#but leather and fabric and foam want the low low heat like. just melting the glue heat
oneknightlight · 1 year
Something I didn’t actually realize until I was making Hita’s bracers in October (and probably is why they’re my first hot-glue fueled project that stuck together) is that apparently for really sturdy hot glue’s, like gorilla brand stuff, there is actually certain heat settings you’re supposed to administer for it to stick correctly to different substances. Like fabric and foam required low heat only.
And it was the first time I’d made armor with hot glue and had it actually bond, I’d say almost permanently. I could rip it apart if I was really fucking trying, but it’s impossible to get apart unless you’re trying on purpose to break them.
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timeforelfnonsense · 4 years
His Hero
Criella x Wyll (ft. a little Dafni x Astarion) || M || Ao3 ||  Ko-fi ||  Let me write you a story? || Want to know what Dafni & Astarion got up to?
Criella looked absolutely radiant. Her long straight lilac hair hung loose and lovely down the long line of her back. Her spiraling, rosewood colored horns dressed in chains of silver and charms of luminous crystal. Her slender arms were free of their normal leather coverings revealing a tattoo of elegantly scrawled infernal that pulsed with arcane iridescence. 
A fitting descriptor.
As striking as she was it wasn’t her beauty alone that drew him to her. Rather it was the cocktail of boldness and brilliance she had exhibited in their short acquaintance. Her mind was sharp and quick to collaborate. In the heat of battle, her voice never wavered. He had watched in awe as she conjured roaring thunder and icy lighting. Weaving each spell together in a fearsome tempest. Raining down elegant destruction on Ragzlin’s perverse throne room. Ending the leader’s tyrannical grip on the coast with one precise strike of crackling electricity. 
“Enjoying your evening?” She asked, handing him a tankard of honeyed ale.
“There she is- the woman herself.” Let us raise a glass! Wyll chuckled, clicking the edge of his cup with her own goblet of red wine, “To freedom from tyranny! May we hew a path for the downtrodden to travel. To you a legend in the making! And of course to us. May our bond only grow stronger.” 
“Quite the toast.” She stated, casually bringing the silver goblet to her soft, quirked lips, “Are you coming on to me, Wyll?”
Wyll shivered at the feeling of the heart-shaped tip of her tail training up his spine. The curing white lines of her facial tattoos crinkling as she arched an expectant, manicured brow. 
“I hadn’t imagined myself so subtle?” He said, glancing up at her over the foam of his ale. A subtle grin curling across his lips, eyebrows ever so slightly raised, “Or to put it another way: yes.” Criella’s tail wrapped itself loosely around his waist a coy smile of her own working its way across her stunning features. Her silver eyes were nearly opalescent in the warm, gingery fire’s glow. Wyll pressed his lips to the slightly angled shell of her ear, speaking in a voice smooth as silk, “Your heart beats strong, friend. The Blade rarely seeks partnership.”
Criella’s hold on his midsection tightened as the warmth of his breath sent a shiver down her spine. The timbre of his voice felt like a hot beverage on a cool morning. Warming her from the tips of her fingers to the depths of her belly. It had been ages since she’d felt that sort of pull towards another being. Her heart dropped a bit as the memory of standing beside Zoria in a Neverwinter temple entered her mind. She had looked so beautiful, dressed in her gown of chiffon and net. The Ivory fabric standing in perfect contrast with her violet skin. 
Criella had been profoundly hurt when her best friend announced she was not only to be wed to her latest sweetheart but that she’d be leaving Waterdeep with her. It had felt like a betrayal. They had built something special together. Something so unique that Criella had sacrificed her own desires to pursue something deeper to preserve it. And Zoria was going to throw it all away. Yes, she had been mad but that all fell away when she saw the love Zoria had for her bride. She loved Zoria and loving her meant wanting to see her happy even if it was with someone else. The passage of time had softened the sting of losing her. It became easier and easier to write to her in the past few years. She even had begun to enjoy hearing about her wife and the sweet life they had made for themselves in Neverwinter.  
