#but its not the worst dubbing iv ever heard
goatpaste · 2 years
Who wants to watch legend of hei with me if I streamed it tommorow (Saturday the 4th) 👁👁
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
Yesss omg I'm sure I'll have like a novel written about all my thoughts of the movie after watching it!! And toge with the spikey hair OOOF I was not prepared when I saw that image for the first time 😭 its tragic that there's no mahito or sukuna in the movie but I heard that toge gets a decent amount of screen time so that makes up for it ❤ I'm also interested in seeing yuta, from what I've seen in pictures he looks sad and tired which is right up my alley lol
SPEAKING OF 👀 Funouhan is also right up my alley, outside of anime horror is my fav AND sexy wicked guys is my all time favorite breed of men as you know so it sounds perfect 😍 I read what it's about and if I could just convince him to murder this pussy instead of another person that would be great 🖤
YESS MAHITO LITERALLY WOULD DO THAT JUST TO BE MEAN omg I've thought about this so much 😭 the fact that he can do anything to his body drives me clinically insane like he definitely would increase his size until you're crying not able to physically take anymore. And one word. MONSTERFUCKING. Like you know how they usually have different shaped dicks like some have ridges or like suckers ig you could call them? Like the possibilities are ENDLESS he could do ANYTHING and the thing is he WOULD too like you know this man would lay awake at night thinking of all the ways he could fuck you up, experimenting different things
I'm so excited to start aot now that I know you love it I will definitely be sharing ALL my thoughts on it LOL. I dont know much about it other than 1: I know for a fact I'm gonna wanna fuck a titan like its inevitable for me lmaoo and 2: they eventually gave it a metal opening song which is literally the COOLEST THING IVE EVER HEARD!? More animes should have metal opening and closing songs fr I'm sick of watching a dramatic badass episode and then having a cutesy pop song at the end lol. Also you dont have to worry about me watching anything dubbed I would rather die LOL. And for Levi I always thought Ok I could see myself liking him but then recently I saw a picture of him like all bandaged up or something ? and I was like WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE 👀😍 levi just looks mean (idk if he is he just looks it) and like he wouldn't take any shit and I appreciate that ❤ like definitely not the type to put up with a brat. idk if you've seen mha but how you feel about levi is how I feel about dabi LOL hes definitely my most specialist boy 😭 if you havent tho I recommend watching it but stay away from the fandom its literally the fucking worst 🤢
I definitely appreciated the tiktoks and it is motivating me even more to thirst over levi 🥰 definitely dont want him to put me in my place or anything 👀
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTRyYwXd4/ IM SORRY I HAD TO BSGHAHA
I keep forgetting to tag myself as jjk anon LOL but you always know it's me 🥰
YES I WILL BE SAD THAT THEYRE NOT IN IT but give toge screen time challenge 😤😤😤 baby boy deserves love and praise!!
OMG YES if you do read it there is a scene where you get to see him… cough cough in action (and I don’t mean killing 🤭)
I want to fuck LOTS of the titans okay don’t even feel bad once you’re into it we can talk ALL ABOUT IT and you may even inspire me to write some Titan fucking ❤️❤️
LEVI IS SO STRICT one of the things I love about him 🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ he’s such a good brat tamer I SWEAR
I HAVE TO ADMIT I WATCHED THE FIRST EPISODE OF MHA AND I DIDNT LIKE IT but dabi has been on my radar because he’s very sexy so I am thinking about watching it for him if nothing else 😭 BUT FEEL FREE TO SEND ME THINGS ABOUT HIM ID LOVE TO KNOW ALL ABOUT YOUR MANS EVEN IF I DONT WATCH THE SHOW
I’m such a sucker for worm mahito 🥰 I’m sorry that I would also fuck the worm
I’m watching demon slayer now! Do you have thoughts? 🤔
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champagne-bucky · 4 years
The Undoing: Two
Summary: The truth about a past life is unveiled.
Warnings: THIS IS A DARK STORY!! dark! Steve Rogers x reader, kidnapping, non con and dub con (or at least mentions of), dark! Bucky Barnes, Stockholm syndrome, grooming, mentions of pregnancy termination and suicide mentions (for one chapter), possibly more tags to be added!
