but I have to admit that the prospect of having ... I have a marketing team. I have seven people on my team, and the prospect of having to put one of them in every single meeting in the company is terrifying because then I would think, "When will we ever get our work done?"
So I'm curious, operationally, how do you make that happen? You need to have [crosstalk] marketing team.
Todd: You need to have less meetings. Well, again, I'm not sure that's exactly how everybody should do it. Certainly the point is ...
I think a couple other things. I think business owners need to elevate the marketing function to a higher level in most organizations. I mean, again, in my world, we're dealing with traditional companies, marketing is kind of a back water, all those guys to the trade shows, or they outsource the website stuff to people like Impact, right? It's back water. They are not looked at as production, or engineering, or design as kind of running the show. And a lot of business owners come from that background.
What I see, and it's going to take time, I see more and more business owners are going to come out of the marketing disciplines and the sales side and they're going to just know this stuff in their bones because I think the reason that'll happen is that the idea of this customer experience, and the customer journey, and customer success, being a competitive advantage and really one of the few ways companies are going to be able to differentiate moving forward, that will necessitate more leadership in companies coming from that discipline, whereas in a lot of technical fields, product superiority was what won the day.
So engineers, designers, developers ran the companies.
Today, I mean, tell me you can't find an alternative to anything. Tell me you can't find 15 alternatives to anything in five seconds. Ask Siri, ask Echo, whatever. Look on your phone, do a search. You're going to find a million alternatives.
So product isn't the winner anymore as much as it used to be, and in many cases ... and again, if you think about overseas competition, again, product doesn't win anymore, so the experience and the relationships, these marketing and sales-related things become more and more important all the time to basically build differentiation. And companies won't be able to win on product features anymore.
So I think the shift in leadership which will bring the mindset will help, but for you old time, you engineers and you product folks who have been around and done this and you're going to becoming from a technical side, I think it's a mindset, it's eating some humble pie and saying, "I don't necessarily know what's best for our customer all the time."
Sometimes our marketing people who are out in the field talking to those customers, and watching their behavior, and seeing what works and what doesn't work, they have something to say too.
So leaders need to elevate those people that really understand the experience and are seeing your customers to a higher level and to a more prominent place in the organization because again, engineering can engineer something awesome, you can build it wonderfully, but if the customer service people or the after the sale process ruins the experience, they're not coming back.
Kathleen: Yeah.
Todd: They don't care. They'll go find somebody else.
Kathleen: Yeah. So what are some specific things that you've seen companies do, marketers do within companies to improve that customer experience?
Todd: Yeah. It starts with understanding the persona and really digging in and doing basic blocking and tackling, interviewing to understand the persona, map the buyer journey, and then do your thing. Build content that matches that journey. Think of your customer in terms of persona.
Again, you can connect the dots. If they had this problem and they bought this solution, then they have these commonalities with other customers. Create great content for them. When's the last time an inbound marketer sat down and said, "I'm going to create an amazing video for my customers."? Or, "I'm going to create an amazing Ebook or an amazing tool for my customers."?
Kathleen: Now, when you say content for customers, are you thinking content that helps them use the product? Because when I hear that, I think, "Oh, there's plenty of companies that have ongoing tutorials and things that help you get better use of their product." Or are you thinking about content that addresses other pain points?
Todd: Yeah, I think you've got to think like a business owner. Think in business problems. The people that are buying your products or services, you should know their range of business problems that they have, and you should know how to extend the solution you sold into the next ones, the next sale. Think about the next sale.
So create content that helps position you as the person or the company to come back to to solve that problem and extend the trust they gave you. They're basically buying from you, so they're saying, "I trust you." So therefore, you need to extend that.
Again, I think things like training and product usage things are table stakes when it comes to this. You've got to have that. I'm talking about basically saying ...
I'll give you a great example. The example we're talking about right now is a good one. How many inbound marketing agencies out there today offer a customer success program for their customers? Do you go to the leaders and the owners of your customers and say, "I can help you keep, retain, upsell, cross-sell, and extend your relationships with existing customers, and here's how I'm going to do it."?
I haven't seen too many that do it. Most of them are still, "Hey, generate some leads. Get me more people to my website. Get me some top of the funnel stuff. Convert people so I've got more sales qualified leads."
But how many walk in and say, "We can do all this stuff and we can help you grow your business with your existing customer base."? I do. I do. But I don't think a lot of other people do.
Kathleen: So when you work with clients to do that, can you talk a little bit about some of the strategies that you advise them to use or give some examples of ... I would actually be really interested in, do you have any examples of where you've put that kind of a program in place and it's really generated measurable results?
Todd: Yeah, I've got one client that we've worked with for a number of years, and they had a series of dealers where they sold some direct, but they also sold a lot through this dealer network, essentially just think of it as a distribution network. Well, they were frustrated because they had some dealers that were doing well and some dealers that weren't. It's kind of, you get a normal distribution of dealers, right?
So what we did is we created a dealer health check system for them where we went through and we talked to the dealers and we looked at the behavior and the characteristics of the dealers that were successful. We created basically a check, they could create a score for these dealers so they could see which ones were successful and which ones weren't.
Todd: Some of the obvious things were how much are they selling, how often are they buying, basic numbers like that. But we also included things like are they following the blog? Do they open emails? Are they consuming the content that we're creating that should be educating them about the opportunities and products and the customers?
And then we also dug into CRM. How many communications were going back and forth between the sales people and these distributors and dealers?
So we created this, basically we took all this data that we had and all the information and we created this health check system so it would show our client salespeople which ones were doing great, so then they wanted to keep pushing them and extend that, which ones were at risk, and which ones were really failing.
So instead of guessing or wasting time, they were able to come up with a plan to use, again, some automated content as well as personal outreach to help those ones that were kind of in the middle, that's what we focused on. Getting the ones that were kind of in the middle that were doing okay but had some issues, move them up.
And they've seen probably ... the latest I heard was probably about 15 to 20% increase in sales for that channel since they've started this, and it was about a year ago.
