#but its so funny he immediately went limp after being stabbed
kairukitsuneo · 10 months
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Why no one talk about that one time Sentinel got stabbed by a spider and instantly went limp like a useless damsel?
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look at this poor meow meow lmao
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ericsonclan · 3 years
Competition Flows Through Their Veins
Summary: AJ and Allison have a competition for who can take down the most walkers when suddenly something happens that stirs up bitter memories.
Word Count: 2035
Read on AO3:
Willy had spotted ten walkers all spread out in front of the gates. None of them seemed to be a huge threat but it was better to be safe than sorry. That’s what Clementine had always thought and it seemed that over the years people had agreed with her on that. Normally a few of them would already be out there, clearing out the walkers with Rosie in tow. But today before Clementine could send out Aasim and Omar she heard a booming voice.
“Clem!” AJ barreled forward, his knife and hatchet whacking against his hips as he moved forward. Skidding to a halt, AJ ended up kicking some dust into the air making both himself and Clementine cough.
“AJ, what’s wrong?” Clementine looked over at him with concern, giving a few sharp coughs to get the dust out of her throat.
“Nothing! I just...” AJ paused for a moment and took a deep breath. “I want to clear out the walkers by the gates with Allison. We’re gonna make it a competition.” AJ spoke proudly as he brushed a finger under his nose to stop himself from sneezing due to the dust.
“AJ…” Clementine picked up on the fact that he had heard the worry in her voice.
“We’ll be super safe! I already got Aasim and Willy to agree to give us backup if anything goes wrong,” AJ watched Clementine closely. “I’m strong.”
His words made Clementine look over at his eyes and notice the hardened determination in them.
“I know you are, kiddo. I don’t doubt that for a second,” Clementine gave a soft smile. With a deep breath she spoke once more. “Alright, but I’m taking watch with my bow just to be safe.”
“Okay,” AJ gave a short nod; he knew that if he wanted this competition he had to agree to the base rules Clementine put in place. Clementine’s smile remained and she ruffled his afro fondly. “Alright, go get set up and remember-”
“I know, I know, always aim for the head,” AJ ran off, giving a small smile back at Clementine before wandering off to find Allison and share the good news.
Soon everyone knew of this competition. Some of them were more for it like Louis and Willy who knew that AJ and Allison could handle themselves and that there were plenty of traps in the area to use if needed. Others were more cautious about the whole thing such as Prisha and Aasim who were well aware of the world’s random cruelty that it bestowed upon the living. Still, all of them knew that Allison and AJ were both too stubborn to stop the competition now. Competitiveness flowed through their veins and they were both incredibly ambitious when it came to becoming stronger.
After a couple minutes those in support roles were in position while Ruby and Omar stayed inside the dorms with the little kids. Clementine stood on the watch tower while Aasim and Willy stood outside, right by the gates.
“Good luck, Allie!” Willy leaned forward and pressed a kiss to Allison’s cheek. The romantic gesture made Allison grow flustered and she stared at her boots.
“Thanks,” Allison brushed her hand against his before giving it a small squeeze. “AJ is totally going to lose this one,”
Those words set a fire in AJ who puffed out his chest. “I’m winning and when I do, that new weapon you’re making with Willy is gonna be mine!”
“Okay,” Allison casually strolled forward, taking out her spear hammer. “But when I win and you lose you have to give Garbage a bath,”
“Ugh, why?” AJ looked over at his best friend.
“I don’t know,” Allison shrugged, “I think it would be funny.”
AJ frowned at those words and with a grumpy grumble took out his knife. “I’m winning, dummy.”
Allison laughed at that. “Keep telling yourself that,” Her eyes scanned the area and she spotted the first walker she wanted to take out. Dashing forward without warning, Allison swung her spear hammer. Using the spear end to hook into the jaw, she dragged the walker along and slammed it into a tree with a sharp lower branch. The branch burrowed into the walker’s gut, causing blood and intestines to coat it. Allison quickly spun her weapon, switching to the hammer side, and with a deadly blow caved in the walker’s head. Brain matter began to spill out of its misshapen head as its body went limp. “That’s one.”
AJ huffed and mockingly said her words under his breath before he spotted his first walker. Jogging forward, he stayed a few paces away in order to properly take this walker down. Waiting for the ideal moment, AJ kicked out the walker’s leg then proceeded to plunge his knife deep within its eye socket. The eye popped from the attack, spurting its juice onto AJ’s face.
“Bleh,” AJ spat a couple times to make sure none got in his mouth. Allison’s quiet laughter made his eyes shoot over to see her smug, competitive smile. “Whatever, stupidhead. Watch this,” AJ unclipped his hatchet and with a mighty throw sliced through the skullcap of a walker. With a thunk the hatchet embedded itself into the tree just as the walker it had sliced through fell down, lifeless.
“Not bad,” Allison swung her weapon, her aim missing the mark slightly due to the sudden swaying movement of the walker. The spear ended up hooking underneath its cheekbone too firmly and with a strong tug Allison tore off its lower jaw. Flicking it onto the ground, Allison unsheathed her knife and jabbed it into the walker’s head before it had a chance to move any closer.
Allison’s move made AJ’s eyes shine with awe. That was so cool. He definitely wanted to beat her in this competition now. Plus with her compliment on his last move he  knew he had what it took to win.
“Wooo! Go, Allie! You’ve got this!” Willy cheered on his girlfriend then proceeded to cheer for his best friend as well. “Go, AJ!”
“Yeah, go AJ! Show those stinky deadheads who's boss!” Louis called out from the gate and watched as AJ took down another walker by plunging his blade right through the back of its skull before retrieving his hatchet. AJ turned around and saw Louis who gave a big thumbs up and smile. Louis continued to watch AJ before glancing over at Violet who seemed a bit tense. “Gonna cheer too, Vi?”
“Maybe,” Violet’s eyes watched Allison from behind her glasses. Her hands were wrapped tightly around her arms as she crossed them.
“Loosen up, Vi,” Louis hooked his arm around her shoulder. “Everything will be okay. First sign of danger and the smelly patrol will have all of us to deal with.”
Violet gave a small nod. Louis studied her expression for a moment and decided to try and lighten up the mood.
“Or is it that you think Allison can’t take the heat?”
“Heh, she’s gonna win. Allison is gonna kick AJ’s ass.” Violet smirked over at her best friend who returned it in kind.
Hear, hear,” Prisha smiled as she walked forward. Immediately Violet’s tension seemed to dissipate if only a bit as she let her arms fall to her side before taking Prisha’s hand in hers. Louis could see the same concern that Violet had in Prisha’s eyes as well. He looked over at Clementine. After seeing that she was tense too, Louis slipped away just as Prisha and Violet started to cheer Allison on.
Allison was in the midst of bludgeoning a walker’s head but for some reason it was still moving. So when it opened its mouth Allison speared it through to make sure she got to the brain then tossed it to the ground. Her score was tied with AJ’s now.
“Are you doing okay?” Louis slowly climbed up the ladder to the watchtower and noticed Clementine glance back his way. Immediately her eyes softened and the two shared a quick kiss.
“What are you doing up here, Lou?” Clementine smiled as Louis’ fingers intertwined with hers for a moment.
“I thought it had to be lonely being up on this watchtower alone. So I thought I’d grace you with my company,” Louis leaned forward and stole a soft kiss. “And kisses,” The two shared a smile before Clementine remembered the competition and looked over at AJ. AJ grinned confidently as his hatchet sliced a walker’s face nearly in half.
“Look at our little man go,” Louis hugged Clementine’s shoulders for a few moments.
“Yeah, he’s really grown up,” Clementine held on to Louis’ arms for a couple of seconds, letting her bow rest by her leg. “Allison is no pushover though,” She nodded over at Allison who dodged and sliced through a walker’s fingers before spearing it through the head and tossing it onto a rock.
“Yeah, it's really close. Only two walkers left,” Louis commented and the two continued to watch on in somewhat silence.
Only two left. Allison knew she had to get both to win. One was over by that weird-looking tree that Willy had climbed in order to impress her on their first date together. A soft smile pulled on Allison’s lips at the memory before she refocused to find the other walker. Once her eyes caught sight of the walker’s location, however, she felt her heart tighten.
It was wandering over towards the old car that had crashed right outside the gates. Within the car was a small garden of pink flowers. Flowers that Allison had placed in memory of Renata. Flowers that she had kept safe ever since she planted them after Renata’s passing. Allison gritted her teeth, her anger and sorrow mixing within her gut as she sprinted forward.
“You get the fuck away from that!” Allison’s sudden shouting drew everyone’s attention as the walker mindlessly grasped at a pink flower. Allison dug her fingers into its soft, rotten back flesh and spun it around. Taking out her knife, Allison began to blindly stab the walker out of pure rage as tears stung her eyes. The walker groaned, its milky white eyes staring blankly into Allison’s as it continued to try and consume her flesh and blood. All of her attacks were in spots that wouldn’t put it down.
“Allison!” Willy notched an arrow and aimed at the walker while Prisha and Violet pulled open the gate door to go and help. The world around Allison seemed to fade away as she lived in her emotions, watching as the walker’s teeth threatened to bite her until she finally plunged her knife into its skull. The walker fell down to the ground, limp, any sign of life drained from its eyes. Allison stared at the walker before spitting onto it. She remained frozen in her spot until she felt arms wrap around her.
“Allie! You’re safe!” Willy held onto her tightly and pulled her further into the hug. Allison felt her throat burn as she glanced at the walker then at the pink flowers.
“Allison!” Prisha ran forward along with Violet. “You weren’t bitten, were you?”
“No, I wasn’t,” Allison mumbled but the others still checked her for bites.
Soon AJ jogged forward, fresh blood on his blade from the final walker he took down with a stab to the side of its head. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,” Allison whispered, still wrapped up in Willy’s arms. “It’s a tie.”
“Yeah, it is,” AJ took a deep breath then furrowed his eyebrows “What do you wanna do? Another competition?”
“No, I don’t,” Allison’s eyes focused on the flowers before she glanced over at her best friend. “Let’s just say we both won. Okay?” “Okay,” AJ gave a short nod and watched as Allison slipped out of Willy’s arms. Slowly she walked forward and picked one of the pink flowers.
“We should probably head inside,” Allison walked in and soon the others followed. Not sure what to say or do, they watched Allison as she examined the flower. Slowly she twirled it between her fingertips, a single thought soon appearing in her mind. It was time that she visited an old friend.
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angelic-writer · 3 years
“Come on, _________, please stay with me, please. I’ve already lost so much today, I can’t lost you too.”
For the whump prompts
((Ohohohoho! You fool. You activated my trap card! >:) ))
“Come on, Victor, please stay with me, please. I’ve already lost so much tonight, I can’t lose you too.” Philip’s voice started to crack as he watched the wounded pyrokinetic try to take deep breaths. His lover’s blood leaked out from the cracks of his fingers as he tried desperately to stop the bleeding. His own breathing was hitching, his vision was blurry with tears...
He was not losing him too.
All the people he had lost tonight flashed through his mind. Simone, Casey, Matthew, John...
Simone Taylor. Someone he considered a very close friend. He always annoyed her by being brash, but he always appreciated her logical side.
Casey Joint. Their very own hacker for the Ministry. Even though he spent all his time on his computer, he was always the jokester, mostly joking about how his name was almost a pun for “Casing the Joint”.
Matthew and John Defoe... They were like his two sons. He found the family he never had. He planned on adopting them when he married Victor, but now...
Trilby’s breath hitched in his throat as he tried to get up. He had to get to Victor. He had to!
“Trilby, you have to stay still!” Chris hissed at him, trying to bandage his arm.
“Quinn, I have to get to Victor. I... I need to-”
“I-I know... But-” Trilby didn’t give Chris enough time to finish as he was already up and limping over to them. He glanced over to Siobhan who was already laying in a pool of her own blood. The others told him it was just a concussion, but he knew they were lying. With how severe her head trauma was, it’s unlikely she is ever getting up again.
“Hey, Vic. I’m here. Phil’s here. Just- Take a deep breath, okay? Help is on the way.” He tried to whisper comforting words to him, but Victor could only chuckle as air rattled in and out of his lungs like a buzz-saw.
“Trilbs, you know I’m not gonna make it. This... This is too serious for me...”
“God, just- Don’t talk like that! We’ll get everyone here to the hospital and everything will go back to normal!!” Trilby commanded. Really, he was trying to put on a facade so he would not break down entirely.
“Easier said than done, Trilby. But mostly everyone’s dead. We’re just not good enough for them. We’ll just get replaced anyway. That’s how it usually works.” He paused to cough. Blood trickled down his mouth as he did so.
“Vic, please... Don’t be such a cynical bastard!! You’re always like this! You’re always too serious and when I try to joke around, you always ruin the mood with your pissy attitude!!! It’s not even funny!” Philip started to sob. Victor gave him a wry smile.
“But... I did like some of your jokes... Even though some of them were pretty distasteful like the kabob one, I liked the ones that weren’t about stabbing!”
Philip grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly while Trilby started to apply pressure. “Listen to me, Victor. You’re going to make it out of there alive. We’re gonna go on all the dates you want, go to all the places you want to go - Hell, you could even pick a suit you want to wear when we-” His words got caught in his throat. He can’t say it. Not now.
“A suit? What?” Victor was confused for a second. Then, his eyes lit up as he realized. “Wait... Are you asking me to...?”
Philip slowly nodded. He leaned down, allowing Victor to give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Of course I will. I’m sure we’ll be a wonderful couple. We’ll be pretty badass, won’t we?”
“Uh... Uh huh...”
“Hehe. Hey... After this, we can go to the pub. My treat.”
“After that, we can go ring shopping. We can buy the most lovely rings. The kinds that’ll make any married couple jealous.”
Philip nodded, sniffling.
“And... We can like, go to Australia for our honeymoon...”
“Yeah... I-I’d like that...”
Trilby tried to contain himself. He tried to swallow a sob that was coming up. God, why are they taking so long? Where the fuck is the ambulance?!
“Hey, Philip...”
“Even though... our relationship had its ups and downs, I-I’m glad... I met you...” His eyes started to flutter. “I’m glad I fell in love with you...”
“No! No, no, no. You will not close your eyes on us, Cassen! You keep those damn eyes open, you understand me?!” Trilby shouted.
“But... I-I feel so tired... M-Maybe I should take a nap... Wake me up when all of this is over, okay...?”
“No! No NO NO NO!!” Trilby’s words did not reach him at all. Victor’s eyes slowly closed and his hand fell limp. “Fuck! FUCK!” Trilby put his hand on Victor’s neck, trying to feel a pulse. He didn’t care if his voice had risen, he had to feel something!!!
“No...” Trilby started to shake. “No, no, no...”
“What?!” Philip’s voice was shrill and panicked.