Notes: Welp, it’s here. Hope you guys enjoy chapter 2. There is one more chapter explaining the background of the story and our main character. Hope you all enjoy!! Please make sure to like, comment, reblog, inbox, and follow me for more! Enjoy :)
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*Eight Months Later*
You were in pain. So much fucking pain that you thought you were about to combust from the inside. The contractions started early in the afternoon yesterday. Steve was being stubborn and said that it wasn’t time yet and that the baby will be born on its due date. However, the baby was having other plans.
“Steve,” you tried to scream up to the kitchen. Hopefully he wasn’t out.
“STEVEEEEEEE,” you screamed as loud as you could. You didn’t even know what time of day it was.
Following your obnoxiously loud screams, you heard a series of footsteps from upstairs coming to the basement. The bastard at least gave you a cot to sleep on since you were getting bigger.
“What do you want,” if you weren’t in so much pain you would’ve notice how he barked at you.
“So much pain. I’m in so much pain. I think the baby is coming,” tears were in your eyes as another contraction hit you.
“Sweetheart, the baby isn’t supposed to be here for another two weeks. I think it’s just something that you ate and now your stomach is upset,” he tried to be comforting but in reality he was tired and annoyed you woke him up.
Just as you were about to say something, you felt a gush of water from in between your legs. You screamed out loud and Steve looked bewildered at the sight in front of him.
“Fuck, fuck, fucking shit, fuck. It’s too early. They aren’t ready,” Steve became frantic as he found the key in his pocket to unchain you.
To get up the stairs was a major dilemma. Every step was like climbing a mountain. Eventually, Steve got tired of how slow you were taking and just ended up picking you up and taking you out to his car.
He got on the phone and dialed up Bucky to meet him at the hospital. You found out that the two were never father and son. They were just posing as ones at work events and family parties that were being thrown. It was just all a scheme to get you.
The pain was doing a number on you. At one point you were finally able to fall asleep, but not until you heard Steve make another phone call.
“Hey, it’s time. Get them ready,” was all you heard from your kidnapper before you passed out.
Hospitals were always a scary place to you. Ever since you were 16, you tried to avoid them as much as possible. Well, this hell hole might just work as your saving grace.
Steve had never taken you out anywhere, not even to get the baby checked by doctors. Knowing him though, he probably did all his evil deeds when he gave you things that made you sleep easier at night.
“When we get in there you so much as utter a single word about anything and I’ll make sure you’ll regret it,” Steve warned you before he ran in to get you a wheelchair. You couldn’t even register the feeling of fear for the wave of contractions hitting you.
Soon enough, you were in a hospital bed and were propped up on stirrups. The nurse had put an IV in you and Steve refused to leave your side. From what the nurses told you, you dilated really fast and baby Rogers wanted to come out now.
Never in your life had you experienced a pain worse than this one. The doctor and Steve yelled at you to keep on pushing, but you felt so numb you didn’t think you were doing anything. Steve squeezed your hand hard because he was getting impatient about meeting his baby.
Notice, his baby. He made sure that during this whole pregnancy that the baby you were carrying was his, not yours or ours. This was his way of breaking you down. Rightfully so, it was starting to work. During those months, you found yourself asking him to stay a little longer after sex. Asking him to hold you for a second longer. You didn’t think that you would succumb to the situation so easily. Well, now that the baby is almost here you need to do what’s best and protect it.
“I see a head!” The doctor yelled and she urged you to keep on pushing. “C’mon, Mama Rogers, just a few more pushes and you get to meet your baby!”
You couldn’t remember the last painful moments of childbirth until the tiny squalling newborn was being placed in your hands. The little babe was still covered in God knows what, but it didn’t matter. The little thing screaming and crying ignited a light inside of you that you thought had died a long time ago.
“It’s a girl! Congratulations mommy and daddy,” the doctor finished cleaning you up and another nurse took the baby girl to get cleaned up, your baby girl.
Steve still had a grip on your hand as he refused to leave your side. He stayed stoic when the doctor announced the sex of your baby girl. “I wanted a boy,” Steve mumbled before walking over to the nurses that asked him if he wanted to see the baby.
Internally, you smirked to yourself with the little bit of strength that you had left in you. He didn’t get what he wanted this time around. Steve Rogers would have to live with the fact that he couldn’t have the control on one thing in your life.
“Have we thought of a name yet?” A young nurse comes over to you and Steve.
“No, I’m going to need a little more time for that,” Steve answered before you got a chance to. As much as you didn’t want to raise a child, let alone Steve’s, you had thought of a perfect name for the baby.
