#but let's try to avoid pointing and laughing at things we aren't familiar with eh?
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guqin-and-flute · 2 years ago
For real! Hats from ANY culture are going to look odd when you first encounter them because it's a person wearing a thing on their head. Things like form, shapes, color, and decoration are highly contextual to the culture it originated in. They're going to serve a different purpose and signal a different thing in different places.
The official's hat is no odder than a cap with a brim only at the front (baseball hat)--it's shaped by what it is used for and the culture it was created in. One is just more common in Western culture and so Western people are immune to seeing it objectively.
The hat looks a little funny the first time you encounter it, the same way bicorns do. But if you watch enough of these shows or look at enough old artwork they start to just look like "hat that comes with particular setting." It is sillier when only one person is wearing one but Idk they're not any weirder than western historical hats...
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one-boring-person · 5 years ago
Just A Babysitter. (Part One)
The Lost Boys x reader
Warnings: alcohol use
Context: (Y/n) lives/is close friends with the boys, and will do almost anything for them as she sees them as a family. However, since Star and Laddie joined the coven, she's felt a little distanced from them. (I say that the reader is female, but I'm pretty sure there is no explicit reference to gender that isn't easily overlooked, so it can apply to other readers, too.)
A/N: This started as a oneshot, but has now become a story of sorts, so I'll post it in parts. :))
Part Two , Part Three , Part Four , Part Five , Part Six , Part Seven , Part Eight
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Irritation courses through me as Star drags me into the crowd of writhing bodies, the half-vampire laughing happily to both herself and Laddie, who is being pulled around by the hand, wincing when some greasy rocker tries to come closer to me even after only being there for two seconds, my elbow landing a hefty thump into his abdomen in order to get rid of him. The music is loud in my ears, though it isn't unpleasant at all, the heavy saxophone-laced rhythm lightening my mood a little as I start to move in time with it, keeping an eye on my two wards, especially Laddie, who has a tendency to run off. For a few minutes, we continue to enjoy the music before I feel her tense up beside me, someone having caught her rapt attention.
Looking over, I follow her line of sight to a brunette I don't recognise, the guy staring at her without abandon, even when who I presume to be his younger brother slaps his cheek. Instantly, I get a bad feeling about him, not trusting the way he eyes the girl beside me, no matter how endearing she may find it. I have the feeling she will try to lure him away from the crowd and make him her first kill; my hunch only confirmed when she passes Laddie off onto me and ducks out of the throng of dancers, leaving me to pick up her pieces again. Growling to myself, I swiftly lift the youngster onto my shoulders, putting on a false grin when he squeals in excitement, giving him some excuse about finding him some sweets back on the Boardwalk to get him to come willingly.
"Where'd Star go?" Laddie questions me, voice barely audible over the throbbing music.
"I don't know. Wanna go find her?" I respond, squeezing his legs gently when he assents, holding onto my head so he can steady himself. Ignoring the gradually building ache in my back, I follow the direction Star walked off into, giving the boy on my shoulders the strict instructions to keep an eye out for the half-vampire, offering him a chocolate bar as a reward.
Carefully, we make our way onto the Boardwalk, avoiding some of the more rowdy surfers and party-goers, my focus set on finding Star amongst the people lining the roads. It doesn't take me long, though I let Laddie point her out to me, allowing him the small burst of pride that likely accompanies the achievement, no matter how small it is. Heading over to her, I reach into my pocket and pass the boy the chocolate bar I always keep on me, smiling when he giggles in satisfaction, the sound of the wrapper being torn open quickly coming from above me.
"Hey Star. Find what you were looking for?" I greet, giving her a suggestive look when she acknowledges me, though it is obvious that she is still distracted.
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I did." She replies, turning to walk away again, silently demanding that I follow her, knowing I can't disobey David's strict rules from before.
"Look! There's Dwayne and David! And Marko and Paul!" Laddie points out after a few minutes of navigating the heaving crowd, gesturing to the right to show us where he means, waving at the coven of vampires as we turn to approach them, my shoulders screaming for relief. Moments later, we break through the people blocking our view of them, greeting the laid-back vampires accordingly.
"Having fun?" Paul questions me in particular, knowing full well I hate having to watch over the irritating half-vampire, his voice teasing as he sends me a pointed look.