So that is kind of combining things like CRM, content, sales teams. Putting it all together in a way that can give you a picture of what's going on, again, after the sale.
So that was just one example. I've got lots of examples where companies have gone in and really, they don't do any marketing to their customers. Their after the sale marketing is basically, "Well, when the phone rings, we'll answer it." And I saw story after story where people just started a basic email campaign, just a really basic email campaign, like, "Here's what we're doing. Here's our new products." And all of a sudden, the phone rings, they get new orders. That's very common.
I would say on average when we do that, we would see 10 to 15% improvement in sales just working with your existing customers. Not adding new ones, just applying these ideas to an existing customer base.
I would say on average over the last 10 years of doing this that it would be 10 to 15% average increase of sales in the first year.
Kathleen: Wow. Just by starting to reach out more.
Todd: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Just paying attention to your customers, being intentional about it, using what you know about them to create content that would be interesting. If they bought this, then they might be interested in this.
Kathleen: Yeah.
Todd: If they bought this to solve this problem, then they also have this problem, so therefore, let's talk about that. I don't think it's all that complicated, I think it's just taking what you already knew about inbound marketing and inbound sales and just moving to the after the sale piece.
Kathleen: It very much reminds me of how a lot of SaaS companies, software companies, have the concept of a product qualified lead. You talked about looking at engagement data and stuff, and I interviewed somebody several episodes ago about this, and in the SaaS world, they have, as you've pointed out with HubSpot, they have this wealth of data on how much people are in the product, how they're using it, and they can surface areas where maybe things aren't going so smoothly.
But the best SaaS companies, especially the ones that are going from premium or free trial to paid versions, look really closely at that during that period to then try to upsell their customers, and I think that other industries and companies don't do nearly as good of a job at that, and I think we can all learn a lot from the concept of a product qualified lead.
So we have people that are "already engaging with our product", and that product could be something that they purchased from us, like a thing, an actual tangible thing, or it could be a service.
Like IMPACT, we're a marketing agency, how are people interacting with our service? What are the telltale signs that they're product qualified? Meaning they might be qualified to purchase something additional or to engage at a different level with us? Most companies fail abjectly at doing that.
Todd: Sure. And if you're in the software business, a product qualified lead, if you have a popup that says, "We have this ad on." Right? And if you click it to get more information, there's some automated things, and if you sell equipment or even if you sell professional services, things like that, you don't have that kind of built in thing, so you have to create that.
You have to create that product qualification, and you may know that if somebody's asking for accessories or follow on parts or upsells, you may have a good sense of it, but you should also know. You should know pathways for people.
I had an example where a client has a piece of equipment, it was a pump. Really basic stuff, it was a pump. But they were selling it to contractors, and very quickly we found that by buying this one product to do this one job, it allowed them to do another job that they could also do.
So instead of just pitching the pump on the special occasions, it was a business development opportunity. So anybody that bought that pump, we started to create content to share with their customers about how they could grow their business. If you have this to do this job, you can also do this job, so here's a way you can help grow your business.
And again, that's adding value with, again, content, what you know. You have to kind of create that product qualified lead and it's out there. And I've seen it in every product I've ever been around in terms of selling. From very high end capital equipment to working with my clients with software. Metal roofs. You name it. It doesn't matter. There's always something new and there's always something down the road you can help somebody with.
If nothing else, create raving fans. Get them talking about you. Get reviews and ratings, get them to give you referrals. If nothing else, you can get that.
Structuring Your Company For Customer Experience
Kathleen: I imagine that this has some implications for organizational structure because if you are bringing a new customer onboard, and if it's not a totally transactional business.
In other words, if you have some kind of an ongoing business relationship with that customer, then I imagine if all of a sudden your marketing department is getting involved in marketing to that customer post-sale, you have to make sure that from the customer's standpoint it feels like the right hand is talking to the left, and they don't have this disjointed experience.
So for example, if they have ... in our company, you'll have an account representative who deals with you on a day-to-day basis for your marketing, but then we have a sales team, and we have a customer satisfaction person, and then we have our marketing team.
So how do you structure the company internally so that from the customer's standpoint it feels like a seamless experience and everybody understands what the touch points are and you're not competing with 10 different emails from different departments in the company?
Todd: I would say obviously there's a range of answers for that depending on where our companies are today.
So let's take a company that's not really doing this right now, and then we'll come back to your example of IMPACT.
If you aren't really focused on ... if you have that traditional customer service department and that's your after sale focus, look at your expense reports. How much are you spending on sales? How much are you spending on marketing? Compare that to how much you're spending on customer service and after the sale work. Look at your hours, or if you can do it, figure out the resources you're applying across the buyer journey. The whole customer lifetime.
Look at where your resources are going. And I bet you a significant portion if not 10 times more of your money is spent on generating new business than it is to keep old business or existing business. And everybody knows the cliché, I've said it once already. Seven times more to get a new customer than it is to keep another one.
So if you're smart, you would flip that around. You would spend more on after sale managing your customers than you sell on front end stuff.
Now, I'm not naïve enough to think that's going to happen any time soon, but the reality is, you should be moving resources towards keeping your customers happy, customer success after the sale. So if you're not doing this well, you need to look at that and start allocating resources that direction.
I think if you've already got a structure like the one you just described there, Kathleen, about IMPACT is not an uncommon one. I think the key I've seen there is that somebody owns the process. Somebody owns that customer and is responsible for making sure all those pieces are connected.
So if you've got an account manager, their job is to work day-to-day with that client and deliver what you've promised, right? So it's hard for them necessarily to step back and think about the next step in the future. That's probably your sales team or it could be your customer satisfaction team.
And again, I don't know how you're coordinated, but somebody has to own that customer for the life of that customer. Somebody has to be looking at the entire thing and saying, "Okay, here's what's next."
