#but just hearing it somehow sent me spiraling and i had a pa
fallish · 3 years
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Found You
Note: Hey! Damn, it's been a while since I posted. School finals and then not having a laptop for weeks will do that to you, apparently. Anyway, this is a oneshot I had lots of fun writing! Early in my werewolf Stan AU, someone on AO3 commented that it would be pretty cool if Stan managed to escape, and... well, you'll see. Thanks to the person who gave me this idea! Hope you all enjoy :)
Stan was beginning to think that it was time to re-evaluate his life.
How many times did a guy have to chew his way out of something before coming to that conclusion? Twice, apparently. At least this time he’d had wolf fangs to back him up; the last time he’d chewed his way out of a sticky situation he hadn’t even had that.
He’d been so desperate for so long to just do what Pa had ordered. Make millions, prove to everyone that he wasn’t just a failure, be welcomed back home. But – it was never gonna be enough, was it? He may as well stop living in a fantasy world.
Fuck getting rich and being accepted back into his family, Stan just wanted to sleep in a bed. He wondered idly if this backwater town was hiring waiters or something. Didn’t need high school credentials or a valid ID to be a waiter, right? Sure the pay was shit and there was no hope of getting rich enough to make Pa happy, but he might be able to afford a cheap motel or something.
Not that Stan looked like prime employee material right now. When he’d first stumbled into this diner the waitress had looked like she was expecting him to either rob the place or drop down dead in front of her. Now it seemed like her suspicion had given way to pity because she placed a slice of pie in front of him alongside the coffee he’d ordered.
“It’s on the house.”
Hey, he’d take what he could get.
Stan dug into his pie, groaning happily at the warmth seeping through his mouth. The pleasure of eating actual food was slightly marred by the ache in his jaw. He winced and poked at his teeth with his tongue, checking out the damage. All things considered? Not bad. It probably wouldn’t take more than a few weeks to heal the worst of the damage. Hey, werewolf perks.
Luckily Stan had only needed to break the lock of Ford’s cage to escape – if he’d tried chewing through the bars he wasn’t sure he would have any teeth left at the end of it. He wasn’t sure what he would have done if there had been heavier security. He’d managed to break himself out before shifting into human form to unlatch the shed door, limping into the woods as quickly as he could while the night still hung heavy and quiet. He’d finally found his car and gunned it until he ended up in this dump, a town a few miles away. Sitting in this booth was the first time he’d rested since getting out of there and he was beginning to realize that everything hurt.
The whole ‘nearly-beaten-to-death’ thing wasn’t new to Stan, but that didn’t make in pleasant. From the pain in his chest he was pretty sure at least one rib was broken. Peering at his reflection in a spoon revealed that he was also covered in a myriad of ugly black, brown and yellow bruises like a patchwork blanket – a patchwork blanket with a mullet. Ugh. He put the spoon back to its original purpose of scooping pie, so he didn’t have to look at his reflection anymore.
Also, he couldn’t remember hurting his neck, but he must have somehow because a spot on the back of it was tender and swollen. When Stan reached up to feel it there was a little lump. Maybe he could get some ice for that to bring the swelling down? Nah, no use when his whole face looked like a discoloured turnip.
He wolfed down (haha, wolfed) the last of his sad little meal and felt around in his pockets for spare change. He could just finish his coffee and run, but that would make a pretty bad first impression and he was still hoping to get hired. On the other hand, this coffee was expensive as shit and Stan could probably buy himself a cheap burger or something with the cash tomorrow. Would it be better to make a good impression, stick around in this town and look for work, or steal now and search for another place?
He gulped down a mouthful of scalding, bitter coffee. It was way better than lapping lukewarm water from a metal bowl. Upgrades, people. Upgrades.
The door gave a stupidly cheerful jingle that Stan resented – partly on principle, and partly because who the fuck goes to a diner at three in the morning? (Except for Stan, because he was pathetic, and of course the waitress. At least she got paid to be there.) Stan took another sip of his drink and glanced across to get a look at the other sad sack who had just come in.
He choked.
Because holy shit that was Ford standing in the doorway, staring right back at him.
Ford’s glasses were askew and his hair mussed, like a man who had recently crawled out of bed. How the hell was he there? Stan had barely left an hour ago! He coughed and thumped at his chest to encourage his stupid lungs to start breathing again.
Ford’s eyes travelled down to some machine doohickey he was holding, and then back up to Stan. A frown flashed across his features.
“…there you are.”
Stan tried to speak but it came out as a wheeze. He cleared his throat and tried again.
“Uh – Ford. Didn’t – um – didn’t think I’d run into you here.”
Ford walked over and slid into the booth across from Stan, eyes scanning him. The intense gaze made Stan shrink back into his seat and cough uncomfortably. Well, at least Ford had no reason to believe that Stan was the werewolf he was missing?
“Are you some kind of – werewolf?” Ford demanded.
Stan schooled his expression into a grin, trying to ignore the thundering of his heart pounding against his chest. “Werewolf? Psh, Ford, you know those don’t exist.”