"Oh, tonnes." I respond dryly, letting Laddie down as Star climbs onto David's bike with him, wrapping her arms around his waist and looking at me with a small smirk on her face, the gesture inciting a pang of jealousy within me, before she glances off to the side, David following her gaze. Doing the same, I suppress the urge to roll my eyes as I recognise the brunette from earlier, instead focusing on helping Laddie onto Dwayne's motorbike, telling him to hold on tight. In response to this, Laddie smiles at me, Dwayne doing the same as he kicks his bike into gear, thankful that I did the job none of them wanted to do.
"Lets go, boys." David announces, looking at me expectantly, even though the term "boys" does not (necessarily) apply to me.
"I'll catch up." I mutter, before turning away and disappearing into the crowd, aiming for the bar at the edge of the Boardwalk, sighing as I hear the tell tale roaring of the motorcycle engines retreating over the cheerful music lingering in the air.
On my own, I manage to cut a path through the mass of people with decent success, quickly reaching my destination without any difficulty. Pushing open the door, I enter the dusky bar and head over to the counter, signalling for the bartender to take my order. By now, they all know my usual and will just prepare it for me without me having to ask, the tumbler of whiskey swiftly appearing before me, though I stop the blonde girl from leaving as she turns away.
"Leave the bottle, please." I request, pulling out enough money to pay for it from my jacket pocket, handing it to her in exchange for the large bottle of strong whiskey she places on the counter. Thanking her, I swill the liquid in my glass around for a few seconds, taking a drink when I'm satisfied with it, relishing in the burn that accompanies the flow of alcohol down my throat - none of them question my age anymore, not after the boys had a word with them.
I repeat this motion until the glass is empty, choosing to focus on that rather than the reality I face when I get home, back to the boys and their new half-vampire "friends". It shouldn't bother me, I know they all care for me and do their best to show me this, but something about Star and Laddie's sudden entrance to our way of life seems to make them forget this, most of my old friends' attention now lingering on them, rather than on me, like it used to. A bitter chuckle leaves me inadvertently as I think this, mentally calling myself selfish and pushing that last part down into the depths of my mind, knowing that I've had my fair share of attention from them in the past four or five years. I slam the glass on the table as the last of the amber liquid runs down my throat, shaking my head to snap myself out of my thoughts before heaving myself to my feet and walking out, taking the bottle of whiskey with me.
Upon leaving, I swiftly find my bike on the near-deserted Boardwalk, climbing onto it, only to take a moment to take a drink from the bottle in my hand, wincing as the strong alcohol burns its way down into my stomach. As I lower it, I notice a familiar brunette walking over to me, a curious expression on his face as he watches mine become one of confusion; it's not often that an interest of Star's wants to speak with me.
"Hey, can I help you?" I greet him as he finally arrives, looking him up and down a little to gauge his motive for approaching me.
"Err, yeah, I was just wondering where your friend is." The guy explains to me, frowning when I forget to disguise my eyeroll.
"Star? She isn't my friend." I correct him, not too willing to go into specifics with him.
"Star, huh? Nice name." He murmurs, almost to himself as if I'm not right there.
"If you like that kinda thing." I shrug dismissively, taking another drink from the bottle before offering it to him, giving him a small smirk when he accepts.
"Thanks," He says, returning the bottle to me as he continues, "You two aren't friends? You seemed pretty close earlier. You, her and those weird guys."
"Weird guys? Don't say that to their faces." I chuckle, grinning widely at him as he laughs in response, "I'm not close with Star, but the guys are my family, so I guess we're pretty close."
"Family? Like brothers or something?"
"Family in the non-biological sense of the word. They helped me through some tough times." I affirm, once again trying to avoid telling him the truth.
"Right. Well, do you know where they went?" The brunette questions me again, giving me another hopeful look.
"No, they never tell me anything anymore." I reply bitterly, even if the words are only half true, drinking again despite having to drive in a few minutes. What's life without a little risk, eh?
"I thought you said they were like your family?" He frowns at me again, believing that I'm holding something from him, which is entirely true.
"Yeah, but not even a family is completely truthful with one another." I remind him, deciding a stronger warning is needed, "Take it from me, of all the people you can hang with in this town, they should not be your first choice."
Yet more confusion etches itself onto his face at my words, going to say something before I cut him off.
"What's your name, by the way? I can pass it on to Star if I see her again tonight." I promise, though it is likely they will see each other again tomorrow, so there's not much point on my behalf.
"Oh, I'm Michael, or Mike for short." He informs me, smiling again as I reach out to shake his hand.
"Nice to meet you, Mike. I'm (Y/n)."
"Nice talking to you, (Y/n). Thanks for the advice."