And I see chief revenue officers, which may fit that bill. I see more titles around that that are showing up, and I would hope that that's the goal, to get to a place where somebody internally owns that relationship top to bottom or owns all of the relationships top to bottom and then is coordinating elements to deliver the right value at the right time at the right place. They can't be walled off from one another, whatever that looks like.
You've got to have communication back and forth. And a lot of people that have worked with HubSpot, you'll see this, you use HubSpot, right? You'll see emails coming out six months before your renewal is due and you'll get a phone call from an internal person that's asked about how you're doing. They may stutter, they're going to see if you're doing well or not, right?
And if you're a partner, you're going to hear the same thing. "How's it going with these accounts? The renewals are coming up. What do you want to do? Let's work together." Somebody's owning that. I think that's the key thing. If somebody owns that outcome, the outcome being the ongoing relationship, then I think you're going to win.
Kathleen: It certainly seems also that you would need to have the right tech stack in place because you can have somebody own it, but unless all of your different players have really good visibility into what have the communications and the touch points been, then it could get very messy, very quickly.
Todd: It's actually impossible if you don't.
Kathleen: Yeah. So having a good CRM, and then I would think, I'm sure you and I would preach the same thing, having a marketing system, a marketing automation system that is fully integrated with your CRM so that the sales people can see what marketing is doing, the marketing people can see what sales is doing, and your customer success people obviously bridge all of it.
Todd: Exactly.
Kathleen: Yeah.
Todd: We would call that a "centralized view of the customer," where everybody can see it and know what's going on.
And again, it sounds so basic, it sounds easy. The problem is a lot of companies I deal with have been around a while so they've got a lot of legacy systems. Those IT guys have been there since the '90s and they're used to servers and buy in software and they don't like the cloud. They've got all kind of biases, right? And they don't want ... they want these walls and they don't want information to get out and get shared because they're afraid of getting hacked, or losing it, or all these concerns. And they're legitimate, but there's answers.
And if you don't have that centralized view of the customer, I would say, talking to the leaders of companies, I would put that right there at the top of your strategic initiatives. And if you don't have it, it makes it that much harder to deliver a great experience, which is the ultimate differentiation moving forward.
Kathleen: Yeah. If you don't have a good customer list. I love that you said that at the beginning because it's true. It is so true. It sounds crazy, but I'm not going to name names, but I know a lot of companies that people might be very surprised to hear can't produce a list of their customers.
Todd: I had a client a couple years ago that sold equipment that started at $250 thousand and went to well over a million dollars, and when I asked that question, "How good is your customer list?" They said, "We're not sure where all of our equipment is."
Kathleen: Yeah.
Todd: They didn't know where it was. I guess I was stunned. It's common, so again, that centralized view of the customer, it needs to be at the top of the list for leaders and owners. It sounds so basic and so rudimentary, but it's not. It's the beginning.
You talk about the tech stack, that database is your business, and if you don't have it, then you can't build on it, then you can't build that experience. Or if you do, it's all over the map. One person may do it well, and over here it's not done well. Or this department does it well and this department doesn't because there's no connectivity.
What's The Impact On The Bottom Line?
Kathleen: Absolutely. So it's interesting as we're talking and I'm thinking about this whole conversation, the biggest takeaway to me seems to be that if all you do is get a good handle on who your customers are and start initiating regular contact with them, you have a good chance at increasing your sales by 10 to 15% within a year.
Todd: Yeah. I mean, we would tell people follow up on your quotes, make sure you stay in front ... the basics. It's just, don't neglect those things. Those are relatively easy to do and just do those basic blocking and tackling. You're not going to go backwards if you do that.
Number one, you're going to surface issues if you're talking to people and you're communicating with them, you're going to surface potential issues earlier and you're going to be able to deal with those.
You're going to find new opportunities. If your sales team and marketing team are using content well, you're going to open up new opportunities and you're going to do something most companies aren't doing.
So you're going to create differentiation right there in the after sale experience. So again, I think it's one of the easiest ways to grow your business without upsetting the apple cart or making a gigantic investment.
Kathleen: Yeah. Agreed. So interesting. We could talk for hours about this.
Todd: Sure could.
Kathleen's Two Questions
Kathleen: But we don't have hours. So a couple of questions before we wind things up.
My regular listeners know I always like to ask people, company or individual, who do you think is doing inbound marketing really well right now?
Todd: Well, there's a bunch.
I mentioned FattMerchant. FattMerchant.com, it's a shameless plug for them if you need financial, payment processing services, they're awesome.
Another company that was in our book is called Cerasis, C-E-R-A-S-I-S, and that's Cerasis.com. They're in the fleet management and shipping world. They compete with people like FedEx and UPS and they're amazing. They've created this amazing ecosystem and community around their business in a very traditional world where they're connecting people that are trucking companies with people who need to ship things. They are a wonderful example of it.
And there's lots of individuals out there that are doing it well. On my podcast, it's called The Industrial Executive, I just interviewed Justin Champion, who is one of the inbound guys who runs the academy. In terms of a practitioner and teacher of inbound and inbound marketing, he's right up there at the top of the list.
He wrote a book called Inbound Content, and he's just come out with a new blog strategy class and a video marketing class that I think are amazing.
Kathleen: I love him. He's been a guest on one of our podcasts here at IMPACT. He's great.
Todd: Yeah, big fan of Justin. And of course, IMPACT. You guys are at the top of the heap when it comes to agencies in the inbound world. You've been around it for a long time and I still read your blog all the time, and all the vlogs, so I'm still paying attention to what you guys are saying because I'm always learning from you.
Kathleen: Well that is high praise coming from you, so thank you for that. If somebody is listening and they want to learn more about this whole topic or get in touch with you or if they want to buy your book, can you rattle off a few different ways that folks can get in touch with you online?
How To Connect With Todd
Todd: Sure. I'm easy to find. Todd Hockenberry. @ToddHockenberry is Twitter, LinkedIn. Happy to connect with people on LinkedIn, just search for my name.
The book, InboundOrganization.com is our website for the book. Tons of info there, you can connect with all of our social accounts there.