Ford rolled his eyes at Stan’s forced nonchalance. “Stanley, please. I tagged you with a tracker, I know it’s you.”
Well, Ford kinda had him there.
“Wait, wait wait wait – you chipped me?” Stan hissed. Ford only nodded to himself with self-satisfaction. Stan cursed and reached up to scratch at that tiny lump in his neck, wincing as his fingers prodded tender flesh. Damn. He should have noticed earlier and clawed it out.
And now Ford was watching him with that calculating stare. Stan stared back defiantly, swallowing down the growl that bubbled up in his chest. He would not be out-stared, dammit.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Ford’s question broke the frigid silence. Stan blinked.
“You – uh, what?”
Ford pressed on. “Why didn’t you tell me what you were? Who you were? Hell, this entire mess could have been avoided if you’d just-”
“Oh, so it’s my fault, is it?” Stan couldn’t bite down a hint of a growl, and he took pleasure in seeing his brother’s eyes widen at the low rumble.
“…I didn’t say that.”
“May as well have.” Calm down, he had to calm down. He couldn’t afford to lose his cool in front of people. Of course, it would have been easier to control himself if he wasn’t exhausted and aching all over and starving and shivering and afraid and so so angry. The gritting of his teeth was already becoming awkward around sharp canines and the beginnings of a large, lolling tongue. He had to get out of there now.
“-back to my house.” Ford was continuing. How long had he been speaking for? “You could be a danger to yourself and others in this state.”
“I’m fine.” Stan stood up roughly. Thank god the waitress had ducked into the kitchen for something – she wouldn’t be monitoring to make sure he paid. And as an added bonus she also wouldn’t see the inhuman gleam of his irises. He yanked his hood over his head just to be sure and stalked for the door.
“Need I remind you that you attacked a man just yesterday?” Ford followed him relentlessly. Stan shouldered through the door and his dirty boots crunched in the thin layer of snow outside. Fat flakes spiraled down around him and stung his face as he stomped to his car, Ford in fast pursuit.
Ugh, the snow muffled the sounds around him so all he could hear were the sounds of two bodies, magnified and echoing – harsh breathing and the pounding of blood in his ears, crunching of footsteps behind him and the minute scrape of fabric brushing against itself in movement. The sensation of being followed made him shiver, made every muscle in his tired body tense.
It’s just Ford. Not some rando. He won’t hurt you, calm down. Focus on the moment, Ford is talking to you.
“No.” Stan snapped out. “No, I attacked his fucking dog. He’s the one who tried to bash my skull in.”
Footsteps behind him brought to mind a similar sound. Footsteps crunching in snow as the person followed him when he tried to crawl away. He could still see the burly figure looming over him. Red, red hair and red, red blood on his own pelt-
His breaths came quick and fast, gulps of frigid air. Ford was speaking to him loudly but the words all blurred together. A hand reached for him and Stan jerked away.
His voice rumbled with a low growl and Stan cursed to himself, claws digging into his own bicep as he tried to force the Shift away. Now was not the time to have a breakdown. He was supposed to be in control, goddammit!
But the urge to Shift sat heavy in his chest, almost an ache. Shifting made him safe, because shifting made him dangerous, and nothing can hurt you if you hurt it first and every cell in his body was screaming for him to run away-
Stan didn’t realize he’d sunk to his knees until he felt the snow soaking through his pant legs. Burning, biting cold. Pain radiated from his arm, too – his claws had slid under the skin of his arm and sent pain stinging through him. But the pain was good, it kept him grounded.
“Shut. Up.” Stan growled out. Ford shut up.
Deep breath in, deep breath out, forcing his lungs to expand and contract. Slowly the Shift settled itself, claws shrinking into dirty nails and fangs becoming blunt and fur (when had the fur appeared?) receding into skin.
Stan ran his tongue over his teeth to ensure that they were wholly human once again. The fluctuation between states hadn’t helped their aching – his gums throbbed and he could taste blood.
“Oooookay.” He pulled in another deep breath and let it out slowly. “Alright. I’m good.”
Ugh, the snow was soaking through his pants. Stan pulled himself up and tried dusting the white powder off, but his body heat had already caused it to melt into the fabric. He cursed.
“…are you okay?” Ford finally said.
A glance at Ford’s face showed equal amounts of wariness and concern. Which, hey, Stan didn’t think that his brother would be concerned about him, so that was a nice surprise.
…but there was also the possibility that he was just worried Stan would go apeshit and tear him to pieces. That would make more sense.
“You’re fine, I’m not dangerous or anything unless I wanna be.” Stan waved a hand. “Just my Shifting acting up. Funnily enough, it’s hard to not slip into danger mode when you’ve been locked in a cage for hours on end! Funny how that happens, huh?”
Ford had the grace to look a little guilty. He reached to take Stan’s arm, then hesitated before his fingers made contact. “…look. Can I at least take you home? You shouldn’t be driving in this state.”
Stan had to suppress a laugh. Sure, take the homeless man home. That had to be some kind of paradox, right? He spat a glob of blood into the snow to clear his throat before responding. “No need, I’m fine.”