“Well,” the nurse seemed unfazed by Steve, “we are gonna bring baby girl down to the nursery while we let momma rest. Want to bring some family over as well?” The nurse did not put her eyes on you once and only directed questions to Steve.
Steve left along with your baby girl. He gave you a “loving” kiss on the top of your head and gave you a warning glare. Once you were all alone you got straight to work, you pressed the nurse call button and hoped that the nightmare was ending tonight.
“There she is,” Steve tried his best to perk up while he showed Bucky the little newborn.
“She’s beautiful, Steve. Congratulations,” Bucky admired the adorable little girl squirming in her crib.
“Yeah, yeah, thanks,” Steve paused for a moment. That’s all he would need before he asked Bucky the worst possible question a new father could even conjure up.
“You want her,” Bucky snapped his head at Steve. He chuckled at first thinking that Steve was just nervous about fatherhood and all, but the face he made that went along with his question was completely serious.
“Steve, you can’t be serious now, what makes you wanna do that?”
“I don’t know. Just doesn’t feel right,” Steve simply shrugged.
“What do you mean? I’m sure Y/N isn’t ready to be a mother either, but you guys can work it out. I know you-”
“Something isn’t right...about her,” Steve looked at the baby.
Bucky was confused as he eyed up Steve and the baby that was being taken away by a nurse for feeding time with you. “Steve,” Bucky chuckled warily, “you think a half and hour old newborn baby is capable of what exactly? World domination?”
“Shut the fuck up,” Steve turns to Bucky with wide eyes. Bucky thought the man was having a psychotic break.
“I know what I’m talking about. There’s something about that thing,” Bucky gasped.
“Steve, don’t call her that, she’s your daughter,” Bucky spoke above a whisper.
“Then why don’t you take her then?” Steve almost growled at Bucky when a nurse hurried over and tapped Steve’s shoulder.
“What?” Steve barked at the nurse.
“Mr. Rogers, it’s your wife. She’s doing what you thought would happen,” Bucky was left in the dark at this statement.
“That fucking bitch,” Steve stormed passed the nurse leaving Bucky to look at the rest of the newborns.
“Please, please, if you just listen to me,” tears were streaming down your face as the nurse kept dismissing your revelation. She kept trying to push the baby towards your breasts, but you kept pushing back trying to explain to her your situation.
“One of you go get the father,” the nurse yelled as one scurried out into the hall.
“No, no, please don’t get him. Get me out PLEASE,” you were screaming hysterics as the nurse yelled at everyone to clear the room.
“You're having crazy thoughts, my dear. We can give you something after you’ve fed the baby,”
“NO! PLEASE I’M BEGGING YOU CALL SOMEONE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!” You were full on wailing as you tried to grab the nurse.
Steve walked in. His smile was kind and patience towards the nurse. You missed it, but for a millisecond his eyes were on yours with a fear of God hidden behind them.
“I’ve got her. You take the baby, I wanna talk,” the nurse yanked herself away from you and tore the now screaming baby from your arms.
You were left alone with Steve. The room was quiet all for your whimpers. Steve stalked his way over to you with the death glare clouding his once blue eyes.
He didn’t say anything. His breathing got heavy and his fists were clenched real tight. It was a moment later, but the next sound to fill the room was the sound of the smacked flesh of your cheek. The tears flowed more and your whimpers turned into screams for help. Steve grabbed you by the hair and smacked a hand to your mouth.
“I told you. I fucking TOLD you you’d regret it if you pulled something like this. After everything I’ve done for you. After everything I gave you! You know what? Say goodbye to the baby, she’s gone!” You screamed through Steve’s palm as loud as you could, but he only slammed you into the pillow of the hospital bed. Your screams and pleas were muffled as you tried to beg Steve not to take away your baby girl.
“Shut up, SHUT UP,” Steve screamed at you and you tried your best to quiet down. “I’ll make a deal with you,” he drew away his palm.
“I’ll let you keep the baby, but you have to work for it. No slip ups, no more outbursts, no running away, no defying me. You break any of these rules Mrs. Rogers, I’ll ship this baby off to the farthest foster home in the country. That’s a fucking promise.”
That was the day the light died down in you entirely. There was no hope and you'd have to accept that. You had to keep it together. If not for you, then for the baby. All for her.
All for Sasha.
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mysterylover123 · 5 years
BNHA Rewatch: Episode 61 “Deku vs Kacchan Part 2″
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This is gonna get kinda emotional.