We've got a really cool thing on that website. It's InboundOrganization.com, no spaces. It's an assessment. You can take a 33-question assessment to see where you are in terms of your adoption of the inbound ideas across your entire organization. So it's free, you just fill it out and we'll send you the results, and it's been very interesting seeing the hundreds of people that have done it to kind of see where people are doing well and where they aren't. The answers are pretty insightful and a lot of the people that we know do it really get a lot of good feedback, so check that out.
You can find me just Top Line Results or Todd Hockenberry, I'm all over the internet, and I would love to connect with you and answer questions and help you in any way I can.
Kathleen: Love it. And I will put all those links in the show notes. And I'm assuming if they want your book, they can just go onto Amazon and get it there.
Todd: Yeah. Amazon's great and a lot of Barnes & Nobles carry it, and a variety of other places you buy books. Inbound Organization. Check it out.
You Know What To Do Next...
Kathleen: Great. Well thank you so much, Todd. This has been fun, and I'm now inspired to take a closer look at how we're communicating with our customers at IMPACT.
If you're listening and you enjoyed what you heard today or you learned something, take a minute, go to Apple Podcasts, and leave a review. It makes a big difference for a podcast like this one. It helps us get in front of more people, and I would be so personally grateful if you could do that today.
And if you know somebody who is doing really great inbound marketing work, tweet me @WorkMommyWork because I would love for them to be my next guest.
Thanks again, Todd. It was great chatting with you.
Todd: Thanks for having me. It was my pleasure to be on Inbound Success, Kathleen, and I wish you lots of inbound success.
Kathleen: Thanks.
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from Web Developers World https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/customer-experience-todd-hockenberry
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ohh-kaye · 7 years ago
2018 Resolutions
OKay let’s hope I remember what I initially wrote.
Let’s see my resolutions from last year, shall we?
1. Master the keyboard (YES/NO)
I have my keyboard next to me because I really want to learn how to play “When” by Dodie and it’s been stocked up for a while now. I’m not exactly a “master” but I have got a hold of the basics this year so I do know some things. I can look at chords online and play the song which is progress. I mean, that’s basically how I learned how to play the uke so I’m doing well... I think.
2. Wear more jewellery (NO)
Failed that completely. It didn’t even try to be honest. I go to uni and hospital and I don’t go out to socialise so I never had the chance to wear them. It was just a hassle to try and match them with I’m wearing and because I wear a lot of long sleeved shirts, they get covered anyway. Plus, I’m at home when I have free time so I just never got around to wearing any of the many necklaces and bracelets I have. Phooey.
3. Read more books (YES)
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I’ll just leave that there.
4. Watch my weight (YES)
Okay. It took me forever to figure out how to make a chart since I haven’t done so since high school but here’s the result! I’m actually so proud of myself.
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I lost 15 kgs this year. I’m still far my goal weight and I’m borderline healthy-overweight on my BMI but I actually did it and I’m so proud of myself. I look through old photos of myself and at the time I thought “I didn’t look too bad” but now I realise how badly I’ve treated myself and how “in the clouds” I was with my weight. I’m no better mentally because calorie counting is fuelling my undiagnosed OCD and I’m basically restricting but I’m getting smaller and as sick as I realise that is, I am proud of the discipline and progress I’ve made.
5. Go through and use my make-up (YES/NO)
I don’t wear a lot of make-up but I am going through them and I try to make myself look presentable when I leave the house. I have gone through quite a lot but I haven’t used too many so it’s a yes and no.
6. Be fluent in a new language (YES/NO)
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I’ve been doing or at least trying to do them everyday (I have missed a couple of days because I forgot or I knew I just had no time. That’s why it’s not a 366 day streak). I honestly thought I would only get to 25% for each but I’ve surpassed that. I can understand a few sentences when I hear them in movies or TV and I can string together a few phrases but I’m not fluent yet. It’s just a shame I won’t be applying my knowledge because I won’t be going on the Austrian Study Tour at my uni but I do plan on going at some point to the place of origin of these amazing languages and hopefully I won’t get lost.
7. Get my L’s (YES)
I’ve been driving to work now and me and my brother have driving lessons so maybe in the next year or 2 years, I ‘ll get my P’s. I’m not rushing with this because I don’t really want to drive, I just need to. So I’m pacing this very slowly. BUT I AM GETTING THERE. I know how to reverse a car and drive in my lane so that’s a good thing.
8. Be less sad/depressed/anxious (NO)
AHAHAHAHA I knew this would be fucking impossible.
I’ve succeeded on a lot of resolutions which judging by the title of that (New Year’s Resolutions that I’ll probably stop doing by February.) I had no belief in myself so this is all very surprising.
Here’s a new list because working towards something is helpful and I might surprise myself again next year.
(This is also very last minute. Writing this has been on my list since the beginning of the month)
1. Actually master the keyboard.
I’ll put this here again because I really want to learn.
2. Reach my goal weight.
I’ll probably end up failing this because my weight loss has plateaued since fucking October?ish but the closer I get to that goal weight, I’ll be okay.
3. Maintain my skin and hair care routine
I have a skin care routine now because I’m an adult. I hate my face and because of this routine, my skin’s been settled. The annoying thing is, since my pimples can’t go to my face, it goes everywhere else. like wtf?
I’ve noticed that my hair’s thinning out and falling even though it’s been weeks since I did anything to it. I think it’s because I’m not eating as much but I put coconut oil on it after I shower. I’ll admit that’s not a hair care routine but it’s a start and maybe I’ll change it up next year because I’m actually worried that my hair is dead.
4. Go to the dentist.
I haven’t seen a dentist in fuckin 4 years and I didn’t use my retainer properly and my teeth are shifting and they’re yellow from all the coffee and I have cavities again because I forget to brush my teeth ahahaha. I have a laundry list of problems I need fixing and I need to get my ass on a dentist’s chair asap. It’s just too expensive.