"No problem." I laugh, looking at my watch briefly as I try to figure out the time, "Damn, I'd better get going, or the boys'll have my ass for breakfast."
Amused by my "figure of speech", Michael quickly says his goodbyes as I kick the bike into life, relishing in the feeling of the engine purring beneath me. Stashing the bottle in the compartment under the seat, I rev the motorcycle a little before applying he throttle, a delirious whoop of exhilaration escaping me as I charge off the Boardwalk and onto the most direct road to Hudson's Bluff, ignoring the angry protests of the civilians around me, concentrating on getting myself home instead.
Part Two
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thealternateuniverse · 5 years ago
Please let me know if you wanted to be tagged 😊
Summary: Where Colson meets the girl in a strip club and kept thinking of her the whole time. 
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Vegas has the best strip clubs. Dang the girls here are hot. Like with this one and Colson has been staring at her while she perform. He couldn't take his eyes off her.
"What's your name baby?"
Aww what a vixen. She stood out among all the strippers here, and she's the star stripper for tonight.
"Candy."  That's her stripper name but he wanted to know her real name. "Well I'm curious how sweet you taste Candy, wanna have fun tonight?" Candy leaned down in front of him, both hands on his lap.
"Oh? But aren't you a community dick?" His friends 'oohed' by Candy's remark. He felt himself blush too because he was never sacked like what this girl did.
"Sorry Mr. Hotshot, got better dicks to pull." The woman blew him a flying kiss and a wink leaving him agape.
"Yo! What the fuck! Kells you alright?" Slim slapped his shoulders then the gang started laughing again.
That was so mean, shouldn't be strippers throwing their selves to the famous? Then what the hell was that?
Shaking his head and shrug off what happened, Kells looked around to see if there's someone who can give him a lap dance or something to forget that Candy girl.
But he couldn't, so he brought a girl in their hotel and fuck her senseless thinking she is Candy.
The gang just got back to L.A when Colson recieved a call saying he's been invited to Paris fashion week. Even though he barely rested he flew to Paris for the said event, heck he still have hangover.
Some of the guests are A-list celebrities and he feels a bit out of place he thank gods when Douglas is also here too.
"Dude, this is overwhelming." Douglas is pacing back and forth in their dressing room while he's pulling up his tight leather pants.
"Yeah, to think you have to wear this expensive clothing."
Kells is still trying to zip up his pants and when he did he groaned because his bulge is too obvious, for sure everyone in the net will be feasting his package later when their photos will come out.
"Can we fast forward and go to the after party already?"
Kells grinned. "Hell yeah." Kells loves party and he will party hard later and weed of course, he haven't smoked a blunt since he got here.
Douglas and him went to the event running late, they were mob by paparazzis before peacefully entering the venue.
"Now showtime."
They were seated not too far from T-stage and can clearly see the models. Kells started get bored so he scrolled in instagram looking from time to time to the show.
He almost drop his phone when he saw a familiar looking woman walking down the runway.
He even blink his eyes to check of he is not hallucinating.
"Holy Shit. I didn't take any drugs or weed am I?" His mouth in agape while his sight followed a certain someone walking in the damn catwalk. It's Candy.
The stripper from Vegas, the only difference is this one is a brunette Candy was blonde.
Impossible. He shook his head, maybe he was just hallucinating or hangover. Damn that woman, can't get off his mind, he needs a fuck later.
Suddenly he is interested in the show. He waited until the final walk and all models are on stage.
His gaze landed on Candy, and never look anywhere.
"I see you are already interested at someone." Douglas nudged him but his sight never left Candy.
"That's Nicole Mckagan." He look at Douglas this time, brows furrowing.
"She's related to Duff Mckagan?"
She is related to Duff Mckagan, indeed she is.
"Yep. She's the third daughter, she's his wife's niece but the couple adopted her."  No wonder this one has the Susan Holmes edge.
But he could be wrong, this couldn't be her. She is known in the industry and why would she be a stripper?
The show was a blast and everyone hugged together backstage after the show. Nicole was overwhelmed by the success and also being part of it.
This was one of her dream, to walk in Paris fashion show though runways aren't new to her anymore. She only wish Mae was with her but her sister is also somewhere doing a show, they are kicking ass in fashion and their parents couldn't be more proud.
"What are we waiting for? Let's get the party started!"
Everyone changed to their after party outfits, Nicole changed into her body con dress pairing it with a high thigh boots and a faux fur.