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Deku is turning Kacchan’s fight proposal down. Dammit Deku! He’s being serious!
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Hoo boy that Kacchan face. No light in his eyes. That realization, just…just bleeding through…hoo boy.
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“If the way you admired him was correct, does that mean my way of thinking was wrong?” OMG ITS HAPPENING. HE’S REALIZING IT YA’LL.
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The flashbacks to bb Deku and Kacchan the feels.
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The white void, it’s just the two of them. 
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That Deku line from the first episode. I’m transported right back, ya’ll. It’s that first love again, that same feeling I had when I first discovered this series all the way back in summer of last year.
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So Deku starts by thinking too hard about what’s going on and immediately gets blasted.
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“You think too much” hoo boy recently Mother’s Basement posted the analysis of this fight and pointed out that this is actually a flaw of Deku’s that he can learn to remedy by adopting some of Kacchan’s impulsiveness. Never has the phrase “you complete me” been more accurate.
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This freaking animation. It’s so beautiful. OMG.
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Cause he loves ya you dope.
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Cute overload
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WHY WHY WHY hoo boy Kacchan flashbacks.
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Dat little trip oh man. He’s so bummed Deku doesn’t wanna fight and Deku’s little kick actually knocked him down.
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Ooh boy. Here it comes. The music went out
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Hold his freaking hand some day dammit
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Oh god I can’t watch this again I can’t I can’t
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“why is to you became strong…while I - “ OH GOD HERE IT COMES HERE IT COMES
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OH GOD. Slow clap. Okamoto and Chapin both deserve freaking awards for that performance. I mean holy shit. That voice acting. Those cracks. That hit. It makes me cry. I’m tearing up right now. Cause you see, this whole episode, it really rests on the ability of Bakugou’s Seiyuu and VA to pour everything into the performance. It’s not going to hit without both of them giving the vocal acting performance of a lifetime, and they both knocked it out of the freaking park. I actually love them both as his voice; I don’t have a preference for dub over sub, as regards their performances (not the dialogue translations), because both are incredible. Just. Slow clap. All of the awards, please.
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Look at how Deku looks at him. He’s the best. He just…he cares, so much. I mean, you’d admittedly have to be a pretty heartless bastard not to feel a little compassionate after hearing that speech but still. Kacchan’s so fucking lucky he has Deku and he doesn’t even know it. I want one too.
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He’s crying. Me too.
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Kacchan no Kacchan no nononononono 
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Oh god Deku you beautiful darling
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“May not be any meaning in winning or losing” lol are you just saying that in hindsight, Future Deku, cause you know you lost?
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Deku didn’t have to do this. He didn’t have to fight Kacchan or even let him know the truth.
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And note, he didn’t accept until he realized there was someone he could save. Someone who needs saving, to be helped. And this is how to help him.
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“The only one who can accept his feelings is me.” Ya’ll heard that haters? Say it a little louder for the people in the back, Deku. He’s got his heart.
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And look who’s smiling again, eyes lighting up again, the minute Deku started fighting back?
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“I couldn’t just completely reject him” Guess who also sad that about their fiery spiky blond spouse in BNHA? Kacchan’s dad in that omake about their marriage.
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Their relationship was wrong, but now it’s right. 
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They never talked about how they really felt. Communication is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, folks. Go on. Talk about your feels. Your real feelings.
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Of that was one hell of a hit.
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That speedy recovery though. Deku is fast. 
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Oh wow Kacchan hit it too
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That smile. That smile OMG that is THE HOTTEST, by far, that Deku has ever looked in animation. And I don’t say that lightly.
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The translation here is either “I’ve” or “you’ve” gotten stronger. Both fit fine, which is the crazy part. Deku could be either saying that he himself has improved, or complimenting Bakugou, which does admittedly make more sense with what he was saying before, while ‘I’ve’ fits his cocky grin here better. I want him to flash a cocky grin more. It suits him. (BTW The English Dub compromises between the two and says’ we’ve both’.
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Katsuki assumes Deku has a plan. Always overestimating him.
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“That’s what I hate about you” OMG HE FINALLY TELLS HIM HOW HE FEELS. “I can never tell what you’re thinking” Because ya know he’s so good at understanding how everyone else thinks and feels.
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He’s always being mean to Deku. Deku has seen him at his very worst and yet still admires him. Maybe that’s scary, you know? Unconditional love is…kinda terrifying. But so, so beautiful. So he has to rationalize it that Deku is just looking down on him.