5. Continue to read more books.
I’ll put this here again because I know next year will be pretty busy so I would still love to achieve my Goodreads challenge. And I have bought a lot of books since last year and I need to read them all.
6. Review for the GAMSAT.
I should start thinking about Medicine to be honest. I don’t want to be 30 before I’m a licensed physician. That’s not the end of the world though but that is my goal.
7. Get 75% on my Duolingo
I’ll add this here too because it is a continuous thing that doesn’t just end after the year is up. I’m not aiming for 100% because the progress gets slower the more words you learn so 75% seems achievable.
8. Go to another country.
Obviously, this isn’t the Austria Study Tour because I won’t be going to that but around the end of the year, my relatives from the US keep asking us to visit when we graduate and I actually want to go (on my own if I can) because I feel some sort of independence when doing big things by myself and I feel like if I do this, then I’ll be a full-fledged adult. This resolution is a long shot but idk maybe it will happen. I’m not getting my hopes up though.
9. Get my grad.
I can’t explain this because it’s related to Nursing. Basically, it’s a job as an RN but they give you the support like you’re a student so you’re not abandoned. This is a good step in the door because you get a job right away instead of waiting until your application is accepted. This is competitive amongst all graduating nursing students so hopefully I get it.
10. Be less of a hoarder.
I’ve started doing this a couple of months ago and it’s something I want to maintain. I’m a certified hoarder and I buy things I already have a lot of or I don’t need. So I’m training myself to look at an object and ask myself “Does this give me joy?”. If not, I can toss it.
11. Eat healthier.
This’ll be hard because I love meat. I honestly want to be a pescatarian though because I don’t want to be vegan but I know that red meat will kill me in the long term. I think mainly this resolution is just to choose better options with food. If it’s a choice between meat or fish or salads then I’ll pick the healthier option. ya dig?
12. Focus on my mental health.
Yet again I set myself an impossible goal. I know I’ll be stressed next year and I’ll have frequent anxiety attacks, mental breakdowns and quarter life crises but if I can’t keep it at a minimum by continuing this blog then I’ll be fine. Choose happiness or whatever that bullshit phrase is.
I THINK THAT’LL BE IT! I can’t think of anymore stuff to actively pursue for next year. They’ll be new things along the way but if I can do as much as I can to better myself then everything will be okay.
I sound so fucking pretentious when I’m being optimistic.
We will all die one day and everything will be for nothing.
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redlemonz · 8 years ago
Day #12
Dear goodness, I really am a protagonist. Not in an arrogant-douchebagy “I’m superior & more meaningful than you” kind of way that is. These personality quizzes have the ability to be pretty accurate after all though, is what I’m saying. You just end up squinting your eyes at each word and each sentence, and metaphorical pointing away with your finger thinking “shit, that is me”. This damn stupid quiz seems to know me better than I know myself. Even it realises that the protagonist’s failures are caused by themselves. That the primary reasons involved for pushing people away is being too eager to please, caring too much and being overly invested into a relationship. Somehow this tends to undermine the actual relationship when you try too much - which I can now sort of understand also. I guess you’ve absorbed so much space in this relationship with your over invested thoughts, emotions and insecurities that you haven’t left much room for it to breathe and let the river naturally flow. It almost seems like though you’re trying too much which results in the perception and feeling that it’s being forced and that the relationship of love between you two has to have a formula attached to it, even though it really isn’t the actual case. This even states that when a relationship fails, I am to feel guilt and betrayal for all the efforts I put in? Well shit, I guess I do ever so slightly blame myself for everything that goes wrong. Trying too hard and failing will naturally do that to you sometimes. And yes, there is a slight sense of betrayal I’ve experienced too - when she broke a certain big promise, acted differently towards me around friends and essentially made me feel hidden - right to the point where she left me. She gave up on me, on us and everything we had rather than trying to fix it. I sadly accept it solely because I love her and respect her still, and wish the best for her. But I also feel like a tarnished soul as a result of trying so much the way I did all along, just to fail and be set aside so easily, rather than getting a chance to amend my obvious wrongs. It’s really not fair at all, but then again it dawns on me yet again that life never is. At the end of the day, as it would all suggest - I’ll happily take the blame for everything, even if I don’t realise that it’s not my blame to take - because that’s just who I am. So whenever you’re feeling insecure, bored, unmotivated or just even any general or specific unhappiness as a whole - just remember that it doesn’t have to be your own fault at all, and that I’ll happily accept responsibility because, well let’s face it - I’m probably responsible in some way or another, or have contributed to you greatly feeling any negativity, so I’ll just bear this with the rest of the weight on my shoulders. Because my overbearing and over caring self has the dire need to ensure you’re alright and happy, regardless of whether in reality it’s my wrong doing or not. Also, I’d like to assure you that there’s no sarcastic themes or saltiness at play here at all whatsoever, just in case - not that I owe an explanation, but I care too much obviously. I will genuinely try to reach out in any way I can to take your pain away from you, and absorb it into myself - because I’m the experienced expert at it after all (so let me handle it). As long as you’re happy - even if it results in the utter hatred of me. Hey, turns out I am good at something after all - Self-deprecation. So if you do find yourself in any sort of absentism or non-positivity, and I’m in the vicinity at all, let alone the closest person to you (for which the unfortunate truth is that we as humans do feel naturally comfortable taking out all negativity on ones closest to us), then as a konvict once said - I’d like to take this time to apologise for things I’ve done, for things that haven’t occurred yet, and things you might not want to take responsibly for. So you could put the blame on me (on me).
Day 12 - it’s not you, it’s me.