It was all flashing of lights and shouts from paparazzis when they one by one left the venue. Famous models were mobbed by pops and some A-list celebs.
She turned when she heard that familiar voice. It's none other than her sister/cousin Grace. The eldest among them.
"Grace." Grace Mckagan ran to her and embraced her in a bear hug. Because of her heels Grace looked even smaller. They are all gracefully tall but Grace is the shortest of the three. "Can't believe you flew to Paris." She kisses her sister's cheek.
"Well mom and dad went to NYC for Mae so I came to Paris for you."
Their parents are supportive and never misses when it comes to their big shows so someone must come to watch.
"I love you, now why don't you come to the after party with me?"
They went to Nicole's car waiting. "Yes please. You're killing that faux fur though."
They both giggled. The two catch up while in the car. Grace had been busy with her gigs, she's the only one who pursued music in the family. Mae is good with music too but it is not just her path of career.
Even though they aren't her real parents she is thankful for them for bringing her into their life. She couldn't remember her real parents, because they died in a car crash when she was just a baby and the Mckagans adopted her. Her mom now (Susan) was her aunt biologically but since they adopted her she considers her as her real mom same with Duff.
They arrived at the party and everyone turned their direction to them. They are quiet known but not that famous so its no surprise when there are head turning sometimes.
"Oh my gosh Graceyy!" Taylor, Nicole's friend ran to Grace to hug her.
"Tay!" Taylor is a Victoria Secret Angel and a humble person who really worked their way to the top.
"What's up Tay, nice show by the way." Grace kissed Taylor,  Taylor rolled her eyes. "Well yeah but RIP to my feet. These heels are killing me. C'mon girls let's enjoy the part."
The place is crowded but not in a suffocating way.
"You go girls I'll just go to the washroom."
Taylor and Grace went to their fun while she went to the long line of bathroom.
She is rummaging through her purse when she bump into someone really tall.
"I'm sorry I wasn't look---"
"It's alright Candy."
She stopped in her tracks and look up to see the person she bumped with.
Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
"Fancy seeing you here eh?"
He knew her. He recognized her. The person she avoided to see ever again.
"Come on forgot me already?"
A smirk formed in his lips. She dreaded this day that they will meet each other again after that stupid dare in sin city.
They were having fun that time in Vegas, she lost in a game and stripping was one of the consequences it was just unfortunate that she encountered Machine Gun Kelly and they meet again today and for sure he already found out who she is. She will be in doom.
"I'm----I--I----fuck damn it."  
Nicole pulled him out of that place and they went somewhere less crowded. She lets go of his hand and face him.
"O-okay first, forget that it happened and I wasn't the person you  met that time. It was------ god just forget it."
Kells smiled. He don't know but he find the situation amusing.
He just wanted to know her and fuck her but Nicole Mckagan is something else. Why was she in that strip club by the way?
"Well Candy---"
"And don't call me that." Nicole cut him off. He grins.
"Okay but Candy, you know I'm not the type of person who forgets easily. Especially when they blackballed me."
Candy--Nicole's jaw dropped again for the second time.
"Please just forget it and---and don't tell anyone."
He isn't like that but he could use it as an advantage in the situation.
Nicole's eyes lit up. "But one date."
She look at him unbelievably.
"I'm sorry what?"
Kells is grinning at her again.
"One date. Tomorrow before I leave Paris."
Even if this fashion week will be over, she doesn't know whe he will be over, at some point they will meet or bump each other again in L.A.
So for the sake of her dignity.....
"Fine, one date. Tomorrow."
Kells gave her a triumphant smile.
"I'll pick you up at 10. Enjoy your night Candy."
He leaned to give her a peck almost kissing her on the lips.
What did herself got into?
Nicole woke up at 9:30 with a slight hangover. She didn't drink much last night because her thoughts were running about MGK and their date. Which is today. God why did she agreed when she saw how he was with the girls last night.
"Jesus its 9 go back to sleep Nics."
Grace said in groggy voice. She was the one who had really fun last night.
"God. I hate you, now I have to deal with him because of that stupid dare."
She got off from their bed and went to the bathroom. She took a bath and brush her teeth and Grace went inside while she is doing her make up.
"Oh my god. Nicky! It's destiny!" Grace gush while leaning on the door frame.
"It's a nightmare. It was embarrassing...." It was really embarrassing. They met in an odd circumstances if things were different...what? He won't even noticed me Nicole thought, but she shrugs it off.
"It's okay to date Nics after that dick ex of yours."