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Wow Deku sure took you long enough! He’s been saying that since day 1!
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“I wouldn’t want anything to do with them anymore” Deku there you go being empathetic and wonderful and perfect again. So understanding you darling, darling boy.
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 “Along with the parts I hated about you, I saw all the amazing things you could do.” THAT’S ADMIRATION, FOLKS. ADMIRATION WITHOUT IDOLIZATION. Without hero-worship. Acknowledging the good and the bad. Seeing a person for who they really are and always, always seeing the best of them, even at their worst.
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“MUCH CLOSER TO ME THAN ALL MIGHT” Do you hear him guys? The closest person to him, closer than All Might. Closer than his freaking #1 favorite hero. The dub version has “actually in my life”, which isn’t a bad idea either. Both are true. That is so powerful. The person who
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Oh yeah and again how does Deku advance in power? How does he Go Beyond? KACCHAN. Full cowling, he found from him. OFA itself, he gained by saving him. And 8%.
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THAT SMILE. “I thought you were amazing.” He loves you you idiot. 
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He kept chasing after him. He’ll never stop. He won’t just give up.
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He passed him. And Bakugo looks happy. Possibly because he wants Deku to do better. Possibly because it seems to be confirming his might-makes-right theory. Possibly both.
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I’m serious. They brought out all the stops for this one. Of course. they knew, they had to know, that this was it. The animation, too, had to be perfect, or else it wasn’t gonna come across. And it is. Even better, in my opinion, than the animation in the stuff that came before it. Bones you are incredible. 
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Higher gear. Can anyone doubt that Katsuki is important to Deku’s journey after this?
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“This is gross, so I can’t say it”.. “I love you?” A reactor I follow actually said that after that line. That’s how intense they are.
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Anyway IMAGE OF VICTORY SPEECH. The Ep that keeps on giving. 
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Kacchan is his image of victory. The other side of him. And he adopts some of his traits.
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“The part of you I hate and yet” How much love can you have for a person when you can somehow still admire the darkest, meanest parts of them? I don’t have a very perfect definition of love but I think that’s probably a big part of it.
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“my image of victory is of you” feels overload. Feels O.D. 
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dat crane shot.
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My one disappointment with this episode is that they used the US of Smash OST instead of the Katsuki and Izuku OST for this scene. CMON GUYS. SERIOUSLY. THE KATSUKI AND IZUKU THEME HAD TO HAVE BEEN WRITTEN FOR THIS EPISODE AND THIS MOMENT ALONE. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING. 
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“I have to beat you” the music the feels omg
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Hahaha psych. Kacchan wins anyway. 
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WOOF. Like OK this is in the manga, this positioning, but it’s only for one frame. In the anime it goes on for like, an uncomfortably long time, with the slow panting, and the close-ups on the twisting body parts, and…combined with the fact that all of Deku’s admiring girlfriends in this arc have also landed on top of him in a similar pose, and you can’t blame me for the fact that my mind went into rather…R-rated territory. 
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Kacchan’s disappointed. He didn’t want Deku to lose. He wanted Deku to win.
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That breaking  voice again. Don’t make me cry more dammit it’s too late.
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ALL MIGHT! I need an MST3K style All Might commentary-reaction to this entire damn thing. Seriously Hori. If you ever do an extra, please make one that’s a serious of All Might panel reacting to this whole thing. I NEED THAT. 
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Finishing each other’s sentences again.
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This is such a great moment of catharsis. Why Deku indeed? Well, you’re about to learn.
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THAT LINE DELIVERY AGAIN. That Broken voice. Both voice actors are too good.
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Deku’s legs though. WOWSA. A little detail I’ve noticed is that Kacchan has really buff, sexy arms and Deku has really buff, sexy legs. Because those are the body parts they use, while the reverse parts are more average.
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“I’m weak too” You’re making me weak I can’t take it. His voice his voice that fucking voice
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I also need an All Might in my life. I kinda blame myself all the time for things outside of my control. Deku AND Kacchan both blamed themselves for what happened. For All Might’s end. And neither one was really responsible, but they’re just like that. I relate, painfully, to both of them. I have a Deku side and a Bakugo side - deep down, I think we all do. Maybe one more than the other, but that’s what you get when you create two characters who initially act as kind of…distilled embodiments of two sides of the super-hero coin. One all super with no hero, the other all hero with no super - at least, at the beginning.