Ford was staring at him in horror now. Stan blinked.
“Was that blood?”
“Er. Yeah. Why?”
“Why didn’t you tell me you were badly injured? You could have internal bleeding!” Ford shrilled, making Stan take a step back and laugh nervously.
“Seriously, I’m fine, I just broke a couple teeth on the-”
“You broke a couple -” Ford spluttered. “I’m taking you to the hospital right now.”
“I don’t need to go to the-”
“We are going to the hospital now!”
“Hospital. Now.”
…you know what? Stan’s day couldn’t get any weirder. He shrugged.
Ford grabbed him by the arm and started towing him through the car park, Stan trying not to limp as he followed. From Ford’s worried cluck he didn’t do a very good job.
“Aren’t you gonna, like, try to study me or whatever?” Stan managed as he was pushed into a car. Ford dropped into the driver’s seat.
“Of course I am, I’ve never seen a werewolf before, but that will be after I know my brother isn’t dying!”
“…fair enough. Can I pick the music?”
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blissedoutphil · 6 years
Dan the Personal Assistant
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Dan has to submit an application video to be an assistant for a company President, Mr. Lester. But what happens when he accidentally sends a wrong video?
Happy 2019! May this year bring shorter hiatuses from me (and d&p too lmao)
I loved this prompt and I’m happy to finally be able to write it! Sorry you had to wait months for it :’’)
4037 words of dom!Phil, sub!Dan, humiliation, blowjob
or read on ao3!
~Part 2~
Dan fiddled with the cufflink on his shirt. Nervous would be an understatement for how he was feeling at the moment. He absolutely cannot mess this up.
Sitting in the waiting area, Dan glanced over to see his competition. All the other applicants seemed way more suitable for the job. They looked poised, calm, confident. Ready to start the job immediately. Meanwhile his hair was still a curly mess, his cheap shirt crumpled. He wasn’t sure how he passed the first round of application if these people around him were what the company was looking for.
He’d arrived later than he was supposed to and missed his interview slot, so he was expected to be turned away immediately. But apparently the company President still wanted to meet him, so there he was, about to go for his first job interview in a year. He might finally be employed again. Properly employed, instead of working random odd jobs just to survive. He watched as the final applicant before him entered the room.
Dan gulped, running through common interview questions in his head. What are his strengths? Nothing. What are his weaknesses? Everything? Was his job submission video even good enough to be able to get into this round? He could barely remember what he said in the video. He must’ve bullshitted his way through it and now he has to go even further down the spiral of lies he’d created.
Hell, Dan could barely remember even submitting the video. All he knew was that he was drunk on the final day to submit it, and his phone reminder set off to yell at him to submit it while he was enjoying a lazy drunken jack off. Dan had quickly emailed his submission so he could go back to masturbating, but til this moment he hadn’t checked if his email was proper and formal enough. He didn’t care, he must’ve done it right since he was there now anyway.
He almost jumped out of his seat when the door opened. The applicant before him gave a polite nod, and he nodded back. 
Get yourself together, damn it, Dan thought, If you can bullshit your way this far, you can certainly do it in there. He walked up to the door and knocked on it, mustering up as much confidence as he could.
He heard a faint Come in, and slowly opened the door to enter the room.
“Have a seat, Mr Howell,” The company President smiled at him.
“Th-thank you,” Dan stumbled and quickly sat down.
The boss didn’t look as intimidating as Dan had thought he would be. He wasn’t old, as he would expect an accountant with his own successful company to be. Perhaps in his mid-thirties, so just a little over ten years older than Dan. His smile was comforting, welcoming. And Dan couldn’t help but be transfixed by his striking blue eyes. Dan found himself relaxing into the seat. 
“So Mr Howell, first of all, congrats on passing the first round,” Mr Lester spoke, leaning back in his chair a little, “I quite enjoyed your video. You made it entertaining, unlike most submissions.”
Dan smiled, thanking him again.
“But I do feel like I still don’t know you well enough from the video itself. So maybe we can start this off with, why do you want this job?”
Dan cleared his throat a little. He was sure that he’d explained this part in his video, and he hadn’t prepared answers that were different to his video.
“Well, I did mention in the video that I think I’m suitable to be your assistant because I am meticulous. I, uh,” Dan paused, trying to come up with more half truths and recall what he’d mentioned in his video.
Mr Lester looked at him intently throughout his explanation, running his eyes up and down his face as if trying to memorise every little freckle and blemish. If it wasn’t an interview, Dan would’ve thought that Mr Lester was perhaps checking him out a little.
“Interesting,” Mr Lester offered after Dan finished speaking, “You explained that in your video? I must have missed that part then.”
Dan mentally slapped himself. The boss certainly did not sound like he bought his explanation.
“Yes I would definitely need my admin assistant to be meticulous, it’s probably the most important trait that they need to have in an accounting firm. Some applicants try out for this job when they’re the complete opposite of that,” Mr Lester shook his head and chuckled.
Dan didn’t know how to respond to that so he just chuckled uncomfortably back.