That's one of the reasons why they were in Vegas. To have fun after her break up.
She changed into one of her turtle necks, a pair of high waist jean and a pair of high heeled boots.
Nicole is doing her hair when there's a knock on their hotel door.
It must be him. She suddenly felt nervous. Relax it's just a fucking date. She convinced herself. Grace open the door for her her sister hasn't even fix herself.
"Oh, I do really believe in destiny." Meanwhile Kells was furrowing her brows when someone opened the door for him instead of Cand--- Nicole.
"Go back to bed Gracey. I'll be back later bye."
She kissed the other girl's cheek before closing the hotel room's door that makes the two of them in the hallway.
"Uh sorry about my sister. She's just hangover."
He checked her out first before responsing. The girl is simple yet elegant and Colson can't help but smile. "No it's okay. Come on."
He made sure not to drink too much last night so he that he isn't hangover for their date. He also have his polaroid camera with him, just to take photos and remember this day in Paris with her.
They had their brunch in a French restaurant near the hotel and to be honest she had no idea where he is taking her.
The two talked about what they did last night, all about the fashion week while listening intently to each other.
"I really thought you were a stripper. Turns out your a model, imagine my shock when I saw you walked on that runway.But if you are a stripper I don't mind its much better." Nicole giggled at Colson. He is a funny guy and a dork. And she didn't label her as Duff Mckagan's daughter, back in high school she was just befriended because she is the daughter of Guns n Roses bassist.
"Well Mr. MGK I believe women should be mysterious."
Colson cringed when she called him MGK. "Dude, call me Colson or kells. And yeah I like mysterious ones especially when they left you blackballed." Nicole blushed, she never thought that he finds her sexy.
"Why are you so after me."
She asked. She's just curious why someone like him (who have girls throwing themselves at him) is interested to an average model like her? Well he's famous, he is good looking and sexy. He is funny too.
"Why not? I like you." He answered in a casual way. Another blush crept to Nicole's cheeks.
"Well...whatever Colson."
She can't help but grin. After their brunch he brought her to Seine taking a boat cruise and having a view of Eiffel tower.
After the cruise they went biking around the Eiffel. They laugh the whole time because they are too tall for the bike especially Colson.
"Yeah, run along chicken legs." She stuck her tongue out at him. Colson is behind her trying to fit himself in the goddamn bike.
"Hey Candy look!" She stop to look back at him. He's holding a polaroid and looks like he's taking a photo of her.
"Hey! I wasn't prepared!" She protested, probably he took the shot where she looked like she is lost in Paris.
"Nice try Candy! Hahahaha." And she was right. Her mouth was open and her brows are furrowed, looking like a lost tourist.
"God I hate you."
Colson keep taking candid shots when she isn't looking. Nicole cursed out, why didn't she brought her camera?
She could take a lot of pictures here, the view is just aesthetic.
"Why don't we do something crazy and stupid?" Colson suggested. That's the last thing she wanted to do. The last time she did it in Vegas it led up to her meeting him.
"Like what?"
And seems like the heaven is listening to him when the rain pours.
"Oh my god!" She held his arm and they both started to run.
"Wait!" Colson halted causing her to stop running to.
"We're wet already why don't we just have fun?"
Nicole look at him like he is crazy but fuck it. They are wet already might as well enjoy the rain.
The two of them soaked in the cold rain of Paris, dancing and playing like children. Nicole never felt this childlike again. Passersby are looking at them like they gone crazy, but this is fun especially when you have someone fun too.
Nicole won't forget this very moment, under the rain with a guy in a leather trench coat, leather pants and a boots.
It was dusk already and they are already dry. The two of them watching the sunset.
"You're fun for a rapper you know."
"And you're fun to be a stripper." Nicole threw her the nerds they are eating.
"Well today was epic. Thank you though." Colson's gaze landed on hers and smiled.
"Nah, I should thank you. Not gonna regret saying yes to the date."
It was her turn to smile at him.
"Why were you at that strip club though?" Her smile twitched and she looks back to the sun setting.
"It was just a stupid dare of my friends. I lost a bet and then I became a stripper with a name of Candy." The dare was just to dance. She was just being reckless to entertain him during that time.
"Oh, well you nailed it." She is flattered by his compliment.
"You're really nice Nicole Mckagan and I'm looking forward to knowing you more."
Her heart raced, she stare into his blue orbs and captivated by its color. She never thought he could be this beautiful and captivating. His eyes never left hers when he lean forward, forehead to forehead and nose touching.