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Ooh boy All Might’s BKDK Speech! Both of their teachers ship them, you guys. All Might AND Aizawa both give big, beautiful speeches about their compatibility. In case you somehow missed it. 
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Being fixated on victory like you, young Bakugou…and wanting to save those in trouble, like you, young Midoriya…both of those feelings are necessary.” “You guys are perfect for each other”, says the reactor I mentioned earlier (who isn’t even a hardcore BKDK shipper, mind you, it’s just that it’s that obvious.) And it’s true. You need both. They want each other, they need each other, because they have what the other lacks. They complete each other.  
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This is the shonen rival equivalent of having the couple in a rom-com confess at the end of act one instead of act three. It upsets all the cliches and is all the better for it. Though even the most hardcore, dedicated anime rivals, I don’t think have ever gone this married-couple with the ‘mutual respect’ and ‘making each other stronger’ thing.
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WIN AND SAVE SAVE TO WIN. They look each other in the eyes.
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Oh god not that voice again I’m dying. Don’t make me cry again Kacchan.  
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“Of the students only you.” ONLY YOU. 
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I put this moment really high on my list of Kacchan’s nicest moments, because it means a lot to me and to All Might. All Might acknowledges it. He’s a good secret keeper.
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Oh and Deku thanks him too in the English Dub, BTW. Not the manga but nice dub touch. 
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OMG he’s such a Tsundere.
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He told him everything. HE KNOWS. The only one who knows. None of Deku’s other love interests do. And he has no interest in telling them. 
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Kacchan asks why he told him. And I’ve got an answer, after obsessively rereading Chapter 11/rewatching Episode 8 a lot: BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU, YOU IDIOT. You were mad at him for lying about his quirk to you. You asked what was going on (loudly). You accused him of lying to you your whole life. So he told you the truth. Because he can lie to his mom, and he can lie to his friends and teachers and the entire freaking world. But he cannot lie to YOU. Because he loves you. Idiot baka. 
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Oh and what’s that music playing there? Why does that sound familiar? YOU SAY RUN YOU SAY RUN YOU SAY RUN IT’S BACK. And you know? That’s I think because YSR symbolizes Deku’s heroic inspiration. The inspiration he both takes in and gives to others. And here, he’s both being inspired by Kacchan, and inspiring him at the same  time.
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Now Kacchan is doing the same. “Chosen one” He knows. Deku is better. He’s gotta surpass him.
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This shot composition. Get it? ALL MIGHT’S THE THING BETWEEN ‘EM.
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Oh and this. Yay some character development from Kacchan! Another nice moment of his in this ep. Three times! 
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All Might Meta’s a bit about how Kacchan took responsibility and felt bad and does a Mom guilt trip on Dadzawa. They’re getting to be kinda married too now.  
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“I went in pretty HARD”. OMG stop it you’re making me think bad things again. Just F*CK already.
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Their first act as a married couple is to clean the house together. OMG domestic fluff. 
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And now for the best Post-credits scene ever. 
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Wow Uraraka ships it so bad. 
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Oh and some Todobaku bonus! Aw I guess Bakugou just turned down his 3some offer. 
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Ooh awkward silence. 
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YAY! Though they did kinda wreck it by having Deku bring it up instead of Kacchan 
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Kacchan just praised me. Life is good.
Episode 61 is my favorite episode of my favorite show. I think it’s the best and will never be topped. Feels, left and right. It’s really just perfect. Funny, all 3 of the transcendent, best-of-the-best BNHA eps (This, 49 and 23) are basically just two characters fighting for 20 minutes. Nothing more or less. Yet they’re all so, so good. And this one is…I don’t even know how to put it into words. It’s a phenomenal tour-de-force of acting, visuals, animation, music, and of course, writing, all combining together to be just absolutely unsurpassable. Everything that makes this series good, boiled down to it’s essence. And yes, this did seal the deal for me with BKDK. I liked it before, but this made it a done deal. No going back. And I love it.
BEST GIRL OF THE EP: Uraraka for being so supportive.
RANKER: Top 5 Best Moments of This Episode: (it’s really more like a top 50)
5. Deku’s little Dance number
4. True Rivals at Last
3. True feelings at last
2. The Image of Victory Speech
1. “Why did I become...”
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wilted3sunflowers · 5 years
get ready cause this is like the only thing i will very much despise and if someones been my friends for years they know who i am talking about because eventually, i will rant about it when i recall how much i hate what happened in the series. This is purely for me.