Went to the gym today to maintain having some sort of physical activity for the week. Usually as I’ve mentioned previously this would be an anxiety filled torture for me and my thoughts. Thankfully though, I was able to drag my father along with me as my buddy for the first time. It went well, though he has a bad medical history (strokes, heart conditions and is a diabetic to say the least). So I didn’t push him too much, and he was happy with what he achieved. The frustrating, yet humorous part which left me smiling was that I felt like the parent in the scene, as he would constantly be wandering off & getting slightly lost with everything, and ultimately I had to be the one to promote discipline and learning, so to speak. Good times. Exhausted now - mentally more than physically, and resting up slightly and quick before having to meet my friend soon, the mastermind. I requested to alter the public setting we originally were to congregate at, to a private one, due to said mental exhaustion - which is elevated further with the presence of all this lingering life around me. Currently just laying in bed (one of my passionate hobbies), thinking about her time in the snow right now. Wondering if she’s skiing right now, and whether she’s wielding the bona fide skis on her feet accordingly. After all, she’s got a lot of knowledge about skis now after our last trip to the lake. Nonetheless, I hope she’s safe and warm enough, and having the incredible time and adventure she always deserves. Can’t believe it’s already been two weeks since our weekend (+sick day monday) already. Feels like yesterday still, though it’s not.. it’s uncomfortably much after. At this moment I would’ve been on the plane down to see her, very slightly fearing for my life but accepting my fate, about to message her that I’m sorry and I love her - because the bloody aircraft was going mad with some turbulence or something. No clue - I also don’t have much experience with flying all that much so it was probably just a case of infernal paranoia (doesn’t that just sound like a great title for a punk rock album - copyright please). Anyhow, got myself feeling a bit emotional again over reminiscing to this time period from a couple weekends ago. At least it’s good thing that I can go curl up in the shower after that gym session now, and let some much needed tears to escape, as I reabsorb the same blame yet again.
T'was a nice and pleasant time with the mastermind. She engulfed me with wisdom as expected, and well, was the loyal friend to me that I certainly didn’t deserve at all. It was quite simple for a change to reiterate all my negative hatred, regret and pain towards myself verbally in her presence, because she’d be the friend as aforementioned (note that she even taught me this word back at University where I met her) that mentally understood from her own personal experiences and hardships, the toll our minds can take on us. It only makes sense that she’s also a protagonist herself, after all. We had a nice chat, and it was good to hear more about her life and how she’s been keeping busy. I didn’t go into too many details or anything of my own events - as speaking the way I did about myself was more than enough to start realising that I was fuelling my mind for the flames that awaited afterwards. We walked her little gentleman of a dog who I hadn’t seen in a while, which was a definite highlight - he’s the friendliest little fella and can also bring you that much needed temporary joy. I’ll admit though that it made me miss bbt and our walks together so much more in this circumstance, as the reality hit me that I probably won’t be around to see her, or be back in that house - which at times almost felt like a second home to me, if not more like home, and that bed where I was always forced to go under however many various layers of sheets because that’s supposedly the proper way of sleeping and stuff. As the evening went on, and because my mind already translated it through vocalisation, the reality of the situation became that I started to realise all my mistakes in my life, and with friends in particular. How I’ve likely been a burden to them, how I’m simply and actually just not a good person at all, or a friend for that matter, and rethinking what I even have to contribute as a result. As these realisations swept over me, I’ve been steadying to the possible conclusion that I’m a liability to all those around me. I radiate all the negative virtues you could think of - hatred, annoyance, ugliness, overbearingness, and the many more that exist. It’s no wonder I push away all the people I care about, including mastermind’s current partner, the magician, who was once my best friend not long ago. I haven’t heard from him at all, nor do I expect or deserve to. We grew apart in the recent year, for reasons I’m still unaware of - until now. He’s actually put up with so many of my self-created problems over time, and stuck by me for all these years, but has now finally broken free from those shackles (as a magician would). He’s always been a great friend to me, but everyone has their limitations and knows when to quit, even him - especially when it comes to me. He’s an ideal example of a selfless human being, and one that I wish I could only strive to be more like. But I can’t, because I’m a disappointment and a failure of a person, and that’s where my consistency lies. Upon self reflecting as I have, it’s clear now, to see that he was smart to get away from this ticking time bomb that I am. And I don’t blame him, or her, or anyone else who feels trapped in some shadow because of me. Of course mastermind was a friend to me and reassured me that my self hatred was unjustified & such, but for now, this is my truth. Nevertheless, it was a nice evening and though my car tyres were stuck in the mud, unable to let me move on (literal symbolism of my mind right before my eyes, hurrah), mastermind & her mother used their mighty strength to free my car and I was on my way. Oh, and she gave me some Irish chocolate too from her earlier journeys back to her roots this year, which was the act of a friend with a cherry on top. Though it was nice to have that social presence - just to see how mastermind was, I’m not so sure I could maintain doing this often, or with others either. I had to sincerely decline the group dinner tonight, which other friends were attending also, and furthermore decline two thirds of the pack on their offer - as I just couldn’t bear to handle any more sociable activities, or even speaking out loud any more for that matter. As stated, I did unfortunately re-live the biggest themes from today - guilt and blame. And though I use the word ‘unfortunately’ as I have as a cover up, the truth in the matter is that I probably am a faulty creation or something. That one mistake who’s an outlier, far away from the rest. Wait, no - that would then indicate it’s some creator’s fault, and not my own, which can’t be true - this blame belongs to me. It all does. I apologised to mastermind before parting ways, and thanked her for putting up with me as the liability I am. At this point, my existence just feels as though it’s ultimately detrimental to anyone who’s life I’m a part of.. and it’s really not fair to them.
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stipulatedconflict · 8 years ago
Band interview with NEGATIV(Oslo/Norway)
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NEGATIV from Oslo, Norway
 NEGATIV is a new hardcore punk from Oslo. This band makes me feel that it will bring something exiting to the Oslo punk scene which is not just about Oslo punk scene but it is more involvements from punk scene in other countries. It’s maybe also by the vocalist Skunk’s own hard works for label and bookings, and NEGATIV is deeply involved in it as well. Thus this band makes me feel something will happen! I have seen them couple of times and the latest one was at Barrikaden with SIEVEHEAD. Once they started playing, the band immediately grabbed the entire atmosphere in the moldy underground space and delivered its manic primitive energy thoroughly. Their sound is based on 80s hardcore with weird mixture of Scandinavian hardcore punk, some Japanese flavor, light distorted guitar sound which sometimes sounded even rockin and the edge of thrash hardcore. Their groove is undulated with its manic groaning vocal but still has some sharp edge of thrash hardcore here and there. Their groove completely smashed the space and whole live space was undulated by the crowds and its sweaty moist heated air. It was a great show.