Nicole licked her lips and Colson's eyes landed on itss lusciousness.
She closed her eyes when he moved closer and closer but interrupted when his phone rings.
Colson muttered a curse before leaning away amd answered the phone.
"Sorry about that, its my manager. It's our flight."
Nicole nodded. Of course, he is going back to L.A. She don't know but she is saddened by the thought.
"Well I should bring you back to your hotel though." She nodded again. They made their way back to her hotel but her mind is still stuck of what happened. Were they going to kiss?
If they weren't interrupted maybe? God what was she thinking. You couldn't like a person you just met right? Plus she doesn't even know if he is serious. He said he likes her, he didn't specify if as a friend or what. Maybe she was just his distraction while he's here or he is just bored and took advantage of the situation.
"So I guess this is you." She was deep in her thoughts she didn't realize they are already in her hotel room.
"Thank you, for today."
Colson smiled and went to hug her.
"And for keeping our little secret." He giggled while she blush. "I believe in the saying, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."
And today, what happens in Paris stays in Paris.
"Nice to meet you Nicole. See you when I see you."
Nicole smiled. She's a bit sad but she know that they will meet again someday.
"Thank you Colson. Bye have a safe flight." She was hesitant to do this but anyway she tiptoed and gave him a peck on the cheek.
She didn't wait for his reaction and went inside her room leaning on the door while her heart race. She stood there for a minute before realizing she forgot something. She didn't have his number.
She opened her door again hoping he's still there but no. He already left.
With a heavy heart she laid down on her bed thinking about how this trip to Paris went.
Her phone vibrated in her pocket, a piece of paper fell from the pocket of her jeans when she fished out her phone.
Just in case you forgot Candy
Nicole can't help but smile. He's cute, what a sneaky bastard.
She opened her phone and her notifications are blowing up.
She opened the one from TMZ and her eyes widened when she saw their photo from last night. When he and Colson are talking and the one where he kissed her.
Oh god. Duff Mckagan will lit her ass.
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amenomiko · 5 years ago
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Thank you for the request!
So SORRY for the LONG WAIT. It took me a while to choose (because for this kind of thing, all 10 warlords is too much and there's no specific warlords chosen I will follow the rules in "RULES OF REQUEST" as for me to choose the warlords for this storyline ya)
I find these requests are almost the same and so I will make it into one story then ❤.
So.... Jealous Warlords ( ͡^ ͜ʖ ͡^)~~
I will make it for Nobunaga, Hideyoshi, Masamune, Ieyasu and Shingen aye ❤ (Other Kasugayama Lords to jealousy is too predictable, that is why I only choose this Sweet Tooth Daddy Charming-- 🤣)
"She never blush and laugh shyly that way towards me." He thought to himself as he stand not too far from MC who is talking to one of the barbarians that visits the town of Azuchi that day.
She turned and her laugh change into a smile as she waved at him, but to only get a cold respond from him instead. He had turned his back to MC, and return back to the castle even when MC is calling for his name.
She followed him after excusing herself from the foreigner, and managed to clench on his haori.
"Nobunaga..! Didn't you see me at the town just now-"
"It must be nice, isn't it. Looks like you can use some of your future knowledge just now."
She tilted her head in confusion. "Huh? What do you me-"
"I'm saying it's nice you could speak fluently to that barbarian." He scoffed.
She frowned. "I didn't even know English that much.." She mumbled. Her eyes peek to Nobunaga who still refuse to look at her. Then after a few seconds, she got the idea.
"Honey... Perhaps.. Are you jealous?"
"...What if I am? I don't care if you wanted to laugh at me, because I bet the way you laugh with that man just now enough to make you happier--"
"Well of course, he complimented that I look beautiful like a princess and he won't be surprised if the well known Oda Nobunaga fell in love with me."
He froze. "I-is that so..?" He slowly peered at her from his shoulder.
She nodded with a smile. "...and I smile shyly because.. What he said is true." She lean to the side playfully as she added, "And to add more to it, I'm even married to that so-called well known Oda Nobunaga."
He pursed his lips into a pout. His childish side came out over a small thing.
"I will go now." She gave a last check on her hair before sliding the door.
"You went out quite often lately. Any occassion?"
He noticed that her orbs avoided his gaze. Again. That happens frequently these days and he can feel somewhat.. Uneasy.
"Uhm.. Yeah. Seamstress commissions you see- so.." She nodded, moving backwards and out from the room. "See you later..!"