The experience had stung but it had taught her that hiding her feelings away was not necessarily the best course of action. Who could say if things would have worked out differently had she voiced her feelings? Regardless, it was not a mistake she’d be making twice. Wyll was a good man. She admired his tactical mind. His plan to take on the goblins had been clean and clever. He had fought for people whom he had no loyalties or connection to . Not because they had offered him gold or glory, but because they needed help. A fond smile played at her lips as she pictured Wyll with his tiefling charges, so gentle and patient. She’d practically melted on sight when she found him sparing amongst the children. 
Wyll was the sort of man she’d imagined into fairy stories as a brave king or gallant knight. An uncharacteristically wistful sight fell from her lips, causing her baby pink cheeks to grow a deep strawberry. Gods he was handsome! With a strong, noble countenance. Yet, there was a bit of ruggedness to his stubbled jaw that added a certain something to his charms. 
“Are you propositioning me, Blade?” She purred careful not to bump him with her horns as she placed her head on his broad shoulder. 
“If I were?” Wyll asked. 
“I would be incredibly flattered.” she assured, tilting her gaze up at him, “And happily accept.” 
“In that case, I reckon our union might continue to your bunk tonight.” Wyll beamed placing a feather-light kiss on her temple. A low chuckle rumbled in his chest as he added, “ Or I suppose we could just start out here like those two.” Wyll nudged her hip with his own, pointing a discreet finger towards their elven compatriots. 
“Now that is an idea!” Criella laughed. However, her amusement curdled as she watched Dafni’s hand travel ever closer to the front of Astarion’s breeches, “But, I think we’d best spare these poor people another...display.”
“You’re probably right.” He agreed, his hand reaching up to stroke the delicate line of her cheek, “But, I’d like to kiss you. Something to tide me over until the party winds down.” 
Criella lifted her head from his shoulder with an eager look. Wyll took her chin between his sword-calloused fingers, tilting her rosy face toward his lips. The moment their mouths brushed the world spun to a halt. She tasted of cherry wine and rosewater. The tip of her tongue sliding across the inner edge of his lip coaxing a soft gasp forward. Wyll wrapped one hand around her waist, his fingers gently pressing into her hip. The other laced through the waterfall of lavender hair, soft as satin as in his grasp. His heart thumped loudly in his own ears at the feeling of her warm palms sliding against his chest. A dull ache began behind his eye. A flash of bronze hair and moonlight skin tearing through his mind. 
Wyll stumbled back ending the heart-stopping embrace, “Pardon, just a bit woozy…”
“That’s alright. Do you still want to meet later?”
“Definitely.” Wyll nodded twirling a stray lock of hair around his index finger, “I’ll meet you at your bunk when you’re ready. I trust I won’t have to wait long.”
As soon as the party dwindled to its embers, Criella practically skipped back to her tent, a smile fixed on her face. As she pushed the heavy lavender canvas back she took a quick stock of her surroundings. She kept her quarters tidy enough but spick and span did not necessarily correlate with romantic. Perhaps she could light some candles? Criella’s lower lip caught in her sharp teeth. It wasn’t like her to feel like a giddy green lass! She was a woman of confidence and ambition. Her affections had always manifested as quite longings rather than whimsical, girlish fancies. Then again, she’d never been kissed in such a breathtaking manner before.
Criella brushed the tips of her index and middle fingers across the plush flesh of her lips shivering as she felt the ghost of Wyll’s astounding kiss. He tasted of ale and smelled of campfire and sweet earth. Criella had been a firm believer that first kisses were more often than not dreadfully awkward but he had proven her dead wrong. She could have even been coaxed to reconsider her stance on public displays of desire, were it not for the strange sharpness that pried them apart.
She felt a phantom throb behind her eyes. Who was that? She’d caught the glimpse of a face in Wyll’s mind as their thoughts slipped together. Bronze hair glowing in a fiery halo, flawless skin the color of the moonlight, her lips impossibly pink but the finer details of her appearance remained obscured by a fog of uncertainty. After a moment of concentration, she came to the conclusion that It didn’t matter who she was. Criella had never been the jealous sort and she had no intention of starting now. Wyll was a charming, attractive gentleman; she hadn’t deluded herself into thinking his affections had never belonged to another, nor did she mind that they had. What mattered was the here and now. And in the here and now Wyll wanted her. 
With that sorted, she shifted her focus to the matter at hand. She kicked off her boots before peeled away the soft leather of her leggings carefully folding and tucking them away. She loosened the laces of her green blouse allowing it to hand loose and casual from her narrow shoulders. With a stylish flick of her hand, she projected her mirror image. She shifted her weight to her right foot, her hip popping out slightly as her hand came to rest on its peak. 