“I mean, I’ve received wrong formats of the video submission. Wrong versions. Many applicants coming to me crying and apologizing and asking me to accept a newer version. There’s no room for such mistakes in this company!”
Dan agreed, although now he was starting to get intimidated. He was slowly accepting the fact that he wouldn’t get the job, and he’d totally be fine with it. He was admittedly a careless person who could risk causing this man problems with his accounts, and he did not need that kind of trouble in his life, no matter how badly he needed the money.
“One person,” Mr Lester chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eye, “even sent me a porn video of himself!”
“What?” Dan laughed, feeling horrified on behalf of that poor applicant.
Mr Lester held eye contact with him, making Dan feel small but somehow he couldn’t look away.
“I know right? I don’t know if he was aware of it at all, because he still hasn’t gotten back to me about it. Do you think those type of people are meticulous?”
Dan shook his head no, unsure where this interview was heading. Was there a need to talk about other applicants like this?
Mr Lester was silent, and Dan bit on his lip. Was he supposed to elaborate on his answer or something?
“Yeah no, I don’t think meticulous is a word to describe that kind of person,” Dan voiced it out in case the boss wanted to hear it instead of just seeing him shake his head.
“Then why did you call yourself meticulous?” Mr Lester’s voice dropped low, deep and intimidating.
But Dan didn’t understand his question. His confusion must have been clear on his face as Mr Lester looked slightly amused. The boss silently turned his computer screen to Dan’s direction.
Mr Lester looked on in amusement as the expression on the boy in front of him changed from confusion to horror in a matter of seconds. The colour drained from his face and his mouth fell open as he sat frozen in his seat.
On the computer screen was Dan having a threesome. A threesome that he had had the day before the video submission deadline. A threesome that he’d watched while jacking off drunk before being interrupted by his phone reminding him to submit his video.
“Oh, my favourite part’s coming,” Mr Lester said very casually.
Fuck. Dan wanted to die right there. This cannot be real. Perhaps if he pinched himself hard enough, he’d wake up from this nightmare. He wanted to leave immediately but his legs couldn’t even work.
Mr Lester’s favourite part of the video was apparently when Dan managed to ride two dicks at once. Dan in the video was moaning loud as he bounced on top of one man, another man flush against his back.
“I-I gotta-” Dan managed to utter as he shakily got up, tripping over his own feet at an attempt to rush out.
This cannot be happening. How had he managed to send that video instead? Dan wanted the ground to swallow him up.
“It’s a shame you gotta go because I was about to hire you!”
Dan froze for a second time. Was this man kidding? Wasn’t the humiliation enough already, now he gotta go even further in his convoluted way of teaching Dan a lesson on meticulousness?
“Was gonna give you a higher salary than the job you originally applied for, too.” 
“What do you mean?” Dan asked softly, daring himself to turn back to the boss.
“Sit back down and allow me to explain.”
Dan sighed. He wasn’t sure if he was able to face the man - the company’s fucking President - who watched him take two dicks up his ass ever again. But at the same time, his rent was overdue and he really needed the money.
He slowly sat back down but avoided eye contact, looking at his lap instead of the boss.
“I never expected to receive something like your video submission, but I am actually impressed by it, so I’m offering you to be my assistant. Not for admin though. Personal assistant, if you know what I mean,” Mr Lester leaned forward, looking dead serious.
Dan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Was he being offered a job as a personal whore? Did this man really think Dan had no dignity in him?
“Like your personal whore or something?” Dan couldn’t help but sound offended.
“Well it does sound bad if you put it like that,” Phil chuckled sheepishly, “Let’s stick to personal assistant, yeah? I can give you a 5 figure salary for it.”
With the mention of money, Dan realised that he really did have zero dignity left.
Mr Lester took hiring him very seriously. Dan was given a contract and 3 days to read it all and sign it. He’d actually already accepted the job immediately, but Mr Lester really wanted to make sure that Dan knew what he was getting into even though he was excited that Dan was willing to do it.
Phil’s personal assistant, Dan read the top of the contract. He wondered if he would be Phil’s first ever PA, or if Phil got tired of his last one and Dan was lucky enough to accidentally submit his porn. Or if he had more PAs that Dan would be having threesomes with one day.
Reading the contract gave Dan the realisation that Phil was one kinky man. He wasn’t complaining though, he loved most of the kinks listed, and for 10 grand, he was willing to try out anything. Phil being hot was an added bonus, and Dan was honestly worried about how his first thought upon reading the kinks was that he wouldn’t mind doing it for Phil even if he wasn’t getting paid.
Dan returned to the office the next day with the signed contract, even though Phil kept asking him to give a proper think if he really wanted to do it.
But Dan really did want to do it. If he’s good at anything at all, it was sex. He would definitely enjoy this job more than some boring admin job. And why would he turn down getting paid to do what he’s good at, plus with the most attractive man he’s ever met?
Phil was more than delighted when he was finally assured that Dan was serious about accepting the offer. He sent Dan home with some instructions to start his first day of work proper the next day.