“He... He has no pulse...”
Those words felt like a sword being plunged through his heart. He... He can’t be...
“No. No, he’s not dead. He can’t be!” He started to do chest compressions, the same way Victor had been doing for him when he was dying. “Hold the wound, Trilbs. We need to keep him alive until the ambulance arrives, alright?!”
Trilby reluctantly did so. He knew it was no use. Victor’s skin was cool to the touch and his pupils were dilated. Classic signs of shock. He couldn’t stop himself from shaking. Tears were already pouring from his eyes. He didn’t acknowledge Adam running into the room. In fact, he and Phil didn’t acknowledge anything. It was like everything just faded away.
They were focusing on their co-worker who is likely dead like the rest of the agents. Trilby could hear Victor’s ribs crack at one point due to the pressure of Philip’s compressions, but he either didn’t notice or didn’t care. At one point, Chris came over to help and Trilby took over compressions while Phil did the breathing.
They were working very hard to try and save him. But, it didn’t matter how long they were doing it for. It didn’t matter that Adam brought the defibrillator to try and shock him. It didn’t matter how many times they shocked him.
Victor was never coming back. This “nap” of his is one that he will never wake up from. He will never get to joke about how this mission of theirs almost got them killed. He will never be able to be a jerk to everyone. He will never get to impress Phil with his pyrotechnics. He will never get to kiss his lover goodbye. He will never get to do the things he promised Phil he would do. He will never get to walk this earth again.
He will never come back.
He will never...
“One, two, three! Clear!”
Victor’s body flinched. Adam checked. Nothing. Trilby restarted compressions. He was already getting exhausted. He was about to give up when Philip yelled at him not to. He’s not gone, he said. I won’t let him die!
His arms were already getting sore. It was clear he can’t keep doing this. “D-Do you want me to take over?” Chris asked. Trilby nodded and fell back, winded. The adrenaline rush had long since faded and now, he’s trying to catch his breath. All he could do was stare at the ceiling and listen to them try to revive Victor. His eyes started to close when suddenly...
His head snapped up. Propping himself up on his elbows, he looked to see Philip checking Victor’s airway. “I-I think I got something...”
Trilby was already up and running. He immediately checked Victor’s pulse. Please... Please let there be something...
It’s faint... He has a pulse, but it’s faint...
That set off something inside of him. Suddenly, it didn’t matter. He is not giving up on him. They had come this far, they are not gonna leave him. He put his ear to his chest to see if he had a discernible heartbeat. He couldn’t hear it. He started compressions again. This time, he is determined. He is determined to make sure he’s alive. He will not let this man die!
Once he got to thirty, Adam placed the paddles on Victor’s chest. “Alright, count of three, we shock him!” Trilby instructed everyone. They all nodded.
“Okay, one, two, three! CLEAR!”
Victor’s body flinched once again. Philip once again checked his pulse.
“Okay, it’s getting stronger!”
Trilby put his ear to his chest. Finally, he could hear his heart beating steadily. He breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, god.”
The tension in the room eased. Phil let out a chuckle and stroked Victor’s hair. “Well, looks like you’ll be waking up from this nap after all.”
Trilby was shaking as the second adrenaline rush faded. He hugged Chris tightly as he started to sob. “Chris... W-We did it... We did it!” He said as he began to laugh. Chris rubbed his back as he rocked him gently.
After Trilby had calmed down, he went over to Siobhan to see if she was okay. To his surprise, she was still breathing. Despite that blow to the head, she was still alive. He immediately started to treat her head wound. “I’m so sorry... I’m sorry you got dragged into this... I’m so sorry...”
Soon, the ambulance arrived. They loaded Victor onto the stretcher and wheeled him out, Philip following close behind. They soon got everyone loaded into the ambulances and drove them to the hospital.
Finally... After 7 months, it was over. The New Order was no more and Trilby will make sure it stays that way.
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stefciastark · 3 years
Metal Arm ~ Webpril Day 7
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A/N: Here is Part 1 of what will be a 2 part mini-story. Doombots threaten Manhattan, but with a significantly reduced team and some bad luck, things don't go so smoothly for Peter. It only briefly touches on the 'metal arm' prompt, but this is also inspired by a request from Hannah on AO3 to write a bit of 'post-battle injured Peter hides his injury and won't admit anything is wrong.' I'm really excited to write Part 2 tomorrow, had a lot of fun writing this first part!
~Read on AO3
~Read on FFN
Peter had never really been strangled, yet today it had happened not twice, not thrice, but it was bordering on his fourth time being on the receiving end of a chokehold. The Doombot cutting off his air circulation ended up being at the wrong place at the wrong time however, as three out of its four limbs were obliterated and sent to mecha-heaven. All except the one heavily bicep-ed metal arm that clung to his throat like shit to a shovel.
“Get. OFF,” he gritted through his teeth, tearing the appendage off of his throat and tossing what was now just a torso, head and forelimb onto the growing pile of Doom scrap metal.
He had to take a breather for a moment and remind himself that these were robots and not real people. Despite how convinced their A.Is were that they were in fact the real Doctor Doom, their suicide missions were nothing more than a result of malevolent - albeit skilled - programming.
“You good, kid?” The Ironman suit hovered a few feet away from Peter, appearing to dance slightly in the air as Peter’s brain started playing ‘catchup’ with oxygen. He felt himself nodding in response, muting his comms momentarily so that what was present of the Avengers wouldn’t hear his breathing; he was pretty sure the exhaust pipe on the old Vauxhall Cavalier his uncle used to own sounded healthier.
The team was small today; Thor was offworld, Bruce didn’t feel like having another near miss after almost levelling another city during an incident the week prior near Seattle, and Clint was - as Tony put it - too busy ‘playing house’ in the country. That left Tony, Peter, and Natasha Romanoff on the mission. Peter was unsure whether to call her Nat, Romanoff, or use her Black Widow alias, and instead anxiously settled for using none of the above and simply avoided using any moniker to address her whatsoever. It had worked out for him well so far.
While it was by no means a three person job, they would have to make do, and so far, they were making...something happen. The showdown had initially begun in Hell’s Kitchen and was progressively and concerningly migrating towards the Lower East Side. The closer the action got to the east side of Manhattan, the closer it got to Brooklyn, and the closer it got to Brooklyn, the more there was a chance of the threat moving to Queens, and Peter wanted to keep the rough and tumble away from his neck of the woods if he could. So far they had left in their wake twelve office buildings turned to rubble, eleven burst sewer pipes, and at least ten separate fires that he was pretty sure were still burning. All they needed now were nine civilian casualties and they were almost halfway to rewriting ‘The Twelve Days of Christmas’.
Tony didn’t have time to follow up with Peter’s uncharacteristic lack of a verbal response as two Doombots that had split from the herd attached themselves to the red and gold armour, their green capes combining with the suit to make a metallic caricature of a Christmas tree. Tony had a whole three seconds of warning before their self-destruct protocols were activated, and everything within a 300-foot radius erupted in a shower of rubble, flames, and smoke.
The suit - for the most part - diminished Tony’s impact with the building adjacent to the Tenement Museum. Peter didn’t quite have the luxury of inches-thick armour, and as he sailed diagonally across Delancey St through the glass window of Double Chicken Please, he made a personal vow to make them his new go-to fried chicken joint as a form of apology.
“Stark, was that you?” Nat (Peter decided that was the name he felt most comfortable with) queried over the comms, the distant sound of shots being fired and the purring motorcycle beneath her leaking into the background.
A stream of expletives from the man in question poured in through his suit’s speakers. Peter found it funny that if it were anyone but Tony in any other situation other than their current predicament, the frankly obscene amounts of swearing would be concerning.
“How many left on your end, Rushman?” There was a groan and the uncomfortably familiar sound of shifting rubble. “I think we’ve just about wrapped up here.”
Peter had been working on gently extricating himself from where he lay in a supine position behind the bar, struggling to hold onto consciousness through a haze of pain. The wall between Double Chicken Please and Subway had collapsed, half of it inconsiderately laying across his chest. He noted wryly that he didn’t expect himself to be battling unconsciousness behind a bar until he was at least twenty-one, yet here he was, five years too early.
A large bang went off from what sounded like only a block away, which was then followed by a moment of complete and utter stillness.
“I think our last guests just left the party,” offered as an explanation from Nat, finally breaking the silence.
“Don’t you hate it when you have company and they don’t even offer to help clean up? I am sickened by the youth of today.” Tony had managed to disentangle himself from what could now barely be called a building. The engineer was able to identify the date of manufacture on the most recent wave of Doombots - they were only three months old. “Speaking of, Spiderling, let’s get this cleaned up. I have a date with takeaway and my favourite sweatpants waiting for me at home.”
“Try not to wreck any more buildings while I’m gone, boys,” Nat said, immediately beginning her commute to the Avengers facility.
Natasha had become the face of the Avengers during the inevitable PR followups that seemed to accompany any and every brush with threat since the Chitauri attack on New York. She was level-headed and presented well, and so far had the least amount of tallies on the “PR Fuck-ups” chart that hung in the communal kitchen in place of a calendar. It was the team’s personal inside joke that S.H.I.E.L.D didn’t approve of, which of course made them double down their efforts if it meant ruffling Nick Fury’s feathers.
“Try not to wreck my public image, it’s what funds those luxury bath bombs you keep ordering,” Tony shot back, no venom in his teasing words.
Peter was otherwise occupied during his teammates’ little exchange. He had his arms arranged in an upside down tricep pushup position, palms pressing against the sizable concrete slab that occupied the space from his waist to his sternum. As he lifted the offending cement off of him, he very nearly dropped it back down as the air rushed out of his lungs. Something in his chest shifted sickeningly, followed by a stabbing pain that burned everything from his ribs to his airways. Failure never an option, he persevered, relieved when the hunk of wall finally slid gracelessly down the pile of debris.
He thought having a literal chunk of concrete off his chest would feel better.
“Pete?” His name was said with such a mixture of impatience, exhaustion, and concern that Peter found his nerves standing on red alert. This would be the first hour of many on cleanup duties
Taking a wavering breath, afraid to breathe too deeply, he steadied his voice and activated his comms. “Sure thing Mr Stark, on my way!”
Peter winced; he definitely overdid it on the enthusiasm. With every step he took his discomfort grew until the pain from his chest radiated down to his hips and he had to stop himself from hunching over and limping his way back to the Delancey St intersection. There were only two of them now, a whole lot of city to tidy up, and not a whole lot of time to spend fussing over what was probably just some deep tissue bruising. Plus, this was his first call to action since July, and it was now approaching the end of November.
Bracing himself for the amount of suckthe next few hours would entail, he gritted his teeth against the throbbing that rolled like waves from deep within his chest, and prepared to put on his best Oscar-worthy performance he’d titled: “I’m Fine - A Teenager’s Pledge”.
There was no way he was going to let Tony down.
A/N: There we have it! Things didn't go so smoothly for Peter, and I know he has superior healing and all but this poor boy needs some more safety built into his suit. Tomorrow will be the Part 2 fill for this mini-story, so check back in for the concluding part :) Thank you for all your continued support, kudos, and comments. Please feel free to send any fic requests into my Asks! Sending hugs to you all <3
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timelordthirteen · 4 years
In All Things 18/?
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Mr. Gold/BelleFrench, Explicit (eventually)
Summary: A Rumbelle arranged marriage AU.
Chapter Summary: After the incident with Milton, Gold makes peace with Belle.
Notes: Look at me with two updates! :D I hope after the chaos of the last chapter that you all find this one a bit cheerier.
Previous: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17]
Gold watched as Milton climbed into the back of the carriage.
He had a noticeable limp that he was doing his best to mask, but Gold had experience with such things and the awkward movement of the man’s leg was a dead giveaway. The box lurched forward, and Milton wobbled in his seat, which made Gold smile. He hoped the road was riddled with ruts and holes the entire way to the palace. A bruised backside and stiff limbs was the least the bastard deserved for the way he spoke about Belle, and for the blatant disrespect he’d shown to Maurice. There was no doubt some associating between Milton and the King or he would have never dared make such comments. Gold would have Jefferson put a man on it as soon as they returned to Thornhill.
Sighing, he turned away from the window and eyed the paper on the desk. It was a standard land contract awaiting the relevant signatures, but just looking at it gave him a sick feeling. Later, Maurice would sign one side and he would sign the other, and Avonlea would become part of his entitlement, effectively transferring all debts, leases, and rights, and blocking King George from whatever he’d been plotting to do with it. Normally, he would feel a rather smug satisfaction at that, but instead there was only a hollow guilt that his last minute plan had upset Belle. He didn’t blame her, and if he had been in her place he would have been angry as well, but she had left before he could fully explain his proposition.
He had hoped to do that sooner rather than later, but when he’d gone to her quarters after lunch she was nowhere to be found. A maid informed him that she had taken Baeden for a tour of the grounds, which pleased him, but also delayed the inevitable. He was thankful that she hadn’t been so out of sorts that she was keeping to her room, but he knew that the longer he waited to explain himself, the worse the outcome might be.
He smiled ruefully and slipped the contract into his ledger book, and tucked it under his arm before taking up his cane. The first step around the desk had him sucking in a breath as the stabbing pain in his leg traveled up from his ankle and knee, and radiated across his hip. Attacking Milton had been foolish for multiple reasons, including that it had exacerbated his condition. His knuckles went white as he gripped the handle of his cane tight, breathing slowly through the sensation until it subsided.
Once it had, he took a cautious step and was met with only the usual ache and stiffness. Letting out another heavy sigh, he left to find Maurice.
Gold dropped his ledger on the desk with a muted thud that seemed much louder than it sounded.
It was done. Avonlea was his, officially, and he hated himself for it. The rest of the process would take some time, and would need the King’s approval, but the first step was done. Getting that royal approval would likely be difficult, particularly if Milton got his story to the King before Gold, but ultimately, George wouldn’t dare withhold it, not if he wanted to remain in power.
Gold knew that continually relying on his knowledge of the King’s secrets to get his way was dangerous, but it was effective. At least it was as long as he was alive. Perhaps there was something he could do about that as well, something to further protect Belle and Bae. He put the thought aside, and checked the time, wondering if he should wait until after dinner to talk to Belle, before deciding that it was best not to wait any longer to face her wrath.
Bae came out of Belle’s room, and Gold stopped in the middle of the corridor, frowning. His son came towards him, shaking his head.
“Whatever you did, Papa,” Bae said, “you should tell Belle you’re sorry.”
Gold smiled. “Well, that’s what I’m here to do.”
Bae nodded. “Good.”
“I heard Belle gave you a tour of Avonlea.”
The boy’s face lit up in a wide grin. “Yes, it was fun! She showed me the garden and the stables, and introduced me to her horse, Philippe.”
His eyes widened. “Her horse?”