“You are still glowing from battle. On my honor, you’ve never looked more beautiful.” Wyll’s warm voice filled the tent wrapping around her half-dressed body like a lover’s embrace. He approached her with slow, sure steps but his eyes flickered with a gentle want that set a fire between her thighs. 
Once more, Wyll pulled her close, their lips meeting in a deep sensual kiss. Criella’s palms pressed against his firm chest taking up a handful of his dark cotton shirt as she pulled him closer. His fingers found their way to her hair, his nails skimming lightly across her scalp. Criella cupped his cheek, thumb running along his scarred cheek. 
Wyll winced, pulling back from her kiss once more. Before she could ask what was wrong the needling pain behind her eye retired once more along with the mysterious woman. Her dazzling smile turned razor-sharp. Horns pushed their way through her ginger hair. Her creamy complexion shifting to a steely blue as two great, leather wings spreading out from her proud shoulders. 
A Cambion.
There was no mistaking it. This woman was Wyll’s patron, she was certain. Criella tried to hold her image in her mind, searching for any defining features or giveaways of her nature but Mizora’s wicked grin cut through her thoughts like a knife forcing her to look away. 
“Damnit. Must she ruin everything?” Wyll muttered bringing his palm to his stone eye to rub away the discomfort. “I’m sorry it's not supposed to be this way.”
“That was her, wasn’t it? Mizora.” 
Wyll’s shoulders slumped, hand still guarding his eye, “Yes. Wherever she’s gone she still haunts me. A ghost in all but name. Sometimes I swear I can smell her- sulfur and orchids. Stops my heart just to think of it. I thought I could forget Mizora. Just for one night. Gods, how wrong I was. “
Criella’s lips turned up into a soft smile as she pulled Wyll’s guardian palm from his face. Her voice was warm and sure as she spoke, “I understand Wyll, as well as I am able at least. Why don’t you spend the night beside me? No sex just sharing each other's company, hm?”
“I’d like that.”
Criella guided him down to her woolen bedroll by the arm. Wyll’s head came to read against her chest as she gently rubbed the tension from his strong, reliable shoulders. He let out a sigh as her nimble fingers worked at a perpetually tight spot near his collarbone. 
“I’d forgotten what it’s like to feel safe.” He confessed, warm whisky brown eyes meeting her’s. “I’m used to being the hero. Not so used to needing one.”
“It must be hard,” She mused in a musical tone, hands still working the stubborn muscle, Looking out for everyone else all the time. Devoting yourself to helping others. That’s a heavy burden for one man to carry. You are allowed to have a few moments for yourself. Besides, you’ll always be a hero to me, Wyll.”
“It means so much to hear those words from you.” He sighed, warping his hand gently around her wrist, I wish I could give you something more in return. My flesh at least. Something deeper were you to ask it. But only a free man can give himself fully. Until my pact is broken... I’m never free.”
“You will be rid of her one day. Sooner than you might think too.” She winked, tossing her loose hair with a flick of her tail, “You have my aid now after all! I’m somewhat of an expert on the Hells, Cania in particular, but I have a fair knowledge of the other eight as well. I’m no stranger to the politics and schemes of devils and there is nothing I can’t do once my mind is set to it. “
Wyll pressed his lips in a soft kiss to the sensitive skin on her inner wrist before pressing her palm to his steadily beating heart. “You are a blessing, Wit.” 
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lolainblue · 7 years
Thunderbirds   Chapter 22
t/w: referenced drug use
   The next morning I made sure Jane had all the passes and directions she needed before heading out to the venue.  We had interviews and a photo session and of course sound check so there were several hours of busy that there was no need for Jane to be hanging around for when I knew damn well she could use some more sleep. I hadn't forgotten how tired she had looked yesterday when I first got to the hotel.  I just wished I could be there in bed with her.
   I thought about warning Jared that Jane was coming. I almost did several times.  But I figured the closer to time to go on stage he found out, the less time he'd have to have a tantrum before he had to get over it. The more warning he had before Jane showed up the more time he had to work himself into a state.