"Wh-wait..! MC!" Before he could reach for her hand, she's already away from the place he were standing at.
"Don't you want to run after her?" A familiar, sneaky voice echoed behind him. It was Mitsuhide. Before he could retort, the fox continued, "I saw her with a man lately. They were quite.. close."
"What are you trying to say? MC is cheating on me??" He grit his teeth. "Watch your words Mitsuhide!"
The white haired man shrugged. "Well, before it's too late. I can't blame her. You are too busy lately." He chuckled, walk away from another of Hideyoshi's fuming of anger.
"...She wouldn't.. Right?" He whispered to himself. Yes, like it or not, what Mitsuhide had been saying were true after all. He is busy these days and the only time he spend with MC is nothing but sleeping on the same futon every night after those tiring mundane days.
He shifted in his sit. Many times. He is uneasy with this disturbing thoughts. Eventually he rose on his feet, as it brings him out from his room.
He excuses himself to rush among the crowds as he search for MC along her usual fabric shop. Then when he caught a glimpse of her, he let out a sigh of relief, but it completely turn into a choke in his throat when he saw a guy in front of her, patting on her head.
MC..? Instead of feeling shy, she is all happy and giddy in that man's touch.
Hideyoshi clench his fists as he sprint towards her, pulling her by her wrist. "H-Honey?? W-wait..!" She tried to push his tight grip away but failed as he leads her to the small alleys.
"Hideyoshi- Honey, what's wrong? I thought you will have to attend war council soo-""I know.""Huh? T-then why-"
He turn to face her, his face is between an anger and sadness at the same time. "...I know I've been busy, MC. Why..? Are you tired of me? Because I didn't spend time with you?"
She blinked. Once. Twice. "What are you saying..?"
"That man.. Just now. The one that pat on your head, lovingly. Other than me-" He mumbled the last part. "Am I not good enough?"
She blend it all in. Then she snorted when she understand the whole situation. "M-MC? Why are you laughing?? I'm serious here..!"
"Pffftt.. I'm sorry..! Aww Honey..! You are so adorable I can't help myself." She pinch her arms, holding back herself from laughing some more. "Silly..! He is just one of my clients. I bet you didn't look at him properly just now. He may seem tall and handsome but he is an OLD MAN!"
"Wha?" He is dumbfounded from her explanation. "Then-"
"He would always pat my head because he think of me of his own daughter. Well, his house is full of sons and he had no daughter, so yeah..!"
"....Oh." He blushed. "B-but then why did you avoid my gaze just now..? No, not only just now, almost recently you've been doing that..!"
Now it's her turn to blush. "Uhm.. That's because.. Even though you are so busy lately, you seem to be so charming despite being tired and all. Sooo~ you can say I'm holding myself back from kissing you. Or else.. You know.." She pursed her lips.
He is a blushing mess when she said that. He covered it with a cough and mumbles "Good news though, my works had finished actually and we can- it's been a while."
She giggled and tip toed to kiss him on his nose.
"Did I ever feel jealous, you say? Why MC, are you testing my level of trust and confidence?" He smirked at her.
"I'm just asking, silly. Because you are always confident and knowing you, you won't let those feelings take over right?"
"You bet I am. I'm confident I'm not one of those who will get jealous easily. Heh." He shrugged as he continue to stir the soup in the pot. "So..? Other than missing me aren't you supposed to go anywhere?" He pointed at the parcel in her hand.
"Oops! That's right..! There's customer waiting for me in town..! Okay I will go now! See you later Masamune..!"
"Uh? Wait- where's my goodbye kiss?"
"Oh please, it's just the town." She giggled and waved as she continue to run.
"...'Masamune' she said.. I'm her husband tho. Where's my usual sweetly "Anata" goes to?" He pouted and chuckle to himself. "Looks like that customer of hers is more important huh-" He pauses. "Pffft. That's not jealousy right?" He snorted. "Hahahaha nope, nope. I'm the most handsome warlord who could ever make her blush other than me-" He's about to grab the salt next to the pot, only to find it empty.
"...Tch. Of all time.." He look down at Shogetsu. "Could you look after the pot?"
Hideyoshi who coincidentally passed by the kitchen and had listened to his short conversation with Shogetsu gave him the "look". "Masamune. Let me look after it instead. But you know you can always ask the maid for it right?"
"Nah I think I'm going to go on my own. I realized some ingredients for our dessert tonight has finished too. Thanks Hideyoshi!" He run and rush to the town before Hideyoshi could nag him with "Don't run in the hallways!"
