#but just from the info youve given me that doesnt necessarily apply as a red flag yet. they could just be desperate
neechees · 3 years
Ahhh please please feel free to ignore this ask but I just wanted to ask for some advice if that’s okay.
How do you respond to someone who you’ve given a donation to off a tumblr post in the past who keeps asking for more money? I believe that this person isn’t a scammer and genuinely needs help. But I’ve told them before that I don’t have a lot to give right now and they still email me frequently. I feel guilty because I’m obviously in a better position than they are but like even if I have some money saved, I am unemployed and living with my parents. I can’t give away $50 to someone at a time. I feel like giving them small amounts occasionally makes them think they can ask me for more but also if I’m the only person who’s giving them anything I feel like it would be messed up to stop? Am I just being extremely weird about this situation idk
You mean they're asking YOU specifically for money? It's understandable if you just tell them again that you can't be regularly giving them money due to the unsteady situation yourself. Maybe offer to help boost any fundraisers they have, but again reiterate you can't always give money to them. And how do you know that you're the only one giving them money? If they have donation post/s floating around on tumblr still or other social media, I find it somewhat unlikely that you're the ONLY person that is or will ever be kind enough to donate (& again, offering or suggesting they make one that you can boost will help their chances of getting more), & if that's true, I find it weird that they're only asking you specifically & repeatedly for money & personally I think it would be kind of unfair for them to try depend on donations specifically from you alone regularly even if you don't have a lot of money yourself & your own financial situation is unsure. And if you're still a minor and the person who's asking you is an adult, then this would be very inappropriate and unfair especially.
You can just tell them that you might give them money when and if you're able, but again also offer the spreading of any tumblr posts for donations, and remind them that you won't always be able to do it when asked, and it may not even be more than a dollar. If they're reasonable they'll stop or ease up or take your suggestions. But if they keep doing it I think you're in your right to tell them you're uncomfortable & break contact with them. It's really up to you
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