Bae nodded again. “He’s big and kinda slow, but she likes him very much. And then we rode out to the cliffs so I could see the ocean!”
Gold nearly fell over. “You - rode? To the cliffs? With - with Belle?”
The boy gave him a funny look, as if he had questioned the sky being blue. “Yeah. Why? Am I in trouble?”
He shook his head and patted the boy on the shoulder. “No, no of course not. I’m just - surprised.”
Bae’s head tilted to the side. “Why?”
Belle having a horse was not some great shock, every noble did, and most of them could at least stay on one without falling off. He didn’t understand why the image of Belle riding out on a horse with his son, to the southern cliffs at the edge of Avonlea that looked out over the water, was such a strange thing. He supposed it was because he had never seen her riding, and that because of that he was unsure of her skill on horseback, though he knew she wouldn’t put Bae at risk.
He frowned again. “I - I don’t know, actually.”
Truly he didn’t, and the more he thought about it, the more the notion delighted him. Even if she was cross with him, it clearly didn’t interfere with her relationship with Baeden. Ultimately, that was what mattered.
“Papa, are you coming down for supper?”
Bae blinked up at him, and he nodded. “Yes, uh, I just need to speak to Belle first. We’ll - we’ll come down together, all right?”
The boy bounded off down the hall, and Gold watched with a faint smile before turning to the matter at hand. He hoped that after he said what he needed to say, that his reply to Bae would be the truth.
Belle was pacing back and forth from the sofa to the window when a knock sounded.
She paused and stared at the door, knowing Gold was on the other side. She had expected him to come to her earlier, which was why she went to find Bae after she’d calmed down. Facing him so soon after the confrontation in the study felt like too much, and she needed to think through what she might say. Walking the grounds with Bae and telling him about her home had been the perfect distraction, but when they rode out to the coast, with the snowing shining around them, it had hit her harder than expected.
The cliffs had always been a sanctuary for her, a place to retreat to when she needed to be away from the prying eyes of servants and her parents, and, later, a place to be alone with thoughts of her mother. She had always loved the ocean, the sound of the waves and the beauty of the sunset reflected across it, but it was the harshness that spoke to her the most. The water was so dark, especially in the evening or in the short days of winter, and there was no tangible horizon, no soft edges, only a vast and endless void. The ocean didn’t care about anyone.
Poets might romanticize it, but it was cruelest of all creations, holding a seething, incomprehensible mass of life in its depths, life that it seemed to actively try to extinguish sometimes. There was no mistress like the sea. She’d heard a naval officer say that once, with a tone that spoke of things which could not be described, of places she couldn’t even dream of seeing. It chilled her and soothed her all at once. There would always remain one thing in the world which men could not claim or tame, and she longed for that kind of freedom.
Sighing, she smoothed her hands over her skirt and walked to the door, holding her breath as she pulled it open.
The way he said her name, with that soft sense of surprise, made her want to smile, but she tamped it down and pressed her lips together, acknowledging him with a sharp nod.
Gold winced at her cool tone. “May I come in?”
She stepped back and held the door open, motioning with her hand for him to enter. He moved stiffly, leaning on his cane more obviously than she’d ever seen, and she assumed that his antics with Milton had caused him some discomfort. She wanted to be pleased by that, but she wasn’t. Angry as she was, she still didn’t want him to suffer.
“Can we sit?” he asked, gesturing to the sofa.
She shrugged and came to stand at the opposite end. “You may.”
His shoulders dropped and he seemed to lean forward, bearing his weight on his cane in front of him. “I’ll stand if you are.”
She wanted to roll her eyes at his stubbornness, but she supposed she was no better at the moment. “Fine. Say what you came to say.”
“Belle, please -”
“Please what?” she snapped, her hands going to her hips. “Please excuse me whilst I lie and swindle your family home right out from under you?”
Her words were harsh, but he had resigned himself to deserving them. “That’s not what this is.”
She shook her head. “Well, then I must be stupid, because that’s what it looks like from where I stand.”
“You are far from stupid,” he said, sighing and twisting his cane against the floor.
“Is it done?” She crossed her arms, holding her elbows with her hands.
His reply was quiet, and she swallowed. Her face felt hot and her head started to throb as she fought back her tears. That was it then. It was all done, without a word from her, without any discussion or explanation.
“I thought it was best to get things in order immediately,” he explained, “before Milton has a chance to tell the King whatever it is he’s going to tell him.”
Belle nodded. “I see.”
She watched as he shifted his weight and squeezed the handle of his cane. He was clearly hurting, and she hated herself for making him continue standing there just because of her own hurt pride. While there were things they hadn’t talked about yet, truths that were deeply held, he had given her no reason to distrust him or his intentions.
Gold huffed and turned away from her for a moment, gritting his teeth as the sharp pain crept back into his leg. “It’s not - I didn’t mean it the way you’re thinking.”
“Then tell me!” she exclaimed, letting out a heavy sigh a moment later and touched a hand to her forehead where a vague throb had started. “Be honest with me. Don’t - don’t tell me you’re going to save my family home, and then snatch it away.”
He frowned at her. “So you would rather I let the King do the same instead?”
“No! I - I don’t -” Belle exhaled and
He looked up, watching as she moved around the end of the sofa and then back against the tufted cushions. She reached out and patted the space beside her. “Please?”
He gave her a small, grateful smile, and barely suppressed a groan as he sat. His hand rubbed at his upper thigh, pressing into the muscle until the twitching and throbbing abated enough that he could ignore it.
“Are you in pain?”
Her hand covered his, and he nearly jerked away from her touch in surprise. “Only a little.”
The look she gave him conveyed her disbelief, but she didn’t press the issue, and for a long moment they stayed like that, near each other, with her hand on his. He didn’t turn his hand over to hold hers, though he wanted to he didn’t feel he had the right to, not now, not until they had sorted things between them, but her palm was warm and soothing. It was enough for now.
“You scared me,” she said finally, exhaling and pulling her hand back to her own lap. “I was already angry at Milton, and at my father, and when you said -” She took a breath, blowing it out between her lips as she shook her head again. “I’d never seen you like that before, so angry and - and violent.”
“I know,” he said softly, his gaze fixed on the moonstone ring on his left hand. “Please believe me that had he not said those - those things - about you -”
“Don’t,” Belle interrupted, twisting to look at him. “Not for my sake, never for my sake, not that. All right? I will not have that on my conscience.”
Gold nodded in understanding, though he couldn't promise that his reaction wouldn’t be the same should anyone else decide to harm her. He had very recently become aware that, where Belle was concerned, there were lengths he was willing to go to in order to protect her, and he wasn't entirely certain that it had only to do with her commitment to Bae.
She shifted closer and frowned. “He didn’t hurt me, all right? What he said -”
Her mouth felt dry as the words replayed in her head, the implications, the shame. It didn’t matter what she had or hadn’t done with her husband, which was nothing at all, but to have any of it made public and connected with what happened between her and Gaston was a step too far.
Gold swallowed. “Physically, perhaps not, but words can damage just as easily as my cane.”
He lifted the aforementioned object and let it drop, the end thudding softly on the rug by his boot. She knew what he meant, but it was still different in her mind. Her faults and secrets were her own, just as his were. Whatever Milton knew, or assumed, it wasn’t worth the effort or energy of beating him senseless, however much he might deserve punishment.
“What will do with it?” she asked, tentatively. “With my - with Avonlea.”
She kept wanting to call it her home, but that wasn’t true anymore.
“Give it to you.” He shrugged and gave her a quick, sideways glance. “If you want it.”
Belle blinked and leaned back a bit as she stared at him, trying to process what he’d just said. “Wha - how - um... to me? You’re giving to me?”
“Is that a yes?”
His mouth curved slightly, clearly amused by her confusion, and she frowned. “Why?”
“You don’t seriously believe I want it, right?” She looked immediately affronted at the question, and he sighed. “That’s - that’s not what I mean. I mean, I don’t - I don’t want to own it, I don’t want to take it away from your family.”
“Then why - why -” She shook her head, tilting it as she looked at him. “Why do this at all? Why have the papers signed already?”
“So the King wouldn’t beat me to it.” He gave her a small smile. “If he orchestrated any of this, used Milton to push your father into more debt... I didn’t want to risk it, and I knew the law was on my side. My claim would have the highest standing.”
He shrugged, and twisted the cane in his hands, sliding them back and forth and making it spin against his palms until Belle’s hand came to rest on the handle, making him stop.
“You think he would do that? Send Milton to - what? - to give my father ill financial advice?” She huffed, her lips pursing as she pulled her hand away from his cane. “That seems so - convoluted - so much effort for something that was bound to happen on its own.”
Gold’s eyebrows lifted. “You think?”
She matched his expression, and then let her gaze drift to the fireplace. “I love my father, but I know he’s not very good at running an estate, especially not one so large. My mother, she - she was the one who kept him straight, who knew how everything needed to be done. She understood how to estimate the crop yields, how the land leases were managed, all of it.”
The smile she gave him was sad, and he didn’t miss the way her lips wavered as she spoke.
“And she passed that knowledge on to you, didn’t she?” he asked, quietly.
Belle’s gaze met Gold’s. “Some of it, yes.”
He smiled fully then and reached for her hand. “Then it shall be yours.”
“You - you can do that?” She glanced down at his fingers as they curled over hers, holding them gently.
“Yes,” he replied simply, pleased when her hand turned over to hold his. In that moment he felt a sense of forgiveness, and the relief it brought was stronger than he’d expected, like an unwinding of something in the center of his chest.
She licked her lips and looked up at him. “How?”
“Your father has signed Avonlea over to me, so as of a half hour ago, I am the legal Lord of this estate.” He took a breath, her gaze inscrutable and making him shift in his seat. “As such, I have the legal right to name a Steward, which can be you if you like. And when I - when I die -”
He paused to clear his throat, pushing past the lump that had formed once he acknowledged what must inevitably happen for Belle to retain her family home. She squeezed his hand, and the look on her face was strangely stricken.
“When I die, I may bequeath these lands unto any of my heirs. Including my wife,” he continued. “But until then, you may help me make all the decisions where Avonlea is concerned.”
Gold returned the pressure on her hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles. She could scarcely believe his words. There were only two women who were positioned as the legal executives of their own estates, left to them by their late husbands, who had passed without children. Lady Ghorm, a severe and eccentric woman Belle couldn’t stand the sight of, and Countess De Vil, of whom there were untold rumors stories of the wild, unhinged parties she was fond of throwing every season.
She managed a nod. “You’d just - give it to me? Like that? You wouldn’t keep it for Bae?”
He nodded. “Bae won’t need it. He’ll have Thornhill and other assets, and I think - I know - he would want you to have it.”
Her chest rose and fell slowly as she took a steadying breath. She would have Avonlea, her mother’s wish would come true, and in the meantime he said she could be the Steward if she liked, and make all the decisions. She could run her own estate, even without it being fully hers, something she’d been trying to do for her father for years. It felt so overwhelming that even contemplating it was threatening to give her a throbbing headache.
She twisted on the cushion to face Gold, her lips pressed together as she tried to summon the right words to express what she was feeling. In the end she settled for something easier, and threw her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.
Gold sputtered and let out a soft cry of surprise as Belle practically leapt at him and gripped him in a fierce embrace. She was warm and soft, and her skirts were covering his lap as she shifted closer, pressing her knees to his thigh. He felt her fingers brush his hair where it lay over the back of his collar, sending a tingle down his spine, and breathed in the scent of her perfume. Her actions were so intimate and startling that by the time he made his own arms move enough to return it, she was already withdrawing.
She leaned back, keeping her hands on his shoulders which kept her face near his, and smiled widely. He looked utterly shocked, and she bit her lip as the realization of what she’d done sunk in. Abruptly, she pulled her hands away and she shifted back on the sofa, putting some space between them.
“Sorry, I -” She shook her head again.
“No, don’t be,” he said quickly, fighting the urge to close the short distance she’d reestablished between them. He was almost as surprised at how much he missed her proximity as he was at the embrace itself.
Belle wiped at her eyes which had begun to feel watery, and blew out a breath. “Sorry, um, we should - we should speak to my father, yes?”
Gold nodded. “Tomorrow, after breakfast, the three of us will review all the ledgers and papers. We’ll get a full accounting of everything, and we can decide where to go from there.”
“Good,” she replied, giving him another small smile. “Good.”
“Now,” said Gold, using his cane to push himself to his feet. “I promised Bae before I came here that I would apologize to you, and that we would join him for dinner. So to that end, I am very sorry for upsetting you, my Lady, and I most humbly beg your forgiveness.”
He offered her his arm and a cheeky grin, and she smiled as she stood, laying her hand over his forearm. “Apology accepted.”
38 notes · View notes
Dragon Dancer IV: Odin’s Mask
As soon as we exited the steam room, Chu Zihang stopped and leaned against the wall.
“What do you need?” I asked. I bent over, settling Ru’Yi back on my back and tying her with the wrap.
“I need water.” He gasped.
I looked around the hall and spotted the wall mounted hose. I pulled the hose out from the reel. “Hopefully, you didn’t blow the whole water main.”
I pulled the wheel to open the tap and immediately a blast water struck him directly and he had to shield himself with his arm. 
“Sorry!” I turned the wheel the other way to soften the flow.
“No, this is fine…” He picked up the hose and held it over his head until he was completely drenched.
Blood Rage and repeated use of Royal Fire raised his body temperature and increased his thirst. His took sips out of hose even though it probably tasted disgusting. 
He let the water run over his body for a few seconds and then let out a breathy chuckle.
“What’s so funny?” I asked him. I wet my hands and reached behind me to clean Ru’Yi’s dirty face.
“She… she used Blood Rage. Susie did. I didn’t think she would be able to understand that text.” 
I reached out and touched his neck with the back of my hand. “You’re really warm.”
“I’ll be okay.” He straightened up, still looking exhausted.
We heard a soft sound, like skittering feet disappearing into the distant hall. The monsters were still fleeing from us. 
Zihang glared after the sound. “We have to take those things out. Cassell’s no longer what it was. And even if it was the same… it’s shameful that they keep these things.”
He looked at me. “I want to take these things down to the lowest deck of the ship and release Royal Fire there. Burn them all.”
He was awfully weak. It was the first time he’d used his Soul Skill in months.
He grasped my chin in his hand and kissed me. His warm lips caressed mine and tears sprang to my eyes. 
“I won’t die. Don’t worry.” He murmurred.
“I don’t want to let you out of my sight again.” I sobbed.
He gently stroked the tears from my face, looking into my eyes, they were still dark but a yellow light shone in the center of his pupils. “No, Meixiu. I’m here. There’s no need to drag Ru’Yi into danger again. Go back to Lu Mingfei and Nono and protect them while I work. We have to be ready to go. If Susie’s here, Lancelot can’t be far behind.”