Dan had to come in an hour earlier than everyone else in the office everyday, in case Phil wanted a quickie before starting his day. Dan wondered why a man as rich and handsome as Phil doesn’t have a partner. But he didn’t dwell on it, he’s lucky that Phil was single because if not he might not have this job.
For once, Dan actually arrived on time. He was to go straight to Phil’s room, and he’d been given the key. He locked himself in the room, not sure if the rest of the office was meant to know his presence. Was he going to be Phil’s little secret? Or was Phil going to share him with other bored colleagues? He felt a tingle of excitement thinking about it.
Dan walked around the room, taking in the sight of his new workplace which he didn’t get to do much of during his other visits. Phil’s desk was huge at one end of the room. The walls of the room were all glass, overlooking the city. Dan gulped as he looked at the view, remembering that exhibition kink was listed in his contract. 
There were three little couches and a small coffee table in the centre of the room, and at the end of the room was a little pantry. There was even a connecting bathroom, which Dan was grateful for because he certainly did not want to have to leave the room and face other people in the office if he needed to pee.
Dan was standing in the mini pantry contemplating whether it was acceptable of him to make a coffee without permission on his first day of work when the door swung open.
He turned around in surprise, but relaxed when he saw Phil sauntering in.
“Good morning,” Dan said softly. He knew Phil was a nice man, but he can’t help still feeling a little intimidated by him.
“Good morning, Dan,” Phil smiled brightly at him, and Dan wondered how one can be so cheerful this early in the morning.
“Excited to start your new job?” Phil asked cheekily, smirking at Dan.
Dan blushed, but he couldn’t deny that he was excited, so he nodded shyly.
“Well then first things first, you need to be in proper attire. Your uniform, if you will,” Phil spoke as he busied himself to put away his bag and papers that he was carrying.
Dan looked on curiously, wondering what his uniform was. All blood rushed to his cheeks when Phil continued speaking.
Dan looked at Phil wide eyed, he didn’t expect to be naked at all times. But the idea of it was very hot, and Dan gave a small nod before turning to head to the bathroom.
“Where are you going?” Phil asked, “Do it here.”
Dan’s cheeks were so warm he wondered if it was possible to blush this much. Phil was leaning against the desk, looking at him expectantly. Dan guessed that he should probably throw whatever little dignity he had left out of the glass wall, and he slowly started unbuttoning his shirt.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let anyone see you. Unless you want to. And except any unfortunate people spying into our window,” Phil chuckled, but his gaze was intense on Dan’s now naked top.
Dan awkwardly let his shirt fall to the floor, and his trousers followed suit. Lastly, he took off his underwear and awkwardly held it in front of his crotch. He glanced up shyly to see Phil smirking at him.
Phil walked up to him and took his underwear out of his hands.
“No need to hide anything,” Phil spoke as he circled Dan, observing his boy.
“Good to see that you’ve followed my instructions,” Phil commented, taking note of how well shaven his assistant’s body was.
When Phil seemed satisfied with what he saw, he went back to lean against his desk again.
“This is how I expect to see you every morning, understand?”
“Yes, Sir,” Dan replied, feeling like it was only appropriate to address his boss as such.
Phil smiled, seemingly approving of being called Sir. He instructed Dan to keep his clothes in a drawer under the coffee table, and Dan hurriedly did so before standing awkwardly in front of his boss again.
Phil was now sat behind his desk, and Dan felt so exposed and vulnerable. He would be lying if he said it wasn’t turning him on. He willed himself not to get a boner this early in his job, it’d be embarrassing.
“Well we’ve still got a bit of time before the office opens. How’s about you show me how qualified you are for this job?” Phil said suggestively, rolling his chair back a bit.
Dan walked over and knelt between Phil’s legs, already guessing where this was going. He stared up at Phil innocently, awaiting instructions.
“Good boy,” Phil breathed, and nodded to give Dan permission to continue.
Dan slowly unzipped Phil’s pants. He’d done this many times in his life, and judging from all his random hookups, he was good at it. But he suddenly felt too aware of all his actions, felt like he really needed to do his best. Perhaps it was because he was getting paid for it this time and he did not want Phil to think he’s wasting money on someone who can’t even give a proper blowjob.
He gently tucked Phil out of his underwear, licking his lips when he saw that Phil was already half hard. He looked back up at Phil for approval. He wanted nothing more than to suck on Phil immediately. Maybe he is a cockslut, and what about it? But he thought that it was only right to let Phil take the lead, so he waited.
Phil gently threaded his hand through Dan’s curls and slowly guided his head to his cock, encouraging him with a smile. He’d watched Dan’s video more times than he’d like to admit, and ever since he saw Dan giving the two other men blowjobs, he couldn’t wait to get that pretty mouth around his own cock.
Dan happily went down, suckling on the tip. He hummed when Phil stroked his hair, loving the gentle touches. He tentatively brought his hand up and slowly wrapped it around the length that wasn’t in his mouth. Encouraged by a breathy moan by Phil, he started to suck further down.