This time I could get a chance to interview them.
  Check their sound Here:
 Bandcamp: https://negativ1010.bandcamp.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/endlessnegativityoslo/
  Interview start from below;
  -So, who is in the band? is there any band which any of you have played or been playing before or currently playing beside NEGATIV?
Skunk: I do vocals, me and Sig used to scream against each other in JENKEM WARRIORS before and I'm also part of a noisy hardcore band called INTERNT OPPGJØR. Sig used to play drums in DISCUNT and has a electro band called HYSJ.
Møkk(Kenneth) plays guitar and has been in bands since I wore diapers, MORTE CEREBRALE, 2:20 and currently KNUSTE RUTER just to name a few!
Our drummer; Erik has probably had the most musical projects than I can count! He originates from Death Metal but is very comfortable with anything rockin' and-a-rollin and grabs punk songwriting better than most; maybe it's because he's so untouched by all the genre-wanking bullshit that's been going on. I think his most noticed band was FILTHDIGGER, he also had a hardcore band called STRUKTURELL VOLD which is coming out on 7" sometime this year..
  -Is there anyone who is involved in any DIY punk activities like running label, writing zines, taking pictures, designing, organizing shows etc in NEGATIV?
Skunk: Møkk is the mastermind and fingers behind ENDLESS STUDIO which is where we record and practice, we just moved into a new space so it's still under renovation. I'm gonna do my label work from there as well.
Sig has always been super busy with Queer and LGBTQ activism in Oslo and used to be the editor of the feminist radio RadiOrakel!
Erik does sound on a regular basis in our squatted venue; Barrikaden.
I've been running a small hardcore-punk label for about six years now called BYLLEPEST DISTRO and been doing booking at Barrikaden for pretty much the same amount of years. I've done sporadic designs for covers and posters but wouldn't really consider myself a designer in any sense. Just a complete hc-punk dweeb who spends too much time on punk stuff.  
We all do shows!
  -How did NEGATIV start in the beginning? how did all of you get together?
Skunk: Me and Sigrun had some aspirations to start a japanese-style hardcore band in the veins of stuff like GAI, EEL, LEBENDEN TOTEN etc. but had really big problems finding people in Oslo who were interested in playing that primitive and distorted. Sig was supposed to play drums originally, then guitar when Erik joined in on drums. We had our first rehearsal with a complete line-up including MØKK on guitar , which resulted in Sig playing Bass.
Møkk and Erik brought their own inspirations along and it ended up like something completely different! Kenneth wanted to bring influences from Italian 80's hardcore like NEGAZIONE and IMPACT, I think.. Although we try to avoid it I think we can't remain completely untouched by roots of Norwegian hardcore like KAFKA PROSESS , SISTE DAGERS HELVETE etc...
It was a really cold winter and all our other band project were on complete Hiatus.
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   -How do you describe the sound of the band by your own words? 
Skunk: I think Sorry State Records described us the best; so I'd rather not describe our sound in my own words! They wrote; "After starting with a primitive SOA-style banger based around a punishing polka beat and snare rolls as jagged as a prison shiv, Negativ settle into a pleasantly thrash-infused take on 80s hardcore." It's originally about the two first songs on our EP; Automatic Thoughts but I think it describes our entire sound pretty well.
It's primitive and banging steadily! Sometimes we jazz out completely into weird atmospheric parts, but it always remain primitive to the bone.
  -Is there any specific bands gave influence/inspiration to the band sound?
Skunk:  Anything 80's hardcore but I think we all come from a bit different directions!
All the mentioned above and so many more! I listen to too many hardcore punk records... For the past year I've been quite inspired by the vocal style in UPRIGHT CITIZENS from Germany and early DEAD ENDS from the Philipines. The foundation for me has always been japanese bands from the 80's though.  Sigrun is mostly inspired by american hardcore , anything from MINOR THREAT to SICK FIX to L.O.T.I.O.N to LIMP WRIST; I know there's also a great deal of EMBRACE and other mid-era SST influences in there... I know for sure that Erik is inspired by the roots of punk like THE GERMS, SEX PISTOLS and BLACK FLAG while Kenneth gets his groves from anything technically aggressive and JIMI HENDRIX!
  -What kind of elements/influences do individual members bring to the band to sounds like NEGATIVE? 
Skunk: Everyone in Negativ are practically professional musicians besides me, Erik brings a lot of discipline and force to the band which makes us evolve faster. He's also the father of the term "S-Beat" which is his most common beat inspired by SLAYER and old school death metal like that, it adds a great foundation for primitive hardcore punk!
Sigrun gives our songs those bass lines that makes the songs stick out, there is always a minimalistic melody or harmony that gives the songs a certain drive. I guess it's from that post-hardcore stuff I mentioned above but I dunno haha! I think Kenneth truly gives us that 80's sound with the way he plays in general and he's also a genius at making simplicity sound massive!
  -How did you decide the band name? Is there any special meaning? something negative?
Møkk: We where talking about how things seemed upside down in the world.
That the ruling class of the world is mentally ill, but they act as they are the healthy ones. That right wing racist tyrants claim the role as victims, while refugees have lost everything, that capitalists are talking about ecology and “saving the world” while they are the ones raping it. When its more hierarchy, social and sexual abuse in the punk community than in the rest of society? What the fuck is going on!?!?! Its upside down isn’t it?! We where thinking of calling us “The Negatives” Like a photo negative. Where everything is inverted. But, since we`re all quite pessimistic, and having more experience with depression and negative thinking than we would like, and the double meaning with the upside down status of things at the moment, we cut it short and went for Negativ. The meaning is the same.