With one more parting kiss, he turned and ran away from me, swift like a leopard.
I hurried through the hallways, completely safe from the harassment of those monsters. My heart was beaming with joy. Chu Zihang - my Chu Zihang - was back. If we were strong before we were even stronger now. We would find who was behind this hideous Soul Skill and run him through, and then burn him to ashes!
I reached the heavy steel door, unlocked it, threw it open and was immediately knocked over by Lu Mingfei who had been pushing hard against the door to try to open it. I had to twist myself to avoid falling on Ru’Yi!
“Oh you idiot! What are you doing?!” I yelled at him.
“Sorry! Sorry! Where’s Zihang?” He helped me up off the floor. 
I gathered a sobbing Ru’Yi in my arms and rocked her back and forth looking at Lu Mingfei reproachfully. “He’s gone to kill those monsters, that’s where. But we need to be ready to leave. Susie’s here and she’s bound to bring the rest of her crew!”
“We have to find Zihang right away.” Nono walked out, looking better, but her eyes were flashing with concern.
“No, he’ll be fine!” I grinned. “Guys, his memory returned! He can use Blood Rage, and Royal Fire! He’s really back!”
“That’s… that’s amazing!” Lu Mingfei grinned. “But we still have to find him!”
“He took Odin’s mask!” Nono said, her expression grave.
My smile faded. “What does that mean…?”
“Odin’s mask has tremendous power. When he puts it on, he turns into Odin.”
My heart dropped in my chest. “Can he change back?”
“Who knows!”
My mouth closed. I felt suddenly very cold. In my life, I had met men so willing to throw their lives away. Chisei Gen, Lu Mingfei, Crow… and, until that Christmas Eve, Chu Zihang was more than willing to throw his life away for the cause of chasing dragons. But that night, I heard a different Chu Zihang, one who wanted to give up dragonslaying and live with me.
“He won’t use it. Unless he absolutely has to. He said he wouldn’t die.” I licked my lips. “He wouldn’t lie to me.”
Nono looked at me silent and serious. “I hope you’re right.”
A blast shuddered through the entire ship. I thought maybe we were being bombed or had been struck by a torpedo! The floor tilted and I shouted, backing into the wall. Panicked, I summoned a light spear and embedded it in the wall to hang on for dear life. I watched as Mingfei and Nono tumbled about, running into each other coming apart to slam into the walls.
Finally, the ship settled on its side, vibrating like it was having a seizure. A tremendous popping sound was followed by the sound of rushing water. A huge wave of frigid ocean pushed us all back into the tiny room and rapidly began to fill it. 
There was no time to think. I started cutting through the hull with my light spear. “Nono! Hold Ru’Yi above the water!”
Mingfei held on to Nono and Nono held on to my baby. My eyes burned with dragon blood and I thrust my spear up into the thick wall above me. A piece of hot metal fell into my eye and I cringed back, screaming.
My head went under. The pain was unbearable. I popped back above the water and heard a voice. “Meixiu! Mingfei!”
Suddenly, the bulkhead tore open, peeling back from where I had tried to cut it. Zihang had to force it back with all his strength, shouting with the effort, his eyes a blaze of red and gold. Even with his Dragon blood high from Blood Rage, it wasn’t easy tearing through this steel plate. A hand grabbed me by the back of my collar and hauled me out of the water.
I sobbed with pain. 
“Are you alright?” His face was close to mine.
I looked at him, one hand over my eye and nodded.
Ru’Yi was next, Zihang reached down to pull her out and gave her to me. The hull was violently shaking as the weight of the crashing waves began to tear it apart.
“After I get you guys up, I have to go and find Susie.” Zihang was saying. 
“You’re going back in there?” I squeaked.
Zihang grabbed me by my arm. “I’m okay. I promised.” He said, looking me in my eyes. 
“Okay…” I said, a little stunned.
“Nono’s still hurt!” Lu Mingfei’s voice came from back inside. I could only sit stunned, wet and cold. Ru’Yi was shaking and may be suffering from hypothermia. I quickly looked around but it was impossible to stay dry and warm in the constant seaspray. I could only pray that the strength of her dragonblood would keep her alive.
“I can’t use Don’t Die on her again. It draws on the body’s own resources. If I do, she might die even if the wound heals.” Mingfei’s voice echoed from the hull.
“Okay. Let’s get her out first.” Zihang was saying, reaching down.
At this moment, a steel cable about an inch thick caught him by the neck and pulled him hard enough to break it had he not been in a state of Blood Rage.
I screamed when his face went pale from strangulation.
The massive clawed monster from before lifted Zihang to shield its face and reached up with its claws to cut his head off. It was smiling at me, reveling in our seeming helplessness. It must have seen us embrace. It must have seen the love in our eyes, because it laughed, not at Zihang, but at me.
This was revenge on me!
Behind him, it was another beast holding the steel cable and several more immortals were rising out of the sea after him!
“Nono! Quick…” Zihang gagged. “Get out of…”
An explosion of gunfire ripped up from the gap in the hull and the clawed creature was forced to drop Zihang and shield itself from the bullets. It whirled to the hole and slammed its claws down to where Mingfei and Nono were.
As soon as Zihang fell my light spear, dazzling like a comet, shot from the void and pierced the beast’s head. I held out my hand and closed my fist and the spear split into seven shining spires tearing the creature's head into chunks. Burning with rage and grief, I sent those spires after the one holding the cable and they pierced his head all at once. It fell with a limp thud.
But its hand still gipped the cable. Zihang had been pulled several feet away and now dangled off the curve of the hull. He’d stabbed Tongzi into the hull to keep himself from sliding off but the weight of the monster on the other end of the cable still constricted his throat. He pulled at it with his free hand to breath. “Get Nono out!”
I scrambled over to the gap. But both Nono and Mingfei were gone. There was only the the black water in the cabin.
I stood there with my baby in my arms, silent and still. Tears falling from my eyes. 
“Mingfei….” I whimpered.
The sound of a helicopter. I looked up into the bright spotlight shining down on me. I looked over at Chu Zihang who was still struggling to breathe.
My daughter…
“Daddy?” I whispered. His voice was resounding in my mind. Louder than the helicopter, thundering like the sea.
I see you… standing on the threshold.
“It’s a terrible place…” I whimpered.
Your time is near. Do not be frightened.
“Okay…” I whispered.
I crouched down and scooted closer to Chu Zihang as the spotlight drifted from me, down to him.
“No!” He called out. His voice hoarse. “No… Meixiu! Run! Find Susie!”
I could tell he was losing strength. I wanted to tell him that they were going to kill him. But the words wouldn’t leave my throat. His struggles were becoming weaker and less frequent. It was all he could do to hang on to Tongzi.
Suddenly, someone came running. The immortals, still holding back out of fear of me, ignored her. It was Susie! She was shouting! “Stop! Don’t shoot! Don’t!” She waved her hands at the helicopter. 
She was still bloody. Her clothing was torn. But she smiled and gave me a thumbs up. Then she turned and slid down the hull to reach Zihang. 
That’s when I saw the sudden beam of a laser sight move toward him. Susie must have seen it as well, because she converted her slide into a sudden leap.
Susie’s body burst apart. Momentum still carried her and she landed directly over Zihang.
His anguish swept over me like a white hot tidal current. I fell to my knees and lifted my face, screaming it into the sky. Chu Zihang was holding her, ignoring the pain and breathlessness of the cable, rocking her back and forth like she was a baby in his arms.
For a moment, I could hear his mind, his thoughts flooding out my own. “Susie, god no… please no… no… Susie… why?”
He was going to get her. I was going to go back and get her. Why did she come? Why did this happen?
There was no further gunfire. The crew in the helicopter must have realized they had made a terrible mistake.
A huge rocket suddenly shot from the helicopter. Not at Chu Zihang and I, but at the immortals. They turned and looked at it dumbly for a second before they were hit directly, swallowed by a pillar of fire that roared upwards and felt hot even at this distance.
They were ridding the ship of their weapons. I took that to mean we would be next. The boat was still sinking and the waves had reached Zihang and Susie now. He was still holding onto her but the explosion caused a huge wave to sweep over them both. When I saw him again, Susie’s body had been pulled from his arms.
“Susie!” He called out to her.
Her body floated away in the dawn light, her white face distinct in the among the floating debris, like a lost doll.
I hadn’t heard anyone cry like this, not since the mourning of Chisei Gen at the death of Sakura Yabuki, perhaps because this was something similar. Zihang didn’t have very many close people. I remembered his laughter just minutes ago when she had learned blood rage and his smile when he told her how strong she was.
I was one of the few people he still had feelings for. And one of the few others had been Susie.
I felt his emotions suddenly shift. I knew what he was about to do. His last person left in this place was still at risk. He wasn’t about to lose me.
I lowered my head, giving my silent consent. 
I heard a collective roar. The immortals were not killed by the helicopter missile and together they raised their voices, like wolves before a hunt. A wave of scorching heat radiated from Chu Zihang. A reciting of various dragon texts resonated in the air and the immortals began to echo them.
Chu Zihang forced himself to stand against the hull of the ship, surrounded by a black and red aura. He tore the steel cable from this throat with hands that had converted into heavy claws.
The wind, that had been steadily blowing out from land, suddenly shifted direction three times in three seconds. My hair tossed about my face as I watched him, a fondness growing in my own heart.
I closed my own eyes and focused on raising my dragonblood, if not to fight, then to be in solidarity with him. He was not alone in the world. He was not a monster.
They were the monsters.
The clouds that had floated so tranquil above us gathered together, thickened and darkened. I looked up, feeling the rain on my face as they descended over us in a dense column of elemental turbulence.
I looked down at Ru’Yi who was now very still and quiet. But she was okay. She was listening. “Do you hear Daddy?” I asked her gently, stroking her hair with crystalline claws.
The ship was suddenly rocked with violent explosions and fire and smoke. They’d opened fire on him. 
However, every time it appeared a piece of shrapnel would strike us, a flash of lightning came from the cloud and incinerated it. I took a deep breath and felt my back ache as those large white feathered wings pushed through my skin from between my shoulders. 
I heard the sound of hooves on metal and felt their heavy vibration through my feet.
An eight-legged horse covered in dark armor plating emerged from the cyclone. It snorted lighting and mist from its nostrils and shook its head vigorously.
Its rider, wearing a dark blue cloak, reached down his hand to me. I took it and he lifted me to sit behind him., side saddle, like a princess. My feathered white wings trailed over the horse’s rump like a wedding train.
Together, we looked up at the darkened sky. Where our eye looked, a group of golden fireworks exploded. Those golden spears of light streamed down like meteors. The surrounding area of the sea was covered by this dense meteor shower. Only when the spears of light pierced the immortals could I see that every one was a twisted tree branch.
The spears pierced every living thing, including the helicopter in front of us, sending it deep into the waves where it exploded with a dull boom.
I looked at Zihang. He was still looking at the sky and where his one eye glowed, a lava-like trail flowed down his mask.
My consciousness faded and I felt like I was in a dream for a moment. Zihang was standing, head bowed, staring into a deep abyss. He lifted his head and looked at me and I took his hand. “Let’s go.”
When I woke up, I was standing next to him, still holding his hand and time had passed. The sun was up and we were surrounded by groups of boats and helicopters.
It was the Crane group from Crow. All they found as a derelict and disabled vessel, the floating helicopter wreckage, as well as the immortals’ shrunken, mummified corpses.
Chu Zihang, Ru’Yi, and I were the only known survivors.
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Dream On
Freddy Krueger x Vampire! S/O
Here's the full story guys. Hopefully its okay for y'all! And thanks for the request @kai-sick ! I had alot of fun!
Freddy x Vampire! S/O
So uh i really like the idea of Freddy being with a vampire so i combined that idea with "" prompt and this was born…. Enjoy. :)))
More often than not (Y/N) was sleeping during the day. Being a vampire meant days were the human equivalent of nighttime to her. She got her sleep during the day and she played at night. Although she found sleeping pointless, but what else was she supposed to do? She couldn't exactly walk around in broad daylight.
Well ever since she stumbled upon Freddy (well more like he tried scaring her to death and she was unimpressed) she had an actual reason to sleep now. It was her only way to actually hang out with the demon.
She could be herself in his presence. Not keeping her bloodlust or gorey tendencies hidden away. Plus it was nice having another supernatural entity around. Especially one as funny and weird as Freddy was.
(Y/N) could probably say that he was her best friend. Even though she may or may not like him even more as a friend. She'd never tell him that though, he has a big enough ego as is.
Anyway, (Y/N) was especially excited to sleep tonight because tonight Freddy was bringing her along to frighten some teen with a large fear of vampires. And what better way to scare that kid than with an actual vampire.
Hurrying downstairs into her room, (Y/N) settled into her bed. And no, not all vampires sleep in coffins. They're uncomfortable!
Anyway, (Y/N) could hardly sleep with all the excitement coursing through her undead veins. After a few moments of trying she thought it all hopeless until she sat up. Noticing the familiar musty smell and heat around her, she realized where she was: The Dream Realm.
Specifically Freddy's hunting grounds. She walked around the familiar setting looking for that burnt piece of bacon. He may be a cocky bastard but at least he was funny. She turned a corner and wound up in an old forgotten diner. On the counter was a note that had some writing that she struggled to read. She knew what this was. Freddy was trying to distract her. Unfortunately for him she's much more aware of her surroundings than a normal human.
She whipped around to come face to face with the demon. " Really Freddy? You'd think you'd learn by now that you can't scare me."
Freddy huffed and then grinned, "Doesn't mean a guy can't try, babe."
(Y/N) shook her head and smiled, "C'mon ya big dork," she said as she swung her arm around his shoulder, "let's get going, I'm starving."
Freddy smirked and winked, "I can give ya something to eat."
(Y/N) rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder, "No thanks, I'm not really into smoked meat."
Freddy laughed, "A guy can dream, (Y/N)."
(Y/N) groaned at his horrible pun and walked away. Freddy walked after her. With each step the scenes before them changed, each being a different victims dream.
They finally reached their destination. It was an old catacomb, with winding passages.
(Y/N) stood side by side with the dream demon, looking into the darkness of the ruins.
Freddy stepped towards the front of the catacombs and motioned into cave, "Age before beauty, (Y/N)."
She snorted as Freddy smirked as she walked past him, pushing his hat down past his eyes.
Freddy chuckled and followed behind her into the darkness.
Stepping inside, one would immediately notice how close together the walls were inside the catacombs. (Y/N) ran her hand along the grooves of the wall, taking in the marks left by time. She could understand the toll that time takes, for she had scars along her body from her many years of life.
(Y/N) continued walking for a bit before turning her head, "Hey Freddy how much lon-" she stopped when she realised Freddy was no longer behind her. Staring into the empty space where he should have been for a moment, she turned back around.