Dan began bobbing his head, hollowing his cheeks and licking the underside of Phil’s shaft. He held the base of Phil’s cock as he sucked. Dan had given plenty of blowjobs before, but he probably only ever encountered someone as big as Phil once or twice. He tried his best to go as far down as he could, but he couldn’t fit all of Phil in his mouth.
To compensate for the lack of deepthroating abilities, Dan fondled Phil’s balls and stroked the parts he couldn’t fit in his mouth. He started to worry that Phil might find him disappointing for not being able to suck all of him in. He even wondered if he was going to get fired.
But Phil was enjoying all of it, moaning every time Dan moved up and licked his slit before going back down.
“You’re really good at this, boy,” Phil complimented, and Dan almost keened at the praise.
All of Dan’s worries disappeared upon hearing his boss praise him, and feeling his hand tangle in his hair. Dan hummed gratefully. Phil could easily push his head down to force him to take all of him in, but he liked how instead of that, Phil was being really tender with him. Perhaps this job was going to be the easiest and most fun he’d ever have.
After a while, Dan went off of Phil completely for some air, lips smacking with a pop sound. He looked up at Phil with doe eyes as he stroked him. The sight of his boss staring down at him through half lidded eyes and panting through his slightly open mouth was perhaps the most beautiful sight Dan had ever seen.
Dan gave kitten licks to Phil’s tip, all the way down to his crotch and back up again before going to suck on him properly again. Phil was throbbing and heavy against Dan’s tongue, and he sucked harder to help Phil reach his orgasm faster.
Phil moaned at the sight below him. The boy’s a natural, he thought. He was so glad that Dan had accepted the job offer, and at the moment he felt like the luckiest person in the world to have come across Dan.
He felt his orgasm approaching, but resisted the urge to fuck into the boy’s mouth. He wanted to go slow on their first day, treat him gently. Once Dan got used to this new job, he’d then gradually go harder and push his limits.
So Phil just tugged on Dan’s hair lightly and muttered a warning that he was close. Dan hummed around him, the vibrations sending shivers down his spine.
Dan could taste the salty precum as he moved faster down Phil’s cock. He swallowed around him a couple of times, earning groans from Phil.
“Gonna come, boy,” Phil warned, voice gravelly.
That signalled Dan to suck harder as one hand massaged Phil’s balls while the other stroked the base of Phil’s cock.
With a tug of Dan’s hair and a loud moan, Phil came down Dan’s throat. Dan swallowed it all, breathing harshly through his nose. He continued sucking on Phil until he couldn’t feel any more cum spurt down his mouth.
Dan only got off of Phil when Phil’s grip on his hair loosened. A string of spit and cum connected Phil’s tip to his reddened bottom lip, and Phil chuckled fondly at the sight.
‘i’m so glad I hired you,” Phil slurred, and Dan smiled shyly.
Dan had gone hard from giving the blowjob, but he barely noticed his own need to come until now. He wasn’t sure if asking to return the favour was a good idea, or if he was even allowed to touch himself. His contract did state that he was only allowed to do things when given permission, so he just sat on his heels with his palms flat on his thighs.
“I promise I’ll try to do better next time, you’re just so. Big,” Dan admitted softly, cheeks turning pink.
“Oh I definitely expect you to get better with time, but don’t worry because I’ll make sure you’ll have enough practice,” Phil smirked, “but you did really good for your first time, you were more meticulous than I expected.”
Dan rolled his eyes fondly at Phil’s praise at the end.
“Well, I better get started on my work. That was a good start to the day,” Phil ruffled Dan’s hair as he spoke.
“Uh,” Dan tried to articulate his need to come by pointing to his own hard on.
Phil chuckled down at him, “You’re getting paid to get me off, not yourself.”
And just like that his intimidating boss was back, Dan thought, and he regretted even trying to ask him for help.
“No touching yourself, got it? I’ll decide when you’ve earned it.”
Dan gulped, “Yes, Sir.”
Phil laughed a little, “Aww don’t look so worried. You’ve definitely been good enough so far to earn yourself an orgasm, but I’m afraid I don’t have time to help you out right now. Perhaps during lunch.”
Dan hoped he’d be able to control himself that long. Perhaps this job wasn’t going to be as easy as he thought earlier.
“You’re free to do whatever in here when you’re not needed. Hide in the bathroom if someone’s about to enter, or not if you don’t care for other people seeing you naked.”
Dan ended up spending his time sitting on the rug near Phil’s desk and dozing off. He was still feeling a little conscious about being fully naked in front of his boss, so he mostly sat in front of the desk where Phil could barely see his crotch.
Phil was too busy to even make small talk, but Dan didn’t mind. He enjoyed the comfortable silence that was only broken by Phil typing on the keyboard.
His boner died down soon enough, but he spent lunch receiving the best handjob he’d ever gotten in his life. He was embarrassed to have came all over his boss’s hand, but Phil merely chuckled and called him cute.
“It’s alright, boy, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You’ll get used to all this soon enough,” Phil had reassured him.
The rest of the day went by fairly quickly and Dan only had to hide in the bathroom once. Before he knew it, it was time to get dressed and head home.