Its no secret that we dig Negative Approach either. Hehe!  
  -How's the punk scene in Oslo?
Møkk: Oooh, its like a roller coaster! Haha! Its ups and downs.. But yeah, oslo is a “bi-polar” city. We usually have very cold, long and dark winters. But still we have hot and sunny summers, the sun is up almost 24/7.
So when the winter is letting go, it seems that people are becoming manic, its good! But its definitely manic. Hehe!
Everything happening at the same time, everybody is ON and its a million things to do.
And of course, people are depressed during the winter. Getting “winter depressed” is as common as getting a cough here..
All that affects the punk scene, how the spirit is, if we are fighting each other or fighting our real enemies, or fighting for keeping our spaces, fighting for a better world. We are a small scene, everybody knows everybody, we aren’t very split into fractions. At least not in the same degree as other cities in Europe where I see more fractions and more homogenic communities. And I feel that the punk scene in Oslo is gonna be a good place to be in the future. Seems like people is starting to see what we have in common, rather than what we don’t have in common with each other. I think it has been a bit of a down period lately, but it looks promising at the moment. But hey! Its the month of May right now and maybe I`m just optimistic and manic at the moment?  
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   -How do you think about playing in a band in Oslo?
Skunk:  I think we only played five shows in Oslo during the year we have existed. It's a small city and even though there are always some punk gigs, the quota of local bands is always a variable. We've only done five shows here or so for the past year and we're gonna keep it at a minimum just to keep shit interesting...
The best thing about playing in a band in Oslo would have to be the access to studios, venues etc. We run our own label and studio directly in the center of Grønland and can pretty much play how much/how little we feel like and still be sustainable. I
The worst part is probably that a lot of great bands from Oslo doesn't get recognized abroad because we're so far away from everything and often drown in the shadows of bands from Sweden and Denmark!
  -Which bands are you playing together a lot? any bands you feel sympathy as in a same scene?
Skunk: We played a couple of shows with Terrorstat, they're probably my personal favorites in Oslo. All good mates and half the band played with me and Sig in Jenkem Warriors. Terrorstat is a true freak accident of a fusion between Boston hardcore and Svart Framtid. They always deliver and is just such a hard-working, no bullshit band! All the members are also involved in Punk shit in Oslo outside of the band! Båndtvang is also a sick new noisy gang that I love to bits! Can't wait to see what direction they're heading, but it kinda reminds me of if Crucifucks would play Noise Punk!
We also did a two of our gigs with BLOOD SUCKERS, which is probably the only puristic USHC band in Oslo at the moment. Håvard from that band has put up quite a few gigs for us as well with the SVART SAMTID collective!
  -Is there any bands you feel sympathy for the sound/attitude outside of Norway?
Skunk: First off, I'd have to say Arggh! Fukk! Kill!!! that we played two gigs with in Germany, they've helped us out a lot and are great guys; we are doing a UK tour with  manic D-beaters in Split-Veins in the end of June, Carlos from that band has done some artwork for us and is generally a super sweet guy! We had a good session with PMS 84 in a club in Oslo not long ago and we hope we'll get to do some US shows with them in 2018!
  -Is there any good bands out there in Oslo which we should keep our eyes on in these days?
Skunk: Besides BÅNDTVANG, BLOOD SUCKERS and TERRORSTAT; I would strongly recommend everyone to check out MODERN LOVE, URBANOIA, PURPLE X, and OUTER LIMIT LOTUS! Oslo is not really a big enough scene to segregate genres, so the bands on this list varies from post punk to hardcore to power pop! We all play together!  
  -How do you guys compose songs and lyrics? some specific members are dedicated to it? or more like bring some riffs and developing it by jamming?
Skunk: Most of the flesh on our songs is hammered out by Erik; our drummer; then the rest of us puts our flavor on it. This is not a rule though and I think all of us bring ideas to the table!
  -Have you played outside of Norway?
Skunk: We did a short European tour about 8 months into NEGATIV's existence where we toured Denmark, Germany, Holland and Belgium. We got to meet old and new friends and I think it helped us define how we want to tour in the future.
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  -What was the most impressive/unforgettable show NEGATIV had so far?
Skunk: The craziest shit ever for sure was to see the kids in Die Friese, Bremen singing along to our lyrics! I never expected that on our first tour!
  -What was the craziest things you had as NEGATIV?
Skunk: For me it must be the positive receivement we've gotten from the international punk scene. I've been playing in bands for about five years now where we've practically been having to beg for shows; with NEGATIV things've just fallen into place and the record has almost distributed itself. We're getting so many requests for shows, interviews etc. it's actually becoming stressful! We're extremely thankful to the punk community in it's completeness!
  -What is the further plan for NEGATIV?
Skunk: We're just about to embark on a UK Tour with Split-Veins and if things go as planned we wanna record our side for a four way split we're doing in Sheffield! We are also working on material for an LP and would love to tour the US in 2018 if shit go as planned!
Møkk: We just played together for a year, so i have the feeling we have some crazy things happening in the future! Right now there’s just some small stories involving chocolate in Amsterdam, stalking in Copenhagen, Latin American punk sieg-heiling in Rigaerstrasse. So, can`t wait for the real crazy stuff to happen! Haha. Ugh!
  -Is there any specific goal/aim for NEGATIV to achieve?
Møkk: At first it was just a goal to create a vent for frustration. Just to let it out.
The ambition was no ambition. It still is I guess. Some kind of therapy.
Right now we want to make an Album, we have a lot of stuff we want to sing about, and musical ideas to dig into. So no.. No specific goal at the moment.
But that can change as Byllepest Records is making a compilation called “infection”.
I think the goal is to infect society with punk rock. And make punk rock a very dangerous contaminating disease.
 Skunk: Our goal is to keep up the fight and make sure it doesn't end anytime soon! Fight in Progress!!!
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