"Of course he'd leave without telling me, " (Y/N) muttered as she continued walking down the winding tunnels. She walked a good distance before her ears perked at the sound of screaming nearby. Grinning, she picked up her pace and pinpointed the location. It was time to play.
(Y/N) was getting close. She could practically smell fear coming off in waves. The screams were now on and off. She could definitely tell Freddy was playing a game of cat and mouse with the victim.
She could hear Freddy's dark chuckles bouncing off the walls of the catacombs and the frightened whimpers of the prey. She was so close. As she turned the corner she could see Freddy backing a guy into the corner as he clutched a broken piece of wood in his hands.
"Now now Tommy, come to Uncle Freddy." (Y/N) almost choked when he said that, and she tried containing her laughter. After a moment she composed herself and slipped into the shadows, blending into the darkness.
(Y/N) slipped behind Tommy, watching Freddy as he neared closer and closer. Her mouth practically watered when she caught whiff of the blood coursing through his mortal veins.
Tommy clutched the splintered piece of wood harder in his hand. "I'm not afraid of you, dickhead!"
Freddy chuckled and smirked as he made eye contact with (Y/N), "Oh you don't need to be scared of me, but maybe of her."
Freddy motioned to her with a gloved finger. And right as Tommy turned around, (Y/N) hissed and pounced on Tommy.
She grabbed him in a choke hold, pressing up against his jaw. With her other arm, she held his arm down. Tommy tried to wiggle away as he flailed about, but he couldn't match her strength.
Freddy watched the scene with a large grin, watching as (Y\N) subdued him as he pleaded to be let go. He watched as she moved her arm back against his jaw, forcing his neck to extend.
(Y/N) looked at Freddy as he nodded and motioned.
"Dig in babe."
(Y/N) smiled before her fangs sank deep inside Tommy's neck. His anguished cries and screams bounced off the walls and were practically music to Freddy's ears. He reveled in the way she practically drained all life from him. Blood pooled around him as his body went limp in her arms. Releasing him, (Y/N) sat up and licked her lips. She walked up to Freddy as she wiped her face.
"That was great Freddy, thanks for getting him all scared for me," (Y/ N) smiled at him with blood soaked lips and teeth. Freddy said nothing as he watched blood run down her chin.
She could sense the mood change to something….darker. (As if it could get darker than murder lmao) she inched closer to Freddy as he continued to stare at her.
However, they were too busy to notice that Tommy had clutched the wood again and dragged his body up. He stumbled  and staggered behind (Y/N), before he reached up and grabbed her hair and tugged.
(Y/N) gasped as she was sent to ground and she smacked her head on the stone beneath her hard. Tommy climbed on her and held the wooden stake above his head.
"Die you fucking bitch!"
He swung the stake a few inches right above her heart, (Y/N) let out a blood curdling cry as she shoved him off of her. Freddy was seething with anger as he grabbed Tommy's body off the ground.
He held him off the ground as Tommy stared at him trying to claw out of his grip. Freddy held him with one by his throat, and squeezed tighter and tighter.
Freddy brought his face closer to Tommy's before whispering, "Tell em Freddy sent ya"
Freddy then shoved his clawed hand into Tommy's abdomen several times causing blood to gush all over. Freddy stabbed into him well after he was dead until he was satisfied. Tossing Tommy's shredded corpse aside, he huffed several times catching his breath as his anger dissipated.
Freddy sat for moment until he heard whimpers and a loud cry. Turning around he saw that (Y/N) had pulled the stake out and was clutching it in her grasp.
He kneeled down beside her, and grabbed on to her. He held onto her and rocked back and forth, before looked down at her. Blood soaked her shirt and he knew it wasn't Tommys. He knew she would heal, but he couldn't get over how close he had been to losing her.
(Y/N) watched Freddy with lidded eyes, watching his face as he stared at her wound. Reaching up, (Y/N) caressed his rough cheek and he watched her eyes instead.
"I'm okay Freddy, tis just a scratch,"
Freddy let out a small breath of air and smiled at her.
"Besides you're not getting rid of me that easily,"
(Y/N) said with a slight cough.
Freddy looked down at her with a sincere look before he moved hair out of her face.
Their locked eyes for a moment before their faces inched closer and closer. And their lips locked. After a moment they pulled apart, and they watched the other for a moment.
"You better not die on me bitch," Freddy said with a smile, "I'll follow you into hell if i have to babe,"
"If i die it'll be one hell of a dream, Freddy"
Sorry if your name is Tommy! :)))
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dreamwritesimagines · 7 years
Bad Habit 18 - Taste in Men [Billy Russo x Reader]
A.N.: Your feedback makes my day! Thank you so much, please keep it coming! <3
Tags are at the end!
Characters: Billy Russo x Reader, Frank Castle x Karen Page, Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson
Summary: After the betrayal comes the anger .
Click here for masterlist!
Click here to see the beautiful moodboard by itsjustmylifeconfessions
Click here to see the beautiful moodboard by whoareumancek
Warning: Explicit language, cussing, violence.
Word Count: 3133
Please tell me what you think!
Gif’s not mine!
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“Get the fuck out of here!” You snapped out of your sleep with Karen’s whip-like voice, and tried to pull yourself together. The burning pain in your leg was back, making you scrunch up your face and you pulled yourself up to sit up straight, then looked around, sliding door catching your eye.
Matt’s apartment.
“You can’t keep me from seeing her.” Billy’s way too calm voice reached the room and you felt the muscles in your stomach clench for a second before you gritted your teeth and pushed the covers off your body, then limped to the door to peek through the small crack.
“I’m warning you-“ Karen started and Frank reached out to touch her arm, but she yanked her arm back, fuming.
“Get your best friend out of here.” She said through her teeth and Frank heaved a deep sigh.
“He’s not allowed in here.” Matt said, making Billy turn to Frank.
“Told you this was a bad idea.”
“Your place could’ve been compromised, she was right to suggest here. Bill-“
“I’m not leaving.”
“Yes you are.” Matt said, and Billy raised his brows.
“Or what?” he asked, and Matt clicked his tongue.
“Or I will have to make you.”
“Not the best time to push your luck, Murdock.” Billy said and took a step to walk past him, but in a second, Matt had yanked him by the shoulder and punched him square in the face, making you hold your breath and cover your mouth. Billy wasted no time to swing at him and you winced as Matt stumbled back but before either of them could do anything, Frank and Foggy got in the way.
“Matt, not worth  it-“
“Get the fuck off me, Frank-“
“Come on brother-“
“Enough!” Karen snapped, “You two. Out.” She pointed at the door and Frank dragged Billy outside, then Karen slammed the door in his face, and rushed to check on Matt.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” Matt said “A piece of work, that one.”
Karen shook her head slightly, and Foggy retrieved his hand now that he didn’t have to hold Matt back.
“How come you didn’t tell us?” he asked Karen and she frowned.
“I didn’t know-“
“Not that. You and Castle.”
Karen hesitated, then shrugged slightly, “It’s… it’s complicated, really. More complicated now that he went ahead and killed a bunch of people to avenge his family.” She said before someone knocked on the door and Foggy went to open it.
“For God’s sake!” you heard his voice and couple of seconds later, Frank walked inside. Karen crossed her arms.
“He’s not coming here.” She said and you almost felt sorry for Frank.
Even badass Punisher Frank Castle stood no chance against Karen.
“Managed to convince him to take a breather.”
“That’s lucky, because the next time I see him he will not be breathing.”
“He says he wants to talk to her.”
“Yeah? Same guy who played her, you mean?”
You felt your heart skip a beat as you decided whether to come out or not. You were nowhere near ready facing them, but you figured sooner or later you would have to.
“He didn’t play her, Karen. You saw how he was when we first-“
“He can’t be trusted.”
Frank groaned, “Red…”
“No, Matt has a point. The guy is a fucking sociopath.” Foggy stated, “I’d say he’s worse than you, Frank.”
“Hey, who’re you calling a socio-“
“Guys!” Karen interrupted them, “We can’t be arguing. She can’t be stressed.”
“The hell is that supposed to mean?”
“Stress isn’t good for the baby,” You spoke for the first time as you slid the door sideways, making all three of them turn to look at you. “Wouldn’t know though. I’d say being kidnapped is fine during first trimester.”
The impact of you words would be funny if you weren’t still high on adrenaline and anger. Foggy’s glass almost slipped from his grasp, Frank’s jaw dropped and Matt…
Well, Matt looked just frozen.
Karen heaved a sigh and walked to you to hug you.
“Hey, how do you feel?”
“Hungry.” You said as you pulled back from the hug and made your way to the fridge to take out jars of peanut butter and jelly, then grabbed a piece of toasted bread.
“Yeah. I don’t really care what you do with that information, Frank.” You said, smearing peanut butter on the toast, “Go tell him. Or don’t. I don’t give a fuck.”
“You’re-“ Frank swallowed, “You’re not gonna keep it?”
“I will. It’s just that, he will never see it.” You turned to Matt and Foggy, “Do I get a discount if I file for custody and restraining order at the same time?”
Matt was still frozen and Frank ran a hand over his face.
“Y/N, he says he wants to talk to you.”
“And I never wanna talk to him, Frank. Ever.”
“Don’t you think he needs to know-“
“Nope. You basically lose all the rights to anything happening in my life when you manipulate me, and use me, and…oh, yeah, almost forgot, get me stabbed.”
Karen’s eyes narrowed, “I’m sorry?”
“Remember when I got stabbed in a dark alley while coming to meet you guys? Billy’s guy, Billy’s orders. Told me himself.”
Karen threw her hands up, “I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch-”
“Karen, can I talk to you for a second outside?” Frank asked her and she looked like she’d say no for a second before she walked past him, then walked out of the door with him following suit. Foggy shook his head slightly.
“Ehm- congratulations.”
“Thanks man. Hoping psycho genes won’t pass onto this one.”
“You okay?” Matt finally spoke as he took a step closer to you, and you chewed on the toast.
“Angry as fuck.” You muttered, “Thanks for punching him. If only you could’ve done more damage, to be honest.”
Matt nodded slowly and Foggy cleared his throat.
“I’d better go check if Karen has killed Castle yet.” He muttered and walked out of the room, leaving you with Matt. You heaved a deep sigh and leaned against the counter, trying to smile.
“I really need a drink…” You mumbled to yourself “Hey, you’d tell me if Karen killed Frank, huh?”
“I’m not gonna stop her if she does.”
“Not so holy, Catholic boy.”
“His best friend-“
“Trust me, I’m looking for a scapegoat as well, but I can’t really blame Frank.” You gritted your teeth and shrugged “I blame him. And myself.”
“Yourself?” Matt repeated and shook his head fervently, “Y/N, he’s the one to blame. He manipulated you-“
“But he didn’t have many difficulties with that one though, did he?” You tried to laugh, “Should’ve suspected it, even he said so. Why would a guy like Billy want to-“
“Stop that.”
“Come on, Matt. I hate the guy, I really do, but even I gotta admit we were an unlikely couple.”
Matt scoffed, “He didn’t deserve you, so yeah. A very unlikely couple.”
You rolled your eyes at him, momentarily forgetting he couldn’t see and he shifted his weight.
“Can I feel it?”
You pulled your brows together, “Feel what?”
“The- um…” he motioned at you and you looked down at your stomach, then back at him.
“Oh- there’s…there’s nothing to feel-“ you started, then paused when you saw the look on his face, “You know what, fuck it. Sure, give me your hand.”
He held out his hand and you held it carefully, then pressed it on your stomach, a smile you couldn’t stop making its way to your lips. Matt let out a breath, as if he was in awe but before you could say anything, the door opened, making him withdraw his hand almost in an instant and you took a step back, as if you were caught doing something you weren’t supposed to.
“Hey, they called from work but I told them-“
“Karen,” You shook your head, “We’re not doing that. Go to work.”
“But what if you needed something-“
“I literally have a superhero with me.” You pointed at Matt, making Foggy smile slightly, “I’m gonna be fine.”
“I’ll drop her off.” Foggy nodded and she looked between you and Matt, then heaved a sigh.
“I’ll come back later, okay? Promise me you’ll be careful.”
“Same for you.”
“Don’t worry, Karen.” Matt said, and she hugged you, then pressed a kiss to your hair.
“We’ll figure this out, okay? I swear.”
“Yeah.” You nodded slowly as she pulled back, and she and Foggy left the apartment. You sat down to the couch, careful with your leg and turned to him.
“You got anything to eat, you badass vigilante you?”
You figured Billy’s betrayal hadn’t still dawned on you completely, because somehow you felt numb about the whole thing, for the whole night. Matt was very respectful, he gave you your space and never forced you to speak for the whole night, even after he ordered your comfort food, chips and muffins. Even if you were dying for alcohol, you grumpily settled for juice and sat in silence while Matt got himself busy with his legal documents. You squinted your eyes as the neon sign outside the window flashed, and limped to the window to close the curtains, but almost immediately the familiar jet black car parked on the street caught your attention and you felt your stomach do a flip.
Fuck you, Billy.
Of course he was there. Of course he was waiting. As if in a last attempt to mock you, or remind you how naively you had fallen for him, he wouldn’t just let go.
You gritted your teeth, and flipped him, then closed the curtain with an unnecessary forcefulness and Matt raised his head as if he could hear your fast heartbeat, then grabbed the muffins.
“Let’s go.”
You turned to him with a frown and tried to regulate your breathing, “Huh? Go where?”
“Follow me, and get the chips, will you?”
“That’s not a direction- Matt!” You rushed to catch up with him as fast as he could when he walked out of the door and you grabbed the keys from the small table and closed the door behind you.
“Why are we going upstairs?”
“You’ll see,” he said as he pushed open a door when you reached the top floor and you took a step, then looked up.
The roof.
You were at the roof of the building.
“Wow.” You breathed out as you stared at the New York sky, and followed Matt before he sat down. You sat down as well and leaned your back to the wall, eyes focused on the sky before you grabbed a muffin from the bag.
“Don’t you have Daredevil duties?” you asked “People in need of help and all that shit?”
“I am helping someone now,” he said calmly and you snorted, picking at the slightly burnt top of the muffin.
“He’s outside, isn’t he?”
“Yeah.” You nodded slowly, for some reason tears filling your eyes, “Yeah he is.” You wiped your eyes with the back of your hand, angry at yourself and Matt crossed his arms.
“You know, when I go to confession it makes me feel better.”
“I’m not going to-“
“Not literally. But I mean… you could talk?”
You lowered your glances as you nibbled on the muffin.
“There’s not much to talk about, really.” You mumbled, “Just… fuck my taste in men, that’s all.” You tried to laugh, “And I include you to that, vigilante with sexy costume.”
“Yeah, this is sort of your fault. If we met while I was in a bad situation and you were all…Daredevil, we would be married by now.”
“Not really,” Matt joked, “You drink too much.”