Dan was certain that he was going to enjoy his new job. He couldn’t wait for the next day already. He can’t believe his fuck up and not being meticulous enough actually paid off.
yes I know I still have incomplete fics from last year but what do yall think about turning this into a series too? lmao let me know if I should continue it!
EDIT: Here’s Part 2!
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As It Seems: Chapter 4
Table of Contents
Según Parece: Lista De Contenidos
Summary: You and Dean finally upgrade from the under-the-mattress storage to an actual car where you get caught up on the rest of the team
Word Count: 1984
Warnings: None
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~Reader’s POV~
“Aww, they’re so cute, aren’t they?”
The light assaulted my eyelids and I groaned and turned away from it as much as I could, which just elicited a pained grunt from the person beside me. And just like that, everything came hurtling back to me.
“Oh my God, Dean. I’m sorry!” I tried to open my eyes so I could carefully extract myself from this coffin without hurting him more, but let’s be honest here, at the moment I was positive that the attack of light on my optical nerves was just as painful as his gunshot wound. We’d been in the dark for… who knows how long. We’d both fallen asleep a few hours after we passed through the checkpoint without any problems. It could be years later. Centuries, even.
“Stop. Moving,” he managed to grunt out, and I quickly complied.
A low chuckle from the foot of the bed came and I felt someone’s hand on my arm. “Here, Y/N. Hold onto me. I’ll lift you out.”
“It’s me. C’mon.”
Sometime in the process of getting Dean and me out of the hidey-hole, I managed to open my eyes and keep them open. As soon as we were out, Garth lowered the bed and Dean flopped down onto it so that they could check his bandages.
Sam glanced over his shoulder at me. “I thought I told you to keep him awake.”
“Yeah, well, I finished writing my letter of resignation in my head so…” I shrugged and turned around to fish around the kitchen for some food. I was desperate to know what the next step for me was, but I also couldn’t ignore my stomach. Since they kidnapped me and didn’t give me any time to pack snacks, I figured they owed me.
“I’m not gonna accept it,” Dean grunted.
“I won’t accept you not accepting it. I already have a plan for my first week of unemployment and it involves an entire liquor store to forget all about whatever the hell is happening now. I’m looking forward to that.”
My sleuthing turned up some carrots in the fridge and a bag of Doritos in a cabinet. Good enough. Once I had my treasures, I headed back to the group and sat on the edge of the bed next to Dean’s head.
“Open up.” I dangled a chip over his mouth and fed it to him while Sam finished bandaging him up. As he chewed on that, I shoved a few into my mouth, completely disregarding social constructs about manners and being lady-like. “So, what am I doing next? Being shoved into a shipping container? Chained in a basement?”
“Sticking with us and staying quiet,” Sam said.
Dean coughed, apparently knowing exactly how I would react to that. Before I could say anything, though, he rushed in to soften his brother’s explanation. “We have to turn over the tech I got and it would be best if you let us do the talking.”
“They aren’t gonna like her being there,” Garth pointed out.
“Well, I’m not letting her out of my sight.”
“Maybe she would be better off with Garth,” Sam said softly. “Just while you’re handing it over.”
“Maybe you should shut your mouth. Look, I’m the one that dragged her into this, so it’s my job to make sure she stays safe.”
A bunch of guys arguing over me like I wasn’t even in the room. Of course. “Well, I guess it wouldn’t be a real secret mission moment until I say this, but guys. I’m right here. Stop talking about me like I’m not.”
All three men looked at me like I had magically appeared in the room and I nearly rolled my eyes. Okay, I might have actually rolled my eyes.
“What do you think we should do with you, Y/N?” Sam asked.
Okay. Not really the outcome I was expecting or even wanting. I had no idea how to answer that. Honesty is the best policy though, right?
“I have no idea how to answer that. I don’t know what’s going on or what the impact would be either way. I don’t know what kind of danger I’m in. But… but I trust Dean. I know him best and, no offense to either of you, but I think I would rather stick around with him rather than someone I just met.”
Dean smiled widely and slung his arm around my shoulder. “It’s decided then! Sammy, pull the car around and we can get on the road. But before we stop at Bobby’s I really need a burger.”
“Dude, it’s ten a.m.”
Everyone started moving and, true to my word, I stuck by Dean’s side the entire time.
I was entirely out of my element, which was weird. As a PA, it was my job to be a social chameleon. I was the person who was Dean’s date to black tie events when it would be bad press for him to take someone else. I was the person who ran to the store in the middle of the night in my sweats for medicine when Dean called to tell me he was sick. I was the person who yelled at clients then turned around and released a press statement about Dean’s charitable contributions to society. I could do it all.
But right now? I had no idea what I was supposed to be.
~Dean’s POV~
“You doing okay back there?” Sam called back to Y/N, who was just waking up from a three-hour nap in the backseat.
“What year is it?” she asked groggily, making me chuckle. Good to know that she still had a sense of humor in this situation. In fact, she was handling everything much better than I had expected.