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Berry. From tokyo fucking mew mew a la mode spin off. This is a spin off manga from the manga/anime Tokyo mew mew, and i will set something straight, this is purely from spite and pettiness from formative years that ive just let be my only source of genuine disdain regarding a media work i liked for just such silly reasons but now i get to talk about it and pour my salt! 
Okay so, imagine youre like a young preteen or whatever, you had a anime you liked watching in just passing cause you never paid attention to TV schedules so you never knew what was on ever, ofc you found the 4kids dubbed anime considering it was early 00s and your sister had the computer more than you could, but finally youre older, you get more computer time cause your sister has her own by now and you can read fanfiction and look at fanart of a series you liked, even, gasp, rewatching the anime and this time with subs and realizing a lot of things were different [along with watching episodes in 5 different parts on youtube and struggling to find them all to make a complete episode]
You keep encountering a character or two in fanfictions, youve never heard of them, berry? who? Ringu who? You look them up and more so just find sparse images cause what was wikis back then? you think i actually looked things up like that? The logical conclusion for me was, these are just popular fan characters [Again mind you, this is even before the english release was in 2013, like there was even less Berry art and so fanart i saw of her w the cast was like ‘oh someones self insert’] 
And of course, Tokyo Mew Mew, not the most widely known and definitely didn’t have a very….mature audience for English speakers. So of course the fanfics were quite honestly, shit, amateur garbage of angsty preteens wanting to be angsty teens and edgy and the worst part, having the designated bitch mean girl to ruin the protagonist of the stories life so they can write their revenge porn. So guess who that girl was. Berry. So shes already at a huge disadvantage of me liking her, already thinking shes just a popular fan character to hate on and what not because people liked the main cast too much to actually make one of them the antagonists of the fanfic
Now for me totally digging into the fucking series itself, i still havent read knowing i will just not have a good time because ill be like this is booooooooring i want my old cast back. So instead of reading it, i wikied it and the characters and ngl ive done this multiple times, still refreshes how much i dont like it 
The problem with berry:
1. Berry is the protagonist of a continuation of the tokyo mew mew franchise, which okay but the bad part is, this isn’t like just new characters in a familiar scenario but now just in a different place too. Majority of the cast is cast from the main story 
2. Berry just literally waltzed into the place, got zapped by the machine that gave the mews their powers but UH OOHHH she got TWO animal genes in her now Shes a rabbit AND a C A T [like ichigo! but a DIFFERENT cat], instead of the usual one. SO SPECIAL, SO UNIQUE. And she gets to be LEADER of the mews, this fucking ROOKIE. Not to mention, like the regular cast from the first mews are there, you know the girls that had a couple years to get shit on lock and know what theyre doing. and you think Mint and Zakuro at the least would even let some new Rookie would come in and just take leadership role? I dont fucking think so. The worst part is, Ichigo comes back in the story, and doesn’t take back leadership, like thats the most self insert shit this whole girls just been a huge culmination of all the shit thatd make a character mary sue in the early 00s of a fan character. It blows my mind this is a actual legit canon character. I dont give a shit if people out there making “mary sues” get out of my face, people have fun. Its the fact This Is A Canon Protagonist of a spin off, with the old cast
3. WHY THE FUCK IS HER NAME BERRY AND SHES CREAM COLORED. I do not get it, it doesn’t follow the themeing at all, and frankly, the only other new mew in the series is this girl Ringu, who despite having penguin DNA doesnt have a single fucking animal thing about her like cowards and her outfit looks more like her name [apple] and not even trying to give her tuxedo look if you ARENT GOING TO MAKE RINGU THE PENGUIN HAVE ANYTHING PHYSICALLY PENGUIN YOU COWARDS. Its a shit design. no ifs ands or buts. i hate it.
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4. This one doesn’t deal with berry but with the series because appearently despite the original mechanics of making things mutate basically. THE ALIENS ARENT EVEN THE MAIN BAD GUYS NOR ARE THEY REALLY IN THE STORY. THE ANTAGONISTS ARE JUST SOME RICH WHITE BASTARD KIDS WHO THINK THE WORLDS BORING. THATS NOT INTERESTING. ALIENS TRYING TO TAKE THE EARTH BACK [they left after a series of disasters that almost led to their extinction] AFTER LEAVING BECAUSE THEIR NEW PLANET IS IN SHAMBLES AND THEYRE BARELY SURVIVING AND THEY FEEL THE HUMANS ARE JUST DESTROYING THE EARTH [it was basically like any other 90s cartoon about planet health ngl] IS MORE COMPELLING AND INTERESTING THAN THIS SHIT. 