  Finally, Jane called me letting me know she was almost at the security check point and would be back to us momentarily.  Tomo had apparently spilled the beans to Matt the night before and now both of them had been following me around all day waiting for Jane to show up.  So of course when I slipped away to go meet Jane they were both fast on my heels.
  “Don't you assholes have something better to do?” I asked them jokingly as they trailed after me.  
  “Something better to do than meet the girl that has Jared foaming at the mouth and you sneaking around like the world's horniest secret agent?” Tomo said. “Not a fucking chance.”
   Matt suddenly stopped in his tracks.  “Holy fuck.”
   Tomo gave a low whistle.  “Hell, I'd let Jared yell at me for three days straight too if I got to hit that when he was done.”
   It took me a minute to register that the girl waving our direction from the security checkpoint was Jane.  I hadn't expected the stylish but conservative Jane from the book signing, or elegant and stunning Jane from last night, but maybe something more along the lines of blue jeans and curls Janey from my memory.  I certainly wasn't prepared for the Jane that was walking toward me now, blonde hair all shiny and loose like a shampoo commercial, sunglasses, what looked like a striped barely-there bikini top, black leather shorts that I wasn't sure actually contained enough fabric to be legal and boots that went up over her knees. I was quickly realizing somewhere along the line Jane not only gotten a whole lot more comfortable with her body but had learned to dress for the occasion, and it didn't matter if it was public radio interview or a music festival/'I'm with the band” look, she was going to knock it out of the park.  I was torn between wanting to pin her against something while I shoved my tongue down her throat and throwing my shirt over her to cover her up.  Matt and Tomo weren't as conflicted.
   “You must be Jane,” Tomo said, eagerly stepping in front of me.  Jane just flashed him a gigantic smile and gave him a hug.  
  “Yes,” she said as she released him, “And you're Tomo right?” He nodded. “And you're Matt?” she added, turning to him to give him a big hug too.  Great.  Everyone was hugging.  I just wanted them off her. I was definitely starting to lean more towards the throwing-my-shirt-over-her camp when she finally turned to me, that smile getting even wider.  “Hey I know you,” she purred seductively, slipping her arms around my neck.  I let my hands fall across her hips as she melted into me, my tongue getting to invade her after all.  I was lost in the soft heat of her when I heard Jared behind me.  
   “Hey I thought we agreed no random chicks back here,” he said, sounding annoyed.  He was about to be a lot more annoyed.
   Jane didn't even look up, barely even lifted her mouth away from mine. “Hi, Jared.  Nice to see you too.”
  Well, here we go.  I gave her one last kiss while I braced myself for the meltdown I was sure was coming.
  “What. The. Fuck.”  I didn't turn around, just kept my face pressed against Jane's while I waited to see how bad this was going to be. “Seriously Shannon, what the fuck? What is she doing here?”
   I let Jane go and turned to face Jared who was standing next to me, jaw like iron.  “She's here because I want her here. I asked her to come.”
    “Of course you fucking did.  You have no sense at all when it comes to her.” He turned to Jane.  “And what do you think your fiance would think about this? He cool with you running around half naked and climbing all over other men? Or is it just tit for tat since I'm sure he's got a line of women just waiting for you to turn your back like you have been on that tour.”
   I was expecting a fiery response but Jane just tossed her hair and gave him a withering look.  “You really want to start down this road Leto? I don't know what your problem is with me but...”
   “I just can't figure out your endgame here,” Jared said, cutting her off.  “The fancy millionaire husband explains itself.  But why are you fucking around with my brother? What does sneaking around with the drummer of a moderately successful band get you exactly?”
   Jane clenched her teeth.  “I don't have an endgame.  I'm not a damn Bond villain. If I'm with Shannon it's because I want to be with Shannon. My relationship with Angus is complicated but frankly, none of your damn business.”
   I was surprised.  It was more of an explanation than I thought he deserved under the circumstances.  Of course, Jared wasn't nearly done yet.
  “There's nothing complicated about your little arrangement, it's the oldest story in the damn book, Jane.”  His tone was just as clipped and harsh.  “And yes, if it involves my brother then it is my business.”
   “You don't know Jack Shit about my story and stop pretending otherwise.” I could hear the waver in Jane's voice as she fought to stay composed.  I wanted to step in between them and stop this but to be honest, I was still confused as to what the hell this even was.  I wasn't sure Jane knew either.  It was like there was a one-sided war going on in Jared's head and he was just dragging us all along for the fight.  
    “I don't give a god damn about your story. What I care about is the mess I'm going to have to clean up when you leave again.  And let's be honest here, you're going to leave.  It's what you do, after all.” Jared was inches from her now, giving her that unblinking stare he reserved for when he was truly pissed off.  I had to say something.
   “No one is asking you to clean anything up.  I can make my own decisions and take care of myself here.  Just mind your own damn business this time Jay.”
  Jared flashed me an angry look but immediately turned back to Jane.  “Boy, you've really got him snowed this time, don't you. He has no idea what a nasty piece of work you are.  Don't you dare think I'm going to turn my back on you.  Not for one damn minute.”
   “I'm the 'nasty piece of work'? Really? You're the one that's causing all the drama here.  I haven't done shit to you.” Jane didn't back down one bit, just stood staring him right back.
  “Jared, come on,” I began.  “There's no reason for you to be acting like this.”    
   He kept his gaze fixed on Jane for a minute before responding. “Fine, what the fuck ever, suit yourselves.” He waved his hand dismissively and started to walk away.  “Just keep your wrapper on big bro, God knows where the hell she's been.”
   I could practically see the steam coming out of Jane's ears as she shouted after him. “Yeah, well people who live in glass Whorehouses, Jared....”  He just flipped her off and kept walking.  We all stood around awkwardly for a minute before Tomo broke the silence.
   “I think that went well, really.” Matt laughed.  
   Jane sighed and wound her fingers into mine.  “And when he finds out I'm not leaving?”
   I shrugged. “What's that you said last night? No crossing bridges we haven't gotten to yet.  We'll tell him after the show.”
   She turned to me and put her arms back around my neck.  “I don't think you understand.  I'm not talking about this week.”
   My heart sped up about a hundred more beats per minute.  “Please mean what I think  you mean.”
    “I'm calling off the wedding.  I realize I deserve more than being someone's respectability beard. Angus is just going to have to understand.”  She kissed me then, just a soft brush of lips, but she kept herself pressed tightly against me afterward.  Her voice was quiet when she continued.  “I'm not saying I'm leaving him for you because I don't want you to feel like you owe me anything. I just.... I'd forgotten what it felt like to be with you. To be with someone I really felt something for. It was the best feeling in the world. That's what I want. Something real. No more settling.”
   “You won't be sorry, Jane, I promise,” I told her.  I really believe I meant it too.
     Jared didn't say another word to me. Literally.  As we got ready for the show if he needed to tell me something he would loudly tell the person next to me to tell me, like a fourteen-year-old girl who caught her best friend passing notes to the guy she liked. He didn't even look at Jane. I didn't care.  Nothing could ruin my mood.  I was on cloud nine.
   I drug Jane around and introduced to her to everyone.  Everyone.  The production manager, the techs, the stagehands, the venue volunteers, even the guy that came to get the trash.  “Hi, this is Jane, she's stupid hot and crazy smart and she picked me.  She likes me. She's with me,” went the dialogue in my head.  When I ran out of people to show her off to we went to hang out on the bus and wait for them to let us know it was time to go on.  Jared kept up his silent treatment but Matt and Tomo were happy to chat with her.  For her part, Jane really seemed to be enjoying herself.  
   Our set went great.  Seriously.  Jared was a madman out there and I began to think that maybe we needed to really piss him off before every show.  Jane waited in the wings and cheered me on and as soon as I came off stage she threw her arms around me, not even hesitating when she saw how sweaty I was.  It was sort of amazing to know she was there waiting.  
   I needed to get cleaned up and changed and we were due to sign merchandise after the show so I suggested to Jane that she might want to go hear someone else or check out the festival.  She said she'd been invited to a party on the way in, and wanted to go hang out there.  We made plans for me to meet her there when I was done with my band obligations.  
  Jared, of course, kept up the silent treatment all through it.  As we were walking back to the bus I broke off to go find Jane and figured it was as good a time as any to let him know what was coming.
  “Just so you know, Jay, Jane has this week off so she's going to be coming with me.”
  Jared had his back to me when I said it but he stopped dead in his tracks. I couldn't see his expression but there was no response.  I waited a minute but he never said anything, didn't move either, just kept standing there with his back to me.  “Fine, whatever,” I said, starting to walk away.
  “She's not who you think she is Shan,” he said.  “You're going to regret this.”
   I'd had enough of his vague warnings.  “Dammit Jared, either tell me what has got you so pissed off at her or let it go because I'm really sick of this shit.”
   “Ask her again how she met her fiance,” was all he would say.  He continued to the bus without ever having turned around.
   Like most parties, I heard it long before I got there.  The thumping bass slowly developed into a full song, and the thin groups of people grew into larger clusters and finally a pit of dancers. I forged ahead into the crowd, looking for that shiny blonde head of hair.  Jane found me first though, throwing herself on my back and covering my neck with kisses.  With a laugh, I turned around pulled her against me.  
   “You look like you're having a good time,” I told her, stealing a quick kiss before she could start jumping around again.  
   “The best!” she shouted with a laugh.  She started kissing my neck again, running her teeth over the salty skin as she writhed against me in time with the music.  “Aren't you going to dance with me?”
   She placed her hand on mine as if to lead me out to the dance floor and I was struck with how hot it was.  We were outside in July and she had been dancing, so it didn't seem odd that she was warm and sweaty but this seemed too hot.  Instead of following her to the thicker group I pulled her out to where the crowds were thinner.  
   “Are you okay, Janey?” I asked once we got to where I didn't have to shout so loud to be heard.  “You seem overheated.  Have you been drinking? You know alcohol dehydrates you right? It's really hot.”
   She just laughed.  “I've just got my dancing shoes on Shannon.”  She trailed her fingers up from my wrists.  “God, you've got such great arms.  I love it when you hold me.”
   A thought occurred to me.  “Jane....” I said.  She just smiled and kept running her hands over me, tracing the outline of my shoulders as she bobbed her head to the music.  I tipped her chin up so I could look into her eyes.  Her green irises were just tiny rings around her abnormally large pupils.  Her jaw was tight. “Jane, did you take something?”
  “Just some ecstasy,” she said, as casually as if she had just told me she'd eaten an apple.
  “What the fuck do you mean “Just some ecstasy”?” I gestured to the crowd. “Do you know any of these people?”
  “No,” she said calmly.
   “Did you bring that shit with you?” I could feel my own temperature rising and it wasn't due to any chemicals.  
   “No. I got it from one of the guys on the crew for one of the other bands... I think his name is Kevin....”
   “So you're telling me you took drugs from a stranger, in a group of people you don't know? Dammit, Jane, I thought you were smart.”
   Jane made a face like her step-dad had just caught her sneaking back into the house at 2 a.m. “Jesus Shannon, it's just some ecstasy.  It's a music festival.  I knew you'd be here soon.  Don't be such a prude.”
   The irony of her saying that was so thick my brain did a backflip.  “Do you know who the hell you're talking to?” I asked her.  “I'm telling you from sad experience this is not a good idea.”
   “I'm not sweet Janey who can't hold her liquor anymore Shannon.  I know what I'm doing.  It's fine.” She pouted at me, resting her elbows on my shoulders as she ran her fingers through the back of my hair. “Please, I don't want to fight.  If it's a big deal for you I promise I won't do it around you again.”
   “So you do this a lot?” My head was swimming.  I knew I had no right to get judgmental about her rolling at a concert, but it was just so far from what I would have expected from her I didn't know what to do. And oh sweet Jesus was there going to be fireworks if Jared saw her like this.  
   “A lot? No, but sometimes. I enjoy it every now and then.  I didn't think it was going to be a big deal.” She kissed me on the nose. “I'm sorry. baby.  I didn't mean to make you mad. Please don't be mad.”
   A lot of things went through my head at that moment.  I knew I didn't have a right to be pissed, I knew I was being self-righteous and overreacting.  I also knew she had been careless in the way she had gone about things tonight.  I wondered how well I really did still know her, this was certainly not something L.A. Jane would have done. She didn't even like parties. I thought about scaring up some E and joining her on her trip. I tried not to think about Jared and his warnings.  In the end, I followed her back into the crowd and got my dance on and waited for her to come down.
@msroxyblog @nikkitasevoli @maliciousalishious @meghan12151977 @snewsome756
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