“Not anymore I can’t, can I?” You poked at your stomach and leaned your head back, taking a deep breath.
“How do you really feel, Y/N?”
You bit inside your cheek, tears burning your eyes once again and you closed them.
“I’m… tired.” You mumbled, “And my heart is broken so bad that it actually hurts.” You opened your eyes to wipe them, trying to laugh, “It’s stupid, isn’t it?”
“It’s not stupid. On the contrary, I’d say you’re holding really well right now.”
“But that’s the thing, I’m not.” You whispered, “Not really. I feel like-“ You tried to swallow the lump in your throat, “I feel like I’m hurt so bad that I’ll never be able to snap back into the way things used to be, you know? Like he-like he did something to change me forever, and now I’m just…” You turned to look at him, “What if I feel this way forever, Matt?”
“Will you believe me if I say you won’t?”
“Not really.” You shrugged “I…I just don’t know what to do. What if he messed me up beyond turning point?”
“I felt the exact same way after Electra.” Matt said, “But you heal. You have to. You can’t mourn someone forever, it doesn’t work like that.”
“But you still love Electra, don’t you? Karen- um…she said something along those lines.”
“Don’t you still love Billy?”
You let out a laugh and wiped at your eyes.
“I don’t want to answer that question right now,” Your voice cracked, making you gulp, “You know what he said? He- it…whatever it was between us, it never mattered. That I don’t mean anything to him.”
“You believe that?”
“What else am I supposed to believe?” You asked him, “I mean… Straight from the source. As true as it gets.”
“What about the baby?”
“He doesn’t know about it.”
“No, what is your plan?”
You cleared your throat, trying to pull yourself together.
“I was thinking maybe I could move.”
“Move on?”
“Move away.” You explained, “From New York.”
He froze for a second before he pulled his brows together,
“I can’t stay here.” You shook your head, “I don’t know, I’ll… I’ll find a way to make it work, but- I just can’t-“
“You can’t leave.”
“New York is dangerous, Matt. Especially for this baby. Billy’s enemies, my enemies…”
“I’d help.”
You scoffed, “What?”
“I’ll help. With the- with the baby. I’d help you protect it.”
“It’s my mess, Murdock. You can’t get involved.”
“I want to get involved.”
“No.” You shook your head, “You don’t get it, Matt? Haven’t you been paying attention? This thing, it’s just gonna get messier, because my brother will never stop hunting my ass, he’ll try to take the baby away to- to punish me, to make sure his legacy goes on, and I’m more vulnerable than I’ve ever been, because I can’t- I can’t fucking think!” Your voice rose before you could control yourself, “For the first time in my life I have no idea how to protect myself against all this shit!”
He stayed silent and you ran a hand through your hair, anger filling your system.
“Billy didn’t just betray me.” You said through your teeth, “It’d be easier if it was just betrayal. He made me… weak.”
“You’re not weak, Y/N.”
“No?” You let out a bitter laugh and wiped your eyes, “He put me in the perfect place for my brother’s fury, Matt. He made sure he’d be able to hurt me worse than before. And I…” You shook your head, “I fell for it so fast.”
“He’s a pro at playing people,” Matt said “He’s basically been trained for it. You can’t blame yourself.”
“I told him myself that I trusted him.” You bit down on your nails, your own stupidity hitting you with its all force, “That was exactly what he wanted. The minute I started trusting him, he had full access to my life, even more than before.”
“I know you’re sad, but-“
“I’m not sad.” You said slowly, “Not yet. I’m mad that I can’t hurt him like he hurt me. Sadness will come afterwards, when it dawns on me that I can’t actually hurt him, not like this, because that’s what will happen, right? I mean I can stand here all night and curse at him, but that won’t pull me out of this. I can blame him, I can blame Frank for not seeing it and warning Karen, fuck I can even blame my brother for causing Billy to enter my life indirectly, but I was the one who trusted him. I did this to myself.” You wiped at your eyes, “It’s my mess, Matt. You’re not getting involved in this.”
Matt heaved a sigh and a silence fell upon you before he held out his hand. You stared at him for a couple of seconds before you entwined your fingers with his, and you leaned your head back, staring up at the sky.
“So yeah.” You mumbled, “Fuck my taste in men.”
The next morning, you left Matt’s apartment before he could even wake up. You had left him a note saying you needed your clothes from your apartment, and you were glad he wasn’t awake because you were sure he would try to stop you. You managed to sneak out without Billy seeing you and took the subway, and half an hour later you were making your way up to your apartment with some difficulty due to your leg aching with each step. You pushed at the door with your finger and it opened easily, making you heave a sigh.
Your brother must have broken the lock earlier, when he had attacked you.
“Asshole.” You mumbled and walked inside to go to your bedroom to grab couple of items of clothing. You didn’t know how long it’d take you to fix the door –again- and for the time being, you figured you could crash at Karen’s place.
After all, you couldn’t stay at Matt’s place.
You grabbed one of the bags on top of your wardrobe and the gun lying on the floor innocently caught your eye, making you hesitate for a second. You bent down to lift it, then checked if it was loaded and put it into your duffel bag as well.
If that was how your brother wanted to play, so be it.
You left the bedroom to walk to the living room. The pregnancy test wasn’t on the table and after some snooping around you found it under the table so you grabbed it and tossed it in the trashcan with a sigh, before you felt a presence in the room, making your blood run cold. You reached into the bag and whirled around on your heels to point the gun at the intruder before you saw who it was, and you narrowed your eyes, the fury filling your system once again as he raised his hands, mocking surrender.
“Hi babe.” Billy said, “We need to talk.”
Chapter 19 is here! 
Special thanks go to: @lilywoood@baernthal@completeshippertrash@theskytraveler@lostkizzy@badwolfsupernova@dyingformyships@asongofmarvelanddc@thespectacularjasmine@ninjathrowingstork@onyour-right@hightechvigilantes@the-doctor-9-10@just-another-potterhead@itsjustmylifeconfessions@221bbakerstreettardis@sleepyyweepy@mightymelly@xsarahlouisex@anolympianhero sylviebret @timeless-flogging@vixsyncynco @fictionalthrill@megame@itssherlockintheair  padfoots-princess   @ravismorgue  @hogwartisism @hellostarposts@singing-telegram@divisionlunar @moonandstars-xo@pandalandalopalis@archaichannah@katjusja@lieutenantdanielle@fictionwillneverdie@thesandbeneathmytoes@mellxander1993@youveseen–thebutcher @robin-writes@imagine-cats96 @kaciedeakin@qxeen-of-hearts@siriuslyimmoony@romanceyour-ego@hoodedhavok @nostalgic-uncertainty@coffeewithlukecage@gamegulliza @gallysroses @marauderskeeper   @whoarumancek  lindatelevangelista666   and lovely anons! Your support means so much to me, you’re amazing! 
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zeltricstudio · 3 years
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After having finished having dinner at a restaurant, Mike and Cindy decided to drive up to Lover’s Lane to relax and enjoy each other’s company. Mike was very tall and muscly, having spent most of his high school playing football. He wore his lettermen jacket and was dressed in blue jeans and a white shirt. Cindy was of average height and was dressed in blue jeans and a light blue shirt, with a dark blue jacket on. It was around 9:00 pm as the couple drove through the woods, looking for a place to park.
“Huh, it is emptier than I expected” Cindy said, noticing the lack of parked cars or signs of other people
“Well after the police warning, I think people aren’t taking their chances anymore” Mike replied, keeping his eyes focused on the path ahead
“Oh, you haven’t heard?” Mike said, trying to hide his smirk
“No, what?” Cindy asked, becoming a bit scared now
“Well ahem” Mike said, dramatically clearing his throat. “A few weeks ago, this lovely couple went for a night drive here and they decided to park deeper into the woods, to have total privacy. After no one had heard or seen from them in days, the police went to investigate and what they found what horrible”
“What, what did they find?” Cindy asked, now completely invested
“They found the couple in their car. The wheels were slashed and the windows shattered. In the car were the couple, excepted now brutally mutilated. I’m talking their skin slashed, guts ripped out, eyes popped out, blood everywhere”
“That sounds disgusting”
“Oh it is. The cops physically gagged when they got close and the stench hit them. After that the police put a warning to everyone not to go here”
“Is this real?”
“Oh totally” Mike said, trying to hide his smirk
“Fuck you” Cindy said when she realized he was making this up
As the couple began driving deeper into the woods, Cindy started to begin feeling uneasy.
“Where are we going?” Cindy asked
“Deep into the woods” Mike calmly replied
“Why not just park here?”
“I don’t want to be interrupted like last time. Cops are always looking to ruin a good time. Plus don’t you want to be on the news?”
“Not funny”
“It was funny to me” Mike chuckled to himself as Cindy fumed.
After a few more minutes of driving, Mike finally stopped the car in a clear space. Aside from the path leading outwards, all that surrounded them was trees, grass and logs for miles. As the car stopped running, the headlights began fading, slowly incasing them in darkness. The two sat in silence, appreciating the moment before it was broken by Mike’s phone ringing. As Mike pulled it out to decline the call Cindy noticed Will was the caller.
“Are you for real? I thought you were done with that shit” Cindy said, getting angry
“Not this again” Mike said in annoyance
“Yes this again. You promised me you stopped drinking. I know you aren’t close pals with him unless you were planning on getting drunk”
“It’s just a few drinks” Mike tried to rationalize
“Just a few drinks? Remember that pole you smashed into? Or that cop you fought when he pulled you over?” Cindy said, her voice starting to get angrier
“How could I forget when you keep reminding me”
“Mike I care about you, but this shit has to stop for real. It’s getting embarrassing how many times I have to pick you up from that fucking place”
“Can we not do this now? I want to enjoy the moment”
“No, we are going to do this now. My god, I can’t believe you”
“Fuck this” Mike said as he took the keys out of the car and began exiting the car
“Where the fuck are you going?”
“To have a smoke” Mike said as he began walking
“Since when the fuck did you start smoking again?
“I never stopped” Mike shouted as he continued going deeper into the forest.
Cindy remained sitting in the car, extremely annoyed that Mike is back to drinking again after promising that he’d stop. But this was the 6th time now and Cindy was more disappointed than angry. After a more minutes passed, Cindy texted Mike.
“CINDY: Hey”
Cindy put her phone down and waited for his reply. Almost immediately a ding came, which was odd because Mike normally takes a while to reply
“MIKE: Hey. Come here, I want to show you something”
“CINDY: What no, it’s cold AF out there. Come back”
“MIKE: Please come here, I want to show you something”
Now Cindy was beginning to grow suspicious. Mike doesn’t text back fast or make vague statements like that
“CINDY: What do you want to show me?”
“MIKE: It’s a surprise, come here so I can show you”
“CINDY: Mike I swear if this is a stupid prank I will take the keys and leave you here”
“MIKE: No sweetie I swear, please come”
This immediately set off red flags for Cindy. They never used names for each other, much less ‘sweetie’.
“MIKE: Please come here, honey. I want to show you something”
Cindy put the phone down, now she knew something was wrong. It wasn’t until the phone was put down did Cindy realise she was having a strange feeling, the kind you get when you know you’re being watched. Cindy quickly locked all car doors before sitting back down and scanning the surroundings. The woods were still silent as the night and Cindy could only see the immediate trees through the darkness. Soon, another ding came from her phone but she ignored it, still focusing on the woods. Another ding came from her phone, then another and another. Cindy finally looked at her phone.
“MIKE: Baby please come”
“MIKE: You need to see this”
“MIKE: Come here now”
The messages no longer were friendly as before, but instead more demanding
“MIKE: File attachment”
Cindy was a bit hesitant to open this file attachment, but reluctantly did so and what she saw scared her. It was a picture of her in the passenger’s seat, looking at her phone. Cindy was absolutely terrified now, her fears were now confirmed that something happened to Mike. Cindy noticed the angle and began working the courage to look up. As her eyes focused on the ground, they slowly began making their way up until it hit the trees and then, she saw it. A figure in the shadows was standing there. Aside from the figure, Cindy couldn’t make out any features of the mysterious person. Another ding came from her phone and Cindy looked down to see the message.
“MIKE: I see you, please come so I can show you this thing”
Cindy began immediately calling the police, but she had no cell service. The mysterious figure began walking up to Cindy and she was finally able to make out its features. The figure turned out to be a woman in a wedding dress, with red stains all over it, wearing a mask over her face. As the woman got closer, Cindy noticed that the mask was of another person’s face. Cindy quickly made sure the doors were locked.
The woman was now at the door’s window, staring at Cindy. Cindy now noticed that the mask she was wearing was not a mask, but instead someone’s actual face. Cindy’s skin began to crawl as noticed this. The woman never broke eye contact with Cindy, staring deep into her soul. The woman in the wedding dress lifted her arm, brandishing a butcher’s knife. She began tapping on the window, making Cindy unnerved. The woman then began scratching the window, making a shrieking sound as Cindy tried to cover the noise with her hands. The woman tried pulling the door open, but it was locked. Cindy began preparing her arms, ready to fight if needed. The woman took a few steps back and slashed the knife into the window, but all it did was just scratch the window. Cindy flinched in fear as she moved back instinctively. The woman tried hitting the window again, but like all it did was scratch the window some more. Cindy began to weigh her options. Either she stay and die or try and get the keys from Mike. As the woman was preparing to strike the window again, Cindy disengaged the lock and kicked the door open, knocking it into the woman as she was pushed back.
Cindy immediately out of the car and began running in the direction Mike ran as she heard the woman get up and start giving chase. Cindy ran through the woods, jumping over logs and after a few minutes of running, she turned and noticed the woman was no longer behind her. Cindy began slowly walking, careful not to crush any branches or leaves. After a few moments of dead silence, she began to hear someone wheezing and slowly walked over to find Mike, slumped against a tree holding his chest
“Mike” Cindy whispered as she slowly began walking to him
“Oh god, help” Mike managed to get out, breathing heavily
“What happened?” Cindy ask as she helped Mike get up
“That fucking bitch stabbed me, before stealing my phone and running off” Mike struggled to say, as he was slowly falling to the ground
“Yeah I got the texts. I knew it wasn’t you. You got your keys on you?”
“Yep” Mike said, reaching in and pulling them out
As the two continued limping, Cindy’s phone went off with a ding
“MIKE: Honey wait up”
“CINDY: Fuck off”
As soon as Cindy replied, they heard a ding behind them and quickly turned around, seeing the woman standing a few feet from them, holding a knife in one hand and the phone in the other. They all stood in silence, staring each other with only the rapid breathing of Mike breaking the silence. The woman dropped the phone and began running at the couple. Mike put his keys into Cindy’s hand and pushed her away as he began running towards the woman. Cindy was about to go back for him, but stopped when she saw how fast she was running. Mike tackled the woman to the ground, but she quickly kicked him off and began strangling him. Cindy turned and continued running, not stopping until she got to the car. She jammed the key into the lock and opened it, before flinging the door open and getting inside the driver’s seat. She put the key into the ignition and hastily turned the key, making the engine sputter. Cindy tired again and again, each time the engine sputtering longer and longer. Cindy heard footsteps and looked up to see Mike rushing to the car, now his whole body covered in blood as he was holding his throat. Cindy opened all the doors as Mike got into the backseat. Mike laid in the backseat and waved his way, signaling Cindy to begin driving. As she continued driving, the only sound she could hear was Mike wheezing in pain, holding his throat.