To sum up, i hate berry so much because of how i was 1. introduced to her 2. learned more about her 3. her looks and naming that dont even fucking align with ANYONE in the damn series. Seriously why is a rabbit/cat girl thats white colored not even called Creme or something ?? why the fuck is her name berries…….. 4. who the fuck lets a rookie be leader 5. I hate when series try to make a new side thing but basically take all the old characters to come back and only slap in like a few new characters like i didnt want this, esp if youre not changing up the original dynamic of the characters, Not Mint or Zakuro or even a shocker like Lettuce or Pudding steps up to try and be leader while Ichigo is off w her BF for school stuff. No you make a rookie whos ‘very special’ be the new leader and then another new bih cause well, guess you cant just put in ONE new mew and only have new antagonists 6. if youre doing a spin off/continuation you either give us the cast in a new setting and change up a few things to we can explore new dynamics OR give us basically a WHOLE new cast to see how they fall into place and hell even be foils for old cast to compare and see how different or similar things are 
to put it bluntly this all seems very…..
half - baked 
[ bad um tss ]
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me @ Berry
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redrobin-detective · 5 years
Remember all those jokes about Hero Academia being handled by the Case Closed people? Weeeeeell as it turns out Funimation is the one dubbing Hero Aca and they were the ones responsible for the Case Closed dub. At least they didn't change the names or anything...
I think the CC anime was from the early-mid 90s so Funimation has come a long way since then. I generally prefer subs anyway so its not that big a deal but the english dub will always haunt me as the literal worst dub Ive ever heard
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transbonmoved · 8 years
@stingerue​ is holding my crops hostage and if i dont do this meme shell burn it down my lively hood is on the line please help me
1. favorite anime? 
fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhh i think mp100, opm, and fma:b. ft holds a soft spot bc of some good memories but, objectively is trash
2. your worst anime? 
i dont have ones i hate the most more of just ones i collectively hate, like anime that shove in pe.dophilia & make up excuses (ex. a little girl thats “actually like 800 years old so its ok”)
3. do you read the manga that goes along with the anime you watch ?
not always. i decided to pick up ft bc i was impatient for more dubbed eps, and i heard there was lots of good stuff fma;b left out... normally what i do is finish the anime & start reading where ever the anime left off the manga. ive read agk, muratas opm, ones opm, fma, ft (still keeping up), i think theres more but i cant remember
4. most favorite genre?
i tend to like fantasy type stuff more bc i like the unique concepts writers make for their stories
5. least favorite genres? 
anything with tentacles 
6. favorite character? 
UUHHHH ok i love ling yao, greed the avaricious, genos, gajeel redfox, rogue cheney, ryuji surguro, bulat....think thats most of my top faves?
7. least favorite character?
canon juvia loxar is a mess and should fuck off
8. qualities you like in a character? 
i like anti hero characters & ones with strong character designs 
9. short or long anime? 
as long as i get enjoyment out of it, doesnt matter to me
10. anime or manga? 
manga tend to have the better & more detailed stories so manga i guess
11. how do you choose the anime you watch? 
if somethings really popular ill give it a shot, or if my friends reccomend it to me. like, if theres an anime i think i’d hate but my friends want me to give it a shot i will
12. skip or listen to intros/outros? 
if i like them i tend to not skip them
13. how do you cope if your friends or family don’t like you watching anime? 
im not even sure how to respond to this i have more important things to worry about becky
14. do you stop an anime midway if you don’t like it?
normally if i cant get into the anime after the first arc i drop it. 
i dont kno who to tag but if yall wanna do this theres the blank version under cut
1. favorite anime?
2. your worst anime?
3. do you read the manga that goes along with the anime you watch ? 4. most favorite genre? 5. least favorite genres? 6. favorite character? 7. least favorite character? 8. qualities you like in a character?
9. short or long anime?
10. anime or manga?
11. how do you choose the anime you watch? 12. skip or listen to intros/outros? 13. how do you cope if your friends or family don’t like you watching anime? 14. do you stop an anime midway if you don’t like it?
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blazingflareon · 4 years
of all the things i thought id be doing in lockdown, rewatching winx club with a friend wasnt one of them
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