As he was shopping for the ingredients, he came across MC. He grinned, planning to surprise her from behind until he found her smiling towards something.
He followed her eyes, and his eye widen to a man, around his age, has been waving at her from afar. Masamune didn't know why but he can feel a pang in his chest. "...Hey. What are you looking at?"
He squeezed her shoulders. "What we have here. You seriously want to make me feel jealous?" He narrowed his eye at her. It looks normal to others but to MC, there's anger in his blue orb.
"Honey, he is not waving at me..!"
"Then what are you smiling at..?"
She pointed to that previous man who were holding his son's hands together with his wife. "You see.. I'm just thinking if one day we could be.. You know, like that?" She smiled sheepishly. "..I can't wait. Don't you think so too, Anata?"
BOOOOOM! His heart explodes.
It was when she realizes her feelings for him. He knew, yet he choose to push her away.
It was a bad choice for him. He regrets it.
He find it irritating when she is spending time with other warlords, except him, because she knew and he knew the chances of any possible confessions will not succeed for sure. So it's like a silent, mutual agreement and self understanding that it's better to stay away from one another. Still....
"I love you..! Princess..!"
He froze in his tracks to the conversation not too far from the place he were standing.
"I- I know I'm just a mere vassal, but my feelings for you is true..! I will try my best to get to the top, so that you will be happy..!" The young lad blushed as he clasped her hands in his.
He is seething. His breathing is heavy. Heavy with anger. It's annoying. To the way that man hold her delicate hands. It's irritating for the way she blushed towards him. It's disturbing.... For the anger in his heart.
Don't touch her..! Don't touch her...! The voice in his mind echoed within him and
"Don't TOUCH her..!" His abrupt voice startled them both.
"I-Ieyasu..? / Ieyasu-sama..!"
Before MC could say anything, her head is already buried into his chest as he glared at the vassal. "She's already belong to someone else. Are you blind?!" He harshly pulled her hand, bringing her to his chamber.
"Ieyasu..? Ieyasu- it hurts-..! Kya..!"
He pushed her onto the futon, caging her body with his arms. "Ieyasu.." She continued, "I thought we have a mutual understanding and even though we didn't say it, I'm sure you know that I- mmf..!"
He kissed her, deeply into her lips. She had pushed him many times, but each push will be returned by another kiss. And another then another, until she slowly gives in and they immediately took each other's yukata off roughly.
He is matured. Jealousy is not in his dictionary of life. That's what he thought.
She won't blush giddily like the other women he have met throughout his life, and she won't give in easily either. Pick-up lines of flirtations never work on her. She rarely blush to his sweet words.
Playing hard to get, it seems. But hey, they have tied the knot anyway. Since they are married, she is fully his and he is sure that jealousy won't ever happen and will never happen to him. Well of course, MC won't fall into sweet words from others so the case of her talking lovingly to another man (when they flirt with her) is low obviously.
"You are really beautiful, Miss. You are like an angel, kind and pretty. I guess if you smile, a withered flower will bloom right away."
"Awwww~~~~ ❤❤❤❤❤❤~~!!"
Did she just- "Awwww"-ed to a little boy's simple, innocent talk??
"....That's.. Unfair. MC." He mumbled to himself, enough to make MC hear it.
"Oh come on, Anata. It's just a little boy. Unlike adults, children's words are pure and sincere ❤!"
"...Are you saying I'm not pure?"
"..Your mind maybe?"
Shingen had refused to eat dinner and sweets that day.
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lotuspiertorturedungeon · 2 years ago
#also can i just say it has a narrative and cultural purpose it's signalling within the story and it's not that he especially likes hats#like there are different tropes I've been learning as i watch more period C and K dramas#so it's kind of like people looking at Huaisang with a fan and not liking martial arts and say that he's intentionally coded ad feminine#whereas I've gleaned from context and awesome meta in the fandom that it's actually that he's SCHOLAR-coded#it's a man's fan and his style amd interests align him very strongly with that#I'm not expecting people to automatically know this (and I'm definitely not claiming to know much either)#but let's try to avoid pointing and laughing at things we aren't familiar with eh?#the hat has to do with station and servileness and belonging and his acceptance into the Jin and all the complications that come with it
The hat looks a little funny the first time you encounter it, the same way bicorns do. But if you watch enough of these shows or look at enough old artwork they start to just look like "hat that comes with particular setting." It is sillier when only one person is wearing one but Idk they're not any weirder than western historical hats...
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