“Hold on, we’re going to get you to a hospital first then I’m getting the cops” Cindy said, not taking her eyes off the road as she began speeding down the path, before finally pulling out of the forest and turning onto the road.
After a few minutes of silence, Cindy looked back and saw Mike, no longer wheezing but silently breathing.
“Mike, hold on we’re almost-“ Cindy was cut off as the tip of the butcher’s knife came through her throat. Cindy was still clutching the steering wheel and her feet on the pedal as Mike poked his head to her line of sight. Up close, Cindy was able to see that it wasn’t ‘Mike’ but instead the woman, who was wearing Mike’s face, as well as his jacket and pants. The woman twisted the knife, making Cindy wince before removing it. The car began veering off the road, before crashing through the guard railing and crashing into a ditch.
A few hours later, an ambulance team arrived at the scene of the crash and they couldn’t find Cindy or the woman. All they instead found was Mike’s pants and jacket, and Cindy’s clothing covered in glass and blood. Tracking the tire treads back to the forest, the cops conducted a man hunt and managed to locate the couple, who were naked and skinned alive, their bodies slumped against the tree.
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piracytheorist · 7 years
A Song for Goodnight
Mama Jones and KnightRook feels, y’all. aka Who needs summaries
AO3 | FFnet
"You'll keep the lantern lit, aye?"
"Aye, love. Worry not for that." Alice caressed her son's forehead softly, brushing away a few stray locks.
Killian's hair, always easier to tame. Nothing like Liam's wild curls.
"Now, would you like a bedtime story? I haven't told you the Big Friendly Giant in a long time..."
"Little Killy, still needing stories to sleep?" Liam's voice was heard from the door. He was peeking his head inside, his grin spread from ear to ear. Her little troublemaker.
"Hush, Liam," she said. "Go back to bed."
He stuck out his tongue at his little brother and left without a second word.
"He's so annoying, Mama."
A sad smile appeared on her lips and she desperately tried to hide it. "I think he's just jealous he doesn't get a bedtime story anymore. You know he loves you, right?"
"Aye," Killian said, dropping his eyes to his chest. "And I love him too. But he's annoying."
Alice brushed her fingers through his hair again, desperate to memorize the feeling of it. She coughed, managing to make it small and keep her mouth closed.
"Mama? Can you sing tonight?"
Her eyes lit up and she turned to him, smiling widely. He hadn't asked of that for some time.
"Any preference, love?"
He only needed to hum the beginning of the melody. Gods above, she was happy she managed to teach him how to sing. She knew it wouldn't be wise to use her own voice now, but his eyes, her eyes, looked so happy and eager to hear her sing...
My young love said to me My mother won't mind And me father won't slight you For your lack of kind
A cough escaped her, and she covered her mouth with her hand.
No blood. Good.
And she stepped away from me And this she did say It will not be long love Till our wedding day
As she took a breath to continue, her throat stung and she coughed. Knowing full well what that entailed, she pulled the handkerchief from her pocket and coughed, drops of blood landing on it.
To her horror, Killian saw the red spots.
"Not to worry, love. I'll be fine."
His eyebrows furrowed. Damn those brows, he was only eight and his face could be so expressive...
"Close your eyes."
He did, eventually, as she went on with the rest of the song. When she heard a soft snore coming from him, though his face still appeared worried, she leaned forward and kissed his forehead.
“Goodnight, my little sailor,” she said. She then fixed the wick so the flame would be there, enough to give the room some light but safer to leave unattended. She swallowed her cough and ran out of his room, finally giving in to her coughing fit once Killian's door was closed.
Brennan's arms were around her immediately.
"It's alright." She waved her hand at him and coughed again, spilling blood at the handkerchief. "Oh," she breathed.
"Come, let's get you to bed."
After she was settled, Alice looked at her husband. She couldn't deny that she was scared. Her time was very short, what would become of them? Her boys? How would Brennan fare?
Buried deep down within her was the fear that he wouldn't make it. That he would eventually put his needs above their sons... She always tried to keep that fear hidden where it should be, to not allow Liam and Killian to ever doubt him...
"Brennan, listen to me."
He looked up from her hand, tucked between his, and he stared at her eyes. She wanted to believe what she saw in his eyes were tears, not a trick from the flickering flame of the candle. Or her own weakened eyesight, for that matter.
"Take care of them, will you?"
"Don't talk like that." He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.
"I need you to promise me," she said weakly, feeling the cough bubble up inside her as tears escaped her eyes.
"I promise. I promise, my love."
There. That should be enough.
She knew her time was coming, yet she couldn't... she had to leave this world with some kind of hope. Deep down she knew it was false, but it was all she had.
She smiled, and closed her eyes.
Brennan felt her hand go limp in both of his. He couldn't hear her labored breathing anymore. He opened his mouth, her name dying on his lips as another worried voice was heard.
"Oh, m'boy..."
"Mama? Is she asleep?" he asked his father as the man walked to the door silently. "What is it? Mama!" he added as he turned to look at his mother's slack form, her bloody handkerchief still held on her hand. "Mama!"
Brennan picked him up and took him away from the door. He shouldn't have seen this...
"Mama!" Killian was crying. Brennan first felt the sobs rocking his son's body before they were heard aloud. He held him close, now away from their bedroom, and Killian clutched onto him with force, as he kept on crying and whispering "Mama... Mama..."
"Papa! Papa, it hurts!"
"Shh... I know, darling, I know..."
Alice cried loudly, tears streaming down her small and already reddened face. "It hurts!"
Killian balanced his daughter better on his lap, allowing her to lean on him while he examined her wounded arm. One slight movement and a shriek from her confirmed his suspicions.
"It's broken, love. Stay still."
"It hurts!" she cried as she sobbed against his shirt.
He balanced her broken arm on his left one as his hand caressed her head softly. "It's gonna be alright. It's alright. We'll fix it, aye?"
Her response was only choked sobs.
"We'll fix it. We'll make the pain go away. But... but..." He swallowed hard. It was never easy to announce his leaving. "I need to bring a doctor here."
"No! No, don't leave me, please, Papa!"
"I'll be back faster than ever, we need to fix your arm..." he tried, but his own voice betrayed his reluctance to leave.
"No! Don't leave! Use the magic!"
He closed his eyes and bit his lip. The leftover petal had done its work many a time he'd found himself at a loss, but from the looks of it he guessed it was nearing its end. If there even was enough magic left to heal her, it would probably not suffice for anything else.
"Please! Use the magic, Papa. Don't leave me."
He knew that the sob accompanying her pleas wasn't only because of the injury. Tears stung at his eyes - much like every time he had to leave - and he bent his head, kissing her soft blonde locks.
"I won't. I'll stay," he said softly, a small sigh escaping. "Let me fetch the petal."
She sniffled and stepped down, crying out as the movement jostled at her arm and he felt like he was being stabbed himself. It wasn't the first time she got injured like that, and he guessed it would always feel as bad as the first time. He took the petal and breathed deeply, hoping against hope this wasn't its end.
He held it above Alice's arm, rubbed at it with his fingers and bright yellow dust started falling from it, right where a bruise was forming. In seconds, a snapping sound was heard and the bruise disappeared, as a smile appeared on Alice's face.
It was short-lived, however, as her face fell when she saw the petal wither completely, now a dead, dry thing.
She put her arms behind her back. "I'm sorry, Papa."
He set the petal down on the table. "Be sorry that you jumped from so up high. Don't be sorry you're feeling better, see?" He brought her arm in front with his hook and tapped at the previously injured place with his fingers, turning to tickling as they went up her arm and shoulder. Alice shrieked a laughter, always a loud one, and pulled away with a smile.
"I won't jump from so high again. I promise." Her face was down, however, as she said that. "Is there not another flower?"
He swallowed as he thought. There was always a possibility another one had grown... But the garden was far away from the closest village and any trek that didn't guarantee supplies wasn't worth risking leaving his five-year-old rascal alone. Although, another source of magic for help would be very precious to both of them... And for different reasons for each one.
He bent down on one knee to look her in the eye. "If you promise me you'll stay put, and you'll be careful to not get hurt again, I may find some time to go search for another one." She nodded vigorously. "I don't know if I'll even find one," he said, holding up his hand to stop her, "but I can look."
"Can't you buy one? What if you get hurt?"
He smiled at her. "I'll be fine."
"Yeah," she said, frowning, "because you can leave and go find a doctor!" Her eyebrows started to furrow.
"It's not that. Do you remember what I told you about this?" He held up his hook. On their own, his lips pursed together and his voice went lower. "That I lost it during a mighty fight with a crocodile!" he said with emphasis as he pointed at the hook with his hand. Keeping his lips pursed and his one eyebrow raised, he turned towards her, and she giggled. "Any other harm that may come upon me, I shall fight it valiantly!" he said and laid his open palm on his chest as he puffed it, earning another giggle from Alice.
"And I will help you, Papa! I'll fight with you!" she said with a wide grin and threw her arms around him, blocking half of his view with her wild curls. He hugged her back, leaving a kiss at the side of her head, relaxed to see her previously happy mood come back. She was always unpredictable, swinging from one mood to another without warning. Of course, he couldn't blame her.
But him making funny faces and noises on purpose always seemed to put a smile on her face.
"Now, it's late. Let's get you to bed," he said and picked her up, going for her bed.
"Mmm." She snuggled on his shoulder, her arms going a little slack. He leaned forward and she flopped dramatically on the bed, sticking out her tongue at him.
"Knackered, are we? Which story do you want today?" He sat at the side of the bed and covered her with her favourite blanket.
"I don't want a story today. Will you sing?"
His eyes lit up. She'd never told him to not sing or stop while he'd been doing that, but it was the first time she asked for it. "Of course, love. What song would you like?"
"That one with the 'moved through the fair'."
He couldn't help the smile, nor the slight melancholy inside. He knew she loved that song, it was after all, the one she'd heard the most. His hand went up to brush the always messy curls away from her face, and he began singing.
My young love said to me...
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comeonrafe · 7 years
3 A.M [Rafe Adler]
Pairings: Rafe x Reader
Request: no
About: Rafe Adler makes phone calls to the reader at suspicious hours pleading for their company. 
Warnings: Drug use, slightly NSFW
Inspiration: x
Note: ugh sorry i’ve just totally always had this idea that rafe was a typical rich white kid stoner and some btec christian grey but that’ll be for another imagine (:
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Rafe would never admit it, but you truly were the only person he felt like he could turn to. That’s why at three a.m for the past two months, he’d call you up periodically, sometimes for days in a row and sometimes only once a week, begging you to come over.
You’d almost refused, but, after a while, you started looking forward to those late night calls, sometimes to the point where you would stay up all night just waiting for him. A lot of the times you felt particularly empty whenever you dragged yourself back home, though never having had slept with him, it left you pondering why he made you feel so emotionally high and then suddenly drained. Nathan, who you’d decided to live with ever since his brothers passing two years ago, started to notice something was up.
“Is everything okay?” He questioned you. “You seem restless.”
It was currently about two a.m., where you and Nathan both stayed awake on a particularly rough night (there’d been conversations of Sam, and neither of you felt like sleeping), and you certainly were restless. You kept fidgeting, checking your phone, getting up to grab a drink, things like that. And Nathan noticed. 
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” you responded, placing your phone down on the coffee table after locking it with a click. 
“Are you sure? You’ve been like this for the past week or so,” Nathan analysed.
“Just... expecting a call, is all.” You lied. 
“Off who?” Nate asked, running his fingers through his hair. “That journalist? Don’t worry, she’ll totally fund the trip. I’ve practically got her wrapped around my little finger.”
You smiled a little, “sure you have. But, no. Not the journalist.”
“Then who?” Nathan questioned, eyeing you steadily. “A lover?”
“Something like that,” you said steadily, fumbling with the corner of the blanket you had strewn over yourself. It wasn’t particularly cold, but the blanket was comforting. Your phone suddenly lit alight with a call and Nathan looked over at you almost disappointingly, know that this was your call to leave.
“They really mean that much to you, huh?” Nathan asked, almost scoffing, as you stood to your feet and immediately grabbed your phone. You hesitated for a moment, stuck for words.
“They just need someone, that’s all,” you responded hesitantly, “and I’ll be there for them.”
Stepping into your bedroom, you answered the call.
“Rafe?” You spoke.
“Hey,” he answered, voice gruff and slow. He sounded tired and worn down. “It’d be good to see you right now.”
“Sure,” you answered, grabbing your jacket and car keys. “I’ll be there in fifteen.”
Rafe hung up immediately and you sighed, moving out of your room and heading for the car. 
“I guess I’ll see you in the morning?” Nate rose his eyebrow at you. 
“Yeah. Don’t wait up,” you sighed, shutting the door behind you and climbing into your car.
“Your room stinks of weed,” you laughed, collapsing onto the bed besides Rafe who lay on his back, blunt in hand, his bloodshot eyes staring up at the ceiling. “What’s up?”
“This fucking treasure,” he squints, taking a drag of the blunt before blowing out rings. “I’m going to find it.”
“You seem determined enough,” you said. After a moments silence, you notice how Rafe has been staring at you for a while. “What did you really want me here for, Rafe? Surely it can’t just be-”
He sat up suddenly. “I like your company.”
“Uh-huh,” you nodded carefully, eyes darting around the room. “Nathan would absolutely kill me if he knew I was here.”
“Well, fuck ‘em,” Rafe shrugged, “he’s not my problem anymore.”
“Was he ever your problem to begin with?” You asked somewhat sharply, wanting to defend your friend. Sure, you cared about Rafe, but this was different. 
“He was when he nearly got all three of us killed,” he stared past you, and you felt a stab into your gut.
“Why would you bring that up?” You frowned at him. “You know I don’t like talking about Sam.”
“Sorry,” he said, sounding sarcastic, although while looking at him you could tell there was sincerity in his voice. After that, a comfortable silence hung in the air. Rafe’s head ended up in your lap and you ran your fingers through the strands as he closed his eyes, looking far more relieved of stress than you’d seen him in a while. 
“I could do this everyday,” he sighed under his breath. “With you.”
“Really?” You asked calmly, a flurry of heat swarming in your stomach. “I suppose I wouldn’t mind this,” you teased.