“We’re almost to Bobby’s. Half an hour.”
“Bobby is…”
Sam glanced at me as we contemplated that answer. Our team dynamic was odd, to say the least. We were a small team spread out across the nation, but somehow, we were still tightly knit, like a family.
“He’s kind of like the dad of our team.” I managed to sum him up.
I twisted in my seat, laying my arm across the back of it so I could face Y/N better. Apparently my gunshot wound meant that Sam didn’t trust me to drive. Whatever. On the bright side, this meant that I was able to get a better read on Y/N’s state of mind.
“Who else is there?” She was sitting up by now, but the blanket was still clutched tightly in her fingers. Maybe she wasn’t handling this as well as I had assumed.
“Me, Sam, Bobby, Benny—“
“Dean,” Sam warned.
But I shook my head. There was so much that Y/N didn’t know, and I knew that she needed something to hold on to. She needed to feel like she had a little control of her life, otherwise she would spiral. “She’s gonna meet everyone in half an hour anyway. So, Benny. He helped Sam clean up your place and cover our tracks. He’s one of those southern guys who seems to flirt with anything that breathes—“
“So, a southern version of you?”
Sam snorted, and didn’t bother covering it up when I glared at him. “Oh, just wait until we get both of them in the same room. They can’t help but flirt with each other. They have a total bromance.”
There was a small smile on Y/N’s lips at Sam’s ribbing, so I let it slide. “Okay. Benny the Bromancer. Who’s next?”
“Kevin. He’s young, but he’s smarter than all of us. Heart of gold. A tad high-strung, but we still love ‘im.”
Sam finally gave in and helped me describe everyone. “Charlie is our resident hacker. She can find anything on the web, no matter how hard someone wanted it hidden. And she’s a giant nerd. Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, LARPing. You name it.”
“She’s like our little sister. You’ll love her.”
“And if Bobby’s the dad of our team, then Ellen and Jody are the co-moms. Don’t try to get anything past them because you’ll end up getting the stank-eye and an earful.”
“And don’t try to drink either of them under the table either,” I made sure to add. “Especially Ellen.”
“Jo, her daughter, has a major crush on Dean.”
“But who doesn’t?” Y/N interjected good-naturedly.
“Claire and Alex. They’re Jody’s adopted daughters. Claire is one hundred percent into the mission, but Alex wants nothing to do with it. She’s good when she helps out, but she wants a normal life.”
“Rufus won’t be there, but he’s still a part of the team. He’s worked with Bobby longer than any of us have been alive. They’re old, crotchety men, but they’re good people.”
“And we have Dean, who is the Oliver Queen of the group,” Y/N mused. I had no idea who she was talking about, but didn’t question her. “And Sam who… what is your role, Sam?”
“Hair specialist,” I quickly answered, needing to hear Y/N laugh. At least a single snort. And I was lucky enough to get an actual, real laugh that lifted my spirits. “But he’s also our research nerd.”
“And nutritionist,” Sam teased, surprising me. Usually he didn’t play along when I was poking fun at him. He just sent me a shrug and continued. “If it wasn’t for me, these guys would all eat diner burgers and beer for every meal.”
“Nothing wrong with that,” I mumbled.
“I know what you mean,” Y/N said, ignoring me and focusing her attention on my younger brother. “When I’ve had to bring Dean dinner because his office shackled him in, he always complains about the, how does he put it, the healthy shit I get for him.”
“Spinach does not belong in smoothies. Period.”
“My smoothies got rid of dozens of your hangovers, didn’t they? As Maui would say, You’re Welcome! But, speaking of the mom and dad of the group, what do your parents think about this double life?”
My parents? What in the world was she talking about? Sam and I shared a confused look. “Uh, our mom died when we were kids. And dad died, like, ten years ago. You know this.”
“No.” She sounded so sure, which was weird because last I checked, it wasn’t her life. “They’re alive. Your mom came to visit last month. I had lunch with her while you were at the meeting with Iritayn Corp.”
Brief flashes of my mother walking into my office flickered through my mind, but I also clearly remember the house fire that killed her when I was just a kid. I remembered her cutting the crusts off my sandwiches, but right next to that memory was one of me making marshmallow mac ‘n cheese for Sammy in a hotel room because I’d never had a parent to teach me how to cook. My father, playing catch with me in the backyard was quickly followed by a stern-faced John teaching me how to shoot a gun when I could barely hold the rifle up.
“What’s going on, Dean?” Y/N asked slowly.
Her voice brought me back to the present and I shook my head, hoping to clear it from the weird double vision. “Nothing, that was…that was weird.”
“Yeah,” Sam agreed softly. “For a minute, I was convinced mom and dad were dead.”
“Me too.”
Silence screamed between the three of us for a minute before Y/N spoke up. “Are you two on drugs or something? Should I be driving?”
Sam shook his head, much like I had just a minute ago to clear it. “Nah. I’m good. Besides, you don’t know where we’re going.”
As Sam drove the last few miles to Bobby’s, I couldn’t shake the lingering feeling that something had just changed, even if everything was still the same.
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