“Funny,” Rafe opened an eye lazily to shoot a look at you. “But seriously, I love this. It feels great.”
“Mhmm,” you almost rolled your eyes, realising just how pampered and spoilt this boy was, but you smiled at the same time. You took a while to inspect his face as he lay still in your arms, the bags under his eyes prominent, his lips dry and four-days worth of stubble growing on his jaw and chin. Your chest felt as if it had caved in when he shuffled in your grasp, and it took you a moment to think, Christ, I would do anything for this boy. “Rafe?”
“Yeah?” He answered sleepily. 
“Why nobody else?”
“Hmm? What do you mean?” He questioned, looking up at you again. 
“Why-” you breathed in a little anxiously, “why don’t you call anybody else over?”
He shrugged, pushing a drooping strand of hair aside. “Because it’s not the same.”
“You’re different,” he admitted, clearly feeling a little more kind with his words. Whether that be from how tired and doped up he was, you had no idea. You just half-hoped he was telling the truth. “I mean, honestly, I’ve been to therapy for years on end,”
You rose a brow at his confession as he fiddled with his watch. 
“I was put on all sorts of medication,” he told you with a sigh. “But nothing makes me sleep better than when you’re here.”
“Oh,” your hand went limp in his hair. You had to admit it, sometimes you felt like Rafe’s therapist. Obviously that wasn’t a profession you were willing to take up, but if Rafe’s happiness meant talking on and on to you about that wretched Crucifix and Henry Avery, then you were damn well going to be here to listen. 
“I actually got you something,” Rafe suddenly realised, rubbing his eyes before standing up and sauntering across his huge (much larger than necessary) bedroom and grasping a small box from atop his dresser. “Here.”
“A gift?” You asked, taking the box from him as he sat down beside you. 
“Mhmm,” he nodded, “open it.”
You opened the blue, velvet box and revealed a diamond necklace from inside.Taken aback, your mouth fell open. Surely this necklace was worth more than yours and Nathan’s entire apartment together. 
“It’s beautiful. But you don’t have to buy me gifts, Rafe,” you said, faintly touching the sparkling jewellery. “You being here is enough.”
“I’m just showing you my gratitude,” he said, seeming a little hurt. I suppose you had to adjust to his lifestyle, as he wasn’t particularly sure how everybody functioned outside of money. 
“I know,” you said, touching his face for a moment before pulling your hand away as if you had touched hot coals. “And I appreciate it. I really do. The necklace is gorgeous.”
“It cost me a pretty penny,” Rafe admitted, “but it was worth it. So, thank you.”
Gazing across at Rafe as you carefully shut the box again, putting it aside to his dresser, your heart swelled five times its size in your chest. This isn’t right, you remembered you can’t feel this way about him. But you didn’t listen.
Hands shaking, you grasped the back of Rafe’s neck, gently but firmly, and pulled him against you as you kissed him. Surprisingly, he was more obliging to press against you than you had once thought, as your previous assumption lead you to believe he’d push you away and order you out. 
Almost immediately, he insinuated tongue. You hummed against his lips, a French kisser? you thought, though were immediately distracted by the feeling of his hand running down your arm and sliding over your clothed stomach before pushing his hand up your shirt. Applying pressure, Rafe had you lying on your back, crawling between your legs as he continued to press his mouth to yours; it was a hot mess of teeth and tongue, and you only separated for a moment when he tore your shirt off.
Pausing for a moment, his eyes searched yours. Though, like opposite magnets, you were immediately drawn together again, with suddenly all that was between you was the realisation that you’d have to get up again in the morning and leave. 
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lindwurmkai · 7 years
Okay, storytime. :D
This day has really been quite the adventure, and of course it started with a missed train. This is me we’re talking about, after all.
Once I had finished panicking, I carefully selected the most optimal ticket, paid for it, and found I still had half an hour to kill until my next opportunity. So I decided to take a walk, during which I saw a pretty pigeon, was asked for directions by an UNFAIRLY ATTRACTIVE PERSON whom I could unfortunately not help much, and bought ice cream.
(Please take a moment to imagine a cross between Bodhi Rook and Lito from Sense8. Then also imagine this person being super charming??? The world brightened, my skin cleared, choirs of angels were singing, did this encounter even really happen,,)
Anyway, eventually I made it onto a train. The train took longer to reach its destination than it should have. I panicked some more and tried to call the doctor’s office to announce I would be late, but nobody answered. I decided I would look for a taxi when I got off instead of going the rest of the way by train as well like originally planned, which in retrospect was a great idea (albeit expensive) because that way I didn’t have to search for the office but was dropped off directly outside and the driver even helpfully pointed out the entrance.
(I had been unsure how to approach a taxi that was just parked in front of a train station waiting for customers. How could I tell they weren’t there to pick up a particular person? Well, I must have had such a helpless expression on my face that the driver shouted “DO YOU NEED A TAXI” when I got close enough, so like, that’s one way to do it I guess. LMAO.)
And now ... let me tell you about that doctor’s visit.
I had been warned about this doctor; I was prepared. Sort of. Nothing could have quite prepared me for the multiple “funny” notices signed “Dr. House” on the walls of his office, which--okay, I can see it, he has a limp and his name starts with an H. But aside from that, he’s almost the opposite of House. Friendly, supportive, absolutely unprofessional, not remotely thorough. LOL. (Also not that funny.)
When you go somewhere specifically to evade a rule ... well.
I told him, basically, “I want to start taking testosterone because I’m not a woman.” He asked me like 3 questions and then agreed to do it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Finally, THINGS GOT REALLY WEIRD, because I thought he’d just take my blood to have my current hormone levels analysed and next time I’d get a prescription, etc.? But, surprise!!! He gave me a prescription immediately? And then he said, “I actually still have some of this left, do you want a first shot right now?”
? ??
??????? ??? ?
Listen. I know all of this sounds shady as fuck, but why would I say no.
Sooo I spontaneously got myself stabbed in the butt. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
That part went well! It barely hurt, and the injection site looks unremarkable now. No bruising, just a little red dot that feels a bit tender. I’m relieved.
Afterwards, he warned me about skin changes and then paused, looked at my chin, and asked if I was having skin problems anyway? Why yes, thanks for noticing. At this point it occurred to him that he should probably take a blood sample next time, and he informed me that my skin would get better if I avoided dairy because surely I must be lactose intolerant.
Who knows what made this man the way that he is? Not me. But I am more or less confident he means well.
I’m to come back for my next shot in two weeks, and like, should he forget about the goddamn blood analysis, I WILL REMIND HIM MYSELF.
Well, that was that!!! I got out of there and kept bursting into giggles for the next 15 minutes or so, in part from the absurdity of the situation and in part from excess adrenaline.
It was good to have someone to talk to after all that, especially someone who Gets It. Damn.
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vanguardrecon · 6 years
The Black Knight Chapter 5
“Ok so what was with the Warlock?” Joanna mused
“Funny story there. His name’s Manus he’s a record keeper for the Warlocks. I never thought such a bookish type would be so good with a gun but...whatever I’m getting sidetracked. He thought his ghost was dead. We traveled to the vex network where he was disconnected and turns out the ghost was not dead....then we got stuck for a long long time.”
“Like how long?”
“Well in your time it was probable a few months...in our time...I lost count of how many years it was. Man I know he was friends with my old mentor and all but he really is such an odd guy even by Warlock standards. At least I know now he’s a full fledged Guardian again and not dealing with Fallen to stay alive now”
“He did WHAT!?”
“Long story, reef politics, cheating death and all that nonsense” Alastair frantically responded “after all we have to fly back home to save a City remember?”
Joanna-5 rolled her eyes and continued “right so he’s not with you so what happened?”
“We got separated in all this Red Legion invading nonsense. Why I was short a ship to fly back home. I have no idea where he ended up. He kept going on about some prediction he read about from some “old ally” of his from the FWC and it was coming to pass. The guy used to be a part of them too. He seems to have a habit of joining people and factions he likes until they’ve outlived their usefulness for him or whatever”
Joanna-5 raised an eyebrow “you sure he didn’t just do the same to you?”
Alastair threw his hands up “Look the guy’s head is a puzzle, ok? Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t. I spent years with the guy and I still don’t understand how his head works. He’s a damn mystery wrapped in an enigma. No wonder Ikora wanted to keep a close eye on the sneaky bastard”
Joanna’s ship neared Earth as it exited its Jump with a soft hum.
Alastair shrugged “huh speak of more trouble and it shall appear”
“Focus Alastair we might be the only ones who know about this attack”
“You sure about that?” he asked and pointed out the window.
Warsats were raining down from the sky burning as they had been shot down from Cabal ships no doubt. As they flew in atmosphere they could see the outline of the City. Dozens...no hundreds of ships were encircling the City both guardian and civilian alike. Comms were down and the City was ablaze. Joanna fired into the fray with a volley of bullets from her ship and neared one of the abandoned towers.
She turned to Alastair “I need you to find any help you can figuring out who’s behind this. You were always a good scout”
“What about you?”
“I’m going to do what I was always good at.”
She took off sword in hand and hand cannon at her side. Cabal near one of their ships amassed down below. No civilians, good, what she was going to try was going to make a lot of collateral damage. Focusing her light she dived down like a bolt of lightning onto the Cabal below.
A massive well of energy sprung up in a thunderous roar as she landed turning the closest enemies to mere dust from her Light and Fury. Once again she felt the rush of her full body and Light slam into enemy after enemy. Her yells echoing into the air like the screams of a banshee.
Joanna-5 kept running even after her power lessened and made a jump for the ship that deployed the troops in the first place. She wanted revenge after all the Cabal had destroyed. She could see her vaults burning in the distance. All her spoils and prizes of war burning in the distance filled her with more rage.
“Joanna there is something surrounding the Traveler. The Vanguard are calling for all guardians to-”
“I have a chance to cripple their fleet Alastair. I will buy the Vanguard time”
“Don’t you understand Joanna? We are rallying with what little we have left. It’s over. We have to get civilians out of here!”
“To hell with orders! I have an opportunity here and I’m taking it! Don’t YOU see Alastair? I’m giving them more time”
“What about you?”
“Doesn’t matter”
Joanna-5 cut off her comms and marched onward. Every bullet fired, punch thrown and sword swing brought her deeper into the ship. She was in a solemn silent rage seething with the desire to spill more Cabal blood.These ships were similar enough in design. Joanna knew what she was going to do. For now the crew was in her way. An issue she cut down troop by troop and room by room,
She entered the armory and began sabotaging missile after missile.
“Set these to detonate on my mark ghost”
“What are you thinking?”
“Blowing this ship in half once it’s reunited with its precious fleet. Open the bay doors we’re going to have to be off this thing once-”
A thunderous roar rung out behind her. A Cabal officer stood down the hall his blade humming and gun raised. Joanna glared back and raised her weapon. She fired as he charged at her. Every shot making it’s mark as he fired back in kind. Shots glancing off and ricocheting all over as a few struck her. She swung her blade once he was close but he parried and grabbed her by the helmet raising her in the air. Joanna grasped for breath as his massive hand squeezed with the intent to shatter her skull. She could see a more massive ship below them while the bay doors sat open.
Using what was left of her strength she pulled a grenade off herself and blinded her attacker. His grip lessened for but a second and she drew a knife from her boot and stabbed his hand. Finally the great beast released his grip. Joanna fell to the floor of the ship with a dull thud and looked up to finish her attacker.
That was when she saw it.
The Traveler was enveloped in a massive field of red with some device latched onto it. Caged like some prisoner. Joanna slowly raised herself with the intent to kill as she raised her blade against her attacker once more. He swung with his free hand as she cut the apparatus with her blade. She continued swinging wildly into his armor and flesh. She raised a hand cannon to his head as he fell over in pain but then felt the most terrible feeling...a coldness...a disconnection. She fell to her knees over this feeling as if her Light was being ripped out of her.
Joanna yelled in pain and looked to the Traveler. The field had grown in intensity and it felt so much farther away now more than ever.  The Cabal took this chance to grab her gun and shatter it. Struggling to his feet he kicked her over. The sharp pain to her side made her wince.
“Ghost...get the...ship”
She limped toward the Bay door sword in hand as she heard the Cabal slowly advancing behind her. Her grabbed her arm and she spun to dig her sword into his chest. The Cabal screamed and released her and sent a punch into her face as she flew back sword still in hand as it exited his body. Her helmet was now shattered beyond repair so she took it off now that it was only being a hindrance to her visibility.
For the first time the pain didn’t immediately go away. She felt so vulnerable and wounded and mortal. She limped and jumped off the bay door. The Cabal officer yelling with what strength was left in his body. She felt like she was flying for but a few seconds as the wind rushed around her wounded form. She felt the familiar feel of transmatting as she drifted once again into the cockpit of her ship.
“Do it now”
The missiles she armed detonated and sent the ship into a massive blaze as it struck the ships near it with a sharp thud and debris rained down like fiery rain.
This did not feel like a victory in the slightest in her mind. She suddenly remembered Alastair and headed towards the Tower she left him. Her ships velocity jerking her into a more attentive state as she focused herself once more. As she neared the courtyard she saw Alastair on the ground next to 2 Psions. She quickly transmatted out of the ship and realized all she had left was her bade. It didn’t matter...a blade was enough.
She fell downward and swung true striking one Psion down in one clean stroke. As she turned the other Psion blasted her to the ground with the energy emanating from his palm. She fell to the ground and dropped her sword, the breath knocked out of her. It was then she finally looked upon herself...she was covered in her own blood. The psion raised his rifle ready to fire. Just then a shot rang out as its helmet burst and it fell to the ground in convulsions. Alastair was sitting up holding his sidearm trying to force a smile “I...saved your ass again huh?” he chuckled and then coughed with a harsh wheeze.
Joanna went to lift up Alastair onto his feet. It was then she realized she needed more help then he did as she fell to the ground lifting him up. Her ghost fell into her palm a sad expression in his one sole eye.
“Joanna...the Light”
“I know Avalon...”
The ship closed in to pick them up but as it did she heard war hounds approaching. They struggled to climb into the ship as they entered the cockpit with haste. The ship took off once again.
“Zavala said something about rallying once we could get our bearings” Alastair found the strength to mention “we just have to-”
Another shot rang out as Joanna attempted to fly off. The projectile struck its engine as it started to lose control and fall like a wounded bird. She tried to wrestle what little control she had as the sound of a screaming engine ensued and she could feel the cockpit leaking air as the wind screamed like the maw of death itself.
Mountains and trees grew closer as she skimmed right over their surface. Soon she heard them crashing against her ship as she lost what little control she had. The ship now slamming into the earth as the harsh screech of metal echoed as it tore further. The ship came to a halt as Joanna struck her head against the console. All fell black in that instant.
She wasn’t sure if she was ever going to